
51 Chapter 51 Semidefinite Programming

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51 Chapter 51 Semidefinite Programming
51.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
51.2 Specific Notation and Preliminary Results . . . . . . . . . . .
51.3 Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
51.4 Duality and Optimality Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
51.5 Strong Duality without a Constraint Qualification. . .
51.6 A Primal-Dual Interior-Point Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . .
51.7 Applications of SDP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Henry Wolkowicz
University of Waterloo
Semidefinite programming, SDP, refers to optimization problems where variables X in the objective
function and/or constraints can be symmetric matrices restricted to the cone of positive semidefinite
matrices. (We restrict ourselves to real symmetric matrices, Sn , since the vast majority of applications are
for the real case. The complex case requires using the complex inner-product space.) An example of a
simple linear SDP is
p∗ =
tr CX
subject to
TX = b
X 0,
where T : Sn → Rm . The details are given in the definitions in section 51.2; the SDP relaxation of the
Max-Cut problem is given in Example 1 in this section. The linear SDP is a generalization of the standard
linear programming problem (see Chapter 50), (LP ) min cT x, s.t. Ax = b, x ≥ 0, where A ∈ Rm×n , and the
element-wise nonnegativity constraint x ≥ 0 is replaced by the positive semidefinite constraint, X 0.
These cone constraints are the hard constraints for these linear problems, i.e., they introduce a combinatorial
element into the problem. In the LP case, this refers to finding the active constraints, i.e., finding the active
set at the optimum { j : x ∗j = 0}. For SDP, this translates to finding the set of zero eigenvalues of the
optimum X ∗ . However, for SDP this is further complicated by the unknown eigenvectors.
But there are surprisingly many parallels between semidefinite and linear programming as well as interesting differences. The parallels include: elegant and strong duality theory, many important applications,
and the successful interior-point approaches for handling the hard constraints. The differences include
possible existence of duality gaps, as well as possible failure of strict complementarity. Since LP is such
a well-known area, we emphasize the similarities and differences between LP and SDP as we progress
through this chapter.
Handbook of Linear Algebra
The study of SDP, or linear matrix inequalities (LMI), dates back to the work of Lyapunov on the stability
of trajectories from differential equations in 1890, [Lya47]. More recently, applications in control theory
appear in the work of [Yak62]. More details are given in [BEF94].
Cone Programming also called generalized linear programming, is a generalization of SDP [BF63]. Other
books dealing with problems over cones that date back to the 1960s are [Lue69], [Hol75], and [Jah86]. More
recently, SDP falls into the class of symmetric or homogeneous cone programming [Fay97], [SA01], which
includes optimization over combinations of: the nonnegative orthant; the cone of positive semidefinite
matrices, and the Lorentz (or second-order) cone.
Positive definite and Euclidean matrix completion problems are feasibility questions in SDP. Research
dates back to the early 1980s [DG81], [GJM84]. This continues to be an active area of research [Lau98],
[Joh90]. (More recently, positive definite completion theory is being used to solve large scale instances of
SDP [BMZ02], [FKM01].)
Combinatorial optimization applications fueled the popularity of SDP in the 1980s, [Lov79] and the
strong approximation results in [GW95] and Example 1 in this section. A related survey paper is [Ren99].
SDP continues to attract new applications in, e.g., molecular conformation [AKW99], sensor localization
[Jin05], [SY06], and optimization over polynomials [HL03].
The fact that SDP is a convex program that can be solved to any desired accuracy in polynomial time
follows from the seminal work in [NN94].
1. Suppose that we are given the weighted undirected graph G = (V, E ) with vertex set V = {1, . . . , n}
and nonnegative edge weights w i j , i j ∈ E (with w i j = 0, i j ∈
/ E ). The Max-Cut problem finds
the partition of the vertices into two parts so as to maximize the sum of the weights on the edges
that are cut (vertices in different parts). This problem arises in, e.g., physics and VLSI design. We
can model this problem as a ±1 program with quadratic functions.
