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【教材名】2014 年受験・大学入試英語構文
【発行所】英語教材 100 円ショップ
Well, I worked fast but with great care.
It broke easily. It broke open. I broke it.
He came back to Japan last year.
There is a hut there and there lives a man in it.
Here you are. Here is your toy.
He married young and remained a poor man.
He seemed to be guilty but proved to be innocent.
He raised the glass and then put it down.
I gave him a pen. = I gave a pen to him.
I bought him a pen. = I bought a pen for him.
I named him Thomas but I call him Tom.
I thought him guilty but he proved himself innocent.
1.品詞:①名詞…人や事物の名称を表す(care) ②代名詞…名詞の代わりに用いる(I) ③形容詞…名詞を修
飾したり,補語になる(great) ④副詞…動詞・形容詞・他の副詞・文全体を修飾する(fast) ⑤動詞…人や事
物の動作を表す(worked) ⑥前置詞…(代)名詞を従えて,形容詞句・副詞句を作る(with) ⑦接続詞…語と
語,句と句,節と節,文と文を結ぶ(but) ⑧間投詞…喜怒哀楽などの感情を表す(Well)
2.文の要素:①主語[S]…文の主題となる語「~は,~が」<主な品詞…名詞・代名詞>(It) ②述語[V]…S の
動作を表す語「~する,~ある」<動詞>(broke) ③目的語[O]…S の動作の対象となる語「~を,~に」<名詞・
代名詞>(it) ④補語[C]…S の状態を表す語「~で(ある),~に(なる),~だと」<名詞・代名詞・形容詞>(open)
3.第1文型⑴[S+V(+M)]:①S[(代)名詞]+V[(助動詞+)自動詞](+副詞)「S は( に[へ,で...])V する」 ②S+
V+前置詞+(代)名詞「S は の に[へ,で...]V する」 ③S+V+限定語+名詞「S は の に[へ,で...]V する」
4.第1文型⑵[There+V+S(+M)]: ①There+is/are+S[単数/複数](+M)「(~に[へ,で...])S がある[いる]」
②There+V[自動詞]+S(+M)「(~に[へ,で...])S が V する」
5.第1文型⑶[Here+V+S(+M)]: ①Here+is/are+S[単数/複数]「(ほら)S がある[いる]」 ②Here comes
+S「(ほら)S が来る」 <S が人称代名詞の場合は ‘Here+S+V’ の語順になる>
6.第2文型⑴[S+V+C]:①S+be[become, remain…]+名詞・形容詞「S は C である[になる,のままだ...]」
②S+get[keep, feel…]+形容詞「S は C になる[保つ,感じる...]」
7.第2文型⑵[S+V+(to be) C]:S+seem[prove…]+(to be)C「S は C のように思える[だと判明する...]」
8.第3文型[S+V+O(+M)]:S+他動詞+(代)名詞(+M)「S は(~に[へ,で...])O を V する」
9.第4文型⑴[S+V+IO<間接目的語>+O=S+V+O+to+IO]:S+give[lend, pay…]+IO+O「S は IO に
O を与える[貸す,払う...]」=S+give[lend, pay…]+O+to+IO
10.第4文型⑵[S+V+IO+O=S+V+O+for/of/on+IO]:①=S+buy[make, find…]+物+for+人「S は人
に物を買って[作って,見つけて...]やる」 ②=S+ask a question[favor]+of+人「S は人に質問[願い事]を
する」 ③⇔S+play a trick+on+人「S は人にいたずらをする」
11.第5文型⑴[S+V+O+C]:①S+make[leave…]+O+名・形「S は O を C にする[のままにする...]」 ②S
+call[elect…]+名「S は O を C と呼ぶ[に選ぶ...]」 ③S+get[keep…]+O+形「S は O を C にする[保つ...]」
12.第5文型⑵[S+V+O+(to be) C]:S+think[find…]+O+(to be) +名・形「S は O を C だと思う[分かる...]」
⑴ The price of all the tours (
) airfare and all transfers.
① to include
② includes
③ including
④ include
⑵ I broke my arm the last time I tried snowboarding. This time I will (
① be carefully
② be more careful ③ be more carefully ④ more careful
⑶ (
) may remain two more questions to be settled.
① It
② None
③ There
④ They
⑷ Even in the late 19th century there were many people (
) to the United States.
① moving
② moved
③ movable
④ movement
⑸ This person (
) perfect for the job.
① sounds
② does
③ gives
④ fits
⑹ In appearance, my sisters (
) very much alike.
① see
② look
③ watch
④ view
⑺ As the time is running (
), we kindly ask you to return the enclosed forms as soon as possible.
① shortly
② shorted
③ shortage
④ short
⑻ I bought a camera yesterday. (
) three hundred dollars.
① It cost me
② I was cost
③ It was cost
④ It cost it
⑼ You will (
) yourself a lot of time if you go to the station by bicycle.
① make
② increase
③ allow
④ save
⑽ Will you (
) me alone? I want to solve the problem on my own.
① fix
② leave
③ locate
④ put
⑾ The people that companies choose (
) managers are often rigid and demanding.
① of being
② to be
③ what are
④ which are
⑿ Taro enjoys bird watching. = Bird watching (
① takes pleasure from Taro
② takes Taro from pleasure
③ gives Taro pleasure
④ gives Taro with pleasure
⒀ My part-time job is a restaurant.
① at
② end
③ favorite
④ usual
⒁ She always tells a story the children at bedtime.
① beautiful
② during
③ kind
④ to
⒂ A: Would you show me your international driver’s license?
B: Yes. (
) it is.
⒃ ①Trying to do everything ②perfectly is impossible and ③unnecessary; you should be more ④
⒄ ①It has an increase in demand for ②processed cheese for ③home cooking ④in recent years.
⒅ Teenagers who marry ①and become mother ②are more likely to suffer problems when they ③
have a child that ④can lead to death.
Seeing is believing.
To see is to believe.
I don’t know what to do and how to do it.
The photo on the wall is beautiful.
The photo to hang on the wall is beautiful.
The photo hanging on the wall is beautiful.
The photo hung on the wall is beautiful.
He walked for two miles at night.
He walked two miles last night.
He took the photo to hang it on the wall.
Hanging on the wall, the photo looked beautiful.
Hung on the wall, the photo looked beautiful.
1. 名詞句(1)[動名詞]:①原形-ing~+V…「~することは…V する」 ②S+is+原形-ing~「S は~すること
である」 ③S+他動詞+原形-ing~「S は~することを V する」 ④前置詞+原形-ing~
2. 名詞句(2)[to 不定詞]:①To+原形~+V…「~することは…V する」 ②S+is+to+原形~「S は~するこ
とである」 ③S+他動詞+to+原形~「S は~することを V する」
3. 名詞句(3)[疑問詞+to 不定詞]:①what+(名詞+)to+原形~「何(の )を~すべきか」 ②which+(名詞
の ]を~すべきか」 ④when[where, how]+to+原形「いつ[どこに,どのように]~すべきか」 ⑤whether
4. 形容詞句(1)[前置詞句]:名詞+前置詞句<前置詞+(形容詞+)名詞・代名詞>「 の[にある,にいる] 」
5. 形容詞句(2)[to 不定詞]:①名詞+to+原形~「~すべき[する(ための),できる,するという] 」 ②人+前
置詞+whom to+原形~=人+to+原形~前置詞 ③物+前置詞+which to+原形~=物+to+原形~前置詞
6. 形容詞句(3)[現在分詞]:名詞+現在分詞+名詞[副詞・前置詞句]「 を[で,に...]~している 」
7. 形容詞句(4)[過去分詞]:名詞+過去分詞+副詞[前置詞句]「 で[に...]~された 」
8. 副詞句(1)[前置詞句]:①文+前置詞句 ②前置詞句, 文
9. 副詞句(2)[限定語+名詞]:①文+限定語[all, any, every, last, the other, this…]+名詞[day, moment,
time, way…] ②限定語+名詞, 文
10. 副詞句(3)[to 不定詞]:①To+原形~, 文「~するために[すれば], 」 ②文+to+原形~「~するために
[するとは], 」 ③文(,) to+原形~「 して,~する」 ④文(,) only to+原形~「 したが,~しただけだ」 ⑤
文(,) never to+原形~「 して,決して~しない」
11. 副詞句(4)[現在分詞]:①現在分詞~, 文「~して [するなので, しながら,すると], 」 ②文, 現在分詞
~「 して,~する」「~しながら, 」
12. 副詞句(5)[過去分詞]:①過去分詞~, 文「~されて[されたので,されながら,されると], 」 ②文, 過去
分詞~「 して,~される」「~されて, 」
⑴ (
) the child’s disease fully to his parents was not easy.
① Explain
② Explaining
③ Of explaining
④ With explained
⑵ One of the most effective and cheapest ways to detect the presence of disease in the body is by
) the blood.
① examine
② examination ③ test
⑶ I like visiting Hawaii because I love (
① to shop
② to go shop
④ tested of
⑸ I don’t know (
② do what to
③ to shopping
② if
⑹ The protest march (
⑺ Children (
④ go shopping
③ what do to
④ what to do
④ whether
) to go to the party or not.
① how
① being held
) in Waikiki.
