在留資格 ~27 種類~ 27 kinds of resident status
在留資格 ~27 種類~ 27 kinds of resident status 在留資格 Status of Residence 該当例 corresponding example (就労資格)Working status 外交 Diplomat 外国政府の大使、公使、総領事、代表団構成員等及びその家族 ambassador, minister, consuls general, and delegation constituent member of the foreign government and their family 公用 Official 外国政府の大使館・領事館の職員、国際機関等から公務で派遣される者及びその家族 members staff members of embassy and consulate and officers of international organization on official duty and their family 教授 Professor 芸術 Artist 宗教 Religious Activities 報道 Journalist 大学教授等 university professor, etc. 作曲家、画家、彫刻家、著述家等 Composer, painter, carver, and brother of the quill, etc 外国の宗教団体から派遣される僧侶、宣教師等 Priest and missionary, etc. sent by religious organization in foreign country, etc 外国の報道機関の記者、カメラマン等 Journalist and cameraman etc. of news organization in foreign country, etc 投資・経営 外資系企業等の経営者、管理者 Investor/Business Manager executive officer and manager for foreign companies 法律・会計業務 Legal/Accounting Services 弁護士、公認会計士等 Lawyer and certified public accountant, etc 医療 Medical Services 医師、歯科医師、薬剤師、看護師等 Doctor, dentist, pharmacist, and nurse, etc 研究 Researcher 政府関係機関や私企業等の研究者 Researchers of governmental institutions and private enterprises 教育 Instructor 中学校、高等学校等の語学教師等 Language teacher such as junior high schools and high schools etc 技術 Engineer コンピュータ技師、バイオテクノロジー技師、機械工学等の技術者 Computer engineer, biotechnology engineer, and engineer such as mechanical engineering 人文知識・国際業務 Specialist in Humanities / International Services 企業内転勤 Intra-company Transferee 興行 Entertainer 通訳、翻訳、デザイナー、海外取引業務、私企業の語学教師等 Interpreter and translator, designer, overseas dealings business, and language teacher of private enterprise, etc 外国の事業所からの転勤者 Those who transferred from office in foreign country 俳優、歌手、ダンサー、サーカス団員、ファッションモデル、プロスポーツ選手等 Actor, singer, dancer, circus member, model, and professional sports player, etc 1 技能 Skilled Labor 技能実習 Technical Intern 外国料理の調理師、製菓技術者、ソムリエ、スポーツ指導者、動物の調教師、 航空機操縦者、貴金属等の加工職人等 Cook of foreign dish, confectionery engineer, sommelier, sports leader, animal trainer, airline pilot, and processing workman of precious metals 技能実習生 Training technical intern (非就労資格) Non-Working status 文化活動 Cultural activities 日本文化・技芸の研究者等 Researcher etc. of Japanese culture and arts 短期滞在 Temporary Visitor 観光客、会議参加者等 Tourist and conference participant, etc. 留学 Student 大学、高等専門学校、高等学校等の学生 Student such as university, Technical Colleges, and high schools 研修 Trainee 研修生 trainee 家族滞在 Dependent 在留外国人が扶養する配偶者・子 wife and child depend on the foreign resident (就労は個々の指定活動による) Working only on the individually specified activity. 特定活動 Designated Activities 法務大臣が個々の外国人について特に指定する活動 Activity for which the Minister of Justice especially specifies it about individual foreigner 卒業後の就職活動、外交官等の家事使用人、ワーキング・ホリデー等 Job hunting after the graduation ,Housework employee of diplomat ,Working holiday, etc. (就労活動について制限なし) There is no limitation about working activity 永住者 Permanent resident 法務大臣から永住許可を受けた者 Person received permission for permanent residence from the Minister of Justice 日本人の配偶者等 日本人の配偶者・子・特別養子 Spouse or Child of Japanese wife, child, and special adoption of Japanese National 永住者の配偶者等 永住者(特別永住者)の配偶者・日本で出生した子 Spouse or Child of Permanent wife and child who was born in Japan from permanent or special permanent resident's Resident 定住者 Long-Term Resident 法務大臣が特別な理由を考慮し一定の在留期間を指定して居住を認める者 person who admitted to stay some period under specific reason by the Minister of Justice インドシナ難民、日系3世、中国残留邦人等 such as Indo-China refugee, 3rd Japanese generations, and person left behind in China after the war, etc. 2