
平成28年度 仁愛女子高等学校英語留学コース推薦入学試験問題 英語 1

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平成28年度 仁愛女子高等学校英語留学コース推薦入学試験問題 英語 1
平成28年度 仁愛女子高等学校英語留学コース推薦入学試験問題 英語
1 次の英文は,オランダからの留学生Annaが福井の新聞に投書した文章である。英文を読んで,あとの問いに
m Anna. I’
m from Holland. I live in Fukui City with my host family now and this is my first time to
live in a foreign country. My purpose of coming to Japan is to learn the Japanese language and Japanese
culture. However, I am also able to find some good points about my own country because I can( )
Japan and Holland.
I think that people in Holland use bikes more often, but people in Fukui use cars very often. On the
second day of my homestay, I was surprised to hear that my host father drives to work. His company
is not so far from our house! My parents in Holland go to work by bike. A lot of people do, too. Do you
know why? Many companies in Holland give their workers some money when they buy a bike.
I also think that the roads are safer for bike users in Holland. Now, I usually go to school by bike here.
As you know, in Fukui, people riding bikes and people driving cars often have to use the same roads. It is
very dangerous. In my country, however, there are separate roads only for bikes beside the roads for cars.
ll tell you why bikes are so popular in Holland. People in Holland worry a lot about *global warming
because most of its land is not high. If it gets hotter, most of its land will be under the sea. Many
*scientists say that driving cars makes the Earth hotter, so we believe that using bikes is one of the ways
to solve global warming. It is very important for us to try to be kind to the Earth.
*By the way, I read some interesting news on the Internet after I came to Japan. Holland has started
a new plan to use bike roads in a useful way. Some scientists put some *solar panels on a part of the
bike roads. For the first try, the road with solar panels was short. It was only 70 meters long, but a lot
of *electricity was produced. The scientists were very happy. However, there are some problems with
the solar panel roads. For example, a lot of money is needed to put solar panels on the roads. Also, the
scientists don’
t know how many years they can use the solar panels. I believe they will be able to solve
these problems in the near future.
I am glad that I’
ve learned some good points about my own country. Riding bikes instead of driving cars
is good for the Earth. I’
m sure that many people in the world agree with this idea. I want Japan and other
countries to learn from my country. Giving people some money for their bike and building safer bike roads
with solar panels are good examples. We can do many things to make bikes more popular and to be nice
to the Earth.
(注) global warming:地球温暖化 scientist(s):科学者 By the way:ところで solar panel(s):ソーラーパネル
問⑴ 次の質問に3語以上の英語で答えよ。
ア Why did Anna decide to come to Japan?
イ How does Anna’
s host father go to work?
ウ Did Anna read the news about the solar panels before she left her country?
⑵ ( )に入れるのに最も適当なものの記号を書け。
ア disappear
イ explain
ウ compare
エ introduce
⑶ オランダで自転車通勤の人が多いのは,多くの会社にどのような制度があるからか。日本語で書け。
⑷ 自転車道にソーラーパネルを設置することの現時点での問題点は何か。日本語で2つ書け。
⑸ 下線の部分が示す内容を,日本語で書け。
⑹ 内容に合っているものには○,間違っているものには×を書け。
ア Anna has lived in many countries.
イ Anna thinks that her host father’
s company is near her host family’
s house.
ウ Anna thinks the roads in Holland are better than the roads in Fukui for bike users. エ Many people in Holland live in high places.
オ The first bike road with solar panels was very long. 2 ブラウン先生(Mr. Brown)と一郎(Ichiro),奈々(Nana)が放課後に話をしている。英文を読んで,あとの
Mr. Brown:How was your vacation? I heard both of you went to a foreign country.
Ichiro:Yes. I was in Australia for two weeks and enjoyed a homestay. My family was very nice to
me. How about you, Nana?
Nana:I took a lot of English classes in *Singapore to[ A ]. I wanted to make my English better.
Mr. Brown:That sounds nice. Did you enjoy learning English?
Nana:Yes, but I had a hard time at first. Everyone in my program had to make a speech every
afternoon. Listening to English became easier and easier, but it was difficult for me to[ B ].
