tocol for MeSO-net System
Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst. Univ. Tokyo Vol. 2. ,**3 pp. 23ῌ+*/ MeSO-net !"#$%& ACT protocol ¡¢+*ῌ£¤¥¢+ῌ¦§¨©+ῌª«¬+ῌ® ¯+ῌ° ±²,ῌ³´µ¶,ῌ·´ ¸, + ῌ, Development of an Intelligent Data Transmission Protocol for MeSO-net System Autonomous Cooperative data Transfer (ACT) Protocol Yuichi Morita+*, Shin’ichi Sakai+, Shigeki Nakagawa+, Keiji Kasahara+, Naoshi Hirata+, Hiromichi Kagami,, Takuya Kato, and Minemori Sato, + Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, , Hakusan Corporation Abstract The Autonomous Cooperative data Transfer Protocol (ACT protocol) is one of the data transfer protocols based on UDP/IP developed for the Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSOnet). It has a robust re-send function to prevent data from being lost in the Internet route. Moreover, it also has a function to adjust the data transmission rate considering the quality of the Internet route and the load on the data-receiving system. If the Internet route is too busy to send all data, the transmission rate from the observation station is decreased automatically to ease the Internet tra$c jam, and data that cannot be sent because of the limitation on the transmission rate are stored at each station. After conditions recover, the stored data are sent automatically at an increasing transmission rate and gradually catch up with real-time data. The transmission rate is decided by data transmission equipment at the station using pre-loaded algorithms, not at the data center. Therefore, the load at data center equipment is not so high even if the equipment receives data from hundreds of stations. We describe an overview of the ACT protocol, flow charts, and data format used in the protocol. We also demonstrate that the ACT protocol is very powerful for the vast size of the seismograph network composed of several hundred stations. The ACT protocol is generally applicable and can be used for data transmission systems in other scientific fields. Key words : Seismometry, Seismic network, Data transmission, Internet Protocol, MeSO-net + !"#$%&'()*+,-)./ -01 23!45678!9:;& <=*"#>) ?@ 456A.9:;1<=*;BCD;EF&GH I1JKL"M.N1OPQ0,9:;RE;: 80 9:;ST!UV"M1W8XY&/+Z[ 1\]Q0-)^ _`a,@b!-))*+Zc defgh.ij1*8*k*+, [lm)X^ -!?l*no*pq1*+,!^ r ,* sb1L a"tuv1/+,BE;:wxyz{d|}~,9: }Q0, , X!z{&)*+Zc m)X^ ;STDC WIN DC +33. &Q GPS do}~,. *" ῌ 0,-)./ "#&*>./ +33- !1?@ !456.& + m d 9:;.^ !a"^456M!"#v& ~7+ * e-mail : [email protected] +ῌ+ῌ+ Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo ++-ῌ**-,, Japan 89 ῌῌ ῌῌ ῌ ῌῌ ' ()*+,(-(+, ./, !0"#123&4! $3&4 %5&!'