
53 Chapter 53 Multivariate Statistical Analysis

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53 Chapter 53 Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Statistical Analysis
Simo Puntanen
University of Tampere
George A. F. Seber
University of Auckland
George P. H. Styan
McGill University
Data Matrix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Multivariate Normal Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inference for the Multivariate Normal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Principal Component Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Discriminant Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Canonical Correlations and Variates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Estimation of Correlations and Variates . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Matrix Quadratic Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Multivariate Linear Model:
Least Squares Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
53.10 Multivariate Linear Model: Statistical Inference. . . . . .
53.11 Metric Multidimensional Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vectors and matrices arise naturally in the analysis of statistical data and we have seen this in Chapter 52.
For example, suppose we take a random sample of n females and measure their heights xi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n),
giving us the vector x = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ]T . We can treat x as simply a random vector, which can give rise
to different values depending on the sample chosen, or as a vector of observed values (the data) taken
on by the random vector from which we calculate a statistic like a sample mean (average). We use the
former approach when we want to make inferences about the female population. In this case, we find
that the value of a given xi will depend on how it varies across the population, and this is described by
its statistical “distribution,” which is defined by a univariate function of one variable called a probability
density function (pdf). For example, xi may follow the well-known normal distribution, which seems to
apply to many naturally occurring measurements. This distribution has a probability density function
totally characterized by two (unknown) parameters, the population mean µ and the population variance
σ 2 , where σ is the standard deviation; we write xi ∼ N1 (µ, σ 2 ), where “∼” means “distributed as.”
(Throughout this chapter σ will always refer to a standard deviation and not to a singular value.) When
the sample is random, the choice of any female does not affect the choice of any other, so that technically
we say that the xi are statistically independent and they all have the same distribution.
Three important aspects of statistical inference are: (1) estimating µ from the data and deriving the
distributional properties of the estimate from the assumed underlying pdf; (2) finding a so-called confidence interval for µ, which is an interval containing the true value of µ with a given probability, e.g., 0.95
or, when typically expressed as a percentage, 95%; and (3) testing a hypothesis (called the null hypothesis
H0 ) about whether µ is equal to some predetermined value µ0 , say. Symbolically, we write H0 : µ = µ0 .
To test H0 , we need to have a test statistic and be able to derive its distribution when H0 is true and when
Handbook of Linear Algebra
it is false, called the noncentral distribution in the latter case. Noncentral distributions are usually quite
complex, but they have a role in determining how good a test is in detecting departures from the null
In multivariate analysis we are interested in measuring not just a single characteristic or variable on
each female, but we may also want to record weight, income, blood pressure, and so on, so that each xi
gets replaced by a d-dimensional vector xi of d variables. Then x from the sample of recorded heights
gets replaced by a matrix X with rows xi . In this case the probability density function for xi is said to
be multivariate and the population mean is now a vector µ, say. We can look at X as either a matrix
of numbers, or a random matrix, which we use for carrying out statistical inferences. In doing this, the
univariate normal distribution extends naturally to the multivariate normal distribution, which has a pdf
totally characterized by its mean µ and its covariance matrix var(x) = . One can then derive other
distributions based on various functions of X, which can then be used for inference.
The vectors xi can be regarded as a cluster of points in Rd . Such a set of points can also come from
sampling a mixed population of men and women so that there would be two overlapping clusters. Alternatively, the population of females could be a mixture of races, each with its own characteristics, leading
to several overlapping clusters. In order to study such clusters, we need techniques to somehow reduce
the dimension of the data (hopefully, to two dimensions) in some optimal fashion, but still retain as
much of the original variation as possible. We will introduce just three dimension-reducing techniques
below. The first method, called principal component analysis, is used for a single cluster. The second
method, called discriminant coordinates, is used for several clusters and the reduction in dimension
is carried out to maximize group separation. The third method, called canonical variates, is also used
for a single cluster, but utilizes the internal variation within the vectors. Looking at how one variable
within a vector depends on the other variables lends itself to a range of other techniques, such as multivariate linear regression where we might compare the internal relationships in one cluster with those
in others. For example, comparing how blood pressure depends on other variables for both males and
We finally introduce just one other topic called metric multidimensional scaling. Instead of having
observations on n people or objects, we simply have measures of similarity or dissimilarity between each
pair of objects. The challenge then is to try and represent these objects as a cluster in a low-dimensional
space so that the inter-point Euclidean distances will closely reproduce the dissimilarity measures. Once
we have the cluster we can then examine it to try and uncover any underlying structure or clustering of
the objects.
It is hoped that these few applications will demonstrate the richness of the subject and its interplay
between statistics and matrices. In this chapter we assume some of the basic statistical ideas defined in
Chapter 52. However, there has to be a change in notation as we now need to continually distinguish
between random and nonrandom vectors and matrices.
Data Matrix
The latter part of the alphabet from u to z, upper or lower case, together with Q we reserve for random
quantities, and the remainder of the alphabet for nonrandom quantities. All quantities in this section are
real, though in practice some of the theory can be extended to complex quantities, as, for example, in the
theory of time series.
If w = [yT , zT ]T is a random vector, then y and z are said to be uncorrelated if and only if their crosscovariance cov(y, z) = 0. We say that y and z are statistically independent if and only if the probability
density function (pdf) of w is the product of the pdfs of y and z.
