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! ∀#∃∀%&∋ (&)∗ % +,,− . ∗ ) / !(0/+∗+−1!23∀ ∋ 4∋&∋( !∀ 5 (1) Caring for Older People in the UK An Analysis of Local Volunteer Organisation Contributions in Sheffield By Yasuyuki Sato and Peter Matanle Faculty of Humanities School of East Asian Studies Niigata University University of Sheffield [email protected] [email protected] The final definitive version of this article has been published in: Jinbun Kagaku Kenky : Studies in Humanities, 127, (2010): 1-27. By Faculty of Humanities, Niigata University. Publisher details are available here: Suggested Citation Sato, Y. and Matanle, P. (2011) Igirisu ni okeru k reisha fukushi – shefiirudo-shi no borantia soshiki no katsudo wo ch shin ni (Caring for older people in the UK: An analysis of local volunteer organisation contributions in Sheffield), Jinbun Kagaku Kenky : Studies in Humanities, Faculty of Humanities, Niigata University, 127: 1-27. This article is a post-review corrected version, and is the final version prior to publisher proofing. Readers are advised to refer to the published article for accurate citation and referencing. If you are unable to access the published version, then please contact the author at: [email protected]. (1) Caring for Older People in the UK An Analysis of Local Volunteer Organisation Contributions in Sheffield By Yasuyuki Sato and Peter Matanle 2009 22.7 10 1 22 2000 WHO 2006; 2006 WHO 1979 2000 1998; 2006; 2009 2006; 2009 2006 2009 1989 2002; 1999 2003 2008 1995 1995 2009 (2) NPO N O NPO Walker 1990 Help the Aged 1990 NHS 2002: 154 2002: 154 2002: 155 1990 2002: 155-156 2009 2000 2004: 31 Shanas et al. 1968; Young and Willmott 1986; Fennell et al. 1988 Graham, C. & Graham, A., 1994 53 ONS 2007 4500 19 20 1970 1990 2000 assessment 1 15 55 65 25 30 454 490 900 general practitioners DoH 2003 1,000 1 NHS NHS NHS 85 85 85 NHS 1 300 2009 385 459 268 353 2004: 32 1989: 202-204 1990 2009 Age Concern Sheffield 3.1 Help the Aged NGO NPO OXFAM Age Concern Help the Aged 1961 OXFAM 1940 1977 1942 Age Concern and Help the Aged OXFAM 100 Age Concern Help the Aged 1961 Help the Aged Age Concern the National Old People's Welfare Committee (NOPWC) 1940 2010 Age Concern 1971 Help the Aged Age Concern Age UK 1989: 226-230; 2003: 59-60 Help the Aged Derbyshire Erewash Age Concern and Help the Aged Volunteering England Volunteer Centre Erewash, CVS 20 20 NHS CVS 2007 CVS CVS CVS NAVCA( ) NAVCA NAVCA 2010 2009 Help the Aged Help the Aged 2010a Age Concern Age Concern 2010 Help the Aged Book Off Off House Help the Aged CVS Help the Aged Help Help the Aged the Aged 19 18 NHS 2010 7,500 Help the Aged 2010 6 Help the Aged Age Concern Age UK Age UK 2010 Age UK Help the Aged Help the Aged Help the Aged 2009 Help the Aged 39,410 63 35 28 63 1976 21 42 Age Concern Help the Aged Salvation Army Research into Ageing Age Concern Help the Aged Age Action Year 3.2 SCCCC SCCCC 1966 SCCCC 1 85 100 15 1,800 75 20 SCCCC 1960 NHS 80 90 100 NHS SCCCC SCCCC 100 80 40 60 NHS SCCCC 90 SCCCC SCCCC Hospital Aftercare Information Pack 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hospital Aftercare Scheme SCCCC Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care, Hospital Aftercare Information Pack. 1,800 SCCCC 15 21 12 8 SCCCC NHS NHS SCCCC 20 SCCCC 19 Charity Organization Society COS National Council for Voluntary Organizations 1884 citizenship 253, 258; 2003: 3-7 1999: 3, Wilson and Musick 1997 19 20 20 1960 20 1992 2006 Help the Aged Oxfam (Off House) Age Concern 2003: 6 NHS 2009 2010 5 Book Off Help the Aged 2004: 31 2003: 9 2002: 157 Volunteer England Volunteer Centre Erewash, CVS (4) 1987 1990 2009 1994 OECD 2010 2010 1990 12 130 1 Peter Matanle 2) Neighbourhood renewal Local Strategic Partnership LSP LSP 2005: 235-236 Managers Team Local Strategic Partnership Sheffield First Family Health and Well-being Inclusive and Cosmopolitan City Safer Communities Successful Neighbourhoods ( -strategic-partnership-managers 2010 3 13 2010 16 25 Help the Aged Age concern Aged 2010 Help the 2009 2006 25(2) 20-55 Fenell, Graham, Phillipson, Chris and Evers, Helen, 1988, The Sociology of Old Age, Open University Press. Graham, C. & Graham, A., 1994, Community Life: An introduction to local social relations, London: Harvester Wheatsheaf. 1999(1994) 2006 2010 1989 2002 2009 135-146 2006 25(2) 1-19 2008 2010 Shanas, Etel, Townsend, Peter, and others, 1968, Old People in Three Industrial Societies, London: Routledge. 1999 2003 2009 2002 NPO 50 2005 1 147-159 NPO 50 3 4 231-240 2007 NPO 2004 40 1998 49 3 27-45 59-76 Young, M. and Willmott, P., 1986, Family and Kinship in East London, London: Routledge. Walker, A., The Economic Burden of Ageing and the Prospect of Intergenerational Conflict, Ageing and Society, 10 (4): 377-96. Wilson, J. and Musick, M., 1997, Who Cares? Toward an Integrated Theory of Volunteer Work, American Sociological Review, 62 (5): 694-713. Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care, Hospital Aftercare Information Pack. URL, Age Concern (2010) Age Concern Homepage 2010 4 1 2010 Age UK (2010) Age UK Homepage, 4 1 Association of Charity Shops (ACS) (2010) Association of Charity Shops Homepage,, 2010 4 6 DoH (Department of Health) (2003) Fair access to care services - guidance on eligibility criteria for adult social care dGuidance/DH_4009653, 2010 3 Help the Aged (2010a) Help the Aged Homepage 2010 4 31, 1 Help the Aged (2010b) Disconnected Mind, Help the Aged Website,, 2010 4 1 2003 2010 3 3 22 2010 6 18 NAVCA (National Association for Voluntary and Community Action) (2010) NAVCA Homepage 2010 4 1 2009 20 2010 3 3 Older Age Sheffield 2010 3 3 ONS (Office for National Statistics) (2007) Mid-2008 UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: 21/08/08, Population estimates for UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland - current datasets, 2010 4 1 Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care 2010 3 SCCCC 3 Sheffield City Council, neighborhood renewal and partnership al-strategic-partnership-managers 2010 3 13