
氏 名 : 久保田 良輔(KUBOTA Ryosuke) 所属部署 : 制御情報工学科

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氏 名 : 久保田 良輔(KUBOTA Ryosuke) 所属部署 : 制御情報工学科
名 :
所属部署 :
名 :
位 :
専門分野 :
久保田 良輔(KUBOTA Ryosuke)
ルゴリズムによる PID 制御器の最適化、組み合わせ最適化、信号・画像内の局所特徴とその分布特性を考慮し
1) Shudai Ishikawa, Ryosuke Kubota and Keiichi Horio: “Effective Hierarchical Optimization by a Hierarchical
Multi-Space Competitive Genetic Algorithm for the Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem,'' Expert Systems With
Applications, Vol.42, No.24, pp.9434-9440, Aug., 2015.
2) Yoshiaki Ueda, Keiichi Horio and Ryosuke Kubota: “A Modified Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm Considering with
Fitness-based Variability,'' International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol.10,
No.4, pp.1509-1518, Aug., 2014.
3) Ryosuke Kubota and Hakaru Tamukoh: “A Particle Swarm Optimization Using Combined Information on Personal
Best Positions,'' Innovative Computing, Information and Control Express Letters (ICIC-EL), Vol.8, No.8,
pp.2069-2074, Aug., 2014.
4) Shudai Ishikawa, Hideaki Misawa, Ryosuke Kubota, Tatsuji Tokiwa, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa:
"Multi-space Competitive DGA for Model Selection and Its Application to Localization of Multiple Signal Sources, "
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII), Vol.15, No.9, pp.1320-1328,
Nov., 2011.
5) Ryosuke Kubota and Noriaki Suetake: "Random-Valued Impulse Noise Removal Based on Component-Wise
Noise Detector with Auto-Tuning Function and Vector Median Interpolation, " Journal of the Franklin Institute,
Vol.348, No.9, pp.2523-2538, Nov. 2011.
6) Noriaki Suetake, Ryosuke Kubota and Eiji Uchino: "Random-Valued Impulse Noise Detection Considering Color
Distance and Correlation among RGB Components, " International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information
and Control (IJICIC), Vol.7, No.7(A), pp.3799-3809, July 2011.
7) Noriaki Suetake, Ryosuke Kubota and Eiji Uchino: "Random-Valued Impulse Noise Detection Considering Color
Distance and Correlation among RGB Components, " International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information
and Control (IJICIC), Vol.7, No.7(A), pp.3799-3809, July 2011.
8) Eiji Uchino, Noriaki Suetake, Takanori Koga, Ryosuke Kubota, Shohei Ichiyama, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro
and Masunori Matsuzaki: "Fuzzy Inference-based Plaque Boundary Extraction Using Image Separability for
Intravascular Ultrasound Image of Coronary Artery, " Electronics Letters, Vol.45, No.9, pp.451-453. Apr. 2009.
9) Ryosuke Kubota, Mami Kunihiro, Noriaki Suetake, Eiji Uchino, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori
Matsuzaki: "An Intravascular Ultrasound-based Tissue Characterization Using Shift-invariant Features Extracted
by Adaptive Subspace SOM, " International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering, Vol.2, No.2, pp.79-88,
Dec. 2008.
10) Ryosuke Kubota, Noriaki Suetake, Eiji Uchino, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori Matsuzaki:
"Polynomial-based Boundary Extraction of Plaque in Intravascular Ultrasound Image by Using Its Local Statistical
Information, " Innovative Computing, Information and Control Express Letters (ICIC-EL), Vol.2, No.4, pp.387-393,
Dec. 2008.
11) Ryosuke Kubota, Eiji Uchino and Noriaki Suetake: "Hierarchical k-nearest Neighbor Classification Using Feature
and Observation Space Information, " IEICE Electronics Express (ELEX), Vol.5, No.3, pp.114-119, Feb. 2008.
12) Ryosuke Kubota, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa: "Binary Self-Organizing Map with Modified Updating
Rule and Its Application to Reproduction of Genetic Algorithm, " IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,
Vol.E90-D, No.1, pp.382-383, Jan. 2007.
