
早稲田大学大学院政治学研究科 2015 年度 領域修了試験のための

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早稲田大学大学院政治学研究科 2015 年度 領域修了試験のための
2015 年度
Reading List for Qualifying Examination 2015
Graduate School of Political Science
WASEDA University
現代政治研究領域 Contemporary Politics……P.1
政治思想研究領域 Political Thought…………P.4
比較政治研究領域 Comparative Politics ……P.8
国際関係研究領域 International Relations…P.11
公共政策研究領域 Public Administration……P.18
2015 年 4 月
現代政治研究領域 Contemporary Politics
主領域学生用 Main Research Area
Cox, Gary W. 1997, Making Votes Count: Strategic Coordination in the World's Electoral
Systems, Cambridge University Press.
Meguid, Bonnie M. 2010, Party Competition between Unequals: Strategies and
Electoral Fortunes in Western Europe, Cambridge University Press.
Kalyvas, Stathis 1996, The Rise of Christian Democracy in Europe, Cornell University
Aldrich, John H. 2011 Why Parties?: A Second Look, University of Chicago Press.
Ramsayer, J. Mark, and Frances McCall Rosenbluth, 1997, Japan’s Political
Marketplace, Harvard University Press (『日本政治の経済学-政権政党の合理的選択』
Kiewiet, D. Roderick, and Mathew D. McCubbins, Mathew D. 1991, The Logic of
Delegation: Congressional Parties and the Appropriations Process, University of
Fiorina, Morris P. 1981, Retrospective Voting in American National Elections, Yale
University Press.
Zaller, John R. 1992, The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion, Cambridge University
Campbell, A, P.E. Converse, W.E. Miller, and D.E. Stokes. 1960. The American Voter.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Green, Donald, Bradley Palmquist and Eric Schickler, 2002, Partisn Hearts and Minds,
Yale University Press.
Przeworski, Adam, Susan C. Stokes and Bernard Manin, 1999, Democracy,
Accountability, and Representation, Cambridge University Press: 1-26.
Manin, Bernard, 1997 The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge
University Press.
Boix, Charles, 2003, Democracy and Redistribution, Cambridge University Press.
Spuryt, Hendrik, 1996, The Sovereign State and Its Competitors, Princeton University
副領域学生用 Sub Research Area
Downs, Anthony, An Economic Theory of Democracy, 1957, Addison Wesley (古田精司
A. O. Hirschman, 1970,Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, Harvard University Press (矢野修一
訳, 2005,『離脱・発言・忠誠』ミネルヴァ書房).
Mancur Olson, Jr., 1965, 2nd ed., 1971. The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and
the Theory of Groups, Harvard University Press (依田博・森脇俊雅訳, 1996,『集合行為
Esping-Andersen, Gosta, 1990, Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Polity (岡沢憲芙,宮
本太郎監訳, 2001, 『福祉資本主義の3つの世界 : 比較福祉国家の理論と動態』,ミネル
Lijphart, Arend, 1999, Patterns of Democracy : Government Forms and Performance in
Thirty-Six Countries, Yale University Press (粕谷祐子訳, 2005,『民主主義対民主主義 :
多数決型とコンセンサス型の 36 ケ国比較研究』, 勁草書房)
Bates, Robert, et. al, 1998, Analytic Narratives, New York; Cambridge University Press.
Lupia, Arthur, and Mathew D. McCubbins 1998, The Democratic Dilemma: Can
Citizens Learn What They Need to Know?, New York; Cambridge University Press(山
田真裕訳 2005,『民主制のディレンマ―市民は知る必要のあることを学習できるか?』木
政治思想研究領域 Political Thought
Required Readings (primary literatures)
(1) Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, edited by Richard Tuck, Part 1 and 2 (Cambridge
University Press, 1991[1651]).
水田洋訳『リヴァイアサン』第 1・2 巻(岩波書店、1954-85 年)。
(2) John Locke, Two Treatises of Government, edited by Peter Laslett, Second Treatise
(Cambridge University Press, 1988 [1690]).
