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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ミルスペース 070703- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [Virtual Library]
ミルスペース 070627 pdf アーカイブにアップ、
Satellite Flyer 07.06.28; Space Observer 07.06.28; Boeing Frontier 0705, 0706; DoD NSSRM(National Security Road Map);
AFSPC SMP(Strategic Master Plan) FY06 and Beyond; Space Operations 2006.11 アップ。
[謝辞] ESA より Bulletin#130 寄贈 感謝 http://www.space-library.com 5.7 機関/団体、企業の出版物など (3) 団体・機関等 の3番目書架にあり。
------------------------------------------[進呈] 2007 Worldwide UAV Roundup, Supplement to Aerospace America, May 2007
世界の無人機の諸元をまとめた表。 ざっと 500 種弱あるか。サイズ
AIAA (米国航空宇宙学会)から若干余分にいただきましたので、来館
86[cm] x 120 [cm]
2006 年のアップデート版
------------------------------------------2007/6/29 16:37
Bigelow、民間宇宙ステーション「Genesis 2」の打上げに成功
Bigelow Aerospace は 28 日、SS-18 大陸間弾道ミサイルを改造した
ーション「BA 330」の打上げを 2012 年以降に予定しており、BA 330 に
ロシアの Dnepr ロケットを使って独自の民間宇宙ステーション「Genesis
関しては短期滞在型の宇宙観光旅行用に利用される見通しだ。 BA
330 を使った宇宙観光旅行は、宇宙ステーションへの 4 週間の滞在で
Genesis 2 は、Bigelow Aerospace が開発を行った拡張型宇宙ステー
1500 万ドル(約 18 億円)となる予定。
構成する。 Genesis 2 はまだ、本体や太陽電池パネルの拡張は行わ
模様。 Bigelow Aerospace は昨年 7 月に初号機の「Genesis 1」の打
上げに成功しており、今回打上げた Genesis 2 で 2 機目の宇宙ステー
Bigelow Aerospace では、この Genesis を大型化した本格的宇宙ステ
------------------------------------------2007 年 7 月 2 日 7:34
【CNET Japan 2007 年 07 月 02 日】
三菱重工業 H-2A が完成 「スリーダイヤ」宇宙へ
日立のスパコン「SR11000 モデル J2」、TOP500 で国産スカラー型の首位に
早速登場!--iPhone の分解レポート
フォトレポート:ついに iPhone が手中に!
[編注] 見た目は昔のポケコン思い出してしまうが・・・
------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 29 日 7:53
【CNET Japan 2007 年 06 月 29 日】
「宇宙日本食」に 29 品 JAXA、12 社を認証
スパコントップ 500 ランキング発表--IBM の「BlueGene/L」が断トツ
------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 28 日 7:49
【CNET Japan 2007 年 06 月 28 日】
米地裁判事、Vista の修正計画は不十分とするグーグルの申立てを棄却
IBM、最新スーパーコンピュータ「Blue Gene/P」でペタフロップスを実現へ
シーゲート、初の 1 テラバイトドライブを発売へ
米 Wind River の商用 Linux、NASA 宇宙船に搭載へ
------------------------------------------2007/6/27 21:08
荒っぽい着陸を得意とする専門の技術集団が、NASA のラングレー・リ
使って降下。そして地表 30m くらいまで降りると今度は、逆噴射ロケット
を使って降下速度を時速 30km 位にまで減速し、そのまま地表にハー
この実験が行われている NASA のラングレー・リサーチ・センタは元々は、
2002 年には連邦予算の削減の一環として施設閉鎖の危機に直面し
NASA ラングレー・リサーチ・センタで今月実施されたスペースシャトル後継次世
------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 26 日 7:54
【CNET Japan 2007 年 06 月 26 日】
ビクター売却 松下、ケンウッドと交渉へ
米議会、バーチャル課税で 8 月に報告書発表へ
------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 25 日 7:59
【CNET Japan 2007 年 06 月 25 日】
米同時多発テロの再現映像が YouTube で公開--米国大学の研究チーム制作
液体鏡を使った巨大望遠鏡--科学者らが Nature 誌で提案
Honeywell MAV(Micro UAV)
プロメテ Mk2, Kawada, 産総研&KHI
------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 28 日
風雲シリーズ気象衛星 3 基を打上げ ∼2010 年
中国は第 11 次五カ年計画(2006∼2010 年)期間中、またも風雲シリ
ーズの気象衛星 3 基を打上げ、衛星による気象観測能力および地球
局長が、27 日行われた「風雲 2 号 D」衛星の軌道投入式で明らかにし
(編集 KS)
計画によると、同期間中に打上げを予定するのは「風雲 2 号 E」衛星 1
基と「風雲 3 号」の極軌道気象衛星(太陽同期衛星)2 基。気象・地
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Jun 28, 2007
JCA 共通貨物機への抗議で、レイセオンは採点の問題に言及
In JCA protest, Raytheon cites scoring problems
Raytheon's protest of a $2 billion U.S. Army award to a
scoring process during the source selection
competitor hinges on what company officials feel was an errant
Russia plans complete changeout of balky space station computers
Russia will replace all six German-made computers that shut
down during the STS-117 International Space Station (ISS)
assembly mission just completed, even though the hardware is
back . . .
再び軍用マイクロウェーブコンポーネントの供給者である Herley Industries 社は新しい政府契約を停止、テスト・データの改ざん?
Herley slapped with govt. suspension - again
Military microwave components provider Herley Industries said
manufacturing facilities from receiving new government contracts
June 27 that the U.S. government has suspended two of its eight
pending . . .
レイセオンと独の性能向上 RAM Block2ミサイルは前進
Raytheon-German enhanced RAM Block 2 moves ahead
GERMAN RAM: Raytheon's German partner for the Rolling
develop an evolved missile radio frequency sensor that will
Airframe Missile (RAM), RAM-System GmbH, has been funded to
provide . . .
国土安全委員会は DHS 国土安全省のサイバーセキュリティの予算支出に不満、研究への投資不十分
Homeland Security panel unhappy with DHS cybersecurity spending
Leaders of a House Homeland Security subcommittee complained
not devoting enough money to cybersecurity research. . . .
June 27 that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was
Waxman 問題は無駄遣い、不正、乱用のレポートをアップデート
Waxman issues updated waste, fraud and abuse report
A new report by a leading House Democratic government
189 federal contracts valued at $1.1 trillion that have . . .
watchdog and ardent Bush administration critic claims to identify
Senate Armed Services approves war czar, Army secretary
Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) staff said the panel
including the so-called war czar and a fully empowered . . .
on June 26 voted on several Bush administration nominations,
海軍の年末の予算繰り延べは良く追跡する必要があると GAO は述べる
Navy year-end funding carryovers need better tracking, GAO says
Due to accounting changes and incomplete reviews, the U.S.
carryover funding amounts for working capital funds -- such . . .
Naval Air Warfare Center's (NAWC) data for past year-end
THAAD は非迎撃フライトテストをホワイトサンズで実施
THAAD conducts non-intercept flight test at White Sands
The U.S. Missile Defense Agency's (MDA) Terminal High-Altitude
conducted a nonintercept flight-test at White Sands Missile
Area Defense (THAAD) ballistic missile defense program
Range (WSMR) in New . ..
上院の予算歳出委員会は FY08 NASA, NOAA の予算法案を6月28日に評点予定
Senate appropriators to mark up FY '08 NASA, NOAA spending bills June 28
NASA MARKUP: The Senate Appropriations committee on June
billion for NASA, including $4 billion for . . .
28 will mark up a fiscal 2008 spending bill that allocates $17.5
Correction BAE の Armor Holdings の合併は海外投資に関する庁間委員会で承認されたが、司法省の独占禁止に関する承認待ち
BAE Systems takeover of Armor Holdings awaits Justice Department's OK
The proposed takeover by BAE Systems of Armor Holdings has
Investment but still awaits Justice Department antitrust
been approved by the interagency U.S. Committee on Foreign
approval, . . .
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Jun 27, 2007
司法省は BAE Systems のサウジアラビアの取引を取調べる
Justice Department looking into BAE Systems' Saudia Arabia deals
BAE Systems received a subpoena June 25 from the U.S. Justice
company's long-standing Al Yamamah deal to supply and
Department concerning anti-corruption law issues, including the
support . . .
NASA は月偵察オービタと着陸のために新しい月サイエンス・プログラムを設定
NASA sets new lunar science programs for LRO, landings
[編注] LRO = Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
NASA is beginning to pick some scientific investigations to fund
human return there. . . .
on and above the lunar surface, as it works toward an eventual
Conservative analysts slam administration's war funding
The Bush administration has bungled budgeting for long-term U.S.
Medicaid and Social Security spending to pay for back-logged
security needs and the government should cut Medicare,
中国は米国の情報技術への依存を弱さと見ていると RAND は述べる
China sees U.S. reliance on info tech as weakness, RAND says
The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) believes the United
exploit that kind of vulnerability in a . . .
States depends too much on digital dominance and would try to
No Senate vote before July on defense authorization
NO VOTE: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid hopes to send the
week, but the heated debate over . . .
fiscal 2008 defense authorization bill to the Senate floor this
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Jun 26, 2007
商業ユーザは ISS の米国ラックの半分を得ることができることになるかもしれず
Commercial users could get half of U.S. racks on ISS
Once the International Space Station (ISS) is up and running
experiment space and other resources . . .
after 2010 with a six-person crew, as much as half of the
Raytheon challenges Army's Joint Cargo Aircraft award
Raytheon is challenging the U.S. Army's award of the Joint Cargo
Alenia North America and Boeing, putting . . .
