
ダウンロード - TBC Next Generation

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ダウンロード - TBC Next Generation
DAY 1 Monday January 26th
Do you truly KNOW Jesus?
John 14 1:7 & 12-14
1“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are
many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3 And if
I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am
you may be also. 4 And you know the way to where I am going.” 5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we
do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the
way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you had
known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have
seen him.”…12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do;
and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. 13 Whatever you ask
in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask me anything in
my name, I will do it.
1 Corinthians 15:3
3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in
accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in
accordance with the Scriptures…
As we will be setting aside a week of prayer, there are many truths that we can learn from the
Jesus says in John 14:13-14, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may
be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.”
What are the phrases that are repeated in these two verses?
What does it mean to pray “In Jesus’ Name?”
Read and write down John 14:6 below.
What does this verse mean?
In order to be able to pray in Jesus’ Name, we must know who Jesus Christ is.
1 Corinthians 15: 3 says, “3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received:
that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was
raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,”
This is THE foundation of our faith.
Do you know Jesus who is God? Jesus Christ died on the
cross for YOUR rebellion, unbelief, anger, pride, fear,
unfaithfulness, gossip, jealousy, lying, cheating, and so on? Not
only did Jesus die and was buried, but He rose again after 3
days and lives right now as eternal King. Do you believe in
Jesus as Your personal Lord and Savior? Do you love Jesus?
1 第一日
1月26日 (月曜日)
14:1「あなたがたは、心を騒がせないがよい。神を信じ、またわたしを信じなさい。 14:2 わたしの父の家には、すまいがたく
14:3 そして、行って、場所の用意ができたならば、またきて、あなたがたをわたしのところに迎えよう。わたしのおる所にあ
なたがたもおらせるためである。 14:4 わたしがどこへ行くのか、その道はあなたがたにわかっている」。 14:5 トマスはイエ
スに言った、「主よ、どこへおいでになるのか、わたしたちにはわかりません。どうしてその道がわかるでしょう」。 14:6 イ
できない。 14:7 もしあなたがたがわたしを知っていたならば、わたしの父をも知ったであろう。しかし、今は父を知っており
、またすでに父を見たのである」14:12 よくよくあなたがたに言っておく。わたしを信じる者は、またわたしのしているわざを
するであろう。そればかりか、もっと大きいわざをするであろう。わたしが父のみもとに行くからである。 14:13 わたしの名
によって願うことは、なんでもかなえてあげよう。父が子によって栄光をお受けになるためである。 14:14 何事でもわたしの
15:3 わたしが最も大事なこととしてあなたがたに伝えたのは、わたし自身も受けたことであった。すなわちキリストが、聖書
に書いてあるとおり、わたしたちの罪のために死んだこと、15:4 そして葬られたこと、聖書に書いてあるとおり、三日目めに
15章3節にこう書かれています、「15:3 わたしが最も大事なこととしてあなたがた
罪のために死んだこと、15:4 そして葬られたこと、聖書に書いてあるとおり、三日目めによみがえったこと、」
2 DAY 2 Tuesday January 27th
Sin Hinders Prayer
Psalm 66:17-19
17 I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue. 18 If I had cherished sin in my
heart, the Lord would not have listened; 19 but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer.
Re-read Psalm 66:17-19, write down verse 18.
What does that mean?
Yes, if we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, God is more than willing to hear us
every time and answer us in the best way that HE thinks! However, our sins hinder prayer.
For example, in 1 Peter 3:7, the apostle Peter writes to the churches…“Husbands, in the same
way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker
partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.”
What are the sins in your life that will hinder your prayers?
Fear, anger, pride, unforgiveness, sexual immorality, unbelief, unfaithfulness, gossip, envy,
cheating, lying, rebellion, unkind to parents, etc…
1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness.”