ロック・ヒューム』、中央公論社、1980 年)。
、加藤節訳『統治二論』(岩波書店、2007 年)。
(3) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Du contract social, Œuvres completes , III (Gallimard,
--, The Social Contract and Other Later Political Writings, edited by Victor
Gourevitch (Cambridge University Press, 1997).
(岩波書店、1954 年)。
、中央公論社、1974 年)。
作田啓一訳『社会契約論』(白水社、1986 年)。
中山元訳『社会契約論/ジュネーヴ草稿』(光文社、2008 年)。
(4) Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, The Federalist, edited by Jacob
E. Cooke (Wesleyan University Press, 1961[1787]).
(福村出版、1991 年)[抜粋版、
リスト』(岩波書店、1999 年)]。
(5) Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès, Qu'est-ce que le Tiers état? (Droz, 1970[1789]).
--, Political Writings, translated by Michael Sonenscher (Hackett, 2003).
稻本洋之助・伊藤洋一・川出良枝・松本英実訳『第三身分とは何か』(岩波書店、2011 年)。
(6) Alexis De Tocqueville, De La Démocratie en Amérique (Gallimard, 1992[1835]).
--, Democracy in America, translated by Arthur Goldhammer (Library of America, 2004).
松本礼二訳『アメリカのデモクラシー』第 1・2 巻(岩波書店、2005 年)。
(7) John Stuart Mill, On liberty and Other Writings, edited by Stefan Collini
(Cambridge University Press, 1989 [1859]).
ベンサム・ミル』中央公論社、1979 年)。
(光文社、2012 年)。
(8) Carl Schmitt, Verffasungslehre (Duncker & Humblot, 1993[1928]).
--, Constitutional Theory, translated and edited by Jeffrey Seitzer (Duke University
Press, 2008).
尾吹善人訳『憲法理論』(創文社、1972 年)。
(9) Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition (The University of Chicago Press, 1998[1958]).
志水速雄訳『人間の条件』(筑摩書房、1994 年)
(10) Isaiah Berlin, “Two Concepts of Liberty,”in Liberty, edited by Henry Hardy
(Oxford University Press, 2002[1958]).
1971 年)。
(11) Jürgen Habermas, Faktizität und Geltung (Suhrkamp Verlag, 1992).
--, Between Facts and Norms, translated by William Rehg (The MIT Press, 1996).
川上倫逸・耳野健二訳『事実性と妥当性』(未来社、2002、2003 年)。
(12) John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, revised edition (Harvard University Press,
改訂版』(岩波書店、2010 年)。
(13) John Rawls, Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy, edited by Samuel
Freeman (Harvard University Press, 2006).
齋藤純一他訳『ロールズ政治哲学史講義Ⅰ・Ⅱ』(岩波書店、2011 年)
(14) Ronald Dworkin, Sovereign Virtue (Harvard University Press, 2000).
小林公他訳『平等とは何か』(木鐸社、2002 年)。
(15) Amartya Sen, Inequality Reexamined (Oxford University Press, 1992).
池本幸生・野上裕生・佐藤仁訳『不平等の再検討』(岩波書店、1999 年)。
(16) John Hart Ely, Democracy and Distrust (Harvard University Press, 1980).
(成文堂、1990 年)。
(17) Susan Moller Okin, Justice, Gender, and the Family (Basic Books, 1979).
山根純佳・内藤準・久保田裕之訳『正義・ジェンダー・正義』(岩波書店、2013 年)。
(18) Quentin Skinner, Liberty before Liberalism (Cambridge University Press, 1998).
梅津順一訳『自由主義に先立つ自由』(聖学院大学出版会、2001 年)。
(19) Thomas Pogge, World Poverty and Human Rights, 2nd edition, (Polity, 2008).
2010 年)。
(20) Leo Strauss, What Is Political Philosophy? and Other Studies (The University
of Chicago Press, 1988 [The Free Press, 1959]).
Further Readings (including textbooks, anthologies, and handbooks)
(1) Robert E. Goodin and Philip Pettit (eds.), Contemporary Political Philosophy:
An Anthology, 2nd edition (Blackwell, 2006).
