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― 刊行物一覧表(未完成) ―
Americans & Europeans Who Have Contributed to Japanese Archaeology
A List of Thier Publications (unfinished)
July 18, 2007
revised: Sept. 19, 2007
revised: Feb. 17, 2008
* available on their web page or the Internet
+ in my library
personal information in ( ) with date of source in [ ]
underlined = chapter in edited work that is also listed under that author's name
Aikens, C. Melvin (University of Oregon Museum of Natural Science, Eugene, Oregon)
+Aikens, C. Melvin. 1979(1981) The Last 10,000 Years in Japan and Eastern North America: Parallels in
Environment, Economic Adaptation, Growth of Social Complexity, and the Adoption of Agriculture. In
Affluent Foragers: Pacific Coasts East and West, ed. Shuzo Koyama and David H. Thomas, pp. 261-273.
Senri Ethnological Studies, no. 9. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnography.
+Aikens, C. Melvin, and Takayasu Higuchi. 1982 Prehistory of Japan. San Diego/New York: Academic Press.
+*Akazawa, Takeru, and C. Melvin Aikens (eds.). 1986 Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers in Japan: New Research
Methods. The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, Bulletin no. 27. Tokyo: University of Tokyo
Press. (chapters by: Aikens et al., Ossenberg, several Japanese)
+*Aikens, C. Melvin, Kenneth M. Ames, and David Sanger. 1986 Affluent Collectors at the Edges of Eurasia
and North America: Some Comparisons and Observations on the Evolution of Society among NorthTemperate Coastal Hunter-Gatherers. In Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers in Japan: New Research Methods, ed.
Takeru Akazawa and C. Melvin Aikens, pp. 3-26. The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, Bulletin
no. 27.
Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press. <http://www.um.u-tokyo.ac.jp/publish_db/Bulletin/no27/
+Aikens, C. Melvin, and Don E. Dumond. 1986 Convergence and Common Heritage: Some Parallels in the
Archaeology of Japan and Western North America. In Windows on the Japanese Past: Studies in Archaeology
and Prehistory, ed. Richard J. Pearson, Gina L. Barnes, and Karl L. Hutterer, pp. 163-178. Ann Arbor: Center
for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan.
+Aikens, C. Melvin, and Song Nai Rhee (eds.). 1992 Pacific Northeast Asia in Prehistory: Hunter-FisherGatherers, Farmers, and Sociopolitical Elites. Pullman: Washington State University Press. (chapters by:
Aikens & Rhee, Bleed, Chisholm et al., Aikens & Akazawa, Aikens, Ikawa-Smith, Nelson)
+Aikens, C. Melvin, and Song Nai Rhee. 1992 The Emergence of Hunter-Fisher-Gatherers, Farmers, and
Sociopolitical Elites in the Prehistory of Pacific Northeast Asia. In Pacific Northeast Asia in Prehistory:
Hunter-Fisher-Gatherers, Farmers, and Sociopolitical Elites, ed. C. Melvin Aikens and Song Nai Rhee, pp.
3-9. Pullman: Washington State University Press.
+Aikens, C. Melvin, and Takeru Akazawa. 1992 Fishing and Farming in Early Japan: Jomon Littoral Tradition
Carried into Yayoi Times at the Miura Caves on Tokyo Bay. In Pacific Northeast Asia in Prehistory: HunterFisher-Gatherers, Farmers, and Sociopolitical Elites, ed. C. Melvin Aikens and Song Nai Rhee, pp. 75-82.
Pullman: Washington State University Press.
+Aikens, C. Melvin. 1992 Hunting, Fishing, and Gathering in Pacific Northeast Asia: Pleistocene Continuities
and Holocene Developments. In Pacific Northeast Asia in Prehistory: Hunter-Fisher-Gatherers, Farmers,
and Sociopolitical Elites, ed. C. Melvin Aikens and Song Nai Rhee, pp. 99-104. Pullman: Washington State
University Press.
+Aikens, C. Melvin. 1995 First in the World: Jomon Pottery of Japan. In The Emergence of Pottery: Technology
and Innovation in Ancient Societies, ed. William K. Barnett and John W. Hoopes, pp. 11-22. Washington
D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Aikens, C. Melvin, and Akazawa Takeru. 1996 The Pleistocene-Holocene Transition in Japan and Adjacent
Northeast Asia: Climate and Biotic Change, Broad-spectrum Diet, Pottery and Sedentism. In Humans at the
End of the Last Ice Age: The Archaeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition, ed. L. G. Strauss, B. V.
Iriksen, J. M. Erlandsen, and D. R. Yesner, pp. 215-228. New York: Plenum.
*Aikens, C. Melvin. 2000 Review of: Mark Hudson, Ruins of Identity: Ethnogenesis in the Japanese Islands,
Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1999. ix + 336 pp. Asian Perspectives, 39: 194-196.
(Available at: http://www.uhpress.hawaii.edu/journals/ap/AP39p194.html)
+Aikens, C. Melvin. 2004 Godo: A View of Diversified Early Jomon Food Processing on Palaeo-Tokyo Bay.
Bulletin of the International Jomon Culture Conference, 1: 9-14. (English & Japanese)
Anderson, Atholl J. (Anthropology Department, University of Otago, New Zealand [1987])
+Anderson, Atholl J. 1987 Recent Developments in Japanese Prehistory: A Review. Antiquity, 61: 270-281.
Anderson, Atholl J. 1988 Coastal Subsistence Economies in Prehistoric Southern New Zealand. In The
Archaeology of Prehistoric Coastlines, ed. Geoff Bailey and John Parkington, pp. 93-101. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Andrefsky, W. 1987 Diffusion and Innovation from the Perspective of Wedge-shaped Cores in Alaska and
Japan. In The Organization of Core Technology, ed. J. Johnson and C. Morrow, pp. 13-44. Boulder, CO:
Westview Press.
Aston, W. G. 1879 A Comparative Study of the Japanese and Korean Languages. Journal of the Royal Asiatic
Society of Great Britain and Ireland, new series 11.
+Aston, W. G. (transl.). 1896(1972) Nihongi: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to A.D. 697. Tokyo:
Barnes, Gina L. (separate file)
Barnes, Gina 1978 The Yamato State: steps toward a developmental understanding. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific
Prehistory Association 1: 103-29. Originally presented at Ass'n for Asian Studies meeting, New York, 1977.
Barnes, Gina 1980 (with OKITA Masa'aki) Statistical Investigations of Artifacts Unearthed from Mishima
(Satonaka) Area, Furu Site in Tenri City, Nara Prefecture. Interim Report of Archaeological Research at the
Furu Site 1. (in Japanese and English)
Barnes, Gina 1981 Early Japanese Bronzemaking. Archaeology 34.3: 38-46.
Barnes, Gina 1982 Toro. In K. Branigan (ed.) The Atlas of Archaeology, pp. 198-201. London: Book Club
+Barnes, Gina 1982 Prehistoric Landscape Reconstruction and Spatial Analysis of Artifact Discovery Locations
Kokogaku to Shizen Kagaku, 15: 113-131. (in Japanese with English abstract) ジナ・バーンズ、「地形復
Barnes, Gina 1983 Medium-length entries on the following topics for Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan,
Kodansha, Tokyo: Haji pottery; Sue pottery; Yayoi pottery; Mounded tombs; Protohistory; Yamato; Nintoku
Mausoleum; Tomb culture; Stone tools; Beads; Ishibutai tomb.
Barnes, Gina 1983 Thoughts on the concept of social stratification. Archaeological Review from Cambridge,
2.2: 86-91.
Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor. (Available from UMI, Ann Arbor.)
Barnes, Gina 1983 State formation in the southern Korean peninsula: a critical review. Archaeology in Korea,
10: 40-51.
+Barnes, Gina (with T.E.G. Reynolds)
1984 The Japanese Palaeolithic: a review. Proceedings of the
Prehistoric Society, 50: 49-62.
Barnes, Gina 1984 Mimaki and the matching game: extracting settlement data from proto-historic texts.
Archaeological Review from Cambridge, 3.2: 37-47.
Barnes, Gina 1985 Joint Research Group on the Geomorphological Recognition and Land Utilization of Preand Protohistoric Japanese Peoples (co-author), Natural environments in the Nara Basin through the pre- and
protohistoric ages I: geology and geomorphology. Kobunkazai Kyoiku Kenkyu Hokoku, 15: 1-30. (in
Barnes, Gina 1986 Jiehao, tonghao: peer relations in East Asia. In C. Renfrew & J. Cherry (eds.), Peer Polity
Interaction and Socio-Political Change, pp. 79-92. Cambridge Univ. Press. Originally presented at Society
for American Archaeology meeting, Minneapolis, 1982.
Barnes, Gina 1986 Japanese agricultural beginnings. Nature, 322.6080: 595-6.
Barnes, Gina 1986 Paddy field archaeology. Journal of Field Archaeology, 13.4: 371-9. Originally presented at
Society for American Archaeology meeting, Denver, 1985.
+Barnes, Gina 1986 The structure of the Yayoi and Haji ceramic typologies. In R. Pearson, G. Barnes & K.
Hutterer (eds.), Windows on the Japanese Past: studies in archaeology, pp. 449-76. Ann Arbor: Center for
Japanese Studies, Univ. of Michigan. Originally presented at Richard K. Beardsley Symposium on Japanese
Archaeology, 1979.
+Barnes, Gina 1986 The Yayoi and Kofun: introduction. In R. Pearson, G. Barnes & K. Hutterer (eds.),
Windows on the Japanese Past: studies in archaeology, pp. 313-15. Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies,
Univ. of Michigan.
+Barnes, Gina L. (ed. with R. Pearson &; K. Hutterer) 1986 WINDOWS ON THE JAPANESE PAST: STUDIES
IN ARCHAEOLOGY. Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, Univ. of Michigan.
+Barnes, Gina L., Roel Brandt, Simon Kaner, David A. Loeliger, and Shiro Nishida. 1986 Phosphate Behavior
in Japanese Soils: A Test Case. Kokogaku to Shizen Kagaku, 19: 57-68. (in Japanese with English summary)
Barnes, Gina L. 1986 Korean archaeology and the Olympics. Osori/Tanuki, March 1986: 12-13.
Barnes, Gina L. 1987 The role of the be in state formation. In E. Brumfiel & T. Earle (eds.), Production,
Exchange and Complex Societies, pp. 86-101. Cambridge Univ. Press.
Barnes, Gina L. 1987 Joint Research Group on the Geomorphological Recognition and Land Utilization of Preand Protohistoric Japanese Peoples (co-author). Natural environments in the Nara Basin through the pre- and
protohistoric ages II: biological remains and environmental syntheses. Kobunkazai Kyoiku Kenkyu Hokoku
16: 23-74. (in Japanese)
Barnes, Gina L. 1987 Haniwa funerary sculptures. The Studio Potter, 15.1: 50-6.
Barnes, Gina L. 1988 Koguryo: subsistence of an early Korean society. AKSE Newsletter, 11: 4. (Conference
paper abstract.)
Museum of Anthropology, Anthropological Papers No. 78 and Center for Japanese Studies, Paper No.17. Ann
Arbor: Univ. of Michigan.
Barnes, Gina L. 1988 Korea and Japan 1000 BC-AD 650, and Feudal Japan AD 650-1600. In Past Worlds: the
Times atlas of archaeology, pp. 196-7, 266-7. London: Times Books.
Barnes, Gina L. 1988 Walled sites in Three Kingdoms settlement patterns. In Papers of the 5th International
Conference for Korean Studies, pp. 436-64. Songnam: Academy for Korean Studies.
Barnes, Gina L. 1989 Mahan, Paekche and state formation on the Korean Peninsula. In Mahan Munhwa
Yonユguso ui Chomunje, pp. 69-89. Cholla Namdo: Wonkwang Taehakkyo Mahan Paekche Munhwa
Barnes, Gina L. 1990 Obei kara mita Nihon [ Ancient Japan from a Euro-American perspective]. In Kodai
Nihon no Kokusaika [The internationalization of ancient Japan]. Tokyo: Asahi Newspaper Co. (in Japanese)
Barnes, Gina L. 1990 Paddy field soils. World Archaeology 22.1: 1-17.
Barnes, Gina L. 1990 THE MIWA EXCAVATION: PRELIMINARY REPORT. Nara: The Miwa Project, c/o Tenri
Sankokan Museum.
Hudson, xxxxxx)
Barnes, Gina L. 1990 Early Korean States: a review of historical interpretation. In G.L. Barnes (ed.)
Bibliographic Reviews of Far Eastern Archaeology 1990, pp. 113-162. Oxford: Oxbow Books. Revised and
republished in Barnes 2001, STATE FORMATION IN KOREA.
Barnes, Gina L. 1990 The origins of bureaucratic archaeology in Japan. Journal of the Hong Kong
Archaeological Society 12: 183-96.
Barnes, Gina L. 1990 Ceramics of the Yayoi agriculturalists (300 BC-AD 300). In E.H. Weeder (ed.) The Rise
of a Great Tradition: Japanese archaeological ceramics from the Jomon through Heian periods (10,500 BCAD 1185), pp. 28-39. Tokyo/New York: Agency for Cultural Affairs, Govt. of Japan/Japan Society. Also
published in Japan Society Newsletter 38.4: 2-7.
Barnes, Gina L 1990 The "idea of prehistory" in Japan. Antiquity, 64: 929-40.
Barnes, Gina L. (ed.) 1990 Special section on Japanese analytical archaeology, Antiquity 64.
Barnes, Gina L. 1990 Special section introduction: analytical approaches to Japanese archaeology. Antiquity
64: 864-5.
Barnes, Gina L. 1991 Early Japanese state bibliography: a preliminary analysis. EAANnouncements, 3: 10-12.
+Hudson, Mark J., and Gina L. Barnes. 1991 Yoshinogari: A Yayoi Settlement in Northern Kyushu.
Monumenta Nipponica, 46(2): 211-235.
Barnes, Gina L. 1991 Korean capital cities. In J.H. Grayson (ed.) Koreana: ten years of Korean studies at the
University of Sheffield, 1979-1989, pp. 8-24. Univ. of Sheffield, School of East Asian Studies, Occas. Papers
No. 1. Revised and republished in Barnes (2001) State Formation in Korea.
Barnes, Gina L. 1992 (ed.) ANALYTIC FIELD SURVEY. World Archaeology volume 24.2
Barnes, Gina L. 1992 Tite, M.S; Barnes, G.L., and Doherty, C. A technological study of earthenware and
stoneware from southern Korea. In Science and Technology of Ancient Ceramics: Proceedings of the 1992
International Symposium on Ancient Ceramics, pp. 64-69. Shanghai: Shanghai Research Society of Science
nad Technology of Ancient Ceramics. Republished in Barnes (2001) State Formation in Korea.
Barnes, Gina L. 1992 (ed.) EAAN members' selected bibliography. EAANnouncements 7: 33-61.
Barnes, Gina L. 1992 190 entries (9500 words) on East Asian archaeology. In Paul Bahn (ed.) Collins
Dictionary of Archaeology. Glasgow: HarperCollins.
Barnes, Gina L. 1993 (ed. with Masaaki OKITA) THE MIWA PROJECT REPORT: SURVEY, CORING AND
EXCAVATION AT THE MIWA SITE, NARA, JAPAN. British Archaeological Reports BAR SI 582. Oxford:
Tempvs Reparatvm. -- Contains the following six chapters by G.L. Barnes: "Introduction", pp. 1-10; "The
Miwa site: physical setting", pp. 11-25; "Geological coring at Miwa", pp. 39-48; (with D.A. Loeliger) "Miwa
site phosphate analysis", pp. 49-53; "Material culture of the Miwa site", pp. 85-108; "Miwa occupation in
wider perspective", pp. 181-92.
Barnes, Gina L. 1993 The development of stoneware technology in southern Korea. In C.M. Aikens &; S.N.
Rhee (ed.) Pacific Northeast Asia in Prehistory: hunter-fisher-gatherers, farmers, and sociopolitical elites,
pp. 197-208. Washington State Univ. Press. Originally presented at the Circum-Pacific Prehistory Conference,
Univ. of Washington, Aug. 1989. Republished in Barnes (2001) State Formation in Korea.
Barnes, Gina L. 1993 Early Japan and The Nara period 710-94. In R. Bowring &; P. Kornicki (ed.) Cambridge
Encyclopedia of Japan, pp. 42-8, 48-52. Cambridge Univ. Press.
Barnes, Gina L. 1993 China, Korea and Japan: The Rise of Civilization in East Asia. London: Thames and
Barnes, Gina L. 1993 (with Peter Bellwood) Stone Age farmers in southern and eastern Asia. In The Illustrated
History of Humankind 2: People of the Stone Age, pp. 123-44. New York: HarperCollins.
