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News Release
2011 年 1 月 1 日付でウィリアム・D・グリーンは会長職に専念
し、後任 CEO にピエール・ナンテルムを任命
【ダブリン発、2010 年 10 月 20 日】
アクセンチュア(NYSE: ACN)の取締役会は 10 月 20 日、2011 年 1 月 1 日付でピエール・ナンテルム(Pierre Nanterme)
を最高経営責任者(CEO)に任命すると発表しました。ナンテルムは 10 日 20 日付けで取締役会メンバーとなります。
現会長兼 CEO のウィリアム・D・グリーン(William D. Green)は、引き続き会長職を務める予定です。
現 CEO のグリーンは次のように述べています。「今こそアクセンチュアのグローバル・リーダーシップを強化する絶
として長年の経験があり、あらゆる点から見て CEO を引き継ぐにふさわしい人物です。ピエールと緊密に協力しなが
ナンテルムは、2007 年からグローバル金融サービス本部のグループ最高責任者を務めています。27 年前の入社以来、
現 CEO であるグリーンは、「ピエールのリーダーとしての手腕は実証済みです。当社の重要事業の運営におけるすば
備えたナンテルムは、次期 CEO として最適な人物です。」と述べています。
アクセンチュア取締役会のリード・ディレクターであるマーク・ムーディ-スチュアート(Sir Mark Moody-Stuart)は
「また、現 CEO のビルが、引き続き会長としてその洞察力と経験を当社のために役立ててくれることを嬉しく思いま
す。ビルはこれまで、会長兼 CEO として並外れた手腕を発揮してきました。彼は、周りの人を元気づけ、やる気にさ
とどまって、新 CEO のナンテルムにアドバイスを与えるとともに、アクセンチュアの長期事業戦略の策定にも参画し
企業経営者や官公庁のトップとの交流、アクセンチュアのコーポレート・シチズンシップ活動である「Skills to Succeed」
ナンテルムは次のように述べています。「取締役会からアクセンチュアの CEO に選出されたことに、誇りと名誉を感
じております。ビルをはじめとする当社の優秀な経営陣との協力のもと、2011 年以降の事業目標および財務目標達成
のコミットメントを果たすという当社の戦略に引き続き取り組んでいきます。20 万人を超えるアクセンチュアの社員
います。当社の将来に思いを馳せ、CEO としてこのすばらしい企業を率いる機会を与えていただいたことに意気込みを
アクセンチュアは、9 月 30 日の 2010 年会計年度および第 4 四半期の業績発表の中で示した 2011 年度の業績見通しに
ピエール・ナンテルムはパリ在住、51 歳です。2007 年 9 月に金融サービス本部のグループ最高責任者に就任し、銀行、
り組みました。 2006 年にリーダーシップ担当最高責任者に就任する前には、欧州、アフリカ、南米の金融サービス業
アクセンチュアの業務のさまざまな領域で指導的役割を果たしました。2005 年 11 月から 2007 年 8 月までは、フラン
社外では、フランスコンサルティング協会(SYNTEC)会長として活躍するほか、2005 年 9 月からはフランス企業運動
アクセンチュアには 1983 年に入社、1993 年にパートナーに就任しました。パリにあるエセック経済商科大学院大学
ウィリアム・D・グリーンは現在 57 歳で、アクセンチュア取締役会のメンバーとして 2001 年の設立当初より参画し、
2004 年 9 月に CEO に就任。2006 年 9 月からは会長職も兼務しています。CEO 就任以前には、クライアント・サービ
ージングディレクターの経験もあります。アクセンチュアには 1977 年に入社しました。
アクセンチュアは、10 月 21 日(木曜日)東部時間午前 8 時(グリニッジ標準時午後 1 時)に、ウィリアム・D・グリ
カンファレンスコールのリプレイは、10 月 21 日(木曜日)東部時間午前 11 時から、www.accenture.com でご覧いただ
けます。または、+1 (800) 475-6701 [米国、プエルトリコ、カナダ以外からの場合、+1 (320) 365-3844]に電話をかけ、
アクセスコード 175162 を入力してください。
グローバル企業です。およそ 20 万 4 千人の社員を擁し、
世界 120 カ国以上のお客様にサービスを提供しています。
2010 年 8 月 31 日を期末とする 2010 年会計年度の売上高
は、約 216 億 US ドルでした(2001 年 7 月 19 日 NYSE 上
www.accenture.com を、
www.accenture.com/jp をご覧ください。
Fred Hawrysh
+1 (917) 452-4398
[email protected]
Alex Pachetti
+1 (917) 452-5519
[email protected]
田中 朝子
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Accenture Announces Senior-Leadership
William D. Green to Continue as Chairman;
Pierre Nanterme Named CEO, Effective Jan. 1,
Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, lead director of the Accenture board,
-- Company to host conference call at 8:00 a.m. EDT (1:00
value to shareholders, and true passion for Accenture’s people.
