財務諸表 - Japan Airlines
●日本航空〈連結〉 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 Finance JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 Financial Statements 財務 日本航空 〈連結〉 財務諸表 連結貸借対照表 Consolidated balance Sheets (単位:百万円/¥ millions) 03.3 04.3 05.3 06.3 07.3 08.3 流動資産 Current assets 530,322 519,076 683,174 687,319 707,311 810,315 固定資産 Fixed assets 1,641,962 1,594,219 1,479,403 1,473,913 1,383,253 1,310,534 有形固定資産 Tangible fixed assets 1,382,615 1,322,281 1,191,744 1,152,762 1,116,391 1,037,117 航空機 Aircraft 915,938 872,256 814,760 791,098 742,545 721,967 無形固定資産 Intangible fixed assets 53,127 66,663 69,854 72,075 77,007 82,838 投資その他の資産 Investments and other assets 206,219 205,274 217,804 249,076 189,853 190,579 繰延資産 Deferred charges ̶ 123 76 6 669 1,933 資産合計 Total assets 2,172,284 2,113,418 2,162,654 2,161,240 2,091,233 2,122,784 Investors' Guide 2008 Minority interests 資本金 資本剰余金 利益剰余金 その他の剰余金等 資本合計 負債、少数株主持分及び資本合計 Total of libabilities, minority interest and stockholder's equity 株主資本合計 資本金 資本剰余金 利益剰余金 自己株式 評価・換算差額等 その他有価証券評価差額金 繰延ヘッジ損益 為替換算調整勘定 少数株主持分 06.3 07.3 08.3 661,229 615,346 560,559 569,140 644,844 659,796 Short-term borrowings 23,035 10,782 11,611 6,562 4,810 3,084 Corporate bonds maturing within one year 67,495 23,700 15,000 30,000 70,000 28,000 Long-term borrowings repayable within one year 127,537 118,545 110,636 113,045 110,549 130,335 1,279,158 1,369,446 1,372,993 1,340,879 1,099,563 990,483 Corporate bonds 218,700 225,000 310,000 280,000 130,229 102,229 Long-term borrowings 864,385 936,390 862,223 800,001 705,957 651,416 Accrued pension and severance costs 143,670 163,128 149,665 139,753 129,061 95,485 1,894,505 1,930,005 1,942,133 1,985,724 1,759,360 1,651,713 23,522 24,139 25,774 27,449 ̶ ̶ Common stock 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 ̶ ̶ Capital surplus 147,175 136,678 136,141 136,145 ̶ ̶ 23,481 △65,031 △34,978 △90,186 ̶ ̶ △16,399 △12,373 △6,416 2,109 ̶ ̶ 254,256 159,273 194,746 148,066 ̶ ̶ 2,172,284 2,113,418 2,162,654 2,161,240 ̶ ̶ Total stockholder's equity ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ 277,235 447,266 Common stock ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ 174,250 251,000 Capital surplus ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ 79,096 155,836 Retained earnings ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ 24,776 41,320 Common stock in treasury, at cost ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ △887 △890 Total valuation, translation and other ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ 33,851 6,668 Net unrealized gain on other securities, net of taxes ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ 3,557 2,578 Net unrealized gain on hedging instruments, net of taxes ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ 35,314 8,167 Translation adjustments ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ △5,020 △4,077 Minority interests ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ 20,785 17,136 純資産合計 Total net assets ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ 331,873 471,070 負債及び純資産合計 Total libabilities and net assets ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ 2,091,233 2,122,784 Fixed