
Program of 12th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium

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Program of 12th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium
2016 年度日本水産増殖学会第 15 回大会/
第 12 回日韓・韓日水産増養殖シンポジウム 日程表
Schedule for Annual Meeting of JSAS 2016 /
12th Japan-Korea, Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Aquaculture
(Annual Meeting of JSAS 2016)
(J-K, K-J Joint Symposium)
11 月 3 日(木・祝) / Nov. 3rd (Thu)
受付/ Registration
受付/ Registration
開会式(第 3 会場)
/ Opening Address at R#3
口頭発表/ Oral Presentation
第 1 会場(R#1)
第 2 会場(R#2)
昼休み / Lunch Break
12:00~13:00 2016 年度第 2 回日本水産増殖学会
/ JSAS Councilors’ Meeting
口頭発表/ Oral Presentation
第 1 会場(R#1)
第 2 会場(R#2)
休憩 / Coffee Break
開会式(第 3 会場)
/Opening Address at R#3
合同ポスター発表 / Joint Poster Presentation
(2 階ピロティー / Poster Gallery)
J-K, K-J Joint Symposium:【KP-01】~【KP-23】
休憩 / Coffee Break
口頭発表(第 3 会場)
/ Oral Presentation (Room #3)
閉会式 / Closing Remark
懇親会(生協第 1 食堂) / Banquet (University Cafeteria #1)
11 月 4 日(金)~5 日(土) / Nov. 4th (Fri) - 5th (Sat)
エクスカーション(海女サミット 2016 in 志摩) / Excursion (Ama-Summit 2016 in Shima)
※エクスカーションの詳細は 11 月 3 日にご案内を配布いたします。
/ Please refer to the travel guidance distributed on Nov. 3rd in detail.
2016 年度日本水産増殖学会第 15 回大会
Program on Oral Presentation of Annual Meeting
of Japanese Society for Aquaculture Science in 2016
11 月 3 日(木・祝日)/November 3rd (Thu.)
第1会場(217 番教室) Room #1 (Lecture Room 217)
(※発表 12 分,討論を含めて 15 分です。)
O-01 10:40~10:55
Spawning and capture by bluegill-shaped lure of largemouth bass in the fishing ports of Lake Biwa.
Michitaka Yamamoto (Lake Biwa Museum)
O-02 10:55~11:10
Effects of water temperature on feeding and growth of juvenile marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes
yokohamae under laboratory condition.
Kazushi Kusakabe, Yusei Yoshida, Satoshi Takahashi, Jun Shoji and
Takeshi Tomiyama (Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University)
O-03 11:10~11:25
青木秀夫 1・宮本敦史 1・中村砂帆子 1・輿石友彦 2・佐藤秀一 3・石田典子 4(1 三重水研,2 日清
丸紅飼料,3 海洋大, 4 水産機構中央水研)
Feed performance of low-fish meal diet for red sea bream Pagrus major in commercial aquaculture.○Hideo
Aoki1, Atsushi Miyamoto1, Sahoko Nakamura1, Tomohiko Koshiishi2, Shuichi Satoh3 and Noriko Ishida4
(1Owase Branch, Mie Prefecture Fisheries Research Institute; 2Marubeni Nisshin Feed Co., Ltd.; 3Tokyo
University of Marine Science and Technology; 4National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan
Fisheries Research and Education Agency)
O-04 11:25~11:40
兼安敬久 1・浅沼黎 1・島文華 1・高橋英佑 2・山羽悦郎 2・市村政樹 3・○藤本貴史 1・荒井克俊 1 (1
北大院水,2 北大フィールド科セ,3 標津サーモン科学館)
Viability of diploid and triploid hybrids between chum salmon female and masu salmon, Japanese char and
Dolly Varden males. Takahisa Kaneyasu1, Rei Asanuma1, Fumika Shima1, Eisuke Takahashi2, Etsuro Yamaya2,
Masaki Ichimura3,
Takafumi Fujimoto1 and Katsutoshi Arai1 (1Hokkaido University; 2The Field Science
Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University; 3Shibetu Salmon Museum)
-------------------------------------- 昼休み(Lunch Break) 11:40~13:00 --------------------------------O-05 13:10~13:25
飼育水へのビタミン B12 添加が海産仔魚の成長・生残に及ぼす影響
仲野祥子・○吉松隆夫 (三重大院生資)
Supplemental effects of vitamin B12 to the rearing water of marine finfishes. Akiko Nakano and
Yoshimatsu (Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University)
O-06 13:25~13:40
餌料用微細藻類 Rhodomonas sp.安定培養のための好適培養環境と必須栄養素
山本慧史 1,岡内正典 2,吉松隆夫 1(1 三重大院生資,2 水産機構増養殖研)
Suitable Conditions and Essential Nutrients for Culturing Marine Microalga Rhodomonas sp.
