
Kinokuniya No. 552-F - KINOKUNIYA BookWeb Pro

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Kinokuniya No. 552-F - KINOKUNIYA BookWeb Pro
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
新序文:Marco Beretta, University of Bologna
2003 年 12 月刊行
全2巻 920 pp 底本 1805年刊 ISBN 1-84371-085-4 ¥ 70,750
( Thoemmes)
)-GB 科学史に大きな足跡を残した偉大な化学者アントワーヌ・
貴重な資料です。ラヴォワジエ研究の第一人者 Ma
co Be
1‐1‐1 米国研究開発機関総覧(第31版)
Research Centers Directory.
(Gale) -US# 31st Edition.
2003:10 2 vols.
ISBN 0-7876-6987-3
set ¥ 107,250
1‐2‐1 Baldwin, Thomas & Smiley, T. (eds.)
Studies in the Philosophy of Logic and Knowledge.
2004:02 300 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-726291-0
¥ 9,905
1‐2‐2 Dibner Institute Studies in the History of Science
and Technology.
(MIT Pr.) -USニュートンの自然哲学(紙装版)
# [Newton] : Buchwald, Jed Z. & Cohen, Bernard (eds.)
Isaac Newton's Natural Philosophy.
2004:03 376 p., 49 illus.
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
SXª œW¬Å
[T}”B‹˜ìW SXª
Collected Works of
Edited with new introductions by James A. Secord
2003 年 12 月刊行
9 volumes 3,200 pp Cloth : new collection
ISBN 1-84371-088-9 ¥ 212,250
( Thoemmes)
)-GB メアリー・サマヴィル Ma
œ GL–¨æѯžã̑]Al¨]âќæA‘àû^
œ ÒÒÌe‘ÖÌðàüè
ISBN 0-262-02477-2
¥ 10,100
ISBN 0-262-52425-2 pap.
¥ 3,630
New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2001. Single
out two stands in recent Newton studies:
the intellectual
background to Newton's background to Newton's scientific
throught and both specific and general aspects of his technical
1‐2‐3 [Boyle]
Philosophy and Christian Thought in Britain.
(Thoemmes) -GBボイル講座:講義録(全4巻) (再録)
# Burnet, Gilbert (ed.)
The Boyle Lectures (1692-1732): A Defence of Natural
and Revealed Religion, Being an Abridgement of the
Sermons Preached at the Lectures Founded by Robert
2000:06 4 vols. 2,000 p.
ISBN 1-85506-813-3
[特価]¥ 39,800
1‐2‐4 Cornwell, John (eds.)
Explanations: Styles of Explanation in Science.
2004:03 256 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-860778-4
¥ 5,374
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
18世紀において最も影響力のあった光学のテキストブック 復刻版
X~XÌõwÌn SQª
Robert Smith: A Complete System of Opticks
Series: History of Optics
2003 年刊行 底本 1738 年刊 全 2 巻 848 p.
ISBN 1-84371-069-2  70,750
1738年には、大作 A Comp
em o
( Thoemmes)
)-GBA stellar cast of contributors, including Martin Rees, John
Barrow, Peter Atkins, and Steven Rose, has been brought together
to discuss a fascinatign question.
1‐2‐5 Fundamental Theories of Physics.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLVol. 135. Rizzi, Guido & Ruggiero, Matteo Luca (eds.)
Relativity in Rotating Frames: Relativistic Physics in
Rotating Reference Frames.
2004:01 480 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1805-3
¥ 33,950
Intended to give a rather wide review on this field, both in a
historical and pedagogical perspective; on the other hand, it
aims at critically re-examining and discussing the most
controversial issues.
1‐3‐1 Bochinski, Julianne Blair
The Complete Handbook of Science Fair Projects Newly
Revised and Updated.
2003:12 240 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-46043-5 pap.
¥ 2,466
1‐3‐2 Watts, Duncan J.
Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age.
2004:02 368 p. (Norton) -USISBN 0-393-04142-5
¥ 4,611
ISBN 0-393-32542-3 pap.
¥ 2,631
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2003. Watts,
one of the principal architects of network theory, sets out to
explain the innovative research that he and other scientists are
spearheading to create a blueprint of our connected planet.
1‐4‐1 科学リテラシー再考
Roth, Wolff-Michael & Barton, Angela M. Calabrese
Rethinking Scientific Literacy.
2004:04 256 p. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-94842-8
¥ 18,395
ISBN 0-415-94843-6 pap.
¥ 4,808
Contents: Scientific Literacy as Emergent Feature of Collective
Praxis; Scientific Literacy, Hegemony, and Struggle; Constructing
Scientific Dis/Ability; and more.
1‐5‐1 科学写真の着想と技巧(紙装版)
Frankel, Felice
Envisioning Science:
The Design and Craft of the
Science Image.
2004:03 336 p., color throughout (MIT Pr.) -USISBN 0-262-06225-9
¥ 9,075
ISBN 0-262-56205-7 pap.
¥ 5,775
New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2002. Science
photographer Frankel provides a guide to creating dynamic and
compelling photographs for journal submissions and scientific
presentations to funding agencies, investors, and the general
2‐1‐1 Mathematical World.
(AMS) -US「高校生に贈る数学Ⅱ」英訳
Vol. 20. Ueno, Kenji , Shiga, Koji & Morita, Shigeyuki
A Mathematical Gift, II:
The Interplay between
Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra.
2004:03 131 p.
ISBN 0-8218-3283-2 soft
¥ 4,785
2‐1‐2 数学の冒険
Moskowitz, Martin
Adventures in Mathematics.
2004:01 120 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SG-
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
ISBN 981-238-682-3
¥ 5,635
ISBN 981-238-683-1 pap.
¥ 3,220
Written for high school and college mathematics teachers and
their students, Contents: What Is a Number?; Some Algebra;
Two- and Three- Dimensional Geometry and Topology.
2‐1‐3 Nahin, Paul J.
When Least Is Best: How Mathematicians Discovered
Many Clever Ways to Make Things as Small (or as
Large) as Possible.
2004:01 328 p. (Princeton U. P.) -USISBN 0-691-07078-4
¥ 4,941
An intribuing look at mathematical scale-with experiments to try
at home. Popular mathematics.
2‐1‐4 Spectrum.
(Mathematical Assn. of America) -US# Andreescu, Titu , Feng, Zuming & Lee, G. (eds.)
Mathematical Olympiads 2000-2001:
Problems and
Solutions from around the World.
2003:10 290 p.
ISBN 0-88385-810-X pap.
¥ 6,096
# Kuczma, Marcin
International Mathematical Olympiads 1986-1999.
2003:09 300 p.
ISBN 0-88385-811-8 pap.
¥ 6,096
2‐1‐5 Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLデカルトの数学思想
No. 237. Sasaki, Chikara
Descartes's Mathematical Thought.
2003:12 488 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1746-4
¥ 27,936
2‐2‐1 Applied Logic Series.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL28. Kamareddine, Fairouz D. (ed.)
Thirty Five Years of Automating Mathematics.
2003:11 328 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1656-5
¥ 24,250
Contents: A Mathematical Model for Biological Memory and
Consciousness; N.G. de Bruijn. Towards an Interactive
Mathematical Proof Mode; H. Barendregt. Recent Results in
Type Theory and their Relationship to Automath; R.L.
Constable, and more.
2‐2‐2 哲学的論理学ハンドブック(改訂第2版) 第10巻
Gabbay, Dov M. & Guenthner, F. (eds.)
Handbook of Philosophical Logic.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL-
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Vol. 10. Gabbay, Dov M. & Guenthner, F. (eds.)
2nd ed. 2003:11 361 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1644-1
¥ 25,026
Contents: Modal Epistemic and Doxastic Logic; Reference and
Information Content: Names and Descriptions; Indexicals;
Propositional Attitudes; Property Theories; Mass Expressions;
2‐2‐3 20世紀における数理論理論文集
Sacks, Geralad E. (ed.)
Mathematical Logic in the 20th Century.
2003:08 708 p. (Singapore U. P./World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-02-4736-2
¥ 17,365
A collection of 25 important papers published by mathematical
logicians in the 20th Century.
The authors include Gödel,
Kleene, Tarski, A Robinson, Kreisel, Cohen, Morley, Shelah,
Hrushovski and Woodin.
2‐2‐4 Trends in Logic.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL論理学の潮流:「論理学研究」50周年論文集
21. Hendricks, Vincent F. & Malinowski, Jacek (eds.)
Trends in Logic: 50 Years Studia Logica.
2003:09 392 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1601-8
¥ 26,190
In 1953, the first volume of Studia Logica appeared under the
auspices of The Philosophical Committee of The Polish
Academy of Sciences. The volume features a series of papers
by distinguished scholars reflecting both the aim and scope of
this journal for symbolic logic.
2‐3‐1 Alaca, Saban & Williams, Kenneth
Introductory Algebraic Number Theory.
2004:01 446 p., 320 exercises (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-83250-0
¥ 18,395
ISBN 0-521-54011-9 pap.
¥ 7,060
2‐3‐2 現代線形代数学 (好評再録)
Anton, Howard & Busby, Robert
Contemporary Linear Algebra (WSE).
2003:04 656 p. (Wiley) -GBISBN 0-471-39064-X WSE
¥ 11,541
1. Vectors 2. Systems of Linear Equations 3. Matrices and Matrix
Algebra 4. Determinants 5. Matrix Models
6. Linear
Transformations 7. Dimension and Structure 8. Diagonalizations 9.
General Vector Spaces 10. Appendix A: How to Read Theorems,
11. Appendix B: Complex Numbers.
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
2‐3‐3 CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics.
(AMS) -USNo. 101. Darmon, Henri
Rational Points on Modular Elliptic Curves.
2003:01 129 p.
ISBN 0-8218-2868-1 soft
¥ 4,785
No. 102. Ono, Ken
The Web of Modularity: Arithmetic of the Coefficients
of Modular Forms and Q-series.
2004:01 216 p.
ISBN 0-8218-3368-5 soft
¥ 7,425
2‐3‐4 Developments in Mathematics.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL数論とモジュラ形式
10. Berndt, Bruce & Ono, Ken (eds.)
Number Theory and Modular Forms:
Papers in
Memory of Robert A. Rankin.
2003:11 404 p.
ISBN 1-4020-7615-0
¥ 28,906
Reprinted from THE RAMANUJAN JOURNAL, 17:1-3.
2‐3‐5 Deza, Michal & Grishukhin, V. (et al.)
Scale-Isometric Polytopal Graphs in Hypercubes and
Cubic Lattices: Polytopes in Hypercubes and Zn.
2003:04 170 p. (Imperial College Pr./World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 1-86094-421-3
¥ 7,705
2‐3‐6 Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GBVol. 97. Pedicchio, Maria & Tholen, Walter (eds.)
Categorical Foundations:
Special Topics in Order,
Topology, Algebra, and Sheaf Theory.
2004:01 432 p., 300 line diagrams
ISBN 0-521-83414-7
¥ 16,980
2‐3‐7 Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics
(Dekker) -US環、加群、多元環、アーベル群
Vol. 236. Facchini, Alberto (ed.)
Rings, Modules, Algebras, and Abelian Groups.
2003:12 536 p.
ISBN 0-8247-4807-7
¥ 30,525
Partial Contents:
Additives Galois Theory of Modules R.
Abraham and P. Schultz; Finitely Generated and Cogenerated
QD Groups U. Albrecht and B. Wickless; Direct Limits of
Modules of Finite Projective Dimension L. Angeleri Hugel and
J. Trlifaj; and more.
Vol. 237. Bergen, Jeffrey , Catoiu, Stefan & Chin, W. (eds.)
Hopf Algebras.
2003:12 200 p.
ISBN 0-8247-5566-9
¥ 30,525
Featuring progressive work from such world-renowned experts
as Doi, Takeuchi, Schuller, Andruskiewitsch, Beattie, Benkart,
Caenepeel, and Ng.
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
2‐3‐8 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GB298. Leinster, Tom
Higher Operads, Higher Categories.
2004:02 380 p.
ISBN 0-521-53215-9 pap.
¥ 9,890
311. Mueller, Thomas (ed.)
Topological, Combinatorial and Arithmetic
2004:03 500 p.
ISBN 0-521-54287-1 pap.
¥ 14,150
2‐3‐9 Mathematical Surveys and Monographs.
(AMS) -US志村五郎著/2次形式とクリフォード群の算術的および解析的
Vol. 109. Shimura,Goro
Arithmetic and Analytic Theories of Quadratic Forms
and Clifford Groups.
2004:03 275 p.
ISBN 0-8218-3573-4
¥ 11,385
Award-winning author Goro Shimura treats new areas and
presents relevant expository material in a clear and readable
style. Topics include Witt's theorem and the Hasse principle
on quadratic forms, and more.
2‐3‐10 Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics.
(O U P) -GB# Geck, Meinolf
An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic
2003:12 235 p.
ISBN 0-19-852831-0
¥ 9,905
2‐3‐11 Student Mathematical Library.
(AMS) -USVol. 24. Landman, Bruce M. & Robertson, Aaron
Ramsey Theory on the Integers.
2003:01 317 p.
ISBN 0-8218-3199-2 soft
¥ 8,085
2‐3‐12 代数方程式のガロア理論 (好評再録)
Tignol, Jean-Pierre
Galois' Theory of Algebraic Equations.
2001:08 348 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-02-4541-6
¥ 5,635
2‐4‐1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society.
(AMS) -USVol. 167, No. 792. Baldoma, Inmaculada & Fontich, Ernest
Exponentially Small Splitting of Invariant Manifolds of
Parabolic Points.
2004:02 83 p.
ISBN 0-8218-3445-2 soft
¥ 8,910
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
2‐4‐2 Oxford
Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its
(O U P) -GB25. Ambrosio, Luigi & Tilli, Paolo
Topics on Analysis in Metric Space.
2004:01 130 p.
ISBN 0-19-852938-4
¥ 8,348
2‐4‐3 微分方程式の可算系
Samoilenko, A. M. & Teplinskii, Yu. V.
Countable Systems of Differential Equations.
2003:07 288 p. (Brill) -NLISBN 90-6764-393-9
¥ 27,160
Devoted to the solution of various problems in the theory of
differential equations in the space "M" of bounded numerical
sequences (called countable systems).
2‐4‐4 University Lecture Series.
(AMS) -USVol. 32. de la Llave, Refael
A Tutorial on KAM Theory.
2004:01 176 p.
ISBN 0-8218-3532-7 soft
¥ 6,105
Presents in a systematic way the prerequisites for reading the
original literature, compares different approaches, and explains
why the approaches work.
2‐5‐1 Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GB有限パッキングと被覆
154. Böröczky, K., Jr.
Finite Packing and Covering.
2004:02 380 p.
ISBN 0-521-80157-5
¥ 11,550
Arrangements of congruent convex bodies in Euclidean space
are covered, and the density of finite packing and covering by
balls in Euclidean, spherical and hyperbolic spaces is considered.
2‐5‐2 Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publica-
(Cambridge U. P.) -GB# Bao, David , Bryant, R. L. & Chern, Shiing-shen (et al., eds.)
Perspectives in Riemann-Finsler Geometry.
2004:02 350 p.
ISBN 0-521-83181-4
¥ 9,075
2‐5‐3 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society.
(AMS) -USVol. 168, No. 796. Rieffel, Marc A.
Gromov-Hausdorff Distance for Quantum Metric Spaces/Matrix Algebras Converge to the Sphere for Quantum
Gromov-Hausdorff Distance
2003:12 91 p.
ISBN 0-8218-3518-1 soft
¥ 8,910
− 10 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
2‐5‐4 テンソルおよび多様体(第2版)
Wasserman, Robert H.
Tensors and Manifolds: With Applications to Physics.
2nd ed. 2004:03 448 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-851059-4
¥ 14,008
2‐6‐1 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GB310. Bezuglyi, Sergey & Kolyada, S. (eds.)
Topics in Dynamics and Ergodic Theory.
2003:12 275 p.
ISBN 0-521-53365-1 pap.
¥ 8,490
2‐6‐2 London Mathematical Society Student Texts.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GBフロベニウス代数と2D位相量子場論
59. Kock, Joachim
Frobenius Algebras and 2-D Topological
Field Theories.
2003:12 256 p.
ISBN 0-521-83267-5
ISBN 0-521-54031-3 pap.
¥ 16,980
¥ 6,494
2‐7‐1 オックスフォード統計用語辞典(第6版)
Cox, David , Belyaev, Yuri & Commenges, Daniel (et al.,
The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms.
6th ed. 2003:08 506 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-850994-4
The much-awaited sixth edition of the acclaimed
reference work in statistics, published on behalf
International Statistical Institute.
¥ 7,075
of the
2‐7‐2 Advanced
Series on Statistical Science and
Applied Probability.
(World Scientific Pub.) -SG破産確率 (好評再録)
# Asmussen, S.
Ruin Probability.
2000 400 p.
ISBN 981-02-2293-9
¥ 17,595
"..an excellent handbook on the risk theory and brilliant
encyclopedia in ruin probabilities results. ...will be useful both
for graduate students who deal with stochastic models in insurance mathematics, expers in risk processes ..." Zentralblatt Math.
2‐7‐3 ベイズ統計学入門
Bolstad, William M.
Introduction to Bayesian Statistics.
2004:01 384 p. (Wiley) -US− 11 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
ISBN 0-471-27020-2
¥ 14,016
Covers the topics usually found in a typical introductory statistics
book but from a Bayesian perspective.