liabilities Total liabilities Retained earnings Net unrealized gain on other securities, net of taxes, etc. Total stockholder's equity Investors' Guide 2008 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 少数株主持分 05.3 Finance Current liabilities 04.3 日本航空 〈連結〉 財務 流動負債 短期借入金 1年内に償還を要する社債 1年内に返済を要する長期借入金 固定負債 社債 長期借入金 退職給付引当金 負債合計 03.3 Finance JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 財務 日本航空 〈連結〉 連結損益計算書 Consolidated Statements of Operations (単位:百万円/¥ millions) 03.3 04.3 05.3 06.3 07.3 08.3 営業収益 Operating revenues 2,083,480 1,931,742 2,129,876 2,199,385 2,301,915 2,230,416 営業費用 Operating expenses 2,072,891 1,999,387 2,073,727 2,226,220 2,278,997 2,140,403 営業利益 Operating income 10,589 △67,645 56,149 △26,834 22,917 90,013 営業外収益 Non-operating income 59,249 43,024 64,446 26,378 33,834 20,825 営業外費用 Non-operating expenses 53,998 47,317 50,790 41,152 36,175 41,021 経常利益又は損失 Ordinary income or loss 15,840 △71,938 69,805 △41,608 20,576 69,817 特別利益 Extraordinary profit 11,999 6,923 6,571 30,471 52,413 36,232 特別損失 Extraordinary loss 23,758 17,134 31,710 35,303 20,933 76,217 税金等調整前当期純利益 Income before income taxes and minority interests 4,081 △82,148 44,666 △46,440 52,055 29,832 法人税、住民税及び事業税 Income taxes : Current 8,100 8,854 7,897 8,419 9,953 4,897 △16,468 △3,092 4,251 △9,966 54,424 6,894 法人税等調整額 Deferred 少数株主利益 Minority interests 当期純利益 Net income ※ △ indicates minus. Investors' Guide 2008 804 709 2,420 2,350 3,945 1,118 11,645 △88,619 30,096 △47,243 △16,267 16,921 ●日本航空〈連結〉 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 営業外損益及び特別利益・特別損失 Non-operating revenues & Expenses/Extraordinary profit & losses 営業外収益 Non-operating income Interest and dividends 受取利息・受取配当金 revenues 機材関連報奨額 Flight equipment purchase incentives 為替差益 Foreign exchange differential profit 持分法による投資利益 Equity in earnings of affiliates その他 04.3 05.3 06.3 07.3 59,249 43,024 64,446 26,378 33,834 20,825 2,931 2,928 3,169 3,713 5,941 7,224 42,075 29,260 48,386 ̶ ̶ ̶ 2,075 12,170 18,036 4,070 ― 424 340 1,221 1,514 1,899 2,481 2,176 Others 13,900 9,190 9,300 8,593 7,374 7,354 営業外費用 Non-operating expenses 53,998 47,317 50,790 41,152 36,175 41,021 支払利息・社債利息 Interest and corporate bond interest paid 34,657 28,503 24,875 21,811 19,068 20,009 為替差損 Foreign exchange differential loss 航空機材処分損 Loss on sales and disposal 10,637 13,946 17,417 12,171 12,257 11,871 of flight equipment デリバティブ評価損 Realized losses on derivative その他 Others 1,975 ― ― ̶ ̶ (単位:百万円/¥ millions) 08.3 ̶ ― ― ― 67 ̶ ̶ 6,727 4,866 8,496 7,102 4,849 9,140 03.3 04.3 11,999 6,923 6,571 30.471 52,413 36,232 4,446 1,330 1,905 19,093 8,822 5,988 ― 1,618 1,716 ― ― ― ― 755 ― ― ― 5,528 4,623 1,235 1,334 ― ― ― 6,810 ― ― 2,928 1,985 1,615 4,567 9,251 4,158 特別利益 Extraordinary profit 固定資産売却益 Gain on sales of fixed assets 離島路線航空機 購入補助金 Subsidy received in relation to purchases of aircraft to be used for isolated island routes 厚生年金基金 代行部分返上益 Gain recognized upon separation of substitutional portion of benefit obligation of welfare pension fund plans 投資有価証券 売却益 Gain on sales of investments in securities 退職給付制度 一部終了益 Gain on partial termination of defined benefit plan その他 Others 特別損失 Extraordinary Losses 固定資産処分損 Loss on sales and disposal of ground