
An Interview with Ben Read, a Son of Sir Herbert Read

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An Interview with Ben Read, a Son of Sir Herbert Read
02ベンリード先生面談_[第一部]世界ドキュメント 16/02/01 11:06 ページ 36
At the Herbert Read Special Collection in the Brotherton Library,
the University of Leeds, the UK
Shinya Niizeki, Shiga University; Ken Amagata, Fukushima University;
Nobuo Yamaguchi, Utsunomiya University
新関 伸也、福島大学 天形 健、宇都宮大学 山口 喜雄
1. Outline of the Interview
(1) 面談状況と内容の概略
本筆者3名は、2013年6月3日(月)14~16時30分、英国リーズ大学附属ブラザートン図書館特別コレクション室(University of Leeds,
Brotherton Library, Special Collection)にて、
『芸術による教育』の著者H・リード卿(Sir Herbert Edward Read、1893~1968年)令息
のベン・リード元リーズ大学美術史学上級講師〔本名:ベネディクト/Ben (Benedict) Read, Former Senior Lecturer of History of Art,
University of Leeds/略号:BR〕への面談調査を行った。同席者はクリス・シェパード元リーズ大学付属図書館特別コレクション室長
〔Chris Sheppard, Former Head of Special Collection, University of Leeds/略号:CS〕で、錦織嘉子氏の通訳で進行した。錦織氏は英国
(1) 特別コレクション室ハーバート・リード・コレクションの概要(CS&BR)
(2) リードの蔵書に関するエピソード(BR)
(3) 1965年のInSEA国際会議東京大会時のH・リード、2013年現在のリード評(BR)
(4) リードの我が子たちへの教育(BR)
(5) ベン氏にとっての父の想い出(BR)
(6) 父リードへの研究者としての態度と『芸術による教育』
(7) リードの日常生活・性格・趣味(BR)
(8) ベン氏ご自身を語る(BR)
(2) 『芸術による教育』との出会いと解題
翻訳者:宮脇 理・岩崎 清・直江俊雄
解題者:山口 喜雄
術の概念や意味から教師や環境のあり方(9章:教師、10章:環境)までを著した英国人で文芸批評家のリード(Herbert Read、1893~1968)
新旧訳本の違いは、大扉に付された劇作家ショー(Bernard Shaw、1856~1950)の文言が象徴的に示している。植村鷹千代・水沢孝
(1) The Setting and Content of the Interview
The three authors conducted an interview with Mr. Ben (Benedict) Read (hereinafter abbreviated as ‘ BR’ ) at the Special Collection Room in the Brotherton Library, the
University of Leeds, between 14:00-16:30 on Monday the 3rd of June 2013. Mr. Read is a former Senior Lecturer of History of Art at the University of Leeds and a son
of Sir Herbert Edward Read (1893-1968), the author of Education through Art, Also present were Mr. Chris Sheppard, former Head of Special Collection, University of
Leeds (hereinafter abbreviated as ‘ CS’ ), and interpreter, Ms Yoshiko Nishigori (MA in Art Gallery Studies and PGDip in Interpreting) who had attended Mr. Read’ s lectures as a student.
This paper summaries the interview with Mr. Read on Read’ s Education through Art, which made a large influence on art education in post-war Japan, as well as on
Read himself as a father and as an individual. The content of the interview is as follows:
1) Overview of the Herbert Read Special Collection (CS & BR)
2) Interesting anecdotes about Read’ s collection (BR)
3) Recognition of Read at the time of InSEA International Conference in Tokyo in 1965 and at the present day (BR)
4) Read’ s attitude towards his children’ s education (BR)
5) Memories of Read as a father (BR)
6) Read as a scholar and Education through Art (BR)
7) Read’ s daily life, character and hobbies (BR)
8) About Ben Read (BR)
(2) About the encounter with Education through Art and writing its abstract
The background of this interview is as follows:
1) In 1973, during his teaching practice, Yamaguchi was recommended Read’ s Education through Art by Hideo Aiba, a teacher at Yokohama National University’ s affiliated secondary school, and subsequently purchased the book in 1975 (the 13th edition by Bijyutsu Shuppan, translated by Takachiyo Uemura and Kosaku Mizusawa).
