Optical Surveys of Galaxies
サーベイの科学的インパクト -可視光での銀河サーベイを例に- 岡村定矩 法政大学理工学部創生科学科 HSC研究会 国立天文台 2012年9月26日(水) Ⅰ はじめに(釈迦に説法) Ⅱ Early Surveys and Their Impacts Ⅲ Modern Surveys and Their Impacts Ⅳ Future Surveys サーベイ観測 天体カタログ (測光カタログ) 空の画像 主 10年くらい前まで 分光カタログ 従 画像の大部分は天体のない「のっぺりした」空だった 極めて暗い天体まで写るようになると、空はびっしり と天体で覆われていた (confusion limit)。 従 最近・今後 主 ハッブルディープフィールド(1995)の例 ・天体の性質を 記述するデータ ・莫大な数の天 体の分光データ 地上望遠鏡による写真 ハッブル望遠鏡による写真 約3000個の天体(銀河) 地上望遠鏡による写真 満月 暗い天体まで見えれば 数はどんどん増える 各波長帯での代表的な広視野サーベイ 天体の数 可視光 108 - 109 最も長い歴史。他波長観測の 準拠データ。 赤外線 108 - 109 電波 紫外線 X線 ガンマ線 105 - 106 107 - 108 ~105 ~103 第XXVIII回国際天文学連合(IAU)総会 SpS15: Data Intensive Astronomy SOC Chair Masatoshi Ohishi SpS15: Data Intensive Astronomy SOC Chair Masatoshi Ohishi 天文学 Data-starving Science (Tony Tyson) 2005年頃まで 現在は移行期 Data-mining Science 2015年頃から (Understanding/Interpretation-starving science) Ⅰ はじめに(釈迦に説法) Ⅱ Early Surveys and Their Impacts Ⅲ Modern Surveys and Their Impacts Ⅳ Future Surveys Shapley-Ames Catalog (1932) Shapley, H. and Ames, A. 1932, Harvard College Observatory Bulletin No. 887, pp.1-6 Annals of Harvard College Observatory, vol. 88, pp.41-76 The Local Supercluster 天球面全体を モルワイデ図法 で表現した図 完全性 均質性(一様性) 広い天域 局所超銀河団 As a contribution to the study of the structure of the metagalactic system, we have completed a photometric catalogue, appearing later in annals, of more than a thousand extragalactic objects brighter than the thirteenth magnitude. The primary virtues of the survey are its essential completeness and the fair homogeneity of the magnitudes over the whole sky. Compilation of 1249 mostly known ‘Extragalactic Nebulae’ Mag. Res. α (1950) δ (NGC) (IC I+II) λ β First magnitude-limited catalog based on more or less uniform photographic plates 一定の(見かけの)明るさ まですべて拾う Des. Not naked eye! Large efforts to give calibrated magnitudes Diams. Type Aut. A Revised Shapley-Ames Catalog (1981) ~50年後 Sandage, A. and Tammann, G., Carnegie Institution of Washington The present catalog is, then, a compilation of available data on redshifts, morphological types, and magnitudes for Shapley-Ames galaxies, using literature sources to summer 1980. (1246 galaxies) Study of the Local Supercluster and Field Luminosity Function Redshift distribution z z x 天の北半球 Luminosity Function フィールド y 個数の対数 個数 天の南半球 Spatial Structure 銀河団 y x 距離 Yahil et al. 1980, ApJ, 242, 448 明 暗 Binggeli et al. 1988, ARA&A, 26, 509 Shane-Wirtanen (Lick) Count (1954) Shane and Wirtanen 1954, AJ, 59, 285 Counts of extragalactic nebulae ( m<18.4) in 10’x10’ cells over 12h<α<18h, -23°<δ<20° Plates taken with 20-inch Carnegie Astrograph of the Lick Observatory New analysis by Seldner et al. 1977, AJ, 82, 249 First measurement of two-point correlation function of galaxy distribution 210,980 nebulae Totsuji & Kihara 1969, PASJ, 21, 221 ξ(r) ~ r -1.8 Peebles 2012, ARA&A, 50, 1 World’ Major Schmidt Telescopes LAMOST (2010; 400cm) Palomar Schmidt (1949; 122cm) Kiso Schmidt (1974; 105cm) シュミット望遠鏡: 広視野の写真撮影専用の望遠鏡 鏡筒の中央に焦点があり、そこに 大型写真乾板をセットして写真を撮る。 