Multivariate Statistical Analysis
⎢ x2T ⎥
(1) (2)
Let X = [xi j ] = ⎢
⎣. . .⎦ = [x , x , . . . , x ] be an n×d matrix of random variables with rows xi such
that all xi have the same covariance matrix and are uncorrelated, i.e., cov(xr , xs ) = δr s , where δr s = 1
for r = s and δr s = 0 for r = s . We call a matrix with the above properties a data matrix. As mentioned
in the introduction, the xi often constitute a random sample, which we now formally define. A random
sample of vectors xi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) of size n consists of n random vectors that are independently and
identically distributed (i.i.d.), that is, they are statistically independent of each other and have the same
pdf. When this is the case, we see from the data matrix above that the n elements of x( j ) form a random
sample from the j th characteristic or variable, being just the j th elements in each xi . However, x( j ) and
x(k) ( j = k) can be correlated.
The moment generating function or m.g.f. of any random vector x is defined to be Mx (t) = E(et x ).
It can be used for finding such things as the mean and covariance matrix, or the distribution of related
random variables.
1. For a random variable x, Mx (t) = E(ext ) = r =0 E(x r ) rt ! . The coefficient of rt ! in the power series
expansion of Mx (t) gives us E(x r ) from which we can get µ = E(x) and var(x) = E(x 2 ) − µ2 .
2. Statistical independence implies zero covariance but not generally vice versa except for one notable
exception, the multivariate normal distribution (see next section).
Multivariate Normal Distribution
Let x = [xi ] = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xd ]T be a d × 1 random vector with mean µ and positive definite covariance
matrix . Then x is said to follow a (nonsingular) multivariate normal distribution when its pdf is
f (x : µ, ) = (2π )−d/2 (det )−1/2 exp{− 12 (x − µ)T −1/2 (x − µ)},
where −∞ < x j < ∞, j = 1, 2, . . . , d. We write x ∼ Nd (µ, ). When d = 1 we have the univariate normal distribution. When is singular, the pdf of x does not exist but it can be defined via a
transformation x = Ay where y does have a nonsingular distribution. This is mentioned further below.
The noncentral χ 2 -distribution with p degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter δ, denoted by
χ p,δ , is the distribution of xT x when x ∼ N p (µ, I p ) and δ = µT µ. The distribution is said to be central
whenever δ = 0, and we denote it by χ p2 .
The noncentral F-distribution with m, n degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter δ, denoted
, where u ∼ χm,δ
, v ∼ χn2 , and u and v
by F (m, n; δ), is the distribution of the so-called F-ratio F = u/m
are independent. The distribution is central whenever δ = 0 and we then write F ∼ F (m, n).
All the following facts except those with a specific reference can be found in [And03, Ch. 2], [Rao73,
Sec. 8a], or [SL03, Ch. 1].
We can extend our definition to include the singular multivariate normal distribution using one of the
first two facts below as a definition, each of which includes both the nonsingular and singular cases. When
we write x ∼ Nd (µ, ), we include both possibilities unless otherwise stated.
Handbook of Linear Algebra
1. Assuming for the trivial case that y ∼ N1 (b, 0) means y = b with probability 1, then the random
d × 1 vector x follows a multivariate normal distribution if and only if y = aT x is univariate normal
for all d × 1 vectors a.
2. A random d × 1 vector x with mean µ and covariance matrix follows a multivariate normal
distribution of rank m ≤ d when it has the same distribution as Az + µ, where A is any d × m
matrix satisfying = AAT and z ∼ Nm (0, Im ).
1 T
3. Given x ∼ Nd (µ, ), then the m.g.f. of x is Mx (t) = et µ+ 2 t t . When is positive definite, this
m.g.f. uniquely determines the nonsingular multivariate normal distribution.
4. Given x ∼ Nd (µ, ) and A m × d, then Ax ∼ Nm (Aµ, A AT ). The distribution is nonsingular
if and only if A has full row rank m (m ≤ d), which is assured when is positive definite and A
has rank m.
5. Any subset of the components of a multivariate normal random variable is multivariate normal.
6. If the cross-covariance matrix of any two vectors which contain disjoint subsets of x is zero, then
the two vectors are statistically independent.
7. If the cross-covariance matrix cov(Ax, Bx) = 0, then Ax and Bx are statistically independent.
8. If is positive definite, then (x − µ)T −1 (x − µ) ∼ χd2 , the central χ 2 -distribution with d degrees
of freedom.
9. Let x be an n × 1 random vector with E(x) = µ and var(x) = , and having any distribution. If
A is any symmetric n × n matrix, then E[(x − a)T A(x − a)] = tr(A) + (µ − a)T A(µ − a).
10. Let x = [xi ] be an n × 1 random vector with E(xi ) = θi and µr = E(xi − θi )r ; r = 2, 3, 4. If A is
any n × n symmetric matrix and a is the column vector of the diagonal elements of A, then
var(xT Ax) = (µ4 − 3µ22 )aT a + 2µ22 trA2 + 4µ2 θ T A2 θ + 4µ3 θ T Aa.
1. If x ∼ N1 (0, σ 2 ), then Mx (t) = e 2 σ t from Fact 3 above. Since µ = 0, µr = E(x r ) can be found
by expanding Mx (t) and finding the coefficient of t r /r !. For example, µ2 = σ 2 , µ3 = 0, and
µ4 = 3µ22 .
2. If the xi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) are i.i.d. as N1 (0, σ 2 ), then by either multiplying pdfs together for
independent random variables or using m.g.f.s we find that x ∼ Nn (0, σ 2 In ). Substituting the
results from the previous example into Fact 10 we get var(xT Ax) = 2σ 4 trA2 .
