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K-152 - 有限会社 ブックマン
心理学編 カタログ番号 K-152
The Oxford Handbook of Identity Development
Oxford Library of Psychology
Edited by Kate C. McLean, Associate Professor of Psychology,
Western Washingtn University and Moin Syed, Assistant
Professor of Psychology, Univeersity of Minnesota
2014 年 11 月出版予定
624 ページ
(Oxford U.P., USA)
ISBN: 9780199936564
Handbook of Biobehavioral
Approaches to Self-Regulation
Edited by G.H. Gendolla, University of Geneva, Switzerland;
and M. Tops, S.L. Koole, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2014 年 9 月出版予定
7902 ページ
価格 \56,470
How can people master their own thoughts, feelings, and actions? This question is central to the scientific study of
self-regulation. The behavioral side of self-regulation has been extensively investigated over the last decades, but the
biological machinery that allows people to self-regulate has mostly remained vague and unspecified. Handbook of
Biobehavioral Approaches to Self-Regulation corrects this imbalance. Moving beyond traditional mind-body dualities, the
various contributions in the book examine how self-regulation becomes established in cardiovascular, hormonal, and
central nervous systems. Particular attention is given to the dynamic interplay between affect and cognition in
self-regulation. The book also addresses the psychobiology of effort, the impact of depression on self-regulation, the
development of self-regulation, and the question what causes self-regulation to succeed or fail. These novel perspectives
provide readers with a new, biologically informed understanding of self-awareness and self-agency. Among the topics
being covered are: Self-regulation in an evolutionary perspective; The muscle metaphor in self-regulation in the light of
current theorizing on muscle physiology; From distraction to mindfulness: psychological and neural mechanisms of
attention strategies in self-regulation: Self-regulation in social decision-making: a neurobiological perspective; Mental
effort: brain and autonomic correlates in health and disease: A basic and applied model of the body-mind system.
Handbook of Biobehavioral Approaches to Self-Regulation provides a wealth of theoretical insights into self-regulation,
with great potential for future applications for improving self-regulation in everyday life settings, including education, work,
health, and interpersonal relationships. The book highlights a host of exciting new ideas and directions and is sure to
provoke a great deal of thought and discussion among researchers, practitioners, and graduate-level students in
psychology, education, neuroscience, medicine, and behavioral economics.
(Springer) ISBN 8671483812353
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心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
1. Bartol, A.M. & C.R. Bartol
Psychology and Law: Theory, Research and
Practice. May 2014, 520pp., Paper (SAGE)
These proceedings are published in the hope that all psychologists, especially those located in well-resourced institutions in the West, confront the divided reality that
characterizes Psychology so as to creatively consider the
opportunity opened up by the growing field at the peripheries.
ISBN 9781452258911 ¥17,450
【調査法の改善 - 最近の研究からの教訓】
6. Engel, U. et al. (eds)
2. Brisolara, S. et al. (eds)
Feminist Evaluation and Research: Theory
and Practice. May 2014, 368pp., Hardback
(Guilford) ISBN 9781462515301 ¥13,390
(Paperback 9781462515202 ¥7,530)
The book provides an overview of feminist theory and research strategies as well as detailed discussions of how to
use a feminist lens, practical steps and challenges in implementation, and what feminist methods contribute to research and evaluation projects. Reflections at the close of
each section invite the reader to consider key questions and
common themes across the chapters. With a focus on social
justice models, the book covers ways to conduct feminist
research and evaluation in effective, innovative, and culturally competent ways in diverse social and cultural contexts.
Improving Survey Methods: Lessons from
Recent Research. (European Association of
Methodology Series) Sept 2014, 176pp., Hardback
(Routledge) ISBN 9780415836258 ¥28,620
(Paperback 9780415817622 ¥10,870)
This state-of-the-art volume provides insight into the recent
developments in survey research. It covers topics like: survey modes and response effects, bio indicators and paradata, interviewer and survey error, mixed-mode panels,
sensitive questions, conducting web surveys and access
panels, coping with non-response, and handling missing
data. The authors are leading scientists in the field, and
discuss the latest methods and challenges with respect to
these topics.
【心理学教授法 – ステップ・バイ・ステップ<第 2 版>】
7. Goss Lucas, S. & D.A. Bernstein
【心理評価・心理測定入門・第 2 版】
Teaching Psychology: A Step-By-Step Guide.
3. Coaley, K.
An Introduction to Psychological Assessment and Psychometrics. March 2014, 352pp.,
Cloth (SAGE) ISBN 9781446267141 ¥24,320
(Paper ISBN 9781446287158 ¥8,580)
Keith Coaley outlines the key ingredients of psychological
assessment, providing case studies to illustrate their application, making it an ideal textbook for courses on psychometrics or psychological assessment.
【人間性を救う心理学・第 1 巻】
(Psychology Pr.)
(Paperback ISBN 9781138790346 ¥9,150)
This volume provides for preparing and teaching an entire
course in psychology. Based on best principles and effective
psychological and pedagogical research, it offers practical
suggestions for planning a course, choosing teaching
methods, integrating technology appropriately and effectively, developing student evaluation instruments and programs, and ideas for evaluation of your own teaching
8. Kail, R.V.
4. Cooper, S. & K. Ratele (eds)
Psychology Serving Humanity, Vol 1: Majority World Psychology. (Proceedings of the 30th
International Congress of Psychology)
376pp., Hardcover (Psychology Pr.)
ISBN 9781848722552 ¥25,750
July 2014, 216pp., Hardback
ISBN 9781138790339 ¥28,620
July 2014,
This the first of two volumes collecting the key proceedings
of the 30th International Congress of Psychology, the first to
be held in Africa in the 123 years of its history. The theme of
the conference was “Psychology Serving Humanity”, a
recognition of psychology’s unfulfilled mission in the majority world and a reflection of what that world requires from
【人間性を救う心理学・第 2 巻】
5. Cooper . S. & K. Ratele (eds)
Psychology Serving Humanity, Vol 2: Western Psychology. (Proceedings of the 30th Interna-
tional Congress of Psychology) July 2014, 344pp.,
Hardcover (Psychology Pr.) ISBN 9781848722569
Scientific Writing for Psychologists.
2014, 144pp., Paper (SAGE)
ISBN 9781483353043 ¥5,140
【精神分析の基礎概念・全 4 巻】
9. Nagera, H. (ed)
Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts. 4 Vols. May
2014, 676pp., (Routledge) ISBN 9781138024113
全 4 巻からなる本書は、
1969 年から1970 年の間に出版された著
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
and at the interface of social, personality, cognitive and
clinical psychology, the handbook captures the breadth and
depth of the field of psychological time.
【心理学研究法・第 2 版】
10. Nestor, P.G. & R.K. Schutt
Research Method in Psychology, Investigating Human Behavior, 2nnd Edition. May
2014, 544pp., Paper (SAGE)
ISBN 9781483343761 ¥17,450
15. Wilson, J.H. & B.M. Schwartz
An Easyguide to Research Presentations.
Using substantive research stories to illustrate the presentation of research methods in each chapter, this volume
systematically presents the entire research process and its
major variants within a unifying conceptual framework and
highlights the relevance and challenge of research ethics in
each chapter.
【人間性心理学ハンドブック・第 2 版】
April 2014, 264pp., Spriral (SAGE)
ISBN 9781452292670 ¥6,570
11. Schneider, K.J. et al (eds)
The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology:
Theory, Research, and Practice, 2nnd Edition. April 2014, 760pp., Cloth (SAGE)
ISBN 9781452267740 ¥31,480
Set against trends toward psychological standardization
and medicalization, the handbook provides a rich tapestry
of reflection by the leading person-centered scholars of our
12. Schwartz, B.M. et al.
An Easyguide to Research Design and SPSS.
May 2014, 256pp., Spiral (SAGE)
ISBN 9781452288826 ¥6,570
【心理学の歴史 – グローバルな視点から・第 2 版】
13. Shiraev, E.
A History of Psychology: A Global Perspective, 2nd Edition. April 2014, 568pp., Cloth
(SAGE) ISBN 9781452276595 ¥18,880
Provides a thorough and global view of psychology’s interaction with culture and society in different periods, beginning
in the ancient times and stretching through the Middle Ages
and the modern period to the current millennium. The book
has a clear and engaging style, along with plentiful examples, visual aids and critical-thinking questions.
