550.93=552.3十曳4 鼠一Ar Ages⑰藍A且電ere《悪Roc賄査騰紬曲£照量c賊噸翻盟ay幽㊧,P麗麗 駈e聡s鞠ATA*躍魂磁麗曲eU磯亙DA** 亘。臨蟹⑫《舳c曲朧 Michiqu皿ay is a major undeveloped porphyry copper deposit which is loc耳ted in the Peruvian Cordillerajust east ofthe Continental Divide(Fig.1).Thedepositis situated in themiddle of the sedimentary terrain that extends60m the Ecuadorian border down to the S130parallel (B肌LIDo and DE MoNTREuIL,1969)。:Recently detailed study on mineralization ofthis district has been made by one ofthe authors(UcHIDA,1975,1976a,1976b).In an attempt to reveal the time of mineralization,we have carried out K−Ar age determin我tions on granodiorite porphyry in the Michiquillaydistrict。Thispaperreports andbrieHydiscussestheresults ofagedeterminations.We are indebted to Mr,S.Uchiumi fbr technical assistance. 2. Geo且ogic鴇且set電量聡9 1n the Michiquillay district,Lower(P)Cretaceous quartzite and shale,and Middle Cretaceous limestone widely occur,repeating gentle fbldings which have WNW−ESE axes.The Michiquillaystock ofTertiaryageintruded these Cretaceousstrata(HoLLlsTER,1974).Thestockis described as granodiorite porphyry in this paper fピom both the petrographic and chemical aspects (UcHIDA,1975,1976a),though it has been described as quartz monzonite porphyry in the previous 噛\. ! \.DePGr†Gmen†O \.de IGS \. .ノ ! \ AmGzonGS \ Dep叫dmenf。( de LGmbqyeque l 、 \ く 』 ¥ DePG『†Gmen↑o \ Ge \ 、 ¥㍉ 、 り o !Gyo ■ 9 ノ フ 警 CGjGmqrCG \ \ Celendin o 、, MichiquiUqy ’ 、 牲/ y.、 CGjGmqr。G一!薄邑nCGnqdq\ ㌣ \, 〆鴨∼一一.一一㌦ 1 /し,MA 5 \、 難 燃 職 職 陽 驚 灘再 、 し、 転. 、 Dep†, de 彰Libe「†σd TrujillO 馨 馨獣麟. 議灘議 魯 ¥ 講 臨 Fig.1Location map ofthe Michiquillay deposit. *Geochemistry and Technical Service Dep翫rtment **Explor呂tion and Mining Enginee血g Department,Sumitomo Metal Mining Go,,Ltd. 33一(745) 一¥、 地質調査所月報(第27巻第11号) □GIGCiddep・Sita。IIUViUm 醗臨†漏}MiddleCre†qce・uS 探豊『IIlll麟欝 團ll:llz幕}し・we・(?)C・etqce・US 団Un・1†eredgrqn。di。ri†ep・rphyry Ter†iqry EヨAlteredgrqn。di・ritep。rphyry 圏Sk・m .,_、..5Limi†ofou†crops 緬.﹄,.1,玉 、鞄遵薩醗譲 愚 Sqmple Iocotion メ’π35 .1..壁.匪.一 50 60 60 齢 蟻 擁 lr…・iiiし’ 65 65 \、 \ .× X x. ど・・ノD田inqge X . ”ン…峯一x ■ 耗. 45 \、 賦 ._一_i尊 ,レ 謄へ 噂\ ’1._/・一 !ρ !’〆Foult \. −\. o 500 lOOO l500m Fig。2Geological map of the Michiquillay deposit and its a両acent area.Sur魚ce geology is modi丘ed諭er AsARco(unpub。1969)。 *The outline of the ore grade mineralization approximately coincides with that of“original,,potassic alter&tion on the same leve1. re驚rences。Mineralization occurs at about the center ofthe stock,showing a NE−SW elongation (Fig.2). Granodiorite porphyry in and adjacent to the ore body is rem翫rkably suf琵red f坐om both hydrothermal and supergene alteration.Hypogene alteration minerals which have been recognized so far are biotite,sericite,epidote,chlorite,quartz,k−fddspar,carbonate,kaolinite and andalusite. Neitheranhydritenorgypsumhas been observed as yet。A conspicuous but uniquealteration zoning can be observed。Five zones are clearly discernible based on the petrographic observation,the structural and textural relationship of the constituent miner論and veiエ11et systems,chemical properties(UGHIDAラ1975,1976a),and minor elements in magnetite(UcHIDA,1976b)。These are potassic,phyllic,propylitic,retrogradedpotassic−1,and一箕亙(Fig.2).Thefbrmer three are considered to have been concentrically zoned originally and to欝epresen慮汎n earlier episode。