
Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Abridged Volume

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Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Abridged Volume
(Theirs are Gardens under which rivers flow (in Paradise) -- t hey shall abide t herein forever.)
and t hey will never be removed from it ,
びヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ッケ∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ヴ
͡ ケあ ぴ
(Allah is pleased wit h t hem and t hey wit h Him.)
びゲ⊥ ら∠ ∇ミぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや リ
∠ ョあ ラ
∀ ヲ∠ ∇ッケ͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
(But t he great est bliss is t he good pleasure of Allah.) 9:72 We will ment ion t he Hadit hs about
t his Ayah 9:72 lat er on. Allah's st at ement ,
びユ⊥ Β͡ヌバ∠ ∇ャや コ⊥ ∇ヲヘ∠ ∇ャや マ
∠ ャ͡クぴ
(That is t he great success.) means, t his is t he great success, ot her t han which t here is no
great er success. Allah said in anot her Ayat ,
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヨ͡ ⇒∠バ∇ャや モ
͡ ヨ∠ ∇バΒ∠ ∇ヤプ∠ や∠グ⇒∠ワ モ
͡ ∇んヨ͡ ャ͡ぴ
(For t he like of t his let t he workers work.) 37:61 , and,
∠ ヲ⊥ジヘ͡ ⇒∠レわ∠ ヨ⊥ ∇ャや ザ
͡ プ∠ ゅ∠レわ∠ Β∠ ∇ヤプ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ヴ͡プヱ∠ ぴ
(And for t his let (all) t hose st rive who want t o st rive.) 83:26 Allah's st at ement ,
ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ リ
z ヰ͡ Β͡プ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや マ
⊥ ∇ヤョ⊥ ヮ͡ ヤzャぴ
び ∀ゲΑ͡ギ∠ホ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモミ⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
(To Allah belongs t he dominion of t he heavens and t he eart h and all t hat is t herein, and He is
able t o do all t hings.) means, He creat ed everyt hing, owns everyt hing, cont rols t he affairs of
everyt hing and is able t o do all t hings. Theref ore, everyt hing and everyone are in His domain
and under His power and will. There is none like Him, nor is t here rival, ancest or, son, or wife
for Him, nor a lord or god besides Him. Ibn Wahb said t hat he heard Huyay bin ` Abdullah saying
t hat Abu ` Abdur-Rahman Al-Habli said t hat ` Abdullah bin ` Amr said, "The last revealed Surah
was Surat Al-Ma'idah.''
The Tafsir of Surat Al-An` am
(Chapter - 6)
Which was Revealed in Makkah
The Virtue of Surat Al-An` am and When it Was Revealed
Al-` Awfi, ` Ikrimah and ` At a' said t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "Surat Al-An` am was revealed in
Makkah'' At -Tabarani recorded t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "All of Surat Al-An` am was revealed in
Makkah at night , accompanied by sevent y t housand angels, raising t heir voices in glorificat ion
of Allah'' As-Suddi said t hat Murrah said t hat ` Abdullah said, "Surat Al-An` am was revealed in
t he company of sevent y t housand angels.''
び ユ͡ Β͡ェゲz ャや リ
͡ ⇒∠ヨ∇ェゲz ャや ヮ͡ ヤzャや ユ͡ ∇ジよ͡ ぴ
In t he Name of Allah, t he Most Gracious, t he Most Merciful.
∠ バ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ チ
∠ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ン͡グャzや ヮ͡ ヤzャ ギ⊥ ∇ヨエ
∠ ∇ャやぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ャギ͡ ∇バΑ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ゲ∠ よ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ユz ∇を ケ∠ ヲぁレャや∠ヱ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
ぁ ャや
∠ ぺ∠ヱ∠ Κ
∠ ぺ∠ ヴ∠ツホ∠ zユを⊥ リ
∃ Β͡デ リあョ ∇ユム⊥ ボ∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥
ヴ͡プ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヨゎ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ zユを⊥ ロ⊥ ギ∠ レ͡ハ ヴ6ヨジぁョ
∇ユミ⊥ ゲ∠ ∇ヰィ
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ゲz シ
͡ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プヱ∠ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや
∠ ヲ⊥らジ
͡ ∇ムゎ∠ ゅ∠ョ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠
(1. All praise be t o Allah, Who creat ed t he heavens and t he eart h, and originat ed t he darkness
and t he light , yet t hose who disbelieve hold ot hers as equal wit h t heir Lord.) (2. He it is Who
has creat ed you from clay, and t hen has decreed a st at ed t erm. And t here is wit h Him anot her
det ermined t erm, yet you doubt .) (3. And He is Allah, in t he heavens and t he eart h, He knows
what you conceal and what you reveal, and He knows what you earn.)
All Praise is Due to Allah for His Glorious Ability and Great Power
Allah praises and glorifies His Most Honorable Self for creat ing t he heavens and eart h, as a
dwelling for His servant s, and for making t he darkness and t he light t o benefit t hem in t he
night and t he day. In t his Ayah, Allah describes darkness in t he plural, Zulumat where Zulmah
is singular for darkness , while describing t he light in t he singular, An-Nur, because An-Nur is
more honored. In ot her Ayat , Allah said,
͡ Β͡ヨΒ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ヮ⊥ ヤ⊥⇒∠ヤニ
(To t he right and t o t he left s.) 16:48 Near t he end of t his Surah (chapt er 6), Allah also said;
∇やヲ⊥バら͡ わz ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥バら͡ ゎz ゅ∠プ ゅ⇔ヨΒ͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ヶ͡デゲ∠ タ
͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ラ
z ぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
びヮ͡ ヤ͡Β͡らシ
∠ リ∠ハ ∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ベ
∠ ゲz ヘ∠ わ∠ プ∠ モ
∠ ら⊥ ジ
ぁ ャや
(And verily, t his is my st raight pat h, so follow it , and follow no (ot her) ways, for t hey will
separat e you away from His way.) 6:153 Allah said next ,
∠ ヲ⊥ャギ͡ ∇バΑ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ゲ∠ よ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ユz ∇をぴ
(Yet t hose who disbelieve hold ot hers as equal wit h t heir Lord.) meaning, in spit e of all t his,
some of Allah's servant s disbelieve in Him and hold ot hers as part ners and rivals wit h Him.
Some of Allah's servant s claimed a wife and a son for Allah, hallowed be He far above what
t hey at t ribut e t o Him. Allah's st at ement ,
∃ Β͡デ リあョ ∇ユム⊥ ボ∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ぴ
(He it is Who has creat ed you from clay,) refers t o t he fat her of mankind, Adam, from whom
mankind originat ed, mult iplied in numbers and spread about , east and west . Allah said,
びロ⊥ ギ∠ レ͡ハ ヴ6ヨジぁョ モ
∠ ぺ∠ヱ∠ Κ
∠ ぺ∠ ヴ∠ツホ∠ zユを⊥ ぴ
(Then has decreed a st at ed t erm. And t here is wit h Him anot her det ermined t erm...) His
∠ ぺ∠ ヴ∠ツホ∠ zユを⊥ ぴ
(Then has decreed a st at ed t erm,) refers t o deat h, while,
びロ⊥ ギ∠ レ͡ハ ヴ6ヨジぁョ モ
∠ ぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t here is wit h Him anot her det ermined t erm...) refers t o t he Hereaft er, according t o Sa` id
bin Jubayr who report ed t his from Ibn ` Abbas. Similar st at ement s were narrat ed from Muj ahid,
` Ikrimah, Sa` id bin Jubayr, Al-Hasan, Qat adah, Ad-Dahhak, Zayd bin Aslam, ` At iyyah, As-Suddi,
Muqat il bin Hayyan and ot hers. Ibn ` Abbas and Muj ahid said t hat ,
∠ ぺ∠ ヴ∠ツホ∠ zユを⊥ ぴ
(And t hen has decreed a st at ed t erm,) is t he t erm of t his eart hly life, while,
びロ⊥ ギ∠ レ͡ハ ヴ6ヨジぁョ モ
∠ ぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t here is wit h Him anot her det ermined t erm) refers t o man's ext ent of life unt il he dies as
ment ioned in Allah's st at ement ;
ユ⊥わ∇ェゲ∠ ィ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ モ
͡ ∇Βャzゅ͡よ ユ⊥ム⇒プz ヲ∠ わ∠ Α∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
びケ͡ ゅ∠ヰレz ャゅ͡よ
(It is He, Who t akes your souls by night (when you are asleep), and has knowledge of all t hat
you have done by day, t hen He raises (wakes) you up again t hat a t erm appoint ed (life) be
fulfilled.) 6:60 The meaning of Allah's st at ement ,
びロ⊥ ギ∠ レ͡ハぴ
(Wit h Him) is t hat none but Him knows when it will occur. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
びヲ∠ ワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ べ∠ヰわ͡ ∇ホヲ∠ ャ͡ ゅ∠ヰΒあヤ∠イΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ヶあよケ∠ ギ∠ ∇レハ
͡ ゅ∠ヰヨ⊥ ∇ヤハ
͡ ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ぴ
(The knowledge t hereof is wit h my Lord. None can reveal it s t ime but He.) 7:187 , and,
∠ ル∠ぺ ユ∠ Β͡プ - ゅ∠ヰ⇒∠シ∇ゲョ⊥ ラ
∠ ゅzΑぺ∠ る͡ ハ
∠ ゅzジャや リ
∠ マ
∠ ル∠ ヲ⊥ャほ∠∇ジΑ∠ ぴ
び べ∠ヰ⇒∠ヰわ∠ レ⊥ョ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ - ゅ∠ワや∠ゲ∇ミク͡ リ͡ョ
(They ask you about t he Hour -- when will be it s appoint ed t ime You have no knowledge t o say
anyt hing about it . To your Lord belongs (t he knowledge of) t he t erm t hereof.) 79:42-44 Allah
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヨゎ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ zユを⊥ ぴ
(Yet you doubt .) t he coming of t he (last ) Hour, according t o As-Suddi. Allah said next ,
ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プヱ∠ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ヴ͡プ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥らジ
͡ ∇ムゎ∠ ゅ∠ョ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ゲ∠ ∇ヰィ
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ゲz シ
(And He is Allah in t he heavens and t he eart h, He knows what you conceal and what you reveal,
and He knows what you earn.) Meaning, it is He Who is called Allah, t hroughout t he heavens
and t he eart h, t hat is, it is He who is worshipped, singled out , whose divinit y is believed in by
t he inhabit ant s of t he heavens and t he eart h. They call Him Allah, and t hey supplicat e t o Him
in fear and hope, except t hose who disbelieve among t he Jinns and mankind. In anot her Ayah,
Allah said;
び∀ヮ⇒∠ャ͡ま チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プヱ∠ ∀ヮ⇒∠ャ͡ま ¬͡ べヨzジャや ヴ͡プ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(It is He Who is God in t he heavens and t he eart h.) 43:84 meaning, He is t he God of t hose in
heaven and t hose on eart h, and He knows all affairs, public and secret .
∠ ヲ⊥らジ
͡ ∇ムゎ∠ ゅ∠ョ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And He knows what you earn) all t he good and bad deeds t hat you perform.
∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ Ι
z ま͡ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ∇リョあ る∃ Α∠ や∠¬ ∇リョあ ユ͡ヰΒ͡ゎ∇ほゎ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
∇ユワ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ゅzヨャ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ ∇やヲ⊥よグz ミ∠ ∇ギボ∠ プ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡ッゲ͡ ∇バョ⊥ ゅ∠ヰ∇レハ
∇ユャ∠ぺ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥¬ゴ͡ ∇ヰわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョ ¬⊥ ゅ∠ら∇ルぺ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ Β͡ゎ∇ほΑ∠ フ
∠ ∇ヲジ
∠ プ∠
ヴ͡プ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒zレムz ョz ラ
∃ ∇ゲホ∠ リあョ ユ͡ヰヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ムヤ∠∇ワぺ∠ ∇ユミ∠ ∇や∇ヱゲ∠ Α∠
∠ ∠¬べ∠ヨジ
z ャや ゅ∠レ∇ヤシ
∠ ∇ケぺ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャz リあムヨ∠ ル⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ョ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
∇ユヰ͡ わ͡ ∇エゎ∠ リ͡ョ ン͡ゲ∇イゎ∠ ゲ∠ ⇒∠ヰ∇ルΙ
x や ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ や⇔ケや∠ケ∇ギョz
ゅ⇔ル∇ゲホ∠ ∇ユワ͡ ギ͡ ∇バよ∠ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ル∇ほ∠ゼ∇ル∠ぺ∠ヱ ∇ユヰ͡ よ͡ ヲ⊥ルグ⊥ よ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ムヤ∠∇ワほ∠プ∠
∠ Α͡ゲカ
∠ や∠¬
(4. And never an Ayah comes t o t hem from t he Ayat of t heir Lord, but t hat t hey have been
t urning away from it .) (5. Indeed, t hey rej ect ed t he t rut h when it came t o t hem, but t here will
come t o t hem t he news of t hat which t hey used t o mock at .) (6. Have t hey not seen how many
a generat ion before t hem We have dest royed whom We had est ablished on t he eart h such as
We have not est ablished you And We poured out on t hem rain from t he sky in abundance, and
made t he rivers flow under t hem. Yet We dest royed t hem for t heir sins, and creat ed aft er
t hem ot her generat ions.)
Threatening the Idolators for their Stubbornness
Allah st at es t hat t he rebellious, st ubborn polyt heist s will t urn away from every Ayah, meaning,
sign, miracle and proof t hat is evidence of Allah's Uniqueness and t he t rut h of His honorable
Messengers. They will not cont emplat e about t hese Ayat or care about t hem. Allah said,
¬⊥ ゅ∠ら∇ルぺ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ Β͡ゎ∇ほΑ∠ フ
∠ ∇ヲジ
∠ プ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ゅzヨャ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ ∇やヲ⊥よグz ミ∠ ∇ギボ∠ プ∠ ぴ
∠ ヱ⊥¬ゴ͡ ∇ヰわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョ
(Indeed, t hey rej ect ed t he t rut h when it came t o t hem, but t here will come t o t hem t he news
of t hat which t hey used t o mock at .) This Ayah cont ains a warning and a st ern t hreat for t he
disbelievers' rej ect ion of t he t rut h, st at ing t hat t he disbelievers will surely know t he t rut h of
what t hey used t o deny and t ast e t he evil end of t heir behavior. Allah advises and warns t he
disbelievers, t hat t hey should avoid t he t orment s and afflict ions of t his life, similar t o what
befell t heir likes from previous nat ions, who were st ronger, wealt hier, had more offspring, and
were more exploit ive on t he eart h. Allah said,
∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒zレムz ョz ラ
∃ ∇ゲホ∠ リあョ ユ͡ヰヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ムヤ∠∇ワぺ∠ ∇ユミ∠ ∇や∇ヱゲ∠ Α∠ ∇ユャ∠ぺ∠ぴ
び∇ユム⊥ ャz リあムヨ∠ ル⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ョ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ
(Have t hey not seen how many a generat ion before t hem We have dest royed whom We had
est ablished on t he eart h such as We have not est ablished you) meaning, t hey had more wealt h,
children, buildings, abundant provision, riches and soldiers. Allah said next ,
びや⇔ケや∠ケ∇ギョz ユ͡ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∠¬べ∠ヨジ
z ャや ゅ∠レ∇ヤシ
∠ ∇ケぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(and We poured out on t hem rain from t he sky in abundance, ) in reference t o rain t hat comes
oft en,
び∇ユヰ͡ わ͡ ∇エゎ∠ リ͡ョ ン͡ゲ∇イゎ∠ ゲ∠ ⇒∠ヰ∇ルΙ
x や ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And made t he rivers flow under t hem.) as rain was abundant and t he springs were plent iful, so
t hat We deceived t hem.
び∇ユヰ͡ よ͡ ヲ⊥ルグ⊥ よ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ムヤ∠∇ワほ∠プ∠ ぴ
(Yet We dest royed t hem for t heir sins) meaning t he mist akes and errors t hat t hey commit t ed,
∠ Α͡ゲカ
∠ や∠¬ ゅ⇔ル∇ゲホ∠ ∇ユワ͡ ギ͡ ∇バよ∠ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ル∇ほ∠ゼ∇ル∠ぺ∠ヱぴ
(and creat ed aft er t hem ot her generat ions,) for, t hese generat ions of old perished and became
as legends and st ories,
∠ Α͡ゲカ
∠ や∠¬ ゅ⇔ル∇ゲホ∠ ∇ユワ͡ ギ͡ ∇バよ∠ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ル∇ほ∠ゼ∇ル∠ぺ∠ヱぴ
(And creat ed aft er t hem ot her generat ions.) so t hat We t est t he new generat ions, as well. Yet ,
t hey commit t ed similar errors and were dest royed, as t heir ancest ors were dest royed.
Therefore, beware of t he same end t hat might befall you, for you are not dearer t o Allah t han
t hese previous nat ions, but t he Messenger whom you defied is dearer t o Allah t han t he
Messengers t hey defied. Thus, you are more liable t han t hem t o receive t orment , if it was not
for Allah's mercy and kindness.
ロ⊥ ヲ⊥ジヨ∠ ヤ∠プ∠ サ
∃ ゅ∠デ∇ゲホ͡ ヴ͡プ ゅ⇔ら⇒∠わミ͡ マ
∠ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇ャゴz ∠ル ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∀リΒ͡らョぁ ∀ゲ∇エ͡シ Ι
z ま͡ へ∠グ⇒∠ワ ∇ラま͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
∠ ゅ∠ボャ∠ ∇ユ͡ヰΑ͡ギ∇Α∠ほ͡よ
ゅ⇔ム∠ヤョ∠ ゅ∠レ∇ャ∠ゴル∠ぺ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ マ
∀ ヤ∠ョ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ メ
∠ ゴ͡ ル⊥ぺ Ι∇ヲャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ ゅ⇔ム∠ヤョ∠ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヌ
∠ レ⊥Α Ι
∠ zユを⊥ ゲ⊥ ∇ョΙ
͡ ボ⊥ ャz
ギ͡ ボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ジら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ゅzョ ユ͡ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇ジら∠ ヤ∠ャ∠ヱ∠ Κ
⊥ ケ∠ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ヤバ∠ イ
∠ ャz
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzゅ͡よ ベ
∠ ゅ∠エプ∠ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リあョ モ
⊥ ゲ⊥ よ͡ ¬∠ ン͡ゴ∇ヰわ⊥ ∇シや
ヴ͡プ ∇やヱ⊥ゲΒ͡シ ∇モホ⊥ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥¬ゴ͡ ∇ヰわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡
∠ Β͡よグあ ム∠ ヨ⊥ ∇ャや る⊥ ら∠ ボ͡ ⇒∠ハ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヌ
⊥ ∇ルや zユを⊥ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
(7. And even if We had sent down unt o you a Message writ t en on paper so t hat t hey could
t ouch it wit h t heir hands, t he disbelievers would have said: "This is not hing but obvious
magic!'') (8. And t hey say: "Why has not an angel been sent down t o him'' Had We sent down an
angel, t he mat t er would have been j udged at once, and no respit e would be grant ed t o t hem.)
(9. And had We appoint ed him an angel, We indeed would have made him a man, and We
would have cert ainly caused t hem confusion in a mat t er which t hey have already covered wit h
confusion.) (10. And indeed Messengers were mocked before you, but t heir scoffers were
surrounded by t he very t hing t hat t hey used t o mock at .) (11. Say: "Travel in t he land and see
what was t he end of t hose who rej ect ed t rut h.'')
Censuring the Rebellious and their Refusal to Accept Human
Allah describes t he rebellion and st ubbornness of t he idolat ors in defying t he t rut h and arguing
against it ,
ロ⊥ ヲ⊥ジヨ∠ ヤ∠プ∠ サ
∃ ゅ∠デ∇ゲホ͡ ヴ͡プ ゅ⇔ら⇒∠わミ͡ マ
∠ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇ャゴz ∠ル ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And even if We had sent down unt o you a Message writ t en on paper so t hat t hey could t ouch it
wit h t heir hands,) meaning, if t hey saw t his Message's descent and were eye- wit nesses t o t hat ,
び∀リΒ͡らョぁ ∀ゲ∇エ͡シ Ι
z ま͡ へ∠グ⇒∠ワ ∇ラま͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
∠ ゅ∠ボャ∠ぴ
(t he disbelievers would have said: "This is not hing but obvious magic!'') This is similar t o Allah's
descript ion of t he disbelievers' defiance of fact s and t rut h,
ヮ͡ Β͡プ ∇やヲぁヤヌ
∠ プ∠ ¬͡ ゅヨ∠ ジ
z ャや リ
∠ ョあ ゅ⇔よゅ∠よ ユ͡ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇エわ∠ プ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ∇モよ∠ ゅ∠ルゲ⊥ ⇒∠ダ∇よぺ∠ ∇れゲ∠ ムあ シ
⊥ ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ボャ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ィゲ⊥ ∇バΑ∠
∠ ヱ⊥ケヲ⊥エ∇ジョz ∀ュ∇ヲ∠ホ
(And even if We opened t o t hem a gat e from t he heaven and t hey were t o cont inue ascending
t heret o. They would surely say: "Our eyes have been (as if) dazzled. Nay, we are a people
bewit ched.'') 15:14-15 , and,
∇やヲ⊥ャヲ⊥ボΑ∠ ゅ⇔ト͡ボ⇒∠シ ͡¬べ∠ヨジ
z ャや リ
∠ ョあ ゅ⇔ヘ∇ジミ͡ ∇や∇ヱゲ∠ Α∠ ラ͡まヱ∠ ぴ
び ュ∀ ヲ⊥ミ∇ゲョz ∀ょ⇒∠エ∠シ
(And if t hey were t o see a piece of t he heaven falling down, t hey would say, "Clouds gat hered
in heaps!'') 52:44 .
∀ ヤ∠ョ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ メ
∠ ゴ͡ ル⊥ぺ Ι∇ヲャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hey say: "Why has not an angel been sent down t o him'') t o convey t he Message wit h
admonit ion along wit h him. Allah replied,
∠ ヱゲ⊥ ヌ
∠ レ⊥Α Ι
∠ zユを⊥ ゲ⊥ ∇ョΙ
͡ ボ⊥ ャz ゅ⇔ム∠ヤョ∠ ゅ∠レ∇ャ∠ゴル∠ぺ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(Had We sent down an angel, t he mat t er would have been j udged at once, and no respit e
would be grant ed t o t hem.) Consequent ly, even if t he angels descend, while t he disbelievers
st ill had t he same at t it ude, t hen t he t orment will surely befall t hem from Allah as a
consequence. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
や⇔クま͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ペ
∠ ャゅ͡よ Ι
z ま͡ る∠ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや メ
⊥ あゴレ∠ ル⊥ ゅ∠ョぴ
∠ Α͡ゲヌ
∠ レぁョ
(We send not t he angels down except wit h t he t rut h (i.e. for t orment , et c.), and in t hat case,
t hey (t he disbelievers) would have no respit e!) 15:8 , and,
∠ Β͡ョゲ͡ ∇イヨ⊥ ∇ヤャあ グ∃ ゃ͡ ョ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ン∠ゲ∇ゼよ⊥ Ι
∠ る∠ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや ラ
∠ ∇ヱゲ∠ Α∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ぴ
(On t he Day t hey will see t he angels, no glad t idings will t here be for t he criminals t hat day.)
25:22 Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ゅ∠レ∇ジら∠ ヤ∠ャ∠ヱ∠ Κ
⊥ ケ∠ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ヤバ∠ イ
∠ ャz ゅ⇔ム∠ヤョ∠ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ジら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ゅzョ
(And had We appoint ed him an angel, We indeed would have made him a man, and We would
have cert ainly caused t hem confusion in a mat t er which t hey have already covered wit h
confusion.) meaning, if We send an angel along wit h t he human Messenger, or if We send an
angel as a Messenger t o mankind, he would be in t he shape of a man so t hat t hey would be able
t o speak t o him and benefit from his t eachings. In t his case, t he angel (in t he shape of a
human) will also cause conf usion for t hem, j ust as t he confusion t hey caused t hemselves over
accept ing humans as Messengers! Allah said,
∠ ヲ⊥ゼ∇ヨΑ∠ る∀ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤョ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ∇ヲャ∠ モ⊥ホぴ
⇔ ヲ⊥シケz ゅ⇔ムヤ∠ョ∠ ¬͡ べ∠ヨジ
z ャや リ
∠ ョあ ユ͡ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇ャゴz レ∠ ャ∠ リ
∠ Βあレゃ͡ ヨ∠ ∇トョ⊥
(Say: "If t here were on t he eart h, angels walking about in peace and securit y, We should
cert ainly have sent down for t hem from t he heaven an angel as a Messenger.'') 17:95 It is a
mercy from Allah t o His creat ion t hat He sends every t ype of creat ion, Messengers from among
t heir kind, so t hat t hey are able t o call t heir people t o Allah, and t heir people able t o t alk t o
t hem, ask t hem and benefit from t hem. In anot her Ayah, Allah said;
⇔ ヲ⊥シケ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ Β͡プ ゑ
∠ バ∠ よ∠ ∇クま͡ ∠リΒ͡レ͡ョぽ⊥ヨ∇ャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや リ
z ョ∠ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ぴ
び∇ユ͡ヰΒあミ∠ゴΑ⊥ ∠ヱ ヮ͡ わ͡ ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヤ∇わΑ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ジ
͡ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇リョあ
(Indeed Allah conferred a great favor on t he believers when He sent among t hem a Messenger
from among t hemselves, recit ing unt o t hem His verses (t he Qur'an), and purifying t hem.)
3:164 Ad-Dahhak said t hat Ibn ` Abbas said about t he Ayah 6:9 above , "If an angel was sent
t o t hem, he would come in t he shape of a man. This is because t hey will not be able t o look at
t he angel due t o light .''
∠ ヲ⊥ジら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ゅzョ ユ͡ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇ジら∠ ヤ∠ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(... and We would have cert ainly caused t hem confusion in a mat t er which t hey have already
covered wit h confusion. ) meaning, We would conf use t hem over t heir confusion. And Al-Walibi
report ed Ibn ` Abbas saying; "We brought doubt s around t hem.'' Allah's st at ement ,
∠ Α͡グャzゅ͡よ ベ
∠ ゅ∠エプ∠ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リあョ モ
⊥ ゲ⊥ よ͡ ¬∠ ン͡ゴ∇ヰわ⊥ ∇シや ギ͡ ボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヱ⊥¬ゴ͡ ∇ヰわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲガ
(And indeed Messengers were mocked before you, but t heir scoffers were surrounded by t he
very t hing t hat t hey used t o mock at .) comfort s t he Messenger concerning t he denial of him by
his people. The Ayah also promises t he Messenger , and his believers, of Allah's vict ory and t he
good end in t his life and t he Hereaft er. Allah said next ,
∠ ゅ∠ミ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヌ
⊥ ∇ルや zユを⊥ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ ∇やヱ⊥ゲΒ͡シ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
∠ Β͡よグあ ム∠ ヨ⊥ ∇ャや る⊥ ら∠ ボ͡ ⇒∠ハ
(Say: "Travel in t he land and see what was t he end of t hose who rej ect ed t rut h.'') meaning,
cont emplat e about yourselves and t hink about t he afflict ions Allah st ruck t he previous nat ions
wit h, t hose who defied His Messengers and denied t hem. Allah sent t orment , afflict ions and
punishment on t hem in t his life, as well as t he painful t orment in t he Hereaft er, while saving
His Messengers and believing servant s.
∠ わ∠ ミ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャ モ⊥ホ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ヴ͡プ ゅzョ リ∠ヨャあ モ⊥ホぴ
∠ る͡ ヨ∠ ⇒∠Βボ͡ ∇ャや ュ͡ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇ユム⊥ レz バ∠ ヨ∠ ∇イΒ∠ ャ∠ る∠ ヨ∠ ∇ェゲz ャや ヮ͡ ジ
͡ ∇ヘル∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ プ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ジ
∠ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇やヱ⊥ゲジ
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヮ͡ Β͡プ ょ
∠ ∇Αケ∠
ユ⊥ Β͡ヤバ∠ ∇ャや ノ⊥ Βヨ͡ ジ
z ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ͡ケゅ∠ヰレz ャや∠ヱ モ
͡ ∇Βャzや ヴ͡プ リ
∠ ム∠ シ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ヱ∠
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ゲ͡ デ
͡ ゅ∠プ ゅ⇔Β∂ ャ͡ヱ∠ グ⊥ ガ
͡ ゎz ぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ れ
⊥ ∇ゲョ͡ ぺ⊥ ヴあルま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ユ⊥ バ∠ ∇トΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ユ⊥ バ͡ ∇トΑ⊥ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ
∠ Β∠ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ リ
z ル∠ ヲ⊥ムゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ユ∠ ヤ∠∇シぺ∠ ∇リョ∠ メ
∠ ヱz ぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ミぺ∠ ∇ラぺ∠
ュ∃ ∇ヲΑ∠ ゆ
∠ や∠グハ
∠ ヴよあ ケ∠ ろ
⊥ ∇Βダ
∠ ハ
∠ ∇ラま͡ フ
⊥ ゅ∠カぺ∠ ヴあルま͡ ∇モホ⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ヨ∠ ェ
͡ ケ∠ ∇ギボ∠ プ∠ グ∃ ゃ͡ ョ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ∇フゲ∠ ∇ダΑ⊥ リzョ - ユ∃ Β͡ヌハ
⊥ Β͡らヨ⊥ ∇ャや コ⊥ ∇ヲヘ∠ ∇ャや
(12. Say: "To whom belongs all t hat is in t he heavens and t he eart h'' Say: "To Allah.'' He has
prescribed mercy for Himself. Indeed He will gat her you t oget her on t he Day of Resurrect ion,
about which t here is no doubt . Those who dest roy t hemselves will not believe.) (13. And t o Him
belongs what soever exist s in t he night and t he day, and He is t he All-Hearing, t he AllKnowing.'') (14. Say: "Shall I t ake as a guardian any ot her t han Allah, t he Creat or of t he heavens
and t he eart h And it is He Who feeds but is not fed.'' Say: "Verily, I am commanded t o be t he
first of t hose who submit . ''And be not you of t he idolat ors.) (15. Say: "I fear, if I disobey my
Lord, t he t orment of a Might y Day.'') (16. Who is avert ed from (such a t orment ) on t hat Day;
t hen He (Allah) has surely been Merciful t o him. And t hat would be t he obvious success.)
Allah is the Creator and the Sustainer
Allah st at es t hat He is t he King and Owner of t he heavens and eart h and all of what is in t hem,
and t hat He has writ t en mercy on His Most Honorable Self. It is recorded in t he Two Sahihs,
t hat Abu Hurayrah said t hat t he Prophet said,
∠ ∇ヲプ∠ ロ⊥ ギ∠ ∇レハ
͡ ゅ⇔よゅ∠わミ͡ ょ
∠ わ∠ ミ∠ ∩∠ペ∇ヤガ
∠ ∇ャや ペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ゅzヨ∠ャ ぶ
∠ やラ
z ま͡»
∠ ビ
∠ ょ
⊥ ヤ͡∇ピゎ∠ ヶ͡わヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ ∩͡ス∇ゲバ∠ ∇ャや
(When Allah creat ed t he creat ion, He wrot e in a Book t hat He has wit h Him above t he Throne;
` My mercy overcomes My anger.') Allah said;
びヮ͡ Β͡プ ょ
∠ ∇Αケ∠ Ι
∠ る͡ ヨ∠ ⇒∠Βボ͡ ∇ャや ュ͡ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇ユム⊥ レz バ∠ ヨ∠ ∇イΒ∠ ャ∠ぴ
(Indeed He will gat her you t oget her on t he Day of Resurrect ion, about which t here is no
doubt .) swearing by His Most Honored Self t hat He will gat her His servant s,
びュ∃ ヲ⊥ヤ∇バョz ュ∃ ∇ヲΑ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ボΒ͡ョ ヴ∠ャま͡ぴ
(For appoint ed meet ing of a known Day.) 56:50 , t he Day of Resurrect ion t hat will cert ainly
occur, and t here is no doubt for His believing servant s in t his fact . As for t hose who deny and
refuse, t hey are in confusion and disarray. Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇やヱ⊥ゲジ
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzやぴ
(Those who dest roy t hemselves) on t he Day of Resurrect ion,
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ プ∠ ぴ
(will not believe. ) in t he Ret urn and t hus do not fear t he repercussions of t hat Day. Allah said
next ,
び͡ケゅ∠ヰレz ャや∠ヱ モ
͡ ∇Βャzや ヴ͡プ リ
∠ ム∠ シ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t o Him belongs what soever exist s in t he night and t he day.) meaning, all creat ures in t he
heavens and eart h are Allah's servant s and creat ures, and t hey are all under His aut horit y,
power and will; t here is no deit y wort hy of worship except Him,
びユ⊥ Β͡ヤバ∠ ∇ャや ノ⊥ Β͡ヨジ
z ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and He is t he All-Hearing, t he All-Knowing.) He hears t he st at ement s of His servant s and knows
t heir act ions, secret s and what t hey conceal. Allah t hen said t o His servant and Messenger
Muhammad , whom He sent wit h t he pure Tawhid and t he st raight religion, commanding him t o
call t he people t o Allah's st raight pat h;
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ゲ͡ デ
͡ ゅ∠プ ゅ⇔Β∂ ャ͡ヱ∠ グ⊥ ガ
͡ ゎz ぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ
(Say: "Shall I t ake as a guardian any ot her t han Allah, t he Creat or of t he heavens and t he
eart h'') Similarly, Allah said,
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヰ͡ ⇒∠イ∇ャや ゅ∠ヰΑぁ ぺ∠ ギ⊥ ら⊥ ∇ハぺ∠ ヴあルヱ⊥ゲョ⊥ ∇ほゎ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ∠ ∇Βピ∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Do you order me t o worship ot her t han Allah, O you fools'') 39:64 . The meaning here is,
I will not t ake a guardian except Allah, wit hout part ners, for He is t he Creat or of t he heavens
and eart h Who orignat ed t hem wit hout precedent ,
びユ⊥ バ∠ ∇トΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ユ⊥ バ͡ ∇トΑ⊥ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And it is He Who feeds but is not fed.) For He sust ains His creat ures wit hout needing t hem.
Allah also said;
͡ ヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇バΒ∠ ャ͡ Ι
z ま͡ ザ
∠ ル͡Ηや∠ヱ リ
͡ ∇ャや ろ
⊥ ∇ボヤ∠カ
∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(And I creat ed not t he Jinn and humans except t hat t hey should worship Me (Alone).) 51:56
Some scholars read it ,
"And it is He Who feeds but He does not
eat .'' meaning, Allah does not eat . Abu Hurayrah narrat ed, "A man from Al-Ansar from t he area
of Quba' invit ed t he Prophet t o eat some food, and we went along wit h t he Prophet . When t he
Prophet at e and washed his hands, he said,
∠ リ
z ョ∠ ヱ∠ ∩⊥ユバ∠ ∇トΑ⊥ ゅ∠ャヱ∠ ユ⊥ バ͡ ∇トΑ⊥ ヵ͡グャzや ぶ
͡ ギ⊥ ∇ヨエ
∠ ∇ャや»
ゅ∠ルゅ∠ジミ∠ ヱ∠ ∩͡ゆや∠ゲゼ
z ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ゅ∠ルゅ∠ボシ
∠ ヱ∠ ∩ゅ∠レヨ∠ バ∠ ∇デぺ∠ヱ∠ ゅ∠ルや∠ギヰ∠ プ∠
͡ ギ⊥ ∇ヨエ
∠ ∇ャや ∩ゅ∠ルゅ∠ヤ∇よぺ∠ リ
∠ ¬∃ ゅ∠ヤよ∠ zモミ⊥ ヱ∠ ∩͡ヵ∇ゲバ⊥ ャや リ
∠ ョ͡
ゅ∠ャヱ∠ ∩∃ケヲ⊥ヘ∇ムョ∠ ゅ∠ャヱ∠ ほ⇔プゅ∠ムョ⊥ ゅ∠ャヱ∠ ヶあよケ∠ ネ
∃ キz ヲ∠ ョ⊥ ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ョ͡ ゅ∠レ∠ヨ∠バ∇デ∠ぺ ヵ͡グャzや ぶ
͡ ギ⊥ ∇ヨエ
∠ ∇ャや ∩⊥ヮ∇レハ
∠ ヴ⇔レ∇ピわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥
∠ ョ͡ ゅ∠ルゅ∠ジミ∠ ヱ∠ ∩͡ゆや∠ゲゼ
z ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ゅル∠ ゅ∠ボシ
∠ ヱ∠ ∩͡ュゅ∠バト
z ャや
∠ ョ͡ ゅ∠ルゲ∠ ダ
z よ∠ ヱ∠ ∩͡メゅ∠ヤツ
z ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ゅ∠ルや∠ギワ∠ ヱ∠ ∩͡ヵ∇ゲバ⊥ ∇ャや
∩ゅ⇔ヤΒ͡ツ∇ヘゎ∠ ペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ リ
∠ ヨz ョ͡ ゲ∃ Β͡んミ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ∠レヤ∠ツ
z プ∠ ヱ∠ ∩ヴ∠ヨバ∠ ャや
«リΒ͡ヨャ∠ゅ∠バ∇ャや ゆ
あ ケ∠ ぶ
͡ ギ⊥ ∇ヨエ
∠ ∇ャや
(All praise is due t o Allah, Who feeds but is never fed, He best owed bount y unt o us, Who gave
us guidance and fed us, gave us somet hing t o drink, covered our nakedness; and for every favor
He has given us. All praise is due t o Allah, praise t hat should not be neglect ed, my Lord, all t he
while affirming t hat we will never be able t o duly t hank Him; nor be appreciat ive enough of
Him, nor be free of needing Him. All t hanks and praises are due t o Allah Who fed us t he food,
gave us t he drink, covered our nudit y, guided us from misguidance, gave us sight from
blindness, and honored us above many of His creat urers. All praise is due t o Allah, Lord of all
t hat exist s.'')
びユ∠ ヤ∠∇シぺ∠ ∇リョ∠ メ
∠ ヱz ぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ミぺ∠ ∇ラぺ∠ れ
⊥ ∇ゲョ͡ ぺ⊥ ヴあルま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Verily, I am commanded t o be t he first of t hose who submit t hemselves t o Allah as
(Muslims).'') from t his Ummah,
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ゲ͡ デ
͡ ゅ∠プ ゅ⇔Β∂ ャ͡ヱ∠ グ⊥ ガ
͡ ゎz ぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
⊥ ∇ゲョ͡ ぺ⊥ ヴあルま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ユ⊥ バ∠ ∇トΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ユ⊥ バ͡ ∇トΑ⊥ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ
∠ Β∠ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ リ
z ル∠ ヲ⊥ムゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ユ∠ ヤ∠∇シぺ∠ ∇リョ∠ メ
∠ ヱz ぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ミぺ∠ ∇ラぺ∠
ュ∃ ∇ヲΑ∠ ゆ
∠ や∠グハ
∠ ヴあよケ∠ ろ
⊥ ∇Βダ
∠ ハ
∠ ∇ラま͡ フ
⊥ ゅ∠カぺ∠ ヴあルま͡ ∇モホ⊥ び ユ∃ Β͡ヌハ
(And be not you of t he idolat ers. Say: "I fear, if I disobey my Lord, t he t orment of a Might y
Day.'') 6:14-15 , t he Day of Resurrect ion,
びヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ∇フゲ∠ ∇ダΑ⊥ リzョぴ
(Who is avert ed from) such a t orment ,
びヮ⊥ ヨ∠ ェ
͡ ケ∠ ∇ギボ∠ プ∠ グ∃ ゃ͡ ョ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ぴ
(on t hat Day, He has surely been Merciful t o him) meaning, Allah will have been merciful t o
⊥ Β͡らヨ⊥ ∇ャや コ⊥ ∇ヲヘ∠ ∇ャや マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hat would be t he obvious success.) Allah also said,
びコ∠ ゅ∠プ ∇ギボ∠ プ∠ る∠ レzイ
∠ ∇ャや モ
͡ ∇キぺ⊥ヱ∠ ケ͡ ゅzレャや リ
∠ ゥ
∠ ゴ͡ ∇ェコ⊥ リ∠ヨプ∠ ぴ
(And whoever is moved away from t he Fire and admit t ed t o Paradise, he indeed is successful.)
3:185 , success here indicat es acquiring profit and negat es loss.
ヲ∠ ワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ブ
∠ ゼ
͡ ⇒∠ミ Κ
∠ プ∠ yゲツ
⊥ よ͡ ヮ⊥ zヤャや マ
∠ ∇ジジ
∠ ∇ヨΑ∠ ラ͡まヱ∠ ぴ
- ∀ゲΑ⊥ギ∠ホ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモミ⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヲ∠ ヰ⊥ プ∠ ゲ∃ ∇Βガ
∠ よ͡ マ
∠ ∇ジジ
∠ ∇ヨΑ∠ ラ͡まヱ∠
∇モホ⊥ - ゲ⊥ Β͡らガ
∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ Β͡ムエ
∠ ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ロ͡ キ͡ ゅ∠らハ
͡ ベ
∠ ∇ヲプ∠ ゲ⊥ ワ͡ ゅ∠ボ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠
∇ユム⊥ レ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ヱ∠ ヴ͡レ∇Βよ͡ ∀ギΒ͡ヰセ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや モ
͡ ホ⊥ り⇔ ギ⇒∠ヰセ
∠ ゲ⊥ ら∠ ∇ミぺ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ ン
ぁ ぺ∠
ヒ∠ ヤ∠よ∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユミ⊥ ケ∠ グ͡ ルxΙ ラ
⊥ や∠¬∇ゲボ⊥ ∇ャや や∠グ⇒∠ワ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ヴ
͡ ヱ⊥ぺヱ∠
z モ⊥ホ ン∠ゲ∇カぺ⊥ る⇔ ヰ∠ ャ͡や∠¬ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ノ∠ ョ∠ ラ
z ぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギヰ∠ ∇ゼわ∠ ャ∠ ∇ユム⊥ レz も͡ ぺ∠
ゅzヨョあ ∀¬ン͡ゲ∠よ ヴ͡レルz ま͡ヱ∠ ギ∀ ェ
͡ ヱ∠ ∀ヮ⇒∠ャ͡ま ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ギ⊥ ヰ∠ ∇セぺ∠
ゅ∠ヨ∠ミ ヮ⊥ ル∠ ヲ⊥プゲ͡ ∇バΑ∠ ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇Βゎ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ プ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ジ
∠ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇やヱ⊥ゲジ
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ユ⊥ ワ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠レ∇よぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥プゲ͡ ∇バΑ∠
ゅ⇔よ͡グミ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ン∠ゲわ∠ ∇プや リ
͡ ヨz ョ͡ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ニぺ∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥
び ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ͡ヤ⇒zヌャや ウ
⊥ ヤ͡∇ヘΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ヮ͡ わ͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡ ゆ
∠ グz ミ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠
(17. And if Allah t ouches you wit h harm, none can remove it but He, and if He t ouches you wit h
good, t hen He is able t o do all t hings.) (18. And He is t he Irresist ible, above His servant s, and
He is t he All-Wise, Well-Acquaint ed wit h all t hings.) (19. Say: "What t hing is t he most great in
wit ness'' Say: "Allah is Wit ness bet ween you and I; t his Qur'an has been revealed t o me t hat I
may t herewit h warn you and whomsoever it may reach. Can you verily bear wit ness t hat
besides Allah t here are ot her gods'' Say "I bear no (such) wit ness!'' Say: "Only He is God, alone,
and t ruly I am innocent of what you j oin in worship wit h Him.'') (20. Those t o whom We have
given t he Script ure recognize him, as t hey recognize t heir own children. Those who have lost
(dest royed) t hemselves will not believe.) (21. And who does more wrong t han he who invent s a
lie against Allah or rej ect s His Ayat Verily, t he wrongdoers shall never be successful.)
Allah is the Irresistible, Able to Bring Benefit and Protect from
Allah st at es t hat He Alone brings benefit or harm, and t hat He does what He wills wit h His
creat ures, none can resist His j udgment or prevent what He decrees,
ヲ∠ ワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ブ
∠ ゼ
͡ ⇒∠ミ Κ
∠ プ∠ yゲツ
⊥ よ͡ ヮ⊥ zヤャや マ
∠ ∇ジジ
∠ ∇ヨΑ∠ ラ͡まヱ∠ ぴ
び ∀ゲΑ⊥ギ∠ホ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモミ⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヲ∠ ヰ⊥ プ∠ ゲ∃ ∇Βガ
∠ よ͡ マ
∠ ∇ジジ
∠ ∇ヨΑ∠ ラ͡まヱ∠
(And if Allah t ouches you wit h harm, none can remove it but He, and if He t ouches you wit h
good, t hen He is able t o do all t hings.) Similarly, Allah said,
ゅ∠ヰャ∠ マ
͡ ∇ヨョ⊥ Κ
∠ プ∠ る∃ ヨ∠ ∇ェケz リ͡ョ サ
͡ ゅzレヤ͡ャ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや ウ
͡ わ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ゅzョぴ
びロ͡ ギ͡ ∇バよ∠ リ͡ョ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ モ
͡ ∇ゲョ⊥ Κ
∠ プ∠ ∇マジ
͡ ∇ヨΑ⊥ ゅ∠ョヱ∠
(What ever mercy, Allah may grant t o mankind, none can wit hhold it , and what ever He may
wit hhold, none can grant it t hereaft er) 35:2 . It is recorded in t he Sahih t hat t he Messenger of
Allah used t o supplicat e,
ゅ∠ヨャ͡ ヶ
͡ ∇バョ⊥ ゅ∠ャヱ∠ ろ
∠ ∇Βト
∠ ∇ハぺ∠ ゅ∠ヨャ͡ ノ∠ ル͡ ゅ∠ョ ゅ∠ャ ユz ヰ⊥ ヤzャや»
«ギ∠イ∇ャや マ
∠ ∇レョ͡ ギあ イ
∠ ∇ャや や∠ク ノ⊥ ヘ∠ ∇レΑ∠ ゅ∠ャヱ∠ ∩∠ろ∇バレ∠ ョ∠
(O Allah, t here is none Who can avert what You grant or give what You deprive, and no fort une
ever helps t he fort unat e against You.) This is why Allah said,
びロ͡ キ͡ ゅ∠らハ
͡ ベ
∠ ∇ヲプ∠ ゲ⊥ ワ͡ ゅ∠ボ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And He is t he Irresist ible, above His servant s,) meaning, t o Him t he necks are subservient , t he
t yrant s humble before Him and He has complet e cont rol over all t hings. The creat ures have all
bowed t o Allah and are humbled before His grace, honor, pride, great ness, highness and abilit y
over all t hings. The creat ures are insignificant before Him, for t hey are all under His irresist ible
decision and power,
びユ⊥ Β͡ムエ
∠ ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and He is t he All-Wise,) in all His act ions,
びゲ⊥ Β͡らガ
∠ ∇ャやぴ
(Well-Acquaint ed wit h all t hings.) Who places everyt hing in it s right ful place, grant s and favors
whomever deserves His favor. Allah said next ,
びり⇔ ギ⇒∠ヰセ
∠ ゲ⊥ ら∠ ∇ミぺ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ ン
ぁ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "What t hing is t he most great in wit ness'') or what is t he great est wit ness,
び∇ユム⊥ レ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ヱ∠ ヴ͡レ∇Βよ͡ ∀ギΒ͡ヰセ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや モ
͡ ホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Allah (t he Most Great !) is Wit ness bet ween you and I'') for He knows what I brought you
and what you will answer me wit h,
びヒ∠ ヤ∠よ∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユミ⊥ ケ∠ グ͡ ルxΙ ラ
⊥ や∠¬∇ゲボ⊥ ∇ャや や∠グ⇒∠ワ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ヴ
͡ ヱ⊥ぺヱ∠ ぴ
(t his Qur'an has been revealed t o me t hat I may t herewit h warn you and whomsoever it may
reach.) Therefore, t his Qur'an is a warner for all t hose who hear of it . In anot her Ayah, Allah
びロ⊥ ギ⊥ ハ
͡ ∇ヲョ∠ ケ⊥ ゅzレャゅ∠プ ゆ
͡ や∠ゴ∇ェΙ
∠ ョ͡ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ゲヘ⊥ ∇ムΑ∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(But t hose of t he sect s t hat rej ect it , t he Fire will be t heir promised meet ing place.) 11:17
Ar-Rabi` bin Anas said, "Those who follow t he Messenger of Allah ought t o call t o what t he
Messenger of Allah called t o and warn against what he warned against .'' Allah said next ,
∠ ヱ⊥ギヰ∠ ∇ゼわ∠ ャ∠ ∇ユム⊥ レz も͡ ぺ∠ぴ
("Can you verily bear wit ness...'') O idolat ors,
びギ⊥ ヰ∠ ∇セぺ∠ Ι
z モ⊥ホ ン∠ゲ∇カぺ⊥ る⇔ ヰ∠ ャ͡や∠¬ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ノ∠ ョ∠ ラ
z ぺ∠ぴ
("t hat besides Allah t here are ot her gods'' Say, "I bear no (such) wit ness!'') Similarly, in anot her
Ayah, Allah said;
び∇ユヰ⊥ バ∠ ョ∠ ∇ギヰ∠ ∇ゼゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ギ͡ヰ∠セ ラ͡みプ∠ ぴ
(Then if t hey t est ify, t est ify not you wit h t hem.) 6:150 Allah said next ,
ゅzヨョあ ∀¬ン͡ゲ∠よ ヴ͡レルz ま͡ヱ∠ ギ∀ ェ
͡ ヱ∠ ∀ヮ⇒∠ャ͡ま ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥
(Say: "Only He is God, alone, and t ruly I am innocent of what you j oin in worship wit h Him.'')
People of the Book Recognize the Prophet Just as They Recognize
Their Own Children
Allah says, t he People of t he Book know what you brought t hem, O Muhammad , as t hey know
t heir own children. This is because t hey received good news from t he previous Messengers and
Prophet s about t he coming of Muhammad , his at t ribut es, homeland, his migrat ion, and t he
descript ion of his Ummah. Allah said next ,
∠ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇やヱ⊥ゲジ
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzやぴ
(Those who have lost (dest royed) t hemselves) and t hus incurred t he ult imat e loss,
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ プ∠ ぴ
(will not believe.) in t his clear mat t er. A mat t er about which t he previous Prophet s gave good
news, and a mat t er ext olled about in ancient and modern t imes. Allah said next ,
∠ グz ミ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ ゅ⇔よ͡グミ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ン∠ゲわ∠ ∇プや リ
͡ ヨz ョ͡ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ニぺ∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
びヮ͡ わ͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡
(And who does more wrong t han he who invent s a lie against Allah or rej ect s His Ayat )
meaning, t here is no person more unj ust t han he who lies about Allah and claims t hat Allah has
sent him, while Allah did not send him. There is no person more unj ust t han he who denies
Allah's proofs, signs and evidences,
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ウ
⊥ ヤ͡∇ヘΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ぴ
(Verily, t he wrongdoers shall never be successful.) Surely, bot h of t hese people will never
acquire success, whoever falsely claims t hat Allah sent him and whoever refuses Allah's
Ayat .
∇やヲ⊥ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャ͡ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボル∠ zユを⊥ ゅ⇔バΒ͡ヨィ
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ⊥ ゼ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∇リム⊥ ゎ∠ ∇ユャ∠ zユを⊥ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨハ
⊥ ∇ゴゎ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ユ⊥ ミ⊥ ぼ⊥ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ リ
∠ ∇Αぺ∠
∠ Βミ͡ ゲ͡ ∇ゼョ⊥ ゅzレミ⊥ ゅ∠ョ ゅ∠レよあ ケ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや∠ヱ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ラ∠ぺ Ι
z ま͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ わ⊥ レ∠ ∇わプ͡
ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ モ
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ジ
͡ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥よグ∠ ミ∠ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ∇ゲヌ
⊥ ルや
ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ マ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ノ⊥ ヨ͡ わ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ リzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ
や⇔ゲ∇ホヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ル͡ や∠クや∠¬ ヴ͡プヱ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥ヰボ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ る⇔ レz ミ͡ ぺ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ よ͡ ヲ⊥ヤホ⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
や∠クま͡ ヴzわェ
∠ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ∇やヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
z る∃ Α∠ や∠¬ zモミ⊥ ∇や∇ヱゲ∠ Α∠ ラ͡まヱ∠
z ま͡ へ∠グ⇒∠ワ ∇ラま͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボΑ∠ マ
∠ ル∠ ヲ⊥ャギ͡ ⇒∠イΑ⊥ ポ
∠ ヱ⊥¬べ∠ィ
ヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ラ
∠ ∇ヱほ∠∇レΑ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ラ
∠ ∇ヲヰ∠ ∇レΑ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ - ∠リΒ͡ャヱz xΙや ゲ⊥ Β͡ト⇒∠シぺ∠
∠ ヱ⊥ゲバ⊥ ∇ゼΑ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ジ
∠ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ Ι
z ま͡ ∠ラヲ⊥ム͡ヤ∇ヰΑ⊥ ラ͡まヱ∠
(22. And on t he Day when We shall gat her t hem all t oget her, We shall say t o t hose who j oined
part ners in worship (wit h Us): "Where are your part ners (false deit ies) whom you used t o assert
(as part ners in worship wit h Allah)'') (23. There will t hen be (left ) no Fit nah for t hem but t o
say: "By Allah, our Lord, we were not t hose who j oined ot hers (in worship wit h Allah).'') (24.
Look! How t hey lie against t hemselves! But t he (lie) which t hey invent ed will disappear from
t hem.) (25. And of t hem t here are some who list en t o you; but We have set veils on t heir
heart s, so t hey underst and it not , and deafness in t heir ears; if t hey see every one of t he Ayat
t hey will not believe t herein; t o t he point t hat when t hey come t o you t o argue wit h you, t hose
who disbelieve say: "These are not hing but t ales of t he men of old.'') (26. And t hey prevent
ot hers from him and t hey t hemselves keep away from him, and (by doing so) t hey dest roy none
but t hemselves, yet t hey perceive (it ) not .)
The Polythiests Shall be Questioned About the Shirk They
About t he polyt heist s, Allah said:
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ⊥ ゼ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And on t he Day when We shall gat her t hem all t oget her,) This is on t he Day of Resurrect ion,
when He will ask t hem about t he idols and rivals t hat t hey worshipped inst ead of Him. Allah
will say t o t hem,
∠ ヲ⊥ヨハ
⊥ ∇ゴゎ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ユ⊥ ミ⊥ ぼ⊥ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ リ
∠ ∇Αぺ∠ぴ
(Where are your part ners (false deit ies) whom you used t o assert (as part ners in worship wit h
Allah)) Allah said in Surat Al-Qasas,
∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヴ
∠ も͡ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ リ
∠ ∇Αぺ∠ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボΒ∠ プ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ Α͡ギ⇒∠レΑ⊥ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨハ
⊥ ∇ゴゎ∠
(And (remember) t he Day when He will call t o t hem, and say, "Where are My (so-called)
part ners whom you used t o assert '') 28:62 . Allah's st at ement ,
び∇ユヰ⊥ わ⊥ レ∠ ∇わプ͡ ∇リム⊥ ゎ∠ ∇ユャ∠ zユを⊥ ぴ
(There will t hen be (left ) no Fit nah for t hem) means, argument . ` At a' Al-Khurasani said t hat ,
び∇ユヰ⊥ わ⊥ レ∠ ∇わプ͡ ∇リム⊥ ゎ∠ ∇ユャ∠ zユを⊥ ぴ
(There will t hen be (left ) no Fit nah for t hem) in t he face of t he afflict ion t hat will be placed on
t hem,
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼョ⊥ ゅzレミ⊥ ゅ∠ョ ゅ∠レよあ ケ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや∠ヱ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ラ∠ぺ Ι
z ま͡ぴ
(but t o say: "By Allah, our Lord, we were not t hose who j oined ot hers (in worship wit h Allah).'')
Allah said next ,
ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ モ
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ジ
͡ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥よグ∠ ミ∠ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ∇ゲヌ
⊥ ルやぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ
(Look! How t hey lie against t hemselves! But t he (lie) which t hey invent ed will disappear from
t hem.) which is similar t o His ot her st at ement ,
ヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ゅ∠ョ リ
∠ ∇Αぺ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ モ
∠ Β͡ホ zユを⊥ ぴ
∠ モ
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ∇やヲ⊥ハ∇ギルz ∇リム⊥ ル∠ ∇ユャz モ∠よ ゅzレ∠ハ ∇やヲぁヤ⇒∠ッ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ⇒∠ホ
∠ Α͡ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ム∇ャや ヮ⊥ zヤャや ぁモツ
͡ Α⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠
(Then it will be said t o t hem: "Where are (all) t hose whom you used t o j oin in worship as
part ners. Besides Allah'' They will say, "They have vanished from us: Nay, we did not invoke
(worship) anyt hing before.'' Thus Allah leads ast ray t he disbelievers.) 40:73-74
The Miserable Do Not Benefit from the Qur'an
Allah's st at ement ,
る⇔ レz ミ͡ ぺ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ よ͡ ヲ⊥ヤホ⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ マ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ノ⊥ ヨ͡ わ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ リzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
る∃ Α∠ や∠¬ zモミ⊥ ∇や∇ヱゲ∠ Α∠ ラ͡まヱ∠ や⇔ゲ∇ホヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ル͡ や∠クや∠¬ ヴ͡プヱ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥ヰボ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ
びゅ∠ヰ͡よ ∇やヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
(And of t hem t here are some who list en t o you; but We have set veils on t heir heart s, so t hey
underst and it not , and deafness in t heir ears; if t hey see every one of t he Ayat t hey will not
believe t herein;) means, t hey come t o you, (O Muhammad ), so t hat t hey hear you recit e t he
Qur'an, but it s recit at ion does not benefit t hem, because Allah has set veils on t heir heart s,
and so t hey do not underst and t he Qur'an,
びや⇔ゲ∇ホ∠ヱ ∇ユヰ͡ ル͡ や∠クや∠¬ ヴ͡プヱ∠ ぴ
(and (set ) deafness in t heir ears;) t hat prevent s t hem from hearing what benefit s t hem. In
anot her Ayah, Allah said;
∠ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ペ
⊥ バ͡ ∇レΑ∠ ン͡グャzや モ
͡ ん∠ ヨ∠ ミ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや モ
⊥ ん∠ ョ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
び¬⇔ へ∠ギル͡ ヱ∠ ¬⇔ べ∠ハキ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ ノ⊥ ヨ∠ ∇ジΑ∠
(And t he example of t hose who disbelieve, is as t hat of him who shout s at one who hears
not hing but calls and cries.) 2:171 Allah said next ,
びゅ∠ヰよ͡ ∇やヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
z る∃ Α∠ や∠¬ zモミ⊥ ∇や∇ヱゲ∠ Α∠ ラ͡まヱ∠ ぴ
(if t hey see every one of t he Ayat t hey will not believe t herein;) meaning, t hey will not believe
in any of t he Ayat , proofs, clear evidences and signs t hey wit ness because t hey do not have
sound comprehension or fair j udgment . In anot her Ayah, Allah said,
び∇ユヰ⊥ バ∠ ヨ∠ ∇シΕ
∠ や⇔ゲ∇Βカ
∠ ∇ユヰ͡ Β͡プ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ∠ ヤ͡ハ
∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(Had Allah known of any good in t hem, He would indeed have made t hem list en.) 8:23 Allah
∠ ル∠ ヲ⊥ャギ͡ ⇒∠イΑ⊥ ポ
∠ ヱ⊥¬べ∠ィ や∠クま͡ ヴzわェ
(t o t he point t hat when t hey come t o you t o argue wit h you...) using falsehood against t rut h,
び∠リΒ͡ャヱz xΙや ゲ⊥ Β͡ト⇒∠シぺ∠ Ι
z ま͡ へ∠グ⇒∠ワ ∇ラま͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボΑ∠ ぴ
(t hose who disbelieve say: "These are not hing but t ales of t he men of old.'') The disbelievers
say, what you (O Muhammad ) brought us was t aken from t he books of t hose who were before
us, meaning plagiarized,
びヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ラ
∠ ∇ヱほ∠∇レΑ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ラ
∠ ∇ヲヰ∠ ∇レΑ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hey prevent ot hers from him and t hey t hemselves keep away from him,) They discourage
people from following t he t rut h, believing in Muhammad and obeying t he Qur'an,
びヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ラ
∠ ∇ヱほ∠∇レΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and t hey t hemselves keep away from him,) They t hus combine bot h evil act s, for t hey neit her
benefit t hemselves, nor let ot hers benefit from t he Prophet . ` Ali bin Abi Talhah said t hat Ibn
` Abbas said t hat t he Ayah,
びヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ラ
∠ ∇ヲヰ∠ ∇レΑ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hey prevent ot hers from him.) means, t hey hinder people from believing in Muhammad .
Muhammad bin Al-Hanafiyyah said, "The disbelievers of Quraysh used t o refrain from meet ing
Muhammad and t hey discouraged people from coming t o him.'' Similar was report ed from
Qat adah, Muj ahid and Ad-Dahhak and several ot hers.
∠ ヱ⊥ゲバ⊥ ∇ゼΑ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ジ
∠ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ Ι
z ま͡ ∠ラヲ⊥ム͡ヤ∇ヰΑ⊥ ラ͡まヱ∠ ぴ
(and (by doing so) t hey dest roy not but t hemselves, yet t hey perceive (it ) not .) They dest roy
t hemselves by commit t ing t his evil act ion, and it s harm will only t ouch t hem. Yet , t hey do not
perceive t his fact !
ぁキゲ∠ ル⊥ ゅ∠レ∠わ∇Β∠ヤΑ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ボプ∠ ケ͡ ゅzレャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲヘ⊥ ホ͡ ヱ⊥ ∇クま͡ ン∠ゲゎ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∇モよ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡レョ͡ ∇ぽヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ムル∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠レよあ ケ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡ ゆ
∠ グあ ム∠ ル⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠
∇やヱ⊥ギ⇒∠バャ∠ ∇やヱぁキケ⊥ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ モ
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヘ∇ガΑ⊥ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ や∠ギよ∠
z ま͡ ヴ
∠ ワ͡ ∇ラま͡ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥よグ͡ ⇒∠ムャ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヰル⊥ ゅ∠ヨャ͡
∇クま͡ ン∠ゲゎ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡をヲ⊥バ∇らヨ∠ よ͡ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや ゅ∠レゎ⊥ ゅ∠Β∠ェ
ヴ∠ヤよ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ペ
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ぺ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヘホ͡ ヱ⊥
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヘ⊥ ∇ムゎ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ゆ
∠ や∠グバ∠ ャや ∇やヲ⊥ホヱ⊥グプ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ゅ∠レよあ ケ∠ ヱ∠
(27. If you could but see when t hey will be held over t he (Hell) Fire! They will say: "Would t hat
we were but sent back (t o t he world)! Then we would not deny t he Ayat of our Lord, and we
would be of t he believers!'') (28. Nay, what t hey had been concealing before has become
manifest t o t hem. But if t hey were ret urned (t o t he world), t hey would cert ainly revert t o t hat
which t hey were forbidden. And indeed t hey are liars.) c(29. And t hey said: "There is no (ot her
life) but our (present ) life of t his world, and never shall we be resurrect ed.'') (30. If you could
but see when t hey will st and before t heir Lord! He will say: "Is not t his t he t rut h'' They will say:
"Yes, by our Lord!'' He will t hen say: "So t ast e you t he t orment because you used not t o
Wishes and Hopes Do Not Help One When He Sees the Torment
Allah ment ions t he condit ion of t he disbelievers when t hey are made t o st and before t he Fire
on t he Day of Resurrect ion and wit ness it s chains and rest raint s, along wit h seeing t he horrible,
moment ous condit ions in t he Fire wit h t heir own eyes. This is when t he disbelievers will say,
∠ ョ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ムル∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠レよあ ケ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡ ゆ
∠ グあ ム∠ ル⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぁキゲ∠ ル⊥ ゅ∠レ∠わ∇Β∠ヤΑぴ
∠ Β͡レョ͡ ∇ぽヨ⊥ ∇ャや
("Would t hat we were but sent back (t o t he world)! Then we would not deny t he Ayat of our
Lord, and we would be of t he believers!'') They wish t hat t hey would be sent back t o t he life of
t he world so t hat t hey could perform right eous deeds, refrain from disbelieving in t he Ayat of
t heir Lord and be among t he believers. Allah said,
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヘ∇ガΑ⊥ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅミ∠ ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ や∠ギよ∠ ∇モよ∠ ぴ
(Nay, what t hey had been concealing before has become manifest t o t hem.) meaning, t he
disbelief, denial and rebellion t hat t hey used t o hide in t heir heart s will t hen be uncovered,
even t hough t hey will t ry t o hide t his fact in t his life and t he Hereaft er. Earlier, Allah said,
ゅzレミ⊥ ゅ∠ョ ゅ∠レよあ ケ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや∠ヱ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ラ∠ぺ Ι
z ま͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ わ⊥ レ∠ ∇わプ͡ ∇リム⊥ ゎ∠ ∇ユャ∠ zユを⊥ ぴ
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ジ
͡ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥よグ∠ ミ∠ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ∇ゲヌ
⊥ ルや - リ
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼョ⊥
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レハ
(There will t hen be (left ) no t rial for t hem but t o say: "By Allah, our Lord, we were not t hose
who j oined ot hers in worship wit h Allah.'' Look! How t hey lie against t hemselves! But t he (lie)
which t hey invent ed will disappear from t hem. ) It is also possible t hat t he meaning here is
t hat t he disbelievers will realize t he t rut h t hat t hey knew all along in t heir heart s, t hat is, t hat
what t he Messengers brought t hem in t his life is t rue, alt hough t hey used t o deny his Message
before t heir followers. Allah said t hat Musa said t o Fir` awn,
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ゆ
ぁ ケ∠ Ι
z ま͡ ¬͡ Ι⊥ぽ⇒∠ワ メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺ べ∠ョ ろ
∠ ∇ヨヤ͡ハ
∠ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ぴ
びゲ∠ も͡ べ∠ダよ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ
("Verily, you know t hat t hese signs have clearly been sent down by none but t he Lord of t he
heavens and t he eart h as eye-opening evidence.'') 17:102 Allah said about Fir` awn and his
⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヨ∇ヤニ
⊥ ∇ユヰ⊥ ジ
⊥ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ べ∠ヰ∇わレ∠ ボ∠ ∇Βわ∠ ∇シや∠ヱ ゅ∠ヰ͡よ ∇やヱ⊥ギ∠エ∠ィ∠ヱぴ
(And t hey belied t hem (t hose Ayat ) wrongfully and arrogant ly, t hough t hey were t hemselves
convinced t hereof.) 27:14
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヘ∇ガΑ⊥ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ や∠ギよ∠ ∇モよ∠ ぴ
(Nay, it has become manifest t o t hem what t hey had been concealing before.) 6:28 When
t his occurs, and t he disbelievers ask t o be ret urned t o t his life, t hey will not do so because
t hey t ruly wish t o embrace t he fait h. Rat her, t hey ask t o be ret urned t o t his life for fear of t he
t orment t hat t hey are wit nessing before t hem, as punishment for t he disbelief t hey commit t ed,
and t o t ry and avoid t he Fire t hat t hey see before t heir eyes.
∠ ヲ⊥よグ͡ ⇒∠ムャ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヰル⊥ ゅ∠ヨャ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ギ⇒∠バャ∠ ∇やヱぁキケ⊥ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(But if t hey were ret urned, t hey would cert ainly revert t o t hat which t hey were forbidden. And
indeed t hey are liars.) meaning, t hey lie when t hey say t hey wish t o go back t o t his life so t hat
t hey can embrace t he fait h. Allah st at es t hat even if t hey were sent back t o t he life of t his
world, t hey will again commit t he disbelief and defiance t hat t hey were prohibit ed.
∠ ヲ⊥よグ͡ ⇒∠ムャ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And indeed t hey are liars.) in t heir st at ement t hat ,
ぁキゲ∠ ル⊥ ゅ∠レ∠わ∇Β∠ヤΑ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ボプ∠ ケ͡ ゅzレャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲヘ⊥ ホ͡ ヱ⊥ ∇クま͡ ン∠ゲゎ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∇モよ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡レョ͡ ∇ぽヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ムル∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠レよあ ケ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡ ゆ
∠ グあ ム∠ ル⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠
∇やヱ⊥ギ⇒∠バャ∠ ∇やヱぁキケ⊥ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ モ
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヘ∇ガΑ⊥ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ や∠ギよ∠
z ま͡ ヴ
∠ ワ͡ ∇ラま͡ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥よグ͡ ⇒∠ムャ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヰル⊥ ゅ∠ヨャ͡
∠ Β͡をヲ⊥バ∇らヨ∠ よ͡ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや ゅ∠レゎ⊥ ゅ∠Β∠ェ
("Would t hat we were but sent back! Then we would not deny t he Ayat of our Lord, and we
would be of t he believers!'' Nay, what t hey had been concealing before has become manifest t o
t hem. But if t hey were ret urned, t hey would cert ainly revert t o t hat which t hey were
forbidden. And indeed t hey are liars. And t hey said: "There is no (ot her life) but our (present )
life of t his world, and never shall we be resurrect ed.'') Therefore, t hey will revert t o t heir old
behavior and say,
びゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや ゅ∠レゎ⊥ ゅ∠Β∠ェ Ι
z ま͡ ヴ
∠ ワ͡ ∇ラま͡ぴ
(There is no life but our life of t his world) and t here is no Hereaft er,
∠ Β͡をヲ⊥バ∇らヨ∠ よ͡ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(and never shall we be resurrect ed. ) Allah said,
び∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヘホ͡ ヱ⊥ ∇クま͡ ン∠ゲゎ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(If you could but see when t hey will st and before t heir Lord!) in front of Him,
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ぺ∠ぴ
("Is not t his t he t rut h'') meaning, is not Resurrect ion t rue, cont arary t o what you t hought ,
∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ゆ
∠ や∠グバ∠ ャや ∇やヲ⊥ホヱ⊥グプ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ゅ∠レよあ ケ∠ ヱ∠ ヴ∠ヤよ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヘ⊥ ∇ムゎ∠
(They will say: "Yes, by our Lord!'' He will t hen say: "So t ast e you t he t orment because you used
not t o believe.'') and because you t oday denied Resurrect ion. Therefore, t ast e t he t orment ,
∠ ヱ⊥ゲダ
͡ ∇らゎ⊥ Ι
∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇ュぺ∠ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ∀ゲ∇エ͡ジプ∠ ぺ∠ぴ
("Is t his magic, or do you not see'') 52:15
ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ∇ゎ¬∠ べ∠ィ や∠クま͡ ヴzわェ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ¬͡ べ∠ボヤ͡よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥よグz ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ゲ∠ ジ
∠ ∇ギホ∠ ぴ
ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇デゲz プ∠ ゅ∠ョ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∠ゎ∠ゲ∇ジ∠エΑ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ る⇔ わ∠ ∇ピよ∠ る⊥ ハ
∠ ゅzジャや
¬∠ べ∠シ Ι
∠ ぺ∠ ∇ユワ͡ ケ͡ ヲ⊥ヰニ
⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ケ∠ や∠コ∇ヱぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲヤ⊥ヨ͡ ∇エΑ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠
ヲ∀ ∇ヰャ∠ヱ∠ ょ
∀ バ͡ ャ∠ Ι
z ま͡ べ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや り⊥ ヲ∠Βエ
∠ ∇ャや ゅ∠ョヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ケゴ͡ Α∠ ゅ∠ョ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤボ͡ ∇バゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ボわz Α∠ リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャあ ∀ゲ∇Β∠カ り⊥ ゲ∠ カ
x や ケ⊥ やzギヤ∠ャヱ∠
(31. They indeed are losers who denied t heir meet ing wit h Allah, unt il all of a sudden, t he Hour
(signs of deat h) is upon t hem, and t hey say: "Alas for us t hat we gave no t hought t o it ,'' while
t hey will bear t heir burdens on t heir backs; and evil indeed are t he burdens t hat t hey will
bear!) (32. And t he life of t his world is not hing but play and amusement . But far bet t er is t he
abode of t he Hereaft er for t hose have Taqwa. Will you not t hen underst and)
Allah describes the regret of the disbelievers when facing Him, and
their disappointment at the commencement, along with their
sorrow for not performing good deeds and for their evil deeds.
This is why Allah said,
ゅ∠レ∠ゎ∠ゲ∇ジ∠エΑ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ る⇔ わ∠ ∇ピよ∠ る⊥ ハ
∠ ゅzジャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ∇ゎ¬∠ べ∠ィ や∠クま͡ ヴzわェ
びゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇デゲz プ∠ ゅ∠ョ ヴ∠ヤハ
(unt il all of a sudden, t he Hour (signs of deat h) is upon t hem, and t hey say: "Alas for us t hat we
gave no t hought t o it .'') ` It ' here refers t o eit her t he life of t his world, or t he affairs of t he
Hereaft er. Allah's st at ement ,
¬∠ べ∠シ Ι
∠ ぺ∠ ∇ユワ͡ ケ͡ ヲ⊥ヰニ
⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ケ∠ や∠コ∇ヱぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヨ͡ ∇エΑ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ケゴ͡ Α∠ ゅ∠ョ
(while t hey will bear t heir burdens on t heir backs; and evil indeed are t he burdens t hat t hey
will bear!) Asbat said t hat As-Suddi said, "Upon ent ering his grave, every unj ust person will
meet a man wit h an ugly face, dark skin, awful odor, wearing dirt y clot hes, who will ent er his
grave wit h him. When t he unj ust person sees him, he will say, ` How ugly is your face!' He will
reply, ` So was your work, it was ugly.' The unj ust person will say, ` How foul is t he odor coming
from you!' He will reply, ` Such was t he case wit h your work, it st unk.' The unj ust person will
say, ` How dirt y are your clot hes!' He will reply, ` And your work t oo was dirt y.' The unj ust
person will ask, ` Who are you' He will reply, ` I am your deeds.' So he will remain wit h t he
unj ust person in his grave, and when he is resurrect ed on t he Day of Resurrect ion, his
companion will say t o him, ` In t he life of t he world, I used t o carry you because you followed
desire and lust . Today, you carry me.' So he will ride on t he unj ust person's back and lead him
unt il he ent ers t he Fire. So Allah said,
¬∠ べ∠シ Ι
∠ ぺ∠ ∇ユワ͡ ケ͡ ヲ⊥ヰニ
⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ケ∠ や∠コ∇ヱぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヨ͡ ∇エΑ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ケゴ͡ Α∠ ゅ∠ョ
(while t hey will bear t heir burdens on t heir backs; and evil indeed are t he burdens t hat t hey
will bear!) 6:31 '' Allah's st at ement ,
びヲ∀ ∇ヰャ∠ヱ∠ ょ
∀ バ͡ ャ∠ Ι
z ま͡ べ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや り⊥ ヲ∠Βエ
∠ ∇ャや ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(And t he life of t his world is not hing but play and amusement .) means, most of it is play and
amusement ,
∠ ヲ⊥ヤボ͡ ∇バゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ボわz Α∠ リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャあ ∀ゲ∇Β∠カ り⊥ ゲ∠ カ
x や ケ⊥ やzギヤ∠ャヱ∠ ぴ
(But far bet t er is t he abode of t he Hereaft er for t hose who have Taqwa. Will you not t hen
underst and)
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz み͡プ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ャヲ⊥ボΑ∠ ン͡グャzや マ
∠ ル⊥ ゴ⊥ ∇エΒ∠ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バル∠ ∇ギホ∠ ぴ
- ∠ラヱ⊥ギ∠エ∇イ∠Α ヮ͡ ヤzャや ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡ リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや リ
z ム͡ ⇒∠ャヱ∠ マ
∠ ル∠ ヲ⊥よグあ ム∠ Α⊥
ゅ∠ョ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲら∠ ダ
∠ プ∠ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リョあ ∀モシ
⊥ ケ⊥ ∇ろよ∠ グあ ミ⊥ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠
∠ ギあ ら∠ ョ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ルゲ⊥ ∇ダル∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠ゎぺ∠ ヴzわェ
∠ ∇やヱ⊥クヱ⊥ぺヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥よグあ ミ⊥
ラ͡まヱ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡ヤシ
∠ ∇ゲヨ⊥ ∇ャや み͡ら∠ ルz リ͡ョ ポ
∠ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇ギボ∠ャヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ͡ム∠ ャ͡
ラ∠ぺ ろ
∠ ∇バト
∠ わ∠ ∇シや ラ͡みプ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ッ
⊥ や∠ゲ∇ハま͡ マ
∠ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゲ∠ ら⊥ ミ∠ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ
¬͡ べ∠ヨジ
z ャや ヴ͡プ ゅ⇔ヨzヤシ
⊥ ∇ヱぺ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ ゅ⇔ボ∠ヘル∠ ヴ
∠ ピ͡ わ∠ ∇らゎ∠
ン∠ギヰ⊥ ∇ャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ バ∠ ヨ∠ イ
∠ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ る∃ Α∠ ゅ∠⇒よ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ Β∠ ゎ͡ ∇ほわ∠ プ∠
∠ Α͡グャzや ょ
⊥ Β͡イわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ - リ
∠ Β͡ヤヰ͡ ⇒∠イ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ リ
z ル∠ ヲ⊥ムゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠
∠ ヲ⊥バィ
∠ ∇ゲΑ⊥ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ zユを⊥ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ん⊥ バ∠ ∇らΑ∠ ヴ∠ゎ∇ヲヨ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥バヨ∠ ∇ジΑ∠
(33. We know indeed t he grief which t heir words cause you; it is not you t hat t hey deny, but it
is t he verses of Allah t hat t he wrongdoers deny.) (34. Verily, (many) Messengers were denied
before you, but wit h pat ience t hey bore t he denial, and t hey were hurt , t ill Our help reached
t hem, and none can alt er t he Words of Allah. Surely, t here has reached you t he informat ion
about t he Messengers (before you).) (35. If t heir aversion is hard on you, t hen if you were able
t o seek a t unnel in t he ground or a ladder t o t he sky, so t hat you may bring t hem a sign. And
had Allah willed, He could have gat hered t hem t oget her upon t rue guidance, so be not you one
of t he ignorant .) (36. It is only t hose who list en, t hat will respond, but as for t he dead, Allah
will raise t hem up, t hen t o Him t hey will be ret urned.)
Comforting the Prophet
Allah comfort s t he Prophet in his grief over his people's denial and defiance of him,
∠ ヲ⊥ャヲ⊥ボΑ∠ ン͡グャzや マ
∠ ル⊥ ゴ⊥ ∇エΒ∠ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バル∠ ∇ギホ∠ ぴ
(We know indeed t he grief which t heir words cause you;) meaning, We know about t heir denial
of you and your sadness and sorrow for t hem. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
∃ ゲ∠ ジ
∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ マ
⊥ ∇ヘル∠ ∇ょワ∠ ∇グゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ぴ
(So dest roy not yourself in sorrow for t hem.) 35:8 , and
∠ Β͡レョ͡ ∇ぽョ⊥ ∇やヲ⊥ルヲ⊥ムΑ∠ Ι
z ぺ∠ マ
∠ ∇ヘルz ∀ノ͡ガ⇒∠よ マ
∠ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ぴ
(It may be t hat you are going t o kill yourself wit h grief, t hat t hey do not become believers.)
26:3 , and,
∇やヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ ∇ユャz ラ͡ま ∇ユワ͡ ゲ͡ ⇒∠をや∠¬ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ マ
∠ ∇ヘルz ∀ノ͡ガ⇒∠よ マ
∠ ヤzバ∠ ヤ∠プ∠ ぴ
び ゅ⇔ヘ∠シぺ∠ ゑ
͡ Α͡ギエ
∠ ∇ャや や∠グ⇒∠ヰよ͡
(Perhaps, you, would kill yourself in grief, over t heir foot st eps (for t heir t urning away from
you), because t hey believe not in t his narrat ion.) 18:6 Allah's st at ement ,
ヮ͡ ヤzャや ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡ リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや リ
z ム͡ ⇒∠ャヱ∠ マ
∠ ル∠ ヲ⊥よグあ ム∠ Α⊥ Ι
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz み͡プ∠ ぴ
(it is not you t hat t hey deny, but it is t he verses of Allah t hat t he wrongdoers deny.) means,
t hey do not accuse you of being a liar,
∠ ヱ⊥ギエ
∠ ∇イΑ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡ ∠リΒ͡ヨ͡ヤ⇒zヌャや リ
z ム͡ ⇒∠ャヱ∠ ぴ
(but it is t he Verses of Allah t hat t he wrongdoers deny. ) It is only t he t rut h t hat t hey rej ect
and refuse. Muhammad bin Ishaq ment ioned t hat Az-Zuhri said t hat Abu Jahl, Abu Sufyan Sakhr
bin Harb and Al-Akhnas bin Shurayq once came t o list en t o t he Prophet recit ing t he Qur'an at
night , but t hese t hree men were not aware of t he presence of each ot her. So t hey list ened t o
t he Prophet 's recit at ion unt il t he morning, and t hen left . They met each ot her on t heir way
back and each one of t hem asked t he ot hers, "What brought you'' So t hey ment ioned t o each
ot her t he reason why t hey came. They vowed not t o repeat t his incident so t hat t he young men
of Quraysh would not hear of what t hey did and imit at e t hem. On t he second night , each one
of t he t hree came back t hinking t hat t he ot her t wo would not come because of t he vows t hey
made t o each ot her. In t he morning, t hey again met each ot her on t heir way back and
crit icized each ot her, vowing not t o repeat what t hey did. On t he t hird night , t hey again went
t o list en t o t he Prophet and in t he morning t hey again vowed not t o repeat t his incident .
During t hat day, Al-Akhnas bin Shurayq t ook his st aff and went t o Abu Sufyan bin Harb in his
house saying, "O Abu Hanzalah! What is your opinion concerning what you heard from
Muhammad.'' Abu Sufyan said, "O Abu Tha` labah! By Allah, I have heard some t hings t hat I
recognize and know t heir implicat ions. I also heard some t hings whose meaning and
implicat ions were unknown t o me.'' Al-Akhnas said, "And I t he same, by He Whom you swore
by!'' Al-Akhnas left Abu Sufyan and went t o Abu Jahl and asked him, "O Abu Al-Hakam! What is
your opinion about what you heard from Muhammad. '' Abu Jahl said, "We compet ed wit h Bani
` Abd Manaf (t he Prophet 's subt ribe) and so we fed as t hey fed and gave away as t hey gave
away. So, when we were neck and neck wit h t hem, j ust as t wo horses in a race, t hey said,
` There is a Prophet from among us, t o whom revelat ion from t he heaven comes.' So how can
we ever beat t hem at t hat By Allah we will never believe in him or accept what he says.' This is
when Al-Akhnas left Abu Jahl and went away.'' Allah's st at ement ,
ゅ∠ョ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲら∠ ダ
∠ プ∠ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リあョ ∀モシ
⊥ ケ⊥ ∇ろよ∠ グあ ミ⊥ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
びゅ∠ルゲ⊥ ∇ダル∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠ゎぺ∠ ヴzわェ
∠ ∇やヱ⊥クヱ⊥ぺヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥よグあ ミ⊥
(Verily, (many) Messengers were denied before you, but wit h pat ience t hey bore t he denial,
and t hey were hurt , t ill Our help reached t hem,) This comfort s t he Prophet 's concern for t hose
who denied and rej ect ed him. Allah also commands t he Prophet t o be pat ient , j ust as t he
might y Messengers before him were. He also promised him vict ory, j ust as t he previous
Messengers were vict orious and t he good end was t heirs, aft er t he denial and harm t heir people
placed on t hem. Then, vict ory came t o t hem in t his life, j ust as vict ory is t heirs in t he
Hereaft er. Allah said,
びヮ͡ ヤzャや ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ͡ム∠ ャ͡ メ
∠ ギあ ら∠ ョ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and none can alt er t he Words of Allah.) This refers t o His decision t hat vict ory in t his life and
t he Hereaft er is for His believing servant s. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ャ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ま͡ - リ
∠ Β͡ヤシ
∠ ∇ゲヨ⊥ ∇ャや ゅ∠ルキ͡ ゅ∠らバ͡ ャ͡ ゅ∠レわ⊥ ヨ∠ ヤ͡ミ∠ ∇ろボ∠ ら∠ シ
∠ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥らヤ͡⇒∠ピ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠ルギ∠ レ⊥ィ ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ケヲ⊥ダレ∠ヨ∇ャや
(And, verily, Our Word has gone fort h of old for Our servant s, t he Messengers. That t hey verily
would be made t riumphant . And t hat Our host s, t hey verily would be t he vict ors.) 37:171173 , and,
x ヲ͡ ホ∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ ヴ͡ヤシ
⊥ ケ⊥ ヱ∠ ∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ リ
z ら∠ ヤ͡∇ビΙ
∂ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ょ
∠ わ∠ ミ∠ ぴ
び ∀ゴΑ͡ゴ∠ハ
(Allah has decreed: "Verily! It is I and My Messengers who shall be t he vict orious.'' Verily, Allah
is All-Powerful, Almight y.) 58:21 Allah said;
∠ Β͡ヤシ
∠ ∇ゲヨ⊥ ∇ャや み͡ら∠ ルz リ͡ョ ポ
∠ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇ギボ∠ャヱ∠ ぴ
(Surely, t here has reached you t he informat ion about t he Messengers (before you).) who were
given vict ory and prevailed over t he people who rej ect ed t hem. And you (O Muhammad ), have
a good example in t hem. Allah said next ,
び∇ユヰ⊥ ッ
⊥ やゲ∠ ∇ハま͡ マ
∠ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゲ∠ ら⊥ ミ∠ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ラ͡まヱ∠ ぴ
(If t heir aversion is hard on you,) and you cannot be pat ient because of t heir aversion,
∇ヱぺ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ ゅ⇔ボ∠ヘル∠ ヴ
∠ ピ͡ わ∠ ∇らゎ∠ ラ∠ぺ ろ
∠ ∇バト
∠ わ∠ ∇シや ラ͡みプ∠ ぴ
z ャや ヴ͡プ ゅ⇔ヨzヤシ
(t hen if you were able t o seek a t unnel in t he ground or a ladder t o t he sky...) ` Ali bin Abi
Talhah report ed t hat Ibn ` Abbas comment ed, "If you were able t o seek a t unnel and bring t hem
an Ayah, or go up a ladder in t he sky and bring a bet t er Ayah t han t he one I (Allah) gave t hem,
t hen do t hat .'' Similar was report ed from Qat adah, As-Suddi and ot hers. Allah's st at ement ,
z ル∠ ヲ⊥ムゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ン∠ギヰ⊥ ∇ャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ バ∠ ヨ∠ イ
∠ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ Β͡ヤヰ͡ ⇒∠イ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡
(And had Allah willed, He could have gat hered t hem t oget her upon t rue guidance, so be not
you one of t he ignorant .) is similar t o His st at ement ,
∇ユヰ⊥ ぁヤミ⊥ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ リ∠ョ リ
∠ ョ∠ Γ マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And had your Lord willed, t hose on eart h would have believed, all of t hem t oget her) ` Ali bin
Abi Talhah report ed t hat Ibn ` Abbas said about Allah's st at ement ,
びン∠ギヰ⊥ ∇ャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ バ∠ ヨ∠ イ
∠ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And had Allah willed, He could have gat hered t hem t oget her upon t rue guidance,) "The
Messenger of Allah was eager t hat all people believe and be guided t o follow him. Allah t old
him t hat only t hose whose happiness Allah has writ t en in t he first Dhikr will believe.'' Allah's
st at ement ,
∠ ヲ⊥バヨ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ょ
⊥ Β͡イわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ぴ
(It is only t hose who list en, t hat will respond,) means, only t hose who hear t he speech,
comprehend and underst and it , will accept your call, O Muhammad ! In anot her Ayah, Allah
∠ Α͡ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ム∇ャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ メ
⊥ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや ペ
͡ Α∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔Β∂ ェ
∠ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ リ∠ョ ケ∠ グ͡ レ⊥Βャあぴ
(That it may give warning t o him who is living, and t hat t he Word may be j ust ified against t he
disbelievers.) 36:70 . Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ヲ⊥バィ
∠ ∇ゲΑ⊥ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ zユを⊥ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ん⊥ バ∠ ∇らΑ∠ ヴ∠ゎ∇ヲ∠ヨ∇ャや∠ヱぴ
(but as for t he dead, Allah will raise t hem up, t hen t o Him t hey will be ret urned.) refers t o t he
disbelievers because t heir heart s are dead. Therefore, Allah resembled t hem t o dead corpses
as a way of mocking and belit t ling t hem, saying,
∠ ヲ⊥バィ
∠ ∇ゲΑ⊥ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ zユを⊥ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ん⊥ バ∠ ∇らΑ∠ ヴ∠ゎ∇ヲ∠ヨ∇ャや∠ヱぴ
(but as for t he dead (disbelievers), Allah will raise t hem up, t hen t o Him t hey will be ret urned
(for t heir recompense).)
ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ヮ͡ よあ ケz リあョ ∀る∠Αや∠¬ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ メ
∠ ゴあ ル⊥ Ι
∠ ∇ヲャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ∠ ん∠ ∇ミぺ∠ リ
z ム͡ ⇒∠ャヱ∠ る⇔ Α∠ や¬ メ
∃ ゴあ レ∠ Α⊥ ラ∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∀ケ͡キゅ∠ホ
ゲ∃ も͡ ゅ∠デ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ る∃ よz へ∠キ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ - ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠Α
ヴ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇デゲz プ∠ ゅzョ ∇ユム⊥ ヤ⊥⇒∠ん∇ョぺ∠ ∀ユ∠ョぺ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ͡ ∇Βェ
∠ ゅ∠レイ
∠ よ͡ ゲ⊥ Β͡トΑ∠
- ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲゼ
∠ ∇エΑ⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ zユを⊥ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リ͡ョ ょ
͡ ⇒∠わム͡ ャや
リ∠ョ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
ぁ ャや ヴ͡プ ∀ユ∇ムよ⊥ ∠ヱ ユx タ
⊥ ゅ∠レわ͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∇⇒よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥よグz ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱ
∃ ゲ∠ タ
͡ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヮ⊥ ∇ヤバ∠ ∇イΑ∠ ∇ほゼ
∠ Α∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ∇ヤヤ͡∇ツΑ⊥ ヮ⊥ zヤャや み͡ゼ
∠ Α∠
び ユ∃ Β͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョぁ
(37. And t hey said: "Why is not a sign sent down t o him from his Lord'' Say: "Allah is cert ainly
able t o send down a sign, but most of t hem know not .'') (38. There is not a moving creat ure on
eart h, nor a bird t hat flies wit h it s t wo wings, but are Umam like you. We have neglect ed
not hing in t he Book, t hen unt o t heir Lord t hey (all) shall be gat hered.) (39. Those who rej ect
Our Ayat are deaf and dumb in darkness. Allah sends ast ray whom He wills and He guides on
t he st raight pat h whom He wills.)
The Idolators Ask for a Miracle
Allah st at es t hat t he idolat ors used t o proclaim, "Why does not (Muhammad) bring an Ayah from
his Lord,'' meaning, a miracle of t heir choice! They would somet imes say,
͡ ∇ケΙ
xや リ
∠ ョ͡ ゅ∠レ∠ャ ゲ∠ イ
⊥ ∇ヘゎ∠ ヴzわェ
∠ マ
∠ ャ∠ リ
∠ ョ͡ ∇ぽルぁ リ∠ャぴ
("We shall not believe in you, unt il you cause a spring t o gush fort h from t he ground for us.'')
17:90 .
z ム͡ ⇒∠ャヱ∠ る⇔ Α∠ や¬ メ
∃ ゴあ レ∠ Α⊥ ラ∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∀ケ͡キゅ∠ホ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
び∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠Α Ι
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ∠ ん∠ ∇ミぺ∠
(Say: "Allah is cert ainly able t o send down a sign, but most of t hem know not .'') Cert ainly, Allah
is able t o send an Ayah (sign). But , He decided out of His wisdom t o delay t hat , because if He
sends an Ayah of t heir liking and t hey st ill do not believe, t his will hast en t heir punishment as
wit h t he previous nat ions. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
ゅ∠ヰ͡よ ゆ
∠ グz ミ∠ ラ∠ぺ Ι
z ま͡ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
x ゅ͡よ モ
͡ ∇ゲルぁ ラ∠ぺ べ∠レバ∠ レ∠ ョ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヨヤ∠ヌ
∠ プ∠ り⇔ ゲ∠ ダ
͡ ∇らョ⊥ る∠ ホ∠ ゅzレャや キ∠ ヲ⊥ヨを∠ ゅ∠レ∇Β∠ゎや∠¬∠ヱ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ャヱz Ι
び ゅ⇔ヘΑ͡ヲ∇ガゎ∠ Ι
z ま͡ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
x ゅ͡よ モ
͡ ∇ゲル⊥ ゅ∠ョヱ∠
(And not hing st ops Us from sending t he Ayat but t hat t he people of old denied t hem. And We
sent t he she-camel t o Thamud as a clear sign, but t hey did her wrong. And We sent not t he
signs except t o warn, and t o make t hem afraid (of dest ruct ion).) 17:59 , and,
∠ プ∠ る⇔ Α∠ や¬∠ ¬͡ べ∠ヨジ
z ャや リ
∠ ョあ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇メゴあ レ∠ ル⊥ ∇ほゼ
∠ ルz ラ͡まぴ
∠ Β͡バツ
͡ ⇒∠カ ゅ∠ヰャ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ボ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ハぺ∠
(If We will, We could send down t o t hem from t he heaven a sign, t o which t hey would bend
t heir necks in humilit y) 26:4 .
The Meaning of Umam
Allah said,
ゲ⊥ Β͡トΑ∠ ゲ∃ も͡ ゅ∠デ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ る∃ よz へ∠キ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
び∇ユム⊥ ヤ⊥⇒∠ん∇ョぺ∠ ∀ユ∠ョぺ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ͡ ∇Βェ
∠ ゅ∠レイ
∠ よ͡
(There is not a moving (living) creat ure on eart h, nor a bird t hat flies wit h it s t wo wings, but
are Umam like you.) Muj ahid comment ed, "Meaning, various species t hat have dist inct names.''
Qat adah said, "Birds are an Ummah, humans are an Ummah and t he Jinns are an Ummah.'' AsSuddi said t hat ,
び∇ユム⊥ ヤ⊥⇒∠ん∇ョぺ∠ ∀ユ∠ョぺ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ぴ
(but are Umam like you.) means, creat ions (or species). Allah's st at ement ,
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リ͡ョ ょ
͡ ⇒∠わム͡ ャや ヴ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇デゲz プ∠ ゅzョぴ
(We have neglect ed not hing in t he Book,) means, t he knowledge about all t hings is wit h Allah,
and He never forget s any of His creat ures, nor t heir sust enance, nor t heir affairs, whet her
t hese creat ures live in t he sea or on land. In anot her Ayah, Allah said;
ゅ∠ヰホ⊥ ∇コケ͡ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ Ι
z ま͡ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヶ͡プ る∃ よz へ∠キ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
∃ Β͡らョぁ ゆ
∃ ゅ∠わミ͡ ヴ͡プ モ
x ミ⊥ ゅ∠ヰハ
∠ キ∠ ∇ヲわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ワゲz ボ∠ わ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠
(And no moving creat ure is t here on eart h but it s provision is due from Allah. And He knows it s
dwelling place and it s deposit (in t he ut erus, grave, et c.). All is in a Clear Book.) 11:6 , t here
is a record of t heir names, numbers, movement s, and lack of movement . In anot her Ayah, Allah
ゅ∠ヰホ⊥ コ⊥ ∇ゲΑ∠ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや ゅ∠ヰホ∠ ∇コケ͡ モ
⊥ ヨ͡ ∇エゎ∠ Ι
z る∃ よz へ∠キ リあョ リあΑほ∠ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
び ユ⊥ Β͡ヤバ∠ ∇ャや ノ⊥ Β͡ヨジ
z ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ゅzΑま͡ヱ∠
(And so many a moving creat ure t here is, t hat carries not it s own provision! Allah provides for
it and for you. And He is t he All-Hearer, t he All-Knower.) 29:60 Ibn Abi Hat im report ed t hat
Ibn ` Abbas said about t he Ayah,
∠ ヱ⊥ゲゼ
∠ ∇エΑ⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ zユを⊥ ぴ
(t hen unt o t heir Lord t hey (all) shall be gat hered.) "Deat h gat hers t hem.'' It was also said t hat
t he Day of Resurrect ion gat hers t hem, for in anot her Ayah, Allah said;
び ∇れゲ∠ ゼ
⊥ ス
⊥ ヲ⊥ェヲ⊥ ∇ャや や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And when t he wild beast s shall be gat hered t oget her.) 81:5 ` Abdur-Razzaq recorded t hat
Abu Hurayrah said about Allah's st at ement ,
¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リ͡ョ ょ
͡ ⇒∠わム͡ ャや ヴ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇デゲz プ∠ ゅzョ ∇ユム⊥ ヤ⊥⇒∠ん∇ョぺ∠ ∀ユ∠ョぺ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲゼ
∠ ∇エΑ⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ zユを⊥
(but are Umam like you. We have neglect ed not hing in t he Book, t hen unt o t heir Lord t hey (all)
shall be gat hered.) "All creat ures will be gat hered on t he Day of Resurrect ion, t he beast s, birds
and all ot hers. Allah's j ust ice will be so perfect , t hat t he un-horned sheep will receive
ret ribut ion from t he horned sheep. Allah will t hen command t hem, ` Be dust !' This is when t he
disbeliever will say,
びゅ⇔よ∠ゲゎ⊥ ろ
⊥ レ⊥ミ ヴ͡レわ∠ ∇Βヤ∠⇒∠Αぴ
("Woe t o me! Would t hat I were dust !'')'' 78: 40 . And t his was report ed from t he Prophet in t he
Hadit h about t he Trumpet .
The Disbelievers will be Deaf and Mute in Darkness
Allah said,
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
ぁ ャや ヴ͡プ ∀ユ∇ムよ⊥ ∠ヱ ユx タ
⊥ ゅ∠レわ͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∇⇒よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥よグz ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱぴ
(Those who rej ect Our Ayat are deaf and dumb in darkness.) due t o t heir ignorance, lit t le
knowledge and minut e comprehension. Their example is t hat of t he deaf-mut e who cannot
hear nor speak, as well as being blinded by darkness. Therefore, how can such a person find
guidance t o t he pat h or change t he condit ion he is in Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
ゅ∠ョ ∇れ¬∠ ゅ∠ッぺ∠ べzヨヤ∠プ∠ や⇔ケゅ∠ル ギ∠ ホ∠ ∇ヲわ∠ ∇シや ン͡グャzや モ
͡ ん∠ ヨ∠ ミ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤ⊥ん∠ ョ∠ ぴ
z ろ
∃ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ニ
⊥ ヶ͡プ ∇ユヰ⊥ ミ∠ ゲ∠ ゎ∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユワ͡ ケ͡ ヲ⊥レよ͡ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや ょ
∠ ワ∠ ク∠ ヮ⊥ ャ∠∇ヲェ
∠ ヲ⊥バィ
͡ ∇ゲΑ∠ Ι
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ プ∠ ∀ヴ∇ヨハ
⊥ ∀ユ∇ムよ⊥ ユx タ
⊥ - ∠ラヱ⊥ゲ͡ダ∇らΑ⊥
(Their parable is t hat of one who kindled a fire; t hen, when it illuminat ed all around him, Allah
t ook away t heir light and left t hem in darkness. (So) t hey could not see. They are deaf, dumb,
and blind, so t hey ret urn not (t o t he right pat h)) 2:17-18 , and,
ヮ͡ ホ͡ ∇ヲプ∠ リあョ ∀ァ∇ヲ∠ョ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠ゼ∇ピ∠Α ヴ
あ ャぁ ゲ∃ ∇エよ∠ ヴ͡プ ろ
∃ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
⊥ ミ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
∠ ∇ヲプ∠ ゅ∠ヰツ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ∀ろ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ニ
⊥ ∀ゆゅ∠エ∠シ ヮ͡ ホ͡ ∇ヲプ∠ リあョ ∀ァ∇ヲ∠ョ
͡ バ∠ ∇イΑ∠ ∇ユャz リ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ∠ワや∠ゲΑ∠ ∇ギム∠ Α∠ ∇ユャ∠ ロ⊥ ギ∠ Α∠ ァ
∠ ゲ∠ ∇カぺ∠ へ∠クま͡ ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠
び ケ∃ ヲ⊥ル リ͡ョ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠ヨプ∠ や⇔ケヲ⊥ル ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや
(Or like t he darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed wit h a great wave t opped by a great
wave, t opped by dark clouds, darkness, one above anot her, if a man st ret ches out his hand, he
can hardly see it ! And he for whom Allah has not appoint ed light , for him t here is no light . )
24:40 This is why Allah said here,
∠ ヮ⊥ ∇ヤバ∠ ∇イΑ∠ ∇ほゼ
∠ Α∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ∇ヤヤ͡∇ツΑ⊥ ヮ⊥ zヤャや み͡ゼ
∠ Α∠ リ∠ョぴ
びユ∃ Β͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョぁ ヅ
∃ ゲ∠ タ
(Allah sends ast ray whom He wills and He guides on t he st raight pat h whom He wills.) for He
does what He wills wit h His creat ures.
る⊥ ハ
∠ ゅジ
z ャや ∇ユム⊥ ∇わゎ∠ ぺ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゆ
⊥ や∠グハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠ゎぺ∠ ∇ラま͡ ユ⊥ムわ⊥ ∇Αぺ∠ケ∠ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
ヮ⊥ ⇒zΑま͡ ∇モよ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡ホギ͡ ⇒∠タ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ラ͡ま ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギゎ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ぺ∠
∠ ∇ヲジ
∠ レ∠ゎヱ∠ ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ラま͡ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギゎ∠ ゅ∠ョ ブ
⊥ ゼ
͡ ∇ムΒ∠ プ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギゎ∠
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リあョ ユ∃ ョ∠ ぺ⊥ ヴ∠ャま͡ べ∠レヤ∠シ∇ケぺ∠ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ゅ∠ョ
∠ ヲ⊥ハゲz ツ
∠ わ∠ Α∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ ͡¬へzゲツ
z ャや∠ヱ ͡¬べ∠シ∇ほ∠ら∇ャゅ͡よ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠ル∇グカ
∠ ほ∠プ∠
∠ ホ∠ リ͡ム⇒∠ャヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ハゲz ツ
∠ ゎ∠ ゅ∠レシ
⊥ ∇ほよ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇クま͡ Ι∇ヲヤ∠プ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヨ∠ ∇バΑ∠ や∂ヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョ リ
⊥ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ャ∠ リ
∠ Αz コ∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ よ⊥ ヲ⊥ヤホ⊥
あモミ⊥ ゆ
∠ や∠ヲ∇よぺ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇エわ∠ プ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲミあ ク⊥ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ジル∠ ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠
る⇔ わ∠ ∇ピよ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠ル∇グカ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ゎヱ⊥ぺ べ∠ヨよ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ェゲ͡ プ∠ や∠クま͡ ヴzわェ
∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや ゲ⊥ よ͡ や∠キ ノ∠ ト
͡ ボ⊥ プ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ジヤ͡∇らョぁ ∇ユワ⊥ や∠クみ͡プ∠
∠ Β͡ヨヤ∠⇒∠バ∇ャや ゆ
あ ケ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャ ギ⊥ ∇ヨエ
∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ
(40. Say: "Tell me if Allah's t orment comes upon you, or t he Hour comes upon you, would you
t hen call upon any one ot her t han Allah (Reply) if you are t rut hful!'') (41. Nay! To Him alone
you call, and, if He willed, He would remove t hat (dist ress) for which you call upon Him, and
you forget at t hat t ime what ever part ners you j oined wit h Him (in worship)!) (42. Verily, We
sent (Messengers) t o many nat ions before you. And We seized t hem wit h ext reme povert y and
loss of healt h so t hat t hey might believe wit h humilit y.) (43. When Our t orment reached t hem,
why t hen did t hey not believe wit h humilit y But t heir heart s became hardened, and Shayt an
made fair-seeming t o t hem t hat which t hey used t o do.) (44. So, when t hey forgot (t he
warning) wit h which t hey had been reminded, We opened t o t hem t he gat es of every (pleasant )
t hing, unt il in t he midst of t heir enj oyment in t hat which t hey were given, all of a sudden, We
t ook t hem t o punishment , and lo! They were plunged int o dest ruct ion wit h deep regret s and
sorrows.) (45. So t he root s of t he people who did wrong were cut off. And all t he praises and
t hanks be t o Allah, t he Lord of t he all t hat exist s.)
The Idolators Call On Allah Alone During Torment and Distress
Allah st at es t hat He does what He wills wit h His creat ures and none can resist His decision or
avert what He decrees for t hem. He is t he One Who has no part ners, Who accept s t he
supplicat ion from whomever He wills. Allah said,
る⊥ ハ
∠ ゅzジャや ∇ユム⊥ ∇わゎ∠ ぺ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゆ
⊥ や∠グハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠ゎぺ∠ ∇ラま͡ ユ⊥ムわ⊥ ∇Αぺ∠ケ∠ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
∠ Β͡ホギ͡ ⇒∠タ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ラ͡ま ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギゎ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ぺ∠
(Say: "Tell me if Allah's t orment comes upon you, or t he Hour comes upon you, would you t hen
call upon any one ot her t han Allah (Reply) if you are t rut hful!'') This means, you -- disbelievers
-- will not call ot her t han Allah in t his case, because you know t hat none except He is able t o
remove t he afflict ion. Allah said,
∠ Β͡ホギ͡ ⇒∠タ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ラ͡まぴ
(if you are t rut hful) by t aking gods besides Him.
¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ラま͡ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギゎ∠ ゅ∠ョ ブ
⊥ ゼ
͡ ∇ムΒ∠ プ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギゎ∠ ヮ⊥ ⇒zΑま͡ ∇モよ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ゅ∠ョ ラ
∠ ∇ヲジ
∠ レ∠ゎヱ∠
(Nay! To Him alone you call, and, if He willed, He would remove t hat (dist ress) for which you
call upon Him, and you forget at t hat t ime what ever part ners you j oined wit h Him (in
worship)!) for in t imes of necessit y, you only call on Allah and forget your idols and false
deit ies. In anot her Ayah, Allah said;
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギゎ∠ リ∠ョ モ
∠ ゲ͡ ∇エら∠ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ ゲぁ ツ
ぁ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ zジョ∠ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
びロ⊥ ゅzΑま͡ Ι
∠ ま͡
(And when harm t ouches you upon t he sea, t hose t hat you call upon besides Him vanish from
you except Him (Allah)) 17:67 . Allah said;
∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠ル∇グカ
∠ ほ∠プ∠ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リあョ ユ∃ ョ∠ ぺ⊥ ヴ∠ャま͡ べ∠レヤ∠シ∇ケぺ∠ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
び¬͡ べ∠シ∇ほら∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ
(Verily, We sent (Messengers) t o many nat ions before you. And We seized t hem wit h ext reme
povert y...) That is, loss of wealt h and diminished provisions,
び¬͡ へzゲツ
z ャや∠ヱぴ
(and loss of healt h) various illnesses, diseases and pain,
∠ ヲ⊥ハゲz ツ
∠ わ∠ Α∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ぴ
(so t hat t hey might believe wit h humilit y) and call Allah and supplicat e t o Him wit h humbleness
and humilit y. Allah said;
び∇やヲ⊥ハゲz ツ
∠ ゎ∠ ゅ∠レシ
⊥ ∇ほよ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇クま͡ Ι∇ヲヤ∠プ∠ ぴ
(When Our t orment reached t hem, why t hen did t hey not believe wit h humilit y) Meaning: Why
do t hey not believe and humble t hemselves before Us when We t est t hem wit h disast er'
び∇ユヰ⊥ よ⊥ ヲ⊥ヤホ⊥ ∇ろジ
∠ ホ∠ リ͡ム⇒∠ャヱ∠ ぴ
(But t heir heart s became hardened,) for t heir heart s are not soft or humble,
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヨ∠ ∇バΑ∠ や∂ヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョ リ
⊥ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ャ∠ リ
∠ Αz コ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and Shayt an made fair-seeming t o t hem t hat which t hey used t o do. ) That is, Shirk, defiance
and rebellion.
びヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲミあ ク⊥ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ジル∠ ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠ ぴ
(So, when t hey forgot (t he warning) wit h which t hey had been reminded,) by ignoring and
t urning away from it ,
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモミ⊥ ゆ
∠ や∠ヲ∇よぺ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇エわ∠ プ∠ ぴ
(We opened t o t hem t he gat es of everyt hing,) Meaning: ` We opened t he gat es of provisions for
t hem from wherever t hey wished, so t hat We deceive t hem.' We seek refuge wit h Allah from
such an end. This is why Allah said,
び∇やヲ⊥ゎヱ⊥ぺ べ∠ヨよ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ェゲ͡ プ∠ や∠クま͡ ヴzわェ
f(unt il in t he midst of t heir enj oyment in t hat which t hey were given,) such as wealt h, children
and provisions,
∠ ヲ⊥ジヤ͡∇らョぁ ∇ユワ⊥ や∠クみ͡プ∠ る⇔ わ∠ ∇ピよ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠ル∇グカ
∠ ぺ∠ぴ
(all of a sudden, We t ook t hem t o punishment and lo! They were plunged int o dest ruct ion wit h
deep regret s and sorrows.) They have no hope for any t ype of good t hing. Al-Hasan Al-Basri
said, "Whomever Allah gives provision and he t hinks t hat Allah is not t est ing him, has no
wisdom. Whomever has lit t le provision and t hinks t hat Allah will not look at (provide for) him,
has no wisdom.'' He t hen recit ed t he Ayah,
あモミ⊥ ゆ
∠ や∠ヲ∇よぺ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇エわ∠ プ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲミあ ク⊥ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ジル∠ ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠ ぴ
る⇔ わ∠ ∇ピよ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠ル∇グカ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ゎヱ⊥ぺ べ∠ヨよ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ェゲ͡ プ∠ や∠クま͡ ヴzわェ
∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ ヲ⊥ジヤ͡∇らョぁ ∇ユワ⊥ や∠クみ͡プ∠
(So, when t hey forgot (t he warning) wit h which t hey had been reminded, We opened t o t hem
t he gat es of every (pleasant ) t hing, unt il in t he midst of t heir enj oyment in t hat which t hey
were given, all of a sudden, We t ook t hem t o punishment , and lo! They were plunged int o
dest ruct ion wit h deep regret s and sorrows.) He added, "By t he Lord of t he Ka` bah! Allah
deceived t hese people, when He gave t hem what t hey wished, and t hen t hey were punished.''
Ibn Abi Hat im recorded t his st at ement .
ユ∠ わ∠ カ
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よぺ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ バ∠ ∇ヨシ
∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや グ∠ カ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇ラま͡ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇Αぺ∠ケ∠ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
⊥ ∇ルや ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ Β͡ゎ∇ほΑ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ⊥ ∇Βビ
∠ ∀ヮ⇒∠ャ͡ま ∇リョz ∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ヲ⊥ヤホ⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∇モホ⊥ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥プギ͡ ∇ダΑ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ zユを⊥ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
xや フ
⊥ あゲダ
∠ ル⊥ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠
∇モワ∠ り⇔ ゲ∠ ∇ヰィ
∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ る⇔ わ∠ ∇ピよ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゆ
⊥ や∠グハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠ゎぺ∠ ∇ラま͡ ∇ユム⊥ わ∠ ∇Αぺ∠ケ∠ ぺ∠
∠ Β͡ヤシ
∠ ∇ゲヨ⊥ ∇ャや モ
͡ ∇ゲル⊥ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ュ⊥ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや Ι
z ま͡ マ
⊥ ヤ∠∇ヰΑ⊥
∠ プ∠ ウ
∠ ヤ∠∇タぺ∠ヱ∠ リ
∠ ョ∠ や∠¬ ∇リヨ∠ プ∠ リ
∠ Α͡ケグ͡ レ⊥ョヱ∠ リ
∠ Α͡ゲゼ
あ ら∠ ョ⊥ Ι
z ま͡
∇やヲ⊥よグz ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱ - ラ
∠ ヲル⊥ ゴ∠ ∇エΑ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∀フ∇ヲ∠カ
∠ ヲ⊥ボジ
⊥ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨ͡よ ゆ
⊥ や∠グバ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ぁジヨ∠ Α∠ ゅ∠レわ͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡
(46. Say: "Tell me, if Allah t ook away your hearing and your sight , and sealed up your heart s, is
t here a god ot her t han Allah who could rest ore t hem t o you'' See how variously We explain t he
Ayat , yet t hey t urn aside.) (47. Say: "Tell me, if t he punishment of Allah comes t o you
suddenly, or openly, will any be dest royed except t he wrongdoing people'') (48. And We send
not t he Messengers but as givers of glad t idings and as warners. So whosoever believes and does
right eous good deeds, upon such shall come no fear, nor shall t hey grieve.) (49. But t hose who
rej ect Our Ayat , t he t orment will st rike t hem for t heir rebelling.) Allah said t o His Messenger,
say, O Muhammad , t o t hose rebellious liars,
び∇ユミ⊥ ゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よぺ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ バ∠ ∇ヨシ
∠ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや グ∠ カ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇ラま͡ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇Αぺ∠ケ∠ ぺ∠ぴ
(Tell me, if Allah t ook away your hearing and your sight .) j ust as He gave t hese senses t o you.
In anot her Ayah, Allah said;
びゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
x や∠ヱ ノ∠ ∇ヨジ
z ャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ャ∠ モ
∠ バ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ほ∠ゼ
∠ ル∠ぺ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ぴ
(It is He Who has creat ed you, and endowed you wit h hearing, seeing.) 67:23 . The Ayah
above might also mean t hat Allah will not allow t he disbelievers t o benefit from t hese senses in
religious t erms. This is why He said next ,
び∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ヲ⊥ヤホ⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ユ∠ わ∠ カ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and sealed up your heart s,.) He also said in ot her Ayat ,
びゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
x やヱ ノ∠ ∇ヨジ
z ャや マ
⊥ ヤ͡∇ヨΑ∠ リzョぺ∠ぴ
(Or who owns hearing and sight ) 10:31 , and,
びヮ͡ ら͡ ∇ヤホ∠ ヱ∠ ¬͡ ∇ゲヨ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ∇Βよ∠ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥エΑ∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヨヤ∠∇ハや∠ヱぴ
(And know t hat Allah comes in bet ween a person and his heart .) Allah said;
びヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ Β͡ゎ∇ほΑ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ⊥ ∇Βビ
∠ ∀ヮ⇒∠ャ͡ま ∇リョz ぴ
(Is t here a god ot her t han Allah who could rest ore t hem t o you) Meaning, is t here anyone
except Allah who is able t o give you back t hese senses if Allah t ook t hem from you Only Allah is
able t o do so, and t his is why He said here,
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
⊥ あゲダ
∠ ル⊥ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ∇ゲヌ
⊥ ∇ルやぴ
(See how variously We explain t he Ayat ,) and make t hem plain and clear, t est ifying t o Allah's
Oneness in lordship and t hat t hose worshipped besides Him are all false and unwort hy.
∠ ヲ⊥プギ͡ ∇ダΑ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ zユを⊥ ぴ
(yet t hey t urn aside.) Aft er t his explanat ion, t hey st ill t urn away from t he t rut h and hinder
people from following it . Allah's st at ement ,
びる⇔ わ∠ ∇ピよ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゆ
⊥ や∠グハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠ゎぺ∠ ∇ラま͡ ∇ユム⊥ わ∠ ∇Αぺ∠ケ∠ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Tell me, if t he punishment of Allah comes t o you suddenly...'') means, while you are
unaware -- or during t he night -- st riking you all of a sudden,
びり⇔ ゲ∠ ∇ヰィ
∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
(or openly) during t he day, or publicly,
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ュ⊥ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや Ι
z ま͡ マ
⊥ ヤ∠∇ヰΑ⊥ ∇モワ∠ ぴ
(will any be dest royed except t he wrongdoing people) This t orment only st rikes t hose who
commit inj ust ice against t hemselves by associat ing ot hers wit h Allah, while t hose who worship
Allah alone wit hout part ners will be saved from it , and t hey will have no fear or sorrow. In
anot her Ayah, Allah said;
びユ∃ ∇ヤヌ
⊥ よ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ ⇒∠ヨΑ͡ま ∇やヲ⊥ジら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzやぴ
(It is t hose who believe and confuse not t heir belief wit h Zulm, (wrong or Shirk).) 6:82 Allah's
st at ement ,
∠ Α͡ケグ͡ レ⊥ョヱ∠ リ
∠ Α͡ゲゼ
あ ら∠ ョ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ リ
∠ Β͡ヤシ
∠ ∇ゲヨ⊥ ∇ャや モ
͡ ∇ゲル⊥ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(And We send not t he Messengers but as bearers of glad t idings and as warners.) means, t he
Messengers bring good news t o Allah's servant s, as well as, command all t hat is good and
right eous. They also warn t hose who disbelieve in Allah of His anger and of all t ypes of
t orment . Allah said,
∠ ヤ∠∇タぺ∠ヱ∠ リ
∠ ョ∠ や∠¬ ∇リヨ∠ プ∠ ぴ
(So whosoever believes and does right eous good deeds.) meaning, whoever believes in his heart
wit h what t he Messengers were sent wit h and makes his works right eous by imit at ing t hem;
び∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∀フ∇ヲ∠カ Κ
∠ プ∠ ぴ
(upon such shall come no fear,) concerning t he fut ure,
∠ ヲ⊥ルゴ∠ ∇エΑ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(nor shall t hey grieve.) about what t hey missed in t he past and left behind t hem in t his world.
Cert ainly, Allah will be t he Wali and Prot ect or over what t hey left behind. Allah said next ,
∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ゆ
⊥ や∠グバ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ぁジヨ∠ Α∠ ゅ∠レわ͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥よグz ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ボジ
⊥ ∇ヘΑ∠
(But t hose who rej ect Our Ayat , t he t orment will st rike t hem for t heir rebelling.) The t orment
will st rike t hem because of disbelieving in t he Message of t he Messengers, defying Allah's
commands, commit t ing what He prohibit ed and t ransgressing His set limit s.
ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ Ι∠ヱ ヮ͡ ヤzャや リ
⊥ も͡ へ∠ゴカ
∠ ン͡ギレ͡ハ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ホぺ∠ Ι
z モ⊥ホぴ
ゅ∠ョ Ι
z ま͡ ノ⊥ ら͡ ゎz ぺ∠ ∇ラま͡ マ
∀ ヤ∠ョ∠ ヴあルま͡ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ホぺ∠ Ι∠ヱ ょ
∠ ∇Βピ∠ ∇ャや
∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ ゲ⊥ Β͡ダら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ヴ∠ヨ∇ハΙ
x や ン͡ヲ∠わ∇ジ∠Α ∇モワ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ヴ∠ェヲ⊥Α
∠ ∇エΑ⊥ ラ∠ぺ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥プゅ∠ガΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ケグ͡ ル∠ぺヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲムz ヘ∠ わ∠ ゎ∠
∀ノΒ͡ヘ∠セ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ヴ
x ャ͡ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ル͡ ヱ⊥キ リョあ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡
∇ユヰ⊥ よz ケ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや キ͡ ゲ⊥ ∇トゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ボわz Α∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤz∠バャz
∇リョ͡ マ
∠ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ヮ⊥ ヰ∠ ∇ィヱ∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギΑ͡ゲΑ⊥ ヴ
͡ バ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ り͡ や∠ギピ∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ
リあョ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ マ
∠ よ͡ ゅ∠ジェ
͡ ∇リョ͡ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リあョ ユ͡ヰよ͡ ゅ∠ジェ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ミヱ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ムわ∠ プ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ キ∠ ゲ⊥ ∇トわ∠ プ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
ヮ⊥ zヤャや リ
z ョ∠ ¬͡ Ι⊥ぽ⇒∠ワぺ∠ ∇やヲャヲ⊥ボΒ∠ ャあ ヂ
∃ ∇バら∠ よ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ツ
∠ ∇バよ∠ ゅzレわ∠ プ∠
- リ
∠ Α͡ゲム͡ ⇒zゼャゅ͡よ ユ∠ ヤ∠∇ハほ∠よ͡ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ぺ∠ べ∠レレ͡ ∇Βよ∠ リあョ ユ͡ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∀ユ⇒∠ヤシ
∠ ∇モボ⊥ プ∠ ゅ∠レわ͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ポ
∠ ¬∠ べ∠ィ や∠ク͡ま∠ヱ
∇ユム⊥ レ͡ョ モ
∠ ヨ͡ ハ
∠ リ∠ョ ヮ⊥ zルぺ∠ る∠ ヨ∠ ∇ェゲz ャや ヮ͡ ジ
͡ ∇ヘル∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ よぁ ケ∠ ょ
∠ わ∠ ミ∠
ヮ⊥ ルz ほ∠プ∠ ウ
∠ ヤ∠∇タぺ∠ヱ∠ ロ͡ ギ͡ ∇バよ∠ リ͡ョ ゆ
∠ ゅ∠ゎ zユを⊥ る∃ ャ∠ゅ∠ヰイ
∠ よ͡ や⇔¬ヲ⊥シ
び ∀ユΒ͡ェケz ∀ケヲ⊥ヘ∠ビ
(50. Say: "I don't t ell you t hat wit h me are t he t reasures of Allah, nor (t hat ) I know t he Unseen;
nor do I t ell you t hat I am an angel. I but follow what is revealed t o me.'' Say: "Are t he blind
and t he one who sees equal Will you not t hen consider'') (51. And warn t herewit h t hose who
fear t hat t hey will be gat hered before t heir Lord, when t here will be neit her a prot ect or nor an
int ercessor for t hem besides Him, so t hat t hey may have Taqwa.) (52. And t urn not away t hose
who invoke t heir Lord, morning and evening seeking His Face. You are account able for t hem in
not hing, and t hey are account able for you in not hing, t hat you may t urn t hem away, and t hus
become of t he wrongdoers.) (53. Thus We have t ried some of t hem wit h ot hers, t hat t hey
might say: "Is it t hese (poor believers) t hat Allah has favored from amongst us'' Does not Allah
know best t hose who are grat eful) (54. When t hose who believe in Our Ayat come t o you, say:
"Salamun ` Alaykum'' (peace be on you); your Lord has writ t en mercy for Himself, so t hat , if any
of you does evil in ignorance, and t hereaft er repent s and does right eous good deeds, t hen
surely, He is Oft -Forgiving, Most Merciful.)
The Messenger Neither has the Key to Allah's Treasures, Nor Knows
the Unseen
Allah said t o His Messenger ,
びヮ͡ ヤzャや リ
⊥ も͡ へ∠ゴカ
∠ ン͡ギレ͡ハ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ホぺ∠ Ι
z モ⊥ホぴ
(Say: "I don't t ell you t hat wit h me are t he t reasures of Allah.'') meaning, I do not own Allah's
t reasures or have any power over t hem,
∠ ∇Βピ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ Ι∠ヱぴ
(nor (t hat ) I know t he Unseen,) and I do not say t hat I know t he Unseen, because it s knowledge
is wit h Allah and I only know what He conveys of it t o me.
∀ ヤ∠ョ∠ ヴあルま͡ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ホぺ∠ Ι∠ヱぴ
(nor I t ell you t hat I am an angel.) meaning, I do not claim t hat I am an angel. I am only a
human t o whom Allah sends revelat ion, and He honored me wit h t his dut y and favored me wit h
it .
z ャ∠ま͡ ヴ∠ェヲ⊥Α ゅ∠ョ Ι
z ま͡ ノ⊥ ら͡ ゎz ぺ∠ ∇ラま͡ぴ
(I but follow what is revealed t o me.) and I never disobey t he revelat ion in t he least .
びゲ⊥ Β͡ダら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ヴ∠ヨ∇ハΙ
x や ン͡ヲ∠わ∇ジ∠Α ∇モワ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Are t he blind and t he one who sees equal'') meaning, ` Is t he one who is guided, following
t he t rut h, equal t o t he one misled'
∠ ヱ⊥ゲムz ヘ∠ わ∠ ゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ぴ
(Will you not t hen consider) In anot her Ayah, Allah said;
∇リヨ∠ ミ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャや マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ リ͡ョ マ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ メ
∠ ゴ͡ ル⊥ぺ べ∠ヨルz ぺ∠ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ リ∠ヨ∠プ∠ぺぴ
͡ ⇒∠ら∇ャΕ
∠ や ∇やヲ⊥ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ ゲ⊥ ミz グ∠ わ∠ Α∠ ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ ヴ∠ヨ∇ハぺ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥
(Shall he t hen who knows t hat what has been revealed t o you from your Lord is t he t rut h, be
like him who is blind But it is only t he men of underst anding t hat pay heed.) 13:19 Allah's
st at ement ,
∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲゼ
∠ ∇エΑ⊥ ラ∠ぺ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥プゅ∠ガΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ケグ͡ ル∠ぺヱ∠ ぴ
び∀ノΒ͡ヘ∠セ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ヴ
x ャ͡ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ル͡ ヱ⊥キ リあョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠
(And warn t herewit h t hose who fear t hat t hey will be gat hered before t heir Lord, when t here
will be neit her a prot ect or nor an int ercessor for t hem besides Him,) means, warn wit h t his
Qur'an, O Muhammad ,
∠ ヲ⊥ボヘ͡ ∇ゼョぁ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ る͡ Β∇ゼカ
∠ ∇リョあ ユ⊥ワ リ
∠ Α͡グャzやぴ
(Those who live in awe for fear of t heir Lord) 23:57 , who,
͡ ゅ∠ジエ
͡ ャや ¬∠ ヲ⊥シ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥プゅ∠ガΑ∠ ヲ∠ ヨ⊥ヰよz ケ∠ ラ
∠ ∇ヲゼ
∠ ∇ガΑ∠ ぴ
(Fear t heir Lord, and dread t he t errible reckoning.) 13:21 ,
び∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲゼ
∠ ∇エΑ⊥ ラ∠ぺ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥プゅ∠ガΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzやぴ
(t hose who fear t hat t hey will be gat hered before t heir Lord,) on t he Day of Resurrect ion,
び∀ノΒ͡ヘ∠セ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ヴ
x ャ͡ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ル͡ ヱ⊥キ リあョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ぴ
(when t here will be neit her a prot ect or nor an int ercessor for t hem besides Him, ) for on t hat
Day, t hey will have no relat ive or int ercessor who can prevent His t orment if He decides t o
punish t hem wit h it ,
∠ ヲ⊥ボわz Α∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ぴ
(so t hat t hey may have Taqwa.) Therefore, warn of t he Day when t here will be no j udge except
∠ ヲ⊥ボわz Α∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ぴ
(so t hat t hey may have Taqwa.) and t hus work good deeds in t his life, so t hat t heir good deeds
may save t hem on t he Day of Resurrect ion from Allah's t orment , and so t hat He will grant t hem
mult iple rewards.
Prohibiting the Messenger from Turning the Weak Away and the
Order to Honor Them
Allah said,
͡ バ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ り͡ や∠ギピ∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ ∇ユヰ⊥ よz ケ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや キ͡ ゲ⊥ ∇トゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
びヮ⊥ ヰ∠ ∇ィヱ∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギΑ͡ゲΑ⊥
(And t urn not away t hose who invoke t heir Lord, morning and evening seeking His Face.)
meaning, do not t urn away t hose who have t hese qualit ies, inst ead make t hem your
companions and associat es. In anot her Ayah, Allah said;
り͡ や∠ギピ∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ ユ⊥ヰよz ケ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ノ∠ ョ∠ マ
∠ ∇ヘル∠ ∇ゲら͡ ∇タや∠ヱぴ
∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ポ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇Βハ
∠ ギ⊥ ∇バゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ヰ∠ ∇ィヱ∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギΑ͡ゲΑ⊥ ヴ
͡ バ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ
ヮ⊥ ら∠ ∇ヤホ∠ ゅ∠レ∇ヤヘ∠ ∇ビぺ∠ ∇リョ∠ ∇ノト
͡ ゎ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや り͡ ヲ∠Βエ
∠ ∇ャや る∠ レ∠ Α͡コ ギ⊥ Α͡ゲゎ⊥
び ゅ⇔デゲ⊥ プ⊥ ロ⊥ ゲ⊥ ∇ョぺ∠ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミヱ∠ ロ⊥ や∠ヲワ∠ ノ∠ ら∠ ゎz や∠ヱ ゅ∠ルゲ͡ ∇ミク͡ リ∠ハ
(And keep yourself pat ient ly wit h t hose who call on t heir Lord morning and evening, seeking His
Face, and let not your eyes overlook t hem, desiring t he pomp and glit t er of t he life of t he
world; and obey not him whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance, one who
follows his own lust s and whose affair (deeds) has been lost .) 18:28 Allah's st at ement ,
び∇ユヰ⊥ よz ケ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギΑ∠ ぴ
(invoke t heir Lord...) refers t o t hose who worship Him and supplicat e t o Him,
͡ バ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ り͡ や∠ギピ∠ ∇ャゅ͡よぴ
(morning and evening.) referring t o t he obligat ory prayers, according t o Sa` id bin Al-Musayyib,
Muj ahid, Al-Hasan and Qat adah. In anot her Ayah, Allah said;
び∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ∇ょイ
͡ わ∠ ∇シぺ∠ ヴ͡ルヲ⊥ハ∇キや ∇ユ⇒⊥ムよぁ ケ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
(And your Lord said, "Invoke Me, I will respond (t o your invocat ion).'') 40:60 , I will accept
your supplicat ion. Allah said next ,
びヮ⊥ ヰ∠ ∇ィヱ∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギΑ͡ゲΑ⊥ ぴ
(seeking His Face.) meaning, t hey seek Allah's Most Generous Face, by sincerit y for Him in t he
act s of worship and obedience t hey perform. Allah said;
∠ よ͡ ゅ∠ジェ
͡ ∇リョ͡ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リあョ ユ͡ヰよ͡ ゅ∠ジェ
͡ ∇リョ͡ マ
∠ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠ョぴ
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リあョ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
(You are account able for t hem in not hing, and t hey are account able for you in not hing,) This is
similar t o t he answer Nuh gave t o his people when t hey said,
∠ ヲ⊥ャク∠ ∇ケΙ
∠ バ∠ ら∠ ゎz や∠ヱ マ
∠ ャ∠ リ
⊥ ョ͡ ∇ぽル⊥ ぺ∠ぴ
(Shall we believe in you, when t he meekest (of t he people) follow you'')
answered t hem,
26:111 . Nuh
∇ユヰ⊥ よ⊥ ゅ∠ジェ
͡ ∇ラま͡ - ∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠Α ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ヴ͡ヨ∇ヤ͡ハ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲバ⊥ ∇ゼゎ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ ヴあよケ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ Ι
z ま͡
(And what knowledge have I of what t hey used t o do Their account is only wit h my Lord, if you
could (but ) know.) 26:112-113 , meaning, t heir reckoning is for Allah not me, j ust as my
reckoning is not up t o t hem. Allah said here,
び∠リΒ͡ヨ͡ヤ⇒zヌャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ムわ∠ プ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ キ∠ ゲ⊥ ∇トわ∠ プ∠ ぴ
(t hat you may t urn t hem away, and t hus become of t he wrongdoers.) meaning, you will be
unj ust if you t urn t hem away. Allah's st at ement ,
∃ ∇バら∠ よ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ツ
∠ ∇バよ∠ ゅzレわ∠ プ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ミヱ∠ ぴ
(Thus We have t ried some of t hem wit h ot hers) means, We t est ed, t ried and checked t hem
wit h each ot her,
びべ∠レレ͡ ∇Βよ∠ リあョ ユ͡ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや リ
z ョ∠ ¬͡ Ι⊥ぽ⇒∠ワぺ∠ ∇やヲャヲ⊥ボΒ∠ ャあぴ
(That t hey might say: "Is it t hese (poor believers) t hat Allah has favored from amongst us'') This
is because at first , most of t hose who followed t he Messenger of Allah were t he weak among
t he people, men, women, slaves, and only a few chiefs or not ed men followed him. Nuh, was
also addressed by his people
∠ キ͡ ゅ∠よ ゅ∠レャ⊥ク͡ や∠ケぺ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや Ι
z ま͡ マ
∠ バ∠ ら∠ ゎz や ポ
∠ や∠ゲル∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
びン∇ぺゲz ャや
(Nor do we see any follow you but t he meekest among us and t hey (t oo) followed you wit hout
t hinking.) 11:27 KHeraclius, emperor of Rome, asked Abu Sufyan, "Do t he noblemen or t he
weak among people follow him (Muhammad )'' Abu Sufyan replied, "Rat her t he weak among
t hem.'' Heraclius comment ed, "Such is t he case wit h followers of t he Messengers.'' The idolat ors
of Quraysh used t o mock t he weak among t hem who believed in t he Prophet and t hey even
t ort ured some of t hem. They used t o say, "Are t hese t he ones whom Allah favored above us,''
meaning, Allah would not guide t hese people, inst ead of us, t o all t hat is good, if indeed what
t hey embraced is good. Allah ment ioned similar st at ement s in t he Qur'an from t he disbelievers,
びヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ べ∠ルヲ⊥ボら∠ シ
∠ ゅzョ や⇔ゲ∇Βカ
∠ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ∇ヲャ∠ぴ
(Had it been a good t hing, t hey (weak and poor) would not have preceded us t o it !) 46:11 ,
∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ろ
∃ ⇒∠レΒあ よ͡ ゅ∠レわ⊥ ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヴ∠ヤ∇わゎ⊥ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ∇ェぺ∠ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ョゅ∠ボョz ∀ゲ∇Β∠カ リ
͡ ∇Βボ∠ Α͡ゲヘ∠ ∇ャや ン
ぁ ぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャ͡
び ゅ⇔Α∂ ギ͡ ル∠
(And when Our clear verses are recit ed t o t hem, t hose who disbelieve say t o t hose who
believe: "Which of t he t wo groups is best in posit ion and st at ion.'') 19:73 Allah said in reply,
ゅ⇔をゅ∠をぺ∠ リ
∠ ∇ェぺ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ラ
∃ ∇ゲホ∠ リあョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤ∠∇らホ∠ ゅ∠レ∇ムヤ∠∇ワぺ∠ ∇ユミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
び ゅ⇔Α∇¬ケ͡ ヱ∠
(And how many a generat ion (past nat ions) have We dest royed before t hem, who were bet t er
in wealt h, goods and out ward appearance) 19:74 . Here, Allah answered t he disbelievers
when t hey said,
ユ∠ ヤ∠∇ハほ∠よ͡ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ぺ∠ べ∠レレ͡ ∇Βよ∠ リあョ ユ͡ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや リ
z ョ∠ ¬͡ Ι⊥ぽ⇒∠ワぺ∠ぴ
∠ Α͡ゲム͡ ⇒zゼャゅ͡よ
("Is it t hese (poor believers) t hat Allah has favored from amongst us'' Does not Allah know best
t hose who are grat eful) Meaning is not Allah more knowledgeable of t hose who t hank and
appreciat e Him in st at ement , act ion and heart Thus Allah direct s t hese believers t o t he ways of
peace, t ransfers t hem from darkness t o light by His leave, and guides t hem t o t he st raight
pat h. In anot her Ayah, Allah said;
ノ∠ ヨ∠ ャ∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ ゅ∠レヤ∠ら⊥ シ
⊥ ∇ユヰ⊥ レz Α∠ ギ͡ ∇ヰレ∠ ャ∠ ゅ∠レΒ͡プ ∇やヱ⊥ギヰ∠ ⇒∠ィ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱぴ
∠ Β͡レジ
͡ ∇エヨ⊥ ∇ャや
(As for t hose who st rive hard for Us (Our cause), We will surely guide t hem t o Our pat hs (i.e.
Allah's religion). And verily, Allah is wit h t he doers of good'') 29:69 . An aut hent ic Hadit h
st at es,
∩∇ユム⊥ ル͡ や∠ヲ∇ャぺ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ゅ∠ャヱ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ケ͡ ヲ∠ タ
⊥ ヴ∠ャま͡ ゲ⊥ ヌ
⊥ ∇レΑ∠ ゅ∠ャ ぶ
∠ やラ
z ま͡»
«ユ⊥ムャ͡ゅ∠ヨ∇ハぺ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ヲ⊥ヤホ⊥ ヴ∠ャま͡ ゲ⊥ ヌ
⊥ ∇レΑ∠ ∇リム͡ ャ∠ヱ∠
(Allah does not look at your shapes or colors, but He looks at your heart and act ions.) Allah's
st at ement ,
∠ ∇モボ⊥ プ∠ ゅ∠レわ͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ポ
∠ ¬∠ べ∠ィ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
び∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
(When t hose who believe in Our Ayat come t o you, say: "Salamun ` Alaykum'' (peace be on
you);) means, honor t hem by ret urning t he Salam and give t hem t he good news of Allah's
exclusive, encompassing mercy for t hem. So Allah said;
びる∠ ヨ∠ ∇ェゲz ャや ヮ͡ ジ
͡ ∇ヘル∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ よぁ ケ∠ ょ
∠ わ∠ ミ∠ ぴ
(your Lord has writ t en Mercy for Himself,) meaning, He has obliged His Most Honored Self t o
grant mercy, as a favor, out of His compassion and beneficence,
びる∃ ャ∠ゅ∠ヰイ
∠ よ͡ や⇔¬ヲ⊥シ ∇ユム⊥ レ͡ョ モ
∠ ヨ͡ ハ
∠ リ∠ョ ヮ⊥ zルぺ∠ぴ
(So t hat , if any of you does evil in ignorance...) as every person who disobeys Allah does it in
∠ ヤ∠∇タぺ∠ヱ∠ ロ͡ ギ͡ ∇バよ∠ リ͡ョ ゆ
∠ ゅ∠ゎ zユを⊥ ぴ
(and t hereaft er repent s and does right eous good deeds,) by repent ing from t he sins t hat he
commit t ed, int ending not t o repeat t he sin in t he fut ure, but t o perform right eous deeds,
び∀ユΒ͡ェケz ∀ケヲ⊥ヘ∠ビ ヮ⊥ ルz ほ∠プ∠ ぴ
(t hen surely, He is Oft -Forgiving Most Merciful.) Imam Ahmad recorded t hat Abu Hurayrah said
t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
ロ⊥ ギ∠ ∇レハ
͡ ヲ∠ ヰ⊥ プ∠ ゆ
∃ ゅ∠わミ͡ ヶ͡プ ょ
∠ わ∠ ミ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ヤガ
∠ ∇ャや ぶ
⊥ や ヴ∠ツホ∠ ゅzヨャ∠»
∠ ビ
∠ ∇ろら∠ ヤ∠ビ
∠ ヶ͡わヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ :ス
͡ ∇ゲバ∠ ∇ャや ベ
∠ ∇ヲプ∠
(When Allah finished wit h t he creat ion, He wrot e in a Book t hat He has wit h Him above t he
Throne, ` My mercy prevails over My anger'.) This Hadit h was also recorded in t he The Two
⊥ Β͡らシ
∠ リ
∠ Β͡らわ∠ ∇ジわ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
xや モ
⊥ あダヘ∠ ル マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギゎ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ギ∠ ら⊥ ∇ハぺ∠ ∇ラぺ∠ ろ
⊥ Β͡ヰル⊥ ヴあルま͡ ∇モホ⊥ - リ
∠ Β͡ョゲ͡ ∇イヨ⊥ ∇ャや
や⇔ク͡ま ろ
⊥ ∇ヤヤ∠ッ
∠ ∇ギホ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ¬∠ へ∠ヲ∇ワぺ∠ ノ⊥ ら͡ ゎz ぺ∠ Ι
z ∇モホ⊥ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ
リあョ る∃ レ∠ Βあ よ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヴあルま͡ ∇モホ⊥ - リ
∠ Α͡ギわ∠ ∇ヰヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ べ∠ョヱ∠
͡ ま͡ ヮ͡ よ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤイ
͡ ∇バわ∠ ∇ジゎ∠ ゅ∠ョ ン͡ギレ͡ハ ゅ∠ョ ヮ͡ よ͡ ユ⊥わ∇よグz ミ∠ ヱ∠ ヴあよケz
∠ Β͡ヤダ
͡ ⇒∠ヘ∇ャや ゲ⊥ ∇Βカ
∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャや ぁゾボ⊥ Α∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャ Ι
z ま͡ ユ⊥ ∇ムエ
⊥ ∇ャや
ゲ⊥ ∇ョΙ
͡ ボ⊥ ャ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤイ
͡ ∇バわ∠ ∇ジゎ∠ ゅ∠ョ ン͡ギレ͡ハ ラ
z ぺ∠ ∇ヲャz モ⊥ホ
⊥ ゎ͡ ゅ∠ヘョ∠ ロ⊥ ギ∠ レ͡ハヱ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャゅ͡よ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや∠ヱ ∇ユム⊥ レ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ヱ∠ ヴ͡レ∇Βよ∠
ゲあ ら∠ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ ゅ∠ョ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ べ∠ヰヨ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ Ι
∠ ょ
͡ ∇Βピ∠ ∇ャや
る∃ らz ェ
∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰヨ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ Ι
z ま͡ る∃ ホ∠ ケ∠ ヱ∠ リ͡ョ テ
⊥ ボ⊥ ∇ジゎ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゲ͡ ∇エら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ
ヴ͡プ Ι
z ま͡ ザ
∃ よ͡ ゅ∠Α Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ょ
∃ ∇デケ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ニ
⊥ ヴ͡プ
∃ Β͡らョぁ ょ
∃ ⇒∠わミ͡
(55. And t hus do We explain t he Ayat in det ail, t hat t he way of t he criminals, may become
manifest .) (56. Say: "I have been forbidden t o worship t hose whom you invoke (worship)
besides Allah.'' Say: "I will not follow your vain desires. If I did, I would go ast ray, and I would
not be one of t he right ly guided.'') (57. Say: "I am on clear proof from my Lord, but you deny it .
I do not have what you are hast ily seeking (t he t orment ). The decision is only for Allah, He
declares t he t rut h, and He is t he best of j udges.'') (58. Say: "If I had t hat which you are asking
for impat ient ly (t he t orment ), t he mat t er would have been set t led at once bet ween you and I,
but Allah knows best t he wrongdoers.'') (59. And wit h Him are t he keys of t he Ghayb (all t hat is
hidden), none knows t hem but He. And He knows what ever t here is on t he land and in t he sea;
not a leaf falls, but he knows it . There is not a grain in t he darkness of t he eart h nor anyt hing
fresh or dry, but is writ t en in a Clear Record.)
The Prophet Understands What He Conveys; Torment is in Allah's
Hands Not the Prophet's
Allah says, j ust as We ment ioned t he clear signs t hat t est ify and direct t o t he pat h of guidance,
all t he while chast ising useless argument s and defiance,
͡ ⇒∠ΑΓや モ
⊥ あダヘ∠ ル⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ミぴ
(And t hus do We explain t he Ayat in det ail,) t hat is, what ever responsible adult s need
explained t o t hem, in t he affairs of life and religion,
∠ Β͡ョゲ͡ ∇イヨ⊥ ∇ャや モ
⊥ Β͡らシ
∠ リ
∠ Β͡らわ∠ ∇ジわ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(That t he way of t he criminals may become manifest .) so t hat t he pat h of t he criminals who
defy t he Prophet s is apparent and clear. This Ayah was also said t o mean, so t hat you, O
Muhammad , are aware of t he pat h of t he criminals. Allah's st at ement ,
びヴあよケz リあョ る∃ レ∠ Βあ よ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヴあルま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "I am on clear proof from my Lord...'') means: I have a clear underst anding of t he Law of
Allah t hat He has revealed t o me,
びヮ͡ よ͡ ユ⊥わ∇よグz ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(but you deny it .) meaning, but you disbelieve in t he t rut h t hat came t o me from Allah.
びヮ͡ よ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤイ
͡ ∇バわ∠ ∇ジゎ∠ ゅ∠ョ ン͡ギレ͡ハ ゅ∠ョぴ
(I do not have what you are hast ily seeking) meaning, t he t orment ,
びヮ͡ ヤzャ Ι
z ま͡ ユ⊥ ∇ムエ
⊥ ∇ャや ラ
͡ ま͡ぴ
(The decision is only for Allah,) for t he ruling of t his is wit h Allah. If He wills, He will punish
you soon in response t o your wish! If He wills, He will give you respit e, out of His great wisdom.
This is why Allah said,
∠ Β͡ヤダ
͡ ⇒∠ヘ∇ャや ゲ⊥ ∇Βカ
∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャや ぁゾボ⊥ Α∠ ぴ
(He declares t he t rut h, and He is t he best of j udges.) and t he best in reckoning bet ween His
servant s. Allah's st at ement ,
ゲ⊥ ∇ョΙ
͡ ボ⊥ ャ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤイ
͡ ∇バわ∠ ∇ジゎ∠ ゅ∠ョ ン͡ギレ͡ハ ラ
z ぺ∠ ∇ヲャz モ⊥ホぴ
び∇ユム⊥ レ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ヱ∠ ヴ͡レ∇Βよ∠
(Say: "If I had t hat which you are asking for impat ient ly (t he t orment ), t he mat t er would have
been set t led at once bet ween you and I,'') means, if I have what you ask for, I will surely send
down what you deserve of it ,
びリ∠Βヨ͡ ャ͡ゅzヌャゅ͡よ ∇ユヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ ぶ
⊥ や∠ヱぴ
(but Allah knows best t he wrongdoers) Someone might ask about t he meaning of t his Ayah
compared t o t he Hadit h in t he Two Sahihs, from ` A'ishah, may Allah be pleased wit h her, t hat
she said t o t he Messenger, "O Allah's Messenger ! Have you encount ered a day harder t han t he
day (of t he bat t le) of Uhud'' The Prophet replied,
∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ろ
⊥ Β͡ボャ∠ ゅ∠ョ ギz セ
∠ ぺ∠ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミヱ∠ ∩͡マョ͡ ∇ヲホ∠ ∇リョ͡ ろ
⊥ Β͡ボャ∠ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠»
∠ Β͡ャゅ∠Αギ͡ ∇らハ
∠ リ
͡ ∇よや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヶ͡ジ∇ヘル∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ッゲ∠ ハ
∠ ∇クま͡∩͡るら∠ ボ∠ バ∠ ∇ャや ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠
⊥ ∇ボヤ∠ト
∠ ∇ルゅ∠プ ∩⊥れ∇キケ∠ ぺ∠ ゅ∠ョ ヴ∠ャま͡ ヶ͡レ∇らイ
͡ Α⊥ ∇ユヤ∠プ∠ ∩∃メゅ∠ヤミ⊥ ギ͡ ∇らハ
∠ リ
͡ ∇よ
͡ ∇ゲボ∠ よ͡ ゅzャま͡ ∇ペヘ͡ わ∠ ∇シぺ∠ ∇ユヤ∠プ∠ ∩ヶ͡ヰ∇ィヱ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∀ュヲ⊥ヨ∇ヰョ∠ ゅ∠ルぺ∠ヱ∠
∇ギホ∠ る∃ よ∠ ゅ∠エ
∠ よ͡ ゅ∠ル∠ぺ や∠クみ͡プ∠ ∩ヶ͡シ∇ぺケ∠ ろ
⊥ ∇バプ∠ ゲ∠ プ∠ ∩͡ょャ͡ゅ∠バんz ャや
z ャや ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ モ
⊥ Α͡ゲ∇らィ
͡ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ や∠クみ͡プ∠ れ
⊥ ∇ゲヌ
∠ レ∠ プ∠ ∩ヶ͡レ∇わヤ∠ヤzニ
∩∠マャ∠ マ
∠ ョ͡ ∇ヲホ∠ メ
∠ ∇ヲホ∠ ノ∠ ヨ͡ シ
∠ ∇ギホ∠ ぶや ラ
z ま͡ :メ
∠ ゅ∠ボプ∠ ヶ͡ルや∠キゅ∠レプ∠
͡ ∇ャや マ
∠ ヤ∠ョ∠ マ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ゑ
∠ バ∠ よ∠ ∇ギホ∠ ヱ∠ ∩∠マ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ やヱぁキケ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠
͡ ゅ∠らイ
͡ ∇ャや マ
⊥ ヤ∠ョ∠ ヶ͡ルや∠キゅ∠レプ∠ :メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∩∇ユヰ͡ Β͡プ ろ
∠ ∇ゃセ
͡ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ロ⊥ ゲ∠ ョ⊥ ∇ほわ∠ ャ͡
∠ ∇ヲホ∠ ノ∠ ヨ͡ シ
∠ ∇ギホ∠ ぶ
∠ やラ
z ま͡ ギ⊥ zヨエ
∠ ョ⊥ ゅ∠Α :メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ zユを⊥ ∩zヶヤ∠ハ
∠ ユ∠ ヤzシ
∠ ヱ∠
ヶ͡ルゲ∠ ョ⊥ ∇ほわ∠ ャ͡ ∩∠マ∇Βャ∠ま͡ マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ヶ͡レん∠ バ∠ よ∠ ∇ギホ∠ ヱ∠ ∩∠マャ∠ マ
∠ ョ͡ ∇ヲホ∠
ユ⊥ ヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ボら∠ ∇デぺ∠ ろ
∠ ∇ゃセ
͡ ∇ラま͡ ∩∠ろ∇ゃセ
͡ ゅ∠ヨΒ͡プ ポ
∠ ゲ͡ ∇ョほ∠よ͡
«リ∇Βら∠ ゼ
∠ ∇カほ∠∇ャや
ギ⊥ ら⊥ ∇バΑ∠ ∇リョ∠ ∩∇ユヰ͡ よ͡ ゅ∠ヤ∇タぺ∠ ∇リョ͡ ぶ
⊥ やァ
∠ ゲ͡ ∇ガΑ⊥ ∇ラぺ∠ ヲ⊥ィ∇ケぺ∠ ∇モよ∠ »
∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ポ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ゼΑ⊥ ゅ∠ャ ぶ
∠ や
(Your people have t roubled me alot and t he worst t rouble was on t he day of ` Aqabah when I
present ed myself t o Ibn ` Abd Yalil bin ` Abd Kulal, who did not respond t o my call. So I
depart ed, overwhelmed wit h severe sorrow, proceeded on and could not relax unt il I found
myself at Qarn At h-Tha` alib where I raised my head t owards t he sky t o see a cloud
unexpect edly shading me. I looked up and saw Jibril in it and he called me saying, ` Indeed
Allah has heard what you said t o t he people and what t hey have responded t o you. Therefore,
Allah has sent t he Angel of t he Mount ains t o you so t hat you may order him t o do what ever you
wish t o t hese people.' The Angel of t he Mount ains called and greet ed me, and t hen said, ` O
Muhammad! verily, Allah has heard how your people responded t o you and He has sent me t o
you so t hat you could order me t o do what you wish. If you like, I will let Al-Akhshabayn (t wo
mount ains t o t he nort h and sout h of Makkah) fall on t hem.' The Prophet said, No, but I hope
t hat Allah will let t hem generat e offspring who will worship Allah Alone, and will worship none
besides Him.) This is t he wording of Muslim. Torment ing t he disbelievers of Quraysh was
offered t o t he Prophet , but he chose pat ience and asked Allah for respit e for t hem, so t hat
Allah might let t hem generat e offspring who will not associat e anyt hing wit h Him in worship.
Therefore, how can we combine t he meaning of t his Hadit h and t he honorable Ayah,
ゲ⊥ ∇ョΙ
͡ ボ⊥ ャ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤイ
͡ ∇バわ∠ ∇ジゎ∠ ゅ∠ョ ン͡ギレ͡ハ ラ
z ぺ∠ ∇ヲャz モ⊥ホぴ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャゅ͡よ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや∠ヱ ∇ユム⊥ レ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ヱ∠ ヴ͡レ∇Βよ∠
(Say: "If I had t hat which you are asking for impat ient ly (t he t orment ), t he mat t er would have
been set t led at once bet ween you and I, but Allah knows best t he wrongdoers.'') The answer t o
t his quest ion is, Allah knows t he best , t hat t he Ayah st at es t hat if t he punishment t hat t hey
asked for was in t he Prophet 's hand at t he t ime, he would have sent it on t hem as t hey asked.
As for t he Hadit h, t he disbelievers did not ask t he Prophet t o send t he t orment down on t hem.
Rat her, t he angel responsible for t he mount ains offered him t he choice t o let t he t wo
mount ains t o t he nort h and sout h of Makkah close in on t he disbelievers and crush t hem. The
Prophet did not wish t hat and asked for respit e out of compassion for t hem.
Only Allah Knows the Unseen
Allah said next ,
びヲ∠ ワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ べ∠ヰヨ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ Ι
∠ ょ
͡ ∇Βピ∠ ∇ャや ウ
⊥ ゎ͡ ゅ∠ヘョ∠ ロ⊥ ギ∠ レ͡ハヱ∠ ぴ
(And wit h Him are t he keys of t he Ghayb (all t hat is hidden), none knows t hem but He.) AlBukhari recorded t hat Salim bin ` Abdullah said t hat his fat her said t hat t he Messenger of Allah
«ぶや ゅzャま͡ zリヰ⊥ ヨ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ゅ∠ャ ∀ザ∇ヨ∠カ ょ
͡ ∇Βピ∠ ∇ャや ウ
⊥ Β͡ゎゅ∠ヘョ∠ »
(The keys of t he Unseen are five and none except Allah knows t hem:
ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ ゑ
∠ ∇Βピ∠ ∇ャや メ
⊥ あゴレ∠ Α⊥ ヱ∠ る͡ ハ
∠ ゅzジャや ユ⊥ ∇ヤハ
͡ ロ⊥ ギ∠ レ͡ハ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
や⇔ギ∠ビ ょ
⊥ ジ
͡ ∇ムゎ∠ や∠クゅzョ ∀ザ∇ヘ∠ル ン͡ケ∇ギゎ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ュ͡ ゅ∠ェ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ ゅ∠ョ
∀ユΒ∠ヤ∠ハ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ れ
⊥ ヲ⊥ヨゎ∠ チ
∃ ∇ケぺ∠ ン
あ ほ∠よ͡ ∀ザ∇ヘ∠ル ン͡ケ∇ギ∠ゎ ゅ∠ョヱ∠
び ∀ゲΒ͡らカ
(Verily, Allah! Wit h Him (Alone) is t he knowledge of t he Hour, He sends down t he rain, and
knows t hat which is in t he wombs. No person knows what he will earn t omorrow, and no person
knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allah is All-Knower, All-Aware)'') 31:34 . Allah's
st at ement ,
びゲ͡ ∇エら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ゲあ ら∠ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ ゅ∠ョ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And He knows what ever t here is on t he land and in t he sea;) means, Allah's honored
knowledge encompasses everyt hing, including t he creat ures living in t he sea and on land, and
none of it , not even t he weight of an at om on eart h or in heaven, ever escapes His knowledge.
Allah's st at ement ,
びゅ∠ヰヨ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ Ι
z ま͡ る∃ ホ∠ ケ∠ ヱ∠ リ͡ョ テ
⊥ ボ⊥ ∇ジゎ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(not a leaf falls, but He knows it .) means, He knows t he movement s of everyt hing including
inanimat e t hings. Therefore, what about His knowledge of t he living creat ures, especially,
t hose whom t he Divine laws have been imposed upon such as mankind and t he Jinns In anot her
Ayah, Allah said;
び ケ⊥ ヱ⊥ギダ
ぁ ャや ヴ͡ヘ∇ガゎ⊥ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ リ
͡ Β⊥ ∇ハΙ
x や る∠ レ∠ も͡ べ∠カ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ぴ
(Allah knows t he fraud of t he eyes, and all t hat t he breast s conceal.) 40:19
ユ⊥わ∇ェゲ∠ ィ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ モ
͡ ∇Βャzゅ͡よ ユ⊥ム⇒zプヲ∠ わ∠ Α∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ zユを⊥ ヴ6ヨジ
∠ ョ∂ モ
∠ ぺ∠ ヴ∠ツ∇ボΒ⊥ ャ͡ ヮ͡ Β͡プ ∇ユム⊥ ん⊥ バ∠ ∇らΑ∠ zユを⊥ ケ͡ ゅ∠ヰレz ャゅ͡よ
ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヨ∠ ∇バゎ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ユ⊥ムゃ⊥ らあ レ∠ Α⊥ zユを⊥ ∇ユム⊥ バ⊥ ィ
͡ ∇ゲョ∠
や∠クま͡ ヴzわェ
∠ る⇔ ヌ
∠ ヘ∠ ェ
∠ ユ⊥ム∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ モ
͡ ∇ゲΑ⊥ ヱ∠ ロ͡ キ͡ ゅ∠らハ
͡ ベ
∠ ∇ヲプ∠ ゲ⊥ ワ͡ ゅ∠ボ∇ャや
∠ ヲ⊥デゲあ ヘ∠ Α⊥ Ι
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ∠レヤ⊥シ
⊥ ケ⊥ ヮ⊥ ∇わプz ヲ∠ ゎ∠ れ
⊥ ∇ヲヨ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ミ⊥ ギ∠ ェ
∠ ぺ∠ ¬∠ べ∠ィ
ユ⊥ ∇ムエ
⊥ ∇ャや ヮ⊥ ャ∠ Ι
∠ ぺ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ⇒∠ャ∇ヲョ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇やヱぁキケ⊥ zユを⊥ びリ
∠ Β͡らジ
͡ ⇒∠エ∇ャや ネ
⊥ ゲ∠ ∇シぺ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠
(60. It is He, Who t akes your souls by night (when you are asleep), and has knowledge of all
t hat you have done by day, t hen he raises (wakes) you up again, t hat a t erm appoint ed be
fulfilled, t hen (in t he end), unt o Him will be your ret urn. Then He will inform you of what you
used t o do.) (61. He is t he Qahir over His servant s, and He sends guardians over you, unt il when
deat h approaches one of you, Our messengers t ake his soul, and t hey never neglect t heir dut y.)
(62. Then t hey are ret urned t o Allah, t heir Mast er, t he Just Lord. Surely, His is t he j udgment
and He is t he swift est in t aking account .)
The Servants are in Allah's Hands Before and After Death
Allah st at es t hat He brings deat h t o His servant s in t heir sleep at night , for sleep is minor
deat h. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
z ャ∠ま͡ マ
∠ バ⊥ プ͡ や∠ケヱ∠ マ
∠ Βあプヲ∠ わ∠ ョ⊥ ヶあルま͡ ヴ∠ジΒ͡バΑ ヮ⊥ zヤャや メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇クま͡ぴ
(And (remember) when Allah said: "O ` Isa! I will t ake you and raise you t o Myself...'') 3:55 ,
∇ろヨ⊥ ゎ∠ ∇ユャ∠ ヴ͡わャzや∠ヱ ゅ∠ヰ⇒͡ゎ∇ヲョ͡ リ
∠ Β͡ェ ザ
∠ ヘ⊥ ルxΙや ヴzプヲ∠ わ∠ Α∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャやぴ
∠ ∇ヲヨ∠ ∇ャや ゅ∠ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヴ∠ツホ∠ ヴ͡わャzや マ
͡ ∇ヨΒ⊥ プ∠ ゅ∠ヰ⇒͡ョゅ∠レョ∠ ヴ͡プ
∠ ョぁ モ
∠ ぺ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ンゲ∠ ∇カΙ
y やモ
͡ ∇ゲΑ⊥ ヱ∠
(It is Allah Who t akes away t he souls at t he t ime of t heir deat h, and t hose t hat die not during
t heir sleep. He keeps t hose (souls) for which He has ordained deat h and sends t he rest for a
t erm appoint ed.) 39:42 , ,t hus ment ioning bot h minor and maj or deat h. Allah says,
ユ⊥わ∇ェゲ∠ ィ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ モ
͡ ∇Βャzゅ͡よ ユ⊥ム⇒zプヲ∠ わ∠ Α∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
びケ͡ ゅ∠ヰレz ャゅ͡よ
(It is He, Who t akes your souls by night (when you are asleep), and has knowledge of all t hat
you have done by day,) meaning, He knows t he deeds and act ions t hat you perform during t he
day. This Ayah demonst rat es Allah's perfect knowledge of His creat ion, by day and night , and in
t heir movement s and idleness. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ゲ∠ ヰ∠ ィ
∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ メ
∠ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや ゲz シ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇リョz ∇ユム⊥ ∇レョあ ∀¬へ∠ヲ∠シぴ
び ケ͡ ゅ∠ヰレz ャゅ͡よ ∀ゆ͡ケゅ∠シ∠ヱ モ
͡ ∇Βャzゅ͡よ ブ
∃ ∇ガわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ヲ∠ ワ⊥
(It is t he same (t o Him) whet her any of you conceal his speech or declare it openly, whet her he
be hid by night or go fort h freely by day.) 13:10 , and
∇やヲ⊥レム⊥ ∇ジわ∠ ャ͡ ケ∠ ゅ∠ヰレz ャや∠ヱ モ
∠ ∇Βャzや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ャ∠ モ
∠ バ∠ ィ
∠ ヮ͡ わ͡ ヨ∠ ∇ェケz リ͡ョヱ∠ ぴ
びヮ͡ Β͡プ
(It is out of His mercy t hat He made night and day, so t hat you may rest t herein), by night ,
びヮ͡ ヤ͡∇ツプ∠ リ͡ョ ∇やヲ⊥ピわ∠ ∇らわ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(and t hat you may seek of His bount y) by day. Allah said,
び ゅ⇔セゅ∠バョ∠ ケ∠ ゅ∠ヰレz ャや ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ - ゅ⇔シゅ∠らャ͡ モ
∠ ∇Βャzや ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And (We) have made t he night as a covering. And (We) have made t he day for livelihood.)
78:10-11 . Allah said here,
ユ⊥わ∇ェゲ∠ ィ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ モ
͡ ∇Βャzゅ͡よ ユ⊥ム⇒zプヲ∠ わ∠ Α∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
びケ͡ ゅ∠ヰレz ャゅ͡よ
(It is He, Who t akes your souls by night (when you are asleep), and has knowledge of all t hat
you have done by day,) 6:60 , Then said,
びヮ͡ Β͡プ ∇ユム⊥ ん⊥ バ∠ ∇らΑ∠ zユを⊥ ぴ
(t hen he raises (wakes) you up again,) by day, according t o Muj ahid, Qat adah and As-Suddi.
Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ョ∂ モ
∠ ぺ∠ ヴ∠ツ∇ボΒ⊥ ャ͡ぴ
(t hat a t erm appoint ed be fulfilled) refers t o t he life span of every person,
び∇ユム⊥ バ⊥ ィ
͡ ∇ゲョ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ zユを⊥ ぴ
(t hen (in t he end), unt o Him will be your ret urn.) on t he Day of Resurrect ion,
び∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠ゎ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ユ⊥ムゃ⊥ らあ レ∠ Α⊥ zユを⊥ ぴ
(Then He will inform you of what you used t o do.) He will reward you, good for good, and evil
for evil. Allah's st at ement ,
びロ͡ キ͡ ゅ∠らハ
͡ ベ
∠ ∇ヲプ∠ ゲ⊥ ワ͡ ゅ∠ボ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(He is t he Qahir over His servant s.) The Qahir means, t he one who cont rols everyt hing, all are
subservient t o His supreme grace, great ness and maj est y,
びる⇔ ヌ
∠ ヘ∠ ェ
∠ ユ⊥ム∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ モ
͡ ∇ゲΑ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and He sends guardians over you,) angels who guard mankind. In anot her Ayah, Allah said;
ヮ⊥ ル∠ ヲ⊥ヌヘ∠ ∇エΑ∠ ヮ͡ ヘ͡ ∇ヤカ
∠ ∇リョ͡ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Αギ∠ Α∠ リ
͡ ∇Βよ∠ リあョ ∀ろ⇒∠らボあ バ∠ ョ⊥ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ぴ
びヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ͡ ∇ョぺ∠ ∇リョ͡
(For each (person), t here are angels in succession, before and behind him. They guard him by
t he command of Allah.) 13:11 , wat ching his deeds and recording t hem. Allah said,
∠ Β͡ヌヘ͡ ⇒∠エャ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(But verily, over you (are appoint ed angels in charge of mankind) t o wat ch you.) 82:10 , and,
∀ギΒ͡バホ∠ メ
͡ ゅ∠ヨゼ
あ ャや リ
∠ ヱ∠ リ
͡ Β͡ヨΒ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ͡ラゅ∠Βボあ ∠ヤ∠わヨ⊥ ∇ャや ヴzボヤ∠わ∠ Α∠ ∇クま͡ぴ
び ∀ギΒ͡わハ
∠ ∀ょΒ͡ホ∠ケ ヮ͡ ∇Αギ∠ ャ∠ Ι
z ま͡ メ
∃ ∇ヲホ∠ リ͡ョ ナ
⊥ ヘ͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ゅzョ ((Remember!) t hat t he t wo receivers (recording angels) receive, one sit t ing on t he right and
one on t he left . Not a word does he ut t er, but t here is a wat cher by him, ready.) 50:17-18 .
Allah's st at ement ,
⊥ ∇ヲヨ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ミ⊥ ギ∠ ェ
∠ ぺ∠ ¬∠ べ∠ィ や∠クま͡ ヴzわェ
(unt il when deat h approaches one of you...) refers t o, when one's life span comes t o an end
and he is dying,
⊥ ケ⊥ ヮ⊥ ∇わプz ヲ∠ ゎ∠ ぴ
(Our messengers t ake his soul...) meaning, t here are angels who are responsible for t his j ob.
Ibn ` Abbas and several ot hers said t hat t he Angel of Deat h has angels who pull t he soul from it s
body and when it reaches t he t hroat , t he Angel of Deat h capt ures it . Allah said;
∠ ヲ⊥デゲあ ヘ∠ Α⊥ Ι
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and t hey never neglect t heir dut y.) They guard t he soul of t he dead person and t ake it t o
wherever Allah wills, t o ` Illiyyin if he was among t he right eous, and t o Sij j in if he was among
t he wicked (disbelievers, sinners, et c.), we seek refuge wit h Allah from t his end. Allah said
next ,
∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ⇒∠ャ∇ヲョ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇やヱぁキケ⊥ zユを⊥ ぴ
(Then t hey are ret urned t o Allah, t heir Mast er, t he Just Lord.) Imam Ahmad recorded t hat Abu
Hurayrah said t hat t he Prophet said,
⊥ zゲャや ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ や∠クみ͡プ∠ る⊥ ム∠ も͡ ゅ∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや ロ⊥ ゲ⊥ ツ
⊥ ∇エゎ∠ ろ
∠ Βあ ヨ∠ ∇ャや ラ
z ま͡»
る⊥ ∠らΒあ ト
z ャや ザ
⊥ ∇ヘzレャや ゅ∠ヰわ⊥ Αz ぺ∠ ヶ͡ィゲ⊥ ∇カや :やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ∩⊥ウャ͡ゅzダャや
∩⇔りギ∠ Β͡ヨェ
∠ ヶ͡ィゲ⊥ ∇カや∩͡ょΒあ ト
z ャや ギ͡ ジ
∠ ∇ャや ヶ͡プ ∇ろル∠ ゅ∠ミ
∠ ゲ͡ ∇Βビ
∠ ゆ
∠ ケ∠ ヱ∠ ∩∃ラゅ∠エ∇Αケ∠ ヱ∠ ゥ
∃ ∇ヱゲ∠ よ͡ ヵ͡ゲゼ
͡ ∇よぺ∠ヱ∠
ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ァ
∠ ゲ∠ ∇バΑ⊥ zユを⊥ ∩∠ァゲ⊥ ∇ガゎ∠ ヴzわェ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ゅ∠ヰャ∠ メ
⊥ ゅ∠ボΑ⊥ メ
⊥ や∠ゴゎ∠ ゅ∠ヤプ∠
⊥ ゅ∠ボΒ⊥ プ∠ ∨や∠グワ∠ ∇リョ∠ メ
⊥ ゅ∠ボΒ⊥ プ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∠ャ ウ
⊥ わ∠ ∇ヘわ∠ ∇ジΒ∠ プ∠ ∩͡¬ゅ∠ヨジ
z ャや ヴ∠ャま͡
ヶ͡プ ∇ろル∠ ゅ∠ミ ∩͡るら∠ Βあ ト
z ャや ザ
͡ ∇ヘレz ャゅ͡よ ゅ⇔らェ∇ゲョ∠ :メ
∠ ゅ∠ボΒ⊥ プ∠ ∩∀ラゅ∠ヤプ⊥
∃ ∇ヱゲ∠ よ͡ ヵ͡ゲ͡ゼ∇よ∠ぺ∠ヱ り⇔ ギ∠ Β͡ヨェ
∠ ヶヤ⊥カ∇キや ∩͡ょΒあ ト
z ャや ギ͡ ジ
∠ ∇ャや
ゅ∠ヰ∠ャ メ
⊥ ゅ∠ボΑ⊥ メ
⊥ や∠ゴゎ∠ ゅ∠ヤプ∠ ∩∠ラゅ∠ら∇ツビ
∠ ゲ͡ ∇Βビ
∠ ゆ
∠ ケ∠ ヱ∠ ラ
∃ ゅ∠エ∇Αケ∠ ヱ∠
⊥ や ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ヶ͡わャzや ͡¬ゅ∠ヨジ
z ャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ヴ∠ヰわ∠ ∇レΑ⊥ ヴzわェ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠
:やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ∩⊥¬∇ヲジ
z ャや モ
⊥ zゲャや ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ や∠ク͡ま∠ヱ ∩モ
∠ ヱ∠ ゴz ハ
ギ͡ ジ
∠ ∇ャや ヶ͡プ ∇ろル∠ ゅ∠ミ る⊥ ん∠ Β͡らガ
∠ ∇ャや ザ
⊥ ∇ヘzレャや ゅ∠ヰわ⊥ Αz ぺ∠ ヶ͡ィゲ⊥ ∇カや
ユ∃ Β͡ヨエ
∠ よ͡ ヵゲ͡ゼ∇よぺ∠ヱ∠ る⇔ ヨ∠ Β͡ョク∠ ヶ͡ィゲ⊥ ∇カや ∩͡ゑΒ͡らガ
∠ ∇ャや
⊥ ゅ∠ボΑ⊥ メ
⊥ や∠ゴゎ∠ ゅ∠ヤプ∠ ∩ァや∠ヱ∇コぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヤ͡∇ムセ
∠ ∇リョ͡ ゲ∠ カ
∠ へ∠ヱ ∩∃ベゅzジビ
∠ ヱ∠
z ャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ァ
∠ ゲ∠ ∇バΑ⊥ zユを⊥ ∩∠ァゲ⊥ ∇ガゎ∠ ヴzわェ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ゅ∠ヰャ∠
⊥ ゅ∠ボΒ⊥ プ∠ ∩∀ラゅ∠ヤプ⊥ :メ
⊥ ゅ∠ボΒ⊥ プ∠ ∨や∠グワ∠ ∇リョ∠ :メ
⊥ ゅ∠ボΒ⊥ プ∠ ゅ⇔ヰ∠ャ ウ
⊥ わ∠ ∇ヘわ∠ ∇ジΒ⊥ プ∠
ギ͡ ジ
∠ ∇ャや ヶ͡プ ∇ろル∠ ゅ∠ミ る͡ ん∠ Β͡らガ
∠ ∇ャや ザ
͡ ∇ヘレz ャゅ͡よ ゅ⇔らェ
∠ ∇ゲョ∠ ゅ∠ャ
⊥ や∠ヲ∇よぺ∠ マ
∠ ャ∠ ウ
⊥ わ∠ ∇ヘΑ⊥ ゅ∠ャ ヮ⊥ ルz み͡プ∠ ∩⇔るヨ∠ Β͡ョク∠ ヶ͡バィ
͡ ∇ケや ∩͡ゑΒ͡らガ
∠ ∇ャや
∩͡ゲ∇らボ∠ ∇ャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ゲ⊥ Β͡ダゎ∠ zユを⊥ ¬͡ ゅ∠ヨジ
z ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ モ
∠ ∇ゲわ⊥ プ∠ ∩͡¬ゅヨ∠ ジ
z ャや
ヶ͡プ モ
∠ Β͡ホ ゅ∠ョ モ
⊥ ∇んョ͡ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ メ
⊥ ゅ∠ボΒ⊥ プ∠ ∩⊥ウャ͡ゅzダャや モ
⊥ zゲャや ザ
⊥ ヤ∠∇イΒ⊥ プ∠
ヮ⊥ ャ∠ メ
⊥ ゅ∠ボΒ⊥ プ∠ ¬⊥ ∇ヲzジャや モ
⊥ zゲャや ザ
⊥ ヤ∠∇イΑ⊥ ヱ∠ ∩͡メヱz ∠Εや ゑ
͡ Α͡ギエ
∠ ∇ャや
«ヶ͡ルゅzんャや ゑ
͡ Α͡ギエ
∠ ∇ャや ヶ͡プ モ
∠ Β͡ホ ゅ∠ョ モ
⊥ ∇んョ͡
(The angels at t end t he dying person. If he is a right eous person, t he angels will say, ` O pure
soul from a pure body! Come out wit h honor and receive t he good news of rest , sat isfact ion
and a Lord Who is not angry.' The angels will keep saying t his unt il t he soul leaves it s body, and
t hey will t hen raise it up t o heaven and will ask t hat t he door be opened for t he soul and it will
be asked, ` Who is t his' It will be said, ` (The soul of) so-and-so.' It will be said, ` Welcome, t o
t he pure soul t hat inhabit ed t he pure body. Ent er wit h honor and receive t he good news of
rest , sat isfact ion and a Lord Who is not angry.' This st at ement will be repeat ed unt il t he soul
reaches t he heaven above which t here is Allah. If t he dying person is evil, t he angels will say,
` Get out (of your body), O wicked soul from a wicked body! Get out in disgrace and receive t he
news of boiling fluid, a fluid dark, murky, int ensely cold and ot her (t orment s) of similar kind all t oget her - t o mat ch t hem.' This st at ement will be said repeat edly unt il t he evil soul leaves
it s body. The soul will be raised up t o heaven and a request will be made t hat t he door be
opened for it . It will be asked, ` Who is t his' It will be said, ` (The soul of ) so and so.' It will be
said, ` No welcome t o t he wicked soul from t he wicked body. Ret urn wit h disgrace, for t he
doors of heaven will not be opened for you.' So it will be t hrown from heaven unt il it ret urns t o
t he grave. So t he right eous person sit s and similar is said t o him as before. And t he evil person
sit s and similar is said t o him as before.) It is also possible t hat t he meaning of,
び∇やヱぁキケ⊥ zユを⊥ ぴ
(Then t hey are ret urned...) refers t o t he ret urn of all creat ion t o Allah on t he Day of
Resurrect ion, when He will subj ect t hem t o His j ust decision. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
ヴ∠ャま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハヲ⊥ヨ∇イヨ∠ ャ∠ - リ
∠ Α͡ゲカ
x や∠ヱ ∠リΒ͡ャヱz xΙや ラ
z ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
び ュ∃ ヲ⊥ヤ∇バョz ュ∃ ∇ヲΑ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ボΒ͡ョ
(Say: "(Yes) verily, t hose of old, and t hose of lat er t imes. All will surely be gat hered t oget her
for an appoint ed meet ing of a known Day.'') 56:49-50 and,
びや⇔ギ∠ェぺ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ∇ケ͡キゅ∠ピル⊥ ∇ユヤ∠プ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠ル∇ゲゼ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And We shall gat her t hem all t oget her so as t o leave not one of t hem behind...) 18:47 unt il,
∠ ぺ∠ マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ユ⊥ ヤ͡∇ヌΑ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And your Lord t reat s no one wit h inj ust ice.) 18:49 Allah said here,
⊥ ゲ∠ ∇シぺ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ユ⊥ ∇ムエ
⊥ ∇ャや ヮ⊥ ャ∠ Ι
∠ ぺ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ⇒∠ャ∇ヲョ∠ ぴ
∠ Β͡らジ
͡ ⇒∠エ∇ャや
(t heir Mast er, t he Just Lord. Surely, His is t he j udgement and He is t he swift est in t aking
account .) 6:62
ヮ⊥ ル∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギゎ∠ ゲ͡ ∇エら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ゲあ ら∠ ∇ャや ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ニ
⊥ リあョ ∇ユム⊥ Βあイレ∠ Α⊥ リ∠ョ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
∠ ョ͡ リ
z ル∠ ヲ⊥ムレ∠ ャ∠ ロ͡ グ͡ ⇒∠ワ ∇リョ͡ ゅ∠レ⇒∠イル∠ぺ ∇リゃ͡ ャz る⇔ Β∠ ∇ヘカ
⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ハぁゲツ
∠ ゎ∠
∃ ∇ゲミ∠ あモミ⊥ リ͡ョヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョあ ∇ユム⊥ Βあイレ∠ Α⊥ ヮ⊥ zヤャや モ
͡ ホ⊥ - リ
∠ Α͡ゲム͡ ⇒zゼャや
∠ バ∠ ∇らΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ケ⊥ キ͡ ゅ∠ボ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ∇モホ⊥ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ zユを⊥
∇ヱぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ヤ͡ィ
⊥ ∇ケぺ∠ ろ
͡ ∇エゎ∠ リ͡ョ ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ホ͡ ∇ヲプ∠ リあョ ゅ⇔よや∠グハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
⊥ ∇ルや ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠ サ
∠ ∇ほよ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ツ
∠ ∇バよ∠ ペ
∠ Α͡グΑ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔バ∠Βセ
͡ ∇ユム⊥ ジ
∠ ら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ヰボ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
⊥ あゲダ
∠ ル⊥ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠
(63. Say: "Who rescues you from t he dark recesses of t he land and t he sea, when you call upon
Him begging and in secret (saying): ` If He (Allah) only saves us from t hese (dangers), we shall
t ruly be grat eful.'') (64. Say: "Allah rescues you from t hese (dangers) and from all dist ress, and
yet you commit Shirk.'') (65. Say: "He has t he power t o send t orment on you from above or from
under your feet , or t o Yalbisakum in part y st rife, and make you t ast e t he violence of one
anot her.'' See how variously We explain t he Ayat , so t hat t hey may underst and.)
