
A.J.カリヤー監修 医療経済学百科事典全 4 巻

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A.J.カリヤー監修 医療経済学百科事典全 4 巻
KS-4015 / May 2014
Encyclopedia of Health Economics.
4 vols.
Culyer, Anthony J. (ed. in chief), Encyclopedia of Health Economics. 4 vols. 1664 pp.
2014:4 (Elsevier, NE) <613-4>
ISBN 978-0-12-375678-7
hard set
書は、医療経済学の権威 A.J.カリヤーを監修者に迎え、医療経済学について客観的かつ詳細な
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<収録項目一覧(一部)> ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Demand for Health and Health Care
Section Editor: Thomas G McGuire
Collective Purchasing of Health Care
Demand Cross Elasticities and Offset Effects
Demand for Insurance That Nudges Demand
Education and Health: Disentangling Causal Relationships from Associations
Empirical Determinants of Health Care Demand
Medical Decision Making and Demand
Peer Effects, Social Networks, and Healthcare Demand
Physician Management of Demand at the Point of
Physician-Induced Demand
Price Elasticity of Demand for Medical Care: The Evidence since the RAND Health Insurance Experiment
Quality Reporting and Demand
Rationing of Demand
Determinants of Health and Ill-Health
Section Editors: John Cawley &Kosali Simon
Aging: Conditions Early in Life and Health and Mortality at Advanced Ages
Determinants of Mental Health
Economics of Nutrition
Economics of Smoking
Education and Health
Health Effects of Illegal Drug Use
Intergenerational Effects on Health - In Utero and
Early Life
Macroeconomy and Health
Peer Effects in Health Behaviors
Pollution and Health
Sex Work and Risky Sex in Developing Countries
Economic Evaluation
Section Editors: Mark Sculpher, John Brazier, &
Anirban Basu
Analysis of Uncertainty in Economic Evaluation
Budget-Impact Analysis
Decision Analysis: Eliciting Experts Beliefs to Characterize Uncertainties
Heterogeneity in Decision-Making about Health Interventions
Incorporating Health Inequality Impacts into Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Infectious Disease Modeling
Policy Responses to Uncertainty in Healthcare Resource Allocation Decision Processes
Problem Structuring for Health Economic Model Development
Quality Assessment in Modeling in Decision Analytic
Models for Economic Evaluation
Searching and Reviewing Nonclinical Evidence for
Economic Evaluation
Specification and Implementation of Decision Analytic
Model Structures for Economic Evaluation of Health
Care Technologies
Statistical Issues in Economic Evaluations
Synthesizing Clinical Evidence for Economic Evaluation
Using Economic Evaluation to Support Health System
Decisions about the Adoption of New Technologies
Using Health State Utility Values in Cost-Effectiveness
Using Observational Studies in Economic Evaluation
Value of Information Analysis
Value of Information Methods to Prioritize Research:
Opportunities and Challenges for Practical Application
Valuing Informal Care for Economic Evaluation
Efficiency and Equity
Section Editors : Aki Tsuchiya & John Wildman
Concepts of Efficiency in Health Care
Efficiency and Equity in Health: Philosophical Considerations
Efficiency of Resource Allocation Funding Formulae
Equality of Opportunity in Health
Evaluating Efficiency of a Health Care System in the
Developed World
Measuring Health Inequalities Using the Concentration Index Approach
Measuring Vertical Inequity in the Delivery of Healthcare
Need for Health and Need for Health Care
Techniques for Measuring Equality and Equity in
Health and Health Care
Theory of System Level Efficiency in Health Care
Welfarism and Extra-Welfarism
What Impact Does Income Inequality Have on Individual Health?
Global Health
Section Editors: Karen Grépin & William G. Jack
Determinants of Health Status in the Developing
Economics of HIV/AIDS: Transmission, Treatment,
and Prevention
Education and Health in Developing Economies
Fertility and Population in Developing Countries: Implications for Public Health in the Twenty-First Century
Health Labor Markets in Developing Countries
Internal Geographical Imbalances: The Role of Human Resources Quality and Quantity
Nutrition, health, and economic performance
Preliminary and Incomplete - Not for Circulation or
Pricing and User Fees
Water Supply and Sanitation
Health and its Value
Section Editor: Erik Nord
Cost-Value Analysis
Health and Its Value: Overview
Incorporation of Concerns for Fairness in Economic
Evaluation of Health Programs: Overview
Measurement Properties of Valuation Techniques
Multiattribute Utility Instruments and Their Use
Multi-Attribute Utility Instruments: Condition-Specific
Programs: Overview
Quality-Adjusted Life Years
Techniques for Valuing Health States
Time Preference and Discounting
Utilities for Health States: Whom to Ask
Willingness to Pay for Health
Health and the Macroeconomy
Section Editor: Richard Smith
Assessing the Macroeconomic Effect of Infectious
Disease Outbreaks
Exploring Economics of Development Assistance in
Global Health Initiatives and Financing for Health
Global Public Goods and Health
How International E-Health Impacts Upon National
Health Systems
How Medical Value Travel Impacts upon National
Health Systems
Impact of Health on Economic Growth - and of Growth
on Health?
International Movement of Capital in Health Services
International Trade in Health Services and Health
International Trade in Health Workers
Macroeconomic Causes and Effects of Noncommunicable Disease: The Case of Diet and Obesity
Macroeconomic Dynamics of Health: Lags and Variability in Mortality, Employment, and Spending
Macroeconomic Effect of HIV/AIDS
Macroeconomic Effect of Noncommunicable Disease:
The Case of Mental Health
Macroeconomics of Health and Health Care
Pharmaceuticals and National Health Systems
Relationship Between Emerging Infections, the International Health Regulations, and Macro-Economy
Health Econometrics
Section Editors: John Mullahy and Anirban Basu
Dominance and the Measurement of Inequality in the
Health of Populations
Dose of Bayes to Treat Empirical Malaise: A Primer on
the Use of Bayesian Methods in Health Economics
Dynamic Models: Econometric Considerations of Time
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