
Mobility performance and stress distribution generated

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Mobility performance and stress distribution generated
「Mobility performance and stress distribution generated beneath a wheel on loose soil for a wheeled
In an unmanned exploration rover for future lunar and planetary exploration, understanding of soil
stress distributions generated beneath its wheels is one of the key technologies for control and
estimate of the rover’s traveling performance. Although some have addressed the measurement and
modeling of the stress distributions so far, their application basically targets relatively-larger
vehicle such as construction machinery. Therefore, most of the past results cannot be applicable
to a small and light-weight rover. On the basis of this background, we have carried out the laboratory
tests to measure the three-dimensional stress distribution beneath a driving wheel using a
high-accuracy force/torque sensor. The measurement results confirmed the relationship between the
soil stress distribution and the wheel’s traveling performance such as wheel slippage or sinkage.
This presentation will review such a complicated phenomenon between soil reactive stresses and
wheeled mobility based on various experimental results.
「Mobility Analysis of Ground-Gripping Robot like a Rock Climber for Minor Body Exploration」
This presentation reports elaborates on motion control of a ground-gripping robot like a rock climber
for minor body exploration. The proposed robot system possesses a new-typed locomotion method that
enables the robot to move in a minor body by gripping its uneven surface. Compared to conventional
hopping robots for small body exploration, this will also perform more accurate locomotion in a
micro-gravity surface. In order for the robot to stably achieve continuous locomotion in a
micro-gravity, the idling arm’s motion of the robot is desired to be controlled so as not to exert
reaction to the supporting arm’s gripper. On the basis of this motivation, in this presentation
we will deliver a reactionless motion control strategy. Given the motion trajectory of the idling
as well as the reactionless strategy, the continuous locomotion can be achieved. The validity of
the control law is discussed based on numerical simulation analyses. In the simulation, the mobility
performance of the proposed system in various terrain shapes is investigated, and then we clarify
the its adaptability to uneven and irregular terrains.
「Jumping Rover Mechanism Considering Surface Properties of Celestial Body」
Jumping rover is attracting interest as a new mobility method on the celestial body. The jumping
rover can move the large variety area of terrain. However, it is difficult to adapt the design to
the surface characteristics such as regolith, small gravity and the other special environment. This
research analyzes the relationship between the mechanism of jumping rover and characteristics of
the surface of the celestial body.
「Operation of a Lunar Rover with a Redundant Microcontroller and Multiple Camera Architecture」
*John Walker(東北大学)
、Nathan Britton(東北大学)
The Space Robotics Lab of Tohoku University is developing a four kilogram, four-wheeled skid steer
rover with a passive suspension mechanism, called “Moonraker”, in partnership with Team Hakuto,
a Google Lunar XPRIZE entrant. The mobility of Moonraker over soft terrain with slopes of up to
30 degrees has been proven over several years and several versions of the rover. Recently, we have
developed a robust electronics architecture for Moonraker that uses two redundant controllers, each
connected to two cameras. The architecture also includes two redundant radio links to a lander and
two solar arrays capable of powering the rover. Alone, each single controller-camera subsystem is
capable of controlling Moonraker and completing the mission, but normally the entire system with
four cameras is used to generate a 360 degree panoramic view. The camera data is also fused with
motor telemetry, a point cloud from a time-of-flight based rangefinder, accelerometer and gyroscope
data in a Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm. The onboard SLAM algorithm is
not used for autonomous control, but is used for autonomous emergency stopping and providing mapping
and terrain data to the operators. The SLAM algorithm is conducted onboard with only minimal data
returned because of low bandwidth limitations. A novel and extensible ground station interface is
used by a pilot and co-pilot to drive the rover. In this system, the pilot’s interface includes
primarily the panoramic image fused with 3D information about the environment from the SLAM algorithm.
The co-pilot’s interface includes all telemetry and status of each individual device on the rover,
and key segments of the images to monitor the rover’s wheels. Additionally, the co-pilot can request
high-resolution images or portions of images for examination of the rover itself (e.g.: position
of the wheels or suspension components), anomalies or to conduct path-planning. The
controller-camera subsystems use direct interfaces from images sensors to the controllers to reduce
power consumption and component count. The overall system is comprised of two controller-camera
subsystems plus power, mobility and communications devices chosen for off-the-shelf space readiness
and space heritage through Tohoku University’s microsatellite program. We have conducted extensive
thermal-vacuum, vibration, total dose radiation and field testing to qualify all of the components
and develop the final flight model configuration in an iterative design-test process. In this process,
qualification of the final flight model electronics is underway, with one iteration of the rover
structure including thermal subsystem remaining.
Lunch Time Lecture「Routh 表による2乗積分ノルムの計算」
「Square Integral Norm Computation by Routh Table 」
2乗積分ノルムは、制御系の性能評価で、色々な場合に必要になるが、Routh 表を用いて簡単に計算する方
法が、Li Qiu らによって近年提案された。このアルゴリズムを紹介すると共に、従来用いられている各種
The square-integral-norm is necessary in the performance evaluation of control systems. A simple
new algorithm for computation of squared-integral-norm has been recently presented by Li Qiu and
others. The algorithm is explained and comparisons are made with other methods by examples. It is
found this approach is most effective compared with other approaches.
「はやぶさ 2 のプルームが小惑星表面および小型着陸機に与える影響の解析」
「Analysis of plume influence on asteroid surface and landers of Hayabusa 2」
はやぶさ 2 は小惑星表面へタッチダウンを行う際にスラスタの噴射を行うが,そのプルームがサンプル採
取を行う小惑星表面を汚染する可能性がある.また,小型着陸機 MINERVA-II と MASCOT の分離後も噴射を
行うが,この際のプルームがこれらの運動に与える擾乱も無視できない.本研究では Boynton モデルに従
った FEM を用いてこれらの影響を定量的に解析する.
Plume emitted from thrusters of Hayabusa 2 in touch down phase will cause contamination of the surface
of the target asteroid on which it will collect samples. Plume emission also causes disturbance
on landers’ motion when they are separated from the mother spacecraft. In this study, those
influences are analyzed by FEM based on Boynton’s model.
「Design of a Lander for in-situ investigation and sample-return from a Jupiter Trojan Asteroid
on the JAXA Solar Power Sail (SPS) Mission」
*Ralf C. Boden, and the Solar Power Sail Study Group
The JAXA Solar Power Sail (SPS) Mission, aims at the remote and in-situ investigation of a Trojan
Asteroid in the Jovian System, including the return of collected samples to Earth.
The round-trip mission is planned to take a total of 30 years, from its launch in the early 2020's
until the Earth return around 2050. As the SPS will be equipped with a 50 x 50 m solar sail to provide
electricity for operation of the spacecraft's ion engines at a distance of up to 5.2 AU from the
Sun, the in-situ analysis and sample collection at the Trojan asteroid will be performed by a separate
Lander during the rendezvous with the Trojan asteroid in the 2030's. The Lander system design is
hereby being conducted in a joint study effort, between the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA),
and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The design of the Lander systems are described based on the
results of a first study held in 2014 and early 2015, and the current progress of the second study.
