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プログラム - 日本医療政策機構
Health Policy Summit 2012
~Open Platform and Global Collaboration~
ホテルニューオータニ (Hotel New Otani Tokyo)
「Health Policy Summit 2012」にご出席をいただき誠にありがとうございます。日本医療政策機構は、非営利・
その活動の一環がこのサミットです。健康・医療をめぐる課題についてのprinciple( 基本的理念、普遍的な原
NCD(Non-Communicable Disease:非感染症分野)に関する国際協力枠組の議論がなされたことも、深刻さが
築できるのか。世界の関心が日本に向けられています。第三に健康格差です。Social Determinants of Health
から緊急チームを編成し、米国に拠点を持つ国際医療支援団体Project HOPEと連携をし、被災地支援を実施
2011年5月末には、当機構の仲介のもと、達増拓也岩手県知事とProject HOPEによる被災地支援に係る覚書
調印式も執り行われ、また、Project HOPEは、岩手県山田町に対して、中長期的な医療システムの再構築に
今回のサミットも昨年に引き続き、アメリカのシンクタンクの雄CSIS(Center for Strategic and International
Studies / 戦略国際問題研究所)と一部セッションを共催し、グローバルに活躍する論客をお呼びしています。
黒川 清
Greetings from Chairman
Welcome, everyone, and thank you all for your attendance at Health Policy Summit 2012.
Health and Global Policy Institute has now entered its 8th year of activity as an independent, non-partisan, non-profit private think
tank. The Institute’s activities have developed on the basis that involving a wide diversity of stakeholders in open discussion of
policy options is essential to establish the mature, democratic decision-making process indispensable to realizing the healthcare the
public truly needs.
This Summit holds a prominent position among those activities. To achieve a comprehensive vision and grand design based on a
clear understanding of the principles underlying health and healthcare issues, there is an absolute need for practical policy planning
and implementation capability. This Summit thus serves in bringing together many stakeholders to share and discuss their collective
wisdom in the formulation of practical policies.
The 2011 Summit took place at the end of February last year, with discussion focusing on 4 points in particular. The first of these is
the increase in chronic diseases. Not only in Japan but in every country around the world, developed and emerging nation alike,
chronic diseases are on the rise, especially lifestyle-related diseases. The seriousness of the issue has now clearly been recognized,
with the UN passing a Resolution on Prevention and control of Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) at its High-Level Meeting last
September. When considering measures against chronic disease, it is clear in many ways just how important it is to rebuild both our
way of life and the bonds between us as patients or citizens in order to shift from outdated concepts of healthcare policy to a
“healthy” policy, and to incorporate such diverse elements as community and city planning and utilization of innovative technology
such as IT. The second point is the aging of society. As Japanese society ages with unparalleled speed, what form of healthcare
provision or social structure can be established? How can communities be restructured? World attention is focused on Japan in this
area in particular. The third point is disparities in health, which have grown even in Japan from the social and environmental factors
collectively known as the Social Determinants of Health. Among these, how are we to assess fairness or equality with respect to
health and healthcare? The fourth point is the shortage of public funds. Social security costs are rising in every advanced nation,
including Japan, and there is growing debate about how such costs, including healthcare expenditure, can and should be covered.
Alongside these 4 issues, and just as we commenced our 2011 activities, the Great East Japan Earthquake struck. The Institute
organized emergency medical teams in immediate response and cooperated with Project HOPE, an international medical aid
organization based in the United States, to provide support in stricken areas. In April, we started to provide logistical support for
the dispatch to stricken areas of Japanese medical professionals usually resident in the U.S. Moreover, at the end of May, at a
ceremony mediated by the Institute, a memorandum of understanding was signed by Iwate Governor Takuya Tasso and Project
HOPE for the continued provision of medical support and assistance to the stricken area, and in addition, Project HOPE plans to
provide mid- to long-term support for reconstruction of the healthcare system in the Iwate town of Yamada.
The response to this disaster revealed both the strong and weak points of the Japanese people, and provided many valuable lessons
to the world and to future generations, including of course the issue of nuclear energy. Against this backdrop, and especially in
those prefectures hardest hit by the disaster, there is increasing debate about the distribution of healthcare funding and resources,
not only with regard to post-disaster emergency medical care but also for telemedicine and homecare, and how an effective new
form of healthcare provision can be created through regional cooperation. So, to the 4 points mentioned above can now be added
the issue of revival and reconstruction in the wake of the earthquake disaster, and so the need for international discussion and
action for the sake of future generations is clearly required. Thus, the concept underlying this Summit is that of an “Open Global
Platform”, enabling discussion of how each and every participant here can become involved in significant actions well beyond the
scope of their own specific role.
Also at this Summit, continuing on from last year’s event, the Institute will co-host a joint session with leading American think tank,
CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), featuring stimulating debate among globally active experts.
Through these activities, and holding to a clear and ambitious vision, let us use the occasion of this Summit to create more practical
policies. Let us engage together in vigorous and expansive discussion that can lead to formulation of practical policy proposals, and
move forward towards realization.
Health and Global Policy Institute. Chairman Kiyoshi Kurokawa
~Open Platform and Global Collaboration~
プンかつグローバルな視野から議論し、国際的に健康課題に取り組む民間・独立・グローバル なプラット
ることを目的とします。また、 慢性疾患対策など先進国で共通する健康医療政策課題についても国内外の有
■日時 2012年2月10日(金) 9:00~17:15
(17:30~19:00 ネットワーキング レセプション)
■場所 ホテルニューオータニ シリウスの間
特定非営利活動法人 日本医療政策機構
戦略国際問題研究所(The Center for Strategic and International Studies: CSIS)
Health Policy Summit 2012
~Open Platform and Global Collaboration~
Leading Japanese and international experts will convene, as part of the HGPI Summit’s independent private
sector platform, to explore cooperative international action to tackle health challenges in Japan itself as well as
globally. The Summit occurs almost one year following the Great East Japan Earthquake and will be the
occasion to reflect on evolving policies and programs to reconstruct health infrastructure, cope with low-dose
long-term radiation, and bring effective services to vulnerable traumatized populations. The Summit will also
examine other major health policy challenges before Japan, and how to strengthen global cooperation in the
present era of austerity.