property and equipment 9,852 統合関連費用 Expenses arising from business combination 7,304 ― ― 05.3 06.3 07.3 08.3 ― 34,338 20,557 23,758 17,134 31,710 35,303 20,933 76,217 6,052 3,546 ― ― ― ― ― 6,518 ― ― ― ― 9,682 ― ― ― 5,153 13,840 関連事業損失 Loss on investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and affiliates リース解約損 Loss on cancellation of lease contracts ― ― 減損損失 Loss on impairment of fixed assets ― ― ― 18,705 2,600 13,501 退職給付制度 一部終了損 Loss on partial termination of defined benefit plan ― ― ― ― 2.291 特別退職金 Special termination benefits ― ― ― 4,033 臨時償却費 Non-recurring depreciation ― ― ― ― ― 独禁法関連 引当金繰入額 Provision of reserve for loss on antitrust litigation ― ― ― ― ― 17,213 その他 Others 6,600 5,462 8,188 6,511 3,976 16,368 ― 8,517 20,016 9,116 Investors' Guide 2008 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 03.3 特別利益・特別損失(連結)Extraordinary profit&losses (Consolidated) Finance (単位:百万円/¥ millions) 日本航空 〈連結〉 財務 営業外損益 (連結)Non-operating income & Expenses (Consolidated) ●日本航空〈連結〉 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 Finance JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 Financial Data 財務 日本航空 〈連結〉 財務データ 連結財務データ Consolidated financial data 03.3 04.3 05.3 06.3 07.3 08.3 減価償却費(百万円) Depreciation (¥ millions) 118,187 119,388 124,713 125,126 117,561 116,580 資本的支出(百万円) Capital expenditures (¥ millions) 199,189 154,262 117,538 145,466 160,183 202,088 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー(百万円) Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities (¥ millions) 155,413 76,345 145,275 100,984 127,748 157,331 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー(百万円) Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (¥ millions) △85,187 △85,382 △21,456 △99,283 △56,216 △26,229 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー(百万円) Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (¥ millions) △108,103 7,615 △6,290 △91,384 △53,007 36,896 146,318 143,327 260,933 172,132 191,381 354,037 現金及び現金同等物の期末残高(百万円) Cash and cash equivalents at end of year (¥ millions) 株主資本当期利益率〈ROE〉 Return on equity 4.6% ― 15.5% ― ― 3.7% 総資産当期利益率〈ROA〉 Return on assets 0.5% ― 1.4% ― ― 0.8% 売上高(営業収益)営業利益率 Operating profit margin 0.5% ― 2.6% ― 1.0% 4.0% 株主資本比率 Paid-in capital ratio 11.7% 7.5% 9.0% 6.9% 14.9% 21.4% 1株当り当期純利益〈EPS〉(円) Net profit per share (¥) 5.92 △45.19 15.24 △23.88 △6.52 6.20 1株当り株主資本〈BPS〉(円) Shareholders' equity per share (¥) 129.66 81.16 98.34 74.78 113.97 110.08 The present value of future rental expenses under capital leases (¥ millions) (accounted for as operating leases) 265,133 315,840 396,007 399,327 388,603 341,009 Unrecognized net loss & prior service cost (¥ millions) 348,453 377,499 355,577 273,161 265,548 323,737 未経過リース料期末残高相当額(百万円) (所有権移転外ファイナンスリース) 退職給付未認識債務(百万円)※ ※退職給付債務−年金資産−退職給付引当金+前払年金費用 Projected benefit obligation − Plan assets − Accrued pension and severance costs + Prepaid pension and severance costs ※ △ indicates minus. Investors' Guide 2008 ●日本航空〈連結〉 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 セグメント情報 Segment Information 05.3 06.3 07.3 08.3 売上高 Sales 2,083,480 1,931,742 2,129,876 2,119,385 2,301,915 2,230,416 航空運送事業 Air transportation 1,650,471 1,548,823 1,701,367 1,732,983 1,801,520 