
数物科学系 - 金沢大学工学部

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数物科学系 - 金沢大学工学部
数 物 科 学 系
S. Wakatsuki
Congruences modulo 2 for dimensions of spaces
of cusp forms, J. Number Theory 140(2014), 169180.
S. Wakatsuki
Multiplicity formulas for discrete series represen2
tations in L(Γ
, J. Number Theory 133
, 3394-3425.
S. Wakatsuki
Dimension formulas for spaces of vector-valued
Siegel cusp forms of degree two, J. Number Theory 132(2012)
, 200-253.
T. Hattori and A. Kasue
Expansion constants and hyperbolic embeddings
of finite graphs, Mathematica(2014)
, doi:10.1112/
S0025579314000254(accepted for publication).
K. Ichihara and A. Ushijima
On the maximal volume of three-dimensional hyperbolic complete orthoschemes, Proc. of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Nihon Univ., 49(2014),
Y. Kawakami
A ramification theorem for the ratio of canonical
forms of flat surfaces in hyperbolic three-space,
Geom. Dedicata 171(2014)
, 387-396.
A. Kasue
Random walks and Kuramochi boundaries of infinite networks, Osaka J. Math., 50(2013)
, 31-51.
S. Fujimori, Y. Kawakami, M. Kokubu, W. Rossman,
M. Umehara, K. Yamada
Hyperbolic metrics on Riemann surfaces and
spacelike CMC-1 surfaces in de Sitter 3-space,
Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 26 ``Recent Trends in
Lorentzian Geometry’
, 1-48.
Y. Kawakami
On the maximal number of exceptional values of
Gauss maps for various classes of surfaces, Math. Z.,
, 1249-1260.
T. Mabuchi and Y. Nakagawa
New examples of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds, Tohoku Math. J., 65(2013)
, 243-252.
T. Hattori and A. Kasue
Functions with finite Dirichlet sum of order p and
quasi-monomorphisms of infinite graphs, Nagoya
Math. J., 207(2012)
, 95-138.
Y. Kawakami and D. Nakajo
Value distribution of the Gauss map of improper
affine spheres, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 64(2012), 799821.
Y. Kawakami
Value distribution of the hyperbolic Gauss maps
for flat fronts in hyperbolic three-space, Houston J.
Math., 38(2012),115-130.
A. Kodama
On the holomorphic automorphism group of a
generalized Hartogs triangle, Tohoku Math. J.,(accepted for publication).
A. Kodama
On the holomorphic automorphism group of a generalized complex ellipsoid, Complex Var. Elliptic
Equ. 59(2014),1342-1349.
S. Takanobu
Bohr-Jessen process and functional limit theorem,
Kyoto J. Math., 54(2014),401-426.
F. Gladiali, M. Grossi, and H. Ohtsuka
On the number of peaks of the eigenfunc tions of the linearized Gel’fand problem, Annali
d i M a t e m a t i c a P u r e e d A p p l i c a t a ( 2 0 1 4 ),
F. Gladiali, M. Grossi, H. Ohtsuka, and T. Suzuki
Morse indices of multiple blow-up solutions to the
two-dimensional Gel’fand problem, Commun. in
Partial Differential Equations, 39(2014),2028-063.
H. Ohtsuka,
On some properties of mean fields of equilibrium
vortices described by the Hamiltonian; in IUTAM
Symposium on Vortex Dynamics, Special issue
of Fluid Dyn. Res., 46 (2014)
, 031422(article
(accepted for ublication).
A. Kodama and S. Shimizu
Diffeomorphisms between Siegel domains
of the first kind preserving the holomorphic
automorphism groups and applications, Kodai
Math. J. 36(2013),299-312.
T. K. Duy and S. Takanobu
On the distribution of k-th power free integers, II,
Osaka J. Math., 50(2013),687-713.
H. Ohtsuka, T. Sato, and T. Suzuki
Asymptotic non-degeneracy of multiple blowup
solutions to the Liouville-Gel’fand problem with an
inhomogeneous coefficient, J. Math. Analy. Appl.,
H. Matsuoka and K.-I. Nakamura
A stable finite difference method for a Cahn-Hilliard type equation with long-range interaction, Sci.
Rep. Kanazawa Univ., 57(2013),13-34.
B. Lou, H. Matano and K.-I. Nakamura
Recurrent traveling waves in a two-dimensional
saw-toothed cylinder and their average speed, J.
Differential Equations, 255(2013),3357-3411.
K.-I. Nakamura and T. Ogiwara
Periodically growing solutions in a class of strongly
monotone semiflows, Netw. Heterog. Media, 7
(2012),no. 4, 881-891.
O. Iwakami, N. Kawata, M. Takeshita, Y. Yao, S. Abe
and K. Matsumoto
‒ 21 ‒
Thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements using a Quantum Design physical property
measurement system, Journal of Physics
Conference. Series 568(2014)032002(5pages)
D. Inoue, D. Kaido, Y. Yoshikawa, M. Minegishi,
K. Matsumoto and S. Abe
Thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements used high sensitive capacitive dilatometer
at millikelvin temperatures, Journal of Physics
Conference. Series 568(2014)032001(5pages)
O. Iwakami, Y. Namisashi, S. Abe, K. Matsumoto,
G. Ano, M. Akatsu, K. Mitsumoto, Y. Nemoto,
N. Takeda, T. Goto, and H. Kitazawa
Magnetic ordering of hyperfine-coupled nuclear
and 4f-electron moments in clathrate compound
Pr3Pd20Ge6, Phys. Rev. B, 90(2014)100402(R).
S. Abe and K. Matsumoto
Nuclear demagnetization for ultra-low Temperatures, Cryogenics 62(2014)213.
P. Wikus, E. Canavan, S.T. Heine, K. Matsumoto,
T. Numazawa
Magnetocaloric materials and the optimization of
cooling power density, Cryogenics 62(2014)150.
T. Numazawa, K. Kamiya and T. Utaki,
K. Matsumoto
Magnetic refrigerator for hydrogen liquefaction,
Cryogenics 62(2014)185.
J. Li, T. Numazawa, K. Matsumoto Matsumoto,
Y. Yanagisawa and H. Nakagome
Comparison of different regenerator geometries for
AMR system, AIP Conf. Proc. 1573 , 548(2014).
T. Numazawa, K. Kamiya and T. Utaki,
K. Matsumoto
Magnetic refrigerator for hydrogen liquefaction
rogress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics, volume 15, issue 2, 2013, Pages 1-8.
K. Sonoda, J. Li, Y. Yanagisawa, H. Nakagome,
T. Numazawa and K. Matsumoto
A modeling study of multi-layered AMR bed, Proc.
24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2012(2013)p219 ISBN 978-4-9906959-0-3.
J. Li, T. Numazawa, K. Matsumoto, Y. Yanagizawa
and H. Nakagome
A modeling study on the geometry of AMR regenerator: Comparison of Flat plate and Packed
sphere regenerator, Proc. 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International
Cryogenic Materials Conference 2012(2013)p223
ISBN 978-4-9906959-0-3.