2) In 1986, Yamaguchi attended lectures by Professor Osamu Miyawaki, who used the book as a textbook, at the graduate school of Yokohama National University.
3) In 2001, a new translation of Education through Art by Osamu Miyawaki, Kiyoshi Iwasaki, and Toshihiko Naoe was published, and Yamaguchi, Amagata and another person organized a publication party.
4) In 2010, the three authors visited the UK as part of their international research funded by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Basic Research A (No.19203036), and
met interpreter, Ms Yoshiko Nishigori.
5) In 2011, the authors requested Ms Nishigori to arrange an interview with Mr. Ben Read following the conversation that revealed she attended Mr. Read’ s lectures as a
The incentive for conducting the interview was writing an abstract of the new translation of Read’ s Education through Art as part of the authors’ research project.
The following is the abstract quoted from page 18 of Abstract Booklet on Arts Education Literature: Introduction (ki), 2012 [English-Japanese parallel translation],
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Basic Research A (No. 23243078), edited by Yamaguchi:
Author: H. Read
Translators: Osamu Miyawaki, Kiyoshi Iwasaki and Toshio Naoe
Publisher: Film Art Sha
Publication Year: 2001
Commentator: Nobuo Yamaguchi
Osamu Miyawaki, Kiyoshi Iwasaki, and Toshio Naoe have produced a new Japanese translation (421 pages) of Education through Art, a collection of academic essays by a
British critic Herbert Read (1893-1968) that was originally published in 1943 during the World War II. Read wrote about the meanings and concepts of education and art,
discussing the nature of education (Chapter 1: The Purpose of Education), the nature of art (Chapter 2: The Definition of Art), and children’ s artistic expression (Chapter
5: The Art of Children) as well as teachers (Chapter 9: The Teacher) and the educational environment (Chapter 10: Environment).
写真1 リーズ大学附属図書館
Photo 1 The Brotherton Library, University of Leeds
写真3 ハーバート・リード卿
Photo 3 Sir Herbert Read
本書名『芸術を通した教育(Education Through Art)
An Interview with Ben Read, a Son of Sir
Herbert Read:
写真2 同図書館内特別コレクション室
Photo 2 Inside of the Special Collection Room
写真4 ベン・リード氏
Photo 4 Mr. Ben Read
An Interview with Ben Read, a Son of Sir Herbert Read
02ベンリード先生面談_[第一部]世界ドキュメント 16/02/01 11:06 ページ 38
(3) 本稿記述の注釈
The difference between the old and new translations is symbolised by the differing translation of the words by playwright George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) quoted on
the title page. In the 1953 translation by Takachiyo Uemura and Kosaku Mizusawa, Shaw’ s words were translated as ‘ Art is the only method of education that trains
human beings without using a whip’ , while the new translation renders this line as ‘ I merely draw attention to the fact that art is the only teacher other than pain’ .
The book’ s title Education through Art is commonly recognised as representing the basic principle in art education in post-war Japan. ‘ Chapter 3: On Perception and
Imagination’ , ‘ Chapter 4: Temperament and Expression’ , ‘ Chapter 6: Unconscious Modes of Integration’ , and ‘ Chapter 7: The Natural Form of Education’ offer a series
of intriguing discussions capable of transforming the basic approach to art (fine arts) education in schools.
The forward (by the translators), ‘ Approach to This Book: In Place of a Commentary’ , contains a detailed examination of the historical context of the old translation as
well as the relationship between the old translation and the translators, who experienced the post-war transition. The forward also probes the relationship of the old translation with Jiro Ono (English literature scholar, 1929-1982). These provide essential information for understanding the content of the book.
(3) Notes for the descriptions in this paper
This paper is based on the interview with Mr. Read and his answers to the questions from the three authors. The interpreter Ms Nishigori took minutes of the inter-
(1) 特別コレクション室ハーバート・リード・コレクションの概要(CS&BR)
特別コレクション室ハーバート・リード・コレクションの入り口の廊下には、晩年のリードと三男のピアース・リード(Pierce Read、
view, on which the authors based to co-produced this paper through discussion and editing. The followings are the notes to the descriptions:
1) In the text, Herbert Read is described as ‘ Read’ in principle. Where it is described from the perspective of Mr. Ben Read, it may also be described as ‘ father’ . Read’ s
children are addressed by their first names rather than their surname (e.g. Ben Read: Ben).
