福井大学 工 学 部 研 究 報告 第52巻 第1号2004年3月 23 Mem.Fac.Eng.Univ.Fukui,Vol.52,No.1(March2004) Rainfall Deduction Method for Estimating Cai Ming*, Li Huai-en Non-Point ** Source Pollution and Yoji KAWAKAMI Load for Watershed *** .(Received February 20, 2004) The water pollution can be divided into point source pollution (PSP) and non-point source pollution (NSP). Since the point source pollution has been controlled, the non-point source pollution is becoming the main pollution source. The prediction of NSP load is being increasingly important in water pollution controlling and planning in watershed. Considering the monitoring data shortage of NPS in China, a practical estimation method of non-point source pollution load ---rainfall deduction' method is established based on the rainfall and water quality data which already existed in China. CoMpared with the runoff division method, the rainfall deduction method has a simple calculation and a reasonable result without additional NSP monitoring data. Key words: Non-point Source' Pollution (NSP), Point Source Pollution (PSP), Load PredictiOn, Rainfall Deduction Method,-Runoff DiviSion Method, TN Point source pollution (PSP) and non-point source pollution (NSP) are the main pollution source of the environment. Since the PSP has been controlled, the NSP is becoming the main pollution source of the environment. In China, the management system of PSP has been improved in recent years. With the application estimation methods the runoff from season is approximately total pollution NSP load. prediction of NSP load is becoming more and more important in water pollution controlling and planning in watershed. Because the occurrence of NPS is related to environment factors such as atmosphere, land, vegetation, hydrology, geologic, land form and physiognomy and human activities, it lets off , the uncertain quantitative many and NSP load. The runoff division method, one of the *R load, is firstly and then divide to ascertain the runoff into the flood season runoff and the dry season runoff. The 'h ypothesis of this method is that the pollution toad in dry of Gross Quantity Control of contamination, the pollutant in uncertain time with uncertain ways. Thereby, the quantification estimation of NSP is being the stress and nodus in environment protection. The 'pollution load includes the two parts of PSP load of NSP rainfall equal to the PSP load, load minus the dry season In the process of calculation, steps and the hypothesis The paper attempts deduction method, NSP load, cockamamie to propose As are too an exact. the rainfall of rainfall and the the NSP load, which calculation. there is not necessarily example, River basin is studied with the new method 1. Principle one equals the a new method, with the correlation to estimate and the ignores the the Weihe in this paper. of the Method It is known that the non-point source pollution (NSP) is influenced both by rainfall and runoff; hence, the NSP load must have a