ESO Schmidt (1973-98;100cm) UK Schmidt (1973; 122cm) Tautenburg Schmidt (1960;134cm) 写真乳剤+ フィルター Major Surveys with Schmidt Telescopes Designation Survey Area 名称 サーベイ天域 Northern Sky Palomar Schmidt Emulsion+ Filter # of plates year 乾板枚数 西暦年 (POSS=Palomar Observatory Sky Survey) 7年を費やした歴史的 サーベイ 1999 (* as of April 1999) 写真乳剤+ Designation Survey Area フィルター 名称 サーベイ天域 Emulsion+ # of plates Filter 乾板枚数 year 西暦年 Southern Sky UK Schmidt (SERC=Science and Engineering Research Council) 2000? ESO Schmidt (* as of April 1999) Eye Inspection of Survey Plates or Printed Charts Scale: 67.1”/mm 満月の 大きさ Palomar Charts パロマ-チャート 13個分 Major galaxy catalogs made from Schmidt surveys Eye Inspection ・Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies (MCG): 4 volumes Northern Sky Vorontsov-Velyaminov et al. 1962-68 (Moscow State Univ.) ~29,000 galaxies from POSS-I ・Catalogue of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies (CGCG): 6 volumes Zwicky et al. 1961-68 (California Institute of Technology) ~28,000 galaxies from POSS-I complete down to mZ =15.5 mag and ~9700 clusters of galaxies Zwicky mag. ・Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies (UGC) Nilson 1973, Acta Uppsala Univ., Ser. V, A, Vol.1 Southern Sky 12,921 galaxies from POSS-I with δ>-2.5 down to 14.5 mag ・The ESO/Uppsala Survey of ESO(B) Atlas Lauberts 1982 (ESO) ~16,000 galaxies from ESO quick B survey with D>1’ 10,000-30,000 galaxies Man-power limit of a single person or a few people Catalogue of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies (CGCG) CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES Palomar Chart (Virgo Cluster) GALAXIES 6.6 deg These galaxy catalogs had been an important and indispensable basis of galaxy studies and observational cosmology until recently. CGCG (Zwicky et al. 1961-68) UGC (Nilson 1973) as of Aug. 5, 2012 # of papers whose abstracts # of papers whose abstracts include ‘Zwicky catalog’ is about include ‘Uppsala catalog’ is about 270 (except IAUC and CBET) 150 (except IAUC and CBET) Total citation: 905 Total citation: 1584 Digitization of Schmidt Plates (1980s-90s) Plate Scanning Machines COSMOS: Co-ordinates, Sizes, Magnitudes, Orientations, Shape PDS microdensitometer (PDS 2020 GMS) Automated Photographic Measuring System (APM) The Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner (APS) APM Galaxy Survey ~3 million galaxies from UK Schmidt plates down to bJ=22 over 7000 square degrees. 185 UK Schmidt Fields UK Schmidt Field SGP 南銀極 天球面上の300万個 の銀河の分布 Input catalog of 2dFGRS (2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey) ハッブル分類(音叉図) 改訂ハッブル分類 (三次元分類) Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies Morphological type, magnitude, diameter, …. Not complete in any sense E S0 Sa Sb Sc Irr (1) Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (RC1) G. & A. de Vaucouleurs 1964, University of Texas Press 2599 galaxies