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1.刊行物 - Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
本部の研究成果は,和文並びに英文で書かれる「JAXA Research and Development Report(JAXA Report)」として
なお,JAXA Report は「宇宙科学研究所報告」「The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Report(ISAS Report)」を継承している.
ISAS Report は「Report of Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science, University of Tokyo」のナンバーを継承している.
また,別に「ISAS Research Note」を印刷配布している.
JAXA Research and Development Report(2
Hiromasa Nozawa, et al:Mercury Sodium Atmosphere Spectral Imager(MSASI)
齋藤実穂,齋藤義文,向井利典,淺村和史:磁気圏プラズマ観測用 MCP マルチアノードの開発研究
齋藤実穂,齋藤義文,向井利典,淺村和史:MCP 出力チャージの空間分布:測定とモデル
Takehiko Ishikawa, Paul−Francois Paradis,and Noriyuki Koike:Non−contact thermophysical Property Measurements of
Liquid and Supercooled Platinum.
高野元春,渡辺隆:S−310−27ロケットによる高度15−100km のオゾン密度測定
淳,大津広敬,藤田和央,鈴木俊之,澤田恵介,安部隆士:READ 飛行実験での高々度取得スペクトルに
−MMO 搭載機器 MSASI での観
敦・吉川一朗・笠羽康正:BepiColombo 水星探査計画にむ
S. Matsumoto, H. Ohira, T. Mashiko, H. Sasaki, E. Yoda, N. Imaishi, and S. YodaAnnual Report of Fluid Dynamics Insta-
bility Research − Thermocapillary Flow in Low Pr Number Liquid Bridge −
Satoshi Adachi, and Masahiro Takayanagi:Experimental study on Coulomb crystal formation in dusty plasmas
全天 X 線監視装置
T. Itami, T. Masaki, and T. Ishikawa:Thermo−physical and atomic transport properties of liquid metals related to the experiments under microgravity
裕樹,安部隆士:Wave Rider 効果を利用した展開型回収機の概念とその成立性
T. Yamamoto, I. Kushiro, A. Fujiwara, and H. Yano:The Second Open Competition for the HAYABUSA(MUSES−C)
Asteroidal Sample Preliminary Examination Team
K. Kinoshita, et al:Effects of microgravity environment on growth related properties of semiconductor alloys(InGaAs)
− Growth of homogeneous crystals −
Toru Shimada, and Nobuhiro Sekino:Computational Fluid Dynamics of Multiphase Flows in Solid Rocket Motors
ISAS Research Note(2
弘充:X−ray Study of Mass−Accretion Flows onto Weakly−Magnetized Neutron Stars
大輔:The Spectral Property of Gamma−Ray Bursts and GRB Formation Rate in the Early Universe
Soshi Kawai,and Kozo Fujii:Computational Analysis of the Characteristics of High Speed Base Flows
K. −I. Oyama, K. Noguchi, M. Izawa, A. Saito, Y. Otsuka, and F. Toyama: Local time, annual, latitude, and seasonal variations of total electron content over Japan
K.−I. Oyama, K. Hibino, T. Abe, M. Yamamoto, K. Yokoyama, S. Fukao, and R. Phaff: Spatial structure of
Sporadic E layer −Contribution of Te/Ne measurements obtained from Dc Langmuir probe−
Toru Shimada, Masumi Sekiguchi, and Nobuhiro Sekino: Numerical Analysis of Flow inside M−14Motor with
Relation to Nozzle Inlet Ablation
Akihumi Ihara: Global Structure of Magnetic Flux Ropes Based on Energetic Particle Measurements onboard
優:Supernova Remnants Selected with X−Rays −Contribution to the Galactic Cosmic−Ray Accelera-
篤:A Study of Thermal and Nonthermal X−ray Structures in the Galactic Center Region
仁,藤村彰夫,茶谷原昭義:LUNAR−A,PNT の
英之:Spatial Distribution and Luminosity Function of Low−Mass X−ray Binaries in the Galactic bulge
穴吹直久:X−ray Study of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
小山昌志:C/C 複合材料の高温接合技術の開発
A. Kubota, K. Ebisawa, K. Makishima, and K. Nakazawa:On the Temperature Profile of Radiatively Efficient Geometrically
Thin Disks in Black Hole Binaries with the ASCA GIS,Vol.631(No.2), pp.1062−1071:Astrophys. J.: (2005)
B. Paul, T. Dotani, F. Nagase, U. Mukherjee, and S. Naik:High−Resolution X−Ray Spectrum of the Accreting Binary X−Ray
Pulsar GX 1+4,Vol.627(No.
2), pp.915−919:Astrophys. J.: (2005)
C.−S. Choi, T. Dotani, and H.−Y. Chang:A Spectroscopic Study of the Seyfert Galaxy MCG−2−58−22,Vol.38(No.
3), pp.329−
344:J. Korean Astron. Soc.: (2005)
G. Sato, A. Parsons, D. Hullinger, M. Suzuki, T. Takahashi, M. Tashiro, K. Nakazawa, Y. Okada, H. Takahashi, S. Watanabe,
S. Barthelmy, J. Cummings, N. Gehrels, H. Krimm, C. Markwardt, J. Tueller, E. Fenimore, D. Palmer:Development of
a spectral model based on charge transport for the Swift/BAT 32K CdZnTe detector array,Vol.541(No.
1−2), pp.372−
384: Nucl. Inst. Methods Phys. Res. A.: (2005)
H. Awaki, H. Murakami, K. M. Leighly, C. Matsumoto, K. Hayashida, and D. Grupe:A Variability Study of the Seyfert 2
Galaxy NGC6300with XMM−Newton,Vol.
2), pp.793−798:Astrophys. J.;(2005)
H. Matsumoto, K. Koyama, T. G. Tsuru, H. Nakajima, H. Yamaguchi, H. Tsunemi, K. Hayashida, E. Miyata, K. Torii, M.
Namiki, T. Dotani, M. Ozaki, H. Murakami, N. Anabuki, S. Kitamoto, H. Awaki, T. Kohmura, H. Katayama, A.
Bamba, M. W. Bautz, J. P. Doty, G. R. Ricker, R. F. Foster, G. Y. Prigozhin, S. E. Kissel, B. E. Burke, A. D. Pillsbury,
B. LaMarr:X−ray imaging spectrometers (XIS) of Astro−E2,Vol.541(No.
1−2), pp.357−364:Nucl. Inst. Methods Phys.
Res. A.: (2005)
H. Tajima, T. Kamae, G. Madejski, T. Mitani, K. Nakazawa, T. Tanaka, T. Takahashi, S. Watanabe, Y. Fukazawa, T. Ikagawa,
J. Kataoka, M. Kokubun, K. Makishima, Y. Terada, M. Nomachi, M. Tashiro:Design and performance of the soft
gamma−ray detector for the NeXT mission,Vol.52(No.
6), pp.
2749−2757:IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.: (2005)
K. Ebisawa, M. Tsujimoto, A. Paizis, K. Hamaguchi, A. Bamba, R. Cutri, H. Kaneda, Y. Maeda, G. Sato, A. Senda, M. Ueno,
S. Yamauchi, V. Bec㎞ann, T. J.−L. Courvoisier, P. Dubath, and E. Nishihara:Chandra Deep X−Ray Observation of a
Typical Galactic Plane Region and Near−Infrared Identification,Vol.
1), pp.
214−242:Astrophys. J.: (2005)
K. Sato, T. Furusho, N. Y. Yamasaki, M. Ishida, K. Matsushita, and T. Ohashi: XMM−Newton Observation of IC 310 in the
Outer Region of the Perseus Cluster of Galaxies,Vol.57(No.5), pp.743−749:Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan: (2005)
K. Tamura, T. Hiruta, H. Ikeda, H. Inoue, T. Kiyuna, Y. Kobayashi, K. Nakazawa, T. Takashima, T. Takahashi:Development
of ASICs for CdTe pixel and line sensors,Vol.52(No.5 III), pp.2023−2029:IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. : (2005)
K. Yamaoka, M. Ohno, Y. Terada, S. Hong, J. Kotoku, Y. Okada, A. Tsutsui, Y. Endo, K. Abe, Y. Fukazawa, S. Hirakuri, T.
Hiruta, K. Itoh, T. Itoh, T. Kamae, M. Kawaharada, N. Kawano, K. Kawashima, T. Kishishita, T. Kitaguchi, M.
Kokubun, G. M. Madejski, K. Makishima, T. Mitani, R. Miyawaki, T. Murakami, M. M. Murashima, K. Nakazawa, H.
Niko, M. Nomachi, K. Oonuki, G. Sato, M. Suzuki, H. Takahashi, I. Takahashi, T. Takahashi, S. Takeda, K. Tamura, T.
Tanaka, M. Tashiro, S. Watanabe, T. Yanagida, D. Yonetoku:Development of the HXD−II wide−band all−sky monitor
onboard Astro−E2,Vol.52(No.
6), pp.
2765−2772:IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.: (2005)
M. J. Church, D. Reed, T. Dotani, M. Balucinska−Church, and A. P. Smale:Discovery of absorption features of the accretion
disc corona and systematic acceleration of the X−ray burst rate in XB1323−619,Vol.
4), pp.1336−1344: Mon.
Not. R. Astron. Soc.: (2005)
M. Kawasaki, M. Ozaki, F. Nagase, H. Inoue, and R. Petre:Ionization States and Plasma Structures of Mixed−Morphology Supernova Remnants Observed with ASCA,Vol.
2), pp.
935−946: Astrophys. J.: (2005)
M. Ohno, Y. Fukazawa, K. Yamaoka, M. Kokubun, Y. Terada, J. Kotoku, Y. Okada, S. Hong, M. Mori, A. Tsutsui, Y. Endo,
K. Makishima, T. Murakami, K. Nakazawa, T. Takahashi, M. Tashiro: Preflight calibration and performance of the Astro−E2/HXD−II wide−band all−sky monitor,Vol.
6), pp.2758−2764: IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.: (2005)
M. Suzuki, M. Tashiro, G. Sato, S. Watanabe, K. Nakazawa, T. Takahashi, Y. Okada, H. Takahashi, A. Parsons, S. Barthelmy,
J. Cummings, N. Gehrels, D. Hullinger, H. Krimm, J. Tueller:Hard X−ray response of CdZnTe detectors in the Swift
burst alert telescope,Vol.
4), pp.1033−1035: IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.: (2005)
N. Gehrels, C. L. Sarazin, P. T. O’Brien, B. Zhang, L. Barbier, S. D. Barthelmy, A. Blustin, D. N. Burrows, J. Cannizzo, J. R.
Cummings, M. Goad, S. T. Holland, C. P. Hurkett, J. A. Kennea, A. Levan, C. B. Markwardt, K. O. Mason, P.
Meszaros, M. Page, D. M. Palmer, E. Rol, T. Sakamoto, R. Willingale, L. Angelini, A. Beardmore, P. T. Boyd, A.
Breeveld, S. Campana, M. M. Chester, G. Chincarini, L. R. Cominsky, G. Cusumano, M. de Pasquale, E. E. Fenimore,
P. Giommi, C. Gronwall, D. Grupe, J. E. Hill, D. Hinshaw, J. Hjorth, D. Hullinger, K. C. Hurley, S. Klose, S. Kobayashi, C. Kouveliotou, H. A. Krimm, V. Mangano, F. E. Marshall, K. McGowan, A. Moretti, R. F. Mushotzky, K.
Nakazawa, J. P. Norris, J. A. Nousek, J. P. Osborne, K. Page, A. M. Parsons, S. Patel, M. Perri, T. Poole, P. Romano, P.
W. A. Roming, S. Rosen, G. Sato, P. Schady, A. P. Smale, J. Sollerman, R. Starling, M. Still, M. Suzuki, G. Tagliaferri,
T. Takahashi, M. Tashiro, J. Tueller, A. A. Wells, N. E. White, and R. A. M. J. Wijers:A short γ−ray burst apparently
associated with an elliptical galaxy at redshift z =0.
437, pp.
1−854: Nature: (2005)
N. Y. Yamasaki, Y. Takei, K. Masui, K. Mitsuda, T. Morooka, S. Nakayama:Frequency Domain Multiplexing of TES Signals
by Magnetic Field Summation,Vol.E89−C(No.
2), pp.
98−105:IEICE Transactions on Electronics: (2006)
R. Miyawaki, H. Niko, Y. Okada, M. Kokubun, K. Makishima, H. Negoro, J. Kotoku, Y. Terada, T. Tanaka, T. Mitani, K.
Nakazawa, T. Takahashi, R. Ohno, M. Funaki, Y. Kuroda, K. Genba, M. Onishi: High resolution Fourier synthesis hard
X−ray imaging based on CdTe strip detectors,Vol.
5III), pp.
2052−2057:IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.: (2005)
S. D. Barthelmy, L. M. Barbier, J. R. Cummings, E. E. Fenimore, N. Gehrels, D. Hullinger, H. A. Krimm, C. B. Markwardt, D.
M. Palmer, A. Parsons, G. Sato, M. Suzuki, T. Takahashi, M. Tashiro, and J. Tueller:The Burst Alert Telescope (BAT)
on the SWIFT Midex Mission,Vol.
3−4), pp.143−164:Space Sci. Rev.: (2005)
S. Park, M. P. Muno, F. K. Baganoff, Y. Maeda, M. Morris, G. Chartas, D. Sanwal, D. N. Burrows, and G. P. Garmire:A Candidate Neutron Star Associated with Galactic Center Supernova Remnant Sagittarius A East,Vol.631(No.
2), pp.
975:Astrophys. J.: (2005)
S. Watanabe, T. Tanaka, K. Nakazawa, T. Mitani, K. Oonuki, T. Takahashi, T. Takashima, H. Tajima, Y. Fukazawa, M.
Nomachi, S. Kubo, M. Onishi, Y. Kuroda:A Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera,Vol.
5 III), pp.
2051: IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.: (2005)
T. G. Tsuru, S. Takagi, H. Matsumoto, T. Inui, K. Koyama, H. Tsunemi, K. Hayashida, E. Miyata, T. Dotani, M. Ozaki, H.
Awaki, S. Kitamoto, T. Kohmura:The development of a back−illuminated supportless CCD for SXI onboard the NeXT
1−2), pp.
392−397:Nucl. Inst. Methods Phys. Res. A.: (2005)
T. Takahashi, K. Nakazawa, S. Watanabe, G. Sato, T. Mitani, T. Tanaka, K. Oonuki, K. Tamura, H. Tajima, T. Kamae, G.
Madejski, M. Nomachi, Y. Fukazawa, K. Makishima, M. Kokubun, Y. Terada, J. Kataoka, M. Tashiro:Application of
CdTe for the NeXT mission,Vol.
1−2), pp.
332−341:Nucl. Inst. Methods Phys. Res. A.: (2005)
T. Tanaka, M. Sugiho, A. Kubota, K. Makishima, and T. Takahashi:Spectral Evolution of a Luminous Compact X−Ray Source
in NGC 253 with Chandra and XMM−Newton Observatories,Vol.
3), pp.
507−511:Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan:
Y. Fukazawa, T. Nakamoto, N. Sawamoto, S. Uno, T. Ohsugi, H. Tajima, T. Takahashi, T. Mitani, T. Tanaka, K. Nakazawa:
Development of low−noise double−sided silicon strip detector for cosmic soft gamma−ray Compton Camera,Vol.
1−2), pp.
342−349: Nucl. Inst. Methods Phys. Res. A.: (2005)
Y. Maeda, A. Kubota, Y. Kobayashi, A. Itoh, H. Kunieda, Y. Terashima, and Y. Tsuboi:A Search for X−Rays from the Long−
Duration Microlensing Event MACHO−96−BLG−5,Vol.
1), pp.L65−L68:Astrophys. J. Letters: (2005)
Y. Terada, S. Watanabe, M. Ohno, M. Suzuki, T. Itoh, I. Takahashi, G. Sato, M. Murashima, N. Kawano, Y. Uchiyama, S.
Kubo, T. Takahashi, M. Tashiro, M. Kokubun, K. Makishima, T. Kamae, T. Murakami, M. Nomachi, Y. Fukazawa, K.
Yamaoka, K. Nakazawa, D. Yonetoku:Development of a Monte Carlo simulator for the Astro−E2 Hard X−ray Detector (HXD−II) ,Vol.
4), pp.902−909: IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.: (2005)
Y. Uchiyama, C. M. Urry, J. Van Duyne, C. C. Cheung, R. M. Sambruna, T. Takahashi, F. Tavecchio, and L. Maraschi:Spitzer
IRAC Imaging of the Relativistic Jet from Superluminal Quasar PKS0637−752,Vol.
2), pp.L113−L116: Astrophys. J. Letters: (2005)
Y. Ueda, Y. Ishisaki, T. Takahashi, K. Makishima, and T. Ohashi:The ASCA Medium Sensitivity Survey (The GIS Catalog
Project): Source Catalog II., Vol.
2), pp.
185−223: Astrophys. J. Suppl.: (2005)
R. Kelley, K. Mitsuda: The Suzaku X−Ray Observatory:6 Years of Science with Chandra:(2005)
T. Takahashi:Current Status of Suzaku: Einstein’s Legacy: (2005)
T. Takahashi:Initial Results from Suzaku:International Workshop on Energy Budget in the High Energy Universe: (2006)
T. Takahashi, K. Mitsuda,: Current Status of Suzaku:The X−ray Universe2005: (2005)
C.A. Kilbourne, K.R. Boyce, G.V. Brown, J. Cottam, E. Figueroa−Feliciano, R. Fujimoto, T. Furusho, Y. Ishisaki, R.L. Kelley,
D. McCammon, K. Mitsuda, U. Morita, F.S. Porter, N. Ota, T. Saab, Y. Takei and M. Yamamoto:Analysis of the Suzaku/XRS background:11th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors: (2005)
H. Ikeda, T. Hiruta, K. Tamura, K. Nakazawa, T. Takashima, T. Takahashi, T. Kiyuna, M. Yamamoto, R. Ohno:Initial performance of the two−dimensional4096−channel amplifier array: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,: (2005)
H. Kunieda, and Suzaku Team:Mission overview of Suzaku and topics of observations:207th AAS Meeting: (2006)
H. Tsunemi, K. Torii, E. Miyata, M. Nomachi, H. Kunieda, Y. Ogasaka, and M. Itoh:Formation Flight All Sky Telescope
(FFAST): Optics for EUV, X−Ray, and Gamma−Ray Astronomy II, SPIE: (2005)
J. Cottam, K.R. Boyce, G.V. Brown, R. Fujimoto, T. Furusho, Y. Ishisaki, R.L. Kelley, C.A. Kilbourne, D. McCammon, K.
Mitsuda, U. Morita, N. Ota, F.S. Porter, T. Saab, Y. Takei and M. Yamamoto:Ground calibration of the XRS microcalorimeter onboard Suzaku:11th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors: (2005)
J. Kataoka, Y. Kanai, M. Arimoto, T. Ikagawa, T. Saito, M. Ueno, N. Kawai, R. Blandford, P. Chen, T. Kamae, G. Madejski,
T. Mizuno, J. Ng, H. Tajima, T. Thurston, L. Barbier, A. Harding, J. Krizmanic, S. Hunter, J. Mitchell, R. Streitmatter,
E. Groth, R. Fernholtz, D. Marlow, Y. Saito, T. Takahashi, S. Gunji, H. Sakurai, Y. Fukazawa, V. Anderson, P. Carlson, W. Klamra, M. Pearce, M. Suhonen, S. Larsson, F. Ryde, C.−I. Bjornsson, G. Bogaert, and S. Kishimoto: Low energy response of a prototype detector array for the PoGO astronomical hard x−ray polarimeter:UV, X−Ray, and Gamma
−Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIV, SPIE: (2005)
K. Masui, Y. Takei, H. Ikeda, S. Kimura, K. Mitsuda and N.Y. Yamasaki: Frequency−domain multiplex with eight−input
SQUID and readout electronics over 1MHz:11th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors: (2005)
K. Nakazawa, S. Takeda, T. Tanaka, T. Takahashi, S. Watanabe, Y. Fukazawa, N. Sawamoto, H. Tajima, T. Itoh, M. Kokubun:
High Energy Resolution 4 cm Wide Double−sided Silicon Strip Detectors:7th International Conference on Position
Sensitive Detectors (PSD7): (2005)
K. Narasaki, S. Tsunematsu, K. Kanao, H. Murakami, T. Nakagawa, K. Mitsuda, J. Inatani, H. Sugita and M. Murakami:Mechanical coolers operating below4.