Praise the Lord that when we honestly come to God and tell Him the wrongs that are in our
hearts and in our lives, and ask Him for forgiveness, God forgives us. Confession means you say
it from your heart sincerely and you are, through the working of God, going to make life-changing
Take some time right now and pray to the Father in Jesus’ Name,
confessing your sins and asking Him to forgive you and
cleanse you from all unrighteousness.
3 DAY 2 1月27日 (火曜日)
詩篇 66:17-19
17 わたしは声をあげて神に呼ばわり、わが舌をもって神をあがめた。
18 もしわたしが心に不義をいだいていたならば、主はお聞きにならないであろう。
19 しかし、まことに神はお聞きになり、わが祈の声にみこころをとめられた。
である。 」
4 DAY 3 Wednesday January 28th
Hallowed be Your Name
Matthew 6:5-15
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the
synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received
their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your
Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard
because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before
you ask him. 9 “This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your
name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our
daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’ 14 For if you forgive other people when they
sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others
their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
The first sentence of the prayer that Jesus teaches the disciples is “our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, Hallow means to “ make holy or to set apart for holy
use or to respect greatly.” The Free Dictionary says, “ to make or set apart as holy.” Or “To
respect or honor greatly, revere.”
One of the main truths that we learn from verse 9, is that when we pray, our # 1 thought should
be to bring glory and honor to GOD Himself. Prayer is not about us, but about GOD. Our desire
is to shine forth His name, His will, His desires, His working here on earth as it is in heaven.
God is not a Gennie in the bottle like in Aladdin! God cannot be manipulated. God is not your
service man or a waiter. God is GOD!
When we pray, God begins to shift our eyes from us onto HIM and change our hearts, our
desires, our will and make it align with HIM. That is the beauty of Prayer!
Of course, God desires for us to share our hearts and be honest with HIM. Don’t wear a mask.
Share your struggles, your hardships, your weaknesses! But come to God with respect, with
reverence, and with honor, knowing that life revolves around GOD and not around you or me.
Take some time to pray now…
“Hallowed be Your name, your kingdom come,
your will be done, on earth as it in heaven…
5 3日目 1月28日(水曜日)
マタイ 6:5­15
イエスが最初に弟子たちに教えたお祈りの言葉は、 天の愛するお父様どうかあなたの御名があがめられ
ますようにあなたの御国が来ますように天でも地でもあなたの御心が行われますように だった。
ウェブスター辞典によれば "あがめる という意味は、神聖にする、神聖な目的のために区別する、もし
、もしくは 大いに尊敬する、名誉を与える、無批判に愛する。
6 DAY 4 Thursday January 29th
Pray for TBC
Ephesians 4:1-6 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling
you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in
love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is
one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord,
one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
TBC Vision 2013
5 TBC PURPOSES (Ephesians 3:20-21)
"Each one, reach one, teach one to reach one."
DENNIS FOLDS Presented to Tokyo Baptist Church September 1 &2, 2012
1. New building for TBC Shibuya Campus
2. Parent and Children Center
1. 100 TBC believers a year will commit to being trained to share Christ by divine appointments.
