JAEA-Review 2011-016
JAEA-Review Report on Survey on International Hub Hirobumi EBISAWA, Junko HOSHINO, Kazuichiro HASHIMOTO and Sohei OKADA International Affairs Department June 2011 Japan Atomic Energy Agency 日本原子力研究開発機構 JAEA-Review 2011-016 JAEA-Review 2011-016 Report on Survey on International Hub Hirobumi EBISAWA, Junko HOSHINO, Kazuichiro HASHIMOTO and Sohei OKADA International Affairs Department Japan Atomic Energy Agency Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken (Received March 30, 2011) Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is promoting initiative to form an international hub in line with its aim to accept more researchers/engineers from all over the world. Establishment of “the Committee for JAEA Internationalization Initiative” was planned in 2010 so as to intensify this initiative, and in February, 2010, we visited research institutions in Europe, which include European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the construction site of ITER in Cadarache, and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), with the intention to survey and learn their advanced activities and systems in regard to the International Hub, so that the committee will be able to make fruitful discussion. This report describes strategy taken in each institution for an International Hub, and the state of each institution regarding acceptance and management of overseas researchers and engineers, research environment, living environment/health and welfare, and PR activities/coexistence with the local community. Keywords: International, Hub, Internationalization ⅰ JAEA-Review 2011-016 ࿖㓙ὐൻߦଥࠆ⺞ᩏႎ๔ᦠ ᣣᧄේሶജ⎇ⓥ㐿⊒ᯏ᭴࿖㓙ㇱ ᶏ⠧Ỉ ብᢥޔᤊ㊁ ᷕሶޔᯅᧄ ৻㇢ޔጟ↰ ẇᐔ 㧔2011 ᐕ 3 30 ᣣฃℂ㧕 ᣣᧄේሶജ⎇ⓥ㐿⊒ᯏ᭴ߢߪޔ⇇ฦ࿖߆ࠄߩ⎇ⓥ⠪ᛛⴚ⠪╬ߩฃߩᄢ╬ࠍ⋡ᜰ ߔߴߊ࿖㓙ὐൻࠍផㅴߒߡࠆޕᐔᚑ 22 ᐕᐲ߆ࠄޔ࿖㓙ὐൻࠍߐࠄߦផㅴߔࠆߴߊޟ࿖ 㓙ὐൻផㅴᆔຬળ੍ࠍ⟎⸳ߩޠቯߒߡࠆ߇ޔหᆔຬળߦ߅ߌࠆክ⼏ᬌ⸛ࠍታࠅᄙ߽ ߩߣߔࠆߚޔᶏᄖߩ⎇ⓥᯏ㑐ߩవㅴ⊛ߥ࿖㓙ὐൻߩข⚵⁁ᴫࠍᛠីߔߴߊޔᐔᚑ 22 ᐕ 2 ߦ᰷Ꮊ⺞ᩏࠍታᣉߒߚ⺞ޕᩏኻ⽎ߪޔCERN㧔᰷Ꮊේሶᩭ⎇ⓥᯏ᭴㧕 ࡘࠪ࠶࠳ࠞޔITER ᑪ⸳ࠨࠗ࠻⎇ࡦ࠻࡞ࡊ࠶ࠕ࠼ࠜࡈࠩޔⓥᚲ㧔RAL㧕ߢࠆޕ ᧄႎ๔ᦠߪߩࠇߙࠇߘޔᣉ⸳ߦ߅ߌࠆ࿖㓙ὐൻᚢ⇛⎇ޔⓥ⠪ᛛⴚ⠪╬ߩฃࠇ߮ ▤ℂ⎇ޔⓥⅣႺޔዬⅣႺෘ↢ޔᐢႎᵴേၞߣߩ↢ߦޔ㑐ߒߡขࠅ߹ߣߚ ߽ߩߢࠆޕ ᧄㇱ㧦ޥ319-1184 ⨙ၔ⋵㇊⃗᧲ᶏ᧻ 4 ⇟ 49 ⅱ JAEA-Review 2011-016 Contents Introduction 㧝 Survey Method 㧝 㧝㧚 CERN㧔European Organization for Nuclear Research) 㧝㧚㧝 Strategy for an International Hub 㧞 㧞 㧝㧚㧞 Acceptance & Management of Overseas Researchers and Engineers 㧟 㧝㧚㧟 Research Environment 㧟 㧝㧚㧠 Living Environment / Health and Welfare 㧠 㧝㧚㧡 PR Activities / Coexistence with Local Community 㧠 㧞㧚 The Construction Site of ITER in Cadarache 㧢 㧞㧚㧝 Strategy for an International Hub 㧢 㧞㧚㧞 Acceptance & Management of Overseas Researchers and Engineers 㧣 㧞㧚㧟 Research Environment 㧤 㧞㧚㧠 Living Environment / Health and Welfare 㧞㧚㧡 PR Activities / Coexistence with Local Community 㧟㧚 RAL㧔Rutherford Appleton Laboratory㧕 㧟㧚㧝 Strategy for an International Hub 㧤 㧥 10 10 㧟㧚㧞 Acceptance & Management of Overseas Researchers and Engineers 10 㧟㧚㧟 Research Environment 㧟㧚㧠 Living Environment / Health and Welfare 㧟㧚㧡 PR Activities / Coexistence with Local Community 㧠㧚 Summary Conclusion Appendix㧝 List of Survey Items㧔㧯㧱㧾㧺㧕 11 12 13 14 16 17 Appendix㧞 List of Survey Items㧔㧵㨀㧱㧾㧕 22 Appendix㧟 List of Survey Items㧔㧾㧭㧸㧕 26 Appendix㧠 Reference㧔㧯㧱㧾㧺㧕 30 Appendix㧡 Reference㧔㧾㧭㧸㧕 33 Appendix㧢 Pictures㧔㧯㧱㧾㧺㧕 35 Appendix㧣 Pictures㧔㧵㨀㧱㧾㧕 47 Appendix㧤 Pictures㧔㧾㧭㧸㧕 49 iii JAEA-Review 2011-016 ⋡ᰴ 㧝 ⺞ᩏᣇᴺ 㧝 㧝㧚CERN㧔᰷Ꮊේሶᩭ⎇ⓥᯏ᭴㧕 㧞 㧝㧚㧝 ࿖㓙ὐൻᚢ⇛ 㧞 㧝㧚㧞 ⎇ⓥ⠪ᛛⴚ⠪╬ߩฃࠇ߮▤ℂ 㧟 㧝㧚㧟 ⎇ⓥⅣႺ 㧟 㧝㧚㧠 ዬⅣႺෘ↢ 㧠 㧝㧚㧡 ᐢႎᵴേၞߣߩ↢ 㧠 㧞㧚ࠞ࠳࠶ࠪࡘ ITER ᑪ⸳ࠨࠗ࠻ 㧢 㧞㧚㧝 ࿖㓙ὐൻᚢ⇛ 㧢 㧞㧚㧞 ⎇ⓥ⠪ᛛⴚ⠪╬ߩฃࠇ߮▤ℂ 㧣 㧞㧚㧟 ⎇ⓥⅣႺ 㧤 㧞㧚㧠 ዬⅣႺෘ↢ 㧤 㧞㧚㧡 ᐢႎᵴേၞߣߩ↢ 㧥 㧟㧚ࠩࡈࠜ࠼ࠕ࠶ࡊ࡞࠻ࡦ⎇ⓥᚲ 10 㧟㧚㧝 ࿖㓙ὐൻᚢ⇛ 10 㧟㧚㧞 ⎇ⓥ⠪ᛛⴚ⠪╬ߩฃࠇ߮▤ℂ 10 㧟㧚㧟 ⎇ⓥⅣႺ 11 㧟㧚㧠 ዬⅣႺෘ↢ 12 㧟㧚㧡 ᐢႎᵴേၞߣߩ↢ 13 ߪߓߦ 㧠㧚߹ߣ 14 ߅ࠊࠅߦ 16 17 ઃ㍳㧝 ⺞ᩏ㗄⋡㧔㧯㧱㧾㧺㧕 ઃ㍳㧞 ⺞ᩏ㗄⋡㧔㧵㨀㧱㧾㧕 22 ઃ㍳㧟 ⺞ᩏ㗄⋡㧔㧾㧭㧸㧕 ઃ㍳㧠 ෳ⠨⾗ᢱ㧔㧯㧱㧾㧺㧕 26 30 ઃ㍳㧡 ෳ⠨⾗ᢱ㧔㧾㧭㧸㧕 33 ઃ㍳㧢 ౮⌀㧔㧯㧱㧾㧺㧕 35 ઃ㍳㧣 ౮⌀㧔㧵㨀㧱㧾㧕 47 ઃ㍳㧤 ౮⌀㧔㧾㧭㧸㧕 49 iv JAEA-Review 2011-016 Introduction Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is promoting initiative to form an International Hub in line with its aim to accept more researchers/engineers from all over the world. Establishment of “the Committee for JAEA Internationalization Initiative” was planned in 2010 so as to intensify this initiative, and in February, 2010, we visited research institutions in Europe, which include European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the construction site of ITER in Cadarache, and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), with the intention to survey and learn their advanced activities and systems in regard to the International Hub, so that the committee will be able to make fruitful discussion. This report describes strategy taken in each institution for an International Hub, and the state of each institution regarding acceptance and management of overseas researchers and engineers, research environment, living environment/health and welfare, and PR activities/coexistence with the local community. Survey method To investigate the status of each facility as an International Hub, we created a chart of items to be investigated in advance by reviewing it with the investigators and the international department, so we could conduct the investigation efficiently within the limited visit time. By interviewing the responsible people at the site and following up after the on-site investigation, we summarized these items. In regard to international hub, there are parts that have not all been noted within the text of the report, as its scope covers a broad range such as strategy, environmental enhancement, public relation activity, etc. We would like you to read this text by referring to the chart of items to be investigated from time to time. At the end of this report, we have also included some pictures which were taken during the investigation, so please refer to them as well. Appendix 1: List of Survey Items (CERN) Appendix 2: List of Survey Items (ITER) Appendix 3: List of Survey Items (RAL) -1- JAEA-Review 2011-016 1. CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, English name: European Organization for Nuclear Research) was established in 1954 as an international research organization consisting of 12 European countries. CERN is situated in the suburb of Geneva, on the border of Switzerland and France, and its purpose is to explore the laws governing elementary particles and their phenomena using a large-scale hadron accelerator (Large Hadron Collider, LHC), etc. The numbers of high energy physics researchers, etc. from all over the world who use CERN exceed a cumulative total of 9,000 persons per year, and many Japanese researchers from universities and research institutions (KEK), etc. are also participating through international cooperation. There are 2,544 full-time CERN employees as of 2007, and most of them have been employed from CERN Member States. Thirteen of them are employed from non-member countries. Besides full-time employees, there are 276 fellows, 371 partnership researchers, 194 students, etc., and they are the so-called staff. 1.1 Strategy for an International Hub At CERN, the CERN Council which consists of representatives of 20 Member States mainly from the European area, receives advice from the Finance Committee and the Science Policy Committee, which are the consultative bodies, and makes decision on management policy as a top legislative body, and manages the research plan/budget. The CERN Council makes decisions on long term strategy in terms of research and development, as well as on finance. Also, two Deputy Director-Generals (in charge of science and finance) are positioned directly under the Director-General to not only enhance the research aspects, but also to conduct finance operations such as strategic investment on facilities, etc. CERN is already maintaining its solid position as an international hub for research, and the organization, including the Council and the Director-General is engaged in efforts to make this research institute attractive by planned annual development in regards to investing in facilities to maintain its potential. Specifically, CERN believes that outstanding researchers from all over the world will not gather unless there is a good research environment, as well as a fulfilling living environment where the researchers' families, etc. can spend their time. Accordingly, in addition to newly building and renovating research facilities, CERN is also actively investing in facilities such as housing and cafeterias to enhance the environment to accept people, and this direction is being accelerated in recent years. Moreover, as an international research institution, CERN has never set any restrictions on nationality since its establishment, and users from non-NPT countries have also been -2- JAEA-Review 2011-016 accepted. At present, staff members consist of people from 20 Member States and 39 Non-member States, and there is a plan to expand its size even more. 1.2 Acceptance 㧒 Management of Overseas Researchers and Engineers In regard to acceptance and management of overseas researchers and engineers, the Users Office is established as a section reporting directly to the Director-General, and its role also includes coordination with other related departments. IDs needed to enter the buildings are allowed to be issued not only to employees but also to their families, so we often find employees and users walking with their families in the buildings. As for the plan on human resources, a page called “e-recruitment” is set within the CERN homepage, in order to advance active recruitment of student interns, as well as aiming to secure excellent human resources by approaching students who have just graduated. At CERN, there is a forum called ACCU (Advisory Committee of CERN Users) where CERN Management and users’ representatives can hold discussions. Meetings are held 4 times in a year, where people discuss about various problems on living, such as housing, official vehicles within the site (rent-a-car), language training, etc., as well as electing members of study committees to resolve these problems, and it is becoming a more effective organization. 1.3 Research Environment There are many experiment sites at CERN, such as the LHC Program ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC Apparatus) experiment, COMPASS (COmmon Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure Spectroscopy) experiment, ASACUSA (Atomic Spectroscopy and Collisions Using Slow Antiprotons) experiment, OPERA (Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus) experiment, etc. ATLAS is the largest experiment among these, with about 2,000 users participating yearly. The building for ATLAS users is 5 stories high with a novel design, which has a huge atrium in the middle. Rooms for users are located in each floor, and researchers can be seen talking to each other while enjoying light meals, coffee, etc. at a snack bar situated in the middle of the 1st floor. Meeting rooms are located in each building, and users can reserve them through the website. The CERN control center (accelerator control center) is a wide space where people handling various control instruments are frequently going in and out or move around, so attention is paid to prevent voice or sound echoes inside the room. Also, as far as the structure of the room is concerned, considerations are made to prevent an oppressive feeling by making the ceiling high and also by providing large windows. The “INDICO Conference System” is provided in order to hold conferences among multiple bases. It is possible to use this system for the reservation of conferences, reservation of video -3- JAEA-Review 2011-016 conferences, reservation of telephone conferences, conference talk, posting of thesis drafts, thesis archiving, etc. It is also possible to write comments from foreign websites. It is basically possible to apply for all services through the website, etc. For example, if users acquire an ID and an account, it is possible to request directly to the procurement department of CERN to purchase the materials necessary for experiment if they make a deposit beforehand. Also, there is a page in the website to make a reservation for the renting/accommodation of housing, affiliated apartments in the surrounding area, and hotels. There is also a page of bulletin boards where users can trade cars or daily goods, and a page to see the materials that each team presented in the meetings or in the past. The research environment is very fulfilling. 1.4 Living Environment / Health and Welfare As for housing, real estate information is posted in the CERN website, and each person basically accesses the information and applies by himself/herself. There is also a support system in case of trouble. Other than these, the website provides information on the community, language schools, sightseeing, etc., and links are provided as well. Banks, post offices, shops, health centers and tour offices are located within CERN. Sports facilities for soccer, rugby, etc., and facilities such as sports gym, clubs, etc., are also available. At CERN, there are a nursery and a kindergarten which is operated by CERN and the employee’s union, and it is run by 27 staff members. The nursery accepts children from 2 years old, and the kindergarten accepts from two and a half years old. There are no facilities available for after-school care. There is no service such as shuttle buses, so the parents are responsible to transport their children to and from school. Although these facilities accept children of families other than those at CERN, families related with CERN have priority. Moreover, when all child-care facilities are full, information regarding child-care facilities around each community is provided to people related with CERN who live in the French side community for their convenience. The environment is being enhanced to pay attention to even the researchers’ families, such as providing a playroom in the cafeteria to make it possible to have meals with their children, providing an exchange program among parents and children, etc. 1.5 PR Activities / Coexistence with Local Community As a broad theme of research, CERN is aiming at discovering the Big Bang mechanism and Higgs particle as research in uncharted territory, and to develop accelerators and detectors to be used for this research. CERN believes that it is necessary to foster understanding of science and build a foundation in order to get the public to understand its research and it is conducting project briefing sessions in its community and abroad (England, Mexico, etc.), training programs for students and young researchers to nurture the next -4- JAEA-Review 2011-016 generation of researchers, and also planning a training program for teachers to nurture the students. There are programs for young researchers, such as CERN High Energy Physics School, CERN Computing School, and CERN Accelerator School. As for programs for students, there is a summer student program and a fellow system. The summer student program is a lecture program and workshop that is conducted for 6 to 12 weeks during the summer for students who have enrolled for more than 3 years in college (or an institution that is equivalent to a college) majoring in physics, engineering, or computers. The participants actually perform projects under CERN’s supervision, and living expenses are paid by CERN. Also, Japan has been investing in this program since 2004, and 5 Japanese students are participating every year. KEK is in charge of supporting the Japanese participants to apply and to screen the contents. The program appears to be favorably received by the participants, because they can feel the international research environment firsthand, and it also has an aspect of internship. The CERN School for Teachers is provided for high school teachers who teach physics in and out of the country, and there are also participants from Japan. From the aspect of public relations, CERN has been making efforts to get people to feel closer to CERN, such as posting promotion videos in free video sites typified by YouTube which young people often use, putting out information on experiments using new tools such as Twitter, etc. Also, in order to win the understanding of community residents, etc., the facility is periodically opened to the public, and tours are conducted every Saturday. Visitors and VIPs are required to apply for visits at the VIP office. The VIP office will coordinate the schedule with various departments according to the purpose, etc. of the scheduled visitors. It will also issue top-down instructions to various departments to secure the required people who will deal with the visitors, reserve conference rooms, arrange snacks and refreshments, etc. and proceed with the preparations. (Refer to documents 4-1, 2) This is, according to what the employees said, one sign of the external strategies that Mr. Heuer, the Director-General, is promoting toward gaining more users. CERN cooperates with the Welcome Center in Geneva to provide support on housing and education, as well as planning events or offer information to help people from foreign countries to assimilate into the local community. The growth of the research institution is also having a positive effect on the community’s town development/urban planning, and in fact, there is a concept at CERN to expand the site along with the increase of users. As a measure to deal with it, construction to extend the tram is planned to make the access from the Geneva Central Station easier. Also, there is housing for users located in the site, which were built through long-term loan from the local government. -5- JAEA-Review 2011-016 Reference documents: Appendix 4-1: Instruction to each department from the VIP Office Appendix 4-2: Agenda that is actually distributed to the visitors 2. The Construction Site of ITER in Cadarache The ITER Project is a super-large-scale international project to realize an experimental nuclear fusion reactor, and it is being promoted by 7 Parties consisting of Japan, the EU, Russia, the U.S., South Korea, China and India, with the aim to go operational around 2019. In the ITER Engineering Design Activity (EDA, 1992-2001), technical development based on design was divided among Japan, the EU, Russia, and the U.S., and the design was conducted mainly by the international team. As a result, all of the technical preparation necessary for construction was completed in July 2001. Between the periods after EDA until the start of construction, the international team set up work sites at NAKA Fusion Institute and Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Garching, Germany as an activity of ITER Transitional Arrangements (ITA), and proceeded with their work to maintain the achievements obtained through EDA and to enhance its design. As for the ITA, following a decision to choose Cadarache, France as the ITER construction site in 2005, the work sites in NAKA and Garching were closed at the end of 2006 and merged into the Cadarache work site established at the end of 2005. Later, the ITA was terminated following the ITER Agreement going into effect in October 2007, and the construction phase of the ITER Project began. (The above were taken from JAEA/ITER/ homepages) 2.1 Strategy for an International Hub In the ITER Project, design of the Tokamak Building, Tritium Plant, etc., as well as ground leveling of the main part of the future ITER construction site (about 42 hectares) were completed in March 2009. Enhancement of the surrounding facilities accompanying the construction, such as roads to transport the materials from the Fes port near the city of Marseilles will be done in the days ahead. From now on, along with the full-scale construction of each building, etc. in the ITER site, the ITER Organization will further strengthen the collaboration with the business department and the research and development related departments to ensure smooth cooperation, etc. of procurement portions assigned to each Party. Also, as of February 2010, there is a total of about 550 employees from the 7 Parties working in the ITER Organization (ratio of people: the EU 67%, Japan 7%, Russia 6%, the U.S. 6%, South Korea 5%, India 5%, China 4%). The ITER Organization is engaged in enhancement of living environment to encourage the staff from each Party to settle in the Cadarache site. In particular, education of the employees’ children is one of the important -6- JAEA-Review 2011-016 considerations for settlement, and the ITER Organization plans to further focus its efforts on establishment of international schools (refer to “2.4 Living environment/welfare”) and enhancement of the quality of education that accompanies it. 2.2 Acceptance 㧒 Management of Overseas Researchers and Engineers Each ITER Party can dispatch visiting researchers to the ITER Organization. In such a case, the dispatching expenses will be borne by the dispatching Party. The ITER Organization makes no restrictions/distinctions by nationality in regard to the acceptance of researchers. Also, there is a Monaco/ITER postdoctoral fellowship program, and 5 postdoctoral researchers are accepted from each Party. The period of stay for these researchers is 2 years, and they are treated as ITER Organization employees. As for the acceptance support for staff from each Party (ITER Organization staff, subcontracting work staff of ITER Organization and domestic agencies, trainees, etc.), the Welcome Office team is responsible for this task. The team consists of 6 people, and 1 person is responsible for the French program. The budget of this team is funded by the French government (CEA, Ministry of National Education), and the total amount including labor cost/service expenses is 2 Million Euros per year (about 220 Million Yen). Although increase in the number of staff is expected in the future, there have already been cases at this time when responses to inquiries fell behind. Accordingly, improvement of the system, etc. in the future is being planned to provide quicker and precise services. Currently, people of the team are divided between the ITER Organization headquarters and CEA Cadarache research institution, but if the construction proceeds in the future and the staff gather in one location, there is an expectation that services can be enhanced. In the case of accepting staff from countries outside of the EU, a "Security File" is sent from the Welcome Office, and the necessary information is filled out and sent back along with the necessary documents. Afterwards, an "Invitation Letter" is sent, and the "ITER visa" is obtained by submitting a visa application based on this letter to the French embassy in his/her own country. After, the ITER staff and their spouses participate in an orientation called the Welcome Seminar, and receive explanations on safety, insurance, medical care, community support groups, cultural activities, description of the Welcome Office, etc. About 600 people have participated in the Welcome Seminar since October 2008. Since we expect a further increase of staff in the future, including subcontract workers for full scale construction of ITER facilities, the Welcome Office is engaged in strengthening its ability to respond. The ITER Organization is planning to proceed with enhancing both the facility aspect (international school, housing, etc.) and the support aspect (improvement of overall living environment and educational service) to encourage the staff to assimilate smoothly into the local community and to settle there. -7- JAEA-Review 2011-016 The CEA Cadarache research institution, where the tentative Welcome Office is situated until full scale construction of ITER site starts, is under stringent security measures because military researches is also conducted there. However, accommodations are being made to smoothly issue passes with pictures even to visitors from foreign countries at the guard post within a relatively short time, if an application has been made in advance. 