Aircraft (JCA) program to a team led by L-3 Communications,
SBInet の最初のセグメントは遅れ、議員は激怒
First segment of SBInet delayed, lawmakers steamed
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Boeing, lead
with lawmakers for not keeping them up to . . .
contractor on the SBInet border security program, are in trouble
ストライキが続いてもシャトルの打上げのスケジュールには影響なしと USA(ユナイテッド・スペース・アライアンス)社は述べる
As strike continues, USA says no impact to shuttle schedule
Shuttle prime contractor United Space Alliance (USA) says the
has not yet had any impact on . . .
ongoing strike of roughly 570 shuttle workers that began June 14
Elbit と Elettronica は DIRCM の開発で協力
Elbit, Elettronica team on DIRCM development
Italy's Elettronica and Israel's Elbit Systems have teamed to
countermeasures (DIRCM) market. . . .
jointly develop another contender in the directed infrared
元下院の宇宙航空小委員会の委員長を勤めた Rohrabacher 共和党議員は NEO 地球近傍の物体に関し新しく聴取を要求
Rohrabacher calls for new hearing on Near Earth Objects
Former House Space and Aeronautics subcommittee chairman
Udall (D-Colo.) to convene a hearing on NASA's Spaceguard
Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) is calling on current chairman Mark
program, which . ..
イージス BMD のテスト成功、システムの信頼を増す
Aegis BMD test successful, boosts system confidence
SUCCESSFUL AEGIS: Aegis ballistic missile defense system
successful "hit-to-kill" intercept test June 22. The latest Aegis
program officials and supporters have declared an apparently
BMD test boosted . . .
陸軍はレイセオンに RAID ラピッド飛行船初期配備システムの発注をサポートサービスの契約を含め行なう
Army follows RAID orders with support services award
RAID ON: Raytheon said June 25 that the U.S. Army awarded it
Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (RAID) systems. . . .
$10.4 million for whole-life engineering support for the company's
ロッキード/ノースロップ TSAT チームはレーザ通信技術の実証を行う
Lockheed/Northrop TSAT team demonstrates lasercom technology
reached Technology Readiness Level 6 (TRL-6) - a key
Satellite Communications (TSAT) space segment team has
milestone for the TSAT program, the .. .
携帯電話周波数を完全に自由にするこおてぇの動きは DOD IT が機能するということを意味している
Move to free up cell phone frequency means DOD IT work
The U.S. Air Force is awarding Raytheon Technical Services a
of weapons after the federal government last year . . .
$75 million contract to rework the old GBU-15/AGM-130 family
国防総省は UCA の契約を勘定できない、GAO は見つける
Pentagon unable to tally UCA contracts, GAO finds
[編注] undefinitized contract actions 最終契約に至らぬ以前に開始された作業
The Pentagon is unable to keep track of how often it has
the details are ironed out, . . .
awarded special speedy contracts that allow work to begin before
ノースロップは細部設計審査向けの実証 JHPSSL 要求を超える
[編注] JHPSSL= 共同ハイパワー固体レーザ
Northrop exceeds demonstration JHPSSL requirements for CDR
Northrop Grumman has completed the critical design review and
Solid State Laser (JHPSSL) Phase 3 program . . .
entered the integration and test phase for the Joint High Power
上院の予算審議議員は RRW に関して介入予定
Senate appropriators to weigh in on RRW
RRW = Reliable Replacement Warhead
RELIABLE REVIEW: Democratic-led Senate energy appropriators
regime June 26 when the Senate Appropriations energy
will start weighing in on the future of the U.S. nuclear weapons
subcommittee . . .
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Jun 25, 2007
ポーランドとチェコのミサイル防衛協定は間近かと Rood 米国務長官補佐は述べる
Polish, Czech missile agreements not far off, Rood says
QUICK RESOLUTION: Negotiations with Poland and the Czech
ballistic missile interceptors and a high-powered radar site on
Republic over U.S. plans to base ground-based midcourse
their respective . . .
NASA は ESA の 2010 LISA pathfinder に機器を提供予定
NASA to provide instrument for ESA's 2010 LISA Pathfinder
LISA PATHFINDER: Under an agreement with the European
Reduction System Package that will be part of ESA's Laser
Space Agency (ESA), NASA will supply the Disturbance
Interferometer . . .
議会は再度、ORS 即応宇宙を押す
Congress again pushing operationally responsive space
ORS EARMARKS: Lawmakers seem intent on forcing the
(ORS) platforms and services. The House last month passed a bill
Pentagon to produce so-called operationally responsive space
DOD の処置は陸軍の宇宙への関心に合わず: 米陸軍 Geren 秘書官
DOD processes doesn't meet Army space interests: Geren
GREEN SPACE: Pete Geren, the acting U.S. Army secretary who
is not satisfied that . . .
is on his way to Senate confirmation for the full position, says he
Arianespace は 2008 年後半にインドの Insat 4G を打上げ計画
Arianespace to launch Insat 4G for India in late 2008
INSAT 4G: Arianespace will launch the Indian Space Research
2008 aboard an Ariane 5 launched from the company's
Organisation's (ISRO) Insat 4G communications satellite in late
spaceport . . .
強情な DOD の調達に元下院軍事委員会の委員長だった Duncan Hunter 共和党議員は怒る
Duncan Hunter remains frustrated with 'recalcitrant' DOD acquisition
HUNTER FRUSTRATED: One of former House Armed Services
about the Defense Department is that warfighters in the field still
Chairman Duncan Hunter's (R-Calif.) continuing "frustrations"
must become . . .
STS-117 は Edwards AFB に着陸間近かに
STS-117 comes to a close with landing at Edwards AFB
EDWARDS LANDING: The STS-117 crew piloted shuttle Atlantis
June 22 after poor weather at . . .
to a 12:49 p.m. PDT landing at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., on
Bush, Blair signing treaty to obviate some U.S.-U.K. export licenses
The Bush administration and that of outgoing U.K. Prime Minister
U.S.-U.K. treaty that would . . .
Tony Blair are signing -- and still hammering out details of -- a
Apache Block III は恐らく縦深攻撃能力への懸念を公表、 RAND レポート
Apache Block III will likely address deep-strike capability concerns
A recent RAND report questions the ability of the U.S. Army's
but service officials and industry analysts say the . . .
Apache helicopter to execute and survive deep-strike missions,
ESA はロシアと Kourou Soyuz ロケットの初号機の契約を行う
ESA contracts with Russia for first Kourou Soyuz vehicles
The European Space Agency has contracted with the Russian
launch pad under construction at the . . .
Space Agency to acquire the first four Soyuz rockets for the new
NRO はロッキードとの Misty 撮像衛星プログラムをキャンセル
NRO cancels Lockheed's 'Misty' imaging satellite program
A National Reconnaissance Office imaging satellite program
major criticism from key lawmakers. . . .
thought to be called Misty was recently cancelled after drawing
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Jun 22, 2007
NRO の不足(6/15 打上げ機が低い軌道にしか到達しなかった件)は、きたる ULA ミッションを遅らせるかもしれない
NRO shortfall may delay upcoming ULA missions
[編注] 次のフライトにはボーイングの WGS(Wideband Gapfiller Satellite)が搭載される予定
The June 15 shortfall of a United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V
Office (NRO) ocean surveillance spacecraft onboard . . .
launch vehicle with a pair of classified National Reconnaissance
空軍の ISR 担当参謀長代理は F-22 と F-35 の F は重視しないことを予見
Air Force ISR chief foresees downplaying 'F' in F-22, F-35
Lt. Gen. David Deptula, Air Force deputy chief of staff for
take the "F" out of the F-22 Raptor . . .
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), is looking to
AFRICOM アフリカ・コマンドは分散組織と構成をもつことになろう
AFRICOM could have distributed organization and structure
Leveraging advanced communications technology - and looking
new U.S. African Command (AFRICOM) could be . . .
possibly to steal a page from the al Qaeda war playbook - the
議会の ABL エアボーンレーザ推進者は機体の見学ツアを促進
ABL boosters in House promoted aircraft tour
ABL BOOSTED: Four prominent Boeing and missile defense
Capitol Hill to support the Airborne Laser (ABL) program. . . .
spending proponents in the House are asking their colleagues on
ブッシュ大統領は下院の科学リーダ議員たちと NASA 予算を討議するのに会うことを拒否
Bush refuses to meet with House Science leaders to discuss NASA budget
NO MEETING: Democratic leaders of the House Science and
Bush has refused to meet with them to discuss what the . . .
Technology Committee are "deeply disappointed" that President
まもなく登場する Su-35 と共にスホーイは変革を図る
Sukhoi making changes with upcoming Su-35
PARIS - Sukhoi's Su-35, to be unveiled in August at the MAKS
heavyweight fighter. . . .
air show in Moscow, is the biggest revision yet of the company's
液体ミラーを使った天体望遠鏡は月面での天文には可能性があると NASA は述べる
Liquid telescope a possibility for lunar astronomy, NASA says
A technical paper co-authored by NASA Ames Research Center
could pour liquid into a disc-shaped mesh to create . . .