2‐7‐4 Fu, J. C. & Lou, W. Y. W.
Distribution Theory of Runs and Patterns and Its
A Finite Markov Chain Imbedding
2003:07 250 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-02-4587-4
¥ 7,705
2‐7‐5 Li, Wai Keung
Diagnostic Checks in Time Series.
2003:12 250 p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) -USISBN 1-58488-337-5
¥ 11,541
2‐7‐6 Springer Series in Statistics.
(Springer) -DE統計学習の初歩:データ検索、推論および予測(初版第3刷)
# Hastie, T. , Tibshirani, R. & Friedman, J.
The Elements of Statistical Learning:
Data Mining,
Inference, and Prediction.
1st ed.2001.Corr.3rd printing 2003:09 533 p.
ISBN 0-387-95284-5
¥ 17,450
2‐7‐7 Statistics for Engineering and Information Science.
(Springer) -DE# Cowell, R. G. , Dawid, A. P. & Lauritzen, S. L. (et al., eds.)
Probabilistic Networks and Expert Systems.
1st ed.1999.Corr.2nd printing 1999:07 321 p.
ISBN 0-387-98767-3
¥ 17,450
2‐7‐8 Stirzaker, David
Elementary Probability.
2nd ed. 2003:10 536 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-83344-2
¥ 18,395
ISBN 0-521-53428-3 pap.
¥ 7,909
An update of a classic textbook. All material class tested for
many years.
2‐7‐9 Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics.
(Wiley) -USロバスト統計学
# Hubert, Peter J.
Robust Statistics.
2004:01 328 p.
ISBN 0-471-65072-2 pap.
¥ 14,016
2‐8‐1 Abell, Martha L. & Braselton, J. P.
Differential Equations with Mathematica.
3rd ed. 2004:02 750 p. (Academic) -USISBN 0-12-041562-3 pap. with CD-ROM
A perfect introductin to Mathematica 5.0.
− 12 −
¥ 11,541
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
2‐8‐2 Acta Numerica.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GBProvides an annual compendium of the major advances in
numerical mathematics, in a manner that is both timely and
readable by the wide community of researches with an interest in
this discipline.
Vol. 12. Iserles, Arieh
2003 518 p.
ISBN 0-521-82523-7
¥ 15,565
2‐8‐3 Network Theory and Applications.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL再帰神経回路の収束解析
13. Yi, Zhang & Tan, K. K.
Convergence Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks.
2003:11 250 p.
ISBN 1-4020-7694-0
¥ 21,922
A comprehensive study of the convergence of recurrent neural
networks, which has been increasingly used in applications
relating to associative memory, image processing and pattern
2‐8‐4 Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation.
(O U P) -GB# Modersitzki, Jan
Numerical Methods for Image Registration.
2003:10 208 p.
ISBN 0-19-852841-8
¥ 15,565
2‐8‐5 量子、論理および時空(第2版)
Selesnick, S. A.
Quanta, Logic and Spacetime.
2nd ed. 2004:03 470 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-238-691-2
¥ 17,710
ISBN 981-238-734-X pap.
¥ 8,855
Preliminaries: Foundations; Quantum Sets; Group
Duality, Coherence and Cyclic Actions; Computational Paradigms:
Natural Deduction; Quantum Logic; The Computational Resources
of Quantum Logic; The Plenum: A Quantum Net; amd more.
2‐8‐6 Semantic Structures in Computation.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL3. Zhang, Guo-Qiang & Lawson, J. (et al., eds.)
Domain Theory, Logic and Computation.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Domain
Theory, Sichuan, China, October 2001.
2003:12 208 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1832-0
¥ 17,460
2‐8‐7 Springer Professional Computing.
(Springer) -DE楕円曲線暗号学ガイド
# Hankerson, D. , Vanstone, S. & Menezes, A. J.
Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
− 13 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
2003:12 330 p.
ISBN 0-387-95273-X
¥ 12,600
Contents: Introduction and overview.- Finite field arithmetic.Elliptic curve arithmetic.- Cryptographic protocols.- Implementation issues.- and more.
2‐9‐1 Ariyur, Kartik B. & Krsti, Miroslav
Real Time Optimization by Extremum Seeking Control.
2003:11 240 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-46859-2
¥ 11,797
2‐9‐2 Belbruno, Edward
Capture Dynamics and Chaotic Motions in Celestial
Mechanics: With Applications to the Construction of
Low Energy Transfers.
2004:02 312 p. (Princeton U. P.) -USISBN 0-691-09480-2
¥ 8,241
2‐9‐3 Contemporary Mathematics.
(AMS) -USVol. 339. Kuchment, Peter (ed.)
Waves in Periodic and Random Media.
The Proceedings of the Research Conference.
2003:01 216 p.
ISBN 0-8218-3286-7 soft
¥ 9,735
2‐9‐4 Cooperative Systems.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL協同制御と最適化の最近の発展
3. Butenko, Sergiy & Murphey, R. (et al., eds.)
Recent Developments in Cooperative Control and
2003:11 476 p.
ISBN 1-4020-7644-4
¥ 38,412
2‐9‐5 Fields Institute Communications.
(AMS) -USVol. 39. Berman, Stephen & Billig, Yuly (et al., eds.)
Vertex Operator Algebras in Mathematics and Physics.
The proceedings from the workshop, The Fields Institute.
2003:12 249 p.
ISBN 0-8218-2856-8
¥ 12,375
2‐9‐6 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GB308. Tillmann, Ulrike (ed.)
Topology, Geometry and Quantum Field Theory.
Proceedings of an international conference, Oxford, June 2002.
2004:02 600 p.
ISBN 0-521-54049-6 pap.
¥ 11,550
− 14 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
2‐9‐7 Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL大域最適化の最前線
Vol. 74. Floudas, Christodoulos A. & Pardalos, P. M. (eds.)
Frontiers in Global Optimization.
2003:10 608 p.
ISBN 1-4020-7699-1
¥ 36,278
Focuses on recent deterministic methods and stochastic methods
for global optimization, distributed computing methods in global
optimization, and more.
2‐9‐8 Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics.
(Wiley) -US社会科学者のための統計計算における数値問題
# Altman, Micah , Gill, Jeff & McDonald, Michael P.
Numerical Issues in Statistical Computing
Social Scientist.
2004:01 352 p.
ISBN 0-471-23633-0
for the
¥ 14,841
2‐9‐9 Zeidler, Eberhard (ed.)
Oxford User's Guide to Mathematics in Science and
2004:03 1,312 p., 316 diagrams (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-850763-1
¥ 7,782
2‐9‐10 Statistics:
Textbooks and Monographs Series.
(Dekker) -US統計・計量経済学における計算科学的手法
Vol. 172. Tanizaki, Hisashi
Computational Methods in Statistics and Econometrics.
2003:12 480 p.
ISBN 0-8247-4804-2
¥ 24,750
Showcases Monte Carlo and nonparametric statistical methods
for models, simulations, analyses, and interpretations of
statistical and econometric data.
2‐9‐11 Hein, Jotun , Schierup, Mikkel & Wiuf, Carsten
Sequence Variation, Genealogies and Evolution.
2003:03 350 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-852995-3
¥ 18,395
ISBN 0-19-852996-1 pap.
¥ 8,475
Excellent coverage of statistical methods aimed at students in
medical and biological sciences.
Provides an accessible
introduction to Coalescent Theory with a view towards data
− 15 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
3‐1‐1 James, Ioan
Remarkable Physicists: From Galileo to Yukawa.
2004:01 406 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-81687-4
¥ 16,980
ISBN 0-521-01706-8 pap.
¥ 5,645
3‐2‐1 Fundamental Theories of Physics.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLVol. 135. Rizzi, Guido & Ruggiero, Matteo Luca (eds.)
Relativity in Rotating Frames: Relativistic Physics in
Rotating Reference Frames.
2004:01 480 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1805-3
¥ 33,950
Intended to give a rather wide review on this field, both in a
historical and pedagogical perspective; on the other hand, it
aims at critically re-examining and discussing the most
controversial issues.
3‐2‐2 Iagolnitzer, D. (et al., eds.)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on
Theoretical Physics, Paris, July 2002.
2003:11 1,030 p., with CD-ROM (Birkhäuser) -CHISBN 3-7643-2433-3
¥ 38,412
3‐2‐3 物理学における理論的概念(第2版)
Longair, Malcolm S.
Theoretical Concepts in Physics: An Alternative View of
Theoretical Reasoning in Physics.
2nd ed. 2003:12 588 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-82126-6
¥ 22,640
ISBN 0-521-52878-X pap.
¥ 8,475
3‐2‐4 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GB# Gribov, V. N.
The Theory of Complex Angular Momenta:
Lectures in Theoretical Physics.
2003:12 310 p.
ISBN 0-521-81834-6
¥ 16,980
3‐2‐5 Fields Institute Communications.
(AMS) -USVol. 39. Berman, Stephen & Billig, Yuly (et al., eds.)
− 16 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Vertex Operator Algebras in Mathematics and Physics.
The proceedings from the workshop, The Fields Institute.
2003:12 249 p.
ISBN 0-8218-2856-8
¥ 12,375
3‐2‐6 Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Series.
(Brill) -NL# Lavrentiev, M. M. & Avdeev, A. V. (et al.)
Inverse Problems of Mathematical Physics.
2003:12 276 p.
ISBN 90-6764-396-3
¥ 29,100
3‐2‐7 Operator Theory:
Advances and Applications.
(Birkhäuser) -CHVol. 147. Gohberg, I. & Ferreira dos Santos, A. (et al., eds.)
Operator Theoretical Methods and Applications to
Mathematical Physics: The Erhard Meister Memorial
2003:12 472 p.
ISBN 3-7643-6634-6
¥ 30,652
Devoted to the memory of the applied mathematician Erhard
Meister (1930-2001).
3‐2‐8 テンソルおよび多様体(第2版)
Wasserman, Robert H.
Tensors and Manifolds: With Applications to Physics.
2nd ed. 2004:03 448 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-851059-4
¥ 14,008
3‐2‐9 AIP Conference Proceedings Series.
(AIP) -US686. Centrella, J. M. (ed.)
The Astrophysics of Gravitational Wave Sources.
2003:09 340 p.
ISBN 0-7354-0157-8
¥ 37,636
689. Nieves, J. F. & Vokas, R. R. (eds.)
Neutrinos, Flavor Physics, and Precision Cosmology:
Fourth Tropical Workshop on Particle Physics and
Cosmology, Australia, June 2003.
2003:09 220 p.
ISBN 0-7354-0160-8
¥ 32,786
3‐2‐10 Astronomy and Astrophysics Library.
(Springer) -DE軌道理論1(初版第2刷)
# Boccaletti, D. & Pucacco, G.
Theory of Orbits, Vol. 1:
Integrable Systems and
Non-Perturbative Methods.
1st ed.1996. Corr.2rd printing 2003:09 392 p.
ISBN 3-540-58963-5
¥ 10,660
Treats Celestial Mechanics as well as Stellar Dynamics from
the common point of view of orbit theory making use of the
concepts and techniques from modern geometric mechanics.
− 17 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
3‐2‐11 Belbruno, Edward
Capture Dynamics and Chaotic Motions in Celestial
Mechanics: With Applications to the Construction of
Low Energy Transfers.
2004:02 312 p. (Princeton U. P.) -USISBN 0-691-09480-2
¥ 8,241
3‐2‐12 Duric, Neb
Advanced Astrophysics.
2003:12 310 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-81967-9
¥ 22,640
ISBN 0-521-52571-3 pap.
¥ 8,475
Ideal as a text for graduate and advanced undergraduate
3‐2‐13 Schutz, Bernard F.
Gravity from the Ground up: An Introductory Guide to
Gravity and General Relativity.
2003:12 424 p., 100 exercises (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-45506-5
¥ 8,490
Topics covered include the nature of stars and galaxies, the
mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, black holes,
gravitational waves, inflation and the Big Bang. Suitable for
general readers and for undergraduate courses.
3‐2‐14 Barrow, John D. & Davies, P. C. W. (et al., eds.)
Science and Ultimate Reality:
Cosmology and Complexity.
2004:03 742 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-83113-X
¥ 9,900
3‐2‐15 Hindustan Book Agency.
(Hindustan Agency/AMS) -USVol. 16. Das, Ashok
Lectures on Quantum Mechanics.
2003:08 548 p.
ISBN 81-85931-41-0
¥ 8,250
3‐2‐16 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GB308. Tillmann, Ulrike (ed.)
Topology, Geometry and Quantum Field Theory.
Proceedings of an international conference, Oxford, June 2002.
2004:02 600 p.
ISBN 0-521-54049-6 pap.
¥ 11,550
3‐2‐17 McComb, William David
Renormalization Methods: A Guide for Beginners.
2004:01 336 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-850694-5
¥ 11,305
3‐2‐18 量子、論理および時空(第2版)
Selesnick, S. A.
Quanta, Logic and Spacetime.
2nd ed. 2004:03 470 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-238-691-2
ISBN 981-238-734-X pap.
− 18 −
¥ 17,710
¥ 8,855
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Preliminaries: Foundations; Quantum Sets; Group
Duality, Coherence and Cyclic Actions; Computational Paradigms:
Natural Deduction; Quantum Logic; The Computational Resources
of Quantum Logic; The Plenum: A Quantum Net; amd more.
3‐3‐1 クオークモデルおよび高エネルギー衡突(第2版)
Anisovich, V. V. , Shabelski, Yu M. & Kobrinksy, M. N. (et al.)
The Quark Model and High Energy Collisions.
2004:03 450 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-238-699-8
¥ 16,560
An updated version of the book published in 1985. Based on
QCD, it gives a detailed description of the additive quark model
and the rules of quark combinatorics following from it. Discusses
constituent quarks, diquarks, the massive effective gluons, and
3‐3‐2 Cheung, Harry W. K. & Pratt, Tracey S. (eds.)
Lepton and Photon Interactiosn at High Energies:
Lepton-Photon 2003.
Proceedings of the XXI International Symposium, Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory, USA, August 2003.
2004:03 650 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-238-716-1
¥ 19,780
3‐3‐3 Flower, David
Molecular Collisions in the Interstellar Medium.
2003:12 145 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-54574-9 pap.
¥ 4,796
New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 1990 and is out
of print.
3‐3‐4 Mittal, K. L. (ed.)
Particles on Surfaces 8:
Detection, Adhesion and
The 8th International Symposium, Rhode Island, June 2002.
2003 352 p. (Brill) -NLISBN 90-6764-392-0
¥ 32,010
3‐4‐1 Cambridge
Monographs on Particle Physics,
Nuclear Physics and Cosmology.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GBQCD(色量子力学)および衝突物理学(紙装版)
8. Ellis, R. K. , Stirling, W. J. & Webber, B. R.
QCD and Collider Physics.
2003:12 449 p.
ISBN 0-521-58189-3
¥ 18,395
ISBN 0-521-54589-7 pap.
¥ 9,041
New in paperback.
Hardcover was published in 1997.
Contents: 1. Fundamentals of QCD; 2. Asymptotic freedom and
confinement; 3. QCD in electron-positron annihilation; 4. Deep
inelastic scattering; 5. Parton branching and jet simulation; and
− 19 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
3‐4‐2 Castanos, Octavio & Hirsch, J. G. (et al., eds.)
Computational and Group-Theoretical Methods in Nuclear
Proceedings of the Symposium in Honor of Jerry P. Draayer's
60th Birthday, Mexico, February 2003.
2004:03 300 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-238-596-7
¥ 17,710
3‐4‐3 Developments in Fullerene Science.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLフラーレン衝突反応
5. Campbell, Eleanor E. B.
Fullerene Collision Reactions.
2003:12 220 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1750-2
¥ 20,952
Emphasis is placed on gas-phase molecular beam experiments
where reaction, fragmentation and charge transfer cross sections
have been determined covering collision energy ranges from
thermal to MeV.
3‐4‐4 Feng, D. H. & Iachello, F. (et al., eds.)
The Intellectual Path of J Q Chen: A Memorial.
2004:03 300 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-238-236-4
¥ 17,365
The contributions of Chen to nuclear and molecular physics are
discussed vis-a-vis present developments in these fields.
3‐4‐5 Knudsen, Helge & Andersen, Jens Ulrik (et al., eds.)
Atomic Physics at Accelerators: Stored Particles and
Fundamental Physics.
Proceedings of the 3rd Euroconference, Denmark, September, 2001.
2003:12 350 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1815-0
¥ 24,250
Reprinted from HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS, 146/147:1-4 December 2003. Subjects covered are: Recombination measurements at
storage rings and theory, measurements of fundamental constants,
spectra and lifetimes of highly charged ions, atomic lifetimes and
spectra, and more.
3‐4‐6 Physics of Atoms and Molecules.
(Plenum/Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL# Christophorou, Loucas G. & Olthoff, J. K.
Fundamental Electron Interactions with Plasma Processing Gases.
2003:11 776 p.
ISBN 0-306-48037-9
¥ 34,726
Recent advances in electron-molecule interaction processes are
discussed and a unique up-to-date account of the fundamental
interactions of low-energy electrons with molecules of current
interest in modern technology, is presented.
3‐4‐7 Sagawa, Hiroyuki & Iwasaki, hironori (eds.)
Frontier of Collective Motions: CM2002.
Proceedings of the International Symposium, Aizu, November 2002.
2003:12 400 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-238-198-8
¥ 19,780
− 20 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
3‐5‐1 Series
on Stability, Vibration and Control of
Systems, Series A.
