
L3 Eating Up the Sea

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Category: Documents





L3 Eating Up the Sea
L1 Eating Up the Sea
Part 1 What is about to start/ and/ where it is?
Just before dawn,/ about 20 buyers from all over the world enter/ the United Fishing
Agency warehouse/ in Honolulu, Hawaii.// They all wear winter jackets/ over their aloha
shirts/ to ease/ chill of the refrigerator.// They got their cellphones ready/ to dial
their customers/ in Tokyo, Los Angeles and Toronto.// The fishing ships are unloaded/
in order of arrival/ at the pier.// Fish are weighed,/ tagged with the name of the ship,/
set out on a pallets,/ and kept clean and cold.// Everything is ready/ and/ the big doors
of the warehouse are to open/ soon.// Yes!/ A famous seafood auction is about to start
Once the auction starts,/ people take samples from the fish/ and/ lay out ribbons of
flesh.// Buyers finger the samples,/ trying to judge the quality from the color,
texture and fat content.// As orders comes from home/ over the cell phones,/ bids are
sent to/ the auctioneer with mysterious hand gestures.// Little sheets of paper with
unreadable handwriting are put on/ a fish’s side/ when a sale is finalized.// One by one
the fish are auctioned/ and sold/ to the highest bidder/ to be shipped/ to wealthy
The United Fishing Agency started/ its auction/ on August 5, 1952,/ based on/ that
of Tsukiji in Tokyo.// Every day,/ the remarkable auction attracts/ many fish buyers,/
but,/ in fact/ there is a serious problem/ behind this prosperous scene.//
L1 Eating Up the Sea
Part 1 What is about to start/ and/ where it is?
Just before dawn,/ about 20 buyers from all over the world enter/ the United Fishing
夜明 け前 ちょうど/
世 界 中からやってきた約 20 人の仲 買 人たちが入ってくる/
Agency warehouse/ in Honolulu, Hawaii.// They all wear winter jackets/ over their aloha
の倉 庫に
彼らは皆、冬 用のジャケットを着ている/
shirts/ to ease/ chill of the refrigerator.// They got their cellphones ready/ to dial
/~を和らげるために/ 冷 蔵 庫の冷 気を//
彼らは携 帯 電 話を準 備している/
自 分たちの
their customers/ in Tokyo, Los Angeles and Toronto.// The fishing ships are unloaded/
顧 客に電 話をするために/
東 京、ロサンゼルスそしてトロントにいる//
漁 船の積 荷は降ろされる/
in order of arrival/ at the pier.// Fish are weighed,/ tagged with the name of the ship,/
到 着する順 番に/
埠 頭に//
魚は重 さを計られ/
船の名前 のついた札を付けられ/
set out on a pallets,/ and kept clean and cold.// Everything is ready/ and/ the big doors
/その倉 庫の大きな
そして清潔で冷たい場 所で保 管される// すべての準 備が整うと
of the warehouse are to open/ soon.// Yes!/ A famous seafood auction is about to start
有 名な海 産食 品 の競りがまさに~始まろうとしてる/
Once the auction starts,/ people take samples from the fish/ and/ lay out ribbons of
人々は魚の見 本をとり/
そして/身のついている細 長いひも状 のものを//
flesh.// Buyers finger the samples,/ trying to judge the quality from/ the color,
仲 買 人たちその見 本を指で触る/
~の質 を判断しようとして/
texture and fat content.// As orders comes from home/ over the cell phones,/ bids are
その手 触りそしてその脂の乗り具 合 //
本国 からの注 文が来 ると/
携帯 電 話を通じて/
入 札は~へ
sent to/ the auctioneer with mysterious hand gestures.// Little sheets of paper with
手で摩 訶 不思 議なしぐさをしている競 り人に//
手で書かれた読むことのできない数 枚の
unreadable handwriting are put on/ a fish’s side/ when a sale is finalized.// One by one
魚の横 に/
競 売は終わりとなる//
the fish are auctioned/ and sold/ to the highest bidder/ to be shipped/ to wealthy
そして売られていく/一 番 高 い値 段をつけた人に/
船 で送られるために/
顧 客に//
The United Fishing Agency started/ its auction/ on August 5, 1952,/ based on/ that
競 りを/
1952 年の 8 月 5 日に/
of Tsukiji in Tokyo.// Every day,/ the remarkable auction attracts/ many fish buyers,/
東 京の築 地のもの//
毎 日/
この驚くべき競りは~を魅 了する/
多くの魚の仲買 人 たちを/
but,/ in fact/ there is a serious problem/ behind this prosperous scene.//
しかし/ 実 際のところ/ ある深 刻な問 題がある/
この賑わっている背景 の裏 側には//
Part 2 What is the world catch/ and/ what can we say/ about it?