5K for space application:11th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors: (2005)
K. Oonuki, T. Tanaka, S. Watanabe, S. Takeda, K. Nakazawa, M. Ushio, T. Mitani, T. Takahashi, H. Tajima:A stacked CdTe
pixel detector for a Compton camera:7th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors (PSD7): (2005)
K. Oonuki, T. Tanaka, S. Watanabe, S. Takeda, K. Nakazawa, T. Mitani, T. Takahashi, H. Tajima, Y. Fukazawa, and M.
Nomachi:Results of a Si/CdTe Compton telescope: Hard X−Ray and Gamma−Ray Detector Physics VII, SPIE: (2005)
K. Shinozaki, A. Hoshino, Y. Ishisaki, U. Morita, T. Ohashi, T. Mihara, K. Mitsuda, K. Tanaka, Y. Yagi, H. Koguchi, Y.
Hirano and H. Sakakita: First application of a TES microcalorimeter to a thermonuclear fusion plasma experiment:11th
International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors: (2005)
M. Ozaki, S. Watanabe, Y. Terada, T. Itoh, M. Kitsunezuka, Y. Ishisaki,T. Takahashi:Radiation physics simulator for space X−
ray observatory Astro−E2:Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,2004IEEE Volume 4: (2005)
N. Ota, K.R. Boyce, G.V. Brown, J. Cottam, R. Fujimoto, T. Furusho, Y. Ishisaki, R.L. Kelley, C.A. Kilbourne, D. McCammon, K. Mitsuda, U. Morita, F.S. Porter, Y. Takei and M. Yamamoto:Performance verification of the Suzaku X−ray
Spectrometer in the flight configuration:11th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors: (2005)
N. Y. Yamasaki, K. Masui, K. Mitsuda, T. Morooka, S. Nakayama and Y. Takei:Design of frequency domain multiplexing of
TES signals by multi−input SQUIDs:11th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors: (2005)
P. J. Shirron, M.J. DiPirro, J. Panek, R. Kelley, K. Mitsuda, R. Fujimoto, M. Hirabayashi and D. McCammon:The Astro−E2/
XRS−2 helium insert system:11th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors: (2005)
R. Fujimoto:Review: WHIM (and Calorimeters): The 3rd Japanese−German Colloquium, Relativistic Universe: (2006)
R. Fujimoto, K. Mitsuda, M. Hirabayashi, K. Narasaki, S. Breon, R. Boyle, M. DiPirro, S. M. Volz and R.L. Kelley:Neon dewar for the X−ray spectrometer onboard Suzaku:11th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors: (2005)
R. Shibata, R., Y. Ogasaka, K. Tamura, A. Furuzawa, Y. Tawara, H. Kunieda, K. Yamashita, R. Takahashi, M. Sakashita, T.
Miyazawa, K. Shimoda, Y. Fukaya, C. Sakai, N. Yamada, M. Naitou, T. Iwaraha, K. Sakaki, H. Mutoh, and J. Tueller:
Development of hard x−ray telescope for the InFOCµS balloon experiment:Optics for EUV, X−Ray, and Gamma−Ray
Astronomy II, SPIE:(2005)
R. Willingale, H. Kunieda, T. Okajima, and M. Naitoh: Optical design of the x−ray telescope for XEUS: Optics for EUV, X−
Ray, and Gamma−Ray Astronomy II, SPIE: (2005)
S. Watanabe, T. Tanaka, K. Oonuki, S. Takeda, K. Nakazawa, T. Takahashi, H. Tajima, Y. Fukazawa, M. Nomachi, M.
Kokubun, Y. Terada, M. Onishi, Y. Kuroda,:Recent Achievements of Si/CdTe Semiconductor Compton Telescopes:
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference,: (2005)
S. Watanabe,T. Tanaka, K. Oonuki, T. Mitani, S. Takeda, T. Kishishita, K. Nakazawa, T. Takahashi,Y. Kuroda, M. Onishi:Development of CdTe Pixel Detectors for Compton Cameras:4th International Beaune Conference on New Developments in Photodetection: (2005)
T. Dotani:Emission Components in the X−ray Binaries:The 3rd Japanese−German Colloquium, Relativistic Universe:(2006)
T. Hiruta, K. Tamura, H. Ikeda, K. Nakazawa, T. Takashima, T. Takahashi:The development of the two−dimensional VLSI for
hard X−ray spectroscopy and imaging with CdTe pixel detector:International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging: (2005)
T. Oshima, A. Tsuchiya, K. Sato, N.Y. Yamasaki and T. Morooka:Development of a low temperature SQUID gradiometer for
magnetic microcalorimeters:11th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors: (2005)
T. Takahashi:Review: Non−Thermal Phenomena and NeXT:The 3rd Japanese−German Colloquium, Relativistic Universe:
T. Takahashi: A Si/CdTe Compton Camera for Gamma−ray Lens experiment:Focusing Telescopes in Nuclear Astrophysics:
T. Takahashi, T. Kishishita, T. Mitani, K. Nakazawa, K. Oonuki, G. Sato, T. Tanaka, S. Watanabe, H. Tajima,Y. Fukazawa, M.
Nomachi, M. Kokubun, Y. Terada, Y. Kuroda: High Resolution CdTe pixel detector for Hard X−ray and Gamma−ray
Observations:IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference: (2005)
T. Tanaka, S. Watanabe, S. Takeda, K. Oonuki, T. Mitani, K. Nakazawa, T. Takashima, T. Takahashi, H. Tajima, N.
Sawamoto, Y. Fukazawa, M. Nomachi,:Recent results from a Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton telescope: 10th
Europian Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors: (2005)
T. Yoshino, K. Yoshida, T. Hagihara, K. Sato, U. Morita, Y. Ishisaki, R. Fujimoto, N.Y. Yamasaki and K. Mitsuda:Properties
of vacuum−evaporated bismuth absorber:11th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors: (2005)
U. Morita, Y. Yamakawa, T. Fujimori, Y. Ishisaki, T. Ohashi, Y. Takei, K. Yoshida, T. Yoshino, K. Mitsuda, N.Y. Yamasaki,
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Y. Ezoe, K. Mitsuda, M. Mita, M. Koshiishi, Y. Ishisaki, K. Shinozaki, and A. Hoshino: Research and development of MEMS
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Y. Ogasaka, J. Tueller, K. Yamashita, P. Serlemitsos, R. Shibata, K. Tamura, A. Furuzawa, T. Miyazawa, R. Takahashi, M.
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Y. Terada, K. Yamaoka, S. Sugita, M. Ohno, T. Takahashi, Y. Fukazawa, K. Abe, Y. Endo, S. Hong, K. Onda, M. Tashiro, G.
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C. Yamauchi & T. Goto: Radial and 2D Colour Properties of E+A Galaxies,Vol.352, pp.
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C. Yamauchi, S. Ichikawa, M. Doi, N. Yasuda, M. Yagi, M. Fukugita, S. Okamura, O. Nakamura, M. Sekiguchi & T. Goto:
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C.J.Miller, T.Goto et al.: The C4 Clustering Algorithm: Clusters of Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,Volume130, Issue3, pp.968−1001: The Astrophysical Journal: (2005)
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D. Ishihara, T. Wada, T. Onaka, H. Matsuhara, H. Kataza, M. Ueno, N. Fujishiro, W. Kim, H. Watarai, K.. Uemizu, H. Murakami, T. Matsumoto, I. Yamamura: Mid−Infrared All−Sky Survey with the Infrared Camera (IRC) on Board the ASTRO−F Satellite,Vol.118, pp.
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Daisuke Ishihara, Takashi Onaka, Hirokazu Kataza, Takashi Miyata, Yoshiko K. Okamoto, Takuya Yanashita, Sigeyuki Sako,
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H. Hirashita, H. Shibai, & T. T. Takeuchi:Search for high column density systems with gamma ray bursts,accepted:Astron. Astrophys.: (20
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H. Kaneda, T. Onaka, T. Nakagawa, K. Enya, H. Murakami, R. Yamashiro, T. Ezaki, Y. Numao, and Y. Sugiyama: Cryogenic
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H. Kaneda, M. Akazaki, and T. Nakagawa:Investigation of Low−dose Radiation Effects in Ge:Ga far−infrared photoconductors
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H. Matsuhara, H. Shibai, T. Onaka, F. Usui:The ASTRO−F Mission: Large Area Infrared Survey,Vol.36(6), pp.1091−1098:
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Hiroyuki Sugita, Takao Nakagawa, Hiroshi Murakami, Atsushi Okamoto, Hiroki Nagai, Masahide Murakami, Katsuhiro
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T. Matsumoto:ASTRO−F: Mission Overview:ASTRO−F: Mission Overview,Vol.
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N. Fujishiro, W. Kim, H. Matsuhara, T. Onaka, H. Kataza, T. Wada, K. Uemizu, M. Ueno, H. Murakami, D. Ishihara, H. Watarai, N. Takeyama, Y. Ikeda, T. Yamamuro, I. Sakon, C. Ihara: Optical System of the12−26micron instrument (MIR−
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S. Tanaka, T. Nakagawa, H. Kataza, K. Enya, M. Tamura, L. Abe and the SPICA coronagraph team:Shaped pupil coronagraphs for high−contrast imaging with SPICA: IAU colloquium No.
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T. Ozaki, M. Kume, T. Oshima, T. Nakagawa, T. Matsumoto, H. Kaneda, H. Murakami, H. Kataza, Y. Y. Yui, T. Onaka, and
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Y. Matsuoka, S. Oyabu, Y. Tsuzuki, K. Kawara, Y. Yoshii: O I Line Emission in the Quasar PG1116+215,Vol.
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H. Kaneda, T. Onaka, and I. Sakon: Observations fo Nearby Elliptical Galaxies with Spitzer/IRS and MIPS, To appear in the
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I. Sakon, T. Onaka, H. Kaneda, D. Tokura, Y. Y. Tajiri, H. Takahashi, D. Kato, and T. Onishi: The properties of mid− to far−
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T. Tsuchiya, W. Kim, H. Matsuhara, T. Wada, S. Oyabu, E.. Egami: Morophological study of the Spitzer sources at 1<z in
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W. Kim, H. Matsuhara, T. Onaka, H. Kataza, T. Wada, K. Uemizu, M. Ueno, H. Murakami, N. Fujishiro, D. Ishihara, H. Watarai, N. Takeyama, Y. Ikeda: Optical Performance Evaluation of Near InfraRed camera (NIR) on board ASTRO−F, Vol.
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J. Kurihara, K.−I. Oyama, N. Iwagami, and T. Takahashi:Numerical simulation of3D flow around sounding rocket in the lower
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T. Abe, Y. Ichikawa, and A. W. Yau:Generation of high−density plasma in the polar cap observed by the Akebono satellite:
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H. Matsumoto:Sustainable humanosphere with energy from space:2nd international conference on recent advances in space
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H. Usui, M. Okada, Y. Omura, T. Murata, T. Sugiyama,T. Miyake, T. Ogino, H. Matsumoto: Numerical analysis of spacecraft
−plasma interactions with geospace environment simulator: The IAGA scienfic assembly: (2005)
T. Mukai:Past and future perspectives of the Japanese magnetospheric satellite observations:Ejiri symposium on the frontier of
space science: (2006)
T. Mukai:Past and future perspectives of space plasma observations in Japan: Radio science symposium for a sustainable humanosphere: (2006)
T. Mukai:GEOTAIL observations of thin current sheets in the magnetotail: A review: EGU General Assembly: (2005)
T. Terasawa,T. I. Yamamoto,Y. Saito,T. Mukai:Acceleration and transport processes of foreshock diffuse ions: GEOTAIL contribution:EGU General Assembly:(2005)
A. Balogh,C. M. Carr,W. Baumjohann,K. H. Glasmeier, A. Matsuoka: Mermag: the magnetic field investigation for the BepiColombo Mercury planetary orbiter:EGU General Assembly: (2005)
A. K. M. Baki, N. Shinohara, H. Matsumoto:Study of frequency, phase and pilot signal receiving antenna spacing error for solar power satellite: URSI general assembly2005: (2005)
A. Matsuoka, W. Baumjohann: The magnetic field experiment (Mermag−M/MGF) for BepiColombo MMO: AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting2005: (2005)
Abe, T.; Yau, A.W.; Watanabe, S.; Yamada, M.; Sagawa, E.:Polar Wind and Thermal Ion Outflow: Akebono Observations and
its Implication on Ion Acceleration Mechanism: IAGA General Assembly: (2005)
H. Hayakawa, H. Yamakawa, H. Ogawa, Y. Kasaba, T. Mukai: Overview of BepiColombo MMO: EGU General Assembly:
H. Hayakawa, Y. Kasaba,T. Mukai:BepiColombo−MMO scientific aspects and system update:AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting
2005: (2005)
H. Matsumoto, J. L. Bougeret, L. Blomberg, K. Kojima,S. Yagitani: Plazma wave investigation (PWI) onboard Bepicolombo
Mercury magnetospheric orbiter(MMO): AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting2005: (2005)
H. Usui, H. Matsumoto, Y. Omura: Possible influences of SSPS on the space plasma environment:2nd international conference on recent advances in spce technologies: (2005)
H. Usui, M. Okada, Y. Omura, T. Sugiyama,T. Murata, H. Ueda, M. Nakamura, H. Matsumoto:Geospace environment simulator and the application to the analysis of plasma emission from ion propulsion engine: URSI general assembly2005:
J. A. Sauvaud, C. Aoustin, A. Fedorov, J. L.. Medale, J. Rouzaud, P. Louarn, C. Jacquey, E.. Amata, Z. Nemecek, Y. Saio: The
electron spectrometers for the BepiColombo magnetospheric Mercury orbiter: EGU General Assembly: (2005)
J. Kurihara, T. Abe, K.−I. Oyama, E. Griffin, M. Kosch, A. Aruliah, K. Kauristie, Y. Ogawa, S. Komada, and N. Iwagami: In
situ observations of neutral temperature and density in the polar lower thermosphere during the DELTA campaign:
AGU Fall Meeting: (2005)
K. Hashimoto, H. Shibata, H. Matsumoto: A self−steering array and its application to phase synchronization of transmitter
units and SPS: URSI general assembly2005: (2005)
K. Maezawa, Y. Kubota, H. Jin:Similarities and differences in the SOLAR wind interaction with MARS and VENUS: AOGS
2nd Annual Meeting2005: (200
K. Nanokaichi, N. Shinohara, S. Kawasaki, T. Mitani, H. Matsumoto: Development of waveguide−slot−fed active integrated
antenna for microwave power transmission: URSI general assembly2005: (2005)
L. Blomberg, H. Matsumoto: Electric fields in Mercury’s environment measured by BepiColombo/MMO/PWI−scientific case
and planned instrumentation: AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting2005: (2005)
M. Hirahara, K. Seki, Y. Saito, T. Mukai: GEOTAIL observations of heavy cold ion signatures of ionospheric origin in the
near−Earth magnetosphere: The IAGA scienfic assembly: (2005)
M. Hirahara, T. Sakanoi, K. Asamura, Y. Kasaba, M. Okada: Micro−satellite mission ”INDEX” for the exploration of small−
scale auroral properties: current status and observation/operation plans:AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting2005: (2005)
M. Hirahara, T. Takashima, N. Fujikawa, H. Saito, K. Asamura, Y. Saito, T. Yanagimachi: High−energy particle instruments
for the exploration of the Mercury’s magnetosphere by BepiColombo−MMO: EGU General Assembly: (2005)
N. Shinohara, H. Matsumoto: Microwave power transmission system with phase and amplitude cntrolled magnetrons: 2nd international conference on recent advances in spce technologies: (2005)
N. Shinohara, T. Mitani, H. Matsumoto:Study on ubiquitous power source with microwave power transmission: URSI general
assembly2005: (2005)
N. Yu, Ganushkina, T. Nagai, Y. Ebihara, M. Hirahara, T. I. Pulkkinen, T. Mukai: Energy−dispersed ion structures observed
by AKEBONO (LEP) satellite inside the diffuse auroral region: EGU General Assembly: (2005)
P. Travnicek, P, Hellinger,D. Schriver, Y. Saito: Interaction betweeen solar wind flow and the hermean magnetosphere: Hybrid
simulations:EGU General Assembly: (2005)
P. Travnicek, P. Hellinger, Y. Saito: Interaction between solar wind flow and the hermean magnetosphere: hybrid simulations:
AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting2005: (2005)
S. Barabash, K. Asamura, A. Bhardwaj, Y. Saito,R. Sridharan, Y. Kazama, R.. Lundin, M. Holmstrom, Y. Futaana, P. Wurz:
Energetic neutral atom imaging of Mercury and the Moon. Science and instrumentation: EGU General Assembly:
T. Abe, A.W. Yau, S. Watanabe, M. Yamada, E. Sagawa:Solar−cycle variations of polar wind and thermal ion outflows: Akebono observations and implications on magnetosphere−ionosphere coupling, EOS Trans. AGU, Spring meeting Suppl.
2005.:American Geophysical Union Spring meeting:(2005)
T. Abe, J. Kurihara, N. Iwagami, S. Nozawa, Y. Ogawa, R. Fujii, H. Miyaoka, T. Aso, M. Kosch, E. Griffin, A. Aruliah, W.
Singer, E.V. Thrane, H. Hayakawa, K.I. Oyama,: Dynamics and Energetics in the lower thermosphere in aurora
(DELTA) −Japanese sounding rocket campaign−: The17th ESA symposium on European rocket and balloon programs
and related works: (2005)
T. Obara, T. Goka,H. Matsumoto:Toward the radiation belt forecast in Japan:2nd international conference on recent advances
in spce technologies: (2005)
T. Ono,M. Hirahara,K. Shiokawa,K. Seki,Y. Miyoshi,ERG project team:ERG satellite mission to study on the formation of radiation bert:AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting2005:(2005)
T. Takashima,J. Nishimura,T. Kashiwagi,S. Okuno,K. Yoshida,M. Itoh,K. Furuichi:Development of alpha ray detector(ARD)
for mapping of Rn and Po on the LUNAR surface onboard Japanese LUNAR mission SELENE:IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symposium and medical imaging Conf.:(2005)
T. Takashima, K. Asamura, M. Hirahara, N. Fujikawa, S. Kasahara:Development of plasma and particle instrument package of
the ERG satellite mission: AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting2005: (2005)
W. Baumjohann, A. Matsuoka, W. Magnes, R. Nakamura, K. H. Glassmeier, U. Auster, A. Balogh: The Manetometer onboard
BepiColombo MMO: EGU General Assembly: (2005)
W. H. IP, Y. Saito, K. W. Min, P. Hartogh, S. Orsini: A mission called Sapporo: AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting2005: (2005)
Y. Miyake, H. Usui, H. Kojima, H. Matsumoto, Y. Omura: Particle−in−cell simulations on electric field antenna characteristics
in space plasma: URSI general assembly2005: (2005)
Y. Miyoshi, K. Shiokawa, K. Seki, T. Ono,M. Hirahara, ERG Project team: Science objectives of the ERG satellite mission:
AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting2005: (2005)
Y. Saito, D. Delcourt, A. Coates, Bepi−Colombo MMO plasma/particle consortium: Low energy ion boservation by Mercury
magnetospheric orbiter: MMO:EGU General Assembly: (2005)
Y. Saito, D. Delcourt, A. J. Coates: Low energy ion observation by MERCURY magnetospheric orbiter: MMO: AOGS 2nd
Annual Meeting2005: (2005)
Y. Saito, M. Fujimoto: Instrument developments that enables the future solar−system plasma science missions in JAPAN:
AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting2005: (2005)
Y. Saito, Y. Tsuda, T. Takashima, M. Fujimoto, H. Kojima:Japanese future magnetospheric satellite mission ”SCOPE”: AOGS
2nd Annual Meeting2005: (2005)
Y. Uchihori, T. Kashiwagi, K. Hibino, H. Kitamura, S. Okano, T. Takashima, K. Yajima, M. Yokota, K. Yoshida: Investigation of synthetic diamond radiation detector using heavy ion beams: IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symposium and medical imaging
Conf.: (200
A. Bhardwaj, S. Barabash, Y. Futaana, Y. Kazama, K. Asamura, D. McCann, R. Sridharan, M. Holmstrom, P. Wurz, R.
Rundin: Low energy neutral atom imaging on the Moon with the SARA instrument aboard chandrayaan−1 mission,
Vol.114,6,749−760: Journal of Earth System Science: (2005)
A. Morioka, Y. S. Miyoshi, F. Tsuchiya, H. Misawa, A. Kumamoto, H. Oya, H. Matsumoto, K. Hashimoto, T. Mukai: Auroral
kilometric radiation activity during magnetically quiet periods, Vol. 110, A11223: Journal of geophysical research:
A. V. Dmitriev, J. K. Chao, A. V. Suvorova, K. Ackerson, K. Ishisaka, Y. Kasaba, H. Kojima, H. Matsumoto: Indirect estimation of the solar wind conditions in29−31October2003, Vol. 110, A09S02: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
B. Shishkov, H. Matsumoto, N. Shinohara: Probabilistic approach to design of large antenna arrays, Vol.17,249−269: Priska
Stud. Math. Bulgar: (2005)
C. J. Farrugia, H. Matsui, H. Kucharek, R. B. Torbert, C. W. Smith, V. K. Jordanova, K. W. Ogilvie, R. P. Lepping, D. B. Berdichevsky, T. Terasawa, J. Kasper, T. Mukai, Y. Saito, R. Skoug: Interplanetary coronal mass ejection and ambient interplanetary magnetic field correlations during the sun−Earth connection events of October−November2003, Vol.110,
A09S13: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
H. Hasegawa, K. Maezawa, Y. Saito, T. Mukai: Relationship between field−aligned electron fluxes and field line topology at
the tail lobe magnetopause: Geotail Obsevations, Vol36,1772−1778: Advances in space research: (2005)