2. 10,000 new believers in 12 years or by 2025 and 50,000 by 2050
3. Mission teams come from overseas to work with Tokyo Baptist Church in Japan, begin 2013
4. Multi-Site for church planting continues with 10 strategic locations in 15 years or by 2028
1. Small groups growing to 1,000 in 12 years or by 2025 and 5,000 by 2050
2. Biblical Discipleship Counseling Center established
3. TBC members receive basic training in Biblical Counseling according to Romans 15:14 and
Galatians 6:1-2
1. All TBC believers and members serve in ministry
2. Organized prayer ministry established with a focus or prayer for VISION 2013 and unbelievers
3. Prayer partners established world-wide, with 10,000 prayer partners by 2018
1. Continues to bring praise to the Lord and attract unbelievers for opportunity for conversion
2. Gospel and contemporary music continues to be the TBC worship music
Let’s Pray that Ephesians 4:1-5 will be true for TBC:
TBC Pastors & Pastor’s Families, Staff, Leaders
TBC Members & Attendees & Guests
TBC Vision 2013 (see above)
TBC Next Generation
- 5:30 Sunday Service
- Friday Night College & Young Adult Community Group
- Sunday Ignite Community Group (14~18years old)
- Wednesday Night Bible Study
- Monday Night English Café
7 4日目 1月29日(木曜日)
エペソ4:1-6 そこで、主に結ばれて囚人となっているわたしはあなたがたに勧めます。神から招かれた
のですから、その招きにふさわしく歩み、 一切高ぶることなく、柔和で、寛容の心を持ちなさい。愛を
もって互いに忍耐し、 平和のきずなで結ばれて、霊による一致を保つように努めなさい。 体は一つ、霊
は一つです。それは、あなたがたが、一つの希望にあずかるようにと招かれているのと同じです。 主は
一人、信仰は一つ、洗礼は一つ、 すべてのものの父である神は唯一であって、すべてのものの上にあり
5つ の 目 的 に お け る TBCの ビ ジ ョ ン 2013
TBCの 5つ の 目 的 (エ ペ ソ の 信 徒 へ の 手 紙 3: 20− 21)
東 京 バ プ テ ス ト 教 会 の 皆 様 へ デ ニ ス ・ フ ォ ル ズ 2012 年 9 月 1&2 日
交わり (フェローシップ)
1. TBC渋谷キャンパスに新しい会堂を建てます。
伝道 (エバンジェリズム)
1. 神の導きによってその時々にキリストを伝えることが出来るように、毎年100人のTBCメンバーが
成長 (マチュリティ)
奉仕 (ミニストリー)
礼拝 (ワーシップ)
TBC の為に祈ろう:
- TBC パスタ∼ &パスタ∼の家族、スタッフ、リーダーたち
- TBC メンバー & 出席者 & ゲスト
- TBC ビジョン 2013
- TBC Next Generation (ネクスト ジェネレーション)
- 毎週日曜日の5:30 の礼拝
- 金曜日のアライブのコミュニティー グループ
- 金曜日のイグナイトコミュニティー グループ (14∼18歳)
- 水曜日のバイブルスタディー
- 月曜日の英語カフェ
8 DAY 5 Friday January 30th
Pray for all the Lord’s people (Christians) !
Ephesians 6: 18
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
# 1 Pray for CHRISTIANS in JAPAN
For a long time, there has only been less than 1% of Christians in Japan. However, there has
been a recent research that shows that there may be even up to 7% (increase especially among
people in 10’s age-range) of Christians here in Japan. Whether or not this is accurate, we should
definitely pray for more people to come to know Jesus.
Pray that there will be an explosion of revivals here in Japan
Pray for Christians who face pressure from their family, peers, at work and school.
Pray that believers in Christ will stand up for their faith in their homes, work, neighborhood
Pray that believers in Christ will be encouraged through fellowship with other believers
knowing that they are not alone
# 2 Pray for CHRISTIANS who are being PERSECUTED in many places in the world:
Hebrews 13:3 “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison,
and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.”
According to Open Doors Organization, each month:
322 Christians are killed for their faith.
214 Churches and Christian properties are destroyed
772 Forms of Violence are committed against Christians, such as beating, rape, abduction,
arrest, forced marriage,
Pray that those who are persecuted will be comforted by the love of Christ
Pray for boldness and power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel
# 3 Pray for the situations in places like the USA where church attendance is declining.
Hebrews 3:12 See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that
turns away from the living God.
pray that believers will not turn away from Jesus
pray that believers will renew their minds daily with the Word of God (Romans 12:1) and
see the truth clearly, not being seduced by the lies of the world & society
# 4 Pray for Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Leaders, Members in the churches (Ephesians 4)
for integrity, unity, strength, humility, gentleness,
for forgiveness, patience, love, grace, mercy shown to each other
for wisdom to protect their church
#5 Pray for Christians who you know who are in need of your prayers
9 DAY 5 1月30日金曜日
全ての主の民 (クリスチャン) のために祈ろう!
