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UIA2011 Tokyo
The Aid Activities and International Cooperation of Professionals in the Event of Natural Disasters
毎年世界各地で地震をはじめとする自然災害が発生して、多くの人命と社会インフラが失われている。今年の 3 月 11 日に起きた
マグにチュード 9.0 の巨大地震は東北地方の太平洋沿岸地域に過去に経験したことのない甚大な被害をもたらした。被災者の救済・
考える。災害における JIA の経験を伝えると共に、様々な専門家の国際的連携のあり方や、支援活動の方法と問題点を明らかにする。
主 催:社団法人日本建築家協会本部災害対策委員会
日 時:2011 年 9 月 27 日(火)9:00~12:00
会 場:東京国際フォーラムD-1(収容人数 100 人)
:UIA 参加登録者¥1000
キーノートスピーカー:中林一樹(工学博士 明治大学教授)
■総合司会 ・・・岡部則之(JIA災害対策委員会)
■趣旨説明 ・・・庫川尚益(JIA災害対策委員会)
■基調報告 「
報告 1.「
未 定
・・・Balbir Verma(建築家、インド)
報告 2.「
L'Aquila 地震後の地域復興プロジェクト
報告 3.「
・・・Lucio Zazzara & Federico D'Amico(建築家,イタリア)
・・・Patrick Clifford(建築家、ニュージランド)
報告 4.「パキスタンの経験に学ぶ地震後の専門家の役割 」
・・・Ghazala Naeem(建築家、パキスタン One UN DRM )
報告 5.「災害と全体論的持続可能性における建築家の役割」
・・・Rachel Minnery (建築家、USA)
■パネルディスカッション 「災害における専門家の国際的連携」
パネリスト:インド、イタリア、ニュージランド、パキスタン、アメリカ合衆国、日本 各国建築家
■申込み、問合せ先:JIA 本部災害対策委員会
E- mail
[email protected]
The Aid Activities and International Cooperation of Professionals
in the Event of Natural Disasters
「災害における専門家の国際的連携と支援 活 動 」
The largest earthquake recorded in history hit Northeast coast of Japan on 11th March 2011.
Recorded as 9.0 Richter magnitude scale, powerful earthquake and devastating tsunami swept over
coastal towns, farmland and cities. JIA architects responded by providing professional assistance in
three stages, emergency, relief and recovery.
Through our experience as with other disaster aid activities over the world, we would like to share
and discuss our role as professionals in the event of disaster and international cooperation among
the professionals.
今年の 3 月 11 日に起きたマグネチュード 9.0 の巨大地震は東北地方の太平洋沿岸地域に甚大な被害を
ように行動すべきかという課題に取り組む必要があると考える。災害における JIA の経験を伝えると
Symposium : 9:00 A.M.-12 : 00 A.M. September 27 Tuesday, 2011
Venue : Tokyo International Forum, Hall D1
日 時:2011 年 9 月 27 日(火)9:00 ~ 12:00
会 場:東京国際フォーラムD-1(収容人数 100 人)
主 催:社団法人日本建築家協会 (JIA) 本部災害対策委員会
Japan Institute of Architects Anti-Disaster Mearsures Committee
UIA 2011 Tokyo The 24th World Congress of Architecture
JIA Anti-Disaster Measures Committee 30th August 2011
The Aid Activities and International Cooperation of Professionals
in the Event of Natural Disasters
Symposium : 27th September 2011
Venue : Tokyo International Forum, Hall D-1
Main Speaker : Dr. Itsuki NAKABAYASHI Prof. Meiji Univ.
The largest earthquake recorded in the history of Japan, hit Northeast coast on 11th March 2011.
Recorded as 9.0 Richter magnitude scale, powerful earthquake and devastating tsunami swept over
coastal towns, farmland and cities. JIA architects responded by providing professional assistance in three
stages, emergency, relief and recovery.
Through our experience as with other disaster aid activities over the world, we would like to share and
discuss our role as professionals in the event of disaster and international cooperation among the
Program Keynote & Reports (9:00 am-10:45 am) 27th September 2011
Keynote : [Recovery and reconstruction from Great East Japan Earthquake]
by Itsuki Nakabayashi (Prof. Meiji Univ.)
Report 1 : [Role of Architects in Natural Disasters-India]
by Balbir Verma (Architect) To be announced
Report 2 : [The Territorial Project as a Condition for Post-Earthquake Reconstruction of L’Aquila]
by Lucio Zazzara & Federico D’Amico (Architects)
Report 3 : [Reconstruction challenge in Christchurch]
by Patrick Clifford (Architect)
Report 4 : [Role of professionals in post disaster scenario-Pakistan’s Context]
by Ghazala Naeem (Architect)
Report 5 : [U.S. Architects’ Role in Disasters and Holistic Sustainability]
by Rachel Minnery (Architect)
Panel Discussions (10:45 am-12:00pm)
[International Cooperation of Professionals in the Event of Natural Disasters]
Coordinator : Itsuki NAKABAYASHI
Panelists : (India), (Italy), (New Zealand), (Pakistan), (USA), (Japan) To be annouced
Contact Us
JIA Anti-Disaster Measures Committee
Chairman Shoeki KURAKAWA (Architect Japan)
Email [email protected]
The Aid Activities and International Cooperation of Professionals
in the Event of Natural Disasters
The largest earthquake recorded in the history of Japan, hit Northeast coast on 11th March 2011.
Recorded as 9.0 Richter magnitude scale, powerful earthquake and devastating tsunami
swept over coastal towns, farmlands and cities.
JIA architects responded by providing professional assistance in three stages,
emergency, relief and recovery.
Through our experience as with other disaster aid activities over the world,
we would like to share and discuss our role as professionals
in the event of disaster and international cooperation among the professionals.
Symposium : 9:00 A.M.-12 : 00 A.M. September 27 Tuesday, 2011
Venue : Tokyo International Forum, Hall D1
Keynote : [Recovery and reconstruction from Great East Japan Earthquake] by Itsuki Nakabayashi (Prof. Meiji Univ.)
Report 1 : [Role of Architects in Natural Disasters-India] by Balbir Verma (Architect) To be announced
Report 2 : [The Territorial Project as a Condition for Post-Earthquake Reconstruction of L’Aquila] by Lucio Zazzara & Federico D'Amico (Architects)
Report 3 : [Reconstruction challenges in Christchurch] by Patrick Clifford (Architect)
Report 4 : [Role of professionals in post disaster scenario-Pakistan’s Context] by Ghazala Naeem (Architect)
Report 5 : [U.S. Architects' Role in Disasters and Holistic Sustainability] by Rachel Minnery (Architect)
JIA Anti-Disaster Mearsures Committee
UIA 2011 Tokyo The 24th World Congress of Architecture
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