K. Matsumoto, K. Yamada, Y. Nishimura, N. Kawata,
Y. Zhu, T. Numazawa, H. Takata and
T. Irie, E. Nakamura
Magnetocaloric properties of La(FexMySi1-x-y)
(M=Ga, Co)
, Proc. 24th International Cryogenic
Engineering Conference and International Cryo-
genic Materials Conference 2012(2013)p227 ISBN
K Matsumoto, K Ohmori, S Abe, K Kanamori and K
Ultrasound propagation in dense aerogels filled
with liquid 4He, Journal of Physics Conf. Series 400
K. Matsumoto, K. Asamoto, Y. Nishimura, Y. Zhu,
S. Abe and T. Numazawa
Magnetocaloric effect of RM2(R=rare earth, M=Ni,
Al)intermetallic compounds made by centrifugal
atomization process for magnetic refrigerator,
Journal of Physics Conf. Series 400 part5(2012)
J. Li, T. Numazawa, K. Matsumoto, Y. Yanagisawa
and H. Nakagome
A Modeling study on the Geometry of Active Magnetic Regenerator, AIP Conference Proceedings
Y. Zhu, J. Li, H. Hattori, K. Matsumoto,
Y. Yanagisawa, H. Nakagome and T. Numazawa
Numerical simulation for hydrogen magnetic Refrigeration, AIP Conference Proceedings 1434
S. Abe, F. Sasaki, T. Oonishi, D. Inoue, J. Yoshida,
D. Takahashi, H. Tsujii, H. Suzuki and K. Matsumoto
A compact capacitive dilatometer for thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements at
millikelvin temperatures, Cryogenics 52(2012)
H. Fujishita, Y. Hayashi, M. Saito, H. Unno, H. Kaneko,
H. Okamoto, M.Ohashi, Y. Kobayashi and M. Sato
X-ray Diffraction Study of Spontaneous Strain in
Fe-Pnictide Superconductor NdFeAsO0.89F0.11,
European Physical Journal B, Vol.85, No.2, pp.52-16(2012.2).
H. Kaneko, Y. Yun, N. Shumsun, A. Savinkov,
H. Suzuki, Y.K. Li, Q. Tao, G.H. Cao and Z.A. Xu
Quantum Criticality and Superconductivity in
SmFe1-xCoxAsO, Journal of Physics, Conference
Series, Vol.400, No.2, pp.22047-1-4(2012.2).
H. Suzuki, H. Kaneko, Y. Yun, N. Shumsun,
A. Savinkov, H. Xing, Z.A. Xu, S. Zhang, Y. Isikawa
Low temperature x-ray diffraction study on phase
transitions, Journal of Physics, Conference Series,
Vol.400, No.2, pp.22118-1-4(2012.2).
T. Nishimura, A. Sasahara, H. Murata, T. Arai and
M. Tomitori
Thermal Transformation of 4,4-Diamino-p-Terphenyl on a Si(111)-7 × 7 Surface Analyzedby
X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy and Scanning
Tunneling Microscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C, 118(43)
H. Ooe, T.Sakuishi, M. Nogami, M. Tomitori and
T. Arai
Resonance frequency-retuned quartz tuningfork as
‒ 22 ‒
a force sensor for noncontact atomic force microscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett., 105, 043107(2014)
Y. Jeong, M. Hirade, R. Kokawa, H. Yamada,
K. Kobayashi, N. Oyabu, T. Arai, A. Sasahara and
Local interaction imaging by SiGe quantum dot
probe, Current Appl. Phys. 12, 581-584(2012).
N. Okabayashi, M. Paulsson and T. Komeda
Inelastic electron tunneling process for alkanethiol
self-assembled monolayers, Progress Surf. Sci., 88,
K. Maeda, N. Okabayashi, S. Kano, S. Takeshita,
D. Tanaka, M. Sakamoto, T. Teranishi and Y. Majima
Logic Operations of Chemically Assembled SingleElectron Transistor”
, ACS Nano, 6, 2798-2803
N. Okabayashi, K. Maeda, T. Muraki, D. Tanaka,
M. Sakamoto, T. Teranishi and Y. Majima
Uniform charging energy of single-electron transistors by using size-controlled Au nanoparticles”
Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 033101(2012)
. K. Kamada, Y. Soga, S. Odawara, K. Misawa,
M. Yoshida and N. S. Ginzburg
Frequency Selectivity of a Normal and a Hybrid
Bragg Resonators, Plasma Fusion Res. 8, 2406154
N. Yamada, T. Kitamura, K. Kato, K. Iwata, Y. Soga,
K. Kamada , M. Yoshida and N. S. Ginzburg
Planar Free Electron Maser using a Mildly
Relativistic Electron Beam, Proc. of The 4th Int.
Workshop on Far Infrared Technologies,(4pages
CD=ROM P-8)2012.
Y. Soga, M. Kato, R. Tsuchiya, K. Kamada and
M. Yoshida
Planar Free Electron Maser using a Mildly
Relativistic Electron Beam, Proc. of The 4th Int.
Workshop on Far Infrared Technologies,(4pages
CD=ROM P-9)2012.
K. Nose, K. Misawa, S. Yanagi, K. Kato, T. Kitamura,
N. Yamada, Y. Soga, K. Kamada, M. Yoshida and N. S.
Design of Bragg Resonator for Free Electron Maser, NIFS-PROC-90, pp48-53.
M. Kato, Y. Soga, T. Mimura, Y. Kato, K. Kamada
and M. Yoshida
Development of 100 GHz Interdigital Backwardwave oscillator, NIFS-PROC-90, pp54-58.
A. J. Sievers, M. Sato, J. B. Page and T. Rossler
Thermally populated intrinsic localized modes in
pure alkali halide crystals”
,Phys. Rev. B 88, 104305
W. Shi, S. Shige, H. Hasebe, M. Sato and A. J. Sievers
Intrinsic Localized Mode in an Electric Lattice
Containing MOS-Capacitors”
, Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and
its Applications, NOLTA2013 held at Santa Fe,
USA, September 9-11, pp.330-333(2013).
W. Shi, S. Shige, Y. Soga, M. Sato and A. J. Sievers
Intrinsic localized modes in a nonlinear electrical
lattice with saturable nonlinearity, EPL 103, 30006
M. Sato, Y. Takao, Y. Sada, W. Shi, S. Shige and
A. J. Sievers
Bifurcation Dynamics of a Perturbed Intrinsic Localized Mode in a Driven Micromechanical Array,
NOLTA, IEICE 4, pp.225-231(2013).
M. Sato, S. Imai, N. Fujita, W. Shi, Y. Takao, Y. Sada,
B. E. Hubbard, B. Ilic and A. J. Sievers
Switching dynamics and linear response spectra of
a driven one-dimensional nonlinear lattice containing an intrinsic localized mode, Phys. Rev. E 87,
012920 pp.1-15(2013).
M. Sato, Y. Takao, Y. Sada, W. Shi, S. Shige,
B. E. Hubbard, B. Ilic and A. J. Sievers
Bifurcation dynamics of an intrinsic localized mode
in a driven 1-D nonlinear lattice, 2012 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nonlinear
Theory and its Applications, NOLTA2012, Palma,
Majorca, Spain, October 22-26, pp.407-410(2012)
M. Sato, N. Fujita, S. Nishimura, Y. Takao, Y. Sada,
W. Shi, S.Shige and A. J. Sievers
Controlled Translation of an Intrinsic Localized
Mode, AIP Conf. Proc. 1474, 67-70(2012)
; 19th
International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics,
ISNA 19.