1,826,717 航空運送関連事業 Airline-related business 246,098 243,766 293,776 342,917 368,741 348,827 旅行企画販売事業 Travel services 435,788 381,948 424,539 415,385 379,725 373,722 カード・リース事業 Card and lease operations ― ― ― 60,146 65,820 65,851 その他事業 Other 261,950 258,122 268,090 212,643 215,901 101,401 計 Total 2,594,309 2,432,659 2,687,774 2,764,075 2,831,709 2,716,520 消去又は全社 General corporate assets and intercompany eliminations (510,828) (500,917) (557,897) (564,690) (529,794) (486,103) 営業費用 Operating expenses 2,072,891 1,999,387 2,073,727 2,226,220 2,278,997 2,140,403 航空運送事業 Air transportation 1,647,671 1,621,002 1,659,709 1,776,412 1,798,901 1,748,018 航空運送関連事業 Airline-related business 243,634 241,875 288,443 337,065 360,391 344,590 旅行企画販売事業 Travel services 436,058 385,894 424,813 414,723 380,546 372,794 カード・リース事業 Card and lease operations ― ― ― 55,837 59,923 61,960 その他事業 Other 255,562 251,735 257,994 206,539 208,610 98,768 計 Total 2,582,926 2,500,507 2,630,961 2,790,577 2,808,373 2,626,132 消去又は全社 General corporate assets and intercompany eliminations (510,035) (501,119) (557,234) (564,357) (529,376) (485,728) 営業損益 Operating income or loss 航空運送事業 航空運送関連事業 10,589 △67,645 56,149 △26,834 22,917 90,013 Air transportation 2,799 △72,179 41,658 △43,429 2,618 78,698 Airline-related business 2,464 1,891 5,332 5,852 8,350 4,236 旅行企画販売事業 Travel services △269 △3,946 △273 662 △821 928 カード・リース事業 Card and lease operations ― ― ― 4,309 5,897 3,891 その他事業 Other 6,387 6,386 10,095 6,104 7,291 2,632 計 Total 11,382 △67,847 56,812 △26,501 23,336 90,388 消去又は全社 General corporate assets and intercompany eliminations (792) (△201) (663) (418) (375) (332) ※ △ indicates minus. 注:カード・リース事業は05.3期までは「その他事業」に含めていましたが、重要性が高まったことに伴い、06.3期より個別表示しています。 Note: Until 05.3, Card and lease operations has been included in“other” . From 06.3, Card and lease operations has been presented as a new segment since its materiality has increased. Investors' Guide 2008 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 04.3 Finance (単位:百万円/¥ millions) 03.3 日本航空 〈連結〉 財務 連結セグメント情報 Consolidated segment information ●日本航空〈連結〉 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 Finance JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 Operating expenses 財務 日本航空 〈連結〉 営業費用 航空運送事業セグメント Air transportation Segment (単位:百万円/¥ millions) 03.3 04.3 05.3 06.3 07.3 08.3 燃油費 Fuel 246,200 244,800 289,000 377,200 420,900 412,700 運航施設利用費 Airport Facilities 132,400 132,700 135,100 134,700 131,300 128,300 整備費 Maintenance 103,300 106,000 108,600 106,500 123,300 122,000 貨客サービス費 Passenger Services etc 販売手数料 Commisions 航空機材減価償却費 Aircraft Depreciation 航空機材賃借料 Aircraft Leases 人件費 Personnel その他 Others 営業費用合計 Total operating expenses *千万円以下は切り捨てて表記 Figures have been rounded down to the nearest ten millions. Investors' Guide 2008 56,200 48,100 52,700 52,400 51,300 50,500 132,100 121,600 133,600 128,700 123,700 111,000 74,000 76,100 75,000 76,700 72,700 73,500 100,600 96,800 105,500 102,800 109,300 107,700 327,700 332,000 282,900 316,200 272,000 272,000 475,100 462,900 477,500 480,700 494,000 469,800 1,647,700 1,621,000 1,659,700 1,776,400 1,798,900 1,748,000 ●日本航空〈連結〉 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 Traffic Statistics 