
1 ※ 日本語訳は p.5 以下にあります。 - Digital Repository Federation

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1 ※ 日本語訳は p.5 以下にあります。 - Digital Repository Federation
Presentation at the Berlin8 Open Access Conference, Oct. 26 2010
Transcript of http://www.berlin8.org/userfiles/file/B8_DRF.pdf
ベルリン 8 発表スクリプト デジタルリポジトリ連合
※ 日本語訳は p.5 以下にあります。
Slide 1
你们好。我叫德田圣子。 Good morning. I'm Seiko Tokuda from the University of Tsukuba Library
Japan, and from the Digital Repository Federation. I’m one of the authors of today’s presentation.
The others are: Mr. Shinji Maeda of Osaka University Library, Mr. Shigeki Sugita of Otaru
University of Commerce Library, Mr. Hideki Uchijima of Kanazawa University Library and
Professor Syun Tutiya of Chiba University. I’m very glad to be here and would like to express our
thanks to all the people who supported us and gave us this wonderful opportunity.
Slide 2
First of all, I would like to share a Japanese expression “Hita-Hita,” which the Japanese
commonly use with children. When we encourage a child to be a good baseball player, soccer
player, or Judo wrestler or whatever, we often tell the child to do "Hita-Hita" practices. “Hita-Hita”
means to be tenacious, persevering, to work step by step without giving up. “Hita-Hita” is also a
representative of what the Digital Repository Federation has been doing, and is exemplified by
the Professor Tutiya’s comment, “The shortest road to open access is the development of a
repository managers’ community, not a policy of any kind.”
Regarding the outline, I would first like to give an overview of the federation. Next to describe its
activities specifically the online communication, and the offline events and workshops. Lastly, I
will conclude with our future visions.
Slide 3
The Digital Repository Federation, or DRF, consists of 121 universities and research institutes in
Japan working, or planning to work, on the introduction, administration, development and
advocacy of institutional repositories. Its main contributors are librarians and information
specialists serving as repository managers, just like us.
The federation is funded by the National Institute of Informatics, or NII. In 2006, the NII started
to fund the DRF project. The original founders of the DRF are Hokkaido University, Kanazawa
University and Chiba University. So the federation is relatively young.
One of the federation’s goals is to be flexible. For example, the federation’s rules and regulations
are minimized. Member organizations do not have any financial obligation nor receive any
monetary benefit. There is no membership fee. Everybody can access the website and the
mailing list of the federation. In addition to these free online resources, the federation members
can have opportunities to face-to-face communication and support. The DRF consists of the
Executive Board Committee and three working groups, with the help of 10 advisers who are the
Presentation at the Berlin8 Open Access Conference, Oct. 26 2010
Transcript of http://www.berlin8.org/userfiles/file/B8_DRF.pdf
ベルリン 8 発表スクリプト デジタルリポジトリ連合
researchers in the field of library science and/or information science.
Slide 4
Next, I would like to introduce the federation’s major activities. The two main activities are:
* First, the internal communication within the community, between librarians and
information specialists.
*Second, the support for the members’ external advocacy and accountability, which includes
the commitment to the researchers and publishers.
I will elaborate on a few of those activities.
Slide 5
The first is the online-based information sharing. The federation has a wiki-based website and
provides a variety information to the public. These include hot topics, our monthly online
magazine, an open e-mail list, information on how to start a repository, terminology, technical
and advocacy tips etc. All can access these resources free of charge. Here is an example of such
online communication:
*In Japan there is a type of publication called Kiyo, which is an institutional research journal.
According to Professor Hiroya Takeuchi at Chiba University, Kiyos are usually funded by
institutions, are still published in print, have free but limited circulation based on exchange,
and occupy large portions of some university libraries’ collection1). So why not open access?
Also in Japan, there is a trend for institutional repositories to provide these Kiyo articles.
Many discussions about Kiyo in institutional repositories are on the DRF's e-mail discussion
list, such as how to gain understanding from the departments, copyright issues, how to scan
and digitize, which metadata to be added, etc. Due to such information sharing, Kiyo articles
today occupy nearly one half of the content of Japan's institutional repositories2).
Interestingly enough, log access analysis has indicated that Kiyo content in institutional
repositories is accessed by a variety of people, even outside the academic community3). Online
dissemination of digitized Kiyo is quite natural in this internet era. We do nothing special. But it
leads to contribution and accountability to the society in addition to raising impact of each
institution’s researcher.
