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V +31/ : O &+O [ /* )&* y ,1ῌ,/ --01.. ,, +3-0 : O &[N& 2/ ,.30-,.. - +3., : O! P ¡ ¢£ ¤ +311 : & ¥¦§¨B©¡ ¢j ῌTj.ª +320 : «¬/K&®¯&°± ²'[³0´1y¡6µ[ ,+/ 1/0 32. 2¶·³¸6 +3-. : 2¶·¹ºZ 73 .--+ ( ,**/ ) Abstract The regional complex structure of the handcrafts industry in YAME area Yoshiyuki KITAMURA The Japanese handcraft industry, made up of mostly textiles and pottery, was established before the Edo era. After the Meiji era, technology for metalworking and manufacturing of general merchandise introduced from the West was developed. After World War II, the handcraft industry (region) consisted mostly of food production and wooden furniture production. The handcraft industry became prevalent in large cities and their surrounding areas, as well as, in western Japan. Especially, in Kyoto, Kanazawa’s large historical cities, and in Kyushu’s Yame area traditional handcrafts were manufactured. In Kyoto, there were -2 products. Kanazawa and Yame combined had +1 products, each. In the cities of Yame traditional handcrafts include Buddhist altars and lacquer ware. Japanese handmade paper and textiles, as well as, lanterns were produced in the farming areas. In the mountainous region of east Yame, stone lanterns and agarbatti sticks were manufactured. Camdles and bamboo products is this type, too. In the beginning, the handcraft industry of the Yame region focused on traditional handcrafts made on the farm. These industries shared common raw materials and were sought out in the local market. These industries each had a unique manufacturing process. Even though similar products were produced in Yame, the manufacturing technique was original to each producer. The relations between the manufacturers were close and important. This is the building up of the location theory. Yame’s complex regional handcraft industry is focused and location theory, a double layer, construction and agglomeration. Many of the traditional handcraft industry are in decline, but some industries continued, as the ancient ways of the traditional industries and lifestyle (daily life) remain protected to this day. 74