RC1 Revised Hubble Classification (2) Second Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (RC2) G. & A. de Vaucouleurs, H.G.Corwin 1976, University of Texas Press 4364 galaxies (3) Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (RC3) RC2 G. de Vaucouleurs et al. 1991, New York: Springer 23,024 galaxies Exponential increase! RC3 Era of Redshift Surveys (1980’s- 90’s) 宇宙の大規模構造 First hint of large-scale structure Importance of completeness! Wedge diagram 260 sq. deg 238 galaxies (m<15.0) (only) 44 new redshifts toward completeness Gregory & Thompson 1978, ApJ, 222, 784 CfA Survey (CfA: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) m<15.5 mag 7031 galaxies CGCG+UGC CfA-II (1984-1995) ~18000 galaxies (m<15.5) over 9700 deg^2 Motivation for wider and deeper surveys m<14.5 mag 188 galaxies Complete sample CfA-I (1977-1982) 2401 galaxies (m<14.5) over 8700 deg^2 (b>40, δ>0) First CfA Slice m<15.5 mag 1769 galaxies Geller et al. 1987, IAUS, 124, 301 IRASz: IARS Point Source Catalog Redshift Survey SPS: Supergalactic Plane Survey SAPM: Stromlo-APM Redshift Survey SSRS2: Southern Sky Redshift Survey II CFRS: Canada-France Redshift Survey ORS: Optical Redshift Survey LCRS: Las Campanas Redshift Survey ESP: ESO Slice Project CNOC2: Canadian Network for Obs.’l Cosmology Field Galaxy Redshift Survey ~ 1990 wide survey mB<~16 mag ~ 2000 mB<~16 mag deep pencil-beam survey 150 h-1 Mpc mB<~22 mag south wide survey our Galaxy north redshift different sample Periodic structure = Picket Fence redshift Broadhurst et al. 1990, Nature, 343, 726 150 h-1 Mpc Ⅰ はじめに(釈迦に説法) Ⅱ Early Surveys and Their Impacts Ⅲ Modern Surveys and Their Impacts Ⅳ Future Surveys 写真からCCDへ(1980s-90s) 14インチシュミット乾板 木曽の初代CCDカメラで ある高遠カメラ (1988年) 写真乾板データ 高遠CCDカメラによるデータ 感度が写真より約100倍高い 面積はシュミット写真乾板 の約1000分の1 パロマーサーベイは7年 広い空の観測は無理 CCDをたくさん並べる モザイクCCDカメラ スローンディジタルスカイサーベイのメインカメラ Physics today アパッチポイント天文台 (アメリカ、ニューメキシコ州) 関口真木氏とSDSS main camera 2k x 2k 素子を 30素子並べた 世界最大のCCDカメラ 2010年に退役。スミソニアン自然誌 博物館に展示予定。 Modern Wide Surveys Imaging Survey + Spectroscopic (Redshift) Survey Input catalog Photometric Catalog mB<~19 mag 測光カタログ mB<~16 mag 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) (photographic photometry and) redshifts of 220,000 galaxies Southern Hemisphere 5-band Photometry: 3.57x108 objects redshifts: 930,000 galaxies, ~100,000 quasars, and 460,000 stars. z=0.15 z=0.1 z=0.05 3.9-m AAT Started in 1997, completed in 2001 Final Data Release - 30 June 2003 APM (photographic) Galaxy Survey was used as the input catalog 2.5-m dedicated tel. Equatrial stripe Started in 2000, completed in 2008 7th Data Release 2009, ApJS, 182, 543 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Legacy Survey (2000-2008) 5 bands Quantum Efficiency Apache Point Observatory (2800m; New Mexico, USA) Wavelength (Å) Two 320-channel spectrographs Survey Volume Proceeded in parallel Spectroscopic Survey 640+ holes z=0.2 Plug plates our Galaxy Our Imaging