Slide 6
Another example of the DRF’s activities is the offline events and workshops. The federation
organizes several workshops and events series, such as the general forums and conferences
such as DRF1, DRF2, up to DRF7 of this year, the regional workshops such as DRF-Sapporo or
DRF-Tokyo, technical workshops DRF-Tech series, and so on. These workshops and events aims
Presentation at the Berlin8 Open Access Conference, Oct. 26 2010
Transcript of http://www.berlin8.org/userfiles/file/B8_DRF.pdf
ベルリン 8 発表スクリプト デジタルリポジトリ連合
at strengthening interaction, mutual support and staff development. The accommodating and
supportive atmosphere of the workshops often results in the new memberships. And as for
events, last week was the Open Access Week, and the Japan will also attend the next month’s
SPARC Digital Repository Meeting to report its activities.
Slide 7
In conclusion, the “Hita-Hita” tenacious development of the federation has brought about the
following effects.
*One, an increase in the number of institutional repositories and their content. In fact the
NII’s repository harvester JAIRO last month accumulated as many as 1 million pieces of
metadata from over 180 Japanese institutional repositories4).
*Two, the federation’s development has contributed to changing the stakeholders’ attitude.
There have been no political deposit mandates so far in Japan. However, the government has
started to change. According to the draft of the government’s fourth science and technology
basic plan which will take effect in 2011, there will be two clauses stating the significance of
institutional repositories5).
The federation’s approach is unique and caters to the Japanese custom and society. The
federation’s bottom-up, grassroots activity basically gives stakeholders a voice, a sense of
participation and involvement leading to true understanding of institutional repositories and
green open access movement. This could be replicated in other countries, too.
Although the federation has several challenges including future sustainability and staff
development, the federation’s focus on the future is viewed as a symbol of expansion of Japan’s
open access movement, and closer and closer relationships with researchers, academic societies,
publishers, the public, and many other repository stakeholders and those connected to the
movement in Japan and the world, just as envisioned in the Berlin declaration.
Slide 8
Thank you. If you have any question, please contact the federation at [email protected]
.ac.jp. Or feel free to approach me at any time during the conference. Once again thank you for
your attention.
1) Takeuchi, Hiroya; Tutiya, Syun. The impact of the development of institutional repositories on “Kiyo” or
institutional research journals in Japan. Slides for the presentation at the Eleventh International Conference on
Grey Literature.
2) Adachi, Jun. Collaboration between Universities and NII on Institutional Repositories. Slides for the
Presentation at the Berlin8 Open Access Conference, Oct. 26 2010
Transcript of http://www.berlin8.org/userfiles/file/B8_DRF.pdf
ベルリン 8 発表スクリプト デジタルリポジトリ連合
presentation at the Berlin8 Open Access Conference.
http://www.berlin8.org/userfiles/file/Berlin8_adachi_NII_Japan.pdf, (accessed 2010-11-05).
3) Nonaka, Yuji. Log analysis of HUSCAP: using the real access log (in Japanese.) Slides for the presentation at
the joint workshop of institutional repositories output evaluation project. [URL below], (accessed 2010-11-02).
4) Adachi, Jun. Collaboration between Universities and NII on Institutional Repositories. Slides for the
presentation at the Berlin8 Open Access Conference.
http://www.berlin8.org/userfiles/file/Berlin8_adachi_NII_Japan.pdf, (accessed 2010-11-05).
5) Expert Panel on Basic Policy, Council for Science and Technology Policy. Guidelines on formulating the next
Science and Technology Basic Plan (in Japanese.) http://www8.cao.go.jp/cstp/siryo/haihu91/siryo3-2.pdf,
(accessed 2010-11-02).