■Date & Time
Friday, February 10, 2012 9:00 - 17:15
(17:30 - 19:00 Networking Reception)
Hotel New Otani Tokyo, Room Sirius
(Reception: Room Aries)
(Address: 4-1, Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Health and Global Policy Institute
■Collaborated with
CSIS (The Center for Strategic and International Studies)
■Supported by
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan , Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Netherlands Embassy,
United States Embassy
・阿曽沼 慎司 (厚生労働事務次官)
・黒川 清 (日本医療政策機構 代表理事)
【CSIS-HGPIジョイントセッション1:東北と日本のリデザイン ~災害支援とメンタルヘルス~】
・ハワード・ゴールドマン (メリーランド大学医学部精神科 教授)
・丹羽 真一 (福島県立医科大学 医学部 神経精神医学講座 教授)
・ヨタム・ポリッツエー イスラエイド(IsraAID:イスラエル国際人道援助フォーラム) ジャパン・プロジェクト・コー
モデレーター: 村上 博美 (政策研究大学院大学 助教授、日本医療政策機構 エクゼクティブ・ディレクター)
東北と日本のリデザイン ~イノベーティブで持続可能な未来志向の医療システム~】
・ブライアン・バイルズ (ジョージ・ワシントン大学公衆衛生・健康サービス大学院医療政策学 教授)
・レイモンド・J・バクスター (カイザー・パーマネンテ 地域福祉・調査研究・医療政策担当 上級副代表)
・増田 寛也 (NRI 株式会社 野村総合研究所 顧問、前岩手県知事)
・武藤 真祐 (医療法人社団鉄祐会 理事長/一般社団法人高齢先進国モデル構想会議 理事長)
モデレーター: 乗竹 亮治 (日本医療政策機構 ディレクター)
【CSIS-HGPI ランチセッション:放射線リスクのためのグローバルプラットフォーム】
・荒井 聰 (民主党 衆議院議員、衆議院内閣委員長)
・佐々木 康人 (社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会 常務理事)
・細野 豪志 (環境大臣、原子力発電所事故収束・再発防止担当大臣、内閣府特命担当大臣(原子力行
・増田 秀樹 (NHK制作局 ETV特集チーフ・プロデューサー)
モデレーター: 中山 由美 (朝日新聞報道局 記者)
・井伊 雅子 (一橋大学国際・公共政策大学院 教授)
・近藤 克則 (日本福祉大学 社会福祉学部 教授)
・武内 和久 (マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー)
・ピーター・テルプストラ (オランダ大使館経済部 政策アドバイザー)
モデレーター: 小野崎 耕平 (アストラゼネカ株式会社 執行役員コーポレートアフェアーズ本部長)
・ルートヴィヒ・カンツラ (マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー プリンシパル)
・中林 美恵子 (民主党 衆議院議員)
・J・スティーブ・モリソン (CSIS副所長、グローバル・ヘルス・ポリシー・センター長)
モデレーター: 大林 尚 (日本経済新聞社 編集委員 兼 論説委員)
【ネットワーキング レセプション】
(Alphabetical Order)
[Opening Remarks]
- Mr. Shinji Asonuma (Vice-minister of Health, Labour and Welfare)
- Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa (Chairman, Health and Global Policy Institute)
[CSIS-HGPI Joint Session 1: Re-designing Tohoku and Japan ~Disaster Relief and Mental Health~]
- Dr. Howard Goldman (Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine)
- Dr. Shin-Ichi Niwa (Professor and Chairman of Department of Neuropsychiatry Fukushima Medical
University School of Medicine)
- Mr. Yotam Polizer (Japan Country Director, IsraAID: The Israel Forum for International Humanitarian Aid)
Moderator: Dr. Hiromi Murakami (Executive Director at the Health and Global Policy Institute, Assistant
professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
[CSIS-HGPI Joint Session 2:
Re-designing Tohoku and Japan ~Innovative & Sustainable Health System for Future~]
- Dr. Brian Biles (Professor, Department of Health Policy in the School of Public Health and Health Services,
George Washington University)
- Mr. Hiroya Masuda (Adviser, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. / Former Iwate Governor)
- Dr. Raymond J. Baxter (Senior vice president, Community Benefit, Research and Health Policy, Kaiser
- Dr. Shinsuke Muto (Chairman, Tetsuyu Institute Medical Corporation / Chairman, Leading Aging Society
Moderator: Mr. Ryoji Noritake (Director, Health and Global Policy Institute)
[CSIS-HGPI Lunch Session: Global Partnership for Radiation Risk]
-Hon. Goshi Hosono (Minister of the Environment, Minister for the Restoration from and Prevention of
Nuclear Accident, Minister of State for Nuclear Power Policy and Administration)
- Mr. Hideki Masuda (“ETV Tokushu” Senior Producer, NHK Program Production Department)
- Mr. Satoshi Arai (Member of the House of Representatives, The Democratic Party of Japan, Chairman of
the Committee on Cabinet)
- Dr. Yasuhito Sasaki (Executive Director, Japan Radioisotope Association)
Moderator: Ms. Yumi Nakayama (Journalist, The Asahi Shimbun)
[Setting the Global Agenda: Identifying the Priorities of Health Policy]
- Dr. Katsunori Kondo (Professor, Social Epidemiology, Health Policy and Management, Nihon Fukushi
- Mr. Kazuhisa Takeuchi (McKinsey & Company)
- Prof. Masako Ii (Professor, School of International and Public Policy, Hitotsubashi University)
- Mr. Pieter Terpstra (Trade Secretary, Trade and Industry Section, Embassy of the Kingdom of the
Moderator: Mr. Kohei Onozaki (Vice President, Corporate Affairs AstraZeneca K.K.)
[Solving the Global Agenda: An Open Platform for a Healthier World]
- Dr. J. Stephen Morrison (Senior Vice President and Director, Global Health Policy Center, CSIS)
- Dr. Ludwig Kanzler (Principal, McKinsey & Company)
- Ms. Mieko Nakabayashi (Member of the House of Representatives, The Democratic Party of Japan)
Moderator: Mr. Tsukasa Obayashi (Senior & Editorial Writer, Nikkei Inc.)
[Closing Remarks]
[Networking Reception]
登壇者のご紹介 / Introductions of speakers, commentators & moderators
【 開会の辞】
[Opening Remarks]
阿曽沼 慎司 (厚生労働事務次官)
Shinji Asonuma, Vice-minister of Health, Labour and Welfare
Mr. Asonuma, a native of Hiroshima prefecture, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Kyoto University in
1974. He joined the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and held a variety of posts including an officer of
Pension & Welfare Department of JETRO New York, Director of Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, DirectorGeneral of Minister’s Secretariat, Director of Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly, and Director of Social
Welfare and War Victims’ Relief Bureau. In 2009, he assumed the post of Director of Health Policy Bureau for the
first time as an administrative official, while the post had been exclusively held by technical officials with medical
backgrounds. Mr. Asonuma has been Vice-minister of Health, Labour and Welfare since July 2010.