2 2
Inference for the Multivariate Normal
Given a random sample {xi } that are i.i.d., from the nonsingular multivariate normal distribution, the
likelihood function is defined to be the joint pdf of the sample expressed as a function of the unknown
parameters, namely,
L (u, ) =
f (xi ; µ, ).
i =1
The parameter estimates that maximize this function
n are called the maximum likelihood estimates. The
sample mean of the sample is defined to be x̄ = i =1 xi /n, and is not to be confused with the complex
Multivariate Statistical Analysis
= Q/n =
1. The maximum likelihood estimates of µ and are, respectively, µ
= x̄ and n
i =1 i
2. Q = X T C X, where X is the data matrix previously defined and the centering matrix C = In − n1 11T
is symmetric and idempotent. Also, C X = [x1 − x̄, . . . , xn − x̄]T = X̃, say, and Q = X̃ T X̃.
Principal Component Analysis
Let x be a random d-dimensional vector with mean µ and positive definite covariance matrix . Let
T = [t1 , t2 , . . . , td ] be an orthogonal matrix such that T T T = = diag(λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λd ), where λ1 ≥
λ2 ≥ · · · ≥ λd > 0 are the ordered eigenvalues of . The sum tr is sometimes called the total variance.
If y = [y j ] = T T (x − µ), then y j = tTj (x − µ) ( j = 1, 2, . . . , d) is called the j th population principal
component of x, and z j = λ j y j is called the j th standardized population principal component.
In practice, µ and are unknown and have to be estimated from a sample x1 , x2 , . . . , xn . Assuming
that the underlying distribution is multivariate normal we can use the estimates of the previous section,
= X̃ T X̃/n. Carrying out a similar factorization on as we did for , we obtain the eigenvalues
x̄ and λ̂1 ≥ λ̂2 ≥ · · · ≥ λ̂d > 0 and an orthogonal matrix T = [t̂1 , t̂2 , . . . , t̂d ] of corresponding eigenvectors.
T (xi − x̄) of sample principal components or
yi = T
For each observation xi , we can define a vector T
= [
T X̃ T .
y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ] = T
estimated principal components yielding Y
Although the above method is mainly used descriptively, asymptotic inference for large n can be carried
out on the assumption that the underlying distribution is normal.
The following facts can be found in [Chr01, Sec. 3.1–3.3], [Rao73, Sec. 8g2], or in [Seb04, Sec. 5.2].
1. As var(y) = , which is diagonal, the y j are uncorrelated and var(y j ) = λ j .
j =1 var(y j ) =
j =1 var(x j ) = tr. We can use λ j /tr to measure the relative magnitude of
λ j . If the λi (i = k + 1, . . . , d) are relatively small so that the corresponding yi are “small” (with
zero means and small variances), then y(k) = [y1 , y2 , . . . , yk ]T can be regarded as a k-dimensional
approximation for y. Thus, y(k) can be used as a “proxy” for x in terms of explaining a major part
of the total variance.
3. Let T(k) = [t1 , . . . , tk ]. Then:
r max var(aT x) = var(tT x) = var tT (x − µ) = var(y ) = λ ,
aT a=1
so that y1 is the normalized linear combination of the elements of x − µ with maximum variance λ1 .
aT a=1,T(k−1) a=0
var(aT x) = var(tkT x) = var(yk ) = λk , so that tkT (x − µ) is the normalized linear
combination of the elements x − µ uncorrelated with y1 , y2 , . . . , yk−1 , with maximum variance
λk .
4. ŷ i j = t̂Tj (xi − x̄), the score of the i th individual on the j th sample principal component, is related
to the orthogonal projection of xi − x̄ onto range(t̂ j ), namely Pt̂ j (xi − x̄) = t̂ j t̂Tj (xi − x̄) = ŷ i j t̂ j .
be a discrete random
1. Suppose we assume that each xi is just an observed vector, i.e., a constant. Let v
vector taking the values xi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) with probability n1 . Then E(v) = i =1 xi P (v = xi ) =
Handbook of Linear Algebra
This means that the sample principal components for
xi /n = x̄ and, similarly, var(v) = .
x are the population components for v so that all the optimal properties of population principal
components hold correspondingly for the sample principal components.
2. Entomologists are interested in the number of distinct taxa present in a population of winged
aphids as they are difficult to identify. Forty aphids were trapped and 19 variables on each aphid
were measured. A principal component analysis was carried out and the first two components
accounted for 85% of the estimate of the total variance giving an effective reduction from 19 to
yi were plotted showing the presence of four groups. Also, the
2 dimensions. The 2-dimensional tr (r = 1, 2) suggested which two linear combinations of the 19 measurements gave the best
discrimination. As the aphids came from slightly different populations, the original assumption
that the sample is from a homogeneous population is not quite true, but it does provide a starting
place for further study, e.g., use discriminant coordinates described in the next section with four
i =1
Discriminant Coordinates
Suppose we have n d-dimensional
of which ni belong to group i from the i th underlying
population (i = 1, 2, . . . , g ; n = i =1 ni ). Let xi j be the j th observation in group i , and define
x̄i · =
1 xi j
j =1
x̄·· =
1 xi j .
i =1 j =1
Let Wg =
j =1 (xi j − x̄i · )(xi j − x̄i · ) , the within-groups matrix, and let Wb =
i =1
i =1 ni (x̄i · −
x̄·· )(x̄i · − x̄·· ) , the between-groups matrix. Since Wg and Wb are positive definite with probability 1,
the eigenvalues of Wg−1 Wb , which are the same as those of Wg−1/2 Wb Wg−1/2 , are positive and distinct with
probability 1, say λ1 > λ2 > · · · > λd > 0.