(MC )
µ∗ =
i j =1
w i j (1 − xi x j ) = 14 xT L x
x 2j = 1,
subject to
where L is the Laplacian matrix of the graph, L i j =
j = 1, . . . , n,
if i = j ;
We consider the simple
if i = j.
−w i j
example with vertex set V = {1, 2,
edge weights w 12 = 1, w 13 = 2, w 23 = 2.
⎡ 3} and nonnegative
3 −1 −2
Here, the Laplacian matrix L = ⎣−1
3 −2⎦. The optimal solution places vertices 1 and 2
−2 −2
in one⎡part⎤ and vertex 3 in the other; thus it cuts the edges 13 and 23. An optimal solution is
x∗ = ⎣ 1⎦. with optimal value µ∗ = 4.
The well known semidefinite relaxation for the Max-Cut problem is obtained using the commutativity of the trace xT L x = tr LxxT = tr LX and discarding the (hard) rank one constraint on X.
ν∗ =
tr LX
subject to
diag (X) = e
X 0,
where the linear transformation diag (X) : Sn → ⎡
R denotes the diagonal
of X, and e is the vector
1 −1
of ones. The optimal solution to MCSDP is X ∗ = ⎣ 1
1 −1⎦. (This is verified using duality;
−1 −1
see Example 3 in section 51.4 below.) In fact, here X ∗ is rank one, and column one of X ∗ provides
the optimal solution x∗ of MC and the optimal value µ∗ = ν ∗ = 4.
Semidefinite Programming
For this simple example, X ∗ was rank one and the SDP relaxation obtained the exact solution of the
NP-hard MC problem. This is not true in general. However, the MCSDP relaxation is a surprisingly
strong relaxation for MC . A randomized approximation algorithm based on MCSDP provides a
±1 vector x with objective value at least .87856 times the optimal value µ∗ [GW94]. Empirical tests
obtain even stronger results.
Specific Notation and Preliminary Results
Note that in this section all matrices are real.
For general m × n matrices M, N
, we use the matrix inner product M, N = tr NT M. The
√∈ R
corresponding norm is M
F = tr M M, the Frobenius norm.
Sn denotes the space of symmetric n × n matrices.
The set of positive semidefinite (respectively definite) matrices is denoted by PSD (respectively, PD);
X 0 means X ∈ PSD.
The linear SDP is
p∗ =
subject to
tr CX
TX = b
X 0,
where the variable X ∈ Sn , the linear transformation T : Sn → Rm , the vector b ∈ Rm , and the matrix
C ∈ Sn are (given) problem parameters. The constraint T X = b can be written concretely as tr Ak X = bk ,
for some given Ak ∈ Sn , k = 1, . . . , m. Thus, SDP can be expressed explicitly as
p∗ =
subject to
i j
Ci j Xi j
Ai j k X i j = bk ,
k = 1, . . . , m
X 0,
where Ai j k denotes the i j element of the symmetric matrix Ak .
For M ∈ Rm×n , vec (M) ∈ Rmn is the vector formed from the columns of M.
For S ∈ Sn , svec (S) ∈ R 2 is the vector formed from
√ the upper triangular part of S, taken columnwise, with the strict upper triangular part multiplied by 2. The inverse of svec is denoted sMat .
For U ∈ Sn , the symmetric Kronecker product is defined by
(M ⊗N)svec (U) = svec
(NUMT + MUNT ) .
For a linear transformation between two vector spaces T : V → W, the adjoint linear transformation is
denoted T adj : W → V , i.e., it is the unique linear transformation that satisfies the adjoint equation for
the inner products in the respective vector spaces
T v, wW = v, T adj wV ,
∀ v ∈ V, w ∈ W.
If V = W, then this reduces to the definition of the adjoint of a linear operator given in Chapter 5.3.