Next to common systems for power, communication, data-handling, and thermal control, the Lander
is equipped with reaction control and attitude determination systems, which are needed for the
descent and landing phase of the mission, as well as the rendezvous with the SPS mother spacecraft
(MSC), during which the collected samples are transferred for the return to Earth by the MSC. Lander
mass is restricted to 100kg, and the systems are designed to allow operation at the large distance
from the Sun and Earth. This results is a Lander that must perform most of its tasks fully autonomous,
as mission duration is limited by the battery power source, and remote control is restricted by
long transfer times and the need to relay all communications through the MSC. During its lifetime
of around 30 hours, the Lander must autonomously perform the descent and landing operations at the
Trojan asteroid, as well as the ascent from the asteroid and rendezvous/docking with the MSC. The
20 hours spent on the asteroid surface are allocated to the collection of samples for in-situ analysis
and sample-return, as well as collection of context data using a suite of science instruments.
Sufficient time is provided to verify and ensure proper sample collection for mission success. The
current state of the study is provided and it is shown, that under the given mass constraints, a
Lander system capable of performing the tasks required for this mission can be realized.
「Prediction of rover energy consumption with self-supervised approach」
*大津恭平 (東大)、久保田孝 (JAXA)
Planetary exploration rovers require the capability to perceive environments in order to show
autonomous mobility in the unexplored world. Specifically, a number of researches have been
conducted in the field of semantic terrain assessment, which improves rover’s safety and efficiency.
This research focuses on the remote estimation of energy consumption in the mobility system using
camera imagery. A key technique is the self-supervised machine learning technique based on vision
and vibration sensors, which enables on-site adjustment of energy consumption models. A field test
has been conducted in a volcanic field to show the validity of the proposed algorithm.
「Active Suppression of Disturbance Induced by Satellite-Mounted Instrument Using Magnetic Bearing
*神澤 拓也、茂渡 修平、山中 浩二(JAXA)
冷凍機、ホイール、IRU などの衛星搭載機器が発生する擾乱は、衛星の指向安定度を劣化させる大きな要因
The disturbances induced by satellite mounted instruments such as cooler, reaction wheel (RW), and
inertial reference unit (IRU) degrade the pointing stability of Earth- and astronomy-observing
satellites. The passive-type isolation system has been applied to attenuate the induced disturbances.
However, the performance of the passive isolator is limited due to its fundamental natural frequency.
On the other hand, the active disturbance suppression will be one of the solution to improve the
pointing stability. The disturbances are measured by accelerators and feedback to the control system.
Based on the feedback control law, a magnetic bearing actuator produces the control forces to
suppress the disturbances. This paper describes the method, configuration, and results of
demonstration tests for active disturbance suppression.
「高ΔV ミッションのためのホールスラスタシステム」
「Hall Thruster System Design for High Delta-V Missions」
ΔV が 3〜6km/s の高ΔV ミッションに適合したホールスラスタシステムの研究開発を進めている。同スラ
スタは、3〜6t 級の全電化衛星、ならびに、1t 級の惑星探査の主推進等幅広いミッションに適合すること
を目指しており、スラスタ一台あたりの推力は 100〜400mN、比推力は動作モードに応じて 1300s〜3000s
R&D of a new Hall thruster system for high delta-V missions is now under way at JAXA and IA. The
system is designed for so-called all-electric main propulsion of 3 to 6 ton class geostationary
satellite as well as for orbital transfer of one-ton class planetary explorer. The system is
tentatively targeted at variable thrust (100-400 mN) and Isp (1300-3000s) depending on selected
operational modes. In this presentation, mission candidates that are suitable for the Hall thruster
system are provided and discussed.
2014 年 12 月 3 日に打ち上げられた小惑星探査機「はやぶさ2」ではいくつかのチャレンジングなミッショ
ンを計画している.そのうちの一つが衝突装置 SCI と,その衝突実験を観察する分離カメラ(DCAM)ミッ
る危険があるため,SCI 動作実行前に探査機は小惑星の影,安全な領域に退避する計画である.すなわち,
観察する術がないことになる.JAXA では小型ソーラー電力セイル実証機 IKAROS で分離カメラ
るための分離カメラを新たに開発した.探査ミッションで用いる分離カメラシリーズとして DCAM3 と名付
けられた.本発表では,DCAM3 システムの詳細と開発結果,運用計画について報告する.
「Retro-directive and antenna technology for deep space probe」
*Naoki Hasegawa(Kyoto Univ), Takeru Kishimoto(The Univ. of Tokyo), Hyeonjae Ju, Satoshi
YoshidaKagoshima Univ), Akihira Miyachi, Makoto Matsunoshita(JAXA), Kenjiro Nishikawa(Kagoshima
Univ), Osamu Mori, Hideki Kato, Junichiro Kawaguchi, Shigeo Kawasaki(JAXA)
The IKAROS (Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation of the Sun) was launched on 21 May
2010 and made a success of solar sail demonstration in space. JAXA plane to launch IKAROS2 in the
wake of the success. In the IKAROS, the low and middle gain antennas are available for downlink
communication. The antennas are fixed on front and back side of the satellite body. In general,
the antenna has a directivity and gain has an angle dependence. In the IKAROS mission, the
communication problems by dividing the antenna angle between Tx and Rx were reported.
The retro-directive technology which is able to control the beam direction is expected for improving
the communication problems. The proposed retro-directive system supports to keep the same beam
direction towards the uplink signal from earth station by a plane conjugate in analog circuits.
In this work, a prototype of retro-directive circuit on plane substrate and antenna on multilayer
substrate is fabricated and demonstrated. A compact retro-directive hybrid integrated circuit (HIC)
using resistive mixer is presented in this work. The retro-directive HIC is composed to resistive
mixer for phase conjugation, diplexers for separating signal by the frequency, and planar cross-over
structures for polarization orthogonalizing. The retro-directive HIC is fabricated on the
assumption that it operates at 7.1GHz and 8.4GHz for the uplink and downlink of the satellite
In addition, a proto-type of dual-band dual-pole antenna is demonstrated for uplink and downlink
communication. The antenna is designed on the multilayer substrate. In each layer of the substrate,
the up and down-link X-band antenna are designed. The polarizations of each antenna are crossed
by 90 degrees, and contribute high isolation between MPT and communication. The antenna gain and
directivity of the fabricated antenna are measured by a far-field antenna pattern measurement
Resulting from the measurement, the gain of 3.91 dBi at 7.11 GHz and 3.57 dBi at 8.29 GHz were
confirmed in a front direction of single antenna element.(323 words)
「低推力推進系を用いた VILM についての研究」
「A Study on V-Infinity Leverage Maneuver (VILM) with Low Thrust Propulsion System」
,川勝 康弘(ISAS)
V-Infinity Leverage Maneuver (VILM)は,燃料の限られた深宇宙探査において魅力的な増速手段である.
VILM を実施した場合の効果については,未だに十分な研究がされているとは言い難い状況にある.そこで
本研究では,低推力推進系を用いた VILM に関して,より定量的な研究を行った.