(World Scientific Pub.) -SGVol. 12. Lebedev, Leonid P. & Cloud, M. J.
The Calculus of Variations and Functional Analysis:
With Optimal Controls and Applications in Mechanics.
2003:12 400 p.
ISBN 981-238-581-9
¥ 15,755
3‐5‐2 Texts and Monographs in Physics.
(Springer) -DE# Gallavotti, G. , Bonetto, F. & Gentile, G.
Aspects of Ergodic, Qualitative and Statistical Theory
of Motion.
2004:03 420 p.
ISBN 3-540-40879-7
¥ 11,630
The Italian 1980 version of Gallavotti's book on ergodic theory
of maps is a classic and the scientific community will certainly
welcome its rebirth in this completely rewritten and greatly
enlarged English edition.
3‐6‐1 Advanced Texts in Physics.
(Springer) -DE固体内の拡散:ハンドブック(第2版)
# Kärger, J. & Heitjans, P. (eds.)
Diffusion in Condensed Matter: A Handbook.
2nd ed. 2004:03 970 p., 400 illus.
ISBN 3-540-20043-6
¥ 25,210
This comprehensive, handbook-style survey of diffusion in
condensed matter gives detailed insight into diffusion as the
process of particle transport due to stochastic movement.
3‐6‐2 Antonov, Victor & Harmon, Bruce
Electronic Structure and Magneto-Optical Properties of
2004:02 543 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1905-X
¥ 31,040
3‐6‐3 Chatterji, Tapan (ed.)
Colossal Magnetoresistive Manganites.
2004:02 447 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1844-4
¥ 26,190
3‐6‐4 Mattis, D. C.
The Theory of Magnetism Made Simple.
2004:03 400 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-238-579-7
ISBN 981-238-671-8 pap.
¥ 12,880
¥ 6,900
− 21 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Wiæb ªEüùÅj
p±¶Ô† KBN F 8210300056-1
\iæ R
Vol. C. Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Tables.
Wilson, A. J. C. & Prince, E. (eds.)
3rd ed. 2004:01 1,032 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1900-9  48,403
Contents: 1. Crystal Geometry and Symmetry. 2. Diffraction
Geometry and Its Practical Realization. 3. Preparation and
Examination of Specimens. 4. Production and Properties of
Radiations. 5. Determination of Lattice Parameters. 6. Interpretation of Diffracted Intensities, and more.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLWhile retaining much of the material in earlier editions,
the 1st chapter, the author has eliminated some of the
added a number of new subjects; Among these are the
lowering the dimensionality and the importance of the
Coulomb interactions.
bulk and
effects of
3‐6‐5 Mesoscopic Physics and Nanotechnology.
(O U P NY) -USメゾスコピック系における量子輸送
No. 4. Mello, Pier A. & Kumar, Narendra
Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Systems.
2004:04 432 p., 64 drawings
ISBN 0-19-852582-6
¥ 18,395
Pedagogical presentation of quantum scattering theory, linear
response theory, and information theory, suitable for graduate
3‐6‐6 Physics
and Chemistry of Materials with LowDimensional Structures.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL25. Baeriswyl, Dionys (ed.)
Strong Interactions in Low Dimensions.
2004:01 447 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1798-7
¥ 32,980
The emphasis of the more experimental chapters is on the
application of dynamical probes, such as neutron scattering,
optical absorption, and photoemission, and more.
3‐6‐7 The Science and Culture Series:
(World Scientific Pub.) -SG# Cricenti, Antonio (ed.)
Proceedings of the 24th Course of the International School of
Solid State Physics, Sicily, Italy, July 2002.
2003:12 210 p.
ISBN 981-238-710-2
¥ 13,685
− 22 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
3‐6‐8 Springer Series in Materials Science.
(Springer) -DEVol. 71. Dattagupta, S. & Puri, S.
Dissipative Phenomena in Condensed Matter: Some
2004:02 308 p.
ISBN 3-540-20381-8
¥ 19,390
Compensates the lack of a textbook in nonequilibrium statistical
3‐6‐9 Decher, Gero & Schlenoff, Joseph B. (eds.)
Multilayer Thin Films:
Sequential Assembly of Nanocomposite Materials.
2003:01 544 p. (Wiley-VCH) -DEISBN 3-527-30440-1
¥ 23,925
3‐6‐10 Thin Films and Nanostructures.
(Previouse Title:
Thin Films)
(Academic) -USシリーズ継続注文番号 KBN 8010250330-1
Vol. 32. Kavokin, Alexey & Malpuech, Guillaume
Cavity Polaritons.
ISBN 0-12-533032-4
¥ 22,275
4‐1‐1 Astronomy and Astrophysics Library.
(Springer) -DE軌道理論1(初版第2刷)
# Boccaletti, D. & Pucacco, G.
Theory of Orbits, Vol. 1:
Integrable Systems and
Non-Perturbative Methods.
1st ed.1996. Corr.2rd printing 2003:09 392 p.
ISBN 3-540-58963-5
¥ 10,660
Treats Celestial Mechanics as well as Stellar Dynamics from
the common point of view of orbit theory making use of the
concepts and techniques from modern geometric mechanics.
4‐1‐2 Bradt, Hale
Astronomy Methods:
A Physical Approach to Astronomical Observations.
2003:12 458 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-36440-X
¥ 22,640
ISBN 0-521-53551-4 pap.
¥ 9,324
4‐1‐3 Duric, Neb
Advanced Astrophysics.
2003:12 310 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-81967-9
¥ 22,640
ISBN 0-521-52571-3 pap.
¥ 8,475
Ideal as a text for graduate and advanced undergraduate
− 23 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
4‐1‐4 Mauche, Christopher W. (ed.)
Accretion-powered Compact Binaries.
2003:12 496 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-54575-7 pap.
¥ 9,890
New in paperback. Hardcover is not available. A comprehensive
survey of the current research in the field of cataclysmic
variables and low-mass X-ray binaries.
4‐1‐5 巨大望遠鏡:天文学と技術の発展
McCray, W. Patrick
Giant Telescopes:
Astronomical Ambition and the
Promise of Technology.
2004:02 320 p. (Harvard U. P.) -USISBN 0-674-01147-3
¥ 7,425
Describes the ambitions and machinations of prominent astronomers, engineers, funding patrons, and politicians in their effort
to construct a modern facility for cutting-edge science - and to
establish a model for international cooperation in the coming era
of "megascience".
4‐1‐6 NATO
Science Series II:
Mathematics, Physics
and Chemistry.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL130. Sànchez, Norma G. & Parijskij, Y. N. (eds.)
The Early Universe and the Cosmic Microwave
Background: Theory and Observations.
Proceedings of the NATO ASI, Italy, September, 2002.
2003:12 600 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1799-5
¥ 40,158
ISBN 1-4020-1800-2 pap.
¥ 16,878
4‐1‐7 Whitaker, Ewen A.
Mapping and Naming the Moon: A History of Lunar
Cartography and Nomenclature.
2003:12 262 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-62248-4
¥ 12,735
ISBN 0-521-54414-9 pap.
¥ 5,928
New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 1999.
4‐2‐1 International Geophysics Series.
(Academic) -USVol. 88. Gueguen, Yves & Bouteca, Maurice (eds.)
Mechanics of Fluid-Saturated Rocks.
2004:02 416 p.
ISBN 0-12-305355-2
¥ 14,841
4‐2‐2 地球システム(第2版)
Kump. Lee R. & Kasting, J. F.
The Earth System. (IE)
2nd ed. 2003 432 p. (Prentice-Hall) -JPISBN 0-13-142059-3 pap.
− 24 −
¥ 10,240
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
4‐2‐3 NATO Science Series IV:
Earth and Environment
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL32. Mulargia, Francesco & Geller, R. J. (eds.)
Earthquake Science and Seismic Risk Reduction.
The discussions that took place at the NATO ARW, on State
of Scientific Knowledge Regarding Earthquake Occurrence and
Implications for Public Policy, Italy, 2000.
2003:12 356 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1777-4
¥ 29,100
ISBN 1-4020-1778-2 pap.
¥ 12,416
4‐2‐4 PAGEOPH Topical Volumes.
(Birkhäuser) -CH# Bardet, J.-P. , Synolakis, C. E. & Davies, H. L. (et al., eds.)
Landslide Tsunamis: Recent Findings and Research
2003:10 435 p.
ISBN 3-7643-6033-X soft
¥ 10,476
The 1998 Papua New Guinea Earthquake.California Continental Borderland.- Energy Balance.- Theoretical
Comparison.- and more.
4‐3‐1 結晶学国際データ集(改訂版)
International Tables for Crystallography.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL数学・物理・化学データ表(第3版) −5年振りの改訂版−
Vol. C. Wilson, A. J. C. & Prince, E. (eds.)
Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Tables.
3rd ed. 2004:01 1,032 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1900-9
¥ 48,403
4‐3‐2 Benton, Michael J. , Kurochkin, E. N. (et al., eds.)
The Age of Dinosaurs in Russia and Mongolia.
2003:12 736 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-55476-4
¥ 26,885
ISBN 0-521-54582-X pap.
¥ 14,135
New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2000.
4‐3‐3 Gray, Murray
Geodiversity: Valuing and Concerving Abiotic Nature.
2003:12 352 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-84895-2
¥ 22,275
ISBN 0-470-84896-0 pap.
¥ 8,250
4‐3‐4 Skelton, Peter , Gilmour, Iain & Kelley, Simon (et al.)
The Cretaceous World.
2003:09 360 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-83112-1
ISBN 0-521-53843-2 pap.
¥ 21,225
¥ 7,909
− 25 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
A richly ilustrated textbook for all Earth Science Scientists,
students and professional.
The mobile palaeogeographical framework; Fluctuating sea-level; Biogeochemical cycles;
Volcanic imputs; Seeking and explanation; and more. R
4‐3‐5 World and Regional Geology Series.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GB2. Sweet, Walter C. , Zunyi, Yang & Dickins, J. M. (et al., eds.)
Permo-Triassic Events in the Eastern Tethys:
Stratigraphy Classification and Relations with the
Western Tethys.
2003:12 195 p.
ISBN 0-521-38214-9
¥ 12,735
ISBN 0-521-54573-0 pap.
¥ 5,928
New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 1992.
4‐4‐1 Kresse, W. & Fadaie, K.
ISO Standards for Geographic Information.
2003:10 322 p., 137 illus. (Springer) -DEISBN 3-540-20130-0
¥ 17,450
4‐4‐2 Leick, Alfred
GPS Satellite Surveying.
3rd ed. 2004:01 700 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-05930-7
¥ 19,800
4‐4‐3 リモートセンシングと画像解釈(第5版)
Lillesand, Thomas M. & Kiefer, R. W.
Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (IE)
5th ed. 2003:11 704 p. (Wiley) -GBISBN 0-471-45152-5
¥ 9,891
4‐4‐4 Quattrochi, D. A. & Luvall, J. C.
Thermal Remote Sensing in Land Surface Processes.
2004:02 368 p. (Taylor & Francis) -GBISBN 0-415-30224-2
¥ 16,980
4‐4‐5 Series in Remote Sensing.
(World Scientific Pub.) -SGVol. 4. Chuvieco, Emilio (ed.)
Wildland Fire Danger Estimation and Mapping: The
Role of Remote Sensing Data.
2004:01 300 p.
ISBN 981-238-569-X
¥ 13,685
Contents: The Concept fo Fire Danger, Different Terminology;
Factors Affecting Fire Ignition and Fire Propagation; Fuel
Loads and Fuel Types; The Human Factor in Fire Danger
Assessment; and more.
4‐4‐6 Somers, Revecca
GIS Implementation and Management.
2003:12 240 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-27270-1
A practical guide.
− 26 −
¥ 13,200
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
4‐5‐1 Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences.
(Springer) -DEVol. 103. Kühn, M. (ed.)
Reactive Flow Modeling of Hydrothermal Systems.
2003:11 261 p., 68 illus.
ISBN 3-540-20338-9
¥ 15,510
4‐6‐1 地質学者・水文地質学者のための実地調査法
Assaad, F. , LaMoreaux, P. E. & Hughes, T. H. (eds.)
Field Methods for Geologists and Hydrogeologists.
2003:12 378 p., 235 illus. (Springer) -DEISBN 3-540-40882-7
¥ 17,450
Describes project performance, methods for field study of rocks,
soils, and outcrops and how to evaluate impacts of air pollution
and water resources systems. Furthermore, the authors develop
guidelines for graphic and text presentation of results of studies,
and more.
4‐6‐2 Falkenmark, Malin & Rockstoöm, Johan
Balancing Water for Humans and Nature:
The New
Approach in Ecohydrology.
2004:03 320 p. (Earthscan) -GBISBN 1-85383-926-4
¥ 16,980
ISBN 1-85383-927-2 pap.
¥ 6,494
Drawing on smallscale experiences in Africa and Asia.
4‐6‐3 Hekinian, R. & Stoffers, P. (et al., eds.)
Oceanic Hotspots: Intraplate Submarine Magmatism and
2004:03 380 p., 211 illus. (Springer) -DEISBN 3-540-40859-2
¥ 29,090
4‐6‐4 Zhou, J. G.
Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Shallow Water Flows.
2003:10 112 p., 50 illus. (Springer) -DEISBN 3-540-40746-4
¥ 11,630
Reference for scientists and engineers, a practical guide to the
method for consultant organisations, and a textbook for graduates
in engineering sciences such as coastal, civil and environmental
4‐7‐1 Goda, Yoshimi , Kioka, Wataru & Nadaoka, Kazuo (eds.)
Asian and Pacific Coasts 2003.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, Makuhari,
February 2004.
2004:03 350 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-238-558-4
¥ 18,975
− 27 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
5‐1‐1 Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLコンピュータと環境
14. Kuehr, Ruediger & Williams, Eric (eds.)
Computers and the Environment: Understanding and
Managing Their Impacts.
2003:10 300 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1679-4
¥ 14,550
ISBN 1-4020-1680-8 pap.
¥ 6,208
On issues ranging from environmental assessment, technologies
for recycling, consumer behaviour, strategies of computer
manufacturing firms, and government policies.
5‐1‐2 Environmental Science.
(Springer) -DEシリーズ継続注文番号 KBN 9510077575-1
# Casale, R. & Margottini, C. (eds.)
Natural Disasters and Sustainable Development.
2003:12 418 p., 169 illus.
ISBN 3-540-42199-8
¥ 25,210
Contents: Conceptual and Methodological Approach to Seismic
and Volcanic Hazard Investigation.- Heavy Rainfall and Snow
Avalanche Hazard.- and more.
# Matishov, D. G. & Matishov, G. G.
Radioecology in Northern European Seas.
2003:02 340 p., 163 illus.
ISBN 3-540-20197-1
¥ 25,210
5‐1‐3 Lawrence, David P.
Environmetnal Impact Assessment:
to Recurrent Problems.
2003:10 682 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-45722-1
Practical Solutions
¥ 18,150
5‐1‐4 北米環境史アトラス
Miller, C. (ed.)
The Atlas of US and Canadian Environmental History.
2003:08 256 p., 106 drawings (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-93781-7
¥ 29,715
The atlas covers the environmental history of the USA and
Canada from 1492 to the present in seven chronologically
arranged chapters.
5‐1‐5 Springer Praxis Books.
Environmental Sciences.
(Springer) -DE# Kondratyev, K. , Losev, K. & Ananicheva, M.
Stability of Life on Earth:
Principal Subject of
Scientific Research in the 21st Century.
− 28 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
2003:10 200 p.
ISBN 3-540-20328-1
¥ 17,450
5‐1‐6 Chappell, W. R. & Abernaty, C. O. (et al., eds.)
Arsenic Exposure and Health Effects V.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, 2002, San Diego.
2004:02 400 p. (Elsevier) -NLISBN 0-444-51441-4
¥ 29,100
5‐1‐7 Environmental Pollution.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL7. Tykva, Richard (ed.)
Man-Made and Natural Radioactivity in Environmental
Pollution and Radiochronology.
2004:01 428 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1860-6
¥ 26,190
5‐1‐8 Hamilton, Denis & Crossley, S.
Pesticide Resicues in Food and Drinking Water: Human
Exposure and Risks.
2003:10 416 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-48991-3
¥ 28,050
5‐1‐9 Lacasse, K. & Baumann, W.
Textile Chemicals: Environmental Data and Facts.
2003:12 1,180 p., 105 illus. (Springer) -DEISBN 3-540-40815-0
¥ 29,090
5‐1‐10 環境中におけるフッ化物
Weinstein, L. H.
Fluorides in the Environment: Effects on Plants and
2003:12 320 p. (CAB International) -GBISBN 0-85199-683-3
¥ 21,225
5‐1‐11 山岳地帯の気候学と水文学
de Jong, Carmen
Climatology and Hydrology of Mountain Areas.
2004:01 384 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-85814-1
¥ 28,050
5‐1‐12 IHE Dissertation.
(A. A. Balkema) -NL34. Varoonchotikul, P.
Flood Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Networks.
2003:09 112 p.
ISBN 90-5809-631-9
¥ 9,506
− 29 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
5‐1‐13 Progress in Biological Control.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL1. Hokkanen, Heikki M. T. & Hajek, A. E. (eds.)
Environmental Impacts of Microbial Insecticides: Need
and Methods for Risk Assessment.
2003:11 272 p.
ISBN 1-4020-0813-9
¥ 31,130
5‐1‐14 Tasks for Vegetation Science.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL39. Schwartz, Mark D. (ed.)
Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science.
2003:11 592 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1580-1
¥ 37,830
5‐2‐1 Fanchi, John R.
Energy: Technology and Directions for the Future.
2004:01 400 p. (Academic) -USISBN 0-12-248291-3
¥ 11,548
5‐2‐2 石油危機
Goodstein, David
Out of Gas: All You Need to Know about the End of
the Age of Oil.
2004:02 128 p. (Norton) -USISBN 0-393-05857-3
¥ 3,621
Science tells us that an oil crisis is inevitable. Why and when?
And what will our future look like without our favorite fuel?
5‐2‐3 2004・ASTM材料試験規格
2004 Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
(ASTM) -USSec. 12 (Vol. 12.01 - 12.02). Nuclear, Solar, and
Geothermal Energy.
2004 2 vols.
ISBN 0-8031-3755-9 2 vols.
set ¥ 53,790
ISBN 0-8031-3847-4 CD-ROM
set ¥ 53,790
5‐3‐1 Arons, Jakob de Swaan & Kool, H. J. van der
Efficiency and Sustainability in the Energy and Chemical
2003:12 300 p. (Dekker) -USISBN 0-8247-0845-8
¥ 27,225
Provides the tools to accurately measure process efficiency and
sustainability in the power and chemical-helping engineers to
recognize why losses occur and how they can be reduced utilizing
familiar thermodynamic principles.
− 30 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
5‐3‐2 Tribology Series.
(Elsevier) -NL潤滑油のトライボケミストリー
45. Pawlak, Z.
Tribochemistry of Lubricating Oils.
2003:10 384 p.
ISBN 0-444-51296-9
¥ 33,950
5‐4‐1 I
Handbook on Nuclear Law.
2003:08 168 p. (IAEA) -ATISBN 92-0-105703-2
¥ 15,520
Assessing the adequacy of national legal frameworks governing
the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
5‐4‐2 5‐4‐3 Country Nuclear Power Profiles - 2002 Edition.
(CD-ROM Edition)
2003 (IAEA) -ATISBN 92-0-110103-1
¥ 17,363
5‐4‐4 IAEA-TECDOC Series.
(IAEA) -ATNo. 1355. Security of Radioactive Sources - Interim
2003 32 p.
ISBN 92-0-105203-0
¥ 2,910
No. 1360. Collection and Preparation of Bottom
Sediment Samples for Analysis for Radionuclides and
Trace Elements.
2003 136 p.
ISBN 92-0-109003-X
¥ 2,910
No. 1362. Guidance for the Evaluation of Innovative
Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles.
2003 152 p.
ISBN 92-0-105503-X
¥ 2,910
5‐4‐5 Proceedings Series.
(IAEA) -AT# Advances in Destructive and Non-destructive Analysis
for Environmental Monitoring and Nuclear Forensics.
Proceedings of an International Conference, Germany, 2002.
2003 340 p.
ISBN 92-0-110203-8
¥ 17,460
# Safe Decommissioning for Nuclear Activities.
Proceedings of an International Conference, Berlin, October 2002.
2003 583 p.
ISBN 92-0-109703-4
¥ 23,280
# Security of Radioactive Sources.
Proceedings of an international conference, Austria, March 2003.
2003 632 p.
ISBN 92-0-107403-4
¥ 23,280
− 31 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
5‐4‐6 Radiological Assessment Reports Series.
(IAEA) -ATIAEAクウェートおよび周辺地域における残留劣化ウランの
# Radiological Conditions in Areas of Kuwait with
Residues of Depleted Uranium.
2003:08 84 p.
ISBN 92-0-106603-1
¥ 4,850
An assessment was requested by the Governmetn of Kuwait in
relation to the residues of depleted uranium munitions from the
1991 Gulf War that exist on its territory.
5‐4‐7 Safety Standards Series.
(IAEA) -ATNo. NS-G-1.4. Design of Fuel Handling and Storage
Systems in Nuclear Power Plants.
2003 64 p.
ISBN 92-0-107803-X
¥ 3,201
No. NS-G-2.9. Commissioning for Nuclear Power Plants
(Safety Guide).
2003 71 p.
ISBN 92-0-104103-9
¥ 3,880
5‐4‐8 Technical Reports Series.
(IAEA) -ATNo. 410. Market Potential for Non-electric Applications
of Nuclear Energy.
2003 242 p.
ISBN 92-0-115402-X
¥ 9,603
No. 414. Decommissioning of Small Medical, Industrial
and Research Facilities.
2003 191 p.
ISBN 92-0-101003-6
¥ 7,663
No. 415. Status and Advances in MOX Fuel Technology.
2003 179 p.
ISBN 92-0-103103-3
¥ 7,663
5‐5‐1 Foster, C.
Wastewater Treatment and Technology.
2003:10 344 p. (Thomas Telford) -GBISBN 0-7277-3229-3
¥ 18,395
5‐5‐2 Greenway, A. Rober
How to Obtain Water Quality Permits.
2004:01 448 p. (McGraw) -USISBN 0-07-137978-9
¥ 14,841
5‐5‐3 Hon, Bernard (ed.)
Design and Manufacture for Sustainable Development
2003:12 300 p. (Professional Engineering Pub.) -GBISBN 1-86058-427-6
¥ 83,485
Life cycle eingineering - from methodology to
enterprise culture: Process selection system for the separation of
insoluble connections; Sustainability principles for product design;
Biodegradable plastics for hygienic disposable products; and more.
− 32 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
5‐5‐4 IAEA-TECDOC Series.
(IAEA) -ATNo. 1360. Collection and Preparation of Bottom
Sediment Samples for Analysis for Radionuclides and
Trace Elements.
2003 136 p.
ISBN 92-0-109003-X
¥ 2,910
5‐5‐5 Maksimovic, C. & Butler, D. (et al., eds.)
Advances in Water Supply Management: Proceedings of
the CCWI'03 Conference, London, September 2003.
2003:09 772 p., with CD-ROM (A. A. Balkema) -NLISBN 90-5809-608-4
¥ 42,486
5‐5‐6 文化遺産と空中生物学
Mandrioli, Paolo , Ganeva, G. & Sabbioni, C. (eds.)
Cultural Heritage and Aerobiology:
Methods and
Measurement Techniques for Biodeterioration Monitoring.
2003:11 258 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1622-0
¥ 15,326
This is a translated and revised edition of the original Italian
version. This book is the first to give a general overview of the
appliction of aerobiology to the consevation of our cultural
5‐5‐7 Proceedings Series.
(IAEA) -AT# Advances in Destructive and Non-destructive Analysis
for Environmental Monitoring and Nuclear Forensics.
Proceedings of an International Conference, Germany, October
2003 340 p.
ISBN 92-0-110203-8
¥ 17,460
5‐6‐1 Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL20. O'Loughlin, Karen Fay & Lander, J. F.
Caribbean Tsunamis:
A 500-Year
2003:12 280 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1717-0
¥ 17,460
5‐6‐2 Proceedings Series.
(IAEA) -AT# Security of Radioactive Sources.
Proceedings of an international conference, Austria, March 2003.
2003 632 p.
ISBN 92-0-107403-4
¥ 23,280
5‐6‐3 Series in Remote Sensing.
(World Scientific Pub.) -SGVol. 4. Chuvieco, Emilio (ed.)
Wildland Fire Danger Estimation and Mapping: The
Role of Remote Sensing Data.
2004:01 300 p.
ISBN 981-238-569-X
¥ 13,685
− 33 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Contents: The Concept fo Fire Danger, Different Terminology;
Factors Affecting Fire Ignition and Fire Propagation; Fuel
Loads and Fuel Types; The Human Factor in Fire Danger
Assessment; and more.
5‐6‐4 Technical Reports Series.
(IAEA) -ATNo. 414. Decommissioning of Small Medical, Industrial
and Research Facilities.
2003 191 p.
ISBN 92-0-101003-6
¥ 7,663
5‐6‐5 Whittingham, R. B.
The Blame Machine: Why Human Error Causes Accidents.
2004:01 304 p. (Butterworth-Heinemann) -GBISBN 0-7506-5510-0 pap.
¥ 8,241
6‐1‐1 Tutorial Chemistry Texts.
(Royal Soc. of Chemistry) -GB英国王立化学協会の企画による、大学生向けの各テーマ毎テキストシリーズ。
# Cockett, M. & Doggett, G. (好評再録)
Maths for Chemists, Volume I: Numbers, Functions
and Calculus.
2003:09 200 p.
ISBN 0-85404-677-1 soft
¥ 4,245
# Cockett, M. & Doggett, G.
Maths for Chemists, Volume II:
Power Series,
Complex Numbers and Linear Algebra.
2003:09 200 p.
ISBN 0-85404-495-7 soft
¥ 3,961
6‐2‐1 Advanced Series in Physical Chemistry.
(World Scientific Pub.) -SG# Kondow, Tamotsu & Mafuné, Fumitaka (eds.)
Progress in Experimental and Theoretical Studies of
2003:07 292 p.
ISBN 981-02-3893-2
¥ 12,880
6‐2‐2 Advances in Chemical Physics.
(Wiley) -USVol. 128. Rice, Stuart A.
2004:01 400 p.
ISBN 0-471-44528-2
¥ 28,875
Includes: "Nucleation in Polymer Crystallization," by M.
Muthukumar; "Theory of Constrained Brownian Motion," by
David C. Morse; and more.
− 34 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
6‐2‐3 Developments in Fullerene Science.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLフラーレン衝突反応
5. Campbell, Eleanor E. B.
Fullerene Collision Reactions.
2003:12 220 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1750-2
¥ 20,952
Emphasis is placed on gas-phase molecular beam experiments
where reaction, fragmentation and charge transfer cross sections
have been determined covering collision energy ranges from
thermal to MeV.
6‐2‐4 Hinchliffe, Alan
Molecular Modelling for Beginners.
2003:10 200 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-84309-8
ISBN 0-470-84310-1 pap.
¥ 22,275
¥ 8,250
6‐2‐5 Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL12. Maruani, Jean & Lefebvre, R. (et al., eds.)
Advanced Topics in Theoretical Chemical Physics.
Collection of 20 selected papers from the scientific presentations of the congress, France July, 2002.
2003:12 528 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1564-X
¥ 28,906
6‐2‐6 Recent Advances in Computational Chemistry.
(World Scientific Pub.) -SGVol. 5. Hirao, Kimihiko & Ishikawa, Yasuyuki (eds.)
Recent Advances in Relativistic Molecular Theory.
2004:03 500 p.
ISBN 981-238-709-9
¥ 19,780
Aims to disseminate aspects of relativistic many-electron
theories and their exciting developments by practitioners.
6‐2‐7 PCを利用した計算化学(第3版)
Rogers, Donald W.
Computational Chemistry Using the PC.
3rd ed. 2003:12 332 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-42800-0 pap.
¥ 12,696
6‐3‐1 同位体標識化合物の合成と応用(シンポジウム集)
Dean, Dennis
Synthesis and Applications of Isotopically
8th International Symposium, Boston, June, 2003.
2004:01 860 p. (Wiley) -GBISBN 0-470-86365-X
¥ 43,725
− 35 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Handbook of Metalloproteins Volume 3.
Editors in Chief: Albrecht Messerschmidt
2004 N 2 Ž§s\è 768 p. ISBN:0-470-84984-3
Á¿ i1
i Ž 15 ú˜j  94,050 iÊí¿i  102,300j
* 詳細は、カタログ (ND-647) をご請求下さい。
ISBN 0-470-86981-X
S R ªZ b g wüÁÊ¿i se t  274,720
iÊí¿i set  230,170j
(Wiley) -US6‐3‐2 Alfassi, Z.
Statistical Treatment of Analytical Data.
2004:01 256 p. (Blackwell Science) -GBISBN 0-632-05367-4
¥ 16,697
6‐3‐3 Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy.
(Academic, London) -GBシリーズ継続注文番号 KBN 8110108479-1
Vol. 51. Webb, Graham A. (ed.)
2003:11 320 p.
ISBN 0-12-505451-3
¥ 24,750
6‐3‐4 化学者のためのウェーブレット変換と応用
Chau, Foo-Tim , Leung, Alexander Kai-Man & Liang (et al.)
Wavelet Transforms and Their Applications in Chemistry.
2004:01 352 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-20242-8
¥ 16,326
6‐4‐1 6‐4‐2 Tutorial Chemistry Texts.
(Royal Soc. of Chemistry) -GB英国王立化学協会の企画による、大学生向けの各テーマ毎テキストシリーズ。
# Barrett, J.
Inorganic Chemistry in Aqueous Solution.
2004:02 192 p.
ISBN 0-85404-471-X soft
− 36 −
¥ 4,230
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
6‐5‐1 Lehman, John W.
Microscale Operational Organic Chemistry: A ProblemSolving Approach to the Laboratory Course (IE).
2003:05 864 p. (Prentice-Hall) -JPISBN 0-13-033518-5
¥ 12,600
6‐5‐2 Moss, Robert A.
Reactive Intermediate Chemistry.
2004:01 1,042 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-23324-2
¥ 16,491
6‐5‐3 有機反応メカニズム:年次報告 2001年
Organic Reaction Mechanisms: An Annual Survey of
(Wiley) -US2001. Knipe, A. C. & Watta, W. E.
2004:01 576 p.
ISBN 0-470-86672-1
¥ 80,025
Surveys research on organic reaction mechanisms described in
the literature between December 1999 to November 2000.
6‐6‐1 Arons, Jakob de Swaan & Kool, H. J. van der
Efficiency and Sustainability in the Energy and Chemical
2003:12 300 p. (Dekker) -USISBN 0-8247-0845-8
¥ 27,225
Provides the tools to accurately measure process efficiency and
sustainability in the power and chemical-helping engineers to
recognize why losses occur and how they can be reduced utilizing
familiar thermodynamic principles.
6‐6‐2 薬理化学エッセンシャル(第2版)
Cairns, Donald
Essentials of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
2nd ed. 2003:09 256 p. (Pharmaceutical Pr.) -GBISBN 0-85369-570-9 pap.
¥ 5,645
Covers all the core material necessary to provide an understanding of the basic chemistry of drug molecules and contains
many worked examples and problems.
6‐6‐3 Hessel, V. (et al.)
Chemical Micro Process Engineering:
Modelling and Reactions.
2004:01 500 p. (Wiley-VCH) -DEISBN 3-527-30741-9
ca. ¥ 30,846
− 37 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
工業化学・化学工学 (触媒)
6‐6‐4 Maxwell, Gary
Synthetic Nitrogen Products: A Practical Guide to the
Products and Processes.
2003:12 388 p. (Plenum/Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 0-306-48225-8
¥ 22,698
6‐6‐5 Tribology Series.
(Elsevier) -NL潤滑油のトライボケミストリー
45. Pawlak, Z.
Tribochemistry of Lubricating Oils.
2003:10 384 p.
ISBN 0-444-51296-9
¥ 33,950
6‐6‐6 2004・ASTM材料試験規格
2004 Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
(ASTM) -USSec. 5 (Vol. 05.01 - 05.06). Petroleum Products,
Lubricants, and Fossil Fuels.
2004 6 vols.
ISBN 0-8031-3721-4 6 vols.
set ¥ 164,835
ISBN 0-8031-3813-X CD-ROM
set ¥ 164,835
Sec. 6 (Vol. 06.01 - 06.04). Paints, Related Coatings,
and Aromatics.
2004 4 vols.
ISBN 0-8031-3728-1 4 vols.
set ¥ 98,010
ISBN 0-8031-3820-2 CD-ROM
set ¥ 98,010
Sec. 7 (Vol. 07.01 - 07.02). Textiles.
2004 2 vols.
ISBN 0-8031-3733-8 2 vosl.
set ¥ 52,635
ISBN 0-8031-3825-3 CD-ROM
set ¥ 52,635
Sec. 15 (Vol. 15.01 - 15.09). General Products,
Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products.
2004 9 vols.
ISBN 0-8031-3766-4
set ¥ 219,285
ISBN 0-8031-3858-X CD-ROM
set ¥ 219,285
6‐6‐7 Lacasse, K. & Baumann, W.
Textile Chemicals: Environmental Data and Facts.
2003:12 1,180 p., 105 illus. (Springer) -DEISBN 3-540-40815-0
¥ 29,090
6‐6‐8 殺虫剤使用の最適化
Wilson, Michael
Optimising Pesticide Use.
2003:10 208 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-49075-X
− 38 −
¥ 22,275
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
6‐7‐1 Blau, P. J. & Bayer, R. G.
14th Wear of Materials.
The 14th International Conference, Washington, March-April 2003.
2003:09 1,800 p. (Elsevier) -GBISBN 0-08-044301-X
¥ 67,900
Contents: Abrasive Wear, Erosive Wear, Fretting Wear, Wear
Modeling and analytical Techniques, Metals and Alloys, MetalMatrix Composites, Ceramics, and more.
6‐7‐2 結晶学国際データ集(改訂版)
International Tables for Crystallography.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL数学・物理・化学データ表(第3版) −5年振りの改訂版−
Vol. C. Wilson, A. J. C. & Prince, E. (eds.)
Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Tables.
3rd ed. 2004:01 1,032 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1900-9
¥ 48,403
6‐7‐3 International Union of Crystallography Monographs
on Crystallography.
(O U P/IUCr) -GBVol. 15. Ferraris, Giovanni & Makovicky, E. (et al.)
Crystallography of Modular Materials.
2004:02 400 p.