Let Wg−1 Wb cr = λr cr be suitably scaled eigenvectors and define C T = [c1 , c2 , . . . , ck ] (k ≤ d). If
we define yi j = C xi j , then the k elements of zi j are called the first k discriminant coordinates (or
canonical variates). These coordinates are determined so as to emphasize group separation, but with
decreasing effectiveness so that k has to be determined. The coordinates can be computed using an
appropriate transformation combined with a principal component analysis. Typically the ci are scaled so
that C SC T = Ir , where S = Wg /(n − g ).
1. Trivariate measurements xi j were taken on the skulls of six collections (four subspecies with three
collections apparently from the same species) of anteaters. Using six groups of data from six
underlying populations in the above theory, we found that [λ1 , λ2 , λ3 ] = [2.400, 0.905, 0.052].
Since λ3 was small, we chose k = 2. We could, therefore, transform the 3-dimensional observations
xi j into the 2-dimensional yi j = C xi j and still account for most of the variation in the data. The
2-dimensional reductions were then plotted to help us look for any patterns. As an aid to our
search, it was possible to draw a circle with center the reduced mean of each group so that the circle
contained any reduced random observation from its population with probability 0.95. The center
of the circle locates the center of gravity of the group and the boundary of the circle shows where
the bulk of the observations are expected to lie. The closeness of these circles indicated how “close”
the groups and subspecies were. We found that three of the circles almost overlapped completely,
confirming a common underlying species, and the remaining circles had little overlap, suggesting
the presence of four species.
Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Canonical Correlations and Variates
Let z =
denote a d-dimensional random vector with mean µ and positive definite covariance matrix
. Let x and y have dimensions d1 and d2 = d − d1 , respectively, and consider the partition
where ii is di × di and 21 = 12
has rank r . Let ρ12 be the maximum value of the squared correlation
between arbitrary linear combinations αT x and β T y, and let
α = a1 and β = b1 be the corresponding
maximizing values of α and β. Then the positive square root ρ12 is called the first (population) canonical
correlation between x and y, and u1 = a1T x and v 1 = b1T y are called the first (population) canonical
Let ρ22 be the maximum value of the squared correlation between αT x and β T y, where αT x is uncorT
related with a1T x and β T y is uncorrelated
with b1 y, and let u2 = a2 x and v 2 = b2 y be the maximizing
values. Then the positive square root ρ2 is called the second canonical correlation, and u2 and v 2 are
called the second canonical variables. Continuing in this manner, we obtain r pairs of canonical variables u = [u1 , u2 , . . . , ur ]T and v = [v 1 , v 2 , . . . , v r ]T . We can then regard u and v as lower-dimensional
“representations” of x and y.
12 22
21 has m
1. [Seb04, Sec. 5.7] If m = rank12 ≥ 1 and is positive definite, then 11
21 and
positive eigenvalues ρ1 ≥ ρ2 ≥ · · · ≥ ρm , say, and ρ1 < 1. Moreover, 11 12 22
21 11
12 have the same (nonzero) eigenvalues. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , am and b1 , b2 , . . . , bm be the
12 22
21 and 22
21 11
12 , respectively. Suppose that
corresponding eigenvectors of 11
α and β are arbitrary vectors such that for r ≤ m, α x is uncorrelated with each aTj x ( j =
1, 2, . . . , r − 1), and β T y is uncorrelated with each bTj y ( j = 1, 2, . . . , r − 1). Let u j = aTj x and
v j = bTj y, for j = 1, 2, . . . , r . Then:
r The maximum squared correlation between αT x and β T y is given by ρ 2 and it occurs when
α = ar and β = br .
r cov(u , u ) = 0 for j = k, and cov(v , v ) = 0 for j = k.
j k
r The squared correlation between u and v is ρ 2 .
r Since ρ 2 is independent of scale, we can scale a and b such that aT a = 1 and bT b = 1.
j 11 j
j 22 j
The u j and v j then have unit variances.
r If the d × d matrix has row full rank, and d < d , then m = d . All the eigenvalues of
12 22
21 are then positive, while 22
21 11
12 has d1 positive eigenvalues and d2 − d1
zero eigenvalues. The rank of 12 can vary as there may be constraints on 12 , such as 12 = 0
(rank 0) or 12 = a1d1 1dT1 (rank 1).
2. [Bri01, p. 370]. Suppose x and y have means µx and µy , respectively. Let u = A(x − µx ) and
v = B(y − µy ), where A and B are any matrices, each with r rows that are linearly independent,
satisfying A11 AT = Ir and B22 B T = Ir . Then E[(u − v)T (u − v)] is minimized when u and v
are vectors of the canonical variables.