Barnes, Gina L. 1994 (ed. with Beth McKillop) KOREAN MATERIAL CULTURE. BAKS Papers 5. British
Ass'n for Korean Studies.
Barnes, Gina L. 1994 Discoveries of iron armour on the Korean peninsula. In Barnes &; McKillop (eds)
Korean material culture. BAKS Papers 5. British Ass'n for Korean Studies, pp. 105-130. Originally presented
at the BAKS Workshop, Victoria &; Albert Museum, London, Feb. 1993. Repubished in Barnes (2001) State
Formation in Korea.
Barnes, Gina L. 1995 (ed.) BUDDHIST ARCHAEOLOGY. World Archaeology volume 27.2.
Barnes, Gina L. 1995 Buddhist archaeology: an introduction [and glossary]. World Archaeology 27.2: 165-83.
Barnes, Gina L. 1995 HIGUCHI Takayasu with Gina Barnes. Bamiyan: Buddhist cave temples in Afghanistan.
World Archaeology 27.2: 282-302.
Barnes, Gina L. 1996 The archaeology of protohistoric Yamato</B>." Beitr臠e zur allgemeinen und
vergleichenden Arch與logie 16:79-90. Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern. Originally given as an invited paper
at the One-Day Seminar on Japanese Archaeology, Univ. of Bonn, Sept. 1992.
Barnes, Gina L. 1996 "Peking and Java man", pp. 162-3; "Hongshan and Liangzhu jades", pp. 166-7; "Statuary
of the Far East", pp. 168-9; "Anyang", pp. 170-3; "East Asian bronzes", pp. 174-5; "Mural tombs of the
orient", pp. 180-1; "The Sinan shipwreck", pp. 182-4; plus Paul Bahn and Gina Barnes, "Rock art of China
and India", pp. 164-5. In Paul Bahn (ed.) The story of archaeology: the 100 great discoveries. London:
Weidenfeld &; Nicholson.
Barnes, Gina L. 1996 (with GUO Dashun) The ritual landscape of northern Boar Mountain Basin: the
Niuheliang site of northeastern China. World Archaeology 28.2: 209-29.
Barnes, Gina L. 1996 8000 words on the history of Far Eastern archaeology for Paul Bahn (ed.) The Cambridge
Illustrated History of Archaeology, Cambridge Univ. Press.
Barnes, Gina L. 1996 "Sue ware", "Korean prehistoric ceramics", "Korean trade", "South Korean archaeology."
In Macmillan Dictionary of Ceramics. London: Macmillan.
Barnes, Gina L. 1997 3600 words on Japan &; Korea, and mounded tombs for The Oxford Companion to
Archaeology, edited by Brian Fagan. Oxford Univ. Press.
Barnes, Gina L.
Buddhist landscapes of East Asia.
Pp 101-123 in Archaeologies of
Landscape:contemporary perspectives. Ed. by Ashmore, W. &; Knapp, B. Oxford: Blackwells
Barnes, Gina L., and Masaaki Okita. 1999 Japanese Archaeology in the 1990s. Journal of Archaeological
Research, 7(4): 349-395.
AND JAPAN. Paperback reprint of China, Korea, Japan: the rise of civilization in East Asia (1993). London:
Thames &; Hudson.
Barnes, Gina L. 2001 Archaeological Armor in Korea and Japan: styles, technology and social setting. Journal
of East Asian Archaeology 2. 3/4: 61-95.
Barnes, Gina L. 2001 STATE FORMATION IN KOREA. London: Curzon.
EAST ASIAN STATES. Thematic issue, Journal of East Asian Archaeology (JEAA) 2. 3/4 (Autumn 2000).
Leiden: Brill
Barnes, Gina L. 2002 Japan seen from a foreigner's view: a message for the 21st century. (Alternative title:
"New periodization scheme for East Asian archaeology based on degrees of interaction and technology
transfer"). In "Wa no Kuni" renzoku kokusai shinpojiumu "21st seiki e no messeeji", pp. 93-116. Nara:
Institute of Silkroadology.
Barnes, Gina L. 2003 Origins of the Japanese Islands: the new "Big Picture". Japan Review 15: 1-48.
Barnes, Gina L. 2003 Chokkomon: the art of death in Kofun-period Japan. East Asia Journal: Studies in
Material Culture, 1.2: 43-64.
Barnes, Gina L., and Kaneko Masumi. 2004 (University of Durham) Roles of Women in Nihon Shoki. Paper
presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東ア
ジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 4-A: Prospects of Gender Archaeology in East Asia.
Barnes, Gina L. 2004 (University of Durham) The Japanese Islands from Fifteen to Half a Million Years Ago:
Implications for Archaeology. Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference,
Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 5-A: New
Perspectives in Japanese Archaeology.
Barnes, Gina L. 2004 Acid Soils and Acid Rocks in Japan: Implications for Bone Preservation. In Recent
Paleolithic Studies in Japan: Proceedings for Tainted Evidence and Restoration of Confidence in the
Pleistocene Archaeology of the Japanese Archipelago, ed. Japanese Archaeological Association, pp. 68-88.
Tokyo: Japanese Archaeological Association.
Barnes, Gina L. in press 2500 words on Korean archaeology for Y. H. Choe-Wall (ed.) The Encyclopedia of
Korea, Australian National Univ. Press.
Barnes, Gina L. in press The emergence and expansion of Silla as seen archaeologically. In Silla and the
Samguk Sagi, ed. by Edward Shultz &; Hugh Kang.University of Hawaii Press.
Barnes, Gina L.
in press
Geoarchaeological studies in Nara: the integrated findings" submitted to
Geoarchaeology: an international journal.
Barnes, Gina L. in prep STATE FORMATION IN JAPAN. London: Routledge/Curzon.
Batchelor, John. 1901 The Ainu and Their Folklore. London: The Religious Tract Society.
Batchelor, John. 1927 Ainu Life and Lore: Echoes of a Departing Race. Tokyo: Kyobunkan.
Bausch, Ilona. (Department of East Asian Studies, Durham University, England [2003]) (イローナ・バウ
シュ)(*Leiden University, Netherlands [2006])
Bausch, Ilona. 1994 Clay Figurines and Ritual in the Middle Jomon Period: A Case Study of the Shakado Site in
the Kofu Basin. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Leiden University.
Bausch, Ilona. 2003 Middle Jomon Exchange Networks in Central Japan: The Dynamics of the Production and
Circulation of Obsidian, Serpentinite, Jadeite and Amber. Ph.D. dissertation, Durham University, UK, to be
submitted in December 2003.
+Bausch, Ilona. 2004 Some Consideration on Jomon Serpentinite Polished Adze and Jadeite Ornament
Production Sites along the Japan Sea Coast. Bulletin of the International Jomon Culture Conference, 1:
15-24. (English & Japanese)
Bausch, Ilona. 2004 The Social Context of Exotic Stone Exchange Networks in Central Japan During the Late
Middle Jomon Period. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Durham.
+Bausch, Ilona. 2006 Middle Jomon Clay Figurines in Central Japan: Fragmentation and Sharing Practices [中
World Archaeological Congress Inter-Congress:
Osaka, 2006, "Kyosei-no-Koukogaku: Coexistence in the Past--Dialogues in the Present", Program &
Abstracts, January 12-15 [世界考古学会議中間会議大阪大会、共生の考古学―過去との対話、遺産の
継承、大阪歴史博物館], p. 96. WAC Osaka Executive Committee, Osaka Museum of History. (S13-06)
Beardsley, R. K. 1961 An Interpretation of Japanese Neolithic Culture from Archaeology, Ethnology, and
History. In Proceedings of the 5th (1958) International Congress of Pre- and Protohistoric Sciences, pp.
63-67. Berlin: Mann.
Bennett, C. J. 1981 Analysis of the Magnetic Survey of the Yagi Site. M.A. dissertation, Department of
Anthropology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
+Bleed, Peter, John Weymouth and Connie Bennett. 2001 A Nice Place to Live and Work: Community Structure
at Yagi. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 21: 3-8.
Bleed, Peter (separate file)
Bleed, Peter. 1973 The Middle Jomon Cultural Sequence of Southern Tohoku, Japan. Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of Wisconsin, Ann Arbor: University Microfilms.
Bleed, Peter. 1974 A Report on 1973 Archaeological Investigations in the Wood River Valley, Buffalo County,
Nebraska. Technical Report, 74-01, Division of Archaeological Research, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Blundell, Valda Morlan, and Peter Bleed. 1974 Ground Stone Artifacts from Late Pleistocene and Early
Holocene Japan. Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania, 9(2): 120-133.
Bleed, Peter. 1977 Early Flakes from Sozudai, Japan: Are They Man-Made? Science, 197: 1357-1359.
+Bleed, Peter. 1978 Origins of the Jomon Technical Tradition. Asian Perspectives, 19(1): 107-115.
Hurley, W., M. Yoshizaki, P. Bleed, and J. Weymouth. 1978 Early Jomon Site at Yagi, Hokkaido, Japan.
National Geographic Socieety, Research Reports - 1978: 365-381.
Bleed, Peter. 1979 A New Approach to the Study of Flakes from the Sozudai Site. 『考古学ジャーナル』
167: 66-67.
+Bleed, Peter, Masakazu Yoshizaki, William M. Hurley, and John Weymouth (eds.). 1979 The Yagi Site.
Technical Report No. 80-14. Division of Archaeological Research, Department of Anthropology, University
of Nebraska-Lincoln. (A Preliminary Report on the 1978 Excavation at the Yagi Site, Minamikayabe-cho,
Kayabe-gun, Hokkaido, Japan). Submitted to the National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. 吉崎昌
一、ジョン・ウェイマス、ピータ・ブリード、ウィリアム・ハーリー『日本北海道茅部郡南茅部町 八木遺跡 1978年度発掘調査仮報告書』、ネブラスカ大学考古学研究所学術報告書No. 80-44。
Bleed, Peter. 1979 Architecture. In The Yagi Site, ed. P. Bleed, M. Yoshizaki, W. M. Hurley, and J. Weymouth,
pp. 13-24. Technical Report No. 80-14. Division of Archaeological Research, Department of Anthropology,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Bleed, Peter, W. Hurley, and M. Yoshizaki. 1980 Why Aren't There More Sites on the Pacific Coast of the
Oshima Peninsula, Hokkaido, Japan. Proceedings of the CCE Field Symposium on Coastal Archaeology,
Bellingham, Washington.
Bleed, Peter and Ann Bleed. 1981 Animal Resources of the Yagi Community: A Theoretical Reconstruction of
Early Jomon Hunting Patterns. Technical Report, No. 81-06, Lincoln: Division of Archaeological Research,
Department of Anthropology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Bleed, Peter. 1983 Archaeology, Prehistoric. Entry in: Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. Tokyo: Kodansha.
+Bleed, Peter. 1986 Almost Archaeology: Early Archaeological Interest in Japan. In Windows on the Japanese
Past: Studies in Archaeology and Prehistory, ed. Richard J. Pearson, Gina L. Barnes, and Karl L. Hutterer, pp.
57-67. Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan.
Carl F., Peter Bleed, and Matsu Akira. 1987 Unmodified Bone and Antler, South Cannonball Site. National Park
Service, Department of Interior.
+Bleed, Peter. 1989 Foreign Archaeologists in Japan: Strategies for Exploitation. Archaeological Review from
Cambridge, 8(1): 19-27. (issue theme: Dangerous Liasons? Archaeology East and West)
Bleed, Peter, Carl Falk, Ann Bleed, and Akira Matsui. 1989 Between the Mountains and the Sea: Opitimal
Hunting Patterns and Faunal Remains at Yagi, an Early Jomon Community in Southwestern Hokkaido. Arctic
Anthropology, 26(2): 107-126.
Bleed, Peter. 1990 Operations Research in Archaeology. American Antiquity, 56(1): 19-35.
Bleed, Peter. 1991 Comments on Seminar III. Ancient Relations between Japan and the Continent: A Panel on
Recent Archaeological Approaches. Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan,
36: 200-206.
Bleed, Peter. 1991(1992?) Historic Archaeology in Japan. Japan Foundation Newsletter, 19(1): 13-17.
+Bleed, Peter. 1991 Success and Failure in the Japanese Palaeolithic. EAANnouncements, 5: 10-13.
Bleed, Peter. 1992 Historic Archaeology in Japan. Paper presented to: Society for Historic Archaeology
Meetings, January, Jamaica.
+Bleed, Peter. 1992 Risk and Cost in Japanese Microcore Technology. Paper presented to: Society for
American Archaeology, May 8-12, Pittsburgh. (abstract in EAANnouncements, 5: 28, 1991)
+Bleed, Peter. 1992 Ready for Anything: Technological Adaptation to Ecological Diversity at Yagi, an Early
Jomon Community in Southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. In Pacific Northeast Asia in Prehistory: HunterFisher-Gatherers, Farmers, and Sociopolitical Elites, ed. C. Melvin Aikens and Song Nai Rhee, pp. 47-52.
Pullman: Washington State University Press.
Bleed, Peter, and John Weymouth. 1993 A Nice Place to Live and Work -- Community Structure at Yagi. Paper
present to the panel: Studies of Subsistence and Settlements during the Jomon Period (10,000-300 BC) in
Japan, organized by: Fumiko Ikawa-Smith. (panalists: Ikawa-Smith, Kaner, Habu, Matsui Akira, Chisholm,
Kobayashi Tatsuo, Tanaka Yoshiyuki, Bleed & Weymouth, Crawford & D'Andrea), at the 58th Annual
Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 14-18, St. Louis.
Crawford, G.W. and P. Bleed. 1998 Scheduling and Sedentism in the Prehistory of Northern Japan. In Identifying
Seasonality and Sedentism in Archaeological Sites: Old and New World Perspectives, pp. 109-128, edited by
T. Rocek and O. Bar-Yosef. Peabody Museum, Harvard University.
+*Bleed, Peter. 2000 Digging Out of the Scandal: A Response by Peter Bleed (Peter Bleed, November 28, 2000
(on Internet at: http://www.t-net.ne.jp/~keally/Hoax/ keally-bleed2.html)
(originally at: http://www.ancienteastasia.org/special/japanarchscandal2.htm
(Japanese translation at: http://www.amy.hi-ho.ne.jp/mizuy/zenki/Digging-out-j.html)
(written in response to Keally 2000 "This time....")
Bleed, Peter. 2000. National Treasure. RKLOG Press. Littleton, CO (Finalist, 2001 Independent Book
Publishers Awards, Multicultural Fiction)
+Bleed, Peter, John Weymouth, and Connie Bennett. 2001 A Nice Place to Live and Work: Community
Structure at Yagi. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 21: 3-8.
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+Bleed, Peter. n.d. Historic Archaeology in Japan. The Japan Foundation Newsletter, 19(1): 13-17. (reprint has
no date) (also have unpublished manuscript, received 1991)
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Brace, C. L., and M. Nagai. 1982 Japanese Tooth Size: Past and Present. American Journal of Physical
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Anthropologists? p. 61.)
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+Chard, Chester S. 1961 Time Depth and Culture Process in Maritime Northeast Asia. Asian Perspectives,
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+Chard, Chester S. 1961 Invention versus Diffusion: The Burial Mound Complex of the Eastern United States.
Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 17(1): 21-25. (hand-written notes in files)
+Chard, Chester S. 1962 Northeast Asia (Regional Report). Asian Perspectives, 6(1-2): 8-18. (hand-written
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+Chard, Chester S. 1963 Check-Stamped Pottery in Northern and Eastern Asia. Proceedings of the North
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Chisholm, Brian S., and Hiroko Koike. 1988 Stable Carbon Isotopes and Paleodiet in Japan. In Showa 63
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Koike, Hiroko, and Brian S. Chisholm. 1988 Tanso antei doitai-hi ni yoru Niihon-san honyu dobutsu no
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mammals]. Saitama Daigaku Kiyo (Sogo-hen) [The Bulletin of the University of Saitama], 6: 107-115. (in
Japanese with English title and summary)
Koike, Hiroko, and Brian S. Chisholm. 1989 Paleodiet in Japan by Stable Carbon Isotopic Analysis. Jinruigaku
Zasshi [人類学雑誌、Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon], 97(2): 252-253.
Takenaka, O., Brian Chisholm, and Koike Hiroko. 1989 A Preliminary Biochemical Analysis of Collagen from
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Koike, Hiroko, and Brian Chisholm. 1991 Paleodiet of Hunter-Gatherers in Japan Estimated by 13C,
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English abstract)
Koike, Hiroko, and Brian Chisholm, and Sakazume Kumiko. 1991 δ13C Measurements for the Human Skeletal
Collections (1): δ13C Values for Hokkaido Prehistoric People Using Collections at the Department of
Anatomy, Sapporo Medical College. Journal of the College of Liberal Arts, Saitama University, 27: 33-44.
