
2014年度第1回GSC-セミナーの要旨 - Department of Materials Science

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2014年度第1回GSC-セミナーの要旨 - Department of Materials Science
 Seminar on Green Sustainable
Chemistry in Tottori (2014-1)
日時:2014 年 5 月 23 日(金) 13:20〜15:30 場所:鳥取大学大学院工学研究科大講義室 鳥取市湖山町南 4-101 主催 鳥取大学グリーン・サスティナブル・ケミストリー (GSC)研究センター プログラム 開会挨拶 センター長 伊藤 敏幸 13:30-14:30:座長 伊藤 敏幸 小林 修 (東京大学大学院理学系研究科 教授) 「Immobilized Catalysts for Green Sustainable Chemistry」 14:30-15:30:座長 櫻井 敏彦 伊原 博隆 (熊本大学大学院自然科学研究科(工学・化学系) 教授, 熊本大学副学長) 「Supramolecular Gels」 閉会 1
Shū Kobayashi
Professor Shū Kobayashi studied at the University of Tokyo, receiving his Ph.D. in 1988
working under the direction of Professor T. Mukaiyama. Following an initial period as
assistant professor, he was promoted to lecturer then associate professor at Science
University of Tokyo (SUT). In 1998, he moved to the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, the University of Tokyo, as full professor. In 2007, he was appointed to his
current position as professor of Organic Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo. He has held various visiting professorships,
including the Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg (1993), Kyoto University (1995),
Nijmegen University (1996), Philipps-University of Marburg (1997), Paris-Sud (2010).
Professor Kobayashi has wide-ranging research interests that include the development of
new synthetic methods and novel catalysts, organic reactions in water, solid-phase
synthesis, total synthesis of biologically interesting compounds, and organometallic
chemistry. He has held numerous named lectureships and is a recipient of many prestigious
awards, including the Chemical Society of Japan Award for Young Chemists (1991),
Springer Award in Organometallic Chemistry (1997), IBM Science Award (2001), Organic
Reactions Lecturer (2002), Nagoya Silver Medal (2002), Mitsui Chemical Catalysis
Science Award (2005), JSPS Prize (2005), the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award from the
American Chemical Society (2006), Howard Memorial Lecturer (2006), C.S. Hamilton
Award (2007), Merck-Cambridge Lecturer (2007), Humboldt Research Award (2013), and
Green Chemistry Minister of Education Award (2013).
Immobilized Catalysts for Green Sustainable Chemistry
Shū Kobayashi
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 Japan
E-mail: [email protected]
Homogeneous catalysts and heterogeneous catalysts have merits and demerits that are
somehow conflict. “Dream catalysts” have both merits, and in this lecture our trials to
develop “dream catalysts” are described. Several types of metal nanoclusters as
immobilized catalysts for reduction, oxidation, and C-C bond-forming reactions including
asymmetric catalysis will be discussed. For example, we have developed heterogeneous
polymer-incarcerated nickel nanoparticles, which catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. The
matrix structure of these catalysts incorporates both N-heterocycle carbenes as ligands and
nickel nanoparticles, thanks to a new design of cross-linking agents in polymer supports.
These embedded NHCs were detected by Field Gradient Swollen-Resin Magic Angle
Spinning (FG-SRMAS) NMR analysis. They were successfully applied to Corriu–
Kumada–Tamao reactions with a broad substrate scope including functional group
tolerance, and the catalyst could be recovered and reused several times without loss of
+ Metal
1) R. Akiyama, S. Kobayashi, Chem. Rev. 2009, 109, 594.
2) S. Kobayashi, H. Miyamura, Chem. Rec. 2010, 10, 271.
3) T. Yasukawa, H. Miyamura, S. Kobayashi, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 16963.
4) J.-F. Soulé, H. Miyamura, S. Kobayashi, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 10602.
5) H. Miyamura, G. C. Y. Choo, T. Yasukawa, W.-J. Yoo, S. Kobayashi, Chem. Commun.
2013, 49, 9917.
6) S. Kobayashi, H. Miyamura, Aldrichimica Acta 2013, 46, 3.
7) T. Yasukawa, H. Miyamura, S. Kobayashi, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014. DOI:
Hirotaka Ihara
He was born in Kita-kyushu, Fukuoka in 1954.
He received B.S. (1977) and M.S. (1979) degrees from Kumamoto University under the
direction of Prof. Kimiho Yamada in Synthetic Chemistry. He received a Ph.D. (1982)
from Kyushu University under the direction of Prof. Toyoki Kunitake in Polymer
He became Professor in Kumamoto University (1997). He is now the leader of the
Supramolecular Chemistry Group at the Department of Applied Chemistry and
Biochemistry, Kumamoto University as well as Vice President of Kumamoto University
for International Affairs.