M. Sato, Y. Takao, N. Fujita, S. Imai, S. Nishimura,
W. Shi, Y. Soga and A. J. Sievers
Analysis of ILM Logic Operations via van der Pol
Phase Planes, IUTAM Symposium on 50 Years of
Chaos : Applied and Theoretical, Procedia IUTAM
5( 2012 )124-133.
M. Sato, N. Fujita, Y. Takao, S. Nishimura, W. Shi, Y
Sada, Y. Soga and A. J. Sievers
Precise velocity measurements for driven intrinsic
localized modes in the acoustic spectrum of small
cantilever arrays, NOLTA, 3, pp87-102(2012).
M. Sato,S. Imai, N. Fujita, S. Nishimura, Y. Takao,
Y. Sada, B. E. Hubbard, B. Ilic and A. J. Sievers
Experimental observation of the bifurcation dynamics of an intrinsic localized mode in a driven
1-D nonlinear lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 234101
N. Kodera, K. Uchida, T. Ando and S. Aizawa
Two-ball structure of the flagellar hook-length
control protein FliK as revealed by high-speed
atomic force microscopy, J. Mol. Biol.(in press)
S. Ishino, T. Yamagami, M. Kitamura, N. Kodera,
T. Mori, S. Sugiyama, T. Ando, N. Goda, T. Tenno,
H. Hiroaki and Y. Ishino
Multiple interactions of the intrinsically disordered
region between the N-terminal helicase and Cterminal nuclease domains of the archaeal Hef pro-
‒ 23 ‒
tein, J. Biol. Chem. Vol.289, pp.21627-21639(2014).
J. Preiner, N. Kodera, J. Tang, A. Ebner,
M. Brameshuber, D. Blaas, N. Gelbmann, H. Gruber,
T. Ando and P. Hinterdorfer
IgGs are made for walking on bacterial and viral surfaces, Nature Commun. Vol.5, 4394(8 pp)
T. Ando
High-speed AFM imaging, Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol.
Vol.28, pp.63-68(2014)
N. Kodera and T. Ando
The path to visualization of walking myosin V by
high-speed atomic force microscopy, Biophys. Rev.
(26 pp)
(published online)
Y. Shibafuji, A. Nakamura, T. Uchihashi, N. Sugimoto,
S. Fukuda, H. Watanabe, M. Samejima, T. Ando,
H. Noji, A. Koivula, K. Igarashi, R. Iino
Single-molecule imaging analysis of elementary reaction steps of Trichoderma Reesei cellobiohydrolase I(Cel7A)hydrolyzing crystalline cell. J. Biol.
Cherm. Vol.289, pp.14056-14065(2014)
T. Ando, T. Uchihashi and S. Scheuring
Filming biomolecular processes by high-speed
atomic force microscopy, Chem. Rev. Vol.114,
H. Nakamura, H. Watanabe, T. Ishida, T. Uchihashi,
M. Wada, T. Ando, K. Igarashi and M. Samejima
Trade-off between processivity and hydrolytic
velocity of cellobiohydrolases at the surface of
crystalline cellulose, J. Am. Chem. Soc. Vol.136,
K. Igarashi, T. Uchihashi, T. Uchiyama, H. Sugimoto,
M. Wada, K. Suzuki, S. Sakuda, T. Ando, T. Watanabe
and M. Samejima
Two-way traffic of glycoside hydrolase family 18
processive chitinases on crystalline chitin, Nature
Commun. Vol.5, 3975(7 pp)
K. Noi, D. Yamamoto, S. Nishikori, K. Arita-Morioka,
T. Ando and T. Ogura
High-speed atomic force microscopic observation
of ATP-dependent rotation of the AAA+ chaperone p97, Structure Vol.21, pp.1992-2002(2013).
N. Yilmaz, T. Yamada, P. Greimel, T. Uchihashi,
T. Ando and T. Kobayashi
Real-time visualization of assembling of a sphingomyelin-specific toxin, Biophys. J. Vol.105, pp.13971405(2013)
S. Fukuda, T. Uchihashi, R. Iino, Y. Okazaki,
M. Yoshida, K. Igarashi and T. Ando
High-speed atomic force microscope combined
with single-molecule fluorescence microscope, Rev.
Sci. Instrum. Vol.84, 073706(8 pp)
M. Hashimoto, N. Kodera, Y. Tsunaka, M. Oda,
M. Tanimoto, T. Ando, K. Morikawa and S. Tate
Phosphorylation-coupled intramolecular dynamics
of unstructured regions in chromatin remodeler
FACT, Biophys. J. Vol.104, pp.2222-2234(2013)
H. Watanabe, T. Uchihashi, T. Kobashi, M. Shibata,
J. Nishiyama, R. Yasuda and T. Ando
Wide-area scanner for high-speed atomic force
microscopy, Rev. Sci. Instrum. Vol.84, 053702(10
T. Ando
High-speed atomic force microscopy of protein
dynamics: myosin on actin and rotary enzyme F1ATPase, Microscopy & Analysis Vol.27, pp.10-13
H. Yamashita, K. Inoue, M. Shibata, T. Uchihashi,
J. Sasaki, H. Kandori and T. Ando
Role of trimer-trimer interaction of bacteriorhodopsin studied by optical spectroscopy and highspeed atomic force microscopy, J. Struct. Biol.
Vol.184, pp.2-11(2013).
T. Ando
Molecular machines directly observed by highspeed atomic force microscopy, FEBS Lett. Vol.587,
T. Ando, T. Uchihashi and N. Kodera
High-speed AFM and applications to biomolecular
systems, Annu. Rev. Biophys. Vol.42, pp.393-414
T. Ando
High-speed atomic force microscopy, Microscopy
Vol.62, pp.81-93(2013).
T. Ando, T. Uchihashi and N. Kodera
High-speed atomic force microscopy, Jpn. J. Appl.
Phys. Vol.51, 08KA02(15 pp)
H. Yamashita, A. Taoka, T. Uchihashi, T. Asano,
T. Ando and Y. Fukumori
Single molecule imaging on living bacterial cell
surface by high-speed AFM, J. Mol. Biol. Vol.422,
T. Uchihashi, N. Kodera and T. Ando
Guide to video recording of structure dynamics
and dynamic processes of proteins by high-speed
atomic force microscopy, Nature Protocols Vol.7,
K. Igarashi, T. Uchihashi, A. Koivula, M. Wada,
S. Kimura, M. Penttil, T. Ando and M. Samejima
Visualization of cellobiohydrolase I from Trichoderma reesei moving on crystalline cellulose using
high-speed atomic force microscopy, Methods Enzymol. Vol.510, pp.169-182(2012).