Satoshi Yamamoto1, Masanori Okauchi2 and Takao Yoshimatsu1 (1Graduate School of Bioresources,Mie
University; 2National Research Institute of Aauaculture, Fisheries Research and Education Agency)
O-07 13:40~13:55
ミズクラゲの n-3 系脂肪酸要求特性
大西はるか,三島 隆,吉松隆夫(三重大院生資)
Fatty acid requirement of jellyfish Aurelia aurita.
Haruka Onishi, Takashi Mishima and Takao Yoshimatsu
(Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University)
第 2 会場(220 番教室) Room #2 (Lecture Room 220)
(※発表 12 分,討論を含めて 15 分です。)
O-08 10:40~10:55
土橋靖史 1・田中真二 1・渥美貴史 2(1 三重水研,2 三重県庁)
Demonstration II of Akoya pearl oyster Pinctada fucata produced by selective breeding using shell-closing
strength as an indicator.
Yasushi Tsuchihashi1, Shinji Tanaka1 and Takashi Atsumi2 (1Mie Prefecture
Fisheries Research Institute; 2Mie Prefectural Government)
O-09 10:55~11:10
長谷川夏樹 1・日向野純也 2・土橋靖史 3・浅尾大輔 4・木村勲 4・山本善幸 4・中村和馬 4・山口
恵 5(1 水研機構増養殖研,2 水研機構瀬戸水研,3 三重水研,4 鳥羽磯部漁協浦村アサリ研究
会,5 ケアシェル(株))
New collection techniques for wild seedlings of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas using “Careshell” made from
oyster shell. ○Natsuki Hasegawa1, Junya Higano2, Yasushi Tsuchihashi3, Daisuke Asao4, Isao Kimura4,
Yoshiyuki Yamamoto4, Kazuma Nakamura4 and Megumu Yamaguchi5 (1National Research Institute of
Aquaculture, Fisheries Research and Education Agency; 2National Research Institute of Fisheries and
Environment of Inland Sea, Fisheries Research and Education Agency; 3Mie Prefectural Fisheries Research
Institute; 4Uramura Asari Study Group,JF Toba Isobe; 5Careshell Co., Ltd.)
O-10 11:10~11:25
Effect of Chaetoceros neogracile on the Gill ventilation volume of Purplish bifurcate mussel Septifer virgatus.
Takeshi Handa and Ken-ichi Yamamoto (National Fisheries University)
O-11 11:25~11:40
Food web analysis of benthic animals in the innermost part of Osaka Bay.
Masaki Sano and Hiroaki Omi
(Research Institute of Environment, Agriculture and Fisheries, Osaka Prefecture)
-------------------------------------- 昼休み(Lunch Break) 11:40~13:00 ---------------------------------
O-12 13:10~13:25
村瀬 昇 1・阿部真比古 1・福留 慶 1・中山冬麻 1・鹿野陽介 2
(1 水産機構水大校,2 山口水研セ)
Effects of water temperature on growth of Pyropia tenuipedalis thallus. ○Noboru Murase1, Mahiko Abe1, Kei
Fukudome1, Toma Nakayama1 and Yosuke Shikano2 (1National Fisheries University; 2Yamaguchi Prefectural
Fisheries Research Center)
O-13 13:25~13:40
中山冬麻 1・阿部真比古 1・村瀬昇 1・鹿野陽介 2
(1 水産機構水大校,2 山口水研セ)
Effects of salinity on growth of Pyropia tenuipedalis thallus.