(2) Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit and Thomas Pogge (eds.), A Companion to
Contemporary Political Philosophy, 2 volumes, 2nd edition (Blackwell, 2007).
(3) Will Kymlicka, Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction, 2nd edition
(Oxford University Press, 2002).
千葉眞・岡崎晴輝他訳『新版 現代政治理論』(日本評論社、2005 年)。
(4) Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey (eds.), History of Political Philosophy, 3rd
edition (The University of Chicago Press, 1987).
(5) Sheldon S. Wolin, Politics and Vision, expanded edition (Princeton University
Press, 2004).
尾形典男・福田歓一他訳『政治とヴィジョン』(福村書店、2007 年)。
(6) J. G. A. Pocock, Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the
Atlantic Republican Tradition, revised ed. (Princeton University Press, 2003).
田中 秀夫・奥田 敬訳『マキァヴェリアン・モーメント―フィレンツェの政治思想と大西
洋圏の共和主義の伝統』(名古屋大学出版会、2008 年)。
(7) Quentin Skinner, The Foundations of Modern Political Thought, 2 vols. (Cambridge
University Press, 1978).
(春風社、2009 年)。
(8) Susan Moller Okin, Women in Western Political Thought (Princeton University Press,
(9) Michael Rosenfeld and Andras Sajo (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative
Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press, 2012).
(10) Keith E. Whittington, R. Daniel Kelemen and Gregory A. Caldeira (eds.), The Oxford
Handbook of Law and Politics (Oxford University Press, 2010).
(11) John S. Dryzek, Bonnie Honig and Anne Phillips (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of
Political Theory (Oxford University Press, 2006).
(12) George Klosko (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy
(Oxford University Press, 2011).
(13) David Estlund (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy (Oxford
University Press, 2012).
比較政治研究領域 Comparative Politics
(1) Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1983), 邦訳『民族とナショ
ナリズム』(岩波書店、2000 年).
(2) James Scott, Seeing like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Conditions
Have Failed (New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1998)
(3) Ted Robert Gurr, Peoples versus States: Minorities at Risk in the New Century (United
States Institute of Peace Press, 2000)
(4) Johnson, Chalmers. MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial
Policy, 1925-1975. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1982) 邦訳『通産省と日
(5) Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and
Spread of Nationalism (London: Verso, 1983, Revised and Extended Edition:
1991), 邦訳『定本 想像の共同体- ナショナリズムの起源と流行』(書籍工房早山、2007
(6) Juan J. Linz, “Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes” in: F. Greenstein & N.
Polsby, eds., Handbook of Political Science (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1975;
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2000), 邦訳『全体主義体制と権威主義体制』
(法律文化社、1995 年).
(7) Sydney Tarrow, Power in Movement: Social Movements and Contentious Politics ,
second edition, (Cambridge University Press, 1998), 邦訳、シドニー・タロー(大畑
(8) 末広昭『キャッチアップ型工業化論- アジア経済の軌跡と展望』(名古屋大学出版会、
2000年) <in Japanese>
(9) Arthur Marwick, Clive Emsley and Wendy Simpson eds., Total War and Historical Change:
Europe 1914-1955,( Philadelphia: Open University Press, 2001)
Robert A. Dahl Robert A. Dahl, Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition,
(Yale University Press, 1971), 邦訳:ロバート・A・ダール著、高畠通敏訳『ポリ
(1) Joe Foweraker, Todd Landman, & Neil Harvey, Governing Latin America (Cambridge:
Polity Press, 2003).
(2) Valerie Bunce, Subversive Institutions. The Design and Destruction of Socialism and the
State (Cambridge & New York: Cambridge UP, 1999).
(3) 浅野豊美『帝国日本の植民地法制:法域統合と帝国秩序』
(名古屋大学出版会、2008 年)
<in Japanese>
(4) Juan J. Linz & Alfred Stepan, Problems of Democratic Transition and
Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996), 部分邦訳『民主化の理論 - 民
主主義への移行と定着の課題』(一藝社、2005 年).