⑷ She was so upset that she did not know (
① to what do
⑤ testing
③ where
) next week is expected to attract over 100,000 people.
② holding
③ to be held
④ to hold
) in rural areas often have a greater appreciation for nature than their urban
① raising
② who raised
③ are raised
⑻ I usually watch my favorite TV programs (
① in
② of
⑼ David wants to learn Japanese (
① worked
⑽ (
) weekends.
③ by
④ on
) in Japan.
③ having work ④ to work
⑤ works
) an earthquake for the first time, the child was frightened to death.
① To feel
⑾ (
② to be work
④ raised
② Feeling
③ Felt
④ To be felt
) in easy English, the book is not difficult for beginners to understand.
① Writing
② Written
③ Wrote
④ Having written
④ yet
④ which
⑿ When visitors come, don’t forget keep this trash out of sight.
① please
② to
③ where
⒀ The book used in our school published in the U.S.
① have
② that
③ were
⒁ Adjusting clock time so as to gain ①added daylight ②on summer evenings ③are common ④
throughout the world.
⒂ The ①wooden fence ②surrounded the school ③is beginning to get worse ④because of the rain.
⒃ My work does not permit my ①taking a week off ②except pay ③under the present ④
⒄ ①Considered her ②lack of experience, it is incredible that she achieved ③so ④much. <学習院大>
⒅ ①Trained to tense her muscles and breathe from the chest, ②the dancer had the ③most
difficulty with ④yoga’s loose and full breathing methods. ⑤NO ERROR
I know that[whether, if] he did it.
I know who[which man] did it.
I know when[how often] he did it.
This is how[why] he did it.
This is what[the thing which] he did.
Whoever[Whichever man] did it is right.
The man who[whose son] did it is right.
He called me on the day when he did it.
He called me when he did it.
He called me yesterday, when he did it.
He called me on whichever day he did it.
He called me whenever he did it.
1. 名詞節(1)[接続詞 that, whether, if]:①That[Whether]+文+V~「 ということ[かどうか]は~Vする」
②S+is+that[whether]+文「S は ということ[かどうか]だ」 ③S+V+(IO+)that[whether, if]+文「S
は(IO に) ということ[かどうか]を V する」
2. 名詞節(2)[疑問代名詞・疑問形容詞]:①who+V´~「誰が~V´するか」 ②who(m)+S´+V´「誰を S´が V´す
るか」 ③whose+(名詞+)V´~[S´+V´]「誰の( )が[を S´が]~V´するか」 ④what+(名詞+)V´~[S´+V´]
「何(の )が[を S´が]~V´するか」 ⑤which+(名詞+)V´~[S´+V´]「どちら(の )が[を S´が]~V´するか」
3. 名詞節(3)[疑問副詞]:①when[where, why, how(+副・形)]+S´+V´~「いつ[どこに,なぜ,いかに( に[で])]S´
が~V´するか」 ②how many+複[much+単]+V´~[S´+V´]「どれくらいの数[量]の が[を S´が]~V´するか」
4. 名詞節(4)[先行詞が省略された関係副詞]:①(the time) when+文「~する時」 ②(the place[point])
where+文「~する所[点]」 ③(the reason) why+文「~する理由」 ④how+文「~する方法」
5. 名詞節(5)[関係詞 what]:①what+V´~[S´+V´]「~する[S´が~する]もの[こと]」 ②what+(few, little)
名詞+V´~[S´+V´]「(少ないながら)~する[S´が~する] (全て)」
6. 名詞節(6)[複合関係代名詞]:①whoever+V´~「~する人は誰でも」 ②who(m)ever+S´+V´「S´が~する
人は誰でも」 ③whatever(+名詞)+(S´+)V´「(S´が)~するもの(する )は何でも」 ④whichever(+名詞)
+(S´+)V´「(S´が)~するもの(する )はどちら[どれ]でも」
7. 形容詞節(1)[関係代名詞]:①人+who[that]+V´~「~V´する人」 ②人+(whom, who, that+)S´+V´「S´
が V´する人」 ③物+which[that]+V´~「~V´する物」 ④物+(which, that+)S´+V´「S´が V´する物」 ⑤
人・物+whose+名詞+V´~[S´+V´]「 が~[ を S´が]V´する人・物」
8. 形容詞節(2)[関係副詞]:①時+when+文「~する時」 ②所+where+文「~する所」 ③the reason why
+文「~する理由」 ④the way (that, in which)+文「~する方法」
9. 副詞節(1)[接続詞]:接続詞[after, as, because, before, if, though, until, when, while…]+文
10. 副詞節(2)[非制限用法の関係詞]:①人, who+V´~[whom+S´+V´]「 だが,その人(達)は[をS´は]~する」 ②物,
which+V´~[S´+V´]「だが,それ(ら)は[を S´は]~する」 ③人・物, whose+名詞+V´~[S´+V´]「 だが,その は[を S´
は]~する」 ④時, when+文「 だが,その時に~」 ⑤所, where+文「 だが,そこに~」
11. 副詞節(3)[複合関係代名詞]:①whoever+V´~「誰が~しても」 ②who(m)ever+S´+V´「誰を S´が~して
も」 ③whatever(+名詞)+(S´+)V´「何(の )が[を S´が]~しても」 ④whichever(+名詞)+(S´+)V´「どち
ら(の )が[を S´が]~しても」
12. 副詞節(4)[複合関係副詞]:①whenever+文「いつ~しても;~する時はいつでも」 ②wherever+文「ど
こに~しても;~する所はどこでも」 ③however+形・副+文「どんなに に~しても」
⑴ She claimed strongly (
) she had never said such a stupid thing.
① that
② what
③ which
④ whom
⑵ “Do you know (
)?” “I don’t know exactly. Is it beyond a billion?”
① how many the population of China are
② how much is the population of China
③ what number is the population of China ④ what the population of China is
⑶ X: Where is Mary? I need to talk to her.
Y: She went to the library, but I don’t know when (
) back.
① will she be
② she will be
③ does she come
④ comes she
⑷ His mother would not believe (
) Bill told her.
① that
② what
③ which
④ whose
⑸ In meetings you must be flexible enough to accept (
) happens.
① anything
② that
③ whatever
④ which
⑹ Most decisions corporate leaders make are not political. You would be insane to seek an
average executive (
) you thought might be acceptable politically, as opposed to a first-class
business expert about (
) politics you are unclear.
① who … whose
② who … which
③ whom … whose ④ whom … which <慶應義塾大>
⑺ I found an old picture (
) I had lost for a long time.
① who
② whose
③ which
④ what
⑻ Many people lost their homes to the typhoon (
) struck the Nagoya area in 1959.
① what
② that
③ who
④ whom
⑼ Being loved by someone (
) is the best thing that can happen to you.
① you love
② you are in love
③ you are loved
④ you fall in love <清泉女子大>
⑽ I remember the house (
) I was born.
① which
② where
③ in that
⑾ (
) Katherine was admitted to the hospital, her classmates have never stopped bringing her
notes from school.
① Because of ② In case
③ Unless
④ Ever since
⑤ As for
⑿ We saw a group of people sitting by the road, (
) bus had broken down.
① who
② whom
③ when
④ whose
⒀ X: Those cupcakes smell wonderful.
Y: They’re not cupcakes. They’re pancakes, but (
) you call them, they taste good.
① whatever
② wherever
③ whether
④ whichever
⒁ I know the founder of the company. = I know (
) the company. <大阪教育大>
⒂ A: I’m wondering (
) or not I should buy this computer now.
B: I think you should.
⒃ Instead, the question we ①must ask is how ②might we make this place better for the typical
girls so that they ③may overcome the typical circumstances of disadvantage that they ④are
⒄ I ①still remember ②what lovely you ③and your sister ④were when you were children.
⒅ ①As time past, she ②gave up her ③dream of entering the ④field of marine biology.
I told the man to do the job.
I saw the man do the job.
I saw the man doing the job.
I saw the job done [being done] by the man.
I talked the man into doing the job.
I arranged for the man to do the job.
The job (having been) done, the man left.
I insisted on the man(’s) doing the job.
I left, with the man doing the job.
I left, with the job done by the man.
I left, with the job complete [over].
I left, with the job near completion [what it is].