$.3&4$.6' $1$ (" !6. 3&4789:)(/ ;1< , <=*>+-,-?@$ ;*A B.C/!1DEC3&4!01F,2'3&4 G4&H9!$'343&4(F, 5!>+$' 3&45 JKCL' 789:M;<=6AG4&H9 NAG4&H9C>OF,P+, ?@Q !$'3&4 A 34BRῌSRCDTUV EWX, 3&4!FYC78X,M!ZGC$ [\H]I 3&4>+^_CP 0"9: J: K`$.6,3&4ab%cd(efgL$ M ῌN ,**3 3&4h&iAj ῌN !0"#12 6I ' +33* OPH340"3&4=* A ,**3 k2'=*>+!l6 QR<)6) G4&H9=*!SmCTnop UqrVW! 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Data format of ACK (Acknowledge) signal !"#$%&' ()*+ !"#$,!-.'/ 0123 3$%4(#$,!-+56789:; $%(<.67 =>-?!@2ABCD(0 EF GH IJ(K01) L( !MN" *O#N" PQRK F+S TU$V+%( !"#3$WK -XYZ>@% E [\=>-?!@]^ABCD_&U/R` U01'%(abcGdef (Sg 89:h(/ i&89:+MKRj k de+j 01Mlm!")(*$Nn()o p+qr s>-(+jtuF vw+#Ex+,&y+ ! z + j ACT {|-}m(#$%(Y|!~! "jtuFdeU tuF !"0 -/() (#$%)j + -.+ +[\/&' !"( #01+WGH 01( !"os>- !"2#(3V4 !" U6F5j5 01+67U (e U6F * &'8U96FR#$ LR !M !"(!W4+G'F :+;6 !"3$%+[\/&'( !"U V+/R <U=KM&Kde+ !" F V Tx : j + -+ + #$! (LjtuF+ F0 + W4+ !"os>->x/ >x? [\/&' !" #FH 3$%(<U ( K Nx ¡( A¥LE ¦§567 (Sg¨© B¤KRª«"!=>-¬/R !"3$%+ 50C+j !"3$%&'#$ #$ #$/ !"os>-j #$!W4& %+ !"#$VUD®) 3 '#$¯: !"4+°6F #$$V+"ª±! $%&'#$%_R+#$VEFG# ²>-/ V Ta ³G'FU !"3$<(+<UA¥L $UH$6F(!M ( Tx V´µ &&QRK%+ I(867j¶JK +$L(`·EH ACK $UH$6FVj Mj¸KNK ACT {|-}m)j (Sgd ¹F&'3$%)3$+º/ !"8O:; e+ E ¹F#$%(#$ !"4&'¼½ B !"²«"!&'(FG)jL[\/»% 92 !";E¢/ @ + (£¤) UDP !"3$%&' ACK ACT Fig. +. Flow chart of data-sending system using ACT protocol. Ta ! ACK "#$%"&'()* +,-. "/012,3&'4 567 89(:#;<= >?"/012,@A4 89,BC&'9DEF;@A<< G :#*H + IJK, 2 LMNOPQR&' + "IDEF*"/012,ST UVWXY 3 Z, +** DEF$BC&'4[\P! 0 +* ]^_P`a&' bc de$fg9[\,* h i_POj*kl'$Bmn opqr,:#; s?It)uvw"xy,z{"&'4 | }T~'4 * IOjkl',-4* "I$BC;d4JK, _' )() Q&' )4IP "xy,_9*, A vuIPde$'9[\,* -. b +,*BC7,&'4W I"I ACK "#$%"&'()IP Ta M",(4 Ihs?I* 93 ῌῌ ῌῌ ῌ ῌ ῌ *2>?@A,BC*23D<34 +EF G, &HI%; ,@A&-0* JKL. M(/0*%*LNA=O1PQR S4 +,=(T,U+VW2RXY Z3456 M(/0%*+,=789+,=&1 .2>+,=:%L[(D82 \]QR +,=/0;^_! +,=(`a#< ACK :(bZ34% ACK :2=(> c?E<./D<3dc @R0ABe - 8&C:0g>Dh 8EieFB;<1% 3R>+,= ACK G4 ACK j>!G,HB;<1%05(+,=kC ! ACK =,;<Il%'*& R mnGMJK0M( ( 2 *23o L 23dc Z 34 ;< 2 +,=p /023%'*& R !"!)sttu Tx f% ACK :! > + 2= bZ34;< qr[&M23 .!"! ACK : +,=pqr[( Nx & + 8% 2= ! ACK ! , "#$%& ' Nx ()%'* +, vRN 0wF0<# \6( -, *234 =x,[(O234 P2 QyzR{ S - |TU0+(}~3 +,=.1Y( +,=pqr[V& Nx 7Dh! \<% f% '' !> + { ACK & . 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Flow chart data-receiving system using ACT protocol. +* 789: ACK 7;<= ,*23 ,*2,% ,*3*% ,*3+ ,*22 % !"#$% ,*2*,*3* 0-*O5,7C!1 +"(/& 89>?@-% AB"7C!/DE,FG 1H":% IJKL-MEFN% PQRSTUVWXYZ[,% \E]"< #^(_`-% I<=ab"% < cde5fg*/#^"% I,hi]"jk*/ cde5l789"7*/ +,-.