H. Matsumoto, J. L. Bougeret, L. G. Blomberg, H. Kojima, S. Yagitani, Y. Omura, M. Moncuquet, G. Chanteur, Y. Kasaba, J.
G. Trotignon, Y. Kasahara, BepiColombo MMO PWI Team: Plasma/radio wave observations at mercury by the bepicolombo MMO: advances in Geosciences: (2005)
H. Shirai, K. Maezawa, M. Fujimoto, T. Mukai.: Monoenergetic drop−off of auroral ion fluxes and their mapping onto the
magnetospheric equatorial plane, Vol.36,1762−1766: Advances in space research: (2005)
H. Shirai, T. K. Takada, T. Mukai: Velocity of magnetic neutral lines in the magnetotail, Vol. 36, 1878−1882: Advances in
space research: (2005)
H. Tanaka, Y. Saito, K. Asamura, S. Ishii, T. Mukai: High time resolution measurement of multiple electron precipitations with
energy−time despersion in high−latitude part of the cusp region, Vol.110, A07204: Journal of geophysical research:
H. Tanaka, Y. Saito, K. Asamura, T. Mukai: Numerical modeling of electron energy−time dispersions in the high−latitude part
of the cusp region, Vol.110, A05213: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
J. Nishimura, T. Kashiwagi, T. Takashima, S. Okuno, K. Yoshida, M. Itoh: Radon alpha−ray detector on−board lunar mission
SELENE, Vol.37,34−37: Advances in space research: (2006)
K. Hashimoto, R. R. Anderson, J. L. Green, H. Matsumoto: Source and propagation characteristics of kilometric continuum observed with multiple satellites, Vol.110, A09229: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
K. Ishisaka, T. Miyake, T. Okada, Y. Kasaba, H. Hayakawa, H. Matsumoto, Y. Saito, T. Mukai: Estimation of electron number
density in near tail regions by GEOTAIL spacecraft potential: URSI general assembly2005: (2005)
K. Nanokaichi, S. Kawasaki, N. Shinohara, H. Matsumoto: A thin unit panel with layered high−power active integrated antenna for space solar power system:56th international astronautical congress: (2005)
K. Shin, H. Kojima, H. Matsumoto, T. Mukai: Electrostatic quasi−monochromatic waves in the downstream region of the
earth’s bow shock: GEOTAIL observations: Earth planets space: (2005)
K. Shiokawa, I. Shinohara, T. Mukai, H. Hayakawa, C. Z. Cheng: Magnetic field fluctuations during substorm−associated dipolarizations in the nightside plasma sheet around X= −10RE, Vol. 110, A05
212: Journal of geophysical research:
K. Shiokawa, Y. Miyashita, I. Shinohara, A. Matsuoka: Decrease in Bz prior to the dipolarization in the near−Earth plasma
sheet, Vol.110, A09219: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
K. T. Murata, K. Yamamoto, D. Matsuoka, E.. Kimuara, H. Matsumoto, M. Okada, T. Mukai, J. B. Sigwarth, S. Fujita, T.
Tanaka, K. Yumoto, T. Ogino, K. Shiokawa, N. A. Tsyganenko, J. L. Green, T. Nagai: Development of the virtual
Earth’s magnetosphere system (VEMS), Vol.19,135−151: Adv. In Polar Upper Atmosphere Res.: (2005)
K. Tsubouchi, H. Matsumoto: Effect of upstream rotational field on the formation of magnetic depressions in a quasi−perpendicular shock downstream, Vol.110, A04101: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
K. Tsubouchi, Y. Omura, H. Matsumoto: Statistical properties and time series modeling of Dst−INDEX: long−term space
weather forecast: AGU Fall meeting: (2005)
M. Hikishima, S. Yagitani, I. Nagano, Y. Omura, H. Matsumoto: Particle simulation of cyclotron interaction of chorus in a
nonuniform magnetic field: URSI general assembly2005: (2005)
M. Kurata, H. Tsunakawa, Y. Saito, H. Shibuya, M. Matsushima, H. Shimizu: Mini−magnetosphere over the reiner gamma
magnetic anomaly region on the Moon, Vol.32, L24205: Geophysical research letters: (2005)
M. Oka, T. Terasawa, Y. Saito, T. Mukai: Field−aligned beam observations at the quasi−perpendicular bow shock: generation
and shock angle dependence, Vol.110, A05101: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
O. Takechi, H. Matsumoto, N. Shinohara, K. Hashimoto: Suppression method of grating lobe by pulse power transmission
from an array antenna, Part1, Vol.88, 1−10: Electronics and Communications in Japan: (2005)
O. Takechi, N. Shinohara, H. Matsumoto: Spatial power combining oscillator array with band elimination filter connection
method for microwave power transmission, Part1, Vol.88: Electronics and Communications in Japan: (2005)
R. Lundin, D. Winningham, S. Barabash, R. Frahm, M. Holmstrom, J. A. Sauvaud, A. Fedorov, K. Asamura, A. J. Coates, Y.
Swbiah, K. C. Hsieh, M. Grande, H. Koskinen, E. Kallio, J. Kozyra, J. Woch, M. Fraenz, D. Brain, J. Luhmann, S.
McKenna−Lawler, R. S. Orsini, P. Brandt, P. Wu: Plasma acceleration above martian magnetic anomaries, Vol,311,
83: Science: (2006)
S. Imada, M. Hoshino, T. Mukai: Average profiles of energetic and thermal electrons in the magnetotail reconnection regions,
Vol.32,, L09101: Geophysical research letters: (2005)
S. Yokota, Y. Saito: Estimation of picked−up lunar ions for future compositional remote SIMS analyses of the lunar surface,
Vol.57,281−289: Earth planets space: (2005)
T. A. Keiko, K. Maezawa, T. Mukai, H. Hayakawa: Latitudinal and longitudinal displacement of cusp ion precipitaion controlled by IMF By and Bz, Vol.57,627−641: Earth planets space: (2005)
T. Abe, J. Kurihara, K.−I. Oyama, N. Iwagami, S. Nozawa, Y. Ogawa, R. Fujii, M. Kosch, E. Griffin, A. Aruliah, K. Kauristie,
and E. V. Thrane: Coordinated rocket and ground−based observations of neutral temperature during the Dynamics and
Energetics of the Lower Thermosphere in Aurora (DELTA) campaign: AGU Fall Meeting: (2005)
T. Hori, A. T. Y. Lui, S. Ohtani, P. C:son Brandt, B. H. Mauk, R. W. McEntire, K. Maezawa, T. Mukai, Y. Kasaba, H. Hayakawa: Storm−time convection electric field in the near−Earth plasma sheet, Vol.1
10, A04213: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
T. Kimura, Y. Omura, H. Matsumoto: Impacts of oil production decline on Japanese food supply−prospects toward sustainable
human, Vol.31,4549−: Journal of JSES: (2005)
T. Mitani, N. Shinohara, H. Matsumoto, H. Aiga, N. Kuwahara: Experimental research on generation mechanism of spurious
noises from microwave oven magnetron: Sixth international vacuum electronics conference IVEC2005: (2005)
T. Mitani, N. Shinohara, H. Matsumoto, M. Aiga, N. Kuwahara, T. Handa: Time domain analysis of noises generated from microwave oven magnetron, Part2, Vol.88,28−36: Electronics and Communications in Japan: (2005)
T. Mitani, N. Shinohara, K. Nanokaichi, H. Matsumoto: Numerical simulation on microwave beam pattern of SPS/test satellite
in consideration of electrical and structural errors: URSI general assembly2005: (2005)
T. Mukai, A. M. Nakamura, T. Sakai: Asteroidal surface studies by laboratory light scattering and LIDAR on HAYABUSA,
Vol.37,138−141: Advances in space research: (2006)
T. Nagai, M. Fujimoto, R. Nakamura, W. Baumjohann, A. Ieda, I. Shinohara, S. Machida, Y. Saito, T. Mukai: Solar wind control of the radial distance of the magnetic reconnection site in the magnetotail, Vol.110, A09208: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
T. Seki, A. Morioka, Y. S. Miyoshi, F. Tsuchiya, H. Misawa, W. Gonzalez, T. Sakanoi, H. Oya, H. Matsumoto, K. Hashimoto,
T. Mukai: Auroral kilometric radiation and magnetosphere−ionosphere coupling process during magnetic storms, Vol.
110, A05206: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
T. Sugiyama, M. Fujimoto, H. Matsumoto: Energy spectra of energetic ions around quasi−parallel shocks, Vol.156, 87−95:
AGU Geophysical monograph: (2005)
T. Takada, K. Seki, M. Hirahara, T. Terasawa, M. Hoshino, T. Mukai: Two Types of PSBL ion beam obseved by Geotail:
Their relation to low frequency electromagnetic waves and cold ion energization, Vol. 36, 1883−1889: Advances in
space research: (2005)
T. Terasawa, K. Nakata, M. Oka, Y. Saito, T. Mukai, H. Hayakawa, A. Matsuoka, K. Tsuruda, K. Ishisaka, K. Kasaba, H. Kojima, H. Matsumoto: Determination of shock parameters for the very fast interplanetary shock on29Octover2003, Vol.
110, A09S12: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
T. Umeda, M. Ashour−abdalla, D. Schriver, R. L. Richard, F. V. Coroniti, H. Matsumoto: Simulation study on the generation
of electrostatic cyclotron harmonic (ECH) waves: URSI general assembly2005: (2005)
T. Umeda, Y. Omura, T. Miyake, H. Matsumoto, M. Ashour−Abdalla: Nonlinear evolution of the electron two−stream instability: Two−dimensional particle simulations: AGU Fall meeting: (2005)
W. Miyake, Y. Saito, H. Hayakawa, A. Matsuoka: On the correlation of the solar wind observed at the L5 point and at the
Earth, Vol.36,2328−2332: Advances in space research: (2005)
W. Miyake, Y. Saito, H. Hayakawa, A. Matsuoka: A study of correlation between solar wind data observed at two points in interplanetary space during the recent solar maximum, Vol.227,355−370: Solar Physics: (2005)
Y. Hirano, H. Fukunishi, R. Kataoka, T. Hasunuma, T. Nagatsuma, W. Miyake, A. Matsuoka: Evidence for the resonator inertial alfven waves in the cusp topside ionosphere, Vol.110, A07218: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
Y. Kazama, S. Barabash, A. Bhardwaj, K. Asamura, Y. Futaana, M. Holmstrom, R. Lundin, R. Sridharan, P. Wurz: Energetic
neutral atom imaging mass spectroscopy of the Moon and Mercury environments, Vol.37,38−44: Advances in space
research: (2
Y. Kazama, T. Mukai: Simultaneous appearance of energy−dispersed ion signatures of ionospheric and magnetotail orgins in
the near−Earth plasma sheet, Vol.110, A07213: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
Y. Miyashita, A. Ieda, Y. Kamide, S. Machida, T. Mukai, Y. Saito, K. Liou, C. I. Meng, G. K. Parks, R. W. McEntire, N.
Nishitani, M. Lester, G. J. Sofko, J. P. Villain: Plasmoids observed in the near−Earth magnetotail at X~ −7RE, Vol.
110, A12214: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
Y. Miyashita, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Matsumoto, A. Ieda, Y. Kamide, M. Nose, S. Machida, H. Hayakawa, R. W. McEntire, S. P.
Christon, D. S. Evans, O. A. Troshichev: GEOTAIL observations of signatures in the near−Earth magnetotail for the
extremely intense substorms of the30October2003storm, Vol.110, A09S25: Journal of geophysical research: (2005)
Y. Ueda, H. Kojima, Y. Saito, H. Matsumoto: Observation characteristics of digital wave particle correlator (DWPC): URSI
general assembly2005: (2005)
T. Abe, J. Kurihara, K. Oyama, N. Iwagami, S. Nozawa, Y. Ogawa, R. Fujii, M. Kosch, E. Griffin, A. Aruliah, K. Kauristie, E.
Thrane: Coordinated rocket and ground−based observations of neutral temperature during the Dynamics and Energetics
of the Lower Thermosphere in Aurora (DELTA) campaign, EOS Trans, AGU fall meeting Suppl.2005: (2005)
H. Hanada, K. Heki, H. Araki, K. Matumoto, H. Noda, N. Kawano, T. Tsubokawa, S. Tsuruta, S. Tazawa, K. Asari, Y. Kono,
T. Yano, N. Gouda, T. Iwata, T. Yokoyama, H. Kanamori, K. Funazaki, and T. Miyazaki: Application of PZT telescope
to Insitu Lunar Orientation Measurement (ILOM), Vol.128, pp163−168: International Association of Geodesy Symposia: (2005)
H. Miyamoto, J. Haruyama, T. Kobayashi, K. Suzuki, T. Okada, T. Nishibori, A. P. Showman, R. Lorenz, K. Mogi, D. A.
Crown, J.A.P. Rodriguez, S. Rokugawa, T. Tokunaga, and K. Masumoto: Mapping the structure and depth of lava tubes
by the Ground Penetrating Radar method,Vol.
32, p.L21316: Geophys. Res. Lett.: (2005)
H. Noda K. Asari, Y. Kono, T. Iwata, N. Namiki, H. Hanada, N. Kawano, and Z. Yamamoto: Ground−base verification of four
−way Doppler measurement for the SELENE mission,Vol. 128,pp 152−156: International Association of Geodesy
Symposia: (2005)
Haruyama, J., Ohtake, M., Matsunaga, T., and LISM Working Group.:Global High−resolution stereo mapping of the Moon
with the SELENE Terrain Camera:Adv.in Geosciences2005,228−236,2
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Hiroshi Takedaa, A. Yamaguchib, D. D. Bogardc, Y. Karoujid, M. Ebiharad, M. Ohtakee, K. Saikif and T. Arai:Magnesian
Anorthosites and a Deep Crustal Rock from the Farside Crust of the Moon:Earth and Planetary Science Letters: (2006)
Lederer S. M., Domingue D. L., Vilas F., Abe M., Farnham T. L., Jarvis K. S., Lowery S. C., Ohba Y., Weissman P. R., French
L. M., Fukai H., Hasegawa S., Ishiguro M., Lardon S. M., and Takagi Y.: Physical characteristics of Hayabusa target
173,153−165.: Icarus: (2005)
Masaru Nishiguchi, Michisato Toyoda, Morio Ishihara, Makiko Ohtake, Takamitsu Sugihara and Itsuo Katakuse:Development
of a Miniature Double Focusing Mass Spectrograph Using a Focal Plane Detector,
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Spectrometry Society of Japan: (2006)
Muller T. G., Sekiguchi T., Kaasalainen M., Abe M., and Hasegawa S.:Thermal infrared observations of the Hayabusa spacecraft target asteroid25143Itokawa,443,347−355.: Astron. Astropys.: (2
S. Sugita, T. Ootsubo, T. Kadono, M. Honda, S. Sako, T. Miyata, Sakon, T. Yamashita, H. Kawakita, H. Fujiwara, T. Fujiyoshi, N. Takato, T. Fuse, J. Watanabe, R. Furusho, S. Hasegawa, T. Kasuga, T. Sekiguchi, D. Kinoshita, K. J. Meech,
D. H. Wooden, W. H. Ip, M. F. A’Hearn:Subaru Telescope Observations of Deep Impact:Science, 310, 274−278:
Sekine, Y., S. Sugita, T. Shido, T. Yamamoto, Y. Iwasawa, T. Kadono, and T. Matsui: The role of Fischer−Tropsch catalysis in
the origin of methane−rich Titan:Icarus,178,154−164: (2005)
T. Iwata, T. Sasaki, T. Izumi, Y. Kono, H. Hanada, N. Kawano, and F. Kikuchi: Results of the critical design of RSAT/VRAD
mission instruments on SELENE sub−satellites Rstar/Vstar for selenodesy,Vol. 128,pp. 157−162:International Association of Geodesy Symposia: (2005)
T. Okada, K. Shirai, Y. Yamamoto, T. Arai, K. Ogawa, K. Hosono, M. Kato:Instrumentation and observations of the XRS onboard HAYABUSA,Vol.3, pp.119−128,: Advances in Geosciecnces: (2006)
T. Okada, S. Sasaki, T. Sugihara, K. Saiki, H. Akiyama, M. Ohtake, H. Takeda, N. Hasebe, M. Kobayashi, J. Haruyama, K.
Shirai, M. Kato, T. Kubota, Y. Kunii, Y. Kuroda, the SELENE−B Rover Science Group:Lander and rover exploration
on the lunar surface: A study for SELENE−B mission, Vol37, pp.
88−92.: Advances in Space Research,: (2006)
Yamamoto, S., T. Kadono, S. Sugita, and T. Matsui:Velocity distributions of high−velocity ejecta from regolith targets: Velocity distributions of high−velocity ejecta from regolith targets: Icarus,178,264−273
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Nakamura: Global Properties of 25143 Itokawa Observed by Hayabusa,: 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science
H. Yano, T. Kubota, H. Miyamoto, T. Okada, D. Scheeres, Y. Takagi, K. Yoshida, M. Abe, S. Abe, O. Barnouin−Jha, A. Fujiwara, S. Hasagawa, T. Hashimoto, M. Ishiguro, M. Kato, J. Kawaguchi, T. Mukai, J. Saito, S. Sasaki, M. Yoshikawa:
Hayabusa’s Touch Down Sites at the Smooth Terrain on Asteroid 251
43 Itokawa: 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary
Science Conference: (2006)
K. Matsumoto, N. Kamimori, Y. Takizawa, M. Kato, M. Oda, S. Wakabayashi, S. Kawamoto, T. Okada, T. Iwata, M. Ohtake:
Japanese Lunar Exploration Long Tern Plan:56th IAC (Internatinal Astronautical Congress)2005: (2005)
M. NAKAMURA, M. KATO and Y. KASABA: JAXA Future Programs for Scientific Planetary Exploration: Asia Oceania
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M.Abe:The nature of (25143) Itokawa, a target asteroid of ”HAYABUSA” sample−return mission:台湾中央大學セミ
M.Abe, Hayabusa science team:Nature of asteroid (25143) Itokawa observed by Hayabusa spacecraft:台湾中央大學セミ
T. Okada, K. Shirai, Y. Yamamoto, T. Arai, K. Ogawa, K. Hosono, M. Kato:X−Ray Fluorescence Experiments of Asteroid
Itokawa by the XRS Onboard Hayabusa:37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: (2006)
T. Terasawa and Y. Kasaba: Geotail Observations During Extreme Solar Events: An Extremely Fast Interplanetary Shock on
29October2003: Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2nd annual meeting: (2005)
Abe M., Kinoshita D., Kitazato K., Yoshida F. and Ip W.−H.: Ground based observation of asteroid sample return mission target:中國天文年會:(2005)
Abe M., Takagi Y., Kitazato K., Hiroi T., Abe S., Vilas F., Clark B. E. and Fujiwara A.:Observations with near infrared spectrometer for Hayabusa mission in the cruising phase:36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: (2005)
Abe M., Takagi Y., Kitazato K., Hiroi T., Abe S., Vilas F., Clark B. E., Abell P. A., Lederer S. M., Jarvis K. S., Nimura T.,
Ueda Y. and Fujiwara A.:Preliminary results from the Hayabusa near infrared spectrometer (NIRS) of asteroid (25143)
Itokawa:37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: (2006)
Barnouin−Jha, O. S. ,S. Yamamoto, T. Toriumi, S. Sugita, T. Matsui:Non−Intrusive Measurements of Crater Growth:Lunar
Planet. Sci. Conf., XXXVII, #1243: (2006)
Dello Russo, N., M. A. DiSanti, M. J. Mumma, B. P. Bonev, K. Magee−Sauer, E. L. Gibb, G. L. Villanueva, H. Kawakita, S.
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37, #43.
03: (2005)
DiSanti, M. A., M. J. Mumma, B. P. Bonev, N. Dello Russo, K. Magee−Sauer, G. L.Villanueva, H. Kawakita, S. Sugita, E. L.
Gibb, J. Lyke, F. Chaffee:The Evolution of Gas and Dust Production in comet 9P/Tempel 1 as a Result of the Deep
Impact Event:American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #37, #11.