(in Japanese with English abstract)
Chisholm, Brian S., Hiroko Koike, and Nobuyuki Nakai. 1992 Carbon Isotopic Determination of Paleodiet in
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Chisholm, Bian. 1993 Inland/Coastal Links as Seen from Isotopic Analysis of Japanese Prehistoric Human
Burials. Paper present to the panel: Studies of Subsistence and Settlements during the Jomon Period
(10,000-300 BC) in Japan, organized by: Fumiko Ikawa-Smith. (panalists: Ikawa-Smith, Kaner, Habu, Matsui
Akira, Chisholm, Kobayashi Tatsuo, Tanaka Yoshiyuki, Bleed & Weymouth, Crawford & D'Andrea), at the
58th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 14-18, St. Louis.
Koike, Hiroko, and Brian Chisholm. 1996 δ15N andδ13C Measurements of Human Skeletons from Kofun
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vol. 2: 109-116.「九州古墳時代人骨のδ13C・δ15N測定値について」『比較社会文化』、小池裕子。
+Chisholm, Brian. 1998 Hunter-Gatherer's and Farmer's Diet in Prehistoric Japan -- From Isotopic Analysis.
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+Chisholm, Brian. 2002 The Use of Stable Isotopic Analysis in Paleodiet, and Individual Differences. p. 45.
The Human Body in Anthropological Perspectives: Inter-Congress of IUAES 2002, Program and Abstracts,
September 22-27, Tokyo, Japan.
+Lyons, Diane, Brian Chisholm, and Hiroko Koike. 2002 Gender, Status and Dietary Differences: How Visible
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+Chisholm, Brian, Takamiya Hiroto. 2002 Prehistoric Diet in Okinawa -- Stable Isotopic Evidence. p. 106.
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September 22-27, Tokyo, Japan.
Chisholm, Brian, and Junko Habu. 2003 Stable Isotope Analysis of Prehistoric Human Bone from the
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+*Crawford, Gary W. and Masakazu Yoshizaki. 1987 Ainu Ancestors and Prehistoric Asian Agriculture.
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Institution Publications in Anthropology. ["The Japanese Perspective" is not in the title 1992 (reprinted 2006)
- 10 -
*Crawford, G.W. 1992 The Transitions to Agriculture in Japan. In Transitions to Agriculture in Prehistory,
edited by Anne Birgitte Gebauer and T. Douglas Price, pp. 117-132. Monographs in World Archaeology No.
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Crawford, Gary, and Catherine D'Andrea. 1993 Zoku-Jomon (Epi-Jomon) Settlement Patterns Inferred from
Archaeobotanical Studies. Paper present to the panel: Studies of Subsistence and Settlements during the
Jomon Period (10,000-300 BC) in Japan, organized by: Fumiko Ikawa-Smith. (panalists: Ikawa-Smith, Kaner,
Habu, Matsui Akira, Chisholm, Kobayashi Tatsuo, Tanaka Yoshiyuki, Bleed & Weymouth, Crawford &
D'Andrea), at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 14-18, St. Louis.
*D'Andrea, A.C., G.W. Crawford, M. Yoshizaki and T. Kudo. 1995 Late Jomon Cultigens in Northeastern
Japan. Antiquity 9(262):146 - 152.
Crawford, G.W. 1996 The Jomon Tradition. In The Oxford Companion to Archaeology edited by Brian Fagan ,
pp. 365-367. Oxford University Press.
+*Crawford, G.W.
1997 Anthropogenesis in Prehistoric Northeastern Japan. In People, Plants, and
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Crawford, G.W. and P. Bleed. 1998 Scheduling and Sedentism in the Prehistory of Northern Japan. In
Identifying Seasonality and Sedentism in Archaeological Sites: Old and New World Perspectives, pp. 109-128,
edited by T. Rocek and O. Bar-Yosef. Peabody Museum, Harvard University.
+*Crawford, G. W. 1999 Origins of the Ainu. Nova.
From web site (East Asia):
*Crawford, G.W. 1992 (reprinted 2006) The Origins of Plant Domestication in East Asia. In Origins of
Agriculture: An International Perspective, edited by Patty Jo Watson and C. Wesley Cowan, pp. 7-38.
University of Alabama Press (previously published by the Smithsonian Institution.)
*Crawford, G.W. and Chen Shen. 1998 The Origins of Rice Agriculture: Recent Progress in East Asia.
Antiquity, 72(278): 858-866.
*Crawford, G. W. and Gyoung-Ah Lee. 2003 Agricultural Origins in the Korean Peninsula. Antiquity 77 (295):
Crawford, G. W., Z. Zhao, F. Luan, H. Yu, H. Fang, F. Cai, A. Underhill, G.-A. Lee, G. Feinman and L. Nicholas.
2005 Liangchengzhen Yizhi Chutu Longshan Wenhua Zhiwu Yicun de Chubu Fenxi (Preliminary Analysis of
Preserved Plant Remains Unearthed from the Longshan Culture Site of Liangchengzhen). Kaogu.
*Crawford, G. W., Anne Underhill, Zhijun Zhao, Gyoung-Ah Lee, Gary Feinman, Linda Nicholas, Fengshi
Luan, Haiguang Yu, Hui Fang, Fengshu Cai. 2005 Late Neolithic Plant Remains from Northern China:
Preliminary Results from Liangchengzhen, Shandong. Current Anthropology 42(2):309-316
+*Crawford, G. W.
2006 East Asian Plant Domestication. In Archaeology of Asia, edited by Miriam Stark, pages 77-95.
Blackwell Publishing
Crawford, G. W., X. Chen and J. Wang. 2006 Houli Culture Rice from the Yuezhuang Site, Jinan. East Asia
Archaeology 3:247-251. (in Chinese)
Lee, G-A, G. W. Crawford, L. Liu, and X. Chen. 2007 Plants and people from the Early Neolithic to Shang
periods in North China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America .
Published January 9, 2007
From web site (Non-Asia):
(about 15 publications, 2 examples given here)
Crawford, G.W. and D.G. Smith. 1996 Migration in Prehistory: Princess Point and the Northern Iroquoian
Case. American Antiquity 61(4):782-790.
Crawford, G. W., D. Saunders and D. G. Smith. 2006 Pre-contact Maize from Ontario, Canada: Context,
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Prehistory, Linguistics, Biogeography, Domestication, and Evolution of Maize, edited by J. Staller, R. Tykot
and B. Benz, pp. 549-559. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
D'Andrea, A. Catherine (separate file)
- 11 -
D'Andrea, A. C. 1992 Palaeoethnobotany of Later Jomon and Yayoi Cultures in Northeastern Japan. Ph.D.
dissertation, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Crawford, Gary, and Catherine D'Andrea. 1993 Zoku-Jomon (Epi-Jomon) Settlement Patterns Inferred from
Archaeobotanical Studies. Paper present to the panel: Studies of Subsistence and Settlements during the
Jomon Period (10,000-300 BC) in Japan, organized by: Fumiko Ikawa-Smith. (panalists: Ikawa-Smith, Kaner,
Habu, Matsui Akira, Chisholm, Kobayashi Tatsuo, Tanaka Yoshiyuki, Bleed & Weymouth, Crawford &
D'Andrea), at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 14-18, St. Louis.
D'Andrea, A. C. 1995. Archaeobotanical Evidence for Zoku-Jomon Subsistence at the Mochiyazawa Site,
Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science, 22(5): 583-595.
+D'Andrea, A.C.
Later Jomon Subsistence in Northeastern Japan: New Evidence from
Palaeoethnobotanical Studies. Asian Perspectives, 34(2): 195-227.
D'Andrea, A.C., G.W. Crawford, M. Yoshizaki and T. Kudo. 1995. Late Jomon Cultigens from Northeastern
Japan. Antiquity, 69: 146-152.
D'Andrea, D.E. Lyons, A.C., Mitiku Haile, and E.A. Butler. 1999. Ethnoarchaeological Approaches to the Study
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of Plant Resources in Ancient Africa. New York: Plenum Publishing Corp.
D'Andrea, A. C. and J. Casey. 2002. Pearl Millet and Kintampo Subsistence. <I>African Archaeological
Review, 19 (3): 147-173.
Lyons, D.E. and A.C. D'Andrea. 2003. Griddles, Ovens, and the Origins of Agriculture: An Ethnoarchaeological
Study of Bread Baking in Highland Ethiopia. <I>American Anthropologist, 105 (3): 515-530.
D'Andrea, A. C. in prep. [in 1995] Domesticated Plants and Jomon Subsistence. xxxx
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Deridder, Patricia.
Deridder, Patricia.
Edwards, Walter (separate file) (ウオルター・エドワーズ)(*Tenri University, Japan)
+Edwards, Walter. 1983 Event and Process in the Founding of Japan: The Horserider Theory in Archaeological
Perspective. Journal of Japanese Studies, 9/2: 265-295.
+Edwards, Walter, and Okita Masaaki. 1986 Interpreting Himiko: Gender Assumptions in the Historiography
of a Third-century Japanese Queen. Paper presented at the Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting,
Chicago, March 22. (manuscript dated October 1985 in files)
Edwards, Walter, and Okita Masaaki. 1987 Buried Discourse: The Toro Archaeological Site and Japanese
National Identity. Paper presented at the Japan Seminar, the Henry M. Jackson School of International
Studies, University of Washington, May 29. (see: WE 1991 below)
Edwards, Walter. 1988 Internationalization, Nihonjinron, and the Question of Japanese Identity. Paper
presented at the 14th International Conference on Language Learning and Teaching, sponsored by the Japan
Association of Language Teachers, Kobe, October 8. (see: WE 1989 below)
Edwards, Walter. 1989 Modern Japan through Its Weddings: Gender, Person,and Society in Ritual Portrayal.
Stanford University Press.
Edwards, Walter. 1989 Internationalization, Nihonjinron, and the Question of Japanese Identity. JALT Journal,
11(2): 157-166.
Edwards, Walter, and Okita Masaaki. 1989 Buried Discourse: The Toro Archaeological Site and Japanese
National Identity. Paper presented at the 34th International Conference of Orientalists in Japan, Tokyo, May
27. (see: WE 1991 below)
Edwards, Walter. 1991 Buried Discourse: The Toro Archaeological Site and Japanese National Identity in the
Early Postwar Period. Journal of Japanese Studies, 17/1: 1-23. (「埋葬された論説―登呂考古学遺跡と戦
- 12 -
Yamamoto, Tadanao, and Walter Edwards. 1995 Early Buddhist Temples in Japan: Roof-tile Manufacture and
the Social Basis of Temple Construction. World Archaeology, 27(2): 336-353.
Edwards, Walter. 1995 Kobayashi Yukio's "Treatise on Duplicate Mirrors": An Annotated Translation. Tenri
University Journal, 178: 179-205.
Edwards, Walter. 1995 Searching for Himiko: The Archaeological Quest for Japanese Roots. Invited lecture,
East Asian Program and Department of Anthropology, Cornell University, April 5. (see: WE 1996 below)
Edwards, Walter. 1996(1995) In Pursuit of Himiko: Postwar Archaeology and the Location of Yamatai.
Monumenta Nipponica, 51/1 53-79.
Edwards, Walter. 1997 Japan's New Past: How a Century of Archaeology Helped Dispel a Nation's Mythhic
Origins. Archaeology, March/April: 32-42.
Edwards, Walter. 1997 The Hakkou Ichiu Tower in Mayazaki and the 2,600th Anniversary Celebrations of
Jimmu's Ascension. In Shuukyou to Koukogaku [宗教と考古学], ed. Kanaseki Sensei no Koki o Oiwai suru
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Edwards, Walter. 1998 宮崎市所在「八紘一宇の塔」について [On the Hakko Ichiu Tower in Miyazaki].
Tenri University Journal, 187: 143-155. (in Japanese)
Edwards, Walter. 1998 Investigations of the Imperial Tombs: Reflections on the Inspection of the Imperial
Household Agency's Excavations at the Houraijou Site. Nihon Kokogaku Kyoukai Kaiho [Bulletin of the
Japanese Archaeological Association], 135: 12-13.
Edwards, Walter. 1998 Mirrors to Japanese History: Burial Goods Fuel Dispute over a Legendary Kingdom
(Newsbrief). Archaeology, May/June: 20-21.
Edwards, Walter. 1999 Mirrors on Ancient Yamato and Its Relation to Yamatai: The Kurozuka Kofun
Discovery. Monumenta Nipponica, 54/1: 75-110.
Edwards, Walter. 1999 Foraging Tradition for a Holy War: The Hakko ichiu Tower in Miyazaki and the 2,600th
Anniversary Celebrations of Jummu's Ascension. Paper presented at "Tradition, Self, and the Japanese Social
Order: A Symposium to Honor Robert J. Smith," Cornell University, Ithaca NY, September 27-28. (see: WE
2003 below & 1997 above)
Edwards, Walter. 1999 Monuments to an Unbroken Line: The Imperial Tombs and Japanese Nationalism.
Paper presented at the 1999 Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, Dallas, December 29. (see:
WE 2003 below)
Edwards, Walter. 2000 Contested Access: Issues Surrounding Japan's Imperial Tombs. Paper presented at the
Second Worldwide Conference of the Society of East Asian Archaeology, Durham, England, July 7. (see: WE
2000 below)
Edwards, Walter. 2000 Contested Access: The Imperial Tombs in the Postwar Period. Journal of Japanese
Studies, 26/2: 371-392. (「戦われた立ち入り―戦後の天皇稜」)
Edwards, Walter, Okita Masaaki, and Dean Goodman. 2000 Investigation of a Subterranean Tomb in Miyazaki,
Japan. Archaeological Prospection, 7(4): 215-224.
Edwards, Walter. 2000 第二十一回「陵墓」限定公開について:大和高田市月山古墳の見学記録[On the
twenty-first limited open inspection of an "imperial tomb": A record of observation at Tsukiyama kofun in
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Edwards, Walter. 2001 (editor for English usage) Dictionary of Japanese Archaeological Terms, compiled by
Yamamoto Tadanao. Tokyo Bijutsu Publishing.
Edwards, Walter. 2002 Imperial Politics and Kofun Archaeology in Prewar Japan. Paper presented at the
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Edwards, Walter. 2003 Monuments to an Unbroken Line: The Imperial Tombs and the Emergence of Modern
Japanese Nationalism. In The Politics of Archaeology and Identity in a Global Context, ed. Susan Kane, pp.
11-30. Boston: Archaeological Institute of America.
Edwards, Walter. 2003 Forging Tradition for a Holy War: The Hakko ichiu Tower in Miyazaki and Japanese
Wartime Ideology. Journal of Japanese Studies, 29/2: 289-324. (「聖戦のための伝統作成―宮崎県八紘一
Edwards, Walter. 2004 (Tenri University) How Many Mirrors? A Simulation of the Discovery of TriangularRimmed Mirrors in Japan. Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu
University, June 17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 6-A: Subsistence,
Mortuary Practice, and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Japanese Archaeology.
Edwards, Walter, and Okita, Masaaki. 2004 (Tenri University) Reconstruction of Japanese Kofun (Mounded
Tombs) Using Radar and Resistivity Prospection. Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology
- 13 -
Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表),
Session 6-A: Subsistence, Mortuary Practice, and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Japanese Archaeology.
Edwards, Walter. 2005 Japanese Archaeology and Cultural Properties Management: Prewar Ideology and
Postwar Legacies. In A Companion to the Anthropology of Japan, ed. Jennifer Robertson, pp. 36-49. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishing.
Edwards, Walter, and Okita Masaaki. 2005 Reconstruction of Japanese Kofun (Mounded Tombs) Using Radar
and Resistivity Prospection. 『文化財と探査』[Journal of the Archaeological Prospection Society of
Japan], 6(2): 1-8.
Edwards, Walter, and Okita Masaaki. 2006 Japan's Oldest Keyhole Tomb(?): The Prospection Program at Tenri
University and GPR Results from the Dou-no-ushiro Mound.
『文化財と探査』[Journal of the
Archaeological Prospection Society of Japan], 8(1): 9-16.
+Edwards, Walter, Yasushi Nishimura, and Masaaki Okita. 2006 The Current State of Archaeological
Prospection in Japan [日本における現在の埋蔵文化財探査の現状]. World Archaeological Congress
Inter-Congress: Osaka, 2006, "Kyosei-no-Koukogaku: Coexistence in the Past--Dialogues in the Present",
Program & Abstracts, January 12-15 [世界考古学会議中間会議大阪大会、共生の考古学―過去との対
話、遺産の継承、大阪歴史博物館], pp. 119-120. WAC Osaka Executive Committee, Osaka Museum of
History. (S17-02)
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Fawcett, Clare (separate file)
Fawcett, Clare. 1986 The Politics of Assimilation in Japanese Archaeology. Archaeological Review from
Cambridge, 5(1): 43-57.
