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Enlivened with many anecdotes and over 50 inserts with
biographical notes and portraits of the most important
crystallographers of the period. Numerous quotes from the
writings of the main actors of the story tell how their discoveries
were made and convey the spirit of their time.
新刊・近刊ご案内(2016 年 3-4 月)
物理学一般……………………… 1-14
力学・非線形力学・統計物理学… 31-42
光学とその応用………………….. 73-80
天文学・宇宙物理学…………….. 81-90
3. Baggott, J.
The Quantum Story: A history in 40
moments. April 2016, 496pp., Paperback (Oxford
U.P.) ISBN 9780198784777
The century-long story of the greatest theory of modern physics.
Captures the wonderment of the quest, and the personal
rivalries involved. Tells the story through forty turning-point
developments and discoveries. From Einstein, Niels Bohr, and
Heisenberg, right up to the Large Hadron Collider - the first book
to tell the whole Quantum story. Includes an updated Epilogue
considering the Quantum Story up to today.
4. Day, Michael
The Hope and Vision of J Robert
Oppenhaimer. Sept 2015, 250pp., Hardback
(World Scientific) ISBN 9789814656733 ¥10,890
(Paperback ISBN 9789814656740 ¥5,260)
5. Fraser, G.
The Quantum Exodus: Jewish Fugitives, the
Atomic Bomb, and the Holocaust. April 2016,
【現代物理学 - 問題と解答】
1. Amore, P. & J.D. Walecka
Advanced Modern Physics: Solutions to
Problems. Aug 2015, 348pp., Paperback (World
Scientific) ISBN 9789814704519
264pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P.)
ISBN 9780198768005 ¥5,180
(Hardback 2012, ISBN 9780199592159
The present book provides solutions to the over 180 problems
in the remaining text Advanced Modern Physics: Theoretical
Foundations. This is the most challenging material, ranging over
advanced quantum mechanics, angular momentum, scattering
theory, lagrangian field theory, symmetries, Feynman rules,
quantum electrodynamics (QED), higher-order processes,
path-integrals, and canonical transformations for quantum
systems; several appendices supply important details. This
solutions manual completes the modern physics series, whose
goal is to provide a path through the principal areas of
theoretical physics of the twentieth century in sufficient detail so
that students can obtain an understanding and an elementary
working knowledge of the field.
6. Gerry, C.C. & K.M. Bruno
The Quantum Divide: Why Schrödinger's
Cat is Either Dead or Alive. March 2016,
197pp., Paperback ISBN 9780198754077
7. Glazer, A.M.
Crystallography: A Very Short Introduction.
【初期の X 線結晶学/ペーパー版】
2. Authier, A.
Early Days of X-ray Crystallography. Oct 2015,
464pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P.)
ISBN 9780198754053 ¥6,830
Celebrates the centenary of the discovery of X-ray diffraction,
and coincides with the award of the 2012 Nobel Prize in
Chemistry for studies with X-ray crystallography. Reviews the
early development of crystallography, the discovery of X-ray
diffraction, and the first applications of X-ray crystallography in
chemistry, material science, physics, mineralogy, and biology.
March 2016, 152pp., Paperback
ISBN 9780198717591 ¥2,180
(Oxford U.P.)
Introduces the field of crystallography, and explains its basic
concepts. Gives an outline of the historical development of
crystallography, and its key role in the early days of molecular
biology. Describes recent advances, and the importance of
crystallography in the modern world in areas such as genetics
and pharmaceuticals.
【Python による科学プログラミング】
8. Hill, C.
Learning Scientific
Python. March 2016,
13. Wilcox, W. & C. Thron
ISBN 9781107428225 ¥8,450
Learn to master basic programming tasks from scratch with
real-life scientifically relevant examples and solutions drawn
from both science and engineering. Students and researchers
at all levels are increasingly turning to the powerful Python
programming language as an alternative to commercial
packages and this fast-paced introduction moves from the
basics to advanced concepts in one complete volume, enabling
readers to quickly gain proficiency. Beginning with general
programming concepts such as loops and functions within the
core Python 3 language, and moving onto the NumPy, SciPy
and Matplotlib libraries for numerical programming and data
visualisation, this textbook also discusses the use of IPython
notebooks to build rich-media, shareable documents for
scientific analysis. Including a final chapter introducing
challenging topics such as floating-point precision and
algorithm stability, and with extensive online resources to
support advanced study, this textbook represents a targeted
package for students requiring a solid foundation in Python
Introductory Graduate Treatment. Feb 2016,
800pp., Hardback
(World Scientific)
9789814616614 ¥29,690
(Paperback ISBN 9789814616621 ¥13,900)
14. Zichichi, A.
A Lesson for the Future of Our Science: My
Testimony on Lord Patrick M S. Blackett. Feb
2016, 150pp., Hardback (World Scientific)
9789814719674 ¥10,890
(Paperback ISBN 9789814719414 ¥5,260)
15. Alastuey, A. et al.
9. Iliffe, R.
Priest of Nature: The Religious Worlds of
Isaac Newton. March 2016, 416pp., Hardback
(Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN 9780199995356
10. Jaroszkiewicz, S.
Images of Time: Mind, Science, Reality. Jan
2016, 352pp., Hardback (Oxford U.P., UK)
9780198718062 ¥6,830
11. Schuster, A.
The Progress of Physics: During 33 Years
(1875–1908), Four Lectures Delivered to the
University of Calcutta during March 1908.
Oct 2015, Paperback
(Cambridge U.P.)
9781107559905 ¥7,130
Originally published in 1911, this book was based upon a series
of four lectures delivered at the University of Calcutta during
March 1908 by the renowned German-born British physicist
Arthur Schuster (1851–1934). The text provides a concise
discussion of advances in physics during the period 1875–1908
and Schuster's position in relation to contemporary theories,
including those of Einstein and Planck. This book will be of value
to anyone with an interest in the development of physics and
the history of science.
12. Shifman, M.
Physics in a Mad World. Sept 2015, 300pp.,
Hardback (World Scientific) ISBN 9789814619288
(Paperback ISBN 9789814619295 ¥5,260)
CONTENTS: Part I: Fritz Hountermans: Life and Work (V
Frenkel); Part II: Yuri Golfand’s Destiny (B Eskin); The Memory
of Yuri Abramovich Golfand (B Bolotovsky).
Physics and Mathematical Tools: Methods
and Examples. Jan 2016, 390pp., Hardback
(World Scientific) ISBN 9789814713238 ¥24,050
(Paperback ISBN 9789814713245 ¥13,150)
Transversal presentation of methods and tools within a physical
framework. Emphasis on the universality of the methods related
to basic principles of physics. Illustration of the methods through
detailed physical examples in various fields, which should
enforce a global understanding of physics, as well as a good
expertise of the application of mathematical tools. There is no
similar book available on the market. Of course, when dealing
with mathematical methods for physicists, some books
immediately come to mind. However, our book is really different
from these books. One important difference is that we always
start from a physics point of view and keep it.