13) Ryosuke Kubota, Keiichi Horio, and Takeshi Yamakawa: "Reproduction Strategy Based on Self-Organizing Map
for Genetic Algorithms, " International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol.1,
No.4, pp.595-607, Dec. 2005.
14) Ryosuke Kubota, Takeshi Yamakawa and Keiichi Horio: "Reproduction Strategy Based on Self-Organizing Map
for Real-coded Genetic Algorithms, " Neural Information Processing - Letters and Reviews (NIP-LR), Vol.5, No.2,
pp.27-32, Nov. 2004.
1) Ryosuke Kubota, Hakaru Tamukoh, Hideaki Kawano, Noriaki Suetake, Byungki Cha and Takashi Aso: “A Color
Quantization Based on Vector Error Diffusion and Particle Swarm Optimization Considering Human Visibility,”
Image and Video Technology (Lecture Note in Computer Science, Vol.9431), pp.332-343, Dec. 2015.
2) Ryosuke Kubota, Shohei Ichiyama, Noriaki Suetake, Eiji Uchino, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori
Matsuzaki: "Plaque Boundary Extraction in Intravascular Ultrasound Image in Conjunction with Image Separability
and Fuzzy Inference," Trends in Communication Technology and Engineering Science (Lecture Notes in Electrical
Engineering, Vol.33), pp.139-150, Springer-Verlag, Apr. 2009.
3) Ryosuke Kubota, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa: "Genetic Algorithm with Modified Reproduction Strategy
Based on Self-Organizing Map and Usable Schema," International Congress Series 1291: Brain-Inspired
Information Technology II, pp.169-172, Elsevier Science, Jun. 2006.
4) Takeshi Yamakawa, Keiichi Horio and Ryosuke Kubota: "A SOM Association Network," Advanced in
Self-Organizing Maps, pp.15-20, Springer-Verlag, Jun. 2001.
1) Keita Sueyasu and Ryosuke Kubota: “A Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Considering Conflated Component
of Personal and Global Best Positions,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems
in Asia (SISA2015), pp. 62-67, Chiba, Japan, Aug. 26-28, 2015.
2) Masanari Kondo and Ryosuke Kubota: “A Modified Genetic Algorithm for Nurse Scheduling Problem with
Considering Individual Preference,” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability
(ISTS2014), in CD-ROM (4 pages), Taipei, Taiwan ROC, Nov. 19-21, 2014.
3) Shudai Ishikawa, Ryosuke Kubota and Keiichi Horio: “Hierarchical Optimization Using Hierarchical
Multi-competitive Genetic Algorithm and Its Application to Multiple Vehicle Routing Problem," Proceedings of the
International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP2014), pp. 269-274, Vienna,
Austria, Sep. 2-5, 2014.
4) Hakaru Tamukoh, Hideaki Kawano, Noriaki Suetake, Ryosuke Kubota, Byungki Cha and Takashi Aso:
“Fuzzy-Rule-Embedded Reduction Image Construction Method for Image Enlargement with High Magnification,''
Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory
and Applications (VISAPP 2014), pp. 228-233, Lisbon, Portugal, Jan. 5-8, 2014.
5) Ryosuke Kubota, Keisuke Onaga and Noriaki Suetake: “Switching Median Filter with Signal Dependent
Thresholds Designed by Using Genetic Algorithm,'' Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on
Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2014), pp. 222-227, Lisbon,
Portugal, Jan. 5-8, 2014.
6) Shudai Ishikawa, Yoshiaki Ueda, Ryosuke Kubota, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa: “Signal Sources
Localization Using GA Preserving Genetic Diversity Based on Fitness Values,'' Proceedings of The 2013
International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2013), pp.718-721,
Okinawa, Japan, Nov. 12-15, 2013.
7) Yoshiaki Ueda, Noriaki Suetake, Keiichi Horio and Ryosuke Kubota: “A Variability-based Adaptive Mutation
Operator for Interactive Genetic Algorithm,'' Proceedings of The 14th International Symposium on Advanced
Intelligent Systems (ISIS2013), in USB Proceedings (6 pages), Daejeon, Korea, Nov. 13-16, 2013.
