
Major Polypeptide Hormones and Their Actions

by taratuta

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Major Polypeptide Hormones and Their Actions
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CLINICAL CORRELATION 20.2 Hypopituitarism
The hypothalamus is connected to the anterior pituitary by a delicate stalk that contains the portal system through which releasing hormones, secreted from the hypothalamus, gain access to the anterior pituitary cells. In the cell membranes of these cells are specific receptors for releasing hormones. In most cases, different cells express different releasing hormone receptors. The connection between the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary can be disrupted by trauma or tumors. Trauma can occur in automobile accidents or other local damaging events that may result in severing of the stalk and preventing the releasing hormones from reaching their target anterior pituitary cells. When this happens, the anterior pituitary cells no longer have their signaling mechanism for the release of anterior pituitary hormones. In the case of tumors of the pituitary gland, all of the anterior pituitary hormones may not be shut off to the same degree or the secretion of some may disappear sooner than others. In any case, if hypopituitarism occurs this condition may result in a life­threatening situation in which the clinician must determine the extent of loss of pituitary hormones, especially ACTH. Posterior pituitary hormones—oxytocin and vasopressin—
may also be lost, precipitating a problem of excessive urination (vasopressin deficiency) that must be addressed. The usual therapy involves administration of the end organ hormones, such as thyroid hormone, cortisol, sex hormones, and progestin; with female patients it is also necessary to maintain the ovarian cycle. These hormones can easily be administered in oral form. Growth hormone deficiency is not a problem in the adult but would be an important problem in a growing child. The patient must learn to anticipate needed increases of cortisol in the face of stressful situations. Fortunately, these patients are usually maintained in reasonably good condition.
Marshall, J. C., and Barkan, A. L. Disorders of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary. In: W. N. Kelley (Ed.), Internal Medicine. New York: Lippincott, 1989, p. 2159; and Robinson, A. G. Disorders of the posterior pituitary. In: W. N. Kelley (Ed.), Internal Medicine, New York: Lippincott, 1989, p. 2172.
hormones of the anterior pituitary are growth hormone (GH), thyrotropin or thyroid­stimulating hormone (TSH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), b ­lipotropin (b ­LTH), b ­endorphin (from pars intermedia­like cells), a ­MSH (from pars intermedia­like cells), b ­MSH (from pars intermedia­like cells), corticotropin­like intermediary peptide (CLIP; from pars intermedia­like cells), prolactin (PRL), follicle­stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). Of these, all are single polypeptide chains, except TSH, FSH, and LH, which are dimers that share a similar or identical subunit, the a subunit. Since the intermediate lobe in humans is rudimentary, the circulating levels of free a ­ and b ­MSH are relatively low. It is of interest, particularly in the human, that MSH receptors recognize and are activated by ACTH, since the first 13 amino acids of ACTH contain the a ­MSH sequence. For this reason, ACTH may be an important contributing factor to skin pigmentation and may exceed the importance of MSH, especially in conditions where the circulating level of ACTH is high. The clinical consequences of hypopituitarism are presented in Clin. Corr. 20.2.
20.3— Major Polypeptide Hormones and Their Actions
Since cellular communication is so specific, it is not surprising that there are a large number of hormones in the body and new hormones continue to be discovered. Limitations of space permit a summary of only a few of the well­characterized hormones. Table 20.2 presents some major polypeptide hormones and their actions. By inspection of Table 20.2 it becomes evident that many hormones cause the release of other substances, some of which may themselves be hormones. This is particularly the case for hormonal systems that are included in cascades like that presented in Figures 20.2 and 20.3. Other activities of receptor­hormone complexes located in cell membranes are to increase the flux of ions into cells, particularly calcium ions, and to activate or suppress activities of enzymes in contact with the receptor or a transducing protein with which the receptor interacts. Examples of these kinds of activities are discussed later in this chapter. In the functioning of most membrane–receptor complexes,
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TABLE 20.2 Important Polypeptide Hormones in the Body and Their Actionsa
Thyrotropin­releasing hormone (TRH)
Acts on thyrotrope to release TSH
Gonadotropin­releasing hormone (GnRH)
Acts on gonadotrope to release LH and FSH from the same cell
Growth hormone­releasing hormone or somatocrinin (GRH)
Acts on somatotrope to release GH
Growth hormone release inhibiting hormone or somatostatin (GIH)
Acts on somatotrope to prevent release of GH
Corticotropin­releasing hormone (CRH)