【時間的展望論、レビュー、研究、鷹揚 - フィリップ・
16. Beaujean, A.A.
Latent Variable Modeling Using R: A Step by
Step Guide. May 2014, 216pp., Hardback
(Routledge) ISBN 9781848726987 ¥28,620
(Paperback 9781848726994 ¥8,860)
This step-by-step guide is written for R and latent variable
model (LVM) novices. Utilizing a path model approach and
focusing on the lavaan package, this book is designed to
help readers quickly understand LVMs and their analysis in
R. The author reviews the reasoning behind the syntax selected and provides examples that demonstrate how to analyze data for a variety of LVMs.
Featuring examples
applicable to psychology, education, business, and other
social and health sciences, minimal text is devoted to theoretical underpinnings. The material is presented without
the use of matrix algebra. As a whole the book prepares
readers to write about and interpret LVM results they obtain in R.
【R によるカテゴリーデータの解析】
17. Bilder, C.R. & T.M. Loughin
Analysis of Categorical Data with R. (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science) Aug
2014, 544pp., Hardback (Chapman & Hall/CRC)
ISBN 9781439855676 ¥14,300
18. Chaudhuri, A.
Network and Adaptive Sampling. Sept 2014,
128pp., Hardback (CRC Pr.)
ISBN 9781466577565 ¥14,300
14. Stolarski, M. et al. (eds)
Time Perspective Theory, Review, Research
and Application: Essays in Honor of Philip G.
Zimbardo. July 2014, ca.400pp.,
(Springer) ISBN 9783319073675 ¥29,480
This book is about time and its powerful influence on our
personal and collective daily life. It presents the most comprehensive and up-to-date overview of contemporary
knowledge on temporal psychology inspired by Zimbardo's
work on Time Perspective (TP). With contributions from renowned and promising researchers from all over the globe,
【心理学における研究法と統計学・第 2 版】
19. Haslam, S.A.
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology, 2nd Edition. Feb 2014, 576pp., Cloth
(SAGE) ISBN 9781446255964 ¥24,320
(Paper ISBN ISBN 9781446255971 ¥8,580)
A guide to the process of conducting psychological research
from the ground up.
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
25. Sato, A.-H.
20. Kaplan, D.
Baysian Statistics for the Social Sciences.
(Series: Methodology in the Social Sciences)
2014, Hardback (Guilford)
ISBN 9781462516513 ¥10,040
Part I addresses the elements of Bayesian inference, including exchangeability, likelihood, prior/posterior distributions, and the Bayesian central limit theorem. Part II covers
Bayesian hypothesis testing, model building, and linear regression analysis, carefully explaining the differences between the Bayesian and frequentist approaches. Part III
extends Bayesian statistics to multilevel modeling and
modeling for continuous and categorical latent variables.
Kaplan closes with a discussion of philosophical issues and
argues for an "evidence-based" framework for the practice of
Bayesian statistics.
Applied Data-Centric Social Sciences: Concepts, Data, Computation, and Theory. Sept
2014, 280pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN 9784431549734 ¥22,670
26. Stemmler, M.
Person-Centered Methods: Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) and Other Methods
for the Analysis of Contingency Tables.
(SpringerBridfs in Statistics) May 2014, 93pp.,
21. Murphy, K.F. et al.
Statistical Power Analysis: A Simple and
General Model for Traditional and Modern
Hypothesis Tests, 4th Edition. May 2014,
240pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9781848725874 ¥25,750
22. Nussbaum, E. M.
Categorical and Nonparametric Data Analysis: Choosing the Best Statistical Technique.
July 2014, 480pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9781848726031 ¥32,910
27. Andersen, S.L. & D.S. Pine (eds)
The Neurobiology of Childhood.
Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, Vol 16) May
2014, 369pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN 9783642549120 ¥34,010
Highlights the role of brain development in most prevalent
neuronal and psychiatric diseases in children. Focus on
translational research of neurodevelopment in children.
Written by leading authorities in the field.
(Paperback 9781138787827 ¥12,580)
CONTENTS: 1. Levels of Measurement, Probability, and the
Binomial Formula 2. Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 3.
Random Variables and Probability Distributions 4. Contingency Tables: The Chi-Square Test and Associated Effect
Sizes 5. Contingency Tables: Special Situations 6. Basic
Nonparametric Tests for Ordinal Data 7. Nonparametric
Tests for Multiple or Related Samples 8. Advanced Rank
Tests (for Interactions and Robust ANOVA) 9. Linear Regression and Generalized Linear Models 10. Binary Logistic
Regression 11. Multinomial, Logistic, Ordinal, & Poisson
Regression 12. Loglinear Analysis 13. General Estimating
Equations 14. Estimation Procedures 15. Choosing the
Best Statistical Technique. Answers to Odd Numbered
28. Lyons, M. et al.
Biological Psychology. (Critical Thinking in Psychology Series)
March 2014, 192pp.,
(SAGE) ISBN 9780857258489 ¥17,170
(Paper ISBN 9780857256935 ¥5,140)
This text addresses the core knowledge domain of biological
psychology, with focused coverage of the central concepts,
research and debates in this key area. The book outlines
the importance and purpose of the biological approach and
contextualizes it with other perspectives in psychology,
emphasizing the interaction between biology and the environment.
【異常心理学 – 神経科学的視点から】
23. Reddy, M.V.
Statistical Methods in Psychiatry Research
and SPSS. Aug 2014, 200pp., Hardback (Apple
Academic Pr.) ISBN 9781771880350 ¥20,030
29. Ray, W.J.
Abnormal Psychology: Neuroscience Perspectives on Human Behavior and Experience. March 2014, 704pp., Cloth (SAGE)
ISBN 9781412988124 ¥17,450
24. Rosenbaum, D.A. et al.
MATLAB for Behavioral Scientists, 2nd Edition. July 2014, 368pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9780415535915 ¥27,180
(Paperback 9780415535946 ¥8,860)
This text brings together current perspectives concerning
the manner in which the human mind, behaviour, and experience can be understood. In addition to the traditional
psychological literature, this book draws from work in the
cognitive and affective neurosciences, epidemiology, ethology and genetics.
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
30. Sherer, M. & A.M. Sander (eds)
Handbook on the Neuropsychology of
Traumatic Brain Injury. (Clinical Handbooks in
Neuropsychology) May 2014, 248pp., Hardcover
(Springer) ISBN:9781493907830 ¥29,480
The Handbook on the Neuropsychology of Traumatic Brain
Injury collects and synthesizes the latest thinking on the
condition in its variety of cognitive and behavioral presentations, matched by a variety of clinical responses. Acknowledging the continuum of injury and the multi-stage nature
of recovery, expert contributors review salient research data
and offer clinical guidelines for the neuropsychologist
working with TBI patients, detailing key areas of impairment, brief and comprehensive assessment methods, and
proven rehabilitation strategies. Taken together, these
chapters provide a framework for best serving a wide range
of TBI patients (including children, elders, and patients in
multidisciplinary settings) and model treatment that is evidence-based and relevant. A sample of the topics featured
in the Handbook:
31. Uttal, W.R.
33. Cohen, K.M. & L.R. Diaz
Dogs: Demestication History, Behavior and
Common Health Problems. (Aniamal Science,
Issues and Professions) 2013, 143pp., Softcover
(Nova Science) ISBN 9781628085303 ¥12,050
34. Marvin, G. & S. McHugh (eds)
Routledge Handbook of Human-Animal
Studies. (Series: Routledge International Handbooks) April 2014, 332pp., Hardback
ISBN 9780415521406 ¥35,770
The Routledge Handbook of Human-Animal Studies presents
a collection of original essays from artists and scholars who
have established themselves internationally on the basis of
specific and significant new contributions to human-animal
studies. It offers a broad interpretive account of the development and present configurations of the field of human-animal studies across many cultures, continents, and
The Psychobiology of Mind. (Series: The Uttal
Tetralogy of Cognitive Neuroscience)
786pp., Hardcover (Psychology Pr.)
ISBN 9781848724310 ¥37,200
June 2014,
35. Paz-Silva, Adolfo
Originally published in 1978, the second book in the series
picks up the neural trail of sensory messages after they arrive at the brain. In addition to the emphasis on central
representation and coding of sensory signals, it also considers the topics of brain localization and learning. It was designed to elucidate the important questions under
investigation, the basic intellectual and technical problems
that were encountered, and the significance of the major
empirical results of the time.