国際線 有償旅客数(人) 有償旅客キロ(千) 有効座席キロ(千) 有償座席利用率 International routes Revenue passengers (persons) Revenue passenger-kilometers (thousands) Available seat-kilometers (thousands) Passenger-load factor 国際旅客収入(百万円) International passenger income (¥ millions) 国際旅客収入/有償旅客キロ International passenger income / Revenue passenger-kilometers 有償貨物トンキロ(千) 郵便トンキロ(千) Revenue cargo ton-kilometers (thousands) Mail ton-kilometers (thousands) International cargo income (¥ millions) 国際貨物収入(百万円) 国際貨物収入/有償貨物トンキロ International cargo income / Revenue cargo ton-kilometers 03.3 04.3 05.3 06.3 07.3 08.3 14,059,562 14,640,627 66,302,882 69,959,085 95,902,098 101,318,548 69.1% 69.0% 11,745,032 59,159,861 91,644,570 64.6% 14,743,222 68,986,317 99,492,256 69.3% 14,187,626 67,434,613 97,174,777 69.4% 13,467,241 62,597,923 87,987,011 71.1% 13,367,904 60,426,280 84,128,194 71.8% 632,471 668,472 549,764 671,291 690,226 724,889 754,300 9.5 9.6 9.3 9.7 10.2 11.6 12.5 3,982,470 163,706 4,407,517 158,142 4,372,329 154,621 4,681,726 149,058 4,541,293 161,690 4,515,812 164,336 4,377,147 191,489 137,603 34.6 157,288 35.7 153,015 35.0 171,399 36.6 180,573 39.8 190,500 42.2 188,235 43.0 有償トンキロ(千) 有効トンキロ(千) 有償重量利用率 Revenue ton-kilometers (thousands) Available ton-kilometers (thousands) Revenue weight-load factor 10,296,816 15,692,284 65.6% 11,052,885 16,665,460 66.3% 10,032,252 15,481,469 64.8% 11,252,602 16,613,543 67.7% 10,954,502 16,414,876 66.7% 10,481,369 15,769,219 66.5% 10,167,354 15,030,186 67.6% 国内線 有償旅客数(人) 有償旅客キロ(千) 有効座席キロ(千) 有償座席利用率 Domestic routes Revenue passengers (persons) Revenue passenger-kilometers (thousands) Available seat-kilometers (thousands) Passenger load factor 46,311,761 34,537,930 53,325,858 64.8% 46,520,059 34,820,104 53,311,742 65.3% 46,427,218 34,627,625 54,206,160 63.9% 44,705,084 33,367,574 52,410,183 63.7% 43,848,755 32,910,535 51,415,813 64.0% 43,984,840 33,187,684 51,864,339 64.0% 41,904,924 31,746,470 50,085,682 63.4% 国内旅客収入(百万円) 国内旅客収入/有償旅客キロ Domestic passenger income (¥ millions) Domestic passenger income / Revenue passenger-kilometers 650,184 18.8 629,358 18.1 668,888 19.3 674,732 20.2 659,998 20.0 675,680 20.4 677,437 21.3 有償貨物トンキロ(千) 郵便トンキロ(千) Revenue cargo ton-kilometers (thousands) Mail ton-kilometers (thousands) 384,405 77,347 384,444 74,346 376,283 78,197 394,566 77,769 388,443 85,519 400,507 86,985 396,053 86,632 30,564 79.5 30,238 78.7 30,814 81.9 30,534 77.4 29,440 75.8 28,938 72.3 27,862 70.3 3,053,557 6,300,534 48.5% 3,069,027 6,291,612 48.8% 3,050,235 6,383,940 47.8% 2,973,756 6,157,241 48.3% 2,938,796 6,034,514 48.7% 2,968,868 6,073,609 48.9% 2,861,730 5,878,950 48.7% Domestic cargo income (¥ millions) 国内貨物収入(百万円) 国内貨物収入/有償貨物トンキロ Domestic cargo income / Revenue cargo ton-kilometers 有償トンキロ(千) 有効トンキロ(千) 有償重量利用率 Revenue ton-kilometers (thousands) Available ton-kilometers (thousands) Revenue weight-load factor Investors' Guide 2008 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 02.3 Traffic statistics 輸送実績 連結輸送実績 Consolidated Traffic Statistics 日本航空 〈連結〉 輸送実績 Traffic statistics JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 輸送実績 日本航空 〈連結〉 国際線旅客方面別輸送実績 Traffic Statistics by Passenger Destination on International Routes 03.3 04.3 05.3 06.3 