We follow the standard notation used in SDP: for y ∈ Rn , Diag (y) denotes the diagonal matrix formed
using the vector y, while the adjoint linear transformation is diag (X) = Diag adj (X) ∈ Rn .
For an inner product space V , the polar cone of S ⊆ V is
S + = {φ : φ, s ≥ 0, ∀s ∈ S}.
Given a set K ⊆ Rn , we let cone (K) denote the convex cone generated by K . (See Chapter 9.1 for more
information on cones.) A set K is a convex cone if it is closed under nonnegative scalar multiplication and
Handbook of Linear Algebra
addition, i.e.,
α K ⊆ K , ∀α ≥ 0,
K + K ⊆ K.
For a convex cone K , the convex cone F ⊆ K is a face of K (denoted F < K ) if
x, y ∈ K , z = αx + (1 − α)y ∈ F, 0 < α < 1
implies x, y ∈ F.
1. In the space of real, symmetric matrices, Sn , the matrix inner product reduces to X, Y = tr XY.
2. For
n general
n compatible matrices M, N, the trace is commutative, i.e., tr MN = tr N M =
ij ij
3. svec (and sMat ) is an isometry between Sn (equipped with the Frobenius norm) and R 2
(equipped with the Euclidean norm). The svec transformation is used in algorithms when solving
symmetric matrix equations. Using the isometry (rather than the ordinary vec ) provides additional
4. PSD is a closed convex cone and the interior of PSD consists of the positive definite matrices. The
following are equivalent: (a) A 0 (A 0), (b) the vector of eigenvalues λ(A) ≥ 0 (λ(A) > 0),
(c) all principal minors ≥ 0 (all leading principal minors > 0).
5. The Kronecker product K ⊗ L is easily formed using the blocks K i j L . It is useful in changing matrix
equations into vector equations (see [HJ94]), (here K is the unknown matrix) vec (NKMT ) =
(M ⊗ N)vec (K). Similarly, the symmetric Kronecker product M ⊗N changes matrix equations
with symmetric matrix variables U ∈ Sn to vector equations. (See the definition in section 51.2.)
By extending the definition from Sn to Rn×n , the symmetric Kronecker product can be expressed
explicitly using the standard Kronecker product see ([TW05]),
8M ⊗N = (I + A)(N ⊗ M T + M ⊗ N T ) + (N ⊗ M T + M ⊗ N T )(I + A),
where A is the matrix representation of the transpose transformation. Matrix equations with
symmetric matrix variables arise when finding the search direction in interior-point methods for
SDP; see section 51.6. Surprisingly (see [TW05]), for A, B ∈ Sn ,
A⊗B 0 ⇐⇒ A ⊗ B 0;
A⊗B 0 ⇐⇒ A ⊗ B 0.
6. If A ∈ Rm×n and the linear transformation T v = Av, then T adj ∼
= AT .
+ +
7. The polar cone is a closed convex cone and the second polar (K ) = K if and only if K is a closed
convex cone.
⎢ √ ⎥
⎢2 2⎥
⎢ 4 ⎥
A = ⎣2 4 5⎦, v = ⎢ √ ⎥,
⎢3 2⎥
⎢ √ ⎥
3 5 6
⎣5 2⎦
svec (A) = v
F = v
2 = 129.
Semidefinite Programming
2. The polars: (a) (Rn )+ = {0}; {0}+ = Rn , (b) for the unit vector ei ∈ Rn , {ei }+ = {v ∈ Rn :
v i ≥ 0}, (c) (cone {( 1 1 )T , ( 1 0 )T })+ = cone {[0 1]T , [1 −1]T }; (d) let I = {v ∈ R3 :
v 32 ≤ v 1 v 2 , v 1 ≥ 0, v 2 ≥ 0} be the so-called ice-cream cone [Ber73], i.e., the cone of vectors that
makes an angle at most 45 degrees with the vector ( 1 1 1 )T . Then I = I + .