% m fgn5o/& '()* +,-./& 01% ACK 230+456 /<u<% v . -w*x-yz1& 7*/ +-% l789?@:{/|}~C!/& fg,% pq1+r$st* IJ89 789 <=% Q V "7*/& V :% eC!1E-789<=l71Q -ῌ ῎ῑ῍῏ῐ !0-O5.1#^"% ACT : Y"% $Q -m',{1+5% !Z" J89 l789 "/& l789:% 789<= */fgn5o/& 01% l7 l71;QS% ACK 7; 95 ῌῌ ῌῌ ῌ ῌῌ Fig. -. Example of packet transmission based on ACT protocol. Fig. .. Block diagram of packet loss test for ACT protocol. 4567898$:;<) =>?4567898@ */ A*B +/ ACDE -/ A*B ./ A!F +* AG@ H89IJKLEMN$ ACK ;OPQRB(/STU STU+ +**῍ EVW.XYX!H89+=>?456 DZ[\]$^_. `a+>;bc$>) d($" 7898e_f.Xg) d!Eh$@ ijkeB a lamaEP$H89IJKL!noep)qr+ ACK ;OPYst*u ACK v;Ue *῍ $ka w xy.Xg) z'(/H89@YX>;bc!{|}$%&'() d!~D >;bce$H89>;78L+ ACK v;U!m$g $"aH89 <)N+, / $-./ ~@ ++ 3"a +. 3 >;UPmB() =>?4567898!ST CD! - 3Gg , / a !"#$STU+ Z]+' STU+ *῍ $./ +, 3 +/ A $' ($"X>;78Le!"#$ ./ A ¡@ >;bc*Bv;bc$H89IJK )*+, / b $ C/¢>;!H89e>;bc$ Le£¤$=>'()!D u*k3G¥(!¦$ !"#$%&'()*+, / c $-./ 012 +, 3 ACK v;Ue +**῍ CDq§<) d($"a>; 96 ACT Nx .ῌ ῏ΐῐ῍῎ῒῑ !" #ῌ$% &'( )* +,-!./012 3 ,**3 +* 456 +12 7801" !./ !$809 :;! <1!) !=""#>? 3 +,- $ @A:%!"BC!&DEF3G'H ( 3FI)8 -JKL !@AM6801" *N+,HO"3 !PQ -JKL!-R2SH TKU1VWH .X/YTKUZ[0 H./23 =\0]0^_ 1 1`a bcd2Ne!O"2N34fgg !?/01" 5! !./23 P!O"h&ij>? + k6!!780 + k86!lH3 9.:!B ISDN *;!<=!.m nop(F80>=!q?=">rC>s>? TKUM@801" t2[K_no*; 1 t2[ A>? + k86!! 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EEH®82 ACT 3 10 2N34fg>?./2 + *;L¯86!L!°0 dH Sv:ªSvF ±ªSv)801" 5 )²K³´o(!I{.¢ rC8 633Sv!P1)80="BC µ="EF!BuC80)¶CEF· ! C./01" t2[ *;Lp808 iH2 E¦x¸f!B >? 6!!./2./"\]Svg )! >kuC80¹H"º»¼L H3 ªSv3: 3**** ,/ Sv F<=! )½="EFH2 " I *;L1v3 97 ῌῌ ῌῌ ῌ ῌῌ Fig. /. Result packet loss test for ACT protocol. (a) Time variation of given obstruction rate (green) and ACK return rate (orange). The ACK return rate is defined as total sent packets and those successfully received. (b) Time variation of upper limit transmission rate (blue) and e#ective transmission rate (red). ACT protocol controls the upper limit of transmission rate well, and it is synchronized with ACK return rate in Fig. / (a). (c) Time variation of the amount of data stored in the data sending system. If the data transmission rate is smaller than data acquisition rate, some data cannot be sent to the data center and are is stored in the system. Fig. 0. Time evolution of status for two data-sending systems (upper and lower). Blue : Upper limit of data transmission rate, Red : E#ective data transmission rate, Green : Obstruction rate given for the test, Yellow : Amount of data stored in data-sending system. 