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Fujiwara A., Abe M., Demura H., Kawakatsu Y., Mori O., Noguchi T., Takagi Y., Yano H. and Yoshimitsu T.:Study of Post−
Hayabusa Sample Return Mission to Primitive Type Asteroids:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
Fujiwara A., Kawaguchi J., Uesugi K., Yeomans D., Saito J., Abe M., Mukai T., Kato M., Okada T., Yoshikawa M., Hirata N.,
Nakamura R., Sasaki S. and Nakamura A. M.:Global properties of25143Itokawa observed by Hayabusa:37th Lunar
and Planetary Science Conference: (2006)
H. Noda, H. Hanada, T. Iwata, N. Namiki, T. Tsubokawa, H. Araki, S. Tazawa, and N. Kawano:Current status of selenodetic
mission in SELENE:EGU General Assembly: (2005)
H. Shiraishi, K. Suzuki, S. Tanaka, M. Hayakawa, A. Fujimura, H. Mizutani:Penetration Characteristics of Planetary Penetrator:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
H. Yano: Hayabusa mission, sample analysis and the potential CAPTEM collaborations (Invited Talk), CAPTEM2005Spring
Meeting: LPI, Houston, TX, U. S. A: (2005)
Hanada H., Iwata T., Namiki N., Kawano N., Asari K., Ishikawa T., Kikuchi F., Liu Q., Matsumoto K., Noda H. and Tsuruta
S.:Gravimetric missions by VLBI and Doppler in SELENE: AGU2005Fall Meeting: (2005)
Hanada H., Iwata T., Namiki N., Kawano N., Asari K., Ishikawa T., Kikuchi F., Liu, Q., Matsumoto K., Noda H., Ping, J., Tsuruta S., Iwadate K., Kameya O., Kuji S., Tamura Y., Hong, X., Aili, Y., Ellingsen, S.: Gravimetric Missions in Japanese
Lunar Explorer: Proc. XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI): (2005)
Haruyama J., Ohtake M., Matsunaga T., Morota T., Yoshizawa A. M. and LISM Working Group: Planned Digital Terrain
Model Products from SELENE Terrain Camera Data:37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March
2006, Houston, Texas, abstract no.1132: (2006)
Hashimoto, G. L., M. Roos−Serote, S. Sugita:Venus’ Nightside Near−Infrared Thermal Radiation: Windows for Sensing Venus’ Surface:American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting2005, #P23E−04: (2006)
Hiroi T., Ueda Y., Nimura T., Abe M., Ishiguro M., Sasaki S.: A new scheme for estimating the degree of space weathering
through visible multiband spectroscopy using an ECAS−type filter system such as Hayabusa AMICA:37th Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference: (2006)
Hirotomo Noda, Nobuyuki Kawano, Makoto Inoue, Takahiro Iwata, Takayuki Ono, Tetsuro Kondo, Hiroshi Takeuchi, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Munetoshi Tokumaru, Tomofumi Hirosaki, Yukio Matsufuji, Kohtaro Matsumoto, Hiroaki Misawa,
Akira Miyahara, and Akira Morioka: Very Low Frequency Observation On The Moon:International Lunar Conference
2005: (2005)
Ishibashi, K., S. Ohno, S. Sugita, T. Kadono, T. Matsui:Oxidation of Carbon Compounds by SiO2−derived Oxygen Within Laser−induced Vapor Clouds:Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf., XXXVII, #1721: (2006)
K. Ishibashi, S. Ohno, H. Senshu, S. Sugita, T. Kadono, and T. Matsui: Oxidation of carbon compounds by SiO2−derived oxygen within impact−induced vapor clouds, Proc:38th ISAS Lunar Planet. Symp.,37,17−20: (2005)
K. Matsumoto, M. Oda, S. Wakabayashi, S. Kawamoto, T. Okada, T. Iwata, M. Ohtake, and M. Kato:Japanese Long Term
Moon Exploration Plan:International Lunar Conference2005: (2005)
K. Ogawa, T. Okada, K. Shirai, Y. Yamamoto, T. Arai, H. Shiraishi, K. Hosono, Ta. Inoue, To. Inoue, Y. Maruyama, Y. Arakawa, M. Kato: Development of X−Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer Onboard SELENE:37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: (2006)
Kasaba, Y., T. Takashima, H. Misawa, Jovian Small Orbiter sub−WG with J. Kawaguchi and Solar−Sail WG:Jovian Small Orbiter for Magnetospheric and Auroral Studies: ”Solar Sail Project”: IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions (ICLCPM): (2005)
Kitazato K. Abe M. and Mito H.: Possibility of a Nonmetallic M−type asteroid for65803Didymos:AOGS meeting: (2005)
Kitazato K., Clark B. E., Abe M., Abe S., Takagi Y. and Hiroi T.: Near−infrared photometry of asteroid25143Itokawa by the
NIRS onboard Hayabusa:37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: (2006)
Kitazato K., Nishihara S., Abe M., Sarugaku Y., Kuroda D., Yoshida F., Kinoshita D. and Ip W.−H.: Ground based observations of asteroidal sample return mission target:中華民國物理學會年會:(2006)
Mori, Y., T. Sekiguchi, S. Sugita, N. Matsunaga, H. Fukushi, N. Kaneyasu, T. Kawadu, R. Kandori, Y. Nakajima, M. Tamura:
Near−IR Monitoring Observation of Comet 9P/Tempel 1:Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf., XXXVII, #2458: (2005)
Morota T, Haruyama J and Furumoto M. Lunar Apex−Antapex Cratering Asymmetry and Origin of Imapactors in the Earth−
Moon System:37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March2006, Houston, Texas, abstract no.2336:
Mousis, O., Y. Alibert, Y. Sekine, S. Sugita, T. Matsui: Fischer−Tropsch Catalysis in a Turbulent Model of the Jovian Subnebula:Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf., XXXVII, #1139: (2006)
Nakamura R., Ishiguro M., Nakamura A. M., Hirata N., Terazono J., Yamamoto A., Abe M., Hashimoto T. and Saito J.: Inflight calibration of asteroid multiband imaging camera onboard Hayabusa: preliminary results:36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: (2005)
Nimura T., Hiroi T., Ohtake M., Ueda Y., Abe M., Fujiwara A.: An attempt of restricting olivine bands in the modified Gaussian model:37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: (2006)
Nishihara S., Abe M., Hasegawa S., Ishiguro M., Kitazato K., Miura N., Nonaka H., Ohba Y., Okyudo M., Ozawa T., Sarugaku Y. and Ueno M.:Ground−based lightcurve observation campaign of (25143) Itokawa,2001−2004:36th Lunar and
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Nishihara S., Abe M., Kitazato K., Sarugaku Y., Kuroda D., Hasegawa S., Kinoshita D.: Ground−based observation of asteroid
sample return mission target:37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: (2006)
Ohno, S., S. Sugita:Rapid Fall of the K/T Sulfuric Acid Aerosols and Oceanic pH Reduction,: Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.,
XXXVII, #1699: (2006)
Ootsubo, T., S. Sugita, T. Kadono, M. Honda, T. Miyata, S. Sako, I. Sakon, H. Fujiwara, T. Fujiyoshi, T. Yamashita, and 2
coauthors:Mid−Infrared Observation of the Collision Between Deep Impact Projectile and Comet 9P/Tempel 1 with
SUBARU/COMICS, Dust in Planetary Systems: Proceedings of the conference held September 26−28,2005in Kaua’i,
Hawaii. LPI Contribution No.1280.,124: (2006)
R. Yamada, I. Yamada, Y. Yokota, H. Shiraishi, S. Tanaka, A. Fujimura, H. Mizutani, N. Kobayashi, N. Takeuchi, H. Murakami, Y. Ishihara, J. Koyama, K. Yomogida, and Y. Takagi:Seismometer Design and its Characteristics Onboard LUNAR−A Pnetrator:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
S. Tanaka, M. Kato, A. Fujimura, and K. Uesugi:Japanese Interest in the Moon: IAA Asia−Pacific regional conference on ”Advances in Planetary Exploration”: (2005)
Sasaki S., Nimura T., Hiroi T., Ishiguro M., Hirata N., Abe M., Ueda Y., Yamamoto A., Clark B. E.: Space weathering of rock
surface without regolith: Laboratory simulation of spectral change: 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference:
Sekine, Y., H. Imanaka, B. Khare, N. E. L. O. Bakes, C. P. McKay, S. Sugita, T. Matsui:An experimental study on interactions
between Titan tholin and H atom:American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #37, #45.
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Sugita, S. P. H. Schultz:Interaction between impact vapor clouds and the early Martian atmosphere:Workshop on the Role of
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Sugita, S., Kadono, T.; Ootusbo, T.; Honda, M.; Sako, S.; Miyata, T.; Sakon, I.; Yamashita, T.; Kawakita, H.; Fujiwara, H.;
Fujiyoshi, T.; Takato, N.; Fuse, T:Subaru/Comics Deep Impact Observation Team, A High−Resolution Mid−IR Observation of the Collision Between Deep Impact Projectile and Comet 9P/Tempel 1:Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf., XXXVII,
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T. Iwata, N. Kawano, T. Sasaki, T. Takano, and Y. Takizawa: Development of SELENE Small Sub−satellites for Lunar Gravity Observation:56th International Astronautical Congress: (2005)
T. Iwata, N. Namiki, H. Hanada, N. Kawano, and T. Takano:Global Mapping of Lunar Gravity Field using SELENE Two
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Kato, M, Y. Takizawa, and S. Sasaki: Science goals and status of the SELENE mission: EGU general assembly2005: Wien
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Kato, M.: JAXA`s Lunar Exploration− Present Status and Future Plans: Workshop on International cooperation for sustainable
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Kato, M.: JAXA`s Contribution to Mars Exploration− Present and Future: Workshop on International cooperation for sustainable space exploration: Spineto Italy: May3−7: (2005)
Kato, M.: The Science Scenario of the SELENE−2Mission: International Lunar Conference2005: Toronto Canada: September
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Kato, M., Y. Takizawa, and S. Sasaki: SELENE, Project Status: International Lunar Conference2005: Toronto Canada: September18−23: (2005)
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Kato, M., Y. Takizawa, and S. Sasaki: Science goals and status of the SELENE mission: Japan/China workshop on microgravity and space science: Takeo−onsen Saga: October: (2005)
Kato, M.: JAXA`s Planetary Science: JAXA/IKI workshop: Moscow Russia: Jan.26−27: (2006)
Kato, M., Y. Takizawa, and S. Sasaki: SELENE, Japanese lunar orbiting satellite mission: present status and science goals:3
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T. Okada, K. Shirai, Y. Yamamoto, T. Arai, M. Kato:Instrumentation and Observation of the XRS onboard Hayabusa: A CCD
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T. Okada, Y. Yamamoto, T. Inoue, K. Shirai, T. Arai, K. Ogawa, K. Hosono, M. Kato:Thermal Radiometry of Asteroid
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Takagi Y., Hasegawa S., Teramoto K., Yano H., Yamamoto S., Sugita S. and Abe M.:Impact cratering experiments in microgravity environment:36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference:(2005)
Y. Kasaba:Small jovian orbiter for magnetospheric and auroral studies: Magnetosphere of Outer Planet2005: (2005)
Yamamoto, S., T. Kadono, S. Sugita, T. Matsui:Cumulative Mass−Velocity Distribution of Impact Ejecta in Oblique Impacts:
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Yano H., Kubota T., Miyamoto H., Okada T., Scheeres D., Takagi Y., Yoshida K., Abe M., Abe S., Barnouin−Jha O., Fujiwara
A., Hasegawa S., Hashimoto S., Ishiguro M., Kato M., Kawaguchi J., Mukai T., Saito J., Sasaki S. and Yoshikawa M.:
Hayabusa’s touch down sites at the smooth terrain on asteroid 25143 Itokawa: Initial investigation: 37th Lunar and
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Yasumasa Kasaba, Hajime Hayakawa, Keigo Ishisaka, Toshimi Okada, Ayako Matsuoka, Toshifumi Mukai, Masaki Okada:
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Yasumasa Kasaba, Takeshi Takashima, Hiroaki Misawa, Jun’ichiro Kawaguchi, Jovian small orbiter sub−WG Solar−Sail WG:
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A. Fujiwara, J. Kawaguchi, K. Uesugi, D. Yeomans, J. Saito, M. Abe, T. Mukai, M. Kato, T. Okada, M. Yoshikawa, H. Yano,
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H. Miyamoto, H. Yano, D. Scheeres, S. Sasaki, O. Barnouin−Jha, R.W. Gaskell, A. Cheng, H. Demura, A. Fujiwara, T. Hashimoto, N. Hirata, C. Honda, M. Ishiguro, T. Kubota, T. Michikami, A.M. Nakamura, R. Nakamura, J. Saito, Y. Yokota,
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H. Noda, H. Hanada, T. Iwata, N. Kawano:The SELENE mission and Japanese lunar exploration scenario,Vol. 38, pp. 311−
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H. Yano: Hayabusa and its follow−up plans by JAXA, pp186−212: Internatonal Seminar on Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies: the32nd Session/ A. Zichichi and R. Ragaini (Eds.), World Scientific: (2005)
H. Yano: The Hayabusa asteroid sample return mission,1267,31: LPI Contribution/Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston:
H. Yano, T. Kubota, H. Miyamoto, T. Okada, D. Scheeres, Y. Takagi, K. Yoshida, M. Abe, S. Abe, O. Barnouin−Jha, A. Fujiwara, S. Hasegawa, T. Hashimoto, M. Ishiguro, M. Kato, J. Kawaguchi, T. Mukai, J. Saito, S. Sasaki, and M.
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H. Yano, T. Kubota, H. Miyamoto, T. Okada, D. Scheeres, Y. Takagi, K. Yoshida, M. Abe, S. Abe, O. Barnouin−Jha, A. Fujiwara, S. Hasegawa, T. Hashimoto, M. Ishiguro, M. Kato, J. Kawaguchi, T. Mukai, J. Saito, S. Sasaki, and M.
Yoshikawa: Touch−down sites of the Hayabusa spacecraft at the Muses Sea area on asteroid25143Itokawa: Science:
H. Yano, T. Okazaki, J.A.M. McDonnell, T. Nakano, T. Noguchi, K. Okudaira and A. Tsuchiyama: Hypervelocity impact track
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J. Haruyama, M. Ohtake, T. Matunaga , T. Morota, A. M. Yoshizawa, and LISM working group: Planned digital terrain model
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Jun’ichi Haruyama, Makiko Ohtake, Tsuneo Matsunaga, and LISM Working group: Global high−resolution stereo mapping of
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K. Okudaira, H. Yano, T. Noguchi, T. Nakamura, M.J. Burchell and M.J. Cole:Are they really intact? −Evaluation of captured
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K. Teramoto and H. Yano: Measurements of sound speed in granular materials simulated regolith, CD−ROM,36, #1856: Proc.
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M. Ohtak, J. Haruyama, S. Mastunaga, T. Morot, S. Kodama and LISM team: observation and data analyses plan of the SELENE multiband imager.:37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p.1536: (2006)
Miyamoto H, Haruyama J., et al.:Mapping the structure and depth of lava tubes using ground penetrating radar: Geophysical
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Morota, T., J. Haruyama, and M. Furumoto: Lunar apex−antapex cratering asymmetry and origin of impactors in the Earth−
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S. Abe, N. Ebizuka, H. Yano, J. Watanabe, and J. Borovicka: Detection of the N2+ first negative system in a bright Leonid fireball,618, L141−L144: Astrophys. J.,: (2005)
S. Diniega, H. Yano and D. Scheeres: Simulating regolith deposition on25143Itokawa and other small asteroids, CD−ROM,
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T. Arai, M. Ohtake and T. Nimura: Visible/near infrared spectral characterization of brecciated mare basalt frow and surface
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T. Kasuga, T. Yamamoto, J. Watanabe, N. Ebizuka, H. Kawakita, and H. Yano:Metallic abundances of the2002Leonid meteor
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T. Miyachi, M. Fujii, N. Hasebe, M. Kobayashi, G. Kuraza, A. Nagashima, Y. Nakamura, Okudaira, N. Yamashita, K.
Nogami, T. Iwai, S. Sasaki, H. Ohashi, S. Hasegawa, H.Yano, H. Shibata, N. Okada, and T. Tou: Response from piezoelectric elements appearing immediately after collisions with silver particles,98, No.1, pp.14110−1−7: Journal of Applied Physics: (2005)
T. Miyachi, M. Fujii, N. Hasebe, M.N. Kobayashi, G. Kuraza, A. Nagashima, Y. Nakamura, K. Nogami, T. Iwai, S. Sasaki, K.
Muranaga, H. Ohashi, S. Hasegawa, H. Yano, H. Shibata, E. Gruen, R. Srama, N. Okada, and T. Tou:Velocity−dependent waveforms of piezoelectric elements undergoing collisions with iron particles having velocities ranging from 5 to
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T. Nimura, T. Hiroi, M.Ohtake, Y. Ueda, M. Abe, A. Fujiwa: An attempt of restricting olivine bands in the modified gaussian
model, p.1600:37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: (2006)
T. Noguchi, T. Nakamura, K. Okudaira, H. Yano, S. Sugita and M.J. Burchell: Thermal alteration of hydrated minerals during
hypervelocity capture to silica aerogel at the flyby speed of STARDUST: Meteoritics and Planetary Science: (2006)
Tabata, I. Adachi, T. Fukushima, H. Kawai, H. Kishimoto, A. Kuratani, H. Nakayama, S. Nishida, T. Noguchi, K. Okudaira, Y.
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Tsuchiyama, K. Uesugi, T. Nakano, T. Okazaki, K. Nakamura, T. Nakamura, T. Noguchi and H. Yano: Three−dimensional
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Y. Takagi, S. Hasegawa, K. Teramoto, H. Yano, S. Yamamoto, S. Sugita and M. Abe:Impact cratering experiments in microgravity environment,CD−ROM,36, #1627,: Proc. the38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, NASA and LPI:
横田康弘,石黒正晃,中村昭子,中村良介,D. Tholen, P.Smith,齋藤
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K. Kuribayashi, K. Nagashio, K. Niwata, V. Kumar and T. Hibiya: Novel criterion for formation of metastable phase from undercooled melt:The12th Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials: (2005)
Mingjun Li, Takehiko Ishikawa, Kosuke Nagashio, Kazuhiko Kuribayashi, and Shinichi Yoda: Microtexture formation of Ni99
B1 alloys solidified on ESL and EML−−−a study based on EBSP: The12th Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials:
Mingjun Li, Takehiko Ishikawa, Kosuke Nagashio, Kazuhiko Kuribayashi, and Shinichi Yoda: Effect of melt flow on microstructure formation from undercooled Ni−B alloys−−−a comparative study based on EBSP: The 6th Japan−China
Workshop on Microgravity Sciences: (2005)
Nagashio, K., and Kuribayashi, K.: Direct observation of the melt/substrate interface in melt spinning: The 12th Rapidly
Quenched & Metastable Materials: (2005)
Nagashio, K., and Kuribayashi, K.: Growth mechanism of facet Si dendrites from undercooled melt: Euromat2005: (2005)
Naomi Katayama, Yoji Ishikawa, and Masamichi Yamashita: Concept of Space Agriculture Served for a Testbed of Self−Sustainable Life on the Earth: International Symposium on EcoTopia Science2005: (2005)
Naomi Katayama, Yoji Ishikawa, Muneo Takaoki, Masamichi Yamashita, Robert Kok, Hidenori Wada, Jun Mitsuhashi and
Space Agriculture Task Force:Insects as a Food Source in Space Agriculture: Habitation2006: (2006)
Ryojiro Akiba, Ikuo Egami, Takemasa Koreki, Osamu Fujita, Masamichi Yamashita:Reduced gravity devices based on the
yoyo principle:International Astronautical Congrress,57th: (2005)
S. Adachi, M. Takayanagi and S. Yoda:One−dimensional Model of Plasma Crystal by Basing on Power Balance: Sixth Japan−
China Workshop on Microgravity Sciences: (2005)
S. Adachi, Y. Ogata, N. Koshikawa, S. Matsumoto, K. Kinoshita, M. Takayanagi and S. Yoda:Convection Effect on Mass
Transport in the Traveling Liquidus−zone Method: Sixth Japan−China Workshop on Microgravity Sciences: (2005)
S. Komurasaki, K. Kuwahara:Implicit Large Eddy Simulation of a Flow Around an Airfoil Near Its Stall Angle at Reynolds
Number106:44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit: (2006)
S. Ozawa, K. Kuribayashi, and T. Hibiya: Rapid Solidification from the undercooled melt of Fe−Rare Earth Magnetostriction
Alloys: The 6th Japan−China Workshop on Microgravity Sciences: (2005)
Shinichi Yoda, Satoshi Matsumoto, Atsuki Komiya: Theoretical Analysis of Critical Marangoni Number for Oscillatory Flows
with High Prandtl Number Fluids Driven by Surface Tension: Program of the 58th annual meeting of the division of
fluid dynamics: (2005)
Y.Inatomi, T. Ishikawa, S.Sasaki, T. Yoshimitsu, Y.Saito, S. Sawai, H. Yamamura, & T. Hashimoto: Preparatory experimant
for drag−free capsule program with large scientific baloon:ELGRA: (2005)
Yoji Ishikawa, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Masamichi Yamashita, Tairo Oshima & Space Agriculture Saloon: Space Habitation Supported by Agriculture with Thermophilic Aerobic Microbial Ecology: ISOLAB05: (2005)
Yuko Inatomi: Visualization of solid/liquid interface in semiconductor solution growth: Interface Mineralogy: (2005)
Kaori Tomita−Yokotani, Takako Kato, Hirofumi Hashimoto and Masamichi Yamashita:Response of allelochemicals under
pseudo−microgravity in sunflower plant (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Taiyo),19,143−147: Biol Sci Space: (2005)
P.−F. Paradis,石川毅彦:Surface Tension and Viscosity Measurements of Liquid and Undercooled Alumina by Containerless Techniques,
44,5082−5085: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics: (2005)
石川毅彦,P.−F. Paradis,藤井隆一,依田真一:静電浮遊炉による溶融タングステンの熱物性計測:熱物性,Vol.