(5) 坪井善明『ヴェトナム現代政治』(東大出版会、2002年) <in Japanese>
(6) Otto Dann, Nation und Nationalismus in Deutschland 1770-1990 (München : C.H.
Beck, 1993) <in German> 邦訳 オットー・ダン(末川清・姫岡とし子・高橋秀寿訳)
(7) Benjamin I. Schwartz, In Search of Wealth and Power: Yen Fu and the West (Cambridge:
Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1964), 邦訳『中国の近代化と知識人- 厳復と西洋』(東京大
(8) 毛里和子『新版・現代中国政治』(名古屋大学出版会、2004年).<in Japanese>
(9) 若林正丈『台湾の政治- 中華民国台湾化の戦後史』(東京大学出版会、2008年).<in
(10) 丸山眞男『日本政治思想史研究』(東京大学出版会、1952, 1983年), Maruyama, Masao,
Studies in the Intellectual History of Tokugawa Japan (Princeton: Princeton UP,
1974). <in English>
(11) 堀真清編『原典で読む日本デモクラシー論集』(岩波書店, 2013年)
国際関係研究領域 International Relations
Students in the International Relations research area are required to read all of the
materials listed below. Students in other research areas are required to read materials
in the categories of ‘Prerequisite Readings’ and ‘Essential Readings’. In other words,
questions of the qualifying examination for the latter, i.e., students in other research
areas than the International Relations research area, will be related only to the
materials in these categories. When you can find Japanese translation versions, you
are strongly recommended to read their original English versions.
Almost all materials are available at various libraries of Waseda University. You will
find the locations in the square brackets at the end of each item. As for each location
and its abbreviation, see the table below.
Central Library of Waseda University
S. Takata Memorial Research Library
SPSE (G30)
Student Reading Room for School of Political 政経学部学生読書室 G30 コー
Science and Economics, G30 Section.
Student Reading Room for School of Political 政経学部学生読書室、政研推薦
Science and Economics, GSPS Section.
Student Reading Room for School of Political
Science and Economics
Student Library, School of Law
Student Library, School of Education
Student Library, School of Social Sciences
Student Library, SILS (School of International
Liberal Arts)
Toyama Library
Downloadable from the Waseda Portal for
Online Journals
PR-1 Nye, Joseph S. and David A. Welch. 2013. Understanding Global Conflict and
Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History, 9th ed., Longman. [SILS: GE102]
[8th edition, TMRL: F319 0845, SPSE (G30): G30 319 11/11A, SILS: 319N]
PR-2 Baylis, John, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens. 2014. The Globalization of World
Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, 6th ed., Oxford University Press.
[SPSE (G30): G30 F319 21/21A]
Joll, James. 1984. The Origins of the First World War, Longman.(池田清訳, 2007,
『第一次世界大戦の起源・改訂新版』みすず書房)[TMRL: F209.7 Y0019, SPSE(GSPS):
F209 J, SILS: 209 J](翻訳[TL: 209 293, ESL 209.7 シ])
Steger, Manfred B. 2013. Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, 3rd ed.,
Oxford University Press.(櫻井公人訳、2010、
VSI 319 S](翻訳[CL : 319 ス, 319 00275, TL : 319 673, SPSE: 319.475, SSSL : 319 W257,
SILS : 319 S])
Empirical Approach (EE)
EE-1 Iriye, Akira. 1987. The Origins of the Second World War in Asia and the Pacific ,
Longman.(入江昭著、篠原初枝訳, 1991,『太平洋戦争の起源』東京大学出版会)[CL:
210.75.I64 01079」7608594, TMRL: F210.7 0015, SPSE(GSPS) F210.7 I, SILS: 210.7 I]