1. V+O+to 不定詞:①advise[ask, force, tell, persuade…]+O+to+原形「O に~するように勧める[頼む,
強いる,言う,説得する…]」 ②allow[enable, expect, want…]+O+to+原形「O が~することを許す[可
能にする,期待する,望む…]」 ③cause[get…]+O+to+原形「O に~させる[してもらう…]」
2. V+O+原形不定詞:①feel[hear, see…]+O+原形「O が~するのを感じる[聞く,見る…]」 ②have [let,
make…]+O+原形「O に~してもらう[させてやる,させる…]」 ③help+(O+)(to+)原形「(O が)~するの
3. V+O+現在分詞:①catch[feel, find, hear, see, smell…]+O+~ing「O が~しているのを捕まえる[のを
感じる,のに気づく,のを聞く,のを見る,匂いがする…]」 ②keep[leave]+O+~ing「O を~したままに
する[放置する]」 ③set[start]+O+~ing「O に~させる[し始めさせる]」
4. V+O+過去分詞:①feel[find, hear, see…]+O+pp.[being pp.]「O が~される[されている]のを感じる[気
づく,聞く,見る…]」 ②keep[leave, make]+O+pp.「O を~された状態にしておく[放置する,する]」 ③
get [have]+O+pp.「O を~してもらう/される/させる」 ④want+O+(to be) pp.「O が~されるのを望む」
5. V+O+前置詞+動名詞:①talk+O+into[out of]+~ing「O を説得して~させる[するのをやめさせる]」
②blame[forgive, praise, scold, thank…]+O+for ~ing「O が~したことを非難する[許す,ほめる,叱る,感謝す
る…]」 ③prevent[prohibit…]+O+from ~ing「O が~するのを妨げる[禁止する…]」
6. 意味上の S+to 不定詞:①for+O+to+原形「O が~すること;O が~すべき[できる];O が~するため
に[するには]」<It is+判断+for+人+to+原形「人が~するのは…だ」> ②It is+性質+of+人+to+原形
7. 意味上の S+分詞構文:①(代)名詞<主格>+~ing「 が~して(いるので)」 ②(代)名詞<主格>+pp.「 が~
されて(いるので)」 ③(代)名詞<主格>+having pp.「 が~してしまった後」
8. 意味上の S+動名詞:(代)名詞<所有格・目的格>+~ing「 が~すること」
9. with+O+現在分詞:with+O+~ing「O が~している状態で[の]」
10. with+O+過去分詞:with+O+pp.「O が~された状態で[の]」
11. with+O+形容詞・副詞:with+O+形容詞[副詞]「O が~な[にある]状態で[の]」
12. with+O+その他:①with+O+前置詞+名詞「O が の にある状態で[の]」 ②with+O+what+S´
+is「O が現在の状態では」<S´は O の人称代名詞形>
⑴ Your help will enable (
) the job soon.
① me finishing
② me finished
③ me to finish
④ for me to finish
⑵ For her birthday, Mary (
) her father to buy her the CD which she had wanted for a long time.
① insisted
② expected
③ promised
④ decided
⑶ A: Please (
) me to take this book back to the library, Mom.
B: Sure, Ben.
① nominate
② notice
③ realize
④ remind
⑷ Stop talking. Didn’t you hear the bell (
① rang
② rings
③ ring
④ ringed
⑸ Shaving his beard off made Robert (
) five years younger.
① be
② into
③ like
④ look
⑹ He saw the protesters still (
) in front of the government building.
① shouted
② shouting
③ shout
④ to shout
⑺ I was shocked to find my name (
) on the wall.
① wrote
② writing
③ write
④ written
⑻ Last weekend, I took part in a piano competition. I was happy when I heard my name (
) as
the first prize winner.
① is calling
② was calling
③ calls
④ called
⑼ I want you (
) as soon as possible.
① to get the job to do
② get the job done
③ to get the job done
④ to get done the job
⑤ get the job to do
⑽ Her father (
) her from seeing the boy again.
① forbidden
② forbidding
③ forbade
④ to forbid
⑾ “Pardon me (
) you, Mr. Smith, but you’re wanted on the phone.”
① interrupting
② for interrupting ③ of interrupting
④ to interrupt
⑿ It is very kind (
) to invite me to dinner.
① for him
② of him
③ with him
④ to him
⒀ Vienna is one of the four headquarters of the United Nations, (
) New York, Geneva and Nairobi.
① being the others
② the others being
③ that the others were
④ the others which were being ⑤ which the others were
⒁ Jane had her daughter cook their supper yesterday.
= Jane (
) her daughter to cook their supper yesterday.
① got
② helped
③ let
④ made
⒂ I am forced to admit that his plan was better than mine.
① am not scared to admit
② have no choice but to admit
③ don’t agree to admit
④ hate to admit
⒃ Let me ①know if there ②is anything I can do to help you better ③understood my lectures.
〔誤箇所 1 語で訂正〕
⒄ I ①want to have my child ②to educate in an English-speaking country ③so she can ④master
⒅ ①Although it ②was late, I went into the room and found him ③lying in bed with ④his closing
It 構 文
It is right for him [of him] to do so.
It is right that he should do so.
I think it right for him [of him] to do so.
I think it right that he should do so.
It is worthwhile[worth (your) while] reading it.
It matters little when[where; why] he did so.
I left it to him to solve the problem.
I owe it to him that I have succeeded.
It is fine[hot; dark; two (o’clock); two miles].
It will not be long before he comes.
It is always[often] the case with him.
It looks like[as if] it is[were] going to rain.
1. 名詞句の形式主語:①It is+難易・判断+(for+人) to ~「(人が)~するのは だ」<dangerous, easy, hard…;
important, natural, necessary…> ②It is+性質+of+人+to ~「~するとは人は だ」<kind, rude, wise…>
2. 名詞節の形式主語:①It is+可能性+that+S´+V´~「S´が~ということは だ」<certain, likely, true…>
②It is+判断+that+S´+should ~「S´が~するのは だ」<important, natural, necessary…> ③It is+不
確実性+whether[疑問詞] ~「~かどうか[誰が/いつ…~か]は だ」<doubtful, uncertain, a mystery…>
3. 名詞句の形式目的語:①S+V+it+難易・判断+(for+人) to~「(人が)~するのを だとS はV する」 ②S
+V+it+性質+of+人+to ~「~するとは人は だと S は V する」
4. 名詞節の形式目的語:①S+V+it+C+that ~「~ということを C だと S は V する」 ②S+V+it+C+
whether[疑問詞] ~「~かどうか[誰が/いつ ~か]を C だと S は V する」
5. 形式主語の慣用表現(1):①It takes[costs]+(人+)時間・金額+to ~「(人が)~するのに かかる」 ②It is worth
while ~ing[to ~]「~するのは価値がある」 ③What is it like to be ~?「~だというのはどういうものか」 ④It is
no exaggeration[not too much]+to say that ~「~と言っても過言ではない」 ⑤It is for+人+to ~「人が~すべきだ」
6. 形式主語の慣用表現(2):①It never struck[occurred to]+人+that ~「~ということは人には思いもよらなか
った」 ②It follows (from…)+that ~「(…から)当然~ということになる」 ③It makes no difference [It does not
matter; It is of no importance] (to+人)+whether[疑問詞] ~「~かどうか[~か]は(人には)どうでもよいことだ」
7. 形式目的語の慣用表現(1):①人+make it a rule[custom, habit, point, practice]+to ~ = It is+人’s+rule to ~
=It is a rule with+人+to ~「人は~することにしている」 ②leave it to+人+to ~「~することを人に任せる」
8. 形式目的語の慣用表現(2):①owe it to+人+that ~「~なのは人のお陰だ」 ②see (to it) that ~「~ように取
り計らう」 ③take it for granted that ~「~を当然のことと考える」 ④hear it said that ~「~だと噂に聞く」
9. 天候などの it:①It+天候の動詞 ②It is+天候・寒暖・明暗の形容詞 ③It is+時間・距離の名詞
10. 時間の it の慣用表現:①It will be+時間+before+S´+現在形~「S´が~するまでに…かかるだろう」
②It is[has been]+時+since+S´+過去形~「S´が~して以来…になる」<=時+have passed since…=...+時+ago>
11. 状況の it の慣用表現:①It’s all over with ~「~はもうおしまいだ」 ②How is it (going) with ~?「~はどんな調
子か」 ③make it「成功する;間に合う;到達する」 ④get it「叱られる;分かる」 ⑤mean it「本気だ」 ⑥take it easy
「気楽にやる」 ⑦fight it out「戦い抜く」 ⑧have a good[hard] time (of it)「楽しく時を過ごす[ひどい目にあう]」
12. It seems[happens…]+that 節など:①It (so) happens[chances]+that ~「たまたま~」 ②It turns out that
~「~だと判明する」 ③It seems[appears]+(to+人) that ~「(人には)~ように思える」 ④It seems[appears,
looks, sounds]+like[as if, as though]+S+直説法[仮定法]~「S は~しそうだ」
⑴ Is it (
) for us to prevent earthquake?
① able
② available
③ possessive
④ possible
⑵ It was rude (
) to do such a thing.
① enough to him
② if he
③ too much
④ of him
⑶ It is very (
) that you missed this chance, but you will have another opportunity.
① negative
② difficult
③ unfortunate
④ complex
⑷ A lot of people may feel it easy (
) this question.
① answer
② to answer
③ answering
④ for answering
⑸ Because of the depth to which the ship sank, it is considered unfeasible (
) the Titanic from
the floor of the Atlantic Ocean.
① attempted to raise
② attempt to rise
③ to attempt to raise
④ attempted to rise
⑤ to attempt the rising
⑹ The legislation made it almost impossible (
) other countries to sell their goods in the U.S.
① to
② for
③ as
④ by
< 学習院女子大>
⑺ I(
) it funny that they didn’t think to bring towels along when they went to the beach.
① find
② take
③ accept
④ see
⑻ A: How much does (
) cost from here to the library by bus?
B: The fare is 210 yen.
① money
② it
③ this
④ that
⑼ It is no (
) crying over spilt milk.
① good
② bad
③ useless
④ helpless
⑽ It (
) saying that eating a wide variety of food is good for your health.