黒川 清 (政策研究大学院大学アカデミックフェロー、Health and Global Policy Institute 代表理事、Chair and
Founder, IMPACT Foundation Japan、東京大学名誉教授)
Kiyoshi Kurokawa, MD, MACP, FRCP(London) / Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies /
Chairman, Health and Global Policy Institute / Chair , Co-Founder, IMPACT Japan
Photo: Tstsuo SAKUMA
A graduate of University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine; in US 1969-85, was a professor of medicine, School of
Medicine of UCLA (1979-84), of University of Tokyo (1989-96), Dean of Tokai University School of Medicine (19962002), President of Science Council of Japan (2003-06), Science Advisor to the Prime Minister (2006-08). Executive
member of many national and international professional societies, WHO Commissioner (2005-09), Institute of
Medicine of National Academies of Sciences of USA.
His website: <http://www.kiyoshikurokawa.com/en>
【CSIS-HGPI ジョイントセッション1: 東北と日本のリデザイン ~災害支援とメンタルヘルス~】
[CSIS-HGPI Joint Session 1: Re-designing Tohoku and Japan ~Disaster Relief and Mental Health~]
In the Tohoku region stricken by the Great East Japan Earthquake, there is a continued need for effective, well-designed mental health
services to benefit vulnerable populations. This panel will examine what knowledge and best practices have emerged from comparative
disaster experiences outside Japan. It will also hear from Japanese experts engaged directly in shaping the policies and programs for mental
health services in Tohoku. The panel will conclude with consideration of future priorities and challenges, and what concrete external
technical expertise would be most valued and appropriate, in the view of Tohoku’s mental health professionals.
ハワード・ゴールドマン (メリーランド大学医学部精神科 教授)
ス大学大学院(the Heller School at Brandeis University)にて博士号(社会政策研究)を取得。米国精神医学会
(American Psychiatric Association)が毎月刊行する精神保健管理政策研究に関する雑誌「Psychiatric Services」
の編者。1997-1999年、精神保健に関する公衆衛生総監報告(the Surgeon General‘s Report on Mental Health)
の科学編集長を務め、公衆衛生総監賞(the Surgeon General’s Medallion)を受賞。専門は、精神保健事業の評
Howard Goldman, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine
Howard Goldman, M.D., Ph.D., is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Dr.
Goldman received joint M.D. - M.P.H. degrees from Harvard University in 1974 and a Ph.D. in social policy
research from the Heller School at Brandeis University in 1978. He is the editor of Psychiatric Services, a mental
health services research and policy journal published monthly by the American Psychiatric Association. Dr.
Goldman served as the Senior Scientific Editor of the U.S. Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health from 19971999 for which he was awarded the Surgeon General’s Medallion. Dr. Goldman’s expertise is in evaluating mental
health services and financing programs and policies. His full biography is available here:
丹羽 真一 (福島県立医科大学 医学部 神経精神医学講座 教授)
Shin-Ichi Niwa, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Chairman of Department of Neuropsychiatry Fukushima Medical
University School of Medicine
Born in February 1947, Dr. Niwa graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo in March 1972,
and engaged himself in medical treatment, education, and research as a research assistant in the Department of
Neuropsychiatry, the University of Tokyo Hospital from October 1976. He has served as a professor in the
Department of Neuropsychiatry, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine since December 1992. At
Fukushima Medical University, he expanded his research area to include community mental health services and
post-mortem brains of patients with psychiatric disorders, and established Brain Bank. Dr. Niwa served as
Director of Fukushima Medical University Hospital from May 2004 to March 2006, and served on the board of
directors of Fukushima Medical University from April 2006 after the university became an independent corporate
entity. He then served as Vice-President of the university from April 2008 to March 2010. Since the Great East
Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident, Dr. Niwa has been engaged in the efforts to support the
victims and to reconstruct mental health services.
ヨタム・ポリッツェー (イスラエイド(IsraAID:イスラエル国際人道援助フォーラム) ジャパン・プロジェクト・コー
2007年、Tevel B’Tzedekのネパールにおける開発プロジェクトに参加。3年半、プロジェクト・コーディネーターとし
Yotam Polizer, Japan Project Coordinator, IsraAID: The Israel Forum for International Humanitarian Aid
Yotam Polizer has over 10 years experience in humanitarian aid and international development. He is currently
the Country Director of IsraAID’s Aid & Development project in Japan. Over the last year, Yotam has led the
organization’s efforts on the ground, from cleaning and relief operations, to the current post-trauma professional
capacity-building program in 7 cities of Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures.
Hailing from a small village in Northern Israel, Yotam began his social activism working with juvenile delinquents
in a rehabilitation center. His achievements include launching a ground-breaking program to pair Israeli army
volunteers with special-needs children, as well as a youth leadership and community development project in
Bedouin villages of Israel’s Negev desert.
In 2007, Yotam joined the Tevel B’Tzedek’s development project in Nepal, where he spent three and a half years
as a Project Coordinator. During this time, he was also employed by the Israeli Embassy as Consular Assistant.
モデレーター/ Moderator
村上 博美 (政策研究大学院大学 助教授、日本医療政策機構 エクゼクティブ・ディレクター)
Hiromi Murakami, MBA, PhD, Executive Director at the Health and Global Policy Institute, Assistant professor
at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Hiromi Murakami joined the Health and Global Policy Institute in 2010, and is in charge of Global Health Center.
She is assistant professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo, focusing on
science and technology policies and industry-state relations. Prior to joining GRIPS, she was vice president at
Economic Strategy Institute in Washington, D.C., in charge of Asia. She also conducted research at the Center for
Strategic and International Studies, and the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at the Johns Hopkins
University. She holds an M.B.A. in international business from St. Mary's College (California)/Ecole supérieure de
Commerce de Rennes (France), and a Ph.D. in international relations/political economy from the School of
Advanced International Studies at the Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C.
【CSIS-HGPI ジョイントセッション2:
東北と日本のリデザイン ~イノベーティブで持続可能な未来志向の医療システム~】
[CSIS-HGPI Joint Session 2:
Re-designing Tohoku and Japan ~Innovative & Sustainable Health System for Future~]
The Tohoku region chronic shortage of healthcare personnel, especially doctors, worsened after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
The absence of electronic health records was also very problematic in the stricken areas. This panel will examine models and lessons from
outside Japan for achieving efficient, integrated health systems. It will also hear from Japanese experts on evolving plans in Tohoku for
ブライアン・バイルズ (ジョージ・ワシントン大学公衆衛生・健康サービス大学院医療政策学 教授)
Brian Biles, Professor, Department of Health Policy in the School of Public Health and Health Services, George
Washington University
Dr. Brian Biles is Professor of Health Policy and Health Services Management at the George Washington
University. His research focuses on key issues including healthcare reform, Medicare, and managed care.
Previously, Dr. Biles served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health during the Clinton administration, and as
senior staff to the Congressional committees responsible for health policy. For seven years, he was staff director
of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health, supervising the drafting of major Medicare and
healthcare financing legislation. He also managed Maryland’s state health programs. Dr. Biles was educated at
the University of Kansas and Johns Hopkins University.