Toma Nakayama1, Mahiko Abe1, Noboru
Murase1 and Yosuke Shikano2 (1National Fisheries University; 2Inland Sea Divition, Yamaguchi Prefectual
Fisheries Research Center)
O-14 13:40~13:55
阿部真比古 1・村瀬昇 1・中江美里 1・中山冬麻 1・鹿野陽介 2
(1 水産機構水大校,2 山口水研セ)
Effects of water temperature in formation of spherical cells and uniseriate thallus on conchocelis of Pyropia
Mahiko Abe1, Noboru Murase1, Misato Nakae1, Toma Nakayama1 and Yosuke Shikano2
( National Fisheries University; 2Yamaguchi Prefectural Fisheries Research Center)
2016 年度日本水産増殖学会第 15 回大会
Program on Poster Presentation of Annual Meeting
of Japanese Society for Aquaculture Science in 2016
ポスター会場(口頭発表会場周辺のピロティー: Poster Gallery)
発表時間:14:30~16:00 (Core time: 14:30~16:00)
掲示時間:10:00~17:00 (posting time: 10:00~17:00)
○Authors are responsible for tacking and removing the poster of one’s own. Removing poster after
core time is at author’s discretion.
○Poster number with an asterisk(*) indicates the presentation by students.
荻原真我1・池田晃雄 2・土井 航 2・鈴木伸洋1 (1東海大院,2 東海大海洋)
Age at maturity and growth of the Ribbon Fish, Trichiurus lepturus in the Suruga Bay, Japan. ○Shinga
Ogihara1, Akio Ikeda2, Wataru Doi2 and Nobuhiro Suzuki1 (1Graduate School Tokai Univ.; 2MS&T Tokai
春日井 潔 1・塩谷浩之 2・白井賢志 3・岸上順一 2・馬場勝寿4 (1 道総研さけます内水試,2 室蘭
工業大学,3 北海道 NS ソリューションズ,4 道総研水産研究本部)"
An attempt for the application of deep learning to analysis of the relationship between release and return of
chum salmon.
Kiyoshi Kasugai1, Hiroyuki Shioya2, Satoshi Shirai3, Jay Kishigami2 and Katsuhisa Baba4
( Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute, Hokkaido Research Organization; 2Muroran Institute of
Technology; 3 Hokkaido NS Solutions; 4Fisheries Research Department, Hokkaido Research Organization)
Effects of different levels of vitamin E on lysozyme activity of Nile tilapia.
D. Saha, A. M. Shahabuddin, Haruna Oka, Takashi Mishima and Takao Yoshimatsu (Graduate
School of Bioresources, Mie University)
ティラピアのリソゾーム活性に与える試料中のビタミン E 含量の影響.D. Saha・A. M. Shahabuddin・岡 春菜
・三島 隆・吉松隆夫(三重大院生資)
久保田 均 1・谷口直樹 2・秋月正和 2・中野裕介 2・那須敏朗 2(1 近大先端研,2 近大水産養殖
Shape measurement of a red sea bream fly by silhouette picture the LED conveyor.
Hitoshi Kubota1, Naoki
2 1
Taniguchi , Masakazu Akizuki , Yusuke Nakano and Toshiro Nasu ( Institute of Advanced Technology,
Kindai University; 2Deptartment of Fish Nursery Center, Kindai University)
Effects of the water current control and rearing density of the survival rate and growth in larval Pacific bluefin
tuna, Thunnus orientalis.○Hiroki Ikeda, Takashi Takeda and Yasunori Ishibashi (Faculty of agriculture,
Kindai University)
Effects of ultraviolet light on the growth performance of eggs and larvae in Pacific bluefin tuna,Thunnus
Takahiro Tsuji and Yasunori Ishibashi (Faculty of agriculture, Kindai University)
Effects of light spectrum on the growth performance of larval longtooth grouper, Epinephelus bruneus.