8) Yoshiaki Ueda, Yohei Kuramoto, Ryosuke Kubota, Noriaki Suetake and Eiji Uchino: "An Interactive Genetic
Algorithm-based Image Sharpening System Considering User's Liking," Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium Series
on Computational Intelligence 2013 (IEEE SSCI2013), pp. 91-96, Singapore, Apr. 16-19, 2013.
9) Ryosuke Kubota and Hakaru Tamukoh: "A Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Considering Component
Combined with Personal Best Positions,'' Proceedings of 7th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits,
Systems, Signal and Telecommunications (CSST'13), pp. 55-58, Milan, Italy, Jan. 9-11, 2013.
10) Yoshiaki Ueda, Ryosuke Kubota and Keiichi Horio: "A Modified Selection Operator Considering with
Fitness-based Variability in Real-coded Genetic Algorithm,'' Proceedings of The 2012 International Workshop on
Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA2012), pp. 156-161, Bangkok, Thailand, Sep. 6-8, 2012.
11) Keisuke Onaga, Ryosuke Kubota and Noriaki Suetake: "Switching Median Filter with Signal Dependent
Thresholds Designed by Using Noise Probability Distribution,'' Proceedings of The 2012 International Workshop on
Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA2012), pp. 16-19, Bangkok, Thailand, Sep. 6--8, 2012.
12) Ryosuke Kubota and Noriaki Suetake: "Switching Vector Median Filter with Component-wise Noise Detector
by Using Noise Distribution," Proceedings of The International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology
(IWAIT2012), pp. 604-608, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Jan. 9-10, 2012.
13) Eiji Uchino, Noriaki Suetake, Ryosuke Kubota, Takanori Koga, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori Matsuzaki: "Tissue
Characterization of Coronary Plaque by Soft Computing for the Diagnosis of Arteriosclerosis," Proceedings of the
2012 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence (ISMI2012), in CD-ROM (6pages),
Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jan. 6-8, 2012.
14) Ryosuke Kubota and Yoshiaki Ueda: "Self-Organizing Map-based Reproduction with Visualization of Search
Process in Real-coded Genetic Algorithm," Proceedings of The 12th International Symposium on Advanced
Intelligent Systems (ISIS2011), pp.350-353, Suwon, Korea, Sep. 28—Oct. 1, 2011.
15) Ryosuke Kubota, Youhei Kawamura, Noriaki Suetake and Eiji Uchino, "Tone Quality Improvement of Bone
Conduction Voice by Cepstrum-based Local Conversion Models,'' Proceedings of The 11th WSEAS International
Conference on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing (MUSP'11), Venice, Italy, Mar. 8-10, 2011.
16) Keiichi Horio, Shudai Ishikawa, Hideaki Misawa, Tatsuji Tokiwa, Takeshi Yamakawa and Ryosuke Kubota:
"Multi-space Competitive DGA and Its Application to Localization of Multiple Signal Sources," Proceedings of The
World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC2010), pp. 624-628, Kitakyushu, Japan, Dec.
15-17, 2010.
17) Ryosuke Kubota and Noriaki Suetake: "Threshold Tuning of Switching Median Filter Employing Distribution
Distance," Proceedings of The 4th Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT2010), pp.
427-431, Singapore, Singapore, Nov. 14-17, 2010.
18) Ryosuke Kubota, Noriaki Suetake and Eiji Uchino: "Random-valued Impulse Noise Detection Based on Color
Distance on CIELAB and RGB Color Spaces," Proceedings of The International Workshop on Advanced Image
Technology (IWAIT2010), in CD-ROM (6pages), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Jan. 11-12, 2010.
19) Eiji Uchino, Noriaki Suetake, Ryosuke Kubota, Takanori Koga, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori
Matsuzaki: "An ROC Performance Validation of Hierarchical k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier Applied to Tissue
Characterization Using IVUS-RF Signal," Proceedings of The 2009 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear
Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP'09), pp.333-336, Waikiki, Hawaii, Mar. 1-3, 2009.
20) Ryosuke Kubota, Takuya Okamoto, Noriaki Suetake, Eiji Uchino, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori
Matsuzaki: "Discrete Genetic Algorithm with Laplacian of Gaussian-based Edge Detector for Plaque Boundary
Extraction in Intravascular Ultrasound Image," Proceedings of The 2009 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear
Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP'09), pp.329-332, Waikiki, Hawaii, Mar. 1-3, 2009.
