TouchTest Tutorial for Android TouchTest Android 2014-08 SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................ 3! ........................................................................................................................ 3! Eclipse ................................................................................................................... 3! ........................................................................................................................ 4! TouchTest Agent ...................................................................................... 4! .................................................................................................................... 5! .................................................................................................................... 9! ............................................................................ 11! ...................................................................................................................... 11! ................................................................................................... 12! ....................................................................................... 18! ............................................................ 23! Eclipse TouchTest ............................................................................................. 23! ................................................ 24! ............................................................ 25! ....................................................................................... 27! ....................................................................... 27! ........................................................................................... 31! ........................................................................................... 33! .............................................................................................................................. 33! ................................................................................... 33! ....................................................................................................... 34! ....................................................................................... 35! ........................................................................................... 35! ....................................................................................................... 42! About SOASTA, Inc. ........................................................................................................ 43! SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 Android TouchTest TouchTest - Eclipse TouchTest TouchTest Eclipse TouchTest - Android SDK Eclipse 3.6 ADT Eclipse ADT Android SDK SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 10 9/8/14 TouchTest TouchTest TouchTest Agent Android Agent 1. 2. Welcome TouchTest Android TouchTest TouchTest Agent TouchTest Downloads SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential TouchTest Agent Android app 9/8/14 3. TouchTestAgent.apk 4. 5. TouchTest Agent SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 1. TouchTest Agent <TouchTest http:// TouchTest Agent >/concerto/touchtest 404 2. SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential Loading URL http:// Loading 9/8/14 3. TouchTest Agent 4. SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential Submit for Approval 9/8/14 5. TouchTest Agent SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential Clear Setting 9/8/14 TouchTest 1. PC http://<TouchTest TouchTest >/concerto/ 2. TouchTest SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential Device Clouds Concerto approve 9/8/14 3. TouchTest TouchTest Agent TouchTest SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential TouchTest 9/8/14 TouchTest TouchTestable TouchTestable - Eclipse Eclipse TouchTestable TouchTest apk TouchTest TouchTestable TouchTestable TouchTestable TouchTestable 1. TouchTest SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential Eclipse PC Welcome 9/8/14 2. Downloads 3. Make App TouchTestable Utility zip Android SDK Android SDK Make App TouchTestable Android SDK SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 GitHub Eclipse TouchTestable GitHub Eclipse 1. GitHub Droidfish git git$clone$$ $ Eclipse Eclipse 2. Droidfish NDK 3. Eclipse 4. Android C NDK File Import Existing Android Code into Workspace SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential Next 9/8/14 5. GitHub workspace 6. Droidfish Droidfish Finish Copy projects into Eclipse SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 7. Droidfish ( ) Eclipse C Droidfish ( ) Builders ( ) NDK NDK Properties Native_Builder Edit ndk-build OK NDK SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 8. NDK Droidfish Eclipse Project Clean 9. Droidfish Android Eclipse Device Manager USB 10. Eclipse Eclipse PC Run Run As Android Virtual USB Android Application 11. OK 12. Droidfish SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 TouchTest Droidfish ZircoBrowser Android TouchTest TouchTest 1. Eclipse MakeAppTouchTestable TouchTestable MacBook-Pro-T2:MakeAppTouchTestable.7040.31 tatsu$ java -jar MakeAppTouchTestable.jar project ~/Code/eclipse/Workspace2014/DroidFish/ -url username “CloudTest Lite” -password SOASTA -overwriteapp Mobile App Object "DroidFish" representing your Application "DroidFish" has been created in CloudTest Repository. -project: TouchTestable -url: TouchTestable -username: TouchTest -password: TouchTest -overwriteapp: TouchTest Eclipse TouchTest Device Admin TouchTest Eclipse 2. Eclipse SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential TouchTest Refresh 9/8/14 3. AndroidManifest.xml XML TouchTest <data android:scheme="touchtest-b75eaee1-230e-4287-bba5-84d357248412" /> <service android:name="" android:enabled="true" android:exported="false" /> <service