correlation with rainfall. But the PSP esearch fellow of the University of Fukui, Japan; load is stable and not influenced by the rainfall. In the Science Institute of Xi'an University of water quality data of river basin, the total' pollution load Technology, China *E nvironment Science Institute of Xi'an University of includes two parts: PSP load and NSP load. It is difficult Technology, China *** D epartment of Architecture and Civil Engineering of Because the PSP load is stable, it can be considered that Environment the University of Fukui, Japan to separate NSP load from the total pollution the margin (absolute value) of any two annual load. total pollution load equals the NSP load which is caused by 馳 24 betweenthemisasfbllows: thexna区ginofrai皿fa.11inthesetwoyears.Sothe correl{磁onbetweenthetwomaπ9螂 αmbees励lished L困=0.0354]戸2-15!719]P+24235,ぜ=0.9637(】L) 鴨ere:LTNisthemeasulredvalueofTN,(t);Pisthe {翻w圓enoneedtot盛ethePSP且oadi血oacco㎜t.㎞ ad曲o恥becauseofthedi価cu丑tyofthemonito血g, thehiglhcosta孤 く且lessrecognitio]馬 .曲 酬of血ebas血(㎜). ロ 血erearehardlylong 3。2T脱C⑪rl汽e丑a{苗 termmonitor血lgdataofNSPinC舳.Buttherearelong te㎜ 面 副1㎝dw飢erq曲 呼an心q㎜ directco10『elationbetwee]【lthe1曲 劔(漁.Ifa ⑪m●ff]踊 Becausethe】 しTNl㎞dudestwopartsof]PSP且oada皿d obta㎞1血ee即ress孟onofra血 mendonedabove,it・willbeasig㎡ 鋤 《vYr NSP且oad,蛮ePSPTNmustbededucted血om]LTNto 皿丑andtheNSPload inthewaterbasincanbeest融b髄sぬedv瞬ththemethod 匠canttask血 皿a皿andNSPTN.The de認uctionprocessesareasfbllows: (i).Calcu皿ati皿gthen畑(曲soluteva皿ue)ofanytwoof pre(髄ctionandmanagementofNSPload. 曲 露。罵面e奮]㎞ 重『⑪dl皿c⑬t⑪ 重i血 ¢Z脇a面m 皿and血emea慮uredTNcorreSPond重 皿91y(table2), 紐n(1toanalysisthe並correlation: '△L=α0157△ TheWe血eRive町 匝i酬 血ebiggestbranchofYeUowRiver, 】 巨z+15504△P+1156 Wheπe:△Listhemargin(absolutev{盛ue)ofanytwoof isthe㎜L㎞sur暗acewaterofG鯉hongzone,S㎞d measuredTN,(t);△Pisonemargin(&bso且utevalue) province,Ch血 ofr血 乱Thesu】r岱acealreaof庫eW6血eR孟ver basinis62,500㎞2,舳59.3×108m3m曲 一am1励me訓n 翻owandabout502㎞ 囲coπespon伽gl第(㎜).㎞ 血eEq.(2),△Lc鋤 わereg釦rdastheNSPTNwhichiscausedby磁 且onginS㎞dprovince.The 瓠1 completely、 VVeiheRiverbasinisanareawithhuge,㎞pactedpeople (ii).Ca岨cu1飢 andthema㎞yieldbaseofgr血cottonandoil,anda皿so isthe㎞po血ntagd㎝lturecu皿 .鼠1R3=α7301(2) 血gthePSPTN W五thtlheral㎞ 樋va血onarea.Thereare4 魚 皿d飢aa皿dEq.(2),theNSP皿oad(島)of 1血eexitsectioniscalculated.ThedeductionofLTNand bigcities(Ba句i,Xianyang,Xi'anandVVe㎞a皿)an【 Lnis血ePSPload(魎ble3).Fromthed叙aofPSPload,it 戴9 ㎞ga樋onregions(Baqlixia,Feng匝aしshan,Shito曲e,etc) c釦nbeseendhatdhePSPloadisstea砥whichisupto血e with100×104haareain1血ebasin. '1'fliereare13pere㎜i訓waterqualit 血cts.Atthesametime,italsoindic飢esthereli盆bilityof themethod. ymon且toring, SeCtiOnSWithperem訟1generalWaterqU掘itydat&a10ng ㈹.Es励 theWeiheRiverinS㎞Provi㏄e.T㎞e'monitored leng血of血e鴨ihe随veris曲out495㎞.Basedo曲e 翻1andNSPTN 面血皿andNSP .TN,following re皿ationshipisdeveloped: L=7.402丑P1°2046,R2=0.9974(3) waterqualityandhydrologydat盆ofLb】ntongstation du正'Y皿gl99五 且ishingthecorrelationof舳 Tbcorrdatera血 聯1999,tlhepaperputsfa)rw細rdtheI曲 丑 W㎏:LisNSPT民(窺pis血e蜘 飴皿(㎜ 〉 deduc樋onmethodtoestimatetheNSPloadoft血eわasin. Becausethetoilni笹oge]n(TN)istlhemal㎞ponu加 血ebas血 皿tof ちalltheysflsisb盆sedon蓋t 3.3C⑪m脚 血e㎜ 3。