21) Ryosuke Kubota, Eiji Uchino, Noriaki Suetake and Mami Kunihiro, "A Code Vector Conversion Model for Bone
and Air Conduction Voices by Using Self-Organizing Map with Additional Learning," Proceedings of The 2009 RISP
International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP'09), pp.109-112, Waikiki, Hawaii, Mar.
1-3, 2009.
22) Ryosuke Kubota, Eiji Uchino, Noriaki Suetake, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori Matsuzaki:
"Genetic Algorithm-based Boundary Extraction of Plaque in Intravascular Ultrasound Image," Proceedings of The
7th WSEAS International Conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering (ICOSSSE’08), Venice,
Italy, Nov. 21–23, 2008.
23) Ryosuke Kubota, Mami Kunihiro, Noriaki Suetake, Eiji Uchino, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori
Matsuzaki: "Statistical Tissue Characterization of Coronary Plaque by ASSOM Using Intravascular Ultrasound
Method," Proceedings of The 7th WSEAS International Conference on System Science and Simulation in
Engineering (ICOSSSE’08), Venice, Italy, Nov. 21–23, 2008.
24) Ryosuke Kubota, Mami Kunihiro, Noriaki Suetake, Eiji Uchino, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori
Matsuzaki: "Feature Extraction of Intravascular Ultrasound Signal for Tissue Characterization by Using Adaptive
Subspace Self-Organizing Map," Proceedings of Joint 4rd International Conference on Soft Computing and
Intelligent Systems and 8th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS 2008),
pp.1096-1099, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. 17-21, 2008.
25) Ryosuke Kubota, Shohei Ichiyama, Noriaki Suetake, Eiji Uchino, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori
Matsuzaki: "Fuzzy Rule-based Boundary Extraction of Plaque in Intravascular Ultrasound Image, " Proceedings of
The 2008 IAENG International Conference on Imaging Engineering (ICIE2008), pp.597-600, Hong Kong, China, Mar.
19-21, 2008.
26) Tadahiro Azetsu, Eiji Uchino, Ryosuke Kubota, and Noriaki Suetake: "Feature Extraction and Signal
Reconstruction of Air and Bone Conduction Voices by Independent Component Analysis," Proceedings of The
2008 IAENG International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ICAIA2008), pp.55-59, Hong Kong,
China, Mar. 19-21, 2008.
27) Ryosuke Kubota, Takuya Okamoto, Noriaki Suetake, Eiji Uchino, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori
Matsuzaki: "Boundary Extraction of Plaque in Intravascular Ultrasound Image by Using Weighted Least Square
Method with Statistical Discriminant Criterion," Proceedings of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association (BMFSA)
2007 International Conference on Soft Computing and Human Sciences (SCHS2007), pp. 189-192, Kitakyushu,
Japan, Aug. 2-5, 2007.
28) Ryosuke Kubota, Mami Kunihiro, Noriaki Suetake, Eiji Uchino, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori
Matsuzaki, "Intravascular Ultrasound-based Tissue Classification of Coronary Plaque into Fibrosis or Lipid by
k-Nearest Neighbor Method," Proceedings of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association (BMFSA) 2007 International
Conference on Soft Computing and Human Sciences (SCHS2007), pp. 93-96, Kitakyushu, Japan, Aug. 2-5, 2007.
29) Eiji Uchino, Noriaki Suetake, Ryosuke Kubota, Genta Hashimoto, Takafumi Hiro and Masunori Matsuzaki:
"Advanced LVQ with Use of Neighborhood Information on Data Measurement Points and Its Application to IVUS
Data," Proceedings of Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th
International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS 2006), pp.593-597, Meguro, Japan, Sep.
20-24, 2006.
30) Satoshi Sonoh, Keiichi Horio, Ryosuke Kubota, and Takeshi Yamakawa: "An Improvement of Selection Strategy
Using Self-Organizing Maps with Two Type Input Vectors as Reinforcer/Punisher," Proceedings of Joint 3rd
International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on Advanced
Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS 2006), pp.578-582, Meguro, Japan, Sep. 20-24, 2006.