Telling my ideas to other people was not easy.
Ichiro:I agree. I was afraid of making mistakes for a few days. I just said to my host family,“yes”
Nana:As for me, I couldn’
t say anything on the first day. At that time some members in the
program said to me,“You’
ll be all right. Don’
t worry about your English.”
Ichiro:My host mother gave me the same advice. She said to me,“You don’
t have to[ C ].
Sometimes you will make a mistake, but it is no problem.” Thanks to my kind host family,
I really enjoyed speaking English.
Nana:Me, too. I tried hard during my stay because a lot of members talked to me in English all
the time. Their words *cheered me up. On the last day I was able to make a good speech,
so I was proud of myself.
Mr. Brown:Both of you are speaking English better. 【 a 】
Ichiro:Thank you. Communication in English was a great joy. Now my host mother’
s advice is
always helpful for me. I continue to study English harder. In addition, I am not afraid of
making mistakes now when I try something new.
【 b 】
Ichiro:I have started to take a sign language class at City Hall. I often confuse some signs and
make some mistakes, but I will not stop trying.
s good. Everyone learns by making mistakes.
【 c 】 No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Mr. Brown:I’
m glad you have learned something important. I know speaking English is difficult for
you, but give it a try first. If you want to improve your English, speaking is needed.
s true. I’
m sure that it is necessary for us to try to speak English and learn by making
Mr. Brown:These two ideas are a great combination. Please remember them and improve your English.
(注) Singapore : シンガポール cheer∼up : ∼を励ます/元気づける
問⑴ [ A ]∼[ C ]に入る最も適当なものの記号を書け。ただし同じものは2度使えない。
ア apply for English classes
エ understand my feelings
イ improve my English
オ express my feelings
ウ speak perfect English
⑵ 【 a 】∼【 c 】に入る最も適当なものの記号を書け。ただし同じものは2度使えない。
ア I am very impressed.
エ I think so, too.
イ What do you mean?
オ Why don’
t you join us?
ウ My pleasure. ⑶ 内容に合っているものを2つ選び,記号で書け。
ア Ichiro stayed in Australia more than twenty days.
イ Listening to English was the most difficult thing for Nana.
ウ Many members in Nana’
s program were friendly.
エ Speaking English was easy for Ichiro in Australia.
オ Ichiro takes a sign language class held at City Hall.
カ Mr. Brown told the students to speak English without mistakes.
⑷ 下線部は具体的に何を指すか。次の空所に日本語を書け。
( )と( )。
3 英語の授業で,以下のテーマで議論をすることになった。あなたの意見とその理由を,50語程度の英語で書け。
Which do you like better, traveling by car or traveling by train?
4 リスニング問題
問⑴ ア Study for the test now.
イ Help yourself.
ウ Ask your teacher some questions.
エ Go home and rest.
ア Yes, please.
イ It’
s 2000 yen.
ウ Here you are.
エ I’
ll give it to you.
⑶ ア Take Bus No. 5.
イ Wait here.
ウ About fifteen minutes.
エ About five thousand meters.
⑷ ア Really? Come to my house, please.
イ I see. How about one?
ウ That sounds nice.
エ Can we practice together?
問⑴ ア The first month of the year.
イ The second month of the year.
ウ The third month of the year.
エ The fourth month of the year.
⑵ ア Four weeks.
イ Six weeks.
ウ Eight weeks.
エ Ten weeks.
⑶ ア Teachers.
イ Host families.
ウ Foreign students.
エ New Zealand students.
⑷ ア Swim in the sea.
イ Eat a lot of delicious fruits.
ウ See special birds.
エ Watch an exciting movie.
⑸ ア The students have no classes for two weeks this month.
イ If a foreign student wants to join the trip, the student should give money to the teacher tomorrow.
ウ If a foreign student wants to join the trip, the student should tell the teacher about it next week.
エ The teacher will stay at school when some students go sightseeing.
受 験 番 号
平成28年度 仁愛女子高等学校英語留学コース推薦入学試験問題 英語解答用紙
⑴ イ
⑹ ア
( )と( )。
第1部 ⑴
第2部 ⑴
Fly UP