2) The paper follows the timeline of the interview.
3) Where it is uncertain (e.g. proper nouns), it is indicated with (?) after the word in question.
2. The Interview with Mr. Ben Read
(1) Overview of the Herbert Read Special Collection (CS & BR)
On the wall at the entrance to the Herbert Read Special Collection Room, there is a photograph of Read in his later years with his third son Pierce Read (a writer).
(2) リードの蔵書に関するエピソード(BR)
『芸術による教育(Education though Art)
関わったことである。その後、この展示会は大衆新聞のサンデー・ミラー誌(Sunday Millar)がスポンサーとなって例年行事となり
同時期に現場の美術教師が会員となるEnglish Society for Education through Art(?)が設立され、リードは初代の会長を務めた。その
後、この会はInternational Society for Education through Artへと発展する。
(3) 1965年のInSEA国際会議東京大会時のH・リード、2013年現在のリード評(BR)
天形:1970年代の美術教育といえば、先日訪問したテート・ブリテンで、ベーシック・デザイン(Basic Design)運動に関する展示を拝
(Leeds College of Art)
(Harry Thubron)
は、父の美術教育理論から影響を受けて、ベーシック・デザインのコースを開設しました。当時のリーズ大学(University of Leeds)
写真5 H・リードの初版本閲覧
Photo 5 Looking at the First Editions of Read’s Books
写真6 ベン・リード氏へのインタビュー
Photo 6 Interviewing Mr. Ben Read
The following describes how Read’ s collection came to be archived in the University of Leeds.
Around 1995, the documents collected by Read before his death and had been stored in his home were donated to the University of Leeds on the condition that the collection be archived in the university. The decision was made by Ben, who gathered family member’ s opinions and came to the conclusion to donate, as Mrs. Read was moving into a care home. The costs of donation was covered by the Lottery Fund.
The University of Leeds is the alma mater of Read, and also where Ben was teaching at the time. It was considered that archiving Read’ s collection was the best way to
keep his work alive because the collection was the best reflection of his interests and thoughts. The Read Collection at the University of Leeds includes books, letters,
handwritten manuscripts, photos, art objects, etc., and estimated to be between 12,000 and 14,000 items. Part of Read’ s collection also exists elsewhere: for example, part
of his book collection was donated to a university in Canada during his lifetime.
The largest part of the Read Collection is made up of exhibition catalogues. These include the ones from the time when Read was working as a curator, the ones whose
exhibitions were organised by his friends, and the ones that were sent to him for his approval after he gained a reputation. The Read Collection occupies about one third of
the shelves of the Special Collection Room in the Brotherton Library, and the remaining collection is stored in a suburban warehouse owned by the University.
The Special Collection Room also stores various rare books along with the Read Collection. Directly opposite to the Read Collection’ s shelves across the balcony are
the shelves containing books from around 1460 to 1500: for example, there is a rare book printed by a letterpress printing machine invented by Gutenberg.
2) Interesting anecdotes about Read’s collection (BR)
Read’ s house was filled with books. The books were shelves in the study, living room, kitchen, bed room, etc, and each room had different themes. It was the study that
had the largest number of books. When Read was working, the children were not allowed to enter the study; however, Ben, who was a very quiet boy, was an exception.
When Read was writing a paper and needed some books, he used to ask Ben to fetch them. Read remembered exactly where the books were – on which shelf of which
bookshelf in which room. This is how Ben became to remember whereabouts of most of Read’ s books without even realising. The Read Collection still keeps this grouping
by rooms as it provides a crucial key to understand Read’ s thought process. When the collection was brought into the university library and a bibliographic catalogue was
yet to be created, Ben helped Mr Sheppard to find which book was in which pile as if he was a living dictionary.
