
Amino Acid Metabolism in Exercise

by taratuta

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Amino Acid Metabolism in Exercise
Chapter 9
Amino Acid Metabolism in Exercise
The body of a 70-kg man contains about 12 kg of
protein (amino acid polymers) and 200–220 g of
free amino acids. There is a continuous exchange
of amino acids between these pools as proteins
are constantly being synthesized and simultaneously being degraded (protein turnover). Skeletal muscle accounts for some 40–45% of total
body mass and contains some 7 kg of protein, primarily in the form of the contractile (myofibrillar) proteins. About 120 g of the free amino acids
are present intracellularly in skeletal muscle,
while only 5 g of free amino acids are present
in the circulation. In the 1840s the German physiologist Von Liebig hypothesized that muscle
protein was the main fuel used to achieve muscular contraction. After this view had been invalidated around 1870 by experimental data, many
exercise physiologists took the opposite stand
and disregarded the amino acid pool in muscle
as playing any role of significance in exercise and
energy metabolism. For over a century the amino
acid pool in skeletal muscle has been considered
as an inert reservoir from which the building
blocks are obtained for the synthesis of contractile proteins and enzymes. A review is given here
to show that resting skeletal muscle actively participates in the handling of amino acids in the
overnight fasted state and following ingestion
of a protein-containing meal and that muscle
actively collaborates with other tissues in these
situations. Major and rapid changes occur in the
muscle free amino acid pool during exercise. Evi-
dence will be presented indicating that changes
in the size of the muscle pool of some amino
acids and in amino acid metabolism play an
important role in the establishment and maintenance of a high concentration of tricarboxylic acid (TCA)-cycle intermediates and via this
mechanism in the maintenance of a high aerobic
capacity during prolonged exercise. Amino acids
also seem to play a role in the failure to maintain
high concentrations of TCA-cycle intermediates
during prolonged exercise, an event which
potentially plays a role in the development of
fatigue in glycogen-depleted muscles. The conclusion therefore of this chapter will be that
muscle amino acid metabolism occupies a
central place in energy metabolism during exercise not as a direct fuel competing with fatty
acids, blood glucose and glycogen, but as a precursor for the synthesis of TCA-cyle intermediates and glutamine.
Muscle amino acid metabolism at rest
As an introduction to the changes that occur
during exercise, we will first have a look at the
resting state. In contrast to the liver, which is
able to oxidize most of the 20 amino acids that
are present in proteins, rat and human skeletal muscle when incubated in vitro can oxidize
only six amino acids (Chang & Goldberg 1978a,
1978b; Wagenmakers et al. 1985). These are the
branched-chain amino acids (BCAA — leucine,
isoleucine and valine), glutamate, aspartate and
asparagine (Fig. 9.1).
nutrition and exercise
Isoleucine α-KMV
Tricarboxylic acid
In vitro muscle amino acid metabolism
Rat muscles incubated in vitro are in net protein
breakdown (protein synthesis < protein degradation) and release amounts of glutamine and
alanine in excess by far of the relative occurrence
of these amino acids in muscle protein. This suggests that de novo synthesis of these amino acids
occurs (Chang & Goldberg 1978b). Ruderman
and Lund (1972) were the first to observe that
addition of BCAA to the perfusion medium of rat
hindquarters increased the release of alanine and
glutamine. The relationship between the metabolism of BCAA on the one hand and the release of
alanine and glutamine has since been the subject
of many studies (for reviews, see Goldberg &
Chang 1978; Wagenmakers & Soeters 1995). Most
of this relationship today has been firmly established. In the BCAA aminotransferase reaction,
the amino group is donated to a-ketoglutarate to
form glutamate and a branched-chain a-keto
acid (Fig. 9.1). In the reaction catalysed by glutamine synthase, glutamate reacts with ammonia
to form glutamine. Alternatively, glutamate may
or glucose
Fig. 9.1 Amino acid metabolism in
muscle. a-KG, a-ketoglutarate;
a- KIC, a-ketoisocaproate; a-KIV,
a-ketoisovalerate; a-KMV, a-ketob-methylvalerate; CoA, coenzyme
donate the amino group to pyruvate to form
alanine and regenerate a-ketoglutarate. These
reactions provide a mechanism for the elimination of amino groups from muscle in the form of
the non-toxic nitrogen carriers alanine and glutamine (Fig. 9.1).