98 !ACT "# Fig. 1. Hourly number of data packets received from Yayoi station (blue) and Kawaguchi-Higashi-Chu station (red). Yayoi station is situated under good data transmission circumstances and conditions are stable. The hourly flow of data packets is constant. On the other hand, Kawaguchi-Higashi-Chu station operates under poor conditions condition, and hourly volume varies by time. Even under poor conditions, all data are successfully transmitted to the data center. No loss of data packets has been detected. Fig. 2. Maximum delay time (blue) and mean one (red) sent from Kawaguchi-Higashi-Chu station shown in Fig. 1. Even if the delay time is very large all data are successfully sent to the data center using ACT protocol. &'( )* +,-./ 0$* @AB4CD9EF)G1HI JK *L*MN@O?43F% PQ/RS !T*U V"#1WXF0 $ *YZ*[G2\]FG^B43 F% $%\( )*"#* _`abG ]cI&d5>3/ &d56ef1(g1h'iQ j1 (kl!@m5D56% n1 C op\qr 6 \]F6s )tuv(wiD>F% x iQ6yz*+*{,"|@}* URL 14~ 5D)*,\ -*3 b.\ 5 /\0/EFef@ 1\2\0/\ ]?4;<1 /\F<3@ )* FH1EF4\]F% !/5z*s43,\0/\F) 6$* JK( ,* 78c\( G/<\6% 9>/' )t@>DEF6 b5z@3:DhI;Q <*=>\ s g)*,* ISDN .10$?/ ]?6% ))\(mr5>3/ \0/iQ @@A 56% )Q1HI.-(=>IMN 43F !(;<¡71BQ 6$ 5 *)t(CG54wiD>?6% !(=>I¢DIEF*G>?43F% £ ¤B4 $% @q5 {,"|@~56*( E 1)* ACT !*0/@¥sFG3FG\(>3% )Q@ /ῌ ῑῐ῍ $H¦\( ῌ* §¨1 ACT !}* I 6> !*©ªs MeSO-net \</iQ43FI5 4 6$* JK/ «:<*= 3<J* !\]FK¬L >1>I UV"#*MN@O®='\]F% $%/ ! ACT "# 123456% )* ACT JK*MN*¯G>Q°±P\]F% "#( !*[G2\]I )Q@0 /54Q²}* ³´>DzEF)G/ ACT "#*yzµ¶.ῌ{,"|~ \F% * MeSO-net ,( +12 ,\ - & "*Q²/ ,** Hz *·µ¸QR\i http : / / www. eri. u-tokyo. ac. jp / shuto / report / Q43F% + 6* ST( -* GB G>F% PQ'@ hokokusho.html CD¹U>D + 7}NqV\43F% )*@ º/(»s4=' *¹U/W>3¼X\>D yz*+1X>´½/MY543>3)G=' )* !*7 89:;<('=1>?6% ῎ΐῒ῏ ῌῌ ῌῌ ,**3 ῌ 99 ῌ ῌῌῌ ῌ ῌῌ !"ῌ #$%&'()*+,"-./0 123456 HI)-JI )KL A1MNOPQ 2. .+῍/0. S TῌU VῌWXῌYZ[\ῌ]^V_ῌ ῌ efg ῌ hij ῌ k<l ῌ <m_ ῌ nZo ,**. pqrstuvw"x,!)-J yzA1{| }~ No , +/1. ῌ ῌ ῌ ῌ ῌ ῌ ῌ G ,**3 # $ % A 1 B C ` MeSO-net )E A1MNOPQ 2. 1+῍22. ῌ ῌῌ ῌ ,**3 #$%A1BC`6,£,)-JF¤¥ A1MN OPQ 2. +*1῍++.. ῌ©ª«¬ +33- GPS ®¯°±¦¥²A1B C¥³´µ¶c)·¸ A1 , .0 01῍2-. ῌ789: ,**/ ;<=>?@A1BC)DEFG R ;< /* S11῍S+**. ῌ ,**3 #$%A1BC`)abcd A 1MNOPQ 2. /1῍03. Uehira, K. (,**3) Development of a distributed backup system and a recovery system for telemetric seismic data, Earth Planet Space, 0+, ,2/῍,23. +33. vHA16,)) ,w") yzA1{|}~ No , -2.. ) )¡Q¢ http : / / eoc. eri. u-tokyo. ac. jp / WIN / index.html ¦§¨ (Received November +-, ,**3) (Accepted December -, ,**3) ¹ 100 ¹ ACT Appendix The source code: the main part of data receiving process. 101 ῌῌ ῌῌ ῌ ῌῌ 102 ACT 103 ῌῌ ῌῌ ῌ ῌῌ 104 ACT 105