16. Amoroso, R. et al. (eds)
Unified Field Mechanics: Natural Science
Beyond the Veil of Spacetime. (Proceedings of
the IX Symposium Honoring Noted French
Mathematical Physicist, Jean-Pierre Vigier, Morgan
State University, USA, 16-19 November 2014) Sept
2015, 592pp., Hardback (World Scientific) ISBN
9789814719056 ¥29,690
【量子の非局所性と実在性 – ベルの定理の50年】
17. Bell, Mary & S. Gao (eds)
Quantum Nonlocality and Reality: 50 Years
of Bell's Theorem. Sept 2016,
Combining twenty-six original essays written by an impressive
line-up of distinguished physicists and philosophers of physics,
this anthology reflects some of the latest thoughts by leading
experts on the influence of Bell's theorem on quantum physics.
Essays progress from John Bell's character and background,
through studies of his main work, and on to more speculative
ideas, addressing the controversies surrounding the theorem,
and investigating the theorem's meaning and its deep
implications for the nature of physical reality. Combined, they
present a powerful comment on the undeniable significance of
Bell's theorem for the development of ideas in quantum physics
over the past 50 years. Questions surrounding the assumptions
and significance of Bell's work still inspire discussion in the field
of quantum physics. Adding to this with a theoretical and
philosophical perspective, this balanced anthology is an
indispensable volume for students and researchers interested
in the philosophy of physics and the foundations of quantum
18. Brugnano, L. & F. Iavemaro
Line Integral Methods for Conservative
Problems. (Series: Monographs and Research
Notes in Mathematics) Oct 2015, 222pp., Hardback
(Chapman & Hall/CRC)
ISBN 9781482263848
Line Integral Methods for Conservative Problems explains
the numerical solution of differential equations within the
framework of geometric integration, a branch of numerical
analysis that devises numerical methods able to reproduce (in
the discrete solution) relevant geometric properties of the
continuous vector field. The book focuses on a large set of
differential systems named conservative problems, particularly
Hamiltonian systems.
Assuming only basic knowledge of numerical quadrature and
Runge–Kutta methods, this self-contained book begins with an
introduction to the line integral methods. It describes numerous
Hamiltonian problems encountered in a variety of applications
and presents theoretical results concerning the main instance
of line integral methods: the energy-conserving Runge–Kutta
methods, also known as Hamiltonian boundary value methods
(HBVMs). The authors go on to address the implementation of
HBVMs in order to recover in the numerical solution what was
expected from the theory. The book also covers the application
of HBVMs to handle the numerical solution of Hamiltonian
partial differential equations (PDEs) and explores extensions of
the energy-conserving methods.
With many examples of applications, this book provides an
accessible guide to the subject yet gives you enough details to
allow concrete use of the methods. MATLAB codes for
implementing the methods are available online.
Analytical Mechanics for Relativity and
Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Edition. (Oxford
Graduate Texts) March 2016, 656pp., Paperback
ISBN 9780198766803 ¥8,190
Modern graduate text on analytical mechanics. Treats time as a
transformable coordinate integrating special relativity with other,
more traditional topics. Introduces notations and methods
directly transferrable to quantum mechanics. Highlights the
interface between classical and quantum mechanics.
Pedagogic style, including many exercises, while maintaining
mathematical precision for deeper understanding. (Hardback
2011, ISBN 9780191001628 £58.00)
【21 世紀物理学におけるタイムレスアプローチ】
22. Fiscaletti, D.
The Timeless Approach: Frontier
Perspectives in 21st Century Physics. (Series
on the Foundations of Natural Science and Technology,
Vol 9)
Sept 2015, 285pp., Hardback
Scientific) ISBN 9789814713153 ¥17,850
This invaluable book provides a broad and comprehensive
introduction to the fascinating and beautiful subject of timeless
approaches in physics, focusing the attention in particular on
significant models developed recently by the author. It presents
relevant and novel perspectives in 21st century theoretical
physics as regards the arena of physical processes and its
geometry (both in special relativity, quantum mechanics, the
quantum gravity domain and about the quantum vacuum). The
timeless approach may be used as a source of reference by
researchers in theoretical physics and at the same time it is also
suitable for graduate students in physics who wish to have an
extend view of some of the classic and fundamental models in
the subject.
23. Lam, K.S.
Topics in Contemporary Mathematical
Oct 2015, 800pp.,
Physics, 2nd Edition.
19. De Leon, M. et al.
Methods of Differential Geometry in
Classical Field Theories: k-Symplectic and
k-Cosymplectic Approaches.
Aug 2015,
224pp., Hardback
9789814699754 ¥16,530
21. Johns, O.
24. Mansour, T. & M. Schork
Commutation Relations, Normal Ordering,
and Stirling Numbers.
Sept 2015, 504pp.,
20. Hazewinkel, M. & N.M. Gubareni
Algebras, Rings and Modules: Noncommutative Algebras and Rings. Jan 2016,
9781482245035 ¥24,310
Hardback (World Scientific) ISBN 9789814667791
(Paperback ISBN 9789814667807 ¥14,650)
The theory of algebras, rings, and modules is one of the
fundamental domains of modern mathematics. General algebra,
more specifically non-commutative algebra, is poised for major
advances in the twenty-first century (together with and in
interaction with combinatorics), just as topology, analysis, and
probability experienced in the twentieth century. This volume is
a continuation and an in-depth study, stressing the noncommutative nature of the first two volumes of Algebras, Rings
and Modules by M. Hazewinkel, N. Gubareni, and V. V.
Kirichenko. It is largely independent of the other volumes. The
relevant constructions and results from earlier volumes have
been presented in this volume.
(Chapman &
9781466579880 ¥21,030
Commutation Relations, Normal Ordering, and Stirling
Numbers provides an introduction to the combinatorial aspects
of normal ordering in the Weyl algebra and some of its close
relatives. The Weyl algebra is the algebra generated by two
letters U and V subject to the commutation relation UV - VU = I.
It is a classical result that normal ordering powers of VU involve
the Stirling numbers.
The book is a one-stop reference on the research activities and
known results of normal ordering and Stirling numbers. It
discusses the Stirling numbers, closely related generalizations,
and their role as normal ordering coefficients in the Weyl
algebra. The book also considers several relatives of this
algebra, all of which are special cases of the algebra in which
UV - qVU = hVs holds true. The authors describe combinatorial
aspects of these algebras and the normal ordering process in
them. In particular, they define associated generalized Stirling
numbers as normal ordering coefficients in analogy to the
classical Stirling numbers. In addition to the combinatorial
aspects, the book presents the relation to operational calculus,
describes the physical motivation for ordering words in the Weyl
algebra arising from quantum theory, and covers some physical
25. Merches, I. & M. Agop
Differentiability and Fractality in Dynamics
of Physical Systems. Sept 2015, 300pp.,
(World Scientific) ISBN 9789814678384
【初級 数理物理学】
30. Whelan, C.T.
26. Mallios, A. & E. Zafiris
Differential Sheaves and Connections: A
Natural Approach to Physical Geometry.