① goes without ② hardly in
③ is hardly to ④ is no
⑤ needless to
⑾ It did not (
) to me that the weather was terrible.
① bring
② attend
③ matter
④ work
⑿ Please see (
) it that a detailed instruction manual is attached to the microscope.
① by
② in
③ to
④ with
⒀ It was (
) he was thirty that he got a full-time job for the first time.
① surprising
② necessary
③ but because
④ not until
⒁ She makes a point of attending important meetings.
= She makes it a (
) to attend important meetings.
① process
② need
③ trial
④ rule
⒂ It won’t be long before we can travel to the moon.
= The day will soon (
) when we can travel to the moon.
⒃ It made no difference to us whether Akiko came to the meeting or not.
① was concerned
② was remote
③ was not important ④ was not equal <関東学院大>
⒄ With your talent, I’m sure you’ll make it in the entertainment world.
① arrive
② enter
③ play
④ succeed
⒅ When you find your friend ①depressed as ②a result of lost love, it is common sense ③which
you must never utter negative words to him or her, but rather ought to ④help the person look on
the bright side of things.
⒆ It has been only three days ①when I started ②working at this gas station, but I ③am already
used to ④it.
The news surprised[delighted, disappointed] me.
Another ten minutes’ walk brought me there.
もう 10 分歩いた後,私はそこに着いた。
This book will give you a clear idea of it.
His look showed (me) how happy he was.
The thought of her visit made me (feel) happy.
The storm caused us to cancel the picnic.
The storm prevented us from going on a picnic.
He is a good swimmer but is a poor sailor.
He gave me a hard pull and I had a fall.
The sudden appearance of the bear terrified us.
I object to the application of the rule to this case.
I’m worried by his frequent absence from class.
1.物主構文(1)[V+O]:①原因+感情動詞+人「原因によって[のために]人は~する」 ②原因+delay+O「原
因のために O は遅れる」 ③事+say[show, reveal, suggest]+that 節「事で~だと分かる」
2.物主構文(2)[V+O+修飾語]:①乗物+take+人+to+所「乗物に乗れば,人は所に着く」 ②道+lead[take,
bring]+人+to+所「道を行けば,人は所に着く」 ③(A+)数+minutes’ walk[A+数-minute walk]+brought
[took]+人+to+所「~分歩いた後,人は所に着いた」 ④S+remind+人+of ~「S によって人は~を思い出す」
3.物主構文(3)[V+O+名詞]:①S+give[bring]+人+名詞「S によって人は~を得る」 ②S+save[spare]
+人+金・時「S によって人は~を使わずに済む」 ③S+cost+人+貴重な物「S によって人は~を失う」
4.物主構文(4)[V+O+名詞節]: S+tell[show]+人+that[疑問詞]節「S によって人は~だと[~か]分かる」
5.物主構文(5)[V+O+形容詞・原形不定詞・分詞]:①S+make+人+形容詞[原形]「S のために人は~になる
[する]」 ②S+keep[leave]+人+形容詞[現在分詞・過去分詞]「S のために人は~の[している・された]まま
である」 ③S+turn[drive]+人+形容詞「S のために人は~になる」
6.物主構文(6)[V+O+to 不定詞]:①S+cause+人+to+原形「S のために人は~する」 ②S+enable[allow]+人
+to+原形「S のために人は~できる」 ③S+force[compel]+人+to+原形「S のために人は~しなければならない」
7.物主構文(7)[V+O+前置詞+動名詞]: S+prevent[keep]+人+from ~ing「S のために人は~できない」
8. be 動詞+動詞-er[職業名]:①a+形容詞+動詞-er…an early riser「早起きだ」 ②a+(形容詞+)名詞+動
詞-er…a good English speaker「英語を上手に話す」 ③a+(形容詞+)動詞-er+of+名詞…a good speaker
of English <a believer in...←believe in...> ④a+形容詞+職業名…a good pianist「ピアノが上手だ」, a
bad cook「料理が下手だ」, a poor correspondent=a poor letter writer「筆無精だ」
9. 動作名詞:①have[take]+a+名詞…bath, drink, look, nap, rest, walk… ②make+a(n)+名詞… attempt,
decision, excuse, promise, speech, start… ③give+IO+a(n)+名詞…answer, call, push, kick, thought…
10.自動詞の名詞形+修飾語:①人+自動詞(+M)→人’s+名詞(+M)「人が~すること」 ②物+自動詞(+M)
11.他動詞の名詞形+修飾語:①人+他動詞+O(+M)→人’s+名詞+of+O(+M)「人が O を~すること」
②O+is+過去分詞+by+人(+M)→the+名詞+of+O+by+人(+M)「人に O が~されること」
12.形容詞の名詞形+修飾語:①人+be+形容詞(+M)→人’s+名詞(+M)「人が…であること」 ②物+be+
⑴ The new machine (
① shortened
) us a lot of time on the job.
② made
⑵ A: “Did you often take (
③ created
④ saved
) when you were in Spain?”
B: “Are you asking me if I regularly slept for a short time in the afternoon? Yeah, I did.”
① a few steps
② a nap
③ place
⑶ The doctor told Jim to take the medicine and (
① get
② put
⑷ I’d like to (
④ turns
) some rest.
③ find
④ make
) a complaint about the poor service to the manager.
① claim
② explain
⑸ All you have to do is make (
① applicability
③ make
② applicable
① at
④ tell
) for admission to the university.
③ application
⑹ It will be convenient, therefore, to make some mention (
⑺ There’s (
② from
④ apply
) our views on the matter.
③ in
④ of
④ any reason
) to be frightened of the dog; he’s quite harmless.
① a fear
② no fear
③ no need
⑻ Such one-sided reporting increases viewers’ (
① admiration
② attention
⑼ A: “Can you give me (
) of politics.
③ observation
④ suspicion
) of the woman you saw?”
B: “She was wearing a pink shirt and a pair of blue jeans. And she had a ponytail.”
① an assumption
② a description
③ a prescription
⑽ The health agency addressed the need for (
① control
④ a tradition
) of influenza with vaccines.
② disturbance ③ evidence
④ maintenance ⑤ promotion
⑾ After an hour’s walk we came to the lake. = An hour’s walk (
① brought
④ rushed
⑿ If you take this medicine, you will be able to sleep well. = This medicine will (
) you to sleep well.
① allow
② caused
② fail
③ put
) us to the lake.
③ keep
④ take
⒀ If you stay in Tokyo for a year, you’ll have to spend a lot of money.
= A year in Tokyo will (
) you a lot of money.
⒁ We couldn’t go hiking because of a severe storm.
= A severe storm (
) us from going on a hike.
⒂ People ①in Britain and America understand ②each other perfectly ③most of the time, but
there are differences ④on grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation.
⒃ It has ①come to my notice recently that several people in our club ②are making unkind
remarks of others, ③resulting in dissatisfaction ④to the club in general and certain members in
particular. ⑤NO ERROR
I am doubtful of his diligence. = I doubt his diligence.
He is sure to win. = I am sure that he will win.
He is sure of winning. = He is sure that he will win.
He was busy (in) preparing and late (in) coming.
I’m sorry (that) I’m late. = I’m sorry for being late.
I am doubtful whether [that] he is diligent.
He is not (only) a singer but an actor.
Saying is one thing, (and) doing (is) another.
I like both dogs and cats but I prefer the former to the latter.
I came partly on business and partly for pleasure.
At first he resisted, but in the end he gave in.
What with this and that, I didn’t have time.
1.S+is+形容詞+前置詞:①他動詞=be+形容詞+of…doubt=be doubtful of; envy=be envious of;
forget=be forgetful of; suspect=be suspicious of ②自動詞+前置詞=be+形容詞+前置詞…attend to=be
attentive to; depend on=be dependent on; differ from=be different from; succeed in=be successful in
2.S+is+形容詞+to 不定詞:①「 するとは S は だ」=It is+形+of+S+to 不…kind, careless, foolish…
②「S は して だ」=S+is+形+that+S+V…glad, proud, sorry… ③「S は するには だ」=It is+形
+to 不+S…dangerous, easy, hard… ④=It is+形+that+S+V…certain, fortunate, likely… ⑤書換
不可…able, apt, due, free, keen, quick, ready, welcome…
3. S+be+形容詞+前置詞+動名詞:①be good[poor] at ~ing「~するのが上手[下手]だ」 ②be proud[sure]
of ~ing「~することを自慢[確信]している」 ③be sorry for ~ing「~したことをすまなく思う」
4.S+is+形容詞+~ing:①be busy (in) ~ing「~するのに忙しい」 ②be late (in) ~ing「~するのが遅れる」
5.S+is+形容詞+that 節:①= S+is+形+of ~…afraid, aware, certain, proud, sure... ②= S+is+形+
about ~…angry, glad... ③= S+is+形+for ~…sorry, thankful... ④= S+is+形+at ~…surprised...