T. Ando
High-speed atomic force microscopy coming of
age, Nanotechnology Vol.23, 062001(27 pp)
D. Yonetoku, T. Mihara, T. Sawano, H. Ikeda,
A. Harayama, S. Takata, K. Yoshida, H. Seta,
A. Toyanago, Y. Kagawa, K. Kawai, N. Kawai,
T. Sakamoto, M. Serino, S. Kurosawa, S. Gunji,
T. Tanimori, T. Murakami, Y. Yatsu, K. Yamaoka,
A. Yoshida, K. Kawabata, T. Matsumoto, K. Tsumura,
‒ 24 ‒
S. Matsuura, M. Shirahata, H. Okita, K. Yanagisawa,
M. Yoshida, K. Motohara, and HiZ-GUNDAM
working group
High-z gamma-ray bursts for unraveling the dark
ages mission HiZ-GUNDAM, SPIE Astronomical
Telescopes + Instrumentation(2014)
D. Yonetoku, T. Nakamura, T. Sawano, K. Takahashi,
A. Toyanago,
Short Gamma Ray Burst Formation Rate from
BATSE data using E_p-L_p correlation and the
minimum gravitational wave event rate of coalescing compact binary, Astrophysical Journal, 789, 65
D. Yonetoku, T. Sawano, S. Takata, K. Yoshida,
H. Seta, A. Toyanago, Y. Wakashima, H. Yonemochi,
and H. Ikeda,
Establish of Gravitational Wave Astronomy with
Gamma-Ray Burst and X-ray Transient Monitor,
UNISEC Space Takumi Journal, Vol.5, No.2, pp.1927(2014)
U. Hishi, R. Fujimoto, T. Kunihisa, S. Takakura,
T. Mitsude, K. Kamiya, M. Kotake, A. Hoshino,
K. Shinozaki,
Magnetic Shielding of an Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator for TES Microcalorimeter Operation, J. Low Temp. Phys. 176, 1075-1081(2014)
P. Shirron, M. DiPirro, M. Kimball, G. Sneiderman,
F.S. Porter, C. Kilbourne, R. Kelley, R. Fujimoto,
S. Yoshida, Y. Takei, K. Mitsuda,
Operation of an ADR using helium exchange gas
as a substitute for a failed heat switch, Cryogenics
64, 207-212(2014)
I. Mitsuishi, Y. Ezoe, K. Ishikawa, T. Ohashi,
R. Fujimoto, K. Mitsuda, S. Tsunematsu, S. Yoshida,
K. Kanao, M. Murakami, M. DiPirro, P. Shirron,
SXS team,
He flow rate measurements on the engineering
model for the Astro-H Soft X-ray Spectrometer
dewar, Cryogenics 64, 189-193(2014)
Y. Sato, K. Sawada, K. Shinozaki, H. Sugita,
T. Nishibori, R. Sato, K. Mitsuda, N.Y. Yamasaki,
Y. Takei, K. Goto, T. Nakagawa, R. Fujimoto,
K. Kikuchi, M. Murakami, S. Tsunematsu, K. Ootsuka,
K. Kanao, K. Narasaki,
Development status of the mechanical cryocoolers
for the Soft X-ray Spectrometer on board AstroH, Cryogenics 64, 182-188(2014)
S. Takeda, M.S. Tashiro, Y. Ishisaki, M. Tsujimoto,
H. Seta, Y. Shimoda, S. Yamaguchi, S. Uehara,
Y. Terada, R. Fujimoto, K. Mitsuda,
Proc. SPIE 9144, id 91445B 7 pp.(2014)
K. Mitsuda, R. L. Kelley, H. Akamatsu, T. Bialas,
K. R. Boyce, G. V. Brown, E. Canavan, M. Chiao,
E. Costantini, J.-W. den Herder, C. de Vries,
M. J. DiPirro, M. Eckart, Y. Ezoe, R. Fujimoto,
D. Haas, A. Hoshino, K. Ishikawa, Y. Ishisaki,
N. Iyomoto, C. A. Kilboune, M. Kimball, S. Kitamoto,
S. Konami, M.A. Leutenegger, D. McCammon,
J. Miko, I. Mitsuishi, H. Murakami, M. Murakami,
H. Noda, M. Ogawa, T. Ohashi, A. Okamoto, N. Ota,
S. Paltani, F. S. Porter, K. Sato, Y. Sato, M. Sawada,
H. Seta, K. Shinozaki, P. J. Shirron, G. A. Sneiderman,
H. Sugita, A. Szymkowiak, Y. Takei, T. Tamagawa,
M. S. Tashiro, Y. Terada, M. Tsujimoto, S. Yamada,
N. Y. Yamasaki
Soft x-ray spectrometer(SXS)
: the high-resolution cryogenic spectrometer onboard ASTROH, Proc. SPIE 9144, id 91442A 7 pp.(2014)
; arXiv:1412.1179(2014).
K. Hayashida, M. Sadamoto, S. Gunji,
T. Mihara, T. Tamagawa, D. Yonetoku, T. Mizuno,
H. Takahashi, H. Kubo, T. Dotani, A. Furuzawa,
Y. Yatsu, Y. Kishimoto, K. Toma, F. Tokanai,
T. Nakamori, S. Shibara, K. Yoshinaga, S. Ide,
J. Kim, F. Kamitsukasa, N. Anabuki, H. Tsunemi,
M. Sakano, J. Katagiri, J. Sugimoto,T. Takagi,
PolariS Working Group
X-ray γ-ray Polarimetry Satellite PolariS, Suzaku-MAXI 2014: Expanding the Frontiers of the
X-ray Universe, proceedings of a conference held
19-22 February, 2014 at Ehime University, Japan.
Edited by M. Ishida, R. Petre, and K. Mitsuda,
2014., p.150.
M. Ohno, S. Tokuda, T. Kawano, S. Furui,
I. Edahiro, H. Takahashi, K. Goto, Y. Fukazawa,
H. Murakami, S. Kobayashi, S. Sakurai, M. Sasano,
S. Torii, T. Nakano, K. Ono, M. Kazuma, T. Nishida,
K. Nakazawa, K. Makishima, K. Hagino, T. Yuasa,
H. Odaka, R. Sato, S. Watanabe,M. Kokubun,
T. Takahashi, G. Sato, J. Kataoka, T. Saito,
K. Yamaoka, H. Tajima, Y. Yatsu, T. Nakamori,
H. Uchiyama, D. Yonetoku,
Development and verification of signal processing
system of BGO active shield onboard Astro-H,
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9144, id. 91445G
13 pp.(2014).
