
21世紀COEプログラム 業績集 - Basic Study and Clinical Application

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21世紀COEプログラム 業績集 - Basic Study and Clinical Application
21世紀COEプログラム 業績集
Iguchi T., Miyakawa Y., Saito K., Nakabayashi C., Nakanishi M., Saya H.,
Ikeda Y., and Kizaki M.: Zoledronate-induced S phase arrest and apoptosis accompanied
by DNA damage and activation of the ATM/Chk1/cdc25 pathway in human osteosarcoma cells. International Journal of Oncology 31:285-291, 2007(7).
Yamazaki T., Goto S., Shigematsu H., Shimada K., Uchiyama S., Nagai R.,
Yamada N., Matsumoto M., Origasa H., Bhatt D.L., Steg P.G., Ikeda Y., for the REACH
Registry Investigators: Prevalence, awareness and treatment of cardiovascular risk
factors in patients at high risk of atherothrombosis in Japan – results from domestic
baseline data of the REduction of Atherotherombosis for Continued Health (REACH)
registry -. Circulation Journal 71(7): 995-1003, 2007(7).
Suzuki S., Mori T., Mihara A., Aisa Y., Ikeda Y., Suzuki N., and Okamoto
S.: Immune-mediated motor polyneuropathy after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation 40(3): 289-291, 2007(8).
Mori T., Aisa Y., Shimizu T., Yamazaki R., Mihara A., Yajima T., Hibi T.,
Ikeda Y., and Okamoto S.: Hepatic veno-occlusive disease after tranexamic acid
administration in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. American J of Hematol 82: 838-839, 2007 (9)
Aisa Y., Mori T., Nakazato T., Shimizu T., Yamazaki R., Ikeda Y., and
Okamoto S.: Blood eosinophilia as a marker of favorable outcome after allogeneic stem
cell transplantation. Transplant International 20 (9): 761-770, 2007 (9)
Nakazato T., Sagawa M., Yamato K., Xiam M., Yamamoto T., Suematsu
M., Ikeda Y., and Kizaki M.: Myeloperoxidase is a key regulator of oxidative stressmediated apoptosis in myeloid leukmic cells. Clin Cancer Res 13 (18): 5436-5445,
Yin T., Takeshita S., Sato Y., Sakata T., Shin Y., Honda S., Kawasaki T.,
Tsuji H., Kojima T., Madoiwa S., Sakata Y., Murata M., Ikeda Y. and Miyata T.: A large
deletion of the PROSI gene in a deep vein thrombosis paient with protein S deficiency.
Thromb Haemost 98(4): 783-789, 2007.
大平 貴之 【論文】
Niimi M, Ohira T, Akiyama T, Hiraga K, Kaneko Y, Ochiai M, Fukunaga
A, Kobayashi M, Kawase T. Source analysis of the magnetic field evoked during selfpaced finger movements. Neurol Res 2008 (in press)
Hara K, Matsukawa N, Yasuhara T, Xu L, Yu G, Maki M, Kawase T, Hess
DC, Kim SU, Borlongan CV. Transplantation of post-mitotic human neuroteratocarcinoma-overexpressing Nurr1 cells provides therapeutic benefits in
experimental stroke: In vitro evidence of expedited neuronal differentiation and GDNF
secretion. J Neurosci Res 2007:1240-51.
Yasuhara T, Hara K, Sethi KD, Morgan JC, Borlongan CV. Increased
8-OHdG levels in the urine, serum, and substantia nigra of hemiparkinsonian rats. Brain Res 2007:49-52.
Akiyama T, Ohira T, Kawase T, Kato T.TMS orientation for NIRSfunctional motor mapping. Brain Topogr 2006;19:1-9.
Kobayashi M, Takayama H, Kawase T, Mihara B, Ohira T, Schlaug G.
Initial Motor Impairment influences Activation Pattern of Motor Recovery. Neurol Res
2006 2006;28:849-852
戦に対する両側視床服即中間核刺激術の効果.機能的脳神経外科 2006, 45: 144146
Yasuhara T, Matsukawa N, Hara K, Yu G, Xu L, Maki M, Kim SU,
Borlongan CV. Transplantation of human neural stem cells exerts neuroprotection in a
rat model of Parkinson's disease. J Neurosci 2006:12497-511
Yasuhara T, Matsukawa N, Hara K, Yu G, Xu L, Maki M, Kim SU,
Borlongan CV. Transplantation of human neural stem cells exerts neuroprotection in a
rat model of Parkinson’s disease. J Neurosci 2006:12497-12511.