Every year/ nearly 80 million tons of/ wild fish and shellfish are caught/ in the world
oceans.// The fishing industry calls/ this huge quantity of mass-hunting/ the world
catch.// Many people say that/ the size of this harvest has been relatively stable/ over
the past decade.// However,/ the world catch is/ neither stable nor fairly divided/
among the nations of the world.//
According to estimates/ by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations,/ 53 percent of fishery stock were fully exploited/ in 2008.// This means that/
the current world catch is at or close/ to the maximum level of sustainable
In the 1950s,/ a much smaller part of the ocean was sufficient/ to meet our needs.//
But/ as rich nations demanded increasingly/ large and expensive fish,/ they exceeded/
the production capacities of their own economic zone.// As a result,/ more and more
of the high seas had to be fished/ to keep supplies growing/ or/ even content.//
Technically,/ the high seas are owned/ by nobody and everybody,/ and/ it is because
this free accessibility/ that their stocks are exploited easily/ and/ often illegally.//
Indeed,/ the catch from the high-sea areas has risen/ to nearly ten times/ what it was
in 1950.// Nowadays,/ the ocean has far too few fish left/ to support the current world
Part 2 What is the world catch/ and/ what can we say/ about it?
世 界の漁 獲高 とは何か/
Every year/ nearly 80 million tons of/ wild fish and shellfish are caught/ in the world
およそ 8000 万トンの~/
天然 の魚 介 類が捕られる/
世 界の海で//
oceans.// The fishing industry calls/ this huge quantity of mass-hunting/ the world
//水 産 業は~と呼ぶ/
このものすごくたくさんの量 の魚を捕ることを/
世界 の漁 獲 高
catch.// Many people say that/ the size of this harvest has been relatively stable/ over
この収 穫 高 の規 模は比 較 的安 定している/
the past decade.// However,/ the world catch is/ neither stable nor fairly divided/
過 去数 10 年の間は//
この世界 の漁 獲 高は~だ/
安 定もしていないし公 平 に分けられてもいない/
among the nations of the world.//
世 界の国々の間で//
According to estimates/ by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
統 計によると/
国 連 連合 食 糧 農 業 機 関の
Nations,/ 53 percent of fishery stock were fully exploited/ in 2008.// This means that/
/漁業の 53 パーセントの資 源 は完 全にとりつくされている/
2008 年に// これは~という意 味である/
the current world catch is at or close/ to the maximum level of sustainable
最 近の世 界の漁 獲高は~か~それに近い/
維 持することができる生 産 高 の最 大レベル
In the 1950s,/ a much smaller part of the ocean was sufficient/ to meet our needs.//
1950 年代は/
はるかに狭い海の地 域で十 分だった/
私 達の需 要に合わすのに//
But/ as rich nations demanded increasingly/ large and expensive fish,/ they exceeded/
しかし/ お金のある国がどんどん要 求を上げるつれて/
大きくて高 価な魚の/
the production capacities of their own economic zone.// As a result,/ more and more
自 身の経 済区 域 の生 産 能 力を//
結 果として/
ますます多くの外 洋
of the high seas had to be fished/ to keep supplies growing/ or/ even content.//
で魚を捕 獲しないといけなくなった/
供給を増 え続けさせるために/ または/
そのままの状 態を守るために//
Technically,/ the high seas are owned/ by nobody and everybody,/ and/ it is because
専門 的 言うと/
外洋 というのは所 有 されている/
そして/ それはこういったように
this free accessibility/ that their stocks are exploited easily/ and/ often illegally.//
自 由に入 りやすいことだからだ/
それらの資 源が簡 単に搾 取され/
Indeed,/ the catch from the high-sea areas has risen/ to nearly ten times/ what it was
外 洋 地 域で魚をとることは増えてきている/
10 倍 近くに/
1950 年のころの
in 1950.// Nowadays,/ the ocean has far too few fish left/ to support the current world
//現 在/
現在の世 界の漁 獲 高を支えるのに//
Part 3 Why did the custom of eating raw fish begin to spread
through out the world?//
Different fish have different impacts upon/ ocean stocks/ depending on their marine
chain.// For example,/ a single thousand-pound tuna might represent/ as many as/
15,000/ smaller fish.// Therefore,/ in order to gain/ a more accurate picture of/ how
different nations have been using/ the resources of the sea,/ we should measure/ the