(Series on Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, Vol
Oct 2015, 302pp.,
Scientific) ISBN 9789814719469 ¥17,850
27. Mussardo, G.
Statistical Field Theory: An Introduction to
Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Physics.
(Oxford Graduate Texts)
Feb 2016, 784pp.,
9780198767046 ¥9,540
Comprehensive updated synthesis of statistical physics and
quantum field theory. Introduction to new and powerful methods
of analysis. Ideal combination of physical ideas and
mathematical tools. Self-contained introduction to many
important areas of physics. High-quality discussion and
thorough analysis of many physical phenomena.
A First Course in Mathematical Physics, April
2016, 260pp.,
The book assumes next to no prior knowledge of the topic. The
first part introduces the core mathematics, always in conjunction
with the physical context. In the second part of the book, a
series of examples showcases some of the more conceptually
advanced areas of physics, the presentation of which draws on
the developments in the first part. A large number of problems
helps students to hone their skills in using the presented
mathematical methods. Solutions to the problems are available
to instructors on an associated password-protected website for
【特異点 - 形成、構造、伝播】
31. Eggers, J. & M.A. Fontelos
Singularities: Formation, Structure, and
Propagation. (Series: Cambridge Texts in Applied
Mathematics) Nov 2015, Hardback (Cambridge
U.P.) ISBN 9781107098411 ¥24,420
(Paperback ISBN 9781107485495 ¥14,090)
28. Petrov, A.A. & A.E. Blechman
Effective Field Theories.
area of research. It accomplishes both these things while
providing a rationale for why the reader ought to be interested
in learning about fractional calculus. This book is for
researchers who has heard about many of these scientifically
exotic activities, but could not see how they fit into their own
scientific interests, or how they could be made compatible with
the way they understand science. It is also for beginners who
have not yet decided where their scientific talents could be most
productively applied. The book provides insight into the longterm direction of science and show how to develop the skills
necessary to successfully do research in the twenty-first century.
Dec 2015, 300pp.,
(World Scientific) ISBN 9789814434928
This book is a broad-based text intended to help the growing
student body interested in constructing and applying methods
of effective field theory to solve problems in their research. It
begins with a review of using symmetries to identify the relevant
degrees of freedom in a problem, and then presents a variety of
methods that can be used to construct various effective theories.
A detailed discussion of canonical applications of effective field
theory techniques with increasing complexity is given, including
Fermi's weak interaction, heavy-quark effective theory, and softcollinear effective theory. Applications of these techniques to
study physics beyond the standard model, dark matter, and
quantum and classical gravity are explored. Although most
examples come from questions in high-energy physics, many of
the methods can also be applied in condensed-matter settings.
Appendices include various factoids from group theory and
other topics that are used throughout the text, in an attempt to
make the book self-contained.
Many key phenomena in physics and engineering are described
as singularities in the solutions to the differential equations
describing them. Examples covered thoroughly in this book
include the formation of drops and bubbles, the propagation of
a crack and the formation of a shock in a gas. Aimed at a broad
audience, this book provides the mathematical tools for
understanding singularities and explains the many common
features in their mathematical structure. Part I introduces the
main concepts and techniques, using the most elementary
mathematics possible so that it can be followed by readers with
only a general background in differential equations. Parts II and
III require more specialised methods of partial differential
equations, complex analysis and asymptotic techniques. The
book may be used for advanced fluid mechanics courses and
as a complement to a general course on applied partial
differential equations.
32. Hietarinta, J. et al.
Discrete Systems and Integrability. (Series:
29. West, B.J.
Fractional Calculus View of Complexity:
Tomorrow’s Science. Oct 2015, 303pp., Hardback
(CRC Pr.)
ISBN 9781498738002
This book is not a text devoted to a pedagogical presentation of
a specialized topic nor is it a monograph focused on the author's
Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics) May 2016,
Paperback ISBN 9781107669482 ca.¥9,390
This first introductory text to discrete integrable systems
introduces key notions of integrability from the vantage point of
discrete systems, also making connections with the continuous
theory where relevant. While treating the material at an
elementary level, the book also highlights many recent
developments. Topics include: Darboux and Bäcklund
transformations; difference equations and special functions;
multidimensional consistency of integrable lattice equations;
associated linear problems (Lax pairs); connections with Padé
approximants and convergence algorithms singularities and
geometry; Hirota's bilinear formalism for lattices; intriguing
properties of discrete Painlevé equations; and the novel theory
of Lagrangian multiforms. The book builds the material in an
organic way, emphasizing interconnections between the
various approaches, while the exposition is mostly done through
explicit computations on key examples. Written by respected
experts in the field, the numerous exercises and the thorough
list of references will benefit upper-level undergraduate, and
beginning graduate students as well as researchers from other
A succinct account of the theory of phase transitions and critical
phenomena. Classroom-tested over several years by both
authors. Revised, enhanced edition of a best-selling Japanese
version. Most topics are written in a self-contained manner.
Modern topics (some elusive in current textbooks) explained at
a very simple and pedagogical level. Exercises and solutions
provided within the book. (Hardback 2010, ISBN
9780199577224 £57.50)
33. Kjellander, R.
Lyapunov exponents lie at the heart of chaos theory, and are
widely used in studies of complex dynamics. Utilising a
pragmatic, physical approach, this self-contained book provides
a comprehensive description of the concept. Beginning with the
basic properties and numerical methods, it then guides readers
through to the most recent advances in applications to complex
systems. Practical algorithms are thoroughly reviewed and their
performance is discussed, while a broad set of examples
illustrate the wide range of potential applications. The
description of various numerical and analytical techniques for
the computation of Lyapunov exponents offers an extensive
array of tools for the characterization of phenomena such as
synchronization, weak and global chaos in low and highdimensional set-ups, and localization. This text equips readers
with all the investigative expertise needed to fully explore the
dynamical properties of complex systems, making it ideal for
both graduate students and experienced researchers.
(CRC Pr.)
ISBN 9781482244106
34. Lee, J.H.S.
The Gas Dynamics of Explosions.
(Cambridge U.P.)
May 2016,
ISBN 9781107106307
Explosions, and the non-steady shock propagation associated
with them, continue to interest researchers working in different
fields of physics and engineering (such as astrophysics and
fusion). Based on the author's course in shock dynamics, this
book describes the various analytical methods developed to
determine non-steady shock propagation. These methods offer
a simple alternative to the direct numerical integration of the
Euler equations and offer a better insight into the physics of the
problem. Professor Lee presents the subject systematically and
in a style that is accessible to graduate students and
researchers working in shock dynamics, combustion, highspeed aerodynamics, propulsion and related topics.