エ ペ ソ 人 へ の 手 紙 6: 18
# 1 日本のクリスチャンのために祈る
7%に増えた (特に10代の間で増えている) ということが最近の調査で示されたんだ。この調査が正確で
- ここ日本で爆発的なリバイバルが起こるように祈ろう
- 家族や仲間、仕事場から苦しみを受けているクリスチャンのために祈ろう
- 家や仕事や近所で、キリストを信じる人々が、自分の信仰ゆえに立ち上がるように祈ろう
- キリストを信じる人々が、他の信じる人々との交わりを通じて、自分たちが一人ぼっちではないことを
# 2 世界の色々な場所で迫害されているクリスチャンのために祈ろう
ヘ ブ ル 人 へ の 手 紙 13:3 「獄につながれている人たちを、自分も一緒につながれている心持で思いやり
Open Doors Organizationによると、毎月、
- キリストの愛によって、迫害を受けている人々が慰められるように祈ろう
- 福音を述べ伝えるための大胆さや聖霊の力のために祈ろう
# 3 アメリカのように、教会に通う人が減ってきている場所における状況のために祈ろう。
ヘ ブ ル 人 へ の 手 紙 3:12 兄弟たちよ。気をつけなさい。あなたがたの中には、あるいは、不信仰な悪い
- イエス様を信じる者たちが彼から離れていかないように祈ろう
- イエス様を信じる者たちが神様の言葉と共に日々心を新たにし (ローマ人への手紙12:1) 、世の中や社
# 4 牧師、年長者、奉仕者、リーダー、教会のメンバーたちのために祈ろう (エペソ人への手紙4章)
- 誠実さ、一致、力強さ、謙遜、寛大な心のために
- お互いに示し合う許し、忍耐、愛、 優しさ、憐れみのために
- 彼らの教会を守る知恵のために
#5 君が知っている、祈りを必要としている人たちのために祈ろう
10 DAY 6 Saturday January 31st
Pray for those who don’t know Jesus Christ
Timothy 2:1-4
1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all
people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all
godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be
saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Let’s Pray for all people:
Authorities, Those in leadership
Emperor Akihito (81 years old) and Empress Michiko (80 years old)
Prime Minister Abe (60 years old) and Mrs. Abe Akie (52 years old)
Judges, Lawyers,
Japanese Self-Defense Forces
Head Masters, Principals, Teachers
Doctors and Nurses in Medical Fields
CEO, Bosses
Elderly, Parents, Youth, Children, Babies, Babies in the womb
Pray also for Japan’s social issues such as:
- Sex trafficking & Prostitution “In 2005 Irene Khan, then the Secretary General of Amnesty
International, stated that the country was the biggest receiving country for human trafficking and
there were a lot of people being trafficked from Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, South America, to
Japan.” Wikipedia (last modified on 2014 February 1st) Human Trafficking in Japan. Retrieved from
Suicide “27,283 suicide in 2013, according to data from the National Police Agency” , which is
more than 70 suicides per day Mccurry, Justin. (2014, Sept 4th) Japan vows to cut suicide rate by 20% over 10
years. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/04/japan-vows-suicide-rate-cut-cultural-resistancemental-health
Drug abuse According to the government of Japan, at least 2.76 million Japanese had used illegal
drugs (in 2010). Even though this is only about 3 % of the population, for a country who had low
drug problem only about 15 years ago, this is a huge increase.” Mordey, Alastair (2012, August 29th)
Statistics of Japan’s Rising Drug Use. Retrieved from
Domestic Violence and Child Abuse “In Japan an increasing number of incidents against elderly
family members is taking place. The concept of the battered wife has expanded to include the
battered parent or grandparent.” The Japan Times (2013, July 6th) Violence Against Women. Retrieved from
Sinking birthrate “The government said Wednesday the number of births fell to a record low of
1,029,800 in 2013, causing the population to plunge at its fastest rate yet.” Kyodo, Jiji (2014, June 4th)
Record-low births saw Japan’s population plummet at record pace in 2013. Retrieved from