Director S. Pete Worden speculates that future lunar astronauts
KSC 近くの雷がアトランティスの帰還を遅らせる
Thunderstorms near KSC delay Atlantis' return
DELAYED: Thunderstorms near Kennedy Space Center (KSC),
21. Atlantis will try again during one of five . .
Fla., forced NASA to wave off shuttle Atlantis from landing June
------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 25 日
北京、携帯電話による GPS 救援サービス実現へ
北京市民は今後、携帯電話で 999 番をプッシュすることで、999 指揮
位置精度の誤差が数十 m 以内であるため、通報人を探しだせずに応
には運用スタート予定という。(編集 KM)
------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 25 日
中国のロボット、「ロボット W 杯」で優勝
年あまりの研究の結果、今回世界で初の 3 対 3 の人間型ロボットによ
ての 360 度の視角を持つ人間型サッカーロボット。「東北新聞網」が伝
両足で挟むなど複雑な動作もできる。(編集 YS)
------------------------------------------2007.6 科学技術動向 NISTEP
るガリレオ計画、欧州の環境・安全保障監視を行う GMES 計画などを
まとめていた「欧州宇宙政策」は、欧州委員会の採択を経て、2007 年
5月 22 日、EU 及び ESA 加盟国の閣僚が合同で会合する宇宙理事
ガリレオ計画は、従来、2008 年までに 30 機の衛星を打上げて運用を
会で審議された。今回が4回目となる宇宙理事会には、EU 及び ESA
加盟の 29 カ国から代表が出席し、欧州宇宙政策を満場一致で承認
EADS アストリウムなど8社)との間で調整が難航し、欧州委員会(EC)
委員会はガリレオ計画運用開始を 2012 年まで遅らせるとともに、計画
提言している。さらに、[1]EU、ESA 及び加盟国の間において調整機
2007 年6月6∼8日に開催された EU 運輸・通信・エネルギー理事会
では、EC 提案を原則承認したが、資金計画等について 2007 年9月ま
でに提案するよう要請した。2007 年秋頃、再度審議の予定。
力を強化し、投資効果を上げること、[4]EU、ESA 及び加盟国が国
GMES は、第7次欧州研究開発フレームワーク計画(FP7:2007 年∼
2013 年)で資金が提供される。FP7 の宇宙分野における資金は約
14.3 億ユーロで、その内、約 85%が GMES に拠出され、これには、ESA
が GMES のために開発する衛星への資金提供も含まれる。同政策で
開 発 中 ま た は 研 究 中 の 主 要 プ ロ ジ ェ ク ト に つ い て 、 EU ・ ESA ・
課題として挙げられており、宇宙理事会は、加盟国及び ESA との調整
EUMETSAT などの欧州レベルの機関や仏・伊・独・英など加盟各国の
後、EC が提案するよう要請した。
参 考: 1) European Space Policy, COM(2007)212, 2007 年 4 月 26 日 /// 2) European Space Programme―Preliminary elements、SEC(2007)504、2007
年 4 月 26 日 /// 3) 4th SPACE COUNCIL:Resolution on the European Space Policy、2007 年 5 月 22 日
http://www.space-library.com/ 5. 仮想図書館 5.3 宇宙政策関連 (2) 欧州・日本関連
の書架から European Space Policy 原文と訳文をダウンロード可
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Jun 8, 2007
米空軍の無人機:Predator と Global Hawk
プレデタ / リーパ
/ グローバルホーク / U-2 赤外線センサ比較
Predator / Reaper / Global Hawk / U-2
プレデタ / リーパ
Air Force UAVs: Predator and Global Hawk
Infrared Comparisons
/ グローバルホーク / U-2 光学センサ比較
Predator / Reaper / Global Hawk / U-2
Electro Optical Comparisons
Source: U.S. Air Force
2007/7/2 15:46
先月 22 日、13 日間に渡る飛行を終えカリフォルニア州にあるエドワーズ
ディ宇宙センタに帰還するために、専用の輸送機「Shuttle Carrier
Shuttle Carrier Aircraft は途中、給油のために一度、着陸した後、2
日か 3 日にもフロリダ州にあるケープケネディ宇宙センタに到着する予
-------------------2007/6/26 17:40
NASA の次世代有人宇宙船はハードランディング
この宇宙船、一見すると 60∼70 年代のアポロ計画で使われた宇宙船
着陸することが想定され開発が進められている。 オリオンは大気圏に
表 30m くらいまで降りると今度は、逆噴射ロケットを使って降下速度を
時速 30km 位にまで減速し、そのまま地表にハードランディングさせると
いうかなり荒っぽい着陸方法を取る。 単純に考えるとこんなことを行わ
NASA が現在、開発中のスペースシャトルに代わる次世代友人宇宙船「オリオン」の着陸の模様を示した想像図。
--------------------2007/6/26 17:20
NASA が国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)の無重力を利用した研究用に研
ISS は 2010 年頃に完成予定。完成後の米管理下の ISS 年間維持
究機関に開放する方向で検討に入っていることが 25 日、NASA 高官
費は約 15 億ドル(約 1800 億円)。NASA ではスペース半分を他研究
の発言によって明らかとなった。 この発言を行ったのは NASA の ISS 担
当部長の Mark Uhran 氏。 Uhran 氏は 25 日に行われた記者会見の
席上で、完成後の ISS に付いて触れ「研究目的のために ISS 全スペー
スは必要ない」とした上で「(ISS 利用)計画の見直しを進めた上で、残
た。 今のところ開放先としては米国立衛生研(National Institutes of
6 月 19 日に ISS から離脱したスペースシャトルから撮影された最新の ISS の模様(提供:NASA)
--------------------2007/6/25 14:36
EADS 社、Ariane 5 型ロケット 35 機の大量受注に成功
欧州航空宇宙最大手 EADS 社の子会社の EADS Astrium が、同社
なった。 この大量発注を行ったのは衛星打上げ世界最大手の
製大型ロケット「Ariane 5」35 機、総額 35 億ユーロ(約 5800 億円)の
Arianespace 社。Arianespace 社ではこの契約により 2010 年までの長
大量受注に成功したことが 23 日、仏の AFP 通信報道により明らかと
Ariane 5 型ロケットは低軌道に最大 21 トン、静止軌道上に 8.3 トンの
ケットとしては世界最大)。開発は Arianespace 社が、製造は EADS
Astrium 社が担当している。
--------------------2007/6/23 15:24
スペースシャトル・アトランティスは米太平洋時間で 22 日午後 0 時 49
で修理を行ったり、シャトルが ISS に滞在中に ISS の制御コンピュータが
分、13 日間に渡る飛行を終えカリフォルニア州エドワーズ空軍基地に
無事帰還。 アトランティスは米東部時間で 8 日午後 7 時 38 分にフロ
ション(ISS)にドッキング。ISS では、 構成する S3/S4 truss segment
22 日、エドワーズ空軍基地に着陸するシャトル(提供 NASA)。
------------------------------------------Space News
Orbital Express ミッションは延長なし
No Extension for Orbital Express Mission
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Air Force will deactivate the
spacecraft to test robotic techniques applicable to future Mars
Pentagon's Orbital Express satellites the week of July 2,
sample return missions.
eliminating any chance of NASA using the experimental
Zenit はロシアの軍事ペイロードを打上げ、新しい商業ロケットの道を拓く
Zenit Launches Russian Military Payload, Paves Way for New Commercial Rocket
PARIS - The June 29 launch of a two-stage Zenit rocket from
January and inaugurates the launch pad and ground facilities that
Russia's Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan marks the return
will be used for Sea Launch's new Land Launch offering,
to flight of the hardware that caused a Sea Launch Co. failure in
according to Sea Launch Co. President Rob Peckham.
Thales Alenia Space は Palapa-D 通信衛星の製造契約を獲得
Thales Alenia Space Wins Contract To Build Palapa-D Telecommunications Satellite
PARIS - Indonesia's PT Indosat Tbk has selected Thales Alenia
Chinese Long March 3B rocket, Indosat and Thales Alenia Space
Space to build the Palapa-D telecommunications satellite in a
announced June 29.
contract that includes the satellite's late-2009 launch aboard a
レポート: 委員会は日本が米国を標的にしたミサイルを迎撃すべきことに同意
Report: Panel Agrees Japan Should Shoot Down Missiles Targeting U.S.
TOKYO (AP) - Japan should use its missile defense systems to
members of a government panel largely agreed Friday, according
shoot down a ballistic missile targeting the United States, most
to media reports.
NASA の予算法案は上院の投票に提出された
NASA Spending Bill Headed for Senate Vote
WASHINGTON - A spending bill including $17.45 billion for NASA cleared the Senate Appropriations Committee June 28.
議員と NASA は地球サイエンスの予算に関して口論
Lawmakers, NASA Spar over Earth Science Budget
WASHINGTON - A top NASA official told a House panel June 28
another witness, along with a key Democratic lawmaker, begged
that the agency's budget for Earth science is adequate, but
to differ.
Harris は Raytehon への NMT 海軍の通信端末の発注に抗議
Harris Protests NMT Award to Raytheon
BOSTON - Harris Corp. of Melbourne, Fla., has protested the U.S.
new line of shipboard satellite communications terminals,
Navy's award of a billion-dollar contract to Raytheon to build a
according to a Harris spokesman.
THAAD はホワイトサンズで最終のフライトを行なう
THAAD Makes Final Flight at White Sands
BOSTON - The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) and
June 26 of an interceptor designed to knock down missiles during
contractor Lockheed Martin conducted a successful flight test
their latter stages of flight.
上院の委員会は NASA 予算を強化 (アップデーテッド)
Senate Panel Boosts NASA Funding (UPDATED)
WASHINGTON - A U.S. Senate panel has recommended providing
than the White House requested.
$17.45 billion for NASA next year, or about $150 million more
ESA は将来の打上げの契約を行う
ESA Awards Future Launcher Contracts
PARIS - NGL Prime S.p.A., a joint venture of Astrium Space
and to design a vehicle for launch in 2010 to test reusable rocket
Transportation and Finmeccanica, has signed contracts with the
materials, the company announced June 26.
European Space Agency (ESA) to study next-generation rockets
NASA はリーダシップの職位に2名を任命
NASA Names Two for Leadership Posts
WASHINGTON - NASA has named William Bruner to serve as
intergovernmental affairs, the U.S. space agency informed its
employees June 25.
------------------------------------------2007 年 7 月 2 日 8:22
Sat News
Bigelow Aerospace の Genesis II スペースモジュールは展開に成功
Bigelow Aerospace's Genesis II Space Module Deploys Successfully
Mobile Satellite Services Moving into Mainstream with New Products and Services
Microsat Systems は学生が主導する火星引力バイオ衛星プログラムをサポート
MicroSat Systems Supports Student-led Mars Gravity Biosatellite Program
Ion Media は SES Americom と流通/販売の取引を拡大
Ion Media Extends Distribution Deal with SES Americom
"Misty" Stealth Spy Satellite Program Cancelled?
Cluster Science 衛星は宇宙で踊り続ける
Cluster Science Satellites Keep Dancing in Space
$2M のノースロップグラマン月着陸機のチャレンジに9チームが競う
Nine Teams Vie for $2 million Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander Challenge
再び、Orbital Express 衛星が別の初達成を行なう
Again, Another First for Orbital Express Satellites
---------------------2007 年 6 月 18 日 18:22
Sat News
Echosatar と Liberty Media は伝えられるとこではインテルサットに入札中
Echostar, Liberty Media reportedly bidding for Intelsat
Astrium はジェットにより旅行者を宇宙に運ぶ計画
Astrium to Rocket Tourists into Space . . . by Jet
Satellite Capacity Sales Biggest Growth Segment for Satellite Industry
Sea Launch Good to Go; January Failure Caused by Foreign Object Debris
The Second Moon Race: It's the USA vs. China vs. India vs. . . . Nigeria?