Habu, J., and C. Fawcett. 1986 Education and Archaeology in Japan. In Proceedings of the World
Archaeological Congress, Southampton, September 1986. Archaeological "Objectivity" in Interpretaion, vol.
3. London: Allen & Unwin.
Fawcett, Clare. 1990 A Study of the Socio-Political Context of Japanese Archaeology. Ph.D. Dissertation,
McGill University, Montreal.
Fawcett, Clare P. 1995 Nationalism and postwar Japanese archaeology. In Nationalism, Politics and the
Practice of Archaeology, ed. by P. Kohl and C. Fawcett, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Kohl, Philip., and Clare P. Fawcett. 1995 Nationalism, Politics and the Practice of Archaeology. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press. (chapters by: Fawcett, xxxxxx)
Fawcett, Clare P. 1996 The Practice of Archaeology in Japan and Japanese Identity. In Multicultural Japan:
Paleolithic to Postmodern, ed. Donald Denoon, Mark Hudson, Gavan McCormack and Tessa Morris-Suzuki.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fawcett, Clare P. 1996 Archaeology and Japanese Identity. In Multicultural Japan, ed. D. Denoon, M. Hudson,
G. McCormack, and T. Morris-Suzuki, pp. 60-80. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (same as above)
Habu, Junko, and Clare Fawcett. 1999 Jomon archaeology and the representation of Japanese origins. Antiquity
73: 587-593.
Fawcett, Clare, and Patricia Cormack. 2001 Guarding authenticity: L.M. Montgomery tourist sites. Annals of
Tourism Research, 28(3): 686-704.
Cormack, Patricia, and Clare Fawcett. 2002 Cultural gatekeepers in the L.M. Montgomery tourist industry. In
Literature and Tourism: Reading and Writing Tourism Texts, ed. by H-C. Anderson,& M. Robinson, pp.
169-190. London: Continuum.
(Selected Presentations)
Fawcett, Clare P. 2000 "Montgomery Heritage at Three Literary Tourist Sites". Paper presented at L.M.
Montgomery & Popular Culture: An International Conference. L.M. Montgomery Institute, Charlottetown,
PEI. Presented and written with Dr. Patricia Cormack.
Fawcett, Clare P. 2001 "Imagining Prince Edward Island through L.M. Montgomery Tourism". Paper presented
at the Atlantic Canada Workshop on Imagining a Region: Constructing and Deconstructing Atlantic Canada.
St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS.
- 14 -
Fawcett, Clare P. 2001 "Using the adult learning cycle approach to study infant feeding in Nova Scotia". Poster
presentation at the National Breastfeeding Conference, Moncton, NB. May 24-25. With Doris Gillis.
Fawcett, Clare P. 2001 "Archaeology, Nationalism and National Identity". Paper presented to the Nova Scotia
Archaeology Society. Halifax, March 25.
Fawcett, Clare P. 2002 "Archaeology, Tourism and Japanese Historical Consciousness". Invited paper
presented at Historical Consciousness, Historiography and Modern Japanese Values. A conference organized
by the University of Calgary and the International Centre for Japanese Studies (Kyoto, Japan), Banff,
Alberta. October 30-November 3, 2002.
Fawcett, Clare P. 2002 "Anthropological Understandings of Japanese/Anne Tourism". Invited paper presented
at the symposium Kindred Spirits: The Legacy of Anne of Green Gables in Japan. The Japan Foundation,
Toronto.&nbsp; October 26, 2002.
Fawcett, Clare P. 2002 "Canadian Representations of the Japanese "Anne" Tourist". Paper presented at
Changing Japanese Identities in Multicultural Canada Conference, University of Victoria, Centre for AsiaPacific Initiatives, August 2002.
Fawcett, Clare P. 2004 "Science and Story-Telling: Multivocality in Japanese Archaeology." Paper presented in
the Beyond Nationalist, Colonialist and Imperialist Archaeologies:&nbsp; Evaluating Multiple Narratives
symposium of the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada. March 31-April 4,
2004. Paper written and presented with Junko Habu.
Fawcett, Clare P. 2004 "Marxist Theories and Settlement Studies in Japanese Archaeology: Direct and Indirect
Influences of Gordon Childe." Paper presented in The Works of Bruce G. Trigger: Considering the Context of
his Influence symposium of the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada.
March 31-April 4, 2004. Paper written and presented with Junko Habu.
+Ferroni, Elisa. 2006 Body Modification and Jomon Figurines [身体加工と縄文土偶]. World Archaeological
Congress Inter-Congress: Osaka, 2006, "Kyosei-no-Koukogaku: Coexistence in the Past--Dialogues in the
Present", Program & Abstracts, January 12-15 [世界考古学会議中間会議大阪大会、共生の考古学―過去
との対話、遺産の継承、大阪歴史博物館], p. 95. WAC Osaka Executive Committee, Osaka Museum of
History. (S13-04)(エリサ・フェロニ「身体加工と縄文土偶」)(*Italy)
Frederick, Wendy. 2004 (San Francisco State University) Ainu Archaeology & Ethnogenesis. Paper presented
at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古
学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 6-A: Subsistence, Mortuary Practice, and Interdisciplinary
Approaches in Japanese Archaeology.
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3. London: Allen & Unwin.
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Habu, Junko. 1993 Subsistence-Settlement Systems in the Moroiso Phase, Early Jomon Period. Paper present
to the panel: Studies of Subsistence and Settlements during the Jomon Period (10,000-300 BC) in Japan,
organized by: Fumiko Ikawa-Smith. (panalists: Ikawa-Smith, Kaner, Habu, Matsui Akira, Chisholm,
Kobayashi Tatsuo, Tanaka Yoshiyuki, Bleed & Weymouth, Crawford & D'Andrea), at the 58th Annual
Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 14-18, St. Louis.
Okada, Yasuhiro, and Junko Habu. 1995 Public presentation and Archaeological Research: A Case Study from
the Jomon Period Sannai Maruyama Site. Paper presented at the 1995 Chacmool Conference, Calgary.
Habu, Junko. 1995 Subsistence-Settlement Systems and Intersite Variability in the Moroiso Phase of the Early
Jomon Period in Japan. Ph.D. dissertation, McGill University, Canada.
Habu, Junko. 1996 Jomon Sedentism and Intersite Variability: Collectors of the Early Jomon Moroiso Phase in
Japan. Arctic Anthropology, 33(2): 38-49.
Habu, Junko. 1997 What Does the Sannai Maruyama Site Tell Us about the Jomon Period? Sannai Maruyama
Jomon Era File, 25: 2-3.
+Habu, Junko. 1998 Jomon Subsistence Strategies at the Sannai Maruyama Site. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific
Prehistory Association, 17: 43. (Indo-Pacific Prehistory: The Melaka Papers, vol. 1: Pre-Congress Issue
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko, and Junko Habu. 1998 Women's Participation in Production and Interpretation of
Archaeological Knowledge in Japan. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 17: 45. (IndoPacific Prehistory: The Melaka Papers, vol. 1: Pre-Congress Issue [resumes])
Habu, Junko, and Mark E. Hall. 1999. Jomon Pottery Production in Central Japan. Asian Perspectives, 38(1):
Habu, Junko, and C. P. Fawcett. 1999. Jomon Archaeology and the Representation of Japanese Origins.
Antiquity, 73: 587-93.
Habu, Junko
Habu, Junko. 2001 Subsistence-Settlement Systems and Intersite Variability in the Moroiso Phase of the Early
Jomon Period in Japan. Ann Arbor: International Monographs in Prehistory.
Habu, Junko, and Mark Hall. 2001 Jomon Pottery Production at Honmura-cho and Isarago Sites: Insights from
Geochemistry. Anthropological Science, 109(2): 141-166.
Habu, Junko. 2001. Subsistence-Settlement Systems and Intersite Variability in the Moroiso Phase of the Early
Jomon Period of Japan. Ann Arbor: International Monographs in Prehistory, Archaeological Series 14.
+Habu, Junko, Minkoo Kim, Mio Katayama, and Hajime Komiya. 2001. Jomon subsistence-settlement systems
at the Sannai Maruyama site. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 21: 9-21.
Fitzhugh, Ben, and Habu, Junko (eds.). 2002. Beyond Foraging and Collecting: Evolutionary Change in
Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Systems. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.
Habu, Junko. 2002 Jomon Collectors and Foragers: Regional Interactions and Long-term Changes in Settlement
Systems among Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers in Japan. In Beyond Foraging and Collecting: Evolutionary
Change in Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Systems, ed. Ben Fitzhugh and Junko Habu, pp. 53-72. New York:
Habu, Junko. 2002 A Life-History of the Sannai Maruyama Site: Changes in Site Functiion, Residential
Mobility and Cultural Landscape. In New Perspectives on the Study of Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Cultures,
ed. S. Sasaki, pp. 161-183. Senri Ethnological Reports, 33. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. (in
Fitzhugh, Ben, and Junko Habu (eds.). 2003 Beyond Foraging and Collecting: Evolutionary Change in HunterGatherer Settlement Systems. New York and London: Kluwer Academic and Plenum. (same as 2002 above)
Habu, Junko, James M. Savelle, Shuzo Koyama, and Hitomi Hongo (eds.). 2003 Hunter-Gatherers of the North
Pacific Rim. Senri Ethnological Studies, 63. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. (chapters by: Habu,
- 16 -
Hall & Ogasawara, Hudson, Chisholm & Habu, xxxxx)
Chisholm, Brian, and Junko Habu. 2003 Stable Isotope Analysis of Prehistoric Human Bone from the
Furuyashiki Site, Kamikita Town, Aomori, Japan: A Pilot Study Report. In Hunter-Gatherers of the North
Pacific Rim, ed. J. Habu, J. M. Savelle, S. Koyama, and H. Hongo, pp. 221-233. Senri Ethnographical
Studies 63.
Habu, Junko, Mark Hall, and Tadayuki Ogasawara. 2003 Pottery Production and Circulation at the Sannai
Maruyama Site, Northern Japan: Chemical Evidence from Early Middle Jomon Pottery. In Hunter-Gatherers
of the North Pacific Rim, ed. Junko Habu, James M. Savelle, Shuzo Koyama, and Hitomi Hongo, pp.
199-220. Senri Ethnological Studies, 63. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
+Habu, Junko. 2004. Ancient Jomon Japan. UK: Cambridge University Press. (text 262 pp.; references 55 pp.)
Fawcett, Clare P., and Junko Habu. 2004 "Marxist Theories and Settlement Studies in Japanese Archaeology:
Direct and Indirect Influences of Gordon Childe." Paper presented in The Works of Bruce G. Trigger:
Considering the Context of his Influence symposium of the Society for American Archaeology Annual
Meeting. Montreal, Canada. March 31-April 4, 2004. Paper written and presented with Junko Habu.
Hall, Mark (separate file)
Habu, Junko and Mark Hall. 1999. Jomon Pottery Production in Central Japan. Asian
Perspectives 38, 124-145
Habu, Junko and Mark Hall. 2001 Jomon Pottery Production at Honmura-cho and Isarago
Sites: Insights from Geochemistry. Anthropological Science 109, 141-166.
*Hall, Mark. 2001 Pottery Styles during the Early Jomon Period: Geochemical Perspectives on
the Moroiso and Ukishima Styles. Archaeometry 43, 55-76.
*Hall, Mark. 2001 Classification Maximum-Likelihood Clustering: An Example Using
Compositional Data from Kasori E Pottery. Bulletin of the Niigata Prefectural Museum of
History 2, 7-22.
*Hall, Mark, Ushiro Maeda, and Mark Hudson. 2002 Pottery Production on Rishiri Island,
Japan: Perspectives from X-Ray Fluorescence Studies. Archaeometry 44, 213-228.
Hall, Mark E., and Hideki Kimura. 2002 Quantitative EDXRF Studies of Obsidian in Northern Hokkaido.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 29: 259-267.
Habu, Junko, Mark Hall, and Masayuki(Tadayuki?) Ogasawara. 2003 Pottery Production and Circulation at the
Sannai Maruyama Site, Northern Japan: Chemical Evidence from Early Middle Jomon Pottery. In HunterGatherers of the North Pacific Rim, ed. Junko Habu, James M. Savelle, Shuzo Koyama, and Hitomi Hongo,
pp. 199-220. Senri Ethnological Studies, 63. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
Hall, Mark E. n.d. Pottery Production during the Late Jomon Period: Insights from the Chemical Analysis of
Kasori-B Pottery. Journal of Archaeological Science, (in press).
(Other Regions):
Hall, Mark. 1997 Towards an Absolute Chronology for the Iron Age of Inner Asia. Antiquity
71, 863-874.
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Hall, Mark E., Olga L. Moreva, Alexander N. Popov, and Yaroslav Kuzmin. 1999 Chemical
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Hall, Mark E. and Sergei Minyaev.
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*Hall, Mark E. and Sergei Minyaev. 2002 Chemical Analyses of Xiong-Nu Pottery. Journal of
Archaeological Science 29, 135-144.
Hall, Mark E., et al.
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+Hudson, Mark. 1998 Jomon and Tokugawa Japan: Insularity and Island Histories. 『岡山大学文学部紀要』
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[Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Okayama University], 28: 63-73
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+Hudson, Mark, and Hiroto Takamiya. 2001 Dental Pathology and Subsistence Change in Late Prehistoric
Okinawa. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 21: 68-76.
*Hall, Mark, Ushiro Maeda, and Mark Hudson. 2002 Pottery Production on Rishiri Island, Japan: Perspectives
from X-Ray Fluorescence Studies. Archaeometry 44, 213-228.
Hudson, Mark J. 2003 Agriculture and Language Change in the Japanese Islands. In Examining the Farming/
Language Dispersal Hypothesis, ed. P. Bellwood and C. Renfrew, pp. 311-318. Cambridge: McDonald
Institute for Archaeological Research.
Hudson, Mark J. 2003 Foragers as Fetish in Modern Japan. In Hunter-Gatherers of the North Pacific Rim, ed.
Junko Habu, James M. Savelle, Shuzo Koyama, and Hitomi Hongo, pp. 263-274. Senri Ethnological Studies
63. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
+Hudson, Mark J. 2004 Reproduction and Mobility in the Jomon: A Test of Kobayashi Tatsuo's Style Zones.
Bulletin of the International Jomon Culture Conference, 1: 35-39. (English & Japanese)
Hudson, Mark. 2004 (Hokkaido University) World System Incorporation and the Okhotsk Culture of Hokkaido.
Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004
(東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 5-A: New Perspectives in Japanese Archaeology.
+Hudson, Mark J. 2005 For the People, by the People: Postwar Japanese Archaeology and the Early
Palaeolithic Hoax. Anthropological Science, 113: 131-139.
Matsumura, Hirofumi, and Mark Hudson. 2005? Dental Perspectives on the Population History of Southeast
Asia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 127.
+Hudson, Mark, and Mami Aoyama. 2006 Waist-to-Hip Ratios of Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers: Evidence from
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World Archaeological
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Present", Program & Abstracts, January 12-15 [世界考古学会議中間会議大阪大会、共生の考古学―過去
との対話、遺産の継承、大阪歴史博物館], pp. 90-91. WAC Osaka Executive Committee, Osaka Museum
of History. (S12-05; Session 12: Gender & Symbiosis [ジェンダーと共生])
Hudson, Mark. n.d.[2005] Pots not People: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Postwar Japanese Archaeology.
Hughes, David. 1988 Music Archaeology of Japan: Data and Interpretation. In The Archaeology of Early Music
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GmbH. (cited in Kobayashi's Reflections)
Hurley, William M. 1974 The Hamanasuno Site. Arctic Anthropology, 11 (Supplement): 171-176.
Hurley, William M. 1977 Initial and Early Jomon Villages in Hokkaido and the Origins of Sedentism in
Northern Japan. Paper presented in the symposium "Japanese Prehistory: Its Contributions to Old and New
World Research," at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans,
+Hurley, William M., Elizabeth K. Ralph, Mark C. Han, and Masakazu Yoshizaki. 1978 The Chronometric Gap
from Early Jomon in Southern Hokkaido. Asian Perspectives, 19(1): 116-144.
+Crawford, G. W., W. M. Hurley, and M. Yoshizaki. 1978 Implications of Plant Remains from the Early Jomon
Hamanasuno Site. Asian Perspectives, 19(1): 145-153.