ISBN 0-19-852664-4
¥ 21,225
6‐7‐4 MRS会議録シリーズ 新刊
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings Series.
(Materials Research Soc.) -US継続注文番号 KBN 8010386848-1
Vol. 773. Ozkan, C. (ed.)
Biomicroelectromechanical Systems (BioMEMS).
2003:11 187 p.
ISBN 1-55899-710-5
¥ 18,810
Vol. 774. Thomas & Kiick (eds.)
Materials Inspired by Biology.
2003 254 p.
ISBN 1-55899-711-3
¥ 20,130
Topics include: Tissue engineering and biomaterials; novel
biomimetic and bioinspired polymers; biomineralization, colloidal
and templated materials; and more.
6‐7‐5 Mittal, K. L. (ed.)
Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion, Volume 3.
The Third International Symposium, Rhode Island, May 2002.
2003 520 p. (Brill) -NLISBN 90-6764-391-2
¥ 43,650
− 39 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
6‐7‐6 Muraka, Shyam P.
Interlayer Dielectrics for Semiconductor Technologies,
Volume 1.
2003:11 464 p., 200 illus. (Academic) -USISBN 0-12-511221-1
¥ 30,525
6‐7‐7 Series on Properties of Semiconductor Materials.
(Imperial College Pr./World Scientific Pub.) -SGVol. 2. Nelson, Jenny
The Physics of Solar Cells:
Photons In, Electrons
2003:04 384 p.
ISBN 1-86094-340-3
¥ 13,685
ISBN 1-86094-349-7 pap.
¥ 7,705
Textbook. " ..clear and concise, gives adequate references and
exercises, it summarizes the symbols and displays clear, legible,
and informative illustrations..."
- Hans J. Queisser,
Max-Planck-Institute of Solid-State Reserach.
6‐7‐8 Space Technology Proceedings.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL5. Kleiman, Jacob I. & Iskanderova, Z. (eds.)
Protection of Materials and Structures from Space
Environment: ICPMSE-6.
2003:12 566 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1690-5
¥ 41,710
6‐7‐9 Springer Series in Materials Science.
(Springer) -DEVol. 71. Dattagupta, S. & Puri, S.
Dissipative Phenomena in Condensed Matter: Some
2004:02 308 p.
ISBN 3-540-20381-8
¥ 19,390
Compensates the lack of a textbook in nonequilibrium statistical
6‐7‐10 先端材料ハンドブック
Wessel, Jim
The Handbook of Advanced Materials.
2004:01 616 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-45475-3
¥ 20,625
6‐7‐11 AIP Conference Proceedings Series.
(AIP) -US685. Kuzmany, H. (et al., eds.)
Molecular Nanostructures: XVII International Winterschool/Euroconference on Electronic Properties of Novel.
2003:09 660 p.
ISBN 0-7354-0154-3
¥ 53,350
6‐7‐12 Decher, Gero & Schlenoff, Joseph B. (eds.)
Multilayer Thin Films:
Sequential Assembly of Nanocomposite Materials.
2003:01 544 p. (Wiley-VCH) -DEISBN 3-527-30440-1
¥ 23,925
− 41 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
刊行予告 2004 年中旬∼後半刊行予定
đ Marce l Dekker Ð @ I “ ‰ C “ t« Œ t @ Œ “ X
i m Èw E i m ZpSȖT S T ª
Edited by: James A. Schwarz, Cristian I. Contescu & Karol Putyera
In 5 Volumes
2004 年刊行予定 ISBN: 0-8247-4797-6
刊行前特価 ¥ 490,870 (通常価格 ¥ 577,500)
" c the most comprehensive and detailed review of all the major
developmentsthat have characterized the emergence of these important fields. It will form an indispensable reference work for scientists
and engineers in academia and industry for years to comec.recommend[ed]."
Dr. Donald Fitzmaurice, Department of Chemistry, University College Dublin, Ireland
6‐7‐13 ICASE/LaRC Interdisciplinary Series in Science and
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLNo. 9. Harik, VasyI Michael & Salas, M. D. (eds.)
Trends in Nanoscale Mechanics: Analysis of Nanostructured Materials and Multi-Scale Modeling.
2003:12 248 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1735-9
¥ 18,430
6‐7‐14 Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings
(Materials Research Soc.) -USナノチューブベース・デバイス(会議録)
Vol. 772. Bernier & Carroll (eds.)
Nanotube-Based Devices.
2003 239 p.
ISBN 1-55899-709-1
¥ 18,810
Vol. 775. Lu, Yunfeng (ed.)
Self-Assembled Nanostructured Materials.
2003 394 p.
ISBN 1-55899-712-1
¥ 21,285
Topics include:
Self-assembled mesostructured materials;
templating and self-assembly synthesis; self-assembled biological
and biomimetic systems; self-assembly, and more.
− 42 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
6‐7‐15 ナノ材料の化学
Rao, C. N. R. , Müller, Achim & Cheetham, A.
The Chemistry of Nanomaterials.
2003:11 550 p. (Wiley-VCH) -DEISBN 3-527-30686-2
¥ 24,750
This handbook covers the whole spectrum of nanomaterials, which
spans from theory, sunthesis, properties, characterization to
6‐8‐1 Abd-El-Aziz, Ala & Carraher, C. E., Jr. (et al.)
Macromolecules Containing Metal and Metal-Like Elements, Volume 2: Organoiron-Containing Polymers.
2003:10 352 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-45078-2
¥ 22,770
6‐8‐2 Allcock, Harry & Lampe, F. (et al.)
Contemporary Polymer Chemistry (IE).
3rd ed. 2003:02 832 p. (Prentice-Hall) -JPISBN 0-13-065056-0
¥ 14,300
6‐8‐3 Characterization and Failure Analysis of Plastics.
2003:12 400 p. (ASM) -USISBN 0-87170-789-6
¥ 35,000
6‐8‐4 プラスチック材料および加工:コンサイス事典
Harper, Charles A. & Petrie, E. M.
Plastics Materials and Processes: A Concise Encyclopedia.
2003:10 1,080 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-45603-9
¥ 22,275
Arranged in alphabetical order, it clearly explains all of the
materials and processes as well as their major application areas
and usages.
6‐9‐1 Pye, David
Practical Nitriding and Ferritic Nitrocarburizing.
2004:01 300 p. (ASM) -USISBN 0-87170-791-8
¥ 35,000
6‐9‐2 2004・ASTM材料試験規格
2004 Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
(ASTM) -USSec. 3 (Vol. 03.01 - 03.06). Metals Test Methods and
Analytical Procedures.
2004 6 vols.
ISBN 0-8031-3701-X 6 vols.
set ¥ 140,085
ISBN 0-8031-3793-1 CD-ROM
set ¥ 140,085
− 43 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
ASTM Þ¿Ž±Ki 2004 NÅ
2004 Annual Book of ASTM Standards
2004 N 2 Ž`12 Ž‡Ÿ§s\è 15 ZNV‡“,S 77 ûZbg
set ISBN : 0-8031-3685-4 セット特価 ¥ 1,240,300
(ASTM) -US¢EIɘp³êÄ¢éAÞ¿¨æю±û@ÉÖ·éÅåÌ
KiÌ 2004 NÌÚת­\³êܵ½BeZNV‡“FS|A
※詳細は、カタログ (NC-1871) をご請求下さい。
7‐1‐1 複合構造要素の力学
Altenbach, H. , Altenbach, J. W. & Kissing, W.
Mechanics of Composite Structural Elements.
2004:02 468 p., 123 illus. (Springer) -DEISBN 3-540-40865-7
¥ 19,390
Focus on modeling and calculation of sandwiches and laminated
composites i.e. anisotropic material.
All chapters include
7‐1‐2 Janssen, Léon P. B.
Reactive Extrusion Systems.
2003:12 200 p. (Dekker) -USISBN 0-8247-4781-X
¥ 24,750
Relates the theoretical points and calculations most directly
pertinent to real-world extrusion processes and problems.
7‐1‐3 Matthews, Clifford
Handbook of Mechanical in-Service Inspection:
Systems and Mechanical Plant.
2003:10 704 p. (Professional Engineering Pub.) -GBISBN 1-86058-416-0
¥ 34,243
7‐1‐4 Mechanical Engineering Series.
(Dekker) -US空気輸送工学ハンドブック
Vol. 165. Mills, David , Jones, Mark G. & Agarwal, Vijay K.
Handbook of Pneumatic Conveying Engineering.
2003:12 1,051 p.
− 44 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
ISBN 0-8247-4790-9
¥ 32,175
Provides a complete understanding of every facet of pneumatic
conveying system selection, design, maintenance, and optimization, this reference reviews and compares various conveying
system types, components, and flow mechanisms.
7‐1‐5 Walker, Duncan
Torsional Vibration of Turbomachinery.
2004:01 180 p. (McGraw) -USISBN 0-07-143037-7
¥ 21,450
7‐1‐6 Davidson, Peter
An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers.
2004:02 560 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-852948-1
¥ 24,055
ISBN 0-19-852949-X pap.
¥ 9,905
7‐1‐7 乱流の統計力学
Jovanovic, J.
The Statistical Dynamics of Turbulence.
2004:01 141 p. (Springer) -DEISBN 3-540-20336-2
¥ 13,570
Big parts of the book feature the turbulence dissipation process,
the mechanism that controls growth of the energy and its transfer
from large towards small-scale motions, and more.
7‐1‐8 Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidis-
ciplinary Design (NNFM).
(Springer) -DEVol. 87. Breitsamter, C. & Laschka, B. (et al., eds.)
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid
Mechanics IV.
Contributions to the 13th STAB/DGLR Symposium, Munchen,
Germany 2002.
2004:02 480 p.
ISBN 3-540-20258-7
¥ 42,292
7‐2‐1 Davidson, J. K. & Junt, K. H.
Robots and Screw Theory:
and Statics to Robotics.
2004:01 550 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-856245-4
Applications of Kinematics
¥ 24,055
7‐2‐2 Microprocessor-Based
and Intelligent Systems
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLNo. 26. Vukobratovic, Miomir & Potkonjak, V. (et al.)
Dynamics of Robots with Contact Tasks.
2003:12 263 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1809-6
¥ 19,206
− 45 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
7‐2‐3 シュプリンガー先端ロボット工学論文シリーズ
Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR).
(Springer) -DEシリーズ継続注文番号 KBN 0210304393-1
Vol. 9. Yamane, K.
Simulating and Generating Motions of Human Figures.
2004:01 158 p.
ISBN 3-540-20317-6
¥ 13,570
7‐3‐1 画像処理テクノロジー:アルゴリズム・センサー・応用
Aizawa, Kiyoharu , Sakaue, Katsuhiko & Suenaga, Yasuhito (eds.)
Image Processing Technologies:
Algorithms, Sensors,
and Applications.
2003:12 296 p. (Dekker) -USISBN 0-8247-5057-8
¥ 24,750
Focuses on recent approaches and techniques in computer vision
and image processing (CVIP) applications development.
7‐3‐2 Ariyur, Kartik B. & Krsti, Miroslav
Real Time Optimization by Extremum Seeking Control.
2003:11 240 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-46859-2
¥ 11,797
7‐3‐3 Cooperative Systems.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL3. Butenko, Sergiy & Murphey, R. (et al., eds.)
Recent Developments in Cooperative Control and
2003:11 476 p.
ISBN 1-4020-7644-4
¥ 38,412
7‐3‐4 プロセス制御
Corriou, J.-P.
Process Control.
2004:03 700 p., 350 illus. (Springer) -DEISBN 1-85233-776-1
¥ 31,030
Contents: Continuous time control: dynamic modelling of chemical
processes; linear feedback control; stability analysis; design feedback
controllers; frequency analysis; improvement of control systems;
state representation, controllability, observability.- and more.
7‐4‐1 Gasoline-Engine Management.
2nd ed. 2004:01 424 p. (Professional Engineering Pub.) -GBISBN 1-86058-434-9
¥ 11,037
A new handbook from BOSCH.
7‐4‐2 Holt, Daniel J. (ed.)
Hydrogen and Its Future as a Transportation Fuel.
2003:02 200 p. (SAE) -USISBN 0-7680-1128-0
¥ 16,491
− 46 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
7‐4‐3 Carroll, D.
The Winning Solar Car - A Design Guide for Solar Race
Car Teams.
2003 (SAE) -USISBN 0-7680-1131-0
¥ 8,241
7‐4‐4 電気自動車技術解説
Larminie, James & Lowry, John
Electric Vehicle Technology Explained.
2003:10 384 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-85163-5
¥ 20,625
7‐4‐5 Oppenheim, A. K.
Combustion in Piston Engines: Technology, Diagnosis,
and Control.
2004:01 175 p. (Springer) -DEISBN 3-540-20104-1
¥ 11,630
Presents the technique of pressure diagnostics to measure the fuel
consumption in an engine cylinder and to monitor the operation
of micro-electronic systems for its control.
7‐4‐6 Whitelaw, J. H. , Payri, F. & Arcoumanis, C. (et al., eds.)
Thermo- and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Diesel Engines
Selected papers from the THIESEL 2002 conference, Valencia,
Spain, September, 2002.
2004:01 500 p. (Springer) -DEISBN 3-540-20187-4
¥ 32,970
7‐5‐1 AIAA Education Series.
(AIAA) -US# Baker, A. A. & Dutton, S. (et al.)
Composite Materials for Aircraft Structures.
2nd ed. 2004:02 400 p.
ISBN 1-56347-540-5
# Griffin, Michael
Space Vehicle Design.
2004:01 465 p.
ISBN 1-56347-539-1
¥ 18,141
¥ 15,666
7‐5‐2 航空力学における数理法
Dragos, Lazar
Mathematical Methods in Aerodynamics.
2003:11 580 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1663-8
¥ 40,740
Provides a solid and unitary mathematical foundation of the basic
and advanced principles of aerodynamics.
7‐5‐3 ジェーン宇宙ダイレクトリー 2003-2004年版
Jane's Space Directory.
(Jane's) -GB継続注文番号 KBN 9310089782-1
2003-2004. 2003:07 500 p.
ISBN 0-7106-2561-8
¥ 103,578
− 47 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Profiling hundres of space programmes and their different
Government and non-Government
Space Programmes; Global Space Industry Directory; Civilian
Operations; Propulsion; Human Space Flight; and more.
7‐5‐4 Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Series.
(AIAA) -USVol. 197. Chemyi, G. G.
Physical and Chemical Processes in Gas Dynamics:
Physical and Chemical Kinetics and Thermodynamics.
2004:01 300 p.
ISBN 1-56347-519-7
¥ 14,016
Vol. 204. Jukes, Malcolm
Aircraft Display Systems.
2003:12 368 p.
ISBN 1-56347-657-6
¥ 20,616
# Previc, Fred & Ercoline, William
Spatial Disorientation in Aviation.
2004:01 525 p.
ISBN 1-56347-654-1
¥ 11,541
7‐5‐5 Space Technology Proceedings.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL5. Kleiman, Jacob I. & Iskanderova, Z. (eds.)
Protection of Materials and Structures from Space
Environment: ICPMSE-6.
2003:12 566 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1690-5
¥ 41,710
7‐5‐6 航空機制御・シミュレーション(第2版)
Stevens, Brian L. & Lewis, F. L.
Aircraft Control and Simulation.
2nd ed. 2003:10 758 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-37145-9
¥ 16,500
7‐5‐7 ヘリコプター技術
Watkinson, John
Art of the Helicopter.
2004:01 400 p., 400 illus. (Butterworth-Heinemann) -GBISBN 0-7506-5715-4
¥ 16,491
Covers all the aspects of helicopter design, manufacture and
performance, written for pilots and students.
7‐6‐1 ジェーン戦艦年鑑 2003-2004年版
Jane's Fighting Ships.
(Jane's) -GB継続注文番号 KBN 8010495825-1
2003-2004. 2003:07 900 p.
ISBN 0-7106-2546-4
¥ 114,049
Comparable data on the dimensions, main machinery, speed,
range, crew size, weapon systems, design and sales of over
12,000 warships, auxiliaries and paramilitary vessels, owned
and operated by 163 countries.
− 48 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
7‐6‐2 ジェーン地雷および地雷撤去年鑑 2003-2004年版
Jane's Mines and Mine Clearance.
(Jane's) -GB継続注文番号 KBN 9610084620-1
2003-2004. 2003:10 500 p.
ISBN 0-7106-2555-3
¥ 103,578
7‐6‐3 ジェーン核・生物・化学兵器年鑑 2003-2004年版
Jane's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence.
(Jane's) -GB継続注文番号 KBN 0210010821-1
2003-2004. 2003:10
ISBN 0-7106-2556-1
¥ 100,465
A detailed description on both the military and domestic
terrorist threats from nuclear, biological or chemical weapons.
7‐7‐1 Eriz, Ozgur
Effective Inquiry for Innovative Engineering Design:
From Basic Principles to Applications.
2003:12 168 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-7717-3
¥ 20,370
Demonstrates a unique attribute of design thinking by identifying
and characterizing a class of questions called "Generative Design
7‐7‐2 ヴァーチャル組織の技術的側面:インテリジェント企業の
Fairchild, Alea M.
Technological Aspects of Virtual Organizations: Enabling the Intelligent Enterprise.
2003:10 210 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1732-4
¥ 15,520
Considers the theory and practice of virtual organizations at three
levels: the individual, the group, and the corporation. The question
centers on how information is used or, more precisely, how it is
accessed, created, communicated, and reused once again.
7‐7‐3 Halevi, Gideon
Process and Operation Planning.