6.S+is+形容詞+(前置詞+)疑問詞節:①be curious (about)+疑問詞節「~か知りたい」 ②be doubtful
(about)+疑問詞節「~か確信がない」 ③be ignorant of+疑問詞節「~か知らない」
7.相関構文(1)[接続詞]:①not+A+but+B=B, (and) not+A「A ではなくて B」 ②not only+A+but (also)
+B=B+as well as+A「A だけではなくて B も(また)」 ③(It is) Not that+文, but that+文=It is not
because+文, but because+文「 だからではなく, だからだ」
8.相関構文(2)[代名詞]:①Some ~; others…「あるものは~,またあるものは…」 ②one+(名詞+)after
another「(~が[を])次々と」 ③A is one thing, and B is another (thing)「A と B は別のものだ」
9.相関構文(3)[形容詞]:the former ~, the latter…=that[those] ~, this[these]…「前者は~,後者は…」
10.相関構文(4)[副詞]:partly ~, and partly…=in part ~, and in part…「一部は~,また一部は…」
相関構文(5)[副詞句]:①on (the) one hand ~; on the other (hand)…「一方では~,他方では…」 ②at first~,
but in the end…「最初は~だが,最後には…」
12.相関構文(6)[その他]:①what with ~ and (what with)…=(what) between ~ and…「~やら…やらで」 ②
As+文, so+文「 ように,そのように 」 ③If+文, then+文「 なら,その場合 」
⑴ Water availability is intensely (
) on the weather and the climate in both developed and
developing countries.
① accountable
② dependent
③ influenced
④ relied
⑵ His behavior is not (
) with his words.
① complex
② conservative
③ consistent
④ crossed
⑶ Athletes who participate in the Olympic Games must be very (
) about drugs they take,
because even common painkillers may contain some prohibited substances.
① cautious
② informal
③ indifferent
④ random
⑤ willing
⑷ I am (
) to help you finish your work.
① will
② would
③ willing
④ willingly
⑸ What country is most (
) to reach the next significant milestone in space exploration?
① earthly
② friendly
③ likely
④ lonely
⑹ He was (
) to go to the party, but he ended up having a great time.
① related
② relaxed
③ relevant
④ reluctant
⑺ Are you good (
) finding solutions to problems?
① at
② in
③ about
④ for
⑻ When I came home, my brother was busy (
) his bicycle.
① fix
② fixed
③ fixing
④ to fix
⑼ She performs the folk songs not only through sign language (
) through her steps and body
① as
② and
③ but
④ so
⑽ What I would like to tell you is that to possess knowledge is one thing, but it’s quite (
) to put
the knowledge to practical use.
① easy
② opposite
③ different
④ another
⑾ One difference between Japan and Korea on the one hand and the United States and (
Western developed countries on (
) is that women tend to drop out of the labor force while
raising children in the two Asian countries.
① other … other
② other … the other
③ another … another
④ another … one other
⑿ I am (
) to go to graduate school to take a degree in business studies. 〔不適当語句選択〕
① about
② hoping
③ intending
④ keen
⑤ wondering
⒀ I am sorry that I called you at midnight.
= I am sorry (
) you at midnight.
⒁ a. Please feel (
) to ask us any questions.
b. Preschool children can ride this train for (
⒂ ①Having heard about his long battle with cancer, ②his friends gathered to ask him ③how he
was feeling these days, ④to which his reply was that he hadn’t had to undergo treatment for over
a year ⑤and this meant he was now better to think about going back to work.
On my arrival [On arriving] there, I called.
I had hardly[scarcely] arrived there when[before] I called.
Insure the house for fear of[in case of] (a) fire.
Insure the house lest[for fear, in case] there should be a fire.
As a result of my hard work, I got ill.
I worked hard, so (that)[with the result that] I got ill.
In case of (a) fire, push this button.
In case there is a fire, push this button.
In spite of[For all, With all] his riches, he is not happy.
Rich as[though] he is, he is not happy.
As for me, I agree to the plan.
As[So] far as I’m concerned, I agree to the plan.
1.時間の副詞句:①in[on]+限定語+動詞の名詞形(+前置詞句・副詞)「~する時に[するとすぐ]」 ②after ~
years’ interval=after an interval of ~ years=for the first time in ~ years「~年ぶりに」
2.時間の副詞節:①S+had hardly[scarcely]+pp. ~ when[before]+S´+過去形…=S+had no sooner+pp. ~
than+S´+過去形…=As soon as[The moment, Immediately (after)]+S+過去形~, S´+過去形…「S が~す
るとすぐ,S´は…した」 ②when it comes to ~ing「~するということになると」
3.目的の副詞句:①for the purpose of ~ing=with a view to ~ing=with the view[intention, aim] of ~ing=in
order[so as] to ~「~する(目的の)ために」 ②for the sake[good, benefit] of ~「~の(利益の)ために」 ③by
way of ~ing「~するつもりで」 ④for fear of ~ing「~するのを恐れて」 ⑤in case of ~「~に備えて」<文末>
4.目的の副詞節:①so (that)[in order that]+S´+can[may, will]~「S´が~できる[する]ように」 ②lest[for
fear (that), in case]+S´+should ~「S´が~しないように[するといけないから]」
5.結果の副詞句:①to one’s (great)+感情名詞「~が(とても)…したことには」 ②as a result[consequence] of ~
「~の結果」 ③starve (oneself) [be burnt, be frozen] to death「餓死[焼死,凍死]する」
6.結果の副詞節:①Such is ~ that…=~ is such[so great] that…「~は非常に大きいので…」 ②~, with the
result[consequence] that…=~, so that…「~し,その結果…」
7.条件の副詞句:①in case[the event] of ~「~の場合には」 ②on condition of ~「~の条件で」
8.条件の副詞節:①in case[the event] (that) ~「~という場合には」<文頭> ②on condition (that)~「~とい
う条件で」 ③so[as] long as ~=if only ~「~さえすれば」<as long as ~=while ~「~間は」>
9.譲歩の副詞句:①with[for] all ~=despite[in spite of] (all) ~「~(がある)にもかかわらず」
②at any
cost[price]=at all costs=whatever[no matter what] the cost (may be)「どんな犠牲を払っても」
However[No matter how] hard+S´+may try「S´がどんなに努力しても」
②Try as+S´+may=
③Go where+S´+will
=Wherever[No matter where]+S´+may go「S´がどこへ行っても」 ④Come what may=Come hell or
high water=Whatever[No matter what] may happen「何が起こっても」
11.その他の副詞句:①as for[as to, as regards] ~「~について(は)」 ②because of ~=on account of ~
=owing[due] to ~「~という理由で」 ③in contrast to[with] ~「~とは対照的に」
12.その他の副詞節:①As[So] far as+S+is concerned「S に関する限り」 ②as+S+is「あるがままに[の];
この通り;ところが実際は」 ③It looks[seems, sounds] like[as if, as though] ~「~のようだ」
⑴ All international students should report to the student affairs office (
) their arrival at school.
① when
② if
③ upon
④ as soon as
⑵ (
) that the room is painted yellow, it looks lovely and bright.
① Not
② Now
③ Since
④ Unless
⑶ Two years had (
) passed before she had another baby.
① rarely
② hardly
③ never
④ no longer
⑷ (
) did he get back home than he started playing a video game.
① After
② When
③ No later
④ No sooner
⑸ He kept quiet for (
) of waking the baby.
① the purpose
② fear
③ the sake
④ lest
⑹ Smoking is not allowed in restaurants in New York (
) customers can eat in a healthy environment.
① so that
② in order to
③ therefore
④ then
⑺ Bring a bottle of water just (
) case you get thirsty.
① in
② on
③ of
④ at
⑻ (
) my surprise, I had a lot in common with my new friend.
① For
② In
③ To
④ With
⑼ You can use my car (
) you drive carefully.
① as good as
② as long as
③ as much as
④ as well as
⑽ You can fly to London tonight (
) you don’t mind changing planes in Paris.
① provided
② except
③ though
④ while
⑾ There is much truth in what he says, but, (
) all that, the problem under consideration is not
so simple.
① in
② for
③ at
④ with
⑿ (
) the energy problem is serious, it is almost impossible for people to give up their convenient
way of life.
① As if
② Just as
③ In case
④ Even though
⒀ (
) bad your life seems, there is always a way out. Never give up!
① If
② Because
③ Whatever
④ No matter how <秋田県立大>
⒁ Much (
) I admire him as a politician, I do not like him as a person.
① as
② since
③ if
④ more
⒂ This manual confuses me because (
) several ways.
① it reads
② it understands
③ of reading
④ of understanding <立命館大>
⒃ I don’t know why she married an unprincipled person like him, especially because she is deeply
religious, (
) are all the members of her family.
① which
② so
③ whereas
④ as
⒄ The English teacher spoke so fast that we couldn’t follow her.
= The English teacher spoke too fast for us (
) follow her.
① for
② of
③ to
④ with
⒅ To my knowledge, Yoko has studied German before.
) I know, Yoko has studied German before.
⒆ I’ll ①let you ②know as ③soon as I ④will get further information.
⒇ The ①diversity of the English language is ②so that even native speakers cannot always communicate
effectively, ③as almost every American ④learns on their first day in Britain.
He is not so[as] clever as she (is).
He is cleverer[less clever] than she (is).
He is the least clever (boy) in the class.
He is twice[three times] as clever as she.
He is senior to her by two years. = He is two years her senior.
He is as clever a boy as ever lived.
He is not so much a genius as a hard worker.