Akiyama T, Ohira T, Kato T, Toda Y, Orii M, Hiraga K, Fukunaga A,
Kobayashi M, Onozuka S, Kawase T. Motor-related intracortical steal phenomenon
detected by multichannel functional near-infrared spectroscopy imaging. Cerebrovasc
Dis 20(5):337-46, 2005
福永篤志、神波雅之、大平貴之、小川誠二、河瀬 斌. 3テスラ高磁場
functional MRIを用いた大脳優位半球の同定?非侵襲的方法の確立. INNERVISION 2005;20:43-44
福永篤志、大平貴之、加藤元一郎、鹿島晴雄、河瀬 斌. 後出し負けじゃ
んけん時の補足運動野の役割. 高次脳機能研究 2005;25: 242-250
Borlongan CV, Yu G, Matsukawa N, Yasuhara T, Hara K, Xu L. Cell
transplantation: stem cells in the spotlight. Cell Transplant 2005:519-526.
Takahashi S, Arakawa A, Hara K, Murakami K, Miyahara Y. Acute
subdural hematoma in patient with Moyamoya disease after bilaterally EDAS and right
fromtal single burr-hole operation: a Case Report. Neurotraumatology 28. 2005:40-43.
Theoret H, Halligan E, Kobayashi M, Fregni F, Tager-Flusberg H, PascualLeone A. Impaired motor facilitation during action observation in individuals with
autism spectrum disorder. Curr Biol 2005, 15:R84-5.
Kobayashi M, Hutchinson S, Théoret H, Schlaug G, Pascual-Leone A:
Repetitive TMS of the motor cortex improves ipsilateral sequential simple finger
movements. Neurology 2004 62:91-8.
Theoret H, Kobayashi M, Merabet L, Wagner T, Tormos JM, PascualLeone A. Modulation of right motor cortex excitability without awareness following
presentation of masked self-images. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res 2004, 20: 54-57
Theoret H, Halligan E, Kobayashi M, Merabet L, Pascual-Leone A.
Unconscious modulation of motor cortex excitability revealed with transcranial
magnetic stimulation. Exp Brain Res 2004, 155: 261-264
Wagner T, Gangitano M, Romero R, Theoret H, Kobayashi M, Anschel D,
Ives J, Cuffin N, Schomer D, Pascual-Leone A. Intracranial measurement of current
densities induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation in the human brain [rapid
communication]. Neuroscience Letters 2004, 354: 91-4
福永篤志、大平貴之、秋山武紀、河瀬 斌. 唇とがらし運動中の大脳感
覚運動野の左側優位性. Facial Nerve Research Jpn 2004;24: 84-86
コンピュータ上での機能画像,三次元画像を用いた術前計画.CI研究 2004, 26:
Fukunaga A, Kawase T, Uchida K. Functional recovery after simultaneous
transplantation of neuro-epithelial stem cells with adjacent mesenchyme into ischemic
rat brain. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2003;145: 473-481.
福永篤志、大平貴之、秋山武紀、平賀健司、河瀬 斌. 口とがらし運動に
よる大脳皮質BOLDシグナルの検出-3テスラMRIの研究. Facial Nerve Research
Jpn 2003;23: 48-50
小林正人Functional MRI
. Medicina 2005, 42: 390-392
2007年日本高次脳機能障害学会 第10回
「長谷川賞」福永 篤志、大
平 貴之、加藤 元一郎、鹿島 晴雄、河瀬 斌
2003年 慶應義塾大学医学部外科 刀林賞
2007年 文部科学省科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C) 2006年 日本損害保険協会交通事故医療研究助成 2005年 医科学応用研究財団研究助成 2005年 文部科学省ハイテクリサーチセンター整備事業 若手研究者研究助成 日本脳神経財団 研究助成
2003年 文部科学省科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)
T., Takeshita S., Sato Y., Sakata T., Shin Y., Honda S., Kawasaki T., Tsuji H., Kojima T.,
Madoiwa S., Sakata Y., Murata M., Ikeda Y. and Miyata T.: A large deletion of the
PROSI gene in a deep vein thrombosis paient with protein S deficiency. Thromb
Haemost 98(4): 783-789, 2007.
岡田 保典 【論文】
Makihira S., Yan W., Murakami H., Furukawa M., Kawai T., Nikawa H.,
Yoshida E., Hamada T., Okada Y. and Kato Y.: Thyroid hormon enhances aggrecanase2/ADAM-TS5 expression and proteoglycan degradation in growth plate cartilage.
Endocrinology 144:2480-2488, 2003.