Momoko Kobayashi and Yasunori Ishibashi (Faculty of agriculture, Kindai University)
クロダイ Acanthopagrus schlegelii の摂餌活動及び遊泳活動の日周期性
Diel feeding and locomotor activities in Japanese black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegelii. ○Yuuki Sato and Jun
Kohbara (Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University)
Impact of temporal change of salinity to biodefense mechanism of Manila Clam
Novi Arisman, Haruna Oka and Takao Yoshimatsu (Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie
アサリの生体防御能に与える短期塩分変化の影響.○N. Arisman・岡 春菜・吉松隆夫(三重大院生資)
市販浮遊珪藻 Chaetoceros neogracile を元株とした冬季大量培養のための前処理法の検討
An examination of conditions for the inoculation prior to mass culture utilizing the stock of the commercial
diatom Chaetoceros neogracile in winter.
Tetsuo Yamada and Masaei Kanematsu (National Research
Institute of Fisheries and Environment of Inland Sea)
Effect of culture environment on initial growth of tetraspores of Gracilaria blodgettii. Ken Inoue (Okinawa
Prefectural Fisheries Research and Extension Center)
November 3rd (Thu.)
Program on Oral Presentations of 12th Japan-Korea Korea-Japan
Joint Symposium on Aquaculture
Presentation Room #3 (Lecture Room 218)
General oral presentation – 15 min (Presentation 12 min, Q&A 3min)
KO-01 16:15~16:30
Long-term variations in the ways of production in Korean fisheries: From ‘Capture fisheries’ to
Tae Hyung Kim, Sung Min Choi, Cheol Lee, Sang Duk Choi (Division of Marine Technology,
Chonnam National University, Korea)
KO-02 16:30~16:45
South Korea's governmental support program on fisheries
Cheol Lee1 and Sang Duk Choi2 (1Department of International Commerce, 2Division of Marine
Technology, Chonnam National University, Korea)
KO-03 16:45~17:00
Passive immunization of goldfish with the serum of fish surviving cyprinid herpesvirus-2 infection
in high water temperature treatment
Azusa Nanjo1, Tomoya Shibata1, Keisuke Yoshii1, Yasuhiro Shibasaki2, Teruyuki Nakanishi2,
Mikio Tanaka3, Goshi Kato1 and Motohiko Sano1 (1 Tokyo University of Marine Science and
Technology, Japan; 2College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University, Japan; 3Saitama
Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Research Center, Japan)
KO-04 17:00~17:15
Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 infection dynamics in a goldfish resistant strain after experimental infection
Keisuke Yoshii1, Mikio Tanaka2, Tomoya Shibata1, Azusa Nanjo1, Masato Saito1, Hideo Fukuda1,
Takashi Sakamoto1, Goshi Kato1 and Motohiko Sano1 (1Tokyo University of Marine Science and
Technology, Japan; 2Saitama Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Research Center, Japan)
KO-05 17:15~17:30
Analysis of hemolymph microbiome of cultured Pacific oyster in response to different temperatures
and hypoxia stresses
Keisuke G. Takahashi and Kazuhiro Yuasa (Laboratory of Aquacultural Biology, Graduate School
of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Japan)
- 24 -
Program on Poster Presentations of 12th Japan-Korea Korea-Japan
Joint Symposium on Aquaculture
Poster Presentation Galley
Core Time: 14:30~16:00
(posting time: 10:00~17:00)
○Authors are responsible for tacking and removing the poster of one’s own. Removing poster after
discussion hour is at author’s discretion.
○Poster number with an asterisk (*) indicates the presentation by students.
Comparison of thermal tolerance by developmental stages among two clonal strains and their
outcrossing strains in the self-fertilizing fish Kryptolebias marmoratus
Marina Yamada and Yoshitaka Sakakura (Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental
Sciences, Nagasaki University, Japan.)