T. Takahashi, K.Mitsuda, R. Kelley, F. Aharonian,
H. Akamatsu, F. Akimoto, S. Allen, N. Anabuki,
L. Angelini, Lorella; A. Keith; Asai, M. Audard,
H. Awaki, P. Azzarello, C. Baluta, A. Bamba,
N. Bando, M. Bautz, T. Bialas, R. Blandford,
R.K. Boyce, L. Brenneman, G. Brown, Ed. Cackett,
E. Canavan, M. Chernyakova, M. Chiao, P. Coppi,
E. Costantini, J. de Plaa, J-W. den Herder, M. DiPirro,
C. Done, T. Dotani, J. Doty, K. Ebisawa, T. Enoto,
Y. Ezoe, A. Fabian, C. Ferrigno, A. Foster,
R. Fujimoto, Y. Fukazawa, S. Funk, A. Furuzawa,
M. Galeazzi, L. Gallo, P. Gandhi, K. Gilmore,
M. Guainazzi, D. Haas, Y. Haba, K. Hamaguchi,
A. Harayama, I. Hatsukade, K. Hayashi, T. Hayashi,
K. Hayashida, J. Hiraga, K. Hirose, A. Hornschemeier,
A. Hoshino, J. Hughes, U. Hwang, R. Iizuka, Y. Inoue,
‒ 25 ‒
K. Ishibashi, M. Ishida, K. shikawa, K. Ishimura,
Y. Ishisaki, M. Itoh, N. Iwata, N. Iyomoto, C. Jewell,
J. Kaastra, T. Kallman, T. Kamae, J. Kataoka,
S. Katsuda, J. Katsuta, M. Kawaharada, N. Kawai,
Nobuyuki; Kawano, S. Kawasaki, D. Khangaluyan,
C. Kilbourne, M. Kimball, M. Kimura, S. Kitamoto,
T. Kitayama, T. Kohmura, M. Kokubun, S. Konami,
T. Kosaka, A. Koujelev, K. Koyama, H. Krimm,
A. Kubota, H. Kunieda, S. LaMassa, P. Laurent,
F. Lebrun, M. Leutenegger, O. Limousin,
M. Loewenstein, K. Long, D. Lumb, G. Madejski,
Y. Maeda, K. Makishima, M. Markevitch, C. Masters,
H. Matsumoto, K. Matsushita, D. McCammon,
D. McGuinness, B. McNamara, J. Miko, J. Miller,
E. Miller, S. Mineshige, K. Minesugi, I. Mitsuishi,
T. Miyazawa, T. Mizuno, K. Mori, H. Mori,
F. Moroso, T. Muench, K. Mukai, H. Murakami,
T. Murakami, R. Mushotzky, H. Nagano, R. Nagino,
T. Nakagawa, H. Nakajima, T. Nakamori,
S. Nakashima, K. Nakazawa, Y. Namba, C. Natsukari,
Y. Nishioka, M. Nobukawa, H. Noda, M. Nomachi,
S. O
‘Dell, H. Odaka, H. Ogawa, M. Ogawa,
K. Ogi, T. Ohashi, M. Ohno, M. Ohta, T. Okajima,
T. Okazaki, N. Ota, M. Ozaki, F. Paerels, S. Paltani,
A. Parmar, R. Petre, C. Pinto, M. Pohl, J. Pontius,
F.S. Porter, K. Pottschmidt, B. Ramsey, R. Reis,
C. Reynolds, C. Ricci, H. Russell, S. Safi-Harb, S. Saito,
S. Sakai, H. Sameshima, K. Sato, R. Sato, G. Sato,
M. Sawada, P. Serlemitsos, H. Seta, Y. Shibano,
M. Shida, T. Shimada, P. Shirron, A. Simionescu,
C. Simmons, R. Smith, G. Sneiderman, Y. Soong,
L. Stawarz, Y. Sugawara, S. Sugita, A. Szymkowiak,
H. Tajima, H. Takahashi, H. Takahashi, S. Takeda,
Y. Takei, T. Tamagawa, K. Tamura, T. Tamura,
T. Tanaka;Y. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka,
M. Tashiro, Y. Tawara, Y. Terada, Y. Terashima,
F. Tombesi, H. Tomida, Y. Tsuboi, M. Tsujimoto,
H. Tsunemi, T. Tsuru, H. Uchida, H. Uchiyama,
Y. Uchiyama, Y. Ueda, S. Ueda, S. Ueno,
S. Uno, M. Urry, E. Ursino, C. de Vries, A. Wada,
S. Watanabe, T. Watanabe, N. Werner, N. White,
D. Wilkins, S. Yamada, T. Yamada, H. Yamaguchi,
K. Yamaoka, N. Yamasaki, M. Yamauchi,
S. Yamauchi, T. Yaqoob, Y. Yatsu, D. Yonetoku,
A. Yoshida, T. Yuasa, I. Zhuravleva, A. Zoghbi,
J. ZuHone,
The ASTRO-H X-ray astronomy satellite, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9144, id. 914425 24
Y. Fukazawa, H. Tajima, S. Watanabe,
R. Blandford, K. Hayashi, A. Harayama, J. Kataoka,
M. Kawaharada, M. Kokubun, P. Laurent, F. Lebrun,
O. Limousin, G. Madejski, K. Makishima, T. Mizuno,
K. Mori, T. Nakamori, K. Nakazawa, H. Noda,
H. Odaka, M. Ohno, M. Ohta, S. Saito, G. Sato, R. Sato,
S. Takeda, H. Takahashi, T. Takahashi, Y. Tanaka,
Y. Terada, H. Uchiyama, Y. Uchiyama, K. Yamaoka,
Y. Yatsu, D. Yonetoku, T. Yuasa,
Soft gamma-ray detector(SGD)onboard the ASTRO-H mission, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume
9144, id. 91442C 12 pp.(2014).
K. Hayashida, D. Yonetoku, S. Gunji, T. Tamagawa,
T. Mihara, T. Mizuno, H. Takahashi, T. Dotani,
H. Kubo, Y. Yatsu, F. Tokanai, T. Nakamori,
S. Shibata, A. Hayato, A. Furuzawa, Y. Kishimoto,
S. Kitamoto, K. Toma, M. Sadamoto, K. Yoshinaga,
J. Kim, S. Ide, F. Kamitsukasa, N. Anabuki,
H. Tsunemi, J. Katagiri, J. Sugimoto,
X-ray gamma-ray polarimetry small satellite PolariS, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9144, id.
91440K 10 pp.(2014).
H. Yano, S. Matsuura, O. Mori, D. Yonetoku,
R. Nakamura, Y. Sekine, S. Abe,
Rendezvous, Landing and Sample Return Mission
to Jupiter Trojans by the Solar Power Sail, 40th
COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held2-10 August
2014, in Moscow, Russia, AbstractB0.4-2-14.
R. Tsutsui, D. Yonetoku, T. Nakamura, K. Takahashi,
Y. Morihara,
Possible existence of the Ep-Lp and Ep-Eiso correlations for short gamma-ray bursts with a factor 5-100 dimmer than those for long gamma-ray
bursts, Monthly Notices of theRoyal Astronomical
Society, Volume 431, Issue 2, p.1398-1404(2013)
R. Tsutsui, T. Nakamura, D. Yonetoku, K. Takahashi,
Y. Morihara,
Identifying Subclasses of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts
with Cumulative Light-Curve Morphology of
Prompt Emissions, Publicationsof the Astronomical
Society of Japan, Vol.65, L3(2013).
D. Yonetoku, T. Murakami, S. Gunji, T. Mihara,
K. Toma, Y. Morihara, T. Takahashi, Y. Wakashima,
H. Yonemochi, T. Sakashita, N. Toukairin,
H. Fujimoto, Y. Kodama,
Magnetic Structures in Gamma-Ray Burst Jets
Probed by Gamma-Ray Polarization, The Astrophysical Journal, 758, L1(2012).
D. Yonetoku, T. Murakami, T. Sakashita, Y. Morihara,
S. Gunji, T. Mihara, K. Toma, Kenji,
Study of emission mechanism of GRBs probed by
the gamma-ray polarization with IKAROS-GAP,
Death of Massive Stars: Supernovae and GammaRay Bursts, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 279, p.