3. [BS93], [SS80] When is singular, then the (population) canonical correlations are the positive
12 22
21 ; any generalized inverses 11
and 22
may be
square roots of the eigenvalues of 11
chosen. There will be u canonical correlations equal to 1, where u = rank(11 ) + rank(22 ) −
Handbook of Linear Algebra
Estimation of Correlations and Variates
be the sample mean and ȳ
i =1 (zi − z̄)(zi − z̄) , where is partitioned in the same way as , namely
Let z1 , z2 , . . . , zn be a random sample and let z̄ =
X̃ T X̃,
X̃ T Ỹ
Ỹ T X̃,
i =1 zi =
Q 11
Q 12
Q 21
Q 22
say. Assuming that d1 ≤ d2 , let r 12 > r 22 > · · · > r d21 > 0 be the eigenvalues of Q −1
11 Q 12 Q 22 Q 21 , with
corresponding eigenvectors â1 , â2 , . . . , âd1 . We define ui j = âTj (xi − x̄), the i th element of u j = X̃ â j ,
r 2j is the j th sample
canonical correlation. Moreover, ui j is the j th sample canonical variable of xi . In a similar fashion, we
define v i j = b̂Tj (yi − ȳ), the i th element of v j = Ỹ b̂ j , to be the j th sample canonical variable of yi . Here,
b̂1 , b̂2 , . . . , b̂d1 are the corresponding eigenvectors of Q −1
22 Q 21 Q 11 Q 12 , scaled so that v j v j /n = 1. The u i j
and v i j are the scores of the i th observation on the j th canonical variables.
where â j is scaled so that 1 = n−1 âTj X̃ T X̃ â j =
i =1
ui2j /n = uTj u j /n. Then
is positive definite and
1. When is positive definite and n − 1 ≥ d, then, with probability 1, n
rankQ 12 = d1 .
2. The Canonical correlations
r 2j are all distinct with probability 1.
3. r 2j is the square of the sample correlation between the canonical variables whose values are in the
vectors u j and v j .
1. Length and breadth head measurements were carried out on the first and second sons of 25 families
to see what relationships existed. Here, x refers to the two measurements on the first son and y to the
second. It was found that r 1 = 0.7885 and r 2 = 0.0537, indicating that just one pair of sample canonical
variables (u1 , v 1 ) would give a reasonable reduction in dimension from 2 to 1. Plotting u1 against v 1
using the 21 pairs (ui 1 , v i 1 ) gave a reasonably linear plot. The first linear combinations (u1 , v 1 ) of the two
measurements suggested that they could be interpreted as a measure of “girth” while the second (u2 , v 2 )
could be interpreted as “shape” measurements. We can conclude that there is a strong correlation between
the head sizes of first and second brothers, but not between the head shapes.
Matrix Quadratic Forms
To carry out inference for multivariate normal distributions we now require further theory.
an n × d data matrix and A = [ai j ] is a symmetric n × n matrix, then the expression X T AX =
Xn is
i =1
j =1 a i j xi x j is said to be a matrix quadratic form. We have already had one example, namely,
Q = X C X in section 53.3. When the {xi } are a random sample from a distribution with mean µ and
covariance matrix we define S = Q/(n − 1) to be the sample covariance matrix. (Some authors define
in Section 53.3)
it as If the xi are i.i.d. as Nd (0, ), with d ≤ n and = [σi j ] positive semidefinite, then W = X T X is said to
a have a Wishart distribution with n degrees of freedom and scale matrix , and we write W ∼ Wd (n, ).
If is positive definite then the distribution is said to be nonsingular.
Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Suppose y ∼ Nd (0, ) independently of W ∼ Wd (m, ) and that both distributions are nonsingular.
Then Hotelling’s T 2 distribution is defined to be the distribution of T 2 = myT W −1 y and we denote this
distribution by T 2 ∼ Td,m
Finally, in inference we are usually interested in contrasts aT µ, in the µi , where a is a vector whose
entries sum to 0, i.e., aT 1d = 0. Examples are µ1 − µ2 = [1, −1, 0, . . . , 0]µ and µ1 − 12 (µ2 + µ3 ).
All facts, unless otherwise indicated, appear in [Seb04, Secs. 2.3–2.4, 3.3–3.4, 3.6.2].
1. E(S) = , irrespective of the distribution of the xi .
2. [HS79] Let X be an n × d data matrix and let A and B be matrices of appropriate sizes. If vec is
the usual “stacking” operator, then:
r cov[vec ( AX B), vec (C X D)] = (B T D) ⊗ (AC T ).
r If U = AX B and V = C X D, then U and V are pairwise uncorrelated, that is, cov(u , v ) = 0
ij rs
for all i, j, r, and s , if AC T = 0 and/or B T D = 0.
3. Suppose W = [w i j ] has a Wishart distribution Wd (m, ), with possibly singular. Then the
following hold:
r E(W) = m.
r Let A be a q × d matrix with rank q ≤ d. Then AW AT ∼ W (m, A AT ). When is positive
definite, then this distribution is nonsingular.
r When σ > 0, then w /σ ∼ χ 2 , ( j = 1, 2, . . . , d). However, the w ( j = 1, . . . , d) are not
statistically independent.
r When is positive definite, then det > 0 and det W/ det is distributed as the product of d
independent chi-square variables with respective degrees of freedom m, m − 1, . . . , m − d + 1.
4. (See [SK79, p. 97], [Sty89].) Let W ∼ Wd (m, ) with possibly singular, and let A be an n × n
symmetric matrix. Then:
r E(W AW) = m[ AT + tr(A)] + m2 A.
r If m > d + 1 and is nonsingular, then
[m A −1 − AT − (trA)I ],
m−d −1
E(W −1 AW) =
[m −1 A − AT − (trA)I ].
m−d −1
E(W AW −1 ) =
r If m > d + 3 and is nonsingular, then
E(W −1 AW −1 ) =
(m − d − 2) −1 A −1 + −1 AT −1 − (trA −1 ) −1
(m − d)(m − d − 1)(m − d − 3)
5. Suppose that the rows xiT of X are uncorrelated with var(xi ) = i for i = 1, 2, . . . , n, and A is an
n × n symmetric matrix. Then:
r E(X T AX) =
aii i + E(X T )AE(X).
i =1
r If = for all i , then E(X T AX) = (trA) + E(X T )AE(X).