Increment of Skeletal Muscle Mass by CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing System in Red Sea Bream
(Pagrus major)
Keitaro Kato1, Kenta Kishimoto2, Yohei Washio1, Atsushi Toyoda3, Yasutoshi Yoshiura4 and
Masao Kinoshita2 (1Aquaculture Research Institute, Kindai University, Japan; 2Division of Applied
Bioscience, Graduate School of Agriculture Kyoto University, Japan; 3Center for Information
Biology, National Institute of Genetics, Japan; 4National Research Institute of Fisheries and
Enhancement of Inland Sea, Fisheries Research Agency, Japan)
New method for maximum prey size estimation of longtooth grouper, Epinephelus bruneus, based
on predation experiments on juvenile cannibalism.
Nariaki Inoue, Jun Satoh, Tohru Mekata Takashi Iwasaki and Koichiro Mori (Kamiura Laboratory,
National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Fisheries Research Agency, Japan)
- 25 -
Effectiveness of Sargassum meal in diets on growth performance of male and female Nile tilapia
(Oreochromis niloticus)
Fittrie Meyllianawaty Pratiwy1, Jun Kohbara1 and AB. Susanto2 (1Graduate School of
Bioresources, Mie University, Japan; 2Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro
University, Indonesia)
Evaluation of fermented tuna by-product meal (FTBM) as a fishmeal replacer in diet of juvenile
olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)
Sungchul C. Bai1, Oncul Fatma Ozgun1, Seunghan Lee1, Geon Lee2, KyoungRim Han3 (1Dept. of
Marine Bio-materials and Aquaculture/ Feeds and Foods Nutrition Research Center (FFNRC)
Pukyong Nat’l University, Rep. of Korea; 2Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Dong-A University,
Rep. of Korea; 3Dept. of Research & Development, Hyundae F&C, Rep. of Korea)
Mass mortalities of cultured gold fish Carassius auratus caused by Clinostomum complanatum
infection in Japan
Shinya Yasumoto, Tsukasa Kabayama, Masakazu Kondo, Yukinori Takahashi (Department of
Applied Aquabiology, National Fisheries Univ., Japan)
Effects of chicken manure extract on the survival and development of the harpacticoid copepod
Tigriopus japonicus
Gaku Kikuchi, Yoshitaka Sakakura, Atsushi Hagiwara (Graduate school of Fisheries Science and
Environmental Studies, Nagasaki University, Japan)
Effect of Vitamin B12 on the stability and temperature stress tolerance of single clonal cultured
Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Cladocera)
Kim Wonkwon, Ekrem Ayna and Takao Yoshimatsu (Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie
University, Japan)
Enzyme treated Nori as a feed for the rearing of juvenile Japanese scallop, Patinopecten yessoensis
in closed recirculating system
A. M. Shahabuddin, M. N. D. Khan, D. Saha, Toshiyoshi Araki and Takao Yoshimatsu (Graduate
School of Bioresources, Mie University, Japan)
- 26 -
Effects of Schizochytrium microalgae in diet on growth and survival rate of juvenile sea cucumber
Apostichopus japonicus
Anisuzzaman Md1, Feng Jin1, ○Jong- Kuk Choi1, U-Cheol Jeong1, Hak Sun Yu2 and Seok-Joong
Kang1 (1Department of Seafood and Aquaculture Science, Gyeongsang National University,
Tongyeong 53064, Korea; 2Department of Parasitology, School of Medicine, Pusan National
University, Korea)
Suitable conditions and essential nutrients for culturing marine microalga Rhodomonas sp.
