
インフレ目標政策の基本的文献 一般向け解説本 伊藤隆敏、『インフレ

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インフレ目標政策の基本的文献 一般向け解説本 伊藤隆敏、『インフレ
伊藤隆敏、『インフレ・ターゲティング』、日本経済新聞社、2001 年。
伊藤隆敏・林伴子、(共著)『インフレ目標と金融政策』、東洋経済新報社、2006 年。
Bernanke, Ben S.; Laubach, Thomas; Mishkin, Frederic S. and Posen, Adam S., 1999, Inflation
Targeting: Lessons from the International Experience, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999.
Truman, Edwin M. 2003, Inflation Targeting in the World Economy, Washington DC: Institute for
International Economics.
Berg, Claes and Lars Jonung (1999), “Pioneering Price Level Targeting: The Swedish Experience
1931-1937,” Journal of Monetary Economics 43, pp. 525-551.
Bernanke, Ben S. and Mark Gertler, 2001, “Should Central Banks Respond to Movements in Asset
Prices”, American Economic Review, vol 91, No.2 May 2001. pp253-257
Bernanke, Ben S. and Woodford, Michael, 2005, The Inflation-Targeting Debate, Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Ito, Takatoshi (2004). “Inflation Targeting and Japan: Why has the Bank of Japan not adopted
Inflation Targeting?” in Christopher Kent and Simon Guttmann (eds.) The Future of Inflation
Targeting, August 2004: 220-267.Reserve Bank of Australia
Kent, Christopher and Simon Guttmann (eds.), 2004, The Future of Inflation Targeting, Sydney,
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia,.
Svensson, Lars E.O., 1997a, “Optimal Inflation Target, ‘Conservative’ Central Banks, and Linear
Inflation Contracts,” American Economic Review, vol. 87, no. 1: 98-114.
Svensson, Lars E.O., 1997b, “Inflation Forecasting Targeting: Implementing and Monitoring
Inflation Targets,” European Economic Review, vol. 41, no. 6, June: 1111-46.
Svensson, Lars E.O., 1999a, “Inflation Targeting as a Monetary Policy Role,” Journal of Monetary
Economics, vol. 43, no. 3, June: 607-654.
Svensson, Lars E.O., 1999b, “Price-Level Targeting versus Inflation Targeting: A Free Lunch?”,
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, vol. 31, no. 3, Part 1, August: 277-295.
Svensson, Lars E.O. 2000, “The First Year of the Eurosystem: Inflation Targeting or Not?” American
Economic Review, vol. 90, no. 2: 95-99.
Svensson, Lars E.O.,
2001. “Independent Review of the Operation of Monetary Policy in New
Zealand: Report to the Minister of Finance”, Reserve Bank of New Zealand, February
Svensson, Lars E.O. and Michael Woodford, (2005). “Implementing Optimal Policy Through
Inflation-Forecast Targeting,” in Ben S. Bernanke and Michael Woodford (2005): 19-92.
Faust, Jon and Henderson, Dale W., 2004, “Is Inflation Targeting Best-Practice Monetary Policy?”
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Review, vol. 86, no. 4 July/August: 117-143.
Friedman, Benjamin (2003), “Discussion of ‘Inflation Targeting:
A Critical View,” presented at the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Annual Conference, “Inflation Targeting:
Prospects and
Problems,” October 16-17.
Friedman, Benjamin M., 2003, “The Use and Meaning of Words in Central Banking Inflation
Targeting, Credibility and Transparency,” in P. Mizen ed. Central Banking, Monetary Theory and
Practice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. pp111-124.
Brash, Donald T., 2002, "Inflation targeting 14 years on", Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin, Vol. 65.
No.1. March 2002, pp.58-70.
Ito, Takatoshi (1999), ʻA target for the Bank of Japanʻ, Personal View, Financial
Times, October 19.
伊藤隆敏、「日銀、長期の物価予測を」、日本経済新聞、「経済教室」、2010 年 4 月 15 日。
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