
Galaxy S4. Play Books

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Galaxy S4. Play Books
While on the map screen, press
to access additional
• Set destination: returns you to the navigation options screen
where you can access a destination by either Speaking, Typing, or
selecting from a Contacts entry or Starred Place.
• Search: manually search for a destination address, place, name
of business, or even a type of business.
• Layers: allows you to switch map views. See previous
• Settings: provides access to both Power settings (Screen
Play Books
Formerly known as Google Books, this application allows you
to read over 3 million ebooks on the go.
Build your ebooks library in the cloud with Play Books: jump
right into a bestseller or select from nearly 3 million free
ebooks. Personalize the reader to your liking, pick up reading
where you left off on your phone or computer, and settle
down with a great book on your Android phone!
Note: You must logged into your Google account prior to using
this feature.
dimming) and Information (Terms, privacy & notices).
• Exit navigation: terminates the application.
• Help: provides on-screen help.
This application provides the ability to make or answering
calls, access the Contacts list, which is used to store contact
From the Home screen, tap
For more information, refer to “Call Functions and Contacts
List” on page 60.
1. From the Home screen, tap
(Play Books).
(Apps) ➔
2. If prompted, tap Turn sync on. This synchronizes your
books you have previously selected between your
Books account and your device.
3. Tap
to begin searching for both free and paid
4. Follow the on-screen prompts to download the ebook
to your device.
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