Allah's Compassion and Generosity, and His Power and Torment
Allah ment ions how He favors His servant s, saving t hem during t imes of need, in t he darkness
of land and at sea, such as when st orms st rike. In such cases, t hey call on Allah alone, wit hout
part ners, in supplicat ion. In ot her Ayat , Allah said,
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギゎ∠ リ∠ョ モ
∠ ゲ͡ ∇エら∠ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ ゲぁ ツ
ぁ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ジ
z ョ∠ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
びロ⊥ ゅzΑま͡ Ι
∠ ま͡
(And when harm st rikes you at sea, t hose t hat you call upon besides Him vanish from you
except Him.) 17:67 ,
∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ や∠クま͡ ヴzわェ
∠ ゲ͡ ∇エら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ゲあ ら∠ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ ∇ユミ⊥ ゲ⊥ あΒジ
∠ Α⊥ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ぴ
ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ェゲ͡ プ∠ ヱ∠ る∃ ら∠ Βあ デ
∠ ウ
∃ Α͡ゲよ͡ ユ͡ヰよ͡ リ
∠ ∇Αゲ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ マ
͡ ∇ヤヘ⊥ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ
あモミ⊥ リ͡ョ ァ
⊥ ∇ヲヨ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ワ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ィヱ∠ ∀ブ͡タゅ∠ハ ∀ウΑ͡ケ ゅ∠ヰ∇ゎ¬∠ べ∠ィ
∠ Β͡ダヤ͡∇ガョ⊥ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ∇やヲ⊥ ハ
∠ キ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ よ͡ テ
∠ Β͡ェぺ⊥ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ぺ∠ ∇やヲぁレニ
∠ ヱ∠ ラ
∃ ゅ∠ムョ∠
∠ ョ͡ リ
z ル∠ ヲ⊥ムレ∠ ャ∠ ロ͡ グ͡ ⇒∠ワ ∇リョ͡ ゅ∠レわ∠ ∇Βイ
∠ ∇ルぺ∠ ∇リゃ͡ ャ∠ リ
∠ Αあギャや ヮ⊥ ャ∠
∠ Α͡ゲム͡ ⇒zゼャや
(He it is Who enables you t o t ravel t hrough t he land and t he sea, t ill when you are in t he ships
and t hey sail wit h t hem wit h a favorable wind, and t hey rej oice, t hen comes a st ormy wind and
t he waves come t o t hem from all sides, and t hey t hink t hat t hey are encircled t herein, t hey
invoke Allah, making t heir fait h pure for Him alone, saying: "If You deliver us from t his, we
shall t ruly be of t he grat eful''.) 10:22 , and,
リ∠ョヱ∠ ゲ͡ ∇エら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ゲあ ら∠ ∇ャや ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ニ
⊥ ヴ͡プ ∇ユム⊥ Α͡ギ∇ヰ∠Α リzョぺ∠ぴ
ノ∠ ョz ヮ∀ ⇒∠ャ¬͡ ぺ∠ ヮ͡ わ͡ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ∇ンギ∠ Α∠ リ
∠ ∇Βよ∠ や∠ゲ⇔ ∇ゼよ⊥ ゥ
∠ ゅ∠Αゲあ ャや モ
͡ ∇ゲΑ⊥
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼΑ⊥ ゅzヨハ
∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ヴ∠ャゅ∠バゎ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや
(Is not He (bet t er t han your gods) Who guides you in t he darkness of t he land and t he sea, and
Who sends t he winds as heralds of glad t idings, going before His mercy Is t here any god wit h
Allah High Exalt ed be Allah above all t hat t hey associat e as part ners (wit h Him)!) 27:63 . Allah
said in t his honorable Ayah,
ヮ⊥ ∠ルヲ⊥ハ∇ギ∠ゎ ゲ͡ ∇エら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ゲあ ら∠ ∇ャや ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ニ
⊥ リあョ ∇ユム⊥ Βあイレ∠ Α⊥ リ∠ョ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
びる⇔ Β∠ ∇ヘカ
⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ハぁゲツ
∠ ゎ∠
(Say: "Who rescues you from t he dark recesses of t he land and t he sea, when you call upon Him
begging and in secret .'') i.e., in public and secret ,
びゅ∠レ⇒∠イル∠ぺ ∇リゃ͡ ャzぴ
((Saying): ` If He (Allah) only saves us...) from t his dist ress,
∠ Α͡ゲム͡ ⇒zゼャや リ
∠ ョ͡ リ
z ル∠ ヲ⊥ムレ∠ ャ∠ぴ
(we shall t ruly be grat eful.) t hereaft er. Allah said,
∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ zユを⊥ ゆ
∃ ∇ゲミ∠ あモミ⊥ リ͡ョヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョあ ∇ユム⊥ Βあイレ∠ Α⊥ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや モ
͡ ホ⊥ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥
(Say: "Allah rescues you from t hese (dangers) and from all dist ress, and yet you commit Shirk.'')
meaning, yet you call ot her gods besides Him in t imes of comfort . Allah said;
リあョ ゅ⇔よや∠グハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゑ
∠ バ∠ ∇らΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ケ⊥ キ͡ ゅ∠ボ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
び∇ユム⊥ ヤ͡ィ
⊥ ∇ケぺ∠ ろ
͡ ∇エゎ∠ リ͡ョ ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ホ͡ ∇ヲプ∠
(Say: "He has t he power t o send t orment on you from above or from under your feet ,'') He said
t his aft er His st at ement ,
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ zユを⊥ ぴ
(And yet you commit Shirk. ) Allah said next ,
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゑ
∠ バ∠ ∇らΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ケ⊥ キ͡ ゅ∠ボ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "He has t he power t o send t orment on you..''), aft er He saves you. Allah said in Surah
Subhan (chapt er 17),
∇やヲ⊥ピわ∠ ∇らわ∠ ャ͡ ゲ͡ ∇エら∠ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ マ
∠ ∇ヤヘ⊥ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ャ∠ ヴ͡ィ∇ゴΑ⊥ ン͡グャzや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ぁよzケぴ
ユ⊥ ム⊥ zジョ∠ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ - ゅ⇔ヨΒ͡ェケ∠ ∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ヮ͡ ヤ͡∇ツプ∠ リ͡ョ
ゅヨz ヤ∠プ∠ ロ⊥ ゅzΑま͡ Ι
∠ ま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギゎ∠ リ∠ョ モ
∠ ゲ͡ ∇エら∠ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ ゲぁ ツ
ぁ ∇ャや
- や⇔ケヲ⊥ヘミ∠ リ
⊥ ⇒∠ジ∇ルΗ
∠ ゅ∠ミヱ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ッゲ∠ ∇ハぺ∠ ゲあ ら∠ ∇ャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒zイル∠
͡ ∇ゲΑ⊥ ∇ヱぺ∠ ゲあ ら∠ ∇ャや ょ
∠ ル͡ ゅ∠ィ ∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ブ
∠ ジ
͡ ∇ガΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ ∇ユわ⊥ レ͡ョ∠ほ∠プ∠ぺ
∇ユわ⊥ レ͡ョぺ∠ ∇ュぺ∠ - Κ
⇔ Β͡ミヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ギイ
͡ ゎ∠ Ι
∠ zユを⊥ ゅ⇔ら͡タゅ∠ェ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
͡ ゅ∠ホ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ モ
͡ ∇ゲΒ⊥ プ∠ ン∠ゲ∇カぺ⊥ り⇔ ケ∠ ゅ∠ゎ ヮ͡ Β͡プ ∇ユミ⊥ ギ∠ Β͡バΑ⊥ ラ∠ぺ
∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ギイ
͡ ゎ∠ Ι
∠ zユを⊥ ∇ユゎ⊥ ∇ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ユ⊥ムホ∠ ゲ͡ ∇ピΒ⊥ プ∠ ウ
͡ Αあゲャや リ
∠ ョあ
び ゅ⇔バΒ͡らゎ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ゅ∠レ∇Βヤ∠ハ
(Your Lord is He Who drives t he ship for you t hrough t he sea, in order t hat you may seek of His
bount y. Truly! He is Ever Merciful t owards you. And when harm st rikes you upon t he sea, t hose
t hat you call upon besides Him vanish from you except Him. But when He brings you safely t o
land, you t urn away (from Him). And man is ever ungrat eful. Do you t hen feel secure t hat He
will not cause a side of t he land t o swallow you up, or t hat He will not send against you a st orm
of st ones Then, you shall find no guardian. Or do you feel secure t hat He will not send you back
a second t ime t o sea, and send against you a hurricane of wind and drown you because of your
disbelief, t hen you will not find any avenger t herein against Us) 17:66-69 . Al-Bukhari, may
Allah grant him His mercy, comment ed on Allah's st at ement ,
リあョ ゅ⇔よや∠グハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゑ
∠ バ∠ ∇らΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ケ⊥ キ͡ ゅ∠ボ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
͡ ∇ユム⊥ ジ
∠ ら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ヤ͡ィ
⊥ ∇ケぺ∠ ろ
͡ ∇エゎ∠ リョ͡ ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ホ͡ ∇ヲプ∠
⊥ あゲダ
∠ ル⊥ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ∇ゲヌ
⊥ ∇ルや ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠ サ
∠ ∇ほよ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ツ
∠ ∇バよ∠ ペ
∠ Α͡グΑ⊥ ヱ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ヰボ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
(Say: "He has t he power t o send t orment on you from above or from under your feet , or t o
Yalbisakum in part y st rife, and make you t ast e t he violence of one anot her.'' See how variously
We explain t he Ayat , so t hat t hey may underst and.) "Yalbisakum means, ` cover you wit h
confusion', So it means t o, ` divide int o part ies and sect s'. Jabir bin ` Abdullah said, ` When t his
Ayah was revealed,
リあョ ゅ⇔よや∠グハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゑ
∠ バ∠ ∇らΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ケ⊥ キ͡ ゅ∠ボ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
び∇ユム⊥ ホ͡ ∇ヲプ∠
(Say: "He has power t o send t orment on you from above'') Allah's Messenger said,
«マ͡ヰ∇ィヲ∠ よ͡ ク⊥ ヲ⊥ハぺ∠»
(I seek refuge wit h Your Face.)
び∇ユム⊥ ヤ͡ィ
⊥ ∇ケぺ∠ ろ
͡ ∇エゎ∠ リ͡ョ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
(or from under your feet ,) he again said,
«マ͡ヰ∇ィヲ∠ よ͡ ク⊥ ヲ⊥ハぺ∠»
(I seek refuge wit h Your Face.)
∃ ∇バよ∠ サ
∠ ∇ほよ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ツ
∠ ∇バよ∠ ペ
∠ Α͡グΑ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔バ∠Βセ
͡ ∇ユム⊥ ジ
∠ ら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
(or t o cover you wit h confusion in part y st rife, and make you t o t ast e t he violence of one
anot her.) he said,
«ゲ∠ジ∇Αぺ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ ラ
⊥ ヲ∠ ∇ワぺ∠ ロ͡ グ∠ワ»
(This is less burdensome or easier.)''' Al-Bukhari recorded t his Hadit h again in t he book of
Tawhid (in his Sahih), and An-Nasa'i also recorded it in t he book of Tafsir.
Another Hadith
Imam Ahmad recorded t hat Sa` d bin Abi Waqqas said, We accompanied t he Messenger of Allah
and passed by t he Masj id of Bani Mu` awiyah. The Prophet went in and offered a t wo Rak` ah
prayer, and we prayed behind him. He supplicat ed t o his Lord for a long t ime and t hen said,
ヶ͡わョz ぺ⊥ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇ヰΑ⊥ ゅ∠ャ ∇ラぺ∠ ヮ⊥ わ⊥ ∇ャほ∠シ
∠ :ゅ⇔をゅ∠ヤを∠ ヶあよケ∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ャほ∠シ
ヶ͡わョz ぺ⊥ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇ヰΑ⊥ ゅ∠ャ ∇ラぺ∠ ヮ⊥ わ⊥ ∇ャほ∠シ
∠ ヱ∠ ∩ゅ∠ヰΒ͡ルゅ∠ト∇ハほ∠プ∠ ベ
͡ ゲ∠ ピ∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ
∇ユヰ⊥ シ
∠ ∇ほよ∠ モ
∠ バ∠ ∇イΑ∠ ゅ∠ャ ∇ラぺ∠ ヮ⊥ わ⊥ ∇ャほ∠シ
∠ ヱ∠ ∩ゅ∠ヰΒ͡ルゅ∠ト∇ハほ∠プ∠ る͡ レ∠ ジ
z ャゅ͡よ
«ゅ∠ヰΒ͡レバ∠ レ∠ ヨ∠ プ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ ∇Βよ∠
(I asked my Lord for t hree: I asked Him not t o dest roy my Ummah (Muslims) by drowning and
He gave t hat t o me. I asked Him not t o dest roy my Ummah by famine and He gave t hat t o me.
And I asked Him not t o make t hem t ast e t he violence of one anot her, but He did not give t hat
t o me.) Muslim, but not Al-Bukhari, recorded t his Hadit h in t he book on Fit an (t rials) (of his
Another Hadith
Imam Ahmad recorded t hat Khabbab bin Al-Arat t , who at t ended t he bat t le of Badr wit h t he
Messenger of Allah , said, "I met Allah's Messenger during a night in which he prayed t hroughout
it , unt il dawn. When t he Messenger of Allah ended his prayer, I said, ` O Allah's Messenger! This
night , you have performed a prayer t hat I never saw you perform before.' Allah's Messenger
ゴz ハ
∠ ヶあよケ∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ャほ∠シ
∠ ∩∃ょ∠ワ∠ケ∠ヱ ょ
∃ ビ
∠ ケ∠ り⊥ ゅ∠ヤタ
∠ ゅヰ∠ ルz ま͡ ∇モィ
∠ ぺ∠»
͡ ∇Βわ∠ レ∠ ∇をや ヶ͡ルゅ∠ト∇ハほ∠プ∠ ∩∃メゅ∠ダカ
͡ ゐ
∠ ゅ∠ヤを∠ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ モ
∠ ヱ∠
ゅ∠ャ ∇ラぺ∠ モ
∠ ヱ∠ ゴz ハ
∠ ヶあよケ∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ャほ∠シ
∠ ∩⇔りギ∠ ェ
͡ や∠ヱ ヶ͡レバ∠ レ∠ ョ∠ ヱ∠
⊥ ∇ャほ∠シ
∠ ヱ∠ ∩ゅ∠ヰΒ͡ルゅ∠ト∇ハほ∠プ∠ ゅ∠レヤ∠∇らホ∠ ユ∠ ョ∠ ほ⊥∇ャや ヮ͡ よ͡ マ
∠ ヤ∠∇ワぺ∠ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ムヤ͡∇ヰΑ⊥
∇リョ͡ や6ヱギ⊥ ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゲ∠ ヰ͡ ∇ヌΑ⊥ ゅ∠ャ ∇ラぺ∠ モ
∠ ヱ∠ ゴz ハ
∠ ヶあよケ∠
ゅ∠ャ ∇ラぺ∠ モ
∠ ヱ∠ ゴz ハ
∠ ヶあよケ∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ャほ∠シ
∠ ヱ∠ ∩ゅ∠ヰΒ͡ルゅ∠ト∇ハほ∠プ∠ ゅ∠ルゲ͡ ∇Βビ
«ゅ∠ヰΒ͡レバ∠ レ∠ ヨ∠ プ∠ ゅ⇔バΒ∠ セ
͡ ゅ∠レジ
∠ ら͡ ∇ヤΑ⊥
(Yes, it was a prayer of eagerness and fear. During t his prayer, I asked my Lord for t hree t hings
and He gave me t wo and refused t o give me t he t hird. I asked my Lord not t o dest roy us wit h
what He dest royed t he nat ions before us and He gave me t hat . I asked my Lord not t o make our
enemies prevail above us and He gave me t hat . I asked my Lord not t o cover us wit h confusion
in part y st rife, but He refused.) An-Nasa'i, Ibn Hibban in his Sahih, and At -Tirmidhi also
recorded it . In t he book on Fit an, in Al-Jami` , At -Tirmidhi said, "Hasan Sahih''. Allah's
st at ement ,
͡ ∇ユム⊥ ジ
∠ ら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
(or t o cover you wit h confusion in part y st rife, ) means, He causes you t o be in disarray and
separat e int o opposing part ies and groups. Al-Walibi (` Ali bin Abi Talhah) report ed t hat Ibn
` Abbas said t hat t his Ayah refers t o desires. Muj ahid and several ot hers said similarly. A Hadit h
from t he Prophet , collect ed from various chains of narrat ion, st at es,
∩⇔るホ∠ ∇ゲプ͡ リ
∠ Β͡バ∇らシ
∠ ヱ∠ ゐ
∃ ゅ∠ヤを∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ る⊥ zョΕ
⊥ や ロ͡ グ͡ ワ∠ ベ
⊥ ゲ͡ わ∠ ∇ヘわ∠ シ
∠ ヱ∠ »
͡ や∠ヱ ゅzャま͡ ケ͡ ゅzレャや ヶ͡プ ゅ∠ヰヤぁミ⊥
(And t his Ummah (Muslims) will divide int o sevent y - t hree groups, all of t hem in t he Fire
except one.) Allah said;
∃ ∇バよ∠ サ
∠ ∇ほよ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ツ
∠ ∇バよ∠ ペ
∠ Α͡グΑ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and make you t ast e t he violence of one anot her.) meaning, some of you will esperience
t ort ure and murder from one anot her, according t o Ibn ` Abbas and ot hers. Allah said next ,
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
⊥ あゲダ
∠ ル⊥ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ∇ゲヌ
⊥ ∇ルやぴ
(See how variously We explain t he Ayat ,) by making t hem clear, plain and duly explained,
∠ ヲ⊥ヰボ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ぴ
(So t hat t hey may underst and.) and comprehend Allah's Ayat , proofs and evidences.
∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ジzャ モ⊥ホ ペ
∠ ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ マ
∠ ョ⊥ ∇ヲホ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ゆ
∠ グz ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
や∠クま͡ヱ∠ - ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠ゎ フ
∠ ∇ヲシ
∠ ヱ∠ ゲx ボ∠ わ∠ ∇ジョぁ み∃ら∠ ル∠ モ
あ ム⊥ ャあ - モ
∃ Β͡ミヲ∠ よ͡
∇チゲ͡ ∇ハほ∠プ∠ ゅ∠レ͡わ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ヴ͡プ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ッヲ⊥ガΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ろ
∠ ∇Αぺ∠ケ∠
ゅzョま͡ヱ∠ ロ͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βビ
∠ ゑ
∃ Α͡ギェ
∠ ヴ͡プ ∇やヲ⊥ッヲ⊥ガΑ∠ ヴzわェ
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レハ
ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや ノ∠ ョ∠ ン∠ゲ∇ミグあ ャや ギ∠ ∇バよ∠ ∇ギバ⊥ ∇ボゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ リ
⊥ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや マ
∠ レz Β∠ ジ
͡ レΑ⊥
ユ͡ヰよ͡ ゅ∠ジェ
͡ ∇リョ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ボわz Α∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや
∠ ヲ⊥ボわz Α∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ ン∠ゲ∇ミク͡ リ͡ム⇒∠ャヱ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リあョ
(66. But your people have denied it (t he Qur'an) t hough it is t he t rut h. Say: "I am not
responsible for your affairs.'') (67. For every news t here is a realit y and you will come t o know.)
(68. And when you see t hose who engage in false conversat ion about Our verses (of t he Qur'an)
by mocking at t hem, st ay away from t hem t ill t hey t urn t o anot her t opic. And if Shayt an causes
you t o forget , t hen aft er t he remembrance, sit not you in t he company of t hose people who are
t he wrongdoers.) (69. There is no responsibilit y for t hem upon t hose who have Taqwa, but
(t heir dut y) is t o remind t hem, t hat t hey may (at t ain) Taqwa.)
The Invitation to the Truth is Guidance Without Coercion
Allah said,
びヮ͡ よ͡ ゆ
∠ グz ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(But have denied it ) denied t he Qur'an, guidance and clear explanat ion t hat you (O Muhammad
) have brought t hem,
∠ ョ͡ ∇ヲホ∠ ぴ
(your people) meaning, Quraysh,
∠ ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(t hough it is t he t rut h.) beyond which t here is no ot her t rut h.
∃ Β͡ミヲ∠ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ジzャ モ⊥ホぴ
(Say: "I am not responsible for your affairs.'') meaning, I have not been appoint ed a guardian or
wat cher over you. Allah also said;
¬∠ べ∠セ リ∠ョヱ∠ リ͡ョ∇ぽΒ⊥ ∇ヤプ∠ ¬∠ べ∠セ リ∠ヨプ∠ ∇ユム⊥ よあ ケz リ͡ョ ペ
∠ ∇ャや モ
͡ ホ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
び∇ゲヘ⊥ ∇ムΒ∠ ∇ヤプ∠
(And say: "The t rut h is from your Lord.'' Then whosoever wills, let him believe, and whosoever
wills, let him disbelieve.) 18:29 , This means, my dut y is t o convey t he Message and your dut y
is t o hear and obey. Those who follow me, will acquire happiness in t his life and t he Hereaft er.
Those who defy me will become miserable in t his life and t he Hereaft er. So Allah said;
びゲx ボ∠ わ∠ ∇ジョぁ み∃ら∠ ル∠ モ
あ ム⊥ ャあぴ
(For every news t here is a realit y...) meaning, for every news, t here is a realit y, in t hat , t his
news will occur, perhaps aft er a while, according t o Ibn ` Abbas and ot hers. Allah said in ot her
Ayat ,
͡ Β͡ェ ギ∠ ∇バよ∠ ロ⊥ ほ∠ら∠ ル∠ リ
z ヨ⊥ ヤ∠∇バわ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And you shall cert ainly know t he t rut h of it aft er a while.) 38:88 and,
び∀ゆゅ∠わ͡ミ モ
∠ ぺ∠ あモム⊥ ャ͡ぴ
((For) each and every mat t er t here is a decree (from Allah).)
warning and a promise t hat will surely occur,
13:38 . This, indeed, is a
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ∠∇バゎ∠ フ
∠ ∇ヲシ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and you will come t o know.) Allah's st at ement ,
びゅ∠レわ͡ ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ヴ͡プ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ッヲ⊥ガΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ろ
∠ ∇Αぺ∠ケ∠ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And when you see t hose who engage in false conversat ion about Our verses (of t he Qur'an)), by
denying and mocking t hem.
The Prohibition of Sitting with Those Who Deny and Mock Allah's
∃ Α͡ギェ
∠ ヴ͡プ ∇やヲ⊥ッヲ⊥ガΑ∠ ヴzわェ
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ∇チゲ͡ ∇ハほ∠プ∠ ぴ
びロ͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βビ
(st ay away from t hem t ill t hey t urn t o anot her t opic.) unt il t hey t alk about a subj ect ot her t han
t he denial t hey were engaged in.
⊥ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや マ
∠ レz Β∠ ジ
͡ レ⊥Α ゅzョま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And if Shayt an causes you t o forget ...) This command includes every member of t his Ummah.
No one is t o sit wit h t hose who deny and dist ort Allah's Ayat and explain t hem incorrect ly. If
one forget s and sit s wit h such people,
びン∠ゲ∇ミグあ ャや ギ∠ ∇バよ∠ ∇ギバ⊥ ∇ボゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ぴ
(t hen aft er t he remembrance sit not you) aft er you remember,
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや ノ∠ ョ∠ ぴ
(in t he company of t hose people who are t he wrongdoers.). A Hadit h st at es,
やヲ⊥ワゲ͡ ∇ムわ⊥ ∇シや ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ラ
⊥ ゅ∠Β∇ジレあ ャや∠ヱ ほ⊥ト
∠ ∇ャや ヶ͡わョz ぺ⊥ ∇リハ
∠ ノ∠ プ͡ ケ⊥ »
(My Ummah was forgiven unint ent ional errors, forget fulness and what t hey are coerced t o do.)
The Ayah above 6:68 is t he Ayah ment ioned in Allah's st at ement ,
͡ ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇バヨ͡ シ
∠ や∠クま͡ ∇ラぺ∠ ょ
͡ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ メ
∠ ゴz ル∠ ∇ギホ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ バ∠ ョ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ギバ⊥ ∇ボゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ぺ⊥ゴ∠ ∇ヰわ∠ ∇ジΑ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ゲ⊥ ヘ∠ ム∠ Α⊥ ヮ͡ ヤzャや
び∇ユヰ⊥ ヤ⊥∇んあョ や⇔ク͡ま ∇ユム⊥ ルz ま͡ ロ͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βビ
∠ ゑ
∃ Α͡ギェ
∠ ヴ͡プ ∇やヲ⊥ッヲ⊥ガΑ∠
(And it has already been revealed t o you in t he Book t hat when you hear t he Verses of Allah
being denied and mocked at , t hen sit not wit h t hem, unt il t hey engage in a t alk ot her t han
t hat ; (but if you st ayed wit h t hem) cert ainly in t hat case you would be like t hem.) 4:140 ,
for, if you st ill sit wit h t hem, agreeing t o what t hey say, you will be j ust like t hem. Allah's
st at ement ,
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リあョ ユ͡ヰよ͡ ゅ∠ジェ
͡ ∇リョ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ボわz Α∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(There is no responsibilit y for t hem upon t hose who have Taqwa,) means, when t he believers
avoid sit t ing wit h wrongdoers in t his case, t hey will be innocent of t hem and t hey will have
saved t hemselves from t heir sin. Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ヲ⊥ボわz Α∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ ン∠ゲ∇ミク͡ リ͡ム⇒∠ャヱ∠ ぴ
(but (t heir dut y) is t o remind t hem, t hat t hey may avoid t hat .), means, We commanded you t o
ignore and avoid t hem, so t hat t hey become aware of t he error t hey are indulging in, t hat t hey
may avoid t his behavior and never repeat it again.
ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ∇ゎzゲビ
∠ ヱ∠ や⇔ヲ∇ヰャ∠ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ら͡バャ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ Α͡キ ∇やヱ⊥グ∠ガゎz や リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ケ͡ ク∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∇ろら∠ ジ
∠ ミ∠ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ∀ザ∇ヘ∠ル モ
∠ ∇らゎ⊥ ラ∠ぺ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ゲミあ ク∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや り⊥ ヲ∠Βエ
∠ ∇ャや
∇メギ͡ ∇バゎ∠ ラ͡まヱ∠ ∀ノΒ͡ヘ∠セ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ヴ
x ャ͡ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ヰャ∠ ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠
ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヤジ
͡ ∇よぺ⊥ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや マ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ べ∠ヰ∇レョ͡ ∇グカ
∠ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
z メ
∃ ∇ギハ
∠ zモミ⊥
ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ∀ユΒ͡ャ∠ぺ ∀ゆや∠グ∠ハ∠ヱ ユ∃ Β͡ヨェ
∠ ∇リョあ ∀ゆや∠ゲ∠セ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥らジ
∠ ミ∠
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヘ⊥ ∇ムΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ
(70. And leave alone t hose who t ake t heir religion as play and amusement , and are deceived by
t he life of t his world. But remind (t hem) wit h it (t he Qur'an) lest a soul Tubsal for t hat which
one has earned, when he will find for himself no prot ect or or int ercessor besides Allah, and
even if he offers every ransom, it will not be accept ed from him. Such are t hey who are given
up t o dest ruct ion because of t hat which t hey have earned. For t hem will be a drink of boiling
wat er and a painful t orment because t hey used t o disbelieve.) Allah said,
ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ∇ゎzゲビ
∠ ヱ∠ や⇔ヲ∇ヰャ∠ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ら͡バャ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ Α͡キ ∇やヱ⊥グ∠ガゎz や リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ケ͡ ク∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
びゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや り⊥ ヲ∠Βエ
∠ ∇ャや
(And leave alone t hose who t ake t heir religion as play and amusement , and are deceived by t he
life of t his world.) The Ayah commands t o leave such people, ignore t hem and give t hem
respit e, for soon, t hey will t ast e a t remendous t orment . This is why Allah said,
びヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ゲミあ ク∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(But remind wit h it ) meaning, remind t he people wit h t his Qur'an and warn t hem against Allah's
revenge and painful t orment on t he Day of Resurrect ion. Allah said;
び∇ろら∠ ジ
∠ ミ∠ ゅ∠ヨ͡よ ∀ザ∇ヘ∠ル モ
∠ ∇らゎ⊥ ラ∠ぺぴ
(lest a soul Tubsal for t hat which one has earned,) meaning, so t hat it is not Tubsal. Ad-Dahhak
from Ibn ` Abbas, Muj ahid, ` Ikrimah, Al-Hasan and As-Suddi said t hat Tubsal means, be
submissive. Al-Walibi said t hat Ibn ` Abbas said t hat Tubsal means, ` be exposed'. Qat adah said
t hat Tubsal means, ` be prevent ed', Murrah and Ibn Zayd said t hat it means, ` be recompensed',
Al-Kalbi said, ` be reckoned'. All t hese st at ement s and expressions are similar, for t hey all mean
exposure t o dest ruct ion, being kept away from all t hat is good, and being rest rained from
at t aining what is desired. Allah also said;
∠ ⇒∠エ∇タぺ∠ Ι
z ま͡ - ∀るレ∠ Β͡ワケ∠ ∇ろら∠ ジ
∠ ミ∠ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ザ
∃ ∇ヘル∠ ぁモミ⊥ ぴ
び ͡リΒ͡ヨ∠Β∇ャや
(Every person is rest rained by what he has earned. Except t hose on t he Right .) 74:38-39 , and
び∀ノΒ͡ヘ∠セ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ヴ
x ャ͡ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ヰャ∠ ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ぴ
(when he will find for himself no prot ect or or int ercessor besides Allah,) and,
びべ∠ヰ∇レョ͡ ∇グカ
∠ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
z メ
∃ ∇ギハ
∠ zモミ⊥ ∇メギ͡ ∇バゎ∠ ラ͡まヱ∠ ぴ
(and even if he offers every ransom, it will not be accept ed from him.) meaning, what ever t he
ransom such people offer, it will not be accept ed from t hem. Allah said in a similar st at ement ,
∇リョ͡ モ
∠ ら∠ ∇ボΑ⊥ リ∠ヤプ∠ ∀ケゅzヘミ⊥ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ゎゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
びゅ⇔らワ∠ ク∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ¬⊥ ∇モあョ ユ͡ワギ͡ ェ
∠ ぺ∠
(Verily, t hose who disbelieved, and died while t hey were disbelievers, t he (whole) eart h full of
gold will not be accept ed from anyone of t hem.) 3:91 Allah said here,
∇リョあ ∀ゆや∠ゲ∠セ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥らジ
∠ ミ∠ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヤジ
͡ ∇よぺ⊥ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや マ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヘ⊥ ∇ムΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ∀ユΒ͡ャ∠ぺ ∀ゆや∠グ∠ハ∠ヱ ユ∃ Β͡ヨェ
(Such are t hey who are given up t o dest ruct ion because of t hat which t hey have earned. For
t hem will be a drink of boiling wat er and a painful t orment because t hey used t o disbelieve. )
ゅ∠ルゲぁ ツ
⊥ Α∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠レバ⊥ ヘ∠ レ∠Α Ι
∠ ゅ∠ョ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ∇やヲ⊥ハ∇ギル∠ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
ン͡グャzゅ∠ミ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ゅ∠ルや∠ギワ∠ ∇クま͡ ギ∠ ∇バよ∠ ゅ∠レら͡ ⇒∠ボ∇ハぺ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ キぁ ゲ∠ ル⊥ ヱ∠
ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ラ
∠ や∠ゲ∇Βェ
∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ リ
⊥ Β͡ト⇒∠Βzゼャや ヮ⊥ ∇ゎヲ∠ ∇ヰわ∠ ∇シや
ン∠ギワ⊥ ラ
z ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ゅ∠レわ͡ ∇もや ン∠ギヰ⊥ ∇ャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ヮ⊥ ル∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギΑ∠ ∀ょ⇒∠エ∇タ∠ぺ
- リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ∠⇒∠バ∇ャや ゆ
あ ゲ∠ ャ͡ ユ∠ ヤ͡∇ジレ⊥ ャ͡ ゅ∠ル∇ゲョ͡ ぺ⊥ヱ∠ ン∠ギヰ⊥ ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヮ͡ ヤzャや
ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥ボゎz や∠ヱ り∠ ヲヤzダャや ∇やヲ⊥ヨΒ͡ホぺ∠ ∇ラぺ∠ヱ∠
∠ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲゼ
∠ ∇エゎ⊥
ヮ⊥ ャ∠ヱ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャや ヮ⊥ ャ⊥∇ヲホ∠ ラ
⊥ ヲ⊥ムΒ∠ プ∠ リ⊥ミ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボΑ∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヱ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ
り͡ ギ∠ ⇒∠ヰゼ
z ャや∠ヱ ょ
͡ ∇Βピ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヤ͡⇒∠ハ ケ͡ ヲ∠ ダ
ぁ ャや ヴ͡プ オ
⊥ ヘ∠ レ⊥Α ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ マ
⊥ ∇ヤヨ⊥ ∇ャや
び ゲ⊥ Β͡らガ
∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ Β͡ムエ
∠ ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠
(71. Say: "Shall we invoke ot hers besides Allah (false deit ies), t hat can do us neit her good nor
harm, and shall we t urn on our heels aft er Allah has guided us -- Like one whom t he Shayat in
(devils) have made t o go ast ray, confused (wandering) t hrough t he land, his companions calling
him t o guidance (saying): ` Come t o us.''' Say: "Verily, Allah's guidance is t he only guidance, and
we have been commanded t o submit (ourselves) t o t he Lord of all t hat exist s.) (72. And t o
perform t he Salah, and have Taqwa of Him, and it is He t o Whom you shall be gat hered.) (73. It
is He Who has creat ed t he heavens and t he eart h in t rut h, and on t he Day He will say: "Be!'' it
shall become. His Word is t he t rut h. His will be t he dominion on t he Day when t he Sur will be
blown. All-Knower of t he unseen and t he seen. He is t he All-Wise, Well-Aware.)
The Parable of Those Who Revert to Disbelief After Faith and Good
As-Suddi said, "Some idolat ors said t o some Muslims, ` Follow us and abandon t he religion of
Muhammad.' Allah sent down t he revelat ion,
ゅ∠ルゲぁ ツ
⊥ Α∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠レバ⊥ ヘ∠ レ∠Α Ι
∠ ゅ∠ョ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ∇やヲ⊥ハ∇ギル∠ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
びゅ∠レら͡ ⇒∠ボ∇ハぺ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ キぁ ゲ∠ ル⊥ ヱ∠
(Say: "Shall we invoke ot hers besides Allah, t hat can do us neit her good nor harm, and shall we
t urn on our heels...'') by revert ing t o disbelief,
びヮ⊥ zヤャや ゅ∠ルや∠ギワ∠ ∇クま͡ ギ∠ ∇バよ∠ ぴ
("...aft er Allah has guided us.'') for if we do t his, our example will be like he whom t he devils
have caused t o wander in confusion t hroughout t he land. Allah says here, your example, if you
revert t o disbelief aft er you believed, is t hat of a man who went wit h some people on a road,
but he lost his way and t he devils led him t o wander in confusion over t he land. Meanwhile, his
companions on t he road were calling him t o come t o t hem saying, ` Come back t o us, for we
are on t he pat h.' But , he refused t o go back t o t hem. This is t he example of he who follows t he
devil aft er recognizing Muhammad , and Muhammad is t he person who is calling t he people t o
t he pat h, and t he pat h is Islam.'' Ibn Jarir recorded t his st at ement .Allah's st at ement , j
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ リ
⊥ Β͡ト⇒∠Βzゼャや ヮ⊥ ∇ゎヲ∠ ∇ヰわ∠ ∇シや ン͡グャzゅ∠ミぴ
(Like one whom t he Shayat in (devils) have made t o go ast ray (wandering) t hrough t he land, )
refers t o ghouls,
びヮ⊥ ∠ルヲ⊥ハ∇ギ∠Αぴ
(calling him) by his name, his fat her's and his grandfat her's names. So he follows t he devils' call
t hinking t hat it is a pat h of guidance, but by t he morning he will find himself dest royed and
perhaps t hey eat him. The Jinns will t hen let him wander in a wast eland where he will die of
t hirst . This is t he example of t hose who follow t he false gods t hat are being worshipped inst ead
of Allah, Most Honored. Ibn Jarir also recorded t his. Allah said,
びン∠ギヰ⊥ ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ン∠ギワ⊥ ラ
z ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Verily, Allah's guidance is t he only guidance,'') Allah said in ot her inst ances,
͡ ョぁ リ͡ョ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠ヨプ∠ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや ギ͡ ∇ヰΑ∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(And whomsoever Allah guides, for him t here will be none t o misguide him.) 39:37 , and,
リ∠ョ ン͡ギ∇ヰΑ∠ Ι
∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z み͡プ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ や∠ギワ⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ソゲ͡ ∇エゎ∠ ラ͡まぴ
∠ Α͡ゲダ
͡ ⇒zル リあョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぁモツ
͡ Α⊥
(If you covet for t heir guidance, t hen verily Allah guides not t hose whom He makes t o go
ast ray. And t hey will have no helpers.) 17:37 Allah's st at ement ,
∠ Β͡ヨヤ∠⇒∠バ∇ャや ゆ
あ ゲ∠ ャ͡ ユ∠ ヤ͡∇ジレ⊥ ャ͡ ゅ∠ル∇ゲョ͡ ぺ⊥ヱ∠ ぴ
(and we have been commanded t o submit t o t he Lord of all t hat exist s.) means, we were
commanded t o worship Allah in sincerit y t o Him alone, wit hout part ners.
びロ⊥ ヲ⊥ボゎz や∠ヱ り∠ ヲヤzダャや ∇やヲ⊥ヨΒ͡ホぺ∠ ∇ラぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t o perform t he Salah, and have Taqwa of Him.) meaning, we were commanded t o perform
t he prayer and t o fear Allah in all circumst ances,
∠ ヱ⊥ゲゼ
∠ ∇エゎ⊥ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and it is He t o Whom you shall be gat hered.) on t he Day of Resurrect ion.
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ チ
∠ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(It is He Who has creat ed t he heavens and t he eart h in t rut h.) meaning, in j ust ice, and He is
t heir Originat or and Owner Who governs t heir affairs and t he affairs of t heir inhabit ant s. Allah
⊥ ヲ⊥ムΒ∠ プ∠ リ⊥ミ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボΑ∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and on t he Day He will say: "Be!'' it shall become.) Referring t o t he Day of Resurrect ion, which
will come fast er t han t he blink of an eye, when Allah says t o it , ` Be.'
As-Sur; The Trumpet
Allah's st at ement ,
びケ͡ ヲ∠ ダ
ぁ ャや ヴ͡プ オ
⊥ ヘ∠ レ⊥Α ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ぴ
(on t he Day when t he Sur will be blown...) refers t o His st at ement ,
⊥ ヲ⊥ムΒ∠ プ∠ リ⊥ミ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボΑ∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and on t he Day He will say: "Be!'' it shall become.) as we st at ed above. Or, it means,
びケ͡ ヲ∠ ダ
ぁ ャや ヴ͡プ オ
⊥ ヘ∠ レ⊥Α ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ マ
⊥ ∇ヤヨ⊥ ∇ャや ヮ⊥ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(His will be t he dominion on t he Day when t he Sur will be blown.) Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
びケ͡ ゅzヰボ∠ ∇ャや ギ͡ ェ
͡ ヲ∠ ∇ャや ヮ͡ ヤzャ͡ ュ∠ ∇ヲΒ∠ ∇ャや マ
⊥ ∇ヤヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
͡ ヨ∠ ャあぴ
(Whose is t he kingdom t his Day It is Allah's, t he One, t he Irresist ible!) 40:16 , and,
∠ ゅ⇔ョ∇ヲΑ∠ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミヱ∠ リ
͡ ⇒∠ヨ∇ェゲz ヤ͡ャ ペ
∠ ∇ャや グ∃ ゃ͡ ョ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ マ
⊥ ∇ヤヨ⊥ ∇ャやぴ
び や⇔ゲΒ͡ジハ
∠ リ
∠ Α͡ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ム∇ャや
(The sovereignt y on t hat Day will be t he t rue (sovereignt y), belonging t o t he Most Beneficent
(Allah), and it will be a hard Day for t he disbelievers.) 25:26 The Sur is t he Trumpet int o
which t he angel Israfil, peace be upon him, will blow. The Messenger of Allah said,
ヮ⊥ わ∠ ヰ∠ ∇らィ
∠ ヴ∠レェ
∠ ヱ∠ ∩∠ケヲぁダャや ユ∠ ボ∠ わ∠ ∇ャや ギ͡ ホ∠ モ
∠ Β͡プや∠ゲ∇シま͡ ラ
z ま͡»
«オ⊥ヘ∇レΒ∠ プ∠ ゲ∠ョ∇ぽΑ⊥ ヴ∠わョ∠ ゲ⊥ ヌ
͡ わ∠ ∇レΑ∠
(Israfil has held t he Sur in his mout h and lowered his forehead, await ing t he command t o blow
in it .) Muslim recorded t his Hadit h in his Sahih. Imam Ahmad recorded t hat ` Abdullah bin ` Amr
said, "A bedouin man said, ` O Allah's Messenger! What is t he Sur' He said,
«ヮΒ͡プ オ
⊥ ヘ∠ ∇レΑ⊥ ∀ラ∇ゲ∠ホ»
(A Trumpet which will be blown.)''
る⇔ ヰ∠ ャ͡や∠¬ ゅ⇔ョゅ∠レ∇タぺ∠ グ⊥ ガ
͡ わz ゎ∠ ぺ∠ ケ∠ コ∠ や∠¬ ヮ͡ Β͡よΙ
6 ユ⊥ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
ン͡ゲル⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ - リ
∃ Β͡らョぁ モ
∃ ⇒∠ヤッ
∠ ヴ͡プ マ
∠ ョ∠ ∇ヲホ∠ ヱ∠ ポ
∠ や∠ケぺ∠ ヴあルま͡
∠ ョ͡ ∠ラヲ⊥ム∠Β͡ャ∠ヱ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや れ
∠ ヲ⊥ムヤ∠ョ∠ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡
∠ ゅ∠ホ ゅ⇔ら∠ミ∇ヲミ∠ ン∠ぺケ∠ モ
⊥ ∇Βzャや ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ リ
∠ ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠ - リ
∠ Βレ͡ ホ͡ ヲ⊥ヨ∇ャや
べzヨヤ∠プ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡ヤプ͡ Ι
x や ぁょェ
͡ ぺ⊥ Ι メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ モ
∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ べzヨヤ∠プ∠ ヴあよケ∠ や∠グ⇒∠ワ
∠ ゅ∠ホ モ
∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ べzヨヤ∠プ∠ ヴあよケ∠ や∠グ⇒∠ワ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ゅ⇔ビ͡コゅ∠よ ゲ∠ ヨ∠ ボ∠ ∇ャや ン∠ぺケ∠
∠ Βあャべzツャや ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ リ
z ル∠ ヲ⊥ミΙ
∂ ヴあよケ∠ ヴ͡ルギ͡ ∇ヰΑ∠ ∇ユャz リ͡ゃャ∠
へ∠グ⇒∠ワ ヴあよケ∠ や∠グ⇒∠ワ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ る⇔ ビ
∠ コ͡ ゅ∠よ ザ
∠ ∇ヨゼ
z ャや ン∠ぺケ∠ ゅzヨ∠ヤプ∠
ゅzヨョあ ∀¬ン͡ゲ∠よ ヴあルま͡ ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ Α メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇ろヤ∠プ∠ ぺ∠ べzヨヤ∠プ∠ ゲ⊥ ら∠ ∇ミぺ∠
ゲ∠ ト
∠ プ∠ ン͡グヤzャ͡ ヴ
∠ ヰ͡ ∇ィヱ∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ヰzィヱ∠ ヴあルま͡ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ べ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヘΒ͡レェ
∠ チ
∠ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや
(74. And (remember) when Ibrahim said t o his fat her Azar: "Do you t ake idols as gods Verily, I
see you and your people in manifest error.'') (75. Thus did we show Ibrahim t he kingdom of t he
heavens and t he eart h t hat he be one of t hose who have fait h wit h cert aint y. ) (76. When t he
night overcame him he saw a Kawkab. He said: "This is my lord.'' But when it Afala, he said: "I
like not t hose t hat set .'') (77. When he saw t he moon rising up, he said: "This is my lord.'' But
when it set , he said: "Unless my Lord guides me, I shall surely be among t he misguided
people.'') (78. When he saw t he sun rising up, he said: "This is my lord. This is great er.'' But
when it Afalat , he said: "O my people! I am indeed free from all t hat you j oin as part ners in
worship wit h Allah.) (79. Verily, I have t urned my face t owards Him Who has creat ed t he
heavens and t he eart h, Hanifan, and I am not of t he idolat ors.'')
Ibrahim Advises his Father
Ibrahim advised, discouraged and forbade his fat her from worshipping idols, j ust as Allah
st at ed,
ゅ⇔ョゅ∠レ∇タぺ∠ グ⊥ ガ
͡ わz ゎ∠ ぺ∠ ケ∠ コ∠ や∠¬ ヮ͡ Β͡よΙ
6 ユ⊥ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
びる⇔ ヰ∠ ャ͡や∠¬
(And (remember) when Ibrahim said t o his fat her Azar: "Do you t ake idols as gods'') meaning, do
you worship an idol inst ead of Allah
∠ ョ∠ ∇ヲホ∠ ヱ∠ ポ
∠ や∠ケぺ∠ ヴあルま͡ぴ
(Verily, I see you and your people...) who follow your pat h,
∃ Β͡らョぁ モ
∃ ⇒∠ヤッ
∠ ヴ͡プぴ
(in manifest error) wandering in confusion unaware of where t o go. Therefore, you are in
disarray and ignorance, and t his fact is clear t o all t hose who have sound reason. Allah also
- ゅ⇔Β∂ ら͡ ルz ゅ⇔ボΑあギタ
͡ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ ょ
͡ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ ∇ゲミ⊥ ∇クや∠ヱぴ
ゲ⊥ ダ
͡ ∇らΑ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ノ⊥ ヨ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ Ι
∠ ゅ∠ョ ギ⊥ ら⊥ ∇バゎ∠ ユ∠ ャ͡ ろ
͡ よ∠ ほ∠Α ヮ͡ Β͡よΙ
6 メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇クま͡
∠ ョ͡ ヴ͡ル¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇ギホ∠ ヴあルま͡ ろ
͡ よ∠ ほ∠Α - ゅ⇔ゃ∇Βセ
∠ マ
∠ レ∠ハ ヴ͡レ∇ピΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠
- ゅ⇔Α∂ ヲ͡ シ
∠ ゅ⇔デや∠ゲタ
͡ ポ
∠ ギ͡ ∇ワぺ∠ ヴ͡レ∇バら͡ ゎz ゅ∠プ マ
∠ ゎ͡ ∇ほΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ョ ユ͡ ∇ヤバ͡ ∇ャや
͡ ⇒∠ヨ∇ェゲz ヤ͡ャ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ リ
∠ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや ラ
z ま͡ リ
∠ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや ギ͡ ら⊥ ∇バゎ∠ Ι
∠ ろ
͡ よ∠ ほ∠Α
∠ ョあ ∀ゆや∠グ∠ハ マ
z ヨ∠ Α∠ ラ∠ぺ フ
⊥ ゅ∠カぺ∠ ヴあルま͡ ろ
͡ よ∠ ほ∠Α - ゅ⇔Β∂ ダ
͡ ハ
∀ょ͡ビや∠ケ∠ぺ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ - ゅ⇔Β∂ ャ͡ヱ∠ リ
͡ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ヤ͡ャ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ムわ∠ プ∠ リ
͡ ⇒∠ヨ∇ェゲz ャや
∠ レz ヨ∠ ィ
⊥ ∇ケΕ
∠ ヮ͡ わ∠ レ∠ゎ ∇ユャz リ͡ゃャ∠ ユ⊥ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よみ͡Α ヴ͡わヰ∠ ャ͡へ ∇リハ
∠ ろ
∠ ル∠ぺ
∠ ャ∠ ゲ⊥ ヘ͡ ∇ピわ∠ ∇シほ∠シ
∠ マ
∠ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∀ユ⇒∠ヤシ
∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ - ゅ⇔Β∂ ヤ͡ョ∠ ヴ͡ル∇ゲイ
⊥ ∇ワや∠ヱ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギゎ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ⊥ゴ͡ わ∠ ∇ハぺ∠ヱ∠ - ゅ⇔Β∂ ヘ͡ ェ
∠ ヴ͡よ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ヶあよケ∠
¬͡ べ∠ハギ⊥ よ͡ ラ
∠ ヲミ⊥ ぺ∠ Ι
z ぺ∠ ヴ∠ジハ
∠ ヴあよケ∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇キぺ∠ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ
び ゅ6Βボ͡ セ
∠ ヴあよケ∠
(And ment ion in t he Book (t he Qur'an, t he st ory of) Ibrahim. Verily! He was a man of t rut h, a
Prophet . When he said t o his fat her: "O my fat her! Why do you worship t hat which hears not ,
sees not and cannot avail you in anyt hing O my fat her! Verily! There has come t o me of
knowledge t hat which came not unt o you. So follow me. I will guide you t o a st raight pat h. O
my fat her! Worship not Shayt an. Verily! Shayt an has been a rebel against t he Most Beneficent
(Allah). O my fat her! Verily! I fear lest a t orment from t he Most Beneficent (Allah) overt akes
you, so t hat you become a companion of Shayt an (in t he Hell-fire).'' He (t he fat her) said: "Do
you rej ect my gods, O Ibrahim If you st op not (t his), I will indeed st one you. So get away from
me safely before I punish you.'' Ibrahim said: "Peace be on you! I will ask forgiveness of my Lord
for you. Verily! He is unt o me, Ever Most Gracious. And I shall t urn away from you and from
t hose whom you invoke besides Allah. And I shall call on my Lord; and I hope t hat I shall not be
unanswered in my invocat ion t o my Lord.'') 19:41-48 Ibrahim cont inued asking for forgiveness
for his fat her for t he rest of his fat her's life. When his fat her died an idolat or and Ibrahim
realized t his fact , he st opped asking Allah for forgiveness for him and disassociat ed himself
from him. Allah said,
り∃ ギ∠ ハ
͡ ∇ヲョz リ∠ハ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ͡ Β͡よΙ
6 ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ ケ⊥ ゅ∠ヘ∇ピわ͡ ∇シや ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
z ま͡ ヮ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ぺ∠ゲz ら∠ ゎ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャ͡ ヱx ギ⊥ ハ
∠ ヮ⊥ zルぺ∠ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ リ
∠ Βz ら∠ ゎ∠ ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠ ロ⊥ ゅzΑま͡ べ∠ワギ∠ ハ
∠ ヱ∠
び ∀ユΒ͡ヤ∠ェ ∀ロやzヱ∠Ε ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡
(And invoking for his fat her's forgiveness was only because of a promise he had made t o him.
But when it became clear t o him t hat he was an enemy t o Allah, he dissociat ed himself from
him. Verily Ibrahim was pat ient in supplicat ion and forbearing.) 9:114 . It was recorded in t he
Sahih t hat Ibrahim will meet his fat her Azar on t he Day of Resurrect ion and Azar will say t o
him, "My son! This Day, I will not disobey you.'' Ibrahim will say, "O Lord! You promised me not
t o disgrace me on t he Day t hey are resurrect ed; and what will be more disgraceful t o me t han
cursing and dishonoring my fat her'' Then Allah will say, "O Ibrahim! Look behind you!'' He will
look and t here he will see (t hat his fat her was changed int o) a male hyena covered in dung,
which will be caught by t he legs and t hrown in t he (Hell) Fire.''
Tawhid Becomes Apparent to Ibrahim
Allah's st at ement ,
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや れ
∠ ヲ⊥ムヤ∠ョ∠ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ ン͡ゲル⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ
(Thus did We show Ibrahim t he kingdom of t he heavens and t he eart h...) 6:75 , means, when
he cont emplat ed about t he creat ion of t he heaven and eart h, We showed Ibrahim t he proofs of
Allah's Oneness over His dominion and His creat ion, which indicat e t hat t here is no god or Lord
except Allah. Allah said in ot her Ayat ;
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ヴ͡プ や∠クゅ∠ョ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヌ
⊥ ルや モ
͡ ホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Behold all t hat is in t he heavens and t he eart h.'') 10:101 , and,
∠ ョあ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヘ∠ ∇ヤカ
∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ Α͡ギ∇Αぺ∠ リ
∠ ∇Βよ∠ ゅ∠ョ ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇や∇ヱゲ∠ Α∠ ∇ユヤ∠プ∠ ぺ∠ぴ
∇ヱぺ∠ チ
∠ ∇ケΙ
x や ユ⊥ ヰ͡ よ͡ ∇ブジ
͡ ∇ガル∠ ∇ほゼ
∠ ルz ラ͡ま チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ ͡¬べ∠ヨジ
z ャや
る⇔ Α∠ Ι
∂ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ヴ͡プ ラ
z ま͡ ͡¬べ∠ヨジ
z ャや リ
∠ ョあ ゅ⇔ヘ∠ジミ͡ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇テボ͡ ∇ジル⊥
∃ Β͡レョぁ ギ∃ ∇らハ
∠ モ
あ ム⊥ ャあ
(See t hey not what is before t hem and what is behind t hem, of t he heaven and t he eart h If We
will, We sink t he eart h wit h t hem, or cause a piece of t he sky t o fall upon t hem. Verily, in t his
is a sign for every servant who t urns t o Allah.) 34:9 Allah said next ,
⊥ ∇Βzャや ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ リ
∠ ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠ ぴ
(When t he night overcame him) covered him wit h darkness,
びゅ⇔ら∠ミ∇ヲミ∠ ン∠ぺケ∠ ぴ
(He saw a Kawkab) a st ar.
∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ べzヨヤ∠プ∠ ヴあよケ∠ や∠グ⇒∠ワ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホぴ
(He said: "This is my lord.'' But when it Afala,) meaning, set , he said,
∠ Β͡ヤプ͡ Ι
x や ぁょェ
͡ ぺ⊥ Ιぴ
(I like not t hose t hat set .) Qat adah comment ed, "Ibrahim knew t hat his Lord is Et ernal and
never ceases.''
∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ べzヨヤ∠プ∠ ヴあよケ∠ や∠グ⇒∠ワ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ゅ⇔ビ͡コゅ∠よ ゲ∠ ヨ∠ ボ∠ ∇ャや ン∠ぺケ∠ べzヨヤ∠プ∠ ぴ
ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ リ
z ル∠ ヲ⊥ミΙ
∂ ヴあよケ∠ ヴ͡ルギ͡ ∇ヰΑ∠ ∇ユャz リ͡ゃャ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ
∠ Βあャべzツャや
びヴあよケ∠ ぴ
(When he saw t he moon rising up, he said: "This is my lord.'' But when it set , he said: "Unless
my Lord guides me, I shall surely be among t he misguided people.'' When he saw t he sun rising
up, he said: "This is my lord.'') t his radiat ing, rising st ar is my lord,
びゲ⊥ ら∠ ∇ミぺ∠ へ∠グ⇒∠ワぴ
(This is great er) bigger t han t he st ar and t he moon, and more radiant .
び∇ろヤ∠プ∠ ぺ∠ べzヨヤ∠プ∠ ぴ
(But when it Afalat ) set ,
⊥ ∇ヰzィヱ∠ ヴあルみ͡ル∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ゅzヨョあ ∀¬ン͡ゲ∠よ ヴあルま͡ ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ Α メ
∠ ゅ∠ホぴ
∠ ヰ͡ ∇ィヱ∠
(he said: "O my people! I am indeed free from all t hat you j oin as part ners in worship wit h
Allah. Verily, I have t urned my face...''), meaning, I have purified my religion and made my
worship sincere,
∠ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ゲ∠ ト
∠ プ∠ ン͡グヤzャ͡ぴ
("t owards Him Who has creat ed t he heavens and t he eart h,'') Who originat ed t hem and shaped
t hem wit hout precedence,
(Hanifan) avoiding Shirk and embracing Tawhid. This is why he said next ,
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ べ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
("and I am not of t he idolat ors.'')
Prophet Ibrahim Debates with his People
We should not e here t hat , in t hese Ayat , Ibrahim, peace be upon him, was debat ing wit h his
people, explaining t o t hem t he error of t heir way in worshipping idols and images. In t he first
case wit h his fat her, Ibrahim explained t o his people t heir error in worshipping t he idols of
eart h, which t hey made in t he shape of heavenly angels, so t hat t hey int ercede on t heir behalf
wit h t he Glorious Creat or. His people t hought t hat t hey are t oo insignificant t o worship Allah
direct ly, and t his is why t hey t urned t o t he worship of angels as int ercessors wit h Allah for
t heir provisions, gaining vict ory and at t aining t heir various needs. He t hen explained t o t hem
t he error and deviat ion of worshipping t he seven planet s, which t hey said were t he Moon,
Mercury, Venus, t he Sun, Mars, Jupit er and Sat urn. The bright est of t hese obj ect s and t he most
honored t o t hem was t he Sun, t he Moon t hen Venus. Ibrahim, may Allah's peace and blessings
be on him, first proved t hat Venus is not wort hy of being worshipped, for it is subservient t o a
t erm and course appoint ed t hat it does not defy, nor swerving right or left . Venus does not
have any say in it s affairs, for it is only a heavenly obj ect t hat Allah creat ed and made bright
out of His wisdom. Venus rises from t he east and set s in t he west where it disappears from
sight . This rot at ion is repeat ed t he next night , and so fort h. Such an obj ect is not wort hy of
being a god. Ibrahim t hen went on t o ment ion t he Moon in t he same manner in which he
ment ioned Venus, and t hen t he Sun. When he proved t hat t hese t hree obj ect s were not gods,
alt hough t hey are t he bright est obj ect s t he eyes can see,
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ゅzヨョあ ∀¬ン͡ゲ∠よ ヴあルま͡ ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ Α メ
∠ ゅ∠ホぴ
(he said: "O my people! I am indeed free from all t hat you j oin as part ners in worship wit h
Allah.'') meaning, I am free from worshipping t hese obj ect s and from t aking t hem as prot ect ors.
Therefore, if t hey are indeed gods as you claim, t hen all of you bring your plot against me and
do not give me respit e.
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ゲ∠ ト
∠ プ∠ ン͡グヤzャ͡ ヴ
∠ ヰ͡ ∇ィヱ∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ヰzィヱ∠ ヴあルま͡ぴ
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ べ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヘΒ͡レェ
∠ チ
∠ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ
(Verily, I have t urned my face t owards Him Who has creat ed t he heavens and t he eart h,
Hanifan, and I am not one of t he idolat ors.) meaning, I worship t he Creat or of t hese t hings,
Who originat ed and decreed t hem, and Who governs t heir affairs and made t hem subservient .
It is He in Whose Hand is t he dominion of all t hings, and He is t he Creat or, Lord, King and God
of all t hings in exist ence. In anot her Ayah, Allah said
ヶ͡プ チ
∠ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
∠ ャや ペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ン͡グャzや ヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ zよケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ぴ
∠ ∇Βャzや ヴ͡ゼ∇ピΑ⊥ ス
͡ ∇ゲバ∠ ∇ャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ン∠ヲわ∠ ∇シや zユを⊥ ュ∃ ゅzΑぺ∠ る͡ わz シ
ュ∠ ヲ⊥イレぁ ャや∠ヱ ゲ∠ ヨ∠ ボ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ザ
∠ ∇ヨゼ
z ャや∠ヱ ゅ⇔んΒ͡んェ
∠ ヮ⊥ ら⊥ ヤ⊥∇トΑ∠ ケ∠ ゅ∠ヰレz ャや
ヮ⊥ zヤャや ポ
∠ ケ∠ ゅ∠らゎ∠ ゲ⊥ ∇ョΙ
x や∠ヱ ペ
⊥ ∇ヤガ
∠ ∇ャや ヮ⊥ ャ∠ Ι
∠ ぺ∠ ロ͡ ゲ͡ ∇ョほ∠よ͡ れ
∃ ゲ∠ ガ
∠ ョ⊥
∠ Β͡ヨヤ∠⇒∠バ∇ャや ゆ
ぁ ケ∠
(Indeed your Lord is Allah, Who creat ed t he heavens and t he eart h in six Days, and t hen He
Ist awa (rose over) t he Throne. He brings t he night as a cover over t he day, seeking it rapidly,
and (He creat ed) t he sun, t he moon, t he st ars, subj ect ing t hem t o His command. Surely, His is
t he creat ion and commandment . Blessed be Allah, t he Lord of all t hat exist s!) 7:54 . Allah
described Prophet Ibrahim,
ヮ͡ よ͡ ゅzレミ⊥ ヱ∠ モ
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ロ⊥ ギ∠ ∇セケ⊥ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ べ∠レ∇Β∠ゎや∠¬ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
⊥ Β͡ん⇒∠ヨzわャや ロ͡ グ͡ ⇒∠ワ ゅ∠ョ ヮ͡ ョ͡ ∇ヲホ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ Β͡よΙ
6 メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇クま͡ - リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒∠ハ
∠ ヲ⊥ヘム͡ ⇒∠ハ ゅ∠ヰャ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ ヴ͡わャzや
(And indeed We best owed aforet ime on Ibrahim his (port ion of) guidance, and We were wellacquaint ed wit h him. When he said t o his fat her and his people: "What are t hese images, t o
which you are devot ed'') 21:51-52 . These Ayat indicat e t hat Ibrahim was debat ing wit h his
people about t he Shirk t hey pract iced.
ヴ͡ルや∠ギワ∠ ∇ギホ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ͡プ ヴあルヲぁィゅ∠エゎ⊥ ぺ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ヮ⊥ ョ⊥ ∇ヲホ∠ ヮ⊥ zィべ∠ェヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヴあよケ∠ ¬∠ べ∠ゼΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ͡ よ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ゅ∠ョ フ
⊥ ゅ∠カぺ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠
- ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲミz グ∠ わ∠ ゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ ゅ⇔ヨ∇ヤハ
͡ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ zモミ⊥ ヴあよケ∠ ノ∠ シ
͡ ヱ∠
∇ユム⊥ ルz ぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥プゅ∠ガゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ べ∠ョ フ
⊥ ゅ∠カぺ∠ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ヱ∠
ぁ ほ∠プ∠ ゅ⇔レ⇒∠ト∇ヤシ
⊥ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇メゴあ レ∠ Α⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ョ ヮ͡ ヤzャゅ͡よ ユ⊥わ∇ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠
∠ Α͡グャzや - ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠ゎ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ラ͡ま リ
͡ ∇ョΙ
x ゅ͡よ ペ
∠ ぺ∠ リ
͡ ∇Βボ∠ Α͡ゲヘ∠ ∇ャや
⊥ ∇ョΙ
x や ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ャ∠ マ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ ユ∃ ∇ヤヌ
⊥ よ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ ⇒∠ヨΑ͡ま ∇やヲ⊥ジら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬
∠ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ べ∠ヰ⇒∠レ∇Βゎ∠ や∠¬ べ∠レわ⊥ イ
⊥ マ
∠ ∇ヤゎ͡ ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギわ∠ ∇ヰョぁ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠
∠ マ
∠ よz ケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ ¬⊥ べ∠ゼルz リzョ ろ
∃ ⇒∠ィケ∠ キ∠ ノ⊥ プ∠ ∇ゲル∠ ヮ͡ ョ͡ ∇ヲホ∠
び ∀ユΒ͡ヤ∠ハ
(80. His people disput ed wit h him. He said: "Do you disput e wit h me about Allah while He has
guided me, and I fear not t hose whom you associat e wit h Allah in worship. (Not hing can happen
t o me) except when my Lord wills somet hing. My Lord comprehends in His knowledge all t hings.
Will you not t hen remember) (81. And how should I fear t hose whom you associat e in worship
wit h Allah, while you fear not t hat you have j oined in worship wit h Allah t hings for which He
has not sent down t o you any Sult an.(So) which of t he t wo part ies has more right t o be in
securit y If you but know.'') (82. It is t hose who believe and confuse not t heir belief wit h Zulm
(wrong), for t hem (only) t here is securit y and t hey are t he guided.) (83. And t hat was Our proof
which We gave Ibrahim against his people. We in degrees raise whom We will. Cert ainly your
Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing.) Allah st at es t hat His Khalil, Prophet Ibrahim, said when his
people ment ioned various doubt s and disput ed wit h him about t he Tawhid t hat he called t o:
びヴ͡ルや∠ギワ∠ ∇ギホ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ͡プ ヴあルヲぁィゅ∠エゎ⊥ ぺ∠ぴ
(Do you disput e wit h me about Allah while He has guided me). The Ayah means, do you argue
wit h me about Allah, ot her t han Whom t here is no god wort hy of worship, while He has guided
me t o t he Trut h and made me aware of it Therefore, how can I ever consider your misguided
st at ement s and false doubt s Ibrahim said next ,
ヴあよケ∠ ¬∠ べ∠ゼΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ͡ よ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ゅ∠ョ フ
⊥ ゅ∠カぺ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and I fear not t hose whom you associat e wit h Allah in worship. (Not hing can happen t o me)
except when my Lord wills somet hing.) Ibrahim said, among t he proofs t o t he falsehood of your
creed, is t hat t hese false gods t hat you worship do not bring about any effect , and I do not fear
t hem or care about t hem. Therefore, if t hese gods are able t o cause harm, t hen use t hem
against me and do not give me respit e. Ibrahim's st at ement ,
∠ ヴあよケ∠ ¬∠ べ∠ゼΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ Ι
z ま͡ぴ
(except when my Lord wills somet hing.) means, only Allah causes benefit or harm.
͡ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ zモミ⊥ ヴあよケ∠ ノ∠ シ
͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
(My Lord comprehends in His knowledge all t hings. ) meaning, Allah's knowledge encompasses
all t hings and not hing escapes His complet e observat ion,
∠ ヱ⊥ゲミz グ∠ わ∠ ゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ぴ
(Will you not t hen remember) what I explained t o you, considering your idols as false gods and
refraining from worshipping t hem This reasoning from Prophet Ibrahim is similar t o t he
argument t hat Prophet Hud used against his people, ` Ad. Allah ment ioned t his incident in His
Book, when He said,
ヴ͡ミケ͡ ゅ∠わよ͡ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ る∃ レ∠ Βあ ら∠ よ͡ ゅ∠レわ∠ ∇ゃィ
͡ ゅ∠ョ キ⊥ ヲ⊥ヰΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホぴ
ラ͡ま - リ
∠ Β͡レョ͡ ∇ぽヨ⊥ よ͡ マ
∠ ャ∠ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡∇ヲホ∠ リ∠ハ ゅ∠レわ͡ ヰ∠ ャ͡や¬
ヴあルま͡ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ¬∃ ヲ⊥ジよ͡ ゅ∠レわ͡ ヰ∠ ャ͡や∠¬ ヂ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ポ
∠ や∠ゲわ∠ ∇ハや Ι
z ま͡ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボルz
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ゅzヨョあ ∀¬ン͡ゲ∠よ ヴあルぺ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ギヰ∠ ∇セや∠ヱ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ギ⊥ ヰ͡ ∇セぺ⊥
ヴあルま͡ - ラ
͡ ヱ⊥ゲヌ
͡ レ⊥ゎ Ι
∠ zユを⊥ ゅ⇔バΒ͡ヨィ
∠ ヴ͡ルヱ⊥ギΒ͡ムプ∠ ヮ͡ ル͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ
ヲ∠ ワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ る∃ よz へ∠キ リ͡ョ ゅzョ ∇ユム⊥ よあ ケ∠ ヱ∠ ヴあよケ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ヤミz ヲ∠ ゎ∠
び ユ∃ Β͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョぁ ヅ
∃ ゲ∠ タ
͡ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヴあよケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ べ∠ヰわ͡ Β∠ タ
͡ ゅ∠レよ͡ ∀グ͡カや¬
(They said: "O Hud! No evidence have you brought us, and we shall not leave our gods for your
(mere) saying! And we are not believers in you. All t hat we say is t hat some of our gods have
seized you wit h evil.'' He said: "I call Allah t o wit ness - and bear you wit ness - t hat I am free
from t hat which you ascribe as part ners in worship wit h Him (Allah). So plot against me, all of
you, and give me no respit e. I put my t rust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord! There is not a
moving creat ure but He has grasp of it s forelock. Verily, my Lord is on t he st raight pat h (t he
t rut h).'') 11:53-56 Ibrahim's st at ement ,
び∇ユわ⊥ ∇ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ べ∠ョ フ
⊥ ゅ∠カぺ∠ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And how should I fear t hose whom you associat e. ..) means, how should I fear t he idols t hat
you worship inst ead of Allah,
ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇メゴあ レ∠ Α⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ョ ヮ͡ ヤzャゅ͡よ ユ⊥わ∇ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ルz ぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥プゅ∠ガゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
⊥ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
(while you fear not t hat you have j oined in worship wit h Allah t hings for which He has not sent
down t o you any Sult an.) meaning, proof, according t o Ibn ` Abbas and ot hers among t he Salaf.
Allah said in similar Ayat ;
ラ∠ク∇ほΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ョ リ
͡ Αあギャや リ
∠ ョあ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ハゲ∠ セ
∠ ¬⊥ ゅ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ ∇ュぺ∠ぴ
びヮ⊥ zヤャや ヮ͡ よ͡
(Or have t hey part ners who have inst it ut ed for t hem a religion which Allah has not allowed)
42:21 , and,
べzョ ユ⊥ミぼ⊥ べ∠よや∠¬ヱ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ べ∠ワヲ⊥ヨわ⊥ ∇Βzヨシ
∠ ∀¬べ∠ヨ∇シぺ∠ Ι
z ま͡ ヴ
∠ ワ͡ ∇ラま͡ぴ
∃ ⇒∠ト∇ヤシ
⊥ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ヰ͡よ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺ
(They are but names which you have named, you and your fat hers, for which Allah has sent
down no aut horit y.) 53:21 His st at ement ,
び∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠ゎ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ラ͡ま リ
͡ ∇ョΙ
x ゅ͡よ ペ
∠ ぺ∠ リ
͡ ∇Βボ∠ Α͡ゲヘ∠ ∇ャや ン
ぁ ほ∠プ∠ ぴ
((So) which of t he t wo part ies has more right t o be in securit y If you but know.) means, which
of t he t wo part ies is on t he t rut h, t hose who worship Him in Whose Hand is harm and benefit ,
or t hose who worship what cannot bring harm or benefit , wit hout aut horit y t o j ust ify
worshipping t hem Who among t hese t wo part ies has more right t o be saved from Allah's
t orment on t he Day of Resurrect ion Allah said,
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ ユ∃ ∇ヤヌ
⊥ よ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ ⇒∠ヨΑ͡ま ∇やヲ⊥ジら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzやぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ギわ∠ ∇ヰョぁ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ リ
⊥ ∇ョΙ
x や ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ャ∠
(It is t hose who believe and confuse not t heir belief wit h Zulm (wrong), for t hem (only) t here is
securit y and t hey are t he guided.) Therefore, t hose who worship Allah alone wit hout part ners,
will acquire safet y on t he Day of Resurrect ion, and t hey are t he guided ones in t his life and t he
Hereaft er.
Shirk is the Greatest Zulm (Wrong)
Al-Bukhari recorded t hat ` Abdullah said, "When t he Ayah,
びユ∃ ∇ヤヌ
⊥ よ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ ⇒∠ヨΑ͡ま ∇やヲ⊥ジら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(and confuse not t heir belief wit h Zulm (wrong).) was revealed, t he Companions of t he Prophet
said, ` And who among us did not commit Zulm against himself' The Ayah,
び∀ユΒ͡ヌ∠ハ ∀ユ∇ヤヌ
⊥ ∠ャ ポ
∠ ∇ゲゼ
あ ャや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
(Verily! Joining ot hers in worship wit h Allah is a great Zulm (wrong) indeed.) 31:13 , was lat er
revealed.'' Imam Ahmad recorded t hat ` Abdullah said, "When t his Ayah was revealed,
びユ∃ ∇ヤヌ
⊥ よ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ ⇒∠ヨΑ͡ま ∇やヲ⊥ジら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzやぴ
(It is t hose who believe and confuse not t heir belief wit h Zulm (wrong),) it was hard on t he
people. They said, ` O Allah's Messenger! Who among us did not commit Zulm against himself'
He said,
ギ⊥ ∇らバ∠ ∇ャや メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ゅ∠ョ やヲ⊥バヨ∠ ∇ジゎ∠ ∇ユャ∠ぺ∠ ∩∠ラヲ⊥レ∇バゎ∠ ヵ͡グャzや ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡»
⊥ ャ͡ゅzダャや
(It is not what you underst ood from it . Did you not hear what t he right eous servant (Luqman)
び∀ユΒ͡ヌ∠ハ ∀ユ∇ヤヌ
⊥ ∠ャ ポ
∠ ∇ゲゼ
あ ャや ラ
z ま͡ ヮ͡ ヤzャゅ͡よ ∇ポゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ Ι
∠ ヴ
z レ∠ ら⊥ Α∠ ぴ
(O my son! Join not in worship ot hers wit h Allah. Verily! Shirk is a great Zulm (wrong) indeed.))
31:13 . Therefore, it is about Shirk. Allah's st at ement ,
びヮ͡ ョ͡ ∇ヲホ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ べ∠ヰ⇒∠レ∇Βゎ∠ や∠¬ べ∠レわ⊥ イ
⊥ マ
∠ ∇ヤゎ͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hat was Our proof which We gave Ibrahim against his people.) means, We direct ed him t o
proclaim Our proof against t hem. Muj ahid and ot hers said t hat ` Our proof' refers t o,
∇ユム⊥ ルz ぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥プゅ∠ガゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ べ∠ョ フ
⊥ ゅ∠カぺ∠ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
ぁ ほ∠ プ∠ ゅ⇔レ⇒∠ト∇ヤシ
⊥ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇メゴあ レ∠ Α⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ョ ヮ͡ ヤzャゅ͡よ ユ⊥わ∇ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠
͡ ∇ョΙ
x ゅ͡よ ペ
∠ ぺ∠ リ
͡ ∇Βボ∠ Α͡ゲヘ∠ ∇ャや
(And how should I fear t hose whom you associat e in worship wit h Allah (t hough t hey can
neit her benefit nor harm), while you fear not t hat you have j oined in worship wit h Allah t hings
for which He has not sent down t o you any Sult an. (So) which of t he t wo part ies has more right
t o be in securit y) Allah has t est ified Ibrahim's st at ement and affirmed securit y and guidance,
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ ユ∃ ∇ヤヌ
⊥ よ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ ⇒∠ヨΑ͡ま ∇やヲ⊥ジら͡ ∇ヤΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzやぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ギわ∠ ∇ヰョぁ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ リ
⊥ ∇ョΙ
x や ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ャ∠
(It is t hose who believe and confuse not t heir belief wit h Zulm, for t hem t here is securit y and
t hey are t he guided.) Allah said,
ノ⊥ プ∠ ∇ゲル∠ ヮ͡ ョ͡ ∇ヲホ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ べ∠ヰ⇒∠レ∇Βゎ∠ や∠¬ べ∠レわ⊥ イ
⊥ マ
∠ ∇ヤゎ͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
び¬⊥ べ∠ゼルz リzョ ろ
∃ ⇒∠ィケ∠ キ∠
(And t hat was Our proof which We gave Ibrahim against his people. We raise in degrees whom
We will.) And;
び∀ユΒ͡ヤ∠ハ ∀ユΒ͡ムェ
∠ マ
∠ よz ケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ぴ
(Cert ainly your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing.) He is All-Wise in His st at ement s and act ions, AllKnower of t hose whom He guides or misguides, and whet her t he proof was est ablished against
t hem or not . Allah also said,
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
∠ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ る⊥ ヨ∠ ヤ͡ミ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ろボz ェ
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
び ユ∠ Β͡ャΙ
∠ や∠グバ∠ ∇ャや ∇やヱ⊥ ゲ∠ Α∠ ヴzわェ
∠ る∃ Α∠ や¬ ぁモミ⊥ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇ゎ¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠
(Truly! Those, against whom t he Word (wrat h) of your Lord has been j ust ified, will not believe.
Even if every sign should come t o t hem -- unt il t hey see t he painful t orment .) 10:96-97 This
is why Allah said here,
び∀ユΒ͡ヤ∠ハ ∀ユΒ͡ムェ
∠ マ
∠ よz ケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ぴ
(Cert ainly your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing.)
ゅ⇔ェヲ⊥ルヱ∠ ゅ∠レ∇Α∠ギ∠ワ 6Κミ⊥ ゆ
∠ ヲ⊥ボ∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ ペ
∠ ⇒∠エ∇シま͡ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠レ∇らワ∠ ヱ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ⇒∠ヨ∇Βヤ∠シ
⊥ ヱ∠ キ∠ ヱ⊥ヱや∠キ ヮ͡ わ͡ Αz ケあ ク⊥ リ͡ョヱ∠ モ
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇Α∠ギ∠ワ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲ⇒∠ワヱ∠ ヴ∠シヲ⊥ョヱ∠ ブ
∠ シ
⊥ ヲ⊥Αヱ∠ ゆ
∠ ヲぁΑぺ∠ヱ∠
ヴ∠ジΒ͡ハヱ∠ ヴ∠Β∇エΑ∠ ヱ∠ ゅzΑ͡ゲ∠ミ∠コ∠ヱ - リ
∠ Β͡レジ
͡ ∇エヨ⊥ ∇ャや ン͡ゴ∇イル∠
ノ∠ ジ
∠ Β∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ モ
∠ Β͡バ⇒∠ヨ∇シま͡ヱ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡エヤ͡⇒zダャや リ
∠ ョあ モ
x ミ⊥ サ
∠ ゅ∠Β∇ャま͡ヱ∠
- リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ∠⇒∠バ∇ャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇ヤツ
z プ∠ 6Κミ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔デヲ⊥ャヱ∠ ザ
∠ ル⊥ ヲ⊥Αヱ∠
∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇Βら∠ わ∠ ∇ィや∠ヱ ∇ユヰ͡ ル͡ ヲ∠ ∇カま͡ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ わ͡ ⇒zΑケあ ク⊥ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ も͡ ゅ∠よや¬ ∇リョ͡ ヱ∠
ヮ͡ ヤzャや ン∠ギワ⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡ク - ユ∃ Β͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョぁ ヅ
∃ ゲ∠ タ
͡ ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇Αギ∠ ワ∠ ヱ∠
∠ ら͡ エ
∠ ャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ロ͡ キ͡ ゅ∠らハ
͡ ∇リョ͡ ¬⊥ べ∠ゼΑ∠ リ∠ョ ヮ͡ よ͡ ン͡ギ∇ヰΑ∠
ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇Βゎ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや マ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ - ∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠Α ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レハ
∇ギボ∠ プ∠ ¬͡ Ι⊥ぽ⇒∠ワ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ∇ゲヘ⊥ ∇ムΑ∠ ラ͡みプ∠ ∠りヲz ら⊥ レぁ ャや∠ヱ ユ∠ ∇ムエ
⊥ ∇ャや∠ヱ ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや
∠ Α͡グャzや マ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ - リ
∠ Α͡ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ムよ͡ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ジ∇Βャz ゅ⇔ョ∇ヲホ∠ ゅヰ∠ よ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ヤミz ヱ∠
や⇔ゲ∇ィぺ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ⊥ほ∠∇シぺ∠ Ι
z モ⊥ホ ∇ロギ͡ わ∠ ∇ホや ユ⊥ ワ⊥ や∠ギヰ⊥ ら͡ プ∠ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや ン∠ギ∠ワ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ∠⇒∠バ∇ヤャ͡ ン∠ゲ∇ミク͡ Ι
z ま͡ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ∇ラま͡
(84. And We best owed upon him Ishaq and Ya` qub, each of t hem We guided, and before him,
We guided Nuh and among his progeny Dawud, Sulayman, Ayyub, Yusuf, Musa, and Harun. Thus
do We reward t he good-doers.) (85. And Zakariyya, and Yahya and ` Isa and Iliyas, each one of
t hem was of t he right eous.) (86. And Isma` il and Al-Yasa` , and Yunus and Lut , and each one of
t hem We preferred above t he ` Alamin (mankind and Jinns, of t heir t imes).) (87. And also some
of t heir fat hers and t heir progeny and t heir bret hren, We chose t hem, and We guided t hem t o
a st raight pat h.) (88. This is t he guidance of Allah wit h which He guides whomsoever He wills of
His servant s. But if t hey had j oined in worship ot hers wit h Allah, all t hat t hey used t o do would
have been of no benefit t o t hem.) (89. They are t hose whom We gave t he Book, Al-Hukm, and
prophet hood. But if t hey disbelieve t herein, t hen, indeed We have ent rust ed it t o a people who
are not disbelievers t herein.) (90. They are t hose whom Allah had guided. So follow t heir
guidance. Say: "No reward I ask of you for t his (t he Qur'an). It is only a reminder for t he
` Alamin (mankind and Jinns).''
Ibrahim Receives the News of Ishaq and Ya` qub During His Old Age
Allah st at es t hat aft er Ibrahim became old and he, and his wife, Sarah, lost hope of having
children, He gave t hem Ishaq. The angels came t o Ibrahim on t heir way t o t he people of
Prophet Lut (t o dest roy t hem) and t hey delivered t he good news of a child t o Ibrahim and his
wife. Ibrahim's wife was amazed at t he news,
∠ ヴ͡ヤ∇バ∠よ や∠グ⇒∠ワヱ∠ ∀コヲ⊥イ∠ハ ∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ヱ∠ ギ⊥ ャ͡ぺ∠¬∠ ゅ∠わヤ∠∇Αヲ∠ Α ∇ろャ∠ゅ∠ホぴ
ゲ͡ ∇ョぺ∠ ∇リョ͡ リ
∠ Β͡らイ
∠ ∇バゎ∠ ぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ - ∀ょΒ͡イ∠ハ ¬∀ ∇ヴゼ
∠ ャ∠ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ラ
z ま͡
ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ろ
͡ ∇Βら∠ ∇ャや モ
∠ ∇ワぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ⊥ わ⊥ ⇒∠ミゲ∠ よ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ろ
⊥ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや
び ∀ギΒ͡イョz ∀ギΒ͡ヨェ
(She said (in ast onishment ): "Woe unt o me! Shall I bear a child while I am an old woman, and
here is my husband, an old man Verily! This is a st range t hing!'' They said: "Do you wonder at
t he decree of Allah The mercy of Allah and His blessings be on you, O t he family of Ibrahim .