Extending LP to SDP can be thought of as replacing a polyhedral cone (the nonnegative orthant (R+ )n )
by the nonpolyhedral cone PSD. We now see that many of the geometric properties follow through from
K = (R+ )n to K = PSD.
A cone K is called self-polar if it equals its polar K = K +
A face F < K is called facially exposed if F = K ∩ φ ⊥ , for some φ ∈ K + .
A face F < K is called projectionally exposed if F is the image of K under an orthogonal projection,
F = P (K ).
1. Both (R+ )n and PSD are closed convex cones with nonempty interior. And both are self-polar
cones, i.e., ((R+ )n )+ = (R+ )n , (PSD)+ = PSD. (See [Ber73].)
2. Suppose that X̂ ∈ relint F ⊆ PSD and rank X̂ = r. Then X̂ = PDr P T , where P is the n × r matrix
with orthonormal columns of eigenvectors corresponding to nonzero (positive) eigenvalues. We
get that F < PSD if and only if F = P S+r P T . Equivalently, faces F < PSD are characterized by
{Y ∈ PSD : R(Y ) ⊆ R( X̂)}, where X̂ is any matrix in the relative interior of F and R denotes
the range. Equivalently, we could use N (Y ) ⊃ N ( X̂), where N denotes nullspace. (See [Boh48],
3. Both (R+ )n and PSD are facially and projectionally exposed, i.e., all faces are both facially and
projectionally exposed [BW81], [BLP87], [ST90].
4. The following relates to closure conditions that are needed for strong duality results. Suppose that
F < PSD. Then (see [RTW97]),
PSD + F ⊥ is closed; PSD + Span F is not closed.
1. Consider the face F = {X ∈ PSD : Xe = 0}, i.e., the face of PSD of centered matrices, positive
semidefinite matrices with row and column sums equal to 0. Let P = ( e V ) be an orthogonal
matrix, i.e., V T e = 0, V T V = I . Then we get F = V {X ∈ Sn−1 : X 0}V T , i.e., a one-toone mapping between the face F and the semidefinite cone in Sn−1 . This relationship is used in
[AKW99] to map Euclidean distance matrices to positive semidefinite matrices of full rank.
Duality and Optimality Conditions
Duality lies behind efficient algorithms in optimization. Unlike LP , strong duality can fail for SDP if
a constraint qualification does not hold. We consider duality the linear primal SDP introduced above a
game-theoretic approach.
The corresponding Lagrangian function (or payoff function from primal player X, who plays matrix X,
to dual player Y , who plays vector y) is L (X, y) = tr CX + yT (b − TX).
Handbook of Linear Algebra
The dual problem is
d∗ =
bT y
subject to
T adj y C
T adj y + Z = C,
Z 0).
Weak duality p ∗ ≥ d ∗ holds. If p ∗ = d ∗ and d ∗ is attained, then Strong duality holds.
Complementary slackness holds if tr ZX = 0; strict complementarity holds if, in addition, Z + X 0.
1. The optimal strategy of player X over all possible strategies by the dual player Y has optimal value
greater or equal to that of the optimal strategy for player Y over all strategies for player X, i.e.,
p ∗ = min max L (X, y) ≥ d ∗ = max min b T y + tr X(C − Tadj y).
The first equality in the min–max problem can be seen from the hidden constraint for the inner
maximization problem. The inequality follows from interchanging min and max. The hidden
constraint in the inner minimization of the max–min problem yields our dual problem and weak
duality. However, strong duality can fail. (See [RTW97].)
2. For X, Z 0, complementary slackness tr ZX = 0 is equivalent to Z X = 0.
3. Characterization of Optimality Theorem
The primal-dual pair X, (y, Z), with X 0, Z 0, is primal-dual optimal for SDP and DSDP if
and only if
T adj y + Z − C = 0
(dual feasibility)
TX −b = 0
(OPT )
(primal feasibility)
Z X = 0 (complementary slackness).