31) Ryosuke Kubota, Keiichi Horio and Takeshi Yamakawa, "Binary SOM Based on Significance of Inputs and Its
Application to Reproduction of GA," Proceedings of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps 2005 (WSOM’05),
pp.211-218, Paris, France, Sep. 5-9, 2005.
32) Ryosuke Kubota, Keiichi Horio, and Takeshi Yamakawa: "Optimal Design of Reproduction Strategy in
Real-coded Genetic Algorithm Using Self-Organizing Map," Proceedings of International Conference on
Neuro-Computing and Evolving Intelligence 2004 (NCEI’04), pp. 26-27, Auckland, New Zealand, Dec. 13-15, 2004.
33) Ryosuke Kubota, Keiichi Horio, and Takeshi Yamakawa: "Optimal Design of Reproduction Strategy in
Real-coded Genetic Algorithm Using Self-Organizing Map," Proceedings of International Conference on
Neuro-Computing and Evolving Intelligence 2004 (NCEI’04), pp. 26-27, Auckland, New Zealand, Dec. 13-15, 2004.
1) 石本 真也, 堀尾 恵一, 久保田 良輔: “個体の変動を取り入れた遺伝的アルゴリズムに基づくスイッチングメ
ジアンフィルタの設計法,” 電子情報通信学会技術報告, Vol.115, No.505, pp.93-98, 東京都市大学, 2016. 3.10-11.
2) 末安 慶大, 久保田 良輔: "個体間の差分情報と母集団の分割に基づく粒子群最適化法," 第 9 回進化計算シ
ンポジウム 2015 講演論文集, pp.149-154, グリーンホテル三ケ根, 2015. 12.19-20.
3) 近藤 将成, 久保田 良輔: “レーベンシュタイン距離を用いた遺伝的アルゴリズムに基づく個人の希望を考慮
した看護師勤務表生成に関する研究,” 電子情報通信学会技術報告, Vol.114, No.496, pp.21-26, 明治大学, 2015.
4)末安 慶大, 久保田 良輔: “自己最良位置と全体最良位置の合成成分を考慮した粒子群最適化法に関する研
究,” 電子情報通信学会技術報告, Vol.114, No.496, pp.17-20, 明治大学, 2015. 3.5-6.
5) 近藤 将成, 久保田 良輔: “遺伝的アルゴリズムに基づく看護師の要望を考慮した勤務表生成に関する研
究,” 電子情報通信学会技術報告, Vol.114, No.370, pp.31-36, 京都リサーチパーク, 2014. 12.18-19.
6) 浅村 岳, 久保田 良輔: "k 近傍法に基づくリモートセンシング画像の土地被覆分類に関する研究," 第 18 回日
本知能情報ファジィ学会中国支部大会講演論文集, pp.33-36, 下関市生涯学習プラザ, 2013. 12.21.
7) 植田 祥明, 倉本 陽平, 久保田 良輔, 末竹 規哲, 内野 英治: "対話型遺伝的アルゴリズムに基づくユーザ
の嗜好を考慮した画像鮮鋭化システム," 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Vol.112, No.348, pp.13-18, 日本大学,
2012. 12.13-14.
8) 植田 祥明, 久保田 良輔: "自己組織化マップに基づく実数値遺伝的アルゴリズムの再生法," 電子情報通信
学会技術報告, Vol.111, No.342, pp.25-29, 山口大学, 2011. 12.15-16.
9) 石川 秀大, 三澤 秀明, 久保田 良輔, 堀尾 恵一: "複数解空間競合型分散 GA における探索の安定性の改
善," 電子情報通信学会技術報告, Vol.111, No.342, pp.31-36, 山口大学, 2011. 12.15-16.
10) 久保田 良輔, 平川 将司, 田向 権, "自己最良位置の混合成分を考慮した粒子群最適化法, " 電子情報通
信学会技術報告, Vol.111, No.78, pp.1-4, 石垣市健康福祉センター, 2011. 6.9-10.