On the other hand, the latter two are considered to have been fbrmed through the superimposition of a later stage alteration on the earlier alteration products.The alteration zones fbrmed through this episode are in蝕red to have been fンom center outward,(1)quartz−sericite−andalusite,(2)quartz−kaolinite一 34一(746) K−Ar Ages ofAltered:Rocks丘om the Michiquillay Mine,Peru(Ken SHIBATA and Kinsuke UcHIDA) (chlorite),and(3)quartz−kaolinite−carbonate一(chlorite)・By the super…mposition of this alteration, the pre一{brmed potassic zone is suf琵red fピom the retrogressive alteration to fbrm the retrograded potassic zones.The retrograded potassic−I stands for the zone that is moderately affected and it approximately corresponds to the above(2)with some relict minerぬof the potassic assemblage. The retrograded,potassic−II represents the stro鷺gly af琵cted zone and it probably corresponds to the above(1).In this zone,most of the alteration minerals of the earlier stage have been completely obliterated and the original texture is hardly observed(UcHIDA,1975,1976a)。 Majorhypogenporemineralsarepyrite,chalcopyrite,magnetite,hematiteandmolybdenite. Besides these,fbllowing accessory minerals have been recognized so傭l cubanite,pyrrhotite,val− 1eriite,enargite,tetrahedrite(?),sphalerite and galena。These hypogene ore minerals are considered to have been fbrmed both temporally and spatially related with the alteration zoning to fbrm the mineralization zones.Through the earl三er stage min6ralization,which is considered contem− poraneous with the earlier stage alteration,an outward zoning“magnetite−chalcopyrite−molybd− enite.(pyrite)’,was formed.coaxally and coextensively with the alteration zoning“potassic−phyllic. propylitic”(UGHIDA,1975,1976a)。This is quite similar to the model proposed by:Low肌L and GuILBERT(1970).During the later stage mineralization,which is considered contemporaneous with the later stage alterationラ another n諺n6ralization zoning “molybdenite・sphalerite・galena− pyrite−gold−tetrahedrite・enargite,’appears to have been fbrmed f士om the center outward(UcHIDA, 1975,1976a).Thus the presently observed mineral zoning symmetry that apparently shows a complex pattem can be accounted.fbr by the superimposition ofthe two episodes ofhydrothermal activity. 翫Amlyzedsamplesandana且yt置calme伽ds K−Ar age determinations were carried out on two samples丘om the Michiquillaydepositin order to reveal the time dif琵rence between the two episodes of hydrothermal activity。The localities ofthe samples areshown in Fig。2。Sample Michi.43is asecondarybiotite separated丘om an altered granodiorite porphyry fヒom the potassic alteration zone of the earlier episode,whereas Michi−23is a whole−rock sample of altered granodiorite porphyry taken fヒom the retrograded potassic−II zone that is considered to represent the central part of the later episode.The details of the rock samples are given in the fbIlowing. Michi−43(DDH core) Locality:About26。2m from the collar of DDH I−21−B,Michiquillay mine,Enc面ada, Cajamarca,Peru(7。03/Sラ78020!W) Rock: Altered granodiorite porphyry,consisting mainly of secondary biotite,chlorite,sericite, quartz,plagioclase(relict),secondary:K−fddspar,associated,with small amounts ofpyrite, chalcopyrite,magnetite(hematite),leucoxene,sphene. Michi−23(Chip sample) Locality:About420m from the portal ofthe3500m level adit,Michiquillay mine,Enca肱da, Cajam乱rca,Pem(7。03/S,78。20’W) Rock:Altered granodiorite porphyry,consisting mainly of quartz and sericite,associated with 35一(747) 地質調査所月報(第27巻第11号) sma11&mounts ofandalusite,pyrite,chalcopyrite. Argon extraction and puriGcation were made in a pyrex high v批cuum system。Samples were 血sed in a molybdenum crucible at about1300◎C fbr30minutes,and argon was purified with hot titanium sponge.Isotopic ratios of argon were measured on a Reynolds type mass spectrometer. :Potassium was determined by atomic absorption乱nalysis.Constants used fbr age calculation are: λβ・=生72×10−10/y,λ、=o.584×10−10/y,40K/K=o.0119atom%. 4. Res魍岨重S我置且dl d遥SC胆SS量0孤 The results ofK−Ar age determinations are given in Table1。A secondary biotite separated 丘om the potassic zone,where the ef琵ct ofthe superimposition ofthe retrograded potassic alteration was considered to be minima1,gives an ag60f28.2±4.9m.y.The age may indicate the time ofthe potassic alteration.A whole−rock sample ofaltered granodiorite porphyry taken fピom the probable center ofthe retrograded potassic alteration,where the effect ofthe second,stage alteration has been maxima1,gives an age of18。