公開 - 高知工科大学
1. 2 Er=100 Er 250 t=47.96s t=2.03s Er=500 t=4.9s ( (1) ) 3 ( 35℃ Er=250 3(a) ) 3(b) 7.7 3(c) 21.9 z z 3(b) 4-n-octyl-4’-cyano biphenyl (8CB) 34.0 38.5℃ (2) (1) Er( Er=γ1HU/K U: γ 1: K: 6 H: (2002) 22 (2) (2004) ) z ⑥ 2. 1 31.0mm) 35.0mm) ③ ① ② ( ⑤ ④ ⑤DC ⑥ BOX ①Out glass tuber ②Stainless-steel cylinder ③Orientation layer ④Liquid crystal ⑤DC Motor ⑥Synchronous belt & pulley 1 PC ) 1 10 reflected light intensity 250 BOX 30 x y Fig.1 Layout plan of experiment BOX CCD ( ① ② ③ ④ 8.0mm 6.0mm ( 5.4mm E r= 1 0 0 E r= 2 5 0 E r= 5 0 0 200 150 100 50 0 0 2rpm 10 20 30 40 50 60 ts Fig.2 Transition of reflected light intensity for 35℃ 3. FLOW 2 1 1 z x-y (a) t=0.0s (b) t=7.7s (c) t=21.9s Fig.3 Behavior of molecules of 8CB at T=35.0℃