Arteriovenous difference studies in
postabsorptive man
Muscle amino acid metabolism has also been
investigated in man in vivo in the resting state
and during exercise by measuring the exchange
of amino acids across a forearm or a leg (arteriovenous difference multiplied by blood flow
gives the net exchange of amino acids; e.g. Felig
& Wahren 1971; Marliss et al. 1971; Wahren et al.
1976; Eriksson et al. 1985; Van Hall et al. 1995b;
Van Hall 1996). As muscle is the largest and most
active tissue in the limbs, the assumption that
limb exchange primarily reflects muscle metabolism seems reasonable. After overnight fasting
there is net breakdown of muscle proteins as
protein synthesis is slightly lower than protein
amino acid metabolism in exercise
degradation (Rennie et al. 1982; Cheng et al. 1987;
Pacy et al. 1994). This implies that those amino
acids that are not metabolized in muscle will be
released in proportion to their relative occurrence in muscle protein, while a discrepancy will
be found when amino acids are transaminated,
oxidized or synthesized. Human limbs release
much more glutamine (48% of total amino acid
release) and alanine (32%) than would be anticipated from the relative occurrence in muscle
protein (glutamine 7% and alanine 9%; Clowes
et al. 1980). This implies that glutamine with two
N-atoms per molecule is dominant for the amino
acid N-release from human muscle. The BCAA
(19% relative occurrence in muscle protein), glutamate (7%), aspartate and asparagine (together,
9%), on the other hand, are not released or in
lower amounts than their relative ocurrence.
Glutamate, in fact, is constantly taken up from
the circulation by skeletal muscle. This suggests
that the BCAA, glutamate, aspartate and
asparagine originating from net breakdown of
muscle proteins and glutamate taken up from the
circulation are metabolized in muscle and used
for de novo synthesis of glutamine and alanine
after overnight starvation. All other amino acids
are released in proportion to their relative ocurrence in muscle protein, implying that little or no
metabolism occurs in muscle.
Source of alanine and glutamine carbon
and nitrogen
The next issue to address is whether the carbon
and nitrogen atoms from the six amino acids that
can be degraded in muscle (Fig. 9.1) can be used
for complete synthesis of both glutamine and
alanine or whether other precursors help to
provide some of the required building blocks.
Studies with [15N]-leucine have shown that the
amino group of the BCAA is indeed incorporated
in humans in vivo in the a-amino nitrogen of
alanine (Haymond & Miles 1982) and of glutamine (Darmaun & Déchelotte 1991). As glutamate is central in all aminotransferase reactions
in muscle (Fig. 9.1), this implies that the amino
group of all six amino acids is interchangeable
and can be incorporated in the a-amino nitrogen of alanine and of glutamine. The source of
ammonia in glutamine synthesis (incorporated
in the amide nitrogen) forms one of the puzzles
in muscle amino acid metabolism remaining
today. A small part is derived from the uptake of
ammonia from the circulation. The positive
femoral arteriovenous difference for ammonia in
man is between 5% and 10% of the glutamine
release in postabsorptive subjects at rest (Eriksson et al. 1985; Van Hall et al. 1995b). Two intracellular enzymatic reactions are main candidates
for the production of the remainder of the required ammonia. The adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-deaminase reaction is not only
involved in the breakdown of adenine
nucleotides to inosine monophosphate (IMP),
but, as proposed by Lowenstein and colleagues,
also in the deamination of aspartate via the reactions of the purine nucleotide cycle (Lowenstein
& Goodman 1978). A second possible source of
ammonia production in muscle is the reaction
catalysed by glutamate dehydrogenase:
glutamate + NAD+ ´ a-ketoglutarate + NH4+
The BCAA indirectly can also be deaminated by
these reactions after transfer via transamination
of the amino group to glutamate and aspartate.
However, both AMP deaminase and glutamate
dehydrogenase have been suggested to have
very low activities in muscle both in vivo and
in vitro (Lowenstein & Goodman 1978). Estimates of limb production rates in the fed and
fasted state nevertheless indicate that between 10
and 25 g of glutamine is synthesized in the combined human skeletal muscles per 24 h, much
more than any other amino acid. This also
implies that there must be a corresponding rate
of ammonia production in muscle.