Suzuki M., Murata M., Matsubara Y., Uchida T., Ishihara H., Shibano T.,
Ashida S., Soejima K., Okada Y. and Ikeda Y.: Detection of von Willebrand factorcleaving protease (ADAMTS-13) in human platelets. Biochem. Biophys. Res.
Commun. 313: 212-216, 2003.
Matsuki H., Yonezawa K., Obata K., Iwata K., Nakamura H., Okada Y. and
Seiki M.: Monoclonal antibodies with defined recognition sequences in the stem region
of CD44: Detection of differential glycosylations of CD44 between tumor and stroma
cells in tissue. Cancer Res. 63: 8278-8283, 2003.
Makino Y., Nakamura H., Ikeda E., Ohnuma K., Yamauchi K., Yabe Y.,
Poellinger L., Okada Y., Morimoto C. and Tanaka H.: Hypoxia-inducible factor
regulates survival of antigen receptor-driven T cells. J. Immunol. 171:6534-6540,
Mochizuki S., Shimoda M., Shiomi T.., Fujii Y. and Okada Y.: ADAM28 is
activated by MMP-7 (matrilysin-1) and cleaves insulin-like growth factor binding
protein-3. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 315: 79-84, 2004.
Nakamura H., Suenaga N., Taniwaki, K., Matsuki H., Yonezawa, K., Fujii,
M., Okada Y. and Seiki M.: Constitutive and induced CD44 shedding by ADAM-like
proteases and MT1-MMP: Shedding site-specific promotion of tumor cell invasion.
Cancer Res. 64: 876-882, 2004.
Uekita T., Gotoh I., Kinoshita T., Itoh Y., Sato H., Shiomi T., Okada Y. and
Seiki M.: Membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase cytoplasmic tail-binding protein-1
is a new member of the cupin superfamiily. A possible multifunctional protein acting as
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an invasion suppressor down-regulated in tumors. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 12734-12743,
Kayano K., Shimada T., Shinomiya T., Nakai S., Hisa Y., Aoki T., Seiki M.
and Okada Y.: The activation of proMMP-2 mediated by MT1-MMP in human salivary
gland carcinomas: Possible implication of TIMP-2 in the regulation of proMMP-2
activation. J. Pathol. 202: 476-485, 2004.
Kohno M., Ishizaka A., Sawafuji M., Koh K., Hirayama Y., Ikeda E.,
Shiomi T., Okada Y. and Kobayashi K.: Hypoxia-induced emphysematous changes in
the subacute phase of endotoxin lung injury in rats. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol.
Physiol. 287: L184-190, 2004.
10. Hashimoto G., Shimoda M. and Okada Y.: ADAMTS4 (aggrecanase-1)
interaction with the C-terminal domain of fibronectin inhibits proteolysis of aggrecan.
J. Biol. Chem. 279: 32483-32491, 2004.
Yokoyama T., Nakamura H., Otani Y., Kubota T., Fujimoto N., Seiki M.,
Kitajima M. and Okada Y.: TIMP-3 is a possible regulator of proMMP-2 (progelatinase
A) activation mediated by MT1-MMP in human gastric carcinomas. Clin. Exp.
Metastasis 21:223-233, 2004.
Mizuno R., Oya M., Shiomi T., Marumo K., Okada Y. and Murai M.:
Inhibition of MKP-1 expression potentiates JNK related apoptosis in renal cancer cells.
J. Urol. 172:723-727, 2004.
Mikami S., Ohashi K., Katsube K., Nemoto T., Nakajima M. and Okada Y.:
Coexpression of heparanase, basic fibroblast growth factor and vascular endothelial
growth factor in human esophageal carcinomas. Pathol. Int. 54:556-563, 2004.
Goto T., Ishizaka A., Kobayashi F., Kohno M., Sawafuji M., Tasaka S.,
Ikeda E., Okada Y., Maruyama I. and Kobayashi K.: Importance of tumor necrosis
factor-α cleavage process in post-transplantation lung injury in rats. Am. J. Respir.
Crit. Care Med. 170: 1239-1246, 2004.
Kodama T., Ikeda E., Okada A., Ohtuska T., Shimoda M., Shiomi T.,
Yoshida K., Nakada M., Ohuchi E. and Okada Y.: ADAM12 is selectively overexpressed
in human glioblastomas and is associated with glioblastoma cell proliferation and
shedding of HB-EGF. Am J. Pathol. 165:1743-1753, 2004.
Yatabe T. and Okada Y.: MMP and ADAM in rheumatoid arthritis.
Connective Tissue 36:223-231, 2004.