レイモンド・J・バクスター (カイザー・パーマネンテ 地域福祉・調査研究・医療政策担当 上級副代表)
政策グループであるThe Lewin Groupを率いた経験がある。プリンストン大学ウッドローウィルソン公共国際問題
大学院にて博士号を取得。現在、Grantmakers in Health(医療分野の助成に関する教育団体)理事、カリフォル
Global Agenda Council(医療分野)委員、そしてアルキメデス社理事を務める。2001年、サンフランシスコでの
英雄(Public Health Hero)に選出された。2006年9月には、メキシコ湾岸を襲ったハリケーン・カトリーナの健康被
Raymond J. Baxter, Ph.D., Senior vice president, Community Benefit, Research and Health Policy, Kaiser
As a member of Kaiser’s National Leadership Team, Dr. Baxter leads the organization’s activities to fulfill its
social mission, including care and coverage for low income people, community health initiatives, health equity,
environmental stewardship and support for community-based organizations. He also leads Kaiser Permanente’s
work in research, health policy and diversity, and serves as President of KP International. Dr. Baxter has more
than 30 years of experience managing public health, hospital, long-term care and mental health programs,
including heading the San Francisco Department of Public Health and the New York City Health and Hospitals
Corporation. Dr. Baxter also led The Lewin Group, a noted health policy firm. Dr. Baxter holds a doctorate from
the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University. He serves on the Board of
Directors of Grantmakers in Health, the Advisory Board of the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, the Technical
Board of the Milbank Memorial Fund, the Global Agenda Council on Health of the World Economic Forum, and
the Board of Archimedes, Inc. In 2001 the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health honored
him as a Public Health Hero for his service in the AIDS epidemic in San Francisco. In September 2006 he received
the CDC Foundation Hero Award for addressing the health consequences of Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast,
and for his longstanding commitment to improving the health of communities.
増田 寛也 (NRI 株式会社 野村総合研究所 顧問、前岩手県知事)
8月より総務大臣 (~2008年9月まで) 、内閣府特命担当大臣(地方分権改革)、地方再生担当、道州制担当、郵
Hiroya Masuda, Adviser, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. / Former Iwate Governor
Graduated from Faculty of Law, the University of Tokyo March in 1977 and Joined the Ministry of Construction.
From 1995 to 2007, he worked as Governor of Iwate Prefecture. From 2007 to 2008, he served as Minister for
Internal Affairs and Communications, Minister of State for Decentralization Reform, Minister of State for Rural
and Urban Disparities, Minister of State for Regional System and Minister of State for Privatization of the Postal
Services. From 2009, he’s working as the advisor of Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. Also he is professor of the
University of Tokyo and Advisor, Cabinet Secretariat (through August 2009).
武藤 真祐 (医療法人社団鉄祐会 理事長/一般社団法人高齢先進国モデル構想会議 理事長)
Shinsuke Muto, Chairman, Tetsuyu Institute Medical Corporation / Chairman, Leading Aging Society Forum
MD, Board Certified Internal Medicine Doctor, Cardiovascular specialist, passer of the United State Medical
Licensing Examination, USCPA, and MBA.
Dr. Muto graduated from the Department of Medicine at the University of Tokyo in 1996 and earned his Ph.D.
from the Graduate School of Medicine at the University of Tokyo in 2002. He worked in cardiovascular internal
medicine, emergency medicine, and worked as a court physician at the Imperial Household Agency. He then
worked at McKinsey & Company and opened You Home Clinic, a clinic specializing in home care, in Bunkyo-ward,
Tokyo in January 2010. Dr. Muto opened another home care clinic in September 2011 in Ishinomaki-city, Miyagi
Prefecture, the area stricken by the Great East Japan Earthquake. He currently serves, among others, as a
member of the taskforce on healthcare IT at the Cabinet Office IT Strategy Headquarters, Special Councilor
(tokubetsu sanyo) to the governments of Osaka prefecture and of Osaka city, and Chairman of the Institute for
Healthcare Leadership.
モデレーター/ Moderator
乗竹 亮治 (日本医療政策機構 ディレクター)
立ち上げる。American Heart AssociationやAmerican Cancer Societyといった海外団体、各国大使館、国内
Ryoji Noritake, Director, Health and Global Policy Institute
Ryoji Noritake is a graduate of Keio University’s faculty of policy management. He is a co-founder of HGPI’s
patient advocacy platform. He has directed various projects, including the International Symposium for
Cardiovascular Patients in Japan 2007 collaborated with American Heart Association, Patient University 2008, and
Stroke Policy Summit in 2009, and the International Workshop on Clinical Trials 2010 co-hosted with U.S. Embassy,
U.K. Embassy and Korean Embassy in Japan. Also, he has been a speaker and poster presenter on patient
advocacy and chronic disease control for international academic societies including APOCP 2010 in Istanbul, UICC
2010 in China, STROKE 2010 in Morioka, Japan, and American Cancer Society Workshop in Hong Kong 2010. He is
currently in charge of HGPI’s disaster relief effort in Tohoku.
【CSIS-HGPI ランチセッション: 放射線リスクのためのグローバルプラットフォーム】
[CSIS-HGPI Lunch Session : Global Partnership for Radiation Risk]
Low-dose long-term radiation in Fukushima Prefecture and elsewhere in Japan poses serious complex challenges: in better defining safety
standards, maintaining public confidence and trust, and monitoring the health of impacted populations. This panel will hear from senior
Japanese officials and experts on evolving policies and programs to address these challenges, and what international cooperation would be
most valuable and appropriate.
荒井 聰 (民主党 衆議院議員、衆議院内閣委員長)
Satoshi Arai, Member of the House of Representatives, The Democratic Party of Japan, Chairman of the
Committee on Cabinet
Mr. Arai joined the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in 1970 and was first elected to the House of
Representatives in 1993. He joined the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) in 1996 and served as Special Advisor to
the Prime Minister in charge of National Policy in the Hatoyama Cabinet from October 2009 and as Minister of
State for National Policy, Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy, and Minister of State for Consumer
Affairs & Food Safety in the Kan Cabinet from June 2010. Mr. Arai assumed the post of Chairman of the
Committee on Cabinet in October 2010. As the leader of the DPJ Project Team on Fukushima Nuclear Accident,
he dedicated himself to legislating the bill on Nuclear Damage Liability Facilitation Fund in April 2011 and
continues to advance discussion on issues concerning the nuclear accident including care for the disaster victims
and an appropriate evacuation plan. While the project team was re-launched under the Noda Cabinet as the DPJ
Project Team on Measures to End the Nuclear Accident, Mr. Arai continues to chair the team. He has also been a
member of the Ministerial Meeting on Electric Power Sector Reform and the Tokyo Electric Power Company
佐々木 康人 (社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会 常務理事)
Yasuhito Sasaki, Executive Director, Japan Radioisotope Association
Yasuhito Sasaki, M.D., Ph.D graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine (1963) and finished
graduate school of medical sciences of the same university (1968). He was trained as internist and specialized in
nuclear medicine in the 2nd Department of Internal Medicine of the University of Tokyo hospital. After serving as
a research fellow in the Division of Nuclear Medicine at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions (1969-1971) he
moved to St. Marianna University School of Medicine (1973) as Associate Professor of Medicine and head of
Nuclear Medicine. He served as Professor and Chairman at Department of Radiology Toho University (1981-1985),
at Department of Nuclear Medicine Gunma University (1985-1990) and at Department of Radiology the University
of Tokyo (1990-1997). Then he became Director General of National Institute of Radiological Sciences(1997-2006).