In this paper, the V-infinity leverage maneuver (VLIM) with low thrust propulsion system has been
presented. Due to the limited amount of on boarded fuel, the VLIM is regarded as an effective method
for interplanetary trajectory planning. Nowadays, the electric propulsion system is commonly used
for the orbital maneuvering, which enables the accelerating spacecraft by high specific impulse.
The result shows the comprehensive characteristics of the VLIM combined with the electric
「Global Search for Mass-Optimal Low-Thrust Transfers to the Moon」
*大島 健太 (早大), Stefano Campagnola (JAXA), 柳尾 朋洋 (早大)
おいて indirect method を適用し、ポントリャーギンの最小原理から得られる最適性の必要条件、初期推
よびラグランジュ点 L1 周りの不変多様体を利用することで燃料消費量を節約する、カオス的な解集団を得
Low-thrust propulsion systems are considered to be one of the essential space technologies in the
present and future because of their fuel efficiency. However, they often require enormous search
to find global optimal solutions. The present study applies the indirect method in the circular
restricted three-body problem and reduces the dimensionality of initial costate variables in order
to search for near-optimal solutions globally through a simple grid search. The method is based
on the Pontryagin’s minimum principle, a heuristic assumption on initial thrust direction, and
the similarity to two-body dynamics near the Earth. As an application, we globally search the
mass-optimal low-thrust transfers from GEO to the Moon. We finally find fuel efficient, chaotic
solutions utilizing multiple lunar gravity assists and invariant manifolds around Lagrange point
「Robust Optimal Control for Low-Thrust Trajectory Design with Thrust Uncertainty」
*尾崎 直哉(東京大学)
,船瀬 龍(東京大学)
った.しかし,はやぶさや Dawn をはじめとする実ミッションでは,予期せぬ低推力推進機の故障・セーフ
Low-thrust propulsion system with high specific impulse has been recently used for various space
missions. Conventional methods are mainly attained by Nonlinear Programming (NLP) with the
assumption that the spacecraft can be controlled as planed; however, most missions such as Hayabusa
and Dawn experience missed-thrust caused by engine failure or safe mode. Therefore, this study
introduces the robust optimal control method (i.e. optimization of the worst-case) considering
thrust uncertainty. This paper focuses on efficient NLP-based or Dynamic Programming (DP)-based
methods instead of sampling-based method such as Monte-Carlo method, which is a large burden on
the computation.
「Earth Escape from a Sun-Earth Halo Orbit Using Unstable Manifolds and Lunar Gravity Assists」
*Hongru Chen (Kyushu University); Yasuhiro Kawakatsu (ISAS/JAXA); Toshiya Hanada (Kyushu
As halo orbits are of many advantages and getting popular in various space missions, the investigation
for the extended mission following a halo orbit mission is considered worthwhile. The paper
investigates the Earth escape for the spacecraft in a Sun-Earth halo orbit. The transfer consists of a
departure to the unstable manifold associated to the halo orbit, a coast phase along the manifold and
lunar swingbys. The first crossing of manifold tube and Moon’s orbit results in four intersections. The
four manifold trajectories have different relative velocity (V∞) to the Moon at the encounters and the
corresponding lunar swingbys can result in different levels of characteristic energy (C3) with respect to
the Earth. To further exploit these manifold-guided lunar encounters, a second lunar swingby is
considered. The solar perturbation can be utilized to improve the second swingby condition for high-C3
escape. Graphical analysis and lunar swingby solutions reveal the theoretical and practical attainable
C3. It is shown that a second lunar swingbys can efficiently increase the C3 to the maximum level at
the expense of 70-90 day flight time.
「Sampling Scenario for the Trojan Asteroid Exploration Mission」
現在 ISAS/JAXA では,ソーラー電力セイルによるトロヤ群小惑星探査を計画中である.本計画では,小
ISAS/JAXA is now planning a Trojan asteroid exploration mission using a solar power sail. In this
mission, in-situ analysis of the collected samples will be performed by a high-resolution mass
spectrometer. In this paper, a proposed scenario and some experiment results of the sampling devices
are shown.
「Solar Power Sail Trajectory Design for Jovian Trojan Exploration」
*佐伯 孝尚,森 治,川口 淳一郎
Takanao Saiki, Osamu Mori and Jun’ichiro Kawaguchi
JAXA は次の小惑星探査ミッションとして,ソーラーセイル探査機による木星トロヤ群探査を検討中であ
る.木星トロヤ群は,太陽系の中の残されたフロンティアの 1 つであり,太陽系形成の手がかりを得るこ
め,これまで JAXA が実施した近地球小惑星の探査に比べて,難易度が格段に上がる.ソーラー電力セイ
ルはこの困難な探査を行う 1 つの解である.ここでは,ソーラー電力セイル探査機による木星トロヤ群探
JAXA has been preparing for a Trojan asteroid sample return mission via solar power sail. Jovian
Trojan asteroids are as one of a few remaining final frontiers within our Solar System, which may hold
fundamental clues of the Solar System formation and revolution. However, Jovian Trojan mission is
much more difficult than NEOs mission because of the large sun distance. Solar power sail is a way to
realize such a challenging exploration. This study shows the trajectory design method and results for
the Jupiter Trojan asteroid exploration mission.
「Future applications of atmospheric-entry system using flexible aeroshell for planetary exploration 」
The flexible and deployable aeroshell for atmospheric-entry system attracts attentions as one of the key
devices to realize a valuable future planetary exploration mission. Especially, its advantage becomes
outstanding in application to Martian probe because Martian atmospheric density is very low and its
system can realize a large and low-mass aerodynamic device. In this paper, the latest research and
development of the flexible atmospheric-entry system and the future application to planetary
exploration mission are introduced.
「Comprehensive Space Mission Analysis via Many-Objective Optimization」
*Martin Schlueter, Takeshi Watanabe, Tomoaki Tatsukawa, Akira Oyama
This contribution presents a new algorithm for comprehensive space ission analysis via a
many-objective design optimization. A novelty of the here illustrated approach is the capability of
effective massive parallelization of the algorithm, which makes it suitable for high performance
computing facilities like the K-Computer. The efficiency of the proposed approach will be numerically
demonstrated on the Cassini space mission benchmark (provided by the European Space Agency) and
compared with another state-of-the-art algorithm.
「jTOP, a free, multi-purpose trajectory optimization program」
*Stefano Campagnola
New trends in space exploration (interplanetary microsats such as PROCYON and reduced-budget
flagship missions) are enabled by innovative mission design. But mission design requires sophisticated,
cutting-edge Trajectory Optimization Programs (TOPs), which currently only space agencies and large
companies can afford. This presentation introduce jTOP, a multi-purpose TOP currently under
development, which is fast, robust, and that will be made publicly available. jTOP has already been
applied to a variety of problem, from low-thrust propulsion to chemical propulsion trajectory design,
from low-fidelity to high-fidelity models. jTOP main features and applications are discussed.
「Multi-Objective Optimization of Interplanetary Space Mission Trajectories」
*Chit Hong YAM, Martin SCHLUETER, Takeshi WATANABE, Akira OYAMA, Yasuhiro
KAWAKATSU. Department of Space Flight Systems, ISAS, JAXA.