Alliant Techsystems は Swales Aerospace を買収
Alliant Techsystems Acquires Swales Aerospace
McCain 議員: 公共安全のグループはもっと無線周波数が必要である
McCain: Public Safety Groups Need More Radio Frequencies
作業の中で: さらに強力で格好の良い ISS
In the Works: a More Powerful and "Prettier" ISS
ISCe2007 昨年の売上げは最高;軍事衛星通信と垂直市場の焦点が参加者を引く
ISCe 2007 Bests Previous Year Turnout; Military Satcom and Vertical Market Focus Drives Attendance
NPOESS と MEASAT 1R 衛星の遅れに関する最近の Satnews のストーリに関する再度の参加者
Rejoinder on Recent Satnews Stories on NPOESS and MEASAT 1R Satellite Delay
------------------------------------------Lockheed Martin Press Releases
June 27, 2007
Lockheed Martin-Led Team Completes Integrated Baseline Review For Space Radar
June 27, 2007
ロッキードマーチンの THAAD ウェポンシステムプログラムは大気圏内迎撃テストに成功
Lockheed Martin's THAAD Weapon System Program Conducts Successful Endo-Atmospheric Interceptor Test
June 22, 2007
"Flight Test Mission - 12" (3.77 MB - ".wmv") 06/25/2007
------------------------------------------Boeing News Releases
Jun. 27, 2007
Boeing Demonstrates Autonomous Command and Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
AWACS console
Airborne Warning and Control System
DI-CD autonomous mission control software
Jun. 25, 2007
Distributed Information-Centralized Decision
Open Mission Management
Boeing Supports Ninth Successful Intercept Test of Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System
------------------------------------------France in Space
Jane s Defence Weekly
Argentina, Egypt collaborate on unmanned systems
Egypt s Ariesgsa Engineering Group and Nostromo of Argentina
unmanned systems for the Egyptian...
are jointly marketing and developing a number of air, sea and land
------------------------------------------[平山ニュース 2007 年 月 日]
6/30 XI-IV と CUTE-I が打上 4 周年(時,東大,東工大)
6/29 1000GMT 打上成功:軍事衛星 Kosmos 2428,Zenit 2M,Baikonur
6/28 1502GMT 打上成功:インフレータブル構造実験 Genesis 2,Dnepr,Dombarovsky
6/28 H2A-13 号機が MHI 飛島工場で報道公開(時)
6/27 ISS の利用を無料開放へ(NASA,読,NHK)
6/27 宇宙日本食 12 社 29 品目を認証(JAXA,時,読,毎)
6/26 超高速インターネット衛星 WINDS を報道公開(JAXA,時,読,毎,朝,経)
7/5 打上:放送衛星 Chinasat(中星)6B,長征 3B,西昌
7/2 1938GMT 打上:(独)レーダー偵察衛星 SAR-Lupe 2,Kosmos 3M,Plesetsk
7/1 1938GMT 打上:(独)レーダ偵察衛星 SAR-Lupe 2,Kosmos 3M,Plesetsk
6/28 打上:インフレータブル構造実験 Genesis 2,Dnepr,Dombarovsky
7/31 応募締切:「宇宙の日」記念行事全国小・中学生作文絵画コンテスト
7/24 講演:青木豊彦氏「中小企業が航空宇宙を目指す」アクロス福岡
7/18 申込締切:小型副衛星合同ワークショップ,7/23,都立産業貿易センタ浜松町館 申込先着 50 名
7/2 第 2 回宇宙ロボットフォーラム,日本科学未来館
6/30 応募締切:第 2 回子ども衛星アイデアコンテスト
6/29 第 14 回モノづくり講演会,福岡工業大学 吉光徹雄,阿部新助「小惑星探査ロボットの作り方・小天体のその場探査と間接探査」
7/19 申込締切:第 51 回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 10/29-31,札幌コンベンションセンタ
7/5 IAA Symposium on Realistic Near Term Advanced Scientific Missions, Aosta,Italy
7/4 第 18 回宇宙太陽発電時限研究専門委員会研究会,JAXA 東京事務所
6/29 申込締切:2007 JSASS-KSAS Joint International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering,10/10-12,北九州国際会議場
6/29 申込締切:第 10 回 SPS シンポジウム,8/2-3,東大(柏)
6/29 申込締切:第 40 回月・惑星シンポジウム,7/25-27,ISAS 相模原
[T V] ディスカバリチャンネル他
7/3 2100-2200,7/4 1000-1100,1600-1700 ヒストリーチャンネル 時代の響き 18 日本科学未来館館長/宇宙飛行士 毛利衛
7/3 2030-2100,7/4 0130-0200,7/5 1230-1300 舞台裏のスーパーテクノロジー3-14(宇宙服 ほか)
6/29 0600-0700 驚異の機械:ロケッティア
7/6 募集締切:第 5 回航空機による学生無重力実験コンテスト参加者募集 高専 4 年-,大学,大学院生>JSF
7/1 募集締切:「きぼう」応援キッズチームプロジェクト第 2 期生>ナルミヤ
------------------------------------------- 緑の警告、エベレスト周辺の氷河解け地面…衛星写真で判明(読売新聞) (6 月 30 日 18 時 14 分)
- 学生手作り衛星、打上げ 4 年=「予想外」の長寿命達成−東大と東工大(時事通信) (6 月 30 日 6 時 30 分)
- H2A ロケット 13 号機を公開=民営化初号機、8 月打上げ三菱重工業(時事通信) (28 日 19 時 31 分)
- 国産衛星、インドで初打上げ=学生手作りの超小型 2 基−今秋にも・東工大と日大(時事通信) (28 日 15 時 2 分)
- WINDS 世界最高速のインターネット衛星、初公開(毎日新聞) (28 日 9 時 31 分)
- 宇宙日本食 JAXA発表 おにぎりやカレーなど29品目(毎日新聞) (28 日 9 時 31 分)
- WINDS 世界最高速のインターネット衛星、初公開(毎日新聞) (28 日 9 時 31 分)
- 宇宙日本食 JAXA発表 おにぎりやカレーなど29品目(毎日新聞) (28 日 9 時 31 分)
- <宇宙日本食>JAXA発表 おにぎりやカレーなど29品目(毎日新聞) (27 日 21 時 10 分)
- <WINDS>世界最高速のインターネット衛星、初公開(毎日新聞) (27 日 20 時 38 分)
- 若田さん、宇宙でサバのみそ煮をどうぞ(時事通信) (27 日 20 時 6 分)
- インスタントラーメンや緑茶、宇宙日本食に29品目認定(読売新聞) (27 日 19 時 17 分)
- 「宇宙日本食」に 29 品目=サバみそ…−国際ステーションに搭載へ・宇宙機構(時事通信) (27 日 19 時 1 分)
- 超高速インターネット衛星、宇宙機構が報道陣に公開(読売新聞) (27 日 10 時 43 分)
- NASA「宇宙ステーション貸します」…米の施設に余裕で(読売新聞) (27 日 9 時 33 分)
- 超高速ネット衛星を公開(時事通信) (26 日 21 時 11 分)
- 超高速ネット衛星を公開=来年 1∼2 月に打上げ愛称も公募・宇宙機構(時事通信) (26 日 18 時 31 分)
------------------------------------------- <米露首脳会談>MD東欧配備計画は打開できず協議継続(毎日新聞) (3 日 10 時 34 分)
- 仮想敵国どこ? 米ミサイル防衛網、露が参加を表明(産経新聞) (3 日 9 時 46 分)
- 米ロ首脳会談・NATO の関与で一致(時事通信) (3 日 9 時 21 分)
- 米ロ首脳会談、ミサイル防衛やイラン核問題を協議(ロイター) (3 日 9 時 8 分)
- 米ロ首脳会談・NATO の関与で一致(時事通信) (3 日 9 時 7 分)
- 米露首脳会談 関係立て直し基調 イラン制裁強化に照準(産経新聞) (3 日 8 時 0 分)
- NATO の関与で一致=ミサイル防衛、ロシアが新提案−米ロ首脳会談(時事通信) (3 日 6 時 0 分)
- 米露首脳が会談、MD東欧配備など巡り関係修復の糸口探る(読売新聞) (3 日 3 時 7 分)
- <米露会談>MD配備 妥協点探れるか(毎日新聞) (3 日 2 時 15 分)
- MD・イランなどで協議継続=米ロ首脳、2 日目の会談(時事通信) (3 日 2 時 0 分)
- 米露首脳会談始まる プーチン氏、ケネバンクポート会場到着(産経新聞) (2 日 17 時 3 分)
- <米大統領>露大統領を父の邸宅に招く 亀裂解消狙う(毎日新聞) (2 日 13 時 42 分)
- 米ロ首脳会談・立ち話をする米ロ大統領(時事通信) (2 日 10 時 5 分)
- 米と友好的対話を期待=ロ大統領、関係打開へ意欲(時事通信) (1 日 21 時 0 分)
- 集団的自衛権、憲法解釈の変更を…有識者懇が提言方針(読売新聞) (6 月 30 日 11 時 18 分)
- 米露首脳、1日会談 米、東欧MD配備で説得(産経新聞) (6 月 30 日 8 時 0 分)
- 集団的自衛権 行使容認を提言へ 首相の安保法制懇(毎日新聞) (6 月 29 日 17 時 12 分)
- <集団的自衛権>行使容認を提言へ 首相の安保法制懇(毎日新聞) (6 月 29 日 15 時 6 分)
- <ポーランド>MD配備、今秋合意も 外務次官が意向示す(毎日新聞) (27 日 23 時 34 分)
- <MD東欧配備>NATO事務総長、ロシアの代替案に難色(毎日新聞) (27 日 19 時 18 分)
------------------------------------------- イラク攻撃、ヒズボラ戦闘員が関与 「イランが糸」米が非難(産経新聞) (3 日 8 時 0 分)
- <イエメンテロ>車爆弾でスペイン人観光客ら9人死亡(毎日新聞) (3 日 1 時 31 分)
- <在日米軍再編>空自航空総隊、米軍横田基地内に移転へ(毎日新聞) (2 日 21 時 22 分)
- 在日米軍司令部が創設 50 周年(時事通信) (2 日 20 時 57 分)
- 同盟は世界に恩恵もたらす=在日米軍司令部が創設 50 周年−ライト中将(時事通信) (2 日 20 時 2 分)
- イラク民間人死者、6月は掃討作戦以降で最少…内務省発表(読売新聞) (2 日 19 時 3 分)
- 「北朝鮮のミサイルは韓国攻撃用」ベル司令官(YONHAP NEWS) (2 日 14 時 57 分)
- 北、新型ミサイル発射に成功=固形燃料を使用−米司令官(時事通信) (2 日 12 時 0 分)
- 北朝鮮が発射したミサイル、性能高めたもの=米軍(ロイター) (2 日 11 時 30 分)
マスゲーム 05.10 at Pyongyong
- 米大統領弾劾叫びデモ=首脳会談開催地(時事通信) (2 日 11 時 1 分)
- 韓米連合演習の名称変更、来年から統制権移譲まで(YONHAP NEWS) (2 日 10 時 31 分)
- 多国籍軍の空爆要請で民間人30人以上死亡?…アフガン(読売新聞) (1 日 18 時 28 分)
- <クラスター爆弾>米、部分規制容認も…諮問機関トップ示唆(毎日新聞) (1 日 3 時 2 分)
- 空爆で民間人 65 人死亡=対タリバン攻撃で巻き添えか−アフガン(時事通信) (1 日 2 時 0 分)
- 武装勢力 26 人を殺害=イラク駐留米軍(時事通信) (6 月 30 日 17 時 1 分)
- イラク撤退法案を再提出へ=大統領への政治的圧力狙う−米民主党(時事通信) (6 月 30 日 13 時 1 分)
- 米軍再編は1パッケージ シン氏、山崎氏と会談(琉球新報) (6 月 30 日 10 時 58 分)
- 米軍艦船入港、県「反対できない」 地位協定を理由に(琉球新報) (6 月 30 日 10 時 2 分)
- 米露首脳、1日会談 米、東欧MD配備で説得(産経新聞) (6 月 30 日 8 時 0 分)
- イラク増派、効果まで忍耐必要=身内が批判も理解求める−米大統領(時事通信) (29 日 10 時 1 分)
- 北朝鮮発射は弾道ミサイル、米報道官「安保理決議違反」(読売新聞) (28 日 14 時 57 分)
- 金日成主席の新軍事冒険主義、過去に米 CIA 分析(YONHAP NEWS) (28 日 14 時 36 分)
- 「弾道ミサイル発射」と北を非難=挑発行為の自制要求−米政府(時事通信) (28 日 13 時 1 分)
- <米下院>イラク治安部隊訓練の進展遅い…報告書発表 (毎日新聞) (28 日 12 時 34 分)
- 「弾道ミサイル発射」と北を非難=挑発行為の自制要求−米政府(時事通信) (28 日 12 時 2 分)
- 有事の米軍増員戦力、作戦計画の作成段階で算出へ(YONHAP NEWS) (28 日 11 時 50 分)
- 「北朝鮮のミサイル発射に困惑」米ホワイトハウス(YONHAP NEWS) (28 日 10 時 4 分)
- 米軍イラク増派「転換を」 共和党大物議員も次々(産経新聞) (28 日 8 時 0 分)
- 機密データ流出防止 海自、外国人配偶者持つ隊員 「情報」部署から異動へ(産経新聞) (27 日 12 時 47 分)
- <海自>外国人配偶者持つ隊員、情報部署から異動へ(毎日新聞) (27 日 12 時 26 分)
- 慰安婦決議案 共同提案議員146人に 女性・人権…史実誤認も(産経新聞) (27 日 8 時 0 分)
- 慰安婦決議案、米下院外交委が可決(産経新聞) (27 日 3 時 15 分)
- 在韓米軍将兵の薬物乱用増加、米軍準機関紙報じる(YONHAP NEWS) (26 日 19 時 55 分)
------------------------------------------- 野党、久間防衛相の罷免申し入れへ=安倍首相「閣僚は緊張感持て」(時事通信) (3 日 11 時 1 分)
- 被爆者に改めて陳謝=久間防衛相(時事通信) (3 日 11 時 1 分)
- <米露首脳会談>MD東欧配備計画は打開できず協議継続(毎日新聞) (3 日 10 時 34 分)
- 久間防衛相 発言に抗議の座り込み 長崎・広島で(毎日新聞) (3 日 10 時 30 分)
- 久間防衛相発言 自民党の保坂議員、辞任要求 街頭演説で(毎日新聞) (3 日 10 時 30 分)
- 北・イランの核問題で連携強化=日米豪が次官級戦略対話(時事通信) (3 日 10 時 1 分)
- 仮想敵国どこ? 米ミサイル防衛網、露が参加を表明(産経新聞) (3 日 9 時 46 分)
- カーン博士の軟禁を緩和 パキスタン(産経新聞) (3 日 8 時 0 分)