Then he served as Professor of Graduate School of International University of Health and Welfare (2006-2007).
Since 2008 he has been serving as Executive Director of Japan Radioisotope Association. He has served to many
public activities as members of governmental and public corporations committees in Japan as well as
international committees such as International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and United Nations
Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR).
細野 豪志 (環境大臣、原子力発電所事故収束・再発防止担当大臣、内閣府特命担当大臣(原子力行政))
Goshi Hosono, Minister of the Environment, Minister for the Restoration from and Prevention of Nuclear
Accident, Minister of State for Nuclear Power Policy and Administration
増田 秀樹 (NHK制作局 ETV特集チーフ・プロデューサー)
賞特別賞)、NHKスペシャル「密使 若泉敬 沖縄返還の代償」(2010年度文化庁芸術祭大賞)。ETV特集「ネッ
Hideki Masuda, “ETV Tokushu” Senior Producer, NHK Program Production Department
Mr. Masuda graduated from the School of Political Science and Economics of Waseda University in 1988 and
jointed NHK in the same year. At NHK, he produced various history and travel documentaries as a director and
became a senior producer of the program “Sono toki rekishi ga ugoita (And Then, History Changed) in 2004. He
then became “NHK Special”’s senior producer and produced documentaries focusing on issues including the
Japan-US Security Arrangements and US military bases in Okinawa. Mr. Masuda currently serves as a senior
producer of “ETV Tokushu” and supervises production of programs in a variety of fields including social issues,
modern history, and culture & entertainment. Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, he has been working on a
number of investigative programs to report a true picture of the Fukushima nuclear accident. His award-winning
works include “ETV Tokushu- Series: Japan and the Korean Peninsula 2000” (The Galaxy Special Award in 2009),
“NHK Special – Confidential Agent Kei Wakaizumi, Price of the Reversion of Okinawa to Japan” (Arts Festival
Grand Prize by Agency for Cultural Affairs in 2010), and “ETV Tokushu- Radiation Contamination Map Created by
Network” (Arts Festival Grand Prize by Agency for Cultural Affairs in 2011, Japan Congress of Journalists Grand
Prize, and Waseda Journalism Award -Public Service Section Grand Prize).
モデレーター/ Moderator
中山 由美 (朝日新聞報道局記者)
Yumi Nakayama, Journalist, The Asahi Shimbun
Ms. Nakayama completed a postgraduate program at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and also studied at the
University of Tübingen in Germany. She joined The Asahi Shimbun in 1993. She was one of the reporters of the
long-term series “The Trajectory of the Terrorists”, which received the Japan Newspaper Association Award in
2002, covering the 9/11 terrorists attacks in 2001. She accompanied the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition
from 2003 to 2005 for the first time as a female journalist and spent a winter with the 45th team. She reported
the ice core drilling at the Dome Fuji Station with temperatures of 60 degrees below zero. Ms. Nakayama went to
the Antarctic again with the 51st team from 2009 to 2010 to spend 40 days on ice and report search for
meteorites. She also visited Arctic Greenland to make reports on them in 2008. After the Great East Japan
Earthquake in 2011, Ms. Nakayama visited and made reports on the areas stricken by tsunami for half a year. In
the “Trap of Prometheus” series, she revealed the fact that radiation measurement after the Fukushima nuclear
accident was obstructed.
【グローバルアジェンダを設定する: 健康医療政策の優先順位】
[Setting the Global Agenda: Identifying the Priorities of Health Policy]
Japan, like the world’s other advanced industrial powers, faces several major challenges in sustaining a quality health system:
increasing chronic diseases, budgetary pressures, a rapidly ageing society, disparities in access and quality. It also now faces the challenge
of low-dose long-term radiation. The panel of Japanese experts will examine how best to set health priorities in Japan, and how to build
political support behind them.
井伊 雅子(一橋大学国際・公共政策大学院 教授)
博士号取得 (Ph.D. in Economics)。90年米国ワシントンDC世界銀行調査局研究員、95年横浜国立大学経済学部
本英樹・泉田信行編 東京大学出版(2011)、 「先進国の医療制度改革と日本への教訓 — オランダの家庭医
日本経済新聞社 (2011)、 “Challenges in Reforming the Japanese Health Care System”, The Economics of Public
Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies , International Monetary Fund (forthcoming).
Masako Ii, Professor, School of International and Public Policy, Hitotsubashi University
Graduated from the College of Liberal Arts at International Christian University in 1986 and earned a Ph.D. in
Economics from the Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1993. She has served as a
researcher at the World Bank, Washington D.C. in 1990, an associate professor at the Faculty of Economics,
Yokohama National University in 1995, a professor at the Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy,
Hitotsubashi University in 2004, and has been a professor at the School of International and Public Policy,
Hitotsubashi University since April 2005. She is also a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Public Policy,
Health Policy Unit, University of Tokyo.
Her major publications include “Economic Analysis of the Demand of Health Service” (Nihon Keizai Shimbun,
2002), “Healthcare Systems of Asian Nations” (University of Tokyo Press, 2009), “Challenges in Reforming the
Japanese Health Care System”, The Economics of Public Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging
Economies , International Monetary Fund (forthcoming).
近藤 克則 (日本福祉大学社会福祉学部教授 / 大学院 医療・福祉マネジメント研究科長 / 健康社会研究セン
ター長 博士(医学),博士(社会福祉))
1983年千葉大学医学部卒業.東京大学医学部付属病院リハビリテーション部医員, 船橋二和(ふたわ)病院リ
ハビリテーション科科長などを経て, 1997年日本福祉大学助教授.University of Kent at Canterbury(イギリス)客
員研究員(2000-2001)を経て, 2003年4月から教授.