Optimization of interplanetary space mission trajectories have been a long standing challenge.
Here a novel approach is presented that considers several aspects of the space mission simultaneously
as a multi-objective problem. Such problem is then solved by a decomposition approach in combination
with a massive parallelization framework employing instances of Ant Colony Optimization algorithms.
Numerical example of a Cassini interplanetary transfer trajectory with four objectives (Launch delta-V,
deep space delta-V, time of flight, and launch date) are presented. Results show that the here presented
approach has advantages over a classical weighted sum approach and is very suitable to efficiently
exploit massive parallelization. In addition, the solution space of problem can be automatically
explored on various aspects of the mission.
「Experimental Study on Deployment of Spin Type Square-Shaped Solar Sail with Buckling
Phenomenon of Membrane」
In the spin type square-shaped solar sail, asymmetric deployment is a problem. The cause of
deployment of spin type square-shaped solar sail with buckling phenomenon of membrane is estimated
by simulation however it isn’t clear in fact. In this study, behavior and condition of deployment solar
sail with buckling phenomenon of membrane are revealed by means of vacuum chamber experiment.
「Asymmetric Deployment Analysis of Spin-type Solar Power Sail with Improved Multi-Particle
2010 年 5 月に打ち上げられた小型ソーラー電力セイル実証機”IKAROS”はマストを要しないスピン型
IKAROS の遠心力展開時、
4 枚の台形膜面が対称に展開しない非対称性が確認された。このような現象は、探査機姿勢や膜面展開へ
Solar Sail Demonstrator ”IKAROS” has been successful in a technology demonstration in space. At the
centrifuge deployment of IKAROS, it has been confirmed that their 4 trapezoid membranes deploy
asymmetrically. This phenomenon has a negative effect for the spacecraft attitude and the sail
deployment. The multi-particle model, which defines the sail as a mass point, a spring and a damper, is
limited to the deployment analysis which is taken into account the stress. In this study, it is
investigated that the cause of the asymmetrically phenomenon by using the improved multi-particle
model which is introduced a few additional elastic parameters.
「A Study on the Relationship Between Deflection and Bending Stiffness of Membrane of Spin Type
*北尾啓(青学)、 森治(JAXA) 、小林信之(青学) 、白澤洋次(JAXA)
スピン型のソーラーセイルの例として,IKAROS という宇宙機がある.この宇宙機による知見から,薄膜
では,膜面デバイスの反りによる曲げ剛性が IKAROS に及ぼす影響を示し,次期ソーラーセイルにおける
As an example of spin type solar sail, there is a spacecraft called IKAROS. From findings by the
spacecraft, even in the thin film, it found that the bending stiffness of the film surface is greatly
increased. In the present study, it shows the influence by bending stiffness of warpage of device,and it
will be considered constraints by numerical simulation in the next solar sail.
「Control of Curvature of Multilayer by Sputter Deposition」
We have observed curvature on the surface of spinning solar sail and need to improve for holding flat
shape because efficiency of generating electricity is reduced. We build the method of control of
curvature by sputtering, being able to generate most internal stress by sputtering a material of rigidity
in thin film formation method, and considering relationship between curvatures and sputter
「ISS から放出される小型衛星の再突入試験計画(EGG)の進捗報告」
「Progress of Re-entry Nano-Satellite with Gossamer Aeroshell and GPS/Iridium deployed from ISS
テムの研究開発を行っており、その研究開発にあたり ISS から放出される小型衛星による再突入実験を計
Our research group has been researching and developing the re-entry system with deployable
membrane aeroshell as an innovative space transportation system. Re-entry demonstration
experiment of nano-satellite is planned with gossamer aeroshell deployed from ISS in 2017. The
characteristics of the satellite are deployable aeroshell which realizes low ballistic coefficient flight and
Iridium satellite-phone system for positioning and communication system. In the experimental design,
the satellite re-enters earth atmosphere within 10 days after the membrane deployment and burns out
at 90 km in altitude. The paper introduces the development process of the demonstration nano-satellite,
「彗星観測についてのミッション解析: PROCYON」
「Mission Analysis for Comet Observation : PROCYON」
,杉本理英(LSAS Tec)
,Chit Hong Yam
,Stefano Campagnola(JAXA / ISAS)
,Bruno Sarli(総研大)
,Hongru Chen(九大院)
Kaito Ariu(東大院)
,川勝康弘(JAXA / ISAS)
,冨木淳史(JAXA / ISAS)
PROCYON は東京大学と JAXA が中心となり開発された超小型深宇宙探査機である.
PROCYON は 2014
年 12 月 3 日にはやぶさ 2 の相乗り衛星として打ち上げられた. PROCYON はメインミッション以外で
もさまざまなミッションが検討されており,その中の 1 つに彗星観測がある.PROCYON のように限られ
いかに満たして対象を観測するかが重要となる.シンポジウムでは,PROCYON が彗星を観測する場合に
This paper presents the mission analysis for a comet observation mission with regard to PROCYON.
PROCYON was mainly developed by Intelligent Space Systems Laboratory (ISSL) in the University of
Tokyo and by japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, which has been launched successfully on December
3rd, 2014 from Tanegashima Space Center by H2A rocket as a secondary payload with Hayabusa 2.
PROCYON has various mission except the main mission. One of them is the observation of a comet.
The comet observation of PROCYON possesses many constraints, such as communication and strict
power requirement. The presentation at the symposium shows the mission analysis for the comet
observation in detail.
「NEO 地球衝突回避ミッション解析と衝突リスク緩和計画について」
「Hazardous NEO Mitigation: Mission analysis and Campaign Planning」
*杉本 洋平(JAXA)
、吉川 真(JAXA)
NEO の衝突回避計画の設計には対象の物性値情報が必要となるが、それらのデータは非常に大きな不確定
性を有する。結果的に NEO の軌道変更も大きな不確定性を有する。不確かな情報を基に衝突回避計画を
設計するには何らかの方法で不確定性を包括的に評価する必要がある。本研究では Evidence Theory 用い
Evidence Theory における確率指標の一つである Belief を最適化問題の評価基準の一つとして衝突回避計
During the early stages of hazardous Near Earth Object (NEO) mitigation campaign planning, the
fundamental asteroid characteristics (e.g., mass, size, albedo, etc.) should be accurately determined to
increase the chance of successful mitigation. However, given a limited warning time, an asteroid
impact mitigation campaign would hinge upon uncertainty-based information consisting of remote
observational data of the identified Earth-threatening object, general knowledge of NEOs, and
engineering judgment. Due to this ambiguity, the campaign credibility could be profoundly
compromised. It is therefore imperative to comprehensively evaluate the inherent uncertainty in
deflection and properly plan the campaign in order to ensure successful mitigation. Evidence Theory is
used to quantify the uncertain physical parameters of the target NEO and evaluate uncertainty of an
NEO deflection mission. One of the probability measures called “Belief” is treated as one of the criteria
for multi-objective optimisation of NEO impact hazard mitigation campaigns.
