Reーati。nship betWeen Pーasma and Egg Ch。ーester。ー C。ntents
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Reーati。nship betWeen Pーasma and Egg Ch。ーester。ー C。ntents
Relationship between Contents in in Plasma Laying the Plasma the Age Ⅱen, IJeVel Young the Changes and Cholesterol of icholesteroI Egg and with Chick By Ytlichi The that high level of the genetic only to level in New sterol level of White that HARRIS in eggs No study cholesterol hen. The has content plasma present study was eggs of lower Mature laying hens Fl), White Rocks (WR-A and New Hampshires of (NH-C the of of atbero- the on However, bag been et studied as undertaken and noted to be of the stable eggs. of cholesterol through the year, Using dams. signi色cant obtained from test preliminary strain between relationship egg successive 0.30. yolk within fat that the the to same select a levels. cholesterol White described two found a chole- in (1960) in the chole- serum and was the serum of age daughters al. the measured level hen same for estimated the between that and and Leghorns Methods (WL-F and -D Cornishes strains), White appropriated strain) were chole9terOI Agriculture (1960) was content of the cholesterol however, been on reported, in the Department trait EDWARDS chickens, the between stated contaiI〕- diets workers・ chicken of 0.42 al. that the found were Materials relation et reported from obtained of yielding of the diet a or agents number in beritability this of (1958) difEerences for a (1943) cockerel the development is animals KATZ fed at 6-9 weeks chicks were dam-families between WILCOX breeds differences and various level CEERMS Leghorn continuously significant a heritability the and various rep9rted Hampsbires. differences and DAUBER with of by cholesterol (1955) estimated sterol years of extent. BロMGARDNER slgnificant effects laboratory species of the associated the were the on effect limited a was on studies in birds level cholesterol 凸ock different and cholesterol Later, sclerosis. but man to the hypercholesteremia. related the increase in the serum cholesterol closely ing in atherosclerosis SAEKI* -D content in the plasma to and strains and (WC-M estimate that their strain), the in the cor- egg. LThe commercial standard ration tap and fed were water libitum ad for all breeds. -the The -were plasma young from The chick young The plasma the 二and -result sulfosalicylic with HARRIS 12-15 for ・Legg boiled in左50 placed altered. method for adopted by mg _pressed per based fCOmputed and g its on and hen・ those and by mg at 625m〃. then FISHER and the sample and ZuRKOWSKI's whole ex- and again, a LE- of (2:1) the i.n yolk yolk applied level total a the and albumen cholesterol, was acid(2), to chloroform-methanol yolk was The Two-gram separated・ several plasma of yolk method the sulfuric of methods the reagent dl per cholesterol yolk, color and adju・sted the of to among a as anhydride(13) with plasma the of in obtained solution extracted the laying according was result carefully mlflask determination the丘nal For determined combining WILCOX (1963). The were minutes hen the puncture. the and uniform non-laying ・the wi咽Vein expressed by rooster, collected spectrophotometer determided provide from acid(7),acetic a the with best was the contents cholesterol to compare I,iebermann-Burchard content (1957) and in was the which mixing was heart of day same those were content The ℃bolesterol i1964) by by (1964) measured ,was adult cholesterol cholesterol VEILLE determined to tried. -methods by levels bird measurement the on cholesterol drawn chick ZuRKOWSKI -made also the ben same plasma in for the samples the w、ere  ̄Blood samples 二in the egg 、and obtained ・condition. Lot SAEKI Y. ・S yolk was weight. Results Plasma hens involving These The levels New tin the The sex rooster all rbeing in the the 51.8% but difference breeds, of the in former multiple the in.the non-laying were 159.8 mg/dl pl・asma higher not and (non-laying On the in the factor(s). of the in the hen. laying latter, the 183.3/180.8mg/dl hen) and ・141.3mg/dg significant. cholesterol contrary, data breeds out level is shown than the values sigrli丘cantly (P<.01) lower 88.1 and 170.1mg/dl, averaging respectively, latter. D the the of genetic those Le- while among in than Fl), and White sampled that with (WL-D by hen of differences strain in月,uenced compared group was be test) laying of variance range strains 170 level, of slgnificant Leghorns difference FI Strain Analysis trait may was averaging this showed this level in the Hampsbires, -(laying hen), that Hampshires 150.9/131.5mg/dl ・e.g., (Duncan's particularly cholesterol and 一The plasma 'The results, New The and total a (193.0±12.7mg/dl) (117.1±7.6mg/dl). suggest plasma Leghorns cholesterol highest the breeds of several level in 155.8±52.4mg/dl. was differences Leghorns, White average lowest the strains. rand breeds signi丘cant showed The represented (WL-D) ・strain 1. 