Satoshi Yamamoto1, Masanori Okauchi2 and Takao Yoshimatsu1 (1Graduate School of
Bioresources, Mie University, Japan; 2National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Fisheries
Research and Education Agency, Japan)
Acid–base balance of the hemolymph in hard-shelled mussel Mytilus coruscus in normoxic
Takeshi Handa, Akira Araki and Ken-ichi Yamamoto (Department of Applied Aquabiology,
National Fisheries University, Japan)
Adaptation and growth of Clithon Retropictus (Endangered wild species Class II in Korea) after
Jun Beom Choi, Hong Il Jeon, Tae Hyung Kim, Yun Keun An, Sang Duk Choi (Division of
Marine Technology, Chonnam National University, Korea)
The status of Suminoe oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis) culture in Seomjin River, Korea
Yun Keun An and ○ Sang Duk Choi (Division of Marine Technology, Chonnam National
University, Korea)
Hemolymph hemagglutinin of pearl oysters Pinctada fucata involved in post-operative care of the
Natsumi Sano1, Takashi Atsumi2, Shinji Tanaka2, and Akira Komaru1 (1Graduate School of
Bioresources, Mie University, Japan; 2Mie Prefecture Fisheries Research Institute, Japan)
- 27 -
The estimation of seaweed production and nitrogen flux in the Integrated Multi Trophic
Aquaculture (IMTA) system using STELLA model
Cicilia Kambey1, Calvyn Sondak2 and Ik Kyo Chung1 (1Division of Earth Environmental System
Oceanography major, Pusan National University, Republic of Korea; 2Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science, Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia)
The effects of eutrophication and acidification on the ecophysiology of Ulva pertusa Kjellman
Jin Woo Kang and Ik Kyo Chung (Division of Earth Environmental System Oceanography major,
Pusan National University, Republic of Korea)
Molecular monitoring for the dynamic features of eukaryotic plankton communities in the Nakdong
river estuary of Korea
Jee Eun Lee1, Ik Kyo Chung1, Tongsup Lee1, Sang-Rae Lee2 (1Department of Earth
Environmental System Oceanography major, Pusan National University, Republic of Korea;
Marine Research Institute, Pusan National University, Republic of Korea)
Carbon dioxide mitigation potential of seaweed aquaculture beds (SABs)
Ik Kyo Chung1 and Jin Ae Lee2 (1Department of Oceanography, Pusan National University,
Korea; 2School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Inje University, Korea)
Cultivation and utilization of green algae in Korea
Jong-Ahm Shin1, Tae-Ho Seo1, Hyang Ran Baek1, Seong Ju Kim1, Yeo Ho Lim1, Man-Gu Kang1
and Bin Sun2 (1College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Chonnam National University, Republic
of Korea; 2College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, China)
Principal considerations in marine afforestation
Jong-Ahm Shin1, Hyun-Soo Shin2, Man-Gu Kang1, Su-Yeon Lim1, Chang-Hyeok Lee1, Sung-Je
Choi3, Yun-Ho Kang1, Han-Gil Choi4, Jeong Ha Kim5, Hyung Geun Kim and Shin Ja Ko7
(1Chonnam National University, 2Honam Regional Statistics Office, 3Jeollanamdo Maritime &
Fisheries Institute, 4Wonkwang University, 5Sungkyunkwan University, 6Gangneung-Wonju
National University, 7Jeju National University, Republic of Korea)
- 28 -
Preliminary trophic network analysis of Sargassum beds ecosystem in Gamak Bay, Korea
Yun-Ho Kang, ○Jong-Ahm Shin, Sang-Duk Choi, Ho-Seop Yoon, Yun-Keun An and Man-Gu
Kang (School of Marine Technology, Chonnam National University, Korea)
Effects of stocking density and polyculture on the growth of freshwater fish
Lee Jeong-Yeol1 and Gao Yang2 (1Kunsan National University, Korea; 2Zhejiang Ocean
University, Korea)
- 29 -
Map of Main Area of Mie Univ.
Mountain side
Sea side
To Nagoya
至 名古屋
Main Gate
Bioresourse B.
Symposium Venue
(Univ. Cafeteria)
Root 23
至 伊勢
To Ise
Univ. Hosp.
The access routes to Mie University, please go to http://www.mie-u.ac.jp/en/about/map/
Location Map for Symposium Area (Bioresources Build. 2nd Floor)
Oral Pre. R#2
Society Office
(Poster gallery)
Oral Pre. R#1
Frontage of Bioresources Build.
Oral Pre. R#3
EV ♀
Fly UP