In vitro muscle incubations and perfusions
with [U-14C]-amino acids have led to the general
consensus that the carbon skeletons of the six
indicated amino acids (Fig. 9.1) are used for de
novo synthesis of glutamine (Chang & Goldberg
1978b; Wagenmakers et al. 1985; Lee & Davis
1986). This has been confirmed more recently in
nutrition and exercise
rats in vivo by Yoshida et al. (1991), who showed
that leucine C-2 was incorporated into glutamine
after giving l-[1,2-13C]leucine. No, or very little,
radioactivity was found in lactate, pyruvate and
alanine during incubation of rat diaphragms
(Wagenmakers et al. 1985) and perfusion of rat
hindquarters (Lee & Davis 1986) with [U14C]valine. This implies that there is no active
pathway in muscle for conversion of TCA-cycle
intermediates into pyruvate. It also implies that
the carbon skeleton of the five amino acids that
are converted to TCA-cycle intermediates (Fig.
9.1) cannot be used for complete oxidation
(which is only possible when carbon enters the
TCA-cycle as a 2-carbon acetyl group linked to
coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) as is the case for
leucine and for part of the isoleucine molecule)
or for pyruvate and alanine synthesis. Therefore,
the only fate of these carbon skeletons is synthesis of TCA-cycle intermediates and glutamine
(Fig. 9.1). The question then is what is the source
of the carbon atoms of alanine? The remaining
sources are muscle glycogen and blood glucose
converted by glycolysis into pyruvate (Fig. 9.1).
In agreement with this conclusion Chang and
Goldberg (1978a) reported that over 97% of the
carbons of the alanine, pyruvate and lactate
released by incubated diaphragms were derived
from exogenous glucose.
Glucose–alanine cycle revisited
The conclusion of the above section slightly
changes the concept of the glucose–alanine cycle
(Fig. 9.2) (Felig et al. 1970) which by now has
become generally accepted textbook knowledge.
Fuel for gut and immune system
Precursor DNA/RNA
amino acids
Amino acids
Fig. 9.2 Interorgan relationship in the handling of amino acids. Dashed arrow, prolonged starvation only.
amino acid metabolism in exercise
According to the original formulation of the
glucose–alanine cycle, the pyruvate used for
alanine production in muscle either was derived
from glycolysis of blood glucose or from pyruvate derived from metabolism of other muscle
protein-derived amino acids. The alanine is then
released to the blood and converted to glucose
via gluconeogenesis in the liver. Carbon derived
from muscle protein in this way was suggested to
help maintain blood glucose concentrations after
overnight fasting and during prolonged starvation. The implication, however, of the above conclusions is that all pyruvate is either derived
from glycolysis of blood glucose or from breakdown of muscle glycogen followed by glycolysis.
In a recent tracer study in man (Perriello et al.
1995), 42% of the alanine released by muscle was
reported to originate from blood glucose. This
implies that more than half of the alanine
released by muscle is formed from pyruvate
derived from muscle glycogen. This route provides a mechanism to slowly mobilize the sitting
muscle glycogen stores during starvation, such
that these stores can be used to help and maintain
the blood glucose concentrations (Fig. 9.2) and
function as fuel in tissues that critically depend
on glucose such as brain, red blood cells and
kidney cortex. The amino acids liberated during
starvation by increased net rates of protein
degradation (Rennie et al. 1982; Cheng et al. 1987;
Pacy et al. 1994) are instead converted to glutamine, which also is a precursor for gluconeogenesis in the liver in the postabsorptive state (Ross
et al. 1967). Glutamine also is a precursor for gluconeogenesis in the kidney (Wirthensohn &
Guder 1986), but renal gluconeogenesis only
starts to be significant (>10% of total glucose
output) in man after 60 h starvation (Björkman et
al. 1980) and is at its highest rate after prolonged
(4–6 weeks) starvation (Owen et al. 1969).
Protein-derived amino acids metabolized in
muscle thus still can help maintain blood glucose
concentration during starvation but by a different route from that suggested in the original formulation of the glucose alanine cycle. Recent
tracer studies in man also suggest that glutamine
is more important than alanine as a gluco-
neogenic precursor after overnight starvation
(Nurjhan et al. 1995), and that glutamine is more
important than alanine as a vehicle for transport
of muscle protein-derived carbon and nitrogen
through plasma to the sites of gluconeogenesis or
further metabolism (Perriello et al. 1995).