p.m. GMT) tomorrow --
Speaking on behalf of the board, we look forward to working
said, "Pierre possesses all the qualifications that we believe are
critical to lead Accenture - including a keen understanding of
the global marketplace and competitive landscape, a
deep-seated commitment to serving clients and delivering
closely with Pierre in his role as chief executive officer.
DUBLIN; Oct. 20, 2010 - Accenture’s (NYSE: ACN) Board of
Directors today named Pierre Nanterme chief executive officer,
"At the same time, we are delighted that we will continue to
effective Jan. 1, 2011. Nanterme will join the company’s
benefit from Bill’s insights and experience in his active role as
Board of Directors, effective immediately. William D. Green,
chairman. He has been an exceptional chairman and CEO, and
currently chairman & CEO, will continue as chairman.
through his leadership - including his innate ability to
energize, motivate and inspire the people around him - Bill
"This is the right time to further strengthen Accenture’s global
truly embodies the values at the core of Accenture’s success.
leadership. Accenture is on a solid growth trajectory and is
The combination of these two seasoned executives will give
better positioned for the future than at any time in our
Accenture a true advantage in the marketplace."
history," Green said. "Pierre’s significant involvement in both
developing and delivering our growth strategy - and his
Green will continue to play a key role and be actively involved
tenure as a senior leader in our company - all point to a
in Accenture’s business. He will continue to chair the board of
seamless transition. I look forward to working closely with
directors, act as an advisor to Nanterme, and be involved in
Pierre as he accelerates the execution of our business strategy
planning Accenture’s long-term business strategy. He will also
and guides Accenture through our next phase of growth."
continue to represent Accenture with clients around the world,
as well as represent Accenture with business and government
Nanterme currently serves as group chief executive of
leaders, champion Accenture’s Skills to Succeed corporate
Accenture’s global Financial Services operating group, a
citizenship efforts, and represent Accenture with key external
position he has held since 2007. During his 27 years with
Accenture he has held a wide variety of leadership positions
across many operating dimensions of the company’s business.
"I am proud and truly honored to be selected as Accenture’s
In addition, he served as chief leadership officer, with
chief executive officer," Nanterme said. "I look forward to
responsibility for the company’s human capital strategy and
continuing to work closely with Bill and our exceptional
for the design and implementation of its global operating
leadership team as we remain focused on our business and
financial objectives for fiscal year 2011 and beyond. I am
committed to continuing our strategy of helping clients
"Pierre is a proven leader whose track record of successfully
become high-performance businesses and to delivering on our
running key parts of our business, ability to forge major client
commitments to Accenture’s shareholders. I believe that our
relationships, experience building outstanding teams and
more than 200,000 people are the best professionals in our
commitment to our people make him the perfect choice for
industry and that our leadership team is unmatched in
our next chief executive officer," Green said.
experience, capability and depth. I am very excited about our
future and about the opportunity to lead this great company."
Accenture said that there is no change to the business outlook
in September 2006. Prior to becoming CEO, Mr. Green was
for fiscal 2011 that the company provided as part of its
Accenture’s chief operating officer - Client Services, with
fourth-quarter and full-year fiscal 2010 earnings
overall management responsibility for all of the company’s
announcement on Sept. 30.
operating groups. He also previously served as group chief
Pierre Nanterme
executive of the Communications & High Tech operating
group and as group chief executive of the Resources operating
Pierre Nanterme, 51, is based in Paris. He currently serves as
group. In addition, he has served as managing director for
group chief executive of Accenture’s Financial Services
Accenture’s business in the United States. Mr. Green joined
operating group, which serves clients in the banking, capital
Accenture in 1977.
markets and insurance industries. Prior to assuming his
current role in September 2007, Mr. Nanterme served as
Conference Call Tomorrow
Accenture’s chief leadership officer, with primary
Accenture will host a conference call with William D. Green
responsibility for Accenture’s human capital strategy as well
and Pierre Nanterme at 8:00 a.m. EDT [1:00 p.m. GMT]
as the design and implementation of its highly regarded
tomorrow, Thursday, Oct. 21. To participate, please dial +1
global operating model. In that role he was also actively
(800) 401-8436 [+1 (612) 332-0632 outside the United
involved in framing Accenture’s client-service model and
States, Puerto Rico and Canada] approximately 15 minutes
global strategy.
before the scheduled start of the call. The conference call will
also be accessible live on the Investor Relations section of
Prior to being appointed chief leadership officer in 2006, Mr.