Hurley, W., M. Yoshizaki, P. Bleed and J. Weymouth. 1978 Early Jomon Site at Yagi, Hokkaido, Japan.
National Geographic Socieety, Research Reports - 1978: 365-381.
+Bleed, Peter, Masakazu Yoshizaki, William M. Hurley, and John Weymouth (eds.). 1979 The Yagi Site.
Technical Report No. 80-14. Division of Archaeological Research, Department of Anthropology, University
of Nebraska-Lincoln. (A Preliminary Report on the 1978 Excavation at the Yagi Site, Minamikayabe-cho,
Kayabe-gun, Hokkaido, Japan). Submitted to the National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. 吉崎昌
一、ジョン・ウェイマス、ピータ・ブリード、ウィリアム・ハーリー『日本北海道茅部郡南茅部町 八木遺跡 1978年度発掘調査仮報告書』、ネブラスカ大学考古学研究所学術報告書No. 80-44。
- 19 -
Hurley, W. M. 1979 Prehistoric Cordage Identification of Impressions on Pottery. Aldine Manuals on
Archeology; 3. Taraxacum, Washington, D.C.
Hurley, William M. 1979 Yagi Soils. Manuscript on file, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto.
Hurley, William M., and Masakazu Yoshizaki. 1979 Pottery from the 1978 Excavations: Relationships Between
the Yagi and Hamanasuno Sites. In The Yagi Site, ed. P. Bleed, M. Yoshizaki, W. M. Hurley, and J.
Weymouth, pp. 55-62. Technical Report No. 80-14. Division of Archaeological Research, Department of
Anthropology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Bleed, P. M. Yoshizaki, W. M. Hurley, and J. Weymouth (eds). 1979 The Yagi Site. Technical Report No. 80-14.
Division of Archaeological Research, Department of Anthropology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Bleed, Peter, W. Hurley, and M. Yoshizaki. 1980 Why Aren't There More Sites on the Pacific Coast of the
Oshima Peninsula, Hokkaido, Japan. Proceedings of the CCE Field Symposium on Coastal Archaeology,
Bellingham, Washington.
Hurley, William M. 1981 Side Blow Burins and Ceramics from Southwest Hokkaido. Paper presented in the
"Symposium of Japanese Prehistory," at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological
Association, Edmonton, Alberta.
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Ikawa, Fumiko. 1957 Non-Ceramic Culture in Japan. Davidson Journal of Anthropology, 3(2): 1-23. Seattle.
Serizawa, Chosuke, and Fumiko Ikawa. 1960 The Oldest Archaeological Materials from Japan. Asian
Perspectives, 2(2): 1-39.
+Ikawa, Fumiko. 1964 The Continuity of Non-Ceramic to Ceramic Cultures in Japan. Arctic Anthropology,
2(2): 95-119.
Iwaka, Fumiko. 1966 Review of: Sendoki Jidai, ed. Sugihara Sosuke. American Anthropologist, 68:
Ikawa, Fumiko. 1968 Some Aspects of Palaeolithic Cultures in Japan. In La Prehistoire: Problèmes et
Tendances, ed. D. Sonneville-Bordes, pp. 237-244. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
+Ikawa, Fumiko. 1970 The Japanese Palaeolithic in the Context of Prehistoric Cultural Relationships between
Northern Eurasia and the New World. In Proceedings of the VIIIth Congress of Anthropological and
Ethnological Sciences, vol. III, Prehistory and Archaeology, Tokyo-Kyoto, pp. 197-199.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1973 History of Early Palaeolithic Research in Japan. Paper presented to: Conference
on the Early Palaeolithic of East Asia, August 28-31, Montreal. (to be published in The Early Palaeolithic of
East Asia, ed. Fumiko Ikawa-Smith,The Hague: Mouton)
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1974 日本文化の源流と旧石器文化の研究 (The origins of Japances culture and the
Palaeolithic research). In 『日本文化と浄土教(?)論考』, ed. R. Fujiwara, et al., pp. 150-158. Ikawa
Jokei Hakase Kiju Kinenkai, Takaishi. (in Japanese)
Ikawa, Fumiko. 1974 Early Palaeolithic Cultures of Japan: An Appraisal. Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1974 Japanese Ancestors and Palaeolithic Archaeology. Paper presented to the
symposium "Japanese Archaeology in the Seventies, 26th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian
Studies, Boston, April 3.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1975 Lithic Assemblages from the Early and Middle Upper Pleistocene Formations in
Japan. Paper presented to the symposium on "Early Man in the New World," 13th Pacific Science Congress,
Vancouver, August.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1975 The Palaeolithic Cultural Sequence of Japan. Paper presented at the symposium
on "Correlation of Ancient Cultures of Siberia and Adjoining Territories of the Pacific Coast," October 20-22,
Novosibirsk, U.S.S.R.
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1975 The Palaeolithic Cultural Sequence of Japan. Montreal, pp. 1-14.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1975 Japanese Ancestors and Palaeolithic Archaeology. Asian Perspectives, 18(1):
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1976 Ceramic Technology in East Asia. Current Anthropology, 17(3): 113-151.
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1978 The History of Early Palaeolithic Research in Japan. In Early Palaeolithic in
South and East Asia, ed. Fumiko Ikawa-Smith, pp. 247-286. The Hague: Mouton.
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1978 Early Palaeolithic in South and East Asia. The Hague: Mouton.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1978 Lithic Assemblages from the Early and Middle Upper Pleistocene Formations in
Japan. In Early Man in America from a Circum-Pacific Perspective, pp. 42-53, ed. Alan Lyle Bryan.
Occasional Papers No. 1 of the Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta. Edmonton, Canada:
Archaeological Researches International. (the only chapter on Japanese archaeology in this volume)
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1978 Chronological Framework for the Study of the Paleolithic in Japan. Asian
- 20 -
Perspectives, 19(1): 61-90.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1979 Technological Traditions in Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Japan. Paper
read at the plenary sessions of Section LIII (Ethno-cultural Problems of the Pacific Peoples Research), XIV
Pacific Science Congress, Khabarovsk, U.S.S.R., 22 August.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1980 Current Issues in Japanese Archaeology. American Scientist, 68: 134-145.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1982 Co-traditions in Japanese Archaeology. World Archaeology, 13(3): 296-309.
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1982 The Early Prehistory of the Americas as Seen from Northeast Asia. In Peopling of
the New World, ed. J. E. Ericson, R. E. Taylor, ad R. Berger, pp. 15-33. Ballena Press Anthropological Papers
23. Los Altos: Ballena Press.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1986 Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Technologies. In Windows on the Japanese
Past: Studies in Archaeology and Prehistory, ed. Richard J. Pearson, Gina L. Barnes, and Karl L. Hutterer, pp.
199-218. Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan.
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1988 The Kamegaoka Social Neworks. Paper presented to the symposium Approaches
to Japanese Archaeology at the Fifty-Third Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology,
Phoenix, Arizona (April).
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1990 L'ideologie de l'homogeneite culturelle dans l'archeologie prehistorique japonaise.
Anthropologie et societe, 14(3): 51-76. (cited in Ikawa-Smith 1999)
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1992 Kanjo Dori: Communal Cemetaries of the Late Jomon in Hokkaido. In Pacific
Northeast Asia in Prehistory: Hunter-Fisher-Gatherers, Farmers, and Sociopolitical Elites, ed. C. Melvin
Aikens and Song Nai Rhee, pp. 83-89. Pullman: Washington State University Press.
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1993 Settlement Studies in Japanese Archaeology -- A Review Paper present to the
panel: Studies of Subsistence and Settlements during the Jomon Period (10,000-300 BC) in Japan, organized
by: Fumiko Ikawa-Smith. (panalists: Ikawa-Smith, Kaner, Habu, Matsui Akira, Chisholm, Kobayashi
Tatsuo, Tanaka Yoshiyuki, Bleed & Weymouth, Crawford & D'Andrea), at the 58th Annual Meeting of the
Society for American Archaeology, April 14-18, St. Louis.
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1995 The Jomon, the Ainu, and the Okinawans. In Communicating with Japan, ed. D. J.
Dicks, pp. 43-55. Montreal: Concordia University.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko, and Junko Habu. 1998 Women's Participation in Production and Interpretation of
Archaeological Knowledge in Japan. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 17: 45. (IndoPacific Prehistory: The Melaka Papers, vol. 1: Pre-Congress Issue [resumes])
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1999 Construction of National Identity and Origins in East Asia: A Comparative
Perspective. Antiquity, 73: 626-629.
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 2000 Younger Dryas, Radiocarbon Calibration, and the Beginning and Adoption of
Pottery Use in Eastern Asia. Paper presented at the Frywell Symposium, 65th Annual Meeting of the Society
for American Archaeology, Philadelphia, April 8.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 2001 Japan. In Encyclopedia of Archaeology: History and Discoveries, vol. II, E-M,
ed. Tim Murray, pp. 734-744. Oxford: ABC Clio.
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 2002 Gender in Japanese Archaeology. In Pursuit of Gender: Worldwide Archaelogical
Approaches, ed. Sarah M. Nelson and Myriam Rosen-Ayalon, pp. 323-354. Walnut Creek: Altamira Press.
+Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. forthcoming [2002] Humans along the Pacific Margin of Northeast Asia before the
Last Glacial Maximum: Evidence for Their Presence and Adaptations. In Entering America: Northeast Asia
and Beringia before the Last Glacial Maximum, ed. David B. Madsen. University of Utah Press. (prepublication manuscript in files)
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 2004 (McGill University) Yayoi in the East Asian Interaction Sphere: Introduction and
Background. Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June
17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 4-B: Yayoi in the East Asian
Interaction Sphere: Problems presented by the AMS Radiocarbon Dates for the Yayoi Period in Japan.
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 2004 Tainted Evidence and Restoration of Confidence in the Pleistocene Archaeology of
the Japanese Archipelago. Symposium at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology,
April 1, Montreal, Canada [SAA第69回年次総会 シンポジウム、2004年4月1日, モントリオール, カナ
Organizers: F. Ikawa-Smith & K. Yajima
Chair: K. Sasaki
Participants: F. Ikawa-Smith; K. Yajima; M. Sagawa; G. Barnes; A. Ono; H. Shiraishi; T. Kobayashi
Discussant: P. Bleed
- 21 -
Kokubu, Naoichi, and Erika Kaneko. 1962 Ryukyu Survey 1960. Asian Perspectives, 6(1-2): 77-138.
Kaneko, Erika. 1968 A Review of Yayoi Burial Practices. Asian Perspectives 1966, 9: 1-26.
Kaneko, Erika, and Herbert Melichar. 1972 Pura Mutuzuma: Archaeological Work on Miyako Island, Ryukyus.
Asian and Pacific Archaeology Series, no. 4. Honolulu: Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii.
Kaner, Simon (separate file) (サイモン・ケイナー)(Sainbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and
Culture, United Kingdom)
+Barnes, Gina L., Roel Brandt, Simon Kaner, David A. Loeliger, and Shiro Nishida. 1986 Phosphate Behavior
in Japanese Soils: A Test Case. Kokogaku to Shizen Kagaku, 19: 57-68. (in Japanese with English summary)
Kaner, Simon. 1990 The Western Language Jomon: A Review. In Hoabinhian, Jomon, Yayoi, Early Korean
States, ed. G. L. Barnes, pp. 31-62. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Hudson, Mark J., and Simon Kaner. 1992 Archaeological Approaches to Ritual and Religion in Japan. Vol. 19.
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, ed. Paul L. Swanson. Nagoya: Nanzan Institute for Religion and
+Hudson, Mark J., and Simon Kaner. 1992 Editors' Introduction: Towards an Archaeology of Japanese Ritual
and Religion. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 19(2-3): 113-128.
Kaner, Simon. 1993 Jadeite, Snow and Ritual -- Jomon Residential Shift Practices along the Sea of Japan.
Paper present to the panel: Studies of Subsistence and Settlements during the Jomon Period (10,000-300 BC)
in Japan, organized by: Fumiko Ikawa-Smith. (panalists: Ikawa-Smith, Kaner, Habu, Matsui Akira, Chisholm,
Kobayashi Tatsuo, Tanaka Yoshiyuki, Bleed & Weymouth, Crawford & D'Andrea), at the 58th Annual
Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 14-18, St. Louis.
Kaner, Simon. 1995 Occupational Histories and Social Relations in Jomon Japan. Paper presented to the
conference "From Jomon to Starr Carr," September 4-8, Cambridge and Durham, England. (organized by
Simon Kaner & Peter Rowley-Conway).
Kaner, Simon. 1996 Beyond Ethnicity and Emergence in Japanese Archaeology. In Multicultural Japan:
Palaeolithic to Postmodern, ed. Donald Denoon, Mark Hudson, Gavan McCormack, and Tessa MorrisSuzuki, pp. 46-59. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kaner, Simon. 1999 Togari-ishi and Yosukeone. In A Dictionary of Archaeology, ed. I. Shaw and R. Jameson,
pp. 583-584. Oxford: Blackwell.
Kaner, Simon. 2001 Beyond Ethnicity and Emergence in Japanese Archaeology. In (see: Kaner 1996) pp.
Kaner, Simon. 2002 Contexts for Jomon Pottery. Orientations, 33(2): 35-40.
Kaner, Simon. 2002 Review of Japan: an archaeological history 30,000 BC-AD 700, by Koji Mizoguchi, and
Obituary for Sahara Makoto. Antiquity 294: 922-924 & 1156-1157.
+Kaner, Simon. 2002 Trouble in the Japanese Lower and Middle Palaeolithic. Before Farming, 2(4): 1-23.
(available: http://www.waspress.co.uk/journals/beforefarming/journal_20022/
Kaner, Simon. 2003 The oldest pottery in the world. Current World Archaeology, 1: 44-49.
Kaner, Simon. 2003 イギリス フラグ フエン遺跡と復元 [Archaeological parks in UK . A case study of
Flag Fen]. The World of Cultural Heritage, 10. (in Japanese)
Kaner, Simon, with Nicole Coolidge Rousmaniere. 2003 Collecting East Asia in nineteenth century Britain . In
East Asian Identities, edited by Stephanie Lawson. London: Curzon.
+Kobayashi, Tatsuo 2004 Jomon Reflections by Tatsuo Kobayashi. Translated, adapted and edited by Simon
Kaner and Oki Nakamura. Oxford , Oxbow Books.
Kaner, Simon. 2004 Jomon Japan and Korea 5000-500 B.C. & Yayoi Japan and Korea, 500 B.C.-A.D. 600. In
Onians, J. (ed.), The Atlas of World Art. London , Calmann and King.
+Kaner, Simon. 2004 Unlocking Jomon Memories through Investigating Occupational Histories. Bulletin of the
International Jomon Culture Conference, 1: 41-43. (English & Japanese)
+Kaner, Simon. 2006 Creativity and Duplicity in the Representation of Humans and Animals [ヒトと動物の表
World Archaeological Congress Inter-Congress: Osaka, 2006, "Kyosei-no-
Koukogaku: Coexistence in the Past--Dialogues in the Present", Program & Abstracts, January 12-15 [世界考
- 22 -
古学会議中間会議大阪大会、共生の考古学―過去との対話、遺産の継承、大阪歴史博物館], pp.
95-96. WAC Osaka Executive Committee, Osaka Museum of History. (S13-05)
+Reynolds, T. E. G., and S. C. Kaner. n.d. Japan and Korea at 18,000 BP. In The World at 18,000 BP, vol. 1,
High Latitudes, ed. Olga Soffer and Clive Gamble, pp. 296-311. London: Unwin Hyman.
Kaufmann, Dawn. 2004 (Washington University in St. Louis) Paleoethnobotanical Investigation of Subsistence
Practices in Northern Japan During Two Time Periods. Paper presented at the Society for East Asian
Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究
発表), Session 6-A: Subsistence, Mortuary Practice, and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Japanese
Publications (including joint and edited)
+Keally, Charles T. 1969 A Jomon Site at Ninomiya. Monumenta Nipponica, 24:249-258. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1971 Settlement Archaeology: A New Approach in American Archaeology. Shinano,
23:200-209. (in Japanese)(チャールズ・T・キーリ「セトルメント・アーケオロジー ―アメリカ
+Keally, Charles T. 1971 New Finds from the Nishisunagawa Site, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo. Kokogaku Journal,
58:21-22. (in Japanese)
+Keally, Charles T. 1972 The Earliest Cultures in Japan. Monumenta Nipponica, 27:143-147. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1973 Nishihara Site (Jomon), Miyake-jima. Bunkazai-no Hogo, 5:105-108. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1973 Edge-ground Stone Tools from the Japanese Preceramic Culture. Busshitsu Bunka,
22:1-26. (joint with Shizuo Oda) (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1974 Oldest Culture in the Tachikawa Loam. Kaizuka, 13:5-10. (joint with Shizuo Oda) (in
+Keally, Charles T. 1975 Japanese Preceramic Cultural Chronology. (joint with Shizuo Oda) (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1976 The Conference in Novosibirsk. Shikan, 7:86-90. (joint with Shizuo Oda) (in
+Keally, Charles T. 1978 Prehistoric Sites in Fussa. Fussa City Cultural Resources Research Report 8. (in
Japanese with English summary)
+Keally, Charles T. 1979 Japanese Palaeolithic Cultural Chronology. (joint with Shizuo Oda) Privately
published monograph. (in English) (republished in 1999 with Japanese translation, International Christian
University Archaeology Research Center)
+Keally, Charles T. 1980 Computer Production of Artifact Distribution Plans. Kokogaku Journal, 184:2-7.