Aging society- “The aging of Japan is thought to outweigh all other nations, as the country is
purported to have the highest proportion of elderly citizens; 33.0% are above age 60, 25.9% are
aged 65 or above, 12.5% aged 75 or above, as of September 2014.” Wikipedia (2014, December 9th)
Aging of Japan. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aging_of_Japan
Bullying “Bullying and violence increased in Japanese schools, according to an annual education
ministry survey, particularly for younger students. Reported cases of bullying at elementary
schools rose to a record high of 118,805 in fiscal 2013…” The Japan Times ( 2014, Oct 25th) School
Bullying on the Increase. Retrieved from http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2014/10/25/editorials/schoolbullying-increase/#.VLbI_sZZZbw
11 6日目 1月31日 土曜日
に願い、祈り、とりなし、感謝がささげられるようにしなさい。 2それは、私たちが敬虔に、また威厳をもって、
平安で静かな一生を過ごすためです。 3そうすることは、私たちの救い主である神の御前において良いことであり
への手紙第一 2章1∼4節)
- 人 身 売 買 と 売 春 「2005年、 当時のアムネスティ・インターナショナル事務総長のアイリーン・カーンは、日本
表した。」 Wikipedia (last modified on 2014 February 1 ) Human Trafficking in Japan. Retrieved
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_trafficking_in_Japan
- 自 殺 「2013年に27,283人の自殺者数、警察当局のデータより」一日に換算すると70名以上 Mccurry, Justin.
(2014, Sept 4 ) Japan vows to cut suicide rate by 20% over 10
years. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/04/japan-vows-suicide-rate-cut-cultural-resistance-mental-health
- 薬 物 中 毒 日本政府によると、少なくとも276万人もの日本人が不法な薬物を服用した経験がある(2010年)。
これは日本の人口のわずか3%ではあるが、15年前に比べ、増加率は非常に高い。」 Mordey, Alastair (2012,
August 29 ) Statistics of Japan s Rising Drug
Use. http://www.thecabinchiangmai.com/archive/statistics_of_japan___s_rising_drug_use#.VLa__sZZZbw
- 家 庭 内 暴 力 と 子 ど も の 虐 待 「日本では年寄りの家族員に対する暴力のケースが増えている。虐待される妻とい
う概念は、虐待される親や祖父母へと拡大された。」 The Japan Times (2013, July 6 ) Violence Against
Women. Retrieved from http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2013/07/06/editorials/violence-against-women/#.VLbDLsZZZbx
- 出 生 率 の 減 少 「政府は水曜日、2013年の出生率が過去最低の1,029,800人に落ち、人口減少が一層加速された
と発表した。」 Kyodo, Jiji (2014, June 4 ) Record-low births saw Japan s population plummet at record
pace in 2013. Retrieved fromhttp://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/06/04/national/record-low-births-saw-japanspopulation-plummet-record-pace-2013/#.VLbGXMZZZbw
- 高 齢 化 社 会 - 「日本の高齢化は他のどの国よりも高いと言われている;60歳以上が33.0%、65歳以上は
25.9%、75歳以上が12.5%を占める。2014年9月現在。」 Wikipedia (2014, December 9 ) Aging of Japan.
Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aging_of_Japan
- い じ め 「文部省の年一回の調査結果によると、いじめと暴力が日本の学校で増加している。特に年齢の低い生
徒の間で増えている。小学校で報告されたいじめは、過去最高の 118,805 件。2013 年度」 The Japan Times (
25 )
from http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2014/10/25/editorials/school-bullying-increase/#.VLbI_sZZZbw
12 To be continued….
What You Can Do
Please continue to pray for TBC Vision 2013
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present
your requests to God."(Philippians 4:6)
Place: You can pray anywhere, but you are encouraged to go to the Joy Café to pray together with other
Time: Joy Café opens for prayer every Saturday, 5:30pm-6:30pm, every Sunday,9:00am10:30am,11:00am-12:30pm,1:30pm-3:00p.m,and 3:30pm-5:00pm.