E離 曲 皿 亜 曲me皿tofR掘 廊 ⑪皿 轍h伽1㎞ 皿⑪僧1ゆiv恥 血⑪皿M② 伽 皿 Tbva皿id8tethera面on曲tyofthemethodproposedhere, 皿制 皿脱 面皿¢伽 皿M[⑬ 曲 ⑪面 ・舳visi・nme血 ・d[1]輸[3]isqu・tedt・calc皿ate thepoll面onlo紐dofthebasinwiththesameda魎.The pr㎞dpleOfthe㎜0翌fdiViSiOnme伽diS伽tthe㎜Off $。1T㎞eC⑪r㎎ 皿ati⑪皿 ⑪fR劇 血皿咄a皿 E藍 重Sect最on⑰fF航 1n∬uencedby血e磁 correlationwit㎞therail血 thebasi】 翻TNM⑪a醒 皿圃at ㎞㊧.,. ,8×14 canbedividedintothe」 season】 且oodseasonrmoffanddledry ㎜off(whichcanbea丑soregaldedasthebase セ皿,theloadofNSPhasthe flowofther薩ver).Thescourofr皿offisi皿 皿.The謡 NSRandt弛e㎜offistheca㎡erofNSP∬thereisno 皿飴皿landtheTNof 哩⊃ulsionof runol日 ζitisdi箇cultfbr血eno】n。Po垂ntsourcepollutant 【1血1991-fl999arehstedin謝ble1.Theequ溢ion Tablelther盆infaUandthemeasuredTNof出eWeiheRiverduring1991-1999 year Rau血11(㎜) M剛TN〔 め 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 610 939 487 29R 271 749 364 639 26946 40436 24501 23000 23710 3aoio 2100 30iio 1999 i 2003 25 Table2thedeductionvaluesofrainfallandTNoftheWeiheRiverduring1991-1999 rah血 year 皿TN、yearrah曲 皿.TN year磁 deduc曲Ddedu(北bn.dedu(Riodedu(嘘ion .deducdo・d6du(加n deduchodedudo 、 r t nmm year曲TN 皿TN ・nmn t nmm n㎜ ち 層t 91.92 329 13490 92-94 641 17436 123 .; 91-93 123 2445 92-95 91-94 312 3946 92-96 190 8426 91-95 339 3236 92.97 575 19356 94.95 27 91.96 138. 5064 300 10326 94・96 450 91-97 246 :.. 92.99 359 12433 94.97 29 3164 93.94 189 1501 94・98 し91・98 .; ..: 93.97 16726 93.99 152 5609 93 3502 2630 .: .-11 309 4293 384 10932 9009 96・98 109 1902 66 1921 96.99 168 4009 341 ?109 97.98 275 9025 5002 97-99 .216 1057 93.95 216 791 94.99 282 92-93 452 15935 93.96 261 7509 95-96 477 709. .;.. 11 .' .2107 59 血ble5.`Fromtheresults,fbllo而ngconclusion$canbe River,t year 93 .; 96-97 30 、NSFloadoftheWeihe 95.97 95-99 91.99 '1琶ble3theFSPloadand 3421 dTdWll: NSP measuredTN,t PSPload,t (1).NotonlytheloadofTNbutalsotheratioofNSPand 1991 つ.6946 164∼` 10490 1992 40436 29558 ●'.', 1993 24501 12431 12070- 1994 23000 71・71 15829 1995 23710 6511 17199 (2)Becausetheyearof1993isanabundantwateryear, 199b 32010 10433 血edivideddryseasonrunoff(baseflow)ism皿ch舳 1997 21080 8880 i2200 actual,whichresultsinthehigherratioofPSPloadwith ..・ soiia 17475 12635 1999 28003 15431 12572 PSParesimilarwiththesetwomethods,whichindicate thatbothofthemarereasonable,andtheycanbe 21577幽 confirmedwitheachother. 臣 therunoffdivisionmethod.So,theresultinthisyear withthismethodisunreasonable (3)The1997'srunoffisthelowestoneoftheWeihe toentertheriver.So,itcanbeconsideredthat loadiscausedby Riverinrecent50yearswith4.02x108m3,whichisLess .theNSP than.onetenthofthemulti-annualmeanflow ,theflood.seasonrunoffandPSPis mainlycausedbythedryseasonninoff. ● Analyzingthepastlongtermhydrologydatain 1951-2000[4],itisfbundthatabout60-75%rainfalland. (59.3・fO8㎡)IS・,血 ・p・ll蜘 ・f:血・b・・ini・ 曲y causedbyPSP,whichisreflectedwellandtrulybythe ・ 血10ffdivisionmethod . 