Horses: Breeding, Health Disorders and Effects on Performance and Behavior. (Series:
Animal Science, Issues and Professions) May 2014,
195pp., Hardcover (Nova Science Pub.)
ISBN 9781631175602 ¥25,110
【成人期への移行・第 2 版】
32. Uttal, W.R.
The Psychobiology of Sensory Coding. (Series:
The Uttal Tetralogy of Cognitive Neuroscience) June
2014, 680pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.)
ISBN 9781848724297 ¥31,480
CONTENTS: Preface. 1. An Orientation. Section 1: Fundamental Materials 2. The Nature of Physical Stimuli 3.
The Anatomy of Receptors and the Sensory Pathways 4.
Sensory Transduction Section 2: Sensory Coding 5. An
Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Sensory Coding 6.
The Coding of Sensory Magnitude 7. The Neural Coding of
Space and Time 8. Feature Detection – Neurophysiology
and Psychophysics 9. The Neural Coding of Sensory Quality
– Vision 10. The Neural Coding of Sensory Quality – Audition 11. The Neural Coding of Sensory Quality – The Other
Senses and a Summary 12. Epilogue – Emerging Principles
of Sensory Coding. Suggestions for Further Reading. Bibliography. Index.
36. Amett, J.J.
Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road
from the Late Teens Though the Twenties,
2nd Edition. Sept 2014, 416pp., Paperback
(Oxford U.P.) ISBN 9780199929382 ¥5,010
37. Brock, A.
The Early Years Reflective Practice Handbook. July 2014, 282pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9780415529921 ¥27,180
(Paperback ISBN 9780415529938 ¥7,150)
This timely new book aims to support reflective practice for
those working with young children in everyday work and in
the wider political context, whatever their professional role
and whatever level of qualification they hold. It takes a fresh
look at a breadth of issues relating to early childhood care
and education reflecting on policy, knowledge and practice.
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
44. Davies, B.
38. Brooks, P.J. & V. Kempe (eds)
Encyclopedia of Language Development.
July 2014, 720pp., Cloth (SAGE)
ISBN 9781452258768 ¥34,340
Despite an abundance of textbooks, specialized monographs, and a couple of academic handbooks, there has
been no encyclopedic reference work in this area until now.
The Encyclopedia covers the breadth of theory and research
on language development from birth through adulthood, as
well as their practical application.
39. Castro Solano, A. (ed)
(Cross-Cultural Advancements in Positive Psychology,
Vol 10) June 2014, 305pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN 9789401790345 ¥22,670
40. Constable, K.
Bringing the Forest School Approach to
Your Early Years Practice. June 2014, 136pp.,
ISBN 9780415719063
(Paperback 9780415719070 ¥3,710)
― ミハイ・チクセントミハイ論文集】
Listening to Children* Being and Becoming.
(Series: Contesting Early Childhood)
108pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9781138780880 ¥22,890
June 2014,
(Paperback 9781138780903 ¥7,150)
This book carefully guides the reader through a wave of
thought that turns the known into the unknown, and then
slowly, carefully, makes new forms of thought comprehensible, opening, through all the senses, a deep understanding of our embeddedness in encounters with each other
and with the material world.
45. Davis, T.E., III et al. (eds)
Handbook of Autism and Anxiety. (Autism and
Child Psychopathology Series) July 2014, 619pp.,
ISBN 9783319067957
The Handbook of Autism and Anxiety brings together leading experts to explain this comorbidity, the diagnostic similarities and differences between the two disorders, and the
extent to which treatment for each can be coordinated for
optimum results. Focusing on repetitive behaviors, social
difficulties, and fears as core components of anxiety disorders as well as ASD, contributors discuss specific symptoms in depth to aid in diagnosis. Assessment and
treatment issues relevant to the autism-anxiety connection
are considered in clinical and school contexts. And an especially timely conclusion details how key changes in the
DSM-5 affect the diagnosis and conceptualization of each
41. Csikszentmihalyi, M.
Applications of Flow in Human Development
and Education: The Collected Works of
Mihaly Csikszentmhalyi.
June 2014,
ca.295pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN 9789401790932 ¥11,330
46. Ecklund, R.C. (ed)
Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology. March 2018, 888pp., Cloth (SAGE)
ISBN 9781452203838 ¥67,250
【ポジティブ心理学におけるフロー概念と基礎 ― ミ
42. Csikszentmihalyi, M.
Flow and the Foundations of Positive Psychology: The Collected Works of Mihaly
June 2014, ca.510pp.,
ISBN 9789401790871
How do athletes overcome fears, slumps, mental blocks or
injuries? How do they deal with stress and anxiety, be it
from competitors, teammates, audiences, parents, coaches
or themselves? What psychological techniques prove effective in mental training for peak performance, maintaining
concentration, motivation, and competitive drive? How can
an athlete enhance his or her commitment to a training
regimen, or how might the average person better adhere to
a program of fitness and exercise? Readers wil find answers
to these questions and more in the Encyclopedia of Sport
and Exercise Psychology.
【創造性のシステムモデル – ミハイ・チクセントミハイ
43. Csikszentmihalyi, M.
The Systems Model of Creativity: The Collected Works of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
June 2014, ca.285pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN 9789401790840 ¥11,330
47. Edwards, A. & R. Polman
Pacing in Sport and Exercise: A Psychophysiological Perspective. 2014, Hardcover
(Nova Science Pub.) ISBN 9781619424203 ¥15,900
(softcover ISBN 9781633212459 ¥10,370)
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
【SAGE 発達障害ハンドブック/ペーパー版】
48. Ganz, J.B.
52. Howlin, P. et al. (eds)
Aided Augmentative Communication for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
(Autism and Child Psychopathology Series)
2014, ca.250pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN 9781493908134 ¥11,330
The SAGE Handbook of Developmental Disorders. April 2014, 592pp., Paper (SAGE)
ISBN 9781446295823 ¥10,010
(Cloth ISBN 9781412944861 ¥31,480 2011)
Reflecting the enormous changes that have taken place in
our knowledge and understanding of developmental disorders, this groundbreaking international volume brings this
vast and complex field together for the first time.
49. Gilmore, K. & P. Meersand
The Little Book of Child and Adolescent
Development. Sept 2014, 224pp., Paperback
(Oxford U.P.) ISBN 9780199899227 ¥6,680
The book presents a modern, psychoanalytically-informed
chronological view of how the mind develops from infancy
through young adulthood. It is a comprehensive work
which integrates analytic theories and concepts with a contemporary systems model of development and draws on
scholarly research from neighboring fields.
53. Mohiyeddini. C.
Advances in the Psychology of Sports and
Exercise. (Series: Psychology of Emotions, Motiva-
tions and Actions , Sports and Athletics Preparation,
Performance, and Psychology) 2013, Hardcover
(Nova Science Pub.) ISBN 9781626189324 ¥25,110
Written by an eminent group of international experts this
volume presents a comprehensive summary of the most
recent advances in the psychology of sport and exercise.
【少女および女性の心理発達・第 2 版】
50. Greene, S.
The Psychological Development of Girls and
Women: Rethinking Change in Time, 2nd
Sept 2014, 192pp.,
(Routledge) ISBN 9780415730181 ¥25,750
(Paperback 9780415730174 ¥7,720)
This thoroughly revised new edition updates Sheila
Greene's original transformative take on the psychological
development of girls and women which emphasised the
central role of time in shaping human experience. Greene
critically reviews traditional and contemporary theoretical
approaches - ranging from orthodox psychoanalysis to relational and post-modern theories - and argues that even
those which claim to focus on development have presented
a view of women's lives as fixed and determined by their
nature or their past. These theories, she believes, should be
rejected because of their inherent lack of validity and their
frequently oppressive implications for women.
54. Mohiyeddini, C.
Contemporary Topics and Trends in the Psychology of Sports. 2013, 238pp., Hardcover (Nova
Science Pub.) ISBN 9781628088113 ¥25,110
Sports psychology is a relatively young discipline within
psychology. Contemporary sports psychology is a fast
growing and diverse field. Hence, the objectives of this timely, comprehensive, and authoritative volume is to bring together an eminent group of international experts to provide
an overview of the most recent developments in the psychology of sports.
55. Mosley, J. & M. Tew
Circle Time for Young Children, 2nd Edition.