Reynolds, David. 2001. One World Divisible: A Global History Since 1945,
London, Penguin/ W.W. Norton. [SPSE (GSPS): 政研 F209 R / CL : F209.7 00289, SPSE :
209 R21]
Betts, Raymond. 2004. Decolonization: the Making of the Contemporary World,
2nd ed., London: Routledge. [CL : F319 00267, SPSE(GSPS) : 政研 F319 B]
EE-4 P.M.H. Bell. 2007. The Origins of the Second World War in Europe, 3rd ed.,
Longman. [SPSE(GSPS) 政研 F209 B]
EE-5 Reinalda, Bob. 2009. Routledge History of International Organizations: From
1815 to the Present Day, London: Routledge, Parts I-VIII (Chapters 1-21). [CL: F319.9
EE-6 Fassbender, Bardo, and Anne Peters, eds. 2014. The Oxford Handbook of the
History of International Law, Oxford University Press, Introduction, Chapters 39, 41 &
43. [TMRL: F329 0506]
Theoretical / Critical Approach (ET)
Nye, Joseph S., and Robert Keohane. 1977/ 2001. Power and Interdependence:
World Politics in Transition, 3rd ed., Longman, Part I (Chapters 1-3) & Part VI.(滝田賢
治ほか訳, 2012,『パワーと相互依存』ミネルヴァ書房)[CL: F319 00219, TMRL: F319
0626/F319 0628, SPSE(G30): G30 F319 2/2A, SPSE(GSPS): F319 K, SILS: 319 K, CL:
DG 05483 010785074870](翻訳 [CL : 319 00304, TMRL : 319 0482, SPSE : 319 521])
Connor, Walker. 1994. Ethnonationalism: the Quest for Understanding,
Princeton, Princeton University Press, Chapters 4, 6, 8 & 9. [TMRL: F311.3 0003]
Katzenstein, Peter J. 1998. Cultural Norms and National Security: Police and
Military in Postwar Japan, Cornell University Press, Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 8.(有賀誠訳,
2007,『文化と国防:戦後日本の警察と軍隊』日本経済評論社)[TMRL : F392 0100,
SPSE(G30) : G30 F392 9/9A, SILS : 392.1076 Ka88c](翻訳 [CL : 392 00113, LSL : 319.8
Wiener, Antje & Thomas Diez (eds.). 2009. European Integration Theory , 2nd ed.,
Oxford University Press, Chapters 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, & 13.(東野篤子訳, 2010,『ヨーロッパ
統合の理論』勁草書房) [CL: F333.7 00090] (翻訳 [CL : 319.3 ヨ, 319.3 00105, TMRL :
319.3 0032, TL : 319 717, SPSE : 333.7 75, LSL : 333.7 3, ESL : 319.3 ウ, SSSL : 319.3
Normative / Constructive Approach (EN)
Wendt, Alexander. 1992. ‘Anarchy is What States Make of It: the Social
Construction of Power Politics’, International Organization, 46: pp.391-425. [DL]
EN-2 Sakamoto, Yoshikazu, ed. 1994. Global Transformation : Challenges to the State
System, Tokyo : United Nations University Press, Chapter 1. [CL: F319 00111, TMRL:
F319 0431, SPSE (G30): F319 12, SILS: 313 G52s];坂本義和, 1967,『核時代の国際政治』
(旧版)岩波書店[CL : カ 05 04921, TMRL : 319 0062, ESL : 319 サ];坂本義和, 1982,
『軍縮の政治学』岩波新書[CL : 一般・岩波新書
SPSE : IS 4 47, SSSL : 081 34 47, LSL : 岩波新書
黄 203/赤 47 & カ 05 05537/05894,
黄 203/47];
Keck, Margaret E. & Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. Activists Beyond Borders:
Advocacy Networks in International Relations, Ithaca, Cornell University Press,
Chapter 1. [TMRL: F361.6 0179]
Finnemore, Martha, and Michael Barnett. 2004. Rules for the World:
International Organizations in Global Politics, Ithaca, Cornell University Press.
[TMRL: F329.3 0262]
Cassese, Antonio. 2005. International Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
[TMRL: F329 0363/0286, SILS: 329 C]
Empirical Approach (RE)
RE-1 Iriye, Akira. 1974. The Cold War in Asia: A Historical Introduction, Prentice Hall.