6. [Das71, Th. 5], [EP73, Th. 2.3] Suppose that the rows of X are independent and A is an n × n
positive semidefinite matrix of rank r ≥ d. If for each xi and all b and c with b = 0 the probability
Pr(bT xi = c ) = 0, then X T AX is positive definite with probability 1.
Handbook of Linear Algebra
7. Suppose that rows of X are i.i.d. as Nd (0, ), with possibly singular, and let A and B be n × n
symmetric matrices.
r If A has rank r ≤ d, then X T AX ∼ W (r, ) if and only if A = A2 .
r Suppose X T AX and X T B X have Wishart distributions. They are statistically independent if and
only if AB = 0.
∼ F (d, m − d + 1), the F-distribution
8. Referring to the definition of Hotelling’s T 2 , m−d+1
with d and m − d + 1 degrees of freedom. When y ∼ Nd (θ, ), then F ∼ F (d, m − d + 1; δ), the
corresponding noncentral F-distribution with noncentrality parameter δ = θ T θ.
9. Suppose that the rows of X are i.i.d. as nonsingular Nd (µ, ). Then:
r x̄ ∼ N (µ, /n).
r Q = (n − 1)S ∼ W (n − 1, ).
r x̄ and S are statistically independent.
r T 2 = n(x̄ − µ)T S −1 (x̄ − µ) ∼ T 2
d,n−1 . This statistic can be used for testing the null hypothesis
H0 : µ = µ0 .
10. Given H0 : µ ∈ V, where V is a p-dimensional vector subspace of Rd , then:
r T 2 = min
µ∈V T ∼ Td− p,n−1 .
r If H : µ = K β, where K is a known d × p matrix of rank p and β is a vector of p
= n(x̄T S −1 x̄ − x̄T S −1 K β ∗ ), where
unknown parameters, then V = range(K ), and Tmin
T −1
−1 T −1
β = (K S K ) K S x̄.
11. If H0 : Aµ = 0, where A is (d − p) × d of rank d − p, then V = ker(A) (also called the null space)
= n(Ax̄)T (AS AT )−1 Ax̄.
and Tmin
r Let A be a q × d matrix of rank q ≤ d. Then the quadratic n(Ax̄ − Aµ)T (AS AT )−1 (Ax̄ − Aµ) ∼
Tq2,n−1 . This can be used for testing H0 : Aµ = c.
r If A is a matrix with rows which are contrasts so that A1 = 0, then
nx̄T AT (AS AT )−1 Ax̄ = nx̄T S −1 x̄ −
n(x̄T S −1 1d )2
1dT S −1 1d
12. Let v1 , v2 , . . . , vn1 be a random sample from Nd (µ1 , ) and let w1 , w2 , . . . , wn2 be an independent
random sample from N
d (µ2 , ), both distributions being nonsingular. Let Q 1 =
i =1 (vi −
(wi − w̄)(wi − w̄)T . If θ = µ1 − µ2 and A is a q × d matrix of rank
v̄)(vi − v̄)T and Q 2 = i =1
q ≤ d, then:
r z̄ = v̄ − w̄ ∼ N θ, ( 1 + 1 ) .
r Q = Q + Q ∼ W (n + n − 2, ).
r The statistic
n1 n2
(Az̄ − Aθ)T (AS p AT )−1 (Az̄ − Aθ) ∼ Tq2,n1 +n2 −2 ,
n1 + n2
where S p = Q/(n1 + n2 − 2). This can be used to test H0 : Aθ = 0. When A is a certain
(d − 1) × d contrast matrix, then the methodology relating to H0 is called profile analysis.
1. Suppose the rows of X are i.i.d. nonsingular Nd (0, ). Then x̄ = X T 1n /n and W1 = nx̄x̄T =
X T AX, where A = 1n 1nT /n is symmetric and idempotent of rank 1. Also, from Section 53.3,
W2 = (xi − x̄)(xi − x̄)T = X T C X, where C = In − A is symmetric and idempotent of rank n − 1.
Since AC = 0, we have from Fact 7 above that W1 ∼ Wd (1, ), W2 ∼ Wd (n − 1, ), and W1 and
W2 are statistically independent.
Multivariate Statistical Analysis
2. (cf. Fact 10) Suppose we have a group of 30 animals all subject to the same conditions, and the
length of each animal is observed at d points in time t1 , t2 , . . . , td . The d lengths for the i th animal
will give us a d-dimensional vector, xi say, and we assume that the xi are all i.i.d., as nonsingular
Nd (µ, ). We are interested in testing the hypothesis H0 that the “growth curve” is a third degree
polynomial so that H0 : µ j = β0 + β1 t j + β2 t 2j + β3 t 3j ( j = 1, 2, . . . , d) or H0 : µ = K β, where
the j th row of K is [1, t j , t 2j , t 3j ] and β = [β0 , β1 , β2 , β3 ]T is a vector of unknown parameters.
given in Fact 10, and this statistic, which has a Hotellings T 2
We then test H0 by calculating Tmin
distribution when H is true, can then be converted to an F -statistic using Fact 8. If this F -value is
significantly large we reject H0 .