4 (WしF) ghorns Ⅳin Table in hens laying in contents cholesterol given .are levels cholesterol Plasma the plasma cholesterol in Table laying the 2. her former level in Plasma Group Egg and Table i. Breed and Cholesterol Plasma Contents in the contents of laylng cholesterol no. of ben strain Laying ! grade r J A WL-F ∃ B WLD i 〉 E 40 A 138.7± 7.5 1 34.1 53 B 』 164.7± 5.0 i 130. WC-M 15 B F NH 15 A 170 White Legborn WR: White Rock WC: White Cornish NH: New 2, Sex i 22.2 1±14.0 41.8 180.8±11.7 25.1 155.8±52.4 33. 6 multiple test range level Groups error plasma of nO, group A in i male the are not adult signi一 % level. and young each birds. (mg/dl) group J a ! 77. 0 10 at content cholesterol age strain lines different levels cholesterol Breed by joined 点cantly of variability differences and 29.2 level 1% 5% Coe氏cient 34.1 Groups Hampsbire Standard Table Duncan's Mean S,E.: ±S.E・] 7.6 E C.Ⅴ.: [M (%) 117,1+ WR-A, M: _】 ー- B D WL: C.Ⅴ. content (mg/dl) ::i WL-Fl Average cholesterol 193, 0+12.7 C D hens. B l 1 Chicken female nO, (laying) 193. 27 0 1 WC-M B 10 C 5 D 4 84. 6 1 b 115.6 180. 8 48 166. 4 1.5 130. 1 ユ.05 170. 1 10 93.9 9 105.2 1 c 90.4 15 d l l Average 29 88,1 WL 10 98,9 e ≡ i.20. 1 f 1 1 cllick WR ■ (8 wks・) 19 Average Duncan's 108. 9 mu_1til〕1e 19 [ 99.2 test range Note 13:o'1evel l.. i Adult 5% 2. In the male There adult i C 5% chick group, E and chick existed a female d b c a level significant difference at the 5% level ど. and existed there level Adult level between 3- 1.% D A a highly significant difference between sexes included the, 10 Y. Table 3・ Weekly changes of SAEKI plasma in cholesterol the young female male age 1 day 1 wk. r grOup no・ A 10 506. 3 10 568. 5 13 224, 8 21 131. 6 i,0 90.7 10 93. 9 2 C 5 D 8 chick. l 二さ7[1 Duncan's i.% d 98. 9 `【 ̄ ̄l 10 multiple test range (male) level mg/dl 5 89.9 E ” 114. nO. group -g/dl (female) grOup 5% level mg/d1 500 ∧ /I \ ′ \ I 、\ 、、ト I \′一 400 I r- q) >・ 1) 臥 I■■lllll■ (〇 岳 300 . (凸 q) l■1一■ (⊃ A O ∼ 良 200 ヽ --一合 \ -% \ \ --一合♀average 100 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10days age Fig. 1. Daily changes of plasma cholesterol levels in the chick. Plasma the young males it is the 8 weeks at chick in than females, interesting an age among determination period, weekly differences significant 8 weeks to being age. in the 506.3mg/dl these age of of values daily measured in shown 1. Although Yolk level cholesterol The yolk cholesterol 162 and eggs at White the level are strains from taken differences 5% and 4. per in for from Cholesterol g the of Table 4. and White ・ no. and strain the group 16 13. 7±0. WL-Fl 40 14.4±0. 50 WC-M 15 NH i.5 Duck Quail are during the chick. yolk in some j上 measured existed signi丘cant from obtained Eggs highest the (WL-D) New and duck and eggs. quail cholesterol M±S.E. group (mg/whole egg) 4 a 272.8±14. 51. b 260. 6+11.4 27 C 278.0+ 5.8 17.0±0.22 d 331.4十 5.0 ユ_5.5±0. 23 e 327.4± 3.7 F 13.8±0.39 f 268.1± 8.9 12 G 20.8+0.32 ユ.6 冗 15.4+0.74 Duncan's range multiple 510. 4j=13. ≡--】 l 47,6± test (per g) level level Of contained (mg/g) WL-D 5% levels changes M±S.E. used 15.1±0.68 grOup weeks days 10 tO level strains. chicken, 26 1% 5 of eggs D level, highest Plasma boiled mean hatching After up there Highly 13.8mg/g). WL-F WR-A, The growing 1. after the Leghorns yolk Breed just age production the signi丘cant the female. hard and at chick Fig. irregular advanclng meat in 3 and continulng with (13.7 and contents during lOOmg/dl. some breeds most lowest and 14.9mg/g, was those the showed of age appeared breeds among below to descended appropriating (17.Omg/g), Table decreased summarized six in the 568.5mg/dl Especially, (Duncan's test). level from period 1 day indicated of ir3 higher little highly the age contents level Rocks Hampsbires levels general lユ a and in Table as during there be strains cholesterol were day to female, the and plasma and one at days, breeds at abruptly 3-5 the the the male starting Fig. that found were Chicks Chicken respectively. level in the male