「Overview of the Global Trajectory Optimization Competition Problems」
*Chit Hong YAM, Stefano Campagnola, Yasuhiro KAWAKATSU. Department of Space Flight
Systems, ISAS, JAXA.
The Global Trajectory Competition (GTOC) was inaugurated in 2005 by the Advanced Concepts Team
of the European Space Agency. The GTOC is an event taking place every one-two years over one month
during which aerospace engineers and mathematicians in the world challenge themselves to solve a
very difficult problem of interplanetary trajectory design. The problem is released by the winning team
of the previous edition, which is usually an atypical global optimization problem over a large design
space with many local optima and with unusual objective function or constraints that no canned
methods or existing software can likely fully solve the problem. This talk gives a summary of the past
GTOC problems with emphasis on the last two editions (GTOC7 and GTOC8) in which an ISAS/JAXA
team has participated as joint team with the Advanced Concepts Team of the European Space Agency.
「Trajectory Estimation of the "Hayabusa" Spacecraft around Itokawa using Gaskell Shape Model」
「Gaskell 形状モデルによる探査機「はやぶさ」のイトカワ近辺の軌道推定」
法について述べる。本手法においては、推定に Gaskell のイトカワ形状モデルを採用した。Gaskell のイト
LRF データや ONC-W データ等の「はやぶさ」から得られたテレメトリデータを Gaskell の最高精細の形
In this paper, we present a method to estimate the trajectory of the asteroid probe “Hayabusa” during
descents and touchdowns on the asteroid Itokawa. We introduce Gaskell Itokawa shape models to the
estimation. Gaskell Itokawa shape models are supposed to be the best models to represent the shape of
Itokawa. Thus, in this study, we compare the shape of finest Gaskell model with telemetry data of
“Hayabusa”, such as LRF ranging data and ONC-W data, to estimate the trajectory of “Hayabusa”
relative to Itokawa.
「Theory of Interplanetary Parking Method and Application to Dual Launch Trajectory Design of
Deep-Space Explorer」
して「惑星間待機法」を提案する.本手法は,小惑星探査機「はやぶさ」で実証された EDV-EGA(Electric
Delta-V Earth Gravity Assist)法を応用し,低推力でのエネルギー蓄積フェーズの軌道の飛行期間を任意に
This study aims to establish a flexible orbit design method which enables “any-time” launch of a
deep-space explorer. Based on the theory of Electric Delta-V Earth Gravity Assist, EDV-EGA scheme,
the suggested “Interplanetary Parking Method” enables to make an Earth return orbit with arbitrary
time-of-flight, which significantly alleviates the severe launch window constraint in interplanetary
missions. As examples of the applications of this method, dual launch of multiple deep-space explorers
to different destinations i.e. Mars and Venus by a single launch vehicle is demonstrated. The suggested
method will widen the opportunities of interplanetary missions.
「DESTINY のスパイラル軌道上昇の多目的最適化とデータマイニング」
「Mult-objective optimization and data mining of a space trajectory for DESTINY」
DESTINY ミッションでは小型科学衛星は最初イプシロンロケットによって高エネルギ軌道に投入され,
て太陽・地球系 L2 ハロー軌道に投入・維持され,そこから深宇宙を目指す.月に至るまでのスパイラル軌
In the DESTINY mission, spacecraft is first injected into a low elliptical orbit by the Epsilon rocket, and
it raises the altitude to reach the Moon using an ion engine. After that it is injected into a transfer orbit
of L2 Halo orbit of the Sun-Earth system through gravity assist of the Moon. While the spacecraft
revolves around the Earth for several hundred times, it increases its altitude little by little, launch time
and the thrusting profile must be chosen properly. It is very important to note that there are many
conflicting requirements such as reduction of fuel consumption, total flight time, and the maximum
eclipse time and so forth. To satisfy these requirements, many-objective evolutionary computation is
applied to search for a better orbital design.
「Study on Stabilization of Explicit Scheme of Numerical Simulation for Contact Dynamics of Flexible
*宮崎 康行(日大)
A formulation and a stabilization method of explicit time-integration scheme are proposed for the
contact dynamics of flexible structures. Numerical example of the contact dynamics of an extension
boom is presented.
「自由度縮小した ANCF 柔軟マルチボディシステムに関する実験的考察」
「Experimental discussions on reduced order flexible multibody system」
*小林信之 (青学大)
,菅原佳城 (秋田大)
うな挙動を解析する手法の一つとして,非増分型有限要素法の1種である Absolute Nodal Coordinate
Formulation (ANCF) が注目されている.ANCF は剛体変形を厳密に表現できる特長があるが,弾性力の
計算が複雑になり計算精度の確保に十分注意する必要がある.本報告では,前回報告した ANCF の低次元
The Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation (ANCF), which is a kind of non-increment type of
nonlinear finite element method, is focused for simulating very flexible structures undergoing large
deformation. In this report, experimental studies on the mesh structure, the beam under twisting and
free falling flexible plate are conducted to examine the simulation models, which are based on the
reduction method of the degrees of freedom of ANCF we presented in last report.
「High-Speed Observation for Deployment of Super-Tether in Inverse-Origami Method」
*藤井裕矩(TMIT 研究開発部)
スーパーテザー(ベア導電テープテザー)は対デブリ特性でも集電特性においても Hoyt テザーなどのひも
Super tape is a bare electrodynamic tape tether which has superior properties than thin tether as Hoyt
tether in anti debris feature and high electron collection characteristics. The super tether is thus
expected to play important roles in space debris mitigation and space elevator construction. This talk
includes a report of a variety of experimental results of the folded tape deployment in the
inverse-Origami method and also extension to numerical simulation analysis.
「Brazil Nut Effect on Regolith Distribution of Rubble Pile Asteroids」
Asteroids consisting of numerous pieces of rock like Itokawa that was investigated by Hayabusa are
called rubble pile asteroids. Since there is obviously a tendency of regolith distribution according to the
size on the surface of Itokawa, it is thought that Itokawa has experienced vibration deriving from the
collision impact with interplanetary dust, and that has classified the regolith distribution. This study
focuses on Brazil Nut Effect (BNE), which is a phenomenon that the largest particles end up on the
surface of a granular material containing a mixture of variously sized objects. Based on BNE,
transition of regolith distribution on rubble pile asteroids is considered.
「IKAROS の電波捕捉とテレメトリ・レンジングデータの取得」
「Searching Radio Wave and Acquiring Telemetry and Ranging Data of IKAROS」
*森 治(JAXA)
,三桝 裕也(JAXA)
,谷口 正(富士通)
,竹内 央(JAXA)
,菊地 翔太(東大)
,冨木 淳
,加藤 秀樹(JAXA)
,尾川 順子(JAXA)
,白澤 洋次(JAXA)
2012 年以降,
IKAROS は燃料枯渇により冬眠と冬眠明けを繰り返している.
これまで冬眠明けに IKAROS
の電波を捕捉してビーコン運用でデータを取得した.2016 年には IKAROS が地球に最接近する.今後の
IKAROS の電波の探索とテレメトリ・レンジングデータを取得するための課題について明らかにする.