- <久間防衛相発言>言葉に重みなく 「真意」は依然不明確 (毎日新聞) (3 日 1 時 1 分)
- <パキスタン>カーン博士、親せきや友人らの面会認められる(毎日新聞) (3 日 0 時 12 分)
- <久間防衛相発言>4野党、3日罷免要求へ 共同歩調で(毎日新聞) (2 日 23 時 14 分)
- 防衛相発言、長崎市議会が撤回求め意見書…首相らに提出へ(読売新聞) (2 日 23 時 8 分)
- <久間防衛相発言>自民党の保坂議員、辞任要求 街頭演説で(毎日新聞) (2 日 21 時 12 分)
- 野党、防衛相罷免で一致=3 日に官邸に申し入れ−原爆発言(時事通信) (2 日 21 時 1 分)
- 久間氏発言で攻勢強める=争点分散への懸念も−民主(時事通信) (2 日 21 時 1 分)
- <久間防衛相>発言に抗議の座り込み 長崎・広島で(毎日新聞) (2 日 20 時 33 分)
- 原爆発言 首相が防衛相注意 参院選へ幕引き図る(西日本新聞) (2 日 17 時 7 分)
- 首相、久間防衛相に「誤解を与える発言は厳に慎んで」(読売新聞) (2 日 13 時 32 分)
- 「言語道断の発言だ」=久間氏発言に抗議行動−長崎・広島(時事通信) (2 日 13 時 1 分)
- <久間防衛相>首相に陳謝 辞任は「必要ない」(毎日新聞) (2 日 11 時 22 分)
- 安倍首相、久間防衛相を厳重注意=罷免要求は拒否(時事通信) (2 日 11 時 2 分)
- 韓米 FTA 署名に歓迎の意、韓米首脳が電話会談(YONHAP NEWS) (2 日 10 時 36 分)
- 米大統領が FTA 歓迎声明、ビザ免除積極検討も(YONHAP NEWS) (2 日 10 時 2 分)
- 久間防衛相 原爆投下「しょうがない」を撤回 地元長崎で(毎日新聞) (2 日 9 時 56 分)
- 小沢代表、4連発!党首討論会で「久間発言」集中攻撃(スポーツ報知) (2 日 8 時 2 分)
- 北朝鮮核施設の停止期日、6 カ国協議で=IAEA(ロイター) (2 日 8 時 0 分)
- 被爆者5団体、久間防衛相に抗議文…議員辞職も求める(読売新聞) (1 日 22 時 53 分)
- <久間防衛相>原爆投下「しょうがない」を撤回 地元長崎で(毎日新聞) (1 日 19 時 47 分)
- 原爆発言、事実上撤回=「大変申し訳ない」と陳謝−久間防衛相(時事通信) (1 日 19 時 2 分)
- 久間防衛相 原爆投下に関し「しょうがない」の発言(毎日新聞) (1 日 9 時 44 分)
- 原爆投下は「しょうがない」…久間防衛相問題発言(スポーツ報知) (1 日 8 時 3 分)
- IAEAは時期決めず 北核施設停止(産経新聞) (1 日 8 時 0 分)
- 原爆投下「しょうがない」久間発言、野党が辞任求める構え(読売新聞) (1 日 1 時 8 分)
- 米の原爆投下「しょうがない」=ソ連参戦防ぐため−久間防衛相が講演(時事通信) (6 月 30 日 23 時 1 分)
- <久間防衛相>原爆投下「容認」発言に野党反発、罷免要求も(毎日新聞) (6 月 30 日 21 時 10 分)
- 久間防衛相発言、問題視せず=「米国の考え方を紹介」−安倍首相(時事通信) (6 月 30 日 21 時 2 分)
- 「非常識」「暴言」と非難=久間氏発言、撤回求める−原水協など(時事通信) (6 月 30 日 19 時 31 分)
- <久間防衛相>原爆投下に関し「しょうがない」の発言(毎日新聞) (6 月 30 日 19 時 14 分)
- 核施設停止時期は未定 IAEA代表団 訪朝結果報告へ(産経新聞) (6 月 30 日 15 時 53 分)
- 北朝鮮への 40 万トンのコメ支援、きょう輸送開始(YONHAP NEWS) (6 月 30 日 15 時 2 分)
- 中国の北朝鮮投資額、累計 1 億 3500 万ドルに(YONHAP NEWS) (6 月 30 日 15 時 0 分)
- <イラク大量破壊兵器>国連の査察、正式終了 決議案を採択(毎日新聞) (6 月 30 日 12 時 29 分)
- 米露首脳、1日会談 米、東欧MD配備で説得(産経新聞) (6 月 30 日 8 時 0 分)
- 核施設の停止手順で北と合意…IAEAハイノネン訪朝団長(読売新聞) (6 月 29 日 23 時 58 分)
- 被爆者 14 人の「人間性に焦点」(時事通信) (6 月 29 日 10 時 53 分)
- 南北合作ドラマ「死六臣」、8 月初旬に放映予定(YONHAP NEWS) (6 月 29 日 9 時 40 分)
- 北朝鮮の核問題が急速に進展するよう期待=米国務長官(ロイター) (29 日 6 時 49 分)
- 米「発射は3発」 北のミサイル実験批判(産経新聞) (28 日 16 時 6 分)
- 「核拡散の脅威」日本が最も深刻視…米の国際世論調査(読売新聞) (28 日 15 時 15 分)
- 金日成主席の新軍事冒険主義、過去に米 CIA 分析(YONHAP NEWS) (28 日 14 時 36 分)
- 短距離の弾道ミサイル 3 発=北が 27 日発射、米が連絡−政府筋(時事通信) (28 日 13 時 1 分)
- <北朝鮮>発射したのは「弾道ミサイル」 米NSCが非難(毎日新聞) (28 日 10 時 53 分)
- <原爆被爆者>食道がんリスク、一般人の1.52倍…放影研(毎日新聞) (27 日 22 時 52 分)
- <北朝鮮核>IAEA、28日に寧辺施設を訪問(毎日新聞) (27 日 20 時 35 分)
- ヒル氏「HEU、決して放棄しない」(YONHAP NEWS) (27 日 16 時 52 分)
- 「韓日は天が定めた同志」大島駐韓日本大使(YONHAP NEWS) (27 日 15 時 19 分)
- 「北朝鮮が合意履行を約束」訪朝の欧州議会代表団(YONHAP NEWS) (27 日 13 時 24 分)
- 宋長官がきょう訪米、外相会談で核問題の協議へ(YONHAP NEWS) (27 日 9 時 38 分)
- 北東アジア安全保障協議の場を ヒル米国務次官補、フォーラム創設を期待(産経新聞) (27 日 8 時 0 分)
- イラン制裁強化法案を可決=日欧企業をけん制−米下院外交委(時事通信) (27 日 6 時 1 分)
- 国保交付金、国が過小に算定ミス…毎年400市町村も(読売新聞) (27 日 2 時 24 分)
- 三次元測定機1千台を不正輸出、ミツトヨに輸出禁止3年(読売新聞) (27 日 1 時 44 分)
- 国保交付金で算定ミス=700 市町村に過不足、13 年間気付かず−厚労省(時事通信) (26 日 23 時 1 分)
- <韓国>北朝鮮へ米40万トン支援へ 30日から輸送開始(毎日新聞) (26 日 21 時 15 分)
- <不正輸出>「ミツトヨ」有罪判決で経産省が行政処分(毎日新聞) (26 日 20 時 21 分)
- 「北朝鮮は遠心分離機について説明を」駐韓米大使(YONHAP NEWS) (26 日 19 時 54 分)
- 「北朝鮮が合意履行を約束」訪朝の欧州議会代表団(YONHAP NEWS) (27 日 13 時 24 分)
- 宋長官がきょう訪米、外相会談で核問題の協議へ(YONHAP NEWS) (27 日 9 時 38 分)
- 北東アジア安全保障協議の場を ヒル米国務次官補、フォーラム創設を期待(産経新聞) (27 日 8 時 0 分)
- イラン制裁強化法案を可決=日欧企業をけん制−米下院外交委(時事通信) (27 日 6 時 1 分)
- 三次元測定機1千台を不正輸出、ミツトヨに輸出禁止3年(読売新聞) (27 日 1 時 44 分)
- <韓国>北朝鮮へ米40万トン支援へ 30日から輸送開始(毎日新聞) (26 日 21 時 15 分)
- <不正輸出>「ミツトヨ」有罪判決で経産省が行政処分(毎日新聞) (26 日 20 時 21 分)
- 「北朝鮮は遠心分離機について説明を」駐韓米大使(YONHAP NEWS) (26 日 19 時 54 分)
------------------------------------------[ASAGUMO NEWS]
------------------------------------------7/2 「コラム」更新
・朝雲寸言 /// ・会期延長と参院選 /// ・米ヒル次官補の訪朝
国際活動へ幹部会議 国連の動向など把握 ///
国際活動で指定部隊 ///
自衛隊高級幹部が異動 ///
月1回定例化 主体的取り組み目指す
7月3日付 泉東方総監 高嶋護艦隊司令官 藤井教集団司令官
防衛省 英語版HPの内容一新 ///
施設庁発注工事談合事案で ///
56 社を指名停止に
化校長が「テロへの対処」講演 ///
日米共同「コープ・ノース・グアム」終わる ///
米「コープ・サンダー」に代えて新たに「レッド・フラッグ」開始 ///
F-15 などアラスカへ
遠航部隊 航海順調
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[民間航空機関連 (ex-SJAC 三輪さん)]
------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 29 日 0:16
AIA dailyLead
June 28, 2007
防衛産業 国防省のハイリスク技術開発にかける要求を慎重に測る
Defense contractors try to gauge Pentagon's desire for risky technology
Defense companies trying to land military contracts that can ultimately be worth billions have to make shrewd guesses about the
Pentagon's desire for new technology versus its acceptance of tried-and-true methods. Slower defense spending means that
contractors who guess wrong could wait a long time between deals. CNNMoney.com/Dow Jones Newswires (6/28)
Column: Defense Department says management changes unnecessary
Commenting on legislation currently moving through Congress, Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England said he preferred the House
bill, which would give the Pentagon more leeway in addressing management issues. The Senate bill would add a deputy for management
and require the armed services to make some management changes. The Washington Post (6/28)
GE スーパー防水コーティング開発 5 年後には航空機に実用か
GE developing superhydrophobic coatings that could be used on planes
GE is developing superhydrophobic coatings that may someday eliminate the need for airplane deicing, according to a company source.
The coatings, which will probably first be marketed to the energy and aviation industries, may be available in about five years. Seattle
Post-Intelligencer/Associated Press (6/27)
EU to give U.S. less passenger data, allow it to be kept longer
The EU and the U.S. have tentatively agreed that the EU will provide less information about trans-Atlantic air travelers to U.S.
authorities, but that they can store it longer. Details of the accord must now be approved by the foreign ministers of the 27 EU member
states, who are set to meet Friday. The agreement will replace the one now in effect, which expires July 31. International Herald Tribune
(6/27), The Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones Newswires (subscription required) (6/27), Yahoo!/Reuters (6/27)
エアバス 中国エアラインから A320 を86機受注
Airbus lands Chinese order for 86 planes
Airbus has orders for 86 A320 airliners from five Chinese airlines and China Aviation Supplies Import & Export Group Corp. The orders
are the first of a 150-plane deal worked out in October. The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) (6/28)
EADS 経営不信と内部抗争になやまされる
Report says EADS plagued by poor management, infighting
Airbus parent EADS suffers from internal power struggles and poor management, according to a report released by the French Senate.
The Senate began its audit of EADS last fall. Its conclusions are considered strong but nonbinding advice to the company and to the
governments of France and Germany. Houston Chronicle/Associated Press (6/27)
------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 28 日 0:24
AIA dailyLead
June 27, 2007
カナダ空軍CF-18 代替として JSF を 80 機購入の方向
Canada picks Lockheed Martin's Joint Strike Fighter to replace CF-18s
Canadian military officials have told Lockheed Martin that Canada will buy 80 U.S. Joint Strike Fighters, with deliveries expected
beginning in 2016. Officials say the details of the acquisition could change, as the government has not given final approval on the
purchase. Canada has budgeted almost $4 billion to replace its CF-18s. The Edmonton Journal (Canada) (6/26)
Legacy carriers move to update fleets