Accenture’s website at www.accenture.com.
Nanterme led many areas of Accenture’s business, including
its Financial Services practice in Europe, Africa and Latin
A replay of the conference call will be available online at
America; its Financial Services Core Europe operating unit; its
www.accenture.com beginning at 11:00 a.m. EDT on Thursday,
Insurance industry group globally; and its Strategy practice in
Oct. 21. The replay will also be available via telephone by
West Europe. Mr. Nanterme also served as Accenture’s country
dialing +1 (800) 475-6701 [+1 (320) 365-3844 outside the
managing director for France from November 2005 through
United States, Puerto Rico and Canada] and entering access
August 2007.
code 175162.
Outside of Accenture, Mr. Nanterme is chairman of the French
About Accenture
Consulting Association (SYNTEC) and has been chairman of
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology
the French Employers Association’s Commission for Economic
services and outsourcing company, with approximately
Affairs (MEDEF) since September 2005.
204,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries.
Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive
Mr. Nanterme joined Accenture in 1983 and became a partner
capabilities across all industries and business functions, and
in 1993. He graduated from ESSEC (Ecole Superieure des
extensive research on the world’s most successful companies,
Sciences Economiques et Commerciales) Business School in
Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become
high-performance businesses and governments. The company
generated net revenues of US$21.6 billion for the fiscal year
ended Aug. 31, 2010. Its home page is www.accenture.com.
William D. Green
William D. Green, 57, has served on Accenture’s board of
directors since its inception in 2001, has been CEO since
September 2004, and assumed the additional role of chairman
Forward-Looking Statements
Except for the historical information and discussions
contained herein, statements in this news release may
constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of
the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These
be adversely affected by the type and level of technology
statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and other
spending by our clients; our business could be negatively
factors that could cause actual results to differ materially
affected by legal liability that results from our providing
from those expressed or implied. These include, without
solutions or services; our global operations, including our
limitation, risks that: our results of operations could be
global delivery network, are subject to complex risks, some of
adversely affected by economic and political conditions and
which might be beyond our control; liabilities could arise if
the effects of these conditions on our clients’ businesses and
our subcontractors or other third parties cannot deliver their
levels of business activity; the pricing environment continues
project contributions on time or at all; legislative or
to remain competitive, and our profitability may suffer if we
regulatory action could materially and adversely affect us; we
are not able to improve our pricing and maintain favorable
may be subject to criticism and negative publicity related to
utilization rates; our profitability may suffer if we cannot
our incorporation in Ireland; we might be unable to achieve
anticipate the cost and complexity of performing our work or
our business objectives if we are unable to manage the
if we are not able to control our costs; our business and
organizational challenges associated with our size;
financial results may be adversely affected if we are unable to
consolidation in the industries that we serve could adversely
keep our supply of skills and resources in balance with client
affect our business; our ability to attract and retain business
demand, including if we are unable to hire sufficient
may depend on our reputation in the marketplace; our share
employees with the skills and background where they are
price could fluctuate due to numerous factors, including
needed; our results of operations could be negatively affected
variability in revenues, operating results and profitability; as
if we cannot expand and develop our services and solutions in
well as the risks, uncertainties and other factors discussed
response to changes in technology and client demand; the
under the Risk Factors heading in our most recent annual
consulting, systems integration and technology and
report on Form 10-K and other documents filed with or
outsourcing markets are highly competitive and we might not
furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
be able to compete effectively; our revenues, revenue growth
Statements in this news release speak only as of the date they
and earnings in U.S. dollars may be lower if the U.S. dollar
were made, and Accenture undertakes no duty to update any
strengthens against other currencies, particularly the Euro and
forward-looking statements made in this news release or to
British pound; our work with government clients exposes us to
conform such statements to actual results or changes in
additional risks in the government contracting environment;
Accenture’s expectations.
clients may not be satisfied with our services; our results of
operations could be adversely affected if our clients terminate
PHOTOS AVAILABLE: High-resolution, publication-ready
their contracts with us; our outsourcing services subject us to
photos of Pierre Nanterme and William D. Green are available
operational and financial risk; our results of operations may
for editorial use at: http://newsroom.accenture.com/photo.
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