2.3 Research Environment As for the usage of offices, no distinctions are made according to the acceptance status. There is a library located in the ITER Organization building, and can be used freely during the working hours. There are also meeting rooms in each building, and free space is also provided, where researchers, etc. from each Party were seen freely discussing with each other 2.4 Living Environment / Health and Welfare There are no accommodation facilities owned by the ITER Organization, but the Welcome Office provides support on housing matters from searching, contracts, through to arranging for electricity and gas. The Welcome Office is open between 8:00 - 17:30 from Monday through Friday. People from the village office visit every Tuesday to make various arrangements. The Welcome Office has a track record of supporting more than 1,200 people since its establishment in 2006. There are three kinds of housing support which are: (1) Full support (from house hunting, contracts, procedure related to utilities such as electricity/gas, etc.); (2) Only house hunting; (3) Follow-up support for people who have already found houses by themselves. People can choose according to their situation. Children from 3 to 5 years old are accepted by the local nursery, and during the first 2 years, out of 24 hours per week, they receive education in their native language for half of the time, and in French for the other half of the time. From the third year, children are required to receive education in French for 2 hours or more per day in each subject. In 2009, an international school for ITER Organization staff was established in nearby Manosque through contributions from the city of Manosque and 6 neighboring communities (about 5 billion yen in 10 years). The international school is divided into 7 sections corresponding to the 7 Parties that comprise ITER, and there are nurseries through to high schools. Although it is called an international school, the languages used are English, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi and Russian. Also, the Welcome Office provides School Transport service on demand. At the international school, for children up to 10 years old (nursery children and students in the lower grades of elementary school), school lunch vendors provide specific food as needed for each child. Children in higher grades and above use the cafeteria, but several kinds of menus are provided. -8- JAEA-Review 2011-016 There is a French course for ITER Organization staff, and it is provided in Cadarache and Aix-en-Provence. Courses are also available at night to participate in after work. There is no limit in the number of attendees, and it is free of charge up to the minimum level (C1). ITER Organization staff can use the sports facilities of the Cadarache research institute. The Welcome Office collects information from each community and posts them on the homepage. Also, during the orientation, it asks each person to register their e-mail addresses, and information on events is provided through the mailing list. The Welcome Office has been offering an event called the Cultural Program since 2007, and has organized short trips to 6 communities around Cadarache. About 420 people participated in a total of 18 trips so far in this program. Regarding minimum necessary information such as police and hospitals, it is summarized in written form and provided to the new assignees. Also, a “Guideline on emergency procedures,” which describes how to cope in the event of an accident, etc. and contacts, etc, has been created and distributed. As for the staff from each Party, the French government provides services such as free French language classes up to the elementary level, etc. as noted before. However, the language barrier is high and support from the Welcome Office is often required to secure housing and for various procedures such as electricity/water/gas, etc. The Welcome Office is trying to handle inquiries and requests for assistance as promptly as possible as they occur, but there is a limit to handling things with 6 people. Accordingly, improvement of the system, etc. in the future is being planned to provide even quicker and precise services. 2.5 PR Activities / Coexistence with Local Community There are periodic meetings with the community, in which the ITER Organization’s Director-General or his representative participates. Here, the community means the Cadarache community and its surroundings, and regarding the Cadarache community, communication is done by inviting the head of the local government. On the other hand, there is a Local Information Commission in every atomic energy facility in France, and information regarding ITER Projects is presented there to each local community as well. Regarding the handling of visitors and inspectors, the contact points are the ITER Organization's Public Relations or Agence ITER France, which is the French domestic organization of the ITER Organization. -9- JAEA-Review 2011-016 3. RAL (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) is one of the largest research facilities among the research institutes owned by one of Europe’s largest general scientific research institute (STFC), and is located near Oxford, England. RAL owns the ISIS Accelerator Facility, “Third Generation” Synchrotron Light Source Facility (known as “Diamond,” started operating in 2007), High-Power Laser Facility, etc., and conducts the world’s front-line research in a broad field of research, such as properties research, high-energy physics, astrophysics, cosmic physics, computer science, etc. Also, the muon facility of Japan’s RIKEN (RIKEN RAL) is installed at RAL, and various researches are being conducted there. This facility utilizes the proton beam supplied from the ISIS accelerator and provides surface muons, decay muons, as well as the world’s most powerful pulse muon beam. Active researches are being advanced by using this high-power beam, such as muon-catalyzed fusion research and property research using muon spin resonance technique. A cumulative of 570 users has deployed a broad range of joint research that uses muons since 1995. 3.1 Strategy for an International Hub As for RAL, the STFC, which is its base, has been actively concluding cooperation agreements not just in Britain where it is located, but also with various countries, successfully acquiring large sums of money to make continuous investment possible. Regarding the fund of about 200 million pounds for the Second Target Station which is currently under construction, it was raised through financial cooperation from the British government, and also from Spain, Italy and the Netherlands. In the days ahead, RAL is planning to implement a consistent investment strategy that renews the equipment in 1 to 2 years along a plan in line with the transformation in science, and proceed with international cooperation toward this end. Other than that, there is also cooperation by Australia, the U.S., etc. 3.2 Acceptance 㧒 Management of Overseas Researchers and Engineers As for ISIS, a committee called the Users Committee has been formed to collect the users’ opinions on facility operation in general, and it has been seeking to improve the acceptance environment. Researchers from foreign countries are using various programs. For example, Canada has a 2 month visit program, and Israel has a 1 year visit program. On the other hand, RAL is implementing an “open to the public type experiment program,” and it has been accepting foreign researchers broadly. The dispatching organization provides the dispatching expense for this program to the person who is dispatched. - 10 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 Regarding the acceptance/management of researchers, English is the language being used and the language barrier is low, and it is easy for individuals to obtain various types of information. In view of this, information is not especially provided actively, and a rational system is employed where people fill out a form which they submit to the Users Office upon entry to the site, and receive the necessary services. (Refer to document 5) Visitors are asked to fill in their basic information, and whether or not they need an ID card, film badge, use of the laboratory, items for the office/laboratory (desk, telephone, computer), user ID for computer access, flight arrangements, transportation to the airport, accommodation facilities, telephone, water, electricity, TV, gas, etc. in the form. The Users Office consists of 4 staff. There are no particular issues regarding the system to support researchers from foreign countries, and we were told that when problems occasionally occur, they are resolved quickly. We were told that printed materials such as acceptance manuals are not made, but if visitors or users have questions or problems, they contact the Users’ Office directly for resolution. Researchers from foreign countries who conduct the experiments are taught basic matters such as how to deal with fires, how to use the emergency system, etc., and if they stay for more than 3 months, they attend the same safety seminar as the employees. There is no difference in radiation exposure control from the employees. There is also a RIKEN RAL homepage, which provides information on the facility outline/utilization method, latest information, current ongoing research, beam time, access, etc. Also, application for laboratory/usage, obtaining procedures regarding the use of the facility, obtaining information on freezing mixture/target specimen, application for airline ticket/housing facilities can be done through the homepage. Photos of the staff, restaurant guide, etc. are shown in English and Japanese, and a full backup is provided to the muon facility users. One administrative employee from RIKEN is being stationed, and acts as a contact point with RAL. There are eleven researchers, of which one is a locally hired employee, and the others are people on extended business trips. 3.3 Research Environment Research guidance for visitors and users are provided by each RAL laboratory. We were told that RAL is trying to allocate offices for visitors. Regarding the management of information, there is a huge volume of guidelines, and although people who wish to access the information are required to understand them, we were told that the staffs of RIKEN RAL and each laboratory are coaching people about the important points. At RIKEN RAL, the staffs are always in attendance to make sure that experiments are conducted efficiently. - 11 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 Visitors, etc. can also use the library, and it can also be used after working hours. It is possible to bring in equipment of the users, etc. by going through a safety procedure and having it reviewed. There are 15 meeting rooms, and a coffee room, etc. as well. 3.4 Living Environment / Health and Welfare As for securing the housing facilities, the Users’ Office serves as a mediator between researchers and owners, and acts as an agent for all kinds of procedures. Therefore, the researchers can easily move in and out, and they can use the housing facilities without having to worry about references or problems with the owners. A housing facility (60 rooms) dedicated to short-term visitors is located within the site, and is now being expanded with a plan to increase the number of rooms to up to 120. Also, we were told that as a second stage, there is a plan to further build 60 more rooms for to a total of 180 rooms. In the housing facility, there is a space in the cafeteria where researchers can play snooker (billiards), etc. and hold discussions while they are relaxing. Besides this housing facility, there is also another housing facility in a town called Abingdon, which is about 20 minutes by car from the site, and this facility also accepts short-term and long-term users. Also, the operation of the housing facilities is done by consignment contract (the term of the contract is basically 3-5 years) through competitive bidding, which is the same as in Japan. The menu in the cafeteria is in English only, and although there are no special menus which take religion into account, they are rich in variety and include vegetarian food as well, and the prices are reasonable. A nursery facility for employees’ children is built next to the site. Also, visitors, etc. can use the sports facilities such as soccer ground, basketball gym, etc., and they can also join the club activities. In Britain, since people with British nationality can basically get free medical consultation at a public medical institution even though it takes a long waiting time, employees often visit public medical institutions, or private medical institutions in urgent cases. At RAL, a medical facility is built next to the site to provide simple medical treatment for researchers from various countries. There is no information on housing provided through the website, and no support for private cars is being offered. Accident insurance and liability insurance are purchased by users and visitors by themselves. Medical examination is available only to employees and users and visitors are required to take it before they arrive. Although counseling service is also available only to employees, we were told that RAL will be flexible to deal with users and visitors who have mental problems. - 12 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 3.5 PR Activities / Coexistence with Local Community As RAL deals with specialized technical matters regarding research, etc., in order to prevent people in the community from losing interest or becoming negative toward research, it also asks these people to join as planning members when a new plan is started. This is an effort to involve the community through research as a joint promoter of community development. Also, an organization called the Local Liaison Committee was established along with three other adjacent research institutions, and explanations of plans such as new research facility construction building, disposal of (radioactive) waste, etc., to the communities are done through this committee (meetings to explain to local residents are held every 3 months) rather than by each research institution to the community (local government/residents), as a collaborative effort to gain the understanding of the community. Also, as an approach to gain the understanding of local residents, etc., facility tours are held periodically. A Staff and Family Day was also held recently, and the family and friends of the staff toured the facility. As for information on events in various areas, the Users Office provides them to the users, etc., in order to form ties with local areas. Reference documents: Appendix 5: The form which users submit upon entry to the site - 13 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 4. Summary Based on the knowledge gained through this investigation, we have summarized the items that JAEA must become engaged in the days ahead in studying how to promote efforts toward an International e. (1) Strategy for an International Hub Gaining users is viewed by both CERN and RAL as an important task, and various efforts are being done with the users in mind, not only by departments that interact directly with the users, but also by employees in each administrative department. Furthermore, both organizations have planned and consistent strategies for facility investment to maintain a leading-edge research institution. In order to develop the research institution into a COE of atomic energy that has “attractive research facilities” where many outstanding researchers gather from abroad, it is necessary to maintain leading-edge research facilities, along with versatility of the facilities. (2) Acceptance 㧒 Management of Overseas Researchers and Engineers A consolidated contact point (Users’ Office) is an organization which is common to each institution. To aim for the COE of atomic energy, it is essential to understand the needs of users and to deal with these needs promptly for the realization of a more comfortable living environment (3) Research Environment The internet conference system, a research database which can browse through the internet, the system that users as well as employees can easily order materials, etc. provided by CERN are items that tremendously improve the research life. Formulation of these systems and also nurturing of system designers to provide these systems are important factors to form an International Hub. (4) Living Environment / Health and Welfare It is important for researchers to enrich the research environment in order to advance their research at the research institution, but it is also an important factor to enrich the living environment and educational environment of their accompanying family. Existence of the Users Office that takes care of various requests properly, comfortable housing facilities, establishment of nurseries and international schools, etc. are significant factors when researchers consider where they should choose as a base for their research. Each of the CERN, ITER, and RAL sites recognize that the enhancement of living environment and educational - 14 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 environment are extremely important to gain the users and to encourage the researchers to settle, and these are considered to be issues that must be focused on. In an environment like Japan where the cultural background is different from those in Europe and the U.S., it becomes imperative to make investments to enhance these facilities to further gain researchers from abroad in the future, especially those who will stay for long-term. (5) PR Activities / Coexistence with Local Community It is essential to communicate the content/achievement of research and technical development conducted at the research institution to make it widely known to many foreign and domestic researchers that it is an “attractive research institution”. CERN, ITER, and RAL are all trying to send out the information in different ways. In order to advance the internationalization of the research institution, it is important for the research institution itself to provide an attractive research facility and living environment. The environment of the community where the research institution is located is also important. In the future, it is also necessary to conduct an investigation on the details of discussion at the Users Committee, examples of improvement, content of urban planning by collaboration with the community, specific backing by the community, etc. - 15 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 Conclusion Each of the research institutions that we have investigated this time is taking steady actions by looking at several years or decades ahead into the future. Although they are faced with problems such as cutbacks in personnel or budget, we saw that the staff have a high awareness and are working together for an International Hub. At JAEA, in order to maintain a solid position worldwide as a COE in the atomic energy field in future years, it is imperative that we send out a strong message to steadily advance the efforts for an international hub, and to handle them in specific and visible ways, including securing the budget and gaining the support of the communities. - 16 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 Appendix1 List of Survey Items(CERN) Major category Minor category Continuous International investment strategy strategy Utilization of international cooperation, etc. Acceptance/ management Composition (Personnel, of the staff safety, information, security) Type of positions accepted No. Item Response entry As the highest decision-making body, the CERN Council composed of representatives of 20 Member States decides the operation policy, and manages the research plan/budget. The organization, including the Council and the Director-General is engaged in efforts 1-1 to make this research institute attractive by planned annual development in regards to investing in facilities to maintain its potential. Specifically, we believe that outstanding researchers from all over the world will not gather unless there is a good research environment, as well as a fulfilling living environment where the researchers' families, etc. can spend their time. Accordingly, in As a strategy to enhance the international value of the research facilities, addition to newly building and renovating research facilities, we are 1-2 are there any examples of effective utilization of international cooperation also actively investing in facilities such as housing and cafeteria to enhance the environment to accept people, and this direction is also as a means to maintain and improve presentation skills? being accelerated in recent years due to the intension of Mr. Heuer, the current Director-General. Currently, CERN has established its position as the world's top research institute, including the field of accelerators. Are there any activities for using continuous investment strategy (such as upgrading the specification of the facilities, construction of new facilities, public relations, etc.) as a strategy to enhance the international value of the research facilities? What is the composition of the employees? 2-1-1 (What is the composition ratio of employees from countries other than those within the EU or the U.S. such as Asia and the Middle East?) There are 2,544 employees, 95% of them from 20 countries (Member States) and 5% of them from Non-member States (as of 2007) Page 7 in the general outline of CERN JAEA is accepting researchers from various counties/regions around the world as visiting professors and trainees, in addition to the employees. What kind of system do you have at your research facility regarding the Full time employees, 276 fellows, 371 partnership researchers, 194 2-2-1 acceptance of researchers from various countries? Also, in each of these students, etc., 9,974 from 66 user countries (as of the end of 2007) systems, are there any differences in acceptance conditions compared with those for the acceptance of researchers from countries within the EU? We heard that researchers from North Korea, etc. are accepted. Are there 2-2-2 any restrictions on the acceptance of researchers who are nationals of There are no distinctions. non-NPT countries, countries under UN sanctions, etc.? Accepting organization We heard that there is a Users Office that supports the acceptance of researchers from countries and regions around the world. What is its size 2-3-1 (number of staff, annual budget)? Also, the homepage of the Users Office is very well made. How much is the budget to operate it? 2-3-2 Are there any issues regarding the system to support researchers from foreign countries? How are requests and issues that are conveyed to the Users Office 2-3-3 handled? (Are they discussed with various departments and reflected to their operations afterwards?) Seven persons. Before the Users Office was established, the task was passed around from one section to another, but now it is unified in the Website; the Website was enhanced, where any information is available and people can also do anything. First, (1) people register as a user; (2) they get a computer accout. Various applications can be made through the computer (Website). The password has now been unified so users can perform various tasks with a single password. (shopping request, access request, CERN document server, Indigo, etc.) Cutbacks in the Users Office personnel, increase of the users, enhancement of the Website The research facility's users association (directly tied to the Council President), ACC Committee, and the Advisory CERN Committee (members are from various countries) discuss about how to make life at CERN comfortable. It is held four times a year (there is request to do something about getting working visas for the family members) We heard that when visas for family members, etc. of people other than those accepted from outside of the EU, etc. are obtained (to obtain resident status), there is no support service by CERN. Are there any They are sent to the Users Office, including those for the family, 2-3-4 request from people that the research facility become the sponsor? Or, if then each Foreign Ministry and CERN will make the arrangements. the research facility does not become the sponsor, do individuals become sponsors out of their goodwill? Accepting manual document 2-4-1 Orientation What is the content of the orientation, and how many hours does it take? 2-5-1 What is the number of staff who handle this task? Also, what is the number of people who are being accepted? Are the manual documents, etc. to accept people in each status maintained properly? In the Web page. There is basic safety training that all users must take. Depending on the place they access and the work (operating a crane, specialpurpose vehicles, etc.), users must receive the training provided by CERN. Applications are done through the Web. Safety management 2-6-1 Are there any safety seminars (such as radiation handling safety seminars) given to researchers from various countries/regions? Rights, obligations 2-7-1 Are there any differences in rights and obligations depending on the status There are no differences. of acceptance? Is there anything in written form? Allowances 2-8-1 Is there any differences in various allowances (educational allowance, etc.) This is handled on a case-by-case basis. We subsidize for those among the EU countries and other countries (or by accepted position)? from developing countries. Various insurance 2-9-1 Are the accident insurance and liability insurance for users, etc. included in the contract clauses, etc? Preferential treatment as Are there any preferencial treatments as an international organization in an 2-10-1 respect to the treatment of the employees (tax exemption measures, international etc.)