[CL: 319.2 164 010797719264, TMRL: F319.2 Y0048, SILS: 319.2 164, SPSE(G30) : G30
F319.2 12/12A]
RE-2 Watt, Donald Cameron. 1989. How War Came: The Immediate Origins of the
Second World War: 1938-1939. London: Heinemann. [CL: 文庫 25 209.7 0071, TMRL:
F209.7 0122]
Stirk, Peter. 1997. A History of European Integration Since 1914, London,
Pinter.[CL: F333.7 00115]
RE-4 Schaller, Michael. 1997. Altered States: The United State and Japan since the
Occupation, Oxford University Press.(市川洋一訳, 2004,『「日米関係」とは何だったのか:
占領期から冷戦終結後まで』草思社)[TMRL : F319.53 0151, SPSE(G30) : G30 F319.5 6/6A,
SPSE(GSPS) : 政研 F319.5 S, SILS : 319.5 S](翻訳[CL : 319.1 シ, TMRL : 319.1 0439,
SPSE : 319.1 306, SSSL : 319.1 W170])
RE-5 Friedman, Thomas. 1999/2000. The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding
Globalization, N.Y.: Anchor.(東江一紀邦訳, 2000,『レクサスとオリーブの木—グローバリ
ゼーションの正体 上、下』草思社)[SILS: 333.6 F, TMRL: F333.6 0464, CL:F333.6 00082]
(翻訳 上[CL: 333.6 フ 1, 商学読 : 310 To11 1, SSSL : 333.6 W97 1], 下[CL: 333.6 フ 2,
商学読 : 310 To11 2])
Mazlish, Bruce and Akira Iryie, eds. 2005. The Global History Reader, London,
Routledge. [SPSE(GSPS): F209 M, TL: F209.7 1017]
* This book compiles the excerpts from significant books, book chapters and journal articles, without
reproducing any precise references. You are strongly advised to refer to the original books or articles.
RE-7 Westad, Odd Arne. 2005. The Global Cold War: Third World Interventions and
the Making of Our Times, Cambridge University Press. (佐々木雄太訳, 2010, 『グロー
バル冷戦史―第三世界への介入と現代世界の形成』名古屋大学出版会)[CL: F209.7 00502,
TMRL: F209.7 0167, SPSE(G30) : G30 F209 2/2A/2B/2C, SPSE(GSPS):政研 F209 W.](翻
訳[CL : 319 00281, TMRL : 319 0458, TL: 319 698, SSSL : SA-5 10 3])
Louis, William Roger. 2007. Ends of British Imperialism: The Scramble for
Empire, Suez and Decolonization, I.B. Tauris & Co.Ltd [CL: F334.5.00361]
RE-9 Westad, Odd Arne and Melvin Leffler, eds. 2010. Cambridge History of the Cold
War, vol.I, II, and III, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
[All chapters of these volumes can be obtained from Cambridge Histories Online,
http://histories.cambridge.org ]
RE-10 平野健一郎, 2000,『国際文化論』東京大学出版会 [CL: 319 ヒ、319 00276, TMRL:
319 0462, SPSE (GSPS): 361.5 314 & 314A, TL: 319 677, SSSL: 361.5 W51] (中国語、
RE-11 三谷太一郎, 2010,『近代日本の戦争と政治』岩波書店 [TL : 312 387]
Theoretical / Critical Approach (RT)
Waltz, Kenneth N. 1959/2001. Man the State and War: A Theoretical Analysis,
N.Y., Columbia University Press, Chapters 1, 2, 4 & 6.(渡邉昭夫・岡垣知子訳, 2013,『人
間・戦争・国家: 国際政治の 3 つのイメージ』勁草書房)[CL : DG 04205 011388401070,
TMRL : F319.8 0307, SPSE(G30): F319.8 1/1A, SPSE(GSPS): F319.8 W, SILS: 319.8 W]
Bull, Hedley. 1977/2002. The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World
Politics, 3rd ed., N.Y., Columbia University Press.(臼杵英一訳, 2000,『国際社会論:アナ
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