Ranald MacDonald
in the footsteps of Ranald MacDonald ラナルド・マクドナルド の足跡を訪ねて august – november 2008 2008年 8月 ~ 11月 作家 Fred Dijs フレッド・ダイス [email protected] | amsterdam • the netherlands オランダ・アムステルダム市出身 Ranald MacDonald ラナルド・マクドナルド Mother: Koale’xoa (Chinook Princess Raven) 母: コアレソア Otokichi 音吉 1818 Mihama (Aichi, JP) 尾の裏 美浜町 (愛知県) & Father: Archibald McDonald 父: アーキバルド 1834 Cape Alava (WA, USA) ワシントン州 1824 Fort George (OR, USA) オレゴン州 & 1834 Fort Vancouver (WA, USA) ワシントン州 1834 Red River Academy Winnipeg (MT, CA) マニトバ 州 1837 London (UK) ロンドン市 イギリス 1839St. Thomas (ON, CA) オンタリオ州 1867Macau マカオ 1845 Sag Harbour (NY, USA) ニューヨーク州 1867Singapore シンガポール † 1848Yagishiri Island (Hokkaido, JP) 焼尻島 (北海道) 2005Remains: Mihama (Aichi, JP) 遺骨: 美浜町 (愛知県) 1848Rishiri Island (Hokkaido, JP) 利尻島 (北海道) 1848Matsumae (Hokkaido, JP) 松前町 (北海道) Manjiro Nakahama ジョン・万次郎 1848Nagasaki (Nagasaki, JP) 長崎市 (長崎県) 1827 Tosashimizu (Kochi, JP) 土佐清水市 (高知県) & 1894Kettle Creek, Toroda (WA, USA) ワシントン州 † 1841 Torishima (Hachijo, JP) 鳥島 (八丈支庁) Archibald McDonald アーキバルド・マクドナルド 1841 Honolulu (HW, USA) ホノルル市 ハワイ州 1850 San Francisco (CA, USA) サン・フランシスコ市 1790Loch Leven (Scotland, UK) スコットランド & 1851 Okinawa ( JP) 沖縄県 1813 Churchill (MT, CA) マニトバ州 1870 London (UK) ロンドン市 イギリス 1821 Fort George (OR, USA) オレゴン州 1843 Shanghai (CN) 上海市 中国 1826Fort Kamloops (BC, CA) ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州 1845 New Bedford (MA, USA) マサチューセッツ州 1833 Fort Colvile (WA, USA) ワシントン州 1898Grave: Toshima-ku (Tokyo, JP) 墓: 豊島区 (東京) † 1853 St. Andrews (QC, CA) ケベック州 † 1898Statue: Ashizuri Misaki (Kochi, JP) 像: 足摺岬 (高知県) Japan 日本 Rishiri 利尻島 Soya 宗谷 Yagishiri 焼尻島 100 miles 100 km Matsumae 松前町 Ranald MacDonald ラナルド・マクドナルド Tokyo 東京 † Mihama 美浜町 & Nagasaki 長崎市 Ashizuri Misaki 足摺岬 & Manjiro Nakahama ジョン・万次郎 Torishima 鳥島 Horsefly Lake Columbia River コロンビア川 Wimahl British Columbia ブリティッシュ•コロンビア州 100 miles 100 km Kamloops Archibald McDonald アーキバルド・マクドナルド Hat Creek Kettle Creek Toroda † Victoria Fort Langley Fort Colvile Powwow at the End of the World Cape Alava Grand Coulee Dam Otokichi 音吉 Spokane River mouth Washington ワシントン州 Columbia River mouth Fort George & Hanford reactors Fort Vancouver The Powwow at the End of the World Sherman Alexie I am told by many of you that I must forgive and so I shall after an Indian woman puts her shoulder to the Grand Coulee Dam and topples it. I am told by many of you that I must forgive and so I shall after the floodwaters burst each successive dam downriver from the Grand Coulee. I am told by many of you that I must forgive and so I shall after the floodwaters find their way to the mouth of the Columbia River as it enters the Pacific and causes all of it to rise. I am told by many of you that I must forgive and so I shall after the first drop of floodwater is swallowed by that salmon waiting in the Pacific. I am told by many of you that I must forgive and so I shall after that salmon swims upstream, through the mouth of the Columbia and then past the flooded cities, broken dams and abandoned reactors of Hanford. I am told by many of you that I must forgive and so I shall after that salmon swims through the mouth of the Spokane River as it meets the Columbia, then upstream, until it arrives in the shallows of a secret bay on the reservation where I wait alone. I am told by many of you that I must forgive and so I shall after that salmon leaps into the night air above the water, throws a lightning bolt at the brush near my feet, and starts the fire which will lead all of the lost Indians home. I am told by many of you that I must forgive and so I shall after we Indians have gathered around the fire with that salmon who has three stories it must tell before sunrise: one story will teach us how to pray; another story will make us laugh for hours; the third story will give us reason to dance. I am told by many of you that I must forgive and so I shall when I am dancing with my tribe during the powwow at the end of the world.