
Language Grid

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Language Grid
Language Grid Service Manager
Language Grid
La nguage Gr i d K yo to O perati o n Cen te r
The Language Grid is operated by the Department of Social
Informatics, Kyoto University (http://langrid.org/operation/)
The Language Grid software has been developed by the
National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology (NICT), Japan
What is the Language Grid?
The Language Grid is a Service Grid that aims at
sharing language services around the world, which
connects language service providers and users using
Web service technologies.
Language Service
Language Service
To use or participate in the Language Grid, your
organization must sign a Service Grid Agreement
with the Language Grid Kyoto Operation Center.
Users who sign the agreement can provide the
Language Grid with their services and use services
which combine services shared on the Language
The Language Grid Service Manager allows the
Language Grid Users and Language Grid Operator to
manage their information and language services. The
Language Grid enables you to do the following:
* Search language services
* Monitor language service usage through logs
* Control access rights based on constraints of
usage count and data transfer size
* Control user access rights to language services
* Suspend and restart language services
As of September 2012, 142 language services (123
atomic services and 19 composite services) for 58
languages in total have been registered with the
Language Grid.
For more information, please visit the Language Grid
Service Manager at
Language Grid Playground
The Language Grid Playground is a website that provides easy access
to the Language Grid’ s various language services. It allows anyone to
try out different language resources and services by using a Web
browser. It also showcases research results and technological
developments made on the Language Grid.
Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University
and NECTEC, the national institute in Thailand are
starting the federated operation, which interconnects
each Language Grid operated by the organizations.
The Language Grid Playground also introduces examples of real-world
challenges such as the creation of new language services using
language service composition or the application of Language Grid
technology to the real-world site to satisfy multilingual
communication needs.
y ranoit ciD
Language Resource
Language Grid
Language Resource
Monitoring and comtrolling langugae Services
Instructions on joining the Language Grid (using the
Language Grid, sharing your language services,
signing the agreement, etc.) can be found at
The source codes of the Language Grid Playground are open and
released to the public so as to provide application developers, who
wish to develop customized Web-based multilingual applications, a
set of sample codes that they can refer to.
To test various language services on the Language Grid, visit the
Language Grid Playground at http://langrid.org/playground/.
Language Grid User
Language Grid Playground
updated on September1st, 2012.
As of September 2012, 149 organizations from 17 countries and regions have joined the Language Grid (Kyoto Language Grid: 146,
Bangkok Language Grid: 7 (some organizations are users of both Language Grids)).
IT University of Copenhagen,
DFKI, Germany
Stuttgart University,
CNR, Italy
Kookmin University,
Princeton University, U.S.A.
NII, Japan
NTT Research Labs, Japan
Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China
NICT, Japan
Google, Inc., USA
Asian Disaster Reduction
National Tsing Hua Center, Japan
University, Taiwan
NECTEC, Thailand
University of Indonesia,
The Language Grid, operated by Language Grid Kyoto Operation Center, can be used for non-profit and research purposes. Before
using the Language Grid, an Agreement is required between your organization and the Language Grid Kyoto Operation Center
(operated by Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University.)
If you are interested in joining the Language Grid, contact the Language Grid Kyoto Operation Center at [email protected].
Language Grid Toolbox
Language Grid Toolbox is a framework for multilingual collaboration
tools based on XOOPS, an open source CMS (Content Management
System). Toolbox supports communication in a multilingual
Language Grid Toolbox (Top)
Currently, the followings are major functions of Toolbox:
- Multilingual BBS
- Text Translation
- Multilingual Web Page Creation
- Language Resource Creation (Dictionary / Parallel Text , Q&A,
As Toolbox is also an open source software, each multilingual
community can customize or develop functions according to their
own requirements. Some organizations other than NICT, including
Kyoto City and Kyoto University, have already joined the
development of new functions of Toolbox
For more information on Language Grid Toolbox,
visit our Trial Site: http://langrid-tool.nict.go.jp/toolbox/
Multilingual BBS (Topic List)
Language Grid
Language G rid K yot o O perat ion C ent er
Language Grid Kyoto Operation Center
The Department of Social Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University decided, at the faculty meeting on July
12th, 2007, to take on the role of Language Grid Operator, and assigned Professor Toru Ishida to serve as the representative of
the organization. This operation is to proceed as a part of the activity of "Field Informatics Education and Research Core" of the
global center of excellence (GCOE) titled "Informatics Education and Research Center for Knowledge-Circulating Society"
Language Grid Kyoto Operation Cneter
Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University
Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
E-mail: [email protected]
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