Sept 2014, 160pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9781138022393 ¥25,750
(Paperback 9781138022409 ¥4,860)
【学校でのいじめと攻撃 - 評価ツール】
51. Gupta, M.
Sri Aurobindo’s Vision of Integral Human
Development: Designing a Future Discipline
of Study. 2014, ca.200pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN 9788132219033 ¥22,670
This book explores the integral vision of human development contained in the original works of Sri Aurobindo and
The Mother. It delves into the multiple layers of human
personality as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
and explores a new developmental science of consciousness
based on the practice of Integral Yoga.
56. Noels, R.A. (ed)
School Bullying and Aggression: Assessment
Tools. (Series: Psychology of Emotions, Motivations
and Actions, Children’s Issues, Laws and Programs)
2013, (Nova Science Pub.) ISBN 9781614708834
57. Omar, H.A. et al.
Playing with Fire: Children, Adolescents and
Firesetting. 2014, 135pp., Softcover (Nova Science Pub.) ISBN 9781629484716 ¥8,700
ご注文・お問合せは [email protected] へ
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
【児童の社会的発達 – 重要精選論文集・全 5 巻】
58. Smith, P. & A. Rutland (eds)
62. Wilson, R.L. & R. Wilson
Childhood Social Development. June 2014, 5
This new major work, in five volumes, captures the key
conceptual issues and findings in research covering social
development in early childhood , through to adolescence.
(Paperback 9781848723047 ¥8,580)
The development of our emotions through childhood, adolescence and beyond has been a topic of significant interest
in recent years. From insights gathered through neuroscience, to research on resilience and regulation, the literature
is excitingly diverse, enabling a range of professionals to
better understand the emotional pathways that children
follow, and the emotional difficulties that some experience.
Drawing on recent research from neuroscience, psychology,
education and social welfare Understanding Emotional Development provides a comprehensive overview of the full
course of emotional development, from infancy and toddlerhood to key changes which occur during adolescence.
Vols/2064pp., Cloth (SAGE)
ISBN 9781446267165 ¥236,110
59. Taylor, M. et al.
Adolescence: Places and Spaces. (Series: Pediatrics, Child and Adolescent Health (Series) May
2014, 242pp., Hardcover (Nova Science Pub)
ISBN 9781631178474 ¥28,450
In this book, a range of interesting and diverse papers are
presented, which demonstrate the importance of the psychosocial domain to adolescents, as well as the need for intervention programs to facilitate the passage through
adolescence to adulthood for young people experiencing difficulties with this developmental transition. The chapters
are based on recent research conducted in different countries around the world (e.g., Australia, Canada, Israel, Scotland, Ireland and Poland).
【神経発達障害重要論文選集・全 5 巻】
60. Thomas, Michael & A. Karmiloff-Smith (eds)
Neurodevelopmental Disorders. (SAGE Library
in Developmental Psychology)
July 2014, 5
Vols/2064pp., Cloth (SAGE)
ISBN 9781446272442 ¥23,610
The study of developmental disorders is an enormous and
intrinsically multi-disciplinary field of research. The articles
in this five-volume collection cover the myriad genetic and
non-genetic developmental psychopathological conditions
which are now known and being researched from a variety
of perspectives, from dyslexia to autism and beyond. Covering a broad range of considerations around the topic, the
papers in this major work seek to capture historical antecedents, contemporary themes, conceptual issues and cutting-edge
neurodevelopmental disorders. Each volume opens with a
contextualising introductory passage written by the editors
and the volumes are organised thematically for ease of navigation:
Vol 1: Disorder Typology and explanatory frameworks
Vol 2: Behaviourally defined developmental disorders
Vol 3: Genetically defined developmental disorders
Vol 4: Developmental disorders and the environment
Vol 5: Multi-disciplinary approaches to developmental
61. Wilmshurst, L.
Child and Adolescent Psychopathology: A
Casebook, 3rrd Edition. May 2014, 384pp.,
Sept 2014, 230pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9781848723030 ¥25,750
63. Woods, A. (ed)
The Characteristics of Effective Learning:
Creating and capturing the possibilities in
the early years. Sept 2014: 246 x 174: 144pp.,
Hardback ISBN 9780415737920 ¥27,180
(Paperback ISBN 9780415737937 ¥5,720)
CONTENTS: 1. Children are Naturally Playful 2. Exploring
Children’s Well-being and Motivations 3. Creating Effective
Learning Possibilities for all Children 4. Children’s Engaging
Interests 5. Playing with Thinking 6. Guiding Children’s
Participation 7. Sustained Shared Conversations 8. Capturing the Possibilities
64. Astesano, C. & M. Jucla (eds)
Neuropsycholinguistic Perspectives on Language Cognition: Towards a Comprehensive
View of the Neuropsychology of Language.
(Series: Explorations in Cognitive Psychology) Sept
2014, Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9780415858489 ¥24,320
This book brings together experts from the fields of linguistics, psychology and neuroscience to explore how a multidisciplinary approach can impact on research into
neurocognition of language. Divided in to four sections this
book covers: linguistics, psychology and psycholinguistics,
language and speech pathologies, and neurolinguistics. International contributors present cutting-edge research from
linguistics, cognitive and developmental psychology, neuropsychology, psycholinguistics and computer science.
Paper (SAGE) ISBN 9781452242323 ¥7,430
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
65. Clair-Thompson, H., St.
Working Memory: Developmental Differences, Component Processes and Improvement Mechanisms. 2013, 240pp., Hardcover
(Nova Science
as well as theory-based practical applications. It incorporates research from the full range of subject disciplines,
theoretical backgrounds, and analytical frameworks that
inform the language and cognitive sciences.
71. Logie, R.H. & R.G. Morris (eds)
Working Memory and Ageing. (Series: Current
66. Galbraith, N. (ed)
Aberrant Beliefs and Reasoning. (Current Is-
sues in Thinking and Reasoning) Sept 2014: 234 x
156: 216pp: 9 illus, 1 table, 9 line drawings Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN 9781848723412
(Paperback ISBN 9781848723429 ¥8,580)
Aberrant Beliefs and Reasoning is the first volume presenting an overview of contemporary research in this growing
subject area. It will be essential reading for academics and
students in the fields of human reasoning, cognitive psychology and philosophy, and will also be of great interest to
clinicians and psychiatrists.
67. Gómez González, M. (ed)
Theory and Practice in Functional-Cognitive
Space. (Studies in Functional and Structural Lin-
Issues in Memory) July 2014, 208pp., Hardback
(Psychology Pr.) ISBN 9781848721173 ¥25,750
(Paperback 9781848721265 ¥8,580)
Working Memory and Aging is the first volume to provide an
overview of the burgeoning literature on changes in working
memory function across healthy and pathological ageing,
and it will be of great interest to advanced undergraduates,
postgraduates and researchers in psychology and related
subject areas concerned with the effects of human ageing,
including several areas of medicine.
72. Pütz, M. et al. (eds)
Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Social and Cultural Variation in Cognition and Language
(Benjamins Current Topics, 59)
212pp., Hardback (John Benjamins)
ISBN 9789027202789 ¥21,420
guistics, 68) 2014, 313pp., Hardback (John
Benjamins) ISBN 9789027215789 ¥26,440
73. Rosenfield, E.P.
68. Groh, Jennifer M.
Making Space: How the Brain Knows Where
Things Are. Nov 2014, 218pp., Cloth (Belknap
Pr.) ISBN 9780674863217 ¥4,670
69. Harris, J.
Sensation and Perception. April 2014, 488pp.,
Cloth (SAGE) ISBN 9780857020635 ¥34,340
(Paper ISBN 9780857020642 ¥11,440)
This is a student-friendly textbook consisting of 16 chapters
covering in detail the perceptual processes related to vision
and hearing, taste and smell, touch and pain as well as the
vestibular and proprioceptive systems. Individual chapters
cover separate topics including the fast-developing areas of
perception of emotions and attractiveness and recognition
of faces, plus newer topics such as changes in perception
throughout the lifespan and pathologies of perception.
【認知言語学概要・第 3 巻】
70. Li, Thomas Fuyin
Compendium of Cognitive Linguistics, Vol 3.
2014, 207pp., Hardcover (Nova Science Pub.)