D. Yonetoku, T. Mihara, S. Gunji, T. Murakami,
K. Toma,
Study of emission mechanism of Gamma-Ray
Bursts by the gamma-ray polarization with
IKAROS-GAP, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly.
Held 14-22 July 2012, in Mysore, India. Abstract
C0.3-11-12, p.2220.
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D. Yonetoku, T. Murakami, S. Gunji, T. Mihara,
K. Toma, Ikaros-Gap Team,
Study of emission mechanism of Gamma-Ray
Bursts by the gamma-ray polarization with
IKAROS-GAP, Proceedings of the Gamma-Ray
Bursts 2012 Conference(GRB 2012)
. May 7-11,
2012. Munich, Germany. Published online at http://
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K. Toma, S. Mukohyama, D. Yonetoku, T. Murakami,
S. Gunji, T. Mihara, Y. Morihara, T. Sakashita,
T. Takahashi, Y. Wakashima, H. Yonemochi,
N. Toukairin,
Strict Limit on CPT Violation from Polarization of
Gamma-Ray Burst, Physical Review Letters, 109,
K. Hayashida, D. Yonetoku, S. Gunji, T. Tamagawa,
T. Mihara, T. Mizuno, T. Dotani, H. Kubo,
T. Murakami, Y. Yatsu, F. Tokanai, H. Sakurai,
H. Takahashi, S. Kitamoto, A. Furuzawa,
M. Sadamoto, F. Kamitsukasa, K. Deguchi,
N. Anabuki, H. Tsunemi,
X-ray gamma-ray polarimetry small satellite PolariS, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 8443, id.
H. Seta, M. S. Tashiro, Y. Ishisaki, M. Tsujimoto,
Y. Shimoda, S. Takeda, S. Yamaguchi, K. Mitsuda,
R. Fujimoto, Y. Takei, R.L. Kelley, K.R. Boyce,
C.A. Kilbourne, F.S. Porter, J.J. Miko, K. Masukawa,
K. Matsuda,
Development of the onboard digital processing system for the soft x-ray spectrometer of ASTRO-H:
performance in the engineering model tests, Proc.
SPIE 8443, id 84435D, 10 pp.(2012)
J.W. den Herder, D. Bagnali, S. Bandler, M. Barbera,
X. Barcons, D. Barret, P. Bastia, M. Bisotti,
K. Boyce, C. Cara, M. Ceballos, L. Corcione, B. Cobo,
L. Colasanti, J. de Plaa, M. DiPirro, W. B. Doriese,
Y. Ezoe, R. Fujimoto, F. Gatti, L. Gottardi,
P. Guttridge, R. den Hartog, I. Hepburn, R. L. Kelley,
K. Irwin, Y. Ishisaki, C. Kilbourne, P.A. J de Korte,
J. van der Kuur, S. Lotti, C. Macculi, K. Mitsuda,
T. Mineo, L. Natalucci, T. Ohashi, M. Page, S. Paltani,
E. Perinati, L. Piro, C. Pigot, F. S. Porter, G. Rauw,
L. Ravera, E. Renotte, J.-L. Sauvageot, C. Schmid,
S. Sciortino, P. Shirron, Y. Takei, G. Torrioli,
M. Tsujimoto, L. Valenziano, D. Willingale,
C. de Vries, H. van Weers, J. Wilms, N.Y. Yamasaki,
The x-ray microcalorimeter spectrometer onboard
Athena, Proc. SPIE 8443, id 84432B, 12 pp.(2012).
K. Mitsuda, R.L. Kelley, K.R. Boyce, G.V,. Brown,
E. Costantini, M.J. DiPirro, Y. Ezoe, R. Fujimoto,
K.C. Gendreau, J.-W. den Herder, A. Hoshino,
Y. Ishisaki, C.A. Kilbourne, S. Kitamoto,
D. McCammon, M. Murakami, H. Murakami,
M. Ogawa, T. Ohashi, A. Okamoto, S. Paltani, M. Pohl,
F.S. Porter, Y. Sato, K. Shinozaki, P.J. Shirron,
G.A. Sneiderman, H. Sugita, A. Szymkowiak, Y. Takei,
T. Tamagawa, M. Tashiro, Y. Terada, M. Tsujimoto,
C. de Vries, N. Y. Yamasaki
The High-Resolution X-Ray Microcalorimeter
Spectrometer, SXS, on Astro-H, J. Low Temp.
Phys. 167, 795-802(2012).
A. Hoshino, T. Yatsu, T. Kunihisa, N. Koi, M. Notsuke,
R. Fujimoto, R. Yamamoto, K. Shinozaki,
Development of Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator for X-ray Microcalorimeter Operation, J.
Low Temp. Phys. 167, 554–560(2012).
Y. Ezoe, K. Ishikawa, T. Ohashi, H. Yamaguchi,
K. Mitsuda, R. Fujimoto, M. Murakami, K. Kanao,
S. Yoshida, S. Tsunematsu, M. DiPirro, P. Shirron, the
SXS team,
Development of porous plug phase separator and
superfluid film flow suppression system for the
Soft X-ray Spectrometer onboard ASTRO-H,
Cryogenics 52, 178-182(2012).
Y. Sato, K. Shinozaki, H. Sugita, K. Mitsuda,
N.Y. Yamasaki, Y. Takei, T. Nakagawa, R. Fujimoto,
M. Murakami, S. Tsunematsu, K. Otsuka, S. Yoshida,
K. Kanao, K. Narasaki,
Development of mechanical cryocoolers for the
cooling system of the Soft X-ray Spectrometer onboard Astro-H, Cryogenics 52, 158-164(2012).
Y. Ezoe, R. Fujimoto, N.Y. Yamasaki, K. Mitsuda,
T. Ohashi, K. Ishikawa, S. Oishi, Y. Miyoshi,
N. Terada, Y. Futaana, F. S. Porter, G.V. Brown,
Suzaku observations of charge exchange emission
from solar system objects, Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 319(2012).