Keywords for current research fields: molecular assembling for supramolecular chemistry;
photo-electro organics, and so on. His achievements have been reported as 300 journal
papers and 100 patents.
Supramolecular Gels
Hirotaka IHARA
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, Kumamoto University, Japan
Kumamoto Institute for Photo-Electro Organics, Japan
E-mail: [email protected]
URL: http://www.chem.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/~iahra/
Gels are generally defined as a dilute cross-linked system, which exhibits no flow but
mostly composed of a liquid. Therefore, a gel state is often observed by chemical
crosslinking of well-dispersed amorphous polymers to produce three dimensional network.
On the other hand, our gels1 are absolutely different from these conventional gels because
the gel state can be achieved by fibrillar aggregation of low-molecular-weight compounds
but not polymers, and therefore the resultant gels show supramolecular functions through
formation of highly-ordered secondary structures.
This paper introduces our basic idea to create supramolecular gels and some
applications. Some of our successful examples are found in peptide-based derivatives. For
example, a lipophilic L-glutamide derivative, which is prepared by introduction of a
chromophoric group and two long chain alkyl groups via amide bonds into L-glutamic acid,
behaves as a gelator in organic solvents such as benzene, toluene and cyclohexane. TEM
and SEM observation indicate that the L-glutamide forms nano-fibrillar aggregates and the
gelation can be brought about by three-dimensional network formation.
This paper also demonstrates that the obtained nano-fibrillar aggregates show unique
optical properties in CD and fluorescent spectra when pyrene is selected as a chromophoric
group.2-4 For example, an excimeric fluoresce can be observed in gel-forming solvents but
not in the others. This is due to high molecular ordering among pyrene moieties, and as a
result high Stokes shift is realized. This phenomenon is fortunately performed even in
polymer films such as polystyrene and PMMA.5-7 In this paper, we also demonstrate the
application as a light-management film for power conversion enhancement of solar cells.
The enhancement of power conversion efficiency can be due to high Stokes shift realizing
the wavelength conversion from UV-A to useful visible light.
1. H. Ihara, M. Takafuji, T. Sakurai, Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology,
American Scientific Publishers, California, Vol. 9, p.473, 2004.
2. M. Takafuji, A. Ishiodori, T. Yamada, T. Sakurai, H. Ihara, Chem. Comm., p.1122,
3. H. Jintoku, T. Sagawa, K. Miyamoto, M. Takafuji, H. Ihara, Chem. Comm., Vol.46,
p.7208, 2010.
4. H. Jintoku, T. Sagawa, M. Takafuji, H. Ihara, Chem. Eur. J., Vol.17, p.11628, 2011.
5. H. Jintoku, H. Ihara, Chem. Comm., Vol.48, p.1144, 2012.
6. H. Jintoku, Y. Okazaki, M. Takafuji, H. Ihara, Chem. Lett., Vol.42, p.1297, 2013.
7. H. Jintoku, M. Yamaguchi, M. Takafuji, H. Ihara, Adv. Funct. Mat., in prints.
鳥取大学 GSC セミナーの歴史 ○第 1 回(Seminar on Green and Sustainable Chemistry in Tottori),日本化学会・グ
リーンケミストリー研究会(17th Green Chemistry Forum)と共催,平成 20 年 12 月 10
日,とりぎん文化会館(鳥取県民文化会館)小ホール, 講師 3 名,出席者 187 名 講師:上村 明男(山口大学大学院医学系研究科 教授),
けた新しい方法」 講師:丹羽 幹(鳥取大学大学院工学研究科 教授),
「Y ゼオライトのブレーンステッド酸性質
発現と触媒活性」 講師:萩原 久大(新潟大学大学院自然科学研究科 教授)「イオン液体固定化触媒(SILC)と
グリーンケミストリー」 講師: Professor TECK PENG LOH(Nanyang Technological University,(Singapore))
“Ionic Liquids as Green Solvents & Catalysts for Organic Synthesis” ○第 2 回(Seminar on Green and Sustainable Chemistry in Tottori 2009 (1))(科研