? organization - 17 - It is written in the document upon acceptance. There is a tax exemption measure for income tax (staff only). There are no measures for the users. JAEA-Review 2011-016 㪬㫅㫀㫆㫅 㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪿㫀㫇 㪉㪄㪈㪈㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㩷㫌㫅㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㩷㫆㪽㩷㫌㫅㫀㫆㫅㩷㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪿㫀㫇㩷㪽㫆㫉 㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪟㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫀㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪸 㪉㪄㪈㪉㪄㪈 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄㪃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㪼㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪘㫃㫃㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪅㩷㩿㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫎㪸㫊㩷㪸㩷㫊㫋㫉㫀㫂㪼㩷㫃㪸㫊㫋㩷㪛㪼㪺㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㫆㫅 㫇㪼㫅㫊㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㫊㫌㪼㫊㪀 㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪻㫆㫅㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㪻㫆㩷㫀㫋㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㫊㪼㫃㫍㪼㫊㪅 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㫊㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫎㪼㫃㪽㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫊㫇㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㪸㫄㫆㫅㪾 㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫎㫀㫊㫊㩷㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫆㫉㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪜㪬㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㫆㫊㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉 㪚㫃㫀㫅㫀㪺㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪅㩷㪠㪽㩷㫅㪼㪼㪻㪼㪻㪃㩷㪺㪸㫃㫃㩷㪋㪋㪋㪋㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪧㫆㫄㫇㫀㪼㩷㩿㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㪈㪇㪇 㪉㪄㪈㪉㪄㪉 㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪖㩷㩿㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㩿㫆㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫐 㪽㫀㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㪀㪅 㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪀㪀㩷㪹㪼㪺㫆㫄㪼㫊㩷㫊㫀㪺㫂㪃㩷㫆㫉㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㪺㫃㫀㫅㫀㪺㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㫎㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪼㫏㫇㫃㪸㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㪀 㪩㪸㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪼㫏㫇㫆㫊㫌㫉㪼 㪉㪄㪈㪉㪄㪊 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫃㩷㪿㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㫊㫄㫀㫃㪸㫉㩷㫋㫆㩷㫌㫅㫀㫍㪼㫉㫊㫀㫋㫐㩷㫋㫌㫋㫆㫉㫊㪖 㪘㩷㫇㫊㫐㪺㪿㫆㫃㫆㪾㫀㫊㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪿㫀㫉㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㫅㪼㫃㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㪅 㪉㪄㪈㪊㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㫊㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪸㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪼㫏㫇㫆㫊㫌㫉㪼㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪹㪼㫋㫎㪼㪼㫅㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㪅㩷㪩㪸㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪼㫏㫇㫆㫊㫌㫉㪼㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㫃㫀㫅㫂㪼㪻 㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪻㪸㫋㪸㪹㪸㫊㪼㪅㩷㪫㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫅㪼㪼㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫉㪼㫊㫌㫃㫋㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫃㫃㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪮㪼㪹㫊㫀㫋㪼㪅 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㪻㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪠㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪤㪸㫅㫌㪸㫃㫊㪃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫃㫀㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪼㫈㫌㫀㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪃㩷㫄㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫊 㪉㪄㪈㪋㪄㪈 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫋㪸㫂㪼㫅㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫋㪸㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫌㫋㪆㪹㫉㫀㫅㪾㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪬㪪㪙 㫄㪼㫄㫆㫉㫐㩷㫊㫋㫀㪺㫂㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪉㪄㪈㪋㪄㪉 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫂㫀㫅㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫊㫊㩷㪸㫌㫋㪿㫆㫉㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪾㫀㫍㪼㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻 㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㫉㫌㫃㪼㩷㫆㫅㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㩷㫌㫊㪸㪾㪼㪅㩷㪥㫆㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫃㫀㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫅㪾㩷㫀㫊 㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪅 㪜㫍㪼㫅㩷㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄㩷㩿㫆㫅㪼㩷㫆㫉㩷㫋㫎㫆㩷㪻㪸㫐㫊㪀㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫀㫄㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㪼㫃㫐 㪺㫆㫅㫅㪼㪺㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㩿㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㪈㪇㩷㫄㫀㫅㫌㫋㪼㫊㪀㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㩷㪸㫊㩷㪸 㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㫆㫉㪅㩷㪬㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㫅㪼㫍㪼㫉㩷㪽㪼㪼㫃㩷㫀㫅㪺㫆㫅㫍㪼㫅㫀㪼㫅㪺㪼㪅㩷㪬㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㫆㫉㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㩷㪺㪸㫉㪻㫊㪅 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫌㫋㪿㫆㫉㫀㫋㫐㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅䌳㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㫆㫃㪼䌳㩷㩿䌴㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼 㫎㪼㪹㩷㫇㪸㪾㪼㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㫆㫅㫃㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪚㫆㫃㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫊㪼㪼㪀㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼 㪸㫌㫋㪿㪼㫅㫋㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫆㫅㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫆㫅㩷㫇㪸㫊㫊㫎㫆㫉㪻㪅 㪠㫅㪻㫀㪾㫆㩷㪺㫆㫅㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㪑㩷㪬㫊㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㫉㫍㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㫊㪃㩷㫍㫀㪻㪼㫆 㪺㫆㫅㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪼㫃㪼㫇㪿㫆㫅㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㫊㪅㩷㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㫊 㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㪺㫆㫅㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㪸㫃㫂㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫊㫀㫊㩷㪻㫉㪸㪽㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㫉㪺㪿㫀㫍㫀㫅㪾㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪉㪇 㫋㫆㩷㪊㪇㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㫊㩷㪼㫍㪼㫉㫐㩷㪻㪸㫐㪅 㪘㫅㫐㫆㫅㪼㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫊㪼㪼㩷㫀㫋㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫎㫉㫀㫋㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㫎㪿㪼㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅 㪜㫅㪾㫃㪸㫅㪻㩷㫆㫉㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪬㪅㪪㪅㩷㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪻㪼㫊㫀㪾㫅㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㫅㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㪻㫆㩷㫀㫋㪅 㩿㪠㫋㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㪽㫃㪼㫏㫀㪹㫃㫐㩷㪸㪻㪸㫇㫋㪼㪻㪀㩷㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㫋㫆㫆㫃㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫇㫃㪸㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪻㫆 㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㫆㫎㫅㪅 㪘㪺㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫆㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㪻㫆㫅㪼㩷㪹㫐㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫊㪅 㪫㪸㫃㫂㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫆㪺㪺㫌㫉㫉㪼㪻㩷㪌㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㫊㩷㪸㪾㫆㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㪹㪼㩷㫎㪸㫋㪺㪿㪼㪻㪅 㪢㪜㪢㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㫀㫅㫋㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㪼㪻㪅 㪘㪺㪺㪼㫊㫊㩷㪸㫌㫋㪿㫆㫉㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪃㩷㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫐㩷㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪅 㪠㫋㩷㫎㪸㫊㩷㪻㪼㫍㪼㫃㫆㫇㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪠㪫㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㪑㩷㪸㩷㫋㪼㪸㫄㩷㫆㪽㩷㪊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪋㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼 㪠㫅㫋㪼㫃㫃㪼㪺㫋㫌㪸㫃 㪟㫆㫎㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫃㫃㪼㪺㫋㫌㪸㫃㩷㫇㫉㫆㫇㪼㫉㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫇㪸㫋㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫅㫍㪼㫅㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㪻 㫇㫉㫆㫇㪼㫉㫋㫐 㪉㪄㪈㪌㪄㪈 㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪠㫅㫋㪼㫃㫃㪼㪺㫋㫌㪸㫃㩷㫇㫉㫆㫇㪼㫉㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫃㫃㩷㪻㫀㫊㪺㫃㫆㫊㪼㪻㪅 㪪㪼㫋㫋㫀㫅㪾 㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㪼㪻 㪸㫉㪼㪸㫊 㪠㫋㩷㪻㪼㫇㪼㫅㪻㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫊㫀㫋㫌㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㪺㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊㪅 㪬㫊㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫃㫀㫍㫀㫅㪾 㪩㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿 㫈㫌㪸㫉㫋㪼㫉㫊㪃 㪼㫅㫍㫀㫉㫆㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫃㪸㪹㫊㪃 㪼㫅㪿㪸㫅㪺㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪺㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫊 㪬㫊㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫃㫀㪹㫉㪸㫉㫐 㪉㪄㪈㪍㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㪼㪻㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㫊㩷㫊㪼㫋㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪊㪄㪈㪄㪈 㪟㫆㫎㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪸㪾㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫆㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㫊㪃㩷㫃㪸㪹㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫃㫃㫆㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆 㪫㪿㪼㫐㩷㫊㪿㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㪹㪼㩷㫅㪼㪾㫆㫋㫀㪸㫋㫀㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪿㪼㪸㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫀㫋㪼㫄㪃㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊 㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㫆㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㫊㪅 㪊㪄㪉㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫀㪹㫉㪸㫉㫐㩷㫌㫊㪸㪾㪼㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊㪖 㪚㪸㫅㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫀㪹㫉㪸㫉㫐㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖 㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪸㪾㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫋㫌㫊㪖 㪫㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫀㫋㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㪅㩷㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼 㪼㫍㪼㫅㩷㪸㪽㫋㪼㫉㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊㪅 㪧㫉㫆㪺㫌㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫆㫊㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫌㫉㪺㪿㪸㫊㪼㩷㪹㫐㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㪸㪺㫋㩷㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㪿㫆㫇㫇㫀㫅㪾 㫆㪽㩷㫃㪸㪹 㪊㪄㪊㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㫌㫉㪼㩷㫃㪸㪹㩷㪼㫈㫌㫀㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㪅㩷㪘㪺㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㩷㫊㪿㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㪹㪼㩷㪸㫈㫌㫀㫉㪼㪻㩷㪹㪼㪽㫆㫉㪼㪿㪸㫅㪻㪅 㪼㫈㫌㫀㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪩㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿 㫇㪸㫇㪼㫉 㫊㫌㪹㫄㫀㫊㫊㫀㫆㫅 㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫊㫌㪹㫄㫀㫋㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㫇㪸㫇㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿 㪊㪄㪋㪄㪈 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㩷 㪥㫆㫅㪼㪅 㪘㫉㪺㪿㫀㫍㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㫇㪸㫇㪼㫉㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㪑㩷㪫㪿㪼㫐㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫊㫌㪹㫄㫀㫋㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫄㪸㪾㪸㫑㫀㫅㪼㫊㩷㪸㫊 㫇㫉㪼㫇㫉㫀㫅㫋㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㩷㪹㫐㩷㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㪼㫉㪅㩷㪚㫆㫃㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫁㫆㫌㫉㫅㪸㫃㪅 㪊㪄㪌㪄㪈 㪠㫋㩷㪻㪼㫇㪼㫅㪻㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪼㫏㫇㪼㫉㫀㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫅㪻㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫉㫀㪾㪿㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫆㪹㫃㫀㪾㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫋㫋㪼㫅㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪉㪇㪇㪇㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪘㪫㪣㪘㪪㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㪾㫉㫆㫌㫇㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫃㫆㫆㫂㫊㩷㪸㪽㫋㪼㫉㩷㫀㫋㪅㪦㫅 㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪘㪫㪣㪘㪪㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㪻㫁㫌㫊㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫆㫇㫀㫅㫀㫆㫅㪅 㪚㫆㫄㫄㫆㫅 㫊㫇㪸㪺㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿 㪸㫊㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾 㫉㫆㫆㫄㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪊㪄㪍㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫆㫅㩷㫊㫇㪸㪺㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㫆㫆㫄㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪹㫌㫀㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㫆㫆㫄㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪹㫌㫀㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㪅 㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫆㫊㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫄㪸㫂㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㫉㫍㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪮㪼㪹㪅 㪩㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿 㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼 㪊㪄㪎㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪫㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㪼㪻㩷㪸㫊㩷㪸㩷㪾㫉㫆㫌㫇㪅㩷㪜㪸㪺㪿㩷㪾㫉㫆㫌㫇㩷㫀㫊㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㫋㩷㪹㪸㫊㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅 㫊㫆㪺㫀㫆㫃㫆㪾㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫀㪻㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪅 㪘㫋㫋㪼㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾 㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㫊㪃 㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㩿㫉㫀㪾㪿㫋㫊㪃 㫆㪹㫃㫀㪾㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪀 - 18 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪟㫆㫊㫋㪼㫃㩷㪹㫌㫀㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㫊㩷㪊㪏㪃㩷㪊㪐㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪋㪈㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㪄㫋㪼㫉㫄㩷㫊㫋㪸㫐㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫇㫉㪼㫄㫀㫊㪼㫊㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫐㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㫉㫍㪼㪻㩷㫋㫎㫆㩷㫄㫆㫅㫋㪿㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㪻㫍㪸㫅㪺㪼㪅㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㪺㪸㫅 㪹㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㪅㩷㪘㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫆㫅㩷㫂㫀㫋㪺㪿㪼㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪽㫃㫆㫆㫉㪅㩷㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪽㫀㫅㪸㫅㪺㫀㪸㫃㫃㫐 㪣㫆㪻㪾㫀㫅㪾 㫀㫅㪻㪼㫇㪼㫅㪻㪼㫅㫋㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪹㫌㫀㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㪃㩷㪹㫌㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪞㪪 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃 㩷 㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㪅㩷㪠㫋㩷㪺㪿㪸㫉㪾㪼㫊㩷㪌㪌㪚㪟㪝㩷㫇㪼㫉㩷㫅㫀㪾㪿㫋㪅㩷㪪㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄 㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㩿㫊㪼㫃㪽㪄 㪤㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫉㪼㫅㫋㪸㫃㩷㫆㪽㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫃㫀㫍㫀㫅㪾㩷㫈㫌㪸㫉㫋㪼㫉㫊 㪅㩷㩷㪟㫆㫎㩷㪸㫉㪼 㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫋㪅㩷㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫃㫄㫆㫊㫋㩷㪸㫃㫎㪸㫐㫊㩷㪽㫌㫃㫃㪅㩷㪩㪼㪾㫀㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫆㫊㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㩷㪹㫐 㪪㫌㫉㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㪻㪃 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪈 㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㪼㪻㪖㩷㩿㪠㫋㩷㫊㪼㪼㫄㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㩷㫀㫊㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㪊㩷㪿㫆㫊㫋㪼㫃 㪼㪄㫄㪸㫀㫃㩷㩿㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪿㪸㫃㪽㩷㪸㩷㪻㪸㫐㪀㪅㩷㪚㫉㪼㪻㫀㫋㩷㪺㪸㫉㪻㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㪅㩷㪦㫅㪼㩷㪺㪸㫅 㪼㫅㫍㫀㫉㫆㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㪸㪺㫋㪼㪻㪃 㪹㫌㫀㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㫊㩷㪼㫊㫋㪸㪹㫃㫀㫊㪿㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪪㫎㫀㫋㫑㪼㫉㫃㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㫅㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫌㫋㩷㪸㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪅㩷㪟㫆㫎㩷㫄㫌㪺㪿 㫊㫋㪸㫐㩷㪸㫃㫄㫆㫊㫋㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫆㫌㫋㩷㫊㫇㪼㪸㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫋㩷㪸㫃㫃㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫅㫋㩷㪻㪼㫊㫂㩷㫀㫊㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㩷㪎㪑㪊㪇㪄 㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㪼㪻㪑㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫅㫅㫌㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫊㫋㩷㫉㪼㫈㫌㫀㫉㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㪖㪀 㪈㪐㪑㪊㪇㩷㪻㫌㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㪻㪸㫐㫊㪃㩷㪐㪑㪇㪇㪄㪈㪊㪑㪇㪇㩷㫆㫅㩷㫎㪼㪼㫂㪼㫅㪻㫊㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪻㫌㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉 㫊㪸㫄㪼㩷㪸㫇㫇㫃㫀㪼㫊 㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫂㪼㫐㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㫉㪼㪺㪼㫀㫍㪼㪻㩷㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪾㫌㪸㫉㪻㩷㪾㪸㫋㪼㪅㩷㪟㫆㫊㫋㪼㫃㩷㪊㪐㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪹㪼㫃㫆㫎㪀 㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㩷㪙㫌㫀㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㪋㪇㩷㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㪻㫆㫅㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㪪㫎㫀㫋㫑㪼㫉㫃㪸㫅㪻㪅㩷㩿㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㪹㪼㫅㪼㪽㫀㫋㩷㫋㫆 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㪀 㪠㫅㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪃㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊 㩿㫉㪼㫊㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫀㪸㫃㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㪼㫊㪀㪃㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㫊㩷㩿㫊㫄㪼㫃㫃㪃㩷㫅㫆㫀㫊㪼㪃㩷㪽㫀㫅㪸㫅㪺㫀㪸㫃㪀㩷㫆㪺㪺㫌㫉㩷㪽㫉㪼㫈㫌㪼㫅㫋㫃㫐㪅 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪉 㪟㪸㫍㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪹㪼㪼㫅㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㫊㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊 㩿㫉㪼㫊㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫀㪸㫃㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㪼㫊㪀㪖㩷㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪖 㪠㫅㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪃㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫃㫀㫍㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㫆㫉㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㪸㫉㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆 㪮㪼㫊㫋㪼㫉㫅㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪻㫌㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪼㫊㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽 㪸㪺㪺㫆㫄㫇㪸㫅㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㪼㫉㪽㫆㫉㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㩷㪹㪸㫅㫂 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪊 㪸㪺㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㫄㪸㫂㪼㩷㪸㫉㫉㪸㫅㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐㪆㪾㪸㫊㪆㫎㪸㫋㪼㫉㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪘㫋㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㪃 㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㪸㪺㫋㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫆㫊㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪿㫆㫄㪼㫇㪸㪾㪼㪅㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㫉㪼㫈㫌㪼㫊㫋㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㪖 㪚㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩾㫊 㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄 㩿㫅㫌㫉㫊㪼㫉㫐㪃 㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪃 㫂㫀㫅㪻㪼㫉㪾㪸㫉㫋㪼㫅㪃 㪋㪄㪉㪄㪈 㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫌㫊㪼㪖㩷㩿㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄 㪼㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫉㫐 㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪜㪬㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪬㪅㪪㪅㪃㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㪘㫊㫀㪸㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪸㫅㪻㩷㫁㫌㫅㫀㫆㫉 㪤㫀㪻㪻㫃㪼㩷㪜㪸㫊㫋㪖㪀 㪿㫀㪾㪿㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪀 㪋㪄㪉㪄㪉 㪠㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪃㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃 㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫐㩷㩿㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㪺㫃㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㫅㪸㫋㫀㫍㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㪃 㪿㫀㫊㫋㫆㫉㫐㪆㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪿㫆㫄㪼㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫐㪀㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫃㩷㪿㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㩿㫀㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㪻㪸㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪀㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪫㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪸㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㪏㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇㩷㫋㫆㩷㪈㪇㪇㪃㪇㪇㪇㪅㩷㪠㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㩿㫆㫅 㫇㫉㫀㫍㪸㫋㪼㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㪀㩷㫀㫊㩷㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪟㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㩷㩿㪙㫃㪻㪾㪃㩷㪊㪐㪀㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㪸㪺㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫆㫎㫅㪼㫉㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㪼㪅㩷㪥㪼㪾㫆㫋㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪻㫆㫅㪼㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉 㫆㫎㫅㪅㩷㪠㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪿㫆㫄㪼㫇㪸㪾㪼㪅㩷㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫌㫇㪻㪸㫋㪼㪻 㫋㫎㫀㪺㪼㩷㪸㩷㫎㪼㪼㫂㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫊㫆㫄㪼㩷㪸㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫃㪼㫅㫋㩷㪹㫐㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㪅 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㩷㫄㪸㫉㫂㪼㫋㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪿㫆㫄㪼㫇㪸㪾㪼㪃㩷㫎㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫃㫆㫆㫂㩷㪽㫆㫉 㪸㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㫊㪼㫃㫃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪹㫌㫐㩷㪽㫌㫉㫅㫀㫋㫌㫉㪼㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪫㪿㪼㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪮㪼㪹㪅㩷㪧㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㫊 㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㫊㪼㫃㫍㪼㫊㪅㩷㪪㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊 㫅㫆㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪼㫊㪼㩷㪸㫊㫊㫆㪺㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪍㪇㪄㪏㪇㩷㪽㫌㫃㫃㪄㫋㫀㫄㪼㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪼㫊㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㪅 㪈㪇㪇㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫊㫋㪼㫉㪼㪻㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㪉㪇㪇㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㫊㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫀㫋㩷㪻㫌㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫅㪼 㫐㪼㪸㫉㪅 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫅㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㫀㫅㩷㪞㪼㫅㪼㫍㪸㪃㩷㪹㫌㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫌㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪿㫀㪾㪿㪅 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫅㪻㪸㫉㪻㩷㪼㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫉㫐㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㪅㩷㪚㫃㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼 㪺㫆㫅㪻㫌㪺㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㪅 㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪼㫊㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪑㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪺㫃㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㪪㪸㫋㫌㫉㪻㪸㫐㫊 㪠㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪃㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㫄㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㫅㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼 㪋㪄㪉㪄㪊 㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫋㪸㪹㫆㫆㫊 㪥㫆㫅㪼 㪸㪾㪸㫀㫅㫊㫋㩷㪺㪼㫉㫋㪸㫀㫅㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㪖㩷㩿㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪖㪀 㪚㪸㪽㪼㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸 㪋㪄㪊㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪸㪽㪼㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㪖 㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㪃㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿 㪛㫆㪼㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪸㪽㪼㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫄㫄㫆㪻㪸㫋㪼㩷㫄㫌㫃㫋㫀㫇㫃㪼㩷㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㫊㪖㩷㩿㪘㫉㪼 㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪤㫌㫊㫃㫀㫄㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫀㪻㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㫍㪼㪾㪼㫋㪸㫉㫀㪸㫅㫊㪖㪀 㪋㪄㪊㪄㪉 㪪㫀㫄㫀㫃㪸㫉㫃㫐㪃㩷㪻㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫊㫋㫆㫉㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㫊㪿㫆㫇㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㫀㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㫎㫆㩷㪺㪸㪽㪼㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪸㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㪼㫋㫐㩷㫆㪽㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㪅 㪸㪺㪺㫆㫄㫆㪻㪸㫋㪼㩷㫄㫌㫃㫋㫀㫇㫃㪼㩷㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㫃㫀㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖㩷㩿㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫄㪼㫉㪺㪿㪸㫅㪻㫀㫊㪼㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪽㫆㫉 㪤㫌㫊㫃㫀㫄㫊㪃㩷㪡㪼㫎㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㪀 㪮㪼㫃㪽㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫉㪼㪺㫉㪼㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫐㫇㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫎㪼㫃㪽㪸㫉㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪖 㪋㪄㪋㪄㪈 㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪹㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪖 㪣㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㪅㩷㪪㫇㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㪺㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㫃㫌㪹㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪅 㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪸㫋㩷㫎㫆㫄㪼㫅㩾㫊㩷㪺㫃㫌㪹㩷㩿㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫀㫍㪼㫊 㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㪀㪅 㪭㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㫅㩷㪺㫃㫆㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐 㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪋㪄㪌㪄㪈 㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃 㪠㫋㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㫇㫀㪺㫂㪼㪻㩷㫌㫇㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㪼㪹㫊㫀㫋㪼㪅 㫆㪽㪽㪼㫉㫊 㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪖 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㫅㩷㪼㫍㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪋㪄㪌㪄㪉 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪖 㪠㫋㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㫇㫀㪺㫂㪼㪻㩷㫌㫇㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㪼㪹㫊㫀㫋㪼㪅 㪋㪄㪌㪄㪊 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㫌㫉㫀㫊㫋㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪘㩷㫋㫉㪸㫍㪼㫃㩷㪸㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐㩷㫀㫊㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㫊㫀㪻㪼㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㪅㩷㪠㫋㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪹㫌㫊㫀㫅㪼㫊㫊 㫋㫉㫀㫇㫊㩷㫆㫉㩷㫇㫉㫀㫍㪸㫋㪼㩷㫋㫉㫀㫇㫊㪅 㪋㪄㪌㪄㪋 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪜㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐 㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼 㪋㪄㪍㪄㪈 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㪼㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㪼㪻㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫆㪺㪺㫌㫉㪖㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋 㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㩷㫀㫊㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㩿㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉 㪹㫉㫆㪸㪻㪺㪸㫊㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫉㪼㫄㫀㫊㪼㫊㪀㪖㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪾㫆㫍㪼㫉㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㫉㩷㪼㫄㪹㪸㫊㫊㫀㪼㫊㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫐㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫆㫊㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㪼㪹㫊㫀㫋㪼㪃㩷㫆㫉㩷㫃㫀㫅㫂㫊㪅㩷㪙㫌㫃㫃㪼㫋㫀㫅㩷㪹㫆㪸㫉㪻㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪺㪸㪽㪼㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㪅 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㪹㫉㫆㪸㪻㪺㪸㫊㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫉㪼㫄㫀㫊㪼㫊㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆 㫊㫀㫄㫌㫃㫋㪸㫅㪼㫆㫌㫊㩷㫅㫆㫋㫀㪺㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㩷㫄㫆㪹㫀㫃㪼㩷㫇㪿㫆㫅㪼㫊㪅 㪮㪿㪼㫅㩷㪸㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪼㫊㪼㩷㪺㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㩷㪻㫀㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㪸㫊㫋㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐 㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼㩷㫋㪼㪸㫄㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㫋㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫀㫋㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㪿㫀㫄㩷㫅㫆㫋㫀㪽㫀㪼㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪺㫆㫅㫊㫌㫃㪸㫋㪼㪅 㪫㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㪺㪺㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐 㪋㪄㪍㪄㪉 㫎㪸㫊㩷㫇㫆㫊㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪿㫆㫄㪼㫇㪸㪾㪼㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅 㪫㪿㪼㩷㪼㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼㩷㫋㪼㪸㫄㩷㫎㫀㫃㫃㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫀㫋㪅 㫋㪼㫉㫉㫆㫉㫀㫊㫄㩷㫆㫉㩷㫃㪸㫉㪾㪼㪄㫊㪺㪸㫃㪼㩷㪻㫀㫊㪸㫊㫋㪼㫉㫊㩷㫆㪺㪺㫌㫉㪖 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪃 㫇㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺 㫉㪼㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪌㪄㪈 㪣㪼㪸㪽㫃㪼㫋㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫃㪸㫉㪾㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㪅㩷㪦㫌㫋㫉㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪼㪽㪽㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㪹㫐 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㪼㪽㪽㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㪺㫆㫃㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㪼㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㩷㫇㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺 㪺㫆㫅㪻㫌㪺㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㫌㫉㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㪪㪸㫋㫌㫉㪻㪸㫐㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫊㪼㫋㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㩷㪻㪸㫐㫊㪅 㫉㪼㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖 㪮㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㫀㪹㫌㫋㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫀㫉㪼㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪣㪸㫂㪼㩷㪣㪼㫄㪸㫅㪅㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫀㪺㫂㪼㪻㩷㫌㫇㩷㪹㫐 㪞㪼㫅㪼㫍㪸㩷㪹㫉㫆㪸㪻㪺㪸㫊㫋㫀㫅㪾㪅 - 19 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 㪌㪄㪉 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫊㫊㫀㫄㫀㫃㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㫋㫆 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪖㩷㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅 㪧㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫋㫉㪼㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㩷㪸㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㪼㫀㪾㫅㪼㫉㫊㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪺㪸㫅㫅㫆㫋㩷㫊㫇㪼㪸㫂㩷㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㪃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫆㫌㫋 㪺㫆㫃㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㫋㫆㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫄㪸㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㩷㪽㪼㪼㫃㩷㫌㫅㪺㫆㫄㪽㫆㫉㫋㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㩷㫅㫆㫉㫄㪸㫃㩷㫎㪸㫐㪅 㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㫆㫉㩷㫆㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㫌㫅㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼 㪼㫏㪺㪿㪸㫅㪾㪼㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪖 㪦㫇㪼㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫇㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺 㪍㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪼㪽㪽㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫄㫇㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪾㪸㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫅㪻㪼㫉㫊㫋㪸㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㪺㫋㫀㫍㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫅㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㩷㪻㪸㫐㪅 㪚㪜㪩㪥㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㪸㫊㫋㩷㪹㫌㫊㩷㫊㫋㫆㫇㪃㩷㫋㪿㫌㫊㩷㪼㫍㪼㫉㫐㪹㫆㪻㫐㩷㫂㫅㫆㫎㫊㩷㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㫌㫊㪅 㪤㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㫊㩷㫋㫆 㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿 㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫀㫅㫊㫇㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㫊 㪎㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㩷㫀㫊㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫅㫊㫇㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㫊㪖 㪧㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫊㪼㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㫈㫌㪼㫊㫋㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪭㪠㪧㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㩷㩿㪊㪄㪋㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㫊㪀㩷㫋㫆㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿 㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪭㪠㪧㫊㪅㩷㪧㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫁㫆㪹㩷㫊㫀㫋㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫊㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪽㫆㫃㫃㫆㫎 㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㪸㫅㩷㪼㪄㫄㪸㫀㫃㩷㫀㫊㩷㫊㪼㫅㫋㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪭㪠㪧㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㪅 - 20 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 㩷㪣㫀㫊㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫌㫉㫍㪼㫐㩷㪠㫋㪼㫄㫊㩿㪚㪿㫀㫃㪻㪄㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪚㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㩷㫀㫅㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㪀 㪤㪸㫁㫆㫉 㪺㪸㫋㪼㪾㫆㫉㫐 㪥㫆㪅 㪤㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪈㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪼㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㫊㫋㪸㫉㫋 㪉㪄㪈 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㩷㪽㫀㫏㪼㪻㩷㫊㫋㪸㫉㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪻㪸㫋㪼㪖 㪫㪸㫉㪾㪼㫋 㪠㫋㪼㫄 㪩㪼㫊㫆㫅㫊㪼㩷㪼㫅㫋㫉㫐 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㫌㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㫆㪽㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㪄㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪺㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㪖 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫄㫌㪺㪿㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫅㫅㫌㪸㫃㩷㪹㫌㪻㪾㪼㫋㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫌㪹㫊㫀㪻㫀㪼㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫆㫉㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪾㫆㫍㪼㫉㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪖㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㪖 㪉㪎㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㫊㪅 㪘㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㪈㪅㪌㩷㫄㫀㫃㫃㫀㫆㫅㩷㪚㪟㪝㪅 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫊㫌㪹㫊㫀㪻㫐㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽 㫌㫅㫀㫆㫅㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㫀㫊㩷㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㪅 㪫㪿㪼㩷㪸㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㫅㫉㫆㫃㫃㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㪄㪺㪸㫉㪼 㪺㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㪼㫏㫋㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪹㪼㪾㫀㫅㫅㫀㫅㪾 㫆㪽㩷㪤㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪼㫍㪼㫉㫐㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㪅 㪠㫊㩷㫀㫋㩷㫇㫆㫊㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫃㪸㪺㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫆㫌㫋㫊㫀㪻㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪜㪬 㫊㫋㪸㫋㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㪄㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪰㪼㫊㪃㩷㫎㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪸㫃㫃㩷㫆㫍㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㪅 㪊㪄㪉 㪝㫉㫆㫄㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㪸㪾㪼㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㪺㪼㪻㪖 㪝㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㫎㫆㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㫊㩷㫆㫃㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㪄㪺㪸㫉㪼 㪺㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㫎㫆㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㩷㪿㪸㫃㪽㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㫊㩷㫆㫃㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫂㫀㫅㪻㪼㫉㪾㪸㫉㫋㪼㫅㪅㩷㪪㪼㫍㪼㫉㪸㫃㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼 㫊㫇㫆㫂㪼㫅㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㪅㩷㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫐㪼㫋 㫉㪼㫈㫌㫀㫉㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪅 㪊㪄㪊 㪛㫆㩷㫐㫆㫌㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫆㫌㫋㫊㫀㪻㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪝㫉㫆㫄㩷㪸㫅㫐㫎㪿㪼㫉㪼㪃㩷㪸㫊㩷㫄㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫇㫆㫊㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㪅 㪧㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫉㪼㫃㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪚㪜㪩㪥㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫇㫉㫀㫆㫉㫀㫋㫐㪅 㪊㪄㪈 㪊㪄㪋 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪸㪽㫋㪼㫉㪄㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㪖 㪥㫆㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㪅 㪊㪄㪌 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫎㪸㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪌㩷㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㫀㫊㩷㫄㫆㫄㪼㫅㫋㪅 㪫㪼㫄㫇㫆㫉㪸㫉㫐 㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㪄㪺㪸㫉㪼 㪋㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㪄㫋㪼㫉㫄㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫊㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㪖 㪠㫅㩷㫋㪿㫀㫊㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㪄㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪺㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫊㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪿㪸㫃㪽㩷㪸㩷㪻㪸㫐㪅 㪧㪼㫉㫀㫆㪻 㪌㪄㪈 㪝㫉㫆㫄㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㪺㪼㪻㪖 㪫㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㪄㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪺㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㩷㫀㫊㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪏㪑㪊㪇 㫋㫆㩷㪈㪉㪑㪇㪇㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫂㫀㫅㪻㪼㫉㪾㪸㫉㫋㪼㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄 㪏㪑㪇㪇㩷㫋㫆㩷㪈㪉㪑㪈㪌㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪈㪑㪊㪇㩷㫋㫆㩷㪌㪑㪋㪌㪅 㪪㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪽㫆㫉 㫊㫀㪺㫂㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅 㪍㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪻㫆㫅㪼㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪹㪼㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㫊㫀㪺㫂㪃㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㪿㪸㫍㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㩷㪽㪼㫍㪼㫉㪖㩷㪛㫆㩷㫐㫆㫌 㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫊㫀㪺㫂㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㪖 㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㪸㫃㫃㫐㪃㩷㫊㫀㪺㫂㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫊㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆 㫊㫋㪸㫐㩷㪸㫋㩷㪿㫆㫄㪼㪅 㪚㪿㫀㫃㪻㪄㪺㪸㫉㪼 㪽㪼㪼 㪎㪄㪈 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫄㫌㪺㪿㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㪄㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪽㪼㪼㪖 㪝㫆㫉㩷㪿㪸㫃㪽㩷㪸㩷㪻㪸㫐㪃㩷㫀㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪍㪍㪇㪚㪟㪝㩷㫇㪼㫉㩷㫄㫆㫅㫋㪿㪅 㪝㫆㫉㩷㪸㫃㫃㩷㪻㪸㫐㪃㩷㫀㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪈㪊㪉㪇㪇㩷㪚㪟㪝㩷㫇㪼㫉㩷㫄㫆㫅㫋㪿㪅 㪤㪼㪸㫃 㪏㪄㪈 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㫀㫊 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫄㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㫅㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫋㫀㫄㪼㪅㩷㪘㫃㫃㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪼㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㪸㫄㪼㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻 㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫋㪸㪹㫆㫆㫊㩷㪸㪾㪸㫀㫅㫊㫋㩷㪺㪼㫉㫋㪸㫀㫅㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㪖㩷㩿㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㫌㫅㫃㪼㫊㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫅㩷㫀㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪖㪀 㪻㫆㪺㫋㫆㫉㪅 㪫㫉㪸㫅㫊㫇㫆㫉㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆 㫅 㪐㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫋㫉㪸㫅㫊㫇㫆㫉㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㪹㫌㫊㪼㫊㪖 㪫㪿㪼㩷㫇㪸㫉㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫊㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪹㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉 㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪿㪼㫉㪼㪅 㪪㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪽㫆㫉 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㪸㫉㪼㫅㫋㫊 㪈㪇㪄㪈 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㩷㫉㪼㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫌㫃㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪖 㪮㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㫆㫅㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㩷㫉㪼㪸㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㫊㫌㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫇㪸㫉㪼㫅㫋㫊㪅 㪈㪈㪄㪈 㪟㪸㫍㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㩷㫆㪺㪺㫌㫉㪼㪻㪃㩷㫆㫉㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫀㫊㫊㫌㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪥㫆㫅㪼 㪠㫊㫊㫌㪼㫊 - 21 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 㪘㫇㫇㪼㫅㪻㫀㫏㪉㩷㩷㪣㫀㫊㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫌㫉㫍㪼㫐㩷㪠㫋㪼㫄㫊㩿㪠㪫㪜㪩㪀 㪤㪸㫁㫆㫉 㪺㪸㫋㪼㪾㫆㫉㫐 㪤㫀㫅㫆㫉 㪺㪸㫋㪼㪾㫆㫉㫐 㪥㫆㪅 㪚㫆㫅㫋㫀㫅㫌㫆㫌㫊 㪠㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃 㫀㫅㫍㪼㫊㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㪼㪾㫐 㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㪼㪾㫐 㪈㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪸㪺㫋㫀㫍㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫀㫅㫌㫆㫌㫊㩷㫀㫅㫍㪼㫊㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㪼㪾㫐㩷㩿㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊 㫌㫇㪾㫉㪸㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪽㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫅㪼㫎㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃 㪼㫋㪺㪅㪀㩷㪸㫊㩷㪸㩷㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㪼㪾㫐㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㫅㪿㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫍㪸㫃㫌㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪖 㪠㫅㩷㪸㪻㪻㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪎㩷㪧㪸㫉㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪺㫆㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪺㪸㫉㫉㫐㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿 㪸㫅㪻㩷㪻㪼㫍㪼㫃㫆㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪠㪦㩷㫀㫊㩷㪿㫆㫇㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㫎㫀㫃㫃㩷㫊㪼㫋㫋㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㫀㫊 㪸㫉㪼㪸㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㪽㫆㫉㪼㪃㩷㫎㪼㩷㫎㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㫃㫀㫂㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫄㪸㫂㪼㩷㪽㫌㫉㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫀㫄㫇㫉㫆㫍㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫀㫅 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫀㫍㫀㫅㪾㩷㪼㫅㫍㫀㫉㫆㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㫅㪿㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩾㫊㩷㫃㫀㫍㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪻㪸㫐㫊 㪸㪿㪼㪸㪻㪅 㪈㪄㪉 㪘㫊㩷㪸㩷㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㪼㪾㫐㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㫅㪿㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫍㪸㫃㫌㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃 㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫇㫃㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪼㪽㪽㪼㪺㫋㫀㫍㪼㩷㫌㫋㫀㫃㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪸㫊㩷㪸㩷㫄㪼㪸㫅㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫄㪸㫀㫅㫋㪸㫀㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫄㫇㫉㫆㫍㪼㩷㫇㫉㪼㫊㪼㫅㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫊㫂㫀㫃㫃㫊㪖 㪄 㪬㫋㫀㫃㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽 㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃 㪺㫆㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃 㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪘㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㪆 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㩿㪧㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㫅㪼㫃㪃 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅 㫊㪸㪽㪼㫋㫐㪃 㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽 㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃 㫊㪼㪺㫌㫉㫀㫋㫐㪀 㪫㫐㫇㪼㩷㫆㪽 㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻 㪘㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾 㫆㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㩷㩷㪩㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼㩷㪼㫅㫋㫉㫐 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㪖 㪉㪄㪈㪄㪈 㩿㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㩷㫆㪽㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅 㫋㪿㫆㫊㪼㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪜㪬㩷㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪬㪅㪪㪅㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㪘㫊㫀㪸㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪤㫀㪻㪻㫃㪼㩷㪜㪸㫊㫋㪖㪀 㪚㫌㫉㫉㪼㫅㫋㫃㫐㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㪌㪌㪇㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪎㩷㪧㪸㫉㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫉㫀㫊㪼㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㪅 㪘㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫅㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㪝㪼㪹㫉㫌㪸㫉㫐㩷㪉㪇㪈㪇㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪉㪐㪏㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㫀㫊㫋 㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪈㪌㪊㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㪃㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪸㩷㫋㫆㫋㪸㫃㩷㫆㪽㩷㪋㪌㪈㪅 㪘㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫅㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㪛㪼㪺㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㪉㪇㪇㪐㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪹㫉㪼㪸㫂㪻㫆㫎㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㫀㫊㫋㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫊㩷㪽㫆㫃㫃㫆㫎㫊㪑㩷㪜㫌㫉㫆㫇㪼㩷㪍㪇㩼㪃㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㩷㪏㩼㪃 㪬㪅㪪㪅㪘㪅㩷㪏㩼㪃㩷㪩㫌㫊㫊㫀㪸㩷㪎㩼㪃㩷㪪㫆㫌㫋㪿㩷㪢㫆㫉㪼㪸㩷㪎㩼㪃㩷㪚㪿㫀㫅㪸㩷㪍㩼㪃㩷㪠㫅㪻㫀㪸㩷㪌㩼㪅 㪡㪘㪜㪘㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫀㪼㫊㪆㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㩷㪸㫊㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫇㫉㫆㪽㪼㫊㫊㫆㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㪼㪼㫊㪃㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㪻㪻㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㪅㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋 㫂㫀㫅㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㪻㫆㩷㫐㫆㫌㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪸㫋㩷㫐㫆㫌㫉㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪉㪄㪉㪄㪈 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㫊㪼 㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㪃㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㪻㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㪸㫉㪼㪻㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿 㫋㪿㫆㫊㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪜㪬㪖 㪜㪸㪺㪿㩷㫇㪸㫉㫋㫀㪺㫀㫇㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪧㪸㫉㫋㫐㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪻㫀㫊㫇㪸㫋㪺㪿㩷㪸㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㪦㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㪻㫀㫊㫇㪸㫋㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㪼㫏㫇㪼㫅㫊㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪹㫆㫉㫅㪼㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪻㫀㫊㫇㪸㫋㪺㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㪧㪸㫉㫋㫐㪅㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㪤㫆㫅㪸㪺㫆㪆㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㫇㫆㫊㫋㪻㫆㪺㫋㫆㫉㪸㫃 