S. Watanabe, H. Tajima, Y. Fukazawa, R. Blandford,
T. Enoto, J. Kataoka, M. Kawaharada, M. Kokubun,
P. Laurent, F. Lebrun, O. Limousin, G. Madejski,
K. Makishima, T. Mizuno, T. Nakamori, K. Nakazawa,
K. Mori, H. Odaka, M. Ohno, M. Ohta, G. Sato,
R. Sato, S. Takeda, H. Takahashi, T. Takahashi,
T. Tanaka, M. Tashiro, Y. Terada, H. Uchiyama,
Y. Uchiyama, S. Yamada, Y. Yatsu, D. Yonetoku,
T. Yuasa, H. Takahashi, S. Takeda, Y. Takei,
T. Tamagawa, T. Tamura, T. Tamura, T. Tanaka,
Y. Tanaka, M. Tashiro, Y. Tawara, Y. Terada,
Y. Terashima, F. Tombesi, H. Tomida, Y. Tsuboi,
M. Tsujimoto, H. Tsunemi, T. Tsuru, H. Uchida,
Y. Uchiyama, H. Uchiyama, Y. Ueda, S. Ueno,
S. Uno, M. Urry, E. Ursino, C. de Vries, A. Wada,
S. Watanabe, N. Werner, N. White, T. Yamada,
S. Yamada, H. Yamaguchi, N. amasaki, S. Yamauchi,
M. Yamauchi, Y. Yatsu, D. Yonetoku, A. Yoshida,
T. Yuasa,
Soft gamma-ray detector for the ASTRO-H Mission, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012:
Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray. Proceedings of the
SPIE, Volume 8443, article id. 844326, 19 pp.(2012)
‒ 27 ‒
T. Takahashi, K. Mitsuda, R. Kelley, H. Aarts,
F. Aharonian, H. Akamatsu, F. Akimoto, S. Allen,
N. Anabuki, L. Angelini, K. Arnaud, M. Asai,
M. Audard, H. Awaki, P. Azzarello, C. Baluta,
A. Bamba, N. Bando, M. Bautz, R. Blandford,
K. Boyce, G. Brown, Ed. Cackett, M. Chernyakova,
P. Coppi, E. Costantini, J. de Plaa, J-W. den Herder,
JM. DiPirro, C. Done, T. Dotani, J. Doty, K. Ebisawa,
M. Eckart, T. Enoto, Y. Ezoe, A. Fabian, C. Ferrigno,
A. Foster, R. Fujimoto, Y. Fukazawa, S. Funk,
A. Furuzawa, M. Galeazzi, L. Gallo, P. Gandhi,
K. Gendreau, K. Gilmore, D. Haas, Y. Haba,
K. Hamaguchi, I. Hatsukade, T. Hayashi, K. Hayashida,
J. Hiraga, K. Hirose, A. Hornschemeier, A. Hoshino,
J. Hughes, U. Hwang, R. Iizuka, Y. Inoue, K. Ishibashi,
M. Ishida, K. Ishimura, Y. Ishisaki, M. Ito, I. Iwata,
.N. Iyomoto, J. Kaastra, T. Kallman, T. Kamae,
J. Kataoka, S. Katsuda, H. Kawahara, M. Kawaharada,
N. Kawai, S. Kawasaki, D. Khangaluyan, C. Kilbourne,
C. Kimura, K. Kinugasa, S. Kitamoto, T. Kitayama,
T. Kohmura, M. Kokubun, T. Kosaka, A. Koujelev,
K. Koyama, H. Krimm, A. Kubota, H. Kunieda,
S. LaMassa, P. Laurent, F. Lebrun, M. Leutenegger,
O. Limousin, M. Loewenstein, K. Long, D. Lumb,
G. Madejski, Y. Maeda, K. Makishima, G. Marchand,
M. Markevitch, H. Matsumoto, K. Matsushita,
D. McCammon, B. McNamara, J. Miller, E. Miller,
S. Mineshige, K. Minesugi, I. Mitsuishi, T. Miyazawa,
T. Mizuno, H. Mori, K. Mori, K. Mukai, T. Murakami,
H. Murakami, R. Mushotzky, H. Nagano, R. Nagino,
T. Nakagawa, H. Nakajima, T. Nakamori,
K. Nakazawa, Y. Namba, C. Natsukari, Y. Nishioka,
M. Nobukawa, M. Nomachi, S. O‘Dell, H. Odaka,
H. Ogawa, M. Ogawa, K. Ogi, T. Ohashi, M. Ohno,
M. Ohta, T. Okajima, A. Okamoto, T. Okazaki, N. Ota,
M. Ozaki, F. Paerels, S. Paltani, A. Parmar, R. Petre,
M. Pohl, F.S. Porter, B. Ramsey, R. Reis, C. Reynolds,
H. Russell, S. Safi-Harb, S. Sakai, H. Sameshima,
J. Sanders, G. Sato, R. Sato, Y. Sato, K. Sato,
M. Sawada, P. Serlemitsos, H. Seta, Y. Shibano,
M. Shida, T. Shimada, K. Shinozaki, P. Shirron,
A. Simionescu, C. Simmons, R. Smith, G. Sneiderman,
Y. Soong, L. Stawarz, Y. Sugawara, H. Sugita,
S. Sugita, A. Szymkowiak, H. Tajima, H. Takahashi,
S. Takeda, Y. Takei, T. Tamagawa, T. Tamura,
K. Tamura, T. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, M. Tashiro,
Y. Tawara, Y. Terada, Y. Terashima, F. Tombesi,
H. Tomida, Y. Tsuboi, M. Tsujimoto, H. Tsunemi,
T. Tsuru, H. Uchida, Y. Uchiyama, H. Uchiyama,
Y. Ueda, S. Ueno, S. Uno, M. Urry, E. Ursino,
C. de Vries, A. Wada, S. Watanabe, N. Werner,
N. White, T. Yamada, S. Yamada, H. Yamaguchi,
N. Yamasaki, S. Yamauchi, M. Yamauchi, Y. Yatsu,
D. Yonetoku, A. Yoshida, T. Yuasa,
The ASTRO-H X-ray Observatory, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Ultraviolet to
Gamma Ray. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume
8443, article id. 84431Z, 22 pp.(2012).
T. Yamada, I. Iwata, M. Ando, M. Doi, T. Goto,
Y. Ikeda, M. Imanishi, A. Inoue, S. Iwamura,
N. Kawai, M. Kobayashi, T. Kodama, Y. Komiyama,
M. Kubo, H. Matsuhara, K. Mawatari, Y. Matsuoka,
T. Morokuma, H. Nakaya, K. Ohta, A. Okamoto,
S. Oyabu, Y. Sato, H. Sugita, R. Tsutsui, C. Tokoku,
J. Toshikawa, S. Tsuneta, Y. Wada, K. Yabe,
N. Yasuda, D. Yonetoku,
WISH for deep and wide NIR surveys, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Optical, Infrared,
and Millimeter Wave. Proceedings of the SPIE,
Volume 8442, article id. 84421A, 12 pp.(2012).
Y. Park, Y. Soga, Y. Mihara, M. Takeda and
K. Kamada
マ , Radial and Axial Compression of Pure Electron
Plasma, NIFS-PROC.
K. Kamada, Y. Soga, S. Odawara, K. Misawa,
M. Yoshida and N. S. Ginzburg
Frequency Selectivity of a Normal and a Hybrid
Bragg Resonators, Plasma Fusion Res. 8, 2406154
W. Shi, S. Shige, Y. Soga, M. Sato and A. J. Sievers
Intrinsic localized modes in a nonlinear electrical
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Y. Soga, T. Mimura, Y. Kato and Y. Park
Mechanisms of E × B Drift Rotation of a Vortex
String in a Pure Electron Plasma, Plasma Fusion
Res. 8, 2401034(2013).
M. Sato, Y. Takao, N Fujita, S. Imai, S. Nishimura,
W. Shi, Y. Soga and A.J.Sievers
Analysis of ILM Logic Operation via van der Pol
Phase Planes, Procedia IUTAM 5, pp.124-133
M. Sato, N. Fujita, Y. Takao, S. Nishimura, W. Shi,
Y. Sada, Y. Soga and A.J. Sievers
Precise velocity measurements for driven intrinsic localized modes in the acoustic spectrum of
small cantilever arrays, NOLTA, IEICE, vol.3, no.1,
N. Yamada, T. Kitamura, K. Kato, K. Iwata, Y. Soga,
K. Kamada , M. Yoshida and N. S. Ginzburg
Planar Free Electron Maser using a Mildly
Relativistic Electron Beam, Proc. of The 4th Int.
