
ヴェーダライフ インド占星術鑑定レポート

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ヴェーダライフ インド占星術鑑定レポート
Graduation, What Stream?
Date of Birth
Time of Birth
Place of Birth
TT CC PP Japan
Dear XXXX,
You are about to take the first important decision in your life. In fact this is also going to be the
most important decision, which will ultimately shape your entire career. There are lot of
expectations and suggestions around you. Your own, your parents, your peers, your teachers.
But you must make the right choice, because this is about your own life. The career that you
choose must reflect your own potential, and your own strength. How do you find that? In the
past especially when your parents were making this choice about their own life, the choices
were limited, but today there are unlimited choices and unlimited possibilities.
We are proud to be your partner in helping you to make the right choice. Your horoscope
chart, can give accurate indication of your strength and your core competence, which has
been researched and validated by us by analyzing thousands of charts across the globe. It
is not Vedic Astrology’s purpose to replace an individual’s responsibility to decide for
themselves or to present a fait accompli forecast for your future. We believe that you
control and shape your destiny by your Karma and through your own efforts.
Copyright (c) VedicRemedy 2012
This report will help you to make an informed choice to select the right stream for higher
studies, which will shape your future career path. As per Vedic astrology, the star and
planets will control only 75% of your life but the critical component of balance 25% will be
based on your own Karma and your own choice.
The Vedic Map of Heaven at the date, time and place of your birth
Your Ascendant (Janma Lagna)
Your Vedic Sun Sign
Your Moon Sign (Janma Rashi)
Your Birth Star (Janma Nakshatra)
Retrograde Planets
Combust Planets
Exalted Planets
Debilitated Planets
Magha – Phase-1
Mars & Mercury
For each person, at the time and place of birth, there is a specific astronomical pattern in
the heavens. This sky model is recorded from a distinct geographical point. Astrologers
document this planet-earth-sky pattern and it is known as a Chart, which records the
1. Where the Planets are in the sky-by listing their location in a constellation or Sign of
the Zodiac.
2. The location on earth-by using latitude and longitude; these are called Houses.
3. Which sign is on the horizon, or that part of the sky east of the birth location, at the
time of birth-this point is called the rising sign or the Ascendant.
The three most significant components of a Birth Chart are the Ascendant, Planets and
Houses. The Birth Chart is called a horoscope (from Greek horo, indicating time, and
scope, meaning to look at). In India, the chart is called the Chakra (wheel) or Janma
An Astrologer interprets your Birth Chart by analyzing the interaction and influence of
Planets, Ascendant and Houses in the Birth Chart. Life patterns seen in the birth chart are
matched against the patterns seen in historical rules and records of parallel astronomical
information. For predictive purposes, the location of the planets from sign to sign, and
house to house is tracked to locate when circumstances will emerge or when the planets
will cross a sensitive point in the birth chart stimulating a specific event.
Your Question
I have undergone in 2nd grade of senior high school and prepared for the exam of
university. Would the target subjects be appropriate or required modification accoring to
his professional and happiness life point of view. Any advices would be appreciated.
Copyright (c) VedicRemedy 2012
Our Answer
Astrologically Most Suitable Career
The lords of the houses governing profession and income i.e. Mars and Venus are weak in
strength n your birth chart. Such planetary weaknesses often lead to ups and downs in
career or instability in or dissatisfaction from income. Therefore you should work hard and
pursue a suitable job as long as possible. It would be further beneficial to avoid conducting
any kind of business activities.
Further analysis indicates that Mercury the planet ruling the house of efforts and signifying
speech, memory and intellect is weak in strength in your birth chart. Its weakness often
results in uncertainties, confusions and forgetfulness. There might be lack of efforts, weak
communication skills or problems in subjects relating to calculations. Moreover natal
weakness of Venus the planet ruling education in your birth chart and signifying fine arts,
cinema, acting etc. might lead to disturbance in acquiring education or attaining success in
the professional fields signified by it.
Notwithstanding the above, the good placement of Jupiter the planet signifying knowledge
and its placement in the house of creativity would be beneficial for pursuing career in the
field of knowledge such as History, Geography and Philosophy.
Most Suitable Stream for Study in Graduation Level
Jupiter the planet signifying knowledge is well placed in the house ruling intelligence,
creativity and grasping power in your birth chart. In addition to this, you would be passing
through the sub period of Jupiter till 31st December 2014. As a result of which you might
find the period to be beneficial for the purpose of educational attainments.
Chances to Pursue Academic Study Abroad for Graduation
Mercury, the planet ruling the house of foreign connection is weak in strength in your birth
chart. Its natal weakness might lead to difficulties in pursuing education in foreign land.
Most Favorable Time for Success
You would be passing through the sub period of Jupiter in the main period of Venus till 31st
December 2014. Jupiter rules the house of competition in your birth chart and it naturally
signifies knowledge. Therefore, you might find its sub period to be beneficial for the
purpose of intellectual attainments. However you should observe patience, remain cool
and increase efforts to achieve your goals.
Chances for Admission to prestigious institute for graduate studies
The planetary configuration of your birth chart indicates that you might encounter
difficulties in procuring admission in a highly prestigious educational institute. Such
planetary configurations are indicative of pursuing education in B grade Institute/College.
Especial comment on your primary concerns
Copyright (c) VedicRemedy 2012
The analysis indicates that due to certain planetary weaknesses in your birth chart, you
might encounter difficulties in pursuing career successfully in the fields relating to
calculations, language, communication, acting etc. Notwithstanding the above, your
astrological signatures are supportive to attain success in the knowledge oriented field.
Therefore pursuing further education in the subjects such as Japanese History, World
History, Geography, Philosophy etc. appears to be beneficial for you.
Astro Remedy Recommendation to improve your chances for success
You should strengthen the planet Moon by wearing a Pearl weighing 5 carats. It must be
mounted on a silver/gold ring and worn on the little finger of your right hand. The gem
must be put on first on a Monday morning. This is your birth stone.
Mercury is debilitated in your birth chart. You should wear a Planetary Yantra for
Mercury. This is a lifetime recommendation for you.
On behalf of CyberAstro.Com, Pradeep Kumar, Sr. Astrologer
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan と政府のインド占星術局よりインド占星術師としての認可を受
けている。その後も、インド占星術界を代表する占星術家である Dr.K.N.Rao, Dr.
K.S.Chark, そして Mr. Vinay 氏に師事し、15 年以上のキャリア積む。職業と経済的鑑
あなたの星座(第1室)はかに座です。その支配星は水星でうお座(第 9 室)にあります。現在のあ
なたは金星/木星の惑星時期(主/従、あるいは第1/第2)にあります。それは 2012 年 5 月 03 日から
2014 年 12 月 31 日まで続きます。*占星術ソフトによって多少の誤差が出来ますが許容範囲です。
インド占星術処方箋 (Astrological Remedy)
4. あなたは月のエネルギーを強めるための処方箋として 5 カラット(1 カラットは 200mg)のパ
ール(真珠)を金、あるいは銀の台座で指輪を作り、それを月曜日の朝に右手の小指(第 5
5. あなたの水星は残念ながら衰退(惑星の力が弱い)しています。そのエネルギーを強化するた
このたびはインド占星術鑑定サービス「卒業後の進路鑑定(Graduation, What Stream)」をご注文い
ンド占星術処方箋 (Astrological Remedy)に関するお問合せは下記までご連絡下さい。今後とも
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