Vasopressin is a helper hormone to CRH in releasing ACTH; angiotensin II also stimulates CRH action in releasing ACTH
Acts on corticotrope to release ACTH and b­li­ potropin
Prolactin­releasing factor (PRF) (not well established)
Acts on lactotrope to release PRL
Prolactin release inhibiting factor (PIF) (not well established; may be a peptide hormone under control of dopamine or may be dopamine itself)
Acts on lactotrope to inhibit release of PRL
Anterior pituitary
Thyrotropin (TSH)
Acts on thyroid follicle cells to bring about release of T4 (T3)
Luteinizing hormone (LH) (human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG, is a similar hormone from the placenta)
Acts on Leydig cells of testis to increase testosterone synthesis and release; acts on corpus luteum of ovary to increase progesterone production and release
Follicle­stimulating hormone (FSH)
Acts on Sertoli cells of seminiferous tubule to increase proteins in sperm and other proteins; acts on ovarian follicles to stimulate maturation of ovum and production of estradiol
Growth hormone (GH)
Acts on a variety of cells to produce IGFs (or somatomedins), cell growth, and bone sulfation
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Acts on cells in the adrenal gland to increase cortisol production and secretion
b ­Endorphin
Acts on cells and neurons to produce analgesic and other effects
Prolactin (PRL)
Acts on mammary gland to cause differentiation of secretory cells (with other hormones) and to stimulate synthesis of components of milk
Melanocyte­stimulating hormone (MSH)
Acts on skin cells to cause the dispersion of melanin (skin darkening)
Ultimate gland hormones
Insulin­like growth factors (IGF)
Respond to GH and produce growth effects by stimulating cell mitosis
Thyroid hormone (T4/T3) (amino acid­derived hormone)
Responds to TSH and stimulates oxidation in many cells
Opioid peptides
May derive as breakdown products of g ­lipotropin or b ­endorphin or from specific gene products; can respond to CRH or dopamine and may produce analgesia and other effects
Responds to FSH in ovary and in Sertoli cell; regulates secretion of FSH from anterior pituitary. Second form of inhibin (activin) may stimulate FSH secretion
Corticotropin­like intermediary peptide (CLIP)
Derives from intermediate pituitary by degradation of ACTH; contains b ­cell tropin activity, which stimulates insulin release from b cells in presence of glucose
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TABLE 20.2 (Continued)
Peptide hormones responding to other signals than anterior pituitary hormones
Arginine vasopressin (AVP; antidiuretic hormone, ADH)
Responds to increase in osmoreceptor, which senses extracellular [Na+]; increases water reabsorption from distal kidney tubule
Responds to suckling reflex and estradiol; causes milk ''let down" or ejection in lactating female, involved in uterine contractions of labor; luteolytic factor produced by corpus luteum; decreases steroid synthesis in testis
b Cells of pancreas respond to glucose and other blood constituents to release insulin
Increases tissue utilization of glucose
a Cells of pancrease respond to low levels of glucose and falling serum calcium
Decreases tissue utilization of glucose to elevate blood glucose
Derived from circulating blood protein by actions of renin and converting enzyme
Angiotensin II and III (AII and AIII)
Renin initially responds to decreased blood volume or decreased [Na+] in the macula densa of the kidney. AII/AIII stimulate outer layer of adrenal cells to synthesize and release aldosterone
Released from heart atria in response Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) or atriopeptin
to hypovolemia; regulated by other hormones
Acts on outer adrenal cells to decrease aldosterone release; has other effects also
Generates from plasma, gut, or other Bradykinin
Modulates extensive vasodilation resulting in hypotension
Hypothalamus and intestinal mucosa
Effects on gut; may have neurotransmitter actions
Hypothalamus, CNS, and intestine
Substance P
Pain transmitter, increases smooth muscle contractions of the GI tract
Nerves and endocrine cells of gut; hypothermic hormone
Increases gastric acid secretion
Cholecystokinin (CCK)
Stimulates gallbladder contraction and bile flow; increases secretion of pancreatic enzymes
Stomach antrum
Increases secretion of gastric acid and pepsin
Duodenum at pH values below 4.5
Stimulates pancreatic acinar cells to release bicarbonate and water to elevate duodenal pH
Hypothalamus and GI tract
Vasointestinal peptide (VIP)
Acts as a neurotransmitter in peripheral autonomic nervous system; relaxes smooth muscles of circulation; increases secretion of water and electrolytes from pancreas and gut
Acts on bone marrow for terminal differentiation and initiates hemoglobin synthesis
Ovarian corpus luteum
Inhibits myometrial contractions; its secretion increases during gestation
Human placental lactogen (hPL)
Acts like PRL and GH because of large amount of hPL produced
Salivary gland
Epidermal growth factor
Stimulates proliferations of cells derived from ectoderm and mesoderm together with serum; inhibits gastric secretion
Thymopoietin (a­thymosin)
Stimulates phagocytes; stimulates differentiation of precursors into immune competent T cells
(table continued on next page)
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