㪽㪼㫃㫃㫆㫎㫊㪿㫀㫇㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪌㩷㫇㫆㫊㫋㪻㫆㪺㫋㫆㫉㪸㫃㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻 㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫇㪸㫉㫋㫀㪺㫀㫇㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪧㪸㫉㫋㫐㩷㩿㪫㪿㪼㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄㩷㫀㫊㩷㪉㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㫊㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫐㩷㪸㫉㪼 㫋㫉㪼㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㪸㫊㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㪦㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㪅㪀㪅 㪮㪿㪼㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪽㫆㫉㪼㫀㪾㫅㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㪉㪄㪉㪄㪉 㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫅㫆㫅㪄 㪥㪧㪫㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫌㫅㪻㪼㫉㩷㪬㪥㩷㫊㪸㫅㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪥㫆㩷㪻㫀㫊㫋㫀㫅㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪎㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㫇㪸㫉㫋㫀㪺㫀㫇㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪧㪸㫉㫋㫀㪼㫊㪅 㪮㪼㩷㪿㪼㪸㫉㪻㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽 㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㪅㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫂㫀㫅㪻㩷㫆㪽 㪉㪄㪊㪄㪈 㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪻㫆㪼㫊㩷㫀㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫋㫊㩷㫊㫀㫑㪼㩷㩿㫅㫌㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㪃㩷㪸㫅㫅㫌㪸㫃 㪹㫌㪻㪾㪼㫋㪀㪖 㪫㪿㪼㩷㪮㪼㫃㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽 㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪧㪸㫉㫋㫐㩷㩿㫋㪸㫉㪾㪼㫋㪼㪻㩷㪸㫋㩷㪠㪦㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㪃㩷㫊㫌㪹㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㪸㪺㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽 㫆㪽㩷㪠㪦㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪻㫆㫄㪼㫊㫋㫀㪺㩷㪸㪾㪼㫅㪺㫀㪼㫊㩷㩿㪛㪘㪀㪃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㪼㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪀㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㫋㪼㪸㫄 㪺㫆㫅㫊㫀㫊㫋㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪍㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪈㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿 㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㪹㫌㪻㪾㪼㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪽㫌㫅㪻㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㩷㪾㫆㫍㪼㫉㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㩿㪚㪜㪘㪃 㪤㫀㫅㫀㫊㫋㫉㫐㩷㫆㪽㩷㪥㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪜㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪀㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫆㫋㪸㫃㩷㪸㫄㫆㫌㫅㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪉㩷㪤㫀㫃㫃㫀㫆㫅 㪜㫌㫉㫆㫊㩷㫇㪼㫉㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㩷㩿㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㩷㪺㫆㫊㫋㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㩷㪼㫏㫇㪼㫅㫊㪼㫊㪀㪅 㪉㪄㪊㪄㪉 㪘㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾 㫄㪸㫅㫌㪸㫃 㪻㫆㪺㫌㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪠㫋㪼㫄 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫀㫊㫊㫌㪼㫊㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㫋㫆㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄 㪽㫆㫉㪼㫀㪾㫅㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪖 㪮㪼㩷㪼㫏㫇㪼㪺㫋㩷㪸㩷㪽㫌㫉㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫀㫅㪺㫉㪼㪸㫊㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫌㫋㫌㫉㪼㪃㩷㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㫀㫅㪾 㫊㫌㪹㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㪸㪺㫋㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㪼㫉㫊㪅㩷㪘㫃㫋㪿㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪮㪼㫃㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫄㪸㫂㫀㫅㪾 㪼㪽㪽㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㪻㩷㪸㫊㩷㫈㫌㫀㪺㫂㫃㫐㩷㪸㫊㩷㫇㫆㫊㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫀㫅㫈㫌㫀㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼 㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㫊㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼 㫀㫅㪸㪻㪼㫈㫌㪸㫋㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪾㪼㫋㩷㪻㪼㫃㪸㫐㪼㪻㩷㪹㪼㪺㪸㫌㫊㪼㩷㫆㫅㫃㫐㩷㪍㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㫀㫅㪾 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㪅㩷㪮㪼㩷㫎㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㫃㫀㫂㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫀㫄㫇㫉㫆㫍㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫌㫋㫌㫉㪼 㫊㫆㩷㫎㪼㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㪼㫍㪼㫅㩷㫈㫌㫀㪺㫂㪼㫉㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㫉㪼㪺㫀㫊㪼㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㪅㩷㪚㫌㫉㫉㪼㫅㫋㫃㫐㪃 㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪻㫀㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪹㪼㫋㫎㪼㪼㫅㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㪿㪼㪸㪻㫈㫌㪸㫉㫋㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪚㪜㪘 㪚㪸㪻㪸㫉㪸㪺㪿㪼㪃㩷㪹㫌㫋㩷㫀㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㫅㫅㪼㪻㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪼㪻㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫌㫋㫌㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㪾㪸㫋㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫆㫅㪼㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃 㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫎㫀㫃㫃㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㪸㪹㫃㫐㩷㪹㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㫊㩷㫎㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㪼㫅㪿㪸㫅㪺㪼㪻㪅 㪟㫆㫎㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫉㪼㫈㫌㪼㫊㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫊㫊㫌㪼㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫍㪼㫐㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪉㪄㪊㪄㪊 㫆㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㪼㪻㪖㩷㩿㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪻㫀㫊㪺㫌㫊㫊㪼㪻㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊 㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㪽㫃㪼㪺㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㪽㫋㪼㫉㫎㪸㫉㪻㫊㪖㪀 㪫㪿㪼㩷㪮㪼㫃㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㩷㫀㫅㪻㫀㫍㫀㪻㫌㪸㫃㫃㫐㪅 㪛㫌㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㪻㫆㪼㫊㩷㫀㫋㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪼㫏㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫃㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㩿㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾 㫍㫀㫊㪸㫊㪀㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㪽㩷㫊㫆㪃㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪸㪺㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫊㩷㪸㫅 㪸㪾㪼㫅㫋㪖 㪉㪄㪊㪄㪋 㪮㪿㪼㫅㩷㫍㫀㫊㪸㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫐㩷㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㫋㪿㫆㫊㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻 㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪙㫉㫀㫋㪸㫀㫅㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㩿㫆㫌㫋㫊㫀㪻㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪜㪬㪀㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㩿㫋㫆㩷㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㩷㫉㪼㫊㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋 㫊㫋㪸㫋㫌㫊㪀㪃㩷㪻㫆㪼㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㪹㪼㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㫆㫉㪖㩷㪦㫉㪃㩷㪻㫆㩷㫀㫅㪻㫀㫍㫀㪻㫌㪸㫃㫊 㪹㪼㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㫆㫉㫊㩷㫆㫌㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪾㫆㫆㪻㫎㫀㫃㫃㪖 㪠㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫆㫌㫋㫊㫀㪻㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪜㪬㪃㩷㪸㩷㩹㪪㪼㪺㫌㫉㫀㫋㫐㩷㪽㫀㫃㪼㩹㩷㫀㫊㩷㫊㪼㫅㫋㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪮㪼㫃㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫅㪼㪺㪼㫊㫊㪸㫉㫐㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪽㫀㫃㫃㪼㪻㩷㫆㫌㫋㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫊㪼㫅㫋㩷㪹㪸㪺㫂㩷㪸㫃㫆㫅㪾㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫅㪼㪺㪼㫊㫊㪸㫉㫐㩷㪻㫆㪺㫌㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪅㩷㪘㪽㫋㪼㫉㫎㪸㫉㪻㫊㪃㩷㪸㫅㩷㩹㪠㫅㫍㫀㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫃㪼㫋㫋㪼㫉㩹㩷㫀㫊㩷㫊㪼㫅㫋㪃 㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㩹㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㫍㫀㫊㪸㩹㩷㫀㫊㩷㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫌㫅㪻㪼㫉㪾㫆㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㩷㫍㫀㫊㪸㩷㪸㫇㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㩷㪸㫋㩷㪼㫄㪹㪸㫊㫊㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪉㪄㪋㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪸㫅㫌㪸㫃㩷㪻㫆㪺㫌㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫋㫆㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫊㫋㪸㫋㫌㫊㩷㫄㪸㫀㫅㫋㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻 㪫㪿㪼㫐㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫆㫊㫋㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪿㫆㫄㪼㫇㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㪮㪼㫃㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼 㫇㫉㫆㫇㪼㫉㫃㫐㪖 㩿㪿㫋㫋㫇㪑㪆㪆㫎㫎㫎㪅㫀㫋㪼㫉㪺㪸㪻㪅㫆㫉㪾㪆㫎㪼㫃㪺㫆㫄㪼㪅㫇㪿㫇㪀 - 22 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 㪦㫉㫀㪼㫅㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪘㪽㫋㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㫊㫇㫆㫌㫊㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫊㫊㫀㪾㫅㪼㪻㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐 㫇㪸㫉㫋㫀㪺㫀㫇㪸㫋㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㫅㩷㫆㫉㫀㪼㫅㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪺㪸㫃㫃㪼㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪮㪼㫃㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㪪㪼㫄㫀㫅㪸㫉㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫆㫉㫀㪼㫅㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪿㫆㫎㩷㫄㪸㫅㫐㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊㩷㪻㫆㪼㫊㩷㫀㫋㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㪖 㫉㪼㪺㪼㫀㫍㪼㩷㪼㫏㫇㫃㪸㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㫊㪸㪽㪼㫋㫐㪃㩷㫀㫅㫊㫌㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㪃 㪉㪄㪌㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㫌㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㪼㩷㫋㪿㫀㫊㩷㫋㪸㫊㫂㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㫌㫄㪹㪼㫉 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪾㫉㫆㫌㫇㫊㪃㩷㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪸㫃㩷㪸㪺㫋㫀㫍㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪻㪼㫊㪺㫉㫀㫇㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫆㪽㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㪖 㪮㪼㫃㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪘㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㪍㪇㪇㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫇㪸㫉㫋㫀㪺㫀㫇㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪮㪼㫃㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㪪㪼㫄㫀㫅㪸㫉㩷㫊㫀㫅㪺㪼㩷㪦㪺㫋㫆㪹㪼㫉㩷㪉㪇㪇㪏㪅 㪪㪸㪽㪼㫋㫐 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪉㪄㪍㪄㪈 㪫㪿㫀㫊㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫄㫇㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪼㪻㩷㪸㫊㩷㫇㪸㫉㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㪹㫆㫍㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫀㫆㫅㪼㪻㩷㫆㫉㫀㪼㫅㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪅 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㪸㪽㪼㫋㫐㩷㫊㪼㫄㫀㫅㪸㫉㫊㩷㩿㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫉㪸㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷㫊㪸㪽㪼㫋㫐㩷㫊㪼㫄㫀㫅㪸㫉㫊㪀 㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫄㫇㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪼㪻㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㪈㪅㪌㩷㫄㫆㫅㫋㪿㫊㩷㪸㪽㫋㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫉㫋㩷㫆㪽 㪾㫀㫍㪼㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪆㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖 㪸㫊㫊㫀㪾㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋㪅㩷㪠㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫌㫋㫌㫉㪼㪃㩷㫎㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㫅㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫆㫃㫀㪻㪸㫋㪼㩷㫀㫋㩷㫋㫆 㫆㫅㪺㪼㩷㪼㫍㪼㫉㫐㩷㫊㫀㫏㩷㫄㫆㫅㫋㪿㫊㪅 㪩㫀㪾㪿㫋㫊㪃 㫆㪹㫃㫀㪾㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊 㪉㪄㪎㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫉㫀㪾㪿㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫆㪹㫃㫀㪾㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪻㪼㫇㪼㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫋㫌㫊 㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㪦㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪜㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㩷㪩㪼㪾㫌㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㫆㪽㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㪖㩷㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㫎㫉㫀㫋㫋㪼㫅㩷㪽㫆㫉㫄㪖 㪭㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊 㫀㫅㫊㫌㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼 㪉㪄㪏㪄㪈 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㩷㫀㫅㫊㫌㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫃㫀㪸㪹㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫀㫅㫊㫌㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㪸㪺㫋 㪺㫃㪸㫌㫊㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫇㪼㫅㫊㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㫀㫅㫊㫌㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㫃㫀㪽㪼 㫀㫅㫊㫌㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫅㪺㪸㫇㪸㪺㫀㫋㫐㩷㫀㫅㫊㫌㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㪦㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩾㫊 㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㪅 㪬㫅㫀㫆㫅 㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪿㫀㫇 㪉㪄㪐㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㩷㫌㫅㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㩷㫆㪽㩷㫌㫅㫀㫆㫅㩷㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪿㫀㫇㩷㪽㫆㫉 㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫅㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㩾㫊㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫀㫋㫋㪼㪼㪅 㪟㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫀㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪸 㪉㪄㪈㪇㪄㪈 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄㪃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㪼㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㫊㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫎㪼㫃㪽㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫊㫇㪼㪺㫋㫊 㪸㫄㫆㫅㪾㩷㪙㫉㫀㫋㫀㫊㪿㩷㩿㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㪀㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㫆㫊㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪖㩷㩿㪠㫊 㪉㪄㪈㪇㪄㪉 㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㩿㫆㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫐㩷㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪀 㪹㪼㪺㫆㫄㪼㫊㩷㫊㫀㪺㫂㪃㩷㫆㫉㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㪺㫃㫀㫅㫀㪺㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼 㪽㫉㪼㪼㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫀㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫆㫉㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫌㫃㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖㪀 㪩㪸㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪼㫏㫇㫆㫊㫌㫉㪼 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫃㩷㪿㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㫊㫀㫄㫀㫃㪸㫉㩷㫋㫆㩷㫌㫅㫀㫍㪼㫉㫊㫀㫋㫐㩷㫋㫌㫋㫆㫉㫊㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫃㩷㪿㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪅㩷㪮㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㫅㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆 㪼㫅㪿㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㩷㩿㪹㫌㪻㪻㫐㩷㫇㪸㫉㫋㫅㪼㫉㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㪀㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫅㪼㫎㫃㫐 㪸㫊㫊㫀㪾㫅㪼㪻㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㪅 㪉㪄㪈㪈㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㫊㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪸㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪼㫏㫇㫆㫊㫌㫉㪼㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪹㪼㫋㫎㪼㪼㫅㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㪖 㪘㫋㩷㫋㪿㫀㫊㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㫃㪼㪻㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㪅 㪉㪄㪈㪉㪄㪉 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫂㫀㫅㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫊㫊㩷㪸㫌㫋㪿㫆㫉㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪾㫀㫍㪼㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻 㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪠㫅㫋㪼㫃㫃㪼㪺㫋㫌㪸㫃 㪟㫆㫎㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫃㫃㪼㪺㫋㫌㪸㫃㩷㫇㫉㫆㫇㪼㫉㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫇㪸㫋㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫅㫍㪼㫅㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㪻 㫇㫉㫆㫇㪼㫉㫋㫐 㪉㪄㪈㪊㪄㪈 㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫋㫌㫊㪖 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪪㪼㫋㫋㫀㫅㪾 㪉㪄㪈㪋㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㪼㪻㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㫊㩷㫊㪼㫋㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㪼㪻 㪸㫉㪼㪸㫊 㪩㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿 㪬㫊㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫃㫀㫍㫀㫅㪾 㪟㫆㫎㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪸㪾㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫆㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㫊㪃㩷㫃㪸㪹㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫃㫃㫆㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆 㪼㫅㫍㫀㫉㫆㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫈㫌㪸㫉㫋㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㫃㪸㪹㫊㪃 㪊㪄㪈㪄㪈 㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪼㫅㪿㪸㫅㪺㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪺㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫊 㪊㪄㪉㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫀㪹㫉㪸㫉㫐㩷㫌㫊㪸㪾㪼㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊㪖 㪚㪸㫅㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫀㪹㫉㪸㫉㫐㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖 㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪸㪾㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫋㫌㫊㪖 㪧㫉㫆㪺㫌㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫆㪽㩷㫃㪸㪹 㪊㪄㪊㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㫌㫉㪼㩷㫃㪸㪹㩷㪼㫈㫌㫀㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪼㫈㫌㫀㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪩㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿 㫇㪸㫇㪼㫉 㫊㫌㪹㫄㫀㫊㫊㫀㫆㫅 㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫎㪼㫃㪽㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫊㫇㪼㪺㫋㫊 㪸㫄㫆㫅㪾㩷㫇㪸㫉㫋㫀㪺㫀㫇㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪧㪸㫉㫋㫀㪼㫊㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㪽㫉㪼㪼㩷㪺㫃㫀㫅㫀㪺㪅 㪉㪄㪈㪇㪄㪊 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㪻㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪠㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪤㪸㫅㫌㪸㫃㫊㪃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫃㫀㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪼㫈㫌㫀㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪃㩷㫄㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫊 㪉㪄㪈㪉㪄㪈 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫋㪸㫂㪼㫅㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫋㪸㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫌㫋㪆㪹㫉㫀㫅㪾㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪬㪪㪙㩷㫄㪼㫄㫆㫉㫐 㫊㫋㫀㪺㫂㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪬㫊㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫃㫀㪹㫉㪸㫉㫐 㪤㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫀㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪸㫉㪼 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪸㩷㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄㪅 㪊㪄㪋㪄㪈 㪧㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪸㩷㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄㩷㩿㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㪹㫌㫊㫀㫅㪼㫊㫊㩷㫋㫉㫀㫇 㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㪀㩷㪸㫇㫇㫃㫐㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪹㫉㫀㫅㪾㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪾㪸㫋㪼 㫌㫇㫆㫅㩷㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪹㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㪽㫋㪼㫉㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾 㪺㪿㪼㪺㫂㪼㪻㪅 㪧㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㫆㪽㪽㫀㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅㫅㫆㫋㩷㪺㫆㫅㫅㪼㪺㫋㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫀㫅㫋㫉㪸㫅㪼㫋㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪾㫌㪼㫊㫋㫊㪅 㪠㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫉㪼㪾㫌㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫃㫃㪼㪺㫋㫌㪸㫃 㫇㫉㫆㫇㪼㫉㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㪘㪾㫉㪼㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪅 㪄 㪥㫆㩷㪻㫀㫊㫋㫀㫅㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪅 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫆㫅㪼㩷㫉㫆㫆㫄㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㪦㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㫃㫀㪹㫉㪸㫉㫐 㩿㫉㪼㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㫉㫆㫆㫄㪀㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫋㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㪅 㪠㫋㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪻㫌㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊㩷㩿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㫃㫐㩷㪐㪑㪇㪇㪄㪈㪉㪑㪇㪇㪃㩷㪈㪊㪑㪊㪇㪄 㪈㪍㪑㪊㪇㪀㪅 㪄 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫊㫌㪹㫄㫀㫋㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㫇㪸㫇㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿 㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㪸㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼㪄㪹㫐㪄㪺㪸㫊㪼㩷㪹㪸㫊㫀㫊㪅 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪘㫋㫋㪼㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾 㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫉㫀㪾㪿㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫆㪹㫃㫀㪾㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫋㫋㪼㫅㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪊㪄㪌㪄㪈 㩿㫉㫀㪾㪿㫋㫊㪃 㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㫆㪹㫃㫀㪾㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪀 - 23 - 㪄 JAEA-Review 2011-016 㪚㫆㫄㫄㫆㫅 㫊㫇㪸㪺㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿 㪸㫊㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾 㫉㫆㫆㫄㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪊㪄㪍㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫆㫅㩷㫊㫇㪸㪺㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㫆㫆㫄㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪹㫌㫀㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㪖 㪩㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿 㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼 㪊㪄㪎㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪣㫆㪻㪾㫀㫅㪾 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪼㫅㫋㪸㫃㫊㩷㫆㫉㩷㫇㫌㫉㪺㪿㪸㫊㫀㫅㪾㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫀㫊 㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㩿㫊㪼㫃㪽㪄 㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫇㫌㫉㪺㪿㪸㫊㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪺㪸㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㩷㪠㪽㩷㫊㫆㪃㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋 㪪㫌㫉㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㪻㪃 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪈 㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪹㫆㫋㪿㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼㫊㪖㩷㩿㪠㫅㫊㫋㪸㫃㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫇㪸㪺㪼㫊㪃㩷㪹㫌㫃㫃㪼㫋㫀㫅 㪼㫅㫍㫀㫉㫆㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㪸㪺㫋㪼㪻㪃 㪹㫆㪸㫉㪻㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㫉㩷㪼㫏㪺㪿㪸㫅㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫄㫆㫅㪾㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㪀 㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㪼㪻㪑㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫊㪸㫄㪼㩷㪸㫇㫇㫃㫀㪼㫊 㪹㪼㫃㫆㫎㪀 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪉 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪊 㪄 㪮㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪽㫀㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㪸㪺㫋㫊㪃㩷㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㫋㫆 㪸㫉㫉㪸㫅㪾㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪾㪸㫊㪅㩷㪧㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫍㫀㫃㫃㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼 㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㩷㪼㫍㪼㫉㫐㩷㪫㫌㪼㫊㪻㪸㫐㩷㫋㫆㩷㫄㪸㫂㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫉㫉㪸㫅㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪅㩷㪮㪼㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪸㩷㫋㫉㪸㪺㫂 㫉㪼㪺㫆㫉㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㫆㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㪈㪃㪉㪇㪇㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫊㫀㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㫌㫉 㪼㫊㫋㪸㪹㫃㫀㫊㪿㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫀㫅㩷㪉㪇㪇㪍㪅 