6:Biol Sci Space:(2005)
K. Kuribayashi, S. Ozawa: Metastable phase formation from undercooled melt of Nd−Fe−B alloys, vol. 408−412, pp. 266−
272: J. Alloys and Compounds: (2006)
Nagashio, K., Bai, L., DeMattei, R., Giles, N., and Feigelson, R. S.: Optical absorption issues in CdGeAs2 single crystals, vol.
5912, pp.1−9.: Proceedings of SPIE − The International Society for Optical Engineering: (2005)
Nagashio, K., Murata, H., and Kuribayashi, K.: In−situ observation of solidification behavior of Si melt dropped on Si wafer by
IR thermography, vol.275, pp. e1685−e1
690.: J. Crystal Growth: (2005)
Y.Inatomi: Morphological change of S/L interface in semiconductor solution growth under external field, p.103−129: Studies
on Crystal Growth Under Microgravity: (2005)
長汐晃輔,栗林一彦:過冷融液からのファセット Si のデンドライト成長−球状単結晶育成へ向けて−:日本結晶
H. Yamakawa:Guidance Strategy for Radially Accelerated Trajectories,Vol.42, No.4, pp.677−683:Journal of Spacecraft and
Rockets: (2005)
H. Yamakawa:Optimal Radially Accelerated Interplanetary Trajectories, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 116−120: Journal of Spacecraft
and Rockets: (2005)
H. Yamakawa, H. Ogawa, Y. Sone, H. Hayakawa, Y. Kasaba, T. Takashima, T. Mukai, T. Tanaka, and M. Adachi:BepiColombo Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter Design, in press: Acta Astronautica: (2006)
H. Yamakawa, I. Funaki, Y. Nakayama, K. Fujita, H. Ogawa, S. Nonaka, H. Kuninaka, S. Sawai, H. Nishida, R. Asahi, H.
Otsu, and H. Nakashima: Magneto Plasma Sail: An Engineering Satellite Concept and its Application for Outer Planet
Missions, available online 8 Sep.2005: Acta Astronautica: (200
M. Morimoto, H. Yamakawa, and K. Uesugi: Periodic Orbits with Low−thrust Propulsion in the Restricted Three−body Problem,in press: Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics: (2006)
Nishida, H., Ogawa, H., Funaki, I., Fujita, K., Yamakawa, H., Nakayama, Y.: Two−dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of a Magnetic Sail,in press: Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets:
Yamakawa, H., Funaki, I., Nakayama, Y., Fujita, K., Ogawa, H., Nonaka, S., Kuninaka, H., Sawai, S., Nishida, H., Asahi, R.,
Otsu, H., and Nakashima, H.: Magneto Plasma Sail: An Engineering Satellite Concept and its Application for Outer
Planet Missions:Acta Astronautica: (2006)
Yoshifumi Inatani, Yoshihiro Naruo, Nobuaki Ishii, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Satoshi Nonaka, Shinichiro Tokudome and Hiroshi
Yamakawa:Flight Testing of a Reusable Rocket Vehicle, Vol.25, Nos.3−4, pp.
219−228: Space Technology: (2005)
K. Uesugi: JAXA’s Vision for Planetary Exploration: IAA Asia−Pacific Regional Conference ”Advance in Planetary Exploration”: (2005)
K. Uesugi: International Cooperation in Space Science Missions: IAA Asia−Pacific Regional Conference ”Advance in Planetary Exploration”: (2005)
A. Fujiwara, M. Abe, H. Demura, Y. Kawakatsu, O. Mori, T. Noguchi, Y. Takagi, H. Yano and T. Yoshimitsu: Post−Hayabusa
Mission: Low Cost Sample Return From Double Near−Earth Asteroids Including C−Type:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
H. Nishida, H. Ogawa, I. Funaki, Y. Inatani: Numerical Simulation of Propulsion Systems Making Use of the Solar Wind:44th
AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit: (2006)
H. Yamakawa:Orbital Dynamics of Temperature−Constrained Solar Sails: AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference:
H. Yamakawa, H. Ogawa, Y. Sone, H. Hayakawa, Y. Kasaba, T. Takashima, and T. Mukai:BepiColombo Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter:6th International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
H. Yamakawa, H. Ogawa, Y. Sone, H. Hayakawa, Y. Kasaba, T. Takashima, T. Mukai, T. Tanaka, and M. Adachi: BepiColombo Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter Design: (2005)
H. Yamakawa, I. Funaki, K. Fujita, H. Sugita, H. Ogawa, Y. Nakayama, S. Sawai, I. Shinohara, S. Nonaka, and H. Kuninaka:
Magnetoplasma Sailing: Missions and Technology Requirements:6th Internaitonal Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
Hiroyuki Ogawa, Yoshihiro Naruo, Satoshi Nonaka and Yoshifumi Inatani:A Concept of a Reusable Sounding Rocket:The56
th International Astronautical Congress: (2005)
J. Kawaguchi, O. Mori and K. Minamikawa: Non−Holonomic Turn and its Application to Spacecraft Attitude Maneuvers:56th
International Astronautical Congress: (2005)
K. Ohminami, K. Uesugi, H. Ogawa:Numerical Simulation of Film−Cooled Bipropellant Thruster Performance:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
K. Ohminami, K. T. Uesugi, H. Ogawa: Numerical simulation of film−cooled bipropellant thruster performances:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
K. Tarao, O. Mori and J. Kawaguchi:An Autonomous Optical Guidance and Navigation Strategy in Flying−by Small Objects:
56th International Astronautical Congress: (2005)
K. Uesugi, E. Sato, S. Sawai, K. Furukawa, H. Mishima, K. Morishima, Y. Nonaka and M. Kondo:Development of Monolithic
Ceramic Thruster for Interplanetary Exploration:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions:
M. Nakamiya and H. Yamakawa:Preliminary Analysis of Low Energy Interplanetary Transfer:6th Internaitonal Conference
on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
Nishida, H., Ogawa, H., Funaki, I., Fujita, K., Yamakawa, H., and Inatani, Y.: Verification of Momentum Transfer Process on
Magnetic Sail Using MHD Model:41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit: (2005)
O. Mori and J. Kawaguchi: A New Attitude Maneuver using Kinematics and Dynamics of Non−Holonomic Turn:16th AAS/
AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference: (2006)
O. Mori, K. Tarao, Y. Kawakatsu, T. Yamamoto and J. Kawaguchi:Mission Design and Integrated Guidance and Navigation
Strategy for NEO Flyby Using ’Interceptor’:56th International Astronautical Congress: (2005)
O. Mori, Y. Kawakatsu, K. Tarao, T. Yamamoto, Y. Tsuda and J. Kawaguchi:The System and Integrated Guidance and Navigation Strategy of Asteroid Interceptors:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
T. Nakanoh, O. Mori and J. Kawaguchi: Stability of Spinning Solar Sail−craft containing A Huge Membrane:AIAA Guidance,
Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit: (2005)
T. Nakanoh, O. Mori and J. Kawaguchi: A Study on the Stability of Spinning Solar Sail−craft:56th International Astronautical
Congress: (2005)
Y. Kawakatsu, O. Mori, Y. Tsuda, K. Tarao and J. Kawaguchi:Mission Concept of Multiple Near Earth Asteroids Exploration
by Miniature Asteroid Interceptors:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
Y. Kawakatsu, O. Mori, Y. Tsuda, K. Tarao and J. Kawaguchi:Mission Analysis of Near Earth Asteroid Exploration by Miniature Asteroid Interceptors:16th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference: (2006)
Yuichi Tsuda, Kiyoshi Maezawa, Iku Shinohara, Yoshifumi Saito, Ken Higuchi, Tomoaki Toda, Takeshi Takashima (ISAS/
JAXA), Hirotsugu Kojima (RISH,Kyoto Univ.), Masaki Fujimoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology): Mission Design of
SCOPE −Small Satellites Formation Flying Mission for Magnetospheric Tail Observation−:6th AIAA International
Conference on Low Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
Yuichi Tsuda, Osamu Mori, Shinsuke Takeuchi, Jun’ichiro Kawaguchi:Flight Result and Analysis of Solar Sail Deployment
Experiment Using S−310Sounding Rocket:56th International Astronautical Congress: (2005)
Yuichi Tsuda, Yoshifumi Saito, Tomoaki Toda:Online Relative Range Determination and Clock Synchronization Algorithm
for Formation Flying Spacecrafts: AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference: (2006)
H. Yamakawa: Low−Thrust Formation Flight for Astronomy Satellites,Vol.48, No.162, pp.235−237: Transactions of Japan
Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences: (2006)
姿勢制御法 −保存性状態量による剛体ダイナミクスの定式化−:日本航空宇宙学会誌,Vol.
Y. Tsuda, O. Mori, S. Takeuchi and J. Kawaguchi : Flight Result and Analysis of Solar Sail Deployment Experiment Using S−
310Sounding Rocket :56th International Astronautical Congress : (2005)
A. Matsuda, K. Fujita, S. Sato and T. Abe:Absorption Spectroscopy for Temperature Measurement behind Shock Wave at Super−orbital Velocity,Vol.
19, No.
3, pp294−299: Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer: (2005)
Keiichiro Fujimoto and Kozo Fujii:Assessment of CFD Estimation of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Basic Reusable Rocket
Configurations,Vol. 48. No. 159, pp. 13−20:Transaction of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences:
Kinefuchi K., Funaki I., and Toki:Laser Absorption Velocimetry of a Plasma Flow in Two−dimensional Magnetoplasmadynamic Arcjet:Journal of Propulsion and Power: Vol.22, pp.1085−1090: (2006)
Kozo Fujii:Progress and Future Prospects of CFD in Aerospace−Wind Tunnel and Beyond,Vol.41, No.6, pp.455−470: Progress in Aerospace Sciences, International Review Journal: (2005)
N. Tsuboi, Y. Matsumoto:Experimental and Numerical Study on Shock Wave − Boundary Layer Interactions in Hypersonic
Rarefied Gas Flow over a Flat Plate with Sharp Leading Edge,Vol.
1243−1255: AIAA Journal: (2005)
Nobuyoshi Fujimatu, Yoshiaki Tamura and Kozo Fujii:Improvement of Noise Filtering and Image Registration Methods for
the Pressure Sensitive Paint Experiments,Vol.8,No.3, pp.225−233: Journal of Visualization: (2005)
Nobuyoshi Komatsu and Takashi Abe: Shape effect of hot droplets on fragmentation,Vol.72, p.21601: PHYSICAL REVIEW
E: (2005)
Nobuyoshi Komatsu, Takashi Abe:Noise−driven numerical irreversibility in molecular dynamics technique,Vol. 171, pp.
187−196:Computer Physics Communications:(2005)
Soshi Kawai and Kozo Fujii:Analysis and Prediction of Thin−Airfoil Stall Phenomena with Hybrid Turbulence Methodology,
Vol.43, No.5, pp.953−961:AIAA Journal:(2005)
Soshi Kawai and Kozo Fujii:Computational Study of Supersonic Base Flow Using Hybrid Turbulence Methodology,Vol.43,
No.6, pp.1265−1275:AIAA Journal:(2005)
Keiichiro Fujimoto, Kozo Fujii : Computational Aerodynamic Analysis of Capsule Configurations Toward the Development of
Reusable Rockets, Vol.43, No.1, pp.77−83: AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets : (2005)
Suzuki, T., Sawada, K., Yamada, T., and Inatani, Y.,:Experimental and Numerical Study of Pyrolysis Gas Pressure in Ablating
Test Piece:J. Thermophys. Heat Transfer: (2005)
T. Fujino, H. Sugita, M. Mizuno, I. Funaki, and M. Ishikawa:Influences of Electrical Conductivity of Wall on Magnetohydrodynamic Control of Aerodynamic Heating,Vol.
43, pp.63−70:Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets: (2006)
T. Sato, H. Taguchi, H. Kobayashi and T. Kojima:Development study of Mach 6 Turbojet Engine with Air−Precooling,Vol.
58, No. 7/8, pp.231−240: Journal of the British Interplanetary Society: (2005)
宏:Flight Testing of A Reusable Rocket
Vehicle,Vol.25, No. 3−4, pp.219−228: Space Technology: (2005)
A. K. Hayashi, K. Eto, and N. Tsuboi:Numerical Simulation of Spin Detonation in Square Tube:20th International Colloquium
on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems: (2005)
A. K. Hayashi, K. Eto, Liu, Y.−F., N. Tsuboi, S. Shiokawa, H. Sato, and Lee, J. H. S: Argon or Nitrogen Diluted Hydrogen/
Oxygen Detonation in Tube with Obstacles:20th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems: (2005)
Akira Oyama and Kozo Fujii: A Study on Airfoil Design for Future Mars Airplane:44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting &
Exhibit: (2006)
Akira Oyama, Koji Shimoyama and Kozo Fujii: New Constraint−Handling Method for Multi−Objective Multi−Constraint
Evolutionary Optimization and Its Application to Space Plane Design:Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for
Design, Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems (EUROGEN2005): (2005)
Akira Oyama, Koji Shimoyama, Kozo Fujii and Meng−Sing Liou:Pareto−Optimality−Based Constraint−Handling Technique
and Its Application to Compressor Design:17th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference: (2005)
D. Matko, Y. Morita and M. Lepetic: Robust Adaptive Control of a Highly Nonlinear Ill−conditioned Plant: IEEE International
Symposium on Industrial Electronics2005: (2005)
Daisuke Nakata, Kyoichiro Toki, Ikkoh Funaki, Yukio Shimizu, Hitoshi Kuninaka, Yoshihiro Arakawa:Experimental Verification for the Nozzle Shape Optimization of Self−Field MPD Thruster:International Electric Propulsion Conference:
E. Sato, A. Matsuda, S. Sato, T. Abe:Shock Wave Propagating through Localized Surface Glow Discharge Plasmas: The25th
International Symposium on Shock Waves: (2005)
F. Togashi, R. Lohner, and N. Tsuboi:Numerical Simulation of H2/Air Detonation Using Detailed Reaction Models: 44th
AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit: (2005)
Fujita, K., Sumi, T., Yamada, T., and Ishii, N.: Preliminary Assessment of Venus Entry Capsule Heating Environment:4th Int.
Sympo. Atmos. Reentry Vehicles System: (2005)
H. Jotaki, J. Misawa, N. Tsuboi, and A. K. Hayashi: Study on Detonation Structure Propagating in a Converging−Diverging
Nozzle:17th International Symposium on Airbreathing Engines: (2005)
H. Jotaki, N. Tsuboi, and A. K. Hayashi: Numerical Simulation on Two−Dimensional H2/Air Detonation Waves Propagating
in a Converging−Diverging Nozzle:20th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems: (2005)
H. Kojima, T. Minami, I. Funaki, H. Yamakawa, K. Fujita, H. Ogawa, and H. Nishida:Experimental Study of Magnetic Sails:
Proceedings of the 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference: (2005)
H. Kuninaka:Ambitious Challenges of Japanese Electric Propulsion:International Electric Propulsion Conference: (2005)
H. Nishida, H. Ogawa, I. Funaki, Y. Inatani:Numerical Simulation of Propulsion Systems Making Use of the Solar Wind:44th
AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit: (2006)
H. Yamakawa, I. Funaki, K. Fujita, H. Sugita, H. Ogawa, Y. Nakayama, S. Sawai, I. Shinohara, S. Nonaka, H. Kuninaka: Magnetoplasma Sailing: Missions and Technology Requirements:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
H.Kojima, I.Funaki, Y.Shimizu, H.Yamakawa, Y.Nakayama, and S. Shinohara:Experimental Simulation of a Plasma flow
around Magnetic Sail:Proceedings of the31th International Electric Propulsion Conference: (2005)
H.Kuwano, H.Kuninaka, H,Nakashima:Measurement of Plasma Beam Energy Ejected from Microwave Discharge Hall
Thruster:29th International Electric Propulsion Conference: (200
Hirobumi Saito, Takahide Mizuno, Koji Tanaka, Yoshitsugu Sone, Seisuke Fukuda, Shin−ichiro Sakai, Nobukatsu Okuizumi,
Makoto Mita, Yosuke Fukushima, Masafumi Hirahara, Kazushi Asamura, Takeshi Sakanoi, Akira Miura, Toshinori
Ikenaga, and Yasunari Masumoto:An overview and initial in−orbit status of ”INDEX” satellite:56th International Astronautical Congress: (2006)
Hirotaka Otsu, Takashi Abe, Detlev Konigorski:Influence of the Hall Effect on the Electrodynamic Heat Shield System for
Reentry Vehicles:AIAA36th Plasmadynamics and Lasers: (2005)
I. Funaki and H. Usui:Scaled−Down Experiment of Spacecraft Charging with Artificial Plasma:Proceedings of the 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference: (2005)
I. Funaki, H. Kojima, H. Yamakawa, Y. Shimizu, and Y. Nakayama,:Laboratory Experiment of a Plasma Flow around Magnetic Sail:6th International Conference on High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics: (2006)
I. Funaki, H. Yamakawa, H. Ogawa, H. Nishida, I. Shinohara, K. Fujita, Y. Nakayama, H. Otsu,: Feasibility Study of Magnetoplasma Sail:Proceedings of the29th International Electric Propulsion Conference:(2005)
I. Funaki, H. Yamakawa, K. Fujita, H. Ogawa, H. Kojima, and T. Minami:Laboratory Simulation of Magnetic Sails: Preliminary Results:Proceedings of 7th International School/Symposium for Space Simulations:(2005)
K. Fujii, A. Oyama, N. Tsuboi, M. Tsukada, H. Ouchi, M. Ito, and K. Hayashi:Flow Field Analysis of Under−Expanded Supersonic Jets Impinging on An Inclined Flat Palte − Analysis With PSP/Schlieren Images and CFD Simulations−:2005
ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and Exhibition:(2005)
K. Fukiba, T. Sato, and N. Tsuboi:Numerical and Experimental study of the Frost Formation on Cryogenic Cooling Tubes of a
Precooler:17th International Symposium on Airbreathing Engines:(2005)
K. Yamada, D. Akita, E. Sato, K. Szuki, Y. Tsutsumi, K. Wakatsuki, T. Narumi, A. Sakurai, T. Abe, Y. Matsusaka:Flight Experiment of the Capsule with the Deployable Flexible Aeroshell Using a Large Scientific Balloon:IAC−05−D2.