35. Mussardo, G.
Statistical Field Theory: An Introduction to
Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Physics.
(Oxford Graduate Texts)
Hardback (Oxford U.P., UK)
Lyapunov Exponents: A Tool to Explore
Complex Dynamics. March 2016, Hardback
(Cambridge U.P.) ISBN 9781107030428
Thermodynamics Kept Simple – A Molecular
Approach: What is the Driving Force in the
Aug 2015,
World of Molecules?
【リアプノフ指数 - 複素力学系研究のツール】
38. Pikovsky, A. & A. Politi
Feb 2016, 784pp.,
ISBN 9780198767046
Comprehensive updated synthesis of statistical physics and
quantum field theory. Introduction to new and powerful methods
of analysis.
36. Namatame, A. & Shu-Heng Chen
Dynamics. Jan 2016, 320pp., Hardback (Oxford
U.P., UK) ISBN 9780198708285
37. Nishimori, H. & C. Orliz
Elements of Phase Transitions and Critical
Phenomena. (Oxford Graduate Texts) Oct 2015,
384pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P.)
ISBN 9780198754084 ¥8,880
【現代統計物理学教科書・第 4 版】
39. Reichl, L.E.
A Modern Course in Statistical Physics, 4th
Edition. April 2016, 482pp., Paperback (Wiley)
ISBN 9783527413492
This fourth edition extends the range of topics considered to
include, for example, entropic forces, electrochemical
processes in biological systems and batteries, adsorption
processes in biological systems, diamagnetism, the theory of
Bose-Einstein condensation, memory effects in Brownian
motion, the hydrodynamics of binary mixtures. A set of
exercises and problems is to be found at the end of each
chapter and, in addition, solutions to a subset of the problems
is provided. The appendices cover Exact Differentials,
Ergodicity, Number Representation, Scattering Theory, and also
a short course on Probability.
40. Schmitt, F.G. & Y. Huang
Stochastic Analysis of Scaling Time Series:
From Turbulence Theory to Applications.
March 2016, Hardback (Cambridge U.P.)
9781107067615 ¥14,090
Multi-scale systems, involving complex interacting processes
that occur over a range of temporal and spatial scales, are
present in a broad range of disciplines. Several methodologies
exist to retrieve this multi-scale information from a given time
series; however, each method has its own limitations. This book
presents the mathematical theory behind the stochastic
analysis of scaling time series, including a general historical
introduction to the problem of intermittency in turbulence, as
well as how to implement this analysis for a range of different
applications. Covering a variety of statistical methods, such as
Fourier analysis and wavelet transforms, it provides readers
with a thorough understanding of the techniques and when to
apply them. New techniques to analyse stochastic processes,
including empirical mode decomposition, are also explored.
Case studies, in turbulence and ocean sciences, are used to
demonstrate how these statistical methods can be applied in
practice, for students and researchers.
46. Campanelli, M.
Inside Cern’s Large Hadron Collider: From
the Proton to the Higgs Boson. Sept 2015,
100pp., Hardback
(World Scientific)
9789814656641 ¥8,450
(Paperback ISBN 9789814656658 ¥4,690)
41. Tymms, V.
Newtonian Mechanics for Undergraduaates.
(Essential Textbooks in Physics) Jan 2016, 200pp.,
Hardback (World Scientific) ISBN 9781786340078
(ISBN 9781786340085 ¥7,140)
42. Ward, G.N.
Linearized Theory of Steady High-Speed
Flow. Feb 2016, Paperback (Cambridge U.P.)
ISBN 9781316601891
CPT Invariance and the Spin-Statistics
April 2016, 208pp., Hardback
ISBN 9780198728801
((CRC Pr.)
Nov 2015, 248pp.,
ISBN 9781482242478
48. Dixon, L. & F. Petriello (eds)
Journeys through the Precision Frontier:
Amplitudes for Colliders. (TASI 2014
Proceedings of the 2014 Theoretical Advanced Study
Institute in Elementary Particle Physics, Boulder,
Colorado, 2-27 June 2014) Sept 2015, 636pp.,
Hardback (World Scientific) ISBN 9789814678759
49. Maiani, L.
【CPT 不変性とスピン-統計関係】
43. Bain, J.
(Oxford U.P.)
47. Conlon, J.
Profound analysis of the question "What explains CPT
invariance and the spin-statistics connection?" Chapters begin
and end with plain-language summaries. Introduction includes
discussion of how CPT invariance and the spin-statistics
connection are linked to issues in the philosophy of time and
philosophical debates over the nature of indistinguishability.
Each chapter contains a balance between introductory
exposition, technical details, and philosophical inquiry.
Discussion devotes equal time to "pragmatist" (heuristic) and
"purist" (rigorous) approaches to formulating interacting
quantum field theories.
Electroweak Interactions.
(CRC Pr.)
Dec 2015, 198pp.,
ISBN 9781498722254
Written by an award-winning former director-general of CERN
and one of the world’s leading experts on particle physics,
Electroweak Interactions explores the concepts that led to
unification of the weak and electromagnetic interactions. It
provides the fundamental elements of the theory of compact Lie
groups and their representations, enabling a basic
understanding of the role of flavor symmetry in particle physics.
50. Maiani, L. & O. Benhar
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: An
Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Fields.
【LHC 時代の素粒子物理学】
44. Barr, G. et al.
Dec 2015, 310pp., Paperback
9781498722308 ¥13,650
Particle Physics in the LHC Era. (Oxford Master
Series in Physics) Jan 2016, 400pp., Hardback
(Oxford U.P., UK) ISBN 9780198748557 ¥20,490
(Paperback ISBN 9780198748564 ¥10,920)
Modern textbook on particle physics. Oxford Master Series,
class-tested, with ample tutorial material. Accessible
explanation of accelerator physics and detector physics
principles. Clear and accessible introduction to relativistic
quantum mechanics and the theory of the Standard Model.
Introduction to the Higgs model theory and discovery.
Discussion of problems with the SM and the key experiments
that will resolve these issues.
(CRC Pr.)
Emphasizes the relationships between symmetry and
conservation laws. Analyzes problems connected with the
quantization of the electromagnetic field. Presents a step-bystep derivation of relativistic perturbation theory and its
application to the calculation of observable quantities, such as
collision cross-sections and decay lifetimes. Demonstrates the
mathematical tools necessary to derive detailed results.
Includes a chapter on neutrino oscillations, one of the most
topical and stimulating subjects in elementary particle physics
that is not generally covered in introductory field theory texts.