android:name="" android:enabled="true" android:exported="false" /> 4. Properties Builders post_compile_touchtest 5. TouchTestable SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 Eclipse TouchTestable apk apk Google Play APK Extractor apk apk Droidfish Google Play apk APK Extractor Google Play APK Extractor APK Extractor 1. Google Play apk Google Play APK Extractor SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 Google Play 1. Google Play Droidfish Droidfish 2. Droidfish Droidfish SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 apk 1. APK Extractor 2. Droidfish 3. Droidfish apk PC USB 4. PC PC 5. PC Mac ApkExtractor Android File Transfer apk USB SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 apk MakeAppTouchTestable TouchTestable java -Xmx2g -jar MakeAppTouchTestable.jar -apk [APK [Android SDK ] -url [TouchTest URL] -username [ [ ] –appobjectname [ ] ] -androidsdk ] -password MacBook-Pro-T2:MakeAppTouchTestable.7040.105 tatsu$ java -Xmx2g -jar MakeAppTouchTestable.jar apk ~/Code/TouchTest/APKs/org.petero.droidfish_1.53\ DD.apk -androidsdk /usr/local/android-sdkmacosx -url -username “CloudTest Lite” -password SOASTA appobjectname Droidfish Processing APK file... ................... APK successfully processed. Codesigning APK file... Zipaligning the APK file... TouchTest enabled app is now available at: /Users/tatsu/Code/TouchTest/APKs/org.petero.droidfish_1.53 DD_TouchTest.apk Mobile App Object "Droidfish" representing your Application "null" has been created in CloudTest Repository. -apk -appobjectname TouchTestable TouchTest Mac TouchTest org.pertero.droidfish_1.53 DD_TouchTest.apk Droidfish SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 MakeAppTouchTestable TouchTest TouchTest URL Mobile Apps MakeAppTouchTestable TouchTest TouchTestable URL TouchTest TouchTestable Eclipse Eclipse PC TouchTestable Eclipse USB USB TouchTestable TouchTestable TouchTestable SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 TouchTest TouchTest TouchTest 1. TouchTest Mobile Apps apk Mobile Apps apk Uploaded App 2. TouchTestable 3. Choose File Open OK TouchTest 1. TouchTest http://<TouchTest >/concerto/touchtest/apps 2. SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 3. TouchTest 4. SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential TouchTestable apk 9/8/14 TouchTest TouchTest TouchTest Device Clouds SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential Mobile Apps 9/8/14 TouchTest Droidfish TouchTestable 1. 2. PC Mobile App Droidfish TouchTest Agent TouchTest SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential Status Connected Record 9/8/14 3. Status Connected Record 4. Droidfish SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 5. 6. New Game New Game White 7. SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 8. ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) F2 F3 G2 G4 Fool’s Mate 9. TouchTest Agent 10. Concerto Properties 10 11. SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 1. Open in Test Composition ! Open in Test Composition ! Play in Test Composition ! Debug in Test Composition 2. 3. TouchTest Agent SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 4. Concerto Play Results Details Dashboard CPU SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 TouchTest Action4 Tap Locator: UI UI TouchTest ID Precision: Tap tapCount: duration: tapOffset: Action4 - Inputs - Waits SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 Pre-Action Waits UI - Outputs - Validations - Property Sets Post-Action Waits TouchTest UI UI ID SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 TouchTest 1. 2. PC Mobile App TouchTest Agent TouchTest SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential Status Connected Record 9/8/14 3. Status Connected Record 4. Droidfish SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 5. New Game 6. New Game 7. verfyElementPresent ( ) ( ) TouchTest Action2 veryfyElementPresent SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 ( ) New Game UI ( ) ( ) Errors should be recorded only 8. White 9. TouchTest captureScreenshot noOp verifyScreenshot noOp ( ) Messages/Actions noOp ( ) noOp ( ) App Action4 ( ) Validations SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 ( ) Command verifyScreenshot ( ) UI ( ) ( ) Customize result success/error messages ( ) Outputs SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 ( ) Command captureScreenshot noOp 1 1 noOp 10. F2 11. F3 E5 12. Wait 8 8 ( ) SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 ( ) Wait Command ( ) waitForElementText White’s move ( ) TouchTest Match Wait 2. White's move Exact 2. White’s move 13. G2 14. G4 H4 15. noOp verifyElementText outputViewHierarchy ( ) Messages/Actions noOp ( ) ( ) ( ) Command verifyElementText ( ) Game over, black mates! SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential Validations UI 9/8/14 ( ) Exact Match Game over, black mates! ( ) Outputs Command 16. outputViewHierarchy 2 17. 1. Play in Test Composition 2. 3. Waits And Validations 4. Output SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 5. Events List 6. outputViewHierarchy UI About SOASTA, Inc. SOASTA is the leader in cloud testing. Its web and mobile test automation solution, CloudTest, enables developers, QA professionals and IT operations teams to test with unprecedented speed, scale and precision. The innovative product set streamlines test creation, automates provisioning and execution, and distills analytics to deliver actionable intelligence faster. With SOASTA, companies can have confidence that their applications will perform as designed, even in peak traffic. SOASTA’s customers are many of today’s most successful brands including American Girl, Chegg, Gilt Groupe, Hallmark, Intuit, Microsoft and Netflix. SOASTA is privately held and headquartered in Mountain View, Calif. For more information about SOASTA, please visit SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14 SOASTA Proprietary and Confidential 9/8/14