K. Kubota, I. Funaki, and Y. Okuno:Numerical Simulation of a Self−Field MPD Thruster using Lax−Friedrich Scheme:Proceedings of 9th International School/Symposium for Space Simulations: (2005)
K. Kubota, I. Funaki, and Y. Okuno:Numerical Simulation of a Self−Field MPD Thruster:Proceedings of the30th International
Electric Propulsion Conference: (2005)
Keiichiro Fujimoto, Harumi Tsukada, Kozo Fujii:Numerical Analysis of Reverse Jet Effect on The Aerodynamic Characteristics of SSTO Configuration With an Aerospike Nozzle in Landing Phase:56th International Astronautical Congress
Koji Shimoyama, Akira Oyama and Kozo Fujii:A New Efficient and Useful Robust Optimization Approach −Design for Multi
− Objective Six Sigma:2005IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Proceedings of the2005IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation: (2005)
Kozo Fujii and Soshi Kawai:Some Remarks on the LES/RANS Hybrid Methods for Compressible Flow Simulations:International Minisymposium on Challenger and Advances in Flow Simulation and Modeling (MECJ−05):(2005)
Kozo Fujii, Akira Oyama, Nobuyuki Tsuboi, Moto Tsukada, Hirofumi Ouchi, Masato Ito and Koichi Hayashi:Flow Field
Analysis of Under−Expanded Supersonic Jets Impinging on An Inclined Flat Plate − Analysis With PSP/Schlieren Images and CFD Simulations−:2005ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and Exhibition:(2005)
Liu, Y.−F., N. Tsuboi, H. Sato, F. Higashino, and A. K. Hayashi:Direct Numerical Simulation on Hydrogen Fuel Jetting from
High Pressure Tank:20th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems:(2005)
Masato Ito, Akira Oyama, Kozo Fujii and Koichi Hayashi:Flow Field Analysis of Jet Impinging on an Inclined Flat Plate at
High Plate Angles:44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit:(2006)
N. Tsuboi, K. Eto, and A. K. Hayashi:Three−Dimensional Numerical Simulation of H2/Air Detonation in a Circular Tube :
Structure of Spinning Mode,20th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems:20th
International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems:(2005)
Nishida, H., Ogawa, H., Funaki, I., Fujita, K., Yamakawa, H., and Inatani, Y.:Verification of Momentum Transfer Process on
Magnetic Sail Using MHD Model:41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Tucson:
R. Asahi, I. Funaki, K. Fujita, H. Nishida, H. Yamakawa, and H. Ogawa:Performance Evaluation of a Magneto Plasma Sail:
Proceedings of 8th International School/Symposium for Space Simulations: (2005)
Soshi Kawai and Kozo Fujii:Computational Analysis of the Characteristics of Subsonic, Transonic and Supersonic Base Flows:
35th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit: (2005)
Soshi Kawai and Kozo Fujii:Time−Series and Time−Averaged Characteristics of Subsonic to Supersonic Base Flows:44th
AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit: (2006)
Suzuki, T., Yamamoto, Y., Yamada, T., and Sakai, T.,:Coupled Analysis of Flowfield and Thermal Response of Ablative Test
Piece Under Arc−Heated Flow Conditions: (2005)
T. Fujino, H. Sugita, M. Mizuno, I. Funaki, J. Kasahara, and M. Ishikawa:Numerical Simulation of Application of MHD Technology to Thermal Protection of Earth Reentry Space Vehicle:Proceedings of10th International School/Symposium for
Space Simulations: (2005)
T. Obara, Kim, T.−H., S. Ohyagi, and N. Tsuboi:Experimental Study on a Flow Field Behind Backward−Facing Step Using
Detonation−Driven Shock Tunnel:20th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems:(200
Taku Nonomura, Hiroko Muranaka and Kozo Fujii:Computational Analysis of Various Factors on The Edgetone Mechanism
Using High Order Schemes:2005ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and Exhibition:(2005)
Taku Nonomura, Hiroko Muranaka and Kozo Fujii:Analysis of the Relation between Vortex Generation in the Jet Wake and
Induced Edgetone:The Third International Conference on Vortex Flows and Vortex Models, The Proceedings of The
Third International Conference on Vortex Flows and Vortex Models: (2005)
Taku Nonomura, Hiroko Muranaka, Kozo Fujii: Computational Analysis of Characteristics of Fluid−Acoustic Feedback−Loop
Noise:The Second International Symposium on Innovative Aerial / Space Flyer Systems, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Aerial / Space Flyer Systems: (2005)
Y. Daimon and A. Matsuo:Effect of Boundary Layer for Wedge−Induced Attached Oblique Detonations:20th International
Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems: (2005)
Y. Morita and S. Goto: Robustness enhancement using the µ−synthesis for launcher control: 7th IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications (CA2005): (2005)
Y. Nakayama, I. Funaki, and H. Kuninaka:A Miniaturized Microwave Ion Thruster with High Hole Number Density Grid System:Proceedings of the32th International Electric Propulsion Conference: (2005)
Y. Takizawa, A. Matsuda, S. Sato, T. Abe, and D. Konigorski:Experiment on Shock Layer Enhancement by Electro−magnetic
Effect in Reentry−related High−enthalpy Flow:36th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference: (2005)
Yamada, T., Izutsu, N., Fujita, K., and Ishii, N.: Venus Entry Probe and Balloon Observation,:4th Int. Sympo. Atmos. Reentry
Vehicles System
Yamada, T., Matsuda, S., Okuyama, K., and Ishii, N.:Lessons learned from the Recovered Heatshield of the USERS REV Capsule:IAC
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M. Tajima, E. Higashi, T. Hayashi, H. Kinoshita and H. Shiomi:Characterization of SiC Wafers by Photoluminescence Map-
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Makoto Mita:MEMS Technology for Space:航空宇宙及び過酷環境用マイクロ/ナノ国際ワークショップ:(2005)
E. Higashi, M. Tajima, N. Hoshino, T. Hayashi, H. Kinoshita, H. Shiomi and S. Matsumoto:Defect Observation in SiC Wafers
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H. Ikeda, T. Hiruta, K. Tamura, K. Nakazawa, T. Takashima, T. Takahashi, T. Kiyuna, M. Yamamoto, R. Ohno:Initial Performance of the Two−Dimensional4
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5IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium: (2005)
H. Nagano, A. Ohnishi, Y. Nagasaka, Y. Mori:A Simple Deployable Radiator with Autonomous Thermal Control Function:
9th AIAA Thermophysic Conference: (2005)
H. Sugimoto, M. Tajima, T. Eguchi, I. Yamaga and T. Saitoh:Photoluminescence Analysis of Intra−Grain Defects in Cast−
Grown Polycrystalline Silicon Wafers:11th International Conference on Defects−Recognition Imaging and Physics
(DRIP−XI): (2005)
H. Yamana, A. Ohnishi, Y. Nagasaka:Design of a Portable Emittance Measurement System for Spacecraft Thermal Design and
Quality Control:17th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties: (2005)
Hirobumi Saito , Takahide Mizuno , Koji Tanaka , Yoshitsugu Sone , Seisuke Fukuda , Shin−ichiro Sakai , Nobukatsu Okuizumi , Makoto Mita , Yosuke Fukushima , Masafumi Hirahara , Kazushi Asamura , Akira Miura , Toshinori Ikenaga
and Yasunari Masumoto:An Overview and Initial in−orbit Status of ”INDEX” Satellite:International Astronautical Congress: (2005)
K. Hirose, M. Kihara, H. Okamoto, H. Nohira, E. Ikenaga, Y. Takata, K. Kobayashi, and T. Hattori:Valence Charges for ultrathin SiO2 films formed on Si(100):Int. Conf. Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces: (2005)
K. Takahashi, H. N. Kwon, K. Saruta, M. Mita, J.−H. Lee, H. Fujita and H. Toshiyoshi:A 2D Optical Lens Scanner with
Small Footprint Actuators:Optical MEMS2005: (2005)
K. Takahashi, H. N. Kwon, M. Mita, H. Fujita, H. Toshiyoshi, K. Suzuki, H. Funaki:Monolithic Integration of High Voltage
Driver Circuits and MEMS Actuators by ASIC−like postprocess:TRANSDUCERS ’05: (2005)
K. Takahashi, M. Mita, H. Fujita, H. Toshiyoshi:A High Fill−factor Comb−driven XY−stage with Topological Layer Switch
Architecture:Int. Display Workshop: (2005)
K. G. Moesl, T. Kubota, T. Sato, S. Shimoda I. Nakatani:New Position Estimation Method Based on Map Matching for Planetary Rover:The 8th Int. Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space: (2005)
Kojiro Iizuka, Hiroshi Kanamori, Takashi Kubota:Experimental Study on Rover Mobility on LUNAR Simulant Terrain:15th
Int. Conf. on Integration of Technologies: (2005)
Kojiro Iizuka, Takashi Kubota, Yoshinori Sato, Yoji Kuroda:Experimental Study of Wheeled Forms for Lunar Rover on Slope
Terrain: Proc. of the 9th IEEE Int. Workshop on Advanced Motion Control: (200
Makoto Mita, Kuniyuki Kakushima, Manabu Ataka, Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, Hiroyuki Fujita:Foxtail Actuators:TRANSDUCERS ’
Michio Tajima, Hiroki Sugimoto, Kazuki Yoshida, Yoshitsugu Sone, Shirou Kawakita and Mitsuru Imaizumi:Diagnostic Characterization of Space Solar Cells by Luminescence Spectroscopy and Mapping:Seventh European Space Power Conference:(2005)
Riho Ejiri, Takashi Kubota, Ichiro Nakatani:Autonomous Behavior Planning for Exploration Robot:The 3rd Int. Conf. on
Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems: (2005)
Ryosuke Kaneda and Shin−ichiro Sakai and Tatsuaki Hashimoto and Hirobumi Saito:The Relative Position Control In Formation Flying Sattelites using Super−Conducting Magnets: The 16th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference:
S. Tachikawa, A, Ohnishi, H. Nagano, S. Katsuki, T. Tanaka, Y. Saitoh:Design of Wireless Multi−Channel measurement System:3
3th Int. Conference on Environmental Systems, and 8th European Sympo. On Space Enviroment control Sys-
Serin Lee, Takashi Kubota, Ichiro Nakatani:An Experimental Consideration of the Hybrid Architecture Based on the Situated
Action Generator:International Enformatika Conference: (2005)
Serin Lee, Takashi Kubota, Ichiro Nakatani:Situated Action Generator−Post−hoc Reconstruction of Plans:AAAI05Fall symposium on From Reactive to Anticipatory Cognitive Embodied Systems: (2005)
Serin Lee, Takashi Kubota, Ichiro Nakatani:Three−layerd Hybrid Architecture based on the Situated Action Generator:The 3
rd Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems: (2005)
Shingo Shimoda, Takashi Kubota, Ichiro Nakatani: New Planetary Explorer with Appropriate Mobility Mechanism for Gravity
Environment:The 8th Int. Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space: (2005)
T. Hiruta, K. Tamura, H. Ikeda, K. Nakazawa, T. Takashima, T. Takahashi:Development of a two−dimensional ASIC for hard
X−ray spectroscopy and imaging with a CdTe pixel detector:Pixel2005: (2005)
T. Inoue, N. Imamura, T. Iwamoto, H. Yoshida, K. Komada, X. Wang, H. Naito, and Y. Sone:GEO and LEO Life Testing and
Life Estimation Model of JSB100Ah Lithium Ion Cell:7th European Space Power Conference: (2005)
T. Takahashi, M. Mita, H. Fujita, H. Toshiyoshi: Electrostatic Micro−Shutter Array for Infrared Spectrograph: Optical MEMS
2005: (2005)
Takashi Kubota, Hiroo Takahashi, Kojiro Iizuka,:Analysis on Weight Arrangement Scheme to Reduce the Weight of Multi−
Legged Robot:Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation: (2005)
Takashi Kubota, Ichiro Nakatani, Keisuke Watanabe, Shingo Shimoda:Study on Mole−Typed Deep Driller Robot for Subsurface Exploration:Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation: (2005)
Takashi Kubota, Yasuharu Kunii, Yoji Kuroda, Tetsuo Yoshimitsu, Tatsuaki Okada, Mnabu Kato:Lunar Robotics Exploration
by Cooperation with Lander and Micro Rovers:6th IAA Int. Conf. on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
Y. Sone, M. Uno, K. Hirose, M. Tajima:Applications for the Lithium−Ion Secondary Batteries to the Space Crafts for the Scientific Missions:NASA Aerospace Battery Workshop: (2005)
Y. Kunii, M. Moriyama, S. Nagatsuka, N. Ishimaru, T. Kubota:Human Machine Cooperative Tele−Driving System and Path
Trajectory Compensation with Land Mark Selection:The 8th Int. Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and
Automation in Space: (2005)
Yoshitsugu Sone, Hitoshi Naito, Mitsushi Ueno, Saburo Kuwajima,:1 kW−class Fuel Cell System for the Aerospace Applications in a Micro−Gravitational and Closed Environment:9th Grove Fuel Cell Symposium: (2005)
Yoshitsugu Sone, Masatoshi Uno, Kazuyuki Hirose, Michio Tajima, Hiroki Ooto, Masahiro Yamamoto, Takashi Eguro:The
On−orbit Performance and Storage Tests of the Lithium−Ion Secondary Cells/Battery for the Interplanetary Satellite.:
Space Power Workshop: (2005)
Yoshitsugu Sone, Masatoshi Uno, Kazuyuki Hirose, Michio Tajima, Hiroki Ooto, Masahiro Yamamoto, Takashi Eguro, Shigeru Sakai, and Teiji Yoshida:The On−orbit Performance and Simulation Tests of the Lithium−ion Secondary Battery
for the Interplanetary Satellite ’HAYABUSA’:9th European Space Power Conference: (2005)
Yoshitsugu SONE, Masatoshi UNO, Koji TANAKA, Michio TAJIMA, Hirobumi SAITO:Lithium−Ion Secondary Battery
Based on the Pouch Cells for Piggyback Satellite:Space Power Workshop: (2005)
Yoshitsugu Sone, Mitsushi Ueno, Hitoshi Naito, Saburo Kuwajima,:Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell System for the Micro−
Gravitational and Closed Environment:7th European Space Power Conference: (2005)
Yoshitsugu Sone, Mitsushi Ueno, Hitoshi Naito, Saburo Kuwajima,: Stable Performance of the Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell
System for a Closed Environment without External Humidification,submitted:Electrochemistry: (2006)
詳細熱設計ならびに実験的評価):日本機械学会論文集(B 編),71巻712号 pp.
H. Ikeda, T. Hiruta, K. Tamura, K. Nakazawa, T. Takashima, T. Takahashi, T. Kiyuna, M. Yamamoto, R. Ohno: Initial Performance of the Two−Dimensional4096−Channel Amplifier Array, p376−381: 2005 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. confer-
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S. Tachikawa, A. Ohnishi, H. Nagano, S. Katsuki, T. Tanaka, Y. Saitoh: Design of Wireless Multi−channel Measurement System: Thermal Science & Engineering: vol.13(4), pp.69−70: (2005)
曽根理嗣:宇宙探査をささせるバッテリ技術:GS YUASA Technical Report:(2005)
木原正道,岡本英介,野平博司,高田泰孝,池永英司,小林大輔,小林啓介,服部健雄,廣瀬和之:硬 X 線電子
分光による極薄 SiO2膜の誘電率の推定:ゲートスタック研究会
鈴木伸子,山脇師之,鳥居和功,川原孝昭,廣瀬和之:XPS/AES による HfSiOx 薄膜の光学的誘電率の推定:応
Hirobumi Saito, Takashi Mizuno, Koji Tanaka, Yoshitugu Sone, Seisuke Fukuda, Shin−ichiro Sakai, Nobukatsu Okuizumi,
Makoto Mita, Yousuke Fukushima, Masafumi Hirahara, Kazushi Asamura, Takashi Sakanoi, Akira Miura, Toshinori
Ikenaga, and Yasunari Masumoto:An−overview and initial in−orbit status of ”INDEX” satellite, IAC−05−B5.6.B.05:56
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K. Maki, E. Soma, T. Takano, A. Fujiwara, and A. Yamori:Dependence of microwave emissions from hypervelocity impacts
on the target material, vol.97, pp.104911/1−6:Journal of Applied Physics: (2005)
Keisuke Yoshihara, Hidekazu Hashimoto, Toru Yamamoto, Hirobumi Saito, Eiji Hirokawa, and Makoto Mita:Micro Sun Sensor with CMOS Imager for Smal Satellite Attitude Controll,SSC05−VIII−5:19th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on
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P. Michel, M. Yoshikawa:Earth impact probability of the Asteroid (25143) Itokawa to be sampled by the spacecraft Hayabusa,
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P. Michel, M. Yoshikawa:Dynamical Origin of the asteroid (25143) Itokawa : the target of the sample−return Hayabusa space
mission: Vol.449, pp.817−820: Astronomy & Astrophysics: (200
T. Iwata, N. Kawano, T. Sasaki, T. Takano and Y. Takizawa:Development of SELENE Small Sub−Satellites for Lunar Gravity
Observation,B5.2.01:IAC05: (2005)
A. Thumvichit, T. Takano and Y. Kamata:An Ultra Low Profile Dipole Antenna with a Simplified Feeding Structure and a
Parasitic Element,vol.E89−B, no.2, pp.576−580: Trans. of Institute of Electrocnics, Information and Communication
and Communication Engineers: (2006)
S. Fukuda, T. Hashimoto, S. Sawai, T. Mizuno, R. Yasumitsu, T. Kubota, S. Sakai, Y. Sone, and H. Saito: Technology Demonstration by the Piggyback−Style Lunar Pinpoint Lander Mission:AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting: (2005)
S. Sasaki:SEPAC as the first large scale international collaboration in space program between Japan and US:Ejiri Symposium
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A. Fujiwara, M. Abe, Y. Kawakatsu, O. Mori, H. Yano, T. Yoshimitsu, H. Demura, T. Noguchi, and Y. Takagi: Study of Post−
Hayabusa Sample Return Mission to Primitive Type Asteroids:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
H. Ohnishi, K. Maki, E. Soma, S. Chiba, T. Takano, A. Yamori:Study on Microwave Emisison Due to Hypervelocity Impact
Destruction:URSI−GA: (2005)
Hiroyuki Fujita:Global Research Network on MEMS and NEMS:Seul National University MEMS Seminar:(2005)
Hiroyuki Fujita:Micoro Electro Mechanical Systems(MEMS)and Nanotechnology:NRW Forum2005:(2005)
Hiroyuki Fujita:Strategies for Further Development of MEMS Industries and Emerging Applications:Proceedings of The11th
International Micoromachine/Nanotech Symposium 第11回国際マイクロマシン・ナノテクシンポジウム−Micromachine Technology is Pulling the Creation and Development of New Industries :新たな産業の創出と発展を
牽引するマイクロ技術−,Special Session:Towards Development of New MEMS Industries,pp.1−5,: (2005)
M. Sekido, R. Ichikawa, H. Takeuchi, Y. Koyama, E. Kawai, T. Kondo, M. Yoshikawa, N. Mochizuki, Y. Murata, T. Kato, T.
Ichikawa, H. Hirabayashi, T. Ohnishi, F. Kikuchi, K. Takashima, K. Fujisawa, H. Takaba, K. Sorai, W. Cannon, S.