費,特定領域研究「イオン液体の科学」,触媒学会,石油学会と共催),H21 年 11 月 14 日,
工学研究科大講義室,講師 13 名,出席者 167 名 講師:Professor Douglas MacFarlane( Monash Univ., Australia)” Ionic Liquids and Global Sustainability” 講師:Dr. Asako Narita (Kyoto University, Japan) “Ionic Liquid-modified Inorganic Nanoparticles and their Biomedical Applications” 講師:Dr. Hideo Midorikawa (Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corp., Japan), “Environmental Friendly Process for Producing Cyclohexanol from Benzene by Using Heterogeneous Catalysts” 講 師 : Dr. Kazu Okumura (Tottori Univ., Japan), “In situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Study of Highly Dispersed Pd Species Active in the Suzuki-Miyaura Reactions” 講師:Professor Toshiyuki Itoh (Tottori Univ., Japan), “Iron Salt-catalyzed One-Pot Nazarov Cyclization / Michael Reaction of Pyrrole Derivatives 講師:Professor Bohari M. Yamin (Univ. Kebangsaan, Malaysia), “Structural and Complexation Studies of Fluorophenylthioureas” 講師:Dr. Hyunjoo Lee (KIST, Korea),” Alkyl Polyfluoroalkyl Imidazolium Ionic liquids: Synthesis and Characterization” 講 師 : Dr. Hisashi Shimakoshi (Kyushu Univ., Japan), “Bio-related Tetrapyrrole Catalyst with Ionic Liquid” 講 師 : Professor Kenji Takahashi, (Kanazawa Univ., Japan),” ormation of Anhydrosugars from Cellobiose in Ionic Liquids” 講師:Dr. Mayumi Nishida (Koei Chemical Co. Ltd., Japan), ” The Development of Koei’s Ionic Liquids” 講師:Professor Seiji Suga, (Okayama Univ., Japan), ” Electroorganic Synthesis Using Micro Reaction Systems” 講師:Professor Toshio Fuchigami (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan),” Highly Selective Fluorination of Organic Molecules and Macromolecules in Ionic Liquids” 講師:Professor Junko N. Kondo (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), “Crystalline Mesoporous Ta2O5 Photocatalyst for Overall Water Splitting” ○第 3 回(Seminar on Green and Sustainable Chemistry in Tottori 2009 (2))H21
年 12 月 1 日,工学研究科大講義室, 講師 2 名,出席者 154 名 講師:Professor Pedro Lozano (University of Murcia, Spain), “Enzymatic Catalysis in Ionic Liquids and sc-CO2 Biphasic Systems” 6
講師:Professor Joe Chappell (University of Kentucky, USA),“Evolving the Catalytic Specificity of Terpene Biosynthetic Enzymes and the Development of Sustainable, Robust Production Platforms in Yeast and Plants” ○第 4 回(2010 年度 GSC in Tottori(1))(日本化学会,第 53 回中国四国産学連携化学
フォーラムと共同開催)H22 年 9 月 20 日,工学研究科大講義室,講師 5 名,出席者 177 特別講演: J-E. Bäckvall(ストックホルム大学教授)” A Biomimetic Approach to Green Organic Transformations” 特別講演: B. K. Mihovilovic(ウイーン工業大学教授)“Bioorganic Chemistry in Sustainable Synthesis” 講師:國信 洋一郎(岡山大学大学院自然科学研究科 助教)「不活性結合の切断を鍵とする新
規有機合成反応の開発」 講師:米山 公啓(広島大学大学院工学研究科 助教)「安全・安価な金属触媒を活用した有機
合成反応」 講師:依馬 正(岡山大学大学院自然科学研究科 准教授)「多重水素結合部位を有するキラル
大環状化合物の不斉識別機能」 ○第 5 回(2010 年度 GSC in Tottori (2))(日本化学会,触媒学会,石油学会,化学工学会
と共催),H22 年 11 月 13 日工学研究科大講義室,講師 4 名,出席者 188 名 講師:Suk Bong HONG (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea) “Zeolite Syntheses via a CDM Approach” 講師:Shinji INAGAKI (Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc., Japan) “Synthesis of Optically Active Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas toward the Construction of Artificial Photosynthesis” 講師:Akira MIYAMOTO (Tohoku University, Japan) “Multi-level Computational Chemistry Methods for Green and Sustainable Chemistry” 講師:German SASTRE (Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica UPV-CSIC, Spain) “Synthesis of Octahedral Metal Oxides with Pore Structures” ○第 6 回(2010 年度 GSC in Tottori(3)),
(第 1 回イオン液体討論会(イオン液体研究会)
