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小特集号(英文論文誌 D)論文募集-
研究者間の情報交換手段を主な用途として出発したインターネットが,WWW の出現やマルチメディア情報処理の普及などを契
(平成 28 年 1 月号)を企画いたしました.
1. 対象分野
Defined Networking)技術,センサーネットワーク技術,車載ネットワーク技術,ID/ローケーション分離技術,情報セン
品質要望・満足度の分析法と品質改善法,QoS・QoE 管理技術,テレプレゼンス技術,ディジタル権利管理(DRM)技術,
2. 論文の執筆と取扱い
通常の英文論文と同一とします.原則として刷り上がりペーパー8 ページ,レター2 ページ以内とします.詳細は Information
for Authors(http://www.ieice.org/eng/shiori/mokuji_iss.html)を御参照下さい.査読後の再提出期間(通常 60 日)を短
3. 投稿方法
投稿は電子投稿でのみ受付けます。登録と投稿は https://review.ieice.org/regist/regist_baseinfo_e.aspx より登録を行
って下さい.なお登録時には必ず" Journal/Section " で[Special-NT] The Internet Architectures, Protocols, and
Applications for the Future Internet を選択して下さい.[Regular-ED]を決して選択しないで下さい.
4. 論文投稿締切日
平成 27 年 3 月 20 日(金) 必着
5. 問合せ先
松原 大典
(株)日立製作所 横浜研究所
〒244-0817 神奈川県横浜市戸塚区吉田町 292 番地
TEL: 050-3135-2701 FAX: 050-3135-3389 E-mail : [email protected]
6. 小特集編集委員会
委員長:秋山 豊和(京都産業大学)
幹事:松原 大典(日立製作所)
、北辻 佳憲(
(株) KDDI 研究所)
(英文 D 論文誌編集委員:リエゾン)
委員: 新 麗(IIJ イノベーションインスティテュート)
、大島 浩太(埼玉工大学)
、大森 幹之(鳥取大)
、片山 勝(NTT)
計 宇生(国立情報学研究所)
、佐藤 周行(東大)
、菅沼 拓夫(東北大)
、菅原 真司(千葉工大)
、藤川 賢治(情報通
、藤田 祥(横河電機株式会社)
、三宅 滋(日立製作所)
、柳生 智彦(NEC)
、山本 寛(長岡技術科学大)
7. 付記
*Web による電子投稿の際,
“Copyright Transfer and Page Charge Agreement”に承諾して頂きます.
*投稿に際しては,著者のうち少なくとも 1 名は本会会員でなければなりません.ただし招待論文に関してはこの限りでは
Call for Papers
------- Special Section on the Architectures, Protocols, and
Applications for the Future Internet ------The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) announces a forthcoming special
section on "The Architectures, Protocols, and Applications for the Future Internet” to be published in January 2016 as a
special section of Transactions on Information and Systems. The objective of this special section is to publish and
overview recent progress in the interdisciplinary area of the Internet technologies and their various applications for
diversified future.
1. Scope
(1) Internet architecture and protocols
Wireless, mobile, ubiquitous and/or ad-hoc networking, Autonomous and/or distributed routing, Robust, adaptive
and QoS aware traffic control, Datacenter networking, Network virtualization, SDN (Software Defined
Networking), Sensor networking, ITS (Intelligent Transport System), ID/location separation, Content-centric
(2) Network computing and applications
Distributed computing, GRID computing, Cloud Computing, Social Networking, Network infrastructure for big
data, Pervasive computing, IoT (Internet of Things), Cyber physical system, Smart grid, Network and applications
for ecology
(3) Internet operation and management
Analysis method and amelioration technology for customer satisfaction, QoS/QoE management, tele-presence,
Digital rights management (DRM), Architecture and/or protocols for content distribution network (CDN),
Integration of communication and broadcasting
(4) Internet security and impact of Internet technology to human society
Secure protocols, Firewall technology, Packet filtering technology, Intrusion detection, Packet tracing technology,
Authentication/Authorization (including PKI), Network security from social aspect, Internet for education, medical
treatment, welfare and dealing with disasters, Internet for the commerce infrastructure, Education for information
2. Manuscript for Special Section
A manuscript of this special section shall follow the guidelines for the regular section (the length is recommended
within 8 printed pages for a paper, 2 printed pages for a letter). See "Information for Authors"
(http://www.ieice.org/eng/shiori/mokuji_iss.html) for details. The time period for re-submission after the first review
notification (60 days for the regular section) may be shortened.
3. Submission Instructions
This special section will accept only manuscripts by electronic submission. Prospective authors are requested to follow
carefully the submission process described below.
Submit a paper using the IEICE Web site https://review.ieice.org/regist/regist_baseinfo_e.aspx. Authors should choose
the [Special-NT] The Architectures, Protocols, and Applications for the Future Internet as a " Journal/Section "
on the online screen. Do not choose [Regular-ED].
4. Submission Deadline
March 20, 2015 (Fri.)
5. Contact Point
Daisuke Matsubara
Hitachi, Ltd., Yokohama Research Laboratory 292 Yoshida-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 244-0817, Japan
TEL: +81-(0)50-3135-2701 FAX: +81-(0)50-3135-3389
E-mail : [email protected]
6. Editorial Board for this Special Section
Guest Editor-in-Chief:
Toyokazu Akiyama (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.)
Guest Editorial Manager: Daisuke Matsubara (Hitachi Ltd.), Yoshinori Kitatsuji (KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc.)
Guest Associate Editors: Ray Atarashi (IIJ Innovation Institute Inc.), Kohta Ohshima (Saitama Institute of
Technology), Motoyuki Omori (Tottori Univ.), Masaru Katayama (NTT), Yusheng Ji
(National Institute of Informatics), Hiroyuki Sato (Univ. of Tokyo), Takuo Suganuma
(Tohoku Univ.), Shinji Sugawara (Chiba Institute of Technology), Kenji Fujikawa (NICT),
Shou Fujita (Yokogawa Electric Corporation), Shigeru Miyake (Hitachi Ltd.), Tomohiko
Yagyu (NEC), Hiroshi Yamamoto (Nagaoka Univ. of Technology)
7. Remarks
* Authors must agree to the "Copyright Transfer and Page Charge Agreement" via electronic submission.
* Please note that if accepted, all authors, including authors of invited papers, are requested to pay for the page charges
covering partial cost of publications
*At least one of the authors must be an IEICE member when the manuscript is submitted for review. Invited papers
are an exception. We recommend that authors unaffiliated with IEICE apply for membership. For membership
applications, please visit the web-page,
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