(joint with Yoshihiro Shibue, Toshikazu Naoi, and Noburu Kotani) (in Japanese)
+Keally, Charles T. 1980 Japanese Archaeology in the 1970s. Sophia International Review, 3:28-39. (in
+Keally, Charles T. 1982 Dating of the Jomon Period. Pp. 246-275, in Jomon Man and His Environment. Vol. 1
of Researches in Jomon Culture. (joint with Yasuhiro Muto) (in Japanese)
+Keally, Charles T. 1983 The Preceramic Period. Pp. 244-246, in Akigawa City History. (in Japanese)
+Keally, Charles T. 1984 Unequal Privilege in Jomon Society, a Pilot Study. Sophia International Review,
6:34-42. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1984 Archaeology and Quantification. Kokogaku Journal, 230:1. (in Japanese)
+Keally, Charles T. 1986 A Critical Look at the Palaeolithic and “Lower Palaeolithic” Research in Miyagi
Prefecture. Jinruigaku Zasshi, 94:325-361. (joint with Shizuo Oda) (in English with Japanese summary)
(full text is available at: http://www.ao.jpn.org/kuroshio/86criticism.html) (full Japanese translation is
available at: http://www.ao.jpn.org/kuroshio/86critical.htm)
+Keally, Charles T. 1986 Some Key Characteristics of Japanese Pleistocene Archaeology. Current Research in
the Pleistocene, 3:94-95. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1986 A Terminal Pleistocene Salmon-fishing and Lithic Worksite at Maeda Kochi, Tokyo,
Japan. Current Research in the Pleistocene, 3:96-97. (joint with Hiroshi Miyazaki) (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1987 Japan’s “Early Paleolithic”: Recent Pro and Con. Current Research in the
Pleistocene, 4:19-20. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1987 The 30,000-year-old Lithic Components from the Musashidai Site, Tokyo, Japan.
Current Research in the Pleistocene, 4:61-64. (joint with Izumi Hayakawa) (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1987 Spatial Patterning of Behavior in a Middle Jomon Village: the Yamanesakaue Site,
Tokyo, Japan. Sophia International Review, 9:39-45. (in English)
- 23 -
+Keally, Charles T. 1988 Recent Advances in Pleistocene Archaeology in Northern Japan. Current Research in
the Pleistocene, 5:13-15. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1989 The Paleolithic Culture from the Kurihara Site. Pp. 1-42, in Reports on Salvage
Archaeological Work in Tokyo, no. 2. Tokyo Archaeological Records, no. 16. (joint with Shizuo Oda) (in
Japanese with English summary)
+Keally, Charles T. 1990 Hokkaido Pleistocene Archeology and the Earliest Americans: Some Comments.
(Article 1 of Special Focus: Hokkaido Japan). Current Research in the Pleistocene, 7:143-146. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1990 (editor) Regional Focus: Hokkaido, Japan. Current Research in the Pleistocene, 7:
141-164. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1990 The Third-millennium B.C. Uedomari 3 Site, Rebun Island, Hokkaido: Life at a Far
Northern Outpost of the Ento Peoples from Tsugaru. Sophia International Review, 12:19-33. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1991 Environment and the Distribution of Sites in the Japanese Palaeolithic: Environmental
Zones and Cultural Areas. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 10: 23-39, Papers from the
14th IPPA Congress, Yogyakarta.
+Keally, Charles T. 1991 Abstract: A Model for the Origins of the Japanese Paleolithic. Transactions of the
International Conference on Orientalists in Japan, no. 34, pp. 196-197. The Toho Gakkai. (in English) (full
paper with commentators’ comments and my response is available at: http://www.t-net.ne.jp/~keally/Hoax/
+Keally, Charles T. 1992 Japan’s “Early Palaeolithic”: A Changing Controversy. Current Research in the
Pleistocene, 9:27-29. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 1995 The Sannai Maruyama Site, Aomori, Japan. EAANouncements 15, pp. 7-8. (in
+Keally, Charles T. 1998 The Statistics of Japanese Archaeology. EAANouncements 24. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 2001 Radiocarbon Chronology of the Earliest Neolithic Sites in East Asia. Radiocarbon,
43:1121-1128. (joint with Yaroslav V. Kuzmin) (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 2001 One Interpretation of Large Pillared Structures at the Sannai Maruyama Site, Aomori
Prefecture. Tama Koko (The Archaeological Research in Tama District), 31:31-32. (in Japanese)(「三内
+Keally, Charles T. 2001 The Early Palaeolithic Scandal -- A Few Comments on the Scientific Approach.
Science of Humanity Bensei, 34:38-39. (in Japanese, transl. Akihiro Mizuyama) (original English paper
available at: http://www.t-net.ne.jp/~keally/Hoax/approach.html)
+Keally, Charles T. 2001 Japanese Scandals -- This Time It’s Archaeology: A Preliminary Report. Science of
Humanity Bensei, 34:140-145. (in Japanese, transl. Akihiro Mizuyama) (original English paper available at:
http://www.ancienteastasia.org/special/japanarchscandal.htm; Japanese translation available at: http://
+Keally, Charles T. 2002 Japan’s Early-Palaeoithic Hoax and Two Sites. Current Research in the Pleistocene,
19:46-49. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 2002 Dirt and Japan’s Early Palaeolithic Hoax. Sophia International Review, 24: 33-41. (in
+Keally, Charles T. 2004 "Fakery" at the Beginning, the Ending, and the Middle of the Jomon Period. Bulletin
of the International Jomon Culture Conference, 1: 45-50. (English & Japanese)
+Keally, Charles T. 2003 Understanding the Beginnings of Pottery Technology in Japan and Neighboring East
Asia. The Review of Archaeology, 24(2): 3-14. (joint with Yasuhiro Taniguchi and Yaroslav V. Kuzmin) (in
+Keally, Charles T. 2003 Archaeology as Seen in Popular Literature: Osamu Tezuka’s Phoenix: The Yamato
Story. Sophia International Review, 25: 47-58. (joint with Natsumi Uryu) (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 2004 Chronology of the Beginning of Pottery Manufacture in East Asia. Radiocarbon, 46:
345-351. (joint with Yasuhiro Taniguchi, Yaroslav V. Kuzmin and Igor Y. Shewkomud) (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 2004 "Fakery" at the Beginning, the Ending and the Middle of the Jomon Period. Bulletin
of the International Jomon Culture Conference, 1: 45-50, 129-132. (in English and Japanese)
+Keally, Charles T. 2004 Bad Science and the Distortion of History: Radiocarbon Dating in Japanese
Archaeology. Sophia International Review, 26: 1-16. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 2006 Academic Elitists and Elite Academics: An Essay. Sophia International Review,
28:97-104. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 2006 Summary of the "Final Report" on Japan's Archaeological Hoax. Current Research in
the Pleistocene, 23: 6-9. (in English)
+Keally, Charles T. 2006 Human Responses to Coastal Change in the Asia-Pacific Region. In Global Change
and Integrated Coastal Management: The Asia-Pacific Region, ed. Nick Harvey, pp. 117-161. The
- 24 -
Netherlands: Springer. (in English) (with Patrick D. Nunn, Charles T. Keally, Caroline King, Jaya Wijaya,
and Renato Cruz)
+Keally, Charles T. 2007 Foreigners, Too, Want to Know about Japanese Archaeology: The Role of Electronic
Publishing. Tama Koko (The Archaeological Research in Tama District), 37: 33-35. (in Japanese) (「外国
Internet Publications
+*Keally, Charles T. 1997 Prehistoric and Historic Settlement Patterns in the Takase River Drainage,
Northeastern Japan. http://www.t-net.ne.jp/~keally/Reports/takase.html
+*Keally, Charles T. 2000 How Fabrication of Two Early Palaeolithic Sites Has Damaged All of Japanese
Archaeology. http://www.t-net.ne.jp/~keally/Hoax/how.html
(Japanese translation is at: http://www.amy.hi-ho.ne.p/mizuy/zenki/how-damage-j.html)
+*Keally, Charles T. 2000 Japanese Scandals -- This Time It's Archaeology: A Preliminary Report (Charles T.
Keally, November 17, 2000)
(on Internet at: http://www.t-net.ne.jp/~keally/Hoax/ pal-hoax-1.html)
(originally at: http://www.ancienteastasia.org/special/japanarchscandal.htm)
(Japanese translation at: http://www.amy.hi-ho.ne.jp/mizuy/zenki/This-Time-j.html)
(see: Bleed 2000 "Digging out...")
+*Keally, Charles T. 2001 The Early Palaeolithic Scandal -- A Few Comments on the Scientific Approach.
+*Keally, Charles T. 2001 America’s Clovis vs Pre-Clovis Controversy and Japan’s Early Palaeolithic
Controversy: A Comparison of Approaches.
(Japanese translation is at: http://www.amy.hi-ho.ne.p/mizuy/zenki/Clovis-PreClovis.html)
+*Keally, Charles T. 2004 Web site on Japanese Archaeology. http://www.t-net.ne.jp/~keally
Excavation Reports
1971 Stone Tool Clusters and the Use of Space. Pp. 8-16, in Summary Report on the Nogawa Site. (joint with
Shuzo Koyama) (in Japanese)
1971 Scientific Analyses and C-14 Dating Estimates. Pp. 40-41 of Nogawa Site Investigation Report. Bunkazai
no Hogo, 3:33-47. (in Japanese)
1971 English summary for: A Study of the Preceramic Site, Nogawa. By: Tatsuo Kobayashi, Shizuo Oda, Kenzo
Hatori and Masao Suzuki. Daiyonki Kenkyu 10:231-252, 265-270. (in Japanese with English summary)
1973 Musashino Koen Site, I. (joint with Shizuo Oda) (in Japanese with English summary)
1974 English summary for: Heidaizaka Site. By: Shizuo Oda and Hiroshi Hiruma. (in Japanese with English
1974 English summary for: Sengawa Site. By: Shizuo Oda and Hiroshi Miyazaki. (in Japanese with English
1975 Environment and Cultural Reconstruction. Pp. 124-128, 204-217, in Nakazanya Site. Ed. J. E. Kidder and
Shizuo Oda. (in Japanese and English)
1975 Stratigraphy. Pp. 11-14, 168-175, 3 attached charts, in Nakazanya Site. Ed. J. E. Kidder and Shizuo Oda. (in
Japanese and English)
1975 Jomon artifact analysis for: Sites at the Ninomiya Shrine and Nearby, Akigawa City. By: Shigeyoshi Kono.
(in Japanese)
1976 Maehara Site. (joint editor with Shizuo Oda and Fujio Ito) (in Japanese with English summary)
1977 Haketaue-Yamanesakaue Site, 1977 Test Excavation Report. (joint with Haketaue-Yamanesakaue Iseki
Chosadan) (in Japanese)
1977 Fussa Fudoson Site. (joint with Fussa Fudoson Iseki Hakkutsu Chosakai) (in Japanese with English
1977 Takaido Higashi Site. (joint editor with Shizuo Oda, Fujio Ito, and Yutaka Shigezumi) (in Japanese with
English summary)
1979 Haketaue Site (Town Road #182). (in Japanese)
1979 Haketaue-Yamanesakaue Site, I. (joint with Ayako Ebe and Yoshihiro Shibue) (in Japanese)
1981 Yamanesakaue Site (fiscal year 1979). (joint editor with Yoshihiro Shibue) (in Japanese)
1981 Yamanesakaue Site (fiscal year 1977). (joint editor with Yoshihiro Shibue) (in Japanese)
1981 Haketaue Site. (joint editor with Yoshihiro Shibue) (in Japanese)
1985 Oyamada Site: A Palaeoanthropological Research Design. Pp. 35-44, in Oyamada Site. Misawa
Archaeological Resources Research Report, no. 1. (in Japanese)「小山田遺跡 古人類学研究計画におけ
- 25 -
る一考察として」、瀬川滋(編)『小山田遺跡 試掘調査報告書』、昭和59年度、三沢市埋蔵文
1995 History of the Excavations. Nogawa Iseki (Nogawa Site) 2: The Jomon Culture of the Nogawa Site. ICU
Archaeology Research Center Occasional Papers, no. 9 (part 2), pp. 3-16. (joint with Harunobu Kobiki) (in
English with Japanese translation)
1995 Nogawa: A Turning Point in Japanese Palaeolithic Research? Nogawa Iseki (Nogawa Site) 1: Dr. J. Edward
Kidder Jr. and Japanese Archaeology (1950-1992). ICU Archaeology Research Center Occasional Papers,
no. 9 (part 1), pp. i-iii. (in English with Japanese translation)
USFJ Reports
1998 Photodocumentation and Evaluation of Selected Historic Buildings at Yokota Air Base and Tama Service
Annex, Japan. (on-site interpretation & assistance)
1999 Archaeological Phase I Survey, Mapping, and Recordation at Misawa Air Base, Japan (second author with
Petar Glumac and Dennis Knepper)
1999 Archaeological Phase I Survey, Mapping, and Recordation at Yokota Air Base and Tama Service Annex,
Japan (second author with Petar Glumac and Dennis Knepper)
2001 Archaeological Site Testing and Evaluation (Phase II) at Three Locations on Security Hill, Misawa Air
Base, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. (consultant, collaborator, translator and one of the authors)
2001 Archaeological Survey, Mapping and Recordation (Phase I) for Ripsaw Range, Misawa Air Base, Japan.
(consultant, collaborator, translator and one of the authors)
+Defend, Beth, Kevin Short, Charles T. Keally, and (6) others. 2001 Integrated Natural and Cultural Resources
Management Plan for 11 Yokota Air Base Geographically Separated Units 2001-2005. Prepared for 374th
CES Environmental Flight, Yokota Air Base, Japan.
Book Reviews
1972 Explanation in Archaeology, An Explicitly Scientific Approach, by P. J. Watson, S. A. LeBlanc and C. L.
Redman. Kaizuka, 9:7-9.
1972 Computer Analysis in Chronological Seriation, by Frank Hole and Mary Shaw. Asian Perspectives,
1973 Pura Mutuzuma: Archaeological Work on Miyako Island, Ryukyus, by Erika Kaneko and Herbert Melichar.
Monumenta Nipponica, 28(3):389-390.
1982 Prehistory of Japan, by C. Melvin Aikens and Takayasu Higuchi. Monumenta Nipponica, 37(3):405-408.
1987 Windows on the Japanese Past: Studies in Archaeology and Prehistory, ed. by Richard J. Pearson, Gina L.
Barnes, and Karl L. Hutterer. Monumenta Nipponica, 42(2):248-250.
Papers Presented to Conferences
1975 Japanese Preceramic Cultural Chronology. (with Shizuo Oda) (International Meeting on the Correlation of
the Ancient Cultures of Siberia and Adjoining Territories in the Pacific Basin, Novosibirsk, U.S.S.R.)
1978 Research on the Yamanesakaue Site, Hamura. (4th Annual Tokyo Archaeological Meeting, Nakano, Tokyo)
Japanese Palaeolithic Cultural Chronology. (with Shizuo Oda) (XIVth Pacific Science Congress,
Khabarovsk, U.S.S.R.)