2003:10 351 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1653-0
¥ 24,638
This is the revised edition of 'The Principles of Process Planning:
A Logical Approach'. Attempts to show that process planning,
now fully integrated in the manufacturing system, can be regarded
as a science by using a logical approach.
7‐7‐4 OR/MS国際研究シリーズ
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLシリーズ継続注文番号 KBN 9510349883-1
− 49 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
69. Kavadias, Stylianos & Loch, Christoph H.
Project Selection under Uncertainty:
Allocating Resources to Maximize Value.
2004:01 160 p.
ISBN 1-4020-7703-3
¥ 17,072
Developing a theory that addresses the need for quantitative
within the broader strategic context of the R&D portfolis.
ヘルスケアにおける OR:方法と応用ハンドブック
70. Sainfort, François , Brandeau, Margaret L. & Pierskalla,
William P. (eds.)
Handbook of Operations Research and Health Care:
Methods and Applications.
2004:03 650 p.
ISBN 1-4020-7629-0
¥ 30,846
04.06.15 prepub. p. ¥ 20,952
Provides a comprehensive series of state-of-the-art applications,
detailing the problem area, the methodology employed, the
implementation, the results, and the issues/avenues raised for
future research.
7‐7‐5 Keates, S. L. & Clarkson, P. J.
Countering Design Exclusion:
Inclusive Design - Student Edition.
2003:10 227 p. (Springer) -DEISBN 1-85233-769-9 soft
¥ 7,750
7‐7‐6 Phillips, Dwayne & O'Bryan, R.
It Sounded Good When We Started:
A Project
Manager's Guide to Workign with People on Projects.
2003:11 282 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-48586-1
¥ 9,075
7‐7‐7 品質工学における多変量統計法
Yang, Kai & Trewn, Jayant
Multivariate Statistical Methods in Quality Engineering.
2004:02 288 p. (McGraw) -USISBN 0-07-143208-6
¥ 24,750
Details key multivariate statistical methods, including: simple
multivariate data graphical display and multivariate data stratification.
7‐7‐8 システム入門:技術と管理
Myers, Margaret & Kaposi, A.
A First Systems Book: Technology and Management.
2003:12 200 p. (World Scientific Pub.) -SGISBN 981-238-692-0
¥ 11,270
ISBN 981-238-729-3 pap.
¥ 5,635
This introductory book is suitable for managers and professionals,
as well as undergraduates on business, engineering, computing,
Modelling; Systems; Measures; Black Box
Systems; Structural Systems; and more.
− 50 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
7‐7‐9 Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing.
(Physica-Verl.) -DEVol. 141. Onwubolu, G. C. & Babu, B. V.
New Optimization Techniques in Engineering.
2004:01 710 p.
ISBN 3-540-20167-X
¥ 29,090
Presents new optimization techniques beyond Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms with various applications in
different engineering disciplines.
7‐7‐10 Frontiers in Electronic Testing.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLNo. 25. Radecka, Katarzyna & Zilic, Zeljko
Verification by Error Modeling:
Using Testing
Techniques in Hardware Verification.
2003:12 233 p.
ISBN 1-4020-7652-5
¥ 19,206
Presents the basis for reusing the test vector generation and
simulation for the purpose of implementation verification, to
result in a significant timesaving.
7‐7‐11 Iu, V. P. & Lamas, L. N. (et al., eds.)
Computational Methods in Engineering and Science.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, EPMESC IX,
Macao, November 2003.
2003:10 1,028 p. (A. A. Balkema) -NLISBN 90-5809-567-3
¥ 54,126
Topics: AI and software engineering; Computer aided design;
Engineering and instruction; Fluid mechanics and applications;
Geotechnics; and more.
7‐7‐12 Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
(Springer) -DEVol. 2809. Diaz, R. Moreno & Pichler, F. (eds.)
Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2003:
9th International Workshop. Revised Selected Papers.
2003:10 672 p.
ISBN 3-540-20221-8 soft
¥ 15,714
7‐7‐13 幾何学モデリング:技術、応用、システム、ツール
Sarfraz, Muhammad (ed.)
Geometric Modeling: Techniques, Applications, Systems
and Tools.
2003:12 466 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1817-7
¥ 24,832
Presentes techniques, applications, systems and tools necessary for
various real life problems in areas such as Designing objects,
Medical Visualization, Scientific Data Visualization, Archaeology,
7‐7‐14 Schmitz, Marcus T. , Al-Hashimi, B. M. & Eles, P.
System-Level Design Techniques for Energy-Efficient
Embedded Systems.
2004:02 211 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-7750-5
¥ 20,176
− 51 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Provides an overview of a system-level co-design flow, illustrating
through examples how system performance is influenced at various
steps of the flow including allocation, mapping, and scheduling.
7‐7‐15 Tichkiewitch, Serge & Brissaud, D. (eds.)
Methods and Tools for Co-operative and Integrated
Selected papers presented at the CIRP Design Seminar, Grenoble,
France, May 2003.
2003:12 504 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1889-4
¥ 33,950
7‐7‐16 Springer Professional Computing.
(Springer) -DE実践バイオメトリクス
# Ashbourn, J.
Practical Biometrics:
From Aspiration to Implementation.
2003:11 180 p.
ISBN 1-85233-774-5
¥ 9,690
Features and benefits: Highlights non device-specific issues
such as human factors, environment, privacy and data
protection; focuses on the practical aspects of managing
large-scale systems; and more.
7‐7‐17 Whittingham, R. B.
The Blame Machine:
Why Human
2004:01 304 p. (Butterworth-Heinemann) -GBISBN 0-7506-5510-0 pap.
¥ 8,241
7‐8‐1 表面と界面のナノスケール・キャラクタリゼーション
DiNardo, N. John
Nanoscale Characterization of Surfaces and Interfaces.
2nd enlarged ed. 2003:12 280 p. (Wiley-VCH) -DEISBN 3-527-29838-X
¥ 28,875
7‐8‐2 Komiyama,
Makoto , Takeuchi, Toshifumi & Asanuma,
Hiroyuki (eds.)
Molecular Imprinting:
From Fundamentals to Applications.
2003:03 148 p. (Wiley-VCH) -DEISBN 3-527-30569-6 ymers.
¥ 25,575
Topics: Receptors for Practical Applications; Advantages and
Disadvantages of Covalent and Non-covalent Imprinting; Noncovalent Imprinting; Structures of Adducts in the Pre-organization
Step; Sensor Applications; Inorganic Gel as the Matrix for
Molecular Imprinting; and more.
− 52 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
7‐8‐3 Mesoscopic Physics and Nanotechnology.
(O U P NY) -USメゾスコピック系における量子輸送
No. 4. Mello, Pier A. & Kumar, Narendra
Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Systems.
2004:04 432 p., 64 drawings
ISBN 0-19-852582-6
¥ 18,395
Pedagogical presentation of quantum scattering theory, linear
response theory, and information theory, suitable for graduate
7‐8‐4 バイオナノテクノロジー:自然からの教訓
Goodsell, D. S.
Bionanotechnology: Lessons from Nature.
2004:01 352 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-41719-X
¥ 13,191
Discussions of the basic structural, nanotechnology, and system
engineering principles, as well as an introductory overview.
Presented with extensive use of high-quality illustrations prepared
using cutting edge CG techniques.
7‐8‐5 ナノバイオテクノロジー:概念、応用、展望
Niemeyer, Christof M. & Mirkin, Chad A. (eds.)
Nanobiotechnology: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives.
2004:04 530 p. (Wiley-VCH) -DEISBN 3-527-30658-7
¥ 29,700
Discusses current strategies as well as future developments: *
Interphase systems * Protein-based nanostructures * DNA-based
nanostructures, and more.
7‐8‐6 ナノ科学・ナノ技術百科事典(全5巻)
Scjwarz, James A. , Contescu, Cristian, I. & Putyera, Karol (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
2004 年中旬刊行予定 5 vols. w/ one year onlin (Dekker) -USISBN 0-8247-4797-6
set ¥ 577,500
set ¥ 490,875
7‐8‐7 Thin Films and Nanostructures.
(Previouse Title:
Thin Films)
(Academic) -US有機ベースのナノ構造における電子励起
Vol. 31. Agranovich, Vladimir M. & Bassani, G. Franco (eds.)
Electronic Excitations in Organic Based Nanostructures.
ISBN 0-12-533031-6
¥ 33,825
Systematic consideration of electronic excitations and electronic
energy transfer in organic crystalline multilayers and organics
based nanostructures (quantum wells, quantum wires, quantum
dots, microcavities).
− 53 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
8‐1‐1 Antonov, Victor & Harmon, Bruce
Electronic Structure and Magneto-Optical Properties of
2004:02 543 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1905-X
¥ 31,040
8‐1‐2 Bracewell, Ronald
Fourier Analysis and Imaging.
2003:12 704 p. (Plenum/Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 0-306-48187-1
¥ 22,698
8‐1‐3 信号およびシステム(第3版)
Chen, Chi-Tsong
Signals and Systems.
3rd ed. 2004:03 464 p., 100 line illus. (O U P NY) -USISBN 0-19-515661-7
¥ 12,375
Practical engineering focus.
Focuses on practice
oriented subjects such as speeds of response and operational
frequency ranges of devices.
8‐1‐4 David, Homer
Troubleshooting and Repairing Consumer
without a Schematic.
3rd ed. 2004:02 425 p., 400 illus. (McGraw) -USISBN 0-07-142181-5 pap.
¥ 5,766
8‐1‐5 Frontiers in Electronic Testing.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLNo. 26. Hamdioui, Said
Testing Static Random Access Memories:
Fault Models and Test Patterns.
2004:02 240 p.
ISBN 1-4020-7752-1
Covers testing of one of the important semiconductor
types; it address testing of static random access
(SRAMs), both single-port and multi-port.
¥ 21,146
8‐1‐6 Lathi, B. P.
Linear Systems and Signals.
2nd ed. 2004:02 675 p., 1208 2-colour illus. (O U P NY) -USISBN 0-19-515833-4
¥ 17,325
Reinforces the authors history of writing highly successful
textbooks. The integration of MATLAB throughout the book is a
major structural change.
8‐1‐7 スマートカード・ハンドブック(第3版)
Rankl, W. & Effing, W.
Smart Card Handbook.
3rd ed. 2003:10 1,000 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-85668-8
− 54 −
¥ 28,050
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Extensive glossary of over 600 smart card terms. A completely
revised chapter on smart cards in the telecomms industry,
covering GSM, UMTS and the (U) SIM Application toolkit. New
coverage of smart card security.
8‐1‐8 Schreier, Richard & Temes, Gabor C.
Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters.
2004:01 300 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-46585-2
¥ 16,326
Emphasizes physical reasoning rather than mathematical arguments.
8‐1‐9 Springer Proceedings in Physics.
(Springer) -DEVol. 96. Pinto, I. , Galdi, V. & Felsen. L. B. (eds.)
Electromagnetics in a Complex World: Challenges and
2003:11 334 p.
ISBN 3-540-20235-8
¥ 29,090
8‐1‐10 2004・ASTM材料試験規格
2004 Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
(ASTM) -USSec. 10 (Vol. 10.01 - 10.04). Electrical Insulation and
2004 4 vols.
ISBN 0-8031-3744-3 5 vols.
set ¥ 78,045
ISBN 0-8031-3836-9 CD-ROM
set ¥ 78,045
ロバスト電子設計レファレンスブック (全2巻)
Barnes, John R.
Robust Electronic Design Reference Book.
2004:01 2 vols. 1,500 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-7739-4
set ¥ 75,078
8‐2‐1 IBM,
Guides you through the entire process of:
Gathering user
requirements; Developing the design specification; Partitioning the
design into electronics, software, and other technologies;
Designing circuits for signal integrity, EMC, EMI, and ESD; and
8‐2‐2 スピンエレクトロニクス
Awschalom, David D. & Buhrman, R. A. (et al., eds.)
Spin Electronics.
2003:12 221 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1802-9
¥ 13,580
Reviews profound technical and policy implications of spin-based
devices for the future of semiconductor electronics, non-volatile
computer memory, nanotechnology, and quantum computing and
− 55 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
KLUWER 社 VLSI 設計関連新刊
Robust Electronic Design Reference Book, 2 Vols.
by John R. Barnes
2004:01 2 vols., 1500 pp. ISBN:1-4020-7739-4
set ¥ 75,070
Design of Energy @ Efficient Application @ Specific
Instruction Set Processors
by Tilman Glokler and Heinrich Meyr
2004:01 240 pp. ISBN:1-4020-7730-0
¥ 21,920
Interconnection Noise in VLSI Circuits
by Francesc Moll and Miquel Roca
2004:01 200 pp. ISBN:1-4020-7733-5
¥ 20,170
(Kluwer Academic Pub.)-NL8‐2‐3 Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GBVol. 10. McEvoy, K. & Tucker, J. V. (eds.)
Theoretical Foundations of VLSI Design.
2003:12 448 p.
ISBN 0-521-36631-3
ISBN 0-521-54565-X pap.
¥ 11,305
New in paperback. Hardcover was publishrd in 1990 is out of
8‐2‐4 Fanucci, Luca , Giannetti, Filippo & Luise, M. (et al.)
An Experimental Approach to CDMA and Interference
From System Architecture to Hardware
Testing through VLSI Design.
2004:01 280 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-7723-8
¥ 20,952
8‐2‐5 Franssila, Sami
Introduction to Microfabrication.
2004:01 384 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-85105-8
¥ 17,325
ISBN 0-470-85106-6 pap.
¥ 9,075
Provides coverage of all aspects of the attempt to build functional
devices at a molecular size.
8‐2‐6 Frontiers in Electronic Testing.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLNo. 25. Radecka, Katarzyna & Zilic, Zeljko
Verification by Error Modeling:
Using Testing
Techniques in Hardware Verification.
2003:12 233 p.
ISBN 1-4020-7652-5
¥ 19,206
Presents the basis for reusing the test vector generation and
simulation for the purpose of implementation verification, to
result in a significant timesaving.
8‐2‐7 Gamota, D. R. , Brazia, P. & Kalyanasundaram, K. (et al., eds.)
Printed Organic and Molecular Electronics.
2003:12 720 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL− 56 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
ISBN 1-4020-7707-6
¥ 32,398
Includes existing knowledge from the most renowned industry,
academic, and government experts in the fields of organic
semiconductor technology, graphic arts printing, micro-contact
printing, and molecular electronics.
8‐2‐8 Glökler, Tilman & Meyr, Heinrich
Design of Energy-Efficient Application-Specific Instruction
Set Processors.
2004:01 240 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-7730-0
¥ 21,922
8‐2‐9 The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and
Computer Science.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL心臓ペースメーカーのための低電力アナログCMOS
758. Silveira, Fernando & Flandre, Denis
Low Power Analog CMOS for Cardiac Pacemakers:
Design and Optimization in Bulk and SOI Technologies.
2004:01 215 p.
ISBN 1-4020-7719-X
¥ 20,176
The main example is the pacemaker sense channel, which is
representative of a broader class of biomedical circuits aimed
at qualitatively detecting biological signals.
8‐2‐10 Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings
(Materials Research Soc.) -USナノチューブベース・デバイス(会議録)
Vol. 772. Bernier & Carroll (eds.)
Nanotube-Based Devices.
2003 239 p.
ISBN 1-55899-709-1
¥ 18,810
8‐2‐11 浮遊ゲートデバイス
Pavan, Paolo , Larcher, Luca & Marmiroli, Andrea
Floating Gate Devices:
Operation and Compact
2004:01 140 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-7731-9
¥ 18,430
Focuses on the operation of the device, which is explained
through compact models. Has set up this book in a similar way
to "Operation and Modeling of MOS transistors" by Y. Tsividis
8‐2‐12 半導体メモリ(全2巻)
Sharma, Ashok K.
Semiconductor Memories.
2003:10 2 vols. 256 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-46243-8
set ¥ 9,982
Details the latest SRAM developments. Covers memory chip to
system level designs including megabyte and gigabyte mass
storage memories.
− 57 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
8‐2‐13 Thin Films and Nanostructures.
(Previouse Title:
Thin Films)
(Academic) -USVol. 32. Kavokin, Alexey & Malpuech, Guillaume
Cavity Polaritons.
ISBN 0-12-533032-4
¥ 22,275
8‐3‐1 Ashburn, Peter
SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors:
Physics and
2003:10 272 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-84838-3
¥ 18,975
Features SiGe products include chip sets for wireless cellular
handsets as well as WLAN and high-speed wired network
8‐3‐2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
(Springer) -DEVol. 2799. Chico, J. J. & Macii, E. (eds.)
Integrated Circuit and System Design Power and
Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation: 13th
International Workshop, PATMOS 2003.
2003:10 631 p.
ISBN 3-540-20074-6 soft
¥ 13,580
8‐3‐3 Molitor, Paul & Mohnke, Janett
Equivalence Checking of Digital Circuits: Fundamentals,
Principles, Methods.
2004:01 265 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-7725-4
¥ 20,952
Designed as a textbook covering one of the most important
aspects in the verification process - equivalence checking of
Boolean circuits.
8‐3‐4 Moll, Francesc & Roca, Miquel
Interconnection Noise in VLSI Circuits.
2004:01 200 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-7733-5
¥ 20,176
Addresses two main problems with interconnections at the chip
and package level: Crosstalk and simultaneous switching noise.
8‐3‐5 線形回路の分析と設計:ラプラス版(第4版)
Thomas, Roland E. & Rosa, Albert J.