IKAROS repeats shutdown (hibernation) and reboot after 2012, because the fuel was exhausted. We
caught the radio wave of IKAROS and acquired data by beacon until now. IKAROS is going to reach
closest point to the earth in 2016. This paper shows the problem of searching the radio wave and
acquiring telemetry and ranging data.
「はやぶさ2の EDVEGA フェーズ運用」
「Electric-Delta V Earth Gravity Assist Phase Operation of Hayabusa2」
はやぶさ2は 2014 年 12 月 3 日に H2A ロケット 26 号機により打ち上がり,2015 年 12 月 3 日の地球ス
The asteroid explorer Hayabusa2 was successfully launched on December 3 2014 by the H2A launch
vehicle #26. The spacecraft is now flying normally along an ion engine propelled trajectory in the
interplanetary space and is planned to perform the Earth swing-by on December 3, 2015. This paper
describes the first half-year operation result especially focusing on attitude and orbital dynamics-aspect,
and also introduces the guidance, navigation operation plan toward the Earth swing-by.
「Analysis for Nutation in One Wheel Control Mode of HAYABUSA2」
*小山凌大 (東大)、 津田 雄一 、三桝 裕也、佐伯孝尚 (JAXA)
現在、目的天体へ向けて航行中の「はやぶさ2」では、リアクションホイールの延命のために Z 軸の RW
のみによる姿勢制御(OWC:One Wheel Control)を行っている。この制御方式に移行後の実際の運用におい
In order to save the running time of reaction wheels, HAYABUSA2 is stabilized by one-axis
bias-momentum wheel which is called One Wheel Control (OWC) mode. In the one of actual operation
when the spacecraft is in this control mode, the nutation was diverged gradually. This phenomenon
was also seen in the HAYABUSA operation, and was analyzed by means of stability analysis. In this
paper, we discuss that the result of stability analysis for HAYABUSA2, and also construct the practical
attitude dynamics model in the evaluation with the actual flight data.
「Attitude Control of Hayabusa2 using Sun-tracking Motion under Solar Radiation Pressure」
3 軸姿勢安定人工衛星「はやぶさ2」の太陽光圧下における姿勢挙動のモデルを示す。太陽光圧下におい
3 軸姿勢安定人工衛星における太陽追尾の挙動は 9 つのパラメータで特徴づけられる。
ライトデータを解析することで、その 9 つのパラメータを推定する。
An attitude model for a biased-momentum 3-axis stabilized spacecraft “Hayabusa2” under the
influence of solar radiation pressure is presented. It is confirmed from “Hayabusa” and “IKAROS” that
the angular momentum vector of spacecraft can track the sun direction automatically and this motion
is called sun-tracking motion. Past studies revealed mechanism of sun-tracking motion only for the
spin-stabilized spacecraft, so this study extends these analyses to biased-momentum 3-axis stabilized
spacecraft. Attitude control using sun-tracking motion efficiently increases redundancy and saves fuel
consumption of spacecraft. It is shown that sun-tracking motion of biased-momentum spacecraft is
characterized by 9 parameters. Analyzing the flight data of “Hayabusa2”, 9 parameter values are
「Attitude Control of Hayabusa2 by Solar Radiation Pressure」
*三桝裕也(JAXA)、赤塚康佑(東大)、大野剛、尾川順子、照井冬人、佐伯孝尚、津田雄一 (JAXA)
はやぶさ2の巡航運用では、リアクションホイール(RW)の延命のため、1 軸(Z 軸)のみの RW を用いた姿
勢制御を行っている。この制御モードにおいて、RW の角運動量と太陽光圧によるトルクの兼ね合いで角
運動量ベクトル(およそ機体 Z 軸)の方向が自動的におよその太陽方向を追尾する運動となることは、
での数々の研究の中で明らかになっている。本研究では、探査機の Z 軸回りの位相角を上手く選択するこ
During the part of the cruising phase, one Z-axis wheel is only used for attitude control, in order to save
the operating life of reaction wheels. In the one wheel control mode, the angular momentum direction
is slowly moved in the inertial space (generally called precession) due to the solar radiation torque. This
attitude motion caused by the balance of the total angular momentum and solar radiation pressure is
known to trace the Sun direction automatically with ellipsoidal and spiral motion around Sun direction.
This paper presents the concept and theorem of the attitude keeping and maneuvers by utilizing
precession control under the solar radiation pressure, and introduce the flight results of Hayabusa2
actual operation.
「太陽光圧を利用した 50 kg 級深宇宙探査機 PROCYON の角運動量制御」
「Angular Momentum Control by Using Solar Radiation Pressure for 50 kg-class spacecraft 」
*伊藤琢博(JAXA), 五十里哲, 小栗健士朗, 藤本將孝, 蟻生開人, 稲守孝哉(東大), 坂井真一郎, 川勝康弘
(JAXA), 船瀬龍(東大)
東京大学と JAXA が共同開発した,超小型深宇宙探査機 PROCYON (PRoximate Object Close flYby with
Optical Navigation)を題材として,深宇宙環境における主要な外乱源である太陽光圧を積極的に利用する
RCS 用推進薬のリーク・枯渇に対するコンティンジェンシープランとしての活用や,搭載推進薬の大幅な
This paper presents angular momentum control technique for interplanetary spacecraft PROCYON
(Proximate Object Close flyby with Optical Navigation) by using solar radiation pressure. The
developed method can control (1) direction of the angular momentum or (2) direction and norm of the
angular momentum under intentionally-selected control period by controlling the spacecraft’s attitude.
This method can be applied to wheel unloading without reaction control system (RCS), which can be
utilized as a contingency plan for fuel leaks and contribute to saving fuel usage on spacecraft.
「Estimation of the spacecraft location by applying Phase-Only Correlation to the images of the
asteroid’s surface」
,津田 雄一(JAXA)
In an asteroid exploration mission, spacecraft takes many images of the asteroid’s surface while
orbiting and touching down on it. In a whole image of the asteroid, exact points to which these images
correspond could not be acquired accurately only by the information from location sensors and attitude
sensors. This research makes strict matching of resolution and location between the images by image
processing using a method called Phase-Only Correlation (POC), obtains the altitude and the sight line
vector of the spacecraft, and performs an estimation of the location of the spacecraft with high accuracy.
「はやぶさ 2 の小惑星接近降下における自律画像航法アルゴリズムと実画像を用いた検証」
「Autonomous image based navigation algorithm of Hayabusa2 for approach phase to the asteroid
and its verification utilizing actual captured images」
*照井 冬人(JAXA)、尾川順子(JAXA)、三桝裕也(JAXA)
はやぶさ 2 の小惑星への接近降下における相対位置計測は、小惑星画像と事前に作成した 3 次元小惑星モ
ては探査機搭載計算機による自律的な画像航法が必須となる。ここでは、はやぶさ 2 に搭載が検討された
Navigation of Hayabusa2 in descending phase to the asteroid will be carried out by image based
manual navigation by ground operator using images captured and sent to the earth.