ISBN 9781629489148 ¥25,110
This book contains high-quality research of a theoretical
and/or empirical/experimental nature, focusing on the interface between language and cognition. It adopts an interdisciplinary, comparative, multi-methodological approach to
the study of language in the general cognitive perspective,
New Developments in Cognitive Systems
Research. 2014, 124pp., Softcover (Nova Science
Pub.) ISBN 9781631171888 ¥12,050
In this book the authors present current developments in
the study of cognitive systems research. Topics discussed in
this compilation include the theory of everythng cognitive,
from neurons to extended cognition; cognitive systems associated with the hippocampus of the human brain and
their role in behavior and neurodegenerative disease; the
evolution of frames in information systems development;
and prospective fields of applied cognitive systems research
【新しい行動主義・第 2 版】
74. Staddon, J.
The New Behaviorism, 2nd Edition. March
2014, 282pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.)
ISBN 9781848726871 ¥24,320
(Paperback 9781848726888 ¥8,010)
This groundbreaking book presents a brief history of behaviorism, and critically analyzes radical behaviorism, its
philosophy and applications to social issues. It also shows
how experimental cognitive psychology currently has an
undisciplined indulgence in “mental life”. The author proposes a ‘new behaviorism’ that provides a unified framework for the science of behavior that can be applied both to
the laboratory and to broader practical issues such as law
and punishment, the health-care system, and teaching.
This second edition is a completely rewritten and much expanded version of the first edition, published nearly 15
years earlier.
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
ISBN 9781848726598 ¥27,180
75. Sun, Miao-Kun
Advances in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences. 2014, 345pp., Hardcover (Nova Science
Pub.) ISBN 9781629488905 ¥25,110
This book brings together interdisciplinary research in cognitive psychology, cognitive impairment and abnormalities,
cognitive networks and neurofeedback, neurophysiology,
and linguistics. Covered are the latest developments, pinpointing directions for future research on cognitive sciences
and theory. Essential reading for those working directly in
the cognitive sciences or in related specialist areas, “Advances in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences” provides an
instant overview of current thinking for both experts and
newcomers to cognitive sciences.
(Paperback 9781848726604 ¥11,440)
This volume explores how and why people make judgments
and decisions that have economic consequences, and what
the implications are for human well-being. It provides an
integrated review of the latest research from many different
disciplines, including social, cognitive, and developmental
psychology; neuroscience and neurobiology; and economics
and business.
【顔認識 – 人種、性別、年齢、種族の影響】
79. Bangs, R. & L.E. Davis (eds)
76. Tanaka, James
Face Recognition: The Effects of Race,
Gender, Age and Species. Dec 2014, 368pp.,
(Routledge) ISBN 9781138790940 ¥24,320
Although most people are good at face recognition, we are
particularly good at recognizing the faces of individuals who
share our race, gender, age and species. What factors might
account for this type of bias in face recognition? This collection considers the issue of how our identity influences the
type of perceptual experience that we have to faces, which,
in turn, influences the processes of face recognition. Leading experts from cognitive psychology, neuroscience and
computer science address a wide range of topics related to
the neural and computational basis of the "own versus other" effect in face recognition, the impact of early experience
in infant face recognition, the effect of laboratory training to
reverse the other-race effect, cultural differences in expression recognition and the forensic and social consequences
of "own versus other" face recognition. The combined work
gives the reader a comprehensive overview of the field and
an insider’s perspective on the role that identity and experience play in the everyday process of face recognition.
【新しい言語心理学・全 2 巻/クラシックエディション】
77. Tomasello, M. (ed)
The New Psychology of Language: Cognitive
and Functional Approaches to Language
Structure. (Series: Psychology Press Classic Editions)
Vol 1: May 2014, ISBN 9781848725911 ¥22,890
Vol 2: May 2014, ISBN 9781848725935 ¥22,890
The New Psychology of Language volumes are a must-read
for anyone interested in understanding how cognitive and
functional linguistics has become the thriving perspective
on the scientific study of language that it is today.
78. Wilhelms, E.A. & V.F. Reyna (eds)
Race and Social problems. Aug 2014, 245pp.,
ISBN 9781493908622
The handbook addresses seven substantive areas: economics, education, criminal justice, race relations, health, mental health, families, youth and the elderly. Targeting current
areas of interest it explores imbalance in the criminal justice
system and how police interact with minorities.
80. Borders, J.H.
Handbook on the Psychology of Self-Esteem.
2014, 305pp.,
ISBN 9781631172250
Topics discussed in this handbook include negative intergroup discrimination and private collective self-esteem,
learning about non-dogmatic thinking; associations of pride
with bullying and helping in young people; the epidemiology
of sex difference in self-esteem, individualism-collectivism;
self-esteem and obesity; development of the ideal, ought
and fantasy self-images; detecting acquiescence underlying
Rosenberg's self esteem scale using the Rasch partial credit
model; the extended informational model of self-esteem and
self-esteem and attachment in individuals from intact vs.
divorced families.
81. Cheng, J.T. et al. (eds)
The Psychology of Social Status. June 2014,
499pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN 9781493908660 ¥29,480
Investigates crucial underlying psychological mechanisms
of status. Contributions come from a wide range of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, anthropology and
organizational science. Highlights biological and bodily
manifestations of status attainment. Special methods
chapter examines available research methods for measuring and experimentally manipulating social status.
Neuroeconomics, Judgment, and Decision
Making. (Series: Frontiers of Cogntive Psychology)
July 2014, 328pp.,
(Psychology Pr.)
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
【集団間の関係・精選論文選集 – 全 4 巻】
82. Criosp, R.J. (eds)
Intergroup Relations. (SAGE Library in Social
April 2014, 4 Vols/1400pp., Cloth
(SAGE) ISBN 9781446274033 ¥198,900
One of the most globally recognized sub-disciplines of social
psychology is the field of intergroup relations, which has a
strong relationship with both sociology and political science.
This new four-volume major work presents a comprehensive and authoritative collection of both classic and contemporary readings in intergroup relations. Each volume in
opened by an introductory chapter which provides the
reader with an overview of the primary topics covered
therein, and the rational
e behind the editor’s selection.
83. De Dreu, C.K. (ed)
Social Conflict within and between Groups.
(Series: Current Issues in Social Psychology) May
2014, 192pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.)
ISBN 9781848722958 ¥25,750
This is the first volume to provide an interdisciplinary overview of the various scientific approaches to studying the origins and consequences of social conflict. It brings together
the research output of a number of leading researchers in
psychology, management and economics, sociology and political science, and draws on the outcomes of ten prominent
research programs conducted over the past five years.
84. Dunn, D.
The Social Psychology of Disability. (Academy
of Rehabilitation Psychology Series)
208pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P.)
ISBN 9780199985692 ¥7,530
Oct 2014,
85. Glaveanu, V.P.
Distributed Creativity: Thinking Outside the
Box of the Creative Individual. (SpringerBriefs
in Psychology)
April 2014, 99pp.,
(Springer) ISBN 9783319054339 ¥11,330
【創造性再考 - 社会・文化心理学の視点から】
86. Glaveanu, V.P. et al. (eds)
Rethinking Creativity: Contributions from
Social and Cultural Psychology. (Series: Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation) Aug 2014,
200pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9780415720540 ¥24,320
The edited volume aims to renew the theory of creativity
from the perspective of social-cultural psychology. It brings
together eminent social and cultural psychologists who
study dynamic, transformative and emergent phenomena
and invites them to conceptualise creativity in ways that
depart from mainstream definitions and theoretical models
existing in past and present literature on the topic. These
contributions challenge us to think outside the “box” of
current understandings and assumptions that have often
led research on creativity to dead ends and paradoxical
conclusions, and offer what amounts to a cultural, situated
and extended model of what creativity is or can be.
【ストレス適応 – ポジティブな人間の機能】
87. Gomes, A. Rui et al.
Positive Human Functioning from a Multidimensional Perspective, Vol 1: Promoting
Stress Adaptation. 2014, 232pp., Hardcover
(Nova Science
The main goal of this volume is to analyse human adaptation to life situations using examples of work and sport
contexts, topics related to stress, emotions, and bumout,
with a discussion from both a theoretical and an empirical
point of view. How to promote positive adaptation to adaptational contexts is addressed by numerous authors.
88. McLeod, J. et al. (eds)
Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality. June 2014, 1564pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN 9789401790017 ¥56,470
This handbook provides the first comprehensive overview of
social psychological research on inequality for a graduate
student and professional audience. Drawing on all of the
major theoretical traditions in sociological social psychology,
its chapters demonstrate the relevance of social psychological processes to this central sociological concern. Each
chapter in the handbook has a distinct substantive focus,
but the chapters will also share common emphases on:
- The unique contributions of sociological social psychology - The historical roots of social psychological concepts
and theories in classic sociological writings - The complementary and conflicting insights that derive from different
social psychological traditions in sociology.