4. The theorem in the previous fact is used to derive efficient primal-dual interior-point methods.
5. Again we note the similarity between the above optimality conditions and those for LP, where
Z, X are diagonal matrices. However, in contrast to LP, the Goldman–Tucker theorem [GT56] can
fail, i.e., a strict complementary solution may not exist. This means that there may be no optimal
solution with X +Z 0 positive definite; see [Sha00], [WW05]. This can result in loss of superlinear
convergence for numerical algorithms for SDP. Moreover, in LP, Z, X are diagonal matrices and
so is Z X. This means that the optimality conditions OPT are a square system. However, for SDP,
the product of two symmetric matrices Z X is not necessarily symmetric. Therefore, the optimality
conditions are an overdetermined nonlinear system of equations. This gives rise to many subtle
algorithmic difficulties.
1. The lack of closure noted in Fact 4 in section 51.3 is illustrated by the sequence
/ PSD + Span
This gives rise to an SDP with a duality gap. Let C =
and A1 =
. Then a primal
SDP is 0 = min tr CX s.t. tr A1 X = 0, X 0. But the dual program has optimal value −∞ =
max 0y s.t. yA1 C , i.e., it is infeasible.
Semidefinite Programming
α 0 0
0 0 0
2. For fixed α > 0, we use parameters b =
and C = ⎣ 0 0 0⎦ , A1 = ⎣0 1 0⎦ , A2 =
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
⎣0 0 1⎦. Then we get the primal and dual SDP pair with a finite duality gap: α = min αU11 s.t.
0 1 0
y2 0 0
α 0 0
U22 = 0, U11 + 2U23 = 1, U 0; 0 = max y2 s.t. 0 y1 y2 0 0 0 .
0 y2 0
0 0 0
1 −1
3. We now verify that X ∗ = ⎣ 1
1 −1⎦ is optimal for MCSDP in Example 1 in Section 51.1.
−1 −1
The dual of MCSDP is min e T y s.t. Diag (y) 14 L. Since y = [ 1 1 2 ]T is feasible for this dual,
optimality follows from checking strong duality tr LX∗ = eT y = 4. Equivalently, one can check
complementary slackness (Diag (y) − L)X∗ = 0.
Strong Duality without a Constraint Qualification
A constraint qualification, CQ, is a condition on the constraints that guarantees that strong duality holds
at an optimum point.
Slater’s Constraint Qualification (strict feasibility) is defined as: ∃X 0, T X = b.
1. Suppose that Slater’s CQ holds. Then strong duality holds for SDP and DSDP , i.e., p ∗ = d ∗ and
d ∗ is attained.
2. [BW81] Duality Theorem: Suppose that p ∗ is finite. Let Fe denote the minimal face of PSD that
contains the feasible set of SDP. Consider the extended dual program
de∗ = maximize
bT y
subject to
T adj y + Z = C
Z ∈ Fe+ .
Then p ∗ = de∗ and de∗ is attained, i.e., strong duality holds between SDP and DSDP e .
3. An algorithm for finding the minimal face Fe defined above is given in [BW81].
We can apply the strong duality results to the two examples given in Section 51.4.
1. For the first example, replace PSD in the primal with the minimal face F = PSD ∩
cone{A1 }; so F + = {A1 }+ and the dual is now feasible.
0 0 0 ⊥
2. For the second example, replace PSD in the primal with the minimal face F = PSD ∩ 0 0 0 ;
0 0 1
so U23 is no longer restricted to be 0 in the dual.
3. The strong duality results are needed in many SDP applications to combinatorial problems where
Slater’s constraint qualification (strict feasibility) fails, e.g., [WZ99], [ZKR98].
Handbook of Linear Algebra
A Primal-Dual Interior-Point Algorithm
As mentioned above, it was the development of efficient polynomial-time algorithms for SDP at the end
of the 1980s that spurred the increased interest in the field. We look at the specific method derived in
[HRV96]. (See also [KSH97], [Mon97].)