「Evaluation of Orbit Determination Accuracy in Consideration of the Impulse Maneuver for
た。また IES 運転中のインパルスマヌーバを含む軌道決定精度の評価も実施した。
mpulse maneuver is performed in regularly unloading and attitude change in the Hayabusa 2. The
impulse maneuver has also become a cause of deterioration of orbit determination accuracy. If the
impulse maneuvers are possible to accurately estimate, the orbit determination accuracy is improved.
In this paper, we evaluated orbit determination accuracy considering the actual value of impulse
maneuver from telemetry in HAYABUSA 2. We also evaluated the orbit determination accuracy
including impulse maneuvers during the operation of Ion thruster engine.
「DDOR による深宇宙高精度軌道決定」
はやぶさ2の打上げに向けて深宇宙軌道決定ソフトウェアへの DDOR 観測モデルの実装と各種物理モデ
ルの精度向上を進めた結果、DDOR 計測が通常の衛星運用の中で定常的に行なわれ軌道決定解に貢献する
体制が確立した。はやぶさ2における実計測においてこれまでの手法の 10 倍以上の極めて高い軌道
Motion Analysis of Euler's Disk
「Quaternion and 3-D vector space」
*東口 實
Quaternion means the rotation operator of a 3-D vector in the space of 3 dimensions. Quaternion is to
be use a coordinate transform like as matrix form operation.
「Estimation of Attitude Angle for CubeSat by using Moon Outline Extraction」
Nowadays, investigating the electromagnetic M-I coupling of the Sq current system and observation
mission of radio wave from Jupiter by small satellite CubeSat mission are proposed. In order to
correspond these CubeSat mission, estimate method of the attitude angle by using moon outline
extraction is proposed in this report. And more redundant reaction wheel system is proposed as
CubeSat attitude control system with high accuracy. In this report, the authors verify the effectiveness
of proposing attitude control system.
「3 台の 1 軸ジンバル CMG による宇宙機の姿勢制御」
「Attitude Control of a Spacecraft Using three CMGs」
本講演では宇宙機の姿勢制御を 3 台の 1 軸ジンバル CMG によって行う場合を考察する.宇宙機の姿勢制
御では冗長性の点や特異点の性質から 4 台の 1 軸ジンバル CMG の用いられることが多いが,ここでは
CMG が 3 台の場合の特異点の性質やステアリング則について検討する.
In this study, spacecraft attitude control using three single-gimbal-control-moment-gyros (SGCMGs) is
considered. Usually, four SGCMGs are used for attitude control of a spacecraft in the viewpoint of the
redundancy and the singular-state characteristics. Although the attitude control is more difficult in the
case of three SGCMGs, the characteristics of the singular states and the steering law are examined.
「On Attitude Control of Microsatellite Using Shape Variable Elements」
We propose a shape variable attitude control system to improve the attitude control performance of
micro-satellites. Driving deployable solar array paddles by motor, the shape of system is variable. Then
micro-satellite attitude can be controlled with the variation of inertial mass characteristic. Due to small
mass of micro-satellites, the variation can results in agile attitude maneuvering. In this presentation,
the results of the investigation with a concrete mission scenario for micro-satellite is reported.
「超小型深宇宙探査機 PROCYON の姿勢制御系開発と軌道上実証」
「Development and On-orbit Verification of Attitude Control System for the Interplanetary 」
Micro-spacecraft PROCYON
*五十里 哲 (東大),稲守 孝哉 (東大),伊藤 琢博(ISAS),蟻生 開人(東大),小栗 健士郎(東大),藤
本 將孝(東大),坂井 真一郎(ISAS),川勝 康弘(ISAS),船瀬 龍(東大)
PROCYON は東京大学と JAXA によって開発された本格的な探査能力を持つ世界初の超小型深宇宙探査
機であり,2014 年 12 月にはやぶさ 2 相乗り副ペイロードとして軌道投入された.本研究は PROCYON
PROCYON is the world first practical interplanetary micro-spacecraft which was developed by the
University of Tokyo and JAXA/ISAS and was launched in last December with Hayabusa-2. This
research summarizes design concepts of the attitude control system for PROCYON and reports the
on-orbit results.
「Time-Optimal Attitude Control of Spinning Solar Sail by Reflectivity Control」
*Kenshiro Oguri, Takuro Furumoto, Ryu Funase (University of Tokyo)
を発生させる可変反射率デバイス(RCD:Reflectivity Control Device)が提案されており,世界初のソーラー
セイル IKAROS で実証された.太陽輻射圧下のスピン型ソーラーセイルの姿勢は,平衡姿勢周りの螺旋運
動であり,RCD を用いた姿勢制御は平衡姿勢をシフトさせることに相当することが従来研究で明らかにな
バ時間を最小化する RCD 制御則を解析的に導出した.
As a free-propellant attitude control system of solar sail spacecraft, Reflectivity Control Device (RCD) is
proposed and hasdemonstrated on orbit by the world-first solar sail, IKAROS. By utilizing RCD, which
varies reflectivity of its surface by electric power, the spacecraft can generate Solar Radiation Pressure
(SRP) toque on its sail.Prior researches indicate that the attitude motion track of spinning solar sail
affected by SRP describes a spiral motion around the equilibrium point and the attitude control by
RCD causes the translation of the attitude equilibrium point. However, due to the large time constant
of the spiral motion, simple control method, in which the equilibrium point is just shifted to the target
attitude, takes too much time for completing attitude maneuver and is not practical to use. Therefore,
this research indicates the analytical optimal attitude control method by RCD which minimizes the
attitude maneuver time.
「On-board Orbit Determination by Asteroid Observation in Deep Space」
従来より深宇宙探査において宇宙機は Range and Range-Rate (RARR)と呼ばれる地球との電波交信に基
づく軌道決定(電波航法)によって航行している.しかし,RARR による軌道決定精度は非常に高いが,
Orbit Determination (OD) in deep space has been performed by Range and Range-Rate (RARR), which
is a traditional ground tracking approach by radio wave. The accuracy of the RARR method is higher
than other methods. However, such the radio navigation has the inevitable problems, e.g. the reduction
of radio wave strength, a small number of large antennas on the ground and the transmitter limitation.
The influence of these problems becomes significant especially for deep space missions. Therefore the
methods of on-board OD have attracted much attention for solving these problems. This presentation
focuses on the observation of not only planets but asteroids near the spacecraft for OD in
interplanetary trajectories. The detailed results like the performance of the optical navigation camera
to observe asteroids and the OD accuracy will be presented at the symposium.
「Orbit Determination of Asteroid Using Spacecraft Tracking Data and Relative Navigation Data」
「 Prolate spheroidal harmonic expansion of gravitational field」
*Toshio FUKUSHIMA (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
Abstract: As a modification of the oblate spheroidal case, a recursive method is developed to compute
the point value and a few low-order derivatives of the prolate spheroidal harmonics of the second kind,
Qnm(y), namely the unnormalized associated Legendre function (ALF) of the second kind with its
argument in the domain, 1 < y < ∞. They are required in evaluating the prolate spheroidal harmonic
expansion of the gravitational field in addition to the point value and the low-order derivatives of
Pnm(t ), the fully-normalized ALF of the first kind with its argument in the domain, |t |<1. The new
method will be useful in the gravitational field computation of elongated celestial objects.