plasma in breeds measurements the 99.2mg/dl, the than of the daily and observed and that in Contents was age 108.9 higher was found were In the of being phenomenon 1 week of differences Cholesterol Egg and B F C A H (per ET ̄百 G 也 b f whole a egg) c e d g 4 1..4 Y. 12 The cholesterol level from (WL-D) total yolk, ranging yolk cholesterol in cholesterol of the 260.6 levels eggs chicken, in duck yolk a the this mg/ connection, determined. bigber s唱ni丘cantly indicated quail In were eggs 289.7 averaged (WR). quail and revealed of the whole a 331A=mg/yolk to the that while in contained duck the of SAEKI The level than level approximate that to the: chicken. Correlation The co(癖cient between correlation that in the was attempted egg plasma between coe氏cient was yolk estimated a with 5. Table the Correlation no level cholesterol 5. slgni丘cant between coe氏cient cholesterol in contents levels cholesterol in Table seen as interest, great egg and Although plasma this and and problem found were correlations egg the in the plasma chicken. r Breed nO and strain cb. dl per /c h.1pTi{g ;L一指 0. 080 50 0. 062 15 0. 633** WC-M 1.5 NH dl per yolk 82 wR-A,?_____,室 ■ cb. of of yolk ー0. 019 -0.159 0. 089 ].45 -0. 担聖/ of per -0. 181 **・・・P<.01 between level sterol worth F()r be going purpose breeds. details. of re・ference, there the and egg a g Some of yolk resulted the between in the value, Hamp- New the four the insigni丘cant (+0.22) in correlation White correlations, estiロ1ated in chole- in low coefBcient・ was production high the negative correlation has fairly (+0.63) between correlation lev′el per the the estimated occurred high event. exceptional into cholesterol The correlation that and plasma an level plasma exceLpt the the of to seemed not A characteristics. dl per Cornishes will two these hens. sbire DiscussioA lt has this and PIPER of a long defective and cholesterol et (1956) gene al. level known that and for the (1960) closely HARRIS-JoNES human estimated in the chicken, is under atherosclerosis is character ORRILD dominant CEERMS been to related et al. atherosclerosis. a relatively suggesting high a the the (1957) con丘rmed While, the presence BuMGARDNER beritability possibility in月.uence, genetic hypercholesteremia. of for the the and plasma selection for plasma this production are no in Contents 13 Chicken the level as correlated yielding the plasma the laying earlier the of cholesterol content by The present study chick. hypotheses these to be can the measuring was nock level or satis負ed in shown highest decreased to high whole level laying the of low production. Using in the cholesterol (GRUNDY et yolk ing of the As indicated the chick at the the of of 8 weeks・ age that days 10 until the exceeding absorption, al., 1969; the plasma to 285mg% the丘rst the with baby total chick amount fact that SyLV宜N it is necessary of the yielding of of not growing egg choleperiod of mecbanisms fully de血ed been yet 1969). infor皿ations, chicken且ock the Furthermore, have and the there the changes during cycles. BoRGSTRtiM, eggs in that level complicated itself, independently these reproductive participates 'cholesterol organs sug- mentioned, the on cholesterol plasma excretion and and cholesterol it is incomprehensible several sexual various synthesis higher above effects the (1954a, b) observed and The as rooster, Nevertheless, the signi丘cantly cholesterol at 168 day-old, and the egg. some probably the plasma of cholesterol a of between MoRI course Considering the time hormone. rats, amounts in the from correlatiorlS the of age has substance steroid that days compared female the production sterol with hen this in appeared 84 at coincided that function (1957) reported al. l16mg% period gests above the slgni丘cance 500mg/dl- period・ growing descended physiological levels cholesterol et from in understand cholesterol low・ initial time of the a yolk. LEVEILLE latter the if even the selected, in prominently experiment Therefore, the levels plasma levels 1/5-i/6 to during vary 1 and'Table 3, the hatching time those and It is difBcult rose greatly Fig. at then retains levels cholesterol the the at determine to However, not・ the Plasma level level plasma undertaken initial expectation・ the result contradicting lower levels indicating was of plasma cholesterol be by in the egg laid always tbis且ock will not to a yolk less of age whether age, the eggs it is desirable level Lther cholesterol select for the low in the young the chick represents