Okada Y.: Proteinases and matrix degradation. In Kelley's Textbook of
Rheumatology. Ed. by Harris E. D., Jr., Budd R. C., Ruddy S., Genovese M.C., Firestein
G. S. and Sargent J. S. 7th edition, Elsevier Saunders. Philadelphia, pp63-81, 2005.
Yamashita S. and Okada Y.: Mechanisms of heat-induced antigen retrieval:
Analyses in vitro employing SDS-PAGE and immunohistochemistry. J. Histochem.
Cytochem. 53:13-21, 2005.
Chen, Y., Hozawa S., Sawamura S., Sato S., Fukuyama N., Tsuji C., Mine
T., Okada Y., Tanino R., Ogushi Y. and Nakazawa H.: Deficiency of inducible nitric
oxide synthase exacerbates hepatic fibrosis in mice fed high-fat diet. Biochem.
Biophys. Res. Commun. 326:45-51, 2005.
Matsumura S., Iwanaga S., Mochizuki S., Okamoto H., Ogawa S. and
Okada Y.: Targeted deletion or pharmacological inhibition of MMP-2 prevents cardiac
rupture after myocardial infarction in mice. J. Clin. Invest. 115:599-609, 2005.
Foronjy, R. F., Mercer, B. A., Maxfield, M. W., Powell, C. A., D'Armiento,
J. and Okada, Y.: Structural emphysema does not correlate with lung compliance:
lessons from the mouse smoking model. Exp. Lung Res. 31:547-562, 2005.
Nakada M., Miyamori H., Kita D., Takahashi T., Yamashita J., Sato H.,
Miura R., Yamaguchi Y. and Okada Y.: Human glioblastomas overexpress ADAMTS-5
that degrades brevican. Acta Neuropathol. 110:239-246, 2005.
Nemori R., Yamamoto M., Arakatsu H., Kataoka F., Hashimoto G., Shiomi
T. and Okada Y.: Development of in situ zymography to selectively localize active
matrix metalloproteinase (matrilysin-1). J. Histochem. Cytochem. 53:1227-1234,
Emoto K., Yamashita S. and Okada Y.: Mechanisms of heat-induced
antigen retrieval: Does pH or ionic strength of the solution play a role for refolding
antigens? J. Histochem. Cytochem. 53:1311-1321, 2005.
Yamashita S. and Okada Y.: Application of heat-induced antigen retrieval
to aldehyde-fixed fresh frozen sections. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 53:1421-1432, 2005.
Shiomi T., Inoki I., Kataoka F., Ohtsuka T., Hashimoto G., Nemori R. and
Okada Y.: Pericellular activation of proMMP-7 (promatrilysin-1) through interaction
with CD151. Lab. Invest. 85:1489-1506, 2005.
Komiya K., Enomoto H., Inoki I., Okazaki S., Fujita Y., Ikeda E., Ohuchi
E., Matsumoto H., Toyama Y. and Okada Y.: Expression of ADAM15 in rheumatoid
synovium: up-regulation by vascular endothelial growth factor and possible implications
for angiogenesis. Arthritis Res. Ther. 7:R1158-R1173, 2005.
Ohtsuka T., Shiomi T., Shimoda M., Kodama T., Amour A., Murphy G.,
Ohuchi E., Kobayashi K. and Okada Y.: ADAM28 is overexpressed in human non-small
cell lung carcinomas and correlates with cell proliferation and lymph node metastasis.
Int. J. Cancer 118:263-273, 2006.
Foronjy R.F., Mirochnitchenko O., Propokenko O., Lemaitre V., Jia Y.,
Inoue M., Okada Y. and D’Armiento M.D.: Superoxide dismutase expression attenuates
cigarette smoke or elastase generated emphysema in mice. Am. J. Respir. Clin. Care
Med. 173:623-631, 2006.
Hatano E., Fujita T., Ueda Y., Okuda T., Katsuda S., Okada Y. and
Matsumoto T.: Expression of ADAMTS-4 (aggrecanase-1) and possible involvement in
regression of lumbar disc herniation. Spine 31:1426-1432, 2006.
Mikami S., Oya M., Mizuno R., Murai M., Mukai M. and Okada Y.:
Expression of Ets-1 and its implications for angiogenesis in human renal cell
carcinomas. Cancer Sci. 97:875-882, 2006.
Imai K, Morikawa M, D'Arminento J, Matsumoto H, Komiya K and Okada
Y.: Differential expression of WNTs and FRPs in the synovium of rheumatoid arthritis
and osteoarthritis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 345:1615-1620, 2006.