Surely, He (Allah) is All-Praisewort hy, All-Glorious.'') 11:72-73 The angels also gave t hem t he
good news t hat Ishaq will be a Prophet and t hat he will have offspring of his own. In anot her
Ayah, Allah said;
び ∠リΒ͡エ͡ヤ⇒zダャや リ
∠ ョあ ゅ⇔Β∂ ら͡ ル∠ ペ
∠ ⇒∠エ∇シみ͡よ͡ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠ル∇ゲゼ
z よ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And We gave him t he good news of Ishaq a Prophet from t he right eous.) 37:112 , which
perfect s t his good news and complet es t he favor. Allah said,
∠ ヲ⊥ボ∇バΑ∠ ペ
∠ ⇒∠エ∇シま͡ ¬͡ へ∠ケヱ∠ リ͡ョヱ∠ ペ
∠ ⇒∠エ∇シみ͡よ͡ ぴ
(of Ishaq, and aft er him, of Ya` qub...) 11:71 , meaning, t his child will have anot her child in
your lifet ime, so t hat your eyes are comfort ed by him, j ust as your eyes will be comfort ed by
his fat her. Cert ainly, one becomes j ubilant and j oyous when he becomes a grandfat her,
because t his means t hat his offspring will cont inue t o exist . It was also expect ed t hat if an
elderly couple had children, due t o t he child's weakness, he would have no offspring. This is
why Allah delivered t he good news of Ishaq and of his son Ya` qub, whose name lit erally means
` mult iplying and having offspring'. This was a reward for Ibrahim who left his people and
migrat ed from t heir land so t hat he could worship Allah alone. Allah compensat ed Ibrahim wit h
bet t er t han his people and t ribe when He gave him right eous children of his own, who would
follow his religion, so t hat his eyes would be comfort ed by t hem. In anot her Ayah, Allah said; a
ゅ∠レ∇らワ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇バΑ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ゴ∠ わ∠ ∇ハや ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠ ぴ
び ゅ⇔Β∂ ら͡ ル∠ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ 6Κミ⊥ ヱ∠ ゆ
∠ ヲ⊥ボ∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ ペ
∠ ⇒∠エ∇シま͡ ヮ⊥ ャ∠
(So when he t urned away from t hem and from t hose whom t hey worshipped besides Allah, We
gave him Ishaq and Ya` qub, and each one of t hem We made a Prophet .) 19:49 Allah said
びゅ∠レ∇Α∠ギ∠ワ 6Κミ⊥ ゆ
∠ ヲ⊥ボ∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ ペ
∠ ⇒∠エ∇シま͡ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠レ∇らワ∠ ヱ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And We best owed upon him Ishaq and Ya` qub, each of t hem We guided,) Allah said;
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リョ͡ ゅ∠レ∇Αギ∠ ワ∠ ゅ⇔ェヲ⊥ルヱ∠ ぴ
(and before him, We guided Nuh...) meaning, We guided Nuh before and gave him right eous
offspring, j ust as We guided Ibrahim and gave him right eous children.
Qualities of Nuh and Ibrahim
Each of t hese t wo Prophet s had special qualit ies. When Allah caused t he people of t he eart h t o
drown, except t hose who believed in Nuh and accompanied him in t he ark, Allah made t he
offspring of Nuh t he dwellers of t he eart h t hereaft er. Ever since t hat occurred, t he people of
t he eart h were and st ill are t he descendant s of Nuh. As for Ibrahim, Allah did not send a
Prophet aft er him but from his descendant s. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや∠ヱ ∠りヲz ら⊥ レぁ ャや ゅ∠ヨヰ͡ わ͡ Αz ケあ ク⊥ ヴ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And We ordained among his (Ibrahim's) offspring prophet hood and t he Book.) 29:27 ,
ゅ∠ヨヰ͡ わ͡ Αz ケあ ク⊥ ヴ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ェヲ⊥ル ゅ∠レ∇ヤシ
∠ ∇ケぺ∠ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや∠ヱ ∠りヲz ら⊥ レぁ ャや
(And indeed, We sent Nuh and Ibrahim, and placed in t heir offspring Prophet hood and t he
Book.) 57:26 , and,
リ͡ョ リ
∠ ∇ΒΒあ ら͡ レz ャや リ
∠ ョあ ユ͡ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ∠ バ∠ ∇ルぺ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや マ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャヱ⊥ぺぴ
͡るΑz ケあ ク⊥ リ͡ョヱ∠ ゥ
∃ ヲ⊥ル ノ∠ ョ∠ ゅ∠レ∇ヤヨ∠ ェ
∠ ∇リヨz ョ͡ ヱ∠ ュ∠ キ∠ や¬ ͡るΑz ケあ ク⊥
ヴ∠ヤ∇わゎ⊥ や∠クま͡ べ∠レ∇Βら∠ わ∠ ∇ィや∠ヱ ゅ∠レ∇Α∠ギ∠ワ ∇リヨz ョ͡ ヱ∠ モ
∠ Α͡¬ゲ∠ ∇シま͡ヱ∠ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡
び ゅ⇔Β∂ ム͡ よ⊥ ヱ∠ や⇔ギzイシ
⊥ ∇やヱぁゲカ
∠ リ
͡ ⇒∠ヨ∇ェゲz ャや ろ
⊥ ⇒∠Αや¬ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
(Those were t hey unt o whom Allah best owed His grace from among t he Prophet s, of t he
offspring of Adam, and of t hose whom We carried (in t he ship) wit h Nuh, and of t he offspring of
Ibrahim and Isra'il and from among t hose whom We guided and chose. When t he verses of t he
Most Beneficent (Allah) were recit ed unt o t hem, t hey fell down prost rat ing and weeping.)
19:58 Allah said in t his honorable Ayah here,
びヮ͡ わ͡ Αz ケあ ク⊥ リ͡ョヱ∠ ぴ
(and among his progeny...) meaning, We guided from among his offspring,
∠ ⇒∠ヨ∇Βヤ∠シ
⊥ ヱ∠ ∠キヱ⊥ヱや∠キぴ
(Dawud, Sulayman...) from t he offspring of Nuh, according t o Ibn Jarir. It is also possible t hat
t he Ayah refers t o Ibrahim since it is about him t hat t he blessings were originally ment ioned
here, alt hough Lut is not from his offspring, for he was Ibrahim's nephew, t he son of his brot her
Maran, t he son of Azar. It is possible t o say t hat Lut was ment ioned in Ibrahim's offspring as a
generalizat ion. As Allah said,
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇クま͡ れ
⊥ ∇ヲヨ∠ ∇ャや ゆ
∠ ヲ⊥ボ∇バΑ∠ ゲ∠ ツ
∠ ェ
∠ ∇クま͡ ¬∠ へ∠ギヰ∠ セ
⊥ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ∇ュぺ∠ぴ
ヮ∠ ⇒∠ャま͡ヱ∠ マ
∠ ヰ∠ ⇒∠ャま͡ ギ⊥ ら⊥ ∇バル∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ン͡ギ∇バよ∠ リ͡ョ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇バゎ∠ ゅ∠ョ ヮ͡ Β͡レら∠ ャ͡
͡ や∠ヱ ゅ⇔ヰ⇒∠ャま͡ ペ
∠ ⇒∠エ∇シま͡ヱ∠ モ
∠ Β͡バ⇒∠ヨ∇シま͡ヱ∠ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ マ
∠ も͡ べ∠よへ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ͡∇ジョ⊥ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ヱ∠
(Or were you wit nesses when deat h approached Ya` qub When he said unt o his sons, "What will
you worship aft er me'' They said, "We shall worship your God, and t he God of your fat hers,
Ibrahim, Isma` il, Ishaq, One God, and t o Him we submit .'') 2:133 . Here, Isma` il was
ment ioned among t he ascendant s of Ya` qub, alt hough he was Ya` qub's uncle. Similarly Allah
ヴ∠よぺ∠ ザ
∠ Β͡ヤ∇よま͡ Ι
z ま͡ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥バヨ∠ ∇ィぺ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ぁヤミ⊥ る⊥ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや ギ∠ イ
∠ プ∠ ぴ
∠ Α͡ギイ
͡ ⇒zジャや ノ∠ ョ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ムΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ
(So t he angels prost rat ed t hemselves, all of t hem t oget her. Except Iblis -- he refused t o be
among t hose t o prost rat e.) 15:30-31 . Allah included Iblis in His order t o t he angels t o
prost rat e, and chast ised him for his opposit ion, all because he was similar t o t hem in t hat
(order), so he was considered among t hem in general, alt hough he was a Jinn. Iblis was creat ed
from fire while t he angels were creat ed from light . Ment ioning ` Isa in t he offspring of Ibrahim,
or Nuh as we st at ed above, is proof t hat t he grandchildren from a man's daught er's side are
included among his offspring. ` Isa is included among Ibrahim's progeny t hrough his mot her,
alt hough ` Isa did not have a fat her. Ibn Abi Hat im recorded t hat Abu Harb bin Abi Al-Aswad
said, "Al-Haj j aj sent t o Yahya bin Ya` mar, saying, ` I was t old t hat you claim t hat Al-Hasan and
Al-Husayn are from t he offspring of t he Prophet , did you find it in t he Book of Allah I read t he
Qur'an from beginning t o end and did not find it .' Yahya said, ` Do you not read in Surat AlAn` am,
⊥ ∠ヱ ∠キヱ⊥ヱや∠キ ヮ͡ わ͡ Αz ケあ ク⊥ リ͡ョヱ∠ ぴ
(and among his progeny Dawud, Sulayman...) unt il,
びヴ∠ジΒ͡ハヱ∠ ヴ∠Β∇エΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and Yahya and ` Isa...) Al-Haj j aj said, ` Yes.' Yahya said, ` Is not ` Isa from t he offspring of
Ibrahim, alt hough he did not have a fat her' Al-Haj j aj said, ` You have said t he t rut h.''' For
example, when a man leaves behind a legacy, a t rust , or gift t o his "offspring'' t hen t he children
of his daught ers are included. But if a man gives somet hing t o his "sons'', or he leaves a t rust
behind for t hem, t hen t hat would be part icular t o his male children and t heir male children.
Allah's st at ement ,
び∇ユヰ͡ ル͡ ヲ∠ ∇カま͡ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ わ͡ ⇒Αz ケあ ク⊥ ∠ヱ ∇ユヰ͡ も͡ ゅ∠よや¬ ∇リョ͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And also some of t heir fat hers and t heir progeny and t heir bret hren,) 6:87 , ment ions t hat
some of t hese Prophet s' ascendant s and descendant s were also guided and chosen. So Allah
びユ∃ Β͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョぁ ヅ
∃ ゲ∠ タ
͡ ヴャ∠ま͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇Αギ∠ ワ∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇Β∠ら∠わ∇ィや∠ヱぴ
(We chose t hem, and We guided t hem t o a st raight pat h.)
Shirk Eradicates the Deeds, Even the Deeds of the Messengers
Allah said next ,
びロ͡ キ͡ ゅ∠らハ
͡ ∇リョ͡ ¬⊥ べ∠ゼΑ∠ リ∠ョ ヮ͡ よ͡ ン͡ギ∇ヰΑ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ン∠ギワ⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡クぴ
(This is t he guidance of Allah wit h which He guides whomsoever He wills of His servant s.)
meaning, t his occurred t o t hem by Allah's leave and because He direct ed t hem t o guidance.
Allah said;
び∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠Α ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ テ
∠ ら͡ エ
∠ ャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(But if t hey had j oined in worship ot hers wit h Allah, all t hat t hey used t o do would have been
of no benefit t o t hem.) This magnifies t he serious danger of Shirk and t he gravit y of commit t ing
it . In anot her Ayah, Allah said;
∇リゃ͡ ャ∠ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヴ∠ャ͡ま∠ヱ マ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ヴ
͡ ∇ヱぺ⊥ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヤ⊥ヨ∠ ハ
∠ リ
∠ ら∠ ∇エΒ∠ ャ∠ ろ
∠ ∇ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠
(And indeed it has been revealed t o you, as it was t o t hose (Allah's Messengers) before you: "If
you j oin ot hers in worship wit h Allah, surely your deeds will be in vain.'') 39:65 ` If' here does
not mean t hat t his would ever occur, as is similar in Allah's st at ement ;
∠ Α͡ギら͡ ⇒∠バ∇ャや メ
⊥ zヱぺ∠ ∇ゅル∠ ほ∠プ∠ ギ∀ ャ∠ヱ∠ リ
͡ ⇒∠ヨ∇ェゲz ヤ͡ャ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ラ͡ま ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "If t he Most Beneficent had a son, t hen I am t he first of Allah's worshippers.'') 43:81 ,
ゅzレミ⊥ ラ͡ま べzルギ⊥ ャz リ͡ョ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠ル∇グガ
∠ ゎz Ι
z や⇔ヲ∇ヰャ∠ グ∠ ガ
͡ わz ルz ラ∠ぺ べ∠ル∇キケ∠ ぺ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ぴ
∠ Β͡ヤバ͡ ⇒∠プ
(If We int ended t o t ake a past ime (a wife or a son, et c.) We could surely have t aken it from Us,
if We were going t o do (t hat )) 21:17 , and,
⊥ ヤ⊥∇ガΑ∠ ゅzヨョ͡ ヴ∠ヘト
∠ ∇タΙ
z や⇔ギ∠ャヱ∠ グ∠ ガ
͡ わz Α∠ ラ∠ぺ ヮ⊥ zヤャや キ∠ や∠ケぺ∠ ∇ヲャzぴ
び ケ⊥ ゅzヰボ∠ ∇ャや ギ⊥ ェ
͡ ヲ∠ ∇ャや ヮ⊥ zヤャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヮ⊥ レ∠ ⇒∠エ∇らシ
⊥ ¬⊥ べ∠ゼΑ∠ ゅ∠ョ
(If Allah willed t o t ake a son, He could have chosen whom He pleased out of t hose whom He
creat ed. But glory be t o Him! He is Allah, t he One, t he Compelling.) 39:4 Allah said,
び∠りヲz ら⊥ レぁ ャや∠ヱ ユ∠ ∇ムエ
⊥ ∇ャや∠ヱ ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇Βゎ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや マ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ぴ
(They are t hose whom We gave t he Book, Al-Hukm, and prophet hood.) We best owed t hese
bount ies on t hem, as a mercy for t he servant s, and out of our kindness for creat ion.
びゅ∠ヰよ͡ ∇ゲヘ⊥ ∇ムΑ∠ ラ͡みプ∠ ぴ
(But if t hey disbelieve t herein...) in t he prophet hood, or t he t hree t hings; t he Book, t he Hukm
and t he prophet hood,
び¬͡ Ι⊥ぽ⇒∠ワぴ
(They...) refers t o t he people of Makkah, according t o Ibn ` Abbas, Sa` id bin Al-Musayyib, AdDahhak, Qat adah, As-Suddi, and ot hers.
∠ Α͡ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ムよ͡ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ジ∇Βャz ゅ⇔ョ∇ヲホ∠ ゅ∠ヰ͡よ ゅ∠レ∇ヤミz ヱ∠ ∇ギボ∠ プ∠ ぴ
(t hen, indeed We have ent rust ed it t o a people who are not disbelievers t herein.) This Ayah
means, if t he Quraysh and t he rest of t he people of t he eart h - Arabs and non-Arabs, illit erat e
and t he People of t he Script ure - disbelieve in t hese bount ies, t hen We have ent rust ed t hem t o
anot her people, t he Muhaj irun and Ansar, and t hose who follow t heir lead unt il t he Day of
Resurrect ion,
∠ Α͡ゲヘ͡ ⇒ム∠ よ͡ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ジ∇Βャzぴ
(who are not disbelievers t herein.) They will not deny any of t hese favors, not even one let t er.
Rat her, t hey will believe in t hem t ot ally, even t he part s t hat are not so clear t o some of t hem.
We ask Allah t o make us among t hem by His favor, generosit y and kindness. Addressing His
servant and Messenger, Muhammad , Allah said;
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ぴ
(They are...) t he Prophet s ment ioned here, along wit h t heir right eous fat hers, offspring and
bret heren,
びヮ⊥ zヤャや ン∠ギ∠ワ リ
∠ Α͡グャzやぴ
(t hose whom Allah had guided.) meaning, t hey alone are t he people of guidance,
び∇ロギ͡ わ∠ ∇ホや ユ⊥ ワ⊥ や∠ギヰ⊥ ら͡ プ∠ ぴ
(So follow t heir guidance.) Imit at e t hem. This command t o t he Messenger cert ainly applies t o
his Ummah, according t o what he legislat es and commands t hem. While ment ioning t his Ayah,
Al-Bukhari recorded t hat Muj ahid asked Ibn ` Abbas, "Is t here an inst ance where prost rat ion is
warrant ed in Surah Sad'' Ibn ` Abbas said, "Yes.'' He t hen recit ed,
∠ ヲ⊥ボ∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠ ペ
∠ ⇒∠エ∇シま͡ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠レ∇らワ∠ ヱ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(...And We best owed upon him Ishaq and Ya` qub...) unt il,
び∇ロギ͡ わ∠ ∇ホや ユ⊥ ワ⊥ や∠ギヰ⊥ ら͡ プ∠ ぴ
(...So follow t heir guidance.) He comment ed, "He (our Prophet , Muhammad ) was among
t hem.'' In anot her narrat ion, Muj ahid added t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "Your Prophet was among
t hose whose guidance we were commanded t o follow.'' Allah's st at ement ,
びや⇔ゲ∇ィぺ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ⊥ほ∠∇シぺ∠ Ι
z モ⊥ホぴ
(Say: "No reward I ask of you for t his.'') means, I do not ask you for any reward for delivering
t he Qur'an t o you, nor anyt hing else,
∠ Β͡ヨヤ∠⇒∠バ∇ヤャ͡ ン∠ゲ∇ミク͡ Ι
z ま͡ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ∇ラま͡ぴ
("It is only a reminder for t he ` Alamin (mankind and Jinns).'') so t hey are reminded by it and
guided from blindness t o clarit y, from misguidance t o guidance, and from disbelief t o fait h.
ヮ⊥ zヤャや メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺ べ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ∇クま͡ ロ͡ ケ͡ ∇ギホ∠ ペ
∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ∇やヱ⊥ケギ∠ ホ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
ン͡グャzや ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺ ∇リョ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リあョ ゲ∃ ゼ
∠ よ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
ヮ⊥ ∠ルヲ⊥ヤ∠バ∇イ∠ゎ サ
͡ ゅzレヤあャ ン⇔ギワ⊥ ヱ∠ や⇔ケヲ⊥ル ヴ∠シヲ⊥ョ ヮ͡ よ͡ ¬∠ べ∠ィ
∇ユャ∠ ゅzョ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ヨヤあハ
⊥ ヱ∠ や⇔ゲΒ͡んミ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヘ∇ガゎ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∠ルヱ⊥ギ∇らゎ⊥ ザ
∠ Β͡デゲ∠ ホ∠
ヴ͡プ ∇ユワ⊥ ∇ケク∠ zユを⊥ ヮ⊥ zヤャや モ
͡ ホ⊥ ∇ユミ⊥ ぼ⊥ ゅ∠よや∠¬ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇やヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠ゎ
∀ポ∠ケゅ∠らョ⊥ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ャゴ∠ ル∠ぺ ∀ょ⇒∠わ͡ミ や∠グ⇒∠ワヱ∠ - ∠ラヲ⊥ら∠バ∇ヤ∠Α ∇ユヰ͡ ッ
͡ ∇ヲカ
∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ ン∠ゲボ⊥ ∇ャや zュぺ⊥ ケ∠ グ͡ レ⊥わャ͡ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Αギ∠ Α∠ リ
∠ ∇Βよ∠ ン͡グャzや ベ
⊥ ギあ ∠ダョぁ
∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ り͡ ゲ∠ カ
x ゅ͡よ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱ ゅ∠ヰャ∠∇ヲェ
∠ ヲ⊥ヌプ͡ ゅ∠エΑ⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ ゎ͡ Κ
∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
(91. They did not est imat e Allah wit h an est imat ion due t o Him when t hey said: "Not hing did
Allah send down t o any human being (by inspirat ion).'' Say : "Who t hen sent down t he Book
which Musa brought , a light and a guidance t o mankind which you (t he Jews) have made int o
(separat e) papersheet s, disclosing (some of it ) and concealing much. And you were t aught t hat
which neit her you nor your fat hers knew.'' Say: "Allah (sent it down).'' Then leave t hem t o play
in t heir vain discussions.) (92. And t his is a blessed Book which We have sent down, confirming
what came before it , so t hat you may warn t he Mot her of Towns and all t hose around it . Those
who believe in t he Hereaft er believe in it , and t hey are const ant in guarding t heir Salah.)
The Messenger is but a Human to Whom the Book was Revealed by
Allah says t hat t hose who rej ect ed His Messengers did not give Allah due considerat ion. Ibn
` Abbas, Muj ahid and ` Abdullah bin Kat hir said t hat t his Ayah was revealed about t he Quraysh.
It was also said t hat it was revealed about some Jews.
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リあョ ゲ∃ ゼ
∠ よ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺ べ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホぴ
(They said: "Not hing did Allah send down t o any human being (by inspirat ion).'') Allah also, said,
∇ラぺ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョあ モ
⊥ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ べ∠レ∇Βェ
∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇ラぺ∠ ゅ⇔ら∠イ∠ハ サ
͡ ゅzレヤ͡ャ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミぺ∠ぴ
∠ ゅzレャや ケ͡ グ͡ ル∠ぺ
(Is it a wonder for mankind t hat We have inspired t o a man from among t hemselves (saying):
"Warn mankind.'') 10:2 , and,
z ま͡ ン∠ギヰ⊥ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ワ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇クま͡ ∇やヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ ラ∠ぺ サ
∠ ゅzレャや ノ∠ レ∠ ョ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
ヴ͡プ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ∇ヲャ∠ モ⊥ホ - Ι
⇔ ヲ⊥シケz や⇔ゲゼ
∠ よ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ゑ
∠ バ∠ よ∠ ぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ラ∠ぺ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇ャゴz レ∠ ャ∠ リ
∠ Βあレゃ͡ ヨ∠ ∇トョ⊥ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ゼ∇ヨΑ∠ る∀ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤョ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
⇔ ヲ⊥シケz ゅ⇔ムヤ∠ョ∠ ¬͡ べ∠ヨジ
z ャや リ
∠ ョあ
(And not hing prevent ed men from believing when t he guidance came t o t hem, except t hat t hey
said: "Has Allah sent a man as Messenger'' Say: "If t here were on t he eart h, angels walking about
in peace and securit y, We should cert ainly have sent down for t hem from t he heaven an angel
as a Messenger.'') 17:94-95 . Allah said here,
ヮ⊥ zヤャや メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺ べ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ∇クま͡ ロ͡ ケ͡ ∇ギホ∠ ペ
∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ∇やヱ⊥ケギ∠ ホ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リあョ ゲ∃ ゼ
∠ よ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
(They did not est imat e Allah wit h an est imat ion due t o Him when t hey said: "Not hing did Allah
send down t o any human being (by inspirat ion).'') Allah answered t hem,
や⇔ケヲ⊥ル ヴ∠シヲ⊥ョ ヮ͡ よ͡ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ン͡グャzや ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺ ∇リョ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
͡ ゅzレヤあャ ン⇔ギワ⊥ ヱ∠
(Say : "Who t hen sent down t he Book which Musa brought , a light and a guidance t o mankind'')
meaning, say, O Muhammad , t o t hose who deny t he concept t hat Allah sent down Books by
revelat ion, answering t hem specifically,
びヴ∠シヲ⊥ョ ヮ͡ よ͡ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ン͡グャzや ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺ ∇リョ∠ ぴ
(Who t hen sent down t he Book which Musa brought ) in reference t o t he Tawrah t hat you and all
ot hers know t hat Allah sent down t o Musa, son of ` Imran. Allah sent t he Tawrah as a light and a
guidance for people, so t hat it could shed light on t he answers t o various disput es, and t o guide
away from t he darkness of doubt s. Allah's st at ement , .
びや⇔ゲΒ͡んミ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヘ∇ガゎ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰル∠ ヱ⊥ギ∇らゎ⊥ ザ
∠ Β͡デゲ∠ ホ∠ ヮ⊥ ∠ルヲ⊥ヤ∠バ∇イ∠ゎぴ
(which you have made int o (separat e) papersheet s, disclosing (some of it ) and concealing
(much).) means, you made t he Tawrah int o separat e sheet s which you copied from t he original
and alt ered, changed and dist ort ed as you wished. You t hen said, "t his is from Allah,'' meaning
it is in t he revealed Book of Allah, when in fact , it is not from Allah. This is why Allah said
びや⇔ゲΒ͡んミ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヘ∇ガゎ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰル∠ ヱ⊥ギ∇らゎ⊥ ザ
∠ Β͡デゲ∠ ホ∠ ヮ⊥ ∠ルヲ⊥ヤ∠バ∇イ∠ゎぴ
(which you have made int o (separat e) papersheet s, disclosing (some of it ) and concealing
(much).) Allah said;
び∇ユミ⊥ ぼ⊥ ゅ∠よや∠¬ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇やヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠ゎ ∇ユャ∠ ゅzョ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ヨヤあハ
⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And you were t aught t hat which neit her you nor your fat hers knew.) meaning, Who sent down
t he Qur'an in which Allah t aught you t he news of t hose who were before you and t he news of
what will come aft er, t hat neit her you nor your fat hers had knowledge of. Allah's st at ement ,
びヮ⊥ zヤャや モ
͡ ホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Allah.'') ` Ali bin Abi Talhah report ed t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "Meaning, ` Say, Allah sent it
down.''' Allah said,
∠ ヲ⊥らバ∠ ∇ヤΑ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ッ
͡ ∇ヲカ
∠ ヴ͡プ ∇ユワ⊥ ∇ケク∠ zユを⊥ ぴ
(Then leave t hem t o play in t heir vain discussions.) leave t hem t o play in ignorance and
misguidance unt il t he t rue news comes t o t hem from Allah. Then, t hey will know whet her t he
good end is t heirs or for t he fearful servant s of Allah. Allah said,
び∀ょ⇒∠わ͡ミ や∠グ⇒∠ワヱ∠ ぴ
(And t his is a Book,) t he Qur'an,
zュぺ⊥ ケ∠ グ͡ レ⊥わャ͡ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Αギ∠ Α∠ リ
∠ ∇Βよ∠ ン͡グャzや ベ
⊥ ギあ ∠ダョぁ ∀ポ∠ケゅ∠らョ⊥ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ャゴ∠ ル∠ぺぴ
びン∠ゲボ⊥ ∇ャや
(Blessed, which We have sent down, confirming which came before it , so t hat you may warn
t he Mot her of Towns) t hat is, Makkah,
∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and all t hose around it ...) refering t o t he Arabs and t he rest of t he children of Adam, Arabs
and non-Arabs alike. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ヮ͡ ヤzャや メ
⊥ ヲ⊥シケ∠ ヴあルま͡ サ
⊥ ゅzレャや ゅ∠ヰΑぁ ∠ほ∠Α ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "O mankind! Verily, I am sent t o you all as t he Messenger of Allah.'') 7:158 , and
びヒ∠ ヤ∠よ∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユミ⊥ ケ∠ グ͡ ルxΙぴ
("t hat I may t herewit h warn you and whomsoever it may reach.'') 6:19 , and
びロ⊥ ギ⊥ ハ
͡ ∇ヲョ∠ ケ⊥ ゅzレャゅ∠プ ゆ
͡ や∠ゴ∇ェΙ
∠ ョ͡ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ゲヘ⊥ ∇ムΑ∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(but t hose of t he sect s who rej ect it , t he Fire will be t heir promised meet ing place) 11:17
∠ ヲ⊥ムΒ∠ ャ͡ ロ͡ ギ͡ ∇らハ
∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ホ∇ゲヘ⊥ ∇ャや メ
∠ ゴz ル∠ ン͡グャzや ポ
∠ ケ∠ ゅ∠らゎ∠ ぴ
び や⇔ゲΑ͡グル∠ リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ∠⇒∠バ∇ヤャ͡
(Blessed be He Who sent down t he crit erion t o His servant t hat he may be a warner t o t he
` Alamin (mankind and Jinn).) 25:1 , and,
∇ラみ͡プ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ヨヤ∠∇シぺ∠¬∠ リ
∠ ΒあΒョあ Ι
y や∠ヱ ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ∇やヲ⊥ゎヱ⊥ぺ リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャあ ∇モホ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
ヒ⊥ ⇒∠ヤ∠ら∇ャや マ
∠ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠ヨルz ͡み∠プ ∇や∇ヲャzヲ∠ ゎ∠ ラ͡まヱz ∇やヱ∠ギわ∠ ∇ワや ギ͡ ボ∠ プ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヨヤ∠∇シぺ∠
びキ͡ ゅ∠らバ͡ ∇ャゅよ͡ ∀ゲΒ͡ダ∠よ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや∠ヱ
(And say t o t hose who were given t he Script ure and t o t hose who are illit erat es: "Do you submit
yourselves'' If t hey do, t hey are right ly guided; but if t hey t urn away, your dut y is only t o
convey t he Message; and Allah is All-Seer of (His) servant s.) 3:20 . It is recorded in t he Two
Sahihs, t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
¬͡ ゅ∠Βら͡ ∇ルほ∠∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ギ∀ ェ
∠ ぺ∠ zリヰ⊥ ト
∠ ∇バΑ⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ⇔ジ∇ヨカ
∠ ろ
⊥ Β͡ト∇ハぺ⊥»
(I have been given five t hings which were not given t o any one else before me.) The Prophet
ment ioned among t hese five t hings,
⊥ ∇んバ͡ よ⊥ ヱ∠ ∩⇔るタ
z ゅ∠カ ヮ͡ ョ͡ ∇ヲホ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ゑ
⊥ バ∠ ∇らΑ⊥ ヶ
ぁ ら͡ レz ャや ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミヱ∠ »
«るzョゅ∠ハ サ
͡ ゅzレャや ヴ∠ャま͡
(Every Prophet was sent only t o his nat ion, but I have been sent t o all people.) This is why
Allah said,
びヮ͡ よ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ り͡ ゲ∠ カ
x ゅ͡よ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱぴ
(Those who believe in t he Hereaft er believe in it ,) meaning, t hose who believe in Allah and t he
Last Day, believe in t his blessed Book, t he Qur'an, which We revealed t o you, O Muhammad ,
∠ ヲ⊥ヌプ͡ ゅ∠エΑ⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ ゎ͡ Κ
∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and t hey are const ant in guarding t heir Salah.) for t hey perform what Allah ordered t hem,
offering t he prayers perfect ly and on t ime.
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇ヱぺ∠ ゅ⇔よ͡グミ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ン∠ゲわ∠ ∇プや リ
͡ ヨz ョ͡ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ニぺ∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
⊥ ゴ͡ ル⊥ほシ
∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ リ∠ョヱ∠ ∀¬∇ヴ∠セ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ゥ
∠ ヲ⊥Α ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ヴ͡ェ∇ヱぺ⊥
ヴ͡プ ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ͡ヤ⇒zヌャや ク͡ ま͡ ン∠ゲゎ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや メ
∠ ゴ∠ルぺ∠ べ∠ョ モ
∠ ∇んョ͡
∇ユヰ͡ Α͡ギ∇Αぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥トシ
͡ ゅ∠よ る⊥ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ れ
͡ ∇ヲヨ∠ ∇ャや れ
͡ や∠ゲヨ∠ ビ
ゅ∠ヨ͡よ ラ
͡ ヲ⊥ヰ∇ャや ゆ
∠ や∠グハ
∠ ラ
∠ ∇ヱゴ∠ ∇イゎ⊥ ュ∠ ∇ヲΒ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ジ
∠ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇やヲ⊥ィゲ͡ ∇カぺ∠
∠ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミヱ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャや ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ャヲ⊥ボゎ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ
ゅ∠ヨミ∠ ン∠キや∠ゲプ⊥ ゅ∠ルヲ⊥ヨわ⊥ ∇ゃィ
͡ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲら͡ ∇ムわ∠ ∇ジゎ∠ ヮ͡ わ͡ ⇒∠Αや∠¬
¬∠ や∠ケヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ャヲz カ
∠ ゅzョ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ミゲ∠ ゎ∠ ヱ∠ り∃ ゲz ョ∠ メ
∠ ヱz ぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ボヤ∠カ
∇ユわ⊥ ∇ヨハ
∠ コ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ユ⊥ ミ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠バヘ∠ セ
⊥ ∇ユム⊥ バ∠ ョ∠ ン∠ゲル∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ケ͡ ヲ⊥ヰニ
ゅzョ ユ⊥ムレ∠ハ モ
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ レ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ノ∠ ト
z ボ∠ ゎz ギ∠ボャ∠ ¬⊥ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ ∇ユム⊥ Β͡プ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ぺ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ヨハ
⊥ ∇ゴゎ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ
(93. And who can be more unj ust t han he who invent s a lie against Allah, or says: "I have
received inspirat ion,'' whereas he is not inspired in anyt hing; and who says, "I will reveal t he
like of what Allah has revealed.'' And if you could but see when t he wrongdoers are in t he
agonies of deat h, while t he angels are st ret ching fort h t heir hands (saying): "Deliver your souls!
This day you shall be recompensed wit h t he t orment of degradat ion because of what you used
t o ut t er against Allah ot her t han t he t rut h. And you used t o rej ect His Ayat wit h disrespect !'')
(94. And t ruly you have come unt o Us alone, as We creat ed you t he first t ime. You have left
behind you all t hat which We had best owed on you. We see not wit h you your int ercessors
whom you claimed t o be your part ners. Now you and t hey have been cut off, and all t hat you
used t o claim has vanished from you.)
None is Worse Than One who Invents a Lie Against Allah and Claims
Allah said,
びゅ⇔よ͡グミ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ン∠ゲわ∠ ∇プや リ
͡ ヨz ョ͡ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ニぺ∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And who can be more unj ust t han he who invent s a lie against Allah,) Therefore, none is more
unj ust t han one who lies about Allah claiming t hat He has part ners or a son, or falsely claiming
t hat Allah sent him as a Prophet ;
び∀¬∇ヴ∠セ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ゥ
∠ ヲ⊥Α ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ヴ͡ェ∇ヱぺ⊥ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
(or says: "I have received inspirat ion,'' whereas he is not inspired wit h anyt hing;) ` Ikrimah and
Qat adah said t hat t his Ayah was revealed about Musaylimah Al-Kadhdhab.
びヮ⊥ ヤzャや メ
∠ ゴ∠ルぺ∠ べ∠ョ モ
∠ ∇んョ͡ メ
⊥ ゴ͡ ル⊥ほシ
∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ リョ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and who says, "I will reveal t he like of what Allah has revealed.'') This refers t o he, who claims
t hat t he lies he invent s rival t he revelat ion t hat came from Allah. In anot her Ayah, Allah said,
¬⊥ べ∠ゼル∠ ∇ヲャ∠ ゅ∠レ∇バヨ͡ シ
∠ ∇ギホ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ゅ∠レわ⊥ ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヴ∠ヤ∇わゎ⊥ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
びへ∠グ⇒∠ワ モ
∠ ∇んョ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ヤボ⊥ ∠ャ
(And when Our verses (of t he Qur'an) are recit ed t o t hem, t hey say: "We have heard t his (t he
Qur'an); if we wish we can say t he like of t his.'')
None is Worse Than One who Invents a Lie Against Allah and Claims
that Revelation Came to Him
Allah said,
びゅ⇔よ͡グミ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ン∠ゲわ∠ ∇プや リ
͡ ヨz ョ͡ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ニぺ∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And who can be more unj ust t han he who invent s a lie against Allah,) Therefore, none is more
unj ust t han one who lies about Allah claiming t hat He has part ners or a son, or falsely claiming
t hat Allah sent him as a Prophet ;
び∀¬∇ヴ∠セ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ゥ
∠ ヲ⊥Α ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ヴ͡ェ∇ヱぺ⊥ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
(or says: "I have received inspirat ion,'' whereas he is not inspired wit h anyt hing;) ` Ikrimah and
Qat adah said t hat t his Ayah was revealed about Musaylimah Al-Kadhdhab.
びヮ⊥ ヤzャや メ
∠ ゴ∠ルぺ∠ べ∠ョ モ
∠ ∇んョ͡ メ
⊥ ゴ͡ ル⊥ほシ
∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ リ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(and who says, "I will reveal t he like of what Allah has revealed.'') This refers t o he, who claims
t hat t he lies he invent s rival t he revelat ion t hat came from Allah. In anot her Ayah, Allah said,
¬⊥ べ∠ゼル∠ ∇ヲャ∠ ゅ∠レ∇バヨ͡ シ
∠ ∇ギホ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ゅ∠レわ⊥ ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヴ∠ヤ∇わゎ⊥ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
びへ∠グ⇒∠ワ モ
∠ ∇んョ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ヤボ⊥ ∠ャ
(And when Our verses (of t he Qur'an) are recit ed t o t hem, t hey say: "We have heard t his (t he
Qur'an); if we wish we can say t he like of t his.'')
The Condition of These Unjust People Upon Death and on the Day
of Resurrection
Allah, t he Most Honored, said,
͡ ∇ヲヨ∠ ∇ャや れ
͡ や∠ゲヨ∠ ビ
∠ ヴ͡プ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ク͡ ま͡ ン∠ゲゎ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And if you could but see when t he wrongdoers are in t he agonies of deat h...) suffering from
t he hardhips, agonies and afflict ions of deat h,
び∇ユヰ͡ Α͡ギ∇Αぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥トシ
͡ ゅ∠よ る⊥ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱぴ
(while t he angels are st ret ching fort h t heir hands...) beat ing t hem. Allah said in ot her Ayat :
びヴ͡レヤ∠わ⊥ ∇ボわ∠ ャ͡ ポ
∠ ギ∠ Α∠ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ろ
∠ ト∠ジよ∠ リ͡ゃャ∠ぴ
(If you do st ret ch your hand against me t o kill me..) 5:28 and,
び¬͡ ヲぁジャゅ͡よ ∇ユヰ⊥ わ∠ レ∠ ジ
͡ ∇ャぺ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ Α∠ ギ͡ ∇Αぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ∇やヲ⊥トジ
⊥ ∇らΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And st ret ch fort h t heir hands and t heir t ongues against you wit h evil.) 60:2 Ad-Dahhak and
Abu Salih said t hat , ` st ret ch fort h t heir hands,' means, ` wit h t orment '. In anot her Ayah, Allah
る⊥ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヴzプヲ∠ わ∠ Α∠ ∇クま͡ ン∠ゲゎ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
び∇ユワ⊥ ゲ∠ ⇒∠よ∇キぺ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ワ∠ ヲ⊥ィヱ⊥ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥よゲ͡ ∇ツΑ∠
(And if you could see when t he angels t ake away t he souls of t hose who disbelieve t hey smit e
t heir faces and t heir backs. ) 8:50 Allah said,
び∇ユヰ͡ Α͡ギ∇Αぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥トシ
͡ ゅ∠よ る⊥ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱぴ
(while t he angels are st ret ching fort h t heir hands) beat ing t hem, unt il t heir souls leave t heir
bodies, saying,
びユ⊥ ム⊥ ジ
∠ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇やヲ⊥ィゲ͡ ∇カぺ∠ぴ
("Deliver your souls!'') When t he disbeliever is near deat h, t he angels will convey t he ` good
news' t o him of t orment , vengeance, chains, rest raint s, Hell, boiling wat er and t he anger of t he
Most Beneficent , Most Merciful. The soul will t hen scat t er in t he body of t he disbeliever and
refuse t o get out of it . The angels will keep beat ing t he disbeliever unt il his soul exit s from his
ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ラ
͡ ヲ⊥ヰ∇ャや ゆ
∠ や∠グハ
∠ ラ
∠ ∇ヱゴ∠ ∇イゎ⊥ ュ∠ ∇ヲΒ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ジ
∠ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇やヲ⊥ィゲ͡ ∇カぺ∠ぴ
∠ ∇ャや ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ャヲ⊥ボゎ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ
((Saying): "Deliver your souls! This day you shall be recompensed wit h t he t orment of
degradat ion because of what you used t o say about Allah ot her t han t he t rut h.'') This Ayah
means, t oday, you will be ut t erly humiliat ed because you used t o invent lies against Allah and
arrogant ly refused t o follow His Ayat and obey His Mesengers. There are many Hadit hs, of
Mut awat ir grade, t hat explain what occurs when t he believers and disbelievers die, and we will
ment ion t hese Hadit hs when explaining Allah's st at ement ,
ヴ͡プ ろ
͡ よ͡ ゅzんャや メ
͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヮ⊥ zヤャや ろ
⊥ あらん∠ Α⊥ ぴ
びり͡ ゲ∠ カ
x や ヴ͡プヱ∠ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや り͡ ヲ∠Βエ
∠ ∇ャや
(Allah will keep firm t hose who believe, wit h t he word t hat st ands firm in t his world, and in t he
Hereaft er.) 14:27 Allah said next ,
びり∃ ゲz ョ∠ メ
∠ ヱz ぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ボヤ∠カ
∠ ゅ∠ヨミ∠ ン∠キや∠ゲプ⊥ ゅ∠ルヲ⊥ヨわ⊥ ∇ゃィ
͡ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t ruly you have come unt o Us alone as We creat ed you t he first t ime.) 6:94 , and t his
st at ement will be said on t he Day of Ret urn. In anot her Ayah, Allah said,
ゅ∠ヨミ∠ ゅ∠ルヲ⊥ヨわ⊥ ∇ゃィ
͡ ∇ギボ∠ ャz ゅ∠ヘタ
∠ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ッゲ͡ ハ
⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
びり∃ ゲz ョ∠ メ
∠ ヱz ぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ボヤ∠カ
(And t hey will be set before your Lord in rows, (and Allah will say): "Now indeed, you have
come t o Us as We creat ed you t he first t ime.') 18:48 , meaning, j ust as We st art ed your
creat ion, We brought you back, alt hough you used t o deny Resurrect ion and rej ect it s
possibilit y. Therefore, t his is t he Day of Resurrect ion! Allah said,
び∇ユミ⊥ ケ͡ ヲ⊥ヰニ
⊥ ¬∠ や∠ケヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ャヲz カ
∠ ゅzョ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ミゲ∠ ゎ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(You have left behind you all t hat which We had best owed on you.) 6:94 , The wealt h and t he
money t hat you collect ed in t he life of t he world, you left all t his behind you. It is recorded in
t he Sahih t hat Allah's Messenger said,
ゅzャま͡ マ
∠ ャ͡ゅ∠ョ ∇リョ͡ マ
∠ ャ∠ ∇モワ∠ ヱ∠ ヶ͡ャゅ∠ョ ヶ͡ャゅョ∠ ュ∠ キ∠ へ リ
⊥ ∇よや メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボΑ∠ »
∠ ∇ホギz ダ
∠ ゎ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ ∩∠ろ∇Βヤ∠∇よほ∠プ∠ ろ
∠ ∇ジら͡ ャ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ ∩∠ろ∇Βレ∠ ∇プほ∠プ∠ ろ
∠ ∇ヤミ∠ ぺ∠ ゅ∠ョ
ヮ⊥ ミ⊥ ケ͡ ゅ∠ゎヱ∠ ∀ょ͡ワや∠グ∠プ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ン∠ヲシ
͡ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∩∠ろ∇Βツ
∠ ∇ョほ∠プ∠
(The Son of Adam says, ` My money, my money!' But , what part of your money do you have,
ot her t han what you eat of it and is t hus spent , what you wear and t ear and what you gave in
chairt y and t hus remains (in t he record of good deeds) Ot her t han t hat , you will depart and
leave it t o t he people.) Al-Hasan Al-Basri said, "On t he Day of Resurrect ion, t he Son of Adam
will be brought , as if he were a golden chariot and Allah, t he Most Honored, will ask, ` Where is
what you collect ed' He will reply, ` O Lord! I collect ed it and left it as int act as ever.' Allah will
say t o him, ` O Son of Adam! Where is what you sent fort h for yourself (of right eous, good
deeds),' and he will realize t hat he did not send fort h anyt hing for himself.'' Al-Hasan t hen
recit ed t he Ayah,
り∃ ゲz ョ∠ メ
∠ ヱz ぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ボヤ∠カ
∠ ゅ∠ヨミ∠ ン∠キや∠ゲプ⊥ ゅ∠ルヲ⊥ヨわ⊥ ∇ゃィ
͡ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
び∇ユミ⊥ ケ͡ ヲ⊥ヰニ
⊥ ¬∠ や∠ケヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ャヲz カ
∠ ゅzョ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ミゲ∠ ゎ∠ ヱ∠
(And t ruly you have come unt o Us alone as We creat ed you t he first t ime. You have left behind
you all t hat which We had best owed on you.) Ibn Abi Hat im recorded t his st at ement . Allah said;
∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ぺ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ヨハ
∠ コ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ユ⊥ ミ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠バヘ∠ セ
⊥ ∇ユム⊥ バ∠ ョ∠ ン∠ゲル∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
び¬⊥ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ ∇ユム⊥ Β͡プ
(We see not wit h you your int ercessors whom you claimed t o be your part ners.) This chast ises
and crit icizes t he disbelievers for t he rivals, idols and images t hat t hey worshipped in t his life,
t hinking t hey will avail t hem in t his life and upon Resurrect ion, if t here is Resurrect ion, as t hey
t hought . On t he Day of Resurrect ion, all relat ionships will be cut off, misguidance will be
exposed, and t hose whom t hey used t o call upon as gods will disappear from t hem. Allah will
t hen call t hem, while t he rest of creat ion is list ening,
∠ ヲ⊥ヨハ
⊥ ∇ゴゎ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヴ
∠ も͡ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ リ
∠ ∇Αぺ∠ぴ
(Where are My (so-called) part ners whom you used t o assert ) 28:62 And,
ヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇バゎ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ゅ∠ョ リ
∠ ∇Αぺ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ モ
∠ Β͡ホヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲダ
͡ わ∠ レ∠Α ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ル∠ ヱ⊥ゲダ
⊥ レ∠Α ∇モワ∠
(And it will be said t o t hem: "Where are t hose t hat you used t o worship. Inst ead of Allah Can
t hey help you or help t hemselves'') 26:92-93 Allah said here,
∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ぺ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ヨハ
∠ コ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ユ⊥ ミ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠バヘ∠ セ
⊥ ∇ユム⊥ バ∠ ョ∠ ン∠ゲル∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
び¬⊥ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ ∇ユム⊥ Β͡プ
(We see not wit h you your int ercessors whom you claimed were part ners.) meaning part ners in
worship. That is, part ners in a share of your worship.
び∇ユム⊥ レ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ノ∠ ト
z ボ∠ ゎz ギ∠ボャ∠ぴ
(Now you and t hey have been cut off) or, t he Ayah is recit ed wit h t he meaning: all
connect ions, means, and t ies bet ween you and t hem have been severed.
びユ⊥ムレ∠ハ モ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and vanished from you) you have lost ,
∠ ヲ⊥ヨハ
⊥ ∇ゴゎ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ゅzョぴ
(all t hat you used t o claim) of hope in t he benefit of t he idols and rivals (you worshipped wit h
Allah). Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
∇やヱ⊥ ぺ∠ケ∠ ヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥バら∠ ゎz や リ
∠ Α͡グャzや リ
∠ ョ͡ ∇やヲ⊥バら͡ ゎぁ や リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ぺ∠ゲz ら∠ ゎ∠ ∇クま͡ぴ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
∠ ゅ∠ホヱ∠ - ゆ
⊥ ゅ∠ら∇シΙ
x や ユ⊥ ヰ͡ よ͡ ∇ろバ∠ ト
z ボ∠ ゎ∠ ヱ∠ ゆ
∠ や∠グバ∠ ∇ャや
ゅzレ͡ョ ∇やヱ⊥¬ゲz ら∠ ゎ∠ ゅ∠ヨミ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ぺ∠ゲz ら∠ わ∠ レ∠ プ∠ り⇔ ゲz ミ∠ ゅ∠レ∠ャ ラ
z ぺ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥バら∠ ゎz や
ユ⊥ワ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ れ
∃ ゲ∠ ジ
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤ∠⇒∠ヨ∇ハぺ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ⊥ ヰ͡ Α͡ゲΑ⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠
び ケ͡ ゅzレャや リ
∠ ョ͡ リ
∠ Β͡ィゲ͡ ⇒∠ガよ͡
(When t hose who were followed, declare t hemselves innocent
and t hey see t he t orment , t hen all t heir relat ions will be cut
followed will say: "If only we had one more chance t o ret urn,
have disowned us.'' Thus Allah will show t hem t heir deeds as
never get out of t he Fire.) 2:166-167 , and
of t hose who followed (t hem),
off from t hem. And t hose who
we would disown t hem as t hey
regret for t hem. And t hey will
∠ ヱ∠ グ∃ ゃ͡ ョ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ょ
∠ ⇒∠ジル∠ぺ Κ
∠ プ∠ ケ͡ ヲぁダャや ヴ͡プ オ
∠ ヘ͡ ル⊥ や∠クみ͡プ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ャ¬∠ べ∠ジわ∠ Α∠
(Then, when t he Trumpet is blown, t here will be no kinship among t hem t hat Day, nor will t hey
ask of one anot her.) 23:101 , and
ヴ͡プ ∇ユム⊥ レ͡ ∇Βよ∠ り∠ キz ヲ∠ ョz ゅ⇔レ⇒∠を∇ヱぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リあョ ∇ユゎ⊥ ∇グガ
∠ ゎz や ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ぴ
∃ ∇バら∠ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ツ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ゲ⊥ ヘ⊥ ∇ムΑ∠ る͡ ヨ∠ ⇒∠Βボ͡ ∇ャや ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ zユを⊥ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや り͡ ヲ∠Βエ
∠ ∇ャや
リョあ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ケ⊥ ゅzレャや ユ⊥ ミ⊥ や∠ヱ∇ほョ∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ツ∇バよ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ツ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ リ
⊥ バ∠ ∇ヤΑ∠ ヱ∠
∠ Α͡ゲダ
͡ ⇒zル
a(You have t aken (for worship) idols inst ead of Allah, and t he love bet ween you is only in t he
life of t his world, but on t he Day of Resurrect ion, you shall disown each ot her, and curse each
ot her, and your abode will be t he Fire, and you shall have no helper.) 29:25 , and
∇やヲ⊥らΒ͡イ∠わ∇ジ∠Α ∇ユヤ∠プ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ∇ヲハ
∠ ギ∠ プ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ ∇やヲ⊥ハ∇キや モ
∠ Β͡ホヱ∠ ぴ
び∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠
(And it will be said (t o t hem): "Call upon your part ners'', and t hey will call upon t hem, but t hey
will give no answer t o t hem.) 28:64 , and
び∇やヲ⊥ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャ͡ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボル∠ zユを⊥ ゅ⇔バΒ͡ヨィ
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ⊥ ゼ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t he Day whereon We shall gat her t hem all t oget her, t hen We shall say t o t hose who
commit t ed Shirk...) 10:28 unt il,
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ モ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t heir invent ed false deit ies will vanish from t hem.) 10:30
∠ ョ͡ ヴ
∠ ∇ャや ァ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ガΑ⊥ ン∠ヲレz ャや∠ヱ ょ
あ エ
∠ ∇ャや ペ
⊥ ャ͡ゅ∠プ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
ヴzルほ∠プ∠ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ャ͡ク ヴ
∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ろ
͡ Βあ ヨ∠ ∇ャや ァ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ガョ⊥ ヱ∠ ろ
͡ Βあ ヨ∠ ∇ャや
∠ モ
∠ ∇Βャzや モ
∠ バ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ゥ
͡ ゅ∠ら∇タΗ
͡や ペ
⊥ ャ͡ゅ∠プ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ムプ∠ ∇ぽゎ⊥
ゴ͡ Α͡ゴバ∠ ∇ャや ゲ⊥ Α͡ギ∇ボゎ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ゅ⇔ルゅ∠ら∇ジェ
⊥ ゲ∠ ヨ∠ ボ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ザ
∠ ∇ヨゼ
z ャや∠ヱ
ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ギわ∠ ∇ヰわ∠ ャ͡ ュ∠ ヲ⊥イレぁ ャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ャ∠ モ
∠ バ∠ ィ
∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ - ユ͡ Β͡ヤバ∠ ∇ャや
ュ∃ ∇ヲボ∠ ャ͡ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
x や ゅ∠レ∇ヤダ
z プ∠ ∇ギホ∠ ゲ͡ ∇エら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ゲあ ら∠ ∇ャや ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ニ
⊥ ヴ͡プ
び ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠Α
(95. Verily! It is Allah Who causes t he seed grain and t he fruit st one t o split and sprout . He
brings fort h t he living from t he dead, and it is He Who brings fort h t he dead from t he living.
Such is Allah, t hen how are you deluded away from t he t rut h) (96. (He is t he) Cleaver of t he
daybreak. He has appoint ed t he night for rest ing, and t he sun and t he moon for reckoning.
Such is t he measuring of t he Almight y, t he All-Knowing.) (97. It is He Who has set t he st ars for
you, so t hat you may guide your course wit h t heir help t hrough t he darkness of t he land and
t he sea. We have (indeed) explained in det ail Our Ayat for people who know.)
Recognizing Allah Through Some of His Ayat
Allah st at es t hat He causes t he seed grain and t he fruit st one t o split and sprout in t he ground,
producing various t ypes, colors, shapes, and t ast es of grains and produce. The Ayah,
びン∠ヲレz ャや∠ヱ ょ
あ エ
∠ ∇ャや ペ
⊥ ャ͡ゅ∠プぴ
(Who causes t he seed grain and t he fruit st one t o split and sprout .) is explained by t he next
st at ement ,
∠ ョ͡ ろ
͡ Βあヨ∠ ∇ャや ァ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ガョ⊥ ヱ∠ ろ
͡ Βあヨ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ヴ
∠ ∇ャや ァ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ガΑ⊥ ぴ
∠ ∇ャや
(He brings fort h t he living from t he dead, and it is He Who brings fort h t he deed from t he
living.) meaning, He brings t he living plant from t he seed grain and t he fruit st one, which is a
lifless and inanimat e obj ect . Allah said,
ゅ∠レ∇ィゲ∠ ∇カぺ∠ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ⇒∠レ∇ΒΒ∠ ∇ェぺ∠ る⊥ わ∠ ∇Βヨ∠ ∇ャや チ
⊥ ∇ケΙ
x や ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ャz ∀る∠Αや∠¬∠ヱぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ∇ほΑ∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レヨ͡ プ∠ ゅ⇔ら∂ ェ
∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョ͡
(And a sign for t hem is t he dead land. We gave it life, and We brought fort h from it grains, so
t hat t hey eat t hereof.) 36:33 unt il,
び∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠Α Ι
∠ ゅzヨョ͡ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ジ
͡ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇リョ͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
(as well as of t heir own (human) kind (male and female), and of t hat which t hey know not .)
36:36 Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ろ
∠ Βあ ヨ∠ ∇ャや ァ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ガΑ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and it is He Who brings fort h t he dead from t he living. ) There are similar expressions in
meaning such as, He brings t he egg from t he chicken, and t he opposit e. Ot hers said t hat it
means, He brings t he wicked offspring from t he right eous parent and t he opposit e, and t here
are ot her possible meanings for t he Ayah. Allah said,
びヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ⊥ ⇒⊥ムャ͡ク∠ ぴ
(Such is Allah,) meaning, He Who does all t his, is Allah, t he One and Only wit hout part ners,
∠ ヲ⊥ムプ∠ ∇ぽゎ⊥ ヴzルほ∠プ∠ ぴ
(t hen how are you deluded away from t he t rut h) meaning, look how you are deluded from
Trut h t o t he falsehood of worshipping ot hers besides Allah. Allah's st at ement ,
∠ モ
∠ ∇Βャzや モ
∠ バ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ゥ
͡ ゅ∠ら∇タΗ
͡ やペ
⊥ ャ͡ゅ∠プぴ
((He is t he) Cleaver of t he daybreak. He has appoint ed t he night for rest ing,) means, He is t he
Creat or of light and darkness. Allah said in t he beginning of t he Surah,
びケ∠ ヲぁレャや∠ヱ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
ぁ ャや モ
∠ バ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And originat ed t he darkness and t he light .) Indeed, Allah causes t he darkness of t he night t o
disappear and brings fort h t he day, t hus bringing bright eness t o t he world and light t o t he
horizon, while dissipat ing darkness and ending t he night wit h it s dept h of darkness and st art ing
t he day wit h it s bright ness and light . Allah said,
∠ ヮ⊥ ら⊥ ヤ⊥∇トΑ∠ ケ∠ ゅ∠ヰレz ャや モ
∠ ∇Βャzや ヴ͡ゼ∇ピΑ⊥ ぴ
(He brings t he night as a cover over t he day, seeking it rapidly.) 7:54 In t his Ayah, Allah
reminds of His abilit y t o creat e diversified t hings in opposit es, t est ifying t o His perfect
great ness and supreme power. Allah st at es t hat He is t he Cleaver of t he daybreak and
ment ioned it s opposit e, when He said,
∠ モ
∠ ∇Βャzや モ
∠ バ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(He has appoint ed t he night for rest ing,) meaning, creat ed darkness, in order for t he creat ion
t o become halt and rest during it . Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
び ヴ∠イシ
∠ や∠クま͡ モ
͡ ∇Βャzや∠ヱ - ヴ∠エツ
ぁ ャや∠ヱぴ
(By t he forenoon. And by t he night when it is st ill.) 93:1-2 ,
び ヴzヤイ
∠ ゎ∠ や∠クま͡ ケ͡ ゅ∠ヰレz ャや∠ヱ - ヴ∠ゼ∇ピΑ∠ や∠クま͡ モ
͡ ∇Βャzや∠ヱぴ
(By t he night as it envelops. And by t he day as it appears in bright ness.) 92:1,2 and,
び ゅ∠ヰ⇒∠ゼ∇ピΑ∠ や∠クま͡ モ
͡ ∇Βャzや∠ヱ - ゅ∠ヰ⇒zヤィ
∠ や∠クま͡ ケ͡ ゅ∠ヰレz ャや∠ヱぴ
(And by t he day as it shows up (t he sun's) bright ness. And by t he night as it conceals it .) 91:34 Allah's st at ement ,
⊥ ゲ∠ ヨ∠ ボ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ザ
∠ ∇ヨゼ
z ャや∠ヱぴ
(...And t he sun and t he moon for reckoning.) means, t he sun and t he moon have specific orbit s,
according t o a t erm appoint ed wit h magnificent precision t hat never changes or alt ers. Bot h
t he sun and t he moon have dist inct posit ions t hat t hey assume in summer and wint er, effect ing
changes in t he lengt h of night and day. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
や⇔ケヲ⊥ル ゲ∠ ヨ∠ ボ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ¬⇔ べ∠Βッ
͡ ザ
∠ ∇ヨゼ
z ャや モ
∠ バ∠ ィ
∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ぴ
∠ コ͡ ゅ∠レョ∠ ロ⊥ ケ∠ ギz ホ∠ ヱ∠
(It is He Who made t he sun a shining t hing and t he Moon as a light and measured out st ages for
it .) 10:5 ,
⊥ ∇Βzャや Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゲ∠ ヨ∠ ボ∠ ャや ポ
∠ ケ͡ ∇ギゎ ラ∠ぺ べ∠ヰャ∠ ヴ͡ピら∠ レ∠Α ザ
⊥ ∇ヨzゼャや Ι
∠ ヲ⊥エら∠ ∇ジΑ∠ マ
∃ ヤ∠プ∠ ヴ͡プ モ
x ミ⊥ ヱ∠ ケ͡ ゅ∠ヰレz ャや ペ
⊥ よ͡ ゅ∠シ
(It is not for t he sun t o overt ake t he moon, nor does t he night out st rip t he day. They all float ,
each in an orbit .) 36:40 , And,
びロ͡ ゲ͡ ∇ョほ∠よ͡ れ
∃ ゲ∠ ガ
∠ ョ⊥ ュ∠ ヲ⊥イレぁ ャや∠ヱ ゲ∠ ヨ∠ ボ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ザ
∠ ∇ヨゼ
z ャや∠ヱぴ
(The sun and t he moon; and t he st ars are subj ect ed by His command.)
st at ement ,
びユ͡ Β͡ヤバ∠ ∇ャや ゴ͡ Α͡ゴバ∠ ∇ャや ゲ⊥ Α͡ギ∇ボゎ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ぴ
(Such is t he measuring of t he Almight y, t he All-Knowing.) means, all of t his occurs according t o
t he decree and due measurement of t he Almight y Who is never resist ed or cont radict ed. He is
t he Knower of all t hings and not hing ever escapes His knowledge, not even t he weight of an
at om on eart h or in heavens. Allah oft en ment ions t he creat ion of t he night , t he day, t he sun
and t he moon and t hen ends His Speech by ment ioning His at t ribut es of power and knowledge,
as in t his Ayah above 6:96 , and in His st at ement ,
ユ⊥ワ や∠クみ͡プ∠ ケ∠ ゅ∠ヰレz ャや ヮ⊥ ∇レョ͡ オ
⊥ ヤ∠∇ジル∠ モ
⊥ ∇Βzャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ zャ ∀る∠Αや∠¬∠ヱぴ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ゅ⇒∠ヰャz ゲy ボ∠ わ∠ ∇ジヨ⊥ ャ͡ ン͡ゲ∇イゎ∠ ザ
⊥ ∇ヨゼ
z ャや∠ヱ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ͡∇ヌョぁ
び ユ͡ Β͡ヤバ∠ ∇ャや ゴ͡ Α͡ゴバ∠ ∇ャや ゲ⊥ Α͡ギ∇ボゎ∠
(And a sign for t hem is t he night , We wit hdraw t herefrom t he day, and behold, t hey are in
darkness. And t he sun runs on it s fixed course for a t erm. That is t he decree of t he Almight y,
t he All-Knowing.) 36:37-38 In t he beginning of Surat Ha-Mim As-Saj dah, aft er ment ioning t he
creat ion of t he heavens and eart h and all t hat is in t hem, Allah said:
ゲ⊥ Α͡ギ∇ボゎ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ゅ⇔ヌ∇ヘェ
͡ ヱ∠ ウ
∠ Β͡ら⇒∠ダヨ∠ よ͡ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや ∠¬べ∠ヨジ
z ャや ゅzレΑz コ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
びユ͡ Β͡ヤバ∠ ∇ャや ゴ͡ Α͡ゴバ∠ ∇ャや
(And We adorned t he nearest (lowest ) heaven wit h lamps (st ars) t o be an adornment as well as
t o guard. Such is t he decree of Him, t he Almight y, t he All-Knower.) 41:12 Allah said next ,
ヴ͡プ ゅ∠ヰ͡よ ∇やヱ⊥ギわ∠ ∇ヰわ∠ ャ͡ ∠ュヲ⊥イレぁ ャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ャ∠ モ
∠ バ∠ ィ
∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
びゲ͡ ∇エら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ゲあ ら∠ ∇ャや ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ニ
(It is He Who has set t he st ars for you, so t hat you may guide your course wit h t heir help
t hrough t he darkness of t he land and t he sea.) Some of t he Salaf said; Whoever believes in
ot her t han t hree t hings about t hese st ars, t hen he has made a mist ake, and lied against Allah.
Indeed Allah made t hem as decorat ions for t he heavens, and t o shoot at t he Shayat in, and for
direct ions in t he dark recesses of t he land and sea. Then, Allah said,
͡ ⇒∠ΑΓや ゅ∠レ∇ヤダ
z プ∠ ∇ギホ∠ ぴ
(We have explained in det ail Our Ayat .) meaning, We made t hem clear and plain,
び∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠Α ュ∃ ∇ヲボ∠ ャ͡ぴ
(for people who know. ) who have sound minds and are able t o recognize t he t rut h and avoid
ゲx ボ∠ わ∠ ∇ジヨ⊥ プ∠ り∃ ギ∠ ェ
͡ ヱ∠ ザ
∃ ∇ヘルz リあョ ユ⊥ミほ∠ゼ
∠ ル∠ぺ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ヰボ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ュ∃ ∇ヲボ∠ ャ͡ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
x や ゅ∠レ∇ヤダ
z プ∠ ∇ギホ∠ ネ
∀ キ∠ ∇ヲわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ヱ∠
ヮ͡ よ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ィゲ∠ ∇カほ∠プ∠ ¬⇔ べ∠ョ ¬͡ べ∠ヨジ
z ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
ヮ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ァ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ガぁル や⇔ゲ͡ツカ
∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ィゲ∠ ∇カほ∠プ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモミ⊥ れ
∠ ゅ∠らル∠
る∀ Β∠ ル͡ や∠キ ラ
∀ ヲ∠ ∇レホ͡ ゅ∠ヰバ͡ ∇ヤデ
∠ リ͡ョ モ
͡ ∇ガレz ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ら͡ミや∠ゲわ∠ ョぁ ゅ⇔ら∂ ェ
ゅ⇔ヰ͡らわ∠ ∇ゼョ⊥ ∠ラゅzョゲぁ ャや∠ヱ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥わ∇Αゴz ャや∠ヱ ょ
∃ ⇒∠レ∇ハぺ∠ ∇リョあ ろ
∃ ⇒zレィ
∠ ヱ∠
ヮ͡ バ͡ ∇レΑ∠ ヱ∠ ゲ∠ ヨ∠ ∇をぺ∠ へ∠クま͡ ロ͡ ゲ͡ ヨ∠ を∠ ヴ͡ャま͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヌ
⊥ ∇ルや ヮ∃ ら͡ ⇒∠ゼわ∠ ョ⊥ ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ヱ∠
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ ュ∃ ∇ヲボ∠ ャあ ろ
∃ ⇒∠ΑΙ
x ∇ユム⊥ ャ͡ク ヴ͡プ ラ
z ま͡
(98. It is He Who has creat ed you from a single person, and has given you a place of residing
and a place of st orage. Indeed, We have explained in det ail Our revelat ions for people who
underst and.) (99. It is He Who sends down wat er from t he sky, and wit h it We bring fort h
veget at ion of all kinds, and out of it We bring fort h green st alks, from which We bring fort h
t hick clust ered grain. And out of t he dat e-palm and it s sprout s come fort h clust ers of dat es
hanging low and near, and gardens of grapes, olives and pomegranat es, each similar, yet
different . Look at t heir fruit s when t hey begin t o bear, and Yan` ih. Verily! In t hese t hings t here
are signs for people who believe.) Allah said,
びり∃ ギ∠ ェ
͡ ヱ∠ ザ
∃ ∇ヘルz リあョ ユ⊥ミほ∠ゼ
∠ ル∠ぺ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(It is He Who has creat ed you from a single person,) 6:98 in reference t o Adam, peace be
upon him. In anot her Ayah, Allah said;
∃ ∇ヘルz リあョ ∇ユム⊥ ボ∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ン͡グャzや ユ⊥ ム⊥ zよケ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ボゎz や サ
⊥ ゅzレャや ゅ∠ヰΑぁ ほ∠⇒∠Αぴ
⇔ ゅ∠ィケ͡ ゅ∠ヨヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ゑ
z よ∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∠ィ∇ヱ∠コ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョ͡ ペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ヱ∠ り∃ ギ∠ ェ
͡ ヱ∠
び¬⇔ べ∠ジル͡ ヱ∠ や⇔ゲΒ͡んミ∠
(O mankind! Have Taqwa of your Lord, Who creat ed you from a single person, and from him He
creat ed his mat e, and from t hem bot h He creat ed many men and women.) 4:1 Allah said,
∀ キ∠ ∇ヲわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ヱ∠ ゲx ボ∠ わ∠ ∇ジヨ⊥ プ∠ ぴ
(Must aqar and Must awda` ) Ibn Mas` ud, Ibn ` Abbas, Abu ` Abdur-Rahman As-Sulami, Qays bin
Abu Hazim, Muj ahid, ` At a', Ibrahim An-Nakha` i, Ad-Dahhak, Qat adah, As-Suddi and ` At a' AlKhurasani and ot hers said t hat ,
びゲx ボ∠ わ∠ ∇ジヨ⊥ プ∠ ぴ
(Must aqar), ` in t he wombs'. They, or most of t hem, also said t hat ,
∀ キ∠ ∇ヲわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And Must awda` ,) means, ` in your fat her's loins'. Ibn Mas` ud and several ot hers said t hat ,
Must aqar, means residence in t his life, while, Must awda` , means t he place of st orage aft er
deat h (t he grave). Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ヲ⊥ヰボ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ュ∃ ∇ヲボ∠ ャ͡ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
x や ゅ∠レ∇ヤダ
z プ∠ ∇ギホ∠ ぴ
(Indeed, We have explained in det ail Our revelat ions for people who underst and.) refers t o
t hose who comprehend and underst and Allah's Words and it s meanings. Allah said next ,
び¬⇔ べ∠ョ ¬͡ べ∠ヨジ
z ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(It is He Who sends down wat er (rain) from t he sky) in due measure, as a blessing and provision
for t he servant s, relief and means of survival for t he creat ures and mercy from Allah for His
creat ion. Allah's st at ement ,
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモミ⊥ れ
∠ ゅ∠らル∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ィゲ∠ ∇カほ∠プ∠ ぴ
(And wit h it We bring fort h veget at ion of all kinds,) is similar t o,
∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ zモミ⊥ ¬͡ べ∠ヨ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And We have made from wat er every living t hing.) 21:30
∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ィゲ∠ ∇カほ∠プ∠ ぴ
(and out of it We bring fort h green st alks,) green produce and t rees, on which We grow seeds
and fruit s.
びゅ⇔ら͡ミや∠ゲわ∠ ョぁ ゅ⇔ら∂ ェ
∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ァ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ガぁルぴ
(from which We bring fort h t hick clust ered grain.) lined on t op of each ot her in clust ers, like an
ear or spike of grain.
∀ ヲ∠ ∇レホ͡ ゅ∠ヰバ͡ ∇ヤデ
∠ リ͡ョ モ
͡ ∇ガレz ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And out of t he dat e-palm and it s sprout s come fort h clust ers) of dat es
びる∀ Β∠ ル͡ や∠キぴ
(hanging low) Wit hin reach and easy t o pick. ` Ali bin Abi Talhah Al-Walibi said t hat Ibn ` Abbas
said t hat ,
びる∀ Β∠ ル͡ や∠キ ラ
∀ ヲ∠ ∇レホ͡ ぴ
(clust ers hanging low) refers t o short dat e t rees whose branches hang low, close t o t he ground.
This was recorded by Ibn Jarir. Allah's st at ement
∃ ⇒∠レ∇ハぺ∠ ∇リョあ ろ
∃ ⇒zレィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and gardens of grapes,) means, We bring fort h gardens of grapes. Grapes and dat es are t he
most precious fruit s t o t he people of Al-Hij az (West ern Arabia), and perhaps bot h are t he best
fruit s in t his world. Allah has reminded His servant s of His favor in making t hese t wo fruit s for
t hem, when He said,
ヮ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥グガ
͡ わzゎ∠ ょ
͡ ⇒∠レ∇ハΙ
x や∠ヱ モ
͡ Β͡ガレz ャや れ
͡ ゲ∠ ヨ∠ を∠ リ͡ョヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ゅ⇔ホ∇コケ͡ ヱ∠ や⇔ゲム∠ シ
(And from t he fruit s of dat e-palms and grapes, you derive st rong drink and a goodly provision.)
16:67 before int oxicat ing drinks were prohibit ed, and;
∃ ⇒∠レ∇ハぺ∠ヱ∠ モ
∃ Β͡ガルz リあョ ろ
∃ ⇒zレィ
∠ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And We have made t herein gardens of dat e-palms and grapes.) 36:34 . Allah said,
びヮ∃ ら͡ ⇒∠ゼわ∠ ョ⊥ ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヰ͡らわ∠ ∇ゼョ⊥ ラ
∠ ゅzョゲぁ ャや∠ヱ ∠ラヲ⊥わ∇Αゴz ャや∠ヱぴ
(olives and pomegranat es, each similar yet different .) The leaves are similar in shape and
appearence, yet different in t he shape, and t ast e. And t he kind of fruit each plant produces is
different , according t o t he explanat ion of Qat adah and several ot hers. Allah's st at ement ,
びヮ͡ バ͡ ∇レΑ∠ ヱ∠ ゲ∠ ヨ∠ ∇をぺ∠ へ∠クま͡ ロ͡ ゲ͡ ヨ∠ を∠ ヴ͡ャま͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヌ
⊥ ∇ルやぴ
(Look at t heir fruit s when t hey begin t o bear, and Yan` ih.) means, when t he fruit s become
ripe, according t o Al-Bara' bin ` Azib, Ibn ` Abbas, Ad-Dahhak, ` At a' Al-Khurasani, As-Suddi,
Qat adah and ot hers. This Ayah means, cont emplat e t he abilit y of t he Creat or of t hese fruit s,
Who brought t hem int o exist ence aft er t hey were dry wood, and t hey lat er became grapes and
dat es; and similar is t he case wit h t he various colors, shapes, t ast es and fragrance of what ever
Allah creat ed. Allah said,
∇リョあ ∀ろ⇒zレ∠ィ∠ヱ れ
∀ ケ∠ ヲ͡ ⇒∠イわ∠ ョぁ ノ∀ ト
∠ ホ͡ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プヱ∠ ぴ
∃ ヲ∠ ∇レタ
͡ ゲ⊥ ∇Βビ
∠ ヱ∠ ラ
∀ ヲ∠ ∇レタ
͡ ∀モΒ͡ガ∠ル∠ヱ ネ
∀ ∇ケコ∠ ヱ∠ ょ
∃ ⇒∠レ∇ハぺ∠
ヴ͡プ ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅヰ∠ ツ
∠ ∇バよ∠ モ
⊥ あツヘ∠ ル⊥ ヱ∠ ギ∃ ェ
͡ ヱ∠ ¬∃ べ∠ヨよ͡ ヴ∠ボ∇ジΑ⊥
͡ ミ⊥ Ι
(And in t he eart h are neighbouring t ract s, and gardens of vines, and green crops, and dat epalms, growing out , t wo or t hree from a single st em root , or ot herwise, wat ered wit h t he same
wat er, yet some of t hem We make bet t er t han ot hers t o eat .) 13:4 This is why Allah said
び∇ユム⊥ ャ͡ク ヴ͡プ ラ
z ま͡ぴ
(In t hese t hings t here are...) O people,
∃ ⇒∠ΑΙ
(signs...) and proofs t hat t est ify t o t he perfect abilit y, wisdom and mercy of He Who creat ed
t hese t hings,
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ ュ∃ ∇ヲボ∠ ャあぴ
(for people who believe. ) in Allah and obey His Messengers.
ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ホゲ∠ カ
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ボ∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ヱ∠ リ
͡ ∇ャや ¬∠ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ ヮ͡ ヤzャ ∇やヲ⊥ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヴ∠ヤ⇒∠バゎ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ レ∠ ⇒∠エ∇らシ
⊥ ユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ よ͡ れ
∃ ゅ∠レよ∠ ヱ∠ リ
∠ Β͡レよ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ヘダ
͡ Α∠
(100. Yet , t hey j oin t he Jinns as part ners in worship wit h Allah, t hough He has creat ed t hem,
and t hey at t ribut e, falsely wit hout knowledge - sons and daught ers t o Him. Be He Glorified and
Exalt ed above what t hat t hey at t ribut e t o Him.)
Rebuking the Idolators
This Ayah refut es t he idolat ors who worshipped ot hers besides Allah and associat ed t he Jinns
wit h Him in worship. Glory be t o Allah above t his Shirk and Kufr. If someone asks, how did t he
idolat ors worship t he Jinns, alt hough t hey only were idol worshippers The answer is t hat in
fact , t hey worshipped t he idols by obeying t he Jinns who commanded t hem t o do so. Allah said
in ot her Ayat ,
z ま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギΑ∠ ラ͡まヱ∠ ゅ⇔ん⇒∠ルま͡ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ͡ ル͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギΑ∠ ラ͡まぴ
∇リョ͡ ラ
z グ∠ ガ
͡ ゎz Ι
∂ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホヱ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ヮ⊥ レ∠ バ∠ ャz - や⇔ギΑ͡ゲョz ゅ⇔レ⇒∠ト∇Βセ
∇ユヰ⊥ レz Β∠ レあ ョ∠ Ε
⊥ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ レz ヤz͡ッΕ∠ヱ - ゅ⇔ッヱ⊥ゲ∇ヘョz ゅ⇔らΒ͡ダル∠ ポ
∠ キ͡ ゅ∠らハ
∇ユヰ⊥ zルゲ∠ ョ⊥ ∂Ιヱ∠ ユ͡ ⇒∠バ∇ルΙ
xや ラ
∠ や∠クや∠¬ リ
z ム⊥ わあ ら∠ Β⊥ ヤ∠プ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ zルゲ∠ ョ⊥ ∂Ιヱ∠
リあョ ゅ⇔Β∂ ャ͡ヱ∠ リ
∠ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや グ͡ ガ
͡ わz Α∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ペ
∠ ∇ヤカ
∠ ラ
z ゲ⊥ Βあ ピ∠ Β⊥ ヤ∠プ∠
∇ユワ⊥ ギ⊥ バ͡ Α∠ - ゅ⇔レΒ͡らョぁ ゅ⇔ルや∠ゲ∇ジカ
⊥ ゲ∠ ジ
∠ ∇ギボ∠ プ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ
び や⇔ケヱ⊥ゲビ
⊥ Ι
z ま͡ リ
⊥ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや ∇ユワ⊥ ギ⊥ バ͡ Α∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ Βあレヨ∠ Α⊥ ヱ∠
(They invoke not hing but female deit ies besides Him, and t hey invoke not hing but Shayt an, a
persist ent rebel! Allah cursed him. And he Shayt an said: "I will t ake an appoint ed port ion of
your servant s. Verily, I will mislead t hem, and surely, I will arouse in t hem false desires; and
cert ainly, I will order t hem t o slit t he ears of cat t le, and indeed I will order t hem t o change t he
nat ure creat ed by Allah.'' And whoever t akes Shayt an as a prot ect or inst ead of Allah, has surely
suffered a manifest loss. He Shayt an makes promises t o t hem, and arouses in t hem false
desires; and Shayt an's promises are not hing but decept ions. ) 4:117-120 and,
びヴ͡ルヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ¬∠ べ∠Βャ͡∇ヱぺ∠ ヮ⊥ わ∠ zΑあケク⊥ ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ル∠ ヱ⊥グガ
͡ わz わ∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ぴ
(Will you t hen t ake him (Iblis) and his offspring as prot ect ors and helpers rat her t han Me)
18:50 Ibrahim said t o his fat her,
∠ ゅ∠ミ リ
∠ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや ラ
z ま͡ リ
∠ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや ギ͡ ら⊥ ∇バゎ∠ Ι
∠ ろ
͡ よ∠ ほ∠Αぴ
び ゅ⇔Β∂ ダ
͡ ハ
∠ リ
͡ ⇒∠ヨ∇ェゲz ヤ͡ャ
("O my fat her! Worship not Shayt an. Verily! Shayt an has been a rebel against t he Most
Beneficent (Allah).'') 19:44 Allah said,
∠ ⇒∠トΒzゼャや ∇やヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇バゎ∠ Ι
z ラ∠ぺ ュ∠ キ∠ や∠¬ ヴ͡レら∠ Α ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ∇ギヰ∠ ∇ハぺ∠ ∇ユャ∠ぺ∠ぴ
∀ ゲ∠ タ
͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ヴ͡ルヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇ハや ラ
͡ ぺ∠ヱ∠ - ∀リΒ͡らョぁ ヱx ギ⊥ ハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡
び ∀ユΒ͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョぁ
(Did I not ordain for you, O Children of Adam, t hat you should not worship Shayt an. Verily, he is
a plain enemy t o you. And t hat you should worship Me. That is a st raight pat h.) 36:60-61 On
t he Day of Resurrect ion, t he angels will proclaim,
∠ ヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇バΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ∇モよ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ル͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ゅ∠レΒぁ ャ͡ヱ∠ ろ
∠ ル∠ぺ マ
∠ レ∠ ⇒∠エ∇らシ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽョぁ ユ͡ヰよ͡ ユ⊥ワゲ⊥ ん∠ ⇒∇ミぺ∠ リ
͡ ∇ャや
(Glorified be You! You are our Prot ect or inst ead of t hem. Nay, but t hey used t o worship t he
Jinn; most of t hem were believers in t hem.) 34:41 This is why Allah said here,
び∇ユヰ⊥ ボ∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ヱ∠ リ
͡ ∇ャや ¬∠ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ ヮ͡ ヤzャ ∇やヲ⊥ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(Yet , t hey j oin t he Jinns as part ners in worship wit h Allah, t hough He has creat ed t hem.)
6:100 , Alone wit hout part ners. Consequent ly, how is it t hat anot her deit y is being
worshipped along wit h Him As Ibrahim said,
ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ボ∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや∠ヱ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥わエ
͡ ∇レゎ∠ ゅ∠ョ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇バゎ∠ ぺ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホぴ
び ∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠ゎ
("Worship you t hat which you (yourselves) carve While Allah has creat ed you and what you
make!'') 37:95-96 Allah alone is t he Creat or wit hout part ners. Therefore, He Alone deserves
t o be worshipped wit hout part ners. Allah said next ,
びユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ よ͡ れ
∃ ゅ∠レよ∠ ヱ∠ リ
∠ Β͡レよ∠ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ホゲ∠ カ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hey Kharaqu (at t ribut e falsely) wit hout knowledge, sons and daught ers t o Him.) Allah
ment ions t he misguidance of t hose who were led ast ray and claimed a son or offspring for Him,
as t he Jews did wit h ` Uzayr, t he Christ ians wit h ` Isa and t he Arab pagans wit h t he angels
whom t hey claimed were Allah's daught ers. Allah is far holier t han what t he unj ust , polyt heist
people associat e wit h Him. The word, Kharaqu, means ` falsely at t ribut ed, invent ed, claimed
and lied', according t o t he scholars of t he Salaf. Allah's st at ement next ,
∠ ヲ⊥ヘダ
͡ Α∠ ゅzヨハ
∠ ヴ∠ヤ⇒∠バ∠ゎ∠ヱ ヮ⊥ レ∠ ⇒∠エ∇らシ
(Be He Glorified and Exalt ed above (all) t hat t hey at t ribut e t o Him.) means, He is holier t han,
hallowed, and Exalt ed above t he sons, rivals, equals and part ners t hat t hese ignorant , misled
people at t ribut e t o Him.
∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ギ∀ ャ∠ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ラ
⊥ ヲ⊥ムΑ∠ ヴzルぺ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ノ⊥ Α͡ギよ∠ ぴ
¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモム⊥ よ͡ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ zモミ⊥ ペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ヱ∠ る∀ ら∠ エ
͡ ⇒∠タ ヮ⊥ ャz ∇リム⊥ ゎ∠
び ∀ユΒ͡ヤ∠ハ
(101. He is t he Badi` (Originat or) of t he heavens and t he eart h. How can He have children
when He has no wife He creat ed all t hings and He is t he All-Knower of everyt hing.)
Meaning of Badi`
(He is t he Badi` of t he heavens and t he eart h) Meaning He originat ed, creat ed, invent ed and
brought t hem int o exist ence wit hout precedence, as Muj ahid and As-Suddi said. This is why t he
word for innovat ion - Bid` ah - comes from it , because it is somet hing t hat did not have a
びる∀ ら∠ エ
͡ ⇒∠タ ヮ⊥ zャ ∇リム⊥ ゎ∠ ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ギ∀ ャ∠ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ラ
⊥ ヲ⊥ムΑ∠ ヴzルぺ∠ぴ
(How can He have children when He has no wife) for t he child is t he offspring of t wo
compat ible spouses. Allah does not have an equal, none of His creat ures are similar t o Him, for
He alone creat ed t he ent ire creat ion. Allah said;
び や⇔キ∂ ま͡ ゅ⇔ゃ∇Βセ
∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ゃィ
͡ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ - や⇔ギ∠ャヱ∠ リ
⊥ ⇒∠ヨ∇ェゲz ャや グ∠ ガ
∠ ゎz や ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hey say: "The Most Beneficent (Allah) has begot t en a son.'' Indeed you have brought fort h
(said) a t errible evil t hing.) 19:88-89 , unt il,
び や⇔キ∇ゲプ∠ る͡ ヨ∠ ⇒∠Βボ͡ ∇ャや ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ͡ヮΒ͡ゎや∠¬ ∇ユヰ⊥ ぁヤミ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And everyone of t hem will come t o Him alone on t he Day of Resurrect ion.) 19:95 .
び∀ユΒ͡ヤ∠ハ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモム⊥ よ͡ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ zモミ⊥ ペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(He creat ed all t hings and He is t he All-Knower of everyt hing.) He has creat ed everyt hing and
He is All-Knower of all t hings. How can He have a wife from His creat ion who is suit able for His
maj est y, when t here is none like Him How can He have a child t hen Verily, Allah is Glorified
above having a son.
¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモミ⊥ ペ
⊥ ヤ͡⇒∠カ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ∠ ⇒∠ャま͡ Ι ∇ユム⊥ よぁ ケ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ャ͡クぴ
ヮ⊥ ミ⊥ ケ͡ ∇ギゎ⊥ Ι
z - ∀モΒ͡ミヱ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモミ⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ロ⊥ ヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇ハゅ∠プ
⊥ Β͡トヤzャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
xや ポ
⊥ ケ͡ ∇ギΑ⊥ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ゲ⊥ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
び ゲ⊥ Β͡らガ
∠ ∇ャや
(102. Such is Allah, your Lord! None has t he right t o be worshipped but He, t he Creat or of all
t hings. So worship Him (alone), and He is t he Guardian over all t hings.) (103. No vision can
grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision. He is t he Most Subt le, Well-Acquaint ed (wit h all
t hings).)
Allah is Your Lord
Allah said,
び∇ユム⊥ ⇒ぁよケ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ⊥ ⇒⊥ムャ͡ク∠ ぴ
(Such is Allah, your Lord!) Who creat ed everyt hing and has neit her a son nor a wife,
びロ⊥ ヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇ハゅ∠プ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモミ⊥ ペ
⊥ ヤ͡⇒∠カ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ∠ ⇒∠ャま͡ Ιぴ
(None has t he right t o be worshipped but He, t he Creat or of all t hings. So worship Him,) Alone
wit hout part ners, and at t est t o His Oneness, affirming t hat t here is no deit y wort hy of worship
except Him. Allah has neit her descendant s, nor acsendant s, wife, equal or rival,
び∀モΒ͡ミヱ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ モ
あ ミ⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And He is t he Guardian over all t hings.) meaning, Trust ee, Wat cher and Disposer of affairs for
all t hings in exist ence, giving t hem provisions and prot ect ion by day and night . Seeing Allah in
t he Hereaft er Allah said,
びゲ⊥ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
x や ヮ⊥ ミ⊥ ケ͡ ∇ギゎ⊥ Ι
(No vision can grasp Him) in t his life. The vision will be able t o look at Allah in t he Hereaft er,
as affirmed and at t est ed t o by t he numerous Hadit hs from t he Prophet t hrough aut hent ic
chains of narrat ion in t he collect ions of t he Sahihs, Musnad and Sunan collect ions. As for t his
life, Masruq narrat ed t hat ` A'ishah said, "Whoever claims t hat Muhammad has seen his Lord,
will have ut t ered a lie against Allah, for Allah t he Most Honored, says,
びゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
⊥ ケ͡ ∇ギΑ⊥ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ゲ⊥ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
x や ヮ⊥ ミ⊥ ケ͡ ∇ギゎ⊥ Ι
(No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision.)'' In t he Sahih (Muslim) it is recorded
t hat Abu Musa Al-Ash` ari narrat ed from t he Prophet ,
⊥ ヘ͡ ∇ガΑ∠ ∩∠ュゅ∠レΑ∠ ∇ラぺ∠ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ヶ͡ピら∠ ∇レΑ∠ ゅ∠ャヱ∠ ュ⊥ ゅ∠レΑ∠ ゅ∠ャ ぶ
∠ やラ
z ま͡»
∠ ∇らホ∠ ケ͡ ゅ∠ヰレz ャや モ
⊥ ヨ∠ ハ
∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ノ⊥ プ∠ ∇ゲΑ⊥ ∩⊥ヮバ⊥ プ∠ ∇ゲΑ∠ ヱ∠ テ
∠ ∇ジボ͡ ∇ャや
ヱ͡ ぺ∠ ケ⊥ ヲぁレャや ヮ⊥ よ⊥ ゅ∠イェ
͡ ∩͡ケゅ∠ヰレz ャや モ
∠ ∇らホ∠ モ
͡ ∇Βヤzャや モ
⊥ ヨ∠ ハ
∠ ヱ∠ ∩͡モ∇Βヤzャや
ヴ∠ヰわ∠ ∇ルや ゅ∠ョ ヮ͡ ヰ͡ ∇ィヱ∠ れ
⊥ ゅ∠エら⊥ シ
∠ ∇ろホ∠ ゲ∠ ∇ェほ∠ャ∠ ヮ⊥ ヘ∠ ゼ
∠ ミ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ ケ⊥ ゅzレャや
∠ ∇リョ͡ ロ⊥ ゲ⊥ ダ
∠ よ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡
(Verily, Allah does not sleep and it does not befit His maj est y t hat He should sleep. He lowers
t he scale (of everyt hing) and raises it . The deeds of t he day are ascended t o Him before t he
night , and t he deeds of t he night before t he day. His Veil is t he Light -- or Fire -- and if He
removes it (t he veil), t he Light of His Face will burn every creat ed t hing t hat His sight reaches.)