He is becoming cleverer and cleverer.
The older he got, the cleverer he became.
He is the second cleverest boy in the class.
He is the cleverest boy that I have ever met.
Nobody is so clever as he. = He is cleverer than anybody.
1. 原級の基本形:①肯定…A+is+as+原級+as+B(+is)「AはBと同じくらい だ」 ②否定…A+is not
so[as]+原級+as+B(+is)「AはBほど ではない」
2. 比較級の基本形:①肯定…A+is+~er[more ~]+than+B(+is)「AはBより~だ」 ②否定…A+is+
less ~ than+B(+is)「AはBより~ではない」
3. 最上級の基本形:①肯定…A+is+the ~est[most ~]+in+単数[of+複数]「Aは の中で最も~だ」 ②否
定…A+is+the least ~+in+単数[of+複数]「Aは の中で最も~ではない」
4. 倍数表現:twice[数+times, half, one-third, three-quarters…] as ~ as …「…の2倍[ 倍,半分,1/3,
3/4...]~」 <as long[heavy, large, old, tall…] as …=the length[weight, size, age, height…] of …>
5. ラテン比較級:①be senior[junior] to ~ (by+数+years)=be (数+years) ~’s senior[junior]「~より( 歳)年
上[年下]だ」 ②be superior[inferior] to ~「~より優れて[劣って]いる」 ③be preferable to ~「~より好ましい」
6. 原級の慣用表現(1):①as ~ as possible[S can]「できるだけ~」 ②as ~ as any …「どんな…にも劣らず~」
③as ~ as ever「相変わらず~」 ④as ~ a+単数+as ever+過去形「今までに したどんな にも劣らず~」
7. 原級の慣用表現(2):①as many+複数[much+単数,過去分詞]「同数の[量の,程度に]~」 ②like so many+複数
[much+単数]「さながら~のように」 ③not so much A as B「A というよりもむしろ B」<=B rather than A>
④do not[cannot] so much as+原形「~さえもしない[できない]」 ⑤without so much as ~ing「~さえもせずに」
8. 比較級の慣用表現(1):①比較級+and+比較級「だんだん~」 ②the+比較級+of the two(+名詞)「2つ(の )
のうちでより 」 ③否定文, much[still] less ~「 ない,~はなおさらだ」<肯定文, much[still] more ~
9. 比較級の慣用表現(2):①The+比較級+S´+V´, the+比較級+S+V=As+S´+V´+比較級, S+V+比較級「 に S´
がV´すればするほど,ますます にS が V する」 ②(all) the+比較級+for+名詞[because+文]「 のためにそれだ
け(ますます) 」 ③none the+{比較級/less ~}+for+名詞[because+文]「 だが{少しも ない/それでもやはり~}」
10. 最上級の慣用表現:①at (the) best[most, least , latest…]「良く[多く,少なく,遅く...]とも」 ②(a) most+形容
詞(+名詞)「大変 (な )」 ③the second[third…]+最上級「2[3...]番目に~」 ④not the least ~「少しも~ない」
11. 相互書き換え(1):S+is the ~est+名詞+(that+)S´+have ever pp.「S は S´が今までに したうちで最も~
な だ」=S´+have never pp.+a ~er+名詞+than+S [so ~ a+名詞+as+S;such a ~+名詞+as+S]
12. 相互書き換え(2):Nothing[No (other)+単数]+is so ~ as[~er than]+名詞「 ほど~な物[ ]は(他に)な
い」=名詞+is as ~ as[~er than]+anything (else)[any (other)+単数]=名詞+is the ~est thing[単数](of all)
⑴ In life, nothing is (
) as your honor.
① as important
② more important ③ most important ④ important
⑵ The population of Japan is (
) than that of the United Kingdom.
① a little large
② more large
③ the largest
④ larger
⑶ It won’t take (
) 15 minutes to walk there, so put your shoes on and let’s go.
① at least
② at most
③ less than
④ more than
⑷ Of the three, Denis is (
) student.
① a more intelligent ② a most intelligent ③ the more intelligent ④ the most intelligent <畿央大>
⑸ She earns (
) I do.
① as much three times
② as three times much as
③ as much as three times
④ three times as much as
⑹ Some people say that classical music is (
) modern jazz.
① superior than
② more superior than ③ superior to
④ more superior to
⑺ The singer is now old, but his voice sounds as great (
) ever.
① as
② for
③ so
④ than
⑻ The book is (
) a guide to Africa as a story set in the area.
① no less than
② none the better for ③ not so much
④ not the same
⑼ Betty passed in front of me without (
) a greeting.
① still less
② no less than
③ so much as
④ rather than
⑽ It is getting (
) and (
) by the minute. We must hurry home now.
① colder
② cold
③ coldest
④ coldness
⑾ He revised the badly written essay extensively. It is still not perfect, but it is certainly (
) imperfect.
① much less
② much more
③ not less
④ even more
⑿ The more I read about smart-grid technology, (
) I become about future energy systems.
① more fascinated ② much fascinating ③ the more fascinated ④ the most fascinating <金沢工業大>
⒀ The truly remarkable decreases in crime in the 2nd half of the 20th century are (
) significant
for having occurred in a period when one would expect rising crime.
① all the more
② even less
③ less than
④ more or less
⒁ This necklace is more expensive (
) item in this shop.
① any other than
② than any other
③ any more than
④ than any more <清泉女子大>
⒂ The man proved to be (
) an expert than he claimed to be.
① of much
② of so
③ less of
④ any of
⒃ Please make sure that applications arrive no (
) than March 1st.
① later
② more
③ longer
④ less
⒄ You should go there as soon as possible. = You should go there as soon as you (
① can
② could
③ will
④ would
⒅ After Tom finished the long-distance race, he was as good as dead.
① almost
② already
③ certainly
④ hardly
⒆ He thought that no test was harder than the history exam.
① He felt no difficulty with the history exam. ② He felt the history test was hardly difficult.
③ He thought that the exams couldn’t have been easier.
④ He thought that the history test was the most difficult.
⒇ I was ①impressed by the students’ concert that ②took place on Saturday. It was one of the
best ③performance that I ④have ever seen.
構 文 10
He does not sing and has no CDs.
彼は歌わないし,CD も持っていない。
He seldom sings and has few CDs.
彼はめったに歌わないし,CD もほとんど持っていない。
He never sings and has no CDs whatever.
彼は決して歌わないし,CD も全く持っていない。
Both are not tall, and neither is very fat.
He never drinks without singing a song.
He is free from care but far from happy.
We cannot praise him enough[too much].
He does nothing but sing a song.
He has only a few CDs but I have not a few.
彼はCD をごく少数しか持っていないが,私は少なからず持っている。
He yields[is second] to none in music.
He has not more [not less] than 50 CDs.
彼が持っているCD はせいぜい50 枚だ[少なくとも50 枚だ]。
He is no more [no less] clever than she is.
1. 普通の否定:①not ~「~ない」 ②no ~ = not any ~「どの~もない」 ③nothing[nobody]「何[誰]もない」
④none「1つもない」 ⑤neither「どちらもない」 ⑥nor ~「また~ない」 ⑦nowhere「どこにもない」
2. 弱い否定:①hardly[scarcely] ~「ほとんど~ない」
②seldom[rarely] ~「めったに~ない」<=hardly
[scarcely] ever ~> ③few[little] ~「少しの数[量・程度]の~しかない」<=hardly[scarcely] any ~>
3. 強い否定:①never ~「決して(1度も)~ない」 ②not ~ at all[in the least; in any way; by any means]「全
く[決して]~ない」 ③be no ~「決して~ではない」 ④no ~ whatever「少しの~もない」
4. 部分否定:①not every[all] ~「全ての~が…とは限らない」 ②not both ~「両方の~が…とは限らない」
③not always[necessarily, exactly] ~「常に[必ずしも]~とは限らない」 ④not quite[entirely, altogether,
completely, wholly] ~「全く~とは限らない」 ⑤not very[too, much, really] ~「あまり~でない」
5. 二重否定:①否定語<主節>+否定語<従属節>=肯定 ②否定語+否定辞[un~,in~,~less]=肯定 ③S+
cannot[never]…without ~ing[but+S´+V´]「S は…すれば必ず(S´は)~する」 ④cannot[never] fail to ~「必ず~する」
6. 否定語を用いない否定:①be far from ~ing「決して~しない」 ②anything but ~「決して~でない」 ③be
above ~ing「~するのを恥とする」 ④the last ~ to…「…しそうにない~」 ⑤be free from[of] ~「~がない」
⑥beyond description[words]「筆舌に尽し難い」 ⑦know better (than to ~)「(~するほど)愚かではない」
⑧more than+S+can ~「S には到底~できない」 ⑨修辞疑問文<Who knows? = Nobody knows.>
7. not の慣用表現:①not ~ because…「…だからといって~ない」 ②cannot ~ enough[too…]「~してし過ぎることはない」
8. nothing の慣用表現:①nothing more than ~=nothing but ~「~に過ぎない」 ②nothing less than ~ =
nothing short of ~「全くの~」 ③do nothing but+原形「~してばかりいる」 ④for nothing[free]「無料で」
9. few・little の慣用表現:①not a few[little] ~ = quite a few[little] ~「かなりの数[量・程度]の~」 ②only a
few[little] ~ = very few[little] ~「ほんのわずかな数[量・程度]の~しかない」
10. その他の否定語の慣用表現:①No way+V+S~=There is no way+S+V~「絶対に~ない」 ②none the
less「それでもやはり」 ③none other than「他ならぬ~」 ④yield[be second] to none「誰にも負けない」
11. 否定語+比較級:①no longer「もはや~ない」 ②no better than ~「~も同然」<=as good as ~=all but ~>
③ no more than ~「わずか~」 ④not more than ~「せいぜい~」<=at most ~> ⑤no less[fewer] than ~「~
も」<=as much[many] as ~> ⑥not less than ~「少なくとも~」<=at least ~>
12. no more[less]~:no more[less] ~ than…=not ~ any more[less] than…「…と同様に~ない[同様に~]」
⑴ Both the girls had promised to email me, but (
) her word.