長(prolate)楕円体調和関数展開の実用的な計算法を考案した(Fukushima, 2014, Astron. J., 147,152)ので
報告する。同調和展開で最も難しいのは、引数 y が1より大きい実数の場合の第2種ルジャンドル陪関数
(Fukushima,2013, J. Geodesy, 87, 303)を少し変更して、新しく導入した超幾何関数 Fnm(y)の逆行漸化式
「Construction of Asteroid Shape Model using Images of a Miniature Asteroid Replica and Its 」
In the Hayabusa-2 mission, Construction of an asteroid shape model is one of the important tasks just
after arriving the asteroid. This paper describes construction and verification of a shape model using
images of a miniature asteroid replica. We also discuss how we should capture asteroid images for the
shape model according to the direction of its rotation axis.
「Developing Status of Guidance and Control System for Enhanced Epsilon Launch Vehicle」
*山口敬之 、 森田泰弘、井元隆行、山本高行 、佐伯孝尚 (JAXA)、大塚浩仁 、田中健作 (IA)
2013 年 9 月 14 日にイプシロンケット試験機の打上げを成功裏終え 2014 年 3 月には開発完了審査(月に
は開発完了審査 (PQR)を終えた。そして、現在 JAXA では 小型科学衛星をはじめとした今後の打上げ
需要に対応ていくもに、我が国の自律的な宇宙輸送システムを持続確保するため 強化型イプ シロンケッ
化衛星包絡域拡大等)実機コスト削減を実施する計画である。本稿では 強化型イプシロンケット開発につ
JAXA is succeeded in the first flight of Epsilon Launch Vehicle in September 14, 2013, and finished the
Post Qualification test Review (PQR) in march, 2014. Currently, JAXA has started the development of
Enhanced Epsilon Launch Vehicle for the responding to demand of future payloads and keeping the
autonomous and sustainable space transportation system. The development of Enhanced Epsilon
Launch Vehicle has started for increasing of launch capacity, payload usable volume and decreasing of
launch cost as an intermediate development toward Future Launch System. This development is
mainly the renewal of the second stage, and also includes the each subsystem’s improvement. This
paper describes the development status of the Enhanced Epsilon’s Guidance and Control System.
「ISAS 観測ロケットでの姿勢決定・姿勢制御の試み」
「Attitude Determination and Control of ISAS Sounding Rockets」
ISAS/JAXA の観測ロケットシリーズの多くでは搭載機器の制約やコストの問題から姿勢決定・姿勢制御を
や観測データの品質を高められるものがあり,また,μG 環境実験や天文観測へと観測ロケットの利用用
この目的のために試作したオンボード・リアルタイムADCS 装置について,
S-520-29 号機での姿勢決定およびスピン軸制御の結果,および S-520-30 号機での姿勢決定と3軸姿勢制
Most of ISAS/JAXA Sounding Rockets have not been equipped with onboard attitude determination
and control subsystems (ADCS) because of system requirements and cost limitations. There are
increasing demands from PI for ADCS to make their observation range and chance wider and quality
of observation data higher, and the diversity of missions for sounding rockets greater enough to accept
micro-G environment experiments and astronomical observations. In this paper, an experimental
ADCS designed for this purpose is explained with some flight results of S-520-29 mission and a plan of
S-520-30 mission.
「Selecting and Designing a Fast Midcourse Asteroid Flyby」
*Bruno Victorino Sarli
Recently with new trajectory design techniques and use of low-thrust propulsion systems, missions
have become more efficient and cheaper with respect to propellant. As a way to increase the mission's
value and scientific return, secondary targets close to the main trajectory are often added with a small
change in the transfer trajectory. Due to their large number, importance and facility to perform a flyby,
asteroids are commonly used as such targets. The design of a low-thrust trajectory with a midcourse
asteroid flyby is not only challenging for the low-thrust problem solution but also with respect to the
selection of a target and its flyby point. Currently more than 600,000 minor bodies have been identified,
that in turn generate a very large number of possible the flyby points. This work uses a combination of
reachability, reference orbit, and linear theory to select appropriate candidates, drastically reducing the
simulation time, to be later included in the main trajectory and optimized.
「A study on trajectory design requirements for rendezvous mission to cislunar manned spacecraft 」
*植田 聡史、村上尚美、山元透 (JAXA)
月、小惑星、あるいは火星探査を見据えた"Global Exploration Roadmap"が国際間で議論されており、そ
近軌道を設計し、基準軌道を逸脱しないように飛行することが求められる。本研究では、ISS への補給ミ
ッションである HTV の相対接近軌道設計、飛行運用の経験に基づき、地球月ラグランジュ点付近の軌道に
This study is motivated by international discussion regarding design architecture of future space
station in cislunar orbits. According to Global Exploration Roadmap, a concept of new space station in
the lunar vicinity is proposed as the intermediate step to expand the capabilities needed for future
Mars missions. Safety requirements are the key not only to trajectory design but also to flight
operation to manned spacecraft. In this study, rendezvous trajectory design and flight operation of the
HTV which is a resupply mission to the ISS is revisited. Design requirements regarding rendezvous
trajectory to manned spacecraft in cislunar orbits around Earth-Moon Lagrange point are discussed.
Trajectory design which meets assumed requirements and analysis results are presented.
「Proximity approach to a deep space manned space station on EML2 halo」
、村上尚美、植田聡史、山元 透(JAXA)
地球・月系の L2 ハロー軌道(振幅 12000×35000×10000km)を飛行する深宇宙有人ステーションの後
方 1000km に投入した宇宙機を、航法誤差 5km(3σ)
、ΔV 誤差 3%(3σ)のもと、相対
航法が可能となるステーション近傍域 200km に 4 日間かけて接近する方式を検討し、
Spacecrafts approach to proximity ( 200km distance in which relative navigation is available) of a deep
space manned space station on halo orbit ( amplitude 12000×35000×10000 km ) around Earth-Moon
L2 point is investigated. Given assumptions on spacecrafts insertion point (1000 km behind the
station), navigation accuracy (5km (3σ), 5cm/s (3σ) error in position and velocity), and control
accuracy ( 3% (3σ) error in all direction), we obtained reasonable scenario for the proximity approach
which takes 4 days after the orbit insertion, in term of accuracy of relative position, velocity, safeness,
and fuel.
「EML2 深宇宙有人ステーションの近傍域におけるランデブー軌道」
「Rendezvous trajectory in the vicinity of the Space Station on EML2」
地球・月系の L2 ハロー軌道を飛行する深宇宙ステーションに対して相対距離 200km 地点の近傍域から
30m 地点までのランデブー軌道を検討した.ステーションからの相対距離に応じて異なる航法センサを用
In this study, the rendezvous trajectory in the vicinity of the deep space station on Earth-Moon L2 point
is considered. It is assumed that the initial and final relative distances are 200km and 30m,
respectively, and that the several navigation sensors are used in accordance with the relative distance.
The monte-calro simulation is conducted considering the navigation error and control error, and it is
shown that the proposed rendezvous trajectory can safely approach the space station.
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