This year's Paris Air Show may have signaled that major U.S. carriers are ready to update their fleets, according to Raymond James
analyst Ben Cherniavsky. "One of the most promising sector catalysts we've been anticipating is a move by U.S. legacy carriers to
rejuvenate their antiquated fleet," Cherniavsky said. National Post (Canada) (6/26)
Corporate culture has been key to Southwest's success
Southwest Airlines' quirky culture and its history of no layoffs or pay cuts have been keys to its success. The carrier's employees have
supplied customer service that has translated into strong earnings. "They have a pretty high commitment to not laying off employees,
and that is challenging right now with all the automation and growth slowing down in the industry," said Jody Hoffer Gittell, a professor
of management at Brandeis University and author of the book "The Southwest Airlines Way." USA TODAY/Reuters (6/27)
------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 27 日 0:06
AIA dailyLead
June 26, 2007
British lawmakers wary of changes at Airbus
The U.K.'s Trade & Industry Committee is concerned that the new French government could attempt to change the planned
restructuring of Airbus to the detriment of British interests. The possibility of reopening negotiations on the implementation of Airbus'
Power8 cost-cutting program worries the committee, which wants the U.K. to retain a 20% share of future Airbus airplane projects. The
Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones Newswires (subscription required) (6/25)
BAE 米国内事業活動で不正行為あったとされることに対応した倫理委員会発足
BAE ethics reviewed in U.S. probe
Shares of defense industry giant BAE fell 6% following the announcement of an investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice. At issue
is the company's compliance with American anti-corruption laws following allegations of bribes offered in exchange for arms deals with
Saudi Arabia. BAE denies the allegations and has appointed former top British legal official Lord Woolf to chair an ethics committee to
review the company's business policies. The Independent (London) (6/26)
Aerospace industry sees need to get green
The aerospace industry understands that paying attention to the environment will pay off in order volume. Environmental concerns have
European countries pushing airlines to replace aging planes with more fuel-efficient modern designs, and the American government is
looking to entice commercial carriers into using synthetic fuels developed for the military. Aviation Week & Space Technology (6/24)
Boeing to raise aircraft prices
Boeing has confirmed that it will increase list prices for its aircraft by an average of 5.5%. The increases reflect the higher cost of labor
and materials. Air Transport World (6/26)
ボンバルディア エアライン業界の上昇傾向を予測
Bombardier forecasts growth for airline industry
Bombardier predicts the next 20 years will be "positive" for the aviation industry. The Canadian aircraft maker expects deliveries of
11,200 planes valued at $393 billion in the 20/149 seat market. "The airline industry continues to reinvent itself through new business
models, outsourcing and restructuring," the forecast says. "The combination of highly efficient aircraft and cost effective operators will
continue to create new growth opportunities." Air Transport World (6/26)
GE Aviation パリエアショウで20億ドル以上の受注成果
GE Aviation garners orders worth more than $2 billion
GE Aviation executives returned from the Paris Air Show with new orders that put the company's order totals over $2 billion. The
Cincinnati Enquirer (6/26)
エアライン業界 四半期ベースで4期連続 収益黒字
Airlines report profits for fourth straight quarter
Major U.S. airlines report first-quarter profits for the first time since 2000. The positive reports reflect a fourth consecutive quarterly
profit, according to a survey of 21 carriers released by the Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics. The
airlines surveyed included the seven largest network, low-cost and regional carriers, based on operating revenue. Together, the airlines
reported an operating profit margin of 2.7% in the first quarter. The Boston Globe/Associated Press (6/25)
Boeing Dreamliner posting sky-high sales
Boeing announced on the second day of the Paris Air Show that International Lease Finance Corp., the world's largest commercial jet
leasing company, has ordered 52 787 Dreamliner jets. More than 630 Dreamliners have been ordered, at a value of $100 billion. The New
York Times (6/20), The Wall Street Journal/Associated Press (subscription required) (6/20)
デルタ航空 767代替を巡り、ボーイングとエアバスの熾烈な受注競争
Boeing, Airbus vie to replace Delta 767s
Despite rumors that a decision had been made, a Delta Air Lines executive said Tuesday the company still is assessing seat
configurations and costs between Boeing's 787 Dreamliner and the Airbus A350. Delta likely will choose a model by year's end for up to
100 jets to replace its fleet of 767s as it looks to expand international service. San Diego Union-Tribune (6/19)
エアバスは A380 がいかに環境適応貢献しているかをアピール
Airbus touts eco-friendly superjumbo
Airbus executives are calling the A380 the "gentle giant," saying it can fly more passengers farther on less fuel than other jets, meaning
lower carbon dioxide emissions per passenger. Pressure to develop more eco-friendly planes is a main topic of discussion at this year's
Paris Air Show. The Epoch Times/Reuters (6/19)
A380 (総 2 階構造)機の個人用 匿名の発注者あり
Mystery buyer orders private superjumbo
Airbus will spend up to a year customizing a double-decker A380 ordered by an unnamed buyer for private use. The A380 will be the
world's largest airliner when it enters service this year, capable of carrying up to 840 passengers. Executives declined to identify the
buyer except to say he was not from the U.S. or Europe. TurkishPress.com/Agence France-Presse (6/19)
エアフランス、KLM が747−400の代替機として16機発注
Air France KLM orders Boeing planes
Boeing said Wednesday that Air France KLM has ordered 16 planes valued at $2.7 billion at list prices. The planes are being used to
replace Air France's larger 747-400s. Reuters (6/20)
EU は機内での携帯電話使用を許可の方向 7月から
EU to allow in-flight calls
The European Aviation Safety Authority has approved technology to allow passengers to use mobile phones and BlackBerry devices
during flights. Air France-KLM will be the first to test the technology in the coming months. The Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones
Newswires (subscription required) (6/19)
欧州のエアライン 統合に向けての動き
European airlines move toward consolidation
With a number of small airlines up for sale, a series of deals in the next few months may restructure Europe's airline industry around its
three largest carriers -- British Airways, Lufthansa and Air France. The consolidation would increase efficiency and put pressure on
rivals based in the U.S. and Asia. The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) (6/20)
Airbus overtakes Boeing in contest for plane orders
Airbus has disclosed orders at the Paris Air Show from carriers in Latin America and Asia for its A320 and A330 models. The orders
restore the company's order-booking lead over rival Boeing, at least for now. The new sales brought Airbus to at least 600 firm orders
for the year so far, compared with Boeing's 510. USA TODAY/Associated Press (6/22), The Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones Newswires
(subscription required) (6/22)
Green technology touted at Paris Air Show