① neither kept
② both didn’t keep ③ no one kept
④ either kept
⑵ I can’t find my wallet, and there’s (
) I haven’t checked in my house.
① anything
② anywhere
③ everything
④ nowhere
⑶ They’ve (
) eaten anything. Aren’t they hungry?
① almost
② hardly
③ failed to
④ not hardly
⑷ He hardly (
) misses a meeting.
① nor
② either
③ ever
④ never
⑸ Unfortunately, (
) of the passengers on the bus escaped injury.
① not a few
② quite a few
③ few
④ a few
⑹ You should know that a lower price doesn’t (
) mean lower quality.
① need
② necessary
③ necessity
④ necessarily
⑺ The mountain scenery was (
) description.
① above
② beyond
③ out of
④ over
⑻ (
) newspapers sometimes contain mistakes, it doesn’t mean that they are not worth reading.
① If only
② In that
③ Just because
④ Only when
⑼ There’s no way (
) knowing if Naomi will come to the party tonight.
① for
② of
③ to
④ by
⑽ As it is old, I won’t wear this sweater (
① any more
② some more ③ any
④ lesser
⑤ less than
⑾ My father was no more a scientist than his brother (
① did
② did not
③ was
④ was not
⑿ I always remember my school song whenever I see my graduation picture.
) remember my school song whenever I see my graduation picture.
① do not necessarily ② never fail to
③ come to
④ do anything but
⒀ Jane would never do such a thing. = Jane is the (
) person to do such a thing.
① first
② last
③ latest
④ wrong
⒁ Some students were absent from the ceremony.
) the students were present at the ceremony.
⒂ When my uncle comes, he always brings me a present.
= My uncle never comes (
) bringing me a present.
⒃ Your pronunciation is anything but perfect.
= Your pronunciation is (
) from perfect.
⒄ Mary is second to none in speaking French.
= Mary is (
) than anyone else in speaking French.
⒅ Some aspects of new technology brought us nothing but the destruction of the environment.
① only
② more than
③ less than
④ all
⒆ All of these beverages are free of alcohol.
① All of the beverages with alcohol are available. ② All of the drinks with alcohol are inexpensive.
③ None of these alcoholic beverages cost money. ④ None of these drinks have alcohol in them. <近畿大>
⒇ The famous American golfer is ①any longer ②playing professionally, but he is ③still respected
④by fans all over the world.
構 文 11
Away went Tom. Happily did he live.
Something Tom said. Happy he was.
Nothing did Tom say. Never was he happy.
“He is rich.” “So he is. [So is she.]”
“Who was it that won?” “It was I who won.”
I do think you should go. Do start now.
I walked and walked. [I walked on and on.]
Where ever [on earth, the hell] did he go?
My son Tom [Tom, my son,] helped us two.
There is a chance for the two of us to win.
There is no question (of) who will win.
He is honest; he does not tell lies.
1. M の倒置:①S+V+M[時間] → M+S+V ②S+V+M[場所] → (i)M+V+S [名詞] (ii)M+S [代名
詞]+V ③S+V+M[様態] → M+疑問文の語順[do+S+原形;be 動詞・助動詞+S+~]
2. O・C の倒置:①S+V+(IO+)O→O+S+V (+IO) ②S+V+C→(i)C+V+S [名詞] (ii)C+S [代名詞]
+V ③S+V+O+C・M→S+V+C・M+O <O が名詞句・節や‘名詞+形容詞句・節’など長くなる場合>
3. 否定語の倒置:S+否定語+V[S+V+否定語]~→否定語+疑問文の語順~
4. その他の倒置:①So+S+V「S は実際そうだ」 ②So+V+S「S もそうだ」 ③Neither[Nor]+V+S「S も
違う」 ③仮定法…Were[Had, Should…]+S~=If+S+were[had, should…]~ ④譲歩構文…(i)Be+S+
~ or…「S が~であれ…であれ」(ii)Be+S[Let+O+be]+ever so ~「S[O]がどんなに~でも」 (iii)Be that as
it may「何はともあれ」 (iv)Come what may=Come hell or high water「何が起ころうと」 (v)Go where+S+
will「S がどこへ行こうと」 (vi)Try as+S+may「S がどんなに頑張っても」
5. It is ~ that…による強調:①It is+人+who[that]+V´… ②It is+人+who(m)[that]+S´+V´ ③It is
+物+that[which]+(S´)V´… ④It is+副詞(句・節)+that+S´+V´… ⑤疑問詞+is it+that+(S´)V´…?
6. 助動詞 do による強調:do[does, did]+原形「本当に,実際,切に,是非」<否定文に‘do[…] not’を使う文で>
7. 語句の反復による強調:①動詞+and+動詞 ②名詞+and+名詞 ③副詞+and+副詞 ④比較級+
and+比較級「段々~」 ⑤good[nice]+and+形容詞「とても~」 ⑥sick and tired of~「~に飽き飽きして」
8. 形容詞・副詞(句)による強調:①(代)名詞+oneself「~自身」<抽象名詞+itself「~そのもの」> ②the very+名詞
「まさにその~」 ③much/far[even/still]+~er「[はるかに[いっそう]~」 ④the very[much the, by far the]+
~est「断然~」 ⑤疑問詞+ever[on earth, the hell, in the world]「一体[一体全体]~」 ⑥at all「<否>全く <疑>
そもそも <条件節中>いやしくも」 ⑦not have the least[faintest, foggiest, slightest] idea「さっぱり分からない」
9. 語を用いた同格:①名詞[A](,) 名詞[B] = A, namely[that is (to say)] B「A である B;A,つまり B」 ②B, A
= B, that is (to say)+A「B は,A なのだが;B,つまり A」<*‘B, namely A’ は不可> ③A, or B = A, in other
words, B「A,言い換えると,B」 ④A, I mean[(or) rather], B「A,いや,B」
10. 句を用いた同格:①名詞+(for+人+)to~「(人が)~するという 」 ②名詞[A]+of+名詞[B]「Bという
A;AのようなB」 ③名詞+of+(one’s+)動名詞「(人が)~する[した]という 」
11. 節を用いた同格:①名詞+接続詞 that+文「~という 」 ②名詞+(of+)whether+文「~かどうかと
いう 」<if 節の代用は不可> ③名詞+(of+)疑問詞節「誰が[いつ…]~かという 」
12. 文を用いた同格:①文[A]; 文[B] = A; that is (to say),B「A,つまりB」 ②A―in other words,B「A,
言い換えると,B」 <他に‘名詞+文’や‘文+名詞’の同格もある。>
⑴ (
) here are interviews with key figures in French cultural history.
① To include
② Included
③ Including
④ Include
⑵ He apologized tearfully for his rudeness. Yet (
) his regret is as genuine as it seems, I cannot say.
① unless
② still
③ whether
④ how
⑶ (
) can we just let him do as he likes. It’s time to change things around here.
① All but
② By permission ③ However
④ No longer ⑤ Without doubt <兵庫医科大>
⑷ (
) did I dream of a letter coming from my father since I hadn’t heard from him for years.
① Even
② Little
③ Quite
④ So
⑸ (
) he entered the room when they stopped laughing.
① Hardly had
② Had hardly
③ On having
④ Having had
⑹ A: I have no idea what the professor wanted to tell us in the lecture.
B: (
). I was a bit confused by what he said.
① Neither do I
② Either do I
③ So I do
④ Nor I do
⑺ It was (
) yesterday that we noticed some changes in the patient’s condition.
① at length
② before long ③ in sequence ④ not until
⑤ on call
⑻ There is no denying that he doesn’t do much. But what he (
) do, he does very well.
① daren’t
② can’t
③ does
④ did
⑼ Toshiko’s grades kept getting (
) because she studied so much.
① better and better ② better and best ③ good and better ④ much more better <東京経済大>
⑽ That car is (
) expensive for most families.
① much so
② much too
③ so much
④ too much
⑾ Kate didn’t finish her homework by the next class because she lacks the (
) to manage her
time carefully.
① reality
② ability
③ quality
④ majority
⑿ There is a strong (
) that we will send someone to the planet Mars by the year 2050.
① possibility
② opportunity
③ capability
④ priority
⒀ Come what may, I will keep going forward.
① If I know what happens
② No matter what happens
③ Whenever someone comes to me
④ If you come here
⒁ Both Taro’s brother and sister are comedians.