In t he previous revealed Books t here is t his st at ement , "When Musa request ed t o see Him,
Allah said t o Musa: ` O Musa! Verily, no living t hing sees Me, but it dies and no dried t hings sees
me, but it rolls up.' '' Allah said,
ヴ∠シヲョ ゲz カ
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ6ミキ∠ ヮ⊥ ヤ∠バ∠ ィ
∠ モ
͡ ら∠ イ
∠ ∇ヤャ͡ ヮ⊥ ぁよケ∠ ヴzヤイ
∠ ゎ∠ ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠ ぴ
⊥ zヱぺ∠ ∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ヱ∠ マ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ろ
⊥ ∇らゎ⊥ マ
∠ レ∠ ⇒∠エ∇らシ
⊥ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ベ
∠ ゅ∠プぺ∠ べzヨヤ∠プ∠ ゅ⇔ボバ͡ タ
∠ Β͡レョ͡ ∇ぽヨ⊥ ∇ャや
(So when his Lord appeared t o t he mount ain, He made it collapse t o dust , and Musa fell down
unconscious. Then when he recovered his senses he said: "Glory be t o You, I t urn t o You in
repent ance and I am t he first of t he believers.'') 7:143 . These Ayat , Hadit hs and st at ement s
do not negat e t he fact t hat Allah will be seen on t he Day of Resurrect ion by His believing
servant s, in t he manner t hat He decides, all t he while preserving His might and grace as t hey
are. The Mot her of t he Fait hful, ` A'ishah, used t o affirm t hat Allah will be seen in t he
Hereaft er, but denied t hat it could occur in t his life, ment ioning t his Ayah as evidence,
びゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
⊥ ケ͡ ∇ギΑ⊥ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ゲ⊥ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
x や ヮ⊥ ミ⊥ ケ͡ ∇ギゎ⊥ Ι
(No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision.) Her denial was a denial of t he abilit y
t o encompass Him, meaning t o perfect ly see His grace and magnificance as He is, for t hat is
not possible for any human, angel or anyt hing creat ed. Allah's st at ement ,
びゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
⊥ ケ͡ ∇ギΑ⊥ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(but His grasp is over all vision.) means, He encompasses all vision and He has full knowledge of
t hem, for He creat ed t hem all. In anot her Ayah, Allah said;
び ゲ⊥ Β͡らガ
∠ ∇ャや ブ
⊥ Β͡トヤzャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ∇リョ∠ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ Ι
∠ ぺ∠ぴ
(Should not He Who has creat ed know And He is t he Most Subt le, Well Acquaint ed (wit h all
t hings).) 67:14 It is also possible t hat ` all vision' refers t o t hose who have t he vision. As-Suddi
said t hat Allah's st at ement ,
びゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
⊥ ケ͡ ∇ギΑ⊥ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ゲ⊥ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
x や ヮ⊥ ミ⊥ ケ͡ ∇ギゎ⊥ Ι
(No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision.) means, "Not hing sees Him (in t his
life), but He sees all creat ion.'' Abu Al-` Aliyah said t hat Allah's st at ement ,
びゲ⊥ Β͡らガ
∠ ∇ャや ブ
⊥ Β͡トヤzャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(He is t he Most Subt le, Well-Acquaint ed (wit h all t hings).) means, "He is t he Most Subt le,
bringing fort h all t hings, Well-Acquaint ed wit h t heir posit ion and place.'' Allah knows best . In
anot her Ayah, Allah ment ions Luqman's advice t o his son,
ヴ͡プ ∇リム⊥ わ∠ プ∠ メ
∃ キ∠ ∇ゲカ
∠ ∇リョあ る∃ らz ェ
∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ボ∇んョ͡ マ
⊥ ゎ∠ ラ͡ま べ∠ヰルz ま͡ zヴレ∠ ら⊥ Αぴ
ゅ∠ヰよ͡ れ
͡ ∇ほΑ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ ∇ヱぺ∠ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ヴ͡プ ∇ヱぺ∠ り∃ ゲ∠ ∇ガタ
び ∀ゲΒ͡らカ
∠ ∀ブΒ͡ト∠ャ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ ヮ⊥ zヤャや
(O my son! If it be (anyt hing) equal t o t he weight of grain of must ard seed, and t hough it be in
a rock, or in t he heavens or in t he eart h, Allah will bring it fort h. Verily, Allah is Most Subt le,
Well Acquaint ed) 31:16
ヮ͡ ジ
͡ ∇ヘレ∠ ヤ͡プ∠ ゲ∠ ダ
∠ ∇よぺ∠ ∇リヨ∠ プ∠ ∇ユム⊥ よあ ケz リ͡ョ ゲ⊥ も͡ べ∠ダよ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇ギホ∠ ぴ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ミヱ∠ - ナ
∃ Β͡ヘエ
∠ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ べ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇Βヤ∠バ∠ プ∠ ヴ
∠ ヨ͡ ハ
∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠
ュ∃ ∇ヲボ∠ ャ͡ ヮ⊥ レ∠ Βあ ら∠ レ⊥ ャ͡ヱ∠ ろ
∠ ∇シケ∠ キ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャヲ⊥ボΒ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
xや フ
⊥ あゲダ
∠ ル⊥
び ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠Α
(104. Verily, Basa'ir (proofs) have come t o you from your Lord, so whosoever sees, will do so for
(t he good of) himself, and whosoever blinds himself, will do so against himself, and I am not a
Hafiz over you.) (105. Thus We explain variously t he verses so t hat t hey (t he disbelievers) may
say: "You have Darast a (st udied)'' and t hat We may make t he mat t er clear for t he people who
have knowledge.)
The Meaning of Basa'ir
Basa'ir are t he proofs and evidences in t he Qur'an and t he Message of Allah's Messenger . The
びヮ͡ ジ
͡ ∇ヘレ∠ ヤ͡プ∠ ゲ∠ ダ
∠ ∇よぺ∠ ∇リヨ∠ プ∠ ぴ
(so whosoever sees, will do so for (t he good of) himself.) is similar t o,
ゅ∠ヨルz み͡プ∠ モ
∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ヮ͡ ジ
͡ ∇ヘレ∠ ャ͡ ン͡ギわ∠ ∇ヰΑ∠ ゅ∠ヨルz ͡み∠プ ン∠ギわ∠ ∇ワや リ
⊥ ヨ∠ プ∠ ぴ
∠ モ
͡ Α∠
(So whosoever receives guidance, he does so for t he good of himself, and whosoever goes
ast ray, he does so at his own loss.) 10:108 Aft er Allah ment ioned t he Basa'ir, He said,
びゅ∠ヰ∇Βヤ∠バ∠ プ∠ ヴ
∠ ヨ͡ ハ
∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And whosoever blinds himself, will do so against himself,) meaning, he will only harm himself.
Allah said,
⊥ ヲ⊥ヤボ⊥ ∇ャや ヴ∠ヨ∇バゎ∠ リ͡ム⇒∠ャヱ∠ ゲ⊥ ⇒∠ダ∇よΙ
x や ヴ∠ヨ∇バゎ∠ Ι
∠ ゅ∠ヰルz ͡み∠プぴ
びケ͡ ヱ⊥ギダ
ぁ ャや ヴ͡プ ヴ͡わャzや
(Verily, it is not t he eyes t hat grow blind, but it is t he heart s which are in t he breast s t hat grow
blind.) 22:46
∃ Β͡ヘエ
∠ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ べ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(And I (Muhammad) am not a Hafiz over you. ) neit her responsible, nor a wat cher over you.
Rat her, I only convey, Allah guides whom He wills and misguides whom He wills. Allah said,
͡ ⇒∠ΑΙ
⊥ あゲダ
∠ ル⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ミヱ∠ ぴ
(Thus We explain variously t he verses...) 6:105 , meaning, j ust as We explained t he Ayat in
t his Surah, such as explaining Tawhid and t hat t here is no deit y wort hy of worship except Allah.
This is how We explain t he Ayat and make t hem plain and clear in all circumst ances, t o suffice
t he ignorance of t he ignorant ; and so t hat t he idolat ors and disbelievers who deny you say, ` O
Muhammad! You have Darast a wit h t hose who were before you from among t he People of t he
Book and learned wit h t hem'. Ibn ` Abbas, Muj ahid, Sa` id bin Jubayr and Ad-Dahhak said
similarly. At -Tabarani narrat ed t hat ` Amr bin Kaysan said t hat he heard Ibn ` Abbas saying,
"Darast a, means, ` recit ed, argued and debat ed.''' This is similar t o Allah's st at ement about t he
denial and rebellion of t he disbelievers, e
ロ⊥ や∠ゲわ∠ ∇プや ∀マ∇プ͡ま Ι
z ま͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ∇ラま͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
∠ ゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
⊥ やヱ⊥¬べ∠ィ ∇ギボ∠ プ∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲカ
∠ や∠¬ ∀ュ∇ヲ∠ホ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ⊥ ル∠ ゅ∠ハぺ∠ヱ∠
∠ ヰ͡ プ∠ ゅ∠ヰら∠ わ∠ わ∠ ∇ミや ∠リΒ͡ャヱz xΙや ゲ⊥ Β͡ト⇒∠シぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ - や⇔ケヱ⊥コヱ∠
⇔ Β͡タぺ∠ヱ∠ り⇔ ゲ∠ ∇ムよ⊥ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヴ∠ヤ∇ヨゎ⊥
(Those who disbelieve say, "This (t he Qur'an) is not hing but a lie t hat he has invent ed, and
ot hers have helped him at it , so t hat t hey have produced an unj ust wrong (t hing) and a lie.''
And t hey say, "Tales of t he ancient s, which he has writ t en down, and t hey are dict at ed t o him
morning and aft ernoon.'') 25:4-5 Allah described t he chief liar of t he disbelievers Al-Walid
bin Al-Mughirah Al-Makhzumi ,
∠ ∇Βミ∠ モ
∠ わ͡ ホ⊥ zユを⊥ - ケ∠ ギz ホ∠ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ モ
∠ わ͡ ボ⊥ プ∠ - ケ∠ ギz ホ∠ ヱ∠ ゲ∠ ムz プ∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ぴ
ゲ∠ よ∠ ∇キぺ∠ zユを⊥ - ゲ∠ ジ
∠ よ∠ ヱ∠ ザ
∠ ら∠ ハ
∠ zユを⊥ - ゲ∠ ヌ
∠ ル∠ zユを⊥ - ケ∠ ギz ホ∠
∇ラま͡ - ゲ⊥ を∠ ∇ぽΑ⊥ ∀ゲ∇エ͡シ Ι
z ま͡ へ∠グ⇒∠ワ ∇ラま͡ メ
∠ ゅ∠ボプ∠ - ゲ∠ ら∠ ∇ムわ∠ ∇シや∠ヱ
び ゲ͡ ゼ
∠ ら∠ ∇ャや メ
⊥ ∇ヲホ∠ Ι
z ま͡ へ∠グ⇒∠ワ
(Verily, he t hought and plot t ed. So let him be cursed! How he plot t ed! And once more let him
be cursed, how he plot t ed! Then he t hought . Then he frowned and he looked in a bad
t empered way. Then he t urned back and was proud. Then he said, "This is not hing but magic
from t hat of old. This is not hing but t he word of a human being!'') 74:18-25 Allah said next ,
び∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠Α ュ∃ ∇ヲボ∠ ャ͡ ヮ⊥ レ∠ Βあ ら∠ レ⊥ ャ͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hat We may make t he mat t er clear for t he people who have knowledge.) The Ayah
means, so t hat We explain t he mat t er t o a people who know t rut h, and t hus follow it , and
know falsehood, and t hus avoid it . Allah's wisdom is perfect , He allows t he disbelievers t o
st ray, and He guides t he people who have knowledge. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
びや⇔ゲΒ͡んミ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ヵ͡ギ∇ヰΑ∠ ヱ∠ や⇔ゲΒ͡んミ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ぁモツ
͡ Α⊥ ぴ
(By it He misleads many, and many He guides t hereby.) 2:26 , and;
ユ͡ヰよ͡ ヲ⊥ヤホ⊥ ヴ͡プ リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャあ る⇔ レ∠ ∇わプ͡ リ
⊥ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや ヴ͡ボ∇ヤΑ⊥ ゅ∠ョ モ
∠ バ∠ ∇イΒ∠ ャあぴ
び∇ユヰ⊥ よ⊥ ヲ⊥ヤホ⊥ る͡ Β∠ シ
͡ ゅ∠ボ∇ャや∠ヱ ∀チ∠ゲョz
(That He (Allah) may make what is t hrown in by Shayt an a t rial for t hose in whose heart s is a
disease and whose heart s are hardened. ) 22:53 and,
びユ∃ Β͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョぁ ヅ
∃ ゲ∠ タ
͡ ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ͡キゅ∠ヰ∠ャ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And verily, Allah is t he Guide of t hose who believe, t o t he st raight pat h.) 22:54 ,
ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ る⇔ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤョ∠ Ι
z ま͡ ケ͡ ゅzレャや ょ
∠ ⇒∠エ∇タぺ∠ べ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
∇やヲ⊥ゎヱ⊥ぺ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや リ
∠ ボ͡ ∇Βわ∠ ∇ジΒ∠ ャ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャあ る⇔ レ∠ ∇わプ͡ Ι
z ま͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ゎ∠ ギz ハ
∠ ゅ∠ゎ∇ゲΑ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔レ⇒∠ヨΑ͡ま ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや キ∠ や∠キ∇ゴΑ∠ ヱ∠ ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや
ヴ͡プ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
∠ ヲ⊥ボΒ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽヨ⊥ ∇ャや∠ヱ ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ∇やヲ⊥ゎヱ⊥ぺ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや
や∠グ⇒∠ヰよ͡ ヮ⊥ zヤャや キ∠ や∠ケぺ∠ へ∠クゅ∠ョ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ム∇ャや∠ヱ ∀チ∠ゲョz ユ͡ヰよ͡ ヲ⊥ヤホ⊥
¬⊥ べ∠ゼΑ∠ リ∠ョ ン͡ギ∇ヰΑ∠ ヱ∠ ¬⊥ べ∠ゼΑ∠ リ∠ョ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや ぁモツ
͡ Α⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ Κ
⇔ ん∠ ョ∠
びヲ∠ ワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ キ∠ ヲ⊥レィ
⊥ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠
(And We have set none but angels as guardians of t he Fire, and We have fixed t heir number
only as a t rial for t he disbelievers, in order t hat t he People of t he Script ure may arrive at a
cert aint y and t he believers may increase in fait h, and t hat no doubt s may be left for t he
People of t he Script ure and t he believers, and t hat t hose in whose heart s is a disease (of
hypocrisy) and t he disbelievers may say, "What does Allah int end by t his example'' Thus Allah
leads ast ray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And none can know t he host s of your
Lord but He.) 74:31 , and;
る∀ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ヱ∠ ∀¬べ∠ヘ͡セ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ゅ∠ョ ラ
͡ や∠¬∇ゲボ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ メ
⊥ あゴレ∠ ル⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
び や⇔ケゅ∠ジカ
∠ Ι
z ま∠ リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ギ⊥ Α͡ゴΑ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ リ
∠ Β͡レョ͡ ∇ぽヨ⊥ ∇ヤャあ
(And We send down in t he Qur'an t hat which is a healing and a mercy t o t he believers, and it
increases t he wrongdoers in not hing but loss.) 17:82 , and,
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱ ∀¬べ∠ヘ͡セ∠ヱ ン⇔ギワ⊥ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャ͡ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ∀ゲ∇ホ∠ヱ ∇ユヰ͡ ル͡ や∠クや∠¬ ヴ͡プ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥
びギ∃ Β͡バよ∠ ラ
∃ ゅ∠ムョz リ͡ョ ラ
∠ ∇ヱキ∠ ゅ∠レΑ⊥ マ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥
(Say, "It is for t hose who believe, a guide and a healing. And as for t hose who disbelieve, t here
is heaviness in t heir ears, and it is blindness for t hem. They are t hose who are called from a
place far away.'') 41:44 There are similar Ayat t hat t est ify t hat Allah sent down t he Qur'an as
guidance t o t hose who fear Him and t hat He guides or misguides whom He wills by t he Qur'an.
ヲ∠ ワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ∠ ⇒∠ャま͡ Ι マ
∠ よあ ケz リ͡ョ マ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ヴ
͡ ヱ⊥ぺ べ∠ョ ∇ノら͡ ゎz やぴ
べ∠ョ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ∇チゲ͡ ∇ハぺ∠ヱ∠
∠ ル∠ぺ べ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヌΒ͡ヘェ
∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ マ
∠ ⇒∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠
∃ Β͡ミヲ∠ よ͡ ユ͡ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
(106. Follow what has been inspired (revealed) t o you from your Lord, none has t he right t o be
worshipped but He, and t urn aside from t he idolat ors.) (107. Had Allah willed, t hey would not
have t aken ot hers besides Him in worship. And We have not made you Hafiz over t hem nor are
you set over t hem t o dispose of t heir affairs.)
The Command to Follow the Revelation
Allah commands His Messenger and t hose who followed his pat h,
∠ よあ ケz リ͡ョ マ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ヴ
͡ ヱ⊥ぺ べ∠ョ ∇ノら͡ ゎz やぴ
(Follow what has been inspired t o you from your Lord,) meaning, follow it , obey it and act
according t o it . What has been revealed t o you from your Lord is t he Trut h, no doubt , and
t here is no deit y wort hy of worship except Him,
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ∇チゲ͡ ∇ハぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(and t urn aside from t he idolat ors) meaning, forgive t hem, be forbearing and endure t heir
harm unt il Allah brings relief t o you, support s you and makes you t riumphant over t hem. Know
-- O Muhammad -- t hat t here is a wisdom behind misleading t he idolat ors, and t hat had Allah
willed, He would have direct ed all people t o guidance,
び∇やヲ⊥ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ べ∠ョ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(Had Allah willed, t hey would not have t aken ot hers besides Him in worship.) Allah's is t he
perfect will and wisdom in all decrees and decisions, and He is never quest ioned about what He
does, while t hey all will be quest ioned. Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ マ
∠ ⇒∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(And We have not made you Hafiz over t hem.) means, a wat cher who observes t heir st at ement s
and deeds,
∃ Β͡ミヲ∠ よ͡ ユ͡ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ろ
∠ ル∠ぺ べ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(Nor are you set over t hem t o dispose of t heir affairs. ) or t o cont rol t heir provision. Rat her,
your only j ob is t o convey, j ust as Allah said,
び ゲ∃ ト
͡ ∇Βジ
∠ ヨ⊥ よ͡ ユ͡ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ろ
∠ ∇ジャz - ∀ゲミあ ∠グョ⊥ ろ
∠ ル∠ぺ べ∠ヨルz ま͡ ∇ゲミあ グ∠ プ∠ ぴ
(So remind t hem, you are only one who reminds. You are not a dict at or over t hem.) 88:21-22
⊥ ゅ∠ジエ
͡ ∇ャや ゅ∠レ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヱ∠ ヒ⊥ ⇒∠ヤら∠ ∇ャや マ
∠ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠ヨルz ͡み∠プぴ
(Your dut y is only t o convey and on Us is t he reckoning.) 13:40
⊥ Β∠ プ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ∇やヲぁらジ
⊥ ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∇ユヰ⊥ ヤ∠ヨ∠ ハ
∠ る∃ ョz ぺ⊥ あモム⊥ ャ͡ ゅzレΑz コ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ よ͡ や⇔ヱ∇ギハ
∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヨ∠ ∇バΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ゃ⊥ あらレ∠ Β⊥ プ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ バ⊥ ィ
͡ ∇ゲョz ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ zユを⊥
(108. And insult not t hose whom t hey worship besides Allah, lest t hey insult Allah wrongfully
wit hout knowledge. Thus We have made fair seeming t o each people it s own doings; t hen t o
t heir Lord is t heir ret urn and He shall inform t hem of all t hat t hey used t o do.)
The Prohibition of Insulting the False gods of the Disbelievers, So
that they Do not Insult Allah
Allah prohibit s His Messenger and t he believers from insult ing t he false deit ies of t he idolat ors,
alt hough t here is a clear benefit in doing so. Insult ing t heir deit ies will lead t o a bigger evil
t han it s benefit , for t he idolat ors might ret aliat e by insult ing t he God of t he believers, Allah,
none has t he right t o be worshipped but He. ` Ali bin Abi Talhah said t hat Ibn ` Abbas
comment ed on t his Ayah 6:108 ; "They (disbelievers) said, ` O Muhammad! You will st op
insult ing our gods, or we will insult your Lord.' Thereaft er, Allah prohibit ed t he believers from
insult ing t he disbelievers' idols,
びユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ よ͡ や⇔ヱ∇ギハ
∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ∇やヲらぁ ジ
⊥ Β∠ プ∠ ぴ
(lest t hey insult Allah wrongfully wit hout knowledge.)'' ` Abdur-Razzaq narrat ed t hat Ma` mar
said t hat Qat adah said, "Muslims used t o insult t he idols of t he disbelievers and t he disbelievers
would ret aliat e by insult ing Allah wrongfully wit hout knowledge. Allah revealed,
びヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ∇やヲぁらジ
⊥ ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And insult not t hose whom t hey worship besides Allah.)'' On t his same subj ect -- abandoning
what carries benefit t o avert a great er evil - it is recorded in t he Sahih t hat t he Messenger of
Allah said,
«ヮ∇Α∠ギ͡ャや∠ヱ ょ
z シ
∠ ∇リョ∠ ∀ラヲ⊥バ∇ヤョ∠ »
(Cursed is he who insult s his own parent s!) They said, "O Allah's Messenger! And how would a
man insult his own parent s'' He said,
ぁ ジ
⊥ Β∠ プ∠ ヮ⊥ zョぺ⊥ ょ
ぁ ジ
⊥ Α∠ ヱ∠ ロ⊥ ゅ∠よぺ∠ ぁょジ
⊥ Β∠ プ∠ モ
⊥ ゲz ャや ゅ∠よ∠ぺ ぁょジ
⊥ Α∠ »
(He insult s a man's fat her, and t hat man insult s his fat her, and insult s his mot her and t hat man
insult s his mot her.) Allah's st at ement ,
び∇ユヰ⊥ ヤ∠ヨ∠ ハ
∠ る∃ ョz ぺ⊥ あモム⊥ ャ͡ ゅzレΑz コ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ぴ
(Thus We have made fair seeming t o each people it s own doings;) means, as We made fair
seeming t o t he idolat ors loving t heir idols and defending t hem, likewise We made fair seeming
t o every previous nat ion t he misguidance t hey indulged in. Allah's is t he most perfect proof,
and t he most complet e wisdom in all t hat He wills and chooses.
び∇ユヰ⊥ バ⊥ ィ
͡ ∇ゲzョ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ zユを⊥ ぴ
(t hen t o t heir Lord is t heir ret urn,) gat hering and final dest inat ion,
び∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠Α ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ゃ⊥ あらレ∠ Β⊥ プ∠ ぴ
(and He shall t hen inform t hem of all t hat t hey used t o do.) He will compensat e t hem for t heir
deeds, good for good and evil for evil.
∀る∠Αや∠¬ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇ゎ¬∠ べ∠ィ リ͡ゃャ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ レ͡ ⇒∠ヨ∇Αぺ∠ ギ∠ ∇ヰィ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャゅ͡よ ∇やヲ⊥ヨジ
∠ ∇ホぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∇ユミ⊥ ゲ⊥ バ͡ ∇ゼΑ⊥ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ギ∠ レ͡ハ ろ
⊥ ⇒∠ΑΙ
x や ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ zリレ⊥ ョ͡ ∇ぽΒ⊥ zャ
∇ユヰ⊥ ゎ∠ ギ∠ ゃ͡ ∇プぺ∠ ょ
⊥ あヤボ∠ ル⊥ ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ∇れ¬∠ べ∠ィ や∠クま͡ べ∠ヰルz ぺ∠
∇ユワ⊥ ケ⊥ グ∠ ル∠ ヱ∠ り∃ ゲz ョ∠ メ
∠ ヱz ぺ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ヨミ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よぺ∠ヱ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ヰヨ∠ ∇バΑ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ル͡ ゅ∠Β∇ピデ
⊥ ヴ͡プ
(109. And t hey swear t heir st rongest oat hs by Allah, t hat if t here came t o t hem a sign, t hey
would surely believe t herein. Say: "Signs are but wit h Allah and what will make you perceive
t hat (even) if it came, t hey will not believe'') (110. And We shall t urn t heir heart s and t heir
eyes away, as t hey refused t o believe t herein for t he first t ime, and We shall leave t hem in
t heir t respass t o wander blindly.)
Asking for Miracles and Swearing to Believe if They Come
Allah st at es t hat t he idolat ors swore t heir st rongest oat hs by Allah,
び∀る∠Αや∠¬ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇ゎ¬∠ べ∠ィ リ͡ゃャ∠ぴ
(t hat if t here came t o t hem a sign...) a miracle or phenomenon,
びゅ∠ヰよ͡ zリレ⊥ ョ͡ ∇ぽΒ⊥ zャぴ
(t hey would surely believe t herein.) affirming it s t rut h,
びヮ͡ ヤzャや ギ∠ レ͡ハ ろ
⊥ ⇒∠ΑΙ
x や ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Signs are but wit h Allah.'') 6:109 meaning: Say, O Muhammad - t o t hose who ask you
for signs out of defiance, disbelief and rebellion, not out of t he desire for guidance and
knowledge - "The mat t er of sending signs is for Allah. If He wills, He sends t hem t o you, and if
He wills, He ignores your request .'' Allah said next ,
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ∇れ¬∠ べ∠ィ や∠クま͡ べ∠ヰルz ぺ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ゲ⊥ バ͡ ∇ゼΑ⊥ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(And what will make you perceive t hat (even) if it came, t hey will not believe) It was said t hat
` you' in ` make you preceive' refers t o t he idolat ors, according t o Muj ahid. In t his case, t he
Ayah would mean, what makes you -- you idolat ors -- preceive t hat you are t rut hful in t he vows
t hat you swore Therefore, in t his recit at ion, t he Ayah means, t he idolat ors will st ill not believe
if t he sign t hat t hey asked for came. It was also said t hat ` you' in, ` what will make you
preceive', refers t o t he believers, meaning, what will make you preceive, O believers, t hat t he
idolat ors will st ill not believe if t he signs come. Allah also said,
∠ ゎ⊥ ∇ゲョ∠ ぺ∠ ∇クま͡ ギ∠ イ
⊥ ∇ジゎ∠ Ι
z ぺ∠ マ
∠ バ∠ レ∠ ョ∠ ゅ∠ョぴ
("What prevent ed you (O Iblis) t hat you did not prost rat e, when I commanded you'') 7:12 and,
∠ ヲ⊥バィ
͡ ∇ゲΑ∠ Ι
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ぺ∠ べ∠ヰ⇒∠レ∇ムヤ∠∇ワぺ∠ る∃ Α∠ ∇ゲホ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∀ュや∠ゲ∠ェ∠ヱぴ
(And a ban is laid on every t own (populat ion) which We have dest royed t hat t hey shall not
ret urn (t o t his world again).) 21:95 These Ayat mean: ` What made you, O Iblis, refrain from
prost rat ing, alt hough I commanded you t o do so, and, in t he second Ayah, t hat village shall not
ret urn t o t his world again. In t he Ayah above 6:109 , t he meaning t hus becomes: What makes
you perceive, O believers, who wish eagerly for t he disbelievers t o believe, t hat if t he Ayat
came t o t hem t hey would believe Allah said next ,
ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ヨミ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よぺ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ゎ∠ ギ∠ ゃ͡ ∇プぺ∠ ょ
⊥ あヤボ∠ ル⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
びり∃ ゲz ョ∠ メ
∠ ヱz ぺ∠
(And We shall t urn t heir heart s and t heir eyes away, as t hey refused t o believe t herein for t he
first t ime,) Al-` Awfi said t hat Ibn ` Abbas said about t his Ayah, "When t he idolat ors rej ect ed
what Allah sent down, t heir heart s did not set t le on any one t hing and t hey t urned away from
every mat t er (of benefit ).'' Muj ahid said t hat Allah's st at ement ,
び∇ユワ⊥ ゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よぺ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ゎ∠ ギ∠ ゃ͡ ∇プぺ∠ ょ
⊥ あヤボ∠ ル⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and We shall t urn t heir heart s and t heir eyes away, ) means, We prevent t hem from t he fait h,
and even if every sign came t o t hem, t hey will not believe, j ust as We prevent ed t hem from
fait h t he first t ime. Similar was said by ` Ikrimah and ` Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam. ` Ali
bin Abi Talhah said t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "Allah ment ions what t he servant s will say before t hey
say it and what t hey will do before t hey do it . Allah said;
びゲ∃ Β͡らカ
∠ モ
⊥ ∇んョ͡ マ
∠ ゃ⊥ らあ レ∠ Α⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And none can inform you like Him Who is t he All-Knower.) 35:14 and,
ヴ͡プ ろ
⊥ デ
∠ ゲz プ∠ ゅ∠ョ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヴ∠ゎゲ∠ ∇ジエ
∠ Α ∀ザ∇ヘ∠ル メ
∠ ヲ⊥ボゎ∠ ラ∠ぺぴ
びヮ͡ ヤzャや ょ
͡ レ∠ィ
(Lest a person should say, "Alas, my grief t hat I was undut iful t o Allah.'') 39:56 unt il,
∠ Β͡レジ
͡ ∇エヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ミほ∠プ∠ り⇔ ゲz ⇒∠ミ ヴ͡ャ ラ
z ぺ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ぴ
("If only I had anot her chance, t hen I should indeed be among t he doers of good.'') 39:58 . So
Allah, glory be t o Him, st at es t hat if t hey were sent back t o life, t hey would not accept t he
∠ ヲ⊥よグ͡ ⇒∠ムャ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヰル⊥ ゅ∠ヨャ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ギ⇒∠バャ∠ ∇やヱぁキケ⊥ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(But if t hey were ret urned, t hey would cert ainly revert t o t hat which t hey were forbidden. And
indeed t hey are liars.) 6:28 Allah said,
ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ヨミ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ∠ ⇒∠ダ∇よぺ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ゎ∠ ギ∠ ゃ͡ ∇プぺ∠ ょ
⊥ あヤボ∠ ル⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
びり∃ ゲz ョ∠ メ
∠ ヱz ぺ∠
(And We shall t urn t heir heart s and t heir eyes away (from guidance), as t hey refused t o believe
t herein for t he first t ime,) meaning: ` If t hey were sent back t o t his life, t hey would be
prevent ed from embracing t he guidance, j ust as We prevent ed t hem from it t he first t ime,
when t hey were in t he life of t his world.'' Allah said,
び∇ユワ⊥ ケ⊥ グ∠ ル∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and We shall leave t hem...) and abandon t hem,
び∇ユヰ͡ レ͡ ⇒∠Β∇ピデ
⊥ ヶ͡プぴ
(in t heir t respass...) meaning, disbelief, according t o Ibn ` Abbas and As-Suddi. Abu Al-` Aliyah,
Ar-Rabi` bin Anas and Qat adah said t hat ` t heir t respass' means, ` t heir misguidance'. m
∠ ヲ⊥ヰヨ∠ ∇バΑ∠ ぴ
(t o wander blindly) or playfully, according t o Al-A` mash. Ibn ` Abbas, Muj ahid, Abu Al-` Aliyah,
Ar-Rabi` , Abu Malik and ot hers comment ed, "t o wander in t heir disbelief.''
ヴ∠ゎ∇ヲヨ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ヨ∠ ヤzミ∠ ヱ∠ る∠ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ べ∠レ∇ャゴz ∠ル ゅ∠レルz ぺ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∇やヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΒ⊥ ャ͡ ∇やヲル⊥ ゅ∠ミ ゅzョ Κ
⇔ ら⊥ ホ⊥ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ zモミ⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠ル∇ゲ∠ゼ∠ェ∠ヱ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヰ∠ ∇イΑ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ∠ ん∠ ∇ミぺ∠ リ
z ム͡ ⇒∠ャヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや ¬∠ べ∠ゼΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ Ι
z ま͡
(111. And even if We had sent down unt o t hem angels, and t he dead had spoken unt o t hem,
and We had gat hered t oget her all t hings before t hem, t hey would not have believed, unless
Allah willed, but most of t hem behave ignorant ly.) Allah says: ` Had We accept ed what t he
disbelievers asked for,' t hat is -- t hose who swore t heir st rongest oat hs by Allah t hat if a
miracle came t o t hem t hey would believe in it -- ` had We sent down angels, ' t o convey t o
t hem Allah's Message, in order t o support t he t rut h of t he Messengers, as t hey asked, when
t hey said,
⇔ Β͡らホ∠ る͡ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ヮ͡ ヤzャゅ͡よ ヴ
∠ ゎ͡ ∇ほゎ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
(or you bring Allah and t he angels before (us) face t o face.) 17:92
⊥ ケ⊥ ヴ
∠ ゎ͡ ヱ⊥ぺ べ∠ョ モ
∠ ∇んョ͡ ヴ∠ゎ∇ぽル⊥ ヴzわェ
∠ リ
∠ ョ͡ ∇ぽルぁ リ∠ャ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホぴ
びヮ͡ ヤzャや
(They said: "We shall not believe unt il we receive t he like of t hat which t he Messengers of Allah
had received.'') 6:124 and,
∠ メ
∠ ゴ͡ ル⊥ぺ Ι
∠ ∇ヲャ∠ ゅ∠ル¬∠ べ∠ボャ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ィ∇ゲΑ∠ Ι
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
∠ ゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
∇ユヰ͡ ジ
͡ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ヴ͡プ ∇やヱ⊥ゲら∠ ∇ムわ∠ ∇シや ギ͡ ボ∠ ャ∠ ゅ∠レよz ケ∠ ン∠ゲル∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ る⊥ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや
び や⇔ゲΒ͡らミ∠ や⇔∂ヲわ⊥ ハ
⊥ や∇ヲ∠わ∠ハ∠ヱ
(And t hose who expect not a meet ing wit h Us said: "Why are not t he angels sent down t o us, or
why do we not see our Lord" Indeed t hey t hink t oo highly of t hemselves, and are scornful wit h
great pride.) 25:21 Allah said,
びヴ∠ゎ∇ヲヨ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ヨ∠ ヤzミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and t he dead had spoken unt o t hem,) This is, t o inform t hem of t he t rut h of what t he
Messengers brought t hem;
⇔ ら⊥ ホ⊥ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ zモミ⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠ル∇ゲ∠ゼ∠ェ∠ヱぴ
(and We had gat hered t oget her all t hings before t hem,) before t heir eyes, as ` Ali bin Abi
Talhah and Al-` Awfi report ed from Ibn ` Abbas. This is t he view of Qat adah and ` Abdur-Rahman
bin Zayd bin Aslam. This Ayah means, if all nat ions were gat hered before t hem, one aft er t he
ot her, and each one t est ifies t o t he t rut h of what t he Messengers came wit h,
びヮ⊥ zヤャや ¬∠ べ∠ゼΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ Ι
z ま͡ ∇やヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΒ⊥ ャ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅzョぴ
(t hey would not have believed, unless Allah willed,) for guidance is wit h Allah not wit h t hem.
Cert ainly, Allah guides whom He wills and misguides whom He wills, and He does what He wills,
∠ ヲ⊥ヤ⇒∠∇ジΑ⊥ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ モ
⊥ バ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ゅzヨハ
∠ メ
⊥ ほ∠∇ジΑ⊥ Ι
(He cannot be quest ioned about what He does, while t hey will be quest ioned.) 21:23 , This is
due t o His knowledge, wisdom, power, supreme aut horit y and irresist ibilit y. Similarly, Allah
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
∠ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ る⊥ ヨ∠ ヤ͡ミ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ろボz ェ
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
び ユ∠ Β͡ャΙ
∠ や∠グバ∠ ∇ャや ∇やヱ⊥ ゲ∠ Α∠ ヴzわェ
∠ る∃ Α∠ や¬ ぁモミ⊥ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇ゎ¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠
(Truly, t hose, against whom t he Word (wrat h) of your Lord has been j ust ified, will not believe.
Even if every sign should come t o t hem, unt il t hey see t he painful t orment .) 10:96-97
͡ ∇ルΗ
͡や リ
∠ Β͡ト⇒∠Βセ
∠ や⇔ヱ∂ ギ⊥ ハ
∠ ヴ
y ら͡ ル͡ あモム⊥ ャ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや フ
∠ ゲ⊥ ∇カコ⊥ ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ツ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ヴ͡ェヲ⊥Α リ
͡ ∇ャや∠ヱ
ゅ∠ョ∠ヱ ∇ユワ⊥ ∇ケグ∠ プ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥ヤバ∠ プ∠ ゅ∠ョ マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ や⇔ケヱ⊥ゲビ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや り⊥ ギ∠ ゃ͡ ∇プぺ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ヴ∠ピ∇ダわ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠
∠ ヲ⊥プゲ͡ わ∠ ∇ボョぁ ユ⊥ワ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥プゲ͡ わ∠ ∇ボΒ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ ロ⊥ ∇ヲッ
∠ ∇ゲΒ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ り͡ ゲ∠ カ
x ゅ͡よ
(112. And so We have appoint ed for every Prophet enemies -- Shayat in among mankind and
Jinn, inspiring one anot her wit h adorned speech as a delusion. If your Lord had so willed, t hey
would not have done it ; so leave t hem alone wit h t heir fabricat ions.) (113. And Tasgha t o it
t hat t he heart s of t hose who do not believe in t he Hereaft er may incline t o such (deceit ), and
t hat t hey may remain pleased wit h it , and t hat t hey may commit what t hey are commit t ing.)
Every Prophet Has Enemies
Allah says, j ust as We made enemies for you, O Muhammad, who will oppose and rebel against
you and become your adversaries, We also made enemies for every Prophet who came before
you. Therefore, do not be saddened by t his fact . Allah said in ot her Ayat :
ゅ∠ョ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲら∠ ダ
∠ プ∠ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リあョ ∀モシ
⊥ ケ⊥ ∇ろよ∠ グあ ミ⊥ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
び∇やヱ⊥クヱ⊥ぺヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥よグあ ミ⊥
(Verily, Messengers were denied before you, but wit h pat ience t hey bore t he denial, and t hey
were hurt ...) 6:34 , and,
z ま͡ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ モ
⊥ ゲぁ ヤ͡ャ モ
∠ Β͡ホ ∇ギホ∠ ゅ∠ョ Ι
z ま͡ マ
∠ ャ∠ メ
⊥ ゅ∠ボΑ⊥ ゅzョぴ
び ユ∃ Β͡ャぺ∠ ゆ
∃ ゅ∠ボハ
͡ ヱ⊥クヱ∠ り∠ ゲ∠ ヘ͡ ∇ピョ∠ ヱ⊥グャ∠ マ
∠ よz ケ∠
(Not hing is said t o you except what was said t o t he Messengers before you. Verily, your Lord is
t he Possessor of forgiveness, and (also) t he Possessor of painful punishment .) 41:43 and,
∠ Β͡ョゲ͡ ∇イヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョあ や⇔ヱ∂ ギ⊥ ハ
∠ ヴ
y ら͡ ル∠ あモム⊥ ャ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(Thus have We made for every Prophet an enemy among t he criminals.) 25:31 . Waraqah bin
Nawfal said t o Allah's Messenger , "None came wit h what you came wit h but he was t he subj ect
of enmit y.'' Allah's st at ement ,
͡ ∇ルΗ
͡ やリ
∠ Β͡ト⇒∠Βセ
(Shayat in among mankind...) refers t o,
びや6ヱギ⊥ ハ
(enemies. ..) meaning, t he Prophet s have enemies among t he devils of mankind and t he devils
of t he Jinns. The word, Shayt an, describes one who is dissimilar t o his kind due t o his or her
wickedness. Indeed, only t he Shayat in, may Allah humiliat e and curse t hem, from among
mankind and t he Jinns oppose t he Messengers. ` Abdur-Razzaq said t hat Ma` mar narrat ed t hat
Qat adah comment ed on Allah's st at ement ,
͡ ∇ャや∠ヱ ザ
͡ ∇ルΗ
͡ やリ
∠ Β͡ト⇒∠Βセ
(Shayat in (devils) among mankind and Jinn...) "There are devils among t he Jinns and devils
among mankind who inspire each ot her.'' Allah's st at ement ,
͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや フ
∠ ゲ⊥ ∇カコ⊥ ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ツ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ヴ͡ェヲ⊥Αぴ
(inspiring one anot her wit h adorned speech as a delusion.) means, t hey inspire each ot her wit h
beaut ified, adorned speech t hat deceives t he ignorant who hear it ,
びロ⊥ ヲ⊥ヤバ∠ プ∠ ゅ∠ョ マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(If your Lord had so willed, t hey would not have done it ;) for all t his occurs by Allah's decree,
will and decision, t hat every Prophet had enemies from t hese devils,
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ∇ケグ∠ プ∠ ぴ
(so leave t hem alone wit h t heir fabricat ions.) and lies. This Ayah orders pat ience in t he face of
t he harm of t he wicked and t o t rust in Allah against t heir enmit y, for, "Allah shall suffice for
you (O Muhammad) and aid you against t hem.'' Allah's st at ement ,
びヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ヴ∠ピ∇ダわ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And Tasgha t o it .) means, according t o Ibn ` Abbas, "incline t o it .''
びり͡ ゲ∠ カ
x ゅ͡よ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや り⊥ ギ∠ ゃ͡ ∇プぺ∠ぴ
(t he heart s of t hose who do not believe in t he Hereaft er...) t heir heart s, mind and hearing. AsSuddi said t hat t his Ayah refers t o t he heart s of t he disbelievers.
びロ⊥ ∇ヲッ
∠ ∇ゲΒ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hat t hey may remain pleased wit h it .) t hey like and adore it . Only t hose who disbelieve
in t he Hereaft er accept t his evil speech, being enemies of t he Prophet s, et c., j ust as Allah said
in ot her Ayat ,
z ま͡ - リ
∠ Β͡レわ͡ ⇒∠ヘよ͡ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ べ∠ョ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇バゎ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ルz み͡プ∠ ぴ
び ユ͡ Β͡エイ
∠ ∇ャや メ
͡ ゅ∠タ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ∇リョ∠
(So, verily, you (pagans) and t hose whom you worship (idols). Cannot lead ast ray. Except t hose
who are predest ined t o burn in Hell!) 37:161-163 and,
∠ プ͡ ぺ⊥ ∇リョ∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ マ
⊥ プ∠ ∇ぽΑ⊥ - ブ
∃ ヤ͡わ∠ ∇ガョぁ メ
∃ ∇ヲホ∠ ヴ͡ヘャ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ルz ま͡ぴ
(Cert ainly, you have different ideas. Turned aside t herefrom is he who is t urned aside.) 51:89 Allah said;
∠ ヲ⊥プゲ͡ わ∠ ∇ボョぁ ユ⊥ワ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥プゲ͡ わ∠ ∇ボΒ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hat t hey may commit what t hey are commit t ing. ) meaning, "let t hem earn what ever
t hey will earn'', according t o ` Ali bin Abi Talhah who report ed t his from Ibn ` Abbas. As-Suddi
and Ibn Zayd also comment ed, "Let t hem do what ever t hey will do.''
ユ⊥ ム⊥ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ ぺ∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヨ∠ムェ
∠ ヴ͡ピわ∠ ∇よぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ∠ ∇Βピ∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇Βゎ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱ Κ
z ヘ∠ ョ⊥ ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや
∠ ョ͡ リ
z ル∠ ヲ⊥ムゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ マ
∠ よあ ケz リあョ ∀メzゴレ∠ ョ⊥ ヮ⊥ zルぺ∠
z Ι
⇔ ∇ギハ
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ホ∇ギタ
͡ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ る⊥ ヨ∠ ヤ͡ミ∠ ∇ろヨz ゎ∠ ヱ∠ - リ
∠ Α͡ゲわ∠ ∇ヨヨ⊥ ∇ャや
び ユ⊥ Β͡ヤバ∠ ∇ャや ノ⊥ Β͡ヨジ
z ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ わ͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ͡ム∠ ャ͡ メ
͡ ギあ ら∠ ョ⊥
(114. Say: "Shall I seek a j udge ot her t han Allah while it is He Who has sent down unt o you
t he Book, explained in det ail." Those unt o whom We gave t he Script ure know t hat it is revealed
from your Lord in t rut h. So be not you of t hose who doubt .) (115. And t he Word of your Lord
has been fulfilled in t rut h and in j ust ice. None can change His Words. And He is t he All-Hearer,
t he All-Knower.) Allah t ells His Prophet t o say t o t hese polyt heist s who worship ot hers besides
∠ ヴ͡ピわ∠ ∇よぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ∠ ∇Βピ∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ぴ
(Shall I seek a j udge ot her t han Allah...) bet ween you and I,
z ヘ∠ ョ⊥ ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ ぺ∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(while it is He Who has sent down unt o you t he Book, explained...) in det ail,
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇Βゎ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱぴ
(and t hose unt o whom We gave t he Script ure) t he Jews and t he Christ ians,
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ マ
∠ よあ ケz リあョ ∀メゴz ∠レョ⊥ ヮ⊥ zルぺ∠ ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠Αぴ
(know t hat it is revealed from your Lord in t rut h.) because t he previous Prophet s have
conveyed t he good news of you coming t o t hem. Allah's st at ement ,
∠ Α͡ゲわ∠ ∇ヨヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ リ
z ル∠ ヲ⊥ムゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ぴ
(So be not you of t hose who doubt .) is similar t o His ot her st at ement ,
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
͡ ほ∠∇シゅ∠プ マ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ べ∠レ∇ャ∠ゴル∠ぺ べzヨョあ マ
∠ ヶ͡プ ろ
∠ レ⊥ミ ラ͡みプ∠ ぴ
リ͡ョ ペ
∠ ∇ャや ポ
∠ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ラ
∠ ヱ⊥¬ゲ∠ ∇ボΑ∠
∠ Α͡ゲわ∠ ∇ヨヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ リ
z ル∠ ヲ⊥ムゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ マ
∠ よあ ケz
(So if you are in doubt concerning t hat which We have revealed unt o you, t hen ask t hose who
are reading t he Book before you. Verily, t he t rut h has come t o you from your Lord. So be not of
t hose who doubt (it ).) 10:94 The condit ional ` if' in t his Ayah does not mean t hat ` doubt ' will
ever occur t o t he Prophet . Allah said,
⇔ ∇ギハ
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ホ∇ギタ
͡ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ る⊥ ヨ∠ ヤ͡ミ∠ ∇ろヨz ゎ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t he Word of your Lord has been fulfilled in t rut h and in j ust ice.) Qat adah comment ed, "In
t rut h concerning what He st at ed and in j ust ice concerning what He decided.'' Surely, what ever
Allah says is t he t rut h and He is Most Just in what He commands. All of Allah's st at ement s are
t rue, t here is no doubt or cause for speculat ion about t his fact , and all His commandment s are
pure j ust ice, besides which t here is no j ust ice. All t hat He forbade is evil, for He only forbids
what brings about evil consequences. Allah said in anot her Ayah,
びゲ͡ ム∠ ∇レヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠ヰ∇レ∠Α∠ヱ フ
͡ ヱ⊥ゲ∇バヨ∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ ユ⊥ワゲ⊥ ョ⊥ ∇ほΑ∠ ぴ
(He commands t hem wit h good; and forbids t hem from evil...) 7:157 unt il t he end of t he
びヮ͡ わ͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ͡ム∠ ャ͡ メ
∠ ギあ ら∠ ョ⊥ Ι
(None can change His Words.) meaning, none can avert Allah's j udgment whet her in t his life or
t he Hereaft er,
びノ⊥ Β͡ヨジ
z ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And He is t he All-Hearer,) Hearing, His servant s' st at ement s,
びユ⊥ Β͡ヤバ∠ ∇ャやぴ
(The All-Knower.) of t heir act ivit ies and lack of act ivit y, Who awards each according t o t heir
リ∠ハ ポ
∠ ヲぁヤツ
͡ Α⊥ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ リ∠ョ ゲ∠ ん∠ ∇ミぺ∠ ∇ノト
͡ ゎ⊥ ラ͡まヱ∠ ぴ
z ま͡ ∇ユワ⊥ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ リ
z ャや Ι
z ま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥バら͡ わz Α∠ ラ͡ま ヮ͡ ヤzャや モ
͡ Β͡らシ
リ∠ハ モ
͡ Α∠ リ∠ョ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ マ
∠ よz ケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥タゲ⊥ ∇ガΑ∠
∠ Α͡ギわ∠ ∇ヰヨ⊥ ∇ャゅ͡よ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤ͡Β͡らシ
(116. And if you obey most of t hose on t he eart h, t hey will mislead you far away from Allah's
pat h. They follow not hing but conj ect ure, and t hey do not hing but lie.) (117. Verily, your Lord!
It is He Who knows best who st rays from His way, and He knows best t he right ly guided.)
Most People are Misguided
Allah st at es t hat most of t he people of t he eart h, are misguided. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
び ∠リΒ͡ャヱz xΙや ゲ⊥ ん∠ ∇ミぺ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヤ∠∇らホ∠ モ
∠ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And indeed most of t he men of old went ast ray before t hem.) 37:71 and,
∠ Β͡レョ͡ ∇ぽヨ⊥ よ͡ ろ
∠ ∇タゲ∠ ェ
∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ サ
͡ ゅzレャや ゲ⊥ ん∠ ∇ミぺ∠ べ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(And most of mankind will not believe even if you eagerly desire it .) 12:103 They are
misguided, yet t hey have doubt s about t heir way, and t hey rely on wishful t hinking and
∠ ヲ⊥タゲ⊥ ∇ガΑ∠ Ι
z ま͡ ∇ユワ⊥ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ リ
z ャや Ι
z ま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥バら͡ わz Α∠ ラ͡まぴ
(They follow not hing but conj ect ure, and t hey do not hing but lie.) Thus, t hey fulfill Allah's
decree and decision concerning t hem,
びヮ͡ ヤ͡Β͡らシ
∠ リ∠ハ モ
͡ Α∠ リ∠ョ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ぴ
(It is He Who knows best who st rays from His way.) and facilit at es t hat for him,
∠ Α͡ギわ∠ ∇ヰヨ⊥ ∇ャゅ͡よ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And He knows best t he right ly guided.) He facilit at es t hat for t hem, all of t hem are facilit at ed
for what He creat ed t hem.
ヮ͡ わ͡ ⇒∠Αべ͡よ ユ⊥わレ⊥ミ ラ͡ま ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ユ⊥ ∇シや ゲ∠ ミ͡ ク⊥ ゅzヨョ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヤム⊥ プ∠ ぴ
∠ Β͡レョ͡ ∇ぽョ⊥
∇ギホ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ユ⊥ ∇シや ゲ∠ ミ͡ ク⊥ ゅzヨョ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ∇ほゎ∠ Ι
z ぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ∇ユゎ⊥ ∇ケゲ͡ ト
⊥ ∇ッや ゅ∠ョ Ι
z ま͡ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ゅzョ ユ⊥ムャ∠ モ
z プ∠
∠ よz ケz ラ
z ま͡ ユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ よ͡ ユ͡ヰも͡ や∠ヲ∇ワほ∠よ͡ ∠ラヲぁヤ͡ツΒ⊥ ャz や⇔ゲΒ͡んミ∠ ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠
∠ Α͡ギわ∠ ∇バヨ⊥ ∇ャゅ͡よ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥
(118. So eat of t hat on which Allah's Name has been ment ioned, if you are believers in His
Ayat .) (119. And why should you not eat of t hat on which Allah's Name has been ment ioned,
while He has explained t o you in det ail what is forbidden t o you, except under compulsion of
necessit y And surely, many do lead ast ray by t heir own desires t hrough lack of knowledge.
Cert ainly your Lord knows best t he t ransgressors.)
Allowing What was Slaughtered in the Name of Allah
This is a st at ement of permission from Allah, for His servant s, allowing t hem t o eat t he
slaught ered animals werein His Name was ment ioned when slaught ering t hem. It is underst ood
from it t hat He has not allowed t hat over which Allah's Name was not ment ioned when
slaught ering. This was t he pract ice of t he pagans of Quraysh who used t o eat dead animals and
eat what was slaught ered for t he idols. Allah next encourages eat ing from t he meat of
sacrificed animals on which His Name was ment ioned upon slaught ering,
∇ギホ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ユ⊥ ∇シや ゲ∠ ミ͡ ク⊥ ゅzヨョ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ∇ほゎ∠ Ι
z ぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
び∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ゅzョ ユ⊥ムャ∠ モ
z プ∠
(And why should you not eat of t hat on which Allah's Name has been ment ioned, while He has
explained t o you what is forbidden t o you...) meaning, He has explained and made clear t o you
what He has prohibit ed for you in det ail,
びヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ∇ユゎ⊥ ∇ケゲ͡ ト
⊥ ∇ッや ゅ∠ョ Ι
z ま͡ぴ
(except under compulsion of necessit y.) In which case, you are allowed t o eat what ever you
can find. Allah next ment ions t he ignorance of t he idolat ors in t heir misguided ideas, such as
eat ing dead animals and what was sacrificed while ot her t han Allah's Name was ment ioned
when slaught ering t hem. Allah said,
∠ よz ケz ラ
z ま͡ ユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ よ͡ ユ͡ヰも͡ や∠ヲ∇ワほ∠よ͡ ∠ラヲぁヤ͡ツΒ⊥ ャz や⇔ゲΒ͡んミ∠ ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ Α͡ギわ∠ ∇バヨ⊥ ∇ャゅ͡よ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥
(And surely, many do lead ast ray by t heir own desires t hrough lack of knowledge. Cert ainly
your Lord knows best t he t ransgressors.) He has complet e knowledge of t heir t ransgression, lies
and invent ions.
∠ ヲ⊥らジ
͡ ∇ムΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ ヮ⊥ レ∠ デ
͡ ゅ∠よヱ∠ ユ͡ ∇をΗ
͡ や ゲ∠ ヰ͡ ⇒∠ニ ∇やヱ⊥ケク∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥プゲ͡ わ∠ ∇ボΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ラ
∠ ∇ヱゴ∠ ∇イΒ⊥ シ
∠ ユ∠ ∇をΗ
(120. Leave sin, open and secret . Verily, t hose who commit sin will get due recompense for
t hat which t hey used t o commit .) Muj ahid said t hat ,
びヮ⊥ レ∠ デ
͡ ゅ∠よヱ∠ ユ͡ ∇をΗ
͡ や ゲ∠ ヰ͡ ⇒∠ニ ∇やヱ⊥ケク∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(Leave evil, open and secret ...) refers t o all kinds of sins commit t ed in public and secret .
Qat adah said t hat ,
びヮ⊥ レ∠ デ
͡ ゅ∠よヱ∠ ユ͡ ∇をΗ
͡ や ゲ∠ ヰ͡ ⇒∠ニ ∇やヱ⊥ケク∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(Leave sin, open and secret ...) encompasses sins commit t ed in public and secret , whet her few
or many. In anot her st at ement , Allah said,
ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョ͡ ゲ∠ ヰ∠ ニ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ズ
∠ ェ
͡ ヲ∠ ヘ∠ ∇ャや ヶ
∠ よあ ケ∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
∠ よ∠
(Say: "(But ) t he t hings t hat my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawahish (evil sins) whet her
commit t ed openly or secret ly.) 7:33 This is why Allah said,
∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ラ
∠ ∇ヱゴ∠ ∇イΒ⊥ シ
∠ ユ∠ ∇をΗ
͡や ラ
∠ ヲ⊥らジ
͡ ∇ムΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥プゲ͡ わ∠ ∇ボΑ∠
(Verily, t hose who commit sin will get due recompense for t hat which t hey used t o commit .)
Whet her t he sins t hey commit t ed were public or secret , Allah will compensat e t hem for t hese
sins. Ibn Abi Hat im recorded t hat An-Nawwas bin Sam` an said, "I asked Allah's Messenger about
Al-It hm. He said,
ノ∠ ヤ͡ト
z Α∠ ∇ラぺ∠ ろ
∠ ∇ワゲ͡ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ポ
∠ ケ͡ ∇ギタ
∠ ヶ͡プ ポ
∠ ゅ∠ェ ゅ∠ョ ユ⊥ を͡み∇ャや»
∠ サ
⊥ ゅzレャや
(The sin is t hat which you find in your heart and you dislike t hat people become aware of it .)
ヮ⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ユ⊥ ∇シや ゲ͡ ミ∠ ∇グΑ⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅzヨョ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ∇ほゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∇ユヰ͡ も͡ べ∠Βャ͡∇ヱぺ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ェヲ⊥Βャ∠ リ
∠ Β͡ト⇒∠Βゼ
z ャや ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ ペ
∀ ∇ジヘ͡ ャ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ャ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ルz ま͡ ∇ユワ⊥ ヲ⊥ヨわ⊥ ∇バデ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ヲ⊥ャギ͡ ⇒∠イΒ⊥ ャ͡
(121. Eat not of t hat on which Allah's Name has not been pronounced, for surely it is
disobedience. And cert ainly, t he Shayat in do inspire t heir friends t o disput e wit h you, and if
you obey t hem, t hen you would indeed be polyt heist s.)
The Prohibition of what was Slaughtered in other than Allah's Name
This Ayah is used t o prove t hat slaught ered animals are not lawful when Allah's Name is not
ment ioned over t hem -- even if slaught ered by a Muslim. The Ayah about hunt ing game,
ヮ͡ ヤzャや ユ∠ ∇シや ∇やヱ⊥ゲミ⊥ ∇クや∠ヱ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ リ
∠ ∇ムジ
∠ ∇ョぺ∠ べzヨ͡ョ ∇やヲ⊥ヤム⊥ プ∠ ぴ
びヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
(So eat of what t hey (t rained hunt ing dogs or birds of prey) cat ch for you, but pronounce t he
Name of Allah over it .) 5:4 support s t his. The Ayah here emphasized t his ruling, when Allah
∀ ∇ジヘ͡ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(for surely it is disobedience.) They say t hat "it '' refers t o eat ing it , and ot hers say t hat it refers
t o t he sacrifice for ot her t han Allah. There are various Hadit hs t hat order ment ioning Allah's
Name when slaught ering and hunt ing. The Hadit h narrat ed by ` Adi bin Hat im and Abu
Tha` labah (t hat t he Prophet said);
ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ぶ
͡ や ユ∠ ∇シや れ
∠ ゲ∇ミク∠ ヱ∠ ユ∠ zヤバ∠ ヨ⊥ ∇ャや マ
∠ ら∠ ∇ヤミ∠ ろ
∠ ∇ヤシ
∠ ∇ケぺ∠ や∠クま͡»
∠ マ
∠ ∇ョぺ∠ ゅ∠ョ ∇モム⊥ プ∠
(When you send your t rained hunt ing dog and ment ion Allah's Name on releasing it , t hen eat
from what ever it cat ches for you.) This Hadit h was collect ed in t he Two Sahihs. The Rafi` bin
Khadij narrat ed t hat t he Prophet said;
«ロヲ⊥ヤム⊥ プ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ぶ
͡ や ユ⊥ ∇シや ゲ∠ ミ͡ ク⊥ ヱ∠ ュ∠ ギz ャや ゲ∠ ヰ∠ ∇ルぺ∠ ゅ∠ョ»
(You can use what would make blood flow (i. e., slaught er) and you can eat what is slaught ered
and t he Name of Allah is ment ioned at t he t ime of slaught ering.) This Hadit h was also collect ed
in t he Two Sahihs. Ibn Mas` ud narrat ed t hat Allah's Messenger said t o t he Jinns.
∠ ぶ
͡ や ユ⊥ ∇シや ゲ∠ ミ͡ ク⊥ ユ∃ ∇ヌハ
∠ ぁモミ⊥ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠»
((For food) you have every bone on which Allah's Name was ment ioned on slaught ering.) Muslim
collect ed t his Hadit h. Jundub bin Sufyan Al-Baj ali said t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
∩ン∠ゲ∇カぺ⊥ ゅ∠ヰル∠ ゅ∠ムョ∠ ∇ウよ∠ ∇グΒ∠ ∇ヤプ∠ ヶ
∠ ヤあダ
∠ Α⊥ ∇ラぺ∠ モ
∠ ∇らホ∠ ウ
∠ よ∠ ク∠ ∇リョ∠ »
«ぶや ユ͡ ∇シゅ͡よ ∇ウよ∠ ∇グΒ∠ ∇ヤプ∠ ゅ∠レ∇Βヤzタ
∠ ヴzわェ
∠ ∩∠ウよ∠ ク∠ ∇リム⊥ Α∠ ∇ユャ∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠
(Whoever slaught ered before he prayed (t he ` Id prayer), let him slaught er anot her sacrifice in
it s place. Whoever did not offer t he sacrifice before we finished t he prayer, let him slaught er
and ment ion Allah's Name.) The Two Sahihs recorded t his Hadit h.
The Devil's Inspiration
Allah said,
び∇ユミ⊥ ヲ⊥ャギ͡ ⇒∠イΒ⊥ ャ͡ ∇ユヰ͡ も͡ べ∠Βャ͡∇ヱぺ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ェヲ⊥Βャ∠ リ
∠ Β͡ト⇒∠Βゼ
z ャや ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And cert ainly, t he Shayat in do inspire t heir friends t o disput e wit h you,) Ibn Abi Hat im
recorded t hat Abu Ishaq said t hat a man said t o Ibn ` Umar t hat Al-Mukht ar claimed t hat he
received revelat ion. So Ibn ` Umar said, "He has said t he t rut h,'' and recit ed t his Ayah,
び∇ユヰ͡ も͡ べ∠Βャ͡∇ヱぺ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ェヲ⊥Βャ∠ リ
∠ Β͡ト⇒∠Βゼ
z ャや ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And cert ainly, t he Shayat in do inspire t heir friends...) Abu Zamil said, "I was sit t ing next t o Ibn
` Abbas at a t ime when Al-Mukht ar bin Abi ` Ubayd was performing Haj j . So a man came t o Ibn
` Abbas and said, ` O Ibn ` Abbas! Abu Ishaq (Al-Mukht ar) claimed t hat he received revelat ion
t his night .' Ibn ` Abbas said, He has said t he t rut h.' I was upset and said, ` Ibn ` Abbas says t hat
Al-Mukht ar has said t he t rut h' Ibn ` Abbas replied, ` There are t wo t ypes of revelat ion, one from
Allah and one from t he devil. Allah's revelat ion came t o Muhammad , while t he Shayt an's
revelat ion comes t o his friends.' He t hen recit ed,
び∇ユヰ͡ も͡ べ∠Βャ͡∇ヱぺ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ェヲ⊥Βャ∠ リ
∠ Β͡ト⇒∠Βゼ
z ャや ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And cert ainly, t he Shayat in do inspire t heir friends...) We also ment ioned ` Ikrimah's
comment ary on t he Ayah,
͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや フ
∠ ゲ⊥ ∇カコ⊥ ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ツ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ヴ͡ェヲ⊥Αぴ
(Inspiring one anot her wit h adorned speech as a delusion.) Allah said next ,
び∇ユミ⊥ ヲ⊥ャギ͡ ⇒∠イΒ⊥ ャ͡ぴ
(t o disput e wit h you,) Ibn Jarir recorded t hat Ibn ` Abbas comment ed;
びヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ユ⊥ ∇シや ゲ͡ ミ∠ ∇グΑ⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅzヨョ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ∇ほゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(Eat not of t hat on which Allah's Name has not been ment ioned...) unt il,
び∇ユミ⊥ ヲ⊥ャギ͡ ⇒∠イΒ⊥ ャ͡ぴ
(...t o disput e wit h you,) "The devils inspire t heir loyal support ers, ` Do you eat from what you
kill but not from what Allah causes t o die''' As-Suddi said; "Some idolat ors said t o t he Muslims,
` You claim t hat you seek Allah's pleasure. Yet , you do not eat what Allah causes t o die, but you
eat what you slaught er' Allah said,
び∇ユワ⊥ ヲ⊥ヨわ⊥ ∇バデ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(and if you obey t hem...), and eat dead animals,
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ャ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ルz ま͡ぴ
(t hen you would indeed be polyt heist s. ) Similar was said by Muj ahid, Ad-Dahhak and several
ot hers among scholars of t he Salaf.
Giving Preference to Anyone's Saying Over the Legislation of Allah
is Shirk
Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ャ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ルz ま͡ ∇ユワ⊥ ヲ⊥ヨわ⊥ ∇バデ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(and if you obey t hem, t hen you would indeed be polyt heist s.) means, when you t urn away
from Allah's command and Legislat ion t o t he saying of anyone else, preferring ot her t han what
Allah has said, t hen t his const it ut es Shirk. Allah said in anot her Ayah,
びヮ͡ ヤzャや ラ
͡ ヱ⊥キ リあョ ゅ⇔よゅ∠よ∇ケぺ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ ⇒∠ら∇ワケ⊥ ヱ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ∠ ⇒∠ら∇ェぺ∠ ∇やヱ⊥グガ
∠ ゎz やぴ
(They (Jews and Christ ians) t ook t heir rabbis and t heir monks t o be t heir lords besides
Allah.) 9:31 In explanat ion of t his Ayah, At -Tirmidhi recorded t hat ` Adi bin Hat im said, "O
Allah's Messenger! They did not worship t hem.'' The Prophet said,
ユ⊥ ヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ やヲ⊥ョゲz ェ
∠ ヱ∠ ュ∠ や∠ゲエ
∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ャ∠ やヲぁヤェ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ま͡ ヴ∠ヤよ∠ »
«ユ⊥ワゅzΑま͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ゎ⊥ キ∠ ゅ∠らハ
͡ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ プ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヲ⊥バらzゎゅ∠プ ∠メゅ∠ヤ∠エ∇ャや
(Yes t hey did. They (monks and rabbis) allowed t he impermissible for t hem and t hey prohibit ed
t he lawful for t hem, and t hey followed t hem in t hat . That was t heir worship of t hem.)
ヶ͡ゼ∇ヨΑ∠ や⇔ケヲ⊥ル ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇Β∠Β∇ェ∠ほ∠プ ゅ⇔わ∇Βョ∠ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ リ∠ョヱ∠ ぺ∠ぴ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
ぁ ャや ヶ͡プ ヮ⊥ ヤ⊥ん∠ zョ リ∠ヨミ∠ サ
͡ ゅzレャや ヴ͡プ ヮ͡ よ͡
∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョ リ
∠ Α͡ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ム∇ヤャ͡ リ
∠ Αあ コ⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョあ ァ
∃ ケ͡ ゅ∠ガよ͡
び ∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠Α
(122. Is he who was dead, and We gave him life, and set for him a light , whereby he can walk
among men -- like him who is in t he darkness from which he can never come out Thus it is
made fair seeming t o t he disbelievers t hat which t hey used t o do.)
The Parable of the Disbeliever and the Believer
This is an example t hat Allah has given of t he believer who was dead, meaning, wandering in
confusion and misguidance. Then, Allah brought life t o him, by bringing life t o his heart wit h
fait h, guiding him t o it and guiding him t o obeying His Messengers,
びリ∠ヨミ∠ サ
͡ ゅzレャや ヴ͡プ ヮ͡ よ͡ ヶ͡ゼ∇ヨΑ∠ や⇔ケヲ⊥ル ヮ⊥ ャ∠ぴ
(And set for him a light whereby he can walk amongst men.) for he became guided t o where he
should go and how t o remain on t he correct pat h. The light ment ioned here is t he Qur'an,
according t o Ibn ` Abbas, as Al-` Awfi and Ibn Abi Talhah report ed from him. As-Suddi said t hat
t he light ment ioned here is Islam. Bot h meanings are correct .
∠ ∇Βャ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
ぁ ャや ヶ͡プ ヮ⊥ ヤ⊥ん∠ zョぴ
(Like him who is in t he darkness) of ignorance, desires and various t ypes of deviat ion,
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョあ ァ
∃ ケ͡ ゅ∠ガよ͡ ぴ
(From which he can never come out ) for he is unable t o find a way out from what he is in. In
Musnad Ahmad, it is recorded t hat t he Prophet said;
∇リョ͡ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ス
z ケ∠ zユを⊥ ∩∃るヨ∠ ∇ヤニ
⊥ ヶ͡プ ヮ⊥ ボ∠ ∇ヤカ
∠ ペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ぶ
∠ やラ
z ま͡»
∠ ョ∠ ヱ∠ ∩ン∠ギわ∠ ∇ワや ケ⊥ ヲぁレャや マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ヮ⊥ よ∠ ゅ∠タぺ∠ ∇リヨ∠ プ∠ ∩͡ロ͡ケヲ⊥ル
«モ∠ッ ロ⊥ ほ∠ト
∠ ∇カぺ∠
(Allah creat ed creat ion in darkness, t hen He showered His Light upon t hem. Whoever was
st ruck by t hat light is guided, whoever it missed is ast ray.) Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
ぁ ャや リ
∠ ョあ ユ⊥ヰィ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ガΑ⊥ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヶ
ぁ ャ͡ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャやぴ
⊥ ヲ⊥ピ⇒zトャや ユ⊥ ワ⊥ ぼ⊥ べ∠Βャ͡∇ヱぺ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱ ケ͡ ヲぁレャや ヴ∠ャま͡
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
ぁ ャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ケ͡ ヲぁレャや リ
∠ ョあ ユ⊥ヰル∠ ヲ⊥ィゲ͡ ∇ガΑ⊥
∠ ヱ⊥ギヤ͡⇒∠カ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ∇ユワ⊥ ケ͡ ゅzレャや ょ
⊥ ⇒∠エ∇タぺ∠
(Allah is t he Guardian of t hose who believe. He brings t hem out from darkness int o light . But as
for t hose who disbelieve, t heir friends are Taghut , t hey bring t hem out from light int o
darkness. Those are t he dwellers of t he Fire, and t hey will abide t herein forever.) 2:257 , and
ヴ͡ゼ∇ヨΑ∠ リzョぺ∠ ン∠ギ∇ワぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヰ͡ ∇ィヱ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ⇔ら∂ ム͡ ョ⊥ ヴ͡ゼ∇ヨΑ∠ リ∠ヨ∠プ∠ぺぴ
び ユ∃ Β͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョぁ ヅ
∃ ゲ∠ タ
͡ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ⇔Α∂ ヲ͡ シ
(Is he who walks prone on his face, more right ly guided, or he who walks upright on t he st raight
way) 67:22 , and
ゲ͡ Β͡ダら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ユあ タ
∠ Ι
x や∠ヱ ヴ∠ヨ∇ハΙ
x ゅ∠ミ リ
͡ ∇Βボ∠ Α͡ゲヘ∠ ∇ャや モ
⊥ ん∠ ョ∠ ぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲミz グ∠ ゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ Κ
⇔ ん∠ ョ∠ ラ
͡ ゅ∠Αヲ͡ わ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ ∇モワ∠ ノ͡ Β͡ヨジ
z ャや∠ヱ
(The parable of t he t wo part ies is as t he blind and t he deaf and t he seer and t he hearer. Are
t hey equal when compared Will you not t hen t ake heed) 11:24 , and,
⊥ ゅ∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
ぁ ャや Ι
∠ ヱ∠ - ゲ⊥ Β͡ダら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ヴ∠ヨ∇ハΙ
x や ン͡ヲ∠わ∇ジ∠Α ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
ゅ∠ョ∠ヱ - ケ⊥ ヱ⊥ゲエ
∠ ∇ャや Ι
∠ ヱ∠ モ
あ ャや Ι
∠ ヱ∠ - ケ⊥ ヲぁレャや Ι
∠ ヱ∠
リ∠ョ ノ⊥ ヨ͡ ∇ジΑ⊥ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ れ
⊥ や∠ヲ∇ョΙ
∠ ヱ∠ ¬⊥ べ∠Β∇ェΙ
x や ン͡ヲ∠わ∇ジ∠Α
∠ ル∠ぺ ∇ラま͡ - ケ͡ ヲ⊥らボ⊥ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ リzョ ノ∃ ヨ͡ ∇ジヨ⊥ よ͡ ろ
∠ ル∠ぺ べ∠ョヱ∠ ¬⊥ べ∠ゼΑ∠
び ∀ゲΑ͡グ∠ル Ι
z ま͡
(Not alike are t he blind and t he seeing. Nor are darkness and light . Nor are t he shade and t he
sun's heat . Nor are t he living and t he dead. Verily, Allah makes whom He wills t o hear, but you
cannot make hear t hose who are in t he graves. You are only a warner.) 35:19-23 There are
many ot her Ayat on t his subj ect . We explained before why Allah ment ioned t he light in t he
singular sense and t he darkness in t he plural sense when we explained t he Ayah at t he
beginning of t he Surah,
びケ∠ ヲぁレャや∠ヱ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
ぁ ャや モ
∠ バ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And originat ed t he darknesses and t he light .) 6:1 Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヨ∠ ∇バΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョ リ
∠ Α͡ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ム∇ヤャ͡ リ
∠ Αあ コ⊥ ぴ
(Thus it is made fair seeming t o t he disbelievers t hat which t hey used t o do.) means, We made
t heir ignorance and misguidance appear fair t o t hem, as Allah decreed out of His wisdom, t here
is no deit y wort hy of worship except Him alone wit hout part ners.
ゅ∠ヰΒ͡ョゲ͡ ∇イョ⊥ ゲ∠ ら͡ ⇒∠ミぺ∠ る∃ Α∠ ∇ゲホ∠ あモミ⊥ ヶ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ミヱ∠ ぴ
ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ジ
͡ ヘ⊥ ル∠ほよ͡ Ι
z ま͡ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲム⊥ ∇ヨΑ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ∇やヱ⊥ゲム⊥ ∇ヨΒ∠ ャ͡
∠ ョ͡ ∇ぽルぁ リ∠ャ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ∀る∠Αや∠¬ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇ゎ¬∠ べ∠ィ や∠ク͡ま∠ヱ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲバ⊥ ∇ゼΑ∠
ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ヮ͡ ヤzャや モ
⊥ ケ⊥ ヴ
∠ ゎ͡ ヱ⊥ぺ べ∠ョ モ
∠ ∇んョ͡ ヴ∠ゎ∇ぽル⊥ ヴzわェ
∇やヲ⊥ョゲ∠ ∇ィぺ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ょ
⊥ Β͡ダΒ⊥ シ
∠ ヮ⊥ わ∠ ャ∠ゅ∠シケ͡ モ
⊥ バ∠ ∇イΑ∠ ゑ
⊥ ∇Βェ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲム⊥ ∇ヨΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ∀ギΑ͡ギ∠セ ∀ゆや∠グ∠ハ∠ヱ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ギ∠ レ͡ハ ∀ケゅ∠ピタ
(123. And t hus We have set up in every t own great ones of it s wicked people t o plot t herein.
But t hey plot not except against t hemselves, and t hey perceive (it ) not .) (124. And when t here
comes t o t hem a sign t hey say: "We shall not believe unt il we receive t he like of t hat which t he
Messengers of Allah received." Allah knows best wit h whom t o ent rust His Message. Humiliat ion
and disgrace from Allah and a severe t orment will overt ake t he criminals for t hat which t hey
used t o plot .)
Evil Plots of the Leaders of the Criminals and their Subsequent
Allah says: Just as We appoint ed chiefs and leaders for t he criminals who call t o disbelief,
hinder from t he pat h of Allah, and oppose and defy you in your t own, O Muhammad. Such was
also t he case wit h t he Messengers before you, who were t est ed wit h t he same. But t he good
end was always t heirs.' Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
∠ Β͡ョゲ͡ ∇イヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョあ や⇔ヱ∂ ギ⊥ ハ
∠ ヴ
y ら͡ ル∠ あモム⊥ ャ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(Thus have We made for every Prophet an enemy among t he criminals.) 25:31 Allah said,
∠ ヘ∠ プ∠ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プゲ∠ ∇わョ⊥ ゅ∠ル∇ゲョ∠ ぺ∠ る⇔ Α∠ ∇ゲホ∠ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇ヰルぁ ラ∠ぺ べ∠ル∇キケ∠ ぺ∠ へ∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And when We decide t o dest roy a t own, We send a definit e order t o t hose among t hem who
lead a life of luxury, and t hey t ransgress t herein.) 17:16 meaning, We command t hem t o
obey Us, but t hey defy t he command and as a consequence, We dest roy t hem. It was also said
t hat , "We send a definit e order'', in t he last Ayah means, "We decree for t hem,'' as Allah st at ed
びゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ∇やヱ⊥ゲム⊥ ∇ヨΒ∠ ャ͡ぴ
(t o plot t herein.) Ibn Abi Talhah report ed t hat Ibn ` Abbas explained t he Ayah
びゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ∇やヱ⊥ゲム⊥ ∇ヨΒ∠ ャ͡ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡ョゲ͡ ∇イョ⊥ ゲ∠ ら͡ ⇒∠ミぺ∠ぴ
(. ..great ones of it s wicked people t o plot t herein.) "We give t he leadership t o t hese wicked
ones and t hey commit evil in it . When t hey do t his, We dest roy t hem wit h Our t orment .''
Muj ahid and Qat adah said t hat in t he Ayah,
びゅ∠ヰΒ͡ョゲ͡ ∇イョ⊥ ゲ∠ ら͡ ⇒∠ミぺ∠ぴ
(great ones) refers t o leaders. I say t hat t his is also t he meaning of Allah's st at ement s,
べ∠ワヲ⊥プゲ∠ ∇わョ⊥ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ Ι
z ま͡ ゲ∃ Α͡グルz リあョ る∃ Α∠ ∇ゲホ∠ ヴ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇ヤシ
∠ ∇ケぺ∠ べ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
ゲ⊥ ⇒∠ん∇ミぺ∠ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ミ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ヤシ
͡ ∇ケぺ⊥ べ∠ヨ͡よ ゅzル͡ま
∠ Β͡よグz バ∠ ヨ⊥ よ͡ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ や⇔ギ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ∠ヱ∠ Ι
⇔ ヲ∠ ∇ョぺ∠
(And We did not send a warner t o a t ownship, but t hose who were given t he worldly wealt h and
luxuries among t hem, said: "We believe not in what you have been sent wit h." And t hey say:
"We have t oo much wealt h and t oo many children and we are not going t o suffer punishment .")
34:34-35 And,
ゲ∃ Α͡グルz リあョ る∃ Α∠ ∇ゲホ∠ ヴ͡プ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ヤシ
∠ ∇ケぺ∠ べ∠ョ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
ゅzルま͡ヱ∠ る∃ ョz ぺ⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ∠ル¬∠ べ∠よや∠¬ べ∠ル∇ギィ
∠ ヱ∠ ゅzル͡ま べ∠ワヲ⊥プゲ∠ ∇わョ⊥ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ Ι
z ま͡
∠ ヱ⊥ギわ∠ ∇ボョぁ ユ͡ワゲ͡ ⇒∠をや∠¬ ヴ∠ヤハ
(And similarly, We sent not a warner before you t o any t own but t he luxurious ones among
t hem said: "We found our fat hers following a cert ain way and religion, and we will indeed
follow t heir foot st eps.'') 43:23 ` Plot ' in t he Ayah 6:123 refers t o beaut ified speech and
various act ions wit h which t he evil ones call t o misguidance. Allah said about t he people of
Prophet Nuh, peace be upon him,
び や⇔ケゅzらミ⊥ や⇔ゲ∇ムョ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲム∠ ョ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hey have plot t ed a might y plot . ) 71:22
Allah said,
∠ ヱ∠ ラ
͡ や∠¬∇ゲボ⊥ ∇ャや や∠グ⇒∠ヰよ͡ リ
∠ ョ͡ ∇ぽルぁ リ∠ャ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
∠ ゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥プヲ⊥ホ∇ヲョ∠ ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ͡ヤ⇒zヌャや ク͡ ま͡ ン∠ゲゎ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Αギ∠ Α∠ リ
∠ ∇Βよ∠ ン͡グャzゅ͡よ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボΑ∠ メ
∠ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ツ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ノ⊥ ィ
͡ ∇ゲΑ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ギ∠ レ͡ハ
ゅzレム⊥ ャ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ Ι
∠ ∇ヲャ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲら∠ ∇ムわ∠ ∇シや リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヘバ͡ ∇ツわ⊥ ∇シや リ
∠ Α͡グャzや
∇やヲ⊥ヘバ͡ ∇ツわ⊥ ∇シや リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲら∠ ∇ムわ∠ ∇シや リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ - リ
∠ Β͡レョ͡ ∇ぽョ⊥
∇モよ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇クま͡ ギ∠ ∇バよ∠ ン∠ギヰ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠ルキ∠ギタ
∠ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ぺ∠
∠ Α͡グヤzャ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヘバ͡ ∇ツわ⊥ ∇シや リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
∠ ゅ∠ホヱ∠ リ
∠ Β͡ョゲ͡ ∇イョぁ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ
ラ∠ぺ べ∠レル∠ ヱ⊥ゲョ⊥ ∇ほゎ∠ ∇クま͡ ケ͡ ゅ∠ヰレz ャや∠ヱ モ
͡ ∇Βャzや ゲ⊥ ∇ムョ∠ ∇モよ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲら∠ ∇ムわ∠ ∇シや
びや⇔キや∠ギル∠ぺ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ モ
∠ バ∠ ∇イル∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャゅ͡よ ゲ∠ ヘ⊥ ∇ムルz
(But if you could see when t he wrongdoers will be made t o st and before t heir Lord, how t hey
will cast t he (blaming) word one t o anot her! Those who were deemed weak will say t o t hose
who were arrogant : "Had it not been for you, we should cert ainly have been believers.'' And
t hose who were arrogant will say t o t hose who were deemed weak: "Did we keep you back from
guidance aft er it had come t o you Nay, but you were criminals." Those who were deemed weak
will say t o t hose who were arrogant : "Nay, but it was your plot t ing by night and day, when you
ordered us t o disbelieve in Allah and set up rivals for Him!") 34:31-33 . Ibn Abi Hat im report ed
t hat Ibn Abi ` Umar said t hat Sufyan said, "Every ` plot ' ment ioned in t he Qur'an refers t o
act ions.'' Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ヱ⊥ゲバ⊥ ∇ゼΑ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ジ
͡ ヘ⊥ ル∠ほよ͡ Ι
z ま͡ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲム⊥ ∇ヨΑ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(But t hey plot not except against t hemselves, and t hey perceive (it ) not .) means, t he harm of
t heir wicked plot s, as well as misguiding t hose whom t hey lead ast ray, will only st rike t hem.
Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
び∇ユヰ͡ ャ͡ゅ∠ボ∇をぺ∠ ノ∠ ョz Ι
⇔ ゅ∠ボ∇をぺ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ゅ∠ボ∇をぺ∠ リ
z ヤ⊥ヨ͡ ∇エΒ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And verily, t hey shall bear t heir own loads, and ot her loads besides t heir own.) 29:13 and,
¬∠ べ∠シ Ι
∠ ぺ∠ ユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ よ͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∠ルヲぁヤ͡ツΑ⊥ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ケ͡ や∠コ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇リョ͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ケゴ͡ Α∠ ゅ∠ョ
(And also of t he burdens of t hose whom t hey misled wit hout knowledge. Evil indeed is t hat
which t hey shall bear!) 16:25 . Allah said;
ヴ∠ゎ∇ぽル⊥ ヴzわェ
∠ リ
∠ ョ͡ ∇ぽルぁ リ∠ャ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ∀る∠Αや∠¬ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇ゎ¬∠ べ∠ィ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
びヮ͡ ヤzャや モ
⊥ ケ⊥ ヴ
∠ ゎ͡ ヱ⊥ぺ べ∠ョ モ
∠ ∇んョ͡
(And when t here comes t o t hem a sign t hey say: "We shall not believe unt il we receive t he like
of t hat which t he Messengers of Allah received.'') When t here comes t o t hem a sign t hey say,
びヮ͡ ヤzャや モ
⊥ ケ⊥ ヴ
∠ ゎ͡ ヱ⊥ぺ べ∠ョ モ
∠ ∇んョ͡ ヴ∠ゎ∇ぽル⊥ ヴzわェ
∠ リ
∠ ョ͡ ∇ぽルぁ リ∠ャぴ
("We shall not believe unt il we receive t he like of t hat which t he Messengers of Allah
received.") unt il t he angels bring us t he Message from Allah, j ust as t hey brought it t o t he
Messengers. In anot her Ayah, Allah said,
∠ メ
∠ ゴ͡ ル⊥ぺ Ι
∠ ∇ヲャ∠ ゅ∠ル¬∠ べ∠ボャ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ィ∇ゲΑ∠ Ι
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
∠ ゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
びゅ∠レよz ケ∠ ン∠ゲル∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ る⊥ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや
(And t hose who expect not a meet ing wit h Us said: "Why are not t he angels sent down t o us, or
why do we not see our Lord") 25:21 . Allah's st at ement ,
びヮ⊥ わ∠ ャ∠ゅ∠シケ͡ モ
⊥ バ∠ ∇イΑ∠ ゑ
⊥ ∇Βェ
∠ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ハぺ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャやぴ
(Allah knows best wit h whom t o ent rust His Message.) means, He knows best wit h whom His
Message should be given and which of His creat ures are suit able for it . Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
∠ ョあ モ
⊥ ケ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ラ
⊥ や∠¬∇ゲボ⊥ ∇ャや や∠グ⇒∠ワ メ
∠ ゴあ ル⊥ Ι
∠ ∇ヲャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
∠ よあ ケ∠ る∠ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨジ
͡ ∇ボΑ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ぺ∠ ユ∃ Β͡ヌハ
∠ リ
͡ ∇Βわ∠ Α∠ ∇ゲボ∠ ∇ャや
(And t hey say: "Why is not t his Qur'an sent down t o some great man of t he t wo t owns" Is it t hey
who would port ion out t he mercy of your Lord) 43:31-32 . They said, why was not t his Qur'an
revealed t o a might y, respect able leader, honored by us,
͡ ∇Βわ∠ Α∠ ∇ゲボ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョあ ぴ
(...from one of t he t wo t owns) Of Makkah and At -Ta'if. This is because t hey, may Allah curse
t hem, belit t led t he Messenger out of envy, t ransgression, rebellion and defiance. Allah
described t hem,
ン͡グャzや や∠グ⇒∠ワぺ∠ や⇔ヱ⊥ゴワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ マ
∠ ル∠ ヱ⊥グガ
͡ わz Α∠ ラ͡ま ポ
∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ケ∠ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
⇔ ヲ⊥シケ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ゑ
∠ バ∠ よ∠
(And when t hey see you, t hey only mock: "Is t his t he one whom Allah has sent as a Messenger")
25:41 and
や⇔ヱ⊥ゴワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ マ
∠ ル∠ ヱ⊥グガ
͡ わzΑ∠ ラ͡ま ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ポ
∠ へ∠ケ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
∇ユワ⊥ リ
͡ ⇒∠ヨ∇ェゲz ャや ゲ͡ ∇ミグ͡ よ͡ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ わ∠ ヰ∠ ャ͡へ ゲ⊥ ミ⊥ ∇グΑ∠ ン͡グャzや や∠グ⇒∠ワぺ∠
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ミ
(And when t hose who disbelieved see you, t hey only mock at you: "Is t his t he one who t alks
about your gods" While t hey disbelieve at t he ment ion of t he Most Gracious (Allah).) 21:36 ,
∠ Α͡グャzゅ͡よ ベ
∠ ゅ∠エプ∠ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リあョ モ
⊥ ゲ⊥ よ͡ ¬∠ ン͡ゴ∇ヰわ⊥ ∇シや ギ͡ ボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヱ⊥¬ゴ͡ ∇ヰわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲガ
(Indeed Messengers were mocked before, but t he scoffers were surrounded by t hat , whereat
t hey used t o mock.) 21:41
The Disbelievers Admit to the Prophet's Nobility of Lineage
The disbelievers did all of t his alt hough t hey admit t ed t o t he Prophet 's virt ue, honorable
lineage, respect able ancest ry and purit y of household and upbringing, may Allah, His angels,
and t he believers send blessings upon him. The disbelievers used t o call t he Prophet , before
he received revelat ion, ` Al-Amin' -- t he Trut hful. The leader of t he Quraysh disbelievers, Abu
Sufyan, had t o admit t o t his fact when Heraclius, emperor of Rome, asked him, "How honorable
is his (t he Prophet 's) ancest ral lineage among you'' Abu Sufyan answered, "His ancest ry is highly
regarded among us.'' Heraclius asked, "Do you find t hat he lied, before he st art ed his mission''
Abu Sufyan replied, "No.'' The emperor of Rome relied on t he honor and purit y of t he Prophet
t o recognize t he t rut h of his prophet hood and what he came wit h. Imam Ahmad recorded t hat
Wat hilah bin Al-Asqa` said t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
∩∠モΒ͡ハゅ∠ヨ∇シま͡ ユ∠ Β͡ワや∠ゲ∇よま͡ ギ͡ ャ∠ヱ∠ ∇リョ͡ ヴ∠ヘト
∠ ∇タや ぶ
∠ や ラ
z ま͡»
る∠ ル∠ ゅ∠レミ͡ ヶ͡レよ∠ モ
∠ Β͡ハゅ∠ヨ∇シま͡ ヶ͡レよ∠ ∇リョ͡ ヴ∠ヘト
∠ ∇タや∠ヱ
∠ ∇タや∠ヱ ゅ⇔ゼ∇Αゲ∠ ホ⊥ る∠ ル∠ ゅ∠レミ͡ ヶ͡レよ∠ ∇リョ͡ ヴ∠ヘト
∠ ∇タや∠ヱ
«ユ͡セゅ∠ワ ヶ͡レよ∠ ∇リョ͡ ヶ͡ルゅ∠ヘト
∠ ∇タや∠ヱ ユ∃ セ
͡ ゅ∠ワ ヶ͡レよ∠ ズ
∃ ∇Αゲ∠ ボ⊥レ∇レョ͡
(Verily, Allah has chosen Isma` il from t he offspring of Ibrahim, Bani Kinanah from t he offspring
of Isma` il, Quraysh from Bani Kinanah, Bani Hashim from Quraysh and, He has chosen me from
Bani Hashim.) Muslim recorded t his Hadit h. Al-Bukhari recorded t hat Abu Hurayrah said t hat
t he Messenger of Allah said,
∠ ∩ゅ⇔ル∇ゲボ∠ プ∠ ゅ⇔ル∇ゲホ∠ ュ∠ キ∠ へ ヶ͡レよ∠ ラ
͡ ヱ⊥ゲホ⊥ ゲ͡ ∇Βカ
∠ ∇リョ͡ ろ
⊥ ∇んバ͡ よ⊥ »
«ヮΒ͡プ ろ
⊥ ∇レミ⊥ ヵ͡グャzや ラ
͡ ∇ゲボ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ろ
⊥ ∇んバ͡ よ⊥
(I was chosen from a succession of t he best generat ions of t he Children of Adam, unt il t he
generat ion I was sent in.) Allah's said,
ヮ͡ ヤzャや ギ∠ レ͡ハ ∀ケゅ∠ピタ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ョゲ∠ ∇ィぺ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ょ
⊥ Β͡ダΒ⊥ シ
び∀ギΑ͡ギ∠セ ∀ゆや∠グ∠ハ∠ヱ
(Humiliat ion and disgrace from Allah and a severe t orment will overt ake t he criminals...) This
is a st ern t hreat and sure promise from Allah for t hose who arrogant ly refrain from obeying His
Messengers and adhering t o what t hey came wit h. On t he Day of Resurrect ion, t hey will suffer
humiliat ion and et ernal disgrace before Allah, because t hey were arrogant in t he worldly life.
This is why it is befit t ing t hat t hey earn disgrace on t he Day of Resurrect ion. Allah said in
anot her Ayah,
∠ ヲ⊥ヤカ
⊥ ∇ギΒ∠ シ
∠ ヴ͡ゎキ∠ ゅ∠らハ
͡ ∇リハ
∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲら͡ ∇ムわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
∠ Α͡ゲカ
͡ キ∠ ユ∠ レz ヰ∠ ィ
(Verily, t hose who scorn My worship, t hey will surely ent er Hell in humiliat ion!)
disgrace and dishonor. Allah said next ,
∠ ヱ⊥ゲム⊥ ∇ヨΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ∀ギΑ͡ギ∠セ ∀ゆや∠グ∠ハ∠ヱぴ
(and a severe t orment for t hat which t hey used t o plot .) Since plot t ing usually t akes place in
secret and involves t reachery and deceit , t he disbelievers were recompensed wit h severe
t orment from Allah on t he Day of Resurrect ion, as a j ust reckoning,
∠ ぺ∠ マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ユ⊥ ヤ͡∇ヌΑ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And your Lord t reat s no one wit h inj ust ice) 18:49 Allah said in anot her Ayah,
び ゲ⊥ も͡ へ∠ゲジ
z ャや ヴ∠ヤ∇らゎ⊥ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ぴ
(The Day when all t he secret s will be examined. ) 86:9 Meaning, t he secret s, hidden t hought s
and int ent ions will be exposed. In t he Two Sahihs, it is recorded t hat t he Messenger of Allah
∩͡るョ∠ ゅ∠Βボ͡ ∇ャや ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヮ͡ わ͡ ∇シや ギ∠ ∇レハ
͡ ∀¬や∠ヲ͡ャ ケ∃ キ͡ ゅ∠ビ あモム⊥ ャ͡ ょ
⊥ ダ
∠ ∇レΑ⊥ »
«ラゅ∠ヤプ⊥ リ
͡ ∇よ ラ
͡ ゅ∠ヤプ⊥ リ
͡ ∇よ ラ
͡ ゅ∠ヤプ⊥ り⊥ ケ∠ ∇ギビ
∠ ロ͡ グ͡ ワ∠ :メ
⊥ ゅ∠ボΒ⊥ プ∠
(A banner will be raised for every deceit ful person from his anus on t he Day of Resurrect ion,
and it will say; ` This is t he t reacherous plot of so-and-so, son of so-and-so, son of so-and-so.,)
The wisdom in t his is t hat since a plot occurs in secret , and people are usually unaware of it ,
t hen on t he Day of Resurrect ion t he plot it self will become public news t est ifying t o t he act ions
of t hose who commit t ed it .
͡ユ⇒∠ヤ∇シ͡Θ͡ャ ロ⊥ ケ∠ ∇ギタ
∠ ∇ゥゲ∠ ∇ゼΑ∠ ヮ⊥ Α∠ ギ͡ ∇ヰΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ ヮ⊥ zヤャや キ͡ ゲ͡ Α⊥ リ∠ヨプ∠ ぴ
∠ ゅ⇔ボあΒッ
∠ ロ⊥ ケ∠ ∇ギタ
∠ ∇モバ∠ ∇イΑ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤツ
͡ Α⊥ ラ∠ぺ ∇キゲ͡ Α⊥ リ∠ョヱ∠
∠ ∇ィゲあ ャや ヮ⊥ ヤzャや モ
⊥ バ∠ ∇イΑ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ¬͡ べ∠ヨジ
z ャや ヴ͡プ ギ⊥ バz ダ
z ∠Α ゅ∠ヨルz ∠ほ∠ミ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヴ∠ヤハ
(125. And whomsoever Allah wills t o guide, He opens his breast t o Islam; and whomsoever He
wills t o send ast ray, He makes his breast closed and const rict ed, as if he is climbing up t o t he
sky. Thus Allah put s t he wrat h on t hose who believe not .) Allah said,
びユ͡ ⇒∠ヤ∇シΘ
͡ ャ͡ ロ⊥ ケ∠ ∇ギタ
∠ ∇ゥゲ∠ ∇ゼΑ∠ ヮ⊥ Α∠ ギ͡ ∇ヰΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ ヮ⊥ zヤャや キ͡ ゲ͡ Α⊥ リ∠ヨプ∠ ぴ
(And whomsoever Allah wills t o guide, He opens his breast t o Islam;) He makes Islam easy for
him and st rengt hens his resolve t o embrace it , and t hese are good signs. Allah said in ot her
Ayat ,
ケ∃ ヲ⊥ル ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヲ∠ ヰ⊥ プ∠ ͡ユ⇒∠ヤ∇シ͡Θ͡ャ ロ⊥ ケ∠ ∇ギタ
∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ゥ
∠ ゲ∠ セ
∠ リ∠ヨ∠プ∠ぺぴ
びヮ͡ よあ ケz リあョ
(Is he whose breast Allah has opened t o Islam, so t hat he is in light from His Lord (as he who is
a non-Muslim)) 39:22 and,
∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ヲ⊥ヤホ⊥ ヴ͡プ ヮ⊥ レ∠ Αz コ∠ ヱ∠ リ
∠ ⇒∠ヨΑΙや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ょ
∠ らz ェ
∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや リ
z ム͡ ⇒∠ャヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ ラ
∠ ゅ∠Β∇ダバ͡ ∇ャや∠ヱ ベ
∠ ヲ⊥ジヘ⊥ ∇ャや∠ヱ ゲ∠ ∇ヘム⊥ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ロ∠ ゲz ミ∠ ヱ∠
∠ ヱ⊥ギセ
͡ ゲ∠ ャや ユ⊥ ワ⊥
(But Allah has endeared t he fait h t o you and has beaut ified it in your heart s, and has made
disbelief, wickedness and disobedience hat ed by you. Such are t hey who are t he right ly
guided.) 49:7 Ibn ` Abbas comment ed on Allah's st at ement ,
びユ͡ ⇒∠ヤ∇シΘ
͡ ャ͡ ロ⊥ ケ∠ ∇ギタ
∠ ∇ゥゲ∠ ∇ゼΑ∠ ヮ⊥ Α∠ ギ͡ ∇ヰΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ ヮ⊥ zヤャや キ͡ ゲ͡ Α⊥ リ∠ヨプ∠ ぴ
(And whomsoever Allah wills t o guide, He opens his breast t o Islam;), "Allah says t hat He will
open his heart t o Tawhid and fait h in Him.'' This is t he same as was report ed from Abu Malik
and several ot hers, and it is sound. Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ゅ⇔ボあΒッ
∠ ロ⊥ ケ∠ ∇ギタ
∠ ∇モバ∠ ∇イΑ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤツ
͡ Α⊥ ラ∠ぺ ∇キゲ͡ Α⊥ リ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(and whomsoever He wills t o send ast ray, He makes his breast closed and const rict ed,) refers
t o inabilit y t o accept guidance, t hus being deprived of beneficial fait h.
z ャや ヴ͡プ ギ⊥ バz ダ
z ∠Α ゅ∠ヨルz ∠ほ∠ミぴ
(. ..as if he is climbing up t o t he sky.) because of t he heaviness of fait h on him. Sa` id bin
Jubayr comment ed t hat in t his case, "(Islam) finds every pat h in his heart impassable.'' AlHakam bin Aban said t hat ` Ikrimah narrat ed from Ibn ` Abbas t hat he comment ed on:
z ャや ヴ͡プ ギ⊥ バz ダ
z ∠Α ゅ∠ヨルz ∠ほ∠ミぴ
(...as if he is climbing up t o t he sky), "Just as t he Son of Adam cannot climb up t o t he sky,
Tawhid and fait h will not be able t o ent er his heart , unt il Allah decides t o allow it int o his
heart .'' Imam Abu Ja` far bin Jarir comment ed: "This is a parable t hat Allah has given for t he
heart of t he disbeliever, which is complet ely impassable and closed t o fait h. Allah says, t he
example of t he disbeliever's inabilit y t o accept fait h in his heart and t hat it is t oo small t o
accommodat e it , is t he example of his inabilit y t o climb up t o t he sky, which is beyond his
capabilit y and power.'' He also comment ed on Allah's st at ement ,
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ザ
∠ ∇ィゲあ ャや ヮ⊥ ヤzャや モ
⊥ バ∠ ∇イΑ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥
(Thus Allah put s t he Rij s (wrat h) on t hose who believe not .) "Allah says t hat j ust as He makes
t he heart of whomever He decides t o misguide, closed and const rict ed, He also appoint s
Shayt an for him and for his likes, t hose who refused t o believe in Allah and His Messenger.
Consequent ly, Shayt an lures and hinders t hem from t he pat h of Allah.'' ` Ali bin Abi Talhah
report ed t hat Ibn ` Abbas said t hat , Rij s, refers t o Shayt an, while Muj ahid said t hat it refers t o
all t hat does not cont ain goodness. ` Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam said t hat , Rij s, means,
` t orment '.
͡ ⇒Α∠ Γや ゅ∠レ∇ヤダ
z プ∠ ∇ギホ∠ ゅ⇔ヨΒ͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ ヅ
⊥ ゲ∠ タ
͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワヱ∠ ぴ
ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ギ∠ レ͡ハ ユ͡ ⇒∠ヤジ
z ャや ケ⊥ や∠キ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ - ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲミz グz Α∠ ュ∃ ∇ヲボ∠ ャ͡
び ∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠Α ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ユ⊥ヰΒぁ ャ͡ヱ∠
(126. And t his is t he pat h of your Lord leading st raight . We have det ailed Our Ayat for a people
who t ake heed.) (127. For t hem will be t he abode of peace wit h t heir Lord. And He will be
t heir Wali because of what t hey used t o do.) Aft er Allah ment ioned t he way of t hose who were
t hemselves led t o st ray from His pat h and who hindered ot hers from it , He emphasized t he
honor of t he guidance and religion of t rut h t hat He sent His Messenger wit h. Allah said next ,
びゅ⇔ヨΒ͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ ヅ
⊥ ゲ∠ タ
͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワヱ∠ ぴ
(And t his is t he pat h of your Lord leading st raight .) t hat is, Islam, t hat We have legislat ed for
you, O Muhammad, by revealing t his Qur'an t o you, is Allah's st raight pat h.
͡ ⇒∠ΑΓや ゅ∠レ∇ヤダ
z プ∠ ∇ギホ∠ ぴ
(We have det ailed Our Ayat ...) We have explained t he Ayat and made t hem clear and plain,
び∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠Α ュ∃ ∇ヲボ∠ ャ͡ぴ
(for a people who t ake heed) t hose who have sound comprehension and underst and what Allah
and His Messenger convey t o t hem,
びユ͡ ⇒∠ヤジ
z ャや ケ⊥ や∠キ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ぴ
(For t hem will be t he abode of peace) Paradise,
び∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠ ギ∠ レ͡ハぴ
(wit h t heir Lord.) on t he Day of Resurrect ion. Allah described Paradise as ` t he abode of peace',
because it s resident s are safe due t o t heir access t o t he st raight pat h, which conforms t o t he
way of t he Prophet s. And j ust as t heir way was not wicked, t hey earned t he abode of peace
which is free from all wickedness .
びユ⊥ヰΒぁ ャ͡ヱ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And He will be t heir Wali) Prot ect or, Support er and Helper,
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヨ∠ ∇バΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ぴ
(because of what t hey used t o do,) As reward for t heir good deeds, Allah has favored t hem and
been generous wit h t hem, and awarded t hem Paradise.
ギ͡ ホ∠ リ
͡ ∇ャや ゲ∠ ゼ
∠ ∇バヨ∠ ⇒∠Α ゅ⇔バΒ͡ヨィ
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ⊥ ゼ
⊥ ∇エΑ∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
͡ ∇ルΗ
∠ ョあ ユ⊥ワぼ⊥ べ∠Βャ͡∇ヱぺ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホヱ∠ ザ
͡ ∇ルΗ
∠ ョあ ユ⊥ゎ∇ゲん∠ ∇ムわ∠ ∇シや
ン͡グャzや ゅ∠レヤ∠ィ
∠ ぺ∠ べ∠レ∇ピヤ∠よ∠ ヱ∠ ヂ
∃ ∇バら∠ よ͡ ゅ∠レツ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ノ∠ わ∠ ∇ヨわ∠ ∇シや ゅ∠レよz ケ∠
ゅ∠ョ Ι
z ま͡ べ∠ヰΒ͡プ リ
∠ Α͡ギヤ͡⇒∠カ ∇ユミ⊥ や∠ヲ∇んョ∠ ケ⊥ ゅzレャや メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ゅ∠レ∠ャ ろ
∠ ∇ヤィ
z ぺ∠
び ∀ユΒ͡ヤ∠ハ ∀ユΒ͡ムェ
∠ マ
∠ よz ケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ¬∠ べ∠セ
(128. And on t he Day when He will gat her t hem t oget her (and say): "O you assembly of Jinn!
Many did you mislead of men," and t heir friends among t he people will say: "Our Lord! We
benefit ed one from t he ot her, but now we have reached our appoint ed t erm which You did
appoint for us. " He will say: "The Fire be your dwelling place, you will dwell t herein forever,
except as Allah may will. Cert ainly your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing.") Allah says, ` Ment ion, O
Muhammad, in what you convey and warn,' t hat ,
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ⊥ ゼ
⊥ ∇エΑ∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(on t he Day when He will gat her t hem (all) t oget her.) gat her t he Jinns and t heir loyal
support ers from mankind who used t o worship t hem in t his life, seek refuge wit h t hem, obey
t hem and inspire each ot her wit h adorned, deceit ful speech. Allah will proclaim t hen,
͡ ∇ルΗ
͡ やリ
∠ ョあ ユ⊥ゎ∇ゲん∠ ∇ムわ∠ ∇シや ギ͡ ホ∠ リ
͡ ∇ャや ゲ∠ ゼ
∠ ∇バヨ∠ ⇒∠Αぴ
(O you assembly of Jinn! Many did you mislead of men,) So t he Ayah;
͡ ∇ルΗ
͡ やリ
∠ ョあ ユ⊥ゎ∇ゲん∠ ∇ムわ∠ ∇シや ギ͡ ホ∠ ぴ
(Many did you mislead of men) refers t o t heir misguiding and leading t hem ast ray. Allah also
∠ ⇒∠トΒzゼャや ∇やヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇バゎ∠ Ι
z ラ∠ぺ ュ∠ キ∠ や∠¬ ヴ͡レら∠ Α ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ∇ギヰ∠ ∇ハぺ∠ ∇ユャ∠ぺ∠ぴ
∀ ゲ∠ タ
͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ヴ͡ルヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇ハや ラ
͡ ぺ∠ヱ∠ - ∀リΒ͡らョぁ ヱx ギ⊥ ハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡
∇ユヤ∠プ∠ ぺ∠ や⇔ゲΒ͡んミ∠ Κ
6 ら͡ ィ
͡ ∇ユム⊥ ∇レョ͡ モ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ - ∀ユΒ͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョぁ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤボ͡ ∇バゎ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルヲ⊥ムゎ∠
(Did I not command you, O Children of Adam, t hat you should not worship Shayt an. Verily, he is
a plain enemy t o you. And t hat you should worship Me. That is t he st raight pat h. And indeed he
(Shayt an) did lead ast ray a great mult it ude of you. Did you not , t hen, underst and) 36:60-62 ,
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ノ∠ わ∠ ∇ヨわ∠ ∇シや ゅ∠レよz ケ∠ ザ
͡ ∇ルΗ
∠ ョあ ユ⊥ワぼ⊥ べ∠Βャ͡∇ヱぺ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
∃ ∇バら∠ よ͡
(and t heir friends among t he people will say: "Our Lord! We benefit ed one from t he ot her...'')
The friends of t he Jinns among humanit y will give t his answer t o Allah, aft er Allah chast ises
t hem for being misguided by t he Jinns. Al-Hasan comment ed, "They benefit ed from each ot her
when t he Jinns merely commanded and mankind obeyed.'' Ibn Jurayj said, "During t he t ime of
Jahiliyyah, a man would reach a land and proclaim, ` I seek refuge wit h t he mast er (Jinn) of
t his valley,' and t his is how t hey benefit ed from each ot her. They used t his as an excuse for
t hem on t he Day of Resurrect ion.'' Therefore, t he Jinns benefit from humans since humans
revere t he Jinns by invoking t hem for help. The Jinns would t hen proclaim, "We became t he
mast ers of bot h mankind and t he Jinns.''
びゅ∠レ∠ャ ろ
∠ ∇ヤィ
z ぺ∠ ン͡グャzや ゅ∠レヤ∠ィ
∠ ぺ∠ べ∠レ∇ピヤ∠よ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(but now we have reached our appoint ed t erm which You did appoint for us.) meaning, deat h,
according t o As-Suddi.
び∇ユミ⊥ や∠ヲ∇んョ∠ ケ⊥ ゅzレャや メ
∠ ゅ∠ホぴ
(He (Allah) will say: "The Fire be your dwelling place...'') where you will reside and live, you
and your friends,
びべ∠ヰΒ͡プ リ
∠ Α͡ギヤ͡⇒∠カぴ
(you will dwell t herein forever. ) and will never depart except what Allah may will.
∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ゅ⇔ツ∇バよ∠ リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ヂ
∠ ∇バよ∠ ヴあャヲ∠ ル⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥らジ
͡ ∇ムΑ∠
(129. And t hus We do make t he wrongdoers support ers of one anot her, because of t hat which
t hey used t o earn.)
The Wrongdoers Are the Supporters of Each other
Ma` mar said t hat Qat adah comment ed on t his Ayah, "Allah makes t he wrongdoers support ers
for each ot her in t he Fire by following one anot her int o it .'' ` Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam
comment ed on Allah's st at ement ,
びゅ⇔ツ∇バよ∠ リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ヂ
∠ ∇バよ∠ ヴあャヲ∠ ル⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hus We do make t he wrongdoers support ers of one anot her.) "It refers t o t he wrongdoers
of t he Jinns and mankind.'' He t hen recit ed,
∠ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ∇ヂΒあ ボ∠ ル⊥ リ
͡ ⇒∠ヨ∇ェゲz ャや ゲ͡ ∇ミク͡ リ∠ハ ズ
⊥ ∇バΑ∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
び ∀リΑ͡ゲ∠ホ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ヲ∠ ヰ⊥ プ∠
(And whosoever t urns away blindly from t he remembrance of t he Most Gracious (Allah), We
appoint for him Shayt an t o be a companion t o him.) 43:36 He said next -- concerning t he
meaning of t he Ayah; "We appoint t he wrongdoer of t he Jinns over t he wrongdoer of mankind.''
A poet once said, "There is no hand, but Allah's Hand is above it , and no wrongdoer but will be
t est ed by anot her wrongdoer.'' The meaning of t his honorable Ayah t hus becomes: ` Just as We
made t his losing group of mankind support ers of t he Jinns t hat misguided t hem, We also
appoint t he wrongdoers over one anot her, dest roy t hem by t he hands of one anot her, and t ake
revenge from t hem wit h one anot her. This is t he j ust recompense for t heir inj ust ice and
t ransgression.'
∇ユム⊥ ∇レョあ ∀モシ
⊥ ケ⊥ ∇ユム⊥ ゎ͡ ∇ほΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ぺ∠ ザ
͡ ∇ルΗ
͡ や∠ヱ リ
͡ ∇ャや ゲ∠ ゼ
∠ ∇バヨ∠ ⇒∠Αぴ
や∠グ⇒∠ワ ∇ユム⊥ ョ͡ ∇ヲΑ∠ ¬∠ べ∠ボャ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ル∠ ヱ⊥ケグ͡ レ⊥Αヱ∠ ヶ͡わ⇒∠Αへ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ラ
∠ ヲぁダボ⊥ Α∠
ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや り⊥ ヲ∠Βエ
∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ∇ゎzゲビ
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠レ͡ジヘ⊥ ∇ル∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ∠ル∇ギヰ͡ セ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ
∠ Α͡ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ミ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ∇ユヰ⊥ zルぺ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ジ
͡ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヱ⊥ギヰ͡ セ
∠ ヱ∠
(130. O you assembly of Jinn and humans! "Did not t here come t o you Messengers from amongst
you, recit ing unt o you My verses and warning you of t he meet ing of t his Day of yours'' They will
say: "We bear wit ness against ourselves.'' It was t he life of t his world t hat deceived t hem. And
t hey will bear wit ness against t hemselves t hat t hey were disbelievers.)
Chastising the Jinns and Humans after their Admission that Allah
Sent Messengers to Them
Allah will chast ise t he disbelieving Jinns and humans on t he Day of Resurrect ion, when He asks
t hem, while having bet t er knowledge, if t he Messengers delivered His Messages t o t hem,
び∇ユム⊥ ∇レョあ ∀モシ
⊥ ケ⊥ ∇ユム⊥ ゎ͡ ∇ほΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ぺ∠ ザ
͡ ∇ルΗ
͡ や∠ヱ リ
͡ ∇ャや ゲ∠ ゼ
∠ ∇バヨ∠ ⇒∠Αぴ
("O you assembly of Jinn and humans! Did not t here come t o you Messengers from among you'')
We should not e here t hat t he Messengers are from among mankind only, not vice versa, as
Muj ahid, Ibn Jurayj and ot hers from t he Imams of Salaf and lat er generat ions have st at ed. The
proof for t his is t hat Allah said,
∠ ΒあΒら͡ レz ャや∠ヱ ゥ
∃ ヲ⊥ル ヴ∠ャま͡ べ∠レ∇Βェ
∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ べ∠ヨミ∠ マ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ べ∠レ∇Βェ
∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ べzル͡まぴ
びロ͡ ギ͡ ∇バよ∠ リ͡ョ
(Verily, We have sent t he revelat ion t o you as We sent t he revelat ion t o Nuh and t he Prophet s
aft er him.) 4:163 , unt il,
∠ サ
͡ ゅzレヤ͡ャ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ムΑ∠ Κ
z ゃ∠ ャ͡ リ
∠ Α͡ケグ͡ レ⊥ョヱ∠ リ
∠ Α͡ゲゼ
あ ら∠ ョぁ Κ
⇔ シ
⊥ ケぁ ぴ
⊥ ゲぁ ャや ギ∠ ∇バよ∠ ∀るイ
⊥ ヮ͡ ヤzャや
(Messengers as bearers of good news as well as of warning in order t hat mankind should have
no plea against Allah aft er t he (coming of) Messengers.) 4:165 Allah said, concerning t he
Prophet Ibrahim,
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや∠ヱ ∠りヲz ら⊥ レぁ ャや ヮ͡ わ͡ Αz ケあ ク⊥ ヴ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And We ordained among his offspring prophet hood and t he Book) 29: 27 , t hus sending t he
prophet hood and t he Book exclusively t hrough t he offspring of t he Prophet Ibrahim. No one has
claimed t hat t here were Prophet s from among t he Jinns before t he t ime of Ibrahim, but not
aft er t hat . Allah said,
∠ ヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ∇ほΒ∠ ャ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルzま͡ Ι
z ま͡ リ
∠ Β͡ヤシ
∠ ∇ゲヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ マ
∠ ヤ∠∇らホ∠ ゅ∠レ∇ヤシ
∠ ∇ケぺ∠ べ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
͡ や∠ヲ∇シΙ
x や ヴ͡プ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ゼ∇ヨΑ∠ ヱ∠ ュ∠ ゅ∠バト
z ャや
(And We never sent before you any of t he Messengers but verily, t hey at e food and walked in
t he market s.) 25:20 , and,
∇リョあ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ヴ͡ェヲぁル Ι
⇔ ゅ∠ィケ͡ Ι
z ま͡ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ヤシ
∠ ∇ケぺ∠ べ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
びン∠ゲボ⊥ ∇ャや モ
͡ ∇ワぺ∠
(And We sent not before you any but men unt o whom We revealed, from among t he people of
t ownships.) 12:109 Therefore, concerning prophet hood, t he Jinns follow mankind in t his
regard and t his is why Allah said about t hem,
∠ラヲ⊥バ͡ヨ∠わ∇ジ∠Α リ
͡ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョあ や⇔ゲ∠ヘル∠ マ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ べ∠レ∇プゲ∠ タ
∠ ∇クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
͡ ホ⊥ ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠ ∇やヲ⊥わダ
͡ ル∠ぺ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ロ⊥ ヱ⊥ゲツ
∠ ェ
∠ ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠ ラ
∠ や∠¬∇ゲボ⊥ ∇ャや
ゅ∠レ∇バヨ͡ シ
∠ ゅzル͡ま べ∠レョ∠ ∇ヲボ∠ Α ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ - リ
∠ Α͡ケグ͡ レぁョ ユ͡ヰョ͡ ∇ヲホ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇や∇ヲャzヱ∠
ヮ͡ ∇Αギ∠ Α∠ リ
∠ ∇Βよ∠ ゅ∠ヨャあ ゅ⇔ホあギダ
∠ ョ⊥ ヴ∠シヲ⊥ョ ギ͡ ∇バよ∠ リ͡ョ メ
∠ ゴ͡ ル⊥ぺ ゅ⇔ら⇒∠わミ͡
べ∠レョ∠ ∇ヲボ∠ Α - ユ∃ Β͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョぁ ペ
∃ Α͡ゲデ
∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ヱ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ン͡ギ∇ヰΑ∠
リあョ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ∇ゲヘ͡ ∇ピΑ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥レョ͡ や∠¬ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ
͡ や∠キ ∇やヲ⊥らΒィ
͡ ぺ∠
͡ Α⊥ Ι
z リ∠ョヱ∠ - ユ∃ Β͡ャぺ∠ ゆ
∃ や∠グハ
∠ ∇リョあ ∇ユミ⊥ ∇ゲイ
͡ Α⊥ ヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ヲ⊥ルク⊥
ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ヱ∠ チ
∠ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ ゴ∃ イ
͡ ∇バヨ⊥ よ͡ ザ
∠ ∇Βヤ∠プ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ
͡ や∠キ
∃ Β͡らョぁ モ
∃ ⇒∠ヤッ
∠ ヴ͡プ マ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ ¬⊥ べ∠Βャ͡∇ヱぺ∠ ヮ͡ ル͡ ヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ
(And (remember) when We sent t owards you a group of t he Jinn, list ening t o t he Qur'an. When
t hey st ood in t he presence t hereof, t hey said: "List en in silence!" And when it was finished,
t hey ret urned t o t heir people, as warners. They said: "O our people! Verily, we have heard a
Book sent down aft er Musa, confirming what came before it , it guides t o t he t rut h and t o t he
st raight way. O our people! Respond t o Allah's caller, and believe in him. He (Allah) will forgive
you your sins, and will save you from a painful t orment (i.e. Hell-fire). And whosoever does not
respond t o Allah's caller, he cannot escape on eart h, and t here will be no helpers for him
besides Allah. Those are in manifest error.) 46:29-32 A Hadit h collect ed by At -Tirmidhi
st at ed t hat t he Messenger of Allah recit ed Surat Ar-Rahman, t o t hese Jinns, in which Allah said,
ゅ∠ヨム⊥ よあ ケ∠ ¬͡ Ιや∠¬ ン
あ ほ∠ら͡ プ∠ ラ
∠ ボ∠ んz ャや ゅ∠ヰΑぁ ぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ パ
⊥ ゲ⊥ ∇ヘレ∠ シ
͡ ゅ∠よグあ ム∠ ゎ⊥
(We shall at t end t o you, O you t wo classes (Jinn and men)! Then which of t he blessings of your
Lord will you bot h (Jinn and men) deny) 55:31-32 Allah said in t his honorable Ayah,
∇ユム⊥ ∇レョあ ∀モシ
⊥ ケ⊥ ∇ユム⊥ ゎ͡ ∇ほΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ぺ∠ ザ
͡ ∇ルΗ
͡ や∠ヱ リ
͡ ∇ャや ゲ∠ ゼ
∠ ∇バヨ∠ ⇒∠Αぴ
や∠グ⇒∠ワ ∇ユム⊥ ョ͡ ∇ヲΑ∠ ¬∠ べ∠ボャ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ル∠ ヱ⊥ケグ͡ レ⊥Αヱ∠ ヶ͡わ⇒∠Αへ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ラ
∠ ヲぁダボ⊥ Α∠
͡ ヘ⊥ ∇ルぺ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ∠ル∇ギヰ͡ セ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ
(O you assembly of Jinn and humans! "Did not t here come t o you Messengers from amongst you,
recit ing unt o you My verses and warning you of t he meet ing of t his Day of yours" They will say:
"We bear wit ness against ourselves.'') meaning, we affirm t hat t he Messengers have conveyed
Your Messages t o us and warned us about t he meet ing wit h You, and t hat t his Day will cert ainly
occur. Allah said next ,
びゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや り⊥ ヲ∠Βエ
∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ∇ゎzゲビ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(It was t he life of t his world t hat deceived t hem.) and t hey wast ed t heir lives and brought
dest ruct ion t o t hemselves by rej ect ing t he Messengers and denying t heir miracles. This is
because t hey were deceived by t he beaut y, adornment and lust s of t his life.
び∇ユヰ͡ ジ
͡ ヘ⊥ ル∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヱ⊥ギヰ͡ セ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hey will bear wit ness against t hemselves) on t he Day of Resurrect ion,
∠ Α͡ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ミ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ∇ユヰ⊥ ルz ぺ∠ぴ
(t hat t hey were disbelievers...) in t his worldly life, rej ect ing what t he Messengers, may Allah's
peace and blessings be on t hem, brought t hem.
ゅ∠ヰヤ⊥∇ワぺ∠ヱ∠ ユ∃ ∇ヤヌ
⊥ よ͡ ン∠ゲボ⊥ ∇ャや マ
∠ ヤ͡∇ヰョ⊥ マ
∠ よぁ ケz ∇リム⊥ Α∠ ∇ユャz ラ∠ぺ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ぴ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヤヨ͡ ハ
∠ ゅzヨョあ ∀ろ⇒∠ィ∠ケ∠キ モ
y ム⊥ ャ͡ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヘ͡ ⇒∠ビ
び ∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠Α ゅzヨハ
∠ モ
∃ ヘ͡ ⇒∠ピよ͡
(131. This is because your Lord would not dest roy t he (populat ions of) t owns for t heir
wrongdoing while t heir people were unaware.) (132. For all t here will be degrees according t o
what t hey did. And your Lord is not unaware of what t hey do.) Allah said,
ゅ∠ヰヤ⊥∇ワぺ∠ヱ∠ ユ∃ ∇ヤヌ
⊥ よ͡ ン∠ゲボ⊥ ∇ャや マ
∠ ヤ͡∇ヰョ⊥ マ
∠ よぁ ケz ∇リム⊥ Α∠ ∇ユャz ラ∠ぺ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤヘ͡ ⇒∠ビ
(This is because your Lord would not dest roy t he (populat ions of) t owns for t heir wrongdoing
while t heir people were unaware. ) meaning: ` We sent t he Messengers and revealed t he Books
t o t he Jinns and mankind, so t hat no one has an excuse t hat he is being punished for his wrongs
alt hough he did not receive Allah's Message. Therefore, We did not punish any of t he nat ions,
except aft er sending Messengers t o t hem, so t hat t hey have no excuse.' Allah said in ot her
Ayat ,
び∀ゲΑ͡グ∠ル ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ Κ
∠ Ι
z ま͡ る∃ ョz ぺ⊥ ∇リョあ ラ͡まヱ∠ ぴ
(And t here never was a nat ion but a warner had passed among t hem.) 35:24 , and
ヮ∠ ヤzャや ∇やヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇ハや ラ
͡ ぺ∠ Ι
⇔ ヲ⊥シケz る∃ ョz ぺ⊥ あモミ⊥ ヴ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇んバ∠ よ∠ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
び∠れヲ⊥ピ⇒zト∇ャや ∇やヲ⊥らレ͡ わ∠ ∇ィや∠ヱ
(And verily, We have sent among every Ummah a Messenger (proclaiming): "Worship Allah, and
st ay away from At -Taghut (all false deit ies).") 16:36 , and
⇔ ヲ⊥シケ∠ ゑ
∠ バ∠ ∇らル∠ ヴzわェ
∠ リ
∠ Β͡よグあ バ∠ ョ⊥ ゅzレミ⊥ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(And We never punish unt il We have sent a Messenger.) 17:15 , and,
∇ユム⊥ ゎ͡ ∇ほΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ぺ∠ べ∠ヰわ⊥ ル∠ ゴ∠ カ
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ほ∠シ
∠ ∀ァ∇ヲ∠プ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ヴ
∠ ボ͡ ∇ャぺ⊥ ゅ∠ヨヤzミ⊥ ぴ
びゅ∠レ∇よグz ∠ム∠プ ∀ゲΑ͡グ∠ル ゅ∠ル¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇ギホ∠ ヴ∠ヤよ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ∀ゲΑ͡グル∠
(Every t ime a group is cast t herein, it s keeper will ask: "Did no warner come t o you" They will
say: "Yes, indeed a warner did come t o us, but we belied him.'') 67:8-9 There are many ot her
Ayat on t his subj ect . At -Tabari said, "Allah's st at ement ,
び∇やヲ⊥ヤヨ͡ ハ
∠ ゅzヨョあ ∀ろ⇒∠ィ∠ケ∠キ モ
y ム⊥ ャ͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(For all t here will be degrees according t o what t hey did.) means, every person who obeys
Allah or behaves disobedient ly, has grades and ranks according t o t heir works, which Allah
gives t hem as recompense, good for good and evil for evil.'' I say, it is possible t hat Allah's
st at ement ,
び∇やヲ⊥ヤヨ͡ ハ
∠ ゅzヨョあ ∀ろ⇒∠ィ∠ケ∠キ モ
y ム⊥ ャ͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(For all t here will be degrees according t o what t hey did.) refers t o t he disbelievers of t he
Jinns and mankind who will earn a place in t he Fire according t o t heir evil deeds. Allah said,
び∀ブ∇バ͡ッ yモム⊥ ャ͡ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホぴ
(He will say: "For each one t here is double (t orment ).'') 7:38 , and,
∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠ル∇キコ͡ ヮ͡ ヤzャや モ
͡ Β͡らシ
∠ リ∠ハ ∇やヱぁギタ
∠ ヱ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzやぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ギジ
͡ ∇ヘΑ⊥ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ゆ
͡ や∠グバ∠ ∇ャや ベ
∠ ∇ヲプ∠ ゅ⇔よや∠グハ
(Those who disbelieved and hinder (ot hers) from t he pat h of Allah, for t hem We will add
t orment t o t he t orment because t hey used t o spread corrupt ion.) 16:88 Allah said next ,
び∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠Α ゅzヨハ
∠ モ
∃ ヘ͡ ⇒∠ピよ͡ マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(And your Lord is not unaware of what t hey do.) Ibn Jarir comment ed, "All t hese deeds t hat
t hey did, O Muhammad, t hey did while your Lord is aware of t hem, and He collect s and records
t hese deeds wit h Him, so t hat He recompenses t hem when t hey meet Him and ret urn t o Him.
∇ユム⊥ ∇らワ͡ ∇グΑ⊥ ∇ほゼ
∠ Α∠ ラ͡ま る͡ ヨ∠ ∇ェゲz ャや ヱ⊥ク ヴ
ぁ レ͡ ピ∠ ∇ャや マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
リあョ ∇ユミ⊥ ほ∠ゼ
∠ ル∠ぺ べ∠ヨミ∠ ¬⊥ べ∠ゼΑ∠ ゅzョ ユ⊥ミ͡ギ∇バ∠よ リ͡ョ ∇ブヤ͡∇ガわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ ヱ∠
べ∠ョ∠ヱ れ
∃ Ε
∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギハ
∠ ヲ⊥ゎ ゅ∠ョ ラ
z ま͡ - リ
∠ Α͡ゲカ
∠ や∠¬ ュ∃ ∇ヲホ∠ ͡るΑz ケあ ク⊥
∇ユム⊥ わ͡ ル∠ ゅ∠ムョ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヤヨ∠ ∇ハや ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ⇒∠Α ∇モホ⊥ - リ
∠ Α͡ゴイ
͡ ∇バヨ⊥ よ͡ ユ⊥わル∠ぺ
る⊥ ら∠ ボ͡ ⇒∠ハ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ラ
⊥ ヲ⊥ムゎ∠ リ∠ョ ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠ゎ フ
∠ ∇ヲジ
∠ プ∠ ∀モ͡ョゅ∠ハ ヴあルま͡
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ウ
⊥ ヤ͡∇ヘΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ケ͡ やzギャや
(133. And your Lord is Al-Ghani, full of mercy; if He wills, He can dest roy you; and in your
place make whom He wills as your successors, as He raised you from t he seed of ot her people.)
(134. Surely, t hat which you are promised, will verily come t o pass, and you cannot escape.)
(135. Say: "O my people! Work according t o your way, surely, I t oo am working, and you will
come t o know for which of us will be t he (happy) end in t he Hereaft er. Cert ainly t he
wrongdoers will not be successful.")
If They Disobey, They Will Perish
Allah said,
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And your Lord...), O Muhammad,
ぁ レ͡ ピ∠ ∇ャやぴ
(is Al-Ghani) Rich, free from needing His creat ures in any way or form, while t hey st and in need
of Him in all sit uat ions,
びる͡ ヨ∠ ∇ェゲz ャや ヱ⊥クぴ
(full of mercy;) t owards creat ion. Allah said in anot her Ayah,
び∀ユΒ͡ェケz ∀フヱ⊥¬∠ゲ∠ャ サ
͡ ゅzレャゅ͡よ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
(Truly, Allah is full of kindness, t he Most Merciful t owards mankind.) 2:143
び∇ユム⊥ ∇らワ͡ ∇グΑ⊥ ∇ほゼ
∠ Α∠ ラ͡まぴ
(if He wills, He can dest roy you.) if you defy His commandment s,
び¬⊥ べ∠ゼΑ∠ ゅzョ ユ⊥ミ͡ギ∇バ∠よ リ͡ョ ∇ブヤ͡∇ガわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And in your place make whom He wills as your successors,) who behave obedient ly,
∠ Α͡ゲカ
∠ や∠¬ ュ∃ ∇ヲホ∠ ͡るΑz ケあ ク⊥ リあョ ∇ユミ⊥ ほ∠ゼ
∠ ル∠ぺ べ∠ヨミ∠ ぴ
(As He raised you from t he seed of ot her people.) and surely, He is able t o do t his, and it is
easy for Him. And j ust as Allah has dest royed t he earlier nat ions and brought t heir successors,
He is able t o do away wit h t hese generat ions and bring ot her people in t heir place. Allah has
also said;
∠ ゅ∠ミヱ∠ リ
∠ Α͡ゲカ
∠ ゅ⇒͡よ れ
͡ ∇ほΑ∠ ヱ∠ サ
⊥ ゅzレャや ゅ∠ヰΑぁ ぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ∇らワ͡ ∇グΑ⊥ ∇ほゼ
∠ Α∠ ラ͡まぴ
び や⇔ゲΑ͡ギホ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや
(If He wills, He can t ake you away, O people, and bring ot hers. And Allah is Ever Capable over
t hat .) 4:133 ,
ぁ レ͡ ピ∠ ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヮ⊥ ヤzャや∠ヱ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ¬⊥ へ∠ゲボ∠ ヘ⊥ ∇ャや ユ⊥ わ⊥ ル∠ぺ サ
⊥ ゅzレャや ゅ∠ヰΑぁ ∠ほΑぴ
ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ギ∃ Α͡ギィ
∠ ペ
∃ ∇ヤガ
∠ よ͡ れ
͡ ∇ほΑ∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユ⇒⊥ム∇らワ͡ ∇グΑ⊥ ∇ほゼ
∠ Α∠ ラ͡ま - ギ⊥ Β͡ヨエ
∠ ∇ャや
び ゴ∃ Α͡ゴバ∠ よ͡ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠
(O mankind! It is you who st and in need of Allah. But Allah is Rich (free of all needs), Wort hy of
all praise. If He willed, He could dest roy you and bring about a new creat ion. And t hat is not
hard for Allah.) 35:15-17 , and,
∇や∇ヲャzヲ∠ わ∠ ゎ∠ ラ͡まヱ∠ ¬⊥ へ∠ゲボ∠ ヘ⊥ ∇ャや ユ⊥ わ⊥ ル∠ぺヱ∠ ヴ
ぁ レ͡ ピ∠ ∇ャや ヮ⊥ zヤャや∠ヱ ヮ͡ ジ
͡ ∇ヘルz ぴ
び∇やヲ⊥ルヲ⊥ムΑ∠ Ι
∠ zユを⊥ ∇ユミ⊥ ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ゅ⇔ョ∇ヲホ∠ ∇メギ͡ ∇らわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠
(But Allah is Rich (free of all needs), and you are poor. And if you t urn away, He will exchange
you for some ot her people and t hey will not be your likes.) 47:38 . Muhammad bin Ishaq said
t hat Ya` qub bin ` Ut bah said t hat he heard Aban bin ` Ut hman saying about t his Ayah,
∠ Α͡ゲカ
∠ や∠¬ ュ∃ ∇ヲホ∠ ͡るΑz ケあ ク⊥ リあョ ∇ユミ⊥ ほ∠ゼ
∠ ル∠ぺ べ∠ヨミ∠ ぴ
(As He raised you from t he seed of ot her people. ) "` The seed' means t he offspring and t he
children.'' Allah's st at ement ,
∠ Α͡ゴイ
͡ ∇バヨ⊥ よ͡ ユ⊥わル∠ぺ べ∠ョ∠ヱ れ
∃ Ε
∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギハ
∠ ヲ⊥ゎ ゅ∠ョ ラ
z ま͡ぴ
(Surely, t hat which you are promised, will verily, come t o pass and you cannot escape.) means,
t ell t hem, O Muhammad, t hat what t hey have been promised of Resurrect ion will surely occur,
∠ Α͡ゴイ
͡ ∇バヨ⊥ よ͡ ユ⊥わル∠ぺ べ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(and you cannot escape.) from Allah. Rat her, He is able t o resurrect you even aft er you
become dust and bones. Cert ainly, Allah is able t o do all t hings and not hing ever escapes His
power. Allah said;
∀モ͡ョゅ∠ハ ヴあルま͡ ∇ユム⊥ わ͡ ル∠ ゅ∠ムョ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヤヨ∠ ∇ハや ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ⇒∠Α ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
び∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠ゎ フ
∠ ∇ヲジ
∠ プ∠
(Say: "O my people! Work according t o your way, surely, I t oo am working and you will come t o
know.'') This cont ains a st ern warning and a sure promise, saying; remain on your way, if you
t hink t hat you are right ly guided, for I will remain on mine. Allah said in anot her Ayah,
ゅzル͡ま ∇ユム⊥ わ͡ ル∠ ゅ∠ムョ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヤヨ∠ ∇ハや ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャあ モ⊥ホヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヌ
͡ わ∠ レ⊥ョ ゅzル͡ま ∇やヱ⊥ゲヌ
͡ わ∠ ∇ルや∠ヱ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤョ͡ ゅ∠ハ
(And say t o t hose who do not believe: "Act according t o Makanat ikum, We are act ing (in our
way). And you wait ! We (t oo) are wait ing.'') 11:121-122 . ` Ali bin Abi Talhah report ed t hat Ibn
` Abbas said t hat ,
び∇ユム⊥ わ͡ ル∠ ゅ∠ムョ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
(according t o Makanat ikum...) means, your way.
∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ケ͡ やzギャや る⊥ ら∠ ボ͡ ⇒∠ハ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ラ
⊥ ヲ⊥ムゎ∠ リ∠ョ ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠ゎ フ
∠ ∇ヲジ
∠ プ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ウ
⊥ ヤ͡∇ヘΑ⊥
(And you will come t o know for which of us will be t he (happy) end in t he Hereaft er. Cert ainly
t he wrongdoers will not be successful) 6:135 , You will come t o know if t he happy end will be
mine (Muhammad's) or yours (t he disbelievers). Allah has indeed kept His promise and allowed
Muhammad t o prevail in t he land and rise above t hose who defied him. He conquered Makkah
for him and made him t riumphant over his people who rej ect ed and showed enmit y t owards
him. The Prophet 's rule soon spread over t he Arabian Peninsula, Yemen and Bahrain, and all
t his occurred during his lifet ime. Aft er his deat h, t he various lands and provinces were
conquered during t he t ime of his successors, may Allah be pleased wit h t hem all. Allah also
x ヲ͡ ホ∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ ヴ͡ヤシ
⊥ ケ⊥ ヱ∠ ∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ リ
z ら∠ ヤ͡∇ビΙ
∂ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ょ
∠ わ∠ ミ∠ ぴ
び ∀ゴΑ͡ゴ∠ハ
(Allah has decreed: "Verily, it is I and My Messengers who shall be t he vict orious." Verily, Allah
is All-Powerful, Almight y.) 58:21
り͡ ヲ∠Βエ
∠ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱ ゅ∠レ∠ヤシ
⊥ ケ⊥ ゲ⊥ ダ
⊥ レ∠レャ∠ ゅzル͡まぴ
∠リΒ͡ヨ͡ヤ⇒zヌャや ノ⊥ ヘ∠ レ∠Α Ι
∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ - ギ⊥ ⇒∠ヰ∇セΙ
x や ュ⊥ ヲ⊥ボΑ∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや
び ケ͡ やzギャや ¬⊥ ヲ⊥シ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ヱ∠ る⊥ レ∠ ∇バヤz∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ャ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ゎ⊥ ケ∠ グ͡ ∇バョ∠
(Verily, We will indeed make vict orious Our Messengers and t hose who believe in t his world's
life and on t he Day when t he wit nesses will st and fort h. The Day when t heir excuses will be of
no profit t o t he wrongdoers. Theirs will be t he curse, and t heirs will be t he evil abode.) 40:5152 and,
z ぺ∠ ゲ͡ ∇ミグあ ャや ギ͡ ∇バよ∠ リ͡ョ ケ͡ ヲ⊥よゴz ャや ヴ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇らわ∠ ミ∠ ∇ギボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥エヤ͡⇒zダャや ン
∠ キ͡ ゅ∠らハ
͡ ゅ∠ヰを⊥ ゲ͡ Α∠ チ
∠ ∇ケΙ
(And indeed We have writ t en in t he Zabur aft er t he Dhikr t hat My right eous servant s shall
inherit t he land.) 21:105
ゅ⇔らΒ͡ダル∠ ュ͡ ゅ∠バ∇ルΙ
x や∠ヱ ゐ
͡ ∇ゲエ
∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ぺ∠ケ∠ ク∠ ゅzヨョ͡ ヮ͡ ヤzャ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨプ∠ ゅ∠レも͡ べ∠ミゲ∠ ゼ
⊥ ャ͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ヨ͡ ∇ハゴ∠ よ͡ ヮ͡ ヤzャ͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ボプ∠
ヲ∠ ヰ⊥ プ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャ͡ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョ∠ヱ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ャま͡ モ
͡ Α∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ も͡ べ∠ミゲ∠ ゼ
⊥ ャ͡
∠ ヲ⊥ヨム⊥ ∇エΑ∠ ゅ∠ョ ¬∠ べ∠シ ∇ユヰ͡ も͡ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ ヴ∠ャま͡ モ
͡ Α∠
(136. And t hey assign t o Allah a share of t he t ilt h and cat t le which He has creat ed, and t hey
say: "This is for Allah," according t o t heir claim, "and t his is for our part ners." But t he share of
t heir "part ners" reaches not Allah, while t he share of Allah reaches t heir "part ners"! Evil is t he
way t hey j udge!)
Some Acts of Shirk
Allah chast ises and crit icizes t he idolat ors who invent ed innovat ions, Kufr and Shirk, and called
on part ners and rivals wit h Allah among His creat ion, alt hough He creat ed every t hing, all
praise is due t o Him. This is why Allah said,
びぺ∠ケ∠ ク∠ ゅzヨョ͡ ヮ͡ ヤzャ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hey assign t o Allah from t hat which He has creat ed,)
͡ ∇ゲエ
∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ぴ
(of t he t ilt h) meaning, fruit s and produce,
びゅ⇔らΒ͡ダル∠ ュ͡ ゅ∠バ∇ルΙ
x や∠ヱぴ
(and of t he cat t le a share) meaning a part and a sect ion.
びゅ∠レも͡ べ∠ミゲ∠ ゼ
⊥ ャ͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ヨ͡ ∇ハゴ∠ よ͡ ヮ͡ ヤzャ͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ボプ∠ ぴ
(and t hey say: "This is for Allah,'' according t o t heir claim, "and t his is for our part ners.'') Allah
said next ,
∠ ゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョ∠ヱ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ャま͡ モ
͡ Α∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ も͡ べ∠ミゲ∠ ゼ
⊥ ャ͡ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨプ∠ ぴ
び∇ユヰ͡ も͡ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ ヴ∠ャま͡ モ
͡ Α∠ ヲ∠ ヰ⊥ プ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャ͡
(But t he share of t heir "part ners" reaches not Allah, while t he share of Allah reaches t heir
"part ners"!) ` Ali bin Abi Talhah and Al-` Awfi narrat ed t hat Ibn ` Abbas said; "When t hey, t he
enemies of Allah, would cult ivat e t he land or collect produce, t hey would assign a part of it t o
Allah and anot her part t o t he idol. They would keep t he share for t he idol, whet her land,
produce or anyt hing else, and preserve it s division t o such an ext ent t hat t hey would collect
anyt hing t hat accident ally falls from t he share t hey assigned t o Allah and add it t o t he share of
t he idol. If t he wat er t hat t hey assigned for t he idol irrigat ed somet hing (a sect ion of land, for
inst ance) t hat t hey assigned for Allah, t hey would add what ever t his wat er irrigat ed t o t he
idol's share! If t he land or produce t hat t hey assigned for Allah was accident ally mixed wit h t he
share t hat t hey assigned for t he idol, t hey would say t hat t he idol is poor. Therefore, t hey
would add it t o t he share t hey assigned for t he idol and would not ret urn it t o t he share t hey
assigned for Allah. If t he wat er t hat t hey assigned for Allah irrigat ed what t hey assigned for t he
idol t hey would leave it (t he produce) for t he idol. They also made some of t heir ot her
propert y sacred, like t he Bahirah, Sa'ibah, Wasilah and Ham, assigning t hem t o t he idols,
claiming t hat t hey do so as way of seeking a means of approach t o Allah. Allah said,
ュ͡ ゅ∠バ∇ルΙ
x や∠ヱ ゐ
͡ ∇ゲエ
∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ぺ∠ケ∠ ク∠ ゅzヨ͡ョ ヮ͡ ヤzャ͡ ∇やヲヤ⊥バ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hey assign t o Allah a share of t he t ilt h and cat t le which He has creat ed...).'' Similar was
said by Muj ahid, Qat adah, As-Suddi and ot hers. ` Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam
comment ed; "Every t ype of slaught er t hat t hey would assign for Allah, would never be eat en
unless t hey ment ioned t he names of t heir idols when slaught ering it . Yet for what t hey
sacrificed in t he names of t he idols, t hey would not ment ion Allah's Name when slaught ering
it .'' He t hen recit ed t he Ayah (6:136) unt il he reached,
∠ ヲ⊥ヨム⊥ ∇エΑ∠ ゅ∠ョ ¬∠ べ∠シぴ
(Evil is t he way t hey j udge!) This Ayah means, evil is t hat which t hey det ermined, for t hey
commit t ed error in t he division. Cert ainly, Allah is t he Lord, Owner and Creat or of all t hings
and His is t he dominion. All t hings are His propert y and under His supreme cont rol, will and
decree. There is no deit y wort hy of worship, or Lord, except Him. And even when t he
polyt heist s made t his evil division, t hey did not preserve it , but cheat ed in it . Allah said in
ot her Ayat ,
∠ ヲ⊥ヰわ∠ ∇ゼΑ∠ ゅzョ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ル∠ ゅ∠エ∇らシ
⊥ ろ
͡ ⇒∠レら∠ ∇ャや ヮ͡ ヤzャ͡ ∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠バ∇イ∠Α∠ヱぴ
(And t hey assign daught ers unt o Allah -- glory be t o Him -- and unt o t hemselves what t hey
desire.) 16:57 , and
ケ∀ ヲ⊥ヘム∠ ャ∠ リ
∠ ⇒∠ジルΗや ラ
z ま͡ や⇔¬∇ゴィ
⊥ ロ͡ キ͡ ゅ∠らハ
͡ ∇リョ͡ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
び ∀リΒ͡らョぁ
(Yet , t hey assign t o some of His servant s a share wit h Him. Verily, man is indeed a manifest
ingrat e!) 43:15 , and,
ン∠ゴΒ͡ッ る∀ ヨ∠ ∇ジホ͡ や⇔ク͡ま マ
∠ ∇ヤゎ͡ - ヴ∠んルyΙや ヮ⊥ ャ∠ヱ∠ ゲ⊥ ミ∠ zグャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ャ∠ぺ∠ぴ
(Is it for you t he males and for Him t he females That indeed is a division most unfair!) 53:2122 .
∇ユワ͡ ギ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ∠ モ
∠ ∇わホ∠ リ
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョあ ゲ∃ Β͡んム∠ ャ͡ リ
∠ Αz コ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ Α͡キ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ジら͡ ∇ヤΒ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ⊥キ∇ゲΒ⊥ ャ͡ ∇ユワ⊥ ぼ⊥ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ∇ケグ∠ プ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥ヤバ∠ プ∠ ゅ∠ョ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ¬∠ べ∠セ
(137. And so t o many of t he idolat ors, t heir "part ners" have made fair seeming t he killing of
t heir children, in order t o lead t hem t o t heir own dest ruct ion and cause confusion in t heir
religion. And if Allah had willed, t hey would not have done so. So leave t hem alone wit h t heir
fabricat ions.)
Shaytan Lured the Idolators to Kill Their Children
Allah says, j ust as t he Shayat in lured t he idolat ors t o assign a share for Allah from what He
creat ed of agricult ure and cat t le - and a share for t he idols, t hey also made it seem fair for
t hem t o kill t heir children, for fear of povert y, and burying t heir daught ers alive, for fear of
dishonor. ` Ali bin Abi Talhah report ed from Ibn ` Abbas t hat he comment ed;
∇ユワ͡ ギ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ∠ モ
∠ ∇わホ∠ リ
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョあ ゲ∃ Β͡んム∠ ャ͡ リ
∠ Αz コ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
び∇ユワ⊥ ぼ⊥ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
(And so t o many of t he idolat ors, t heir "part ners" have made fair seeming t he killing of t heir
children...) "They make killing t heir children at t ract ive t o t hem.'' Muj ahid said, "Idolat ors'
part ners among t he devils ordered t hem t o bury t heir children for fear of povert y.'' As-Suddi
said, "The devils commanded t hem t o kill t heir daught ers so t hat t hey,
び∇ユワ⊥ ヱ⊥キ∇ゲΒ⊥ ャ͡ぴ
(lead t hem t o t heir own dest ruct ion), and t o,
び∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ Α͡キ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ジ͡ら∇ヤ∠Β͡ャ∠ヱぴ
(cause confusion in t heir religion.)'' Allah said,
びロ⊥ ヲ⊥ヤバ∠ プ∠ ゅ∠ョ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And if Allah had willed, t hey would not have done so.) meaning, all t his occurred by Allah's
leave, will and decree, but He dislikes t hese pract ices, and He has t he perfect wisdom in every
decree. He is never quest ioned about what He does, but t hey all will be quest ioned.
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ∇ケグ∠ プ∠ ぴ
(So leave t hem alone wit h t heir fabricat ions.) meaning, avoid and abandon t hem and what t hey
do, for Allah will j udge bet ween you and t hem.
z ま͡ べ∠ヰヨ⊥ ∠バ∇ト∠Α Ι
z ∀ゲ∇イ͡ェ ゐ
∀ ∇ゲェ
∠ ヱ∠ ∀ユ⇒∠バ∇ルぺ∠ ロ͡ グ͡ ⇒∠ワ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
ゅ∠ワケ⊥ ヲ⊥ヰニ
⊥ ∇ろョ∠ ゲあ ェ
⊥ ∀ユ⇒∠バ∇ルぺ∠ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ヨ͡ ∇ハゴ∠ よ͡ ¬⊥ べ∠ゼルz リ∠ョ
ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ¬⇔ へ∠ゲわ͡ ∇プや ゅ∠ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ユ∠ ∇シや ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲミ⊥ ∇グΑ∠ Ι
z ∀ユ⇒∠バ∇ルぺ∠ヱ∠
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ユヰ͡ Α͡ゴ∇イΒ∠ シ
(138. And according t o t heir claim, t hey say t hat such and such cat t le and crops are Hij r
(forbidden), and none should eat of t hem except t hose whom we allow. And (t hey say) t here
are cat t le forbidden t o be used for burden, and cat t le on which (at slaught ering) t he Name of
Allah is not pronounced; lying against Him (Allah). He will recompense t hem for what t hey used
t o fabricat e.)
The Idolators Forbade Certain Types of Cattle
` Ali bin Abi Talhah report ed t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "Hij r refers t o what t hey forbade, such as t he
Wasilah, and t he like.'' Similar was said by Muj ahid, Ad-Dahhak, As-Suddi, Qat adah, ` AbdurRahman bin Zayd bin Aslam and ot hers. Qat adah comment ed on,
び∀ゲ∇イ͡ェ ゐ
∀ ∇ゲェ
∠ ヱ∠ ∀ユ⇒∠バ∇ルぺ∠ ロ͡ グ͡ ⇒∠ワ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
(They say t hat such and such cat t le and crops are Hij r,) "It is a prohibit ion t hat t he Shayat in
appoint ed for t heir wealt h, and a t ype of exaggerat ion and ext remism t hat did not come from
Allah.'' ` Abdur-Rahman Ibn Zayd bin Aslam said t hat , d
びゲ∃ ∇イェ
(Hij r,) refers t o what t he idolat ors designat ed for t heir deit ies. As-Suddi said t hat t he Ayah,
び∇ユヰ͡ ヨ͡ ∇ハゴ∠ よ͡ ¬⊥ べ∠ゼルz リ∠ョ Ι
z ま͡ べ∠ヰヨ⊥ ∠バ∇ト∠Α Ι
(And none should eat of t hem except t hose whom we allow, t hey claimed...) means, "They
said, only t hose whom we choose can eat of t hem., and t he rest are prohibit ed from eat ing
t hem.'' Similar t o t his honorable Ayah, Allah said,
∇ユわ⊥ ∇ヤバ∠ イ
∠ プ∠ ベ
∃ ∇コケあ リあョ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺ べzョ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇Αぺ∠ケ∠ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ュぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ラ
∠ ク͡ ぺ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャへ∠¬ ∇モホ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ョや∠ゲェ
∠ ヮ⊥ ∇レあョ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘゎ∠
(Say: "Tell me, what provision Allah has sent down t o you! And you have made of it lawful and
unlawful." Say: "Has Allah permit t ed you (t o do so), or do you invent a lie against Allah")
10:59 , and,
る∃ ヤ∠Β͡タヱ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ る∃ ら∠ も͡ べ∠シ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ り∃ ゲ∠ Βエ
͡ よ∠ リ͡ョ ヮ⊥ zヤャや モ
∠ バ∠ ィ
∠ ゅ∠ョぴ
ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや リ
z ム͡ ⇒∠ャヱ∠ ュ∃ ゅ∠ェ Ι
∠ ヱ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ヤボ͡ ∇バΑ∠ Ι
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ⊥ ん∠ ∇ミぺ∠ヱ∠ ゆ
∠ グ͡ ム∠ ∇ャや
(Allah has not inst it ut ed t hings like Bahirah or a Sa'ibah or a Wasilah or a Ham. But t hose who
disbelieve invent lies against Allah, and most of t hem have no underst anding.) 5:103 As-Suddi
said t hat cat t le forbidden t o be used for burden were t he Bahirah, Sa'ibah, Wasilah and Ham,
as well as cat t le for which t he idolat ors did not ment ion Allah's Name when slaught ering t hem
nor when t hey were born. Abu Bakr bin ` Ayyash said t hat ` Asim bin Abi An-Naj ud said, "Abu
Wa'il said t o me, ` Do you know t he meaning of t he Ayah,
ユ∠ ∇シや ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲミ⊥ ∇グΑ∠ Ι
z ∀ユ⇒∠バ∇ルぺ∠ヱ∠ ゅ∠ワケ⊥ ヲ⊥ヰニ
⊥ ∇ろョ∠ ゲあ ェ
⊥ ∀ユ⇒∠バ∇ルぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや
(And (t hey say) t here are cat t le forbidden t o be used for burden, and cat t le on which t he Name
of Allah is not pronounced.) I said, ` No.' He said, ` It is t he Bahirah, which t hey would not use
t o for Haj j (eit her by riding it or carrying t hings on it ).''' Muj ahid also said t hat t hey were some
of t he camels belonging t o idolat ors on which Allah's Name was not ment ioned when riding,
milking, carrying t hings, copulat ion or any ot her act ion.
びヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ¬⇔ へ∠ゲわ͡ ∇プやぴ
(lying against Him.) against Allah. The idolat ors indeed lied when t hey at t ribut ed t his evil t o
Allah's religion and Law; He did not allow t hem t o do t hat nor did He approve of it ,
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ユ͡ヰΑ͡ゴ∇イΒ∠ シ
(He will recompense t hem for what t hey used t o fabricat e.) against Him, and falsely at t ribut e
t o Him.
る∀ ダ
∠ ャ͡ゅ∠カ ユ͡ ⇒∠バ∇ルΕ
∠ や ロ͡ グ͡ ⇒∠ワ ラ
͡ ヲ⊥トよ⊥ ヴ͡プ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
∇ユヰ⊥ プ∠ る⇔ わ∠ ∇Βョz リ⊥ムΑ∠ ラ͡まヱ∠ ゅ∠レィ
͡ ヱ∠ ∇コぺ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ュ∀ ゲz エ
∠ ョ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ルケ͡ ヲ⊥ミグ⊥ あャ
び ∀ユΒ͡ヤ∠ハ ∀ユΒ͡ムェ
∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ヘ∠ ∇タヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ Α͡ゴ∇イΒ∠ シ
∠ ¬⊥ べ∠ミゲ∠ セ
⊥ ヮ͡ Β͡プ
(139. And t hey say: "What is in t he bellies of such and such cat t le is for our males alone, and
forbidden t o our females, but if it is born dead, t hen all have shares t herein." He will punish
t hem for t heir at t ribut ion (of such false orders t o Allah). Verily, He is All-Wise, All-Knower.)
Abu Ishaq As-Subay` i narrat ed t hat ` Abdullah bin Abi Al-Hudhayl report ed t hat Ibn ` Abbas said
t hat ,
る∀ ダ
∠ ャ͡ゅ∠カ ユ͡ ⇒∠バ∇ルΕ
∠ や ロ͡ グ͡ ⇒∠ワ ラ
͡ ヲ⊥トよ⊥ ヴ͡プ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
びゅ∠ルケ͡ ヲ⊥ミグ⊥ あャ
(And t hey say: "What is in t he bellies of such and such cat t le is for our males alone...") refers t o
milk. ` Awfi said t hat Ibn ` Abbas said about t his Ayah,
る∀ ダ
∠ ャ͡ゅ∠カ ユ͡ ⇒∠バ∇ルΕ
∠ や ロ͡ グ͡ ⇒∠ワ ラ
͡ ヲ⊥トよ⊥ ヴ͡プ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
びゅ∠ルケ͡ ヲ⊥ミグ⊥ あャ
(And t hey say: "What is in t he bellies of such and such cat t le is for our males alone...") "It is
about milk, which t hey prohibit ed for t heir females and allowed only t heir males t o drink.
When a sheep would give birt h t o a male sheep, t hey would slaught er it and feed it t o t heir
males, but not t o t heir females. If t he newly born lamb was a female, t hey would not slaught er
it , but if it was st illborn, t hey would share in it (wit h t heir females)! Allah forbade t his
pract ice.'' Similar was said by As-Suddi. Ash-Sha` bi said, "The Bahirah's milk was only given t o
t he men. But if any cat t le from t he Bahirah died, bot h men and women would share in eat ing
it .'' Similar was said by ` Ikrimah, Qat adah and ` Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam. Muj ahid
comment ed;
る∀ ダ
∠ ャ͡ゅ∠カ ユ͡ ⇒∠バ∇ルΕ
∠ や ロ͡ グ͡ ⇒∠ワ ラ
͡ ヲ⊥トよ⊥ ヴ͡プ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
͡ ヱ∠ ∇コぺ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ュ∀ ゲz エ
∠ ョ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ルケ͡ ヲ⊥ミグ⊥ あャ
(And t hey say: "What is in t he bellies of such and such cat t le is for our males alone, and
forbidden t o our females...'') "It refers t o t he Sa'ibah and t he Bahirah.'' Abu Al-` Aliyah, Muj ahid
and Qat adah said t hat Allah's st at ement ,
び∇ユヰ⊥ ヘ∠ ∇タヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ Α͡ゴ∇イΒ∠ シ
(He will punish t hem for t heir at t ribut ion. ) means, ut t ering such falsehood. This is explained
by Allah's st at ement ,
∠ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ゆ
∠ グ͡ ム∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ わ⊥ レ∠ ジ
͡ ∇ャぺ∠ ブ
⊥ ダ
͡ ゎ∠ ゅ∠ヨャ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ャヲ⊥ボゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ ゆ
∠ グ͡ ム∠ ∇ャや ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘわ∠ ャあ ∀ュや∠ゲ∠ェ や∠グ⇒∠ワヱ∠
∠ ヲ⊥エヤ͡∇ヘΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ゆ
∠ グ͡ ム∠ ∇ャや ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠
(And say not concerning t hat which your t ongues falsely ut t er: "This is lawful and t his is
forbidden." so as t o invent lies against Allah. Verily, t hose who invent lies against Allah will
never prosper.) 16:116 Allah said,
∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ぴ
(Verily, He is All-Wise.) in His act ions, st at ement s, Law and decree,
(All-Knower), in t he act ions of His servant s, whet her good or evil, and He will recompense
t hem for t hese deeds complet ely.
ユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ よ͡ ゅ⇔ヰ∠ヘシ
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ギ∠ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヤわ∠ ホ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ゲ∠ ジ
∠ ∇ギホ∠ ぴ
∇ギホ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ¬⇔ へ∠ゲわ͡ ∇プや ヮ⊥ ヤzャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ホ∠ コ∠ ケ∠ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ョゲz ェ
∠ ヱ∠
∠ Α͡ギわ∠ ∇ヰョ⊥ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇やヲぁヤッ
(140. Indeed lost are t hey who have killed t heir children, foolishly, wit hout knowledge, and
(t hey) have forbidden t hat which Allah has provided for t hem, invent ing a lie against Allah.
They have indeed gone ast ray and were not guided.)
Allah says that those who committed these evil acts have earned
the loss of this life and the Hereafter.
As for t his life, t hey lost when t hey killed t heir children and made it difficult for t hemselves by
prohibit ing some t ypes of t heir wealt h, as an act of innovat ion t hat t hey invent ed on t heir own.
As for t he Hereaft er, t hey will end up in t he worst dwellings, because t hey used t o lie about
Allah and invent falsehood about Him. Allah also said,
∠ ゆ
∠ グ͡ ム∠ ∇ャや ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲわ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
zユを⊥ ∇ユヰ⊥ バ⊥ ィ
͡ ∇ゲョ∠ ゅ∠レ∇Βャ∠ま͡ zユを⊥ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや ヴ͡プ ∀ノ⇒∠わ∠ョ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥エヤ͡∇ヘΑ⊥
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヘ⊥ ∇ムΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨ͡よ ギ∠ Α͡ギゼ
z ャや ゆ
∠ や∠グバ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ボ⊥ Α͡グル⊥
(Say: "Verily, t hose who invent a lie against Allah will never be successful." (A brief) enj oyment
in t his world! And t hen unt o Us will be t heir ret urn, t hen We shall make t hem t ast e t he
severest t orment because t hey used t o disbelieve.) 10:69-70 Al-Hafiz Abu Bakr bin
Marduwyah recorded t hat Ibn ` Abbas comment ed, "If it pleases you t o know how ignorant t he
Arabs used t o be, t hen recit e t he Ayat beyond Ayah one hundred and t hirt y in Surat Al-An` am,
ユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ よ͡ ゅ⇔ヰ∠ヘシ
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ギ∠ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヤわ∠ ホ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ゲ∠ ジ
∠ ∇ギホ∠ ぴ
∇ギホ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ¬⇔ へ∠ゲわ͡ ∇プや ヮ⊥ ヤzャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ ホ∠ コ∠ ケ∠ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ョゲz ェ
∠ ヱ∠
∠ Α͡ギわ∠ ∇ヰョ⊥ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇やヲぁヤッ
(Indeed lost are t hey who have killed t heir children, foolishly, wit hout knowledge, and t hey
have forbidden t hat which Allah has provided for t hem, invent ing a lie against Allah. They have
indeed gone ast ray and were not guided.)'' Al-Bukhari also recorded t his in t he sect ion of his
Sahih on t he virt ues of t he Quraysh.
ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ヱ∠ ろ
∃ ⇒∠セヱ⊥ゲ∇バョz ろ
∃ ⇒zレィ
∠ ほ∠ゼ
∠ ル∠ぺ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
ヮ⊥ ヤ⊥ミ⊥ ぺ⊥ ゅ⇔ヘ͡ヤ∠わ∇ガョ⊥ ネ
∠ ∇ケゴz ャや∠ヱ モ
∠ ∇ガレz ャや∠ヱ ろ
∃ ⇒∠セヱ⊥ゲ∇バョ∠
∇やヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ヮ∃ ら͡ ⇒∠ゼわ∠ ョ⊥ ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヰ͡ら⇒∠ゼわ∠ ョ⊥ ラ
∠ ゅzョゲぁ ャや∠ヱ ∠ラヲ⊥わ∇Αゴz ャや∠ヱ
∠ ヱ∠ ロ͡ キ͡ ゅ∠ダェ
∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヮ⊥ zボェ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ゎや∠¬∠ヱ ゲ∠ ヨ∠ ∇をぺ∠ へ∠クま͡ ロ͡ ゲ͡ ヨ∠ を∠ リ͡ョ
ユ͡ ⇒∠バ∇ルΕ
∠や リ
∠ ョ͡ ヱ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡プゲ͡ ∇ジヨ⊥ ∇ャや ぁょエ
͡ Α⊥ Ι
∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ∇やヲ⊥プ͡ゲ∇ジゎ⊥
∇やヲ⊥バら͡ わz ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ホ∠ コ∠ ケ∠ ゅzヨョ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ゅ⇔セ∇ゲプ∠ ヱ∠ る⇔ ャ∠ヲ⊥ヨェ
び ∀リΒ͡らョぁ ヱx ギ⊥ ハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ リ
͡ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや れ
͡ ヲ∠ ト
(141. And it is He Who produces gardens Ma` rushat and not Ma` rushat , and dat e palms, and
crops of different shape and t ast e, and olives, and pomegranat es, similar, and different . Eat of
t heir fruit when t hey ripen, but pay t he due t hereof on t he day of t heir harvest , and wast e not
by ext ravagance. Verily, He likes not t he wast eful.) (142. And of t he cat t le (are some) for
burden and (some smaller) for Farsh. Eat of what Allah has provided for you, and follow not t he
foot st eps of Shayt an. Surely, he is t o you an open enemy.)
Allah Created the Produce, Seed Grains and Cattle
Allah st at es t hat He creat ed everyt hing, including t he produce, fruit s and cat t le t hat t he
idolat ors mishandled by t heir misguided ideas, dividing t hem int o various designat ed part s,
allowing some and prohibit ing some. Allah said,
ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ヱ∠ ろ
∃ ⇒∠セヱ⊥ゲ∇バョz ろ
∃ ⇒zレィ
∠ ほ∠ゼ
∠ ル∠ぺ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
∃ ⇒∠セヱ⊥ゲ∇バョ∠
(And it is He Who produces gardens Ma` rushat and not Ma` rushat ,) ` Ali bin Abi Talhah report ed
t hat Ibn ` Abbas comment ed, "Ma` rushat refers t o what t he people t rellise, while ` not
Ma` rushat ' refers t o fruit s (and produce) t hat grow wild inland and on mount ains.'' ` At a' AlKhurasani said t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "Ma` rushat are t he grapevines t hat are t rellised, while
` not Ma` rushat ' refers t o grapevines t hat are not t rellised.'' As-Suddi said similarly. As for t hese
fruit s being similar, yet different , Ibn Jurayj said, "They are similar in shape, but different in
t ast e.'' Muhammad bin Ka` b said t hat t he Ayah,
びゲ∠ ヨ∠ ∇をぺ∠ へ∠クま͡ ロ͡ ゲ͡ ヨ∠ を∠ リ͡ョ ∇やヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ぴ
(Eat of t heir fruit when t hey ripen,) means, "(Eat ) from t he dat es and grapes t hey produce.''
Allah said next ,
びロ͡ キ͡ ゅ∠ダェ
∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヮ⊥ zボェ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ゎや∠¬∠ヱぴ
(but pay t he due t hereof on t he day of t heir harvest , ) Muj ahid comment ed, "When t he poor
people are present (on t he day of harvest ), give t hem some of t he produce.'' ` Abdur-Razzaq
recorded t hat Muj ahid comment ed on t he Ayah,
びロ͡ キ͡ ゅ∠ダェ
∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヮ⊥ zボェ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ゎや∠¬∠ヱぴ
(but pay t he due t hereof on t he day of t heir harvest .) "When plant ing, one gives away handfuls
(of seed grains) and on harvest , he gives away handfuls and allows t hem t o pick what ever is
left on t he ground of t he harvest .'' At h-Thawri said t hat Hammad narrat ed t hat Ibrahim AnNakha` i said, "One gives away some of t he hay.'' Ibn Al-Mubarak said t hat Shurayk said t hat
Salim said t hat Sa` id bin Jubayr comment ed;
びロ͡ キ͡ ゅ∠ダ∠ェ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヮ⊥ zボェ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ゎや∠¬∠ヱぴ
(but pay t he due t hereof on t he day of t heir harvest ,) "This ruling, giving t he poor t he handfuls
(of seed grains) and some of t he hay as food for t heir animals, was before Zakah became
obligat ory.'' Allah has chast ised t hose who harvest , wit hout giving away a part of it as charit y.
Allah ment ioned t he st ory of t he owners of t he garden in Surat Nun,
∠ ∇ホぺ∠ ∇クま͡ る͡ レz イ
∠ ∇ャや ょ
∠ ⇒∠エ∇タぺ∠ べ∠ル∇ヲヤ∠よ∠ ゅ∠ヨミ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠ル∇ヲヤ∠よ∠ ゅzル͡まぴ
∠ ゅ∠トプ∠ - ∠ラヲ⊥レ∇ん∠わ∇ジ∠Α Ι
∠ ヱ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡エら͡ ∇ダョ⊥ ゅ∠ヰレz ョ⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ダΒ∠ ャ∠
∠ ら∠ ∇タほ∠プ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨも͡ べ∠ル ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ マ
∠ よあ ケz リあョ ∀ブも͡ べ∠デ ゅ∠ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇やヱ⊥ギ∇ビや ラ
͡ ぺ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡エら͡ ∇ダョ⊥ ∇や∇ヱキ∠ ゅ∠レわ∠ プ∠ - ユ͡ Α͡ゲダ
z ャゅ∠ミ
∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ボ∠ヤ∠トルゅ∠プ - リ
∠ Β͡ョゲ͡ ⇒∠タ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ラ͡ま ∇ユム⊥ を͡ ∇ゲェ
- ∀リΒ͡ム∇ジョあ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΒ∠ ∇ャや ゅ∠ヰレz ヤ∠カ
⊥ ∇ギΑ∠ Ι
z ラ∠ぺ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥わヘ∠ ⇒∠ガわ∠ Α∠
ゅzル͡ま ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ゅ∠ワ∇ヱぺ∠ケ∠ ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠ - リ
∠ Α͡ケギ͡ ⇒∠ホ キ∃ ∇ゲェ
∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇や∇ヱギ∠ ビ
∠ ヱ∠
∇ユャ∠ぺ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ト
∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ョヱ⊥ゲ∇エョ∠ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ∇モよ∠ ラ
∠ ヲぁャべ∠ツャ∠
ゅzレミ⊥ ゅzル͡ま べ∠レよあ ケ∠ リ
∠ ⇒∠エ∇らシ
⊥ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥エらあ ジ
∠ ゎ⊥ Ι
∠ ∇ヲャ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャz ∇モホ⊥ ぺ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ョヲ∠ ⇒∠ヤわ∠ Α∠ ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ツ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ モ
∠ ら∠ ∇ホほ∠プ∠ リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒∠ニ
ゅ∠レャ∠ギ͡ ∇らΑ⊥ ラ∠ぺ べ∠レよぁ ケ∠ ヴ∠ジハ
∠ リ
∠ Β͡ピ⇒∠デ ゅzレミ⊥ ゅzル͡ま べ∠レ∠ヤ∇Α∠ヲΑ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ
⊥ や∠グバ∠ ∇ャや マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥らビ
͡ ケ∠ ゅ∠レよあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ べzル͡ま べ∠ヰ∇レョあ や⇔ゲ∇Βカ
び ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠Α ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ∇ヲャ∠ ゲ⊥ ら∠ ∇ミぺ∠ り͡ ゲ∠ カ
⊥ や∠グ∠バ∠ャ∠ヱ
(When t hey swore t o pluck t he fruit s of t he (garden) in t he morning. Wit hout saying: "If Allah
wills." Then t here passed by on t he (garden) a visit at ion (fire) from your Lord at night , burning
it while t hey were asleep. So t he (garden) became black by t he morning, like a pit ch dark night
(in complet e ruins). Then t hey called out one t o anot her as soon as t he morning broke. Saying:
"Go t o your t ilt h in t he morning, if you would pluck t he fruit s." So t hey depart ed, conversing in
secret low t ones (saying). "No poor person shall ent er upon you int o it t oday." And t hey went in
t he morning wit h st rong int ent ion, t hinking t hat t hey have power (t o prevent t he poor t aking
anyt hing of t he fruit s t herefrom). But when t hey saw t he (garden), t hey said: "Verily, we have
gone ast ray." (Then t hey said): "Nay! Indeed we are deprived of (t he fruit s)!" The best among
t hem said: "Did I not t ell you, why say you not : ` If Allah wills'." They said: "Glory t o Our Lord!
Verily, we have been wrongdoers.'' Then t hey t urned one against anot her, blaming. They said:
"Woe t o us! We have t ransgressed. We hope t hat our Lord will give us in exchange a bet t er
(garden) t han t his. Truly, we t urn t o our Lord." Such is t he punishment (in t his life), but t ruly,
t he punishment of t he Hereaft er is great er if t hey but knew.) 68:18-33 .
Prohibiting Extravagance
Allah said,
∠ Β͡プゲ͡ ∇ジヨ⊥ ∇ャや ぁょエ
͡ Α⊥ Ι
∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ∇やヲ⊥プゲ͡ ∇ジゎ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And wast e not by ext ravagance. Verily, He likes not t he wast eful.) It was said t hat t he
ext ravagance prohibit ed here refers t o excessive charit y beyond normal amount s. Ibn Jurayj
said, "This Ayah was revealed concerning Thabit bin Qays bin Shammas, who plucked t he fruit s
of his dat e palms. Then he said t o himself, ` This day, every person who comes t o me, I will
feed him from it .' So he kept feeding (t hem) unt il t he evening came and he ended up wit h no
dat es. Allah sent down,
∠ Β͡プゲ͡ ∇ジヨ⊥ ∇ャや ぁょエ
͡ Α⊥ Ι
∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ ∇やヲ⊥プゲ͡ ∇ジゎ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And wast e not by ext ravagance. Verily, He likes not t he wast eful.)'' Ibn Jarir recorded t his
st at ement from Ibn Jurayj . However, t hhe apparent meaning of t his Ayah, and Allah knows
best , is t hat ;
ロ͡ キ͡ ゅ∠ダェ
∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ヮ⊥ zボェ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ゎや∠¬∠ヱ ゲ∠ ヨ∠ ∇をぺ∠ へ∠クま͡ ロ͡ ゲ͡ ヨ∠ を∠ リ͡ョ ∇やヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ぴ
び∇やヲ⊥プゲ͡ ∇ジゎ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠
(Eat of t heir fruit when t hey ripen, but pay t he due t hereof on t he day of t heir harvest , and
wast e not ...) refers t o eat ing, meaning, do not wast e in eat ing because t his spoils t he mind and
t he body. Allah said in anot her Ayah,
び∇やヲ⊥プゲ͡ ∇ジゎ⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥よゲ∠ ∇セや∠ヱ ∇やヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ヱぴ
(And eat and drink but wast e not by ext ravagance.) 7: 31 In his Sahih, Al-Bukhari recorded a
Hadit h wit hout a chain of narrat ion; a
ゅ∠ャヱ∠ フ
∃ や∠ゲ∇シま͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βビ
∠ ∇リョ͡ やヲ⊥ジら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ やヲ⊥よゲ∠ ∇セや∠ヱ やヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ »
(Eat , drink and clot he yourselves wit hout ext ravagance or arrogance.) Therefore, t hese Ayat
have t he same meaning as t his Hadit h. and Allah knows best .