cholesterol level is highly hen, and the plasma cholesterol level, be possible to indirectly it may select a且ock If with betweenqy relationships performances, in of cholesterol. same and Cholesterol th、at-there some and in Egg character. Assumlng led and less to plasma amount take much for content, of of account the breed- cholesterol・ Summary Tbe possibility present to study select was a且ock as undertaken eggs producing a preliminary contained test less to.explore amount of the chole- sterol. Plasma samples of 280 hens of several breeds and their 162 eggs were・ 14 Y. for used by the the both determination. cholesterol fed were water libitum. ad standard cholesterol content plasma by FISHER the yolk tap and was.determined by cholesterol LEVEILLE and ration (1957) combining HARRIS and and (1963). Average plasma there and mg/dl, The existed in也e than that little higher lower level cholesterol both male day, one 500mg/dl), (strains) was breeds. The ranging from No total and whole of of age (above 10 to up age. from breeds six found were yolk the among 289.7 mg/yolk, averaged likely based of cholesterol level the yolk and to found was coefBcient hen laying not in content correlation estero1 level Therefore, it is differences a age obtained samples the 331.4mg/yolk. to in the yolk significant cholesterol 260.6 in the a w′as level advancing till 8 weeks strains. it signi丘cantly highest the with decreasing level 14・9mg/g, At a i.e., 88.1mg/dl. descended gradually and hen, manifested abruptly cholesterol signi丘cant amount level the among 155.8±52.4 was breeds and laying chicks hen averaged 159.8mg/dl, indicated The rooster hen. the female thereafter of age, Tbe mean laying than and the and hen non-laying laying the differences significant in the in content cholesterol level plasma days commercial (1964) and methods.described WILCOX The The ZuRKOWSKI of method SAEKI select in the the plasma laid egg by chol・ the same. less eggs producing containing level in the young chick. aflock the upon between plasma References B口MGARDNER, H.L. (1959) Studies : the CIiERMS, of cholesterol from Cherms et alリ1960, F.L., F.H. WILCOX, C.S. and DAUBER, cbolesterol D・V・ and Arch. in L.N・ the DRIGGERS, J・C・ V. and FISIiER, H. JoNES levels R・ (1964) a over G・A・ and linolenic acid Pb. SHAFFNER D, and of Md. cited Gen占ticstudies of ‥ Sciリ39, Experimental iodine thesis,口niv. (1960) Poultry (1943): levels bound protein serum 889-892. in atherosclerosis the chick. 473-492. DEAN of LEVEILLE (1957) eggs cholesterol Poultry Sciリ43, Observations : on by in且uenced as Studies (1960)‥ or and/ dietary time. of content of breeds various Effect : period CARMON J・L・ and from content of eggs cholesterol Poultry Sci., 39, 487-489. esterol serum cbicken. chicken. KATZ Path.,レ36, Ⅱ・M・, EDWARPs, level the on levels serum the on strains serum of and the on chickens. egg chol- 877-879. 1inoleic cholesterol, dietary fats. The interaction and ∫. Nutrition, 63, 119-129. GRUNDY, S,MリE.H. absorption HARRIS-JoNES, AHRENS and and cholesterol ∫.NリE.G. JoNES tial hypercholesterolaemia. HARRIS, P.C. and 3了,1210. WILCOX some pbenotypic DAVIGNON (1969) in synthesis Studies correlations Studies : on egg in (1957) : 272, on yolk a : ∫.Lipid man. P.G. WELLS and Lancet, The (1958) (1963a) : and and ど.H・ J・ Resリ川, of cholesterol 304-315. Ⅹanthomatosis andessen- 855-857. egg yolk cbolesterol・ randombred Poultry cbolesterol・ 1・ Genetic population. S°i., variation Poultry Sciリ Plasma Egg and Cholesterol in Contents 15 Chicken the 42, 178J.82. Poultry cholesterol. 丸EVEILLE, G・, H・ FIS=ER production Med., E・ Changes the II. (1954b): L. J・ and C・ egg yolk 3. cholesterol. Effect dietary of (1.957): levels in Relationshipbetween the chicken. of onset Proc. Exp. Soc. egg Biol・ and B. and P. reagent. Changes (especially life. Sciリ24, ORRILD Am. esterol ZuRKOWSKI, lipids sexual cholesterol 1.. Changes of in lecithin) and cholesterol in the male the rat J・ rats. 19G・-193. of in cholesterol female the rats. ∫.of 丁ap. Zootecb. and xantbo・ 30-35. matosis. ニSyLV丘N, WEISS cholesterol of normal 丁ap. Zootech. Sciリ25, 軌pER, plasma on 42, 186-1.89. H.S. and and during of S°i., 94, 383-384. (1954): -MoRI, Studies (1963c) : and (1956): ∫.Medリ21, BoRGSTROM Clin. : A rapid Chemリ10, familial bypercholesterole皿ia 34-46. (1969) in sistosterol (1964) Essential the : rat. method 451-455. Absorption J. for Lipid and Res., cholesterol lymphatic transport of chol- 10, 179-1.82. determination with a single