「「医療クライシス」を超えて-イギリスと日本の医療・介護のゆくえ」(医学書院, 2012)
Katsunori Kondo, M. D., Ph. D., Dean of the Graduate School of Health and Social Services Management,
Director of the Center for well-being and Society, and Professor of Social Epidemiology, Health Policy and
Management at Nihon Fukushi University
He is the Principal Investigator of the Aichi Gerontological Evaluation Study (AGES) Project, which is one of the
first prospective cohort studies to investigate the influence of social determinants of health and community social
capital on health outcomes among older people. He is an advisory editor of "Social Science & Medicine”, Elsevier.
He is the author of bestselling books, “Health Gap Society - what undermining mental health and society? “,
Igaku-Shoin, 2005, which is awarded in 2006 by The Society for the Study of Social Policy.
“Beyond healthcare crises - Prospects of health and long-term care in the UK and Japan”, Igaku-Shoin, 2012
武内 和久 (マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー)
業務に従事。2001~02年米国Employee Benefit Research Institute客員研究員、2005~08年在英国日本国大使
Kazuhisa Takeuchi, McKinsey & Company
Mr. Kazuhisa Takeuchi graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law in 1994 and joined the Ministry of
Health, Labour and Welfare in the same year. At the ministry, he engaged himself in planning and coordinating
social security policies in the Health Policy Bureau, Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly, and Minister’s
Secretariat, among others. He served as a visiting researcher at the Employee Benefit Research Institute in the US
from 2001 to 2002 and as the first secretary of the Embassy of Japan in the UK from 2005 to 2008. He has been
with McKinsey & Company since August 2011. He has written “Fair, Free, Government-run Social Security of the
UK” (Shueisha Inc.).
ピーター・テルプストラ (オランダ大使館 経済部 政策アドバイザー)
Pieter Terpstra, Trade Secretary, Trade and Industry Section, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
After working in the non-profit sector in West-Africa, Pieter Terpstra joined the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
as a career diplomat in 2005. Within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pieter full filled several positions among
others in The Netherlands, Indonesia and Bangladesh. He took up his position at the Netherlands Embassy in
Tokyo in 2010. At the Embassy, he is responsible for the Medical Sector and has extensive knowledge of the
Dutch and Japanese Healthcare Sector. Pieter Terpstra holds a master’s degree in Biology from the University of
Groningen and a master’s degree in Financial Management from Nyenrode Business University.
モデレーター/ Moderator
小野崎 耕平 (アストラゼネカ株式会社 執行役員コーポレートアフェアーズ本部長)
Kohei Onozaki Vice President, Corporate Affairs AstraZeneca K.K
After working at Johnson & Johnson and the Liberal Democratic Party, he joined Health and Global Policy Institute,
and served as Acting President. He has held the present post since 2011.
【グローバルアジェンダを解決する: 健康な世界のためのオープンプラットフォーム】
[Solving the Global Agenda: An Open Platform for a Healthier World]
This concluding panel will review the day’s discussions, and focus upon the challenge of building effective global cooperation on health, in
an era of austerity, economic recession and stressed budgets.
パネリスト / Panelists
ルートヴィヒ・カンツラ (マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー プリンシパル)
Ludwig Kanzler, Principal, McKinsey & Company
Dr. Ludwig Kanzler is a partner of McKinsey and Company. He is a co-leader of McKinsey’s healthcare practices in
Japan and Asia, and leads McKinsey’s work on health systems and services in Japan.
Ludwig works mostly with companies in the health sector, advising them on a variety of issues, including
improving sales and marketing practices, speeding up product development, concluding and managing alliances
with partners, and developing regulatory policies. He has served government entities on regulatory reform.
Ludwig has led a major initiative at McKinsey to develop perspectives on the challenges Japan’s healthcare
system is facing, to contemplate potential solutions and to discuss these widely with Japanese stakeholders,
including many politicians, public servants, physicians and industry representatives.
Ludwig has been living in Japan for 16 years and speaks fluent Japanese. He is a graduate of the London School of
Economics and holds masters and doctorate degrees in economics from Oxford University.
中林 美恵子 (民主党 衆議院議員)
Mieko Nakabayashi, Member of the House of Representatives, The Democratic Party of Japan
Ms. Mieko Nakabayashi earned her master’s degree in Political Science in 1992 from Washington State University.
From January 1993 to April 2002, she served as a Republican staffer for U.S. Senate Committee on the Budget. In
April 2002, she moved to Japan and worked as a resident fellow at the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and
Industry (RIETI), until she became Associate Professor (tenured) at Atomi University in 2006. She also served as
Commissioner of Japan’s Council on Fiscal System (Ministry of Finance) and as the member of International
Subcommittee of the Council on Science, Technology, and Academics (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology), the Evaluation Committee for Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Ministry of
Economy, Trade and Industry), and the Nuclear Waste Subcommittee (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy),
as well as a visiting researcher at House of Representatives’ Legislative Council and its Research Bureau
throughout her years in Japan. In 2008 and 2009, she appeared on parliamentary committee hearings at both
lower and upper houses as a witness (for both Budget Committees and Financial Affairs Committee at the lower
house). Ms. Nakabayashi was elected as a Member of the House of Representatives in 2009 from the 1st District
of Kanagawa Prefecture (that is part of Yokohama City). She currently serves as the member of Financial Affairs
Committee and of Special Committee on Anti-Piracy Measures, Prevention of International Terrorism, and Japan's
Cooperation and Support. She is also the Vice Chair of DPJ's Public Relations Committee.
J・スティーヴ・モリソン (米戦略国際問題研究所(CSIS)副所長/ グローバル・ヘルス・ポリシー・センター長)
スマート・グローバル・ヘルス政策委員会(CSIS Commission on a Smart Global Health Policy)を発足。モリソン氏
て:CSISスマート・グローバル・ヘルス政策委員会報告書(A Healthier, Safer, and More Prosperous World: Report
of the CSIS Commission on Smart Global Health Policy)」に詳述される。モリソン氏は、幅広く著述活動を行い、議
非常勤教授として教鞭をとる。政治学博士(ウィスコンシン大学)。エールカレッジ優等卒業生(magna cum laude
J. Stephen Morrison, Senior Vice President and Director, Global Health Policy Center, CSIS
At CSIS, J. Stephen Morrison is director of the Center on Global Health Policy and a Senior Vice President. With
support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, other foundation and corporate contributors, the Center
seeks to advance a long-term strategic U.S. approach to global health, cultivate new global health champions,
enrich our understanding of the security and foreign policy dimensions of global health, and link Washingtonbased work to emerging policy expertise in key developing and middle income countries. Beginning in the spring
of 2009, Dr. Morrison directed the CSIS Commission on a Smart Global Health Policy, comprised of 25 diverse
high-level opinion leaders. Its findings are detailed in the final report ‘A Healthier, Safer, and More Prosperous
World: Report of the CSIS Commission on Smart Global Health Policy,’ published in March 2010.