amount of “primary production” consumed.// This is a way of/ estimating seafood
consumption/ based on the smallest creatures/ at the bottom of marine food chain.//
with this method of measurement,/ Chine is the largest seafood consumer/ and/ Japan
comes in second.//
Fish is the traditional food source/ in Japan,/ and/ Japanese have established/ a rich
seafood culture/ over many century.// But/ sushi and sashimi no longer belong/ only to
Japanese people.// Take bluefin tuna, for example.// Japanese were once the only
major raw tuna eaters.// However,/ people in the West found/ fish was a safer source
of protein/ than beef.// So/ the custom of eating raw fish,/ including bluefin tuna,/
began to spread/ throughout the world.// Also,/ in Asia,/ the increasing economic
prosperity of China,/ for example,/ is leading to/ more consumption of expensive fish/
like tuna/ in people’s everyday meals.//
Such increasing consumption of tuna aroused/ considerable public concern/ when an
export ban on Atlantic bluefin tuna was proposed/ at an international discussion/ in
2010.// Although the ban was voted down,/ the issue still remains/ the focus of public
Part 3 Why did the custom of eating raw fish begin to spread
どうして生 魚を食べるという習 慣 が広がり始めたのか?/
through out the world?//
世 界 中に//
Different fish have different impacts upon/ ocean stocks/ depending on their marine
様々な魚が様々な影 響を~に与える/
海の資 源に/
彼らの海の食 物連 鎖によって
chain.// For example,/ a single thousand-pound tuna might represent/ as many as/
1000 ポンドの 1 匹のマグロは~の代 表かもしれない/
15,000 匹もの
15,000/ smaller fish.// Therefore,/ in order to gain/ a more accurate picture of/ how
もっと正 確 に~の実 像を/
different nations have been using/ the resources of the sea,/ we should measure/ the
どれだけたくさんの国々が消 費しているか/
海の資 源を/
私 達 測るべきだ/
amount of “primary production” consumed.// This is a way of/ estimating seafood
消 費された主 要な生 産 量を//
これは~の方 法の一つだ/ 海 産食 品の消 費の概 要 を出す
consumption/ based on the smallest creatures/ at the bottom of marine food chain.//
/ 一 番 小さな生 物を基 本とし/
海の食 物 連 鎖の底 辺にいる//
With this method of measurement,/ Chine is the largest seafood consumer/ and/ Japan
この測 定による方 法では/
中 国が一 番 多く海 産 食 品を消 費 し/
comes in second.//
日 本は 2 番目に来る//
Fish is the traditional food source/ in Japan,/ and/ Japanese have established/ a rich
魚は伝 統 的な食糧 源 /
日 本の/
そして/ 日本は確 立してきた/
seafood culture/ over many century.// But/ sushi and sashimi no longer belong/ only to
豊 富な海 産食 品の文 化を/何 世 紀にもわたって//
しかし/ お寿 司や刺 身はもう~だけのものではない/
Japanese people.// Take bluefin tuna, for example.// Japanese were once the only
日 本 人だけの//
日本 人はかつて生マグロを食べる唯 一の中 心 的な
major raw tuna eaters.// However,/ people in the West found/ fish was a safer source
た存 在だった//
西 洋 の人々が~と知った/
魚はより安全 なたんぱく質 の源 /
of protein/ than beef.// So/ the custom of eating raw fish,/ including bluefin tuna,/
牛 肉よりも//
だから/ 生 魚を食べる習 慣が/
クロマグロを含 めて/
began to spread/ throughout the world.// Also,/ in Asia,/ the increasing economic
世 界 中に//
アジアにおいて/中 国の経 済発 展 の増 加が/
prosperity of China,/ for example,/ is leading to/ more consumption of expensive fish/
/ 例えば/
高 価な魚をもっと消 費するという
like tuna/ in people’s everyday meals.//
マグロのような/ 人々毎 日の食 事で//
Such increasing consumption of tuna aroused/ considerable public concern/ when an
そうしたマグロの消 費が上がってきていることは~を招いた/
世 間 的にかなりの不 安/
export ban on Atlantic bluefin tuna was proposed/ at an international discussion/ in
クロマグロの輸 入 禁 止 令が提 案 されたとき/
ある国 際的 な審 議で/
2010.// Although the ban was voted down,/ the issue still remains/ the focus of public
2010 年の//その禁 止 令は否 決されたけれども/
その問題 はいまだに~である/
世 間の注 目の的
Part 4 What should we do/ as consumers/ responsible for/
environment preservation?//
How can the world’s fisheries be managed/ in a sustainable and successful way?//
There are at least two things/ to bear in mind.// First,/ it is important/ to make the