07.3 08.3 3,504,372 3,160,626 3,397,866 3,352,722 2,967,106 2,739,857 太平洋線 Pacific routes 有償旅客数(人) Revenue Passengers (total) 有償旅客キロ(千) Revenue passenger-kilometers (thousands) 26,932,334 24,309,731 26,019,557 25,877,543 23,150,023 21,175,458 有効座席キロ(千) Available seat-kilometers (thousands) 36,530,028 33,784,027 33,637,898 33,409,435 29,858,527 26,955,246 有償座席利用率 Passenger-load factor 73.7% 72.0% 77.4% 77.5% 77.5% 78.6% 欧州線 European routes 有償旅客数(人) Revenue Passengers (total) 1,602,140 1,361,944 1,570,847 1,545,192 1,399,051 1,341,682 有償旅客キロ(千) Revenue passenger-kilometers (thousands) 14,982,037 12,654,141 14,608,174 14,364,561 12,999,195 12,587,842 有効座席キロ(千) Available seat-kilometers (thousands) 21,769,439 19,071,976 20,980,997 20,605,094 17,047,965 16,878,987 有償座席利用率 Passenger-load factor 68.8% 66.3% 69.6% 69.7% 76.3% 74.6% 東南アジア線 Southeast Asian routes 有償旅客数(人) Revenue Passengers (total) 4,631,094 3,301,194 4,478,227 4,340,318 4,226,297 4,345,618 有償旅客キロ(千) Revenue passenger-kilometers (thousands) 15,324,535 11,424,419 14,870,895 14,650,728 14,594,925 15,625,573 有効座席キロ(千) Available seat-kilometers (thousands) 24,939,750 21,033,598 24,624,752 23,967,439 22,883,243 23,456,551 有償座席利用率 Passenger-load factor 61.4% 54.3% 60.4% 61.1% 63.8% 66.6% オセアニア線 Oceania routes 有償旅客数(人) Revenue Passengers (total) 872,769 811,915 851,984 806,125 727,190 524,101 有償旅客キロ(千) Revenue passenger-kilometers (thousands) 6,013,441 5,629,021 5,925,197 5,608,052 5,068,042 3,843,178 有効座席キロ(千) Available seat-kilometers (thousands) 7,522,217 7,777,144 8,182,373 7,750,500 7,323,910 5,171,795 有償座席利用率 Passenger-load factor 79.9% 72.4% 72.4% 72.4% 69.2% 74.3% グアム・サイパン線 Guam/Saipan routes 有償旅客数(人) Revenue Passengers (total) 926,051 851,717 1,076,967 874,111 531,064 544,569 有償旅客キロ(千) Revenue passenger-kilometers (thousands) 2,290,931 2,071,678 2,673,266 2,188,560 1,352,050 1,385,918 有効座席キロ(千) Available seat-kilometers (thousands) 3,749,038 3,471,935 3,869,963 2,965,429 1,869,721 1,850,207 有償座席利用率 Passenger-load factor 61.1% 59.7% 69.1% 73.8% 72.3% 74.9% Investors' Guide 2008 06.3 07.3 08.3 韓国線 South Korean routes 有償旅客数(人) Revenue Passengers (total) 1,645,150 1,257,092 1,616,502 1,652,036 1,700,460 1,886,662 有償旅客キロ(千) Revenue passenger-kilometers (thousands) 1,642,503 1,224,740 1,616,749 1,695,482 1,796,505 2,011,680 有効座席キロ(千) Available seat-kilometers (thousands) 2,397,521 2,031,024 2,201,660 2,531,520 2,545,699 2,592,801 有償座席利用率 Passenger-load factor 68.5% 60.3% 73.4% 67.0% 70.6% 77.6% 中国線 Chinese routes 有償旅客数(人) Revenue Passengers (total) 1,458,955 1,000,544 1,750,251 1,616,734 1,911,681 1,980,005 有償旅客キロ(千) Revenue passenger-kilometers (thousands) 2,772,318 1,846,133 3,270,299 3,048,511 3,624,111 3,781,481 有効座席キロ(千) Available seat-kilometers (thousands) 4,394,748 4,474,868 5,980,454 5,943,924 6,441,604 7,202,966 有償座席利用率 Passenger-load factor 63.1% 41.3% 54.7% 51.3% 56.3% 52.5% その他 Others 有償旅客数(人) Revenue Passengers (total) 96 0 578 388 4,392 5,410 有償旅客キロ(千) Revenue passenger-kilometers (thousands) 986 0 2,181 1,176 13,072 15,150 有効座席キロ(千) Available seat-kilometers (thousands) 15,808 0 14,159 1,436 16,342 19,642 有償座席利用率 Passenger-load factor 6.2% ̶ 15.4% 81.9% 80.0% 77.1% 合計 Total 有償旅客数(人) Revenue