51. Meng, Jie (ed)
45. Bruning, O. & S. Myers (eds)
Challenges and Golas for Accelerators in
the XXI Century. Feb 2016, 846pp., Hardback
(World Scientific) ISBN 9789814436397
Relativistic Density Functional for Nuclear
Structure. (International Review of Nuclear Physics)
Feb 2016, 500pp., Hardback
ISBN 9789814733250 ¥27,800
(World Scientific)
This book aims to provide a detailed introduction to the state-ofthe-art covariant density functional theory, which follows the
Lorentz invariance from the very beginning and is able to
describe nuclear many-body quantum systems microscopically
and self-consistently. Covariant density functional theory was
introduced in nuclear physics in the 1970s and has since been
developed and used to describe the diversity of nuclear
properties and phenomena with great success.
reference work of this scope on the topic of graphene, which is
one of the most researched materials of the twenty-first century.
The set includes contributions from top researchers in the field
and a foreword written by two Nobel laureates in physics.
56. Canadell, E. et al.
52. Narison, S.
Particles and the Universe: From the Ionian
School to the Higgs Boson and Beyond.
Sept 2015, 200pp., Hardback
(World Scientific)
ISBN 9789814644686 ¥14,650
(Paperback ISBN 9789814644693 ¥6,380
The book aims to present the history and developments of
particle physics from the introduction to the notion of particles
by the Ionian school until the discovery of the Higgs boson at
LHC in 2012. At the end of the book, some useful tools in the
research of particle physics are given for the advanced reader.
53. Seryi, A.
Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers
and Plasma. 2015, 288pp., Hardback (CRC Pr.)
ISBN 9781482240580
Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma
introduces the physics of accelerators, lasers and plasma in
tandem with the industrial methodology of inventiveness, a
technique that teaches that similar problems and solutions
appear again and again in seemingly dissimilar disciplines. This
unique approach builds bridges and enhances connections
between the three aforementioned areas of physics that are
essential for developing the next generation of accelerators.
Orbital Approach to the Electronic Structure
of Solids.
March 2016,
364pp., Paperback
(Oxford U.P.) ISBN 9780198767053
Presents an original approach to the electronic structure of
solids and outlines the strong ties between molecules and solids.
Illustrates different concepts and main ideas with reference to
real materials. Provides useful learning tool for students with
different backgrounds (physics, chemistry, materials science).
Will appeal to both students and researchers willing to
understand results of quantitative calculations or to rationalize
experimental observations in solid state and materials science.
Richly illustrated, with ample tutorial material. Solutions manual
9780199534937 £52.50)
57. Elyukhin, V.
Statistical Thermodynamics of
Semiconductor Alloys. Jan 2016, 224pp.,
This comprehensive reference outlines the fundamental
physics that is indispensable for a deep understanding of the
thermodynamic properties and characteristics of crystalline
semiconductor alloys, using the methods of statistical
58. Giamarch, T. et al. (eds)
【14 MeV 中性子 - 物理と応用】
54. Valkovic, V.
Strongly Interacting Quantum Systems out
of Equilibrium. (Lecture Notes of the Les Houches
Despite the often difficult and time-consuming effort of
performing experiments with fast (14 MeV) neutrons, these
neutrons can offer special insight into nucleus and other
materials because of the absence of charge. 14 MeV Neutrons:
Physics and Applications explores fast neutrons in basic
science and applications to problems in medicine, the
environment, and security.
Up-to-date introduction to collective nonequilibrium behavior of
quantum systems. Includes both condensed bose and
degenerate Fermi gases. Includes solid state physics of high
intensity short-time pulses and fast (femtosecond) probes.
Presented by leading authorities in the field.
14 MeV Neutrons: Physics and Applications.
Aug 2015, 516pp., Hardback
9781482238006 ¥27,050
(CRC Pr.)
【グラフェン科学ハンドブック・全 6 巻】
55. Aliofkhazraei, M. et al. (eds)
Graphene Science Handbook, Six-Volume
Set. May 2016, 6 Vols/3379pp., Hardback (CRC Pr.)
ISBN 9781466591189
Graphene is the strongest material ever studied and can be an
efficient substitute for silicon. This six-volume handbook
focuses on fabrication methods, nanostructure and atomic
arrangement, electrical and optical properties, mechanical and
chemical properties, size-dependent properties, and
applications and industrialization. There is no other major
Summer School: Volume 99, August 2012)
2016, 578pp., Hardback (Oxford U.P.)
ISBN 9780198768166 ¥11,610
【量子井戸、ワイヤ、ドット・第 4 版】
59. Harrison, P. & A. Valavanis
Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots: Theoretical
and Computational Physics of
Semiconductor Nanostructures, 4th Edition.
April 2016, 608pp., Hardback
9871118923368 ¥15,030
Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots provides all the essential
information, both theoretical and computational, to develop an
understanding of the electronic, optical and transport properties
of these semiconductor nanostructures. The book will lead the
reader through comprehensive explanations and mathematical
derivations to the point where they can design semiconductor
nanostructures with the required electronic and optical
properties for exploitation in these technologies.
【分子から生物有機体へ – 生物学と物理学の間】
60. Pebay-Peyroula, E. et al. (eds)
From Molecules to Living Organisms: An
Interplay Between Biology and Physics.
(Lecture Notes of the Les Houches School of Physics:
Volume 102, July 2014) Jan 2016, 464pp., Hardback
(Oxford U.P.) ISBN 9780198752950 ¥10,920
Illustrates the power of integrated methods in biology: from
molecules to cells and organisms. Interdisciplinary approach,
bridging structural biology and physics. Presentation of new
methods. Illustration of the power of several types of
discussed from first principles to introduce the reader to the
language of quantum mechanics used to describe the
behaviour of atomic nuclei and electrons. There is a long way
from knowing complex formulae to apply them correctly to
describe the studied system. The book shows through
examples how symbols can be "replaced" in equations by using
properties of real systems to formulate descriptions that link the
quantities observed in spin resonance experiments with
dynamics and structure of molecules.
65. Liu, Yunquan (eds)
Advances of Atoms and Molecules in Strong
Laser Fields.
Sept 2015, 300pp., Hardback
(World Scientific)
【原子および分子のスペクトル・第 3 版】
61. Bernath, P.F.
Spectra of Atoms and Molecules, 3rd Edition.
Feb 2016, 488pp., Hardback (Oxford U.P.)
ISBN 9780199382576 ¥17,480
Bernath's updated edition remains the gold standard of
spectroscopy texts. Interdisciplinary in that it has equal
importance for both chemistry and physics.
International Tables for Crystallography,
Volume B, Reciprocal Space, 4th Edition.
63. Fraser, R.G.J.
(Cambridge U.P.)
【単分子科学 - 物理学的原理とモデル】
66. Makarov, D.E.
【国際結晶学データ・第 B 巻(第 4 版)】
62. Chapuis, G. (ed)
April 2016, 700pp., Hardback
9781118992203 ¥77,040
ISBN 9789814696388
This volume presents the latest advancements and future
perspectives of atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics
and its vital role in modern sciences and technologies. The
chapters are devoted to a wide range of quantum systems, with
an emphasis on the understanding of ionization, high-harmonic
generation, molecular orbital imaging and coherent control
phenomena originating from light-matter interactions. The book
overviews current research landscape and highlight major
scientific trends in AMO physics interfacing with interdisciplinary
sciences. It may be particularly interesting for young
researchers working on establishing their scientific interests
and goals.