Benefits of Cattle
Allah's st at ement ,
びゅ⇔セ∇ゲプ∠ ヱ∠ る⇔ ャ∠ヲ⊥ヨェ
∠ ユ͡ ⇒∠バ∇ルΕ
∠ やリ
∠ ョ͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And of t he cat t le (are some) for burden and (some smaller) for Farsh.) means, He creat ed
cat t le for you, some of which are suit able for burden, such as camels, and some are Farsh. At hThawri narrat ed t hat Abu Ishaq said t hat Abu Al-Ahwas said t hat ` Abdullah said t hat ` animals
for burden' are t he camels t hat are used for carrying t hings, while, ` Farsh', refers t o small
camels. Al-Hakim recorded it and said, "It s chain is Sahih and t hey did not record it .'' ` AbdurRahman bin Zayd bin Aslam said t hat ` animals for burden' refers t o t he animals t hat people
ride, while, ` Farsh' is t hat t hey eat (it s meat ) and milk it . The sheep is not able t o carry t hings,
so you eat it s meat and use it s wool for covers and mat s (or clot hes). This st at ement of ` AbdurRahman is sound, and t he following Ayat t est ify t o it ,
ゅ⇔ヨ⇒バ∇ルぺ∠ べ∠レΑ͡ギ∇Αぺ∠ ∇ろヤ∠ヨ͡ ハ
∠ ゅzヨョ͡ ユ⊥ヰャ∠ ゅ∠レ∇ボヤ∠カ
∠ ゅzル∠ぺ ∇や∇ヱゲ∠ Α∠ ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ぺ∠ぴ
∇ユヰ⊥ よ⊥ ヲ⊥ミケ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レヨ͡ プ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠ヰ⇒∠レ∇ヤャzク∠ ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ムヤ͡⇒∠ョ ゅ∠ヰ∠ャ ∇ユヰ⊥ プ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ∇ほΑ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョ͡ ヱ∠
(Do t hey not see t hat We have creat ed for t hem of what Our Hands have creat ed, t he cat t le, so
t hat t hey are t heir owners. And We have subdued t hem unt o t hem so t hat some of t hem t hey
have for riding and some t hey eat .) 36:71-72 , and,
ヴ͡プ ゅzヨョあ ∇ユム⊥ Β͡ボ∇ジルぁ り⇔ ゲ∠ ∇らバ͡ ャ∠ ユ͡ ⇒∠バ∇ルΙ
x や ヴ͡プ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
ゅ⇔ピも͡ べ∠シ ゅ⇔ダャ͡ゅ∠カ ゅ⇔レら∠ ャz ュ∃ キ∠ ヱ∠ ゐ
∃ ∇ゲプ∠ リ
͡ ∇Βよ∠ リ͡ョ ヮ͡ ル͡ ヲ⊥トよ⊥
び ∠リΒ͡よ͡ケゅzゼヤ͡ャ
(And verily, in t he cat t le, t here is a lesson for you. We give you t o drink of t hat which is in
t heir bellies, from bet ween excret ions and blood, pure milk; palat able t o t he drinkers.)
16:66 , unt il,
ゅ⇔バ⇒∠わョ∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ん⇒∠をぺ∠ べ∠ワケ͡ ゅ∠バ∇セぺ∠ヱ∠ ゅ∠ワケ͡ ゅ∠よ∇ヱぺ∠ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰプ͡ や∠ヲ∇タぺ∠ ∇リョ͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
∃ Β͡ェ ヴ∠ャま͡
(And of t heir wool, fur and hair, furnishings and art icles of convenience, comfort for a while.)
16:80 .
Eat the Meat of These Cattle, But Do Not Follow Shaytan's Law
Concerning Them
Allah said,
びヮ⊥ ヤzャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ホ∠ コ∠ ケ∠ ゅzヨョ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ぴ
(Eat of what Allah has provided for you,) of fruit s, produce and cat t le. Allah creat ed all t hese
and provided you wit h t hem as provision.
͡ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや れ
͡ ヲ∠ ト
⊥ ∇やヲ⊥バら͡ わz ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and follow not t he foot st eps of Shayt an.) meaning, his way and orders, j ust as t he idolat ors
followed him and prohibit ed fruit s and produce t hat Allah provided for t hem, claiming t hat t his
falsehood came from Allah.
び∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ぴ
(Surely, he is t o you) meaning; Shayt an, O people, is t o you,
び∀リΒ͡らョぁ ヱx ギ⊥ ハ
(an open enemy) and his enmit y t o you is clear and apparent . Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
ヲ⊥ハ∇ギ∠Α ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ や⇔ヱ∂ ギ⊥ ハ
∠ ロ⊥ ヱ⊥グガ
͡ ゎz ゅ∠プ ヱx ギ⊥ ハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ リ
∠ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
び ゲ͡ Β͡バジ
z ャや ょ
͡ ⇒∠エ∇タぺ∠ ∇リョ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルヲ⊥ムΒ∠ ャ͡ ヮ⊥ よ∠ ∇ゴェ
(Surely, Shayt an is an enemy t o you, so t ake (t reat ) him as an enemy. He only invit es his Hizb
(followers) t hat t hey may become t he dwellers of t he blazing Fire. ) 35:6 and,
ユ⊥ム∇Αヲ∠ よ∠ ぺ∠ ァ
∠ ゲ∠ ∇カぺ∠ べ∠ヨミ∠ リ
⊥ ⇒∠ト∇Βゼ
z ャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ レz レ∠ わ͡ ∇ヘΑ∠ Ι
∠ ュ∠ キ∠ へ ヴ͡レら∠ ⇒∠Αぴ
ゅ∠ヨヰ⊥ Α∠ ゲ͡ Β⊥ ャ͡ ゅ∠ヨヰ⊥ シ
∠ ゅ∠らャ͡ ゅ∠ヨヰ⊥ ∇レハ
∠ ネ
⊥ ゴ͡ レ∠Α る͡ レz イ
∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョあ
びべ∠ヨヰ͡ ゎ͡ ¬∠ ∇ヲシ
(O Children of Adam! Let not Shayt an deceive you, as he got your parent s out of Paradise,
st ripping t hem of t heir raiment , t o show t hem t heir privat e part s.) 7:27 and,
∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ヴ͡ルヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ¬∠ べ∠Βャ͡∇ヱぺ∠ ヮ⊥ わ∠ zΑあケク⊥ ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ル∠ ヱ⊥グガ
͡ わz わ∠ プ∠ ぺ∠ぴ
⇔ ギ∠ よ∠ リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌヤ͡ャ ザ
∠ ∇ゃよ͡ ヱx ギ⊥ ハ
(Will you t hen t ake him (Iblis) and his offspring as prot ect ors and helpers rat her t han Me while
t hey are enemies t o you What an evil is t he exchange for t he wrongdoers.) 18:50 There are
many ot her Ayat on t his subj ect .
͡ ∇Βレ∠ ∇をや ゴ͡ ∇バヨ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ヱ∠ リ
͡ ∇Βレ∠ ∇をや ラ
͡ ∇ほツ
z ャや リ
∠ ョあ ァ
∃ ヱ∠ ∇コぺ∠ る∠ Β∠ レ͡ ⇒∠ヨを∠ ぴ
ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ろヤ∠ヨ∠ わ∠ ∇セや ゅzョぺ∠ リ
͡ ∇ΒΒ∠ ん∠ ル⊥Εや ュ͡ ぺ∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ リ
͡ ∇Αゲ∠ ミ∠ グz ャへ∠¬ ∇モホ⊥
∠ Β͡ホギ͡ ⇒∠タ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ラ͡ま ユ∃ ∇ヤバ͡ よ͡ ヶ͡ルヲ⊥ゃらあ ル∠ リ
͡ ∇ΒΒ∠ ん∠ ル⊥Εや ュ⊥ ゅ∠ェ∇ケぺ∠
͡ ∇Αゲ∠ ミ∠ グz ャへ∠¬ ∇モホ⊥ リ
͡ ∇Βレ∠ ∇をや ゲ͡ ボ∠ ら∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ヱ∠ リ
͡ ∇Βレ∠ ∇をや モ
͡ よ͡ Η
∠ ョ͡ ヱ∠
ュ⊥ ゅ∠ェ∇ケぺ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ろヤ∠ヨ∠ わ∠ ∇セや ゅzョ∠ぺ リ
͡ ∇ΒΒ∠ ん∠ ∇ルΕ
⊥ や ュ͡ ぺ∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∇リヨ∠ プ∠ や∠グ⇒∠ヰよ͡ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ⇒zタヱ∠ ∇クま͡ ¬∠ へ∠ギヰ∠ セ
⊥ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ∇ュぺ∠ リ
͡ ∇ΒΒ∠ ん∠ ∇ルΕ
∠ ゅzレャや モ
͡ Β⊥ ャ͡ ゅ⇔よグ͡ ミ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ン∠ゲわ∠ ∇プや リ
͡ ヨz ョ͡ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ニぺ∠
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ュ∠ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや ヵ͡ギ∇ヰΑ∠ Ι
∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ ユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ よ͡
(143. Eight pairs: of t he sheep t wo (male and female), and of t he goat s t wo (male and female).
Say: "Has He forbidden t he t wo males or t he t wo females, or (t he young) which t he wombs of
t he t wo females enclose Inform me wit h knowledge if you are t rut hful. ") (144. And of t he
camels t wo, and of oxen t wo. Say: "Has He forbidden t he t wo males or t he t wo females or (t he
young) which t he wombs of t he t wo females enclose Or were you present when Allah ordered
you such a t hing Then who does more wrong t han one who invent s a lie against Allah, t o lead
mankind ast ray wit hout knowledge. Cert ainly Allah guides not t he people who are
These Ayat demonstrate the ignorance of the Arabs before Islam.
They used t o prohibit t he usage of some of t heir cat t le and designat e t hem as Bahirah, Sa'ibah,
Wasilah and Ham et c. These were some of t he innovat ions t hey invent ed for cat t le, fruit s and
produce. Allah st at ed t hat He has creat ed gardens, t rellised and unt rellised, and cat t le, as
animals of burden and as Farsh. Allah next ment ioned various kinds of cat t le, male and female,
such as sheep and goat s. He also creat ed male and female camels and t he same wit h cows.
Allah did not prohibit any of t hese cat t le or t heir offspring. Rat her, t hey all were creat ed for
t he sons of Adam as a source for food, t ransport at ion, work, milk, and ot her benefit s, which
are many. Allah said,
∃ ヱ∠ ∇コぺ∠ る∠ Β∠ レ͡ ⇒∠ヨを∠ ユ͡ ⇒∠バ∇ルΙ
∠ ョあ ∇ユム⊥ ャ∠ メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺヱ∠ ぴ
(And He has sent down for you of cat t le eight pairs...) 39:6 Allah said;
͡ ∇ΒΒ∠ ん∠ ル⊥Εや ュ⊥ ゅ∠ェ∇ケぺ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ろヤ∠ヨ∠ わ∠ ∇セや ゅzョぺ∠ぴ
(...or (t he young) which t he wombs of t he t wo females enclose...) This refut es t he idolat ors'
st at ement ,
ゅ∠ルケ͡ ヲ⊥ミグ⊥ あャ る∀ ダ
∠ ャ͡ゅ∠カ ユ͡ ⇒∠バ∇ルΕ
∠ や ロ͡ グ͡ ⇒∠ワ ラ
͡ ヲ⊥トよ⊥ ヴ͡プ ゅ∠ョぴ
͡ ヱ∠ ∇コぺ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ュ∀ ゲz エ
∠ ョ⊥ ヱ∠
(What is in t he bellies of such and such cat t le is for our males alone, and forbidden t o our
females.) 6:139 Allah said,
∠ Β͡ホギ͡ ⇒∠タ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ラ͡ま ユ∃ ∇ヤバ͡ よ͡ ヶ͡ルヲ⊥ゃらあ ル∠ ぴ
(Inform me wit h knowledge if you are t rut hful.) meaning, t ell me wit h sure knowledge, how
and when did Allah prohibit what you claimed is prohibit ed, such as t he Bahirah, Sa'ibah,
Wasilah and Ham et c. Al-` Awfi said t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "Allah's st at ement ,
ゴ͡ ∇バヨ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ヱ∠ リ
͡ ∇Βレ∠ ∇をや ラ
͡ ∇ほツ
z ャや リ
∠ ョあ ァ
∃ ヱ∠ ∇コぺ∠ る∠ Β∠ レ͡ ⇒∠ヨを∠ ぴ
͡ ∇Βレ∠ ∇をや
(Eight pairs: of t he sheep t wo, and of t he goat s t wo...) t hese are four pairs,
͡ ∇ΒΒ∠ ん∠ ル⊥Εや ュ͡ ぺ∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ リ
͡ ∇Αゲ∠ ミ∠ グz ャへ∠¬ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Has He forbidden t he t wo males or t he t wo females...'') I (Allah) did not prohibit any of
t hese.
͡ ∇ΒΒ∠ ん∠ ル⊥Εや ュ⊥ ゅ∠ェ∇ケぺ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ろヤ∠ヨ∠ わ∠ ∇セや ゅzョぺ∠ぴ
(or (t he young) which t he wombs of t he t wo females enclose) and does t he womb produce but
males and females So why do you prohibit some and allow some ot hers
∠ Β͡ホギ͡ ⇒∠タ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ラ͡ま ユ∃ ∇ヤバ͡ よ͡ ヶ͡ルヲ⊥ゃらあ ル∠ ぴ
(Inform me wit h knowledge if you are t rut hful. ) Allah is saying t hat all of t his is allowed.'' Allah
びや∠グ⇒∠ヰよ͡ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ⇒zタヱ∠ ∇クま͡ ¬∠ へ∠ギヰ∠ セ
⊥ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ∇ュぺ∠ぴ
(Or, were you present when Allah ordered you such a t hing) mocking t he idolat ors' innovat ions,
and t heir lies t hat Allah made sacred what t hey have prohibit ed.
͡ Β⊥ ャ͡ ゅ⇔よグ͡ ミ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ン∠ゲわ∠ ∇プや リ
͡ ヨz ョ͡ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ニぺ∠ ∇リヨ∠ プ∠ ぴ
びユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ よ͡ サ
∠ ゅzレャや
(Then who does more wrong t han one who invent s a lie against Allah, t o lead mankind ast ray
wit hout knowledge.) Therefore, no one is more unj ust t han t he people described here and
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ュ∠ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや ン͡ギ∇ヰΑ∠ Ι
∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
(Cert ainly, Allah guides not t he people who are wrongdoers.) The person most wort hy of t his
condemnat ion is ` Amr bin Luhay bin Qum` ah. He was t he first person t o change t he religion of
t he Prophet s and designat e t he Sa'ibah, Wasilah and Ham, as ment ioned in t he Sahih.
ユ∃ ハ
͡ ゅ∠デ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ⇔ョゲz エ
∠ ョ⊥ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ヴ
͡ ∇ヱぺ⊥ べ∠ョ ヴ͡プ ギ⊥ ィ
͡ ぺ∠ Ι
∠ モ⊥ホぴ
ユ∠ ∇エャ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ ゅ⇔ェヲ⊥ヘ∇ジョz ゅ⇔ョキ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ る⇔ わ∠ ∇Βョ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ムΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ Ι
∠ ま͡ ヮ⊥ ヨ⊥ バ∠ ∇トΑ∠
ヮ͡ よ͡ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ ャ͡ zモワ͡ ぺ⊥ ゅ⇔ボ∇ジプ͡ ∇ヱぺ∠ ∀ザ∇ィ͡ケ ヮ⊥ ルz み͡プ∠ ゲ∃ Α͡ゴレ͡カ
∀ケヲ⊥ヘ∠ビ マ
∠ よz ケ∠ ラ
z み͡プ∠ キ∃ ゅ∠ハ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ パ
∃ ゅ∠よ ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ zゲト
⊥ ∇ッや リ
͡ ヨ∠ プ∠
び ∀ユΒ͡ェケz
(145. Say: "I find not in t hat which has been revealed t o me anyt hing forbidden t o be eat en by
one who wishes t o eat it , unless it be Mayt ah (a dead animal) or blood poured fort h, or t he
flesh of swine; for t hat surely, is unclean (Rij s), or immorally slaught ered in t he name of ot her
t han Allah. But whosoever is forced by necessit y wit hout willful disobedience, nor t ransgressing
due limit s; (for him) cert ainly, your Lord is Oft -Forgiving, Most Merciful.")
Forbidden Things
Allah commands His servant and Messenger, Muhammad ,
び∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say) O Muhammad t o t hose who prohibit ed what Allah has provided t hem, claiming t his
falsehood t o be from Allah,
ユ∃ ハ
͡ ゅ∠デ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ⇔ョゲz エ
∠ ョ⊥ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ヴ
͡ ∇ヱぺ⊥ べ∠ョ ヴ͡プ ギ⊥ ィ
͡ ぺ∠ Ι
びヮ⊥ ヨ⊥ バ∠ ∇トΑ∠
(I find not in t hat which has been revealed t o me anyt hing forbidden t o be eat en by one who
wishes t o eat it ,) This Ayah means, I do not find any animals t hat are prohibit ed, except t hese
ment ioned here. We should ment ion here t hat t he prohibit ed t hings ment ioned in Surat AlMa'idah and t he Hadit hs on t his subj ect amend t he meaning of t his Ayah.
びゅ⇔ェヲ⊥ヘ∇ジョz ゅ⇔ョキ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
(or blood poured.) Qat adah comment ed, "Poured blood was prohibit ed, but t he meat t hat st ill
has some blood in it is allowed.'' Al-Humaydi said t hat Sufyan narrat ed t o us t hat ` Amr bin
Dinar narrat ed t o us, "I said t o Jabir bin ` Abdullah, ` They claim t hat t he Messenger of Allah
prohibit ed t he meat of donkeys during (t he day of) Khaybar.' He said, ` Al-Hakam bin ` Amr
narrat ed t hat from t he Messenger of Allah . That scholar - refering t o Ibn ` Abbas - denied it ,
recit ing t he Ayah;
ユ∃ ハ
͡ ゅ∠デ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ⇔ョゲz エ
∠ ョ⊥ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ヴ
͡ ∇ヱぺ⊥ べ∠ョ ヴ͡プ ギ⊥ ィ
͡ ぺ∠ Ι
∠ モ⊥ホぴ
びヮ⊥ ヨ⊥ バ∠ ∇トΑ∠
(Say: "I find not in t hat which has been revealed t o me anyt hing forbidden t o be eat en by one
who wishes t o eat it ...")''' Al-Bukhari and Abu Dawud collect ed it . Abu Bakr bin Marduwyah and
Al-Hakim, in his Must adrak, recorded t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "During t he t ime of Jahiliyyah, t he
people used t o eat some t hings and avoid some ot her t hings, because t hey disliked t hem. Lat er
on, Allah sent His Prophet , revealed His Book, allowed what He allowed, and prohibit ed what
He prohibit ed. Therefore, what ever Allah allowed is lawful and what ever He prohibit ed is
unlawful. What ever He did not ment ion, t here is no sin in it .'' He t hen recit ed t he Ayah,
ユ∃ ハ
͡ ゅ∠デ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ⇔ョゲz エ
∠ ョ⊥ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ヴ
͡ ∇ヱぺ⊥ べ∠ョ ヴ͡プ ギ⊥ ィ
͡ ぺ∠ Ι
∠ モ⊥ホぴ
びヮ⊥ ヨ⊥ バ∠ ∇トΑ∠
(Say: "I find not in t hat which has been revealed t o me anyt hing forbidden t o be eat en by one
who wishes t o eat it ...") This is t he wording wit h Ibn Marduwyah. Abu Dawud also recorded t his
st at ement , and Al-Hakim said, "It s chain is Sahih and t hey did not record it .'' Imam Ahmad
recorded t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "A sheep belonging t o Sawdah bint Zam` ah died and she said,
` O Allah's Messenger! So-and-so (sheep) has died.' He said,
«∨ゅ∠ヰム∠ ∇ジョ∠ ∇ユゎ⊥ ∇グカ
∠ ぺ∠ ゅ∠ャ ユ∠ ヤ͡プ∠ »
(Why did you not use it s skin) She said, ` Should we use t he skin of a sheep t hat has died' Allah's
Messenger said,
⊥ やメ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡»
ユ∃ ハ
͡ ゅ∠デ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ⇔ョゲz エ
∠ ョ⊥ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ヴ
͡ ∇ヱぺ⊥ べ∠ョ ヴ͡プ ギ⊥ ィ
͡ ぺ∠ Ι
∠ モ⊥ホぴ
ユ∠ ∇エャ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ ゅ⇔ェヲ⊥ヘ∇ジョz ゅ⇔ョキ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ る⇔ わ∠ ∇Βョ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ムΑ∠ ラ∠ぺ Ι
∠ ま͡ ヮ⊥ ヨ⊥ バ∠ ∇トΑ∠
びゲ∃ Α͡ゴレ͡カ
«ヮ͡よ やヲ⊥バヘ͡ わ∠ ∇レわ∠ プ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥ピよ∠ ∇ギゎ∠ ∇ラぺ∠ ヮ⊥ ル∠ ヲ⊥ヨバ∠ ∇トゎ∠ ゅ∠ャ ∇ユム⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠
(Allah only said, (Say: "I find not in t hat which has been revealed t o me anyt hing forbidden t o
be eat en by one who wishes t o eat it , except Mayt ah (a dead animal) or blood poured fort h, or
t he flesh of swine....) You will not be eat ing it if you t an it s skin and benefit from it .) So she
had t he sheep skinned, t he skin was t anned and made int o a wat er skin t hat she kept unt il it
wore out .'' Al-Bukhari and an-Nasa'i collect ed a similar Hadit h. Allah said,
びキ∃ ゅ∠ハ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ パ
∃ ゅ∠よ ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ zゲト
⊥ ∇ッや リ
͡ ヨ∠ プ∠ ぴ
(But whosoever is forced by necessit y wit hout willful disobedience, nor t ransgressing due
limit s;) Therefore, whoever is forced by necessit y t o eat anyt hing t hat Allah has forbidden in
t his honorable Ayah, wit hout t ransgressing his limit s, t hen for him,
び∀ユΒ͡ェケz ∀ケヲ⊥ヘ∠ビ マ
∠ よz ケ∠ ラ
z み͡プ∠ ぴ
(cert ainly, your Lord is Oft -Forgiving, Most Merciful.) We ment ioned t he explanat ion of t his
Ayah in Surat Al-Baqarah. This honorable Ayah cont radict s t he idolat ors' innovat ed prohibit ions
for cert ain kinds of wealt h, relying merely on t heir misguided ideas, such as t he Bahirah,
Sa'ibah, Wasilah and Ham. Allah commanded His Messenger t o inform t hem t hat he does not
find t hat such t ypes of animals are prohibit ed in what Allah revealed t o him. In t his Ayah, Allah
only prohibit ed dead animals, poured blood, t he flesh of swine and what has been slaught ered
for somet hing ot her t han Allah. Ot her t hings were not prohibit ed here, but rat her t reat ed as
t hat which does not have a ruling, i.e., permissible. Therefore, how do you -- idolat ors -- claim
t hat such it ems are prohibit ed, and why did you prohibit t hem when Allah did not prohibit
t hem
∠ ョ͡ ヱ∠ ゲ∃ ヘ⊥ ニ
⊥ ン͡ク zモミ⊥ ゅ∠レ∇ョゲz ェ
∠ ∇やヱ⊥キゅ∠ワ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ∠ヱぴ
ゅ∠ョ Ι
z ま͡ べ∠ヨヰ⊥ ョ∠ ヲ⊥エセ
⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇ョゲz ェ
∠ ユ͡ レ∠ ピ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ゲ͡ ボ∠ ら∠ ∇ャや
ユ∃ ∇ヌバ∠ よ͡ テ
∠ ヤ∠わ∠ ∇カや ゅ∠ョ ∇ヱぺ∠ べ∠Αや∠ヲエ
∠ ∇ャや ヱ͡ ぺ∠ べ∠ヨワ⊥ ケ⊥ ヲ⊥ヰニ
⊥ ∇ろヤ∠ヨ∠ ェ
∠ ヲ⊥ホギ͡ ⇒∠ダャ∠ ゅzルま͡ヱ͡ ∇ユヰ͡ Β͡ ∇ピら∠ よ͡ ユ⊥ヰ⇒∠レ∇Αゴ∠ ィ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠
(146. And unt o t hose who are Jews, We forbade every (animal) wit h undivided hoof, and We
forbade t hem t he fat of t he ox and t he sheep except what adheres t o t heir backs or t heir
Hawaya, or is mixed up wit h a bone. Thus We recompensed t hem for t heir rebellion. And
verily, We are Trut hful.)
Foods that were Prohibited for the Jews Because of their
Allah says, We forbade for t he Jews every bird and animal wit h undivided hoof, such as t he
camel, ost rich, duck and goose. Allah said here,
びべ∠ヨヰ⊥ ョ∠ ヲ⊥エセ
⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇ョゲz ェ
∠ ユ͡ レ∠ ピ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ゲ͡ ボ∠ ら∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and We forbade t hem t he fat of t he ox and t he sheep...) The Jews used t o forbid t hese t ypes
of foods saying t hat Isra'il, or Ya` qub, used t o forbid t hem for himself so t hey t oo forbid t hem.
This was ment ioned by As-Suddi. ` Ali bin Abi Talhah report ed t hat Ibn ` Abbas said t hat ,
びべ∠ヨワ⊥ ケ⊥ ヲ⊥ヰニ
⊥ ∇ろヤ∠ヨ∠ ェ
∠ ゅ∠ョ Ι
z ま͡ぴ
(except what adheres t o t heir backs) refers t o t he fat t hat clings t o t heir backs. Allah said
next ,
∠ ∇ャや ヱ͡ ぺ∠ぴ
(or t heir Hawaya) t hat is, t he ent rails, according t o Abu Ja` far bin Jarir. He also said, "The
meaning here is, ` And from ox and sheep, We forbade t heir fat for t he Jews, except t he fat on
t heir backs and what t he ent rails carry.'' ` Ali bin Abi Talhah said t hat , Ibn ` Abbas said t hat t he,
Hawaya, are t he ent rails. Similar was report ed from Muj ahid, Sa` id bin Jubayr and Ad-Dahhak.
Allah's st at ement ,
びユ∃ ∇ヌバ∠ よ͡ テ
∠ ヤ∠わ∠ ∇カや ゅ∠ョ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
(....or is mixed up wit h a bone.) means, We allowed t he Jews t he fat t hat is mixed wit h bones.
Ibn Jurayj comment ed, "The fat on t he rump t hat is mixed wit h t he t ailbone was allowed for
t hem, and also t he fat on t he legs, head, eyes and what adheres t o t he bones.'' As-Suddi said
similarly. Allah said,
び∇ユヰ͡ Β͡ ∇ピら∠ よ͡ ユ⊥ヰ⇒∠レ∇Αゴ∠ ィ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ぴ
(Thus We recompensed t hem for t heir rebellion.) meaning, We imposed t his rest rict ion on t hem
as recompense for t heir rebellion and defying Our commandment s. Allah said in anot her Ayah,
∃ ⇒∠らΒあ デ
∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅ∠レ∇ョゲz ェ
∠ ∇やヱ⊥キゅ∠ワ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや リ
∠ ョあ ユ∃ ∇ヤヌ
⊥ ら͡ プ∠ ぴ
び や⇔ゲΒ͡んミ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや モ
͡ Β͡らシ
∠ リ∠ハ ∇ユワ͡ ギあ ダ
∠ よ͡ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ ∇ろヤzェ
͡ ぺ⊥
(For t he wrongdoing of t he Jews, We made unlawful for t hem cert ain good foods which had
been lawful for t hem -- and for t heir hindering many from Allah's way) 4:160 . Allah's
st at ement ,
∠ ヲ⊥ホギ͡ ⇒∠ダャ∠ ゅzルま͡ヱ͡ ぴ
(And verily, We are Trut hful.) means, We were j ust ified in t he penalt y We gave t hem. Ibn Jarir
comment ed, "We are Trut hful in what We informed you of, O Muhammad; Our forbidding t hese
foods for t hem, not as t hey claimed, t hat Israel merely forbade t hese t hings for himself (so
t hey imit at ed him, t hey claimed).''
The Tricks of the Jews, and Allah's Curse
Abdullah bin ` Abbas narrat ed, "When ` Umar bin Al-Khat t ab was t old t hat Samurah sold liquor,
he comment ed, ` May Allah fight Samurah! Did he not know t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
ゅ∠ワヲ⊥ヤヨ∠ イ
∠ プ∠ ュ⊥ ヲ⊥エゼ
ぁ ャや ユ⊥ ヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ろョ∠ ゲあ ェ
⊥ キ∠ ヲ⊥ヰΒ∠ ∇ャや ぶ
⊥ やリ
∠ バ∠ ャ∠»
(May Allah curse t he Jews! The fat s were forbidden for t hem, so t hey melt ed t he fat and sold
it .)'' This Hadit h is recorded in t he Two Sahihs. Jabir bin ` Abdullah said, "In t he year of t he
vict ory of Makkah, I heard Allah's Messenger saying;
る͡ わ∠ ∇Βヨ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ゲ͡ ∇ヨガ
∠ ∇ャや ノ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ヲ⊥シケ∠ ヱ∠ ぶ
∠ や ラ
z ま͡»
«ュゅ∠レ∇タほ∠∇ャや∠ヱ ゲ͡ Α͡ゴ∇レガ
͡ ∇ャや∠ヱ
(Allah and His Messenger have forbidden selling alcoholic drinks (int oxicant s), dead animals,
swine and idols.) He was asked, ` What about t he fat of dead animals They are used t o dye
skins, paint ships and are used as light by t he people.' He said,
∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ゅ∠ャ»
(No, it is st ill unlawful.) He t hen said,
ゅ∠ヰョ∠ ヲ⊥エセ
⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ゅzヨャ∠ ぶ
∠ やラ
z ま͡ ∠キヲ⊥ヰ∠Β∇ャや ぶ
⊥ やモ
∠ ゎ∠ ゅ∠ホ»
«ヮ∠レヨ∠ を∠ やヲ⊥ヤミ∠ ぺ∠ヱ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥ハゅよ∠ zユを⊥ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥ヤヨ∠ ィ
(May Allah fight t he Jews! When Allah forbade t hem t he fat s of animals, t hey melt ed t he fat ,
sold it and at e it s price.)'' The Group recorded t his Hadit h.
ぁキゲ∠ Α⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ る∃ バ∠ シ
͡ ヱ∠ る∃ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ヱ⊥ク ∇ユム⊥ よぁ ケz モ⊥ボプ∠ ポ
∠ ヲ⊥よグz ミ∠ ラ͡みプ∠ ぴ
∠ Β͡ョゲ͡ ∇イヨ⊥ ∇ャや ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ヮ⊥ シ
⊥ ∇ほよ∠
(147. If t hey deny you say: "Your Lord is t he Owner of vast mercy, and never will His wrat h be
t urned back from t he people who are criminals.") Allah says, if your opponent s among t he
idolat ors, Jews and t heir likes rej ect you, O Muhammad,
びる∃ バ∠ シ
͡ ヱ∠ る∃ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ヱ⊥ク ∇ユム⊥ よぁ ケz モ⊥ボプ∠ ぴ
(Say: "Your Lord is t he Owner of vast mercy...") encouraging t hem t o seek Allah's vast mercy
and follow His Messenger ,
∠ Β͡ョゲ͡ ∇イヨ⊥ ∇ャや ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ヮ⊥ シ
⊥ ∇ほよ∠ ぁキゲ∠ Α⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and never will His wrat h be t urned back from t he people who are criminals.) discouraging
t hem from defying t he Messenger, t he Final Prophet , Muhammad . Allah oft en j oins
encouragement wit h t hreat s in t he Qur'an. Allah said at t he end of t his Surah:
び∀ユΒ͡ェケz ∀ケヲ⊥ヘピ∠ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠ ゆ
͡ ゅ∠ボバ͡ ∇ャや ノ⊥ Α͡ゲシ
∠ マ
∠ よz ケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ぴ
(Surely, your Lord is swift in ret ribut ion, and cert ainly He is Oft -Forgiving, Most Merciful.)
6:165 Allah also said,
z ま͡ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ヨ͡ ∇ヤニ
⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ サ
͡ ゅzレヤあャ り∃ ゲ∠ ヘ͡ ∇ピョ∠ ヱ⊥グャ∠ マ
∠ よz ケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
͡ ゅ∠ボバ͡ ∇ャや ギ⊥ Α͡ギゼ
∠ ャ∠ マ
∠ よz ケ∠
(But verily, your Lord is full of forgiveness for mankind in spit e of t heir wrongdoing. And verily,
your Lord is (also) severe in punishment .) 13:6 , and
z ぺ∠ヱ∠ - ユ⊥ Β͡ェゲz ャや ケ⊥ ヲ⊥ヘピ∠ ∇ャや ゅ∠ル∠ぺ ヴあルぺ∠ ン͡キゅ∠らハ
͡ ∇¬ヴあらル∠ ぴ
び ユ⊥ Β͡ャΙ
⊥ やグ∠ バ∠ ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヴ͡よや∠グハ
(Declare unt o My servant s, t hat t ruly, I am t he Oft -Forgiving, t he Most Merciful. And t hat My
t orment is indeed t he most painful t orment .) 15:49-50 , and
͡ ゅ∠ボバ͡ ∇ャや ギ͡ Α͡ギセ
∠ ゆ
͡ ∇ヲわz ャや モ
͡ よ͡ ゅ∠ホヱ∠ ょ
͡ ルzグャや ゲ͡ プ͡ ゅ∠ビぴ
(The Forgiver of sin, t he Accept or of repent ance, t he Severe in punishment .) 40:3 and,
- ギ⊥ Β͡バΑ⊥ ヱ∠ ¬⊥ ン͡ギ∇らΑ⊥ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヮ⊥ zルま͡ - ∀ギΑ͡ギ∠ゼ∠ャ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ ズ
∠ ∇トよ∠ ラ
z ま͡ぴ
び キ⊥ ヱ⊥キヲ∠ ∇ャや ケ⊥ ヲ⊥ヘピ∠ ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠
(Verily, t he punishment of your Lord is severe and painful. Verily, He it is Who begins and
repeat s. And He is Oft -Forgiving, full of love.) 85:12-14 . There are many ot her Ayat on t his
subj ect .
ゅ∠レ∇ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ べ∠ョ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボΒ∠ シ
∠ グz ミ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ョゲz ェ
∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ルぼ⊥ べ∠よや∠ン Ι
∠ ヱ∠
ユ⊥ミギ∠ レ͡ハ ∇モワ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ゅ∠レシ
∠ ∇ほよ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ホや∠ク ヴzわェ
∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや
∇ラま͡ヱ∠ リ
z ャや Ι
z ま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥バら͡ わz ゎ∠ ラ͡ま べ∠レ∠ャ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥ィゲ͡ ∇ガわ⊥ プ∠ ユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ∇リョあ
∇ヲヤ∠プ∠ る⊥ ピ∠ ヤ͡⇒∠ら∇ャや る⊥ zイエ
⊥ ∇ャや ヮ͡ ヤzヤ͡プ∠ ∇モホ⊥ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥タゲ⊥ ∇ガゎ∠ Ι
z ま͡ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ
∠ Α͡グャzや ユ⊥ ミ⊥ ¬∠ へ∠ギヰ∠ セ
⊥ zユヤ⊥ワ∠ ∇モホ⊥ - リ
∠ Β͡バヨ∠ ∇ィぺ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ や∠ギヰ∠ ャ∠ ¬∠ べ∠セ
∇ギヰ∠ ∇ゼゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ギ͡ヰ∠セ ラ͡みプ∠ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギヰ∠ ∇ゼΑ∠
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱ ゅ∠レわ͡ ⇒∠Αべ͡よ ∇やヲ⊥よグz ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ¬∠ へ∠ヲ∇ワぺ∠ ∇ノら͡ わz ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ バ∠ ョ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ャギ͡ ∇バΑ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ゲ∠ よ͡ ユ⊥ワヱ∠ り͡ ゲ∠ カ
x ゅ͡よ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ Ι
(148. Those who commit t ed Shirk say: "If Allah had willed, we would not have commit ed Shirk,
nor would our fat hers, and we would not have forbidden anyt hing (against His will)." Likewise
belied t hose who were before t hem, t ill t hey t ast ed Our wrat h. Say: "Have you any knowledge
(proof) t hat you can produce before us Verily, you follow t he Zann and you do not hing but lie.")
(149. Say: "Wit h Allah is t he perfect proof and argument ; had He so willed, He would indeed
have guided you all.") (150. Say: "Bring forward your wit nesses, who can t est ify t hat Allah has
forbidden t his." Then if t hey t est ify, do not t est ify wit h t hem. And do not follow t he vain
desires of t hose who belie Our Ayat , and such as believe not in t he Hereaft er, and t hey hold
ot hers as equal wit h t heir Lord.)
A False Notion and its Rebuttal
Here Allah ment ioned a debat e wit h t he idolat ors, refut ing a false not ion t hey have over t heir
Shirk and t he t hings t hat t hey prohibit ed. They said, surely, Allah has full knowledge of t he
Shirk we indulge in, and t hat we forbid some kinds of wealt h. Allah is able t o change t his Shirk
by direct ing us t o t he fait h, - t hey claimed - and prevent us from falling int o disbelief, but He
did not do t hat . Therefore - t hey said Allah indicat ed t hat He willed, decided and agreed t hat
we do all t his. They said,
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ョゲz ェ
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠レ∇ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ べ∠ョ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ぴ
("If Allah had willed, we would not have t aken part ners (in worship) wit h Him, nor would our
fat hers, and we would not have forbidden anyt hing.") Allah said in anot her Ayah,
び∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠ル∇ギら∠ ハ
∠ ゅ∠ョ リ
⊥ ⇒∠ヨ∇ェゲz ャや ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
(And t hey said: "If it had been t he will of t he Most Gracious (Allah), we should not have
worshipped t hem (false deit ies)") 43:20 . Similar is ment ioned in Surat An-Nahl. Allah said
next ,
び∇ユヰ͡ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ゆ
∠ グz ミ∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ ミ∠ ぴ
(Likewise belied t hose who were before t hem,) for by using and relying on t his underst anding,
t he misguided ones before t hem were led ast ray. This not ion is false and ungrounded, for had
it been t rue, Allah would not have harmed t hem, dest royed t hem, aided His honorable
Messengers over t hem, and made t hem t ast e His painful punishment .
びユ∃ ∇ヤハ
͡ ∇リョあ ユ⊥ミギ∠ レ͡ハ ∇モワ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Have you any knowledge...") t hat Allah is pleased wit h you and wit h your ways,
びべレ∠ ャ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥ィゲ͡ ∇ガわ⊥ プ∠ ぴ
(t hat you can produce before us.) and make it plain, apparent and clear for us. However,
z ャや Ι
z ま͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥バら͡ わz ゎ∠ ラ͡まぴ
(Verily, you only follow t he Zann) doubt s and wishful t hinking,
∠ ヲ⊥タゲ⊥ ∇ガゎ∠ Ι
z ま͡ ∇ユわ⊥ ル∠ぺ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(and you do not hing but lie) about Allah in t he false claims t hat you ut t er. Allah said next ,
∠ Β͡バヨ∠ ∇ィぺ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ や∠ギヰ∠ ャ∠ ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲヤ∠プ∠ る⊥ ピ∠ ヤ͡⇒∠ら∇ャや る⊥ zイエ
⊥ ∇ャや ヮ͡ ヤzヤ͡プ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Wit h Allah is t he perfect proof and argument ; had He so willed, He would indeed have
guided you all.") Allah said t o His Prophet
び∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say) O Muhammad, t o t hem,
びる⊥ ピ∠ ヤ͡⇒∠ら∇ャや る⊥ zイエ
⊥ ∇ャや ヮ͡ ヤzヤ͡プ∠ ぴ
("Wit h Allah is t he perfect proof and argument . ..") t he perfect wisdom and unequivocal proof
t o guide whom He wills and misguide whom He wills.
∠ Β͡バヨ∠ ∇ィぺ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ や∠ギヰ∠ ャ∠ ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲヤ∠プ∠ ぴ
(had He so willed, He would indeed have guided you all.) All of t his happens accordng t o His
decree, His will, and His choice. So in t his way, He is pleased wit h t he believers, and angry
wit h t he disbelievers. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
びン∠ギヰ⊥ ∇ャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ バ∠ ヨ∠ イ
∠ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And had Allah willed, He could have gat hered t hem t oget her (all) on t rue guidance,) 6:35
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ リ∠ョ リ
∠ ョ∠ Γ マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And had your Lord willed, t hose on eart h would have believed, all of t hem t oget her.) 10:99
∠ ヱ∠ り⇔ ギ∠ ェ
͡ や∠ヱ る⇔ ョz ぺ⊥ サ
∠ ゅzレャや モ
∠ バ∠ イ
∠ ャ∠ マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ¬∠ べ∠セ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ Β͡ヘヤ͡わ∠ ∇ガョ⊥ ∠ラヲ⊥ャや∠ゴ∠Α
∠ よ∂ ケ∠ る⊥ ヨ∠ ヤ͡ミ∠ ∇ろヨz ゎ∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ボ∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡グ͡ャヱ∠ マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ユ∠ ェ
͡ ケz リ∠ョ Ι
z ま͡
∠ Β͡バヨ∠ ∇ィぺ∠ サ
͡ ゅzレャや∠ヱ る͡ レz イ
͡ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ユ∠ レz ヰ∠ ィ
∠ ラ
∠ ∇ョΙ
(And if your Lord had so willed, He could surely have made mankind one Ummah, but t hey will
not cease t o disagree. Except him on whom your Lord has best owed His mercy and for t hat did
He creat e t hem. And t he Word of your Lord has been fulfilled: "Surely, I shall fill Hell wit h
Jinns and men all t oget her.") 11:118-119 Ad-Dahhak said, "No one has an excuse if he
disobeys Allah. Surely, Allah has t he perfect proof est ablished against His servant s.'' Allah said,
びユ⊥ ミ⊥ ¬∠ へ∠ギヰ∠ セ
⊥ zユヤ⊥ワ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Bring forward your wit nesses,) produce your wit nesses,
びや∠グ⇒∠ワ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギヰ∠ ∇ゼΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzやぴ
(who can t est ify t hat Allah has forbidden t his.) which you have forbidden and lied and invent ed
about Allah in t his regard,
び∇ユヰ⊥ バ∠ ョ∠ ∇ギヰ∠ ∇ゼゎ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ギ͡ヰ∠セ ラ͡みプ∠ ぴ
(Then if t hey t est ify, do not t est ify wit h t hem.) because in t his case, t heir t est imony is false
and unt rue,
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱ ゅ∠レわ͡ ⇒∠Αべ͡よ ∇やヲ⊥よグz ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ¬∠ へ∠ヲ∇ワぺ∠ ∇ノら͡ わz ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ャギ͡ ∇バΑ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ゲ∠ よ͡ ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ り͡ ゲ∠ カ
x ゅ͡よ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥
(And do not follow t he vain desires of t hose who belie Our Ayat , and such as believe not in t he
Hereaft er, and t hey hold ot hers as equal wit h t heir Lord.) by associat ing ot hers wit h Allah in
worship and t reat ing t hem as equals t o Him.
∇やヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ Ι
z ぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ よぁ ケ∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ゅ∠ョ モ
⊥ ∇ゎぺ∠ ∇や∇ヲャ∠ゅ∠バゎ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
∇リョあ ∇ユミ⊥ ギ∠ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヤわ⊥ ∇ボゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ルゅ∠ジ∇ェま͡ リ
͡ ∇Αギ∠ ャ͡ヲ∠ ∇ャゅ͡よヱ∠ ゅ⇔ゃ∇Βセ
∠ ヮ͡ よ͡
∠ ェ
͡ ヲ∠ ヘ∠ ∇ャや ∇やヲ⊥よゲ∠ ∇ボゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ゅzΑま͡ヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ホ⊥ コ⊥ ∇ゲル∠ リ
⊥ ∇エzル ペ
∃ ⇒∠ヤ∇ョま
ヴ͡わャzや ザ
∠ ∇ヘレz ャや ∇やヲ⊥ヤわ⊥ ∇ボゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ リ
∠ よ∠ ゅ∠ョ∠ヱ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョ͡ ゲ∠ ヰ∠ ニ
∠ ゅ∠ョ
∇ユム⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒zタヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ͡ク ペ
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤボ͡ ∇バゎ∠
(151. Say: "Come, I will recit e what your Lord has prohibit ed you from: Join not anyt hing in
worship wit h Him; be kind and dut iful t o your parent s; kill not your children because of povert y
-- We provide sust enance for you and for t hem. Come not near t o Al-Fawahish (immoral sins)
whet her commit t ed openly or secret ly; and kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except
for a j ust cause. This He has commanded you t hat you may underst and.")
Ten Commandments
Dawud Al-Awdy narrat ed t hat , Ash-Sha` bi said t hat , ` Alqamah said t hat Ibn Mas` ud said,
"Whoever wishes t o read t he will and t est ament of t he Messenger of Allah on which he placed
his seal, let him read t hese Ayat ,
∇やヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ Ι
z ぺ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ よぁ ケ∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ゅ∠ョ モ
⊥ ∇ゎぺ∠ ∇や∇ヲャ∠ゅ∠バゎ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
∠ ヮ͡ よ͡
(Say: "Come, I will recit e what your Lord has prohibit ed you from: Join not anyt hing in worship
wit h Him...'') unt il,
∠ ヲ⊥ボわz ゎ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ぴ
(...so t hat you may have Taqwa) 6:153 .'' In his Must adrak, Al-Hakim recorded t hat Ibn ` Abbas
said, "In Surah Al-An` am 6 , t here are clear Ayat , and t hey are t he Mot her of t he Book (t he
Qur'an).'' He t hen recit ed,
び∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ よぁ ケ∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ゅ∠ョ モ
⊥ ∇ゎぺ∠ ∇や∇ヲャ∠ゅ∠バゎ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Come, I will recit e what your Lord has prohibit ed you from...") Al-Hakim said, "It s chain
is Sahih, and t hey did not record it .'' In his Must adrak Al-Hakim also recorded t hat ` Ubadah bin
As-Samit said, "The Messenger of Allah said,
«ゐゅ∠ヤを∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヶ͡レバ⊥ Α͡ ゅ∠らΑ⊥ ∇ユム⊥ Αぁ ぺ∠»
(Who among you will give me his pledge t o do t hree t hings) He t hen recit ed t he Ayah,
び∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ よぁ ケ∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ゅ∠ョ モ
⊥ ∇ゎぺ∠ ∇や∇ヲャ∠ゅ∠バゎ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Come, I will recit e what your Lord has prohibit ed you from...") unt il t he end of t he Ayat .
He t hen said,
zリヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ゾ
∠ ボ∠ わ∠ ∇ルや リ
͡ ョ∠ ヱ∠ ぶ
͡ や ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ロ⊥ ゲ⊥ ∇ィほ∠プ∠ ヴ∠プヱ∠ ∇リヨ∠ プ∠ »
⊥ ∇ろル∠ ゅ∠ミ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや ヶ͡プ ヮ͡ よ͡ ぶ
⊥ や ヮ⊥ ミ∠ ケ∠ ∇キほ∠プ∠ ゅ⇔ゃ∇Βセ
¬∠ ゅ∠セ ∇ラま͡ ぶ
͡ や ヴ∠ャま͡ ロ⊥ ゲ⊥ ∇ョほ∠プ∠ り͡ ゲ∠ カ
͡ べ∇ャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ゲ∠ カ
z ぺ∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠
∠ ゅ∠ヘハ
∠ ¬∠ ゅ∠セ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ よ∠ グz ハ
(Whoever fulfills (t his pledge), t hen his reward will be wit h Allah, but whoever fell int o
short comings and Allah punishes him for it in t his life, t hen t hat will be his recompense.
Whoever Allah delays (his reckoning) unt il t he Hereaft er, t hen his mat t er is wit h Allah. If He
wills, He will punish him, and if He wills, He will forgive him.)'' Al-Hakim said, "It s chain is Sahih
and t hey did not record it .'' As for t he explanat ion of t his Ayah, Allah said t o His Prophet and
Messenger Muhammad : Say, O Muhammad, t o t hose idolat ors who worshipped ot her t han
Allah, forbade what Allah provided t hem wit h and killed t heir children, following t heir opinions
and t he lures of t he devils,'
び∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say) t o t hem
び∇や∇ヲャ∠ゅ∠バゎ∠ ぴ
(Come) come here, come close
び∇ユム⊥ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ よぁ ケ∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ゅ∠ョ モ
⊥ ∇ゎぺ∠ぴ
(I will recit e what your Lord has prohibit ed you from. ) meaning, I will inform you about what
your Lord has forbidden for you in t rut h, not guessing or wishful t hinking. Rat her, it is
revelat ion and an order from Him.
Shirk is Forbidden
∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ Ι
z ぺ∠ぴ
(Join not anyt hing in worship wit h Him;) t his Allah has ordained, for He said at t he end of t he
∠ ヲ⊥ヤボ͡ ∇バゎ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒zタヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ͡クぴ
(This He has commanded you t hat you may underst and.) In t he t he Two Sahihs, it is recorded
t hat Abu Dharr said t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ゼΑ⊥ ゅ∠ャ れ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ∇リョ∠ ヮ⊥ zルぺ∠ ヶ͡ルゲ∠ ゼ
z ら∠ プ∠ モ
⊥ Α͡ゲ∇らィ
͡ ヶ͡ルゅ∠ゎぺ∠»
ヴ∠ルコ∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ヤホ⊥ ∩る∠ レzイ
∠ ∇ャや モ
∠ キ∠ マ
∠ わ͡ ョz ぺ⊥ ∇リョ͡ ゅ⇔ゃ∇Βセ
∠ ぶ
͡ ゅ͡よ
⊥ ∇ヤホ⊥ ∩∠ベゲ∠ シ
∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ヴ∠ルコ∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ :メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∨∠ベゲ∠ シ
∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠
∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ヴ∠ルコ∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ :メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∨∠ベゲ∠ シ
∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ヴ∠ルコ∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠
∇ラま͡ヱ∠ :メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∨∠ベゲ∠ シ
∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ヴ∠ルコ∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ :ろ∇ヤホ⊥ ∩∠ベゲ∠ シ
∠ ∇ャや ゆ
∠ ゲ͡ セ
∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ベ
∠ ゲ∠ シ
∠ ∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ヴ∠ルコ∠
(Jibril came t o me and conveyed t he good news t hat , "Whoever among your followers dies,
worshipping none along wit h Allah, will ent er Paradise." I said, "Even if he st ole or commit t ed
illegal sexual int ercourse'' He said, "Even if he st ole or commit t ed illegal sexual int ercourse." I
said, "Even if he st ole or commit t ed illegal sexual int ercourse" He said, "Even if he st ole or
commit t ed illegal sexual int ercourse." I said, "Even if he st ole or commit t ed illegal sexual
int ercourse" He said, "Even if he st ole or commit t ed illegal sexual int ercourse or even if drank
alcohol.") Some of t he Musnad and Sunan compilers recorded t hat Abu Dharr said t hat t he
Messenger of Allah said,
ヶ͡レゎ∠ ∇ヲハ
∠ キ∠ ゅ∠ョ マ
∠ ルz ま͡ ュ∠ キ∠ へ リ
∠ ∇よや ゅ∠Α :ヴ∠ャゅ∠バゎ∠ メ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボΑ∠ »
ゅ∠ャヱ∠ マ
∠ ∇レョ͡ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ゅョ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ マ
∠ ャ∠ ゲ⊥ ヘ͡ ∇ビぺ∠ ヶあルみ͡プ∠ ヶ͡レゎ∠ ∇ヲィ
∠ ケ∠ ヱ∠
∠ わ⊥ ∇Βゎ∠ ぺ∠ る⇔ ゃ∠ Β͡トカ
∠ チ
͡ ∇ケほ∠∇ャや ゆ
͡ や∠ゲボ⊥ よ͡ ヶ͡レわ∠ ∇Βゎ∠ ぺ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ∩ヶ͡ャゅ∠よぺ⊥
∇ラま͡ヱ∠ ∩ゅ⇔ゃ∇Βセ
∠ ヶ͡よ ∇ポゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ョ り⇔ ゲ∠ ヘ͡ ∇ピョ∠ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ や∠ゲボ⊥ よ͡
zユを⊥ ¬͡ ゅ∠ヨジ
z ャや ラ
∠ ゅ∠レハ
∠ ポ
∠ ゅΑ∠ゅト
∠ ヒ∠ ヤ⊥∇らゎ∠ ヴzわェ
∠ れ
∠ ∇ほト
∠ ∇カぺ∠
«マ∠ャ れ
⊥ ∇ゲヘ∠ ビ
∠ ヶ͡レゎ∠ ∇ゲヘ∠ ∇ピわ∠ ∇シや
(Allah said, ` O Son of Adam! As long as you supplicat e t o Me and hope of Me, I will forgive
what ever you commit t ed, and it will be easy for Me t o do t hat . And even if you brought t he
eart h's fill of sins t o Me, I will bring fort h it s fill of forgiveness, as long as you do not associat e
anyt hing or anyone in worship wit h Me. And even if you err and your errors accumulat e unt il
t hey reach t he boundaries of t he sky and you t hen ask Me for forgiveness, I will forgive you.')
This subj ect is also ment ioned in t he Qur'an, for Allah said,
∠ ヱ⊥キ ゅ∠ョ ゲ⊥ ヘ͡ ∇ピΑ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ポ
∠ ゲ∠ ∇ゼΑ⊥ ラ∠ぺ ゲ⊥ ヘ͡ ∇ピΑ∠ Ι
∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
び¬⊥ べ∠ゼΑ∠ リ∠ヨャ͡ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠
(Verily, Allah forgives not (t he sin of) set t ing up part ners (in worship) wit h Him, but He forgives
whom He wills, sins ot her t han t hat .) 4:116 Muslim recorded a Hadit h in t he Sahih t hat reads,
∠ ∇ャや モ
∠ キ∠ ゅ⇔ゃ∇Βセ
∠ ぶ
͡ ゅ͡よ ポ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ゼΑ⊥ ゅ∠ャ れ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ∇リョ∠ »
(Whoever dies associat ing none wit h Allah will ent er Paradise.) There are many Ayat and
Hadit hs on t his subj ect .
The Order for Kindness to Parents
Allah said next ,
びゅ⇔ルゅ∠ジ∇ェま͡ リ
͡ ∇Αギ∠ ャ͡ヲ∠ ∇ャゅ͡よヱ∠ ぴ
(be kind and dut iful t o your parent s;) meaning, Allah has commanded and ordered you t o be
kind t o your parent s. Allah said in anot her Ayah,
͡ ∇Αギ∠ ャ͡ヲ∠ ∇ャゅ͡よヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ⇒zΑま͡ Ι
z ま͡ ∇やヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇バゎ∠ Ι
z ぺ∠ マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠ ヴ∠ツホ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And your Lord has decreed t hat you worship none but Him. And t hat you be dut iful t o your
parent s.) 17:23 Allah oft en ment ions obeying Him and being dut iful t o parent s t oget her.
Allah said,
∠ ゅ⇔レ∇ワヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ぁョぺ⊥ ヮ⊥ ∇わヤ∠ヨ∠ ェ
∠ ヮ͡ ∇Αギ∠ ャ͡ヲ∠ よ͡ リ
∠ ⇒∠ジ∇ルΗ
͡ や ゅ∠レ∇Βタ
z ヱ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ∇Αギ∠ ャ͡ヲ∠ ャ͡ヱ∠ ヴ͡ャ ∇ゲム⊥ ∇セや ラ
͡ ぺ∠ リ
͡ ∇Βョ∠ ゅ∠ハ ヴ͡プ ヮ⊥ ャ⊥ゅ∠ダプ͡ ヱ∠ リ
∃ ∇ワヱ∠
ヴ͡よ ポ
∠ ゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ラ∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ポ
∠ や∠ギヰ∠ ⇒∠ィ ラ͡まヱ∠ - ゲ⊥ Β͡ダヨ∠ ∇ャや ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡
ヴ͡プ ゅ∠ヨヰ⊥ ∇らエ
͡ ⇒∠タヱ∠ ゅ∠ヨヰ⊥ ∇バ͡トゎ⊥ Κ
∠ プ∠ ∀ユ∇ヤ͡ハ ヮ͡ よ͡ マ
∠ ャ∠ ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ ゅ∠ョ
z ャ∠ま͡ zユを⊥ ヴ
z ャ∠ま͡ ゆ
∠ ゅ∠ルぺ∠ ∇リョ∠ モ
∠ Βら͡ シ
∠ ∇ノら͡ ゎz や∠ヱ ゅ⇔プヱ⊥ゲ∇バョ∠ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや
び ∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠ゎ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ゃ⊥ あらル∠ ほ⊥プ∠ ∇ユム⊥ バ⊥ ィ
͡ ∇ゲョ∠
(Give t hanks t o Me and t o your parent s. Unt o Me is t he final dest inat ion. But if t hey (bot h)
st rive wit h you t o make you j oin in worship wit h Me ot hers t hat of which you have no
knowledge, t hen obey t hem not ; but behave wit h t hem in t his world kindly, and follow t he
pat h of him who t urns t o Me in repent ance and in obedience. Then t o Me will be your ret urn,
and I shall t ell you what you used t o do.) 31:14-15 Therefore, Allah ordered children t o be
dut iful and kind t o t heir parent s, even if t hey were idolat ors. Allah also said,
z ま͡ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇バゎ∠ Ι
∠ モ
∠ Α͡¬ゲ∇シま͡ ヴ͡レよ∠ ペ
∠ ⇒∠んΒ͡ョ ゅ∠ル∇グカ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
びゅ⇔ルゅ∠ジ∇ェま͡ リ
͡ ∇Αギ∠ ャ͡ヲ∠ ∇ャゅ͡よヱ∠ ヮ∠ ヤzャや
(And (remember) when We t ook a covenant from t he Children of Israel, (saying): Worship none
but Allah and be dut iful and kind t o parent s.) 2:83 There are several Ayat on t his subj ect . It
is recorded in t he Two Sahihs t hat Ibn Mas` ud said, "I asked Allah's Messenger about which deed
is t he best . He said,
«ゅ∠ヰ͡わ∇ホ∠ヱ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ り⊥ ゅ∠ヤダ
z ャや»
(The prayer, when it is performed on t ime.) I said, ` Then' He said,
«リ∇Αギ∠ ャ͡や∠ヲ∇ャや ゲぁ よ͡ »
(Being dut iful t o parent s.) I asked, ` Then' He said,
«ぶや モ
͡ Β͡らシ
∠ ヶ͡プ キ⊥ ゅ∠ヰイ
͡ ∇ャや»
(Jihad in Allah's cause.) Ibn Mas` ud said, "The Messenger of Allah said t hese words t o me, and
had I asked him for more, he would have said more.''
Killing Children is Forbidden
Allah said,
∇ユム⊥ ホ⊥ コ⊥ ∇ゲル∠ リ
⊥ ∇エzル ペ
∃ ⇒∠ヤ∇ョま ∇リョあ ∇ユミ⊥ ギ∠ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヤわ⊥ ∇ボゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
び∇ユワ⊥ ゅzΑま͡ヱ∠
(Kill not your children because of povert y, We shall provide sust enance for you and for t hem.)
Aft er Allah commanded kindness t o parent s and grandparent s, He next ordered kindness t o
children and grandchildren. Allah said,
∃ ⇒∠ヤ∇ョま ∇リョあ ∇ユミ⊥ ギ∠ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヤわ⊥ ∇ボゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(kill not your children because of povert y,) because t he idolat ors used t o kill t heir children,
obeying t he lures of t he devils. They used t o bury t heir daught ers alive for fear of shame, and
somet imes kill t heir sons for fear of povert y. It is recorded in t he Two Sahihs t hat ` Abdullah bin
Mas` ud said, "I asked t he Messenger of Allah , ` Which sin is t he biggest ' He said,
∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ や6ギル͡ ぶ
͡ モ
∠ バ∠ ∇イゎ∠ ∇ラぺ∠»
(To call a rival for Allah, while He Alone creat ed you.) I said, ` Then what ' He said,
«マ∠バョ∠ ユ∠ バ∠ ∇トΑ∠ ∇ラぺ∠ る∠ Β∠ ∇ゼカ
∠ ポ
∠ ギ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠ モ
∠ わ⊥ ∇ボゎ∠ ∇ラぺ∠»
(To kill your son for fear t hat he might share your food.') I said, ` Then what ' He said,
«ポ͡ケゅ∠ィ る∠ ヤ∠Β͡ヤェ
∠ ヶ͡ルや∠ゴゎ⊥ ∇ラぺ∠»
(To commit adult ery wit h your neighbor's wife.) Then t he Messenger of Allah recit ed t he Ayah,
∠ ヱ∠ ゲ∠ カ
∠ や∠¬ ゅ∠ヰ⇒∠ャま͡ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ノ∠ ョ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギΑ∠ Ι
∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱぴ
∠ ヱ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ヴ͡わャzや ザ
∠ ∇ヘレz ャや ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤわ⊥ ∇ボΑ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ル∇ゴΑ∠
(And t hose who invoke not any ot her god along wit h Allah, nor kill such person as Allah has
forbidden, except for j ust cause, nor commit illegal sexual int ercourse...) 25:68 .'' Allah's
st at ement ,
∃ ⇒∠ヤ∇ョま ∇リョあ ぴ
(Because of Imlaq) refers t o povert y, according t o Ibn ` Abbas, Qat adah, As-Suddi and ot hers.
The Ayah means, do not kill your children because you are poor. Allah said in Surat Al-Isra',
∃ ⇒∠ヤ∇ョま͡ る∠ Β∠ ∇ゼカ
∠ ∇ユミ⊥ キ∠ Ι∇ヱぺ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ヤわ⊥ ∇ボゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And do not kill your children for fear from Imlaq.) 17:31 , t hat is, do not kill your children for
fear t hat you might become poor in t he fut ure. This is why Allah said,
びユ⊥ミゅzΑま͡ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ホ⊥ コ⊥ ∇ゲル∠ リ
⊥ ∇エzルぴ
(We shall provide sust enance for t hem and for you) 17:31 , t hus ment ioning t he provision of
t he children first , meaning, do not fear povert y because of feeding your children. Cert ainly,
t heir provision is provided by Allah. Allah said,
び∇ユワ⊥ ゅzΑま͡ヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ホ⊥ コ⊥ ∇ゲル∠ リ
⊥ ∇エzルぴ
(We provide sust enance for you and for t hem,) t hus st art ing wit h parent s, because t his is t he
appropriat e subj ect here and Allah knows. Allah said next ,
∠ よ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョ͡ ゲ∠ ヰ∠ ニ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ズ
∠ ェ
͡ ヲ∠ ヘ∠ ∇ャや ∇やヲ⊥よゲ∠ ∇ボゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(Come not near Al-Fawahish (immoral sins) whet her commit t ed openly or secret ly) Allah said in
a similar Ayah,
ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョ͡ ゲ∠ ヰ∠ ニ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ズ
∠ ェ
͡ ヲ∠ ヘ∠ ∇ャや ヶ
∠ よあ ケ∠ ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ゅ∠ヨルz ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
∇やヲ⊥ミゲ͡ ∇ゼゎ⊥ ラ∠ぺヱ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャや ゲ͡ ∇Βピ∠ よ͡ ヴ
∠ ∇ピら∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ユ∠ ∇をΗ
͡ や∠ヱ リ
∠ よ∠
ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャヲ⊥ボゎ∠ ラ∠ぺヱ∠ ゅ⇔レ⇒∠ト∇ヤシ
⊥ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇メゴあ レ∠ Α⊥ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ョ ヮ͡ ヤzャゅ͡よ
び ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠ゎ Ι
∠ ゅ∠ョ
(Say: "(But ) t he t hings t hat my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawahish (immoral sins)
whet her commit t ed openly or secret ly, sins (of all kinds), unright eous oppression, j oining
part ners (in worship) wit h Allah for which He has given no aut horit y, and saying t hings about
Allah of which you have no knowledge.")
explanat ion of t he Ayah,
We also explained t his meaning in t he
びヮ⊥ レ∠ デ
͡ ゅ∠よヱ∠ ユ͡ ∇をΗ
͡ や ゲ∠ ヰ͡ ⇒∠ニ ∇やヱ⊥ケク∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(Leave sin, open and secret ) 6:120 . The Two Sahihs recorded t hat Ibn Mas` ud said t hat t he
Messenger of Allah said,
ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ モ
͡ ∇ィぺ∠ ∇リョ͡ ∩͡ぶや リ
∠ ョ͡ ゲ∠ Β∠ ∇ビぺ∠ ギ∀ ェ
∠ ぺ∠ ゅ∠ャ»
«リ∠トよ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョ͡ ゲ∠ ヰ∠ ニ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ズ
∠ ェ
͡ や∠ヲヘ∠ ∇ャや
(None is more j ealous t han Allah. This is why He has forbidden t he immoral sins commit t ed
openly or secret ly.) ` Abdul-Malik bin ` Umayr said t hat Warrad narrat ed t hat Al-Mughirah said
t hat Sa` d bin ` Ubadah said, "If I see a man wit h my wife (commit t ing adult ery), I will kill him
wit h t he sword." When t he mat t er came t o t he Messenger of Allah , he said,
∇リョ͡ ゲ⊥ Β∠ ∇ビぺ∠ ゅ∠ルほ∠ャ∠ ぶ
͡ や∠ヲプ∠ ∨∃ギ∇バシ
∠ り͡ ゲ∇Βビ
∠ ∇リョ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥らイ
∠ ∇バゎ∠ ぺ∠»
ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ モ
͡ ∇ィぺ∠ ∇リョ͡ ∩ヶあレョ͡ ゲ⊥ Β∠ ∇ビぺ∠ ぶ
⊥ や∠ヱ ∩∃ギ∇バシ
«リ∠トよ∠ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョ͡ ゲ∠ ヰ∠ ニ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ズ
∠ ェ
͡ や∠ヲヘ∠ ∇ャや
(Do you wonder at Sa` d's j ealousy By Allah, I am more j ealous t han Sa` d, and Allah is more
j ealous t han I. This is why He has forbidden t he immoral sins commit t ed openly and in secret .)
This Hadit h is in t he Two Sahihs).
The Prohibition of Unjustified Killing
Allah said,
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ⊥ zヤャや ュ∠ ゲz ェ
∠ ヴ͡わャzや ザ
∠ ∇ヘレz ャや ∇やヲ⊥ヤわ⊥ ∇ボゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except for a j ust cause (according t o Islamic
law).) This part of t he Ayah emphasizes t his prohibit ion in specific, alt hough it is included in
t he immoral sins commit t ed openly and in secret . In t he Two Sahihs, it is recorded t hat Ibn
Mas` ud said t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
⊥ や ゅzャま͡ ヮ∠ ャ∠ま͡ ゅ∠ャ ∇ラぺ∠ ギ⊥ ヰ∠ ∇ゼΑ∠ ユ∃ ヤ͡∇ジョ⊥ ¬∃ ン͡ゲ∇ョや ュ⊥ キ∠ モ
͡ Α∠ ゅ∠ャ»
⊥ Βあ んz ャや :ゐ
∃ ゅ∠ヤを∠ ン∠ギ∇ェみ͡よ͡ ゅzャま͡ ∩͡ぶや メ
⊥ ヲ⊥シケ∠ ヶあル∠ぺ∠ヱ
⊥ ケ͡ ゅ∠ヘヨ⊥ ∇ャや ヮ͡ レ͡ Α͡ギャ͡ ポ
⊥ ケ͡ ゅzわャや∠ヱ ∩͡ザ∇ヘレz ャゅ͡よ ザ
⊥ ∇ヘレz ャや∠ヱ ∩ヶ͡ルやzゴャや
∠ ∇ヤャ͡
(The blood of a Muslim person who t est ifies t hat t here is no deit y wort hy of worship except
Allah and t hat I am t he Messenger of Allah is prohibit ed, except for t hree offenses: a married
person who commit s illegal sexual int ercourse, life for life, and whoever revert s from t he
religion and abandons t he Jama` ah (t he communit y of fait hful believers).) There is a
prohibit ion, a warning and a t hreat against killing t he Mu` ahid, i.e., non-Muslims who have a
t reat y of peace wit h Muslims. Al-Bukhari recorded t hat ` Abdullah bin ` Amr said t hat t he
Prophet said,
z ま͡ヱ∠ ∩͡るレz イ
∠ ∇ャや る∠ エ
∠ も͡ や∠ケ ∇ゥゲ∠ Α∠ ∇ユャ∠ や⇔ギワ͡ ゅ∠バョ⊥ モ
∠ わ∠ ホ∠ ∇リョ∠ »
«ゅ6ョゅ∠ハ リ
∠ Β͡バよ∠ ∇ケぺ∠ り͡ ゲ∠ Β͡ジョ∠ ∇リョ͡ ギ⊥ ィ
∠ ヲ⊥Βャ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∠エΑ͡ケ
(Whoever killed a person having a t reat y of prot ect ion wit h Muslims, shall not smell t he scent
of Paradise, t hough it s scent is perceived from a dist ance of fort y years. ) Abu Hurayrah
narrat ed t hat t he Prophet said,
∇ギボ∠ プ∠ ヮ͡ ャ͡ヲ⊥シケ∠ る⊥ ョz ク͡ ヱ∠ ぶ
͡ や る⊥ zョク͡ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ や⇔ギワ͡ ゅ∠バョ⊥ モ
∠ わ∠ ホ∠ ∇リョ∠ »
z ま͡ヱ∠ ∩͡るレz イ
∠ ∇ャや る∠ エ
∠ も͡ や∠ケ ∇ゥゲ∠ Α∠ ゅ∠ヤプ∠ ∩͡ぶや る͡ ョz グ͡ よ͡ ゲ∠ ヘ∠ ∇カぺ∠
∠ リ
∠ Β͡バ∇らシ
∠ り͡ ゲ∠ Β͡ジョ∠ ∇リョ͡ ギ⊥ ィ
∠ ヲ⊥Βャ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∠エΑ͡ケ
(Whoever killed a person having a t reat y of prot ect ion wit h t he Muslims, and who enj oys t he
guarant ee of Allah and His Messenger, he will have spoiled t he guarant ee of Allah for him . He
shall not smell t he scent of Paradise t hough it s smell is perceived from a dist ance of sevent y
years.) Ibn Maj ah and At -Tirmidhi recorded t his Hadit h, and At -Tirmidhi said, "Hasan Sahih.''
Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ヲ⊥ヤボ͡ ∇バゎ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒zタヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ͡クぴ
(This He has commanded you t hat you may underst and.) means, t his is what He has
commanded you t hat you may comprehend His commandment s and prohibit ions.
∠ リ
∠ ∇ェぺ∠ ヴ
∠ ワ͡ ヴ͡わャzゅ͡よ Ι
z ま͡ ユ͡ Β͡わΒ∠ ∇ャや メ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥よゲ∠ ∇ボゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ テ
͡ ∇ジボ͡ ∇ャゅ͡よ ラ
∠ や∠ゴΒ͡ヨ∇ャや∠ヱ モ
∠ ∇Βム∠ ∇ャや ∇やヲ⊥プ∇ヱぺ∠ヱ∠ ロ⊥ zギセ
⊥ ぺ∠ ヒ∠ ヤ⊥∇らΑ∠
∠ ゅ∠ミ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャギ͡ ∇ハゅ∠プ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ヤホ⊥ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰバ∠ ∇シヱ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ ゅ⇔ジ∇ヘル∠ ブ
⊥ あヤム∠ ル⊥
∇ユム⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒zタヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ͡ク∠ ∇やヲ⊥プ∇ヱぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ギ͡ ∇ヰバ∠ よ͡ ヱ∠ ヴ∠よ∇ゲホ⊥ や∠ク
∠ ヱ⊥ゲミz グ∠ ゎ∠
(152. "And come not near t o t he orphan's propert y, except t o improve it , unt il he (or she)
at t ains t he age of full st rengt h; and give full measure and full weight wit h j ust ice." -- We
burden not any person, but t hat which he can bear -- "And whenever you speak, say t he t rut h
even if a near relat ive is concerned, and fulfill t he covenant of Allah. This He commands you,
t hat you may remember.")
The Prohibition of Consuming the Orphan's Property
At a' bin As-Sa'ib said t hat Sa` id bin Jubayr said t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "When Allah revealed,
∠ ∇ェぺ∠ ヴ
∠ ワ͡ ヴ͡わャzゅ͡よ Ι
z ま͡ ユ͡ Β͡わΒ∠ ∇ャや メ
∠ ゅ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥よゲ∠ ∇ボゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And come not near t o t he orphan's propert y, except t o improve it .) and,
⊥ ヴ∠ヨ⇒∠わΒ∠ ∇ャや メ
∠ ヲ∠ ∇ョぺ∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤミ⊥ ∇ほΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
(Verily, t hose who unj ust ly eat up t he propert y of orphans.) t hose who were guardians of
orphans separat ed t heir food from t he orphans' food and t heir drink from t heir drink. When any
of t hat food or drink remained, t hey used t o keep it for t he orphan unt il he or she at e it or it
spoiled. This became difficult for t he companions and t hey t alked about it t o t he Messenger of
Allah , and Allah sent down t he Ayah,
∀ゲ∇Β∠カ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャz ゥ
∠ ∇タま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ヴ∠ヨ⇒∠わΒ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ∠マ∠ルヲ⊥ヤ∠⇒∇ジ∠Α∠ヱぴ
び∇ユム⊥ ル⊥ ヲ∠ ∇カみ͡プ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヲ⊥トャ͡ゅ∠ガゎ⊥ ラ͡まヱ∠
(And t hey ask you about orphans. Say: "The best t hing is t o work honest ly in t heir propert y, and
if you mix your affairs wit h t heirs, t hen t hey are your brot hers.") 2:220 Thereaft er, t hey
mixed t heir food and drink wit h food and drink of t he orphans.'' Abu Dawud collect ed t his
st at ement . Allah's st at ement ,
びロ⊥ zギセ
⊥ ぺ∠ ヒ∠ ヤ⊥∇らΑ∠ ヴzわェ
(unt il he (or she) at t ains t he age of full st rengt h;), refers t o reaching t he age of adolescence,
according t o Ash-Sha` bi, Malik and several ot hers among t he Salaf.
The Command to Give Full Measure and Full Weight with Justice
Allah's st at ement ,
͡ ∇ジボ͡ ∇ャゅ͡よ ラ
∠ や∠ゴΒ͡ヨ∇ャや∠ヱ モ
∠ ∇Βム∠ ∇ャや ∇やヲ⊥プ∇ヱぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(and give full measure and full weight wit h j ust ice.) is a command t o est ablish j ust ice while
giving and t aking. Allah has also warned against abandoning t his commandment , when He said,
͡ ゅzレャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠わ∇ミや や∠クま͡ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや - リ
∠ Β͡ヘヘあ ト
∠ ヨ⊥ ∇ヤャあ ∀モ∇Α∠ヱぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲジ
͡ ∇ガΑ⊥ ∇ユワ⊥ ヲ⊥ルコ∠ ヱz ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヲ⊥ャゅ∠ミ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥プ∇ヲわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠
- ユ∃ Β͡ヌハ
∠ ュ∃ ∇ヲΒ∠ ャ͡ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥をヲ⊥バ∇らョz ∇ユヰ⊥ ルzぺ∠ マ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ ぁリヌ
⊥ Α∠ Ι∠ぺ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ∠⇒∠バ∇ャや ゆ
あ ゲ∠ ャ͡ サ
⊥ ゅzレャや ュ⊥ ヲ⊥ボΑ∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠
(Woe t o Al-Mut affifin. Those who, when t hey have t o receive by measure from men, demand
full measure. And when t hey have t o give by measure or weight t o (ot her) men, give less t han
due. Do t hey not t hink t hat t hey will be resurrect ed (for reckoning). On a Great Day The Day
when (all) mankind will st and before t he Lord of all t hat exist s) 83:1-6 . Allah dest royed an
ent ire nat ion t hat was accust omed t o giving less in weight s and measures. Allah said next ,
びゅ∠ヰバ∠ ∇シヱ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ ゅ⇔ジ∇ヘル∠ ブ
⊥ あヤム∠ ル⊥ Ι
(We burden not any person, but t hat which he can bear.) t hat is, whoever st rives while
pursuing his right s and giving ot her peoples' full right s, t hen t here is no sin on him if he
commit s an honest mist ake aft er t rying his best and st riving t o do what is right .
The Order for Just Testimony
Allah said;
びヴ∠よ∇ゲホ⊥ やク∠ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャギ͡ ∇ハゅ∠プ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇ヤホ⊥ や∠クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And whenever you give your word, say t he t rut h even if a near relat ive is concerned.) This is
similar t o His st at ement ,
¬∠ へ∠ギヰ∠ セ
⊥ ヮ͡ ヤzャ リ
∠ Β͡ョやzヲホ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルヲ⊥ミ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや べ∠ヰΑぁ ほ∠⇒∠Αぴ
͡ ∇ジボ͡ ∇ャゅ͡よ
(O you who believe! St and out firmly for Allah as j ust wit nesses.) 5:8 And t here is a similar
Ayah in Surat An-Nisa'. So Allah commands j ust ice in act ion and st at ement , wit h bot h near
relat ives and dist ant relat ives. Indeed, Allah orders j ust ice for everyone at all t imes and in all
sit uat ions.
Fulfilling the Covenant of Allah is an Obligation
Allah said next ,
び∇やヲ⊥プ∇ヱぺ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ギ͡ ∇ヰバ∠ よ͡ ヱ∠ ぴ
(and fulfill t he Covenant of Allah.) Ibn Jarir comment ed, "Allah commands: Fulfill Allah's
commandment s t hat He has ordered you. You will do so when you obey Him in what He
commanded, refrain from what He prohibit ed and abide by His Book and t he Sunnah of His
Messenger . This const it ut es fulfilling t he covenant of Allah,
∠ ヱ⊥ゲミz グ∠ ゎ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒zタヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ͡ク∠ ぴ
(...This He commands you, t hat you may remember.) Allah says here, t hat t his is what He has
ordered and commanded, and He st ressed it s import ance for you,
∠ ヱ⊥ゲミz グ∠ ゎ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ぴ
(...t hat you may remember.), t hat you may be advised and t hus refrain from what you used t o
do before t his.''
∇やヲ⊥バら͡ わz ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥バら͡ ゎz ゅ∠プ ゅ⇔ヨΒ͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ヶ͡デゲ∠ タ
͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ラ
z ぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒zタヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ͡ク∠ ヮ͡ ヤ͡Β͡らシ
∠ リ∠ハ ∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ベ
∠ ゲz ヘ∠ わ∠ プ∠ モ
∠ ら⊥ ジ
ぁ ャや
∠ ヲ⊥ボわz ゎ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠
(153. "And verily, t his is My st raight pat h, so follow it , and follow not (ot her) pat hs, for t hey
will separat e you away from His pat h. This He has ordained for you t hat you may have Taqwa.")
The Command to Follow Allah's Straight Path and to Avoid All Other
Ali bin Abi Talhah report ed t hat Ibn ` Abbas comment ed on Allah's st at ement s,
びヮ͡ ヤ͡Β͡らシ
∠ リ∠ハ ∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ベ
∠ ゲz ヘ∠ わ∠ プ∠ モ
∠ ら⊥ ジ
ぁ ャや ∇やヲ⊥バら͡ わz ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And follow not (ot her) pat hs, for t hey will separat e you away from His pat h.), and,
びヮ͡ Β͡プ ∇やヲ⊥ホゲz ヘ∠ わ∠ ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ リ
∠ Αあギャや ∇やヲ⊥ヨΒ͡ホぺ∠ ∇ラぺ∠ぴ
((Saying) t hat you should est ablish religion and make no divisions in it .) 42:13 , and similar
Ayat in t he Qur'an, "Allah commanded t he believers t o adhere t o t he Jama` ah and forbade
t hem from causing divisions and disput es. He informed t hem t hat t hose before t hem were
dest royed because of divisions and disput es in t he religion of Allah.'' Similar was said by
Muj ahid and several ot hers. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal recorded t hat ` Abdullah bin Mas` ud said,
"The Messenger of Allah drew a line wit h his hand (in t he sand) and said,
«ゅ⇔ヨΒボ͡ わ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ぶ
͡ やモ
⊥ Β͡らシ
∠ や∠グワ∠ »
(This is Allah's pat h, leading st raight .) He t hen drew lines t o t he right and left of t hat line and
∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ゅzャま͡ ∀モΒ͡らシ
∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レョ͡ ザ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ モ
⊥ ら⊥ ぁジャや ロ͡ グ͡ ワ∠ »
«ヮ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギ∠Α
(These are t he ot her pat hs, on each pat h t here is a devil who calls t o it .) He t hen recit ed,
∇やヲ⊥バら͡ わz ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥バら͡ ゎz ゅ∠プ ゅ⇔ヨΒ͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ヶ͡デゲ∠ タ
͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ラ
z ぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
びヮ͡ ヤ͡Β͡らシ
∠ リ∠ハ ∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ベ
∠ ゲz ヘ∠ わ∠ プ∠ モ
∠ ら⊥ ジ
ぁ ャや
(And verily, t his is My st raight pat h, so follow it , and follow not (ot her) pat hs, for t hey will
separat e you away from His pat h.) 6:153 '' Al-Hakim also recorded t his Hadit h and said; "It s
chain is Sahih, but t hey did not record it .'' Imam Ahmad and ` Abd bin Humayd recorded (and
t his is t he wording of Ahmad) t hat Jabir said; "We were sit t ing wit h t he Prophet when he drew
a line in front of him and said,
«ぶや モ
⊥ Β͡らシ
∠ や∠グワ∠ »
(This is Allah's pat h.) He also drew t wo lines t o it s right and t wo lines t o it s left and said,
z ャや モ
⊥ ら⊥ シ
⊥ ロ͡ グ͡ ワ∠ »
(These are t he pat hs of Shayt an.) He t hen placed his hand on t he middle pat h and recit ed t his
∇やヲ⊥バら͡ わz ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥バら͡ ゎz ゅ∠プ ゅ⇔ヨΒ͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ヶ͡デゲ∠ タ
͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ラ
z ぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
ヮ͡ よ͡ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒zタヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ャ͡ク∠ ヮ͡ ヤ͡Β͡らシ
∠ リ∠ハ ∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ベ
∠ ゲz ヘ∠ わ∠ プ∠ モ
∠ ら⊥ ジ
ぁ ャや
∠ ヲ⊥ボわz ゎ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠
(And verily, t his is My st raight pat h, so follow it , and follow not (ot her) pat hs, for t hey will
separat e you away from His pat h. This He has ordained for you t hat you may have Taqwa.)
Imam Ahmad, Ibn Maj ah, in t he Book of t he Sunnah in his Sunan, and Al-Bazzar collect ed t his
Hadit h. Ibn Jarir recorded t hat a man asked Ibn Mas` ud, "What is As-Sirat Al-Must aqim (t he
st raight pat h)'' Ibn Mas` ud replied, "Muhammad left us at it s lower end and it s ot her end is in
Paradise. To t he right of t his Pat h are ot her pat hs, and t o t he left of it are ot her pat hs, and
t here are men (on t hese pat hs) calling t hose who pass by t hem. Whoever goes on t he ot her
pat hs will end up in t he Fire. Whoever t akes t he St raight Pat h, will end up in Paradise.'' Ibn
Mas` ud t hen recit ed t he Ayah;
∇やヲ⊥バら͡ わz ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥バら͡ ゎz ゅ∠プ ゅ⇔ヨΒ͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ヶ͡デゲ∠ タ
͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ラ
z ぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
びヮ͡ ヤ͡Β͡らシ
∠ リ∠ハ ∇ユム⊥ よ͡ ベ
∠ ゲz ヘ∠ わ∠ プ∠ モ
∠ ら⊥ ジ
ぁ ャや
(And verily, t his is My st raight pat h, so follow it , and follow not (ot her) pat hs, for t hey will
separat e you away from His pat h.)'" Imam Ahmad recorded t hat , An-Nawwas bin Sam` an said
t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
∠ ∇リハ
∠ ヱ∠ ∩ゅ⇔ヨΒ͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ゅ⇔デや∠ゲタ
͡ ゅ⇔ヤん∠ ョ∠ ぶ
⊥ やゆ
∠ ゲ∠ ッ
∠ »
ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ∠ヱ ∩∀るエ
∠ わz ヘ∠ ョ⊥ ∀ゆや∠ヲ∇よぺ∠ ゅ∠ヨ͡ヰΒ͡プ ラ
͡ や∠ケヲ⊥シ ヅ
͡ や∠ゲダ
あ ャや
∃ や∠キ ヅ
͡ や∠ゲダ
あ ャや ゆ
͡ ゅ∠よ ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ∠ヱ ∀りゅ∠カ∇ゲョ⊥ ∀ケヲ⊥わシ
⊥ ゆ
͡ や∠ヲ∇よほ∠∇ャや
∠ や∠ゲダ
あ ャや やヲ⊥ヤカ
⊥ ∇キや やヲぁヨヤ⊥ワ∠ サ
⊥ ゅzレャや ゅ∠ヰΑz ぺ∠ ゅ∠Α :ヲ⊥ハ∇ギ∠Α
͡ ∇ヲプ∠ ∇リョ͡ ヲ⊥ハ∇ギ∠Α ネ
∃ や∠キヱ∠ やヲ⊥ホゲz ヘ∠ ゎ∠ ゅ∠ャヱ∠ ゅ⇔バΒ͡ヨィ
∠ ユ∠ Β͡ボわ∠ ∇ジヨ⊥ ∇ャや
∠ ∇ヤゎ͡ ∇リョ͡ ゅ⇔ゃ∇Βセ
∠ ウ
∠ わ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇ラぺ∠ ラ
⊥ ゅ∠ジ∇ルみ͡ャや キ∠ や∠ケぺ∠ や∠クみ͡プ∠ ヅ
͡ や∠ゲダ
あ ャや
ヮ⊥ ∇イヤ͡ゎ∠ ヮ⊥ わ∠ ∇エわ∠ プ∠ ∇ラま͡ マ
∠ ルz み͡プ∠ ヮ⊥ ∇エわ∠ ∇ヘゎ∠ ゅ∠ャ マ
∠ ∇Αヱ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ゆ
͡ や∠ヲ∇よほ∠∇ャや
⊥ や∠ヲ∇よほ∠∇ャや∠ヱ ぶ
͡ や キ⊥ ヱ⊥ギェ
⊥ ラ
͡ や∠ケヲぁジャや∠ヱ ュ⊥ ゅ∠ヤ∇シΗ
⊥ や∠ゲダ
あ ャゅ∠プ
͡ ∇ぺケ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ヶ͡ハやzギャや マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ヱ∠ ぶ
͡ や ュ⊥ ケ͡ ゅ∠エョ∠ る⊥ エ
∠ わz ヘ∠ ヨ⊥ ∇ャや
͡ や∠ゲダ
あ ャや ベ
͡ ∇ヲプ∠ ∇リョ͡ ヶ͡ハやzギャや∠ヱ ∩͡ぶや ゆ
⊥ ゅ∠わミ͡ ヅ
͡ や∠ゲダ
あ ャや
«ユ͡ヤ∇ジョ⊥ あモミ⊥ ょ
͡ ∇ヤホ∠ ヶ͡プ ぶ
͡ やナ
͡ や∠ヱ
(Allah has given a parable of t he st raight pat h, and on t he t wo sides of t his pat h, t here are t wo
walls cont aining door ways. On t hese door ways, t here are curt ains t hat are lowered down. on
t he gat e of t his pat h t here is a caller heralding, ` O people! come and ent er t he st raight pat h
all t oget her and do not divide. ' There is also anot her caller t hat heralds from above t he pat h,
who says when a person want s t o remove t he curt ain on any of t hese doors, ` Woe t o you! Do
not open t his door, for if you open it , you will ent er it . The (st raight ) pat h is Islam, t he t wo
walls are Allah's set limit s, t he open doors lead t o Allah's prohibit ions, t he caller on t he gat e of
t he pat h is Allah's Book (t he Qur'an), while t he caller from above t he pat h is Allah's admonit ion
in t he heart of every Muslim.) At -Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i also recorded t his Hadit h, and At Tirmidhi said, "Hasan Gharib.'' Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ら⊥ ジ
ぁ ャや ∇やヲ⊥バら͡ わz ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥バら͡ ゎz ゅ∠プぴ
(so follow it , and follow not (ot her) pat hs...) describes Allah's pat h in t he singular sense,
because t rut h is one. Allah describes t he ot her pat hs in t he plural, because t hey are many and
are divided. Allah said in anot her Ayah,
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
ぁ ャや リ
∠ ョあ ユ⊥ヰィ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ガΑ⊥ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ヶ
ぁ ャ͡ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ zヤャやぴ
⊥ ヲ⊥ピ⇒ト
z ャや ユ⊥ ワ⊥ ぼ⊥ べ∠Βャ͡∇ヱぺ∠ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ∠ ミ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱ ケ͡ ヲぁレャや ヴ∠ャま͡
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ャ∇ヱぺ⊥ ろ
͡ ⇒∠ヨヤ⊥ヌ
ぁ ャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ケ͡ ヲぁレャや リ
∠ ョあ ユ⊥ヰル∠ ヲ⊥ィゲ͡ ∇ガΑ⊥
∠ ヱ⊥ギヤ͡⇒∠カ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ∇ユワ⊥ ケ͡ ゅzレャや ょ
⊥ ⇒∠エ∇タぺ∠
(Allah is t he Wali (Prot ect or or Guardian) of t hose who believe. He brings t hem out from
darknesses int o light . But as for t hose who disbelieve, t heir support ers are Taghut (false
deit ies), t hey bring t hem out from light int o darknesses. Those are t he dwellers of t he Fire,
and t hey will abide t herein forever.) 2:257
∠ ∇ェぺ∠ ン͡グャzや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ⇔ョゅ∠ヨゎ∠ ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ヴ∠シヲ⊥ョ ゅ∠レ∇Β∠ゎや¬ zユを⊥ ぴ
¬͡ べ∠ボヤ͡よ͡ ユ⊥ヰヤzバ∠ ャz る⇔ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ヱ∠ ン⇔ギワ⊥ ヱ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ モ
あ ム⊥ ャあ Κ
⇔ Β͡ダ∇ヘ∠ゎ∠ヱ
∀ポ∠ケゅ∠らョ⊥ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ャゴ∠ ル∠ぺ ∀ょ⇒∠わ͡ミ や∠グ⇒∠ワヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ヨェ
∠ ∇ゲゎ⊥ ∇ユム⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ボゎz や∠ヱ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥バら͡ ゎz ゅ∠プ
(154. Then, We gave Musa t he Book t he Tawrah , complet e for t hat which is best , and
explaining all t hings in det ail and a guidance and a mercy t hat t hey might believe in t he
meet ing wit h t heir Lord.) (155. And t his is a blessed Book (t he Qur'an) which We have sent
down, so follow it and have Taqwa, so t hat you may receive mercy.)
