社会学研究科メディア学専攻(博士課程前期) No. 授業科目名 英文科目名 科目ナンバリング 1 マス・コミュニケーション論 Mass Communication Theory MST-09-1-6 2 国際コミュニケーション論 Theory of International Communications MST-09-1-6 3 メディア史 History of Media MST-09-1-6 4 ジャーナリズム史 History of Journalism MST-09-1-6 5 言論の自由と報道倫理 Freedom of Press and Ethics of Reporting MST-09-1-6 6 情報法制論 Media and Information Laws MST-09-1-6 7 ジャーナリズム論 Journalism Theory MST-09-1-6 8 新聞学 Journalism and Mass Communication Studies MST-09-1-6 9 メディア学理論史 History of Media Studies MST-09-1-6 10 新聞学学説史 History of Journalism Studies MST-09-1-6 11 社会関係論 Theory of Social Relations SOC-09-1-6 12 メディア社会論 Theory of Mediated Society MST-09-1-6 13 コミュニケーション論 Theory of Communication MST-09-1-6 14 相互行為論 Theory of Interaction SOC-09-1-6 15 現代社会論 Contemporary Social Studies SOC-09-1-6 16 情報環境論 Studies of Information Environment SOC-09-1-6 17 国際報道論 International Relations and Media SOC-09-1-6 18 メディア責任制度論 Media Accountability System MST-09-1-6 19 表現技術論 Technique of Art ART-09-1-6 20 表象メディア論 Symbol and Media ART-09-1-6 21 消費情報論 Consumption Information Theory MST-09-1-6 22 広告論 Advertising Theory MST-09-1-6 23 情報意味論 Information Semantics MST-09-1-6 24 メディア認知論 Media and Social Cognition MST-09-1-6 25 社会ネットワーク論 Media and Social Network Theories MST-09-1-6 26 メディア文化史 History of Media Culture MST-09-1-6 27 映像情報論 Studies of Visual Information MST-09-1-6 28 メディアとジェンダー論 Media and Gender Studies MST-09-1-6 29 ニュース論 News Studies MST-09-1-6 30 調査報道論 Investigative Reporting Studies MST-09-1-6 31 取材編集論 News Gathering and Editing MST-09-1-6 32 Seminar I A (Mass Communication Studies) MST-09-1-6 33 Seminar I B (International Communication Studies) MST-09-1-6 社会学研究科メディア学専攻(博士課程前期) No. 授業科目名 英文科目名 科目ナンバリング 34 Seminar II A (Historical Studies of Journalism) MST-09-1-6 35 Seminar II B (Studies of Journalism and Mass Communications) MST-09-1-6 36 Seminar III A (History of Media) MST-09-1-6 37 Seminar III B (History of Journalism) MST-09-1-6 38 Seminar III A (Comparative Studies of Media) MST-09-1-6 39 Seminar III B (Studies of Media History) MST-09-1-6 40 Seminar IV A (Communication Studies) MST-09-1-6 41 Seminar IV B (Special Studies of Interaction) SOC-09-1-6 42 Seminar V A (Historical Studies of Media and Mass Communications) MST-09-1-6 43 Seminar V B (Research in Journalism) MST-09-1-6 44 Seminar VI A (Studies of Contemporary Society) SOC-09-1-6 45 Seminar VI B (Special Studies of Information Environment) SOC-09-1-6 46 Seminar VII A (Studies of Media Ethics) MST-09-1-6 47 Seminar VII B (Studies of Information Laws) MST-09-1-6 48 Seminar VIII A (Studies of Social Relations) SOC-09-1-6 49 Seminar VIII B (Studies of Mediated Culture) SOC-09-1-6 50 Seminar IX A (International Relations and Media) MST-09-1-6 51 Seminar IX B (Media Accountability System) MST-09-1-6 52 Seminar X A (Technique of Art) ART-09-1-6 53 Seminar X B (Symbol and Media) ART-09-1-6 54 Seminar XI A (Consumption Information Studies) MST-09-1-6 55 Seminar XI B (Advertising Studies) MST-09-1-6 56 Seminar XII A (Information Semantics Studies) MST-09-1-6 57 Seminar XIII A (Media and Social Cognition) MST-09-1-6 58 Seminar XIII B (Media and Social Network Theories) MST-09-1-6 59 Seminar XIV A (Historical Studies of Media Expression) ART-09-1-6 60 Seminar XIV B (Special Studies of Visual Information) ART-09-1-6 61 Seminar XV A (Media and Gender Studies) MST-09-1-6 62 Seminar XVI A (News Studies) MST-09-1-6 63 Seminar XVI B (Investigative Reporting Studies) MST-09-1-6 64 Seminar XVII B(News Gathering and Editing) MST-09-1-6