ISBN 9781107593411 ¥7,510
Originally published in 1931, this book is concerned with the
task of furthering the development of the physical method of
molecular rays and was intended for the general reader. Written
from an experimental standpoint, the book is a user-friendly
survey, which could only be otherwise obtained by extensive
reading of original papers. Chapters are broad in scope and
range from 'The Diffraction of molecular rays' to 'Chemical
equilibria, ionisation and spectroscopic applications'. Notably,
chapter one, which deals with the technique of the production
and measurement of the rays, has been written in more detail
and serves as a laboratory manual for beginners in
experimental work in molecular rays. Diagrams and plate
sections are included for reference. This book includes almost
every problem of surface chemistry and will be of great value to
scholars in the field as well as to anyone with an interest in the
history of physical chemistry.
64. Kruk, D.
Understanding Spin Dynamics. Oct 2015,
270pp., Hardback (Pan Stanford/Taylor & Francis)
ISBN 9789814463492 ¥17,480
This book concentrates on the theory of spin resonance
phenomena and the relaxation theory, which have been
Principles and Models. June 2015, 214pp.,
Explains how macroscopic laws translate into predictions
regarding the random behavior of individual molecules. Offers
a single-molecule perspective that makes many concepts of
chemical physics easier to understand. Exposes some of the
most fundamental physical laws in a very intuitive way
Develops essential concepts in a simple yet rigorous manner
and in a way that is accessible to a broad audience. Discusses
major single-molecule approaches used to study living systems
and biological molecules. Contains all relevant mathematical
concepts and physical background in the appendices.
67. Natarajan, V.
(CRC Pr.)
2015, 440pp.,
ISBN 9781482242034
Much of our understanding of physics in the last 30-plus years
has come from research on atoms, photons, and their
interactions. Collecting information previously scattered
throughout the literature, Modern Atomic Physics provides
students with one unified guide to contemporary developments
in the field.
After reviewing metrology and preliminary material, the text
explains core areas of atomic physics. Important topics
discussed include the spontaneous emission of radiation,
stimulated transitions and the properties of gas, the physics and
applications of resonance fluorescence, coherence, cooling and
trapping of charged and neutral particles, and atomic beam
magnetic resonance experiments. Covering standards, a
different way of looking at a photon, stimulated radiation, and
frequency combs, the appendices avoid jargon and use
historical notes and personal anecdotes to make the topics
accessible to non-atomic physics students.
Written by a leader in atomic and optical physics, this text gives
a state-of-the-art account of atomic physics within a basic
quantum mechanical framework. It shows students how atomic
physics has played a key role in many other areas of physics.
71. Xu, Yongbing et al. (eds)
Handbook of Spintronics. March 2016, 1609pp.,
68. Pugh, R.J.
Bubble and Foam Chemistry.
Sept 2016,
ISBN 9781107090576
Hardback (Cambridge U.P.)
This indispensable guide will equip the reader with a thorough
understanding of the field of foaming chemistry. Assuming only
basic theoretical background knowledge, the book provides a
straightforward introduction to the principles and properties of
foams and foaming surfactants. It discusses the key ideas that
underpin why foaming occurs, how it can be avoided and how
different degrees of antifoaming can be achieved, and covers
the latest test methods, including laboratory and industrial
developed techniques. Detailing a variety of different kinds of
foams, from wet detergents and food foams, to polymeric,
material and metal foams, it connects theory to real-world
applications and recent developments in foam research.
Combining academic and industrial viewpoints, this book is the
definitive stand-alone resource for researchers, students and
industrialists working on foam technology, colloidal systems in
the field of chemical engineering, fluid mechanics, physical
chemistry, and applied physics.
69. Ray, S.S.
Fractional Calculus with Applications for
Nuclear Reactor Dynamics. July 2015, 235pp.,
(CRC Pr.)
This large reference work addresses a broad range of topics
covering various aspects of spintronics science and technology,
ranging from fundamental physics through materials properties
and processing to established and emerging device technology
and applications. It comprises a collection of chapters from a
large international team of leading researchers across
academia and industry, providing readers with an up-to-date
and comprehensive review of this dynamic field of research.
The opening chapters focus on the fundamental physical
principles of spintronics in metals and semiconductors,
including the theory of giant magnetoresistance and an
introduction to spin quantum computing. Materials systems
are then considered, with sections on metallic thin films and
multilayers, magnetic tunnelling structures, hybrid materials
including Heusler compounds, magnetic semiconductors,
molecular spintronic materials, carbon nanotubes and
graphene. A separate section describes the various methods
used in the characterisation of spintronics materials, including
spin-polarised photoemission, x-ray diffraction techniques and
spin-polarised SEM.
The third and final part of the Handbook contains chapters on
spintronic device technology and applications, including spin
valves, GMR and MTJ devices, MRAM technology, spin
transistors and spin logic devices, spin torque devices, spin
pumping and spin dynamics, and thermal effects in spintronics.
Each chapter builds from the fundamentals through to the stateof-the-art, also considering the challenges faced by researchers
and containing some indication of the direction that future work
in the field is likely to take. This reference work will be an
essential and long-standing resource for the spintronics
community, whether in academic or industrial research.
ISBN 9781498727273
The author discusses fractional calculus and the numerical
solution for fractional neutron point kinetic equation (FNPKE),
introduces the technique for efficient and accurate numerical
computation for FNPKE with different values of reactivity, and
analyzes the fractional neutron point kinetic (FNPK) model for
the dynamic behavior of neutron motion. The book begins with
an overview of nuclear reactors, explains how nuclear energy is
extracted from reactors, and explores the behavior of neutron
density using reactivity functions. It also demonstrates the
applicability of the Haar wavelet method and introduces the
neutron diffusion concept to aid readers in understanding the
complex behavior of average neutron motion.
【分光分析ハンドブック・全 5 巻】
70. Workman, J.
The Concise Handbook of Analytical
Spectroscopy: Theory, Applications, and
Reference Materials. July 2016, 5 Vols/1250pp.,
Hardback (World Scientific) ISBN 9789814508056
Vol 1: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy.
Vol 2: Visible Spectroscopy.
Vol 3: Near Infrared Spectroscopy.
Vol 4: Infrared Spectroscopy.
Vol 5: Raman Spectroscopy.
72. Yu, Aibing (ed)
Applications of Particle Technology. Aug 2016,
9789812871237 ca. ¥39,590
The aim of this handbook is to provide a comprehensive
summary of the field of Particle Science and Technology which
includes most updated research findings and their applications
in different industries. It is hoped that the consolidated
knowledge described by this handbook will inspire more
innovative ideas to bring the field forward. The size of the
particles may range from nanometer scale, as in pigments or
aerosols, to that of mined or quarried materials. The handbook
will cover the topics ranging from the formation and synthesis,
packing and flow and application of these particles. Each part is
explored in great details in different sections and chapters, it is
written by a pool of international well known scholars, as well as
industrial experts. The handbook fully reflects the state of the
art in Particle Science and Technology.