survey Camera Fiber cartridge Impacts of a large survey (1) absolute r magnitude Tanaka, SO et al. 2004, AJ, 128, 2677 - 21.4 bright complete sample (volume-limited) - 19.4 below the mag. limit redshift color index complete sample critical density for faint galaxies local number density faint complete sample (volume-limited) ・Galaxies living in higher density regions are redder. ・However, the relation between local density and color is different for galaxies of different luminosities. ・The relation is more pronounced for faint galaxies than for bright galaxies. Impacts of a large survey (2) ・Small statistical error ・Accurate estimate of intrinsic dispersion Large sample 金属量 Luminosity (Mass) ー Metallicity Relation 光度(質量) - 金属量関係 53,000 star forming galaxies in the SDSS sample Elliptical galaxies Metallicity Local Group dE E (Bender et al.) E (Brodie & Huchra) Spiral galaxies Intrinsic dispersion giant S Irr before SDSS after SDSS MB (Absolute Magnitude) 明るさ Zaritsky et al. 1994, ApJ, 420, 87 Log M* (Stellar Mass) Tremonti et al. 2005, ApJ, 613, 898 Impacts of a large survey (3) Global trend at a glance Absolute magnitude Sersic index Large sample Surface brightness 144,609 galaxies Color indices 銀河の性質の 大局的な相関 を鳥瞰出来る Blanton et al. 2003, ApJ, 594, 186 銀河の性質のさまざまな指標 Impacts of a large survey (4) anticipated Discoveries! before SDSS quasars <~15,000 High-z (z>5) quasars None (zmax=4.897) L and T dwarfs after SDSS ~>80,000 ~60 (DR5 catalog) + 13 z>6 quasars 71 (new from SDSS, 2006) ~20 (mostly from 2MASS, 1999) Lensed QSOs serendipitous 36 (25 new) Actively star forming E galaxies Green Peas Actively star forming compact dwarf galaxies Cardamone, C. 2009, MNRAS, 399, 1191 Fukugita et al. 2004, ApJ, 601, L127 etc., etc. 明るい 真の明るさ Absolute Magnitude 77,429 quasars (DR5 Catalog) Known quasars (open circles) 暗い SDSS以前は約15,000個 (すべてz<5) 0 1 距離 発見から理解へ 2 3 Redshift 4 5 Impacts of a large survey (5) Detection of Weak Signals! Stacking of 683 clusters of galaxies at 0.2<z<0.3 Two-point correlation function Zibetti et al. 2005, MNRAS, 358, 949 弱い信号の検出 Detection of diffuse intracluster light 銀河間空間に広 がる淡い光 Detection of the Baryon Acoustic Peak バリオン音響振動のピーク波長 誤差が小さい 46,748 luminous red galaxies in 0.72 h-3 Gpc over 3816 deg2 at 0.16 <z< 0.47 Eisenstein et al. 2005, ApJ, 633, 560 Comoving separation (h-1 Mpc) Impacts of a large survey (6): Virgo Cluster Las Campanas Survey: VCC (Virgo Cluster Catalog) Binggeli et al. 1984, AJ, 89, 64 ; 1987, AJ, 94, 251 2.5m du Pont Tel. + 50-cm pg. plates 67 plates (1.5 deg FoV) Study of dwarf galaxies beyond the Local Group Giant galaxies 巨大銀河 Virgo Cluster Catalog: VCC 2096 galaxies down to B~18 mag declination 20 degrees Dwarf galaxies 15 degrees right ascension 矮小銀河 1277 certain members 574 possible members 245 background galaxies Ichikawa, Wakamatsu, SO 1986, ApJS, 60, 475 Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS) Ferrarese et al. 2012, ApJS, 200, 4 five SDSS bands