From the collection, the authors were particularly shown books written by Jung and Freud. The collection, however, holds a wide range of publications on psychological
analysis other than those by Jung and Freud. As shown in Education through Art, Read was particularly interested in psychological analysis and examined children’ s
drawings to understand their underlying personality.
In discussing Read’ s work, it is important to consider his work on psychological analysis and children’ s drawings. The art teachers’ input was essential to his study.
Read tried to understand the relationship between children’ s works and their psychology by speaking to practicing art teachers, instead of confining himself to desk study.
It was when he involved in the first national exhibition of children’ s paintings held in the early 1940s that Read became to be interested in children’ s drawings. The exhibition became an annual event sponsored by Sunday Millar, and Read served as a chairperson for a long time (the exhibition no longer exists).
At around the same period, English Society for Education through Art (?) was established and Read was appointed the first chairperson. The members of the society
were the frontline art teachers. The society later developed to form the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA).
3) Recognition of Read at the time of InSEA International Conference in Tokyo in 1965 and at the present day (BR)
The sections below list all the comments made by Mr. Read while listing only main questions to illustrate examples of the interview questions. The authors are abbreviated
as: Amagata: KA; Niizeki: SN; and Yamaguchi: NY.
NY: When the first Japanese InSEA International Conference was held in 1965, a message from Sir Read was read aloud. Read is still an important figure in the Japanese
art-educational circle today (i.e. 2013). Could you tell us how Read was/is recognised around 1965 and at present, please?
写真7 H・リードの『緑のこども』と草稿(左)
Photo 7 The Green Child by Read and its manuscript
写真8 左から天形、山口、ベン・リード、クリス・シェパード、新関(敬称略)
Photo 8 .Amagata, Yamaguchi, Read, Sheppard and Niizeki (from left, without honorifics)
An Interview with Ben Read, a Son of Sir Herbert Read
02ベンリード先生面談_[第一部]世界ドキュメント 16/02/01 11:06 ページ 40
には、グレゴリー・フェロー(Gregory Fellow)という研究員の地位を与えられたアーティスト・イン・レジデンス(Artist in
Residence)がいました。例えば、テリー・フロスト(Terry Frost)
、アラン・デービー(Alan Davie)
リー(Paul Gopel-Chowdhury)などです。スブロンはリーズ大学の美術学部長に掛け合い、それらの芸術家たちにリーズ芸術学校
Pasmore)やリチャード・ハミルトン(Richard Hamilton)は、スブロンの始めたコースを踏襲しているのです。今では彼らがベー
論の影響を認めていません。しかし父の伝記を書いたデービッド・シスルウッド(David Thistlewood)の調査によれば、スブロン
ハドソン(Tom Hudson)も大きく取り扱われていません。誰が書くかによって歴史が左右されてしまうのは悲しいことです。
〔注:ベン氏とシスルウッドの編纂したリードに関する本は、Read, B. and Thislewood, D. eds. (1993) Herbert Read: A British Vision of
World Art, London: Lund Humphries.〕
(4) リードの我が子たちへの教育(BR)
ャル(Artist's Special)
2番目の妻との間には4人の子どもをもうけた。上から、次男トム(Thomas Read、ジャーナリスト)
、四男ベン(Benedict Read、美術史家)
三男ピアース(Pierce Read、小説家)
ある。次男のトムは大衆紙デイリー・ミラー誌(Daily Mirror)の記者から、結婚後、BBCのジャーナリストになった。兄弟の中でもっ
Rogers)とノーマン・フォスター(Norman Foster)の事務所で秘書として働いた。その後、同建築事務所の若手の建築家と結婚し、5
学校については、父は子どもたちをフリースクール(Free School、注:従来の学校教育制度にとらわれず、子ども本位の教育を行う
(5) ベン氏にとっての父の想い出(BR)
学校でエリオット(T.S. Eliot)の詩について勉強した際に、教師がエリオットの友人である父のことに触れ、
ン誌(The Criterion)によく寄稿されているでしょう」といわれて、初めて父の仕事に興味を持つようになった。父は静かにしている
BR: My father developed a cancer and passed away in 1966. So, by 1965, I think he was not well enough to travel. Otherwise, I am sure he would have gone to Japan with
pleasure. At the present day, Read is rarely mentioned in the British art-educational circle. It was in the 1970s that the first generation influenced by Education
through Art played an active role in art education. Since then, many new ideas and thoughts have been born in the UK.