= Taro’s brother is a comedian, and (
) his sister.
⒂ ① Of particular notes having the increased importance of a qualify health service.
② Of particular notes so that the increased importance a qualify health service.
③ Of particular note has been the increasing importance of quality health services.
④ Of a particular note made the increasing importance of quality health services.<東京慈恵会医科大>
⒃ Not until the recent scandal ①has the magazines published ②anything even vaguely ③
negative about the company or ④its executives. ⑤NO ERROR
⒄ ①Only in the last year ②or so have I realized that I ③need to learn more about foreign affairs
so as to be able to understand the events taking place in other countries that affect the ④whole
wide world. ⑤NO ERROR
⒅ ①Since she is by far and the best business person of her generation, ②the company, hard-hit by
the recession, ③has asked her to take over, ④and she is to see to it ⑤that the factory does not go
構 文 12
I know the man I met at Tom’s that day is King.
However busy (I am), I go if (it is) necessary.
He went one way; I (went) the other (way).
“Why not go see it?” “Sounds like a good idea.”
He wanted to talk, instead, of reading.
The girl, together[along] with him, came in.
The girl, (who was) accompanied by him, came in.
I’m poor, it is true[to be sure], but I’m happy.
“Will he win?” “I think not.[I don’t think so.]”
He wanted to swim, and he did so[it, that].
A box was discovered (which was) full of coins.
He fell in love with, and married her.
1. 慣用的な省略:①名詞…所有格の後の house, shop, office ②冠詞…身分・公職を表す語が C ③分詞…
分詞構文の being, having been ④関係詞…目的格の関係代名詞 ⑤前置詞…限定語[that, all…]+時間な
ど[day, way…] ⑥接続詞…O・C になる名詞節や副詞節を導く that <be+形容詞+(that) ~;so (that) ~>
2. ‘代名詞+be 動詞’の省略:①副詞節中…(i)接続詞・複合関係副詞+(主節の S の代名詞+be 動詞) ~ (ii)接
続詞など+(it is) necessary[possible] ②感嘆文中…How+形容詞+(it is) of you [What a+形容詞+名詞
+(you are)] to ~! ③会話文の文頭の I am・It is…(I’m) Glad [(It’s) Nice] to meet you.
3. 反復を避けるための省略:①助[be]動詞の後…I must go, and he must (go), too. ②疑問詞の後…He
went, and I know why (he went). ③比較の対象…He is rich, but I am richer (than he is). ④共通語句
…例文参照。 ⑤応答文…“How many cars do you have?” “(I have) Two (cars).”
4. その他の省略:①(with a[one’s])名詞+前置詞+(a[one’s])名詞<付帯状況で> ②Why not ~?「なぜ~しな
いのか;~してはどうか」 ③What (would happen)+if+S+should ~?「万一 S が~したらどうしよう」
④What (does it matter)+if+S+V ~?「S が~しても構うものか」 ⑤How (does it) come (that)+S+V ~?
「どうして S は~するのか」 ⑥(That) Sounds[Looks] ~「それは~のようだ」 ⑦Do[Can, Is…]+代名詞?
「本当か」 ⑧go[come] (and[to])+原形「~しに行く[来る]」 ⑨as if to say ~ = as much as to say ~「~と言
わんばかりに」 ⑩日記文…(I) went with (my) sister.
5. 語の挿入:①S, 副詞・形容詞・分詞・名詞, V ~ ②S+V [be 動詞・助動詞 ], 副詞, ~
6. 句の挿入:①S, 前置詞句・不定詞句・分詞句・形容詞[副詞]+修飾語, V ~ ②S + V, 前置詞句など, ~
7. 節の挿入:①S, 関係詞節・接続詞節, V ~ ②S+V, 接続詞節, ~
8. その他の挿入:①S, S´+think[tell+IO;is sure…], V ~ ②主格の関係代名詞+S´+think[…]+V ~ ③~, (let
us; shall I) say,…「~,例えば[約]…」 ④~ing[pp.], as+S´+do[is],…「このとおり,~して[されて]いるので,…」
⑤seldom[rarely], if ever, 動詞「ほとんど全く~しない」 ⑥few[little], if any, 名詞「ほとんど全く~がない」
9. ‘S+V+so[not]’の代用:①S+think[hope;tell+IO;is afraid…]+so = S+think[…]+that+肯定文 ②
S+think[…]+not = S+think[…]+that+否定文 <‘do not think so’と同意だが, ‘do not hope so’ は不可>
10. その他の代用:①代動詞…do (it, so, that) <先行する‘動詞(+O・C・M)’の代用> ②代不定詞…動詞+(O+)
to(+原形)/be+形容詞+to (+原形) ③代名詞…文, and that+副詞(句)「~,しかも に」
11. 分離:①名詞+~+形容詞修飾語句・同格語句=名詞+形容詞修飾語句・同格語句+~ ②形容詞+~+
12. 共通:①(A+B)C=AC+BC ②A(B+C)=AB+AC ③A(B+C)D=ABD+ACD
⑴ A: What did she say about going to that new movie with us?
B: Well, she said she’s not entirely uninterested.
A: So you mean there’s a (
) she might come?
① chance
② doubt
③ threat
④ certainty
⑵ It is dangerous to use a mobile phone (
) driving a car.
① as
② during
③ on
④ while
⑶ How kind (
① for you to help me with my homework ② for you to help my homework
③ of you to help me with my homework ④ of you to help my homework
⑷ I am sorry to hear that you didn’t win the game. If (
) you had practiced harder.
① only
② that
③ necessary
④ ever
⑸ The sooner you start studying for your exam, the (
① good
② better
③ well
④ best
⑹ We’re going to the supermarket. (
) to come?
① Have
② Want
③ Hope
④ Join
⑺ That person is the one (
) I think rescued the kitten.
① what
② where
③ who
④ whom
⑻ A: Isn’t Maria from Colombia?
B: I don’t (
① think
② think it
③ think so
④ think, too
⑼ My son opened the window, though I told (
① him not
② him not to
③ not to him
④ to him not
⑽ The era will soon come (
) what scientists are saying will come true.
① when
② which
③ where
④ to
⑾ All things are easy (
) willingly.
① enough to be
② on the whole
③ that are done ④ come is easy go <東京慈恵会医科大>
⑿ Until recently, histories of children’s literature were almost exclusively written (
) the
Western countries that had strong traditions of publishing for children.
① in and about
② in and out
③ up and about
④ up and down
⒀ Anyone, regardless of age, is welcome to join our club.
① although old
② because of age
③ however old
④ instead of age
⒁ The guy who I thought was a policeman was in fact a spy.
① I thought he was a guy.
② I didn’t think he was a guy.
③ I thought he was a spy at first.
④ I didn’t think he was a spy.
⑤ I thought the policeman was a spy.
< 國學院大>
⒂ I was afraid John would say something mean again, but he didn’t.
① I was afraid of John.
② John often scares people around him.
③ John didn’t mean anything to me.
④ John often says meaningful things.
⑤ John didn’t do what I thought he would.
< 國學院大>
⒃ Americans showed ①little enthusiasm for creating a multibillion-dollar public shelter system,
because they understood that nuclear attack, like terrorist attack, ②are sudden and unpredictable,
and that there is ③little ordinary citizens can do ④to prepare for such a possibility.
⒄ The legendary American hero, Daniel Boone, devoted his life to ①exploring and ②settled the
frontier of his ③growing nation. 〔誤箇所 1 語で訂正〕
⑴ ② その全行程の価格は航空運賃とあらゆる移動を含んでいる。
⑵ ② この前スノーボードをやってみた時,私は腕を骨折した。今回はもっと注意しよう。
⑶ ③ 解決すべき懸案がもう2つ残っているかもしれない。
⑷ ① 19 世紀末でさえ,多くの人々が合衆国へ移住しつつあった。
⑸ ① この人はその仕事に最適のように聞こえる。
⑹ ② 外見は,私の姉妹はとてもよく似ている。
⑺ ④ 時間が少なくなってきておりますので,同封の用紙を早急にご返送お願い申し上げます。
⑻ ① 昨日私はカメラを買った。それは 300 ドルかかった。
⑼ ④ 駅まで自転車で行けば,ずいぶん時間の節約になるだろう。
⑽ ② 私を放っておいてくれますか。私は自力で問題を解きたいのです。
⑾ ② 会社が経営者に選ぶ人々は,しばしば厳格で要求が厳しい。
⑿ ③ 太郎は野鳥観察を楽しむ。= 野鳥観察は太郎に喜びを与える。
⒀ ① (My part-time job is at a restaurant.) 私のアルバイトはレストランにおいてだった。
⒁ ④ (She always tells a story to the children at bedtime.) 彼女はいつも子供達に物語を寝る前に
⒂ Here A: 国際運転免許証を見せていただけますか。 B: はい。これです。
⒃ ④ (flexible) 全てを完璧にしようとするのは不可能かつ不必要だ。君はもっと柔軟になるべきだ。
⒄ ① (There has been) 近年,家庭料理用のプロセスチーズの需要が高まってきている。
⒅ ① (and become mothers) 十代で結婚して母親になる若者は,子供がいると死に至りかねない問
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