Praising the Tawrah and the Qur'an
Aft er Allah described t he Qur'an by saying,
びロ⊥ ヲ⊥バら͡ ゎz ゅ∠プ ゅ⇔ヨΒ͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ヶ͡デゲ∠ タ
͡ や∠グ⇒∠ワ ラ
z ぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(And verily, t his is My st raight pat h, so follow it ...) He t hen praised t he Tawrah and it s
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ヴシ
∠ ヲ⊥ョ ゅ∠レ∇Β∠ゎや¬ zユを⊥ ぴ
(Then, We gave Musa t he Book...) Allah oft en ment ions t he Qur'an and t he Tawrah t oget her.
Allah said,
や∠グ⇒∠ワヱ∠ る⇔ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ョゅ∠ョま͡ ヴ∠シヲ⊥ョ ょ
⊥ ⇒∠わミ͡ ヮ͡ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョヱ∠ ぴ
びゅ⇔Β∂ よ͡ ゲ∠ ハ
∠ ゅ⇔ルゅ∠ジャあ ∀ベギあ ダ
∠ ョぁ ∀ょ⇒∠わ͡ミ
(And before t his was t he Script ure of Musa as a guide and a mercy. And t his is a confirming
Book in t he Arabic language.) 46:12 . Allah said in t he beginning of t his Surah,
や⇔ケヲ⊥ル ヴ∠シヲ⊥ョ ヮ͡ よ͡ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ン͡グャzや ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや メ
∠ ゴ∠ ル∠ぺ ∇リョ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ヘ∇ガゎ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅヰ∠ ル∠ ヱ⊥ギ∇らゎ⊥ ザ
∠ Β͡デゲ∠ ホ∠ ヮ⊥ ∠ルヲ⊥ヤ∠バ∇イ∠ゎ サ
͡ ゅzレヤあャ ン⇔ギワ⊥ ヱ∠
(Say: "Who t hen sent down t he Book which Musa brought , a light and a guidance t o mankind
which you have made int o paper sheet s, disclosing (some of it ) and concealing (much)") 6:91 ,
び∀ポ∠ケゅ∠らョ⊥ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ャゴ∠ ル∠ぺ ∀ょ⇒∠わ͡ミ や∠グ⇒∠ワヱ∠ ぴ
(And t his is a blessed Book which we have sent down. ..) 6:92 Allah said about t he idolat ors,
∠ ゎ͡ ヱ⊥ぺ Ι∇ヲャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ゅ∠ル͡ギレ͡ハ ∇リョ͡ ペ
∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ワ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠ ぴ
びヴ∠シヲ⊥ョ ヴ
∠ ゎ͡ ヱ⊥ぺ べ∠ョ モ
∠ ∇んョ͡
(But when t he t rut h has come t o t hem from Us, t hey say: "Why is he not given t he like of what
was given t o Musa") 28:48 . Allah replied,
∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ モ
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ヴ∠シヲ⊥ョ ヴ
∠ ゎ͡ ヱ⊥ぺ べ∠ヨよ͡ ∇やヱ⊥ゲヘ⊥ ∇ムΑ∠ ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ぺ∠ぴ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ミ yモム⊥ よ͡ ゅzル͡ま ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホヱ∠ や∠ゲヰ∠ ⇒∠ヌゎ∠ ラ
͡ や∠ゲ∇エシ
("Did t hey not disbelieve in t hat which was given t o Musa of old" They say: "Two kinds of magic
t he Tawrah and t he Qur'an , each helping t he ot her!" And t hey say: "Verily, in bot h we are
disbelievers.") 28:48 Allah said about t he Jinns t hat t hey said,
ヴ∠シヲ⊥ョ ギ͡ ∇バよ∠ リ͡ョ メ
∠ ゴ͡ ル⊥ぺ ゅ⇔ら⇒∠わミ͡ ゅ∠レ∇バヨ͡ シ
∠ ゅzル͡ま べ∠レョ∠ ∇ヲボ∠ Αぴ
∠ ∇ャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ン͡ギ∇ヰΑ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Αギ∠ Α∠ リ
∠ ∇Βよ∠ ゅ∠ヨャあ ゅ⇔ホあギダ
∠ ョ⊥
("O our people! Verily, we have heard a Book sent down aft er Musa, confirming what came
before it , it guides t o t he t rut h.") 46:30 Allah's st at ement ,
⇔ Β͡ダ∇ヘゎ∠ ヱ∠ リ
∠ ∇ェぺ∠ ン͡グャzや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ⇔ョゅ∠ヨゎ∠ ぴ
(...complet e for t hat which is best , and explaining all t hings in det ail...") means; ` We made
t he Book t hat We revealed t o Musa, a complet e and comprehensive Book, sufficient for what
he needs t o complet e his Law.' Similarly, Allah said in anot her Ayah,
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモミ⊥ リ͡ョ ゥ
͡ や∠ヲ∇ャΙ
x や ヴ͡プ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ゅ∠レ∇らわ∠ ミ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And We wrot e for him on t he Tablet s t he lesson t o be drawn from all t hings. ) 7:145 Allah's
st at ement ,
∠ ∇ェぺ∠ ン͡グャzや ヴ∠ヤハ
(for t hat which is best ,) means: ` as a reward for his doing right and obeying Our commands and
orders.' Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
⊥ ⇒∠ジ∇ェΗ
͡ やΙ
z ま͡ リ
͡ ⇒∠ジ∇ェΗ
͡ や ¬⊥ へ∠ゴィ
∠ ∇モワ∠ ぴ
(Is t here any reward for good ot her t han what is best ) 55:60 ,
ヴあルま͡ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ リ
z ヰ⊥ ヨz ゎ∠ ほ∠プ∠ ろ
∃ ⇒∠ヨヤ͡ム∠ よ͡ ヮ⊥ ぁよケ∠ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ ヴ∠ヤわ∠ ∇よや ク͡ ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
びゅ⇔ョゅ∠ョま͡ サ
͡ ゅzレヤ͡ャ マ
∠ ヤ⊥バ͡ ⇒∠ィ
(And (remember) when t he Lord of Ibrahim t ried him wit h (cert ain) commands, which he
fulfilled. He (Allah) said (t o him), "Verily, I am going t o make you an Imam for mankind.")
2:124 and,
∇やヱ⊥ゲら∠ タ
∠ ゅzヨャ∠ ゅ∠ルゲ͡ ∇ョほ∠よ͡ ∠ラヱ⊥ギ∇ヰ∠Α る⇔ ヨz も͡ ぺ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥レホ͡ ヲ⊥Α ゅ∠レわ͡ ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒よ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミヱ∠
y(And We made from among t hem (Children of Israel), leaders, giving guidance under Our
command, when t hey were pat ient and believed wit h cert aint y in Our Ayat .) 32:24 Allah
びる⇔ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ヱ∠ ン⇔ギワ⊥ ヱ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ モ
あ ム⊥ ャあ ⇔ΚΒ͡ダ∇ヘ∠ゎ∠ヱぴ
(and explaining all t hings in det ail and a guidance and a mercy) praising t he Book t hat Allah
sent down t o Musa, while,
∠ ∇ェぺ∠ ン͡グャzや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ⇔ョゅ∠ヨゎ∠ ょ
∠ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ヴ∠シヲ⊥ョ ゅ∠レ∇Β∠ゎや¬ zユを⊥ ぴ
¬͡ べ∠ボヤ͡よ͡ ユ⊥ヰヤzバ∠ ャz る⇔ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ヱ∠ ン⇔ギワ⊥ ヱ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ モ
あ ム⊥ ャあ Κ
⇔ Β͡ダ∇ヘ∠ゎ∠ヱ
∀ポ∠ケゅ∠らョ⊥ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇ャゴ∠ ル∠ぺ ∀ょ⇒∠わ͡ミ や∠グ⇒∠ワヱ∠ - ラ
∠ ヲ⊥レョ͡ ∇ぽΑ⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ よあ ケ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ヨェ
∠ ∇ゲゎ⊥ ∇ユム⊥ ヤzバ∠ ャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ボゎz や∠ヱ ロ⊥ ヲ⊥バら͡ ゎz ゅ∠プ
(. ..t hat t hey might believe in t he meet ing wit h t heir Lord. And t his is a blessed Book (t he
Qur'an) which We have sent down, so follow it and have Taqwa so t hat you may receive mercy.)
This calls t o following t he Qur'an. Allah encourages His servant s t o follow His Book (t he Qur'an)
and orders t hem t o underst and it , adhere t o it and call t o it . He also describes it as being
blessed, for t hose who follow and implement it in t his life and t he Hereaft er, because it is t he
Firm Rope of Allah.
リ͡ョ リ
͡ ∇Βわ∠ ヘ∠ も͡ べ∠デ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ょ
⊥ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや メ
∠ ゴ͡ ル⊥ぺ べ∠ヨルz ま͡ ∇やヲ⊥ャヲ⊥ボゎ∠ ラ∠ぺぴ
∇やヲ⊥ャヲ⊥ボゎ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡ヤヘ͡ ⇒∠ピャ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ わ͡ シ
∠ や∠ケキ͡ リ∠ハ ゅzレミ⊥ ラ͡まヱ∠ ゅ∠レヤ͡∇らホ∠
∇ギボ∠ プ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ン∠ギ∇ワぺ∠ べzレム⊥ ャ∠ ょ
⊥ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ゅ∠レ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ メ
∠ ゴ͡ ル⊥ぺ べzル∠ぺ ∇ヲャ∠
ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ニぺ∠ ∇リヨ∠ プ∠ る∀ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ヱ∠ ン⇔ギワ⊥ ヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ よあ ケz リあョ る∀ レ∠ Βあ よ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ィ
ン͡ゴ∇イレ∠ シ
∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇レハ
∠ フ
∠ ギ∠ タ
∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αべ͡よ ゆ
∠ グz ミ∠ リzヨョ͡
∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨ͡よ ゆ
͡ や∠グバ∠ ∇ャや ¬∠ ヲ⊥シ ゅ∠レわ͡ ⇒∠Αへ ∇リハ
∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥プギ͡ ∇ダΑ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや
∠ ヲ⊥プギ͡ ∇ダΑ∠
(156. Lest you should say: "The Book was sent down only t o t wo sect s before us, and for our
part , we were in fact unaware of what t hey st udied.") (157. Or lest you should say: "If only t he
Book had been sent down t o us, we would surely have been bet t er guided t han t hey." So now
has come unt o you a clear proof from your Lord, and a guidance and a mercy. Who t hen does
more wrong t han one who rej ect s t he Ayat of Allah and Sadafa away t herefrom We shall
requit e t hose who t urn away from Our Ayat wit h an evil t orment , because of t heir t urning
The Qur'an is Allah's Proof Against His Creation
Ibn Jarir comment ed on t he Ayah, "The Ayah means, t his is a Book t hat We sent down, so t hat
you do not say,
びゅ∠レヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ リ
͡ ∇Βわ∠ ヘ∠ も͡ べ∠デ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ょ
⊥ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや メ
∠ ゴ͡ ル⊥ぺ べ∠ヨルz ま͡ぴ
("The Book was sent down only t o t wo sect s before us.") This way, you will have no excuse.
Allah said in anot her Ayah,
∇ユヰ͡ Α͡ギ∇Αぺ∠ ∇ろョ∠ ギz ホ∠ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ∀るら∠ Β͡ダョぁ ユ⊥ヰら∠ Β͡ダゎ⊥ ラ∠ぺ Ι∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
ノ∠ ら͡ わあ レ∠ プ∠ Ι
⇔ ヲ⊥シケ∠ ゅ∠レ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ろ
∠ ∇ヤシ
∠ ∇ケぺ∠ Ι∇ヲャ∠ ゅ∠レよz ケ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャヲ⊥ボΒ∠ プ∠
∠ わ͡ ⇒∠Αや¬
(Ot herwise, t hey would have suffered a calamit y because of what t heir hands sent fort h, and
said: "Our Lord! Why did You not send us a Messenger We would t hen have followed Your
Ayat .'') 28:47 .'' The Ayah,
びゅ∠レヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ リ
͡ ∇Βわ∠ ヘ∠ も͡ べ∠デ ヴ∠ヤハ
(t o t wo sect s before us) refers t o t he Jews and Christ ians, according t o ` Ali bin Abi Talhah who
narrat ed it from Ibn ` Abbas. Similar was report ed from Muj ahid, As-Suddi, Qat adah and several
ot hers. Allah's st at ement ,
∠ Β͡ヤヘ͡ ⇒∠ピャ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ わ͡ シ
∠ や∠ケキ͡ リ∠ハ ゅzレミ⊥ ラ͡まヱ∠ ぴ
("...and for our part , we were in fact unaware of what t hey st udied.") meaning: ` we did not
underst and what t hey said because t he revelat ion was not in our t ongue. We, indeed, were
busy and unaware of t heir message,' so t hey said. Allah said next ,
ン∠ギ∇ワぺ∠ べzレム⊥ ャ∠ ょ
⊥ ⇒∠わム͡ ∇ャや ゅ∠レ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ メ
∠ ゴ͡ ル⊥ぺ べzル∠ぺ ∇ヲャ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャヲ⊥ボゎ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
び∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡
(Or lest you should say: "If only t he Book had been sent down t o us, we would surely, have been
bet t er guided t han t hey.") meaning: We also refut ed t his excuse, had you used it , lest you say,
"If a Book was revealed t o us, j ust as t hey received a Book, we would have been bet t er guided
t han t hey are.'' Allah also said.
∀ゲΑ͡グ∠ル ∇ユワ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ィ リ͡ゃャ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ レ͡ ⇒∠ヨ∇Αぺ∠ ギ∠ ∇ヰィ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャゅ͡よ ∇やヲ⊥ヨジ
∠ ∇ホぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
びユ͡ ョ∠ Ι
y や ン∠ギ∇ェま͡ ∇リョ͡ ン∠ギ∇ワぺ∠ リ
z ル⊥ ヲ⊥ムΒ∠ ャz
(And t hey swore by Allah t heir most binding oat h t hat if a warner came t o t hem, t hey would be
more guided t han any of t he nat ions (before t hem).) 35:42 Allah replied here,
びる∀ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ヱ∠ ン⇔ギワ⊥ ヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ よあ ケz リあョ る∀ レ∠ Βあ よ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ ¬∠ べ∠ィ ∇ギボ∠ プ∠ ぴ
(So now has come unt o you a clear proof from your Lord, and a guidance and a mercy.) Allah
says, t here has come t o you from Allah a Glorious Qur'an revealed t o Muhammad , t he Arab
Prophet . In it is t he explanat ion of t he lawful and unlawful mat t ers, guidance for t he heart s
and mercy from Allah t o His servant s who follow and implement it . Allah said;
∠ フ
∠ ギ∠ タ
∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αべ͡よ ゆ
∠ グz ミ∠ リzヨョ͡ ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇ニぺ∠ ∇リヨ∠ プ∠ ぴ
(Who t hen does more wrong t han one who rej ect s t he Ayat of Allah and Sadafa away
t herefrom) This refers t o t he one who neit her benefit ed from what t he Messenger brought , nor
followed what he was sent wit h by abandoning all ot her ways. Rat her, he Sadafa from following
t he Ayat of Allah, meaning, he discouraged and hindered people from following it . This is t he
explanat ion of As-Suddi for Sadafa, while Ibn ` Abbas, Muj ahid and Qat adah said t hat Sadafa
means, he t urned away from it .
∠ ゎ͡ ∇ほΑ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ る⊥ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ Β͡ゎ∇ほゎ∠ ラ∠ぺ Ι
∠ ま͡ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヌ
⊥ レ∠Α ∇モワ∠ ぴ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ヴ͡ゎ∇ほΑ∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ヂ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ヴ
∠ ゎ͡ ∇ほΑ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ マ
∠ よぁ ケ∠
∇ろレ∠ ョ∠ や∠¬ ∇リム⊥ ゎ∠ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ヰル⊥ ゅ∠ヨΑ͡ま ゅ⇔ジ∇ヘル∠ ノ⊥ ヘ∠ レ∠Α Ι
∠ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αや∠¬
͡ わ∠ ルや モ
͡ ホ⊥ や⇔ゲ∇Βカ
∠ ゅ∠ヰ͡レ⇒∠ヨΑ͡ま ヴ͡プ ∇ろら∠ ジ
∠ ミ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ モ
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヌ
͡ わ∠ レ⊥ョ ゅzル͡ま
(158. Do t hey t hen wait for anyt hing ot her t han t hat t he angels should come t o t hem, or t hat
your Lord should come, or t hat some of t he Signs of your Lord should come! The day t hat some
of t he signs of your Lord do come, no good will it do t o a person t o believe t hen, if he believed
not before, nor earned good wit h his fait h. Say: "Wait you! We (t oo) are wait ing.")
The Disbelievers Await the Commencement of the Hereafter, or
Some of its Portents
Allah st ernly t hreat ens t he disbelievers, t hose who defy His Messengers, deny His Ayat and
hinder from His pat h,
∠ ゎ͡ ∇ほΑ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ る⊥ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤヨ∠ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヰ⊥ Β͡ゎ∇ほゎ∠ ラ∠ぺ Ι
∠ ま͡ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヌ
⊥ レ∠Α ∇モワ∠ ぴ
∠ よぁ ケ∠
(Do t hey t hen wait for anyt hing ot her t han t hat t he angels should come t o t hem, or t hat your
Lord (Allah) should come...) on t he Day of Resurrect ion,
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ヴ͡ゎ∇ほΑ∠ ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ヂ
⊥ ∇バよ∠ ヴ
∠ ゎ͡ ∇ほΑ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
びゅ∠ヰル⊥ ゅ∠ヨΑ͡ま ゅ⇔ジ∇ヘル∠ ノ⊥ ヘ∠ レ∠Α Ι
∠ マ
∠ よあ ケ∠ ろ
͡ ⇒∠Αや∠¬
(or t hat some of t he signs of your Lord should come! The day t hat some of t he signs of your
Lord do come no good will it do t o a person t o believe t hen.) Before t he commencement of t he
Day of Resurrect ion, t here will come signs and port ent s of t he Last Hour t hat will be wit nessed
by t he people living at t hat t ime. In a sect ion explaining t his Ayah, Al-Bukhari recorded t hat
Abu Hurayrah said t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ゲ͡ ∇ピョ∠ ∇リョ͡ ザ
⊥ ∇ヨzゼャや ノ∠ ヤ⊥∇トゎ∠ ヴzわェ
∠ る⊥ ハ
∠ ゅzジャや ュ⊥ ヲ⊥ボゎ∠ ゅ∠ャ»
«リΒ͡ェ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ プ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇リョ∠ リ
∠ ョ∠ へ サ
⊥ ゅzレャや ゅ∠ワへ∠ケ や∠クみ͡プ∠
(The Last Hour will not commence unt il t he sun rises from t he west . When t he people wit ness
t hat , t hey will all believe. This is when.
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ∇ろレ∠ ョ∠ や∠¬ ∇リム⊥ ゎ∠ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ヰル⊥ ゅ∠ヨΑ͡ま ゅ⇔ジ∇ヘル∠ ノ⊥ ヘ∠ レ∠Α Ι
(no good will it do t o a person t o believe t hen, if he believed not before.)) Ibn Jarir recorded
t hat Abu Hurayrah said t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
∇リム⊥ ゎ∠ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ヰル⊥ ゅ∠ヨΑ͡ま ゅ⇔ジ∇ヘル∠ ノ⊥ ヘ∠ ∇レΑ∠ ゅ∠ャ リ
∠ ∇ィゲ∠ カ
∠ や∠クま͡ ∀ゐゅ∠ヤ∠を»
⊥ ヲ⊥ヤデ
⊥ ∩や⇔ゲ∇Βカ
∠ ゅ∠ヰル͡ ゅ∠ヨΑ͡ま ヶ͡プ ∇ろら∠ ジ
∠ ミ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ モ∇らホ∠ ∇リョ͡ ∇ろレ∠ ョ∠ へ
«チ∇ケほ∠∇ャや る⊥ zよや∠キヱ∠ メ
⊥ ゅzィギz ャや∠ヱ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ゲ͡ ∇ピョ∠ ∇リョ͡ ザ
͡ ∇ヨゼ
z ャや
(Three, if t hey appear, t hen a soul will not benefit from it s fait h, if it had not believed before
or earned good in it s fait h: when t he sun rises from t he west , Ad-Daj j al and t he Beast of t he
eart h.) Ahmad also recorded t his Hadit h, and in his narrat ion, t he Prophet ment ioned t he
Smoke. Imam Ahmad recorded t hat ` Amr bin Jarir said, "Three Muslim men sat wit h Marwan in
Al-Madinah and t hey heard him t alking about t he signs (of t he Last Hour). He said t hat t he first
sign will be t he appearance of Ad-Daj j al. So t hese men went t o ` Abdullah bin ` Amr and t old
him what t hey heard from Marwan about t he signs. Ibn ` Amr said, Marwan said not hing. I
remember t hat I heard t he Messenger of Allah saying,
∇リョ͡ ザ
͡ ∇ヨゼ
z ャや ネ
⊥ ヲ⊥ヤデ
⊥ ゅ⇔ィヱ⊥ゲカ
⊥ れ
͡ ゅΑべ∇ャや メ
∠ ヱz ぺ∠ ラ
z ま͡»
∠ ∇らホ∠ ∇ろル∠ ゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨヰ⊥ わ⊥ Αz ほ∠プ∠ ヴ⇔エッ
⊥ る͡ よz やzギャや ァ
⊥ ヱ⊥ゲカ
⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ゲ͡ ∇ピョ∠
«ゅ∠ワゲ͡ を∠ ぺ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ン∠ゲ∇カほ⊥∇ャゅ∠プ ゅ∠ヰわ͡ ら∠ ェ
͡ ゅ∠タ
(The first of t he signs t o appear are t he sun rising from t he west and t he Beast t hat appears in
t he early morning. Whichever comes before t he ot her, t hen t he second sign will appear soon
aft er it .'') Then ` Abdullah said - and he used t o read t he Script ures - "And I t hink t he first of
t hem is t he sun rising from t he west . That is because when it set s it comes under t he Throne,
prost rat es and seeks permission t o ret urn. So it is permit t ed t o ret urn unt il Allah want s it t o
rise from t he west . So it does as it normally would, it comes beneat h t he Throne, it prost rat es
and seeks permission t o ret urn. But it will get no response. Then it will seek permission t o
ret urn again , but it will get no response, unt il what Allah wills of t he night t o pass goes by,
and it realizes t hat if it is permit t ed t o ret urn it would not be able t o reach t he east . It says;
` My Lord! The east is so far, what good would I be t o t he people' Unt il t he horizons appear as a
light less ring, it seeks permission t o ret urn and is t old; ` Rise from your place,' so it rises upon
t he people from where it set .'' Then he recit ed,
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ∇ろレ∠ ョ∠ や∠¬ ∇リム⊥ ゎ∠ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ヰル⊥ ゅ∠ヨΑ͡ま ゅ⇔ジ∇ヘル∠ ノ⊥ ヘ∠ レ∠Α Ι
(no good will it do t o a person t o believe t hen, if he believed not before,) This was also
recorded by Muslim in his Sahih, and Abu Dawud and Ibn Maj ah in t heir Sunans. Allah's
st at ement ,
⊥ ∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ∇ろレ∠ ョ∠ や∠¬ ∇リム⊥ ゎ∠ ∇ユャ∠ ゅ∠ヰル⊥ ゅ∠ヨΑ͡ま ゅ⇔ジ∇ヘル∠ ノ⊥ ヘ∠ レ∠Α Ι
(no good will it do t o a person t o believe t hen, if he believed not before,) means, when t he
disbeliever believes t hen, it will not be accept ed from him. As for t hose who were believers
before, if t hey earned right eous deeds, t hey will have earned a great deal of good. If t hey had
not done good nor repent ed before t hen, it will not be accept ed from t hem, according t o t he
Hadit hs t hat we ment ioned. This is also t he meaning of Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ゅ∠ヰレ͡ ⇒∠ヨΑ͡ま ヴ͡プ ∇ろら∠ ジ
∠ ミ∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ぴ
(...nor earned good t hrough his fait h. ) meaning, one's good deeds will not be accept ed from
him unless he performed good deeds before. Allah said next ,
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヌ
͡ わ∠ レ⊥ョ ゅzル͡ま ∇やヱ⊥ゲヌ
͡ わ∠ ルや モ
͡ ホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "Wait you! We (t oo) are wait ing.") This is a st ern t hreat t o t he disbelievers and a sure
promise for t hose who delay embracing t he fait h and repent ing unt il a t ime when fait h or
repent ance shall not avail. This will occur when t he sun rises from t he west because t he Last
Hour will t hen be imminent and it s maj or signs will have begun t o appear. Allah said in ot her
Ayat ,
∇ギボ∠ プ∠ る⇔ わ∠ ∇ピよ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ Β∠ ゎ͡ ∇ほゎ∠ ラ∠ぺ る∠ ハ
∠ ゅzジャや Ι
z ま͡ ラ
∠ ヱ⊥ゲヌ
⊥ レ∠Α ∇モヰ∠ プ∠ ぴ
び ∇ユワ⊥ や∠ゲ∇ミク͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇ゎ¬∠ べ∠ィ や∠クま͡ ∇ユヰ⊥ ャ∠ ヴzルほ∠プ∠ ゅ∠ヰデ
⊥ や∠ゲ∇セぺ∠ ¬∠ べ∠ィ
(Do t hey t hen await (anyt hing) ot her t han t he Hour, t hat it should come upon t hem suddenly
But some of it s port ent s have already come; and when it is upon t hem, how can t hey benefit
t hen by t heir reminder) 47:18 , and,
ゅ∠ル∇ゲヘ∠ ⇒∠ミヱ∠ ロ⊥ ギ∠ ∇ェヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャゅ͡よ ゅzレョ∠ や∠¬ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ゅ∠レシ
∠ ∇ほよ∠ ∇や∇ヱぺ∠ケ∠ ゅzヨヤ∠プ∠ ぴ
ゅzヨ∠ャ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ⊥ ⇒∠ヨΑ͡ま ∇ユヰ⊥ バ⊥ ヘ∠ レ∠Α マ
⊥ Α∠ ∇ユヤ∠プ∠ リ
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼョ⊥ ヮ͡ よ͡ ゅzレミ⊥ ゅ∠ヨよ͡
∠ ∇ほよ∠ ∇や∇ヱぺ∠ケ∠
(So when t hey saw Our punishment , t hey said: "We believe in Allah alone and rej ect (all) t hat
we used t o associat e wit h Him as part ners." Then t heir fait h could not avail t hem when t hey
saw Our punishment .) 40:84-85
∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ろ
∠ ∇ジャz ゅ⇔バΒ∠ セ
͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ Α͡キ ∇やヲ⊥ホゲz プ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ユ⊥ヰゃ⊥ らあ レ∠ Α⊥ zユを⊥ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ⊥ ∇ョぺ∠ べ∠ヨルz ま͡ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ ヴ͡プ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤバ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠
(159. Verily, t hose who divide t heir religion and break up int o sect s, you have no concern wit h
t hem in t he least . Their affair is only wit h Allah, Who t hen will t ell t hem what t hey used t o
Criticizing Division in the Religion
Muj ahid, Qat adah, Ad-Dahhak and As-Suddi said t hat t his Ayah was revealed about t he Jews
and Christ ians. Al-` Awfi said t hat Ibn ` Abbas comment ed,
びゅ⇔バΒ∠ セ
͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ Α͡キ ∇やヲ⊥ホゲz プ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
(Verily, t hose who divide t heir religion and break up int o sect s...) "Before Muhammad was sent ,
t he Jews and Christ ians disput ed and divided int o sect s. When Muhammad was sent , Allah
revealed t o him,
∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ろ
∠ ∇ジャz ゅ⇔バΒ∠ セ
͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ Α͡キ ∇やヲ⊥ホゲz プ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ ヴ͡プ
(Verily, t hose who divide t heir religion and break up int o sect s, you have no concern wit h t hem
in t he least .) It is apparent t hat t his Ayah refers t o all t hose who defy t he religion of Allah, or
revert from it . Allah sent His Messenger wit h guidance and t he religion of t rut h so t hat He
makes it vict orious and dominant above all religions. His Law is one and does not cont ain any
cont radict ion or incongruit y. Therefore, t hose who disput e in t he religion,
͡ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミヱ∠ ぴ
(...and break up int o sect s,) religious sect s, j ust like t hose who follow t he various sect s, desires
and misguidance - t hen Allah has purified His Messenger from t heir ways. In a similar Ayah,
Allah said,
ン͡グャzや∠ヱ ゅ⇔ェヲ⊥ル ヮ͡ よ͡ ヴzタヱ∠ ゅ∠ョ リ
͡ Α͡ギャ͡や リ
∠ ョあ ユ⊥ムャ∠ ネ
∠ ゲ∠ セ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ べ∠レ∇Βェ
∠ ∇ヱぺ∠
(He (Allah) has ordained for you t he same religion which He ordained for Nuh, and t hat which
We have revealed t o you.) 42:13 A Hadit h reads,
«ギ͡ェや∠ヱ ゅ∠レレ⊥ Α͡キ れ
∃ ゅzヤハ
∠ キ⊥ ゅ∠ャ∇ヱぺ∠ ¬͡ ゅ∠Βら͡ ∇ルほ∠∇ャや ゲ⊥ セ
͡ ゅ∠バョ∠ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ »
(We, t he Prophet s, are half brot hers but have one religion.) This, indeed, is t he st raight pat h
which t he Messengers have brought and which commands worshipping Allah alone wit hout
part ners and adhering t o t he Law of t he last Messenger whom Allah sent . All ot her pat hs are
t ypes of misguidance, ignorance, sheer opinion and desires; and as such, t he Messengers are
free from t hem. Allah said here,
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ ヴ͡プ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ろ
∠ ∇ジャzぴ
(You have no concern wit h t hem in t he least ...) 6:159 . Allah's st at ement ,
∠ ヲ⊥ヤバ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ユ⊥ヰゃ⊥ らあ レ∠ Α⊥ zユを⊥ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ∇ユワ⊥ ゲ⊥ ∇ョぺ∠ べ∠ヨルz ま͡ぴ
(Their affair is only wit h Allah, Who t hen will t ell t hem what t hey used t o do.) is similar t o His
st at ement ,
∠リΒ͡ゃ͡ら⇒zダャや∠ヱ ∇やヱ⊥キゅ∠ワ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
z ま͡ぴ
ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ ∇やヲ⊥ミゲ∠ ∇セぺ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱ サ
∠ ヲ⊥イヨ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ン∠ゲ⇒∠ダレz ャや∠ヱ
びる͡ ヨ∠ ⇒Β͡ボ∇ャや ュ∠ ∇ヲΑ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ ∇Βよ∠ モ
͡ ∇ヘΑ∠
(Verily, t hose who believe, and t hose who are Jews, and t he Sabians, and t he Christ ians, and
t he Maj us, and t hose who worship ot hers besides Allah; t ruly, Allah will j udge bet ween t hem on
t he Day of Resurrect ion.) 22:17 eAllah t hen ment ioned His kindness in His decisions and His
j ust ice on t he Day of Resurrect ion, when He said,
¬∠ べ∠ィ リ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰャ͡ゅ∠ん∇ョぺ∠ ゲ⊥ ∇ゼハ
∠ ヮ⊥ ヤ∠プ∠ る͡ レ∠ ジ
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ ¬∠ べ∠ィ リ∠ョぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ∠∇ヌΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ∇ユワ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰヤ∠∇んョ͡ Ι
z ま͡ ン∠ゴ∇イΑ⊥ Κ
∠ プ∠ る͡ ゃ∠ Βあ ジ
z ャゅ͡よ
(160. Whoever brings a good deed shall have t en t imes t he like t hereof t o his credit , and
whoever brings an evil deed shall have only t he recompense of t he like t hereof, and t hey will
not be wronged.)
The Good Deed is Multiplied Tenfold, While the Sin is Recompensed
with the Same
This Ayah explains t he general Ayah;
びゅ∠ヰ∇レョあ ∀ゲ∇Β∠カ ヮ⊥ ヤ∠プ∠ る͡ レ∠ ジ
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ ¬∠ べ∠ィ リ∠ョぴ
(Whoever comes wit h good, t hen he will receive bet t er t han t hat .) 28:84 There are several
Hadit hs t hat are in agreement wit h t he apparent wording of t his honorable Ayah. Imam Ahmad
bin Hanbal recorded t hat Ibn ` Abbas said t hat t he Messenger of Allah said about his Lord,
∇ユヤ∠プ∠ る∃ レ∠ ジ
∠ よ͡ ユz ワ∠ ∇リョ∠ ∀ユΒ͡ェ∠ケ モ
∠ ヱ∠ ゴz ハ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ よz ケ∠ ラ
z ま͡»
ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ∇ろら∠ わ͡ ミ⊥ ゅ∠ヰヤ∠ヨ͡ ハ
∠ ∇ラみ͡プ∠ る⇔ レ∠ ジ
∠ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ∇ろら∠ わ͡ ミ⊥ ゅ∠ヰ∇ヤヨ∠ ∇バΑ∠
∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ .り∃ ゲ∠ Β͡んミ∠ フ
∃ ゅ∠バ∇ッぺ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ る∃ も∠ ゅ͡ヨバ͡ ∇らシ
∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ や⇔ゲ∇ゼハ
ゅ∠ヰヤ∠ヨ͡ ハ
∠ ∇ラみ͡プ∠ る⇔ レ∠ ジ
∠ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ∇ろら∠ わ͡ ミ⊥ ゅ∠ヰ∇ヤヨ∠ ∇バΑ∠ ∇ユヤ∠プ∠ る∃ ゃ∠ Βあ ジ
∠ よ͡ ユz ワ∠
ゅ∠ャヱ∠ モ
∠ ヱ∠ ゴz ハ
∠ ぶ
⊥ や ゅ∠ワヲ⊥エ∇ヨ∠Α ∇ヱぺ∠ り⇔ ギ∠ ェ
͡ や∠ヱ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ∇ろら∠ わ͡ ミ⊥
«マ͡ャゅ∠ワ ゅzャま͡ ぶ
͡ や ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ マ
⊥ ヤ͡∇ヰΑ∠
(Your Lord is Most Merciful. Whoever int ends t o perform a good deed and does not do it , it will
be writ t en for him as a good deed. If he performs it , it will be writ t en for him as t en deeds, t o
seven hundred, t o mult ifold. Whoever int ends t o commit an evil deed, but does not do it , it
will be writ t en for him as a good deed. If he commit s it , it will be writ t en for him as a sin,
unless Allah erases it . Only t hose who deserve dest ruct ion will be dest royed by Allah.) AlBukhari, Muslim and An-Nasa'i also recorded t his Hadit h. Ahmad also recorded t hat Abu Dharr
said t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
ゲ⊥ ∇ゼハ
∠ ヮ⊥ ヤ∠プ∠ る⇔ レ∠ ジ
∠ モ
∠ ヨ͡ ハ
∠ ∇リョ∠ :モ
∠ ヱ∠ ゴz ハ
∠ ぶ
⊥ やメ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボΑ∠ »
∇ヱぺ∠ ゅ∠ヰヤ⊥∇んョ͡ ゅ∠ワぼ⊥ や∠ゴイ
∠ プ∠ る⇔ ゃ∠ Βあ シ
∠ モ
∠ ヨ͡ ハ
∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ ギ⊥ Α͡コぺ∠ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰャ͡ゅ∠ん∇ョぺ∠
ヶ͡レ∠Β͡ボ∠ャ zユを⊥ る⇔ ゃ∠ Β͡トカ
∠ チ
͡ ∇ケほ∠∇ャや ゆ
∠ や∠ゲホ⊥ モ
∠ ヨ͡ ハ
∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ ゲ⊥ ヘ͡ ∇ビぺ∠
͡ ョ∠ ヱ∠ ∩⇔りゲ∠ ヘ͡ ∇ピョ∠ ゅ∠ヰヤ∠∇んョ͡ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ヤバ∠ ィ
∠ ゅ⇔ゃ∇Βセ
∠ ヶ͡よ ポ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ゼΑ⊥ ゅ∠ャ
͡ ョ∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ハや∠ケク͡ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ろ
⊥ ∇よゲ∠ わ∠ ∇ホや や⇔ゲ∇らセ
͡ ヶ
z ャ͡ま ゆ
∠ ゲ∠ わ∠ ∇ホや
ヶ͡ルゅ∠ゎぺ∠ ∇リョ∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ハゅ∠よ ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ろ
⊥ ∇よゲ∠ わ∠ ∇ホや ゅ⇔ハや∠ケク͡ ヶ
z ャ∠ま͡ ゆ
∠ ゲ∠ わ∠ ∇ホや
«る∠ャヱ∠ ∇ゲワ∠ ヮ⊥ わ⊥ ∇Βゎ∠ ぺ∠ ヶ͡ゼ∇ヨΑ∠
(Allah says, ` Whoever performs a good deed, will have t enfold for it and more. Whoever
commit s a sin, t hen his recompense will be t he same, unless I forgive. Whoever commit s t he
eart h's fill of sins and t hen meet s Me while associat ing none wit h Me, I will give him it s fill of
forgiveness. Whoever draws closer t o Me by a hand's span, I will draw closer t o him by a
forearm's lengt h. Whoever draws closer t o Me by a forearm's lengt h, I will draw closer t o him by
an arm's lengt h. And whoever comes t o Me walking, I will come t o him running.') Muslim also
collect ed t his Hadit h. Know t hat t here are t hree t ypes of people who refrain from commit t ing a
sin t hat t hey int ended. There are t hose who refrain from commit t ing t he sin because t hey fear
Allah, and t hus will have writ t en for t hem a good deed as a reward. This t ype cont ains bot h a
good int ent ion and a good deed. In some narrat ions of t he Sahih, Allah says about t his t ype, "He
has left t he sin for My sake.'' Anot her t ype does not commit t he sin because of forget fulness or
being busy at t ending t o ot her affairs. This t ype of person will neit her earn a sin, nor a reward.
The reason being t hat , t his person did not int end t o do good, nor commit evil. Some people
abandon t he sin because t hey were unable t o commit it or due t o laziness, aft er t rying t o
commit it and seeking t he means t hat help commit it . This person is j ust like t he person who
commit s t he sin. There is an aut hent ic Hadit h t hat st at es,
⊥ ヲ⊥わ∇ボヨ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ モ
⊥ ゎ͡ ゅ∠ボ∇ャゅ∠プ ゅ∠ヨヰ͡ ∇Βヘ∠ ∇Βジ
∠ よ͡ ラ
͡ ゅ∠ヨヤ͡∇ジヨ⊥ ∇ャや ヴ∠ボわ∠ ∇ャや や∠クま͡»
«ケゅzレャや ヶ͡プ
(When t wo Muslims meet wit h t heir swords, t hen t he killer and t he killed will be in t he Fire.)
They said, "O Allah's Messenger! We know about t he killer, so what about t he killed'' He said,
͡ ゅ∠タ モ
͡ ∇わホ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ゅ⇔ダΑ͡ゲェ
∠ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ヮ⊥ zルま͡»
(He was eager t o kill his companion.) Al-Hafiz Abu Al-Qasim At -Tabarani said t hat Abu Malik AlAsh` ari said t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
ゅ∠ヰΒ͡ヤゎ∠ ヶ͡わャzや る͡ バ∠ ヨ⊥ イ
⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ∇Βよ∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰレ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ゅ∠ヨャ͡ ∀り∠ケゅzヘ∠ミ る⊥ バ∠ ヨ⊥ イ
⊥ ∇ャや»
∠ ゅ∠ホ ヴ∠ャゅ∠バゎ∠ ぶ
∠ やラ
∠ マ
∠ ャ͡ク∠ ヱ∠ ∩∃ュゅzΑぺ∠ る͡ を∠ ゅ∠ヤを∠ り⊥ キ∠ ゅ∠Αコ͡ ヱ∠
びゅ∠ヰャ͡ゅ∠ん∇ョぺ∠ ゲ⊥ ∇ゼハ
∠ ヮ⊥ ヤ∠プ∠ る͡ レ∠ ジ
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ ¬∠ べ∠ィ リ∠ョぴ
(Friday (prayer) t o t he next Friday (preayer), plus t hree more days, erase what ever was
commit t ed (of sins) bet ween t hem. This is because Allah says: Whoever brings a good deed
shall have t en t imes t he like t hereof t o his credit ) Abu Dharr narrat ed t hat t he Messenger of
Allah said,
ュ∠ ゅ∠タ ∇ギボ∠ プ∠ ゲ∃ ∇ヰセ
∠ あモミ⊥ ∇リョ͡ ュ∃ ゅzΑぺ∠ る∠ を∠ ゅ∠ヤを∠ ュ∠ ゅ∠タ ∇リョ∠ »
«ヮzヤミ⊥ ゲ∠ ∇ワギz ャや
(Whoever fast s t hree days every mont h, will have fast ed all t he t ime.) Ahmad, An-Nasa'i, and
Ibn Maj ah recorded t his Hadit h, and t his is Ahmad's wording. At -Tirmidhi also recorded it wit h
t his addit ion;
«ヮよゅわミ ヶプ マャク ペΑギダゎ ぶや メゴルほプ»
(So Allah sent down affirmat ion of t his st at ement in His Book, )
びゅ∠ヰャ͡ゅ∠ん∇ョぺ∠ ゲ⊥ ∇ゼハ
∠ ヮ⊥ ヤ∠プ∠ る͡ レ∠ ジ
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ ¬∠ べ∠ィ リ∠ョぴ
(Whoever brings a good deed shall have t en t imes t he like t hereof t o his credit ,)
«ュゅΑぺ りゲゼバよ ュヲΒャや»
(Therefore, a day earns t en days.) At -Tirmidhi said; "This Hadit h is Hasan''. There are many
ot her Hadit hs and st at ement s on t his subj ect , but what we ment ioned should be sufficient ,
Allah willing, and our t rust is in Him.
ゅ⇔レΑ͡キ ユ∃ Β͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョぁ ヅ
∃ ゲ∠ タ
͡ ヴ∠ャま͡ ヴあよケ∠ ヴ͡ルや∠ギワ∠ ヴ͡レルz ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
- ∠リΒ͡ミ͡ゲ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヘΒ͡レェ
∠ ユ∠ Β͡ワや∠ゲ∇よま͡ る∠ ヤzョあ ゅ⇔ヨΒ∠ ホ͡
ヮ͡ ヤzャ ヴ͡ゎゅ∠ヨョ∠ ヱ∠ ∠ンゅ∠Β∇エ∠ョ∠ヱ ヴ͡ムジ
⊥ ル⊥ ∠ヱ ヴ͡ゎΚ
∠ ラ
z ま͡ ∇モホ⊥
∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ヱ∠ れ
⊥ ∇ゲョ͡ ぺ⊥ マ
∠ ャ͡グ∠ よ͡ ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ マ
∠ Α͡ゲセ
∠ Ι
∠ -リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ∠⇒∠バ∇ャや ゆ
あ ケ∠
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡∇ジヨ⊥ ∇ャや メ
⊥ zヱぺ∠
(161. Say: "Truly, my Lord has guided me t o a st raight pat h, a right religion, t he religion of
Ibrahim, Hanifan (monot heism) and he was not of t he Mushrikin.") (162. Say: "Verily, my Salah,
my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, t he Lord of all t hat exist s.'') (163. "He has
no part ner. And of t his I have been commanded, and I am t he first of t he Muslims.")
Islam is the Straight Path
Allah commands His Prophet , t he chief of t he Messengers, t o convey t he news of being guided
t o Allah's st raight pat h. This pat h is neit her wicked, nor deviant ,
びゅ⇔ヨΒ∠ ホ͡ ゅ⇔レΑ͡キぴ
(a right religion...) t hat is, est ablished on firm grounds,
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヘΒ͡レェ
∠ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ る∠ ヤzョ͡ ぴ
(The religion of Ibrahim, Hanifan and he was not of t he Mushrikin.) Allah said in similar Ayat ,
びヮ⊥ ジ
∠ ∇ヘル∠ ヮ∠ ヘ͡ シ
∠ リ∠ョ Ι
z ま͡ ∠ユΒ͡ワ∠ゲ∇よ͡ま る͡ ヤzョあ リ∠ハ ょ
⊥ ビ
∠ ∇ゲΑ∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
(And who t urns away from t he religion of Ibrahim except him who deludes himself) 2:130 ,
ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠らわ∠ ∇ィや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ロ͡ ギ͡ ⇒∠ヰィ
͡ ペ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ͡プ やヱ⊥ギヰ͡ ⇒∠ィヱ∠ ぴ
∇ユム⊥ Β͡よぺ∠ る∠ ヤzョあ ァ
∃ ゲ∠ ェ
∠ ∇リョ͡ リ
͡ Αあギャや ヴ͡プ ∇ユム∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ モ
∠ バ∠ ィ
びユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡
(And st rive hard in Allah's cause as you ought t o st rive. He has chosen you, and has not laid
upon you in religion any hardship: it is t he religion of your fat her Ibrahim.) 22:78 , and,
∠ ョ͡ マ
⊥ Α∠ ∇ユャ∠ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヘΒ͡レェ
∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャ͡ ゅ⇔わレ͡ ⇒∠ホ る⇔ ョz ぺ⊥ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ ラ
z ま͡ぴ
ヴ∠ャま͡ ロ⊥ や∠ギワ∠ ヱ∠ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠らわ∠ ∇ィや ヮ͡ ヨ͡ バ⊥ ∇ルΙ や⇔ゲ͡ミゅ∠セ - リ
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや
ヮ⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠ る⇔ レ∠ ジ
∠ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇Βゎ∠ や¬∠ヱ - ユ∃ Β͡ボわ∠ ∇ジョぁ ヅ
∃ ゲ∠ タ
͡ ぺ∠ マ
∠ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ べ∠レ∇Βェ
∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ zユを⊥ - リ
∠ Β͡エヤ͡⇒zダャや リ
∠ ヨ͡ ャ∠ り͡ ゲ∠ カ
x や ヴ͡プ
∠ Β͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヘΒ͡レェ
∠ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ る∠ ヤzョ͡ ∇ノら͡ ゎz や
(Verily, Ibrahim was an Ummah (or a nat ion), obedient t o Allah, a Hanif, and he was not one of
t he Mushrikin. (He was) t hankful for His (Allah's) favors. He (Allah) chose him (as an int imat e
friend) and guided him t o a st raight pat h. And We gave him good in t his world, and in t he
Hereaft er he shall be of t he right eous. Then, We have sent t he revelat ion t o you (saying):
"Follow t he religion of Ibrahim, (he was a) Hanif, and he was not of t he Mushrikin'') 16:120123 . Ordering t he Prophet t o follow t he religion of Ibrahim, t he Hanifiyyah, does not mean
t hat Prophet Ibrahim reached more perfect ion in it t han our Prophet . Rat her, our Prophet
perfect ly est ablished t he religion and it was complet ed for him; and none before him reached
t his level of perfect ion. This is why he is t he Final Prophet , t he chief of all t he Children of
Adam who holds t he st at ion of praise and glory, t he honor of int ercession on t he Day of
Resurrect ion. All creat ion (on t hat Day) will seek him, even Ibrahim t he friend of Allah, peace
be upon him t o request t he beginning of Judgement . Imam Ahmad recorded t hat Ibn ` Abbas
said, "The Messenger of Allah was asked, ` Which religion is t he best wit h Allah, t he Exalt ed' He
z ャや る⊥ zΒヘ͡ Β͡レエ
∠ ∇ャや»
(Al-Hanifiyyah As-Samhah (t he easy monot heism))''
The Command for Sincerity in Worship
Allah said next ,
ヮ͡ ヤzャ ヴ͡ゎゅ∠ヨョ∠ ヱ∠ ∠ンゅ∠Β∇エ∠ョ∠ヱ ヴ͡ムジ
⊥ ル⊥ ∠ヱ ヴ͡ゎΚ
∠ ラ
z ま͡ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ∠⇒∠バ∇ャや ゆ
あ ケ∠
(Say: "Verily, my Salah, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, t he Lord of t he all
t hat exist s.") Allah commands t he Prophet t o inform t he idolat ors who worship ot her t han Allah
and sacrifice t o somet hing ot her t han Him, t hat he opposes t hem in all t his, for his prayer is for
Allah, and his rit uals are in His Name alone, wit hout part ners. Allah said in a similar st at ement ,
び ∇ゲエ
∠ ∇ルや∠ヱ マ
∠ よあ ゲ∠ ャ͡ モ
∠ プ∠ ぴ
(Therefore t urn in prayer t o your Lord and sacrifice.) 108:2 , meaning, make your prayer and
sacrifice for Allah alone. As for t he idolat ors, t hey used t o worship t he idols and sacrifice t o
t hem, so Allah commanded t he Prophet t o defy t hem and cont radict t heir pract ices. Allah, t he
Exalt ed, commanded him t o dedicat e his int ent ion and heart t o being sincere for Him alone.
Muj ahid comment ed,
⊥ ル⊥ ∠ヱ ヴ͡ゎΚ
∠ ラ
z ま͡ぴ
(Verily, my prayer and my Nusuk...) refers t o sacrificing during Haj j and ` Umrah.
Islam is the Religion of all Prophets
The Ayah,
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡∇ジヨ⊥ ∇ャや メ
⊥ zヱぺ∠ ∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
(and I am t he first of t he Muslims.) means, from t his Ummah, according t o Qat adah. This is a
sound meaning, because all Prophet s before our Prophet were calling t o Islam, which
commands worshipping Allah alone wit hout part ners. Allah said in anot her Ayah,
ヮ͡ ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ヴ͡ェヲ⊥ル Ι
z ま͡ メ
∃ ヲ⊥シケz リ͡ョ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇らホ∠ リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ヤシ
∠ ∇ケぺ∠ べ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
͡ ヱ⊥ギら⊥ ∇ハゅ∠プ ∇ゅル∠ ぺ∠ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ∠ ⇒∠ャま͡ Ι ヮ⊥ zルぺ∠
(And We did not send any Messenger before you but We revealed t o him (saying): "None has t he
right t o be worshipped but I, so worship Me.'') 21:25 Allah informed us t hat Nuh said t o his
z ま͡ ン
∠ ゲ͡ ∇ィぺ∠ ∇ラま͡ ゲ∃ ∇ィぺ∠ ∇リョあ ∇ユム⊥ わ⊥ ∇ャほ∠シ
∠ ゅ∠ヨプ∠ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇Βャzヲ∠ ゎ∠ ラ͡みプ∠ ぴ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡∇ジヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ミぺ∠ ∇ラぺ∠ れ
⊥ ∇ゲョ͡ ぺ⊥ヱ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
(But if you t urn away, t hen no reward have I asked of you, my reward is only from Allah, and I
have been commanded t o be of t he Muslims.) 10:72 Allah said,
ヮ⊥ ジ
∠ ∇ヘル∠ ヮ∠ ヘ͡ シ
∠ リ∠ョ Ι
z ま͡ ユ∠ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ る͡ ヤzョあ リ∠ハ ょ
⊥ ビ
∠ ∇ゲΑ∠ リ∠ョヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヨ͡ ャ∠ り͡ ゲ∠ カ
x や ヴ͡プ ヮ⊥ ルzま͡ヱ∠ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや ヶ͡プ ヮ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇Βヘ∠ ト
∠ ∇タや ギ͡ ボ∠ ャ∠ヱ∠
⊥ ∇ヨヤ∠∇シぺ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇ユヤ͡∇シぺ∠ ヮ⊥ ぁよケ∠ ヮ⊥ ャ∠ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホ ∇クま͡ - リ
∠ Β͡エヤ͡⇒zダャや
ヮ͡ Β͡レよ∠ ユ⊥ Β͡ワゲ∠ ∇よま͡ べ∠ヰよ͡ ヴzタヱ∠ ヱ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ∠⇒∠バ∇ャや ゆ
あ ゲ∠ ャ͡
∠ プ∠ リ
∠ Αあギャや ユ⊥ ム⊥ ャ∠ ヴ∠ヘト
∠ ∇タや ヮ∠ ヤzャや ラ
z ま͡ ヴ
z レ͡ ら∠ ⇒∠Α ゆ
⊥ ヲ⊥ボ∇バΑ∠ ヱ∠
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ͡∇ジョぁ ユ⊥わル∠ぺヱ∠ Ι
z ま∠ リ
z ゎ⊥ ヲ⊥ヨゎ∠
(And who t urns away from t he religion of Ibrahim except him who deludes himself Truly, We
chose him in t his world and verily, in t he Hereaft er he will be among t he right eous. When his
Lord said t o him, "Submit (i.e. be a Muslim)!'' He said, "I have submit t ed myself (as a Muslim) t o
t he Lord of t he all t hat exist s.'' And t his was enj oined by Ibrahim upon his sons and by Ya` qub
(saying), "O my sons! Allah has chosen for you t he (t rue) religion, t hen die not except as
Muslims.") 2:130-132 . Yusuf, peace be upon him, said,
͡ Α͡ヱ∇ほゎ∠ リ͡ョ ヴ͡レわ∠ ∇ヨヤzハ
∠ ヱ∠ マ
͡ ∇ヤヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ヴ͡レわ∠ ∇Βゎ∠ へ ∇ギホ∠ ゆ
あ ケ∠ ぴ
あ ャ͡ヱ∠ ろ
∠ ル∠ぺ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や∠ヱ れ
͡ ヲ∠ ⇒∠ヨジ
z ャや ゲ∠ デ
͡ ゅ∠プ ゑ
͡ Α͡キゅ∠ェΙ
ヴ͡レ∇ボ͡エ∇ャ∠ぺ∠ヱ ゅ⇔ヨ͡ヤ∇ジョ⊥ ヴ͡レプz ヲ∠ ゎ∠ り͡ ゲ∠ カ
x や∠ヱ ゅ∠Βル⊥ ギぁ ャや ヴ͡プ
∠ Β͡エヤ͡⇒zダャゅ͡よ
(My Lord! You have indeed best owed on me of t he sovereignt y, and t aught me somet hing of t he
int erpret at ion of dreams -- t he (Only) Creat or of t he heavens and t he eart h! You are my Wali
(Prot ect or) in t his world and in t he Hereaft er. Cause me t o die as a Muslim, and j oin me wit h
t he right eous.) 12:101 Musa said,
ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠バ∠ プ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャゅ͡よ ∇ユわ⊥ ∇レョ∠ や¬ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ラ͡ま ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ Α ヴ∠シヲ⊥ョ メ
∠ ゅ∠ホヱ∠ ぴ
ゅ∠レ∇ヤミz ヲ∠ ゎ∠ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ボプ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡∇ジョぁ ユ⊥わ∇レミ⊥ ラ͡ま ∇やヲ⊥ヤミz ∠ヲ∠ゎ
あ ル∠ ヱ∠ - リ
∠ Β͡ヨヤ͡⇒zヌャや ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ヤャあ る⇔ レ∠ ∇わプ͡ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ ∇イゎ∠ Ι
∠ ゅ∠レよz ケ∠
∠ Α͡ゲヘ͡ ⇒∠ム∇ャや ュ͡ ∇ヲボ∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ マ
∠ わ͡ ヨ∠ ∇ェゲ∠ よ͡
(And Musa said: "O my people! If you have believed in Allah, t hen put your t rust in Him if you
are Muslims." They said: "In Allah we put our t rust . Our Lord! Make us not a t rial for t he folk
who are wrongdoers. And save us by your mercy from t he disbelieving folk'') 10:84-86 Allah
ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ユ⊥ ム⊥ ∇エΑ∠ ∀ケヲ⊥ルヱ∠ ン⇔ギワ⊥ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ り∠ や∠ケ∇ヲわz ャや ゅ∠レ∇ャゴ∠ ル∠ぺ べzル͡まぴ
∠ ヲぁΒル͡ ゅzよゲz ャや∠ヱ ∇やヱ⊥キゅ∠ワ リ
∠ Α͡グヤzャ͡ ∇やヲ⊥ヨヤ∠∇シぺ∠ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや ラ
∠ ヲぁΒら͡ レz ャや
びケ⊥ ゅ∠ら∇ェΙ
x や∠ヱ
(Verily, We did send down t he Tawrah, t herein was guidance and light , by which t he Prophet s,
who submit t ed t hemselves t o Allah's will, j udged for t he Jews. And t he rabbis and t he priest s
did also .) 5:44 , and,
ヴ͡よ ∇やヲ⊥レョ͡ や∠¬ ∇ラぺ∠ リ
∠ ΒΑあ ケ͡ や∠ヲエ
∠ ∇ャや ヴ∠ャま͡ ろ
⊥ ∇Βェ
∠ ∇ヱぺ∠ ∇クま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨヤ͡∇ジョ⊥ ゅ∠レルz ∠ほ͡よ ∇ギヰ∠ ∇セや∠ヱ ゅzレョ∠ や∠¬ ∇やヲ⊥ャゅ∠ホ ヴ͡ャヲ⊥シゲ∠ よ͡ ヱ∠
(And when I (Allah) inspired Al-Hawariyyun (t he disciples) of ` Isa t o believe in Me and My
Messenger, t hey said: "We believe. And bear wit ness t hat we are Muslims.") 5:111 Therefore,
Allah st at es t hat He sent all His Messengers wit h t he religion of Islam, alt hough t heir respect ive
laws differed from each ot her, and some of t hem abrogat ed ot hers. Lat er on, t he Law sent
wit h Muhammad abrogat ed all previous laws and not hing will ever abrogat e it , forever.
Cert ainly, Muhammad's Law will always be apparent and it s flags raised high, unt il t he Day of
Resurrect ion. The Prophet said, C
«ギ͡ェや∠ヱ ゅ∠レレ⊥ Α͡キ れ
∃ ゅzヤハ
∠ キ⊥ ゅ∠ャ∇ヱぺ∠ ¬͡ ゅ∠Βら͡ ∇ルほ∠∇ャや ゲ⊥ セ
͡ ゅ∠バョ∠ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ »
(We, t he Prophet s, are half brot hers, but our religion is one.) Half brot hers, ment ioned in t he
Hadit h, refers t o t he brot hers t o one fat her, but different mot hers. Therefore, t he religion,
represent ing t he one fat her, is one; worshipping Allah alone wit hout part ners, even t hough t he
laws which are like t he different mot hers in t his parable, are different . Allah t he Most High
knows best . Imam Ahmad recorded t hat ` Ali said t hat when t he Messenger of Allah used t o
st art t he prayer wit h Takbir saying, "Allahu Akbar'' (Allah is t he Great ) he would t hen
supplicat e,
∠ ∇ケほ∠∇ャや∠ヱ れ
͡ や∠ヲヨ∠ ジ
z ャや ゲ∠ ト
∠ プ∠ ヵ͡グヤzャ͡ ヶ
∠ ヰ͡ ∇ィヱ∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ヰzィヱ∠ »
⊥ ル⊥ ヱ∠ ヶ͡ゎゅ∠ヤタ
∠ ラ
z ま͡ ∩∠リΒ͡ミゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ゅ∠ル∠ぺ ゅ∠ョヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヘΒ͡レェ
«リΒ͡ヨャ∠ゅ∠バ∇ャや ゆ
あ ケ∠ ぶ
͡ ヶ͡ゎゅ∠ヨョ∠ ヱ∠ ∠ヵゅ∠Β∇エ∠ョ∠ヱ
(I have direct ed my face t owards He Who has creat ed t he heavens and eart h, Hanifan and I am
not among t he Mushrikin. Cert ainly, my prayer, sacrifice, living and dying are all for Allah, Lord
of t he worlds.)
ゅ∠ルぺ∠ヱ∠ ヶあよケ∠ ろ
∠ ∇ルぺ∠ ∩∠ろ∇ル∠ぺ ゅzャま͡ ヮ∠ ャ∠ま͡ ゅ∠ャ マ
⊥ ヤ͡ヨ∠ ∇ャや ろ
∠ ∇ルぺ∠ ユz ヰ⊥ ヤzャや»
ヶ͡ャ ∇ゲヘ͡ ∇ビゅ∠プ ヶ͡ら∇ルグ∠ よ͡ ろ
⊥ ∇プゲ∠ わ∠ ∇ハや∠ヱ ヶ͡ジ∇ヘル∠ ろ
⊥ ∇ヨヤ∠ニ
∠ ポ
∠ ギ⊥ ∇らハ
ヶ͡ルギ͡ ∇ワや∠ヱ ∩∠ろ∇ル∠ぺ ゅzャま͡ ゆ
∠ ヲ⊥ルグぁ ャや ゲ⊥ ヘ͡ ∇ピΑ∠ ゅ∠ャ ゅ⇔バΒ͡ヨィ
∠ ヶ͡よヲ⊥ルク⊥
∩∠ろ∇ルぺ∠ ゅzャま͡ ゅ∠ヰレ͡ ジ
∠ ∇ェほ∠ャ͡ ヵ͡ギ∇ヰΑ∠ ゅ∠ャ ベ
͡ ゅ∠ヤ∇カほ∠∇ャや リ
∠ ∇ェほ∠ャ͡
ゅzャま͡ ゅ∠ヰゃ∠ Βあ シ
∠ ヶあレハ
∠ フ
⊥ ゲ͡ ∇ダΑ∠ ゅ∠ャ ゅ∠ヰゃ∠ Βあ シ
∠ ヶあレハ
∠ ∇フゲ͡ ∇タや∠ヱ
«マ∇Βャ∠ま͡ ゆ
⊥ ヲ⊥ゎぺ∠ヱ∠ ポ
∠ ゲ⊥ ヘ͡ ∇ピわ∠ ∇シぺ∠ ∩∠ろ∇Βャ∠ゅ∠バゎ∠ ヱ∠ ろ
∠ ∇ミケ∠ ゅ∠らゎ∠ ∩∠ろ∇ルぺ∠
(O Allah! You are t he King, t here is no deit y wort hy of worship except You. You are my Lord
and I am Your servant . I have commit t ed wrong against myself and admit t ed t o my error, so
forgive me all my sins. Verily, You, only You forgive t he sins. (O Allah!) Direct me t o t he best
conduct , for none except You direct s t o t he best conduct . Divert me from t he worst conduct ,
for only You divert from t he worst conduct . Glorified and Exalt ed You are. I seek Your
forgiveness and repent t o You.) This Hadit h, which was also recorded by Muslim in t he Sahih,
cont inues and ment ions t he Prophet 's supplicat ion in his bowing, prost rat ing and final sit t ing
posit ions.
∠ ヱ∠ ¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモミ⊥ ゆ
ぁ ケ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ゅ6よ∠ケ ヴ͡ピ∇よ∠ぺ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ぺ∠ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
ケ∠ ∇コヱ͡ り∀ ケ∠ コ͡ や∠ヱ ケ⊥ ゴ͡ ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ Ι
z ま͡ ザ
∃ ∇ヘル∠ ぁモミ⊥ ょ
⊥ ジ
͡ ∇ムゎ∠
∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ユ⊥ムゃ⊥ らあ レ∠ Β⊥ プ∠ ∇ユム⊥ バ⊥ ィ
͡ ∇ゲzョ ∇ユム⊥ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ zユを⊥ ン∠ゲ∇カぺ⊥
∠ ヲ⊥ヘヤ͡わ∠ ∇ガゎ∠ ヮ͡ Β͡プ
(164. Say: "Shall I seek a lord ot her t han Allah, while He is t he Lord of all t hings No person
earns any (sin) except against himself (only), and no bearer of burdens shall bear t he burden of
anot her. Then unt o your Lord is your ret urn, so He will t ell you t hat wherein you have been
The Command to Sincerely Trust in Allah
Allah said,
び∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say), O Muhammad , t o t hose idolat ors, about worshipping Allah alone and t rust ing in Him,
びゅ6よ∠ケ ヴ͡ピ∇よ∠ぺ ヮ͡ ヤzャや ゲ∠ ∇Βビ
∠ ぺ∠ぴ
(Shall I seek a lord ot her t han Allah...) 6:164 ,
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ あモミ⊥ ゆ
ぁ ケ∠ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(while He is t he Lord of all t hings ) and Who prot ect s and saves me and governs all my affairs
But , I only t rust in Him and go back t o Him, because He is t he Lord of everyt hing, Owner of all
t hings and His is t he creat ion and t he decision. This Ayah commands sincerely t rust ing Allah,
while t he Ayah before it commands sincerely worshipping Allah alone wit hout part ners. These
t wo meanings are oft en ment ioned t oget her in t he Qur'an. Allah direct s His servant s t o
⊥ Β͡バわ∠ ∇ジル∠ ポ
∠ ゅzΑま͡ヱ∠ ギ⊥ ら⊥ ∇バル∠ ポ
∠ ゅzΑま͡ぴ
(You (alone) we worship, and You (alone) we ask for help (for each and every t hing).) 1:5
Allah said,
びヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ∇モミz ヲ∠ ゎ∠ ヱ∠ ロ⊥ ∇ギら⊥ ∇ハゅ∠プぴ
(So worship Him and put your t rust in Him.) 11:123 , and
びゅ∠レ∇ヤミz ヲ∠ ゎ∠ ヮ͡ ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ ヱ∠ ヮ͡ よ͡ ゅzレョ∠ や∠¬ リ
⊥ ⇒∠ヨ∇ェゲz ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ∇モホ⊥ ぴ
(Say: "He is t he Most Gracious (Allah), in Him we believe, and in Him we put our t rust ''.)
67:29 , and,
ロ⊥ ∇グガ
͡ zゎゅ∠プ ヲ∠ ワ⊥ Ι
z ま͡ ヮ∠ ⇒∠ャま͡ Ι
∠ ゆ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇ピヨ∠ ∇ャや∠ヱ ベ
͡ ゲ͡ ∇ゼヨ∠ ∇ャや ゆ
ぁ ケz ぴ
⇔ Β͡ミヱ∠
(Lord of t he east and t he west ; none has t he right t o be worshipped but He. So t ake Him a
guardian.) 73:9 There are similar Ayat on t his subj ect .
Every Person Carries His Own Burden
Allah said,
り∀ ケ∠ コ͡ や∠ヱ ケ⊥ ゴ͡ ゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠ヰ∇Βヤ∠ハ
∠ Ι
z ま͡ ザ
∃ ∇ヘル∠ ぁモミ⊥ ょ
⊥ ジ
͡ ∇ムゎ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
びン∠ゲ∇カぺ⊥ ケ∠ ∇コヱ͡
(No person earns any (sin) except against himself (only), and no bearer of burdens shall bear
t he burden of anot her.) t hus emphasizing Allah's reckoning, decision and j ust ice t hat will occur
on t he Day of Resurrect ion. The souls will only be recompensed for t heir deeds, good for good
and evil for evil. No person shall carry t he burden of anot her person, a fact t hat indicat es
Allah's perfect j ust ice. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
∀¬∇ヴ∠セ ヮ⊥ ∇レョ͡ ∇モヨ∠ ∇エΑ⊥ Ι
∠ ゅ∠ヰヤ͡∇ヨェ
͡ ヴ∠ャま͡ る∀ ヤ∠ボ∠ ∇んョ⊥ ネ
⊥ ∇ギゎ∠ ラ͡まヱ∠ ぴ
びヴ∠よ∇ゲホ⊥ や∠ク ラ
∠ ゅ∠ミ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠
(And if one heavily laden calls anot her t o (bear) his load, not hing of it will be lift ed even
t hough he be near of kin.) 35:18 , and,
びゅ⇔ヨ∇ツワ∠ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ⇔ヨ∇ヤニ
⊥ フ
⊥ ゅ∠ガΑ∠ Κ
∠ プ∠ ぴ
(Then he will have no fear of inj ust ice, nor of any curt ailment (of his reward).) 20:112
Scholars of Tafsir comment ed, "No person will be wronged by carrying t he evil deeds of anot her
person, nor will his own good deeds be curt ailed or decreased.'' Allah also said;
∠ ⇒∠エ∇タぺ∠ Ι
z ま͡ - ∀るレ∠ Β͡ワケ∠ ∇ろら∠ ジ
∠ ミ∠ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ザ
∃ ∇ヘル∠ ぁモミ⊥ ぴ
び ͡リΒ͡ヨ∠Β∇ャや
(Every person is a pledge for what he has earned. Except t hose on t he Right .) 74:38-39 ,
meaning, every person will be t ied t o his evil deeds. But , for t hose on t he right -- t he believers
-- t he blessing of t heir good works will benefit t heir offspring and relat ives, as well. Allah said
in Surat At -Tur,
ゅ∠レ∇ボ∠エ∇ャ∠ぺ リ
∃ ⇒∠ヨΑ͡みよ͡ ユ⊥ヰわ⊥ Αz ケあ ク⊥ ∇ユヰ⊥ ∇わバ∠ ら∠ ゎz や∠ヱ ∇やヲ⊥レョ∠ や∠¬ リ
∠ Α͡グャzや∠ヱぴ
び¬∃ ∇ヴセ
∠ リあョ ユ͡ヰヤ͡ヨ∠ ハ
∠ ∇リョあ ∇ユヰ⊥ ⇒∠レ∇わャ∠ぺ∠ べ∠ョヱ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ わ∠ zΑあケク⊥ ∇ユヰ͡ よ͡
(And t hose who believe and whose offspring follow t hem in fait h, t o t hem shall We j oin t heir
offspring, and We shall not decrease t he reward of t heir deeds in anyt hing.) 52:21 , meaning,
We shall elevat e t heir offspring t o t heir high grades in Paradise, even t hough t he deeds of t he
offspring were less right eous, since t hey shared fait h wit h t hem in it s general form. Allah says,
We did not decrease t he grades of t hese right eous believers so t hat t hose (t heir offspring and
relat ives) who have lesser grades, can share t he same grades as t hem. Rat her Allah elevat ed
t he lesser believers t o t he grades of t heir parent s by t he blessing of t heir parent s' good works,
by His favor and bount y. Allah said next (in Surat At -Tur),
び∀リΒ∠ワ∠ケ ょ
∠ ジ
∠ ミ∠ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ¬∃ ン͡ゲ∇ョや ぁモミ⊥ ぴ
(Every person is a pledge for t hat which he has earned.)
st at ement here,
52:21 , meaning, of evil. Allah's
ヮ͡ Β͡プ ∇ユわ⊥ レ⊥ミ ゅ∠ヨよ͡ ユ⊥ムゃ⊥ らあ レ∠ Β⊥ プ∠ ∇ユム⊥ バ⊥ ィ
͡ ∇ゲzョ ∇ユム⊥ よあ ケ∠ ヴ∠ャま͡ zユを⊥ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ヘヤ͡わ∠ ∇ガゎ∠
(Then unt o your Lord is your ret urn, so He will t ell you t hat wherein you have been differing.)
means, work you (disbelievers), and we will also work. Surely, bot h you and us will be gat hered
t o Allah and He will inform us of our deeds and your deeds and t he decision on what we used t o
disput e about in t he life of t his world. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
ゅzヨ∠ハ モ
⊥ ⇒∠∇ジル⊥ Ι
∠ ヱ∠ ゅ∠レ∇ョゲ∠ ∇ィぺ∠ べzヨハ
∠ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヤ⇒∠∇ジゎ⊥ Ι
z モ⊥ホぴ
ゅ∠レレ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ウ
⊥ わ∠ ∇ヘΑ∠ zユを⊥ ゅ∠レよぁ ケ∠ ゅ∠レレ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ノ⊥ ヨ∠ ∇イΑ∠ ∇モホ⊥ - ∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠ゎ
び ユ⊥ Β͡ヤバ∠ ∇ャや ゥ
⊥ ゅzわヘ∠ ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ャゅ͡よ
(Say: "You will not be asked about our sins, nor shall we be asked of what you do." Say: "Our
Lord will assemble us all t oget her, t hen He will j udge bet ween us wit h t rut h. And He is t he Just
Judge, t he All-Knower of t he t rue st at e of affairs.") 34:25-26 .
ノ∠ プ∠ ケ∠ ヱ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
xや ブ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤカ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ヤ∠バ∠ ィ
∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
∇ユム⊥ ⇒∠ゎへ べ∠ョ ヴ͡プ ∇ユミ⊥ ヲ∠ ヤ⊥∇らΒ∠ あャ ろ
∃ ⇒∠ィケ∠ キ∠ ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠ ベ
∠ ∇ヲプ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ツ
∠ ∇バよ∠
び ∀ユΒ͡ェケz ∀ケヲ⊥ヘピ∠ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠ ゆ
͡ ゅ∠ボバ͡ ∇ャや ノ⊥ Α͡ゲシ
∠ マ
∠ よz ケ∠ ラ
z ま͡
(165. And it is He Who has made you generat ions coming aft er generat ions, replacing each
ot her on t he eart h. And He has raised you in ranks, some above ot hers t hat He may t ry you in
t hat which He has best owed on you. Surely, your Lord is Swift in ret ribut ion, and cert ainly He is
Oft -Forgiving, Most Merciful.)
Allah Made Mankind Dwellers on the earth, Generation After
Generation, of Various Grades, in order to Test Them
Allah said,
͡ ∇ケΙ
∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤカ
∠ ∇ユム⊥ ヤ∠バ∠ ィ
∠ ン͡グャzや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And it is He Who has made you generat ions coming aft er generat ions, replacing each ot her on
t he eart h.) meaning, He made you dwell on t he eart h generat ion aft er generat ion, cent ury
aft er cent ury and offspring aft er forefat hers, according t o Ibn Zayd and ot hers. Allah also said,
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ヴ͡プ る⇔ ム∠ ゃ͡ ⇒∠ヤョz ∇ユム⊥ レ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ヤバ∠ イ
∠ ャ∠ ¬⊥ べ∠ゼル∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ぴ
∠ ヲ⊥ヘヤ⊥∇ガΑ∠
(And if it were Our will, We would have made angels t o replace you on t he eart h) 43:60 , and,
͡ ∇ケΙ
x や ¬∠ べ∠ヘヤ∠ェ
⊥ ∇ユム⊥ ヤ⊥バ∠ ∇イΑ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And makes you inherit ors of t he Eart h, generat ions aft er generat ions.) 27:62 , and
びる⇔ ヘ∠ Β͡ヤカ
∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΕ
∠ や ヴ͡プ ∀モ͡ハゅ∠ィ ヶあルま͡ぴ
(Verily, I am going t o place (mankind) generat ions aft er generat ions on eart h.) 2:30 , and,
ヴ͡プ ∇ユム⊥ ヘ∠ ヤ͡∇ガわ∠ ∇ジΑ∠ ヱ∠ ∇ユミ⊥ zヱギ⊥ ハ
∠ マ
∠ ヤ͡∇ヰΑ⊥ ラ∠ぺ ∇ユム⊥ よぁ ケ∠ ヴ∠ジハ
び∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠ゎ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ゲ∠ ヌ
⊥ レ∠Βプ∠ チ
͡ ∇ケΙ
(It may be t hat your Lord will dest roy your enemy and make you successors on t he eart h, so
t hat He may see how you act .) 7:129 Allah's st at ement ,
∃ ⇒∠ィケ∠ キ∠ ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠ ベ
∠ ∇ヲプ∠ ∇ユム⊥ ツ
∠ ∇バよ∠ ノ∠ プ∠ ケ∠ ヱ∠ ぴ
(And He has raised you in ranks, some above ot hers,) means, He has made you different from
each ot her wit h regards t o provision, conduct , qualit ies, evilness, shapes, color of skin, and so
fort h, and He has t he perfect wisdom in all t his. Allah said in ot her Ayat ,
ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや り͡ ヲ∠Βエ
∠ ∇ャや ヴ͡プ ∇ユヰ⊥ わ∠ ゼ
∠ Β͡バョz ∇ユヰ⊥ レ∠ ∇Βよ∠ ゅ∠レ∇ヨジ
∠ ホ∠ リ
⊥ ∇エル∠ ぴ
グ∠ ガ
͡ わz Β∠ ャあ ろ
∃ ⇒∠ィケ∠ キ∠ ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠ ベ
∠ ∇ヲプ∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ツ
∠ ∇バよ∠ ゅ∠レ∇バプ∠ ケ∠ ヱ∠
びゅ⇔Α∂ ゲ͡ ∇ガシ
⊥ ゅ⇔ツ∇バよ∠ ユ⊥ヰツ
⊥ ∇バよ∠
(It is We Who port ion out bet ween t hem t heir livelihood in t his world, and We raised some of
t hem above ot hers in ranks, so t hat some may employ ot hers in t heir work.) 43:32 , and,
り⊥ ゲ∠ カ
x ャ∠ヱ∠ ヂ
∃ ∇バよ∠ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ ∇ユヰ⊥ ツ
∠ ∇バよ∠ ゅ∠レ∇ヤツ
z プ∠ ブ
∠ ∇Βミ∠ ∇ゲヌ
⊥ ルやぴ
⇔ Β͡ツ∇ヘゎ∠ ゲ⊥ ら∠ ∇ミぺ∠ヱ∠ ろ
∃ ⇒∠ィケ∠ キ∠ ゲ⊥ ら∠ ∇ミぺ∠
(See how We prefer one above anot her (in t his world), and verily, t he Hereaft er will be great er
in degrees and great er in preferment .) 17:21 Allah's st at ement ,
びユ⊥ム⇒∠ゎや∠¬ べ∠ョ ヴ͡プ ∇ユミ⊥ ヲ∠ ヤ⊥∇らΒ∠ あャぴ
(t hat He may t ry you in t hat which He has best owed on you.) means, so t hat He t est s you in
what He has grant ed you, for Allah t ries t he rich concerning his wealt h and will ask him about
how he appreciat ed it . He also t ries t he poor concerning his povert y and will ask him about his
pat ience wit h it . Muslim recorded t hat Abu Sa` id Al-Khudri said t hat t he Messenger of Allah
ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ∇ユム⊥ ヘ⊥ ヤ͡∇ガわ∠ ∇ジョ⊥ ぶ
∠ やラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ り∀ ゲ∠ ツ
͡ カ
∠ ∀り∠ヲ∇ヤェ
⊥ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや ラ
z ま͡»
¬∠ ゅ∠ジレあ ャや やヲ⊥ボゎz や∠ヱ ゅ∠Β∇ルギぁ ャや やヲ⊥ボゎz ゅ∠プ ∩∠ラヲ⊥ヤヨ∠ ∇バゎ∠ や∠クゅ∠ョ ∀ゲニ
͡ ゅ∠レプ∠
«¬ゅ∠ジレあ ャや ヶ͡プ ∇ろル∠ ゅ∠ミ モ
∠ Β͡もや∠ゲ∇シま͡ ヶ͡レよ∠ る͡ レ∠ ∇わプ͡ メ
∠ ヱz ぺ∠ ラ
z み͡プ∠
(Verily, t his life is beaut iful and green, and Allah made you dwell in it generat ion aft er
generat ion so t hat He sees what you will do. Therefore, beware of t his life and beware of
women, for t he first t rial t hat t he Children of Israel suffered from was wit h women.) Allah's
st at ement ,
び∀ユΒ͡ェケz ∀ケヲ⊥ヘピ∠ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠ ゆ
͡ ゅ∠ボバ͡ ∇ャや ノ⊥ Α͡ゲシ
∠ マ
∠ よz ケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ぴ
(Surely, your Lord is swift in ret ribut ion, and cert ainly He is Oft -Forgiving, Most Merciful.) t his
is bot h discouragement and encouragement , by reminding t he believers t hat Allah is swift in
reckoning and punishment wit h t hose who disobey Him and defy His Messengers,
び∀ユΒ͡ェケz ケ∀ ヲ⊥ヘピ∠ ャ∠ ヮ⊥ ルz ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
(And cert ainly He is Oft -Forgiving, Most Merciful.) for t hose who t ake Him as prot ect or and
follow His Messengers in t he news and commandment s t hey conveyed. Allah oft en ment ions
t hese t wo at t ribut es t oget her in t he Qur'an. Allah said,
z ま͡ヱ∠ ∇ユヰ͡ ヨ͡ ∇ヤニ
⊥ ヴ∠ヤハ
∠ サ
͡ ゅzレヤあャ り∃ ゲ∠ ヘ͡ ∇ピョ∠ ヱ⊥グャ∠ マ
∠ よz ケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ヱ∠ ぴ
͡ ゅ∠ボバ͡ ∇ャや ギ⊥ Α͡ギゼ
∠ ャ∠ マ
∠ よz ケ∠
(But verily, your Lord is full of forgiveness for mankind in spit e of t heir wrongdoing. And verily,
your Lord is (also) severe in punishment ) 13:6 , and,
z ぺ∠ヱ∠ - ユ⊥ Β͡ェゲz ャや ケ⊥ ヲ⊥ヘピ∠ ∇ャや ゅ∠ル∠ぺ ヴあルぺ∠ ン͡キゅ∠らハ
͡ ∇¬ヴあらル∠ ぴ
び ユ⊥ Β͡ャΙ
⊥ や∠グバ∠ ∇ャや ヲ∠ ワ⊥ ヴ͡よや∠グハ
(Declare unt o My servant s, t hat t ruly, I am t he Oft -Forgiving, t he Most Merciful. And t hat My
t orment is indeed t he most painful t orment .) 15:49-50 There are similar Ayat t hat cont ain
encouragement and discouragement . Somet imes Allah calls His servant s t o Him wit h
encouragement , describing Paradise and making t hem eager for what He has wit h Him.
Somet imes, He calls His servant s wit h discouragement , ment ioning t he Fire and it s t orment and
punishment , as well as, t he Day of Resurrect ion and it s horrors. Somet imes Allah ment ions bot h
so t hat each person is affect ed by it according t o his or her qualit ies. We ask Allah t hat He
makes us among t hose who obey what He has commanded, avoid what He has prohibit ed, and
believe in Him as He has informed. Cert ainly, He is Near, hears and answers t he supplicat ion,
and He is t he Most Kind, Generous and Best owing. Imam Ahmad recorded t hat Abu Hurayrah
said t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,
ノ∠ ヨ͡ デ
∠ ゅ∠ョ る͡ よ∠ ヲ⊥ボバ⊥ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ぶ
͡ や ギ∠ ∇レハ
͡ ゅ∠ョ リ
⊥ ョ͡ ∇ぽヨ⊥ ∇ャや ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ∇ヲャ∠»
∠ ョ͡ ぶ
͡ や ギ∠ ∇レハ͡やゅ∠ョ ゲ⊥ プ͡ ゅ∠ム∇ャや ユ⊥ ヤ∠∇バΑ∠ ∇ヲャ∠ヱ∠ ∩∀ギェ
∠ ぺ∠ ヮ͡ わ͡ レz イ
∠ よ͡
る∠ も∠ ゅ͡ョ ぶ
⊥ や ペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ∩͡るレz イ
∠ ∇ャや リ
∠ ョ͡ ギ∀ ェ
∠ ぺ∠ テ
∠ レ∠ ホ∠ ゅ∠ョ る͡ ヨ∠ ∇ェゲz ャや
ゅ∠ヰよ͡ ラ
∠ ヲ⊥ヨェ
∠ や∠ゲわ∠ Α∠ ヮ͡ ボ͡ ∇ヤカ
∠ リ
∠ ∇Βよ∠ り⇔ ギ∠ ェ
͡ や∠ヱ ノ∠ ッ
∠ ヲ∠ プ∠ る∃ ヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠
«ラヲ⊥バ∇ジゎ͡ ヱ∠ る∀ バ∠ ∇ジゎ͡ ぶ
͡ や ギ∠ ∇レハ
͡ ヱ∠
(If t he believer knew Allah's punishment , no one will hope in ent ering His Paradise. And if t he
disbeliever knew Allah's mercy, no one will feel hopeless of acquiring Paradise. Allah creat ed a
hundred kinds of mercy. He sent down one of t hem t o His creat ion, and t hey are merciful t o
each ot her on t hat account . Wit h Allah, t here remains ninet y-nine kinds of mercy.) Muslim and
At -Tirmidhi also recorded t his Hadit h, At -Tirmidhi said "Hasan''. Abu Hurayrah narrat ed t hat t he
Messenger of Allah said,
ロ⊥ ギ∠ ∇レハ
͡ ヲ∠ ヰ⊥ プ∠ ゆ
∃ ゅ∠わミ͡ ヶ͡プ ょ
∠ わ∠ ミ∠ ペ
∠ ∇ヤガ
∠ ∇ャや ぶ
⊥ やペ
∠ ヤ∠カ
∠ ゅzヨャ∠»
∠ ビ
∠ ょ
⊥ ヤ͡∇ピゎ∠ ヶ͡わヨ∠ ∇ェケ∠ ラ
z ま͡ ス
͡ ∇ゲバ∠ ∇ャや ベ
∠ ∇ヲプ∠
(When Allah creat ed t he creat ion, He wrot e in a Book, and t his Book is wit h Him above t he
Throne: ` My mercy overcomes My anger.') This is t he end of t he Tafsir of Surat Al-An` am, all
t he t hanks and appreciat ion for Allah.
The Tafsir of Surat Al-A` raf
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