KA: Talking about art education in the 1970s, we just visited Tate Britain and saw an exhibition on the Basic Design Movement.
BR: In relation to the Basic Design, Harry Thubron, who was teaching at Leeds College of Art at the time, was influenced by my father’ s art education theory, and started
a ‘ basic design’ course. At the time, the University of Leeds had artists-in-residence who were granted a research position called Gregory Fellow. For example,
Terry Frost, Alan Davie, and Paul Gopel-Chowdhury were among them. Thubron negotiated with to Head of Art Department at the University of Leeds, and arranged
for artists to teach at Leeds College of Art once a week. So, the ‘ basic design’ course was initiated by Thubron at Leeds College of Art. The courses that Victor
Pasmore and Richard Hamilton developed in Newcastle’ s art school, which you saw in Tate Britain, followed a path started by Thubron. But it is now considered that
they started the Basic Design Movement. Also, Pasmore did not recognise the influence of my father’ s art education theory on the Basic Design Movement. According
to David Thislewood, who wrote a biography of my father (*1), however, it was my father’ s house where Thubron first discussed about the vision of the ‘ basic design’
course. At the moment, there is a work going on to re-write the history of British art education; however, my father is not mentioned or people like Thubron or Tom
Hudson, who were influenced by my father, are not taken up extensively. It is sad that the history is affected by whoever writes it.
[*1: Read, B. and Thislewood, D. eds. (1993) Herbert Read: A British Vision of World Art, London: Lund Humphries.]
4) Read’s attitude towards his children’s education (BR)
Read had five children. The oldest son was with his first wife and about twenty years older than Ben. He became a producer of TV documentaries, and gained a reputation from his documentary series called ‘ Artist’ s Special’ in the 1950s. He applied a new method of shooting artists’ at work, interviewing them in their studios, and letting the artists speak for themselves without narration.
Read met his second wife when he was teaching at the University of Edinburgh between 1931 and 1933. She was a professional musician and had a ‘ merry’ personality.
Although there was quite a big difference in their ages, they fell in love at first sight and their marriage was almost an ‘ elopement’ . They had four children: from the
oldest, Tom (Thomas, journalist), Sophie (Sophia, housewife), Pierce (writer), and Ben (Benedict, Art Historian). Age differences are eight years between Tom and Ben and
four years between Pierce and Ben. The second son Tom became a journalist at Daily Mirror and then at BBC after his marriage. The most artistic one among the siblings
was the daughter Sophie. After graduating from a secretarial collage, Sophie worked as a secretary at an architectural firm of Richard Rogers and Norman Foster. She
later married to a young architect at the firm, and now has five children and twelve grandchildren. Read used to say, ‘ If Sophie ever becomes a nurse, she will make a good
sister’ , as she was very good at organising since she was little.
Only Ben among the siblings took up a profession in art history. Ben opened his eyes to art at the age of fifteen during their trip to Venice where he had an experience
of ‘ Bellini’ s Virgin Mary speaking to’ him. Ben does not have any children. None of Read’ s grandchildren followed a career in art history, although one of the grandsons
was interested in the subject (he is now a teacher in Latin and ancient Greek). Two of his granddaughters are architects.
Read was a gentle father with firm ideas. But he never pushed his ideas or expectations to his children. Read’ s approach was to let the child’ s individual character grow
naturally. On the other hand, their mother was keen on children’ s education. Being a professional musician, she probably wished her children to become musicians. Ben jokingly says, ‘ My mother used to get cross because we weren’ t little Mozarts!’ .