This Handbook is of interest to graduate students preparing
for careers in social psychology or in inequality, professional
sociologists, and university/college libraries
89. Mohiyeddini, C.
Emotional Relationships: Types, Challenges
and Physical/Mental Health Impacts. (Series:
Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Actions)
2013, 200pp., Hardcover
(Nova Science Pub.)
ISBN 9781626189294 ¥25,110
90. Rothman, J. (ed)
From Identity-Based Conflict to Identity-Based Cooperation: The ARIA Approach
in Theory and Practice. (Peace Psychology Book
Series) July 2014, 212pp., Softcover
ISBN 9781493909209 ¥11,330
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
94. Stravynski, Ariel
91. Sindic, D. et al. (eds)
Power and identity. (Series: Current Issues in
Social Psychology) Aug 2014, 214pp., Hardback
(Psychology Pr.) ISBN 9781848721760 ¥25,750
(Paperback ISBN 9781848721777 ¥7,720)
This is the first book to focus on the intrinsic relationship
between power and collective identities. It presents cutting-edge empirical studies, and considers important social
issues such as the nature of social change, collective action
and separatist movements. It explores the connection of
these to questions of collective identity and power, and
shows that power is not only about individuals or leaders,
but also about groups and relationships between groups.
Social Phobia: An Interpersonal Approach.
2014, 322 p. (Cambridge U.P.) Hardback
ISBN 9781107007192 ¥16,570
95. Abdel-Rahman, E
Depression in the Elserly. 2014, 182pp.,
Hardcover (Nova Science Pub.)
ISBN 9781613247716 ¥23,430
(Softcover ISBN 9781631172168 ¥14,890)
92. Smith, J.L. et al.
Managing Interpersonal Sensitivity:
Knowing When – and When Not – to Understand Others. 2014, 279pp., Hardcover
(Nova Science
(Softcover ISBN 9781631172175 ¥14,890)
Findings from the past two decades of interpersonal sensitivity research presented a big surprise to the researchers
who were working in this area. These findings, at first suggestive and then unmistakably clear, showed that scores on
various interpersonal sensitivity measures were not as stable as scores on other measures of cognitive ability (for example, IQ scores) seemed to be. The accumulating data
further suggested that differences in situationally-evoked
motivational states were the most probable cause of these
variations in interpersonal sensitivity. This book examines
this discovery and how it has completely changed the research agenda for those working in this field of study.
【情動社会学ハンドブック・第 2 巻】
96. Alonso, R.
Delirium: Diagnosis, Management and Prevention. 2014, 120pp., Softcover (Nova Science
Pub.) ISBN 9781631174711 ¥12,050
【プラシーボ効果 - 健康と病気のメカニズム】
97. Benedetti, F.
Placebo Effects: Understanding the Mechanisms in Health and Disease. Aug 2014,
432pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P., UK)
ISBN 9780198705086 ¥11,440
This is the first book to critically review the mechanisms of
placebo effects across all medical conditions, diseases, and
therapies. Exhaustive in its coverage, and written by a
world authority in the field, it is the definitive text on the
placebo effect, and essential for researchers and clinicians
in all medical specialities.
93. Stets, J.E. & J.H. Turner (eds)
Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions, Vol
2. July 2014, 1358pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN 9789401791298 ¥56,470
Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions Volume II presents
all new chapters in the ever developing area of the sociology
of emotions. The volume is divided into two sections: Theoretical Perspectives and Social Arenas of Emotions. It reviews
major sociological theories on emotions, which include evolutionary theory, identity theory, affect control theory, social
exchange theory, ritual theory, and cultural theory among
others. Social arenas where emotions are examined include,
but are not limited to, the economy and the workplace, the
family, mental health, crime, sports, technology, social
movements, and the field of science. All the chapters review
the major theories and research in the area, and each
chapter ends with some discussion of directions for future
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98. Benuto, L. et al. (eds)
Guide to Psychological Assessment with
Asians. June 014, 800pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN 9781493907953 ¥45,350
Provides specific guidelines for working with Asian clients.
Includes up-to-date research on psychological tests used
with Asian clients. Addresses dilemma that traditional assessments do not emphasize language differences or test
validity for ethnic minorities despite many Asian immigrants having English only as a second language or not at
99. Benuto, L. & B.D. Leany (eds)
Guide to Psychological Assessment with African Americans. Aug 2014, ca.400pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN 9781493910038 ¥13,590
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
Berking, M. & B. Whitley
Affect Regulation Training: A Practitioners’
Aug 2014, ca.175pp.,
(Springer) ISBN 9781493910212 ¥9,060
Emotion Regulation is currently one of the most popular
topics in clinical psychology. Numerous studies demonstrate that deficits in emotion regulation skills are likely to
help maintain various forms of psychological disorders.
Conway, F. (ed)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:
Integration of Cognitive, Neuropsychological,
and Psychodynamic Perspectives in Psychotherapy. June 2014, 160pp.,
(Routledge) ISBN 9781138780484 ¥24,320
Daniel, Sarah
Adult Attachment Patterns in a Treatment
Context: Relationship and narrative. Sept
2014, 234 x 156, 216pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9780415718738 ¥25,750
(Paperback ISBN 9780415-718745 ¥7,150)
Corona, G. et al. (eds)
Emotional, Physical and Sexual Abuse: Impact in Children and Social Minorities. July
Gotlib, I. & C. Hammen (eds)
Handbook of Depression, 3rd Edition. Aug
2014, 642pp., Hardback (Guilford)
ISBN 9781462509379 ¥14,220
Hayward, M. et al. (eds)
Psychological Approaches to Understanding
and Treating Auditory Hallucinations: From
Theory to Therapy. (Series: Exploration in Mental
Health) Sept 2014, 184pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9780415640114 ¥24,320
Herrero, M.S. (ed)
Psychopathology in Women: Incorporating
Gender Perspective into Descriptive Psychopathology. Aug 2014, ca.200pp., Hardcover
(Springer) ISBN 9783319058696 ¥22,670
Holmes, J.
Attachments: Psychiatry, Psychotherapy,
Psychoanalysis: The Selected Works of
Jeremy Holmes. (Series: World Library of Mental
Health) July 2014, 288pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9780415644228 ¥25,750
2014, 110pp., Softcover (Springer)
ISBN 9783319067865 ¥13,600
Friedman, M. et al. (eds)
Handbook of PTSD: Science and Practice,
2nd Edition.
July 2014, 718pp., Hardback
Kim-Prieto, C. (ed)
Religion and Sprituality Across Cultures.
(Guilford) ISBN 9781462516179 ¥14,220
(Cross-Cultural Advancements in Positive Psychology,
Vol 9)
June 2014,
(Springer) ISBN 9789401789493 ¥22,670
【心理療法の研究 - 一般的諸問題、過程、結果】
This volume brings trends in psychology of religion, positive
psychology, and cross-cultural psychology together. Fills an
unique place in the market's increasing interest and demand in the psychology of religion. Provides reviews of the
literature in the ways in which different religions contribute
to positive functioning.
Gelo, O. et al. (eds)
Psychotherapy Research: General issues,
Process, and outcome. Sept 2014, 1000pp.,
ISBN 9783709113813
This book provides, in a comprehensive and systematic way,
the knowledge – at an epistemological, theoretical and
methodological level – related to the basic issues of psychotherapy research as well as to its most recent developments.
This is accomplished through a balanced mix of chapters
summarizing the state of art in the field from different
viewpoints and a series of chapters presenting innovative
topics and perspectives, as well as through its systematic
approach to outcome and process research. The authors,
which represent the most consolidated and at the same
time emergent psychotherapy research traditions and
tendencies across Europe and North-America, also represent a wise mix of a leading figures in the scientific community and young researchers.
Kreuter, E.A. & K.M. Moltner
Treatment and Management of Maladaptive
July 2014, 340pp.,
(Springer) ISBN 9783319068169 ¥13,600
CONTENTS: Introduction. Paradigms and maladaptive
schemas. Shifting maladaptive spirituality. Schema-focused
cognitive therapy. How do we define success? The source of
paradigmatic thinking. The problem of the static paradigm.
Catalyzing the hidden inner strength toward exploration.
Case examples of clients who shifted paradigms. Restarting
life at any age is possible. Conclusions.