3. (cf. Fact 11) The lengths of the femur and humerus on the left- and right-hand sides are measured
for n = 100 males aged over 40 years to see if men are symmetrical with respect to the lengths of
these bones. For the i th male, we therefore have a four-dimensional observation vector xi . Assuming
that the population of measurements is multivariate normal with mean µ = [µ1 , µ2 , µ3 , µ4 ]T ,
where µ1 and µ2 refer to the left side, then we are interested in testing the contrasts µ1 − µ3 = 0
and µ2 − µ4 = 0. Thus, A has rows [1, 0, −1, 0] and [0, 1, 0, −1], giving us H0 : A14 = 0. We can
defined in Fact 11, and this T 2 statistic is then converted to an F -statistic,
then test H0 using Tmin
as in the previous example.
Multivariate Linear Model: Least Squares Estimation
Let Y be an n × d data matrix which comes from an experimental design giving rise to n observations, the
rows of Y . Then we can use observations on the j th characteristic (variable) y( j ) , the j th column of Y , to
construct a linear regression model y( j ) = θ ( j ) + u( j ) = K β ( j ) + u( j ) as in Section 52.2 (with K replaced
by X there). Because the design is the same for each variable, the design matrix K will be independent of
j ( j = 1, 2, . . . , d), though the models will not be independent as the y( j ) are not independent. Putting
all d regression models together, we get Y = + U, where = K B, B is p × d matrix of unknown
parameters, K is n × p of rank r (r ≤ p), and U = [u(1) , . . . , u(d) ] = [u1 , . . . , un ]T . We shall assume
that the ui are a random sample from a distribution with mean 0 and covariance matrix = [σi j ]. Then
Y = K B + U is called a multivariate linear model. When d = 1, this reduces to the univariate linear
model or Gauss–Markov model; see Chapter 52 and [Seb04, ch. 8].
= P y( j ) is the (ordinary) least squares estimate of θ ( j ) , where P =
Now, for the j th model, θ
− T
= P Y is defined to be the least squares estimate of . When r = p, then setting
K (K K ) K , and we have B
= (K T K )−1 K T = KB
= (K T K )−1 K T Y , called the the least squares estimate of B. If
is not unique and is given by B
= (K T K )− K T Y , where (K T K )− is any generalized inverse
r < p, then B
of K K .
If K has less than full rank, then each of the d associated univariate models also has less than full rank.
Moreover, aiT β ( j ) is estimable for each i = 1, 2, . . . , q and each model j = 1, 2, . . . , d if ai ∈ range(K T ).
Let A = [a1 , a2 , . . . , aq ]T . Combining these linear combinations we say that AB is estimable when
A = L K for some q × n matrix L .
( j)
All the following facts can be found in [Seb04, Ch. 8].
1. If K T = [k1 , . . . , kn ] then, transposing the model, yi = B T ki + ui .
2. The cross-covariance cov(yr , ys ) = cov(ur , us ) = δr s , where δr s = 1 when r = s and 0, otherwise.
3. The cross-covariance cov(y( j ) , y(k) ) = cov(u( j ) , u(k) ) = σ j k Id for all j, k = 1, . . . , d.
4. If K has full rank p, then β̂
j, k = 1, . . . , d).
( j)
( j)
= (K T K )−1 K T y( j ) and cov(β̂ , β̂ ) = σ j k (K T K )−1 (all
Handbook of Linear Algebra
5. Let F () = (Y − )T (Y − ). Then:
r F ()
= Y T (In − P )Y = U T (In − P )U .
r E[U T (I − P )U ] = (n − r ).
ˆ is positive semidefinite for all = X B, and equal to 0 if and only if = .
We say
6. F () − F ()
that is the minimum of F (). Then:
r trF () ≥ trF ().
r det F () ≥ det F ().
r ||F ()|| ≥ ||F ()||,
where ||A|| = {tr(AAT )}1/2 .
Any of these three results could be used as a definition
of .
T ( j)
, a linear combination of all the elements
7. Multivariate Gauss–Markov Theorem. If φ =
j =1 j
( j)
is the linear unbiased estimate with minimum variance or BLUE (best
of , then φ̂ =
j =1 h j θ̂
linear unbiased estimate) of φ. (See also Chapter 52.)
we see that the two-sample problem mentioned in Fact 12 of Section 53.8 is a special case of the
multivariate model with
1n 1 0
XB =
0 1n2
1. [Seb04, Sec. 8.6.4] By setting V T = [v1 , v2 , . . . , vn1 ], W T = [w1 , w2 , . . . , wn2 ], and Y =
53.10 Multivariate Linear Model: Statistical Inference
Let Y = + U , where = K B, be a multivariate linear model. We now assume that the underlying
distribution (of the ui ) is a nonsingular multivariate normal distribution Nd (0, ).
The following facts appear in [Seb04, Sec. 8.6].
1. The likelihood function for Y , i.e., the pdf of vec Y , can be expressed in the form
(2π )−nd/2 (det )−n/2 exp{tr[− (Y − )T −1 (Y − )]}.
2. The maximum likelihood estimates of and that maximize the likelihood function are T
(the least squares estimate) and = E /n, where E = (Y − ) (Y − ); E is usually called
the residual matrix or error matrix. If the n × p matrix K has full rank (i.e., rank p), then the
maximum likelihood estimate of B is B.
3. Let E be the residual matrix and assume n − r ≥ d. Then
r E is positive definite with probability 1.
r E ∼ W (n − r, ).
r E is statistically independent of ,
if K has full rank.
and of B
r The maximum value of the likelihood function is (2π )−nd/2 (det )
−n/2 e −nd/2 .
r If K has full rank, then β
( j ) ∼ Nn (β ( j ) , σ j j (K T K )−1 ).