Passengers (total) 14,640,627 11,745,032 14,743,222 14,187,626 13,467,241 13,367,904 有償旅客キロ(千) Revenue passenger-kilometers (thousands) 69,959,085 59,159,861 68,986,317 67,434,613 62,597,923 60,426,280 有効座席キロ(千) Available seat-kilometers (thousands) 101,318,548 91,644,570 99,492,256 97,174,777 87,987,011 84,128,194 有償座席利用率 Passenger-load factor 69.0% 64.6% 69.3% 69.4% 71.1% 71.8% Investors' Guide 2008 10 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 05.3 Traffic statistics 04.3 日本航空 〈連結〉 輸送実績 03.3 ●日本航空〈連結〉 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 Fleet JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 Fleet 機材 日本航空 〈連結〉 航空機 航空機 (連結ベース) Fleet (Consolidated base) (単位:機/aircraft) 03.3 所有機 Owned aircraft ボーイング747-400型 Boeing 747-400 ボーイング747-400F型 ボーイング747LR型 04.3 リース機 Leased aircraft 所有機 Owned aircraft 05.3 リース機 Leased aircraft 2 ― ― 5 18 ― ― 4 18 3 ― 7 3 3 ― 7 3 10 4 10 10 2 3 15 ― 10 12 10 12 リース機 Leased aircraft 41 1 2 ― 4 17 3 ― 7 3 16 10 ― ― ― 6 10 14 所有機 Owned aircraft リース機 Leased aircraft 所有機 Owned aircraft リース機 Leased aircraft Boeing 747-400F ― Boeing 747LR 21 ボーイング747SR型 Boeing 747SR ボーイング747F型 Boeing 747F ボーイング777型 Boeing 777 ダグラスMD-11型 Douglas MD-11 ダグラスDC-10型 Douglas DC-10 エアバスA300-600R型 AIRBUS A300-600R エアバスA300型 AIRBUS A300 11 3 8 2 6 ― 3 ― ― ― ― ― ボーイング767型 Boeing 767 17 11 17 16 18 19 19 20 19 21 19 24 ボーイング767F型 Boeing 767F ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― 3 ダグラスMD-90型 Douglas MD-90 13 3 13 3 14 2 16 ― 16 ― 16 ― ダグラスMD-81型 Douglas MD-81 8 10 9 9 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 ダグラスMD-87型 Douglas MD-87 6 2 6 2 6 2 8 ― 8 ― 2 ― ボーイング737-400型 Boeing 737-400 9 14 10 13 9 14 9 14 9 14 9 14 ボーイング737-800型 Boeing 737-800 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― 2 2 8 ボンバルディアCRJ200型 CRJ200 ― 5 ― 6 ― 6 ― 8 ― 9 ― 9 YS-11型 YS-11 11 ― 9 ― 6 ― 4 ― ― ― ― ― ボンバルディアDHC-8-400 DHC-8-400 ― 2 1 2 2 3 3 4 3 6 3 8 SAAB340B型 SAAB 340B 7 7 7 7 9 5 10 4 10 4 10 4 ジェットストリーム・スーパー31型 Jetstream Super 31 2 1 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ボンバルディアDHC-8-100 DHC-8-100 ― ― ― ― 4 ― 4 ― 4 ― 4 ― ボンバルディアDHC-8-300 DHC-8-300 ― ― ― ― 4 ― 4 ― 1 ― 1 ― ブリテンノーマンBN-2B BN-2B ― ― ― ― 3 ― 3 ― 3 ― 2 ― 合計 Total 191 95 181 97 187 97 187 91 177 97 166 109 11 Investors' Guide 2008 40 所有機 Owned aircraft 08.3 7 Note: Training aircraft are not included. 4 リース機 Leased aircraft 07.3 35 注:訓練用航空機は含まない 38 所有機 Owned aircraft 06.3 38 1 36 1 2 3 2 5 2 2 13 1 9 ― 1 ― ― ― ― ― 7 2 8 1 3 1 21 12 24 12 26 15 25 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― 8 18 4 18 4 18 4 Employee numbers Consolidated employee numbers 03.3 04.3 05.3 06.3 07.3 08.3 航空運送事業 Air transport 25,312 24,510 23,903 23,546 22,624 21,343 航空運送関連事業 Air transportation-related 17,996 18,302 19,008 19,077 21,090 21,213 旅行企画販売事業 Travel services 5,664 5,398 5,216 4,733 3,602 3,069 カード・リース事業 Card and lease operations 316 332 283 その他事業 Other 5,913 5,843 5,835 5,338 3,849 3,292 合計 Total 54,885 54,053 53,962 53,010 51,497 49,200 Personel (単位:名/persons) 注:従業員数は就業人員である Note: The number of employees is the number of persons actually at work. Investors' Guide 2008 12 JAPAN AIRLINES CORPORATION〈CONSOLIDATED〉 人員 連結従業員数 日本航空 〈連結〉 従業員数