1983 Analysis of Jomon Coprolites: Michiko Chiura’s Influence on Recent Japanese Archaeology. (XIth
International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Vancouver, Canada)
Prehistoric Forager Adaptations in the Takase River Drainage, Northeastern Japan. (The World
Archaeological Congress, Southamton, England)
1990 Environment and the Distribution of Sites in the Japanese Palaeolithic: Environmental Zones and Cultural
Areas. (14th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
1990 The Origins and Early Development of Az-like and Edge-ground Stone Tools in the Japanese Palaeolithic.
(with Shizuo Oda) (14th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
1991 A Model for the Origins of the Japanese Paleolithic. (36th International Conference of Orientalists in Japan,
Tokyo, Japan)
1992 Japanese Late Palaeolithic Cultural-Environmental Relationships: Problems and Progress 1992. (regular
session of the “Angkor-Maya” research team, under the Japanese Ministry of Education special research
grant for “World Environmental Fluctuations and Cultural Vicissitudes,” Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan)
1994 Evolutionary Theory in Modern Japanese Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. (regular session of the
Sophia Intra-university Joint Research on “The Accceptance and Development of Evolutionary Theory in
- 26 -
Life Information from the Archaeological Point of View, Part I, Archaeological Information. (regular
session of the Sophia Intra-university Joint Research on “Life Information Acquistion and Manifestation”)
1999 Life Information from the Archaeological Point of View, Part II, Prehistoric Human Knowledge: What
Humans Knew, When They Knew It, and How They Knew It. (regular session of the Sophia Intra-university
Joint Research on “Life Information Acquistion and Manifestation”)
Public Lectures
1973 The Japanese Palaeolithic. (College Women's Association, Tokyo, Japan)
1974 Japanese Prehistory. (Year-in-Japan Program, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan)
1978 Cultural Properties: Activities and Problems. (Fussa Rotary Club, Fussa-shi, Tokyo, Japan)
1979 The Preceramic Period Lifeways and Culture. (Fussa Women's History Study Forum, Fussa City Board of
Education, Japan)
1979 Introduction to Archaeology. (Fussa Women's History Study Forum, Fussa City Board of Education, Japan)
1979 Living in Tama: Researching History and Culture. (Tokyo Metropolitan Library in Ome and the Tama Local
History Research Society, Ome-shi, Tokyo, Japan)
1980 Nishitama Archaeology and Me. (Ome-shi Kankocho Renrakukai, Ome-shi, Tokyo, Japan)
1981 Japanese Children and Japanese Education as Seen by a Foreigner. (Gakko Keiei Kenshukai, Hino-shi,
Tokyo, Japan)
1982 Seminar on Humans and Tools. (as Seen from Archaeology) (Hosei University International Exchange
Center, Japan)
1982 Current Picture in Japanese Archaeology. (University of Maryland and Misawa Air Force Base Education
Center, Japan)
1986 The Palaeolithic (Preceramic) of Japan. (1986 Civic University: Archaeology, Urawa-shi, Japan)
1991 Panel on "From the Jomon to the Future." (Kazuno Kokusai Forum "Kitakaze no Roman: Jomon", Kazunoshi, Akita-ken, Japan)
1991 Discussion on "To the East, to the West." (Kazuno KODAI Plaza, Kazuno-shi, Akita-ken, Japan)
1997 Origins of the Japanese. (International Christian University exchange students, Mitaka, Japan)
2001 Japan's Early Palaeolithic Scandal -- Methodological & Sociological Problems (International Christian
University, Mitaka, Japan)
2002 The Jomon Period: Its Environment and Lifeways (Series: Thinking about the Environment Past and
Present, Hamura-shi, Tokyo, Japan)
2006 「生活を見つめてみよう」−縄文時代からの伝達に学ぶ−、第16回市民環境問題講演会、12月3
Kenrick, D. M. 1995 Jomon of Japan: The World's Oldest Pottery. New York: Kegan Paul International.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. (see separate folder)
(professor of art and archaeology, Division of Humanities, International Christian University, Tokyo
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1952 A Jomon Vessel in the Buffalo Museum of Science. Artibus Asiae, 15(1-2): 11-16.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1953 The Kamegaoka Vessels in the City Art Museum, St. Louis. Artibus Asiae, 16(3):
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1954 A Reconsideration of the "Pre-Pottery Culture" of Japan. Artibus Asiae, 17(2):
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1954 A Proposed Jomon Classification. Kodaigaku [古代学、Palaeologia], 3(3):
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1956 Early Chinese Bronzes in the City Art Museum of St. Louis. St. Louis.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1957 The Jomon Pottery of Japan. Artibus Asiae Supplementum XVII, Ascona,
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1957 The Discovery of Coins under the Daigoji Pagoda. Oriental Art, 3(1): 19-20.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1958 The Stone Circles of Oyu. Archaeology, 2(4): 232-238.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1959 Japan before Buddhism. London: Thames and Hudson. (German, Italian, Swedish,
Portuguese editions) (revised 1966)
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1959 Pre-Pottery and Jomon Pottery Relationships on the I.C.U. Campus, Tokyo.
Artibus Asiae, 22(1-2): 79-94.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1960 Japan, Prehistoric. In The Concise Encyclopedia of Archaeology, ed. Leonard
Cottrell, pp. 257-258. London: Hutchinson.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1961 Masterpieces of Japanese Sculpture. Tokyo: Bijutsu Shuppansha and Tuttle.
- 27 -
(French, Italian, Spanish editions)
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1962 Artistry vs. Symbolism on the Kagawa Bell. The Journal of the Humanities
Division (ICU Publication IV-A), pp. 107-119.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1964 Early Japanese Art: The Great Tombs and Treasures. London: Thames and
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1964 Ancient Japan. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson (N.Y.: John Day). (revised 1970)
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1964 Japanese Temples. N.Y.: Abrams.
+Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1966 Haniwa: The Origin and Meaning of the Tomb Sculptures. The Transactions of
the Asiatic Society of Japan, Third Series, 9: 51-68.
+Kidder, J. Edward, Jr., and Koyama Shuzo. 1967 C14 Dating and Its Implications for Jomon Period
Chronology. Jodai Bunka (上代文化), 37: 1-6. (in Japanese) [J. E.キダー、小山修三 C14年代からみた縄
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1968 Prehistoric Japanese Arts: Jomon Pottery. Palo Alto: Kodansha International.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr., and Esaka Teruya. 1968 Jomon Pottery. Tokyo: Kodansha. (same as above)
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1968 I.C.U. Archaeology: Preliminary Report on Loc. 7. Humanities (ICU Publication
IV-B), 4: 123-143.
+Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1968 Criteria for Determining Middle Jomon Jar-Burials. Proceedings 8th
International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, III, Tokyo and Kyoto, pp. 474-475.
(manuscript in files)
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1968 Painted Barrel-Shaped Vessels of the Middle Jomon Period. Asian Perspectives,
11: 43-52.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1970 Preceramic Chronology of the Kanto: ICU Loc. 28C. Jinruigaku Zasshi, 78(2):
140-156. (with S. Koyama, S. Oda, and H. Shiraishi)
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1970 Ajanta and Horyuji. India's Contribution to World Thought and Culture, pp.
347-358. Madras: Vivekananda Rock Memorial Committee.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1970(1968) Agriculture and Ritual in the Middle Jomon Period. Asian Perspectives, 11:
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr., S. Koyama, S. Oda, and H. Shiraishi. 1970 Preceramic Chronology of Kanto: ICU Loc.
28. Jinruigaku Zasshi, 78(2): 140-156.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1970 Japan. In The Concise Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2nd ed., rev. & new format,
pp. 198-199. London: Hutchinson.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1972 Jomon Pottery. Orientations, March: 41-53.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1972 Early Buddhist Japan. New York: Frederick A. Praeger.
+Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1972 The Newly Discovered Takamatsuzuka Tomb. Monumenta Nipponica, 27(3):
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1972 Preceramic Site: ICU Loc. 15 (Koganei, Tokyo). Jinruigaku Zasshi, 80(1): 23-42.
(with S. Koyama, S. Oda, and A. Oikawa) (in Japanese)
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1972 I.C.U. Archaeology: Loc. 15. Humanities (ICU Publication IV-B) 7: 67-86. (with
S. Koyama, S. Oda, and A. Oikawa)
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1972 The Chronology of the Early Yakushi-ji. Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture, I,
pp. 111-119. New Delhi.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1972 The Tamamushi Shrine: The Oldest Narrative Painting Style. Ohara Study
Program, 8(1): 24-25.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1973 Asuka and the Takamatsuzuka. Archaeology, 26(1): 24-31.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1973 Problems in the Early Dating of Jomon Pottery. International Symposium on
Japanese Ceramics, pp. 19-30, 49-50. Seattle Art Museum.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1974 I.C.U. Archaeology: A Figurine from Loc. 3E. Humanities (ICU Publication IVB), 9: 71-75.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1974 Jar-Burials of the Middle Jomon Period. Perspectives in Palaeoanthropology, pp.
259-272. Calcutta.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. (ed.). 1975 Maehara Site: Preliminary Report. Tokyo: International Christian
University, Archaeological Research Center.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr., and Shizuo Oda. 1975 The Nakazanya Site. Tokyo: International Christian University,
Archaeological Research Center.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1977 Ancient Japan. Oxford: Elsevier-Phaidon.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1979 Problems of Cremation in Early Japan: The Role of Empress Jito. Humanities
(ICU Publication IV-B), 13: 191-208.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1982 Archaeologie. Japan-Handbuch, pp.318-325. Hammitzsch, Hg. (in German?)
- 28 -
+Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1983 The Earliest Jomon Dwellings of the Hakeue Site, Musashi Koganei City.
Humanities (ICU Publication IV-B), 17: 62-76.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1983 (about 15 contributions on Japan). Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. Tokyo:
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1984 (42 contributions on Japan). Dictionary of Religions. Penquin, Harmondsworth.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1984 The Rise and Fall of the Jomon Population. Okura Lantern, 22(1): 22-27.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1985 The Art of Japan. London: Century Publishing.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1985 The Archaeology of the Early Horse-riders in Japan. Transactions of the Asiatic
Society of Japan, 3rd series, 20: 89-123.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1987 I.C.U. Archaeology: 1985 Survey of the Northwest Sector. Humanities (ICU
Publication IV-B), 21: 103-134. (with H. Kobiki)
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1987 I.C.U. Archaeology: 1985 Survey of the Northwest Sector. Humanities (ICU
Publication IV-B), 21: 103-134. (with H. Kobiki)
+Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1987 The Fujinoki Tomb and Its Grave-Goods. Monumenta Nipponica, 42(1): 57-87.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr., and Kobiki Harunobu. 1988 I.C.U. Archaeology: 1987 Sewer Pipe Excavation,
Southeast Sector. Humanities (ICU PublicationIV-B), 22: 131-162. (with H. Kobiki)
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1989 The Fujinoki Sarcophagus. Monumenta Nipponica, 44(4): 415-460.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1990 Nogawa Park North Boundary Site. Reports on Salvage Archaeological Work in
Tokyo 17, pp. 41-110. (with H. Kobiki, Y. Nakatsu, and S. Oda)
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1990 The Archaeology of Tokyo: Stratified Disasters. Orientations, August: 63-70.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1990 Ceramics and the Burial Mounds (Kofun). The Rise of a Great Tradition:
Japanese Archaeological Ceramics from the Jomon through Heian Periods, pp. 40-52.. New York: Agency
for Cultural Affairs and Japan Society.
+Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1990 Saddle Bows and Rump Plumes: More on the Fujinoki Tomb. Monumenta
Nipponica, 45(1): 75-85.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1990 Three Decades in Japanese Archaeology. Asian & Pacific Quarterly of Cultural
and Social Affairs, 22(4): 21-44.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1992 Busshari and Fukuzo: Buddhist Relics and Hidden Repositories of Horyu-ji.
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 19(2/3): 217-244.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1993 The Earliest Societies in Japan. In Cambridge History of Japan, vol. I: Ancient
Japan, ed. Delmar Brown, pp. 48-107. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
+Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1993 Review of Ancient Japan, by Richard Pearson, 1992. Journal of Japanese
Studies, 19(2): 460-464.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr., and Kobiki Harunobu. 1995 ICU Archaeology: 1987 Sewer Pipe Excavation, Southeast
Sector. Nogawa Site (1). ICU Archaeology Research Center Occasional Papers 9, pp. 131-162. (originally
published in Humanities, ICU Publication IV-B, 1988)
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1998 The Sannai Maruyama Site: New Views on the Jomon Period. Southeast Review of
Asian Archaeology, 20: 29-52.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 1999 The Lucky Seventh: Early Horyu-ji and Its Time. Tokyo: International Christian
University, Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum.
Kidder, J. Edward, Jr. 2007 Himiko and Japan's Elusive Chiefdom of Yamatai: Archaeology, History and
Mythology. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
+Kiley, Cornelius J. 1973 State and Dynasty in Archaic Yamato. Journal of Asian Studies, 33(1): 25-49.
Kotani, Yoshinobu (Kumamoto University [1972]; National Museum of Ethnology [1981])
+Kotani, Yoshinobu. 1969 Upper Pleistocene and Holocene Environmental Conditions in Japan. Arctic
Anthropology, 5(2): 133-158. (handwritten notes)
Kotani, Y. 1971 Excavation Report of Uenoharu Site in Kumamoto City [Kumamoto-shi Kengun-cho Uenoharu
Iseki Chosa Hokokusho]. The Education Committee of Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture (in Japanese).
Kotani, Yoshinobu. 1972 Economic Bases during the Latter Jomon Period in Kyushu, Japan: A Reconsideration.
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms.
+Kotani, Yoshinobu. 1972 Implications of Cereal Grains from Uenoharu, Kumamoto. Jinruigaku Zasshi, 80(2):
159-162. (in English)
+Kotani, Yoshinobu. 1981 Evidence of Plant Cultivation in Jomon Japan: Some Implications. In Affluent
Foragers: Pacific Coasts East and West, ed. Shuzo Koyama and David H. Thomas, pp. 201-212. Senri
Ethnological Studies, no. 9. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnography.
- 29 -
+Koyama, Shuzo, and David H. Thomas (eds). 1979(1981) Affluent Foragers: Pacific Coasts East and West.
Senri Ethnological Studies, no. 9. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnography. (chapters by: Aikens, and many
Kozintsev, A. 1990 Ainu, Japanese, Their Ancestors and Neighbors: Cranioscopic Data. Jinruigaku Zasshi, 98:
Kozintsev, A. 1992 Prehistoric and Recent Populations of Japan: Multivariate Analysis of Cranioscopic Data.
Arctic Anthropology, 29: 104-111.
Kuzmin, Yaroslav V. (Pacific Institute of Geography, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Vladivostok, Russia) (Y. V. クズミン) (Ph.D. 1991)
Kuznetsov, A. M., V. A. Lyinsha, V. A.Panuichev, N. N. Kovalukh, and Y. V. Kuzmin. 1988 Stratigraphy and
Correlation of the Preceramic Sites of the South-Western Primorye. Abstracts International Symposium
"Stratigraphy and Correlation of the Quaternary Deposits of Asia and Pacific Region," 1: 123-125,
Vladivostok. (in Russian)
+Kuzmin, Yaroslav V. 1992 Geoarchaeological Study of the Late Paleolithic Sites in Primorye, the Far East
Russia. Daiyonki Kenkyu (Quaternary Research), 31: 243-254.(Y.V. クズミン「ロシア共和国、沿海州
Kuzmin, Y. V., A. J. T. Jull, Z. S. Lapshina, and V. E. Medvedev. 1997 Radiocarbon AMS Dating of the Ancient
Sites with Earliest Pottery from the Russian Far East. Nuclear Intruments and Methods in Physics Research
B, 123: 496-497.
+Kuzmin, Yaroslav V., And Charles T. Keally 2001 Radiocarbon Chronology of the Earliest Neolithic Sites in
East Asia. Radiocarbon, 43:1121-1128.) (in English)
+Keally, Charles T., Yasuhiro Taniguchi, and Yaroslav V. Kuzmin. 2003 Understanding the Beginnings of
Pottery Technology in Japan and Neighboring East Asia. The Review of Archaeology, 24(2): 3-14. (in
+Keally, Charles T., Yasuhiro Taniguchi, and Yaroslav V. Kuzmin. 2004 Chronology of the Beginning of Pottery
Manufacture in East Asia. Radiocarbon, 46(1): 345-351.
+Kuzmin, Yaroslav V. 2006 Chronology of the Earliest Pottery in East Asia: Progress and Pitfalls. Antiquity,
80: 362-371.
Larichev, V. E. 1970 Paleolit i Mezolit Yaponia (The Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Japan). In Sibir' i Eyo
Sosedi v Drevnosti (Siberia and Her Neighbors in Ancient Times). Novosibirsk. (in Russian)
+Lathrap, Donald. 1967 Review of Betty Meggers, Clifford Evans, and Emilio Estrada, Early Formative
Period of Coastal Ecuador, 1965. American Anthropologist, 69: 96-98.
Ledyard, Gari. 1975 Galloping along with the Horseriders: Looking for the Founders of Japan. Journal of
Japanese Studies, 1(2): 217-254. (notes in my files)
Ledyard, Gari. 1983 Yamatai. Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. Tokyo: Kodansha.