73. Aktsipetrov, O.A. et al.
Second Order Non-linear Optics of Silicon
and Silicon Nanostructures. Feb 2016, 582pp.,
(CRC Pr.)
ISBN 9781498724159
The theory and practice of the non-linear optics of silicon are
inextricably linked with a variety of areas of solid state physics,
particularly semiconductor physics. However, the current
literature linking these fields is scattered across various sources
and is lacking in depth. Second Order Non-linear Optics of
Silicon and Silicon Nanostructures describes the physical
properties of silicon as they apply to non-linear optics while also
covering details of the physics of semiconductors.
74. Bowen, W.P. & G.J. Milbum
Quantum Optomechanics.
(CRC Pr.)
Dec 2015, 358pp.,
ISBN 9781482259155
Written by leading experimentalist Warwick P. Bowen and
prominent theoretician Gerard J. Milburn, Quantum
Optomechanics discusses modern developments in this novel
field from experimental and theoretical standpoints. The authors
share their insight on a range of important topics, including
optomechanical cooling and entanglement; quantum limits on
measurement precision and how to overcome them via backaction evading measurements; feedback control; single photon
synchronization; coupling of optomechanical systems to
microwave circuits and two-level systems, such as atoms and
superconducting qubits; and optomechanical tests of
gravitational decoherence.
The book first introduces the basic physics of quantum
harmonic oscillators and their interactions with their
environment. It next discusses the radiation pressure
interaction between light and matter, deriving common
Hamiltonians used in quantum optomechanics. It then focuses
on the linearized regime of quantum optomechanics before
exploring scenarios where the simple linearized picture of
quantum optomechanics no longer holds.
The authors move on to hybrid optomechanical systems in
which the canonical quantum optomechanical system is
coupled to another quantum object. They explain how an
alternative form of a hybrid optomechanical system leads to the
phenomenon of synchronization. They also consider the impact
of quantum optomechanics on tests of gravitational physics.
【波長可変レーザーの応用・第 3 版】
75. Duarte, F.J.
Tunable Laser Applications, Third Edition.
(Series: Optical Science and Engineering) Feb 2016,
(CRC Pr.)
ISBN 9781482261066
Broadly tunable lasers continue to have a tremendous impact
in many and diverse fields of science and technology. From a
renaissance in laser spectroscopy to Bose–Einstein
condensation, the one nexus is the tunable laser.
Tunable Laser Applications describes the physics and
architectures of widely applied tunable laser sources. Fully
updated and expanded to address important advances in the
science and technology, this Third Edition:
Contains new chapters on tunable laser microscopy and
tunable laser atomic vapor laser isotope separation
Offers extended coverage of optical parametric oscillators and
their application to atmospheric sensing, biomedicine, defense
counter measures, microscopy, and spectroscopy
Discusses exciting new applications in astronomy, defense
R&D, medicine, and more
Featuring fresh contributions from internationally recognized
experts—including 100+ new pages and extensive reference
listings—Tunable Laser Applications, Third Edition provides
a timely account of the most promising tunable laser
applications to date.
76. Ho, Aaron H.-P. et al. (eds)
Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical
Engineering. Oct 2016, 1500pp., Hardback
ISBN 9789400750517
Presents not only the basics of nanophotonics but also explores
recent experimental and clinical methods used in biomedical
and bioengineering. Comprehensive reference work with
multidisciplinary appeal. Of interest to researchers in photonics,
materials, and biomedical engineering, sensor and imaging
industry, industrial laboratories and hospitals with biological and
medical research programs. Written by experts in the field, both
from academia as well as industry. Each peer-reviewed chapter
discusses fundamental aspects and materials/fabrication
issues of nanophotonics, as well as applications in interfaces,
cell, tissue, animal studies, and clinical engineering.
77. Porsezian, K. & R. Ganapathy
Odyssey of Light in Nonlinear Optical
Fibers: Theory and Applications. Nov 2015,
9781482236132 ¥33,060
78. Teo, Yong Siah
Introduction to Quantum-State Estimaation.
Aug 2015, 396pp., Hardback
(World Scientific)
ISBN 9789814678834 ¥20,670
(Paperback ISBN 9789814678841 ¥10,890)
79. Tyson, R.K.
Principles of Adaptive Optics, Fourth
Edition. Nov 2015, 360pp., Hardback (CRC
ISBN 9781482252330
【デジタル格子投影法を用いた高速 3D イメージング】
80. Zhang, Song
High-Speed 3D Imaging with Digital Fringe
Projection Techniques. (Series: Optical Sciences
and Applications of Light)
March 2016, 198pp.,
(CRC Pr.)
ISBN 9781482234336
Digital fringe protection (DFP) techniques are used for noncontact shape measurement of 3D images. In the rapidly
expanding field of 3D high-speed imaging, the demand for DFP
continues to grow due to the technology’s fast speed, flexibility,
low cost, and high accuracy.
High-Speed 3D Imaging with Digital Fringe Projection
Techniques discusses the generation of digital fringe with
digital video projection devices, covering a variety of core
technical aspects. The book begins by establishing the
theoretical foundations of fringe pattern analysis, reviewing
various 3D imaging techniques while highlighting the
advantages of DFP. The author then:
Describes the differences between digital light processing
(DLP), liquid crystal display (LCD), and liquid crystal on silicon
Explains how to unwrap phase maps temporally and spatially
Shows how to generate fringe patterns with video projectors
Demonstrates how to convert phase to coordinates through
system calibrations
Provides a detailed example of a built-from-scratch 3D imaging
Incorporating valuable insights gained during the author’s 15+
years of 3D imaging research, High-Speed 3D Imaging with
Digital Fringe Projection Techniques illuminates the pathway
to advancement in high-speed 3D optical imaging using DFP.
85. Kroon, J.A.V.
Conformal Methods in General Relativity.
Sept 2016, Hardback
(Cambridge U.P.)
9781107033894 ¥23,490
81. Gott, J.R.
The Cosmic Web: Mysterious Architecture
of the Universe. 2016, 272pp., Hardback
(Princeton U.P.)
ISBN 9780691157269
82. Johnson, J.A.
This book offers a systematic exposition of conformal methods
and how they can be used to study the global properties of
solutions to the equations of Einstein's theory of gravity. It
shows that combining these ideas with differential geometry can
elucidate the existence and stability of the basic solutions of the
theory. Introducing the differential geometric, spinorial and PDE
background required to gain a deep understanding of conformal
methods, this text provides an accessible account of key results
in mathematical relativity over the last thirty years, including the
stability of de Sitter and Minkowski spacetimes. For graduate
students and researchers, this self-contained account includes
useful visual models to help the reader grasp abstract concepts
and a list of further reading, making this the perfect reference
companion on the topic.