Dr. Morrison writes widely, testifies often before Congress, has directed several high-level task forces and
commissions, and is a frequent contributor in major media on U.S. foreign policy, global health, Africa, and
foreign assistance. He served for seven years in the Clinton Administration, four years as committee staff in the
House of Representatives, and taught for twelve years as an adjunct professor at the Johns Hopkins School of
Advanced International Studies. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Wisconsin and is a
magna cum laude graduate of Yale College.
モデレーター/ Moderator
大林 尚 (日本経済新聞社 編集委員 兼 論説委員)
Tsukasa Obayashi, Senior & Editorial Writer, Nikkei Inc.
Mr. Obayashi graduated from Waseda University and joined Nikkei Inc. in 1984. He worked at Chiba bureau of
Nikkei inc. from 1987 and moved to Tokyo Head Office Economic News Department in 1990 to cover the press
clubs of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, the Bank of Japan, the Economic Planning Agency, and
the Ministry of Health and Welfare. He assumed the post of Deputy Editor to the Economic News Department in
1999 and has been Senior Staff Writer to the Department since 2002. He has also served as Editorial Writer since
2005. The areas of his expertise include pension and health system reform, aging and declining population, and
deregulation. Major publications he contributed chapters to include “Nenkin Wo Tou (Examining the Pension
System)” and “Jinko Gensho - Atarashii Nihon Wo Tsukuru (Declining Population - Creating a New Nation)” (both
Nikkei Publishing Inc.).
日本医療政策機構とは / About HGPI
Since its establishment in 2004, the Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) has been working to help interested
citizens shape health policies by generating policy options and bringing stakeholders together as a nonpartisan
think tank. HGPI’s mission is to improve civic and individual well-being and to foster as sustainable healthy
community by shaping ideas and values, reaching out to global needs, and catalyzing society for impact. HGPI
commits to activities that bring together relevant players in different fields to provide innovative and practical
solutions and help interested citizens understand choices and benefits in a global, long-term perspective. HGPI
promotes a Global Citizen Nation by building a society for people with various backgrounds and different values.
It aims to achieve a sustainable, healthy, and more prosperous world.
■ミッション / Mission
Our mission is to improve the civic mind and individuals’ well-being, and to foster a sustainable healthy
community by shaping ideas and values, reaching out to global needs, and catalyzing society for impact.
We commit to activities that bring together relevant players in different fields, in order to provide innovative and
practical solutions, and to help interested citizens understand choices and benefits in a global, broader, and longterm perspective.
■私たちが考える望ましい社会 / Goal
We promote a Global Citizen Nation by building a society for people with various backgrounds and different
values. We aim to achieve a sustainable, healthy, and more prosperous world.
戦略国際問題研究所とは / About CSIS
東西冷戦の最中にDavid M. Abshire とAdmiral Arleigh Burke によって創立されたCSISは、米国が世界の善に資
する力として、その地位と繁栄を持続する方法の探求に専念してきた。1962 年以来、CSIS は世界に秀でた国際
るに至っている。元米国上院議員Sam Nunnが1999年にCSIS評議委員長となり、John J. Hamreは2000年から、会
At a time of new global opportunities and challenges, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
provides strategic insights and bipartisan policy solutions to decisionmakers in government, international
institutions, the private sector, and civil society. A bipartisan, nonprofit organization headquartered in
Washington, D.C., CSIS conducts research and analysis and develops policy initiatives that look into the future and
anticipate change. Founded by David M. Abshire and Admiral Arleigh Burke at the height of the Cold War, CSIS
was dedicated to finding ways for America to sustain its prominence and prosperity as a force for good in the
Since 1962, CSIS has grown to become one of the world’s preeminent international policy institutions, with more
than 220 full-time staff and a large network of affiliated scholars focused on defense and security, regional
stability, and transnational challenges ranging from energy and climate to global development and economic
Former U.S. senator Sam Nunn became chairman of the CSIS Board of Trustees in 1999, and John J. Hamre has
led CSIS as its president and chief executive officer since 2000. CSIS does not take specific policy positions;
accordingly, all views expressed herein should be understood to be solely those of the author(s).
グローバルヘルスフォーラム2011 (2011年2月25日)
目標(MDGs: Millennium Development Goals)の2015年の目標達成、およびポストMDGsを視野に
入れたグローバル・ヘルス分野における取組みの促進を目的として開催しました。 当日は、
医療政策サミット2011~Health Policy Summit2011~
ご参加の方々(当時の肩書き): 岡本充功氏(厚生労働大臣政務官)、長谷川閑史氏(武田薬品
日米医療政策プロジェクト / CSIS震災に関するシンポジウム (於 ワシントンDC)(2011年7月14日)
日米医療政策プロジェクトで協働関係にあるCSIS主催の「Roundtable Discussion on the Health
Implications of Japan‘s “Triple Disaster“」に参加しました。マイケル・グリーン氏(CSIS上級顧問・日
がん政策サミット2011 (2011年7月16日-18日)
グローバルヘルス サマープログラム2011 (2011年7月28日-8月6日)
NCD Japan Forum 2011~先進国の慢性疾患対策とNCDアジェンダ 国連NCD宣言後の世界~
本フォーラムは、世界的に指摘されているNCD(Non-communicable Disease、非感染性疾患)対策
HGPI: Our Activities & Efforts In Recent Years
Global Health Forum 2011 (February 25, 2011)
Together with UNITAID, the innovative funding facility for international drug purchases, and The
University of Tokyo’s Global Health Leadership Program, HGPI jointly hosted the forum in Tokyo. The
Forum was organized to promote action on global health issues, including achievement of the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the 2015 target year, and to start focusing perspectives on
the post-MDG global health field. The Forum’s keynote speaker was Philippe Douste-Blazy, the Chair
of UNITAID, UN Special Advisor on Innovative Financing for Development, and former French Minister
of Foreign Affairs. With panelists representing diverse fields, there was an active and passionate
discussion of Japan’s initiatives in the global health arena, the potential of innovative financing
mechanisms to secure continuous funding, and the actions needed for the MDGs and beyond.
Health Policy Summit 2011 (February 26, 2011)
In this, the Summit’s 5th year, numerous experts from Japan and overseas held deep discussions on
health and healthcare issues, centered on a theme of “From Health Policy to Healthy Policy” and the
two key concepts of “growth strategy” and “sustainable society.” In addition, in the afternoon, a joint
session was held with CSIS to consider such issues as healthcare payment systems and healthcare IT.
HGPI will later announce final reports on policy recommendations developed with CSIS. Main
Speakers (Titles reflect positions held at time of event): Mr. Mitsunori Okamoto (Parliamentary
Secretary of Health) and Mr. Yasuchika Hasegawa (President & CEO, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company
Roundtable Discussion on the Health Implications of Japan’s Triple Disaster (Washington, DC) (July 14, 2011)
HGPI participated in a Roundtable Discussion on the Health Implications of Japan's “Triple Disaster”, a
CSIS-organized symposium in Washington, DC.