Pray that:
1. At TBC, each one will reach one, teach one to reach one.
2. Non-Christian guests will be saved through personal evangelism and through attending worship
services and small groups.
3. TBC members will be filled with the Holy Spirit and have unity for the glory of God.
4. Repentance before God will spread over Tokyo, Japan, and world.
5. The Impact Building Team (IBT) will have wisdom to plan for the new building.
Examine Yourselves!
"Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves."(2 Corinthians 13:5)
Revival must start from spiritual renewal in each member. Join Class 201 (Spiritual Maturity) and a Small
1. Confess your personal sins before God and walk in Christ.
2. Read the Bible everyday, apply God's Word in your daily life and regularly attend a small group and
worship service.
3. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
(Ephesians 4:32)
Serve Each Other!
"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the
family of believers." (Galatians 6:10)
You have many opportunities to serve members and community through TBC ministry.
1. Join any ministry at TBC to build up church.
2. Bring a good testimony to society through serving your community.
3. After completion of Class 301, start a new ministry to glorify God. Join Class 301 (Ministry Class).
Tell the Good News!
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20)
"Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great
patience and careful instruction." (2 Timothy 4:2)
1. Tell the Gospel to your family members, friends, and co-workers.
2. Send your salvation testimony to the world through available means of communication like social
networking. Invite your friends to small group, special event and worship service.
3. Join a mission trip offered by TBC. Join Class 401 (Mission Class) and Class 402 (How to Share the
Gospel) to discover your mission in the world.
Give to the Impact Building Fund!
Your giving will be used for the construction a new building as a part of Vision 2013 to reach people with
the Gospel of Christ.
13 To be continued…
神に打ち明けなさい。」 (フィリピ 4:6)
1. TBCのひとりひとりが「ひとりを導き、そのひとりを備えて、もうひとりを導く」ことができるように。
2. ノンクリスチャンの友人が、個人的な伝道や、礼拝やスモールグループを通じて神によって救われるように。
3. TBCのメンバーが聖霊によって満たされ、神の栄光のために一致することができるように。
4. 神に対する罪の悔い改めが東京、日本、そして世界に広がっていくように。
5. インパクト・ビルディング・チーム(IBT)が、新しいTBCの建物の建設に向けて、神からの知恵を与えられる
「信仰を持って生きているかどうか自分を反省し、自分を吟味しなさい。」(2 Corinthians 13:5)
1. 神の前に個人的な罪を告白し、キリストとともに歩もう!
2. 毎日聖書を読み、神の言葉をあなたの日々の歩みに適用しましょう。またスモールグループと礼拝に定期的に出
3. 「互いに親切にし、憐れみの心で接し、神がキリストによってあなたがたを赦してくださったように、赦し合い
しょう。」(ガラテヤ 6:10)
1. 教会を建て上げるために何かのミニストリーに加わろう。
2. 地域社会に仕えることによって、この世に良い証を打ち立てよう。
3. クラス301を修了したら、神の栄光のために新しいミニストリーを始めましょう。クラス301(ミニストリーク
授け、あなたがたに命じておいたことをすべて守るように教えなさい。」(マタイ 28:19-20)
教えるのです。」(2 テモテ 4:2)
1. 家族や友人、職場の同僚に福音について話してみよう。
2. 様々なソーシャルネットワーキングの手段を用いてあなたが救われた証を周りの人たちに伝えてみよう。あなた
3. TBCが提供している伝道旅行に参加してみよう。あなたが世界伝道にどう関わることが出来るかを学ぶために、
あなたの献金はキリストの福音を人々に伝えるために、ビジョン 2013 の一部分である TBC の新会堂建設のため
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