Airplane manufacturers are working to get the word out: the newest generation of jets is easy on the environment. At the Paris Air
Show, that message is reinforced with green DVDs, ladybug pins, and displays that incorporate fresh sod. The Wall Street Journal
(subscription required) (6/22)
エアショウで ロッキードは F-35 の改造版の絵を描いて国際市場に問う
Lockheed paints a picture of its new fighter for Paris Air Show
With only one Joint Strike Fighter (also called the F-35 Lightning II) produced so far, Lockheed Martin had to be inventive with its
display at the Paris Air Show. Its solution was to commission paintings depicting the new fighter in airspace around the world. Lockheed
is partnering with an international coalition to design and build the jet, which will integrate technologies developed in several countries.
International Herald Tribune (6/21), The New York Times (6/22)
新しい市場に向けて 新規航空機需要が高まる
Emerging markets drive demand for new aircraft
Startup airlines in Asia, South America and Mexico are growing quickly, spurring demand for new jets that they are ordering by the
dozen. Sales are fueled by friendly capital markets and a growing reliance on "sale leasebacks," in which airlines order a new plane, sell
it to another company for cash when it is delivered and then lease it back. The New York Times (6/22)
United computer outage caused by human error
United Airlines says human error during routine equipment testing is responsible for a computer outage that shut down operations for
two hours Wednesday, setting off delays that had the carrier working late into the evening to get customers to their destinations. CEO
Glenn Tilton praised airline employees for their response to the outage. Travel Weekly (free registration) (6/21), Air Transport World
(6/22), The Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones Newswires (subscription required) (6/21)
Thriving for the moment, U.S. airlines face a few economic challenges
America's legacy carriers have emerged from bankruptcy slimmer and well-positioned for today's market. Looming on the horizon are
challenges in the form of higher fuel prices, lower passenger volume, and consumer demands for ever-cheaper ticket prices. MSNBC
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 29 日 0:16
AIA dailyLead
June 28, 2007
前 NFL ヘッドコーチ: トム・ランドリー
"You don't have to drink or swear or hit people in the face when they're not looking, but you do have to be tough to win."
--Tom Landry,
former National Football League head coach
------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 28 日 0:24
AIA dailyLead
June 27, 2007
"I think the one lesson I have learned is that there is no substitute for paying attention."
--Diane Sawyer,
TV journalist
------------------------------------------2007 年 6 月 27 日 0:06
AIA dailyLead
June 26, 2007
"It's not what you have but how much you can borrow that's important in business."
--Walt Disney,
co-founder of Walt Disney Co.
------------------------------------------小説でも実際でも 復興するのに遅すぎるということはない。
小説家 ナンシー・セイヤー
"It is never too late -- in fiction or in life -- to revise."
--Nancy Thayer,
A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all."
--Chinese proverb
------------------------------------------[spacetoday.net: military]
Saturday, June 30
Ball Aerospace Wins MASINT Delivery Order Contract
PR Newswire ̶ 8:06 am ET (1206 GMT)
Friday, June 29
China's Space Threat: How Missiles Could Target U.S. Satellites
Popular Mechanics ̶ 12:39 pm ET (1639 GMT)
[編注] 以下に再掲
Wednesday, June 27
Harris Protests NMT Award to Raytheon
Space News (subscribers only) ̶ 6:53 pm ET (2253 GMT)
Lockheed Martin-Led Team Completes Integrated Baseline Review for Space Radar
PR Newswire ̶ 1:21 pm ET (1721 GMT)
Space colonel earns O'Malley award
US Air Force ̶ 4:40 am ET (0840 GMT)
Chilton: 'We cannot afford to be surprised'
US Air Force ̶ 4:39 am ET (0839 GMT)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[spacetoday.net: China]
------------------------------------------Friday, June 29
中国の宇宙の脅威: どのようにミサイルが米国の衛星を標的にし得るか
China's Space Threat: How Missiles Could Target U.S. Satellites
Popular Mechanics ̶ 12:39 pm ET (1639 GMT)
China shocked the world with its recent antisatellite missile test. An air-launched weapon could be next. (Illustration by Jeremy Cook.)
Battlefield: Space
1] Songlin test facility, near Xichang, Sichuan province, China. Publicly available satellite images of the facility were censored by China
prior to the test; immediately following, they were declassified.
2] Experts believe a four-stage, solid­-fuel launch vehicle ̶ thought by American officials to be based on China s KT-2 ̶ boosted the
kill vehicle into orbit.
3] The Feng-Yun 1C target vehicle was launched May 10, 1999, with a two-year active life span. The 1650-pound polar-orbiting weather
satellite was equipped with two 10-band scanning radiometers for Earth observation.
4] The kinetic-energy kill vehicle was traveling nearly 18,000 mph when it struck the satellite.
5] The collision blasted debris throughout low Earth orbit. Within 7 hours, a band of debris had spread halfway around the globe.
--------------------------Some details of China's ASAT test are classified. Our artist relied on published reports, declassified information and comparable
technology to create this graphic. The Chinese kinetic kill vehicle is based on Raytheon's Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle. (Diagram by
Golden Section Graphics. Inset satellite photograph by Digital Globe.)
All it took to punch this 0.025-cm hole in a U.S. satellite was a paint chip moving at hypervelocity. When the shuttle brought back the sat, scientists
found six holes per square foot. (Hole in satellite photograph by NASA.)
Diagram: China's antisatellite strike took place at an altitude of 537 miles, which places the international spacecraft depicted below well within range of
China s space arsenal.
U.S. Sat Kill Arsenal
For the past 45 years, the U.S. military has been developing weapons designed to destroy enemy satellites. Here are four of the most
notable. ̶Davin Coburn
1] Perhaps the most spectacular test ̶ known as Starfish Prime ̶ occurred on July 9, 1962, when a 1.4-megaton nuclear warhead was detonated 250
miles above the Pacific. Radiation and electromagnetic pulses disabled at least six satellites and created an eerie, artificial glow for 20 minutes.
2] The U.S. conducted its only direct antisat test in 1985, when an F-15 climbed to 80,000 ft., then fired a three-stage missile. It caught up to a
17,500-mph Solwind solar observation satellite at an altitude of nearly 300 miles over Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
3] In 1997 the U.S. Army hover-tested a kinetic energy weapon that could act like a space-age fly swatter. The kill vehicle extends a Mylar sheet to
disable satellites without destroying them. The military found the technology too messy, and eventually canceled the program.
4] The XSS-11 microsatellite isn t an antisat ̶ but it could be. First launched in April 2005, the spacecraft is designed to circumnavigate targets and
relay diagnostic data. Some experts note that it wouldn t be difficult to reprogram the craft to ram into enemy targets.
Hunter and Prey It took mere minutes for a Chinese kill vehicle launched atop a four-stage rocket like this KT-2 (center) to track down and destroy the
Fen-Yun 1C weather satellite (right).