The conference opened with remarks from Michael Green, CSIS Senior Adviser and Japan Chair,
followed by a panel discussion moderated by J. Stephen Morrison, Senior Vice President and
Director of the CSIS Global Health Policy Center. With our experience of over 3 months supporting
disaster recovery efforts in healthcare-related areas, there was discussion about the lessons learned
thus far and measures that should be taken in future.
Cancer Policy Summit 2011 (July 16 –18, 2011)
The Summit was held as a culmination of the 3-year Cancer Policy Information Center project under
the catchphrase “Four Voices as One”. 172 participants represented 4 camps – patients/families, Diet
Members, administrators, and medical experts. Participants put aside partisan loyalties to discuss
cancer policy issues from the perspective of patients, hospitals, and local communities, and learned
how to plan a strategy to resolve them. Held together with the Summit were a “Disaster
Recovery Symposium” to discuss lessons learned from the disaster, and, in cooperation with the
National Cancer Control Committee, a “Special Program“ to deepen knowledge of the Basic Plan
to Promote Cancer Control.
Global Health Summer Program 2011 (July 28 – August 6, 2011)
The program, to develop young talent capable of becoming next-generation leaders in the global
health field, was held for students aiming at working on the world stage and contributing to making a
better society. What actions involving public and private sectors are practical and feasible in order for
Japan to keep making a contribution to the vital issue of global health? Participants sought a concrete
solution to the given mission of Polio Eradication, which represents one of the most important issues
in the global health field. After lectures from global health leaders and entrepreneurs from various
fields, participants broke into teams, held discussions and negotiations with relevant individuals,
organizations, and companies, and reported their action plans on the last day of the program.
NCD Japan Forum 2011 (November 29, 2011)
The importance of tackling non-communicable diseases (NCDs; or chronic diseases) was highlighted to
the world. This forum was therefore held with a view to reminding the participants of this issue, whilst
also providing a platform for the discussion of future NCD control strategies within Japan, the sharing
of perspectives and ambitions of various stakeholders in this field, and the exchange of views on the
future measures to be taken by Japan. Japan has a record of making significant contributions to
infectious disease control in its role as a major donor to the U.N. In light of its
knowledge in dealing with chronic disease, it is also expected that it will exert international initiative
in the area of NCDs.
Project HOPEによる被災地支援に係る覚書調印式も執り行われ、各種メディアによる報道がなされました。また、岩
緊急フォーラム「グローバルに考える被災地の今 ~健康・医療分野における日米協力オープン・ダイアローグ~」
開催 (2011年11月11日)
特別朝食会 (2011年7月28日)
特別朝食会 (2011年6月8日)
Project HOPEと岩手県知事による覚書調印式 (2011年5月31日)
当機構の仲介により、国際医療支援団体Project HOPE日本支援責任者フレッド・ガーバー
被災地への医療提供者派遣 (2011年3月~)
Project HOPEと、震災直後から協力体制を構築。海外に活動拠点を持つ日本人医療提供
HGPI Support Project for Reconstruction against the Disaster
In immediate response to the Great East Japan Earthquake, Health and Global Policy Institute established
emergency teams in cooperation with Project HOPE, an international medical aid organization based in the United
States. Since April we have provided logistical support for the dispatch of Japanese medical professionals normally
resident in the U.S. On Tuesday, May 31, at a ceremony mediated by HGPI and covered by numerous media sources,
a memorandum of understanding was signed by Iwate Governor Takuya Tasso and Project HOPE for the continued
provision of medical support and assistance to the stricken area particularly focusing on Yamada Town of Iwate.
As well as this urgent focus on disaster medical care, since last year the Institute has been collaborating with leading
U.S. think tank CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) to research and discuss issues which are clearly
now of greater importance than ever in disaster-affected areas, such as effective use of telemedicine, homecare,
and more efficient resource allocation through improved regional collaboration among health care providers and
health systems.
Reconstruction in Tohoku: An Open Dialogue on Strategies and Partnerships
November 11, 2011
This forum was jointly convened by HGPI and CSIS at CORASSE Fukushima. To mark the early
November publication of the recommendations of the CSIS-Keidanren (Japan Business
Federation) collaboration, “Partnership for Recovery and a Stronger Future: Task Force on
U.S.-Japan Cooperation after 3/11”, around 70 people from Japan and overseas, including
government officials, healthcare providers and executives of healthcare-related enterprises
gathered in Fukushima to focus on establishing an open platform to facilitate long-term
international cooperation in health and healthcare in the stricken Tohoku area.
Special Breakfast Conference July 28th, 2011
This meeting focused on earthquake disaster reconstruction support. Attendees heard the
insights and constructive proposals of Dr. Akira Ogawa, who, as President of Iwate Medical
University, spearheaded relief efforts in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, and is
now focused on creating a new post-disaster regional healthcare system. In an address
entitled “Rebirth, Not Restoration: A New Model of Healthcare for Iwate’s Disaster-Stricken
and Depopulated Regions”, Dr. Ogawa spoke about the changing local situation in the wake
of the disaster.
Special Breakfast Conference June 8th, 2011
Hiroya Masuda, Governor of Iwate prefecture (1997-2007) and former Minister of Internal
Affairs, honored the conference with a speech. He spoke about the current situation in the
Iwate Prefecture, focusing on damaged medical facilities and the status of shelters. In
regards to future policies, the sharing of data and collecting observations is key. Medical
cooperation efforts aimed at reconstruction, medical information initiatives, promotion of
remote medical care, and implementing medical IT requires support beyond cooperation
from all voices wanting to be heard.
MOU Ceremony: Project HOPE and the Governor of Iwate May 31st, 2011
The ceremony was held regarding collaboration between Project Hope and the Governor of
Iwate Prefecture. In attendance were representatives from HGPI helping to make
adjustments, Takuya Tasso (the Governor of Iwate), Fred Gerber (Operation RISING SUN
manager), along with disaster area medical volunteers and donors. During the ceremony,
there was discussion regarding the future for children affected by the disaster, and a
potential scholarship program providing American education.
Special Breakfast Conference April 26th, 2011
In response to the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, HGPI commenced discussions with U.S.based nonprofit organization, Project HOPE, which provides medical support globally, to
launch a medical support project in the stricken areas, ascertaining both immediate on-site
needs and mid- to long-term requirements, and collaborating with domestic stakeholders,
including the government, to mobilize support.
For Your Notes
For Your Notes
For Your Notes
For Your Notes
1-11-28, Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,
100-0014, Japan
Tel: +81-3-5511-8521 Fax: +81-3-5511-8523
E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.hgpi.org
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Tel: 202-887-0200 Fax: 202-775-3199
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