CFHT/MegaPrime, ~140 nights (2009-2012) 104 deg^2 5個の波長帯 (point source) u* = 25.9 AB mag g’ = 25.7 AB mag r’ = 25.2 AB mag i’ = 24.9 AB mag z’ = 24.6 AB mag VCC1104 VCC1129 -7 平均表面輝度 average surface brightness 明 -11 absolute magnitude MB (mag) 8 mag.! NGVS limit -15 VCC limit -19 -23 Palomar Chart limit (1960s) giant early-type galaxies Virgo dwarf LG dwarf at Virgo distance VCC limit (1985) NGVS limit (2012) apparent magnitude B (mag) 見かけの明るさ 明 Ⅰ はじめに(釈迦に説法) Ⅱ Early Surveys and Their Impacts Ⅲ Modern Surveys and Their Impacts Ⅳ Future Surveys 北京のIAU総会 SpS15で話したことの報告 Major Existing, Upcoming , and Future Surveys SXDS: The Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey COSMOS: Cosmic Evolution Survey CFHTLS: Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey NDWFS: The NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey BCS: Blanco Cosmology Survey Black: Existing Magenta: Upcoming Stripe82: SDSS Legacy Survey Stripe82 + Red RCS2: Red Sequence Cluster Survey 2 VST-ATLAS: VLT Survey Telescope (2.6m tel) Blue: Future PS1/PS2: Pan-STARRS 1&2 Telescopes KIDS: Kilo degree Survey (VST) HSC: Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey DES: Dark Energy Survey (DECam+Blanco 4m) Skymapper: Skymapper Southern Sky Survey Euclid: Euclid Satellite LSST: Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (Credit: M.Takada, HSC survey team) 暗い Major Existing, Upcoming , and Future Surveys 全天の面積 限界等級 HSC=Hyper Sprime-Cam on Subaru Telescope 明るい Black: Existing Magenta: Upcoming + Red Blue: Future カバーする空の面積 (平方度) (Credit: M.Takada, HSC survey team) Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) on Subaru Telescope Japan/Princeton/Taiwan Collaboration with Mitsubishi/Canon/Hamamatsu Suprime-Cam Hyper Suprime-Cam 1.7 m 840 mm φ 1.5 deg すばる望遠鏡 0.05 deg HST/ACS 0.5 deg Suprime-Cam 1.77 sq. deg HSC Comparison of Field of View 116 2Kx4K CCDs LSST: 9.6 sq. deg 暗い Major Existing, Upcoming , and Future Surveys 全天の面積 限界等級 0.2 TB 100 PB Data Amount and Data Rate 30 TB/night (10 years) 300 TB 0.5 TB/night 20 TB 明るい Black: Existing Magenta: Upcoming + Red Blue: Future 65 TB カバーする空の面積 (平方度) (Credit: M.Takada, HSC survey team) HSC Survey will explore new frontier in survey parameter space Coming soon (2013- ) Stay tuned!! 0.2 TB/night max. data rate データ公開 DSS 可視光 SDSS 2MASS 赤外線 UKIDSS IRAS NVSS 電波 紫外線 X線 FIRST, PMN databases/pmn/pmn.html GALEX ROSAT ガンマ線 Fermi 'Sky Surveys', Djorgovski et al. 2012, in Astronomical Techniques, Software, and Data (ed. H. Bond), Vol.2 of Planets, Stars, and Stellar Systems (Springer) LSST: Large Synoptic Survey Telescope サーベイ専用の8.4m望遠鏡(次世代「シュミット望遠鏡」) 2020年より10年間南天のサーベイ観測を行う LSST サンチャゴ ・LSST=Integrated Survey System ・no PI-programs ・All science will be done by the community (not by the project) ・口径 8.4m ・3.2 Giga-pixel Cameara (視野9.6平方度) ・6 バンド(0.3-1.1μm) ・18,000 平方度の空を3日毎に撮影(10年間) 宇宙の姿は残せるか? ロゼッタストーンは 2000年以上生き延び て記録を伝えている ロゼッタストーンも真っ青!? 2012年9月25日朝日新聞朝刊 私の心配は 杞憂であった(?)