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㩿㪽㫆㫉㩷㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫃㫆㫅㪾㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄㩷㪸㫊㫊㫀㪾㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪀 㫆㫎㫅㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪖㩷㪠㪽㩷㫊㫆㪃 㪥㫆㫅㪼 㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫀㫑㪼㪖 㪠㫅㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪃㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊 㩿㫉㪼㫊㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫀㪸㫃㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㪼㫊㪀㪃㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㫊㩷㩿㫊㫄㪼㫃㫃㪃㩷㫅㫆㫀㫊㪼㪃㩷㪽㫀㫅㪸㫅㪺㫀㪸㫃㪀㩷㫆㪺㪺㫌㫉㩷㪽㫉㪼㫈㫌㪼㫅㫋㫃㫐㪅 㪟㪸㫍㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪹㪼㪼㫅㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㫊㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊 㩿㫉㪼㫊㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫀㪸㫃㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㪼㫊㪀㪖㩷㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪖 㪠㫅㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪃㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫃㫀㫍㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㫆㫉㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㪸㫉㪼㪻㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅 㪮㪼㫊㫋㪼㫉㫅㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪻㫌㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪼㫊㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽 㪸㪺㪺㫆㫄㫇㪸㫅㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㪼㫉㪽㫆㫉㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㩷㪹㪸㫅㫂 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪋 㪸㪺㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㫄㪸㫂㪼㩷㪸㫉㫉㪸㫅㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐㪆㪾㪸㫊㪆㫎㪸㫋㪼㫉㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㫊㫀㫄㫀㫃㪸㫉㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫐㫆㫌㫉㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㪖㩷㪦㫉㪃㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫄㪸㫅㫌㪸㫃㫊㪃 㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫃㫀㫍㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫐㪖 㪚㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩾㫊 㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㩿㫅㫌㫉㫊㪼㫉㫐㪃 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㩿㫅㫌㫉㫊㪼㫉㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪀㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫌㫊㪼㪖㩷㩿㪠㫊㩷㫀㫋 㫂㫀㫅㪻㪼㫉㪾㪸㫉㫋㪼㫅㪃 㪋㪄㪉㪄㪈 㫇㫆㫊㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫃㪸㪺㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㪙㫉㫀㫋㫀㫊㪿㩷㩿㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㪀㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㪖㩷㪛㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽 㪼㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫉㫐 㫊㫇㪼㪸㫂㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㪖㪀 㪸㫅㪻㩷㫁㫌㫅㫀㫆㫉 㪿㫀㪾㪿㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪀 㪚㪸㪽㪼㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㫆㫆㫄㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪹㫌㫀㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㪅㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪻㫉㫀㫅㫂 㫍㪼㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㪸㪺㪿㫀㫅㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪽㫉㪼㪼㩷㫊㫇㪸㪺㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪹㫌㫀㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㪅 㪟㪼㫉㪼㩷㩿㫀㫅㩷㪝㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㪀㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㫊㩷㫉㪼㫃㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫃㫌㫄㪹㫀㫅㪾㪅 㪮㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪽㫀㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㪸㪺㫋㫊㪃㩷㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㫋㫆 㪸㫉㫉㪸㫅㪾㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪾㪸㫊㪅㩷㪧㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫍㫀㫃㫃㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼 㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㩷㪼㫍㪼㫉㫐㩷㪫㫌㪼㫊㪻㪸㫐㩷㫋㫆㩷㫄㪸㪾㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫉㫉㪸㫅㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪅㩷㪮㪼㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪸㩷㫋㫉㪸㪺㫂 㫉㪼㪺㫆㫉㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㫆㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㪈㪃㪉㪇㪇㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫊㫀㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㫌㫉 㪼㫊㫋㪸㪹㫃㫀㫊㪿㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫀㫅㩷㪉㪇㪇㪍㪅 㪫㪿㪼㩷㫅㫌㫉㫊㪼㫉㫐㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫊㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪌㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㫊㩷㫆㫃㪻㩷㩿㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪸㫃㫃㩷㫆㪽 㫋㪿㪼㩷㪎㩷㪧㪸㫉㫋㫀㪼㫊㪀㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪻㫌㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫀㫉㫊㫋㩷㪉㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㫊㪃㩷㫆㫌㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪉㪋㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊㩷㫇㪼㫉 㫎㪼㪼㫂㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫉㪼㪺㪼㫀㫍㪼㩷㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㫅㪸㫋㫀㫍㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪿㪸㫃㪽 㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㪿㪸㫃㪽㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㪅㩷㪝㫉㫆㫄 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㪿㫀㫉㪻㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㪃㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫉㪼㫈㫌㫀㫉㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫉㪼㪺㪼㫀㫍㪼㩷㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫅 㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪉㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊㩷㫆㫉㩷㫄㫆㫉㪼㩷㫇㪼㫉㩷㪻㪸㫐㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫊㫌㪹㫁㪼㪺㫋㪅 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄 㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪃 㪋㪄㪉㪄㪉 㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫌㫊㪼㪖㩷㩿㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄 㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㪙㫉㫀㫋㪸㫀㫅㩷㩿㪝㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㪀㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㪘㫊㫀㪸㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪤㫀㪻㪻㫃㪼㩷㪜㪸㫊㫋㪖㪀 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫅㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㫀㫅㩷㪤㪸㫅㫆㫊㫈㫌㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼 㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㫀㫊㩷㪻㫀㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㫋㫆㩷㪎㩷㫊㪼㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪺㫆㫉㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆 㫋㪿㪼㩷㪎㩷㪧㪸㫉㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫉㫀㫊㪼㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫅㫌㫉㫊㪼㫉㫀㪼㫊 㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㫋㫆㩷㪿㫀㪾㪿㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪅㩷㪜㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㪃 㪞㪼㫉㫄㪸㫅㪃㩷㪠㫋㪸㫃㫀㪸㫅㪃㩷㪪㫇㪸㫅㫀㫊㪿㪃㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪼㫊㪼㪃㩷㪚㪿㫀㫅㪼㫊㪼㪃㩷㪟㫀㫅㪻㫀㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪩㫌㫊㫊㫀㪸㫅 㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㫊㪅㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪮㪼㫃㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㫊㩷㪪㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㪫㫉㪸㫅㫊㫇㫆㫉㫋 㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㩷㫆㫅㩷㪻㪼㫄㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㫊㩷㫎㪼㫃㫃㪅 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫐㩷㩿㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㪺㫃㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅 㪋㪄㪉㪄㪊 㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㫅㪸㫋㫀㫍㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㪃㩷㪿㫀㫊㫋㫆㫉㫐㪆㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㫀㪼㩷㪿㫆㫄㪼㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫐㪀㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫃 㪿㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㩿㫀㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㪻㪸㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪀㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㩿㪝㫆㫉㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫀㪼㫊㪀 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪚㪸㪻㪸㫉㪸㪺㪿㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪘㫀㫏㪄㪼㫅㪄㪧㫉㫆㫍㪼㫅㪺㪼㪅㩷㪚㫆㫌㫉㫊㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪸㫋㩷㫅㫀㪾㪿㫋㩷㫋㫆 㫇㪸㫉㫋㫀㪺㫀㫇㪸㫋㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㪽㫋㪼㫉㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㫃㫀㫄㫀㫋㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㫌㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㫆㪽 㪸㫋㫋㪼㫅㪻㪼㪼㫊㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪽㫉㪼㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪺㪿㪸㫉㪾㪼㩷㫌㫇㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㫀㫅㫀㫄㫌㫄㩷㫃㪼㫍㪼㫃㩷㩿㪚㪈㪀㪅 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫄㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㫅㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪋㪄㪉㪄㪋 㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫋㪸㪹㫆㫆㫊㩷㪸㪾㪸㫀㫅㫊㫋㩷㪺㪼㫉㫋㪸㫀㫅㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㪖㩷㩿㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪖㪀 㪝㫆㫉㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫌㫇㩷㫋㫆㩷㪈㪇㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㫊㩷㫆㫃㪻㩷㩿㫅㫌㫉㫊㪼㫉㫐㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫀㫅 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫆㫎㪼㫉㩷㪾㫉㪸㪻㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪼㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫉㫐㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪀㪃㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㩷㫃㫌㫅㪺㪿㩷㫍㪼㫅㪻㫆㫉㫊 㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪽㫀㪺㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㩷㪸㫊㩷㫅㪼㪼㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㪅㩷㪝㫆㫉㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫀㫅 㪿㫀㪾㪿㪼㫉㩷㪾㫉㪸㪻㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㪹㫆㫍㪼㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪸㪽㪼㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼 㪺㪿㫆㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㪅 㪋㪄㪊㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪸㪽㪼㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㪖 㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㩷㫆㫅㫃㫐㪅 㪛㫆㪼㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪸㪽㪼㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫄㫄㫆㪻㪸㫋㪼㩷㫄㫌㫃㫋㫀㫇㫃㪼㩷㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㫊㪖㩷㩿㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼 㫄㪼㫅㫌㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪤㫌㫊㫃㫀㫄㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫀㪻㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㫍㪼㪾㪼㫋㪸㫉㫀㪸㫅㫊㪖㪀㩷㪪㫀㫄㫀㫃㪸㫉㫃㫐㪃 㪋㪄㪊㪄㪉 㪻㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫊㫋㫆㫉㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㫊㪿㫆㫇㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㫀㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫄㫆㪻㪸㫋㪼 㪥㫆㫅㪼㩷㩿㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫂㫅㫆㫎㫃㪼㪻㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫊㫊㫀㪾㫅㪼㪼㫊㪀 㫄㫌㫃㫋㫀㫇㫃㪼㩷㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㫃㫀㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖㩷㩿㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫄㪼㫉㪺㪿㪸㫅㪻㫀㫊㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪤㫌㫊㫃㫀㫄㫊㪃 㪡㪼㫎㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㪀 㪮㪼㫃㪽㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫉㪼㪺㫉㪼㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫐㫇㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫎㪼㫃㪽㪸㫉㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪖 㪋㪄㪋㪄㪈 㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪹㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫋㫌㫊㪖 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪖 㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫆㫊㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪚㪜㪘㪆㪚㪸㪻㪸㫉㪸㪺㪿㪼㩷㫊㫇㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪅 㪫㪿㪼㩷㪮㪼㫃㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㩷㪺㫆㫃㫃㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐 㪭㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㫅㩷㪺㫃㫆㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻 㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㫌㪹㫃㫀㫊㪿㪼㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪿㫆㫄㪼㫇㪸㪾㪼㪅㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㫀㫅㫀㫄㫌㫄 㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪋㪄㪌㪄㪈 㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼 㫅㪼㪺㪼㫊㫊㪸㫉㫐㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㩿㫇㫆㫃㫀㪺㪼㪃㩷㪿㫆㫊㫇㫀㫋㪸㫃㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪀㪃㩷㫀㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫊㫌㫄㫄㪸㫉㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅 㫆㪽㪽㪼㫉㫊 㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪖 㫎㫉㫀㫋㫋㪼㫅㩷㪽㫆㫉㫄㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㪼㫎㩷㪸㫊㫊㫀㪾㫅㪼㪼㫊㪅 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㫅㩷㪼㫍㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪋㪄㪌㪄㪉 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪖 - 24 - 㪛㫌㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫆㫉㫀㪼㫅㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㫎㪼㩷㪸㫊㫂㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪸㫀㫃㩷㪸㪻㪻㫉㪼㫊㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿 㫇㪸㫉㫋㫀㪺㫀㫇㪸㫅㫋㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㫅㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪼㫍㪼㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪸㫀㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷㫃㫀㫊㫋㪅 JAEA-Review 2011-016 㪋㪄㪌㪄㪊 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㫌㫉㫀㫊㫋㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪙㪼㫊㫀㪻㪼㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㫅㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㫎㪼㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼 㫆㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪼㪻㩷㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㫋㫉㫀㫇㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪍㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㪚㪸㪻㪸㫉㪸㪺㪿㪼㩷㪸㫊㩷㪸 㪚㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪸㫃㩷㪧㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫄㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪉㪇㪇㪎㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㩷㫋㫆㫋㪸㫃㩷㫆㪽㩷㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㪋㪉㪇㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼 㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫇㪸㫉㫋㫀㪺㫀㫇㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪈㪏㩷㫋㫉㫀㫇㫊㩷㫊㫆㩷㪽㪸㫉㪅 㪋㪄㪌㪄㪋 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫀㪼㫊㪅 㪋㪄㪍㪄㪈 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㪼㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㪼㪻㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫆㪺㪺㫌㫉㪖㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋 㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㩷㫀㫊㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㩿㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉 㪹㫉㫆㪸㪻㪺㪸㫊㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫉㪼㫄㫀㫊㪼㫊㪀㪖㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪾㫆㫍㪼㫉㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋㪖 㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㪼㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪅 㪋㪄㪍㪄㪉 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㫋㪼㫉㫉㫆㫉㫀㫊㫄㩷㫆㫉㩷㫃㪸㫉㪾㪼㪄 㫊㪺㪸㫃㪼㩷㪻㫀㫊㪸㫊㫋㪼㫉㫊㩷㫆㪺㪺㫌㫉㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㪖 㪧㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㪼㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪅 㪌㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㪼㪽㪽㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㪺㫆㫃㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㪼㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺 㫉㪼㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㪼㫉㫀㫆㪻㫀㪺㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪛㫀㫉㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㪄㪞㪼㫅㪼㫉㪸㫃㩷㫆㫉㩷㪿㫀㫊 㫉㪼㫇㫉㪼㫊㪼㫅㫋㪸㫋㫀㫍㪼㩷㫇㪸㫉㫋㫀㪺㫀㫇㪸㫋㪼㫊㪅㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㪣㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪠㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪚㫆㫄㫄㫀㫊㫊㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㫍㪼㫉㫐㩷㪸㫋㫆㫄㫀㪺㩷㪼㫅㪼㫉㪾㫐㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫀㫅㩷㪝㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㪧㫉㫆㫁㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫉㪼㫊㪼㫅㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㪸㫊㩷㫎㪼㫃㫃㪅 㪌㪄㪉 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫊㫊㫀㫄㫀㫃㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㫋㫆 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪖㩷㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㫆㫃㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㫋㫆㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㫆㫉㩷㫆㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㫌㫅㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪼㫏㪺㪿㪸㫅㪾㪼㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㩿㫆㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㪼㫏㪺㪿㪸㫅㪾㪼㩷㪸㫊㫊㫆㪺㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪀㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼 㪸㫅㫐㩷㪼㫍㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩾㫊㩷㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊 㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㫆㫉㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪼㫍㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫎㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅 㫀㫅㫋㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㫊㪖 㪠㫋㩷㪸㫇㫇㪼㪸㫉㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㪚㪸㪻㪸㫉㪸㪺㪿㪼㩷㩿㪘㫀㫏㪄㪼㫅㪄㪧㫉㫆㫍㪼㫅㪺㪼㪃 㪤㪸㫅㫆㫊㫈㫌㪼㪀㩷㫎㪼㫉㪼㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫋㫆㫃㪼㫉㪸㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪽㫆㫉㪼㫀㪾㫅㪼㫉㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫎㪸㫐㩷㫋㫆㩷㪹㪼㪾㫀㫅 㫎㫀㫋㪿㪃㩷㪹㫌㫋㩷㫀㫅㩷㫉㪼㪺㪼㫅㫋㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㫊㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫅㫍㫀㫉㫆㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪿㪸㫊㩷㪾㫉㪸㪻㫌㪸㫃㫃㫐㩷㪹㪼㪺㫆㫄㪼 㪼㪸㫊㫀㪼㫉㩷㫋㫆㩷㪸㫊㫊㫀㫄㫀㫃㪸㫋㪼㩷㫀㫅㫋㫆㩷㪹㫐㩷㪺㪸㫉㫉㫐㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫌㫋㩷㪸㪺㫋㫀㫍㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫉㫆㫄㫆㫋㪼 㫌㫅㪻㪼㫉㫊㫋㪸㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾㪅㩷㪘㫃㫆㫅㪾㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪿㫆㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㫊㪿㫆㫇㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫊㪼㫄㫀㫅㪸㫉㫊㩷㫆㫅 㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫋㫆㩷㪻㪼㪼㫇㪼㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫏㪺㪿㪸㫅㪾㪼㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪠㪦㩷㫎㫆㫌㫃㪻㩷㫃㫀㫂㪼 㫋㫆㩷㪼㫏㫇㪸㫅㪻㩷㫆㫌㫉㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫀㫄㩷㫆㪽㩷㪿㪸㫍㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㫊㪼㫋㫋㫃㪼 㪻㫆㫎㫅㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㪅㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪼㪸㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㪼㪼㫊㩷㪸㫋 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㪺㫆㫃㫃㪼㪾㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫄㫇㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪼㪻㪅 㪦㫇㪼㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫇㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺 㪍㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪼㪽㪽㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫄㫇㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪾㪸㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫅㪻㪼㫉㫊㫋㪸㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㪺㫋㫀㫍㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺㪖 㪧㪼㫉㫀㫆㪻㫀㪺㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪿㪼㫃㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪚㪸㪻㪸㫉㪸㪺㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫊㫌㫉㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪚㪸㪻㪸㫉㪸㪺㪿㪼㪃㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪻㫆㫅㪼 㪹㫐㩷㫀㫅㫍㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫍㫀㫃㫃㪸㪾㪼㩷㫄㪸㫐㫆㫉㪅 㪤㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㫊㩷㫋㫆 㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿 㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫀㫅㫊㫇㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㫊 㪎㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㩷㫀㫊㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫅㫊㫇㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㫊㪖 㪫㪿㪼㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㪦㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩾㫊㩷㪧㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺㩷㪩㪼㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪠㪫㪜㪩㩷㪝㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼 㪸㪺㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㪸㪺㫋㩷㫇㫆㫀㫅㫋㫊㪅 㪜㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐 㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪃 㫇㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺 㫉㪼㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 - 25 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 㪘㫇㫇㪼㫅㪻㫀㫏㪊㩷㩷㪣㫀㫊㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪪㫌㫉㫍㪼㫐㩷㪠㫋㪼㫄㫊㩿㪩㪘㪣㪀 㪤㪸㫁㫆㫉 㪺㪸㫋㪼㪾㫆㫉㫐 㪤㫀㫅㫆㫉 㪺㪸㫋㪼㪾㫆㫉㫐 㪚㫆㫅㫋㫀㫅㫌㫆㫌㫊 㪠㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃 㫀㫅㫍㪼㫊㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㪼㪾㫐 㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㪼㪾㫐 㪬㫋㫀㫃㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽 㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃 㪺㫆㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃 㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪘㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㪆 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㩿㪧㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㫅㪼㫃㪃 㪚㫆㫄㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅 㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽 㫊㪸㪽㪼㫋㫐㪃 㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃 㫊㪼㪺㫌㫉㫀㫋㫐㪀 㪫㫐㫇㪼㩷㫆㪽 㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻 㪘㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾 㫆㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪥㫆㪅 㪠㫋㪼㫄 㪩㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼㩷㪼㫅㫋㫉㫐 㪈㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪸㪺㫋㫀㫍㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫀㫅㫌㫆㫌㫊㩷㫀㫅㫍㪼㫊㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㪼㪾㫐㩷㩿㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫌㫇㪾㫉㪸㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪽㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃 㪺㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫅㪼㫎㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪀㩷㪸㫊㩷㪸㩷㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㪼㪾㫐㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㫅㪿㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫍㪸㫃㫌㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪖 㪈㪄㪉 㪠㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅㪻㫀㫊㫇㪼㫅㫊㪸㪹㫃㪼㪅㩷㪠㫅㩷㪽㪸㪺㫋㪃㩷㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㪿㪸㫃㪽 㪘㫊㩷㪸㩷㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㪼㪾㫐㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㫅㪿㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫍㪸㫃㫌㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿 㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫏㫇㪼㫅㫊㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪪㪼㪺㫆㫅㪻㩷㪫㪸㫉㪾㪼㫋㩷㪪㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪽㫌㫅㪻㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫇㫃㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪼㪽㪽㪼㪺㫋㫀㫍㪼㩷㫌㫋㫀㫃㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽 㪺㫆㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪄㩷㪪㫇㪸㫀㫅㪃㩷㪠㫋㪸㫃㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪥㪼㫋㪿㪼㫉㫃㪸㫅㪻㫊㪅 㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫊㩷㪸㩷㫄㪼㪸㫅㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫄㪸㫀㫅㫋㪸㫀㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫄㫇㫉㫆㫍㪼 㪦㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㪺㫆㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪹㫐㩷㪘㫌㫊㫋㫉㪸㫃㫀㪸㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫇㫉㪼㫊㪼㫅㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫊㫂㫀㫃㫃㫊㪖 㪬㪅㪪㪅㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪉㪄㪈㪄㪈 㪛㪼㫇㪼㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫅㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㫇㪼㫉㫀㫆㪻㫊㪃㩷㫊㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋㫀㫋㫀㪺㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㪖 㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㪹㫆㪻㫐㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪤㫀㪻㪻㫃㪼 㩿㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㩷㫆㪽㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊 㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㫋㪿㫆㫊㪼㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪜㪬㩷㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪬㪅㪪㪅㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㪘㫊㫀㪸㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪜㪸㫊㫋㪅 㪤㫀㪻㪻㫃㪼㩷㪜㪸㫊㫋㪖㪀 㪩㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㫌㫅㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㪸㪹㫆㫌㫋㩷㪉㪇㪇㩷㫄㫀㫃㫃㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫆㫌㫅㪻㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪪㪼㪺㫆㫅㪻㩷㪫㪸㫉㪾㪼㫋㩷㪪㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫎㪿㫀㪺㪿㩷㫀㫊㩷㫌㫅㪻㪼㫉㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊 㪽㫀㫅㪸㫅㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪬㪢㩷㪾㫆㫍㪼㫉㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄 㪪㫇㪸㫀㫅㪃㩷㪠㫋㪸㫃㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪥㪼㫋㪿㪼㫉㫃㪸㫅㪻㫊㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㪸㩷㫅㪼㫎 㫀㫅㫍㪼㫊㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㪼㪾㫐㪅㩷㪚㫉㪼㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫀㫊㫋㪼㫅㫋㩷㫀㫅㫍㪼㫊㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫊㫋㫉㪸㫋㪼㪾㫐㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫉㪼㫅㪼㫎㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫈㫌㫀㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫀㫅㩷㪈㩷㫋㫆㩷㪉㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㫊㩷㪸㫃㫆㫅㪾㩷㪸 㫇㫃㪸㫅㩷㫀㫅㩷㫃㫀㫅㪼㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㪸㫅㪾㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㫊㪺㫀㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㫃㪼㪸㪻㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫆㫌㫉㩷㫊㫌㪺㪺㪼㫊㫊㪅 㪡㪘㪜㪘㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫀㪼㫊㪆㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊 㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㩷㪸㫊㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫇㫉㫆㪽㪼㫊㫊㫆㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㪼㪼㫊㪃㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㪻㪻㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪭㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㩷㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㪹㫐㩷㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫊㪅㩷㪝㫆㫉㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫇㫃㪼㪃 㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㪅㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫂㫀㫅㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㪻㫆㩷㫐㫆㫌㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪸㫋㩷㫐㫆㫌㫉 㪉㪄㪉㪄㪈 㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄 㪚㪸㫅㪸㪻㪸㩷㪿㪸㫊㩷㪸㩷㪉㩷㫄㫆㫅㫋㪿㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㪃㩷㪠㫊㫉㪸㪼㫃㩷㪿㪸㫊㩷㪸㩷㫆㫅㪼㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉 㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㫊㪼㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㪃㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㪻㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㪸㫉㪼㪻㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㫆㫊㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉 㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪜㪬㪖 㪉㪄㪉㪄㪉 㪮㪿㪼㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪽㫆㫉㪼㫀㪾㫅㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㫊㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫉㪼㫃㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫅㫌㪺㫃㪼㪸㫉㩷㫀㫊㫊㫌㪼㫊 㪸㫅㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪸㫉㪼 㪸㫉㪼㩷㫊㪼㫋㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪺㫀㫉㪺㫌㫄㫊㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㫊㪅㩷㪮㪿㪼㫅㩷㫎㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㩷㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋 㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫅㫆㫅㪄㪥㪧㪫㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫌㫅㪻㪼㫉㩷㪬㪥㩷㫊㪸㫅㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪃 㫋㪼㫉㫄㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㪼㫉㫋㪸㫀㫅㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪸㫇㫇㫉㫆㫍㪸㫃㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪻㫀㫇㫃㫆㫄㪸㫋㫀㪺㩷㪸㫌㫋㪿㫆㫉㫀㫋㫐㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㪼㪺㪼㫊㫊㪸㫉㫐㪅 㪉㪄㪊㪄㪈 㪮㪼㩷㪿㪼㪸㫉㪻㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻 㪋㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㩷㪹㫌㪻㪾㪼㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫌㫅㫂㫅㫆㫎㫅㪅 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㪅㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫂㫀㫅㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪻㫆㪼㫊㩷㫀㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫋㫊 㫊㫀㫑㪼㩷㩿㫅㫌㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㪃㩷㪸㫅㫅㫌㪸㫃㩷㪹㫌㪻㪾㪼㫋㪀㪖 㪉㪄㪊㪄㪉 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫀㫊㫊㫌㪼㫊㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㫋㫆㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋 㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪽㫆㫉㪼㫀㪾㫅㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪖 㪟㫆㫎㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫉㪼㫈㫌㪼㫊㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫊㫊㫌㪼㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫍㪼㫐㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫉㪾㪸㫅㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㪼㪻㪖㩷㩿㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪻㫀㫊㪺㫌㫊㫊㪼㪻㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿 㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㪽㫃㪼㪺㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊 㪸㪽㫋㪼㫉㫎㪸㫉㪻㫊㪖㪀 㪛㫌㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㪻㫆㪼㫊㩷㫀㫋㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪼㫏㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫃㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㩿㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㩷㫍㫀㫊㪸㫊㪀㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㪽㩷㫊㫆㪃㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪸㪺㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫊㩷㪸㫅㩷㪸㪾㪼㫅㫋㪖㩷㪮㪿㪼㫅㩷㫍㫀㫊㪸㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫐㩷㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪉㪄㪊㪄㪋 㫆㪽㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪙㫉㫀㫋㪸㫀㫅㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㩿㫆㫌㫋㫊㫀㪻㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪜㪬㪀㩷㪸㫉㪼 㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㩿㫋㫆㩷㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㩷㫉㪼㫊㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㩷㫊㫋㪸㫋㫌㫊㪀㪃㩷㪻㫆㪼㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐 㪹㪼㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㫆㫉㪖㩷㪦㫉㪃㩷㪻㫆㩷㫀㫅㪻㫀㫍㫀㪻㫌㪸㫃㫊㩷㪹㪼㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㫆㫉㫊㩷㫆㫌㫋㩷㫆㪽 㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪾㫆㫆㪻㫎㫀㫃㫃㪖 㪉㪄㪊㪄㪊 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㪅㩷㪠㫅㩷㫉㪸㫉㪼㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼㫊㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㫀㪺㫌㫃㫋 㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㪃㩷㫀㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫉㪼㫊㫆㫃㫍㪼㪻㩷㫈㫌㫀㪺㫂㫃㫐㪅 㪄 㪘㩷㪻㫆㪺㫌㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫊㫊㫌㪼㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫊㪼㫅㫋㩷㫋㫆 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㪅㩷㪩㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫐㪃 㫉㪼㫈㫌㫀㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪹㫐㩷㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㫀㫋㫐㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㪻㫆㫅㪼㩷㫆㫅㩷㪸 㪺㪸㫊㪼㪄㪹㫐㪄㪺㪸㫊㪼㩷㪹㪸㫊㫀㫊㪅 㪘㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾 㫄㪸㫅㫌㪸㫃 㪻㫆㪺㫌㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪉㪄㪋㪄㪈 㪦㫉㫀㪼㫅㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪪㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫁㫆㪹㩷㫊㫀㫋㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪸㫌㪾㪿㫋㩷㪹㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷㫄㪸㫋㫋㪼㫉㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫆㫉㫀㪼㫅㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪿㫆㫎㩷㫄㪸㫅㫐㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊 㪸㫊㩷㪿㫆㫎㩷㫋㫆㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪽㫀㫉㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪠㪽㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫐㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫄㫆㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㪊 㪉㪄㪌㪄㪈 㪻㫆㪼㫊㩷㫀㫋㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㪖㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㫌㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㪼㩷㫋㪿㫀㫊㩷㫋㪸㫊㫂㪖 㫄㫆㫅㫋㪿㫊㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪸㫋㫋㪼㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㪸㫄㪼㩷㫊㪸㪽㪼㫋㫐㩷㫊㪼㫄㫀㫅㪸㫉㩷㪸㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉 㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫅㫌㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㫆㪽㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㪖 㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㪅 㪪㪸㪽㪼㫋㫐 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪉㪄㪍㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㪸㪽㪼㫋㫐㩷㫊㪼㫄㫀㫅㪸㫉㫊㩷㩿㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫉㪸㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷㫊㪸㪽㪼㫋㫐 㪫㪿㪼㫐㩷㫎㪼㪸㫉㩷㪸㩷㫉㪸㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪹㪸㪻㪾㪼㪅㩷㪪㪸㪽㪼㫋㫐㩷㫀㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫆㫊㫋㪼㪻 㫊㪼㫄㫀㫅㪸㫉㫊㪀㩷㪾㫀㫍㪼㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪆㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖 㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪿㫆㫄㪼㫇㪸㪾㪼㪅 㪩㫀㪾㪿㫋㫊㪃 㫆㪹㫃㫀㪾㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊 㪉㪄㪎㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫉㫀㪾㪿㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫆㪹㫃㫀㪾㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪻㪼㫇㪼㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫅 㪧㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪸㫅㩷㫆㪹㫃㫀㪾㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㪸㫐㩷㫀㫅㪺㫆㫄㪼㩷㫋㪸㫏㪅 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫋㫌㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㪖㩷㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㫎㫉㫀㫋㫋㪼㫅㩷㪽㫆㫉㫄㪖 㪭㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊 㫀㫅㫊㫌㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼 㪉㪄㪏㪄㪈 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㩾㩷㪸㪺㪺㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㩷㫀㫅㫊㫌㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫃㫀㪸㪹㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫀㫅㫊㫌㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㪼㪻 㪫㪿㪼㫐㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫌㫉㪺㪿㪸㫊㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㪃㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㪹㫐㩷㪩㪘㪣㪅 㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㪸㪺㫋㩷㪺㫃㪸㫌㫊㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪖 㪬㫅㫀㫆㫅 㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪿㫀㫇 㪉㪄㪐㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㩷㫌㫅㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㩷㫆㪽㩷㫌㫅㫀㫆㫅 㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪿㫀㫇㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪮㪼㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪽㫀㪺㩷㫇㫉㫀㫅㫋㪼㪻㩷㫄㪸㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㫃㪅㩷㪠㪽㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㩷㫆㫉 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪸㫅㫌㪸㫃㩷㪻㫆㪺㫌㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫋㫆㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㫊㫋㪸㫋㫌㫊 㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫈㫌㪼㫊㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫆㫉㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㫊㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㪸㪺㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪬㫊㪼㫉㫊 㫄㪸㫀㫅㫋㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㫇㫉㫆㫇㪼㫉㫃㫐㪖 㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㩷㪻㫀㫉㪼㪺㫋㫃㫐㪅 - 26 - 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㪃㩷㪹㫌㫋㩷㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪿㫀㫇㩷㫀㫊㩷㫆㫅㫃㫐㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㪅 JAEA-Review 2011-016 㪟㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫀㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼 㪉㪄㪈㪇㪄㪈 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪸㩷㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄㪃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㪼㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㫊㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫎㪼㫃㪽㪸㫉㪼 㪸㫊㫇㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㪸㫄㫆㫅㪾㩷㪙㫉㫀㫋㫀㫊㪿㩷㩿㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㪀㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㫆㫊㪼㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄 㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪖㩷㩿㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪉㪄㪈㪇㪄㪉 㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㩷㩿㫆㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫐㩷㫄㪼㫄㪹㪼㫉㫊㪀㩷㪹㪼㪺㫆㫄㪼㫊㩷㫊㫀㪺㫂㪃㩷㫆㫉㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐 㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㪺㫃㫀㫅㫀㪺㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㪽㫉㪼㪼㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃 㪼㫏㪸㫄㫀㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫆㫉㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫌㫃㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖㪀 㪉㪄㪈㪇㪄㪊 㪩㪸㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪼㫏㫇㫆㫊㫌㫉㪼 㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㪃㩷㪹㫌㫋㩷㫅㫆㫉㫄㪸㫃㫃㫐㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫐㩷㫄㫌㫊㫋㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㩷㪸㩷㪽㫌㫃㫃㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪼㫏㪸㫄㫀㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫌㫇㫆㫅 㪼㫅㫋㫉㫐㪅 㪙㫉㫀㫋㫀㫊㪿㩷㪺㫀㫋㫀㫑㪼㫅㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫉㪼㪺㪼㫀㫍㪼㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫎㪼㫃㪽㪸㫉㪼㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㫊㪃 㪹㫌㫋㩷㫎㪼㩷㪻㫆㫅㩾㫋㩷㫋㪿㫀㫅㫂㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪺㫆㫅㪻㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪽㫆㫉㪼㫀㪾㫅㪼㫉㫊㩷㫆㫌㫋㫊㫀㪻㪼㩷㫆㪽 㫋㪿㪼㩷㪜㪬㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㪸㫄㪼㩷㪸㫊㩷㫋㪿㫆㫊㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪙㫉㫀㫋㫀㫊㪿㩷㪺㫀㫋㫀㫑㪼㫅㫊㪅㩷㪝㫆㫉 㪼㫏㪸㫄㫇㫃㪼㪃㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫉㪼㪺㪼㫀㫍㪼㩷㪼㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㩿㪽㫉㪼㪼㩷㫆㪽 㪺㪿㪸㫉㪾㪼㪀㪃㩷㪹㫌㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㫎㫀㫃㫃㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㪸㪹㫃㫐㩷㪹㪼㩷㪺㪿㪸㫉㪾㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫊㫌㪹㫊㪼㫈㫌㪼㫅㫋㩷㫋㫉㪼㪸㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪽㪼㪼㪅 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫊㪼㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷㫊㪼㫉㫍㫀㪺㪼㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㪃㩷㪹㫌㫋 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫃㩷㪿㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼 㫅㫆㫋㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㪅㩷㪠㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫃㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㫊㩷㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㫊㫀㫄㫀㫃㪸㫉㩷㫋㫆㩷㫌㫅㫀㫍㪼㫉㫊㫀㫋㫐㩷㫋㫌㫋㫆㫉㫊㪖 㫎㫆㫉㫂㫇㫃㪸㪺㪼㪃㩷㫎㪼㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫅㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㪅 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㫊㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪸㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪼㫏㫇㫆㫊㫌㫉㪼 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㩿㫉㪸㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪀㩷㫃㫀㫄㫀㫋㩷㪹㪼㫋㫎㪼㪼㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽 㪉㪄㪈㪈㪄㪈 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪹㪼㫋㫎㪼㪼㫅㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪸㫅㪻㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㪅 㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㪖 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㪻㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻 㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪠㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪉㪄㪈㪉㪄㪈 㪤㪸㫅㫌㪸㫃㫊㪃㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫃㫀㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪼㫈㫌㫀㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪃 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫄㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㫅㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫋㪸㫂㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫌㫋㪆㪹㫉㫀㫅㪾㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪬㪪㪙㩷㫄㪼㫄㫆㫉㫐㩷㫊㫋㫀㪺㫂㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪉㪄㪈㪉㪄㪉 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫂㫀㫅㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫊㫊㩷㪸㫌㫋㪿㫆㫉㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫀㫊㩷㪾㫀㫍㪼㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㪿㫌㪾㪼㩷㫍㫆㫃㫌㫄㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪼㫃㫀㫅㪼㫊㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫎㪿㫆㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫊㫊㩷㪸㫌㫋㪿㫆㫉㫀㫑㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫄㫌㫊㫋㩷㫉㪼㪸㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㪅 㪥㫆㩷㪻㫀㫊㫋㫀㫅㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻 㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪅 㪠㫅㫋㪼㫃㫃㪼㪺㫋㫌㪸㫃 㪟㫆㫎㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫃㫃㪼㪺㫋㫌㪸㫃㩷㫇㫉㫆㫇㪼㫉㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫇㪸㫋㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫀㫅㫍㪼㫅㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊 㫇㫉㫆㫇㪼㫉㫋㫐 㪉㪄㪈㪊㪄㪈 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㪻㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫄㪸㫐㩷㪹㪼㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼㫊㩷㫎㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫋㫉㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐 㫀㫅㫋㪼㫃㫃㪼㪺㫋㫌㪸㫃㩷㫇㫉㫆㫇㪼㫉㫋㫐㩷㪺㫃㪸㫌㫊㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫀㫅㪻㫀㫍㫀㪻㫌㪸㫃㩷㫇㫉㫆㫁㪼㪺㫋㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㪸㪺㫋㫊㪅 㪧㪸㫋㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫃㫀㫄㫀㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪸㩷㫇㪼㫉㫀㫆㪻㩷㫆㪽㩷㪋㩷㫐㪼㪸㫉㫊㪅 㪪㪼㫋㫋㫀㫅㪾 㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㪼㪻 㪸㫉㪼㪸㫊 㪬㫊㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫃㫀㫍㫀㫅㪾 㪩㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿 㫈㫌㪸㫉㫋㪼㫉㫊㪃 㪼㫅㫍㫀㫉㫆㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋 㫃㪸㪹㫊㪃 㪼㫅㪿㪸㫅㪺㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪺㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫊 㪬㫊㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫃㫀㪹㫉㪸㫉㫐 㪉㪄㪈㪋㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㪼㪻㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㫊㩷㫊㪼㫋㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻 㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪥㫆㫅㪼㪅 㪊㪄㪈㪄㪈 㪟㫆㫎㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪸㪾㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫆㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㫊㪃㩷㫃㪸㪹㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㫃㫃㫆㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻 㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪮㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㫉㫐㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪸㫃㫃㫆㪺㪸㫋㪼㩷㫆㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫐㩷㪺㪸㫅 㪸㪺㪺㪼㫊㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫌㫋㪼㫉㫊㪅 㪊㪄㪉㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫀㪹㫉㪸㫉㫐㩷㫌㫊㪸㪾㪼㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊㪖 㪚㪸㫅㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫀㪹㫉㪸㫉㫐㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼 㪠㫋㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㫊㩷㪸㫋㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㪸㫄㪼㩷㫋㫀㫄㪼㩷㪸㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫉㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㪸㫅 㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㪹㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪸㪽㫋㪼㫉㩷㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷㪿㫆㫌㫉㫊㪅㩷㪭㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫀㫋㪅 㪸㫅㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫋㫉㫀㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖 㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪸㪾㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㫋㫌㫊㪖 㪧㫉㫆㪺㫌㫉㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㫌㫉㪼㩷㫃㪸㪹㩷㪼㫈㫌㫀㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫆㪽㩷㫃㪸㪹 㪊㪄㪊㪄㪈 㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪼㫈㫌㫀㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪫㪿㪼㩷㫊㪺㫀㪼㫅㫋㫀㫊㫋㫊㩷㫉㪼㫍㫀㪼㫎㩷㫀㫋㩷㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫇㫆㫊㪸㫃㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㪅㩷㪠㫋㩷㫀㫊 㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㫇㫆㫊㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㪹㫉㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㫈㫌㫀㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪹㫐㩷㪾㫆㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㪸㩷㫊㪸㪽㪼㫋㫐 㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㪅 㪩㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿 㫇㪸㫇㪼㫉 㫊㫌㪹㫄㫀㫊㫊㫀㫆㫅 㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼 㪊㪄㪋㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫊㫌㪹㫄㫀㫋㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㫇㪸㫇㪼㫉㫊㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾 㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪄 㪘㫋㫋㪼㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾 㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㫊㪃 㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㩿㫉㫀㪾㪿㫋㫊㪃 㫆㪹㫃㫀㪾㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪀 㪊㪄㪌㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫉㫀㪾㪿㫋㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫆㪹㫃㫀㪾㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪸㫋㫋㪼㫅㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫆㪽 㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪄 㪚㫆㫄㫄㫆㫅 㫊㫇㪸㪺㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿 㪸㫊㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾 㫉㫆㫆㫄㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪊㪄㪍㪄㪈 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫆㫅㩷㫊㫇㪸㪺㪼㫊㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㫆㫆㫄㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪹㫌㫀㫃㪻㫀㫅㪾㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪈㪌㩷㫄㪼㪼㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㫆㫆㫄㫊㪃㩷㪸㫊㩷㫎㪼㫃㫃㩷㪸㫊㩷㪸㩷㪺㫆㪽㪽㪼㪼㩷㫉㫆㫆㫄㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪩㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿 㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼 㪊㪄㪎㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅 㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫆㫅㪖 㪫㪿㪼㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㫊㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㪅 㪣㫆㪻㪾㫀㫅㪾 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㫉㪼㫅㫋㪸㫃㫊㩷㫆㫉 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪃 㫇㫌㫉㪺㪿㪸㫊㫀㫅㪾㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾 㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㩿㫊㪼㫃㪽㪄 㫇㫌㫉㪺㪿㪸㫊㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㪺㪸㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㩷㪠㪽㩷㫊㫆㪃㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪹㫆㫋㪿 㪪㫌㫉㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾 㫄㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㪻㪃 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪈 㪺㪸㫊㪼㫊㪖㩷㩿㪠㫅㫊㫋㪸㫃㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫇㪸㪺㪼㫊㪃㩷㪹㫌㫃㫃㪼㫋㫀㫅㩷㪹㫆㪸㫉㪻㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪽㫆㫉 㪼㫅㫍㫀㫉㫆㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㪸㪺㫋㪼㪻㪃 㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㫉㩷㪼㫏㪺㪿㪸㫅㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪸㫄㫆㫅㪾㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㪀 㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㪼㪻㪑㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫊㪸㫄㪼㩷㪸㫇㫇㫃㫀㪼㫊 㪹㪼㫃㫆㫎㪀 - 27 - 㪮㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㪻㪼㫇㪼㫅㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫀㫉㪺㫌㫄㫊㫋㪸㫅㪺㪼㫊㪃㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿 㪸㫊㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㪼㫉㫊㫆㫅㩷㪿㪸㫊㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㪼㪻㩷㪸㩷㪹㪸㫅㫂㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼 㫀㫊㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㪸㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㩷㫎㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫎㪼㩷㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪸㫅㩷㪸㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫊㫌㪹㫃㪼㫋㩷㫀㫋㪅 㪮㪼㩷㪻㫆㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㫉㫆㫌㪾㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪼㫋㪅㩷㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊 㫅㫆㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫆㫅㩷㪺㪸㫉㫊㪅 JAEA-Review 2011-016 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪉 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㩿㪽㫆㫉㩷㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫃㫆㫅㪾㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄 㪸㫊㫊㫀㪾㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㪀㩷㫆㫎㫅㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㪖㩷㪠㪽㩷㫊㫆㪃㩷㫎㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫀㫑㪼㪖 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪍㪇㩷㫉㫆㫆㫄㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㫋㪼㫉㫄㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㪅㩷㪮㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㫅㩷㫋㫆 㫀㫅㪺㫉㪼㪸㫊㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫆㫋㪸㫃㩷㫅㫌㫄㪹㪼㫉㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㫆㫆㫄㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫌㫇㩷㫋㫆㩷㪈㪉㪇㪅 㪠㫅㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪃㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㩿㫉㪼㫊㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫀㪸㫃㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㪼㫊㪀㪃㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㫊㩷㩿㫊㫄㪼㫃㫃㪃㩷㫅㫆㫀㫊㪼㪃㩷㪽㫀㫅㪸㫅㪺㫀㪸㫃㪀 㪫㪿㪼㩷㫇㫆㫃㫀㪺㪼㩷㫎㫀㫃㫃㩷㫇㫆㪹㪸㪹㫃㫐㩷㪹㪼㩷㪺㪸㫃㫃㪼㪻㩷㫀㪽㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㪸㪺㫋㫌㪸㫃㩷㫆㪹㫃㫀㪾㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪊 㫆㪺㪺㫌㫉㩷㪽㫉㪼㫈㫌㪼㫅㫋㫃㫐㪅㩷㪟㪸㫍㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪹㪼㪼㫅㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㫊㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅 㪸㫉㪼㩷㫍㫀㫆㫃㪸㫋㪼㪻㪅 㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫉㪼㫅㫋㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㩿㫉㪼㫊㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫀㪸㫃㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㪼㫊㪀㪖㩷㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼 㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪖 㪠㫅㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪃㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫃㫀㫍㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫄㫆㫉㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫇㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻 㪺㫆㫄㫇㪸㫉㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪮㪼㫊㫋㪼㫉㫅㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪻㫌㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪻㫀㪽㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㫀㫅 㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪡㪸㫇㪸㫅㪼㫊㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫄㫇㪸㫅㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㫋㫆 㪪㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㪹㫃㪼㫄㫊㪅㩷㪩㪼㪺㪼㫅㫋㫃㫐㪃 㫇㪼㫉㪽㫆㫉㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㪺㪼㪻㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㩷㪹㪸㫅㫂㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㫄㪸㫂㪼 㪹㪸㫅㫂㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㫆㫇㪼㫅㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫇㫉㪼㫊㪼㫅㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㩷㫇㪸㫊㫊㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫆㫉 㪋㪄㪈㪄㪋 㪸㫉㫉㪸㫅㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫉㫀㪺㫀㫋㫐㪆㪾㪸㫊㪆㫎㪸㫋㪼㫉㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫀㫄㫀㫃㪸㫉 㫀㫅㫍㫀㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪸㩷㫉㪼㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㫋㩷㫉㪼㫈㫌㫀㫉㪼㪻㪅 㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫐㫆㫌㫉㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㪖㩷㪦㫉㪃㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼 㫄㪸㫅㫌㪸㫃㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫃㫀㫍㫀㫅㪾㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿 㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫐㪖 㪚㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩾㫊 㪼㪻㫌㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㩿㫅㫌㫉㫊㪼㫉㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪀㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉 㩿㫅㫌㫉㫊㪼㫉㫐㪃 㫂㫀㫅㪻㪼㫉㪾㪸㫉㫋㪼㫅㪃 㪋㪄㪉㪄㪈 㫌㫊㪼㪖㩷㩿㪠㫊㩷㫀㫋㩷㫇㫆㫊㫊㫀㪹㫃㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㫇㫃㪸㪺㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㪙㫉㫀㫋㫀㫊㪿㩷㩿㪝㫉㪼㫅㪺㪿㪀 㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㪖㩷㪛㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫊㫋㪸㪽㪽㩷㫊㫇㪼㪸㫂㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㪖㪀 㪼㫃㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫉㫐 㪸㫅㪻㩷㫁㫌㫅㫀㫆㫉 㪿㫀㪾㪿㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪀 㪦㫅㫃㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㪼㫄㫇㫃㫆㫐㪼㪼㫊㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㪹㪼㩷㫇㫃㪸㪺㪼㪻㪅 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊 㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㪖㩷㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼 㪋㪄㪉㪄㪉 㫀㫅㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪸㫃㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㫌㫊㪼㪖㩷㩿㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪺㫆㫄㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫋㫌㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㫆㫋㪿㪼㫉㩷㫋㪿㪸㫅㩷㪙㫉㫀㫋㪸㫀㫅 㩿㪝㫉㪸㫅㪺㪼㪀㩷㫊㫌㪺㪿㩷㪸㫊㩷㪘㫊㫀㪸㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪤㫀㪻㪻㫃㪼㩷㪜㪸㫊㫋㪖㪀 㪋㪄㪉㪄㪊 㪄 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫇㫉㫆㪾㫉㪸㫄㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫐㩷㩿㫉㪼㪾㪸㫉㪻㫀㫅㪾 㪺㫃㪸㫊㫊㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㫅㪸㫋㫀㫍㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㪃㩷㪿㫀㫊㫋㫆㫉㫐㪆㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪿㫆㫄㪼 㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫐㪀㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫄㪼㫅㫋㪸㫃㩷㪿㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿㩷㪺㪸㫉㪼㩷㩿㫀㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㪻㪸㫇㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㫆 㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㪀㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪄 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫄㪼㪸㫊㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪸㫂㪼㫅㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼㩷㪺㪿㫀㫃㪻㫉㪼㫅㩷㫆㪽㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄 㪋㪄㪉㪄㪋 㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㫋㪸㪹㫆㫆㫊㩷㪸㪾㪸㫀㫅㫊㫋 㪺㪼㫉㫋㪸㫀㫅㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㪖㩷㩿㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪖㪀 㪚㪸㪽㪼㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸 㪋㪄㪊㪄㪈 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪸㪽㪼㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㪖 㪄 㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㩷㫆㫅㫃㫐㪅 㪛㫆㪼㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪸㪽㪼㫋㪼㫉㫀㪸㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫄㫄㫆㪻㪸㫋㪼㩷㫄㫌㫃㫋㫀㫇㫃㪼㩷㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㫊㪖 㩿㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㫊㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪤㫌㫊㫃㫀㫄㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫀㪻㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㪸㩷㫍㪼㪾㪼㫋㪸㫉㫀㪸㫅㩷㫄㪼㫅㫌㪅㩷㪮㪼㩷㪹㪼㫃㫀㪼㫍㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫀㫊㩷㫅㫆㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃 㪋㪄㪊㪄㪉 㫍㪼㪾㪼㫋㪸㫉㫀㪸㫅㫊㪖㪀㩷㪪㫀㫄㫀㫃㪸㫉㫃㫐㪃㩷㪻㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㩷㫊㫋㫆㫉㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐 㫄㪼㫅㫌㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪺㫆㫅㫊㫀㪻㪼㫉㫊㩷㫉㪼㫃㫀㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㫊㪅 㫊㪿㫆㫇㫊㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㫀㫋㪼㫄㫊㩷㫋㪿㪸㫋㩷㪸㪺㪺㫆㫄㫆㪻㪸㫋㪼㩷㫄㫌㫃㫋㫀㫇㫃㪼㩷㪺㫌㫃㫋㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫉㪼㫃㫀㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖㩷㩿㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㫄㪼㫉㪺㪿㪸㫅㪻㫀㫊㪼㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪤㫌㫊㫃㫀㫄㫊㪃㩷㪡㪼㫎㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㪀 㪮㪼㫃㪽㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫉㪼㪺㫉㪼㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫋㫐㫇㪼㫊㩷㫆㪽㩷㫎㪼㫃㪽㪸㫉㪼㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫍㪸㫀㫃㪸㪹㫃㪼㪖 㪋㪄㪋㪄㪈 㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫐㩷㪹㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪸㪺㪺㪼㫇㫋㪼㪻㩷㫇㫆㫊㫀㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪖 㪧㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪺㪸㫅㩷㫌㫊㪼㩷㫊㫇㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫇㪸㫉㫋㫀㪺㫀㫇㪸㫋㪼㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㫃㫌㪹 㪸㪺㫋㫀㫍㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㪅 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㫅㩷㪺㫃㫆㫋㪿㫀㫅㪾㪃㩷㪽㫆㫆㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪿㫆㫌㫊㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪭㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊 㪘㩷㫃㫀㫊㫋㩷㫆㪽㩷㪾㫆㫆㪻㩷㫇㫌㪹㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫀㫊㩷㫇㫆㫊㫋㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㩹㫀㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㪸㫅㪻 㪋㪄㪌㪄㪈 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆 㫄㪼㫅㫌㪼㪅㩹㩷㪫㫀㪼㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪸㫉㪼㪸㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪽㫆㫉㫄㪼㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㪅 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃㩷㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪖 㫆㪽㪽㪼㫉㫊 㪮㪼㩷㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㫅㩷㪼㫍㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫍㪸㫉㫀㫆㫌㫊㩷㫇㫃㪸㪺㪼㫊㩷㫀㫅 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫆㫅㩷㪼㫍㪼㫅㫋㫊㩷㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㪸㫃㫊㫆㩷㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㪼㪻 㪋㪄㪌㪄㪉 㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖㩷㪘㫃㫊㫆㪃 㫎㫉㫀㫋㫋㪼㫅㩷㪽㫆㫉㫄㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫊㪿㫆㫎㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㩷㫀㫅㩷㫉㪸㪺㫂㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫋㫆㩷㪼㫅㪸㪹㫃㪼 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㫉㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㫆㪹㫋㪸㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪽㫉㪼㪼㫃㫐㪅 㫀㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫄㪼㪻㫀㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㪖 㪜㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐 㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼 㪋㪄㪌㪄㪊 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㫌㫉㫀㫊㫋㩷㫀㫅㪽㫆㫉㫄㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㪖 㪰㪼㫊㪅 㪋㪄㪌㪄㪋 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫆㫅㩷㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫊㪺㪿㫆㫆㫃㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅㪖 㪥㫆㪅㩷㪮㪼㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㩷㪾㫌㫀㪻㪸㫅㪺㪼㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㫎㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪸㫊㫂㪼㪻㪅 㪋㪄㪍㪄㪈 㪟㫆㫎㩷㫀㫊㩷㪼㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐㩷㫉㪼㫊㫇㫆㫅㫊㪼㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㪼㪻㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㫆㪺㪺㫌㫉㪖㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㩷㫀㫊㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㩿㫀㫅㪺㫃㫌㪻㫀㫅㪾㩷㫋㪿㪼 㫃㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪽㫆㫉㩷㪹㫉㫆㪸㪻㪺㪸㫊㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫇㫉㪼㫄㫀㫊㪼㫊㪀㪖㩷㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㫀㫊 㫋㪿㪼㩷㫄㪼㫋㪿㫆㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㪻㪼㪸㫃㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪾㫆㫍㪼㫉㫅㫄㪼㫅㫋㪖 - 28 - 㪤㫀㫅㫆㫉㩷㫀㫅㫁㫌㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪿㪸㫅㪻㫃㪼㪻㩷㪹㫐㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪟㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿㩷㪤㪸㫅㪸㪾㪼㫄㪼㫅㫋 㪻㪼㫇㪸㫉㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㪅㩷㪠㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫀㫅㫁㫌㫉㫐㩷㫀㫊㩷㫊㪼㫍㪼㫉㪼㪃㩷㫎㪼㩷㪺㪸㫃㫃㩷㪸㫅㩷㪸㫄㪹㫌㫃㪸㫅㪺㪼㪅 JAEA-Review 2011-016 㪋㪄㪍㪄㪉 㪚㫆㫃㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅 㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼 㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪃 㫇㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺 㫉㪼㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪃㩷㪼㫋㪺㪅 㪌㪄㪈 㪫㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫆㫅㫃㫐㩷㫌㫊㪼㪻㩷㪽㫀㫉㪼㩷㪼㫈㫌㫀㫇㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪼㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐 㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫎㪿㪼㫅㩷㪸㪺㪺㫀㪻㪼㫅㫋㫊㪃㩷㫋㪼㫉㫉㫆㫉㫀㫊㫄 㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊㪃㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫍㫀㫊㫀㫋㫆㫉㫊㩷㫉㪼㪺㪼㫀㫍㪼㩷㪼㫏㫇㫃㪸㫅㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㫆㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㫄㪅㩷㪠㫅㩷㪺㪸㫊㪼 㫆㫉㩷㫃㪸㫉㪾㪼㪄㫊㪺㪸㫃㪼㩷㪻㫀㫊㪸㫊㫋㪼㫉㫊㩷㫆㪺㪺㫌㫉㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㫀㫅㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㩷㪽㪸㪺㫀㫃㫀㫋㫐㪖 㫆㪽㩷㪺㪿㪼㫄㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷㫋㪼㫉㫉㫆㫉㫀㫊㫄㪃㩷㫇㪼㫆㫇㫃㪼㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫊㪼㪻㩷㫋㫆㩷㫉㪼㫄㪸㫀㫅㩷㫀㫅㫊㫀㪻㪼㪅 㪮㪿㪸㫋㩷㪼㪽㪽㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㪸㫉㪼㩷㪹㪼㫀㫅㪾㩷㫄㪸㪻㪼㩷㫋㫆㩷㪺㫆㫃㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㪼㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐 㪸㫅㪻㩷㩷㫇㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺㩷㫉㪼㫃㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪖 㪌㪄㪉 㪘㫉㪼㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪼㪸㪺㪿㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫐㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫀㪼㫊 㪸㫊㫊㫀㫄㫀㫃㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷㫀㫅㫋㫆㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫃㫆㪺㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㪖㩷㪠㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㫉㪼㩷㪸㫅㫐㩷㫊㫇㪼㪺㫀㪸㫃 㫊㫌㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㩷㫇㫉㫆㫍㫀㪻㪼㪻㩷㫀㫅㩷㪺㫆㫃㫃㪸㪹㫆㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㫋㫆 㫉㪼㫊㪼㪸㫉㪺㪿㪼㫉㫊㩷㪽㫉㫆㫄㩷㪺㫆㫌㫅㫋㫉㫀㪼㫊㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㫉㪼㪾㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷㪸㫉㫆㫌㫅㪻㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㫎㫆㫉㫃㪻㩷㪸㫅㪻 㫋㪿㪼㫀㫉㩷㪽㪸㫄㫀㫃㫀㪼㫊㪃㩷㫆㫉㩷㫆㫇㫇㫆㫉㫋㫌㫅㫀㫋㫀㪼㫊㩷㫋㫆㩷㪿㪸㫍㪼㩷㪼㫏㪺㪿㪸㫅㪾㪼㫊㩷㫎㫀㫋㪿㩷㫋㪿㪼 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The tram line will be extended to CERN in 2011. 3 Flags of CERN member states㧔20㧕 4 CERN’s Famous globe symbolizing scientific and technological revolution 5 Bldg.33㧔Reception, Permanent exhibition hall and Store㧕 6 Reception and Store - 35 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 7 Store 8 Key chains using cable and ballpoint pens with CERN’s log on them 9 LHC㧔Circumference27 জ, Depth100㨙㧕 10 Library 11 Library 12 Users’ Office - 36 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 13 Users’ Office 14 15 Users’ Office 16 PCs placed at the hallway Users’ Office by the Users’ Office 17 Photographs of the winners of Nobel Prize 18 The 1st Canteen (Bldg.501) opens 7:00 – 25:00 every day. A store, bank and travel agency at the back. - 37 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 19 The 1st Canteen 20 21 The 1st Canteen The 1st Canteen 22 A corner of the 1st Canteen 23 Outside space of the 1st Canteen 24 The 2nd Canteen (Bldg.504) ,open on weekdays at lunch time, offers a variety of menus. - 38 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 25 27 The 2nd Canteen 26 The 2nd Canteen 28 The 2nd Canteen The 2nd Canteen 29 A vineyard stretches over the 2nd Canteen 30 Bulletin Board at the 2nd Canteen - 39 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 31 Bulletin Board at the 2nd Canteen 32 Play room attached to the canteen 33 Information of CERN Women’s Club Toddler Group 34 35 Nursery, Kindergarten Kindergarten 36 CERN Hostel㧔Bldg.38㧕for short stay - 40 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 37 CERN Hostel㧔Bldg.39㧕for short stay 38 CERN Hostel㧔Bldg. 41㧕for short stay 39 Housing Office㧔Weekdays 7㧦30-19㧦30, Saturday and Sunday 9㧦00-13㧦00 be received at the guard station during outside hours.㧕 40 Twin room 41 Twin room 42 Single room - 41 - Keys can JAEA-Review 2011-016 43 45 Single room 44 Single room 46 Shared kitchen on each floor Shared kitchen on each floor 47 Shared kitchen on each floor 48 A room for two - 42 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 49 Shared shower room 50 51 Shared shower room Building for ATRAS users㧔offices and rooms㧕 Bldg.40 52 Plan of Bldg.40 53 Five-story building with open ceiling space at the center 54 Refreshment section on the 1st floor - 43 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 55 Refreshment section on the 1st floor 56 Refreshment section on the 1st floor 57 Plaque given to Hamamatsu by CERN in honor of its contribution to the detector 58 Room of the Tokyo University 59 Room of the Tokyo University 60 CERN will dispose of unwanted materials put in this container. - 44 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 61 The building containing the Tokyo University 62 Equipment such as an accelerator was carried through this building to the depth of 100 meters below ground. 63 ID card for each facility 64 Visitor’s card 65 Gate㧔To pass through it, hold the ID card over the reader.㧕 66 ATRAS Experiment㧔Particle experiment㧕 Control room About 13 people are serving around the clock on three shifts. - 45 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 67 ATRAS Experiment㧔Particle experiment㧕 Control room 68 CERN Control Center 69 CERN Control Center 70 71 CERN Control Center 72 CERN Control Center COMPAS Experiment (Nucleus experiment) facility - 46 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 Appendix7: Pictures (ITER) 1 ITER Organization 2 Guard station 3 Guard station of ITER Organization : Visitors have to announce themselves here and leave their passports. 4 ITER Head-office building 5 Outside of CEA Welcome Office - 47 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 6 Inside of CEA Welcome Office: There is a common area to read local information magazines, etc. 7 ITER Construction site: Land leveling was completed and construction of facilities including Poloidal Fieald Building and Tokamak Building will be started. 8 ITER Construction site 9 10 A model of ITER Construction site Model of ITER Construction site 11 Castle near the site: Used as accommodations for visitors of ITER and for various meetings - 48 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 Appendix8: Pictures (RAL) 1 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory㧔RAL㧕 2 The front gate㧔Seen from inside㧕 3 Reception. Visitors have to announce themselves here and receive the entrance card here. 4 5 Reception Reception 6 ISIS building - 49 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 7 Canteen 8 9 Canteen Canteen 10 ATM placed in the canteen 11 Canteen 12 - 50 - JAEA-Review 2011-016 13 Kindergarten㧔Back side㧕 14 Entrance of the kindergarten 15 Accommodation facility 16 17 Accommodation facility 18 - 51 - Accommodation facility (Reception) JAEA-Review 2011-016 19 Accommodation facility 20 21 Accommodation facility (Lavatory) Accommodation facility (Shower room) 22 23 Accommodation facility (Dining hall) Accommodation facility (Dining hall) 24 - 52 - Accommodation facility (Dining hall) JAEA-Review 2011-016 25 Accommodation facility (Recreation amenities) 26 A model of RAL site 27 RIKEN Muon facility 28 An entrance card for a visitor 29 2nd Target station under construction 30 - 53 - 2nd Target station under construction JAEA-Review 2011-016 31 2nd Target station under construction 32 33 34 35 36 Front gate of RAL - 54 - 国際単位系(SI) 表1.SI 基本単位 SI 基本単位 基本量 名称 記号 長 さメ ートル m 質 量 キログラム kg 時 間 秒 s 電 流ア ンペア A 熱力学温度 ケ ル ビ ン K 物 質 量モ ル mol 光 度 カ ン デ ラ cd 面 体 速 加 波 密 面 表2.基本単位を用いて表されるSI組立単位の例 SI 基本単位 組立量 名称 記号 積 平方メートル m2 積 立法メートル m3 さ , 速 度 メートル毎秒 m/s 速 度 メートル毎秒毎秒 m/s2 数 毎メートル m-1 度 , 質 量 密 度 キログラム毎立方メートル kg/m3 積 密 度 キログラム毎平方メートル kg/m2 比 体 電 流 密 磁 界 の 強 (a) 量濃度 ,濃 質 量 濃 輝 屈 折 率 比 透 磁 率 積 立方メートル毎キログラム 度 アンペア毎平方メートル さ アンペア毎メートル 度 モル毎立方メートル 度 キログラム毎立法メートル 度 カンデラ毎平方メートル (b) (数字の) 1 (b) (数字の) 1 乗数 24 10 1021 1018 1015 1012 109 106 103 3 m /kg A/m2 A/m mol/m3 kg/m3 cd/m2 1 1 102 101 ゼ タ エ ク サ Z E 10-2 ペ テ タ ラ P T ギ メ ガ ガ G M マイクロ ノ 10-9 ナ コ 10-12 ピ 10-15 フェムト キ ロ ヘ ク ト デ カ k h da d ° ’ 日 度 分 10-3 10-6 記号 セ ン チ ミ リ ト 10-18 ア 10-21 ゼ プ ト 10-24 ヨ ク ト d c m µ n p f a z y 1 d=24 h=86 400 s 1°=(π/180) rad 1’=(1/60)°=(π/10800) rad ” 1”=(1/60)’=(π/648000) rad ha 1ha=1hm2=104m2 L,l 1L=11=1dm3=103cm3=10-3m3 t 1t=103 kg 秒 ヘクタール リットル SI基本単位による 表し方 m/m 2/ 2 m m s-1 m kg s-2 m-1 kg s-2 m2 kg s-2 m2 kg s-3 sA m2 kg s-3 A-1 m-2 kg-1 s4 A2 m2 kg s-3 A-2 m-2 kg-1 s3 A2 m2 kg s-2 A-1 kg s-2 A-1 m2 kg s-2 A-2 K cd m-2 cd s-1 トン 表7.SIに属さないが、SIと併用される単位で、SI単位で 表される数値が実験的に得られるもの 名称 記号 SI 単位で表される数値 電 子 ボ ル ト ダ ル ト ン 統一原子質量単位 eV Da u 天 ua 文 単 位 1eV=1.602 176 53(14)×10-19J 1Da=1.660 538 86(28)×10-27kg 1u=1 Da 1ua=1.495 978 706 91(6)×1011m 表8.SIに属さないが、SIと併用されるその他の単位 名称 記号 SI 単位で表される数値 バ ー ル bar 1bar=0.1MPa=100kPa=105Pa 水銀柱ミリメートル mmHg 1mmHg=133.322Pa m2 s-2 m2 s-2 s-1 mol (a)SI接頭語は固有の名称と記号を持つ組立単位と組み合わせても使用できる。しかし接頭語を付した単位はもはや コヒーレントではない。 (b)ラジアンとステラジアンは数字の1に対する単位の特別な名称で、量についての情報をつたえるために使われる。 実際には、使用する時には記号rad及びsrが用いられるが、習慣として組立単位としての記号である数字の1は明 示されない。 (c)測光学ではステラジアンという名称と記号srを単位の表し方の中に、そのまま維持している。 (d)ヘルツは周期現象についてのみ、ベクレルは放射性核種の統計的過程についてのみ使用される。 (e)セルシウス度はケルビンの特別な名称で、セルシウス温度を表すために使用される。セルシウス度とケルビンの 単位の大きさは同一である。したがって、温度差や温度間隔を表す数値はどちらの単位で表しても同じである。 (f)放射性核種の放射能(activity referred to a radionuclide)は、しばしば誤った用語で”radioactivity”と記される。 (g)単位シーベルト(PV,2002,70,205)についてはCIPM勧告2(CI-2002)を参照。 表4.単位の中に固有の名称と記号を含むSI組立単位の例 SI 組立単位 組立量 SI 基本単位による 名称 記号 表し方 -1 粘 度 パスカル秒 Pa s m kg s-1 力 の モ ー メ ン ト ニュートンメートル Nm m2 kg s-2 表 面 張 力 ニュートン毎メートル N/m kg s-2 角 速 度 ラジアン毎秒 rad/s m m-1 s-1=s-1 角 加 速 度 ラジアン毎秒毎秒 rad/s2 m m-1 s-2=s-2 熱 流 密 度 , 放 射 照 度 ワット毎平方メートル W/m2 kg s-3 熱 容 量 , エ ン ト ロ ピ ー ジュール毎ケルビン J/K m2 kg s-2 K-1 比 熱 容 量 , 比 エ ン ト ロ ピ ー ジュール毎キログラム毎ケルビン J/(kg K) m2 s-2 K-1 比 エ ネ ル ギ ー ジュール毎キログラム J/kg m2 s-2 熱 伝 導 率 ワット毎メートル毎ケルビン W/(m K) m kg s-3 K-1 体 積 エ ネ ル ギ ー ジュール毎立方メートル J/m3 m-1 kg s-2 電 界 の 強 さ ボルト毎メートル V/m m kg s-3 A-1 電 荷 密 度 クーロン毎立方メートル C/m3 m-3 sA 表 面 電 荷 クーロン毎平方メートル C/m2 m-2 sA 電 束 密 度 , 電 気 変 位 クーロン毎平方メートル C/m2 m-2 sA 誘 電 率 ファラド毎メートル F/m m-3 kg-1 s4 A2 透 磁 率 ヘンリー毎メートル H/m m kg s-2 A-2 モ ル エ ネ ル ギ ー ジュール毎モル J/mol m2 kg s-2 mol-1 モルエントロピー, モル熱容量 ジュール毎モル毎ケルビン J/(mol K) m2 kg s-2 K-1 mol-1 照 射 線 量 ( X 線 及 び γ 線 ) クーロン毎キログラム C/kg kg-1 sA 吸 収 線 量 率 グレイ毎秒 Gy/s m2 s-3 放 射 強 度 ワット毎ステラジアン W/sr m4 m-2 kg s-3=m2 kg s-3 放 射 輝 度 ワット毎平方メートル毎ステラジアン W/(m2 sr) m2 m-2 kg s-3=kg s-3 酵 素 活 性 濃 度 カタール毎立方メートル kat/m3 m-3 s-1 mol 表5.SI 接頭語 記号 乗数 接頭語 Y シ 10-1 デ 表6.SIに属さないが、SIと併用される単位 名称 記号 SI 単位による値 分 min 1 min=60s 時 h 1h =60 min=3600 s (a)量濃度(amount concentration)は臨床化学の分野では物質濃度 (substance concentration)ともよばれる。 (b)これらは無次元量あるいは次元1をもつ量であるが、そのこと を表す単位記号である数字の1は通常は表記しない。 表3.固有の名称と記号で表されるSI組立単位 SI 組立単位 組立量 他のSI単位による 名称 記号 表し方 (b) 平 面 角 ラジアン(b) rad 1 (b) (b) (c) 立 体 角 ステラジアン sr 1 周 波 数 ヘルツ(d) Hz 力 ニュートン N 圧 力 応 力 パスカル , Pa N/m2 エ ネ ル ギ ー , 仕 事 , 熱 量 ジュール J Nm 仕 事 率 , 工 率 , 放 射 束 ワット W J/s 電 荷 電 気 量 クーロン , C 電 位 差 ( 電 圧 ) , 起 電 力 ボルト V W/A 静 電 容 量 ファラド F C/V 電 気 抵 抗 オーム Ω V/A コ ン ダ ク タ ン ス ジーメンス S A/V 磁 束 ウエーバ Wb Vs 磁 束 密 度 テスラ T Wb/m2 イ ン ダ ク タ ン ス ヘンリー H Wb/A セ ル シ ウ ス 温 度 セルシウス度(e) ℃ 光 束 ルーメン lm cd sr(c) 照 度 ルクス lx lm/m2 Bq 放 射 性 核 種 の 放 射 能 ( f ) ベクレル(d) 吸収線量, 比エネルギー分与, グレイ Gy J/kg カーマ 線量当量, 周辺線量当量, 方向 Sv J/kg シーベルト(g) 性線量当量, 個人線量当量 酸 素 活 性 カタール kat 接頭語 ヨ タ オングストローム 海 里 バ ー ン Å M 1Å=0.1nm=100pm=10-10m 1M=1852m b ノ ネ ベ ト パ ル kn Np B 1b=100fm2=(10-12cm)2=10-28m2 1kn=(1852/3600)m/s ル dB ッ ー デ ジ ベ SI単位との数値的な関係は、 対数量の定義に依存。 表9.固有の名称をもつCGS組立単位 名称 記号 SI 単位で表される数値 ル グ erg 1 erg=10-7 J エ ダ ポ イ ア ス ス ト ー ク チ ル フ ガ ォ ン dyn 1 dyn=10-5N ズ P 1 P=1 dyn s cm-2=0.1Pa s ス St 1 St =1cm2 s-1=10-4m2 s-1 ブ sb 1 sb =1cd cm-2=104cd m-2 ト ph 1 ph=1cd sr cm-2 104lx ル Gal 1 Gal =1cm s-2=10-2ms-2 マ ク ス ウ ェ ル ガ ウ ス エルステッド( c) Mx G Oe 1 Mx = 1G cm2=10-8Wb 1 G =1Mx cm-2 =10-4T 1 Oe (103/4π)A m-1 (c)3元系のCGS単位系とSIでは直接比較できないため、等号「 」 は対応関係を示すものである。 キ レ ラ 名称 ュ リ ン レ ガ ト 表10.SIに属さないその他の単位の例 記号 SI 単位で表される数値 ー Ci 1 Ci=3.7×1010Bq ゲ ン ン R ド rad ム rem マ γ 準 大 気 1 rad=1cGy=10-2Gy 1 rem=1 cSv=10-2Sv 1γ=1 nT=10-9T 1フェルミ=1 fm=10-15m フ ェ ル ミ メートル系カラット ト 標 1 R = 2.58×10-4C/kg 1メートル系カラット = 200 mg = 2×10-4kg ル Torr 1 Torr = (101 325/760) Pa 圧 atm 1 atm = 101 325 Pa カ ロ リ ー cal ミ ク ロ ン µ 1cal=4.1858J(「15℃」カロリー),4.1868J (「IT」カロリー)4.184J(「熱化学」カロリー) 1 µ =1µm=10-6m (第8版,2006年改訂) この印刷物は再生紙を使用しています