Waste Mismanagement
The debris created by China s January 11, 2007, antisat test alarmed other nations operating in space as much as the kill itself did. The
graphic below shows how rapidly the destruction of a 1650-pound craft became a global problem.
{a} IMPACT + ONE DAY It takes only 24 hours for debris to spread along the destroyed satellite s sun-synchronous polar orbit. The force of the impact
drives debris into higher and lower orbits, but most of the wreckage remains at the satellite s original altitude.
{b} JULY 2007 The debris ring broadens and begins to mix with satellites and the abundant trash in low Earth orbit, which extends to an altitude of about
1240 miles.
{c} JANUARY 2008 A year after the test, the debris field continues to spread, joining the cloud of general space junk, which includes everything from
10-ton rocket boosters to radioactive droplets of sodium potassium coolant from the nuclear cores of Soviet satellites.
It s called the Kessler Syndrome ̶ the point at which low Earth orbit
becomes so crowded with debris that collisions render space unusable.
Debris accumulates over time and takes decades to decay, says Dr.
T.S. Kelso of the Center for Space Standards and Innovation. We can t
track the smaller pieces, so there is even more out there than we know.
The graphic at left illustrates the density of junk in orbit up to an altitude
of 22,000 miles ̶ and Kessler s looming threat. ̶ Erin McCarthy
Source: Analysis courtesy of the Center for Space Standards and Innovation/Analytical Graphics, Inc. Data as of April 26, 2007. Objects greatly
magnified for visibility.
Litter Kings
Debris in Orbit
Debris per Satellite
Sad to say, but some space junk ̶ such as spent boosters ̶ simply comes with the territory. Other flotsam results from indifference or
lousy planning, such as the bags of garbage Soviet cosmonauts jettisoned from the MIR space station for 15 years. Here s how the
three busiest space players stack up.
United States: Topping the list, most U.S. space junk comes from the upper stages of sat launch vehicles.
Russia: The relatively low ratio of debris to satellites will soon change: The explosion of a Russian rocket over Australia in February
appears to have produced approximately 1200 pieces of fresh debris.
China: Its January sat kill made it the top space polluter per satellite. Almost 85 percent of that debris will be in orbit in 100 years,
says Kelso of the Center for Space Standards and Innovation. It shows how badly they messed things up with one event. ̶ E.M.
--------------------Wednesday, June 27
Russia, China sign deal to jointly explore Mars, Phobos
RIA Novosti ̶ 6:51 pm ET (2251 GMT)
------------------------------------------[Missile & Satellite Defense Report]
Table of Contents
via Rick Hashimoto (Boeing)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Defense Daily]
Table of Contents
via Rick Hashimoto (Boeing)
------------------------------------------July 2, 2007
Volume 235 Issue 1
* Defense Watch
* Boeing Wins Contract To Rewing Air Force A-10 Ground-Attack Aircraft
* House Transportation Panel Approves Coast Guard, Deepwater Bills
* AUSA President Presses Senators To Increase the Army's Size
* Boeing Testing Engine For Conceptual High-Altitude Unmanned Aircraft
* General Dynamics Delivers First MRAPs, Contracts Continue To Flow
* BAE To Begin AGS Production In Alabama This Fall
* Lawmakers Urge Gates To Investigate Response To Urgent Needs Requests
June 29, 2007 Volume 234 Issue 63
* Defense Acquisition Board Convenes On JASSM, But No Decision Announced
* F-35 Carrier Variant Completes Critical Design Review, Paving Way For Production
* Navy Looking To Software Commonality And Reuse To Drive Down Ship Costs
* Space Objects Clearinghouse Needed; Those Orbiting Sats Should Deorbit Them
* Chertoff: National Guard's Ability To Work Together Improving
* President Nominates CNO Adm. Mike Mullen As CJCS
* iRobot, TASER To Integrate Robots With Electric Guns
* House Appropriators Hear From Mississippi Lawmakers Supporting Stryker National Guard Unit
* NCI Acquires IT And Professional Services Provider Karta Technologies
June 28, 2007 Volume 234 Issue 62
* Successful THAAD Flight Test Completes White Sands Missile Range Effort
* Raytheon Details Concerns Leading To Protest of Army/Air Force JCA Award
* Harris Lodges Protest Over Navy's NMT Contract Award To Raytheon
* U.S. Industry: Viable Alternatives Exist If Pentagon Axes JASSM Cruise Missile
* QinetiQ, NexxtDrive Sign MoU On Hybrid Drive Tech
* House Panel Welcomes DHS S&T Plan, Laments Shortcomings
* Lawmakers Take Marine Corps, DoD Officials To Task For EFV Missteps
* Army Restructures Management of Future Battlefield Network Program
* Now Unveiled, ELTA's New Generation Radar Ready For Demonstrations
* Klotz Nominated As Assistant Vice Chief of Staff of Air Force
June 27, 2007 Volume 234 Issue 61
* House Panel Approves Coast Guard Authorization, Deepwater Bills
* England Opposes Bills' Attempt To Change DoD Management
* Coast Guard Signs New Deepwater Contract With ICGS
* Fire Caused $3.5 Million In Damage To Freedom, Lockheed Martin Reports
* All V-22s Cleared After Pressure Switches Checked, Replaced
* QinetiQ To Acquire 3H Technology For U.S. Business
* Sandia Puts Expertise To Work For NLOS-C
* Former Marine General Joins Boeing's Board
* Boeing: Leveraging P-8A Gains Makes Unmanned G550 Compelling BAMS Offer
* NASSCO Delivers USNS Alan Shepard (T-AKE-3)
------------------------------------------[LATE NEWS]
Embassy of France's Office for Science & Technology: Science News
2007 年 6 月 23 日 6:35
Kim Rinehimer
14 の宇宙庁により宇宙探査の合意の署名が行なわれた
Space exploration agreement signed by space agencies (2007.06.18)
Fourteen space agencies have signed an agreement that defines a communal vision for human and robotic exploration of the closest
destinations in our solar system: the moon, Mars, and asteroids.
The accord emphasizes the benefits hoped for with such an entreprise: new scientific knowledge, technological innovations and
economic benefits, reinforcement of international relations by cooperation, and stimulation and inspiration of the public, especially youth.
The signing agencies were: ASC (Canada), ASI (Italy), BNSC (United Kingdom), CNES (France), CNSA (China), CSIRO (Australia), DLR
(Germany), ESA (European Space Agency), ISRO (India), JAXA (Japan), KARI (South Korea), NASA (USA), NSAU (Ukraine), Roscosmos
2007 年 6 月 23 日 6:35
Kim Rinehimer
NASA に CALIPSO 計画の仏ディレクタが表彰された
French Director of CALIPSO program honored by NASA (2007.06.18)
The French-American satellite Calipso celebrated its one-year anniversary on April 28. Jacques Pelon, the director of the French
portion of the project, received the "Distinguished Public Medal" from NASA. The award recognizes the work of CNES and CNRS in this
important mission.
2007 年 6 月 9 日 6:28
Kim Rinehimer
EU は欧州宇宙政策の骨子を概説
The EU outlines the main components of a European Space policy (2007.06.06)
On May 23, the European Commission issued a document that outlines the preliminary elements of a European space policy.
They include:
-- The priorities of the future European space programme (Galileo and GMES);
-- The roles and responsibilities of the EU, member states, the European Space Agency (ESA) and other stakeholders;
-- The relevant funding sources and instruments, and;
-- Industrial policy principles.
Due to serious delays and private-sector failure to negotiate the Galileo concession contract, the Commission is currently exploring
alternatives to deliver on the European satellite-navigation project.
The message put forward by Commissioner Verheugen is:
-- Europe needs better and more effective co-ordination of civil space programs between ESA, EU and the individual EU member states
to ensure value for money and eliminate unnecessary duplication;
--- Current European space flagship projects Galileo and GMES need to be fully developed and exploited;
- The EU needs to be guaranteed independent access to space;
-- Synergy between defense and civil space programs and technologies as well as the interoperability of civil/military systems need to
be increased, and;
-- Space policy needs to be coherent with the EU's external relations
Consult the document here 1). You can read the documents that preceded it here 2) and here 3) .
1) http://ec.europa.eu/comm/space/news/docs/esp_23_5_com_2005_208_final_en.pdf
2) http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/space/doc_pdf/com_en.pdf
3) http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/space/doc_pdf/programme_prel_en.pdf
2007 年 6 月 2 日 5:54
Elodie Sutton
Corot 衛星の観測の初成功
First successful observations for the Corot satellite (2007.05.30)
The satellite Corot, launched in December, 2006 as a joint mission by the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), National
Center for Space Studies (CNES), and a handful of nations, has succeeded in finding and observing a small planet. The satellite was able
to observe the planet using extremely precise observations of seismic movements and changes in light from nearby stars. By observing
these shifts in luminosity, Corot can learn more about the composition of such planets. Since 1995, more than 200 planets have been
discovered around stars other than the sun, and with its highly precise equipment, Corot will be able to find even smaller planets.
2007 年 6 月 2 日 5:54
Elodie Sutton
SOHO 衛星は太陽の中心のダイナミクスに起因する信号を観測
Satellite SOHO observes a signal attributed to the dynamics of the sun's center (2007.05.30)
A team of astrophyicists including researchers from the Commission on Atomic Energy (CEA) and the National Center for Scientific
Research (CNRS) detected a signal which, associated with the theoretical knowledge of our sun, reveals a nuclear center turning more
quickly than the rest of the sun. The proof of this dynamic should have a strong impact on our understanding of the solar system, the
magnetic relationship between the sun and the earth, and the dynamic process at the center of stars. This result was obtained through
10 years of continuous observation of the sun by the instrument GOLF aboard SOHO.
2007 年 4 月 21 日 2:59
Elodie Sutton
GPS ステーションの新しいネットワークが地球の動きを追跡
New network of GPS stations to track the movement of the Earth
This new network of GPS stations is the first of its kind and was designed to determine the deformations in the crust of the Earth that
could lead to earthquakes and the formation of mountains. It is composed of 40 fixed high-resolution GPS stations that have continuous
recording. This network will also be useful for any professionals using the GPS network.
ESA Bulletin No.130
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