1) 内野英治, 末竹規哲, 久保田良輔, 松崎益徳, 廣高史: “超音波診断装置及び組織性状判別のプログラム,”
特許第 2008¬206779 号 (特許出願 2007¬47005)
2) 内野英治, 末竹規哲, 久保田良輔, 松崎益徳, 廣高史: “分離測度を用いた重み付け最小二乗法による境界
抽出,” (特許出願 2007¬ 192435)
3) 内野英治, 末竹規哲, 久保田良輔, 松崎益徳, 廣高史, “クラス分類方法及び装置,” 特許第 2008¬61717 号
(特許出願 2006¬240740)
1) 上宇部小学校 5 年生向け出前授業「ホバークラフトを作ってみよう」, 2015, 12.10.
2) 【公開講座】宇部高専主催:平成 24 年度公開講座「スクラッチプログラミングによるオリジナルゲーム作成」,
(講師)久保田 良輔,2012. 8.11.
3) 日本知能情報ファジィ学会九州支部主催:ほっと温まる合同研究会招待講演「自己組織化マップを用いた遺伝
的アルゴリズム の選択・淘汰法」, (講師)久保田 良輔, 九州工業大学学外研修施設長陽山荘, 2008. 8.5¬-6.
1) 第 51 回中国地区高専大会ソフトテニス競技, 男子個人戦 3 位, 女子個人戦シングルス優勝, (指導)久保田 良
輔, 宇部市宇部マテ“フレッセラ”テニスコート, 2015. 7.4-5.
2) H23 年度山口県民体育大会ソフトテニス競技, 男子団体戦 4 位(中国新人大会出場),(指導)久保田 良輔, 岩
国運動公園テニスコー ト,2011.11.12-¬14.
3) 第 46 回全国高専大会, 女子個人戦 3 位, (指導)久保田 良輔, 長野県長野市南長野運動公園テニスコート,
4) 第 47 回中国地区高専大会, 女子個人戦優勝, 男子団体戦準優勝, (指導)久保田 良輔, 広島県呉市総合スポ
ーツセンター, 2011. 7.9¬-10.
5) H23 年度山口県高等学校ソフトテニス選手権大会, 男子団体戦 5 位(中国選手権大会出場), (指導)久保田 良
輔, 宇部市中央公園球技場, 2011. 6.4¬-6.
6) 第 44 回全国高専大会, 男子団体戦 3 位, (指導)久保田良輔, 鹿児島県霧島市国分運動公園庭球場, 2009.
7) 第 45 回中国地区高専大会, 男子団体戦準優勝, (指導)久保田良輔, 島根県松江市営庭球場, 2009. 7.3¬-5.
1) Best Paper Award of The 2008 IAENG International Conference on Imaging Engineering (ICIE2008), 「Fuzzy
Rule¬based Boundary Extraction of Plaque in Intravascular Ultrasound Image」 2008.4.10.
1) 基盤研究(C)(課題番号 15K00356)「大規模ナース・スケジューリング問題を効果的に解く階層型進化的計算法
の確立」, (代 表)久保田 良輔, 総額 4,450 千円, 2015-2017 年度.
2) 若手研究(B)(課題番号 24700237)「記号データへの効果的な近傍埋め込みに基づくナース・スケジューリング
法の開発」, (代 表)久保田 良輔, 総額 4,290 千円, 2012-¬2014 年度.
3) 若手研究(B)(課題番号 21700264)「自己集約型部分空間マイニングに基づく進化的ナース・スケジューリング
法の確立」, (代 表)久保田 良輔, 総額 3,250 千円, 2009¬-2011 年度.
1) IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems 常任査読委員, 2015. 10.
2) Finance Vice-Chair of The Joint 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and
15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2014), 2014. 12.
3) 平成 25 年度特別教育研究費「進化的計算法に基づく画像鮮鋭化システムの開発」,(単独)久保田 良輔,総
額 200 千円,2013 年度
4) Finance Co¬-Chair of The 14th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2013), 2013. 3.
5) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 査読委員, 2013. 4.
6) 電子情報通信学会論文誌和文 D(情報・システム) 査読委員, 2013. 5.
7) IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems 査読委員, 2013. 6.
8) バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会第 24 回年次大会プログラム副委員長, 2011, 10.
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