The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits: Laplace
First Edition. (IE)
4th ed. 2003:11 864 p. (Wiley) -GBISBN 0-471-45252-1
¥ 10,716
The text's early introduction to Laplace transforms saves time
spent on transitional circuit analysis techniques that will be
superseded later on.
8‐3‐6 線形回路の分析と設計:フェーザー版(第4版)
Thomas, Roland E. & Rosa, Albert J.
The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits:
First Version. (IE)
4th ed. 2003:11 832 p. (Wiley) -GB− 58 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
ISBN 0-471-45251-3
¥ 10,716
Introduces students to the ideal Op-Amp early and often, allowing
you to teach practical designs that students can actually build
and use.
8‐3‐7 電子回路:設計および応用のためのハンドブック(第2版)
Tietze, U. & Schenk, C.
Electronic Circuits:
Handbook for Design and Application.
2nd ed. 2004:01 1,700 p., with CD-ROM (Springer) -DEISBN 3-540-00429-7
¥ 29,090
8‐4‐1 Cvijetic, Milorad
Optical Transmission Systems Engineering.
2004:01 308 p. (Artech House) -USISBN 1-58053-636-0
ca. ¥ 18,150
8‐4‐2 Kane, Deborah
Unlocking Dynamical Devirsity:
on Semiconductor Lasers.
2004:01 384 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-85619-X
Optical Feedback Effects
¥ 18,975
8‐5‐1 IEEE Press Power Engineering Series.
(IEEE) -US# Stone, Greg
Electrical Insulation for Rotating Machines:
Evaluation, Aging, Testing, and Repair.
2004:01 392 p.
ISBN 0-471-44506-1
¥ 16,491
8‐5‐2 Power Engineering.
(Dekker) -US配電力計画レファレンス
Vol. 23. Willies, H. Lee
Power Distribution Planning Reference Book.
2003:12 1,220 p.
ISBN 0-8247-4875-1
¥ 32,175
Contents; Power Delivery Systems; Consumer Demand and
Electric Load; Electric Load, Coincidence, and Behavior; Power
System Reliability; Economics and Evaluation of Cost;
Evaluation, Prioritization, and Approval; Equipment Ratings,
Loadings, Lifetime, and Failure; and more.
8‐5‐3 Series on Properties of Semiconductor Materials.
(Imperial College Pr./World Scientific Pub.) -SGVol. 2. Nelson, Jenny
The Physics of Solar Cells:
Photons In, Electrons
2003:04 384 p.
ISBN 1-86094-340-3
¥ 13,685
ISBN 1-86094-349-7 pap.
¥ 7,705
− 59 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Textbook. " ..clear and concise, gives adequate references and
exercises, it summarizes the symbols and displays clear, legible,
and informative illustrations..."
- Hans J. Queisser,
Max-Planck-Institute of Solid-State Reserach.
8‐6‐1 第3世代ネットワークのための収束技術
Bannister, Jeffrey & Mather, P.
Convergence Technologies for 3G Networks: IP, UMTS,
2003:11 696 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-86091-X
¥ 22,275
UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service) is a
so-called "third-generation (3G)," broadband, packet-based transmission of text, digitized voice, video...
8‐6‐2 アド・ホックネットワーク
Basagni, Stefano (et al.)
Ad hoc Networking.
2004:01 416 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-37313-3
¥ 14,511
Includes coverage of ad hoc networking trends, possible
architectures, and the advantages/limits for future commercial,
social, and educational applications.
8‐6‐3 Bensky, Alan
Short-range Wireless Communication: Fundamentals of
RF System Design and Application.
2nd ed. 2003:12 352 p., 100 illus. (Newns) -GBISBN 0-7506-7782-1 pap.
¥ 9,891
8‐6‐4 Chitrapy, Prabhakar & Briancon, Alan
Wideband TDD: WCDMA for the Unpaired Spectrum.
2004:01 320 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-86104-5
¥ 17,325
Embraces the structure of the radio intergace as well as the user
equimpent and network equipment.
8‐6‐5 電気通信におけるプロジェクト管理
Desmond, Celia L.
Project Management for Telecommunications Managers.
2003:11 293 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-7728-9
¥ 21,922
Tools for planning, organizing, tracking and managing projects
are provided. Explains many key concepts, in layman's terms, for
engineering managers, project managers and other professionals
working in the telecommunications environment.
8‐6‐6 Fazel, Khaled & Kaiser, Stefan (eds.)
Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum: For Future Generations
Wireless Systems.
Fourth International Workshop Germany, September, 2003.
2003:12 536 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1837-1
¥ 32,980
− 60 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
8‐6‐7 Fiche, George (et al.)
Systems and Communicating Networks:
2004:01 448 p. (Hermes Penton) -GBISBN 1-903996-35-X
Traffic and
¥ 25,470
8‐6‐8 Hall, David L. & McMullen, S. A. H.
Mathematical Techniques in Multisensor Data Fusion.
2nd ed. 2003:12 345 p. (Artech House) -USISBN 1-58053-335-3
ca. ¥ 18,975
8‐6‐9 Heine, Gunnar
GPRS Network Optimization and Troubleshooting.
2003 323 p. (Artech House) -USISBN 1-58053-640-9 soft
¥ 49,335
8‐6‐10 IEEE/LEOS
Optical MEMS (MOEMS 2003).
2003 190 p. (IEEE) -USISBN 0-7803-7830-X soft
¥ 27,060
8‐6‐11 IEEE Series on Digital and Mobile Communication.
(Wiley) -US# Pandya, Raj
Introduction to WLLs: Application and Deployment for
Fixed and Broadband Services.
2004:01 248 p.
ISBN 0-471-45132-0
¥ 13,191
8‐6‐12 Ketterling, Hans-Peter A. (et al.)
Introduction to Digital Professional Mobile Radio.
2004:01 342 p. (Artech House) -USISBN 1-58053-173-3
¥ 19,635
8‐6‐13 Le Bodic, Gwenaal
Multimedia Messaging Service:
proach to MMS.
2003:10 280 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-86253-X
¥ 16,500
8‐6‐14 Ralph, Daniel & Graham, Paul
MMS: Technologies, Usage and Business Models.
2003:10 396 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-86116-9
¥ 16,500
8‐6‐15 固定および無線ネットワークにおけるセキュリティ
Schaefer, Guenter
Security in Fixed and Wireless Networks:
duction to Securing Data Communications.
2003:12 448 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-86370-6
An Intro¥ 18,975
8‐6‐16 半導体メモリ(全2巻)
Sharma, Ashok K.
Semiconductor Memories.
2003:10 2 vols. 256 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-46243-8
set ¥ 9,982
− 61 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Details the latest SRAM developments. Covers memory chip to
system level designs including megabyte and gigabyte mass
storage memories.
8‐6‐17 Signal Processing and Communications.
(Dekker) -US最新電子透かし技術
Vol. 21. Barni, Mauro & Bartolini, Franco
Watermarking Systems Engineering: Enabling Digital
Assets Security and Other Applications.
2003:12 500 p.
ISBN 0-8247-4806-9
¥ 27,225
Reveals the fundamental principles ruling watermarking system
design and discusses state-of-the-art technologies in information
concealment and recovery.
8‐6‐18 Signals and Communications Technology.
(Springer) -DE# Ohm, J. R.
Multimedia Communication Technology:
Representation, Transmission and Identification of Multimedia
2003:11 859 p., 441 illus.
ISBN 3-540-01249-4
¥ 19,390
8‐6‐19 Tanner, Rudolf
WCDMA: Requirements and Practical Design.
2004:01 544 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-86177-0
¥ 17,325
8‐6‐20 Tenopir, Carol
Communication Patterns of Engineers.
2004:01 264 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-48492-X
¥ 13,191
8‐6‐21 ソフトウェア無線(SDR)
Turrlebee, Walter
Software Defined Radio: Baseband Technology for 3G
Handsets and Basestations.
2003:12 320 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-86770-1
¥ 23,100
8‐7‐1 Mirta, Sushmita & Acharya, Tinku
Data Mining: Concepts and Algorithms From Multimedia
to Bioinformatics.
2003:10 432 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-46054-0
¥ 16,326
The role of Discrete Wavelet Transform and its
principles in data mining; The principles of multimedia data
compression techniques and their roles in data mining; and more.
− 62 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
Encyclopaedia of E-Commerce Law
by Simon Stokes
2003 N§s@2 binders looseleaf
ISBN: 0-421-74260-7@ñ  120,300
iSweet & Maxwellj
IŠL ÈÇAdq¤æøÉÖíé çäéªìðJo[µAÚ
9‐1‐1 Routledge Key Guides.
(Routledge) -GBサイバー文化:基礎概念
# Bell, David J. , Loader, Brian & Pleace, Nicholas (et al.)
Cyberculture: The Key Concepts.
2004:02 192 p.
ISBN 0-415-24753-5
¥ 14,150
ISBN 0-415-24754-3 pap.
¥ 3,676
The only A-Z guide available on this subject, this book
provides a wide-ranging and up-to-date overview of the
fast-changing and increasingly important world of cyberculture.
9‐1‐2 チューリング・テスト:論集
Shieber, Stuart (ed.)
The Turing Test: Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of
2004:01 336 p. "A Bradford Book" (MIT Pr.) -USISBN 0-262-69293-7 pap.
¥ 5,775
Contributors include John R. Searle, Ned Block, Daniel C.
Dennett, and Noam Chomsky (in a previously unpublished paper).
− 63 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
9‐1‐3 History of Computing Series.
(MIT Pr.) -USソフトウェア産業の歴史(紙装版)
# Campbell-Kelly, Martin
From Airline Reservations to Sonic the Hedgehog: A
History of the Software Industry.
2004:03 392 p.
ISBN 0-262-03303-8
¥ 4,941
ISBN 0-262-53262-X pap.
¥ 2,796
New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2003. A
business history of the software industry from the days of
custom programming to the age of mass-market software and
video games.
9‐1‐4 Tavani, Herman
Ethics in an Age of Information and Communication
Technology (IE).
2003:11 464 p. (Wiley) -GBISBN 0-471-45250-5
¥ 8,076
9‐1‐5 Springer Professional Computing.
(Springer) -DE楕円曲線暗号学ガイド
# Hankerson, D. , Vanstone, S. & Menezes, A. J.
Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
2003:12 330 p.
ISBN 0-387-95273-X
¥ 12,600
Contents: Finite field arithmetic.- Elliptic curve arithmetic.Cryptographic protocols.- Implementation issues.- and more.
9‐2‐1 Fritzson, Peter
Introduction to Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation:
With Engineering and Science Applications Using
Modelica 2.0.
2003:11 800 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-47163-1 pap.
¥ 11,541
9‐2‐2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
(Springer) -DEVol. 2860. Geist, D. & Tronci, E. (eds.)
Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods:
12th IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working
Conference, CHARME 2003.
2003:10 426 p.
ISBN 3-540-20363-X soft
¥ 13,968
9‐2‐3 Lu, Mi
Arithmetic and Logic in Computer Systems.
2003:10 270 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-46945-9
− 64 −
¥ 10,881
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
9‐2‐4 Schmitz, Marcus T. , Al-Hashimi, B. M. & Eles, P.
System-Level Design Techniques for Energy-Efficient
Embedded Systems.
2004:02 211 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-7750-5
¥ 20,176
Provides an overview of a system-level co-design flow, illustrating
through examples how system performance is influenced at various
steps of the flow including allocation, mapping, and scheduling.
9‐2‐5 Semantic Structures in Computation.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL3. Zhang, Guo-Qiang & Lawson, J. (et al., eds.)
Domain Theory, Logic and Computation.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Domain
Theory, Sichuan, China, October 2001.
2003:12 208 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1832-0
¥ 17,460
9‐2‐6 Series in Computer Science.
(Plenum/Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL# Vaidyanathan, Ramachandran & Trahan, Jerry
Dynamic Reconfiguration:
2003:12 556 p.
ISBN 0-306-48189-8
¥ 27,742
9‐2‐7 Springer Professional Computing.
(Springer) -DE# Lawlor, W.
Common SAP R/3 Functions Manual.
2003:12 315 p., with CD-ROM
ISBN 1-85233-775-3
¥ 10,660
9‐3‐1 Arnow, David & Dexter, S. (et al.)
Introduction to Programming Using Java:
Oriented Approach. (IE)
2nd ed. 2003 736 p. (Addison-Wesley) -JPISBN 0-321-20006-3 pap.
An Object¥ 10,240
9‐3‐2 MacBeth, G. S.
C# Programmer's Handbook.
2003:10 561 p. (Apress) -USISBN 1-59059-270-0 soft
¥ 7,750
9‐3‐3 McKeown, Patrick G.
Learning to Program with Visual Basic.Net. (IE)
2003:11 600 p. (Wiley) -GBISBN 0-471-45193-2 pap.
¥ 9,726
9‐3‐4 Oxford Texts in Applied and Engineering Mathe-
(O U P) -GB9. Arbenz, Peter & Petersen, W.
Introduction to Parallel Computing.
2004:02 300 p.
ISBN 0-19-851576-6
ISBN 0-19-851577-4 pap.
¥ 22,640
¥ 9,905
− 65 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
9‐3‐5 プログラミング言語の概念(第6版)
Sebesta, Robert W.
Concepts of Programming Languages. (IE)
6th ed. 2003 704 p. (Addison-Wesley) -JPISBN 0-321-19362-8
ISBN 0-321-20458-1 pap.
¥ 13,310
¥ 5,500
9‐4‐1 スマートカード・ハンドブック(第3版)
Rankl, W. & Effing, W.
Smart Card Handbook.
3rd ed. 2003:10 1,000 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-85668-8
¥ 28,050
Extensive glossary of over 600 smart card terms. A completely
revised chapter on smart cards in the telecomms industry,
covering GSM, UMTS and the (U) SIM Application toolkit. New
coverage of smart card security.
9‐4‐2 Ambler, Scott W.
The Object Primer: Agile Modeling-Driven Development
with UML 2.0.
3rd ed. 2004:02 550 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-54018-6 pap.
¥ 7,425
9‐4‐3 Dixon, Rod
Open Source Software Law.
2004:01 255 p. (Artech House) -USISBN 1-58053-719-7
¥ 14,685
9‐4‐4 Kofler, M.
The Definitive Guide to MySQL.
2nd ed. 2003:10 802 p. (Apress) -USISBN 1-59059-144-5 soft
¥ 9,690
9‐4‐5 Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
(Springer) -DEVol. 2852. Boer, F. S. de (et al., eds.)
Formal Methods for Components and Objects: First
International Symposium, FMCO 2002.
2003:10 509 p.
ISBN 3-540-20303-6 soft
¥ 11,446
9‐4‐6 Lewis, John
Java Software Solutions:
Design, CodeMate Enhanced Edition. (IE)
3rd ed. 2003 960 p. (Addison-Wesley) -JPISBN 0-321-19719-4 pap.
¥ 10,750
9‐4‐7 Moreira, Mario E.
Software Configuration Management
2004:01 256 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-86264-5
− 66 −
¥ 13,200
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
9‐4‐8 O'Neill, E. & Palanque, P. (et al., eds.)
People and Computers XVII - Designing for Society:
Proceedings of HCI 2003.
2003:10 416 p. (Springer) -DEISBN 1-85233-766-4 soft
¥ 31,030
9‐4‐9 Queinnec, Christian
Lisp in Small Pieces.
2003:12 534 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-56247-3
¥ 18,395
ISBN 0-521-54566-8 pap.
¥ 14,135
New in paperback.
Hardcover was published in 1996.
comprehensive account of the semantics and the implementation of
the whole Lisp family of languages, namely Lisp, Scheme an
related dialects.
9‐4‐10 Rittinghouse, John
Managing Software Deliverables.
2003:12 320 p. (Digital Pr.) -USISBN 1-55558-313-X pap.
¥ 9,076
9‐4‐11 Semantic Structures in Computation.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL2. Levy, Paul Blain
Call-By-Push-Value: A Functional/Imperative Synthesis.
2003:12 396 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1730-8
¥ 27,548
9‐4‐12 Signal Processing and Communications.
(Dekker) -US最新電子透かし技術
Vol. 21. Barni, Mauro & Bartolini, Franco
Watermarking Systems Engineering: Enabling Digital
Assets Security and Other Applications.
2003:12 500 p.
ISBN 0-8247-4806-9
¥ 27,225
Reveals the fundamental principles ruling watermarking system
design and discusses state-of-the-art technologies in information
concealment and recovery.
9‐4‐13 ソフトウェア法科学
Slade, Robert M.
Software Forensics: Collecting Evidence from the Scene
of a Digital Crime.
2004:02 288 p., 160 illus. (McGraw) -USISBN 0-07-142804-6 pap.
¥ 6,591
Contents: Hackers, Crackers, Phreaks; DNA evidence, "Chain of
Evidence"; Ethics and Standards; Programming Cultures and
Cultural Indicators; Jerusalem/SURIV, Melissa/Papa/Credit Charge
Message; and more.
− 67 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
9‐5‐1 Synthese Library:
Studies in Epistemology, Logic,
Methodology, and Philosophy of Science.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLNo. 320. Rojszczak, Artur , Cachro, J. & Kurczewski, G. (eds.)
Philosophical Dimensions of Logic and Science.
Selected Conributed Papers from the 11th International Congress
of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Krakow, 1999.
2003:10 406 p.
ISBN 1-4020-1645-X
¥ 30,070
9‐6‐1 Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science.