Zaidi M.R., Okada Y. and Chada K.: Misexpression of full-length HMGA2
induces benign mesenchymal tumors in mice. Cancer Res. 66:7453-7459, 2006.
Yoshioka M., Yuasa S., Matsumura K., Shiomi T., Shukunami C., Okada Y.,
Mukai M., Shin H., Yozu R., Sata M., Ogawa S., Hiraki Y. and Fukuda K.:
Chondromodulin-I maintain cardiac valvular function by preventing angiogenesis. Nat.
Med. 12:1151-1159, 2006.
Fujita Y., Shiomi T., Yanagimoto S., Matsumoto H., Toyama Y. and Okada
Y.: Tetraspanin CD151 is expressed in osteoarthritic cartilage and is involved in
pericellular activation of zymogen of matrix metalloproteinase-7 (matrilysin 1) in
osteoarthritic cartilage. Arthritis Rheum. 54:3233-3243, 2006.
Mitsui Y., Mochizuki S., Kodama T., Shimoda M., Ohtsuka T., Shiomi T.,
Chijiiwa M., Ikeda T., Kitajima M. and Okada Y.: ADAM28 is overexpressed in human
breast carcinomas: Implications for carcinoma cell proliferation through degradation of
insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3. Cancer Res. 66:9913-9920, 2006.
Kobayashi A., Okazaki S., Enomoto H., Shiomi T., Obata K. and Okada Y.:
Serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase-3 (stromelysin 1) for monitoring synovitis in
rheumatoid arthritis. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 131:563-570, 2007.
Tsuji T., Chiba K., Imabayashi H., Fujita Y., Hosogane N., Okada Y. and
Toyama Y.: Age-related changes in expression of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3
associated with transition from the notochordal nucleus pulposus to the fibrocartilaginous nucleus pulposus in rabbit intervertebral disc. Spine 32:849-856, 2007.
Kosaki N., Takaishi H., Kamekura S., Kimura T., Okada Y., Minqi L.,
Amizuka N., Chung U., Nakamura K., Kawaguchi H., Toyama Y. and D’Armiento J.:
Impaired bone fracture healing in matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP-13) deficient
mice. Bichem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 354:846-851, 2007.
Koto T., Takubo K., Ishida S., Shinoda H., Inoue M., Tsubota K., Okada Y.
and Ikeda E.: Hypoxia disturbs the barrier function of neural blood vessels through
changes in the expression of claudin-5 in endothelial cells. Am. J. Pathol. 170:13891397, 2007.
Mochizuki S. and Okada Y.: ADAMs in cancer cell proliferation and
progression. Cancer Sci. 98:621-628, 2007.
Imai K., Dalal S.S., Hambor J., Mitchell P., Okada Y., Horton W.C. and
D’Armiento J.: Bone growth retardation in mouse embryos expressing human
collagenase 1. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 293:C1209-C1215, 2007.
Taniwaki K., Fukamachi H., Komori K., Ohtake Y., Nonaka T., Sakamoto
T., Shiomi T., Okada Y., Itoh T., Itohara S., Seiki M. and Yana I.: Stroma-derived matrix
metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 promotes membrane type 1-MMP-dependent tumor growth
in mice. Cancer Res. 67:4311-4319, 2007.
Naito S., Shiomi T., Okada A., Kimura T., Chijiiwa M., Fujita Y., Yatabe T.,
Komiya K., Enomoto H., Fujikawa K. and Okada Y.: Expression of ADAMTS4
(aggrecanase-1) in human osteoarthritic cartilage. Pathol. Int. 57:703-711, 2007.
Shimoda M., Hashimoto G., Mochizuki S., Ikeda E., Nagai N., Ishida S.
and Okada Y.: Binding of ADAM28 to P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 enhances Pselectin-mediated leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cells. J. Biol. Chem. 282: 2586425874, 2007.
Horiuchi K., Kimura T., Miyamoto T., Takaishi H., Okada Y., Toyama Y.
and Blobel C.P.: TNF α-converting enzyme (TACE/ADAM17) inactivation in mouse
myeloid cells prevents lethality from endotoxin shock. J. Immunol. 179: 2686-2689,
Okada A., Mochizuki S., Yatabe T., Kimura T., Shiomi T., Fujita Y.,
Matsumoto H., Sehara-Fujisawa A., Iwamoto Y. and Okada Y.: ADAM12 (Meltrin ) is
involved in chondrocyte proliferation via cleavage of insulin-like growth factor-binding
protein-5 in osteoarthritic cartilage. Arthritis Rheum. 2008, in press.
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