Ben thinks his father probably wished to send the children to a free school; however, they went to a Benedictine school on their mother’ s wish, who was a Catholic. The
Benedictine has a long tradition of education dating back to 15th century and is well known for its solid education. Ben recalls that one of the best things about the school
was that they provided a thorough education of the classics such as Latin and Greek. Ben thinks that his father might have wished him to become a classics scholar. The
school encouraged pupils to do sports such as rugby just as other English private schools’ tradition. Not being a keen sportsman, Ben started attending a printing club that
was organised by a monk teacher. The teacher of the printing club encouraged pupils to achieve a professional level without compromising. The printing club’ s activities
ranged from printing simple school leaflets to prayer books that pupils actually used during a mass. They printed prayer books in black-and-red two-colour printing just
like real traditional prayer books. Ben developed his interests in books through creating prints in this club.
Ben values his father’ s attitude toward his children’ s education that encouraged whatever the child was interested in and supported it. For example, Read encouraged
Ben when he became to be interested in letterpress printing through the school’ s club activity by saying, ‘ there is no hierarchy in art, a fine print is art in its own sake’ ,
just like William Morris would have said. When Pierce was working to become a writer, Read also supported him by advising him on his writings. Read was also a practical
and sensible person. When Ben became interested in art in his teens, he talked to his father about his future. Advising Ben, Read said ‘ it’ s difficult to make a living as an
artist. But, if you like art, you could go to a university and become a researcher’ . The practical aspect of Read can also be seen in another anecdote when Ben was struggling to write an essay when he was a student at Oxford University. Being asked for his advice, Read started asking questions to Ben instead, and said, ‘ First of all, what
would you like to say?’ , followed by more questions. When Ben answered to all the questions, Read said, ‘ You just need to write them down in that order’ .
5) Memories of Read as a father (BR)
When Ben studied about poems by T.S. Eliot at school, the teacher mentioned about his father, who was a friend of Eliot, and asked him, ‘ Your father often writes for
The Criterion, doesn’ t he?’ . It was this time when Ben first became to be aware and interested in his father’ s work. Ben grew up to become a bookish boy and Read
allowed him to stay in his study on the condition that he will be quiet. One day, Ben found a book by Dryden published in the 18th century among his father’ s collection,
and was lost in admiration of its beauty. He recalls that his father asked him if he wanted the book and actually gave it to him when he said yes.
The dinner table at the Reads was always lively. It was mainly the children who discussed over various things,
and their father used to listen to it quietly. Whenever his children asked, ‘ Daddy, daddy, what do you think?’ ,
Read used to say, ‘ Ask Ben. I put trust in his opinion’ . Ben thinks that it was his father’ s way of showing his
recognition to his youngest son, who spent time in his study since little and was interested in his work.
When Ben was at university, Read developed a cancer and started sorting out his writings and documents. When
Ben was back at home for summer holiday and had time on his hand, his father asked him if he would like to help
him making a bibliographic catalogue of the collection. As Ben was interested in his father’ s work, he agreed to
help him create the catalogue. This is probably why Read entrusted his entire collection to Ben, the youngest son,
rather than the oldest in his will.
6) Read as a scholar and Education through Art (BR)
Read’ s writings have been translated into Japanese: these include, for example, The Forms of Things Unknown:
Essays towards an Aesthetic Philosophy (1960), translated by Kohei Hasegawa (published in 1973 from Hosei
University Publisher), and Art and Alienation (1967), translated by Masashi Masubuchi (published in 1992 from
Hosei University Publisher).