7士L4m.y.This rock consists mainly ofquartz and sericite,and almost all ofpotassium in the rock is contained in sericite.Therefbre the obtained age may represent the time of sericite fbrmation and accordingly the time of the retrograded potassic alter乱tion。 :LAuGHLIN6渉α1。(1968)reported two K−Ar datesfヒom the Michiquillaydistrict.A K−Ar age of46.4m。y.was obtained fbr homblende ffom a small homblende granodiorite stock occurring about three miles northeast ofthe Michiqu皿ay ore body.An age of20.6m.y.was obtained for biotite f}om a su1丑de−bearing rock exposed in an explanatory adit.This sample must have been taken f}om the pot批ssic alteration zone and must certainly be a secondary biotite according to their description』LAuG肌IN6飽」.(1968)consider that the homblende age is anormalously old owing to the incorporation ofexcess40Ar,and that the intrusion ofgranodiorite could be as late indicated by the mineralization age.Eowever,the possibility ofexcess40Ar incorporation in horn− blende in shallow.emplaced rocks such as granodiorite porphyry倉om the Michiquillay district, seems to be very Iittle.Moreover potassium content of the analyzed homblende is not very low (0・7%K)。Accordingly,it ismoreprobable that the hornblende乱ge represents the time ofintrusion fbr granodiorite porphyry,although the possibility of excess40Ar cannot completely be ruled out. The dif断ence in theageofbiotitef士om thepotassic alteration zonel20.6and28。2m。y。,may beinterpreted as either(1)the biotite datedby L・AuG肌IN6勧1.mayhave been thermally af驚cted to give an apparently younger age,as the effect of later stage alteration is more or less observed throughout the tunnel where Laughlin6渉α乙sampled,or(2)the potassic alteration occurred in two stages・ Using all the available age dat乱,the history ofthe igneous and.hydrothermal activities in the Michiqui11批y district is summarized as fbllows, Table l K−Ar ages ofaltered rocks丘om the Michiquiilay mineラPeru。 Sample No。 Minera1 K20 (%) 40Ar rad Atmospheric (10−6ccSTP!g) 窪oAr(%) Age (m.y.) Michi−43 biotite 7,69 7.21 88.1 28.2ニヒ4.9 Miぐhi−23 whole rock 3.86 2.40 73.4 18.7士1.4 36一(748) K−ArAges ofAltered Rocks肋m the Michiquillay Mine,Peru(Ken SHIBATA and Kinsuke UcH亙DA) Unaltered porphyry hornblende 《’46.4m.y。 Potassic alteration biotite 28。2(to20.6)m.y. Retrograded potassic alteration sericite 18.7m.y. Although therestillremainssome doubtasto the varidity ofthese age data,as LAuG肌INθ緬乙 (1968)pointed,out,the above history well accords with geological and chemical observations。 Re蛋¢re鴎ces BELHDoフE.and DE MoNTREuIL,L(1969)Aspectos generales de la metalogenia del Peru。 G80Jog毎E60箆07痂α,:N’o.1タServicio de Geologia y Mineria del Peru。 HoLLlsTER,V。F。(1974)The Michiquillay porphyry copper deposit。M傭α」伽Dψ052渉α,voL9, p.261−269. LAuGHLIN,A.W.ンDAMoN,P.E.and WATsoN,B。N.(1968)Potassium−argon dates丘om Toquepala and Michiquillay,Peru.E60π.080乙,voL63,p.166−168. Low肌L,J.D.and GuILBERT,J。M。(1970):Lateral and vertical alteration mineralization zoning in porphyry ore deposits・E60π・060乙,voL65,P・373−408・ UcHIDA,K.(1975) 乃6励6」げα伽675」αg6勉盟α伽漉on on Jh6読67観oη一雁n67読z漉oηzo痂gゼηα ρoψ妙び6吻87勿0526.Unpublished D。Sc.Thesis,:Fac。Sci.Hiroshima Univ。 (1976a)一一一一一 (resume)。ハ46η2.Eα6.3厩研705hJη2αU物。(in preparation). (1976b)Minorelementsinmagnetite丘omunalteredandalteredrocksattheMichiqui1− 1ay porphyry copper deposit.ル勧痂g O60乙(Tokyo)(in preparation). ペルーM量c賊噸戯星臨y鉱山産変質岩の藍一Ar年代 柴田 賢・内田欽介 要 旨 ペルーのポーフィリー・カッパー鉱床Michiquillay鉱山の変質した花闘閃緑斑岩から分離した黒雲 母のK−Ar年代は,28.2土4.9m・y・であり,これはpotassic alterationの時期を示すものと考えられ る.一方,セリサイト石英岩の全岩年代は18・7士L4m・y・で,この年代は後期の変質作用の時期を示 すものであろう, (受付;1976年6月7日;受理:1976年6月17目) 37一(749)