We assume that Slater’s constraint qualification (strict feasibility) holds for both primal and dual
For each µ > 0, the log-barrier approach applied to DSDP requires the solution of the log-barrier problem
dµ∗ = maximize
subject to
bT y + µ log det Z
y + Z = C,
Z 0.
The Lagrangian is L (X, y, Z) = bT y + µ log det Z + tr X(C − Tadj y − Z), where we use X for the Lagrange
multiplier vector.
1. The derivative, with respect to (X, y, Z) of the Lagrangian, yields the optimality conditions for the
barrier problem:
T adj y + Z − C = 0
TX −b = 0
(dual feasibility)
(primal feasibility)
µZ −1 − X = 0 (perturbed complementary slackness).
We let X µ , yµ , Z µ denote the unique solution of OPTµ , i.e., the unique optimum of the logbarrier problem. The set {X µ , yµ , Z µ : µ ↓ 0} is called the central path. Successful primal-dual
interior-point methods are actually path-following methods, i.e., they follow the central path to
the optimum at µ = 0.
2. The last equation in the optimality conditions OPTµ is very nonlinear and leads to ill-conditioning
as µ gets close to zero. Therefore, it is replaced by the more familiar
ZX − µI = 0 (perturbed complementary slackness).
We denote the resulting optimality conditions using
F µ (X, y, Z) = 0.
This system has the same appearance as the one used in LP . However, it is an overdetermined
nonlinear system, i.e., F µ : Sn × Rm × Sn → Sn × Rm × Rn×n , since the product Z X is not
necessarily symmetric. Therefore, the successful application of Newton’s method done in LP must
be modified. A Gauss–Newton method is used in [KMR01]. Another approach is to symmetrize
the last equation of OPTµ . A general symmetrization scheme is presented in [MZ98].
3. We derive and present (arguably) the most popular algorithm for SDP, the HKM method [HRV96],
[KSH97], [Mon97].
We consider a current estimate X, y, Z of the optimum of the log-barrier problem DSDP µ ,
where both X 0, Z 0. Since we want Z X = µI , we set µ = n1 tr ZX. We use a centering
parameter 0 < σ that is adaptive in that it decreases (respectively increases) according to the
decrease (respectively increase) in the duality gap estimate at each iteration. Small σ signifies an
aggressive step in decreasing µ to 0. We replace µ ← σ µ in the optimality conditions. We denote
Semidefinite Programming
the optimality conditions using F µ = F µ (X, y, Z) = rp , i.e., using three residuals. To derive
the HKM method, we solve for the Newton direction d N = y in the Newton equation
F µ (X, y,
Z) =
T adj · I ·
dN = −
= −F µ .
To solve the above linearized system efficiently, we use block elimination. We use the first equation
to solve for
Z = −Rd − T adj y.
We then substitute into the third equation and solve for
X = Z −1 (Rd + T adj y)X − Rc .
We then substitute this into the second equation and obtain the so-called Schur complement system,
which is similar to the normal equation in LP:
T Z −1 T adj yX = −T Z −1 (Rd X − Rc ) − rp
= −T Z −1 (Rd X − Z X + µI ) − T X + b
= b − T Z −1 (Rd X + µI ) .
This is a positive definite linear system. Once y is found, we can backsolve for X, Z.
We now observe another major difference with LP and a major difficulty for SDP. Though Z is
now symmetric, this is not true, in general, for X, since the product of symmetric matrices is not
necessarily symmetric. Therefore, we symmetrize X ← 12 (X + X T ). We have now obtained
the search direction (X, y, Z).
Next, a line search is performed that maintains X, Z positive definite, i.e., we find the next iterate
(X, y, Z) using the primal and dual steplengths X ← X + α p X 0, Z ← Z + αd Z 0 and
set y ← y + αd y. We then update σ, µ and repeat the iteration, i.e., we go back to Fact 3 above.