と共催) 平成23年1月17日,18日,とりぎん文化会館,参加者186名 特別講演:R. Rogers(アラバマ大学 教授,米国)“Ionic Liquid Solvents for the Grand Challenge Inherent in a Biorefinery: Extraction and Separation of Lignin, Cellulose, and Hemicellulose”
特別講演:M-J. KOO(インハ大学 教授,韓国,韓国生物工学会会長)“Application of Ionic Liquids in Bioconversion Process” ○第7回(2011 Green Sustainable Chemistry Seminar in Tottori (1)) 2011年12月15日(木),共通教育棟A20講義室,出席者93名,講師3名 講 師 : 久 枝 良 雄 ( 九 州 大 学 大 学 院 工 学 研 究 院 教 授 )「 Bio-inspired Catalysts for Degradation of Environmental Pollutants: Lessons from Metalloenzyme(バイオイン
スパイアード触媒の創製と環境浄化への応用)」 講師:稲永 純二 (九州大学先導物質化学研究所 教授)
「Green Asymmetric Catalysis with Diionic Chiral Sc-Complex in Ionic Liquid: An Organic Solvent-Free Catalytic Asymmetric Reaction Process(有機溶媒フリーの不斉反応プロセスの構築)」 講師:Suojiang Zhang (中国科学院(北京)教授,プロセス工学研究所長)
「Hydrogen Bonds: A New Insight Into Ionic Liquids」 7
○第 8 回(2011 Green Sustainable Chemistry Seminar in Tottori (2)) 2012年2月14日(火曜),工学研究科大講義室,出席者193名,講師3名 講師:小川 順(京都大学大学院農学研究科 教授)
「Valuable microbial functions pioneering bio-based industry- development of bio-lipid platform and biotransformation 」 講師:酒井 貴志(岡山大学大学院自然科学研究科 教授)
「New and Efficient Catalysts for Activation of Carbon Dioxide and Epoxide to Produce Cyclic Carbonate」 講師:Xin-Hui Xing(中国,清華大学 教授)
「Microbial Evolution Engineering for Microbial Strain Improvement」 ○第 9 回(2012 Green Sustainable Chemistry Seminar in Tottori (1)) GSC 研究センター設置記念講演会 2012 年 10 月 14 日(火曜),共通教育棟 A20 講義室,出席者 152 名,講師 3 名 講師:奥村 和(鳥取大学大学院工学研究科 准教授) 「Structure and catalysis of layered NbW oxide catalysts constructed by the self-assembly of nanofibers」 講師:Dae Yoon Chi(韓国 Sogang大学 教授) 「 New Concept Nucleophilic Fluorination Assisted by 1H-1,2,3-Triazol-3-ium Triflates」 講師:吉田 潤一(京都大学大学院工学研究科 教授) 「空間で時間を制御する合成化学」 ○第 10 回(2012 Green Sustainable Chemistry Seminar in Tottori (2)) 2012 年 12 月 3 日(月曜),工学研究科大講義室,出席者 156 名,講師 3 名 講師:Franz Hollmann (オランダ,Delft 工科大学 准教授)「Oxidoreductases for a greener organic synthesis – scope and challenges」 講師:伊藤 伸哉(富山県立大学教授,生物工学研究センター所長) 「Development of novel biocatalysts for producing chiral compounds」 講師:溝端 知宏(鳥取大学大学院工学研究科 准教授) 「Elucidating the molecular mechanism of chaperonin- facilitated protein folding」 ○第 11 回(2013 Green Sustainable Chemistry Seminar in Tottori(1))有機合成
化学協会中国四国支部 (第 69 回パネル討論会)と共催 2013 年 6 月 13 日(木曜),工学研究科大講義室,出席者 105 名,講師 3 名 講師:藤井 郁雄(大阪府立大学大学院理学系研究科教授,生命環境科学域 自然科学類・学類長)
「Molecular Basis for Transition-state Stabilization in Catalytic Antibodies」 講師:宇梶 裕(金沢大学理工研究域物質化学系 教授) 「Development of novel synthetic methods for heterocycles utilizing 1,3-dipoles」 講師:三好 徳和(徳島大学大学院教授・ソシオアーツ&サイエンス研究部) 「Development and Application for Unexpected Sr-mediated Reactions」 ○第 12 回(2013 Green Sustainable Chemistry Seminar in Tottori(2))日本化学
会中国四国支部(平成 25 年度 鳥取地区化学講演会)と共催 2013 年 10 月 25 日(金曜),工学研究科大講義室,出席者 160 名,講師 3 名 講師:Peter Wasserscheid(ドイツ フリードリヒ・アレクサンダー大学エアランゲン=ニュ
ンベルク 教授)「Ionic Liquid Thin Films in Catalysis - Fundamental Aspects and Applications」 講 師 : 秋 山 隆 彦 ( 学 習 院 大 学 理 学 部 化 学 科 教 授 )「 Recent Progress in the Chiral Phosphoric Acid Catalysis」 講師:吉田 勝 (産業技術総合研究所 博士)
「Gels and Photoresoponsive Compounds as Novel Smart Materials」 8
○第 13回(2013 Green Sustainable Chemistry Seminar in Tottori(3)) 2014 年 1 月 30 日(木曜),工学研究科大講義室,出席者 118 名,講師 3 名 講師:Jason A. C. Clyburne(セントメリー大学 (カナダ) 教授)「Unusual anions in ion-rich media and their implication in catalysis and in nature」 講師:柳 日馨(大阪府立大学大学院理学系研究科 教授)「Greener Synthetic Processes Based on Continuous Micro Flow Systems 」 講師:松浦 和則(鳥取大学大学院工学研究科 教授)「Development of Self-assembled Synthetic Viral Capsids 」 延べ参加者2036名,講師50名 9
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