Novikov, M. Berube: VLBI Application for Spacecraft Navigation: Geodynamics and Natural Hazards: (2005)
M. Sekido, R. Ichikawa, H. Takeuchi, Y. Koyama, T. Kondo, M. Yoshikawa, N. Mochizuki, Y. Murata, T. Kato, T. Ichikawa,
H. Hirabayashi, T. Ohnishi, F. Kikuchi, K. Takashima, K. Fujisawa, H. Takaba, K. Sorai, W. Cannon, M. Berube:
VLBI observation of spacecraft for Navigation:XXVIIIth General Assembry of International Union of Radio Science:
M. Yoshikawa, P. Michel:Orbital Evolution of Asteroid (25143) Itokawa : Its past, present, and future:The 37th Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference: (2006)
R. Ichikawa, M. Sekido, H. Takeuchi, M. Kimura, Y. Koyama, T. Kondo, H. Osaki, N. Mochiduki, Y. Murata, M. Yoshikawa,
T. Ohnishi, and Spacecfart DVLBI group: A preliminary result of positioning of the interplanetary spacecraft using differential VLBI measurements:EGU2005:(2005)
Ryosuke Kaneda, Shin−ichiro Sakai, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, and Hirobumi Saito:The relative position control in formation flying
satellites using super−conducting magnets:16th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference, 2006/01/22−26:
S. Higo, T. Yoshimitsu, and I.Nakatani:Localization on Small Body Surface by Radio Ranging:16th AAS/AIAA Space Flight
Mechanics Meeting: (2005)
S. Sasaki, K. Tanaka, K. Higuchi, N. Okuizumi, S. Kawasaki, M. Shinohara, K. Senda, and K. Ishimura: Feasibility Study of
Tethered Solar Power Satellite:56th International Astronautical Congress−2005: (2005)
S. Sasaki, T. Yoshimitsu, and M. Yanagisawa:Observation of Itokawa by a Small Surface Rover MINERVA:Asia Oceania
Geosciences Society’s 2nd Annual Meeting (AOGS2005): (2005)
T. Inaba, T. Takano and H. Kunimori:Study of Specle Phenomena−Dependence on an Irradiated Area Size and Scattering Materials and the Effects in a Laser Radar: ISAP05: (2005)
T. Maeda, T. Takano, K. Inoue and T. Kato: Study on Microwave Detection Associated with Earthquakes Using Satellites:
2005International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics: (2005)
T. Takano, K. Maki, E. Soma, H. Ohnishi, K. Ishii, S. Chiba, A. Fujiwara and A. Yamori:Material Dependence of Microwave
Emission due to a Hypervelocity Impact:7th European Conference on Space Debris: (2005)
T. Takano, K. Maki, E. Soma, H. Ohnishi, K. Ishii, S. Chiba, A. Fujiwara and A. Yamori:Material Dependence of Microwave
Emission Due to a Hypervelocity Impact: ECSD05: (2006)
T. Takano, N. Kamo and A. Sugawara:Gain Enhancement of an Array Antenna Using Coupling Optimization between Elements:IEEE AP−S & URSI2005: (2005)
T. Takano, T. Maeda, K. Ishii, K. Inoue, T. Kato, S. Yoshida and M. Nakatani:Feasibility Study of Monitoring Earthquakes
from Satellites in Orbit:IAC05: (2005)
T. Toda, Y. Saito, and Y. Tsuda: Communication System Design for Formation Flight Magnetotail Research Mission:
6th International Astronautical Congress: (2005)
T. Yoshimitsu, S. Houzawa, T. Kubota, and I. Nakatani: Hopping rover for small planetary bodies with two orthogonal
torquers:8th International symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i−SAIRAS):
T. Yoshimitsu, T. Kubota, and I. Nakatani: Tiny Rover Missions for Small Body Explorations:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
T. Yamada:Development of a Generic Monitor and Control System by the Use of a Standard Modeling Method:6th International Symposium on Reducing the Cost of Spacecraft Ground Systems and Operations:(2005)
T. Yamada:Development of Generic Ground Systems by the Use of a Standard Modeling Method:International Telemetring
Y. Munemasa, M. Mita, T. Takano:Study of Micro Lightwave Antenna Manufactured by MEMS Technology:ISAP05:(2005)
Y. Tsuda, K. Maezawa, H. Kojima, M. Fujimoto, I. Shinohara, Y. Saito, K. Higuchi, T. Toda , and T.Takashima: Mission Design of SCOPE − Small Satellites Formation Flying Mission for Magnetospheric Tail Observation −:Interplanetray
Conference for Low Cost Planetary Mission: (2005)
Y. tsuda, Y. Saito, and T. Toda:Online Relative Range Determination and Clock Synchronization Algorithm for Formation
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藤田博之:Evolution from MEMS−based Linear Drives to Bio−based Nano drives: The Fifth International Syposium on Linear
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藤田博之:MEMS and Applications to Bio/Nano Technology: Proceedings of the International Simposium on Advanced
Electronics for Future Generations−”Secure−Life Electronices” for QualityLife and Sociery−: (2005)
藤田博之:マイクロマシンのバイオ応用と医用技術への展開:ME フォーラム2
T. Takano, N. Kamo and A. Sugawara:Simplification of an Array Antenna by Reducing the Fed Elements,vol.E88−B, No.9,
1−424:Trans. of Institute of Electrocnics, Information and Communication and Communication Engineers:(2005)
藤田博之:MSMS とバイオナノテクノロジー:電気学会論文誌 E(センサ・マイクロマシン準部門),125巻11号,
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吉光徹雄,久保田孝,中谷一郎,足立忠司,斎藤浩明:はやぶさ搭載小惑星表面探査ローバ MINERVA:日本航空
福田盛介,中村聖平:航空機搭載ポーラリメトリック SAR 画像におけるテクスチャの偏波依存性の解析,in
H. Nishimura, M. Yoshikawa: Properties of asteroids in the mean motion resonace with Jupiter at the Kirkwood Gaps: The37
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Hachisuka, K., Mochizuki, N., Asaki, Y., Miyoshi, M., Horiuchi, S.: Towards an Understanding of the Dynamics of the Milky
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Imai, H., Kameya, O., Miyoshi, M., Sasao, T., Deguchi, S., Horiuchi, S., Asaki, Y.: Kinematics, Physical Condition, and Magnetic Field of the W3IRS5Region Traced by Water Masers,Vol.340, p.358: Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: The 10th Anniversary of the VLBA, ASP Conference Proceedings, Edited by J. Romney and M. Reid.: (2005)
Koji Tanaka and Susumu Sasaki: Basic Experiment of Remote SIMS Method for Lunar Surface Observation:SIMS−XV:
M.Yoshikawa, P. Michel: Orbital Evolution of Asteroid (25143) Itokawa : Its past, present, and future: The 37th Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference: (2006)
Minoru Iwasa, Koji Tanaka, Susumu Sasaki, Osamu Odawara: Study of The Plasma Interference with High Voltage Electron
Array for Space Power Application: 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference: (2005)
Mochizuki, N., Asaki, Y., Hachisuka, K.: Toward the Determination of Outer Galactic Rotation Curve − Source Selection for
Phase−referencing VLBI,Vol.340, p.532: Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: The 10th Anniversary of
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田中孝治,飯田雄介,,仁木洋平,川崎繁男,佐々木進:SPS 電気機能モデル用アレーアンテナの試作と評価:信
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藤田博之:MEMS−ONE プロジェクトへの期待:マイクロマシン:4月1
藤田博之:集積度1000倍,センサーと複合人工筋肉や多機能な皮膚が実現へ:NIKKEI MICRODEVICE,7月1日
藤田博之編著:EE Text センサ・マイクロマシン工学:オーム社:(2005)
Ezoe, Y.; Kokubun, M.; Makishima, K.; Sekimoto, Y.; Matsuzaki, K:Investigation of Diffuse Hard X−Ray Emission from the
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J. de Plaa, J. S. Kaastra, M. Mendez, T. Tamura, J. A. M. Bleeker, J. R. Peterson, F. B. S. Paerels, M. Bonamente, R. Lieu:The
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K. Ebisawa, et al.:Chandra Deep X−ray Observation of a typical Galactic plane region and near−infrared identification,vol635,
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Ken T. Murata, Kazunori Yamamoto, Daisuke Matsuoka,Hiroshi Matsumoto, Masaki Okada, Toshifumi Mukai, Jhon B. Sigwarth, Shigeru Fujita, Takashi Tanaka, Kiyohumi Yumoto, Tatsuki Ogino, Kazuo Shiokawa, Nikolao A. Tsyganenko,
James L. Green and Tsugunobu Nagai:Development of the Virtual Earth’s Magnetosphere System (VEMS), No.19,
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Nagai, T. M. Fujimoto, R. Nakamura, W. Baumjohann, A. Ieda, I. Shinohara, S. Machida, S. Saito, and T. Mukai: Solar wind
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R. Piffaretti, Ph. Jetzer, J. S. Kaastra, T. Tamura:Temperature and entropy profiles of nearby cooling flow clusters observed
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Shiokawa, K., I. Shinohara, T. Mukai, H. Hayakawa, and C. Z. Cheng:Magnetic field fluctuations during substorm−associated
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Shiokawa, K., Y. Miyashita, I. Shinohara, and A. Matsuoka:Decrease in Bz prior to the dipolarization in the near−Earth plasma
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Tanaka, K. G., I. Shinohara, and M. Fujimoto:Quick magnetic reconnection triggering in an ion−scale current sheet: Transition
from Type−I to Type−II,vol.32, CiteID L17106:Geophys. Res. Lett.: (2005)
H. Murakami, Y. Maeda:Galactic center: A Review: FRASCATI WORKSHOP: (2005)
I. Shinohara, K. G. Tanaka, and M. Fujimoto:Quick reconnection triggering in bifurcated current sheet1.:2005EGU general
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I. Shinohara, K. G. Tanaka, and M. Fujimoto:Quick triggering of magnetic reconnection in magnetotail:WSEF2005: (2005)
I. Shinohara, K. G. Tanaka, and M. Fujimoto: Magnetic reconnection triggering processes in the thin current sheet:IAGA2005:
I. Shinohara, K. G. Tanaka, and M. Fujimoto:Role of LHD instabilities in reconnection: application to the tail: URSI 2005:
I. Shinohara, K. G. Tanaka, and M. Fujimoto:Varieties of Quick Magnetic Reconnection Triggering processes via Lower−Hybrid−Drift Instability: Harry Petschek Symposium on Magnetic Reconnection: (2006)
K. Ebisawa: Scienctifc Data Archives at JAXA/ISAS: Japan−China Microgravity Symposium: (2005)
K. Ebisawa: Suzaku and High Energy Astrophysics Satellites at JAXA/ISAS:Asian Winter School: (2005)
K. Ebisawa: X−ray Observation of Galactic Plane: Japan−Germany Science Symposium: (2006)
K. Ebisawa: X−ray Observation of Accretion Disk Corona and X−ray Microcalorimeter:6th International Conference on High
Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics: (2006)
Daisuke Matsuoka, Ken T. Murata, Kazunori Yamamoto, Eizen Kimura, Shigeru Fujita, Takashi Tanaka, Hideyuki Usui,
Yoshiharu Omura, Masaki Okada, Tooru Sugiyama, Hiroko O. Ueda and Hiroshi Matsumoto: Applications of Haptic
Device ”PHANToM” to 3D Space Plasma Simulations:Super Computing2005: (2005)
Daisuke Matsuoka, Ken T. Murata, Shigeru Fujita, Takashi Tanaka:A Study of Magnetic Flux Rope Generation via3D Global
MHD Simulations and3D Visualizations: Radio Science Symposium for A Sustainable Humanosphere: (2006)
Daisuke Matsuoka, Ken T. Murata, Shigeru Fujita, Takashi Tanaka, Hiroshi Matsumoto and Yoshiharu Omura:A Study of
IMF’s Penetration of the Earth’s Magetotail via3−D:2005AGU Fall Meeting: (2005)
I. Shinohara, K. G. Tanaka, and M. Fujimoto:Two steps triggering of magnetic reconnection in a bifurcated current sheet:2005
AGU Fall Meeting: (2005)
I. Shinohara, K. Murata, K. Matsuzaki, A. Miura, T. Tamura, H. Baba, F. Nagase:The Data Archive and Transfer System
(DARTS) at JAXA/ISAS: Cluster and Double Star symposium 5th anniversary of Cluster in Space: (2005)
K. G. Tanaka, I. Shinohara, and M. Fujimoto:Quick reconnection triggering in bifurcated current sheet2.:2005EGU general
assembly: (2005)
K. T. Murata, E. Kimura and I. Shinohara:The Solar−Terrestrial data Analysis and Reference System (STARS): 2005 AGU
Fall Meeting: (2005)
Kazunori Yamamoto, Ken T. Murata, Daisuke Matsuoka:Development of 3−D Visualization Environment for Integration
Simulation and Satellites/Ground−based Observations Data Analysis:Radio Science Symposium for A Sustainable Humanosphere: (2006)
Ken T. Murata, Eizen Kimura and Iku Shinohara:The Solar−Terrestrial data Analysis and Reference System (STARS): 2005
AGU Fall Meeting: (2005)
Ken T. Murata, Shin−ichi Watari, Eizen Kimura, Yasuichi Kitamura, Jin Tanaka, Takatoshi Ikeda, Daisuke Matsuoka, Kazunori Yamamoto, Hironori Shimazu, Takuhito Kuwabara, Kiyoshi Igarashi, Toshifumi Takemoto, Takahiro Obara, Hideo
Miyachi, Yoji Matsumoto, Kazunori Iwamoto and Satoshi ISHIKURA:A Challenge to Real−time Visualization for 3D
Computer Simulations and Satellite Observations for Space Weather:Super Computing 2005, Bandwidth Challenge:
M. Oka, T. Terasawa, Y. Seki, Y. Kasaba, H. Kojima, H. Matsui, M. Fujimoto, I. Shinohara, H. Matsumoto, Y. Saito, and T.
Mukai:GEOTAIL Observations of the Earth’s Bow Shock: Whistler Critical Mach Number and the Diffusive Shock
Acceleration of Electrons:200
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R. Takaki, M. Hashimoto, H. Honda, A. Choki, M. Mizutani, K. Nomura, and T. Kosaka: ISACS−DOC:Automatic Monitoring
and Diagnostic System for Spacecraft:6th International Symposium Reducing the Costs of Spacecraft Ground Systems
and Operations (RCSGSO): (2005)
Satoshi Ishikura, Eizen Kimura, Ken T. Murata, Kazunori Yamamoto: Solar−Terrestrial data Analysis and Reference System
Based on Web Service: Radio Science Symposium for A Sustainable Humanosphere: (2006)
Takuya Kubo, Ken T. Murata, Eizen Kimura, Satoshi Ishikura:Automatic Meta Data Collection System for Satellite/Ground−
based Observational Data by the STARS RSS:Radio Science Symposium for A Sustainable Humanosphere: (2006)
T. Kodama, , M. Tanaka,T. Tamura, H. Yahagi, M. Nagashima,I. Tanaka,N. Arimoto, T. Futamase, M. Iye, Y. Karasawa, N.
Kashikawa, W. Kawasaki, T. Kitayama, H. Matsuhara, F. Nakata, T. Ohashi, K. Ohta, T. Okamoto, S. Okamura, K.
Shimasaku, Y. Suto, N. Tamura, K. Umetsu, T. Yamada:Panoramic Views of Cluster−Scale Assemblies Explored by
Subaru Wide−Field Imaging,vol.57, No.2, pp.309−323:Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan: (2005)
木村映善,村田健史:RSS/RDF を利用した太陽地球系物理観測データのメタデータ配信の検討:情報処理学会論
高木亮治,橋本正之,本田秀之,長木明成:科学衛星異常監視・診断システム ISACS−DOC:人工知能学会誌,
H. Fuke, T. Maeno, T. Yamagami, T. Yoshida, et al.: Search for Cosmic−Ray Antideuterons, 95, 081101: Phys. Rev. Lett.:
J. Kataoka, Y. Kanai, M. Arimoto, T. Ikagawa, T. Saito, T. Kamae, J. Mitchell, R. Streitmatter, T. Takahashi, et al.: Low energy response of a prototype detector array for the PoGO astronomical hard x−ray polarimeter,5898,133−143: UV, X−
Ray, and Gamma−Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIV. Edited by Siegmund, Oswald H. W. Proceedings of
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J. W. Mitchell, H. Fuke, T. Yamagami, T. Yoshida, et al.:Precise Measurements of the Cosmic Ray Antiproton Spectrum with
BESS Including the Effects of Solar Modulation,35, (1)135−(1)141: Adv. Space Res.: (2005)
K. Yamada, D. Akita, Y. Matsusaka, et al.:Flight Experiment of the Capsule with the Deployable Flexible Aeroshell Using a
Large Scientific Balloon, IAC−05−D2.6.05:56th Intl. Astronautical Congress: (2005)
K. Yamato, H. Fuke, T. Yamagami, T. Yoshida, et al.: Measurements of atmospheric antiprotons,632,475−479: Phys. Lett. B:
Y. Irimajiri, T. Manabe, S. Ochiai, H. Masuko, T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, N. Izutsu, T. Kawasaki, M. Namiki, and I. Murata:
BSMILES−A Balloon−Borne Superconducting Submillimeter−Wave Limb−Emission Sounder for Stratospheric Measurements, in press: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters: (2005)
Y. Makida, T. Kumazawa, T. Yoshida, et al.: Performance of an ultra−thin superconducting solenoid for particle astrophysics,
15,1248−1251: IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity: (2005)
Z. D. Myers, T. Yamagami, T. Yoshida, et al.: Cosmic Ray 1H and 2H Spectrum from BESS98,35, (1)151−(1)155: Adv. Space
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K. C. Kim, H. Fuke, T. Yamagami, T. Yoshida, et al.: Isotope Measurements of Cosmic−Ray Hydrogen and Helium during the
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M. Sasaki, P. A. Goodwin, T. Yoshida, et al.: Low Power Front−End Electronics for the BESS−Polar Time−of−Flight Counter
and Aerogel Cherenkov Counter,3,421−424: Proc.29th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf.: (2005)
S. Haino, H. Fuke, T. Yamagami, T. Yoshida, et al.: Measurements of cosmic−ray antiproton spectrum with BESS−2002,3,13
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S. Matsuda, H. Fuke, T. Yamagami, T. Yoshida, et al.: Observation of low energy antiprotons at the2004BESS−Polar flight in
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T. Hams, H. Fuke, T. Yamagami, T. Yoshida, et al.: Flight Performance of the BESS−Polar Aerogel Cherenkov Counter,3,69
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T. Yoshida, J. W. Mitchell, H. Fuke, T. Yamagami, et al.:The2004BESS−Polar scientific flight in Antarctica,3,33−36: Proc.
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Shinsuke Kawagucci, Urumu Tsunogai, Shingo Kudo, Fumiko Nakagawa, Hideyuki Honda, Shuji Aoki, Takakiyo Nakazawa,
and Toshitaka Gamo:An Analytical System for Determining δ17O in CO2 Using Continuous Flow−Isotope Ratio MS,77
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T. Seki, A. Morioka, Y. S. Miyoshi, F. Tsuchiya, H. Misawa, W. Gonzalez, T. Sakanoi, H. Oya, H. Matsumoto, K. Hashimoto,
and T. Mukai:Auroral kilometric radiation and magnetosphere−ionosphere coupling process during magnetic storms,
VOL.110, A05206:Journal of Geophysical Research: (2
高木亮治,橋本正之,本田秀之,長木明成:科学衛星異常監視・診断システム ISACS−DOC:人工知能学会誌,21
Shimizu, Y., Toki, K., Funaki, I., Kojima, H., and Yamakawa:Development of Magnetoplasmadynamic Solar Wind Simulator
for Magsail Experiment:第29回国際電気推進会議:(2005)
Y. Shimizu, H. Kuninaka and T. Nishiyama and K. Toki:Xenon Propellant for ion Engines of the Space Explorer HAYABUSA:Applications of Rare Gas Xenon to Science and Technology: (2005)
清水幸夫:Space Flyer Unit(SFU)の国立科学博物館での展示:日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌:Vol.
Keisuke Yoshihara, Hidekazu Hashimoto, Toru Yamamoto, Hirobumi Saito, Eiji Hirokawa, Makoto Mita, and Kota Magoshi:
Micro Sun Sensor with CMOS Imager for Smal Satellite Attitude Controll,SSC05−VIII−5:19th Annual AIAA/USU
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Hirokazu Suzuki, Tomonari Hirotani, Hiroaki Kobayashi, Kouichi Takasaki:Optimal Design for Future Space Transportation
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H.Nakashima, S.Aoki, H.Kanamori, A.Oida:Concept of Virtual Soil Bin by DEM for Lunar Locomotion Studies: Earth &
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T.Kobayashi, H.Ochiai, R.Fukagawa, S.Aoki, K.Tamoi:A Proposal for Estimating Strength Parameters of Lunar Surface from
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T. Kubota, T.Yoshimitsu: Asteroid Exploration Rover:2005IEEE Planetary Rover Workshop, ICRA: (2005)
K. Shirakawa, H.Morita, M. Uo, T. Hashimoto, T. Kubota, J. Kawaguchi:Accurate Landmark Tracking for Navigating Hayabusa prior to Final Descent:16th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference: (2006)
Ken’ichi Shirakawa, Hideo Morita, Masashi Uo, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Takashi Kubota, Jun’ichiro Kawaguchi:Accurate Landmark Tracking for Navigating Hayabusa prior to Final Descen: 16th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting:
Maruya M., Ohyama H., Uo M., Muranaka N., Morita H., Kubota T., Hashimoto T. Saito J. , Kawaguchi J.:Modeling and Analyzing Itokawa Topography for Hayabusa Touchdown and Sample Collection:The 37th Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference: (2006)
Masashi Uo, Ken’ichi Shirakawa, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Takashi Kubota, Jun’ichiro Kawaguchi:Hayabusa’s Touching−down to
Itokawa − Autonomous Guidance and Navigation:16th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference: (2006)
T. Kubota, Shujiro Sawai, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Jun’ichiro Kawaguchi:Robotics and Autonomous Technology for Asteroid
Sample Return Mission:2005IEEE12th Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics: (2005)
Takashi Kominato, Ken’ichi Shirakawa, Masashi Uo, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Jun’ichiro Kawaguchi:Optical Hybrid Navigation in
Hayabusa − Approach, Station Keeping & Hovering:16th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting: (2006)
Takashi Kubota, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, ISAS/JAXA; Masashi Uo, Katsuhiko Tsuno, Jun’ichiro Kawaguchi:Use of Laser and
Optical Sensors in Terrain Alignment and Touchdowns:16th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference: (2006)
LUNAR−A プロジェクトチーム
H. Shiraishi, K. Suzuki, S. Tanaka, M. Hayakawa, A. Fujimura, H. Mizutani:Penetration Characteristics of Planetary Penetrator:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
R. Yamada, I. Yamada, Y. Yokota, H. Shiraishi, S. Tanaka, A. Fujimura, H. Mizutani, N. Kobayashi, N. Takeuchi, H. Murakami, Y. Ishihara, J. Koyama, K. Yomogida, and Y. Takagi:Seismometer Design and its Characteristics Onboard LUNAR−A Pnetrator:6th IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions: (2005)
SELENE プロジェクトチーム
A.A. Berezhnoy, N. Hasebe, M. Kobayashi, G. Michael, N. Yamashita: Petrologic mapping of the Moon using Fe, Mg, and Al
abundances,Volume37, Issue 1 ,2006, Pages45−49: Advances in Space Research: (2006)
H.Maejima, S.Sasaki, and Y.Takizawa:Development of SELENE:LEAG2005: (2005)
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學,滝澤悦貞 : SELENE DATA Products for future lunar utilization: International Lunar Con-
學,佐々木進,滝澤悦貞:SELENE project status:International Lunar Conference: (2005)
Naoyuki Yamashita, Nobuyuki Hasebe, Takashi Miyachi, Mitsuhiro Miyajima, Kunitomo Sakurai, Masanori Kobayashi,
Osamu Okudaira, Hiroyuki, Yamamoto, Eido Shibamura, Yukio Uchihori, Masayuki Kase:Energy Spectra of Prompt
Gamma Rays from Al and Fe Thick Targets Irradiated by Helium and Proton Beams: Concerning Planetary Gamma−
Ray Spectroscopy,Vol.75No.5:Journal of the Physical Society of Japan: (2006)
A.A. Berezhnoy, O. Gasnault, N. Hasebe, M. Kobayashi, G. Michael: CORRECTION OF LUNAR PROSPECTOR ELEMENTAL MAPS., abstract#1032. pdf: Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII: (2006)
SOLAR−B プロジェクトチーム
T. Shimizu:Solar−B Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) − Its Scientific Capabilities and Advantages,ASP conference series Vol.
325, eds., T. Sakurai and T. Sekii, pp. 3−13.:The Solar−B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics:(2005)
T. Shimizu, T. Tarbell, Y. Suematsu, M. Kubo, K. Ichimoto, Y. Katsukawa, M. Miyashita, M. Noguchi, M. Nakagiri, S.
Tsuneta, D. Elmore, B. Lites, and SOT team:Estimate on SOT light level in flight with throughput measurements in
SOT sun tests ,in press: ASP conference series:(2006)
Deluca, E.E., Wever, M.A., Sette, A.L., Golub, L., Shibasaki, K., Sakao, T., and Kano, R.: Science of the X−ray Sun: The X−
ray telescope on Solar−B,Vol.36,1489−1493: Adv. Sp. Res.: (2005)
Tamura, T., Hara, H., Tsuneta, S., Ichimoto, K., Kumagai, K., Nakagiri, M., Shimizu, T., Sakao, T., and Kano, R.: Contamination evaluation and thermal vacuum bakeout for SOLAR−B visible−light and X−ray telescope:国立天文台報:Vol.