(6) 父リードへの研究者としての態度と『芸術による教育』
リードの和訳本は、The Forms of Things Unknown: Essays towards an Aesthetic Philosophy (1960) (長谷川鑛平訳『見えざるものの
形:美の哲学への序説』法政大学出版局、1973年)やArt and Alienation (1967)(増渕正史訳『芸術と疎外:社会における芸術家の役割』
写真9 熱心に語るベン・リード氏
Photo 9 Mr. Read talking to Yamaguchi enthusiastically
BR: When I used my father’ s texts in my lectures, I used to tell the students that they could, of course, have different opinions to him. But I asked them to develop a good argument, explaining why they opposed and what
their opinions were. Read is my father but I think I should critique him objectively as an art historian. From
my experience of teaching students, I understand that my father’ s papers can be difficult to understand for
An Interview with Ben Read, a Son of Sir Herbert Read
02ベンリード先生面談_[第一部]世界ドキュメント 16/02/01 11:06 ページ 42
新関:『Education through Art』は、戦後日本の美術教育の基礎を築いた著作である。戦前日本の美術教育では、お手本を真似ることが
(7) リードの日常生活・性格・趣味(BR)
だった1914年のことである。当時のリーズ大学の学長マイケル・サドラー(Michael Saddler)は、現代美術の収集家で、自宅にゴーギ
(Herbert Windt、ヘルベルト・ヴィント?)について研究しており、ヴィントの手紙の中に父についてのエピソードを発見したという。
(8) ベン氏ご自身を語る
その時、その彫刻を見上げて、ビクトリア時代に立てられた公共の場の彫刻(public statue)に知的好奇心を刺激され、興味を持つ
BR:リーズに赴任したのは約23年前のことで、ヘンリームーア基金(Henry Moore Foundation)の彫刻学の修士コースのうち、20世紀
刻を紹介していました。ロッチデールというと、歌手のグレーシー・フィールズ(Gracie Fields)が有名なので、いつも彼女の話
〔注:拝見した手書きの原稿は、The Green Child (1935初版)(増野正衛訳『グリーン・チャイルド』みすず書房、1959年、あるいは、前
BR: Also, I don’ t completely agree with all of his writings. For example, Jung’ s psychology is very difficult to understand. Although I haven’ t read all of Jung’ s writings,
I, and also other critics, have raised questions about Read’ s idea of the relationship between art and psychological analysis (e.g. the idea such as art as a representation of unconsciousness). Saying that, to be fair to my father, I must say that his argument and the way he develops his argument are convincing.
SN: Education through Art laid the foundation of the post-war Japanese art education. Art education before the war was mainly copying of examples and its focus was on
the acquisition of techniques. If it was introduced before the war, its true value wouldn’ t have been recognised. After the war, democracy was introduced and the idea
of character-formation widely spread. I think the reason why it made such a major impact on the art-educational circle in Japan is related to the time or the historical
BR: For the similar reason, I think it also made a major impact in Britain at the time of publication. Previously, the mainstream of art education was the traditional teaching method used in the Royal Academy of Arts, which was established in the 19th century. That is, sketching classical statues or, if you are painting an apple, the focus
is on ‘ painting a perfectly realistic apple’ . Even in the 1940s, this kind of teaching method was the mainstream in Britain. I think it is fair to say that Education
through Art is one of the Read’ s books that made the largest impact.
7) Read’s daily life, character and hobbies (BR)
BR: My father led a regular life. He used to get up at around 8:00, take a shower, have breakfast, go to the toilet, and then go to the study at around 9:00 or 10:00 and
start working. Once he entered his study, he never came out. After lunch, he usually had some coffee and always went for a walk; sometimes it was short and sometimes
long. After a walk, he had afternoon tea, and until dinner, he either read a book or continued working. After dinner, he sometimes watched TV but never worked. He
preferred wine and gin-and-tonic to beer. He enjoyed drinking a little but I never saw him drunk. He was much disciplined.
BR: I think the discipline came from his childhood. My father was born in a farming family and lost his father at the age of ten. As they were on tenancy and had to leave
the farm, his mother had to leave the children in an orphanage. My father was a bookish boy by then, so he used to read a book in the corner of the garden of the
orphanage while the other children played. I think his incredible concentration was cultivated by being absorbed in books. During the First World War, he was sent to
a battle field. Even in a trench, he was always reading books. I think, by being absorbed in books, he was trying to block out his mind from the battlefield. I remember
one episode that tells how my father was well-organised. After the war, he became a civil servant at the Department of Labour, and was given a job to produce documents to submit to the government. One day, he was summoned by his superior and was told, ‘ I have never seen any minutes as precise as this’ .
BR: My father didn’ t have a hobby as such but he just loved art so much. The first time he ever encountered modern art was in 1914 when he was still a student at the
University of Leeds. Michael Sadler, the Vice-Chancellor of the University at the time, was a collector of modern art and had works by Gauguin, Cézanne, Kandinsky,
etc., in his house. My father told me that his mother knew the housekeeper of the Vice-Chancellor’ s house, and she let him in to the house to see the paintings while
the Vice-Chancellor was out. My father was painting watercolours during the WWI between 1914 and 1918. They were mainly abstract. But he stopped painting after
the war. I assume that he thought he was not good enough to make a living as an artist.