seafood crisis more visible/ to each consumers.// The fish we eat every day/ comes/
from oceans far away to the kitchen table,/ and/ this distance makes the crisis very
difficult/ to see and feel.// One way to raise awareness of this is/ a labeling system/
for seafood by which/ consumers can see that/ it has come from/ a certified
sustainable fishery/ in a legal manner.// The blue label by the Marine Stewardship
council is/ a promising example.//
Second,/ international cooperation is indispensable to/ maintaining rich seafood
resources/ on a global scale.// Since the United Nations Conversation on the Law of
the Sea came into effect/ in 1994,/ member nations have been required/ to get ready
for sea stock conservation.// As a result,/ they have adopted/ quota systems/ to limit
catches of commercial fish.// International evaluation of these can help/ to bring about
stock recoveries/ and/ sustainable fishing/ in the world’s oceans.//
Today,/ as consumers responsible for/ environmental preservation,/ each of us should
be aware of/ the fish and shellfish/ we eat every day.// We should also pay/ more
attention to/ what is going on/ in the world’s oceans.// If we lose our fish,/ we will
lose/ one of our precious/ shared treasures,/ for/ the world’s oceans belong equally to
all of us.//
Part 4 What should we do/ as consumers/ responsible for/
消費 者として/
~に対して責 任のある/
environment preservation?//
環 境 保全/
How can the world’s fisheries be managed/ in a sustainable and successful way?//
世 界の漁 業はどのようにして管 理されているのか?/
持 続 可能 でうまくいっている方 法を//
There are at least two things/ to bear in mind.// First,/ it is important/ to make the
少なくとも 2 つのものがある/
~が大 事/
海産 食 品が重 大な
seafood crisis more visible/ to each consumers.// The fish we eat every day/ comes/
局 面にあることをもっと目に見えるようにすること/
それぞれの消 費 者に//
私 達が毎 日 食べている魚は/
from oceans far away to the kitchen table,/ and/ this distance makes the crisis very
遠い海から台 所のテーブルに/
そして/ この距 離のためこの重 大 な局 面を~することがとても難しい/
difficult/ to see and feel.// One way to raise awareness of this is/ a labeling system/
この気づきを高めるための一つの方 法は~ということだ/
海 産 物をラベル化する制 度
for seafood by which/ consumers can see that/ it has come from/ a certified
消 費 者たちは~ということが分かる/ それが~から来ていることを/
認 定を受けた
sustainable fishery/ in a legal manner.// The blue label by the Marine Stewardship
維 持 可能 な漁 場 /
法 律に合わせたやり方で//
海 洋 管 理 協 議 会による青いラベルは~だ/
council is/ a promising example.//
一つの有 望な例だ
Second,/ international cooperation is indispensable to/ maintaining rich seafood
国 際 的な会 社 は~が不 可 欠だ/
豊 富 な海 産 物の資 源を維 持するのが
resources/ on a global scale.// Since the United Nations Conversation on the Law of
/地球 規 模で//
海洋 法に関 する国際 連 合 条 約が法 律を実 施したので/
the Sea came into effect/ in 1994,/ member nations have been required/ to get ready
1994 年に/ メンバーである国々は必 要とされている/
~する準 備ができていること
for sea stock conservation.// As a result,/ they have adopted/ quota systems/ to limit
海の資 源を管 理する//
結 果として/
彼らは~を採 用している/
割 当てシステムを/
商 業 的に
catches of commercial fish.// International evaluation of these can help/ to bring about
魚を捕 獲すること制 限をするため//
これらの国 際 的 な評 価は~の助けになるだろう/
stock recoveries/ and/ sustainable fishing/ in the world’s oceans.//
そして/ 維 持 可能 な漁 場 /
資 源の回 復
世 界の海での//
Today,/ as consumers responsible for/ environmental preservation,/ each of us should
今 日/
~に責 任のある消 費 者として/
環 境 保全に/
私 達それぞれは
be aware of/ the fish and shellfish/ we eat every day.// We should also pay/ more
魚 介 類に/
私たちが毎 日 食べている//
私 達はまた~に対してもっと注 意を払うべき/
attention to/ what is going on/ in the world’s oceans.// If we lose our fish,/ we will
/何 が起きているのか/
世 界の海で//
もし私 達が魚をなくしてしまったら/
私達 は
lose/ one of our precious/ shared treasures,/ for/ the world’s oceans belong equally to
~を失うだろう/大 事なものの一 つを/
all of us.//
財 産を共 有している/
というのも~だからだ/世 界の海は私 達 全員に平 等のもの//
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