Presentation at the Berlin8 Open Access Conference, Oct. 26 2010
Transcript of http://www.berlin8.org/userfiles/file/B8_DRF.pdf
ベルリン 8 発表スクリプト デジタルリポジトリ連合
スライド 1
スライド 2
スライド 3
定である)、日本の 121 の大学や研究機関で構成されています。DRF の中核となって活動しているのは、私ど
DRF は国立情報学研究所(NII)の資金助成を受けています。NII は 2006 年に DRF プロジェクトへの助成を始
めました。当初の設立大学は、北海道大学、金沢大学、千葉大学です。ですから、DRF は比較的若い組織
DRF の目標の 1 つに、参加組織間のゆるやかな連携、があります。例えば、ルールや規則類は最低限のみが
もありません。DRF のウェブサイトやメーリングリストには誰もがアクセスできます。DRF 参加機関はこれら無料の
オンライン情報源のみならず、対面でのコミュニケーションや支援を受ける機会に恵まれます。DRF は運営委員
会と 3 つのワーキング・グループから構成され、また図書館学や情報学の研究者 10 名がアドバイザの立場から
スライド 4
次に、DRF の主要な活動をご紹介します。主な活動は 2 つあります。1 つはコミュニティ内での、図書館員や情
Presentation at the Berlin8 Open Access Conference, Oct. 26 2010
Transcript of http://www.berlin8.org/userfiles/file/B8_DRF.pdf
ベルリン 8 発表スクリプト デジタルリポジトリ連合
報スペシャリストの間でのコミュニケーションです。もう 1 つは、参加機関が、コミュニティの外に向かって機関リポジ
スライド 5
まず、オンライン上の情報共有活動です。DRF では Wiki を用いたウェブサイトを運用し、様々な情報を公開し
供するという傾向があります。機関リポジトリで紀要を提供することについては、多くの議論が DRF のメーリングリ
本の機関リポジトリコンテンツの約半分を占めるまでになっています 2)。
クセスされていることが、ログ分析で示されています 3)。電子化した紀要をオンライン公開することは、今日のイン
スライド 6
DRF が展開する活動のもう一つの事例、オフラインでのイベントやワークショップについてご説明します。DRF では
いくつかの連続ワークショップやイベントを開催しています。例えば、DRF1、DRF2 から今年開催の DRF7 といった、
全般的な話題をテーマとするフォーラムや集会があります。DRF-Sapporo、DRF-Tokyo といった地域密着のワ
ークショップシリーズもあります。さらに DRF-Tech シリーズと呼ばれる技術ワークショップなどもあります。これらのワ
オープンアクセスウィークでしたが、来月の SPARC Digital Repository Meeting には日本も参加して、DRF が行
スライド 7
以上をまとめますと、DRF の「ひたひた」と粘り強い発展は、次の 2 つの効果をもたらしたといえます。
1 つ目は、日本の機関リポジトリの数と掲載コンテンツ数の増加です。実際に、NII の機関リポジトリハーベスタで
Presentation at the Berlin8 Open Access Conference, Oct. 26 2010
Transcript of http://www.berlin8.org/userfiles/file/B8_DRF.pdf
ベルリン 8 発表スクリプト デジタルリポジトリ連合
ある JAIRO は 180 以上の機関リポジトリからのハーベストを行っており、蓄積メタデータ件数は先月、100 万件
を突破しました 4)。
2 つ目は、DRF の発展が、リポジトリに関係するステークホルダーの考え方を変える一助となったことです。現時
来年施行予定の第 4 期科学技術基本計画の草案によると、この計画に、機関リポジトリの重要性が 2 箇所
にわたり記されるかもしれません 5)。
DRF のアプローチは独特であり、日本の慣習や社会にフィットしたものといえます。ボトムアップであり、草の根の
DRF には、今後の持続性や人材育成などいくつかの課題もありますが、将来への展望は、オープンアクセス運
スライド 8
ありがとうございました。ご質問がありましたら、私ども([email protected])までどうぞお問い合わ
1) Takeuchi, Hiroya; Tutiya, Syun. The impact of the development of institutional repositories on “Kiyo” or
institutional research journals in Japan. Slides for the presentation at the Eleventh International Conference on
Grey Literature.
2) Adachi, Jun. Collaboration between Universities and NII on Institutional Repositories. Slides for the
presentation at the Berlin8 Open Access Conference.
http://www.berlin8.org/userfiles/file/Berlin8_adachi_NII_Japan.pdf, (accessed 2010-11-05).
3) 野中雄司. HUSCAP のログ分析: 真のアクセスログから. 機関リポジトリアウトプット評価プロジェクト合同ワークショップ.
, (accessed 2010-11-02).
4) Adachi, Jun. Collaboration between Universities and NII on Institutional Repositories. Slides for the
presentation at the Berlin8 Open Access Conference.
http://www.berlin8.org/userfiles/file/Berlin8_adachi_NII_Japan.pdf, (accessed 2010-11-05).
5) 総合科学技術会議基本政策専門調査会. 科学技術基本政策策定の基本方針.
http://www8.cao.go.jp/cstp/siryo/haihu91/siryo3-2.pdf, (accessed 2010-11-02).
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