BR: My father was from Yorkshire and he liked traditional food from the region. He particularly liked Yorkshire style apple-pie and cream. In Yorkshire, people have
apple-pie with cheese. He always had his apple-pie with cheese as well.
BR: My father was usually a quiet person, but he could be very passionate about what he believed in. For example, I recently heard an episode that shows his passionate
side from one of my acquaintances. This person is studying about a German artist, Herbert Windt, at the University of Kent, and found a letter mentioning about my
father among Windt’ s letters. According to the letter, Windt attended an art conference in Paris and saw French critics endlessly discussing about ‘ typical’ artistic
theories. Then, my father suddenly stood up and gave a very passionate speech without worrying about showing his emotion. In this way, although he was usually quite,
he could be very passionate.
8) About Ben Read (BR)
BR: One of the reasons why I chose Victorian sculptures as my research subject was because there was no one studying about them at the time. I might have inherited my
father’ s realistic side. This is totally opposite to modern art, which my father was interested in. I don’ t think my father ever mentioned about Victorian art. I became
to be interested in this theme when I was studying art history at the Courtauld Institute of Art after graduating from the University of Oxford. One day, we went to
Manchester on a study trip. At the town square, I was stepping back to get the whole view of the town hall, and suddenly bumped against a Victorian statue. At that
moment when I looked up at the stature, my intellectual curiosity was stimulated and I became to be interested in public statues. It was about twenty-three years ago
when I started teaching in Leeds.
BR: Initially, I taught a course on the 20th century sculptures, which was part of a master degree in sculpture at Henry Moore Foundation. As I had sculptor friends, I used
to take students to studios. I think it is important for art-history students to visit artists’ studios and talk to the artists instead of just observing artworks in museums.
Students also showed interests in seeing artists. It was particularly important for students at the University of Leeds to learn about artists and how they worked as
the course included not only lectures on art history but also practical art lessons. Among the artists I took students to was Anthony Gormley, whom I indirectly knew
as I went to the same school as his brother.
NY: You talked to us very expressively and with a sense of humour. Do you think you inherited these characters also from your father?
BR: I think these came from my mother. About my humour, there are funny episodes. Lectures in university are assessed once a year for their lectures. Once, an assessor
who inspected my lecture said to me, ‘ Your lecture is too accessible’ , because I was ‘ entertaining’ the students with jokes. When I was giving lectures on public statues, I used to talk about a statue in Rochdale. Rochdale is famous for a singer, Gracie Fields, so I used to mention her. But, one day, my secretary said to me,
‘ Students nowadays don’ t know Gracie Fields’ . So, since then, whenever I mentioned the statue in Rochdale, I sang a song by Gracie Fields!
The Herbert Read Collection also holds many handwritten manuscripts. Ben told the authors that Read used to write creative pieces such as poems and novels by hands
in the 1930s, but usually used a typewriter for academic papers and other kinds of writings.
[Note: The authors were shown a handwritten manuscript of The Green Child, and its first edition published in 1935.]
3. Conclusion of the Interview
It was the authors’ greatest pleasure to have had such as long interview with Mr. Read; he spared two and half hours despite the authors’ initial request of an hour-long
interview. It was also a great opportunity to speak to Mr. Chris Sheppard, who shared his experience of working as the Head of Special Collection, University of Leeds,
alongside Mr. Read.
One may argue that it would have been more appropriate to approach Read in the context of European modern thoughts; however, the authors decided to conduct the
interview around Education through Art. During the interview, things that formed the basis of Read’ s works such as his family, family life and working style were
described in detail with abundant examples. The authors believe that these are precious documents to understand Read as an individual. Being a researcher, Mr. Read also
provided a critical perspective to his father’ s works beyond the admiration of a son. The authors believe that this added a real value to the research.
An Interview with Ben Read, a Son of Sir Herbert Read
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