50-60%ruhoffconceht【ated血floodseason(6-9),即d (4)Basedonthemonitoringdata,theprediction onlyabout15%rainfallandrunofroccu1Ted,血dly loadofthebasinwiththerainfalldeductionmethod season(12-2),Withtherunoffdivisionmethod,the isclosetothefactanditsdivisionisreasonable.While pollutionloadisseparatedwithcounterpoisingthedry theprediction'load舳 season'smonthflowsandconcentrationsasmeanflow somegapwiththeactualone.insomecases. andmeanconcentrationofthebaseflowwiththe (5)Ihgeneral,theIatioofNSPpredictedwiththera血fall 1991-1999waterqualityandhydrologydata.Table4is deductionmethodis.largerthanthatpredictedwiththe theresultsofrunoffdivisionmethod. runoffdivisionmethod.Thisseemstobeduetothe ,一 一 血enmoffdivisionmethodhas assumptionthatthereisnoNSPindryseason,andPSP 4.Discussion l・adi・ 血 ・t6卿 ・ll面 ・n19・as曲9山 ・⑳ Owing.to血se血entationandhumana(;tivities, ・ea・・n・ Thecomparedresultsofthebothmethodsarelistedin 楓)1e5.Fro血 I:幽 廿ieresults,fbllowingconclusionscanbe , Thecomparedresultsofthebothmethodsarelistedin NSPstillhappens.duringthedry .血e _season,sothe. assumptionisnotaccurate.Asaresultofigno血19 血 ・NSP1・ad血 血 ・ ⑳seas・n・thepredi・d・n・f血 ・runoffdivisionme血odislessthanthat冒of面 ・ 醐1 26 Table4 theresultsoftherunoffdivision.method Abundantwaterperiod(6.9) ordinarywaterperiod(3-5,10.11) lowwaterperiod(12.2) TNofNSP,t year flow,m3/s TNoonoe血ahon,㎎ TNconcentration,mg/1flow,m3/s TNoonoe血ah㎝,㎎ 丑--OW,㎡/s 1991 215.31 5.917 130.86 5.631 1992 367.21 6.170 16'7.35 1993 297.88 1 181.26 .' 6.928 .1 43.94 7.128 4.620 71.31 9.752 丑 10885 1'・: 2253 1994 161.26 4.770 121.94 5.552 58.18 ;.. 1995 92.76 8.226 45.52 11.121 20.10 19.456 5351 1996 223.71 4.860 7.952 32.38 13.404 10575 1997 50.39 3.169 71.38 27.57 9.232 7a3 ..; 243.32 2.554 100.65 6.056 17.15 15.174 204.41 3.769 110.04 6.358 27.94 1999 Table5 ,. .: 8271 10823 thecomparisonbetweenthemnoffdjvisionmethodanatherainfandeductionmethod Pointsourcepollution Non・pointsourcepollution method year LoadofTN,t load,t 1991 嬬9.562 6103 P8t10, Ioad,t ratio, deductionmethod 16456 61.1 10490 .. 26946 divisionmethod 1035 43.9 13292 56.1 23677 deductionmethod 29558 73.1 1' divisionmethod 1" 76.1 9742 23.9 40740 12431 50.7 12070 49.3 24501 divisionmethod 2283 9.5 21630 90.5 23913 deductionme竜hod 7171 31.2 15829 68.8 23000 .・ 40436 1992 dedu(嘘ibnme七hod 1993 1994 6103 30.1 14195 69.9 20298 deductionmethod 6511 27.5 17199 72.5 23710 divisionmethod 5351 30.6 12161 69.4 17513 deductionmethod 21577 67.4 10433 32.6 32010 divisionmethod 10575 43.9 13500 56.1 24074 deductionmethod ::1 42.1 12200 57.9 21080 divisionmethod ● 1995 1996 1997 .; divisionmethod 703 8.2 psis deductbnIned敦od 17475 58.0 12635 divisionmethod 8271 50.5 deduc樋OIn㎜d血od 15431 55.1 divisionmethod 10823 56.6 :. 42.0 soiia 49.5 16367 1998 :1'・ 12572 11 28003 1999 deductionralediod. 1' 43.4 simplecalcula血onandreasonableπesult.Conside血gthe lessmonito血gd鋤ofNSRtheminfalldedllction 5.C● ●clusi●ns methodcanbeusedasoneoftheNSP皿oadprediction methods. 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