How Do You Find an Exoplanet? 2015, 200pp.,
(Princeton U.P.)
ISBN 9780691156811
86. Maoz, D.
Astrophysics in a Nutshell, Second Edition.
83. Jose, J.
2016, 312pp., Hardback
9780691164793 ¥15,970
Stellar Explosions: Hydrodynamics and
Nucleosynthesis. (Series in Astronomy and
Astrophysics) Dec 2015, 452pp., Hardback
Pr.) ISBN 9781439853061 ¥15,840
Providing the required multidisciplinary background in a
coherent way has been the driving force for Stellar
Explosions: Hydrodynamics and Nucleosynthesis. Written
by a specialist in stellar astrophysics, this book presents a
rigorous but accessible treatment of the physics of stellar
explosions from a multidisciplinary perspective at the
crossroads of computational astrophysics, observational
astronomy, cosmochemistry, and nuclear physics. Basic
concepts from all these different fields are applied to the study
of classical and recurrent novae, type I and II supernovae, Xray bursts and superbursts, and stellar mergers. The book
shows how a multidisciplinary approach has been instrumental
in our understanding of nucleosynthesis in stars, particularly
during explosive events.
84. Keiling, A. et al.
Low-Frequency Waves in Space Plasmas.
(Geophysical Monograph Series)
April 2016,
528pp., Hardback (Wiley) ISBN 9781119054955
Low-frequency waves in space plasmas have been studied for
several decades, and our knowledge gain has been incremental
with several paradigmchanging leaps forward. In our solar
system, such waves occur in the ionospheres and
magnetospheres of planets, and around our Moon. They occur
in the solar wind, and more recently, they have been confirmed
in the Sun’s atmosphere as well. The goal of wave research is
to understand their generation, their propagation, and their
interaction with the surrounding plasma. Low-frequency Waves
in Space Plasmas presents a concise and authoritative up-todate look on where wave research stands: What have we
learned in the last decade? What are unanswered questions?
While in the past waves in different astrophysical plasmas have
been largely treated in separate books, the unique feature of
this monograph is that it covers waves in many plasma regions.
(Princeton U.P.)
Written by Dan Maoz, a leading active researcher, and designed
for advanced undergraduate science majors, Astrophysics in a
Nutshell is a brief but thorough introduction to the observational
data and theoretical concepts underlying modern astronomy.
Generously illustrated, it covers the essentials of modern
astrophysics, emphasizing the common physical principles that
govern astronomical phenomena, and the interplay between
theory and observation, while also introducing subjects at the
forefront of modern research, including black holes, dark matter,
dark energy, and gravitational lensing.
【電波天文学原理 – 観察法】
87. Marr, J.M. et al.
Observational Methods. Dec 2015, 332pp.,
(CRC Pr.)
ISBN 9781420076769
As evidenced by five Nobel Prizes in physics, radio astronomy
in its 80-year history has contributed greatly to our
understanding of the universe. Yet for too long, there has been
no suitable textbook on radio astronomy for undergraduate
Fundamentals of Radio Astronomy: Observational
Methods is the first undergraduate-level textbook exclusively
devoted to radio astronomy telescopes and observation
methods. This book, the first of two volumes, explains the
instrumentation and techniques needed to make successful
observations in radio astronomy. With examples interspersed
throughout and problems at the end of each chapter, it prepares
students to contribute to a radio astronomy research team.
【一般相対性論の 100 年・全 2 巻】
88. Ni, Wei-Tou (ed)
One Hundred Years of General Relativity:
From Genesis and Empirical Foundations to
Gravitational Waves, Cosmology and
Quantum Gravity. Feb 2016, 2 Vols/1100pp.,
(World Scientific) ISBN 9789814635127
The aim of this two-volume title is to give a comprehensive
review of one hundred years of development of general relativity
and its scientific influences. This unique title provides a broad
introduction and review to the fascinating and profound subject
of general relativity, its historical development, its important
theoretical consequences, gravitational wave detection and
applications to astrophysics and cosmology. The series focuses
on five aspects of the theory:
Genesis, Solutions and Energy; Empirical Foundations;
Gravitational Waves; Cosmology; Quantum Gravity.
The first three topics are covered in Volume 1 and the remaining
two are covered in Volume 2. While this is a two-volume title, it
is designed so that each volume can be a standalone reference
volume for the related topic.
89. Nicollier, C. & R.-M. Bonnet
Our Space Environment, Opportunities,
Stakes and Dangers.
Dec 2015, 216pp.,
(EPFL Pr./Taylor & Francis)
978240222889 ¥13,650
The space surrounding our planet is full of opportunities and
resources. Ranging from a hundred to a few thousand
kilometers around Earth, our space-neighborhood offers an
excellent vantage point to the universe, and a great opportunity
to push the frontiers of science and knowledge. Manned
missions advance research on human biology, health, and life
in microgravity conditions. Satellite technologies gather
essential data to better understand and manage our home
planet by monitoring Earth’s environmental changes.
Extraordinary developments in telecommunications and
navigation are now indispensable to everyday life, and we
cannot underestimate the emerging industry of space-tourism
or the boom in projects to explore more distant planets such as
But space also means risk. What is the real threat of
meteorites? How much debris — from old rocket stages to mere
flakes of paint — has been left there since space exploration
began? How serious is this problem today? What is the risk of
solar flares and particle bursts? How does our own Sun
influence our climate? And what about the danger of cosmic
radiation for humans and devices stationed beyond our
By tackling a wide range of topics, this book aims to give a
comprehensive overview of the opportunities and hazards in our
immediate space environment. It also exposes the challenges
that governments, space agencies, private companies, and
human communities have to face in order to manage space
together to create long-term and safe access to it, while
protecting life on Earth.
90. Walker, C.K.
Terahertz Astronomy.
(CRC Pr.)
Oct 2015, 335pp.,
ISBN 9781466570429
Terahertz (THz) observations of interstellar atoms, molecules,
and dust serve as powerful probes of the conditions within the
interstellar medium that permeates our galaxy, providing
insights into the origins of stars, planets, galaxies, and the
Universe. Taking a cross-disciplinary approach to the subject,
Terahertz Astronomy explores THz astrophysics and the
technologies that make this rapidly evolving field possible.
The first four chapters of the book discuss the origin and
interpretation of THz light in astrophysical sources. The
remaining five chapters present an overview of the technologies
used to collect and detect THz light. Every chapter contains
worked-out examples and exercises. The author explains each
topic as intuitively as possible and includes the equations
needed for real-life astrophysical applications.
In just a few years, the number of active THz researchers has
substantially grown due to increased interest in terrestrial
remote sensing at THz frequencies. This book provides
researchers with both the background science and technology
to interpret THz observations and design, build, and deploy THz
astronomical instrumentation.
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