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
Lawrence, A.A.
Men Trapped in Men’s Bodies: Narratives of
Autogynephilic Transsexualism. (Focus on
Sexuality Research)
2013, 243pp., Softcover
(Springer) ISBN:9781493906710 ¥9,060
Ramsay, J.R. & A.L. Rostain
The Adult ADHD Tool Kit: Using CBT to Facilitate Coping Inside and Out. Oct 2014, 229
x 152: 208pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9780415815888 ¥25,750
(Paperback ISBN 9780415815895 ¥6,290)
【アスペルガー症候群・第 2 版】
McPartland, J. et al. (eds)
Asperger Symdrome, 2nd Edition. June
Completely revised with the latest research and clinical
strategies, this is the authoritative volume on Asperger syndrome (now part of DSM-5 autism spectrum disorder).
Considered the definitive reference since its initial publication, the book focuses on how to assess each child or adolescent's needs and provide effective interventions in the
areas of communication, behavior, and academic and vocational functioning. The neural and genetic bases of autism
spectrum disorders are also explored.
Meier, S.T.
Incorporating Progress Monitoring and Outcome Assessment into Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Primer.
Oct 2014, 240pp.,
(Oxford U.P.)
ISBN 9780199356676
Mohlman, J. et al. (eds)
Clinical Psychology: A Neurocognitive Perspective. Sept 2014, 288pp.,
(Routledge3) ISBN 9780415835862 ¥24,320
(Paperback 9780415835879 ¥11,440)
Ramsay, J.R. & A.L. Rostain
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adult
ADHD: An Integrative Psychosocial and
Medical Approach, 2nd Edition. October 2014,
288pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9780415815901 ¥25,750
(Paperback ISBN 9780415-815918 ¥7,150)
Roeder, L. (ed)
Issues of Gender and Sexual Orientation in
Humanitarian Emergencies: Risks and Risk
Reduction. (Series: Humanitarian Solutions in the
21st Century) June 2014, ca.160pp., Hardcover
(Springer) ISBN:9783319058818 ¥22,670
Natural and manmade disasters do not affect everyone
equally, especially when resources are not equally accessible. Girls and women in particular face heightened risks of
violence and abuse, and many countries bar female-headed
households from receiving aid. Across the globe, a wider
understanding of gender issues is needed to craft effective
policies and carry out equitable practices in disaster planning and response.
Roman, S.A.
Anxiety Disorders: Risk Factors, Genetic
Treatment. 2014, 144pp., Softcover (Nova Science Pub.) ISBN 9781631173929 ¥12,050
O’Neill, B. (ed)
Assistive Technology for Cognition: A
Handbook for Clinicians and Developers. (Series: Current Issues in Neuropsychology) Sept 2014,
216pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.)
ISBN 9781848724013 ¥25,750
(Paperback 9781848724020 ¥8,580)
This book will bridge the fields of neuropsychology and
technology, in order to advance the field of assistive technology for cognition, and improve the conditions of those
with brain injury. Clinicians will consult it for current and
future technologies and technology developers will use it to
help find direction for the development of new technologies.
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Routt, G. & L. Anderson
Adolescent Violence in the Home: Restorative Approaches to Building Healthy, Respectful Family Relationships. July 2014,
216pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9780415829007 ¥25,750
(Paperback 9780415829014 ¥7,150)
CONTENTS: Chapter 1: Adolescent Violence in the Home:
An Uncharted Territory. Chapter 2: Physical Abuse. Chapter 3: Emotional Abuse. Chapter 4: Understanding Parents
and Families. Chapter 5: Understanding Teens. Chapter 6:
An Intervention Model for Youth Violence in the Home.
Chapter 7: Foundation for Change: A Safe Environment.
Chapter 8: A Restorative Practice Approach. Chapter 9: A
Pathway to Nonviolence: Helping Youth Develop Skills for
Success. Chapter 10: Helping Parents Restore Leadership
in the Family.
心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
【児童および青年精神医学 – DSM-5 にもとづく専門
医認定試験への手引き・第 4 版】
Shen, H. & R.L. Hendren
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for the
Specialty Board Review, 4th Edition. Sept
2014, 216pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9780415818094 ¥28,620
Yip, Kam-shing
Vols/674pp., Hardcover (Nova Science Pub.)
ISBN 9781629482613 ¥66,120
Emotions are interactive, spontaneous and contextual. Its
comprehensiveness should be articulated by dynamic interpretation of emotionality rather than a static and description of emotions by reductionistic measurement and
scales. The same applies to the emotions of persons with
mental illness. This book describes various perspectives
and conceptual underpinnings of emotionality including
evoluntionary, initial psychological, psycho-evolutionary,
cognitive, psychodynamic, structural and post-structural,
as well as phenomenological perspectives. In each perspective, its implications on emotionality of persons with mental
illness are thoroughly discussed. Furthermore, this book
includes a full discussion of a multi-dimensional model of
Theorell, T.
Psychological Health Effects of Musical Experiences: Theories, Studies and Reflections
in Music Health Science. (SpringerBriefs in
Psychology) May 2014, 85pp., Softcover (Springer) ISBN:9789401789196 ¥11,330
【政治的および市民的関与 – 多角的視点から】
Barrett, M. & B. Zani (eds)
Political and Civic Engagement: Multidisciplinary Perspective.
Sept 2014, 576pp.,
Emotionality of Mental Illness. 2014, 2
【精神疾患における情動性・全 2 巻】
(Paperback ISBN 9780415818100 ¥8,010)
This new, thoroughly revised edition of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for the Specialty Board Review offers updated information, along with the most recent references
and knowledge reflected in those changes. The authors especially incorporate new information and changes from
DSM-5. Both general and child/adolescent psychiatrists
will find this new edition invaluable, not only as a guide for
preparing for their first successful Board examination, but
also as a review in preparing for important re-certification
exams. The book includes hundreds of multiple-choice
questions, modeled after the types of questions on the actual boards. This challenging update, with new references and
more relevant questions, will help readers to learn new information and be better prepared for their board examinations. Because the authors rewrote the majority of
questions to cover a broader knowledge base, readers may
find it useful to use the 4th edition as a companion book of
the 3rd edition.
Hardcover (Nova Science Pub.)
ISBN 9781631170768 ¥25,110
Tolan, P.H. & B.L. Leventhal (eds)
Disruptive Behavior Disorders. (Advances in
Development and Psychopathology: Brain Research
Foundation Symposium Series, Vol 1) 2013, 211pp.,
ISBN 9780415704670
(Paperback ISBN 9780415704687 ¥11,440)
This book draws on the results of a multinational research
project which examined the interplay of factors affecting
civic and political engagement across different generations,
nations and ethnic groups, and the shifting variety of forms
that participation can take.
Perverse Psychology: The Pathologization of
Sexual Violence and Transgenderism. (Series:
Concepts for Critical Psychology) Sept 2014, 166pp.,
ISBN 9781848721722
(Paperback 9781848721739 ¥7,150)
Bijleveld, E.H. & H. Aarts (eds)
The Psychological Science of Money.
Tosh, J.
2014, ca.250pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN 9781493909582 ¥23,800
Provides a up-to-date perspective on the psychology of
money. Covers the entire spectrum that ranges from basic
brain processes to social behaviour. Discusses biological
and cognitive processes that shape people’s money-related
behaviour. Chapter authors provide a basic introduction to
the topic as well as recent empirical works of their own research.
Treloar, A.C.
Borderline Personality Disorder: Understanding the Unconscious Function of Deliberate Self Harm and Managing the
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心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
(Psychology Pr.)
ISBN 9781848725676
Capelos, T. et al. (eds)
The Palgrave Handbook of Global Political
Psychology. Oct 2014, 464pp., Hardback
Harpaz, I. & R. Snir (eds)
Heavy Work Investment: Its Natures,
Sources, Outcomes and Future Directions.