8,21−28: (2005)
Kumagai, K., Kano, R., Hara, H., Tamura, T., Sawa, M., Tsuneta, S., Sakao, T., and Matsuzaki, K.: Development of Heater
control equipment for the Solar−B XRT thermal vacuum test:国立天文台報:Vol.8,29−36: (2005)
INDEX プロジェクトチーム
T. Sakanoi, Y. Obuchi, A. Yamazaki, K. Asamura, M. Okada, S. Okano, M. Hirahara:INDEX mission:simultaneous observations between optical aurora and auroral particles with the high−time and high−spatial resolusions:Asia Oceania Geosiences society 1st Annual General Assembly: (2005)
T. Sakanoi, Y. Obuchi, T. Ino, K. Asamura, M. Hirahara, Y. Ogawa:Simultaneous image−particle measurements of fine−scale
aurora obtained by the REIMEI satellite: The Symposium of Arctic Atmosphere Observation2006(Alaska project symposium): (2006)
T. Sakanoi, Y. Obuchi, T. Ino, K. Asamura, Y. Kasaba,M. Hirahara, A. Yamazaki, S. Okano: Image and particle observations
of fine−scale auroras by the REIMEI satellite: Ejiri Symposium on Frontier of space: (2006)
PLANET−C プロジェクトチーム
T. Imamura;Meteorology of Venus and Venus Climate Orbiter of Japan:Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2nd Annual Meeting: (2005)
BepiColombo プロジェクトチーム
Miyachi T, Fujii M, Hasebe N, Kobayashi M, Kuraza G, Nagashima A, Nakamura Y, Nogami K, Iwai T, Sasaki S, Ohashi H,
Hasegawa S, Yano H, Shibata H:Velocity dependent response of a piezoelectric element to hypervelocity microparticles,35,1263−1269: Adv Space Res: (2005)
Miyachi T, Fujii M, Hasebe N, Kobayashi M, Kuraza G, Nagashima A, Nakamura Y, Nogami K, Iwai T, Sasaki S, Ohashi H,
Hasegawa S, Yano H, Shibata H, Gruen E, Srama R, Okada N, Tou T : Velocity dependent wave forms of piezoelectric
elements undergoing collisions with iron particles ranging from 5 to6
3 km/s : J Appl Phys Letters , 86, 2341021−
005, American Institute of Physics : (2005)
Miyachi T, Fujii M, Hasebe N, Kobayashi M, Kuraza G, Nagashima A, Nakamura Y, Okudaira O, Yamashita N, Nogami K,
Iwai T, Sasaki S, Ohashi H, Hasegawa S, Yano H, Shibata H, Okada N, Tou T:Response from piezoelectric elements
appearing immediately after collisions with silver particles,98,0141101−0141107:J Appl Phys: (2005)
Hayakawa, H., H. Yamakawa, H. Ogawa, Y. Kasaba, and T. Mukai,:Overview of BepiColombo MMO: European Geosciences
Union General Assembly: (2005)
Hayakawa, H., Y. Kasaba, T. Mukai and MMO Science Working Sub−Group (MMO−SWG): BepiColombo−MMO scientific
aspects and system update: Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2nd annual meeting: (2005)
Baumjohann, W., A. Matsuoka:The Magnetic Field Experiment for BepiColombo MMO:Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2
nd annual meeting:(2005)
Blomberg, L. G., H. Matsumoto, J.−L. Bougeret, H. Kojima, S. Yagitani, Y. Kasaba, J. A. Cumnock, M. Moncuquet, Y.
Omura, and J.−E. Wahlund:Electric Fields in Mercury’s Environment Measured by BepiColombo/MMO/PWI − Scientific Case and Planned Instrumentation:European Geosciences Union General Assembly: (2005)
Blomberg, L.G., H. Matsumoto, J.−L. Bougeret, H. Kojima, S. Yagitani, J. A. Cumnock, A.I. Eriksson, G. T. Marklund, J.−E.
Wahlund, L. Bylander, L. Ahlen, J.A. Holtet, K. Ishisaka, E. Kallio, Y. Kasaba, A. Matsuoka, M. Moncuquet, K. Mursula, Y. Omura, J. G. Trotignon:MEFISTO − an electric field instrument for BepiColombo/MMO:Asia Oceania
Geosciences Society 2nd annual meeting: (2005)
Blomberg, L.G., H. Matsumoto, J.−L. Bougeret, H. Kojima, S. Yagitani, Y. Kasaba, J.A. Cumnock, M. Moncuquet, Y. Omura,
J.−E. Wahlund:Electric Fields in Mercury’s Environment Measured by BepiColombo/MMO/PWI − Scientific Case and
Planned Instrumentation:Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2nd annual meeting: (2005)
Hirahara, M., T. Takashima, N. Fujikawa, H. Saito, K. Asamura, Y. Saito, and T. Yanagimachi:High−energy particle instruments for the exploration of the Mercury’s magnetosphere by BepiColombo−MMO:European Geoscience Union Meeting: (2005)
Kameda, S., Kagitani, M., Nozawa, H., Yoshikawa, I., Misawa, H., Okano, S., and Nakamura, M.:Ground−based observation
of sodium in Mercury’s exosphere:Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2nd annual meeting: (2005)
Kasaba, Y:Electric Field, Plasma Waves,and Radio Waves Observations from Space: JAXA Space Science Projects:3rd
KAGI21International Symposium: (2005)
Matsumoto, H., J.−L. Bougeret, L. Blomberg, H. Kojima, S. Yagitani, Y. Omura, M. Moncuquet, G. Chanteur, Y. Kasaba, J.−
G. Trotignon, Y. Kasahara:Plasma Wave Investigation (PWI) onboard BepiColombo Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter
(MMO):Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2nd annual meeting:(2005)
Miyachi T, Fujii M, Hasebe N, Kuraza G, Nogami K, Iwai T, Sasaki S, Ohashi H, Hasegawa S, Yano H, Shibata H, Gruen E,
Srama R, Okada N, Tou T:Empirical formulae for hypervelocity impact with a piezoelectric element and their application to a new real time dust detector:IEEE NSS−MIC2005: (2005)
Nogami K, Miyachi T, Fujii M, Nagashima A, Kuraza G, Ohashi H, Sasaki S, Yano H, Iwai T, Takechi S, Minami S, Gruen E,
Srama R:Interplanetary and Mercurian dust observation by Mercury dust monitor (MDM) on board BepiColombo
MMO:IAU Symposium No.229, Asteroids Comets Meteors:(2005)
Yamakawa, H., H. Ogawa, Y. Sone, H. Hayakawa, Y. Kasaba, T. Takashima, T. Mukai:BEPICOLOMBO MERCURY MAGNETOSPHERIC ORBITER DESIGN:56th International Astronautical Congress (IAC): (2005)
Yamakawa, H., H. Ogawa, Y. Sone, H. Hayakawa, Y. Kasaba, T. Takashima, T. Mukai, T. Tanaka, and M. Adachi:BepiColombo Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter:IAA International Conference on Low−Cost Planetary Missions (ICLCPM):
ISS 科学プロジェクト室
A. Higashitani, A, Higashibata, Y. Sasagawa, T. Sugimoto, Y. Miyazawa, N. J. Szewcyk, M. Viso, G. Gasset, B. Eche, K.
Fukui, T. Shimazu, N. Fujimoto, K. Kuriyama, and N. Ishioka:Checkpoint and physiological apoptosis in germ cells
proceeds normally in spaceflown Caenorhabditis elegans, Vol.10, pp.949−954:Apoptosis: (2005)
A. Takahashi, H.Matsumoto, Y. Furusawa, K.Ohnishi, N. Ishioka, T. Ohnishi: Apoptosis induced by high−LET radiations is
not affected by cellular p53gene status,vol.81, pp.581−586:International Journal of Radiation Biology: (2005)
D. Kitazawa, Y. Hatakeda, M. Kamada, N. Fujii, Y. Miyazawa, A. Hoshino, S. Iida, H. Fukaki, MT. Morita, M. Tasaka, H.
Suge, and H. Takahashi:Shoot circumnutation and winding movements require gravisensing cells., vol.102, pp.18742−
18747.: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS): (2005)
H. Koizumi, M. Tachibana, I. Yoshizaki and K. Kojima:Analysis of dislocation images in X−ray topography of protein crystals: tetragonal hen egg−white lysozyme crystals,Vol.85, No.31,3709−3717.: Philosophical Magazine: (2005)
I. Yoshizaki, M. Sakai and Y. Matsuura:Investigation of the Protein Pre−Crystallization Solution Using Analytical Ultracentrifugation,61(6)755−758.: Acta Crystallographica Section D61: (2005)
I. Yoshizaki, S. Fukuyama, H. Koizumi, M. Tachibana, K. Kojima, Y. Matsuura, M. Tanaka, N. Igarashi, A. Kadowaki, L.
Rong, S. Adachi, S. Yoda, and H. Komatsu:Impurity induced defect and its effect on protein crystal perfection:Journal
of Crystal Growth, in press: (2006)
J. Yu, P.−F. Paradis, T. Ishikawa, S. Yoda:Dielectric Properties of BaTiO3 Synthesized by Containerless Processing Technique,
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J. Yu, T. Ishikawa, and P.−F. Paradis,:Solidification and Thermophysical Property Studies of Barium Titanate by Electrostatic
Levitation Furnace,in press:J. Crystal Growth,: (2006)
J. Yu, T. Ishikawa, Y. Arai, S. Yoda, M. Itoh and Y. Sait:Extrinsic Origin of Giant Permittivity in Hexagonal BaTiO3 Single
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J. Yu, Y. Arai, T. Masaki, T. Ishikawa, S. Yoda, S. Kohara, H. Taniguchi, M. Itoh: Fabrication of BaTi2O5 Glass−Ceramics
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K. Kinoshita, Y. Ogata, S. Adachi, N. Koshikawa and S. Yoda:Excellent Compositional Homogeneity in In0.3Ga0.7As Crystals
Grown by the Traveling Liquidus−Zone (TLZ) Method, XVI−1, pp.71−73:Microgravity Science and Technology XVI−
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K. Orihara, T. Yamazaki, R. Shinkyo, T. Sakaki, K. Inouye, A. Tsukamoto, J. Sugiura, K. Shishido:Rat cytochrome P450−mediated transformation of dichlorodibenzo−p−dioxins by recombinant white−rot basidiomycete Coriolus hirsutus., Vol.
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Katsunori Omori, Toshio Takeuchi and Mitsuo Oguchi:Development of zooplankton culture subsystem for a closed ecological
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Kensuke Miyamotoa, Tomoki Hoshino, Masamichi Yamashita and Junichi Ueda:Automorphosis of etiolated pea seedlings in
space is simulated by a three−dimensional clinostat and the application of inhibitors of auxin polar transport,123:467
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M. Mikami, H. Oyagi, N. Kojima, M. Kikuchi, Y. Wakashima, and S. Yoda:Microgravity experiments on flame spread along
fuel−droplet arrays using a new droplet−generation technique,Vol.141, pp.241−252:Combustion and Flame: (2005)
M. Kamada, F.Tanigaki, and M.Takaoki:Space Biology Class Succeeds As Part of Science Education Programs for High
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M. Li, T. Ishikawa, K.. Nagashio, K.. Kuribayashi, and S. Yoda:Experimental evidence of crystal fragmentation from highly
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M. Li, T. Ishikawa, K.. Nagashio, K.. Kuribayashi, and S. Yoda:Microtexture formation of Ni99B1 alloys solidified on ESL and
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M. Li, T. Ishikawa, K.. Nagashio, K.. Kuribayashi, and S. Yoda:A comparative EBSP study of microstructure and microtexture
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M. Li, K.. Nagashio, T. Ishikawa, S. Yoda, and K.. Kuribayashi:Microtexture and macrotexture formation in the containerless
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M. Li, S. Yoda, and K.. Kuribayashi:Asymmetrical contribution of eutectic growth kinetics on the coupled growth behaviour in
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M. Li, S. Yoda, and K.. Kuribayashi:Comments on the work by Wei and co−workers on free eutectic and dendritic solidification from undercooled metallic melts,vol.54, No.7, pp.1427−1432.: Scripta Materialia: (2006)
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J. Yu, and T. Ishikawa:Development of Electrostatic Levitation Furnace, and Study of Melt Properties and Supercooling on
metals and oxides:3rd Asian conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology: (2005)
L. Rong, I. Yoshizaki, S. Yoda: Application of probe microscope on protein crystal growth:16th National Congress for Space
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松岡 勝:The evolution of AGN and the origin of the CXB:Mini−WS on HXMT: (2006)
A. Higashibata, M. Imamizo−Sato, M. Seki, N. Ota, A. Higashitani, and N. Ishioka:Worms in Space (Gene and Protein Expression Analyses of Spaceflown Worms):6th Japan/China Workshop on Microgravity Sciences: (2005)
A. Higashibata, N. Higashitani, M. Imamizo−Sato, A. Higashitani, and N. Ishioka: Effects of microgravity on muscle related
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A. Higashitani, A, Higashibata, Y, Sasagawa, T. Sugimoto, Y. Miyazawa, N. Szewcyk, M. Viso, G. Gasset, B. Eche, K. Fukui,
T. Shimazu, N. Fujimoto, K. Kuriyama, N. Ishioka:Checkpoint and physiological apoptosis in germ cells proceeds normally in spaceflown Caenorhabditis elegans on ICE firest experiment:1
5th International C.elegans Meeting abstract:
H. Tanaka, I. Yoshizaki, S. Takahashi, M. Yamanaka, S. Fukuyama, M. Sato, S. Sano, M. Motohara, T. Kobayashi, and S.
Yoshitomi:Diffusion Co−effieicnt of the Protein in Various Crystallization Solutions : The Key to Growing High−quality Crystals in Space:ELGRA(European Low Gravity Research Association: (2005)
Hiroei Sasaki, Satoshi Matsumoto, Takashi Mashiko, Hiroaki Ohira, Erika Yoda, Nobuyuki Imaishi, Shinichi Yoda: Transition
of Thermocapillary Flow in Low Prandtl Number Liquid Bridge:Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Program of
58th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics: (2005)
J. Yu, and Y. Arai: Anomalous Permittivity During Crystallization of BaTi2O5 Glass:11th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity: (2005)
J. Yu, Y. Arai, and S. Yoda:Synthesis of Novel Oxide Materials by Containerless Processing:6th China−Japan Workshop on
Microgravity Sciences: (2005)
K. Kinoshita, Y. Ogata, S. Adachi, M. Natsuisaka, T. Ishikawa, T. Masaki and S. Yoda:In0.3Ga0.7As PLATE CRYSTAL
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K. Kinoshita, Y. Ogata, S. Adachi, S. Yoda, T. Tsuru, H. Miyata and Y. Muramatsu:CONVECTION EFFECTS ON CRYS-
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Kaori Tomita−Yokotani, Takako Kato, Yoshiharu Fujii, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Teruko Nakamura, Masamichi Yamashita:Response of allelochemicals under pseudo−microgravity: Fourth World Congress on Allelopathy − Establishing the Scientific Base : (2005)
L. Rong, I. Yoshizaki, S. Yoda:Effect of weak flow on protein crystal growth: Sixth Japan / China Workshop on Microgravity
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M. Kikuchi, S. Yamamoto, S. Yoda, Y. Wakashima, and M. Mikami:Effect of ambient temperature on flame spread of an n−
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M.Li, T. Ishikawa, K.. Nagashio, K.. Kuribayashi, and S. Yoda:Microtexture formation of Ni99B1 alloys solidified on ESL and
EML−−−a study based on EBSP: The12th Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials: (2005)
Masahiro Takayanagi, Shinichi Yoda, Makoto Natsuisaka, Long Rong, Mitsuru Ohnishi, Noriaki Ishioka and Katsunori Omori:
Japan−China collaboration on space experiments by utilization of chinese recoverable satellite:6th Japan−China Workshop Microgravity Sci.:(2005)
Masato Sakurai, Mitsuo Oguchi, Takeshi Hoshino, Shoichi Yoshihara, Katsunori Ohmori, Mitsuru Ohnishi:Water Electrolysis
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N. Ishioka, A. Higashibata, N. Higashitani, M. Seki, M. Sato(Imamizo), N. Szewcyk, M. Viso, G. Gasset, B. Eche, N. Fujimoto, K. Kuriyama, K. Fukui, T. Shimazu, A. Higashitani:Microgravity−dependent alteration of protein and gene expression in Caenorhabditis elegans on the international C.elegans space experiment−first (ICE−first):15th International
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R. Adachi, T. Takaya, K. Kuriyama, N. Ishioka, H. Kagawa:First International C.elegans Experiment (ICE−first). Microgravity
effects on the muscle thick filament in the paramyosin mutant of Caenorhabditis elegans:15th International C.elegans
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Satoshi Matsumoto, Shigeru Awazu, Takehiko Ishikawa, Shinichi Yoda, Tadashi Watanabe, Yutaka Abe:Effect of Amplitude
on Frequency in Oscillating Liquid Drop:Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Program of58th Annual Meeting
of the Division of Fluid Dynamics: (2005)
Shinichi Yoda, Satoshi Matsumoto, Atsuki Komiya:Theoretical Analysis of Critical Marangoni Number for Oscillatory Flows
with High Prandtl Number Fluids Driven by Surface Tension:Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Program of58
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T. Mashiko, S. Matsumoto, H. Sasaki, H. Ohira, S. Yoda, E. Yoda, N. Imaishi:Transition of Thermocapillary Flow in Half
Zone Liquid Bridge of Low Prandtl Number:AIAA: (2006)
Y. Arai, J. Yu, M. Li, and S. Yoda:Barium Titanate Glass Processing by Itanate Glass Processing by Containerless Furnace:12
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Y. Honda, N. Ishioka, S. Honda:Study of space−flight effect on the aging of C.elegans in the international C.elegans Experiment (ICE)−First:15th International C.elegans Meeting abstract: (2005)
Y. Suganuma, H. Nomura, Y. Ujiie, M. Kikuchi, S. Yamamoto, S. Yoda, and M. Mikami:Flame spread of fuel droplet array in
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上野史郎:Status of MAXI mission on the ISS:Mini−WS on HXMT: (2006)
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洋,上野史郎,横田孝夫,他12名:Physics of X−ray
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A. Murk, K. Kikuchi, J. Inatani:Linearity Measurement of a640GHz SIS Mixer for JEM/SMILES:16th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technologies (Gothenburg, Sweden): (2005)
J. Inatani:Some Demonstrated Performance of SMILES (EM):The International Workshop on Submillimeter Wave Earth Observation (Kyoto): (2005)
J. Inatani, A. Okabayashi, K. Kikuchi, R. Sato, T. Manabe, M. Seta, S. Tsunematsu, S. Yajima, K. Narasaki:Space−qualified4
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K. Kikuchi, S. Arimura, J. Inatani, Y. Fujii, T. Suzuki, A. Iwamoto, A. Yamamoto:Impedance Matching of640GHz SIS Mixer
in a High IF Band of11−13GHz:16th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technologies (Gothenburg, Sweden): (2005)
M. Seta,T. Manabe, K. Kikuchi, S. Arimura, Y. Fujii, R. Sato, T. Nishibori, H. Ozeki, A. Okabayashi, J. Inatani: Evaluation of
a640GHz Cryo−Receiver for Limb Emission Sounder JEM/SMILES:16th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technologies (Gothenburg, Sweden): (2005)
M. Kamada, A. Higashitani, N. Ishioka: Proteomic analysis of Arabidopsis root gravitropism., vol.19, pp.148−154.: Biological
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Vol.22(3), pp.
大森克徳,遠藤雅人,吉崎悟朗,竹内俊郎:飼育水の塩類組成がティラピア仔魚 Oreochromis niloticus の飼育に与
8(1),27−30: Eco−Engineering,18(1),27−30: (2006)
満,符徳勝:酸素欠損六方晶 BaTiO3の巨大誘電応答:固体物理:(2006)
K. Kinoshita, S. Adachi and S. Yoda: Homogeneous semiconductor crystal growth: Studies on Crystal Growth Under Microgravity: (2005)
森井幹雄:Observation of Anomalous X−ray Pulsars in X−ray and NIR−Optical wavelength: The X−ray Universe 2005:
宇宙科学研究本部 ISS 科学プロジェクト室:日本
Masamichi Yamashita, Yoji Ishikawa, Yoshiaki Kitaya, Eiji Goto, Mayumi Arai, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Kaori Tomita−Yoko-
tani, Masayuki Hirafuji, Katsunori Omori, Atsushi Shiraishi, Akira Tani, Kyoichiro Toki, Hiroki Yokota, Osamu Fujita:
Modeling Heat and Mass Transfer for Living on Mars: Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena in Microgravity and
Space Sciences IV: (2005)
深澤智晴,正木匡彦,伊丹俊夫,渡邊勇基:シアーセル法による溶融 Ag 中の Au の拡散係数 測 定:熱 物性,
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