4. See [HRV96] for more details on the HKM algorithm, including a predictor-corrector approach.
Details on different symmetrization schemes that lead to various search directions and convergence
proofs can be found in [MT00]. Algorithms based on bundle methods that handle large-scale SDP
can be found in [HO00].
Applications of SDP
There are a surprising number of important applications for SDP, several of which have already been
mentioned. Early applications in engineering involved solutions of linear matrix inequalities, LMIs, e.g.,
Lyapunov and Riccatti equations; see [BEF94]. Semidefinite programming plays an important role in
combinatorial optimization where it is used to solve nonlinear convex relaxations of NP-hard problems
[Ali95], [WZ99], [ZKR98]. This includes strong theoretical results that characterize the quality of the
bounds; see [GR00]. Matrix completion problems have been mentioned above. This includes Euclidean
Distance Matrix completion problems with applications to, e.g., molecular conformation; see [AKW99].
Further applications to control theory, finance, nonlinear programming, etc. can be found in [BEF94] and
Handbook of Linear Algebra
1. SDP arises naturally when finding relaxations for hard combinatorial problems. We saw one simple
case, the Max-Cut problem, MC , in the introduction in Example 1, i.e., MC was modeled as a
quadratic maximization problem and the binary ±1 variables were modeled using the quadratic
constraints x 2j = 1.
2. In addition to ±1 binary variables in Fact 1, we can model 0, 1 variables using the quadratic
constraints x 2j − x j = 0. Linear constraints Ax − b = 0 can be modeled using the quadratic
constraint Ax − b
2 = 0. Thus, in general, many hard combinatorial optimization problems are
equivalent to a quadratically constrained quadratic program, QQP . Denote the quadratic function
q i (y) = 12 yT Q i y + yT bi + c i , y ∈ Rn , i = 0, 1, . . . , m. Then we have
q∗ =
(QQP )
q 0 (y)
subject to q i (y) = 0, i = 1, . . . m.
(For simplicity, we restrict to equality constraints.)
3. SDP arises naturally from the Lagrangian relaxation of QQP in Fact 2 above. We write the Lagrangian
L (y, x), with Lagrange multiplier vector x.
quadratic in y
L (y, x) =
1 T
y (Q 0
linear in y
i =1 xi Q i )y
y T (b0 −
constant in y
i =1 xi b i ) + (c 0 −
i =1
xi c i ).
Weak duality follows from the primal-dual pair relationship
q ∗ = min max L (y, x) ≥ d ∗ = max min L (y, x).
We now homogenize the Lagrangian by adding y0 to the linear term: y0 y T (b0 − i =1 xi bi ), y02 = 1.
Then, after moving the constraint on y0 into the Lagrangian, the dual program becomes
max min
= max min
1 T
L (y, x)
Q 0 − i =1 xi Q i y(+ty02 )
+ y0 y T b0 − i =1 xi bi
+ c 0 − i =1 xi c i (−t).
We now exploit the hidden constraint from the inner minimization of a homogeneous quadratic
function, i.e., the Hessian of the Lagrangian must be positive semidefinite. This gives rise to the
d ∗ = sup
−t −
i =1
x∈R ,
xi c i
t ∈ R,
where the linear transformation T : Rm+1 → Sn+1 and the matrix B are defined by
= m
i =1
xi b i
xi biT
mi =1
i =1 xi Q i
Semidefinite Programming
The dual, DD, of the program D gives rise to the SDP relaxation of QQP .
p∗ =
tr BU
U 0.
[AKW99] A. Alfakih, A. Khandani, and H. Wolkowicz. Solving Euclidean distance matrix completion problems via semidefinite programming. Comput. Optim. Appl., 12(1–3):13–30, 1999. (Computational
optimization—a tribute to Olvi Mangasarian, Part I.)
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