(Cambridge U. P.) -GBVol. 29. Gärdenfors, Peter (ed.)
Belief Revision.
2003:12 283 p.
ISBN 0-521-41260-9
¥ 10,612
ISBN 0-521-54564-1 pap.
¥ 8,475
New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 1992. Belief
revision is a topic of much interest in theoretical computer
science and logic, and it forms a central problem in research
into artifical intelligence. This book contains a collection of
research articles on the theme.
9‐6‐2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
(Springer) -DEVol. 2801. Banzhaf, W. (et al., eds.)
Advances in Artificial Life: 7th European Conference,
ECAL 2003.
2003:10 905 p.
ISBN 3-540-20057-6 soft
¥ 16,684
Vol. 2842. Gavaldà, R. , Jantke, K. P. & Takimoto, E. (eds.)
Algorithmic Learning Theory:
14th International
Conference, ALT 2003.
2003:10 313 p.
ISBN 3-540-20291-9 soft
¥ 8,924
Vol. 2843. Grieser, G. , Tanaka, Y. & Yamamoto, A. (eds.)
Discovery Science: 6th International Conference, DS
2003:10 504 p.
ISBN 3-540-20293-5 soft
¥ 12,028
Vol. 2854. Hoffmann, J.
Utilizing Problem Structure in Planning:
A Local
Search Approach.
2003:10 251 p.
ISBN 3-540-20259-5 soft
¥ 8,148
9‐6‐3 Network Theory and Applications.
(Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NL13. Yi, Zhang & Tan, K. K.
Convergence Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks.
2003:11 250 p.
ISBN 1-4020-7694-0
¥ 21,922
A comprehensive study of the convergence of recurrent neural
networks, which has been increasingly used in applications
relating to associative memory, image processing and pattern
− 68 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
9‐6‐4 Statistics for Engineering and Information Science.
(Springer) -DE# Cowell, R. G. , Dawid, A. P. & Lauritzen, S. L. (et al., eds.)
Probabilistic Networks and Expert Systems.
1st ed.1999.Corr.2nd printing 1999:07 321 p.
ISBN 0-387-98767-3
¥ 17,450
9‐6‐5 Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing.
(Physica-Verl.) -DEVol. 140. Abraham, A. , Jain, L. C. & Zwaag, B. J. v. d. (eds.)
Innovations in Intelligent Systems:
Design, Management and Applications.
2004:01 470 p.
ISBN 3-540-20265-X
¥ 25,210
9‐7‐1 Kondoz, A. M.
Digital Speech: Coding Tools and Algorithms.
2004:02 408 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-87007-9
ISBN 0-470-87008-7 pap.
¥ 22,275
¥ 11,550
9‐8‐1 画像処理テクノロジー:アルゴリズム・センサー・応用
Aizawa, Kiyoharu , Sakaue, Katsuhiko & Suenaga, Yasuhito (eds.)
Image Processing Technologies:
Algorithms, Sensors,
and Applications.
2003:12 296 p. (Dekker) -USISBN 0-8247-5057-8
¥ 24,750
Focuses on recent approaches and techniques in computer vision
and image processing (CVIP) applications development.
9‐8‐2 Bracewell, Ronald
Fourier Analysis and Imaging.
2003:12 704 p. (Plenum/Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 0-306-48187-1
¥ 22,698
9‐8‐3 Hannah, Bruce
Becoming a Product Designer:
2004:01 288 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-22353-0 pap.
A Guide to Careers in
¥ 5,775
9‐8‐4 画像の数値幾何学
Kimmel, R.
Numerical Geometry of Images.
2003:10 355 p., with CD-ROM (Springer) -DEISBN 0-387-95562-3
¥ 12,600
Explores applications like shape from shading, color-image
enhancement and segmentation, edge integration, offset curve
computation, symmetry axis computation, and more.
− 69 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
9‐8‐5 Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
(Springer) -DEVol. 2717. Gee, J. C. , Maintz, J. B. A. (eds.)
Biomedical Image Registration: Second International
Workshop, WBIR 2003.
2003:10 410 p.
ISBN 3-540-20343-5 soft
¥ 10,476
9‐8‐6 ノイズ画像のための統計学的画像処理法
Réfrégier, Phillipe & Goudail, François
Statistical Image Processing Techniques for Noisy
Images: An Application-Oriented Approach.
2003:12 266 p. (Plenum/Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 0-306-47865-X
¥ 22,310
Hypothesis test-based detection, fast active contour
segmentation and algorithm design for non-conventional imaging
9‐8‐7 幾何学モデリング:応用、システム、ツール
Sarfraz, Muhammad (ed.)
Geometric Modeling: Techniques, Applications, Systems
and Tools.
2003:12 466 p. (Kluwer Academic Pub.) -NLISBN 1-4020-1817-7
¥ 24,832
Presentes techniques, applications, systems and tools necessary for
various real life problems in areas such as Designing objects,
Medical Visualization, Scientific Data Visualization, Archaeology,
9‐8‐8 Signal Processing.
(Dekker) -USMATLABによる生体応答情報・生物医学の画像処理
Vol. 22. Semmlow, John L.
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing: MATLABBased Applications.
2003:12 550 p.
ISBN 0-8247-4803-4
¥ 27,225
Relying heavily on MATLAB problems and examples, as well as
simulated data, this text/reference surveys a vast array of signal
and image processing tools for biomedical applications.
9‐8‐9 7th International Conference on Information Visuali-
zation: IV 2003.
2003:05 500 p. (IEEE) -USISBN 0-7695-1988-1 soft
¥ 31,680
9‐9‐1 Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
(Springer) -DEVol. 2784. Olivé, A. & Yoshikawa, M. (et al., eds.)
Advanced Conceptual Modeling Techniques: ER 2002
Workshops - ECDM, MobIMod, IWCMQ, and eCOMO.
2003:10 452 p.
ISBN 3-540-20255-2 soft
¥ 11,252
− 70 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
9‐9‐2 PODS '03:
Symposium on Principles of Database
2003:07 (ACM) -USISBN 1-58113-670-6
¥ 7,260
International Conference on
Management of Data.
2003:06 (ACM) -USISBN 1-58113-634-X
¥ 16,170
9‐9‐4 Springer Professional Computing.
(Springer) -DE# Bhowmick, S. , Madria, S. & Ng, W. K.
Web Data Management: A Warehouse Approach.
2003:10 470 p., 115 illus.
ISBN 0-387-00175-1
¥ 13,570
9‐9‐5 Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing.
(Physica-Verl.) -DEVol. 138. Sirmakessis, S. (ed.)
Text Mining and Its Applications:
NEMIS Launch Conference.
2004:01 200 p.
ISBN 3-540-20238-2
Results of the
¥ 17,450
9‐10‐1 Eady, Fred
Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers.
2004:02 500 p. (Newns) -GBISBN 0-7506-7698-1 pap.
ca. ¥ 9,898
9‐10‐2 Held, Gilbert
Virtual Private Networking:
and Utilization Guide.
2004:01 256 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-85432-4 pap.
A Construction, Operation
¥ 9,900
9‐10‐3 Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
(Springer) -DEVol. 2864. Dey, A. K. , Schmidt, A. & McCarthy, J. F. (eds.)
UbiComp 2003: Ubiquitous Computing - 5th International Conference.
2003:10 368 p.
ISBN 3-540-20301-X soft
¥ 9,700
Vol. 2867. Brunner, M. (et al., eds.)
Self-Managing Distributed Systems:
International Workshop on Distributed Systems:
Operations and Management, DSOM 2003.
2003:10 274 p.
ISBN 3-540-20314-1 soft
¥ 11,058
9‐10‐4 Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing.
(Physica-Verl.) -DEVol. 139. Nikravesh, M. , Azvine, B. & Yager, R. (et al., eds.)
Enhancing the Power of the Internet.
2004:01 400 p.
ISBN 3-540-20237-4
¥ 19,390
Selection of articles from the BISC (Berkeley Initiative in Soft
Computing) program workshop FLINT 2001.
− 71 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
9‐10‐5 Troppens, Ulf
Storage Networks Explained: Basics and Application of
Fibre Channels SAN, NAS and InfiniBand.
2003:12 320 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-86182-7
¥ 13,200
10‐1‐1 Berga, L. (et al., eds.)
RCC - Dams:
Roller Compacted Concrete Dams Proceedings of the IV International Symposium.
Madrid, Spain, November 2003.
2003:11 1,240 p. (A. A. Balkema) -NLISBN 90-5809-564-9
¥ 48,306
10‐1‐2 Bisharat, Keith
From Construction Graphics to Reality:
Working Drawings into Buildings.
2003:10 352 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-21983-5
¥ 14,850
10‐1‐3 Iu, V. P. & Lamas, L. N. (et al., eds.)
Computational Methods in Engineering and Science.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, EPMESC IX,
Macao, November 2003.
2003:10 1,028 p. (A. A. Balkema) -NLISBN 90-5809-567-3
¥ 54,126
Topics: AI and software engineering; Computer aided design;
Engineering and instruction; Fluid mechanics and applications;
Geotechnics; and more.
10‐1‐4 Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics.
(Springer) -DEVol. 14. Frémond, M. & Maceri, F. (eds.)
Novel Approaches in Civil Engineering.
Proceedings of the December 2000 Meeting of Laboratoire
2003:11 400 p., 209 illus.
ISBN 3-540-41836-9
¥ 25,210
10‐1‐5 Mahmoud, K. M. (ed.)
Recent Developments in Bridge Engineering.
Proceedings of the Second New York Bridge
Conference, October 2003.
2003:10 388 p. (A. A. Balkema) -NLISBN 90-5809-606-8
¥ 25,026
10‐1‐6 Möller, B. & Beer, M.
Fuzzy Randomness.
2004:01 350 p. (Springer) -DEISBN 3-540-40294-2
¥ 14,495
Introduces to the problem of uncertainty and provides a current
survey of relevant uncertainty models and their application in
civil engineering.
− 72 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
10‐1‐7 Perry, Pat
Construction Sefety: Questions and Answers.
2003:11 312 p. (Thomas Telford) -GBISBN 0-7277-3233-1 pap.
¥ 5,645
10‐1‐8 2004・ASTM材料試験規格
2004 Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
(ASTM) -USSec. 4 (Vol. 04.01 - 04.13). Construction.
2004 13 vols.
ISBN 0-8031-3708-7 13 vols.
ISBN 0-8031-3800-8 CD-ROM
set ¥ 320,100
set ¥ 320,100
10‐1‐9 Doyle, James F.
Modern Experimental Stress Analysis:
Partially Specified Problems.
2004:01 424 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-86156-8 pap.
The Solution of
¥ 18,975
10‐1‐10 Foundations of Engineering Mechanics.
(Springer) -DE# Kolpakov, A. G.
Stressed Composite Structures.
2004:03 180 p.
ISBN 3-540-40790-1
¥ 17,450
10‐1‐11 Moseley, Mike & Kirsch, K.
Ground Improvement.
2nd ed. 2004:01 288 p. (Spon) -GBISBN 0-415-27455-9
¥ 24,055
10‐1‐12 Szilard, Rudolph
Theories and Applications of Plate Analysis:
Numerical and Engineering Methods.
2004:01 1,056 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-42989-9
¥ 41,250
10‐2‐1 アーバン・ヴィレッジ運動とコミュニティ
Neal, Peter (ed.)
Urban Villages and the Making of Communities.
2003:12 240 p., 298 illus. (Spon) -GBISBN 0-415-26273-9 pap.
¥ 7,075
Documents both the roots of the Urban Village movement and its
application in contemporary society.
10‐2‐2 Samuels, Ivor & Panerai, P. (et al.)
Urban Forms.
2004:01 256 p. (Architectural Pr.) -GBISBN 0-7506-5607-7 pap.
ca. ¥ 5,766
Internationally influential and highly respected French urban
design theory translated into English for the first time.
− 73 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
10‐2‐3 Trowbridge, Peter & Bassuk, N.
Trees in the Urban Landscape:
and Installation.
2003:10 240 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-39246-4
Design, Specification
¥ 10,725
10‐2‐4 パトリック・ゲッデスの都市理論(紙装版)
Welter, Volker M.
Biopolis: Patrick Geddes and the City of Life.
2003:10 379 p., 74 illus. (MIT Pr.) -USISBN 0-262-23211-1
ISBN 0-262-73164-9 pap.
New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2002.
by Iain Boyd Whyte. An examination of the work and
of Scottish urban planner and theorist Patrick
¥ 7,086
¥ 4,116
10‐3‐1 Dawe, Peter
Traffic Loading on Highway Bridges:
2003:11 184 p. (Thomas Telford) -GBISBN 0-7277-3241-2
¥ 9,905
10‐3‐2 ジェーン商船年鑑 2003-2004年版
Jane's Merchant Ships.
(Jane's) -GB継続注文番号 KBN 8410372372-1
2003-2004. 2003:08 650 p.
ISBN 0-7106-2552-9
¥ 103,578
Highlights the key recognition characteristics of most of the
world's important ships, and makes it easy to find the name,
flag and main characteristics.
10‐3‐3 ジェーン鉄道年鑑 2003-2004年版
Jane's World Railways.
(Jane's) -GB継続注文番号 KBN 8410316067-1
2003-2004. 2003:12
ISBN 0-7106-2566-9
¥ 118,577
Includes a global perspective onthe development of more than
450 railway systems in over 120 countries worldwide. Key
contents include: Organisational structures; Station equipment;
Rail trafific and revenue statistics; and more.
10‐4‐1 Carmona, M.
Public Places - Urban Spaces:
A Guide to Urban
2003:03 192 p. (Butterworth-Heinemann) -GBISBN 0-7506-3632-7 pap.
¥ 6,591
− 74 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
10‐4‐2 Christians, Nick
Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management.
2nd ed. 2003:10 352 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-45478-8
¥ 11,550
10‐4‐3 Dunnett, Nigel & Hitchmough, J. (eds.)
The Dynamic Landscape:
Urban Context .
2004:01 384 p. (Spon) -GBISBN 0-415-25620-8
Naturalistic Planting in an
¥ 12,735
10‐4‐4 IMechE Conference Transactions.
(Professional Engineering Pub.) -GB2003-5. Healthcare Engineering: Latest Developments
and Applications.
2003:12 255 p.
ISBN 1-86058-429-2
¥ 33,960
Identifies ideas for improved design of hospitals and equipment.
As well as practical advice on how to control energy
consumption, and updates on the latest research into hospital
acquired infection, this volume gives detailed analysis of
hygiene control in operating theatres.
10‐5‐1 Hourston, Laura
Museum Builders II.
2003:10 224 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-84943-6
¥ 13,200
Lavishly illustrated with many colour photographs, Features
famous examples of museums around the world.
10‐5‐2 Kieran, Stephen & Timberlake, J.
Refabricating Architecture:
How Manufacturing Methodologies Are Poised to Transform Building Construction.
2003:11 160 p., 100 illus. (McGraw) -USISBN 0-07-143321-X pap.
¥ 3,291
10‐5‐3 Merritt, Edwin T. , Beudin, James A. & Sells, Jeffrey A.
The High School of the Future:
A Focus on
2004:01 192 p. (Scarecrow) -USISBN 1-55691-233-1 pap.
¥ 5,766
Co-Published with: Fletcher Thompson, Inc. and Association of
School Business Officials Intenational.
10‐5‐4 Merritt, Edwin T. , Beudin, James A. & Myler, Patricia A.
The Middle School of the
2004:01 232 p. (Scarecrow) -USISBN 1-55691-251-X pap.
¥ 5,766
10‐5‐5 Merritt, Edwin T. , Beudin, James A. & Sells, J. A. (et al.)
The Elementary School of the Future:
2004:01 200 p. (Scarecrow) -USISBN 1-55691-242-0 pap.
A Focus on
¥ 5,766
− 75 −
Kinokuniya No. 552-F
10‐5‐6 Poppeliers, John C. & Chambers, S. A., Jr. (et al.)
What Style Is It?: A Guide to American Architecture.
Rev. ed. 2003:10 144 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-25036-8 pap.
¥ 2,961
10‐5‐7 Sokol, David
Property Development and Progressive Architecture:
The New Alliance.
2004:01 128 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-470-86214-9 pap.
¥ 6,591
10‐6‐1 The American Institute of Architects.
Security in the Built Environment:
A Planning and
Design Guide for Architects and Design Professionals.
2003:11 240 p. (Wiley) -USISBN 0-471-27156-X
¥ 8,250
10‐6‐2 Perry, Pat
Construction Sefety: Questions and Answers.
2003:11 312 p. (Thomas Telford) -GBISBN 0-7277-3233-1 pap.
¥ 5,645
10‐6‐3 STP:
Special Technical Publications.
(ASTM) -US1451. Wallace, Thomas J. (et al., eds.)
Roofing Research and Standards Development:
2003:10 151 p.
ISBN 0-8031-3469-X
¥ 11,550
10‐6‐4 Vanderwerf, Pieter A. & Panushev, I. S.
Insulating Concrete Forms Construction:
Evaluation, and Technical Practice.
2004:02 256 p. (McGraw) -USISBN 0-07-143057-1
¥ 11,541
10‐6‐5 Wang, Chu-Kia & Salmon, C. G. (et al.)
Reinforced Concrete Design. (IE)
7th ed. 2003:11 1,000 p. (Wiley) -GBISBN 0-471-45256-4
¥ 19,461
The first edition was published in 1965. Emphasis throughout on
the ACI approach involving strength and serviceability "limit
states" and factored loads.
− 76 −
Fly UP