July 2014, 384pp., Hardback
9780415835053 ¥22,600
Colarelli, S.M. & R.D. Arvey (eds)
The Biological Foundations of Organizational Behavior. Nov 2014, 368pp., Cloth (Univ. of
Chicago Pr.) ISBN 9780226127156 ¥20,080
In recent years, evolutionary psychology and behavioral genetics have emerged as prominent theoretical perspectives
within the social sciences. Yet despite broad levels of commonality between the disciplines—including an emphasis
on adaptation, evolved mechanisms that guide behavior,
and consequences of mismatch between these mechanisms
and novel environments—studies that apply these perspectives on social behavior to organizations remain relatively
【アジア太平洋域における労働 – その心理社会的要因】
Dollard, M.F. et al. (eds)
Psychosocial Factors at Work in the Asia
Pacific. June 2014, 590pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN 9789401789745 ¥22,670
This book presents new research on psychosocial factors at
work from an Asia Pacific perspective, introducing exciting
new research on workaholism, bullying, work-life balance
and conflict, work demands classifications, and psychosocial safety climate. Insights regarding workplace psychosocial factors, worker health and well-being have evolved
mainly within North American and European cultural contexts and developed industrial countries. This state of the
art account of knowledge development in the Asia Pacific
region will stimulate new insights for researchers and policy
makers to improve the quality of workers’ lives worldwide.
Forsythe, C. et al.
Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Systems:
Work and Everyday Life. (Human Factors
and Ergonomics) Oct 2014, 235 x 156: 360pp.,
20 illus, 1 table Hardback (CRC Pr.)
ISBN 9781466570573 ¥23,460
Glaser, J.
Suspect Race: Causes and Consequences of
Racial Profiling. Nov 2014, 256pp., Hardback
(Oxford U.P.) ISBN 9780195370409 ¥6,680
(Paperback 9780415835060 ¥10,870)
Hanne, M. et al. (eds)
【リーダーシップと一貫性 – 認知論的アプローチ】
Harter, N.W.
Leadership and Coherence: A Cognitive Approach. (Series: Leadership: Research and Practice) July 2014, 246pp., Hardback
ISBN 9781848725553 ¥25,750
(Paperback 9781848725560 ¥8,010)
Leadership and Coherence investigates how leaders justify
their decisions, and how they bring about coherence
amongst followers. Taking a cognitive approach, it builds on
the work of Hannah Arendt to attempt a phenomenology of
judgment, examining how the moral imperative experienced
by leaders can be shared by their community so both leader
and led are guided by a mutual purpose. Through biographical case studies of historical leaders, this book illustrates how successful leaders operate in a turbulent world,
not only making their own decisions but also gathering
likeminded followers to share in a common vision and
shared sense of purpose.
【リーダーシップの心理学 – 精選論文集・全 5 巻】
Haslam, S.A. & S. Reicher (eds)
Psychology of Leadership. (SAGE Benchmarks
in Leadership) May 2014, 5 Vols/1863pp., Cloth
(SAGE) ISBN 9781446295052 ¥23,610
Brings together classic and recent papers which examine
the topic from all angles and through the lenses of different
Jones, R.G.
Psychology of Sustainability: An Applied
July 2014, 400pp.,
(Routledge) ISBN 9780415843126 ¥28,620
(Paperback 9780415843133 ¥11,440)
This book examines the many psychological factors that
lead to human behavioural effects on the environment.
Since applied psychology is concerned with defining criteria
and finding precursor variables that can be manipulated,
each chapter applies elements from a basic research area
into the context of criteria specific to sustainability. Readers
will find new ways of framing questions related to human
adaptability and evolutionary psychology.
Warring with Words: Narrative and Metaphor
in Politics. (Claremont Symposium on Applied Social psychology Series) May 2014, 288pp., Hard-
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心理学編 K-152 <July-August 2014>
{キャリア開発における成功とウェル・ビーイング - 心
Keller, A.C. et al. (eds)
Psychological, Educational and Sociological
Perspectives on Success and Well-Being in
Career Development.
May 2014, 207pp.,
ISBN 9789401789103
This collection covers how success and well-being relate to
each other in early career development in the domains of
employment and education. It gives a conceptual overview
of success and well-being as established in the psychological research tradition, complemented by educational and
sociological approaches. The volume presents articles on
success and well-being in applied contexts, such as
well-being as an individual resource during school-to-work
transition, or well-being and success at the workplace.
Work psychologists, social psychologists, educational researchers, and sociologists will find this book valuable, as
it provides unique insights into social and psychological
processes afforded by the combination of disciplines, concepts, and a diversity of approaches.
Korunka, C. & P. Hoonakker (eds)
The Impact of ICT on Quality of Working
Life. May 2014, 229pp., Hardcover (Springer)
ISBN:9789401788533 ¥22,670
Re-evaluates the current impact of ICT on Quality of
(Working) Life. Describes changes in different national contexts. Is written by highly reputable experts and covers the
topic from interdisciplinary perspectives.
Truxillo, D.M. (eds)
Age in the Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities. July 2014, 276pp.,
(Routledge) ISBN 9781138787629 ¥24,320
Based primarily in empirical research, this book covers a
wide range of topics related to the aging workforce, including the motivation of older workers – to work and to retire;
what organizations can do to attract and retain the talent of
older workers; how to improve relations and productivity
among age-diverse teams; how to design jobs to support
older and younger talent; and how to better understand
why older workers may choose to return to work. This volume includes contributions from the top psychological researchers in the field of the aging workforce.
Uusiautti, S. & K. Määttä
The Psychology of Becoming a Successful
Worker: Research on the Changing Nature of
Archievement at Work. July 2014, 168pp.,
London, M.
The Power of Feedback: Giving, Seeking,
and Using Feedback for Performance Improvement. (Applied Psychology Series) July
ISBN 9781138787421
Based on the authors’ in-depth research into the phenomenon of success at work, this book provides a positive human-strength based approach to success and offers a fresh
viewpoint to the modern, demanding and hectic work life.
Drawing from the theory of positive psychology and outlining new theoretical ideas including work motivation, career
orientation, work characteristics, and positive states of work,
success is described as a combination of multiple elements
which include other areas of life. The book is illustrated
throughout with case studies from employees, and it will
ignite thoughts about what success at work is and can be,
and how to recognize factors which enhance or hinder success in varying contexts. Considering a variety of data, this
book will appeal to researchers and academics from the
fields of work and organisational psychology, positive psychology, career counselling and coaching.
2014, 224pp., Hardback (Routledge)
ISBN 9781848725478 ¥27,180
(Paperback ISBN 9781848725485 ¥7,720)
This follow-up to the 2003 edition of Job Feedback by
Manual London is updated to cover new research in the
area of organizational management. This edition bridges a
gap in research that now covers cultural responses to empower feedback, feedback through electronic communications, and how technology has changed the way teams
work in organizations. Managers, human resource professionals, and students who will one day oversee teams will
benefit from the research and advice found in The power of
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認知神経科学 第 5 版
The Cognitive Neurosciences V
Edited by Michael S. Gazzaniga,
University of California, Santa Barbara,
& George R. Mangun, University of California, Davis
2014 年 11 月出版予定 1144 ページ ハードカバー ¥32,630
With 87color illus., and 183 black & white illus
(The MIT Press)
ISBN 9780262027779
Each edition of this classic reference has proved to be a benchmark in the developing field of cognitive
neuroscience. The fifth edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences continues to chart new directions in the
study of the biological underpinnings of complex cognitio—the relationship between the structural and
physiological mechanisms of the nervous system and the psychological reality of the mind. It offers
entirely new material, reflecting recent advances in the field.
Many of the developments in cognitive neuroscience have been shaped by the introduction of novel
tools and methodologies, and a new section is devoted to methods that promise to guide the field into
the future—from sophisticated models of causality in brain function to the application of network
theory to massive data sets. Another new section treats neuroscience and society, considering some of
the moral and political quandaries posed by current neuroscientific methods.
Other sections describe, among other things, new research that draws on developmental imaging to
study the changing structure and function of the brain over the lifespan; progress in establishing
increasingly precise models of memory; research that confirms the study of emotion and social
cognition as a core area in cognitive neuroscience; and new findings that cast doubt on the so-called
neural correlates of consciousness.
About the Editors
Michael S. Gazzaniga is Professor of Psychology and Director of the SAGE Center for the Study of Mind at the
University of California, Santa Barbara, Co-Director of the Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, and
President of the Cognitive Neuroscience Institute.
George R. Mangun is Professor of Psychology and Neurology and Dean of Social Sciences at the University of
California, Davis, and Director of the Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience.
CONTENTS: I Developmental and Evolutionary Cognitive Science. II Plasticity and Learning. III Visual
Attention. IV Sensation and Perception. V Motor Action and Systems. VI Memory. VII Language and Abstract
Thought. VIII Social Neuroscience and Emotions. IX Consciousness. X Advances in Methodology.
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