Lee, Gyoung-Ah. 1997 Spatial Variation of Plant Remains from the Ezo-Haji Period Sakushu-Kotoni River Site,
Hokkaido, Japan. M.Sc. thesis, University of Toronto, Canada. (summarized in EAANouncements, 23: 10)
+Lestrel, Pete E., Cesar, Roberto M. Jr., Celina M. Takamura. 2002 Sexual Dimorphism in Japanese Cranial
Base: Comparison of Fourier Descriptors and Wavelets. p. 97. The Human Body in Anthropological
Perspectives: Inter-Congress of IUAES 2002, Program and Abstracts, September 22-27, Tokyo, Japan.
(Lestrel: formally UCLA School of Dentisry, U.S.A.; Cesar & Takamura: Institute of Mathematics and
Statistics, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Lewin, B. 1973 Japanese and the Language of Koguryo. Papers of the C.I.C. Far Eastern Language Instittue, 4:
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Saga Prefecture], Itazuke Auxiliary Airfield [Fukuoka City], Tsushima Communications Station [Izuhara
Town, Tsushima, Nagasaki Prefecture], Chitose Adminisstration Annex, Narita Air Terminal)
Defend, Beth, and others. 2001 Integrated Natural and Cultural Resources Management Plan for 11 Yokota Air
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Allen, S. Jane., and R. C. Nees. 1998 Documentary Archival Research, Field Verification, and Inventory Survey
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+Allen, S. Jane. 2003 Support for a Gusuku: Palaeoenvoronmental Evidence from a Transformed Okinawan
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Asian Perspectives
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+Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 21, 2001 (Indo-Pacific Prehistory: The Melaka Papers, vol.
+Bleed, Peter, John Weymouth, and Connie Bennett. 2001 A Nice Place to Live and Work: Community
Structure at Yagi. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 21: 3-8.
+Habu, Junko, Minkoo Kim, Mio Katayama, and Hajime Komiya. 2001 Jomon Subsistence-Settlement
Systems at the Sannai Maruyama Site. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 21: 9-21.
+Twiss, Katheryn C. 2001 Problems of Cultural Change in the Late and Final Jomon. Bulletin of the IndoPacific Prehistory Association, 21: 30-36.
+Hudson, Mark, and Hiroto Takamiya. 2001 Dental Pathology and Subsistence Change in Late Prehistoric
Okinawa. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 21: 68-76.
+Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 17, 1998 (Indo-Pacific Prehistory: The Melaka Papers, vol.
1: Pre-Congress Issue [resumes])
Session 8: Foragers and Farmers in the Japanese Islands (convenor: Mark Hudson)
Takamiya (Okinawa: foraging to farming)
Tsude (Yayoi)
Session 14: Gender in Asian/Pacific Archaeology (convenor: Sarah Nelson)
Ikawa-Smith & Habu
Johar (India)
Sanday (Sumatra)
Chisholm, Brian. 1998 Hunter-Gatherer's and Farmer's Diet in Prehistoric Japan -- From Isotopic Analysis.
Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 17: 33. (Indo-Pacific Prehistory: The Melaka Papers, vol.
1: Pre-Congress Issue [resumes])
Habu, Junko. 1998 Jomon Subsistence Strategies at the Sannai Maruyama Site. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific
Prehistory Association, 17: 43. (Indo-Pacific Prehistory: The Melaka Papers, vol. 1: Pre-Congress Issue
Hudson, Mark. 1998 The Obama Site and the Late Prehistoric Settlement of the Okinawan Islands. Bulletin of
the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 17: 45. (Indo-Pacific Prehistory: The Melaka Papers, vol. 1: PreCongress Issue [resumes])
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko, and Junko Habu. 1998 Women's Participation in Production and Interpretation of
Archaeological Knowledge in Japan. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 17: 45. (IndoPacific Prehistory: The Melaka Papers, vol. 1: Pre-Congress Issue [resumes])
Nelson, Sarah M. 1998 Hongshan Culture and the "Goddess Temple." Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory
Association, 17: 57. (Indo-Pacific Prehistory: The Melaka Papers, vol. 1: Pre-Congress Issue [resumes])
+Bulletin of the International Jomon Culture Conference, 1: (English & Japanese)
+Pearson, Richard (ed.). 2004 Bulletin of the International Jomon Culture Conference, 1. Tokyo: International
Jomon Culture Conference. (Aikens, Bausch, Chisholm, Hudson, Kaner, Keally, Pearson)
+Aikens, C. Melvin. 2004 Godo: A View of Diversified Early Jomon Food Processwing on Palaeo-Tokyo Bay.
Bulletin of the International Jomon Culture Conference, 1: 9-14. (English & Japanese)
+Bausch, Ilona. 2004 Some Consideration on Jomon Serpentinite Polished Adze and Jadeite Ornament
Production Sites along the Japan Sea Coast. Bulletin of the International Jomon Culture Conference, 1:
15-24. (English & Japanese)
+Chisholm, Brian. 2004 Paleodiet Studies in Japan Using Stable Isotope Analysis. Bulletin of the International
Jomon Culture Conference, 1: 25-33. (English & Japanese)
+Hudson, Mark J. 2004 Reproduction and Mobility in the Jomon: A Test of Kobayashi Tatsuo's Style Zones.
Bulletin of the International Jomon Culture Conference, 1: 35-39. (English & Japanese)
+Kaner, Simon. 2004 Unlocking Jomon Memories throught Investigating Occupational Histories. Bulletin of
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the International Jomon Culture Conference, 1: 41-43. (English & Japanese)
+Keally, Charles T. 2004 "Fakery" at the Beginning, the Ending, and the Middle of the Jomon Period. Bulletin
of the International Jomon Culture Conference, 1: 45-50. (English & Japanese)
+Pearson, Richard. 2004 New Perspectives on Jomon Society. Bulletin of the International Jomon Culture
Conference, 1: 63-70. (English & Japanese)
58th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 14-18, 1993, St. Louis
Panel: Studies of Subsistence and Settlements during the Jomon Period (10,000-300 BC) in Japan, organized by:
Fumiko Ikawa-Smith. (panalists: Ikawa-Smith, Kaner, Habu, Matsui Akira, Chisholm, Kobayashi Tatsuo,
Tanaka Yoshiyuki, Bleed & Weymouth, Crawford & D'Andrea)
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 1993 Settlement Studies in Japanese Archaeology -- A Review
Kaner, Simon. 1993 Jadeite, Snow and Ritual -- Jomon Residential Shift Practices along the Sea of Japan.
Habu, Junko. 1993 Subsistence-Settlement Systems in the Moroiso Phase, Early Jomon Period.
Chisholm, Bian. 1993 Inland/Coastal Links as Seen from Isotopic Analysis of Japanese Prehistoric Human
Bleed, Peter, and John Weymouth. 1993 A Nice Place to Live and Work -- Community Structure at Yagi.
Crawford, Gary, and Catherine D'Andrea. 1993 Zoku-Jomon (Epi-Jomon) Settlement Patterns Inferred from
Archaeobotanical Studies. Paper present to the panel: Studies of Subsistence and Settlements during the
Jomon Period (10,000-300 BC) in Japan, organized by: Fumiko Ikawa-Smith. (panalists: Ikawa-Smith, Kaner,
Habu, Matsui Akira, Chisholm, Kobayashi Tatsuo, Tanaka Yoshiyuki, Bleed & Weymouth, Crawford &
D'Andrea), at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 14-18, St. Louis.
The Human Body in Anthropological Perspectives: Inter-Congress of IUAES 2002, Program and Abstracts,
September 22-27, Tokyo, Japan. (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences)
Inter-Congress symposia (CS)
CS4: Is Diet the Measure of the Person? Gender, Status and Nutrional Differences Reflected in the Chemistry of
Their Bones
+Chisholm, Brian. 2002 The Use of Stable Isotopic Analysis in Paleodiet, and Individual Differences. p. 45.
The Human Body in Anthropological Perspectives: Inter-Congress of IUAES 2002, Program and Abstracts,
September 22-27, Tokyo, Japan.
+Lyons, Diane, Brian Chisholm, and Hiroko Koike. 2002 Gender, Status and Dietary Differences: How Visible
Are They in Prehistoric Japanese Human's Bones? p. 46. The Human Body in Anthropological Perspectives:
Inter-Congress of IUAES 2002, Program and Abstracts, September 22-27, Tokyo, Japan.
CS10: Racializing the Human Body: A Cross Cultural Perspectives
+Brace, Loring, and Seguchi Noriko. 2002 "Race" Is Not a Valid Biological Concept. p. 61. The Human Body
in Anthropological Perspectives: Inter-Congress of IUAES 2002, Program and Abstracts, September 22-27,
Tokyo, Japan. (Brace: Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan)
Katayama, Kazumichi. 2002 What is the "Race" Concept for Japanese Biological Anthropologists? p. 61.
Commission Symposia (CM)
Individual Sessions (IS)
IS3: Causes for Chronological Changes in Craniofacial Morphology
+Ossenberg, Nancy, and Dodo Yukio. 2002 Nonmetric Traits Reflect Cranifacial Change Due to Demic
Diffusion in Northern Japan. p. 96. The Human Body in Anthropological Perspectives: Inter-Congress of
IUAES 2002, Program and Abstracts, September 22-27, Tokyo, Japan. (Ossenberg: Queen's University,
+Lestrel, Pete E., Cesar, Roberto M. Jr., Celina M. Takamura. 2002 Sexual Dimorphism in Japanese Cranial
Base: Comparison of Fourier Descriptors and Wavelets. p. 97. The Human Body in Anthropological
Perspectives: Inter-Congress of IUAES 2002, Program and Abstracts, September 22-27, Tokyo, Japan.
(Lestrel: formally UCLA School of Dentisry, U.S.A.; Cesar & Takamura: Institute of Mathematics and
Statistics, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
IS6: Prehistoric People and Culture in the Ryukyu Archipelago
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+Chisholm, Brian, Takamiya Hiroto. 2002 Prehistoric Diet in Okinawa -- Stable Isotopic Evidence. p. 106.
The Human Body in Anthropological Perspectives: Inter-Congress of IUAES 2002, Program and Abstracts,
September 22-27, Tokyo, Japan.
Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004
Seyock, Barbara. 2004 (University of Munich) The Wei-chih Tung-i-chuan as a Source for the Perception of the
Metal Age Cultures in the Korean Straits Region. Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology
Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表),
Session 3-B: Tsushima Archaeology: Cross-cultural perspectives on Korea and Japan.
Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko. 2004 (McGill University) Yayoi in the East Asian Interaction Sphere: Introduction and
Background. Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June
17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 4-B: Yayoi in the East Asian
Interaction Sphere: Problems presented by the AMS Radiocarbon Dates for the Yayoi Period in Japan.
Nelson, Sarah M. 2004 (University of Denver) Gendered Archaeology and the Question of Power in East Asia.
Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004
(東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 4-A: Prospects of Gender Archaeology in East
Matsumoto, Naoko. 2004 (Okayama University) Why Gender Archaeology is not Popular in Japan. Paper
presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東ア
ジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 4-A: Prospects of Gender Archaeology in East Asia
Barnes, Gina L., and Kaneko Masumi. 2004 (University of Durham) Roles of Women in Nihon Shoki. Paper
presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東ア
ジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 4-A: Prospects of Gender Archaeology in East Asia.
Barnes, Gina L. 2004 (University of Durham) The Japanese Islands from Fifteen to Half a Million Years Ago:
Implications for Archaeology. Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference,
Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 5-A: New
Perspectives in Japanese Archaeology.
Hudson, Mark. 2004 (Hokkaido University) World System Incorporation and the Okhotsk Culture of Hokkaido.
Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004
(東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 5-A: New Perspectives in Japanese Archaeology.
Mizoguchi, Koji. 2004 (Kyushu University) Fragmentation and identity politics: Hyper-Capitalism and
Archaeological Discursive Formation.
Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology
Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表),
Session 5-A: New Perspectives in Japanese Archaeology.
Kaufmann, Dawn. 2004 (Washington University in St. Louis) Paleoethnobotanical Investigation of Subsistence
Practices in Northern Japan During Two Time Periods. Paper presented at the Society for East Asian
Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究
発表), Session 6-A: Subsistence, Mortuary Practice, and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Japanese
Edwards, Walter. 2004 (Tenri University) How Many Mirrors? A Simulation of the Discovery of TriangularRimmed Mirrors in Japan. Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu
University, June 17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 6-A: Subsistence,
Mortuary Practice, and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Japanese Archaeology.
Edwards, Walter, and Okita, Masaaki. 2004 (Tenri University) Reconstruction of Japanese Kofun (Mounded
Tombs) Using Radar and Resistivity Prospection. Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology
Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古学会第3回世界大会、研究発表),
Session 6-A: Subsistence, Mortuary Practice, and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Japanese Archaeology.
Frederick, Wendy. 2004 (San Francisco State University) Ainu Archaeology & Ethnogenesis. Paper presented
at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference, Kyushu University, June 17-19, 2004 (東アジア考古
- 45 -
学会第3回世界大会、研究発表), Session 6-A: Subsistence, Mortuary Practice, and Interdisciplinary
Approaches in Japanese Archaeology.
+World Archaeological Congress Inter-Congress: Osaka, 2006, "Kyosei-no-Koukogaku: Coexistence in the Past-Dialogues in the Present", Program & Abstracts, January 12-15. WAC Osaka Executive Committee, Osaka
Museum of History.(世界考古学会議中間会議大阪大会、共生の考古学―過去との対話、遺産の継承、
+Naganuma, Masaki, Igor' Y. Shewkomuud, and Noboru Murakami. 2006 The Changes from Terminal
Pleistocene to the Beginning of Holocene in the Far East Area and the Japanese Islands. p. 10. (S1-05;
Session 1: Co-existence of People and Natural Environment)(イーゴリ・ヤコブビッチ・シェフコムー
ド「極東地域と日本列島における更新世終末から完新世初頭の変化」、Session 1:自然と人間の共
+Martinez, Milagros Valdes, and Devena Haggis. 2006 Jomon Stone Tools and Subsistence Activities. pp.
61-62. (P06)(「縄文時代の石器と生業活動」)
+Hudson, Mark J., and Mami Aoyama. 2006 Waist-to-Hip Ratios of Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers: Evidence
from Jomon Figurines. pp. 90-91. (S12-05; Session 12: Gender & Symbiosis)(マーク・ハドソン「先史狩
猟採集民の「くびれ」―縄文土偶の検討から―」、Session 12:ジェンダーと共生)(*University of
Tsukuba, Japan)
+(Session 13: Transcendental Representations: Tradition, Iconoclasm and Symbiosis in Representations of
Humans and Animals Forms, chair: Simon Kaner)(超越する表像―人間と動物の形態表現における伝
+Oksbjerg, Jane. 2006 Cosmological Degeneration in Yayoi Two-dimensional Art: Iconoclasm in the late
Middle Yayoi. pp. 93-94. (S13-02)(ジェーン・オクスビェルグ「弥生時代絵画にみるコスモロジーの
退化―弥生時代中期後半における偶像打破―」)(*University of London, United Kingdom)
+Ferroni, Elisa. 2006 Body Modification and Jomon Figurines. p. 95. (S13-04)(エリサ・フェロニ「身体加
+Kaner, Simon. 2006 Creativity and Duplicity in the Representation of Humans and Animals. pp. 95-96.
(S13-05)(サイモン・ケイナー「ヒトと動物の表現における創造と複製」)(*Sainbury Institute for
the Study of Japanese Arts and Culture, United Kingdom)
+Bausch, Ilona. 2006 Middle Jomon Clay Figurines in Central Japan: Fragmentation and Sharing Practices. p.
96. (S13-06)(イローナ・バウシュ「中部地方の縄文中期土偶―破砕と祭祀行為の共有―」)
(*Leiden University, Netherlands)
+Mizoguchi, Koji. 2006 An Observation of the Reproduction of Contemporary Archaeological Discursive
Space, or the Problem of Immediacy and Spontaneity without Co-presence. pp. 111-112. (S15-02) (溝口孝司
+Edwards, Walter, Yasushi Nishimura, and Masaaki Okita. 2006 The Current State of Archaeological
Prospection in Japan. pp. 119-120. (S17-02)(ウオルター・エドワーズ「日本における現在の埋蔵文化
財探査の現状」)(*Tenri University, Japan)
+Higgis, Devena, and Milagros Valdes Martinez. 2006 Public Archaeology and Academia. pp. 159-160. (P22)
(*Tsukuba University, Japan)
-----------------------World Archaeological Congress Inter-Congress: Osaka, 2006, "Kyosei-no-Koukogaku: Coexistence in the Past-Dialogues in the Present", Program & Abstracts, January 12-15 [世界考古学会議中間会議大阪大会、共生の考
WAC Osaka Executive Committee, Osaka Museum of History.
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