Multivariate Statistical Analysis
4. Suppose that K has rank r < p. Let A be a known q × p matrix of rank q and let AB be estimable.
We are interested in testing H0 : AB = C , where C is known.
r The minimum, E say, of (Y − K B)T (Y − K B) subject to AB = C occurs when B equals
H = B
− (K T K )− AT [A(K T K )− AT ]−1 (A B
− C ).
H is not unique, H is unique. Moreover, E H = (Y − H = K B
H )T (Y − H ) is
Although B
positive definite with probability 1.
r H = E − E = (A B
− C )T [A(K T K )− AT ]−1 (A B
− C ) is positive definite with probability 1,
and H and E are statistically independent (both irrespective of whether H0 is true or not).
r E(H) = q + (AB − C )T [A(X T X)− AT ]−1 (AB − C ) = q + D, where D is positive def-
inite; D is zero when H0 is true. This means that E(H), and, therefore, H itself, tends to be
“inflated” when H0 is false so that a test statistic for H0 can be based on a suitable function
of H.
r When H is true, H ∼ W (q , ).
r Let E 1/2 be the positive definite square root of E . Then when H is true, V = E −1/2 H E −1/2 , a
scaled function of H, has a d-dimensional multivariate Beta distribution with parameters q and
n − r.
5. [Seb04, Sec. 8.6.2] Four different criteria are usually computed for testing H0 , and these are essentially based on the eigenvalues of V given above, which measure the scaled magnitude of H in some
sense. They detect different kinds of departures from H0 and are all significantly large when H0 is
r Roy’s maximum root statistic φ
max , the maximum eigenvalue of H E
r Wilks’ Lambda or likelihood ratio statistic = (det E / det E )n/2 .
r Lawley–Hotelling trace statistic (n − r )tr(H E −1 ).
r Pillai’s trace statistic tr(H E −1 ).
1. [Seb04, Sec. 8.7.2] To test the general linear hypothesis H0 : AB D = 0, where A is q × p of rank
q ≤ p and D is d × v of rank v ≤ d, we let Y D = Y D so that the linear model Y = K B + U is
transformed to
Y D = K B D + U D = K + U0 ,
say, where the rows of U0 are i.i.d. Nv (0, D T D). Then H0 becomes A = 0 and
r H becomes H = D T H D = (A B
D)T [A(K T K )−1 AT ]−1 A B
D and E becomes E D = D T E D ∼
Wv (n − r, D T D).
r When AB D = 0 is true, then H ∼ W (q , D T D).
We can now use Facts 4 and 5 above to test H0 using HD and E D instead of H and E . This hypothesis
arises in carrying out a so-called profile analysis of more than two populations.
53.11 Metric Multidimensional Scaling
Given a set of n objects, a proximity measure dr s is a measure of the “closeness” of objects r and s ; here,
“closeness” does not necessarily refer to physical distance. We shall consider only one such measure as
there are several. A proximity dr s is called a (symmetric) dissimilarity if dr r = 0, dr s ≥ 0, and dr s = ds r ,
Handbook of Linear Algebra
for all r, s = 1, 2, . . . , n; the matrix D = [dr s ] is called a dissimilarity matrix. We say that D is Euclidean
if there exists a p-dimensional configuration of points y1 , y2 , . . . , yn for some p such that all interpoint
Euclidean distances satisfy ||yr − ys || = dr s .
1. Let A = [ai j ] be a symmetric n × n matrix, where ar s = − 12 dr2s . Define br s = ar s − ār · − ā·s + ā·· ,
where ār · is the average of the elements of A in the r th row, ā·s is the average for the s th column,
and ā·· is the average of all the elements. Hence, B = [br s ] = C AC , where C = I − n1 11T is the
usual centering matrix. Then D = [dr s ] is Euclidean if and only if B is positive semidefinite; see
[Seb04, p. 236].
2. If D is not Euclidean, then some eigenvalues of B will be negative. However, if the first k eigenvalues
are comparatively large and positive, and the remaining positive or negative eigenvalues are near
zero, then the rows of Yk = [y(1) , y(2) , . . . , y(k) ] will give a reasonable configuration. If the original
objects are d-dimensional points xi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) to begin with so that ||xr − xs ||2 = dr2s , then
D is Euclidean and the n rows of Yk will give a k-dimensional reduction of a d-dimensional system
of points.
1. The migration pattern that occurred with the colonization of islands in the Pacific Ocean can be
investigated linguistically and values of dr s can be constructed based on linguistic information. For
example, the proportion pr s of the words for, say, 50 items that islands r and s have in common
can be used as a measure of similarity (with pr r = 1), which we can convert into a dissimilarity
dr s = (2 − 2 pr s )1/2 . Then ar s = − 12 dr2s = pr s − 1 and, when computing br s , the −1 drops out
so that we can leave it out and set ar s = pr s . If A is positive semidefinite then so is B, which
implies that D is Euclidean. Using B, we can then find a Yk from which we can construct a lower
dimensional map to see which islands are closest together linguistically. The same method can also
be applied to blood groups using a different dr s .
We are grateful to Ka Lok Chu, Jarkko Isotalo, Evelyn Mathason Styan, Kimmo Vahkalahti Andrei Volodin,
and Douglas P. Wiens for their help. The research was supported in part by the National Sciences and
Engineering Council of Canada.
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