Workshop on Far Infrared Technologies,(4pages
CD=ROM P-8)2012.
Y. Soga, M. Kato, R. Tsuchiya, K. Kamada and
M. Yoshida
Development of Interdigital Backward-wave Oscillator for Compact THz Source, Proceedings of The
4th International Workshop on Far Infrared Technologies 2012, P-9.
K. Nose, K. Misawa, S. Yanagi, K. Kato, T. Kitamura,
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Design of Bragg Resonator for Free Electron Maser, NIFS-PROC-90, pp48-53.
M. Kato, Y. Soga, T. Mimura, Y. Kato, K. Kamada
and M. Yoshida
Development of 100 GHz Interdigital Backwardwave oscillator, NIFS-PROC-90, pp54-58.
K-I. Aoki, S-I. Kumamoto and D. Sato
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chiral symmetry breaking, Progress of Theoretical
and Experimental Physics, 2014-4(2014)043B05
K-I. Aoki, S-I. Kumamoto and D. Sato
Weak Solution of Renormalization Group Equation,
RIMS Kokyuroku No.1904(2014)1-12.
K-I. Aoki, Y. Fujii, T. Kobayashi, D. Sato and
H. Tomita
Domain Wall Renormalization Group Approach to
the 2d Ising Model with External Magnetic Field,
RIMS Kokyuroku No.1904(2014)13-30.
K-I. Aoki, S-I. Kumamoto and D. Sato
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to Analyze Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking,
Proceedings of Strong Coupling Gauge Theories in
the LHC Perspective(SCGT12)
K-I. Aoki, S. Onai and D. Sato
Analysis of Spontaneous Mass Generation by Iterative Method in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model and
Gauge Theories, Proceedings of Strong Coupling
Gauge Theories in the LHC Perspective(SCGT12)
K-I. Aoki and D. Sato
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Proceedings of Strong Coupling Gauge Theories in
the LHC Perspective(SCGT12)
K-I. Aoki, Y. Fujii, S-I. Kumamoto and D. Sato
Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Weak
Solutions of the Non-Perturbative Renormalization
Group Equation, Soryushiron Kenkyiu Electro 17-4
(2014)6 pages.
K-I. Aoki, D. Sato and M. Yamada
Analysis of QCD chiral phase structure at Finite
Temperature and Density by the Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group, Soryushiron Kenkyiu
Electro 17-4(2014)5 pages.
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Weak Solution of the Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group Equation Encountering the First Order Phase Transition, Soryushiron Kenkyu Electro
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Analysis of the Dynamical Chiral Symmetry
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Group, Soryushiron Kenkyu Electro 17-1(2014)
M. Aoki and T. Toma
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M. Aoki, J. Kubo and H. Takano
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T. Miyakawa, R. Morikawa, M. Takasu, K. Sugimori,
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H. Saito, M. Iwayama, K. Kawaguchi, T. Mizukami,
T. Miyakawa, M. Takasu and H. Nagao
Molecular Dynamics Study of Gramicidin A in Lipid Bilayer: Electrostatic Map and Ion Conduction,
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K. Kawaguchi, H. Saito and H. Nagao
Molecular Dynamics Study of Hsp90 and ADP: Hy-
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M. Rusmerryani, M. Takasu, K. Kawaguchi, H. Saito
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M. Koyimatu, H. Shimahara, K. Sugimori,
K. Kawaguchi, H. Saito and H. Nagao
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K. Kawaguchi, H. Saito, S. Okazaki and H. Nagao
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Y. Andoh, N. Yoshii, K. Fujimoto, K. Mizutani,
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MODYLAS: A Highly Parallelized GeneralPurpose Molecular Dynamics Simulation Program
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T. Miyakawa, R. Morikawa, M. Takasu, K. Sugimori,
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H. Saito, M. Iwayama, T. Mizukami, J. Kang,
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I. Kurniawan, H. Saito, K. Kawaguchi and H. Nagao
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M. Iwayama, K. Kawaguchi, H. Saito and H. Nagao
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M. Triana Pakpahan, H. Saito, K. Kawaguchi
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M. Rusmerryani, M. Takasu, K. Kawaguchi, H. Saito
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M. Koyimatu, H. Shimahara, K. Kawaguchi, H. Saito,
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T. Miyakawa, R. Morikawa, M. Takasu, K. Sugimori,
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H. Saito, M. Nishimura, H. Takagi, T. Miyakawa,
K. Kawaguchi and H. Nagao
Molecular Dynamics Study of Electrostatic Potential along Lipid Bilayer with Gramicidin A, AIP
Conf. Proc. 1518, pp. 633-636.
Meidy T. Pakpahan, M. Rusmerryani, K. Kawaguchi,
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Evaluation of scoring functions for protein-ligand
docking, AIP Conf. Proc. 1518, pp. 645-648.
M. Rusmerryani, Meidy T. Pakpahan, M. Nishimura,
M. Takasu, K. Kawaguchi, H. Saito and H. Nagao
Transition State Analysis of Azurin via Go-like
Model, AIP Conf. Proc. 1518, pp. 641-644.
H. Nagao, M. Rusmerryani, A. Purqon, K. Kawaguchi
and H. Saito
Molecular Dynamics Study on Entrainment Phenomenon in Model Molecular Systems, AIP Conf.
Proc. 1518, pp. 729-732.
M. Nishimura, H. Saito, K. Kawaguchi and H. Nagao
Conformational Stability of Met20 Loop of DHFR:A
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K. Kawaguchi, H. Takagi, M. Takasu, H. Saito
and H. Nagao
Molecular dynamics studies of Hsp90 with ADP:
protein-ligand binding dynamics, AIP Conf. Proc.
1518, pp. 637-640.
M. Koyimatu, H. Shimahara, M. Iwayama,
K. Sugimori, K. Kawaguchi, H. Saito and H. Nagao
Theoretical Model for Assessing Properties of Local Structures in Metalloprotein, AIP Conf. Proc.
1518, pp. 626-629.
T. Miyakawa, R. Morikawa, M. Takasu, K. Sugimori,
K. Kawaguchi, H. Saito and H. Nagao
A molecular dynamics study of Hras-GTP and
GDP complexes: the properties of water molecules
around guanine nucleotide, AIP Conf. Proc. 1518,
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K. Kawaguchi, H. Takagi, M. Iwayama, T. Miyakawa,
H. Saito, M. Takasu and H. Nagao
Molecular dynamics analyses of the dissociation
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H. Saito, . Mizukami, S. Kawamoto, T. Miyakawa,
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T. Mizukami, H. Saito, S. Kawamoto, T. Miyakawa,
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S. Kawamoto, T. Miyakawa, M. Takasu, R. Morikawa,
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T. Miyakawa, R. Morikawa, M. Takasu, K. Sugimori,
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S. Kawamoto, M. Takasu, T. Miyakawa, T. Oda,
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Y. Omae, H. Saito, H. Takagi, M. Nishimura,
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Gia S. Wulandari, M. Rusmerryani, S. Kawamoto,
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N. Ikhsan, Y. Taguchi, M. Obata, M. Nakamura,
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M. Obata, M. Nakamura, I. Hamada and T. Oda
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M. Nakamura, M. Obata, T. Morishita and T. Oda
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