Effect of ingestion of protein or a mixed meal
Following ingestion of a mixed proteincontaining meal, small amounts of most amino
acids are taken up by muscle and most other
tissues as there is net protein deposition in the
fed state (protein synthesis > protein degradation), which compensates for the net losses in the
overnight fasting period (Rennie et al. 1982;
Cheng et al. 1987; Pacy et al. 1994). An excessively
large uptake of BCAA and glutamate is seen in
the 4-h period after ingestion of a mixed meal
(Elia et al. 1989) and after ingestion of a large
steak (Elia & Livesey 1983). BCAA and glutamate
then together cover more than 90% of the muscle
amino acid uptake. The BCAA originate from
dietary protein. After digestion of dietary protein
most of the resulting BCAA escape from uptake
and metabolism in gut and liver due to the low
BCAA aminotransferase activity in these tissues
(Wagenmakers & Soeters 1995; Hoerr et al. 1991).
The source of the glutamate is not clear today.
The diet only seems to deliver a minor proportion as both a [15N] and [13C] glutamate tracer
were almost quantitatively removed in the first
pass through the splanchnic area (gut and liver;
Matthews et al. 1993; Batezzati et al. 1995).
Marliss et al. (1971) showed that the splanchnic
area (gut and liver) in man constantly produces
glutamate both after overnight and after prolonged starvation. After ingestion of a large steak
the muscle release of glutamine more than
doubles, while the alanine release is reduced to
10% of the overnight fasted value. In the 4-h
period after ingestion of a mixed meal (Elia et al.
1989), the dominance of glutamine in carrying
nitrogen out of skeletal muscle was even more
clear than after overnight fasting. Glutamine
then accounted for 71% of the amino acid release
and 82% of the N-release from muscle. In
nutrition and exercise
summary, these data suggest that after consumption of protein-containing meals, BCAA and glutamate are taken up by muscle and their carbon
skeletons are used for de novo synthesis of
Function of muscle glutamine synthesis
and release
In the previous sections it has become clear that
glutamine is the main end product of muscle
amino acid metabolism both in the overnight
fasted state and during feeding. Alanine only
serves to export part of the amino groups. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in human
plasma (600–700 mm) and in the muscle free
amino acid pool (20 mm; 60% of the intramuscular pool excluding the nonprotein amino acid
taurine). The synthesis rate of glutamine in
muscle is higher than that of any other amino
acid. Extrapolations of limb production rates in
the fed and fasted state suggest that between 10
and 25 g of glutamine is synthesized in the combined human skeletal muscles per day. Tracer
dilution studies even indicate that 80 g of glutamine is produced per day (Darmaun et al. 1986),
but this may be a methodological overestimation
due to slow mixing of the glutamine tracer with
the large endogenous glutamine pool in muscle
(Van Acker et al. 1998). Furthermore, although
muscle is the main glutamine-producing tissue,
other tissues (e.g. adipose tissue, liver and brain)
may also contribute to the rate of appearance of
glutamine in the plasma pool that is measured by
tracer dilution techniques.
The reason for this high rate of glutamine production in muscle probably is that glutamine
plays an important role in human metabolism in
other organs. Sir Hans Krebs (1975) has already
Maybe the significance of glutamine synthesis
is to be sought in the role of glutamine in other
organs, as a precursor of urinary ammonia and
as a participant in the biosynthesis of purines,
NAD+, amino sugars and proteins. Glutamine
is an important blood constituent, present in
higher concentrations than any other amino
acid, presumably to serve these various functions. Muscle may play a role in maintaining
the high plasma concentration of glutamine.
Glutamine has been shown to be an important
fuel for cells of the immune system (Ardawi &
Newsholme 1983) and for mucosal cells of the
intestine (Windmueller & Spaeth 1974; Souba
1991). Low muscle and plasma glutamine concentrations are observed in patients with sepsis
and trauma (Vinnars et al. 1975; Rennie et al. 1986;
Lacey & Wilmore 1990), conditions that also are
attended by mucosal atrophy, loss of the gut
barrier function (bacterial translocation) and a
weakened immune response. Although the link
between the reduced glutamine concentrations
and these functional losses has not been fully
underpinned by experimental evidence, the possibility should seriously be considered that it is a
causal relationship. Due to its numerous metabolic key functions and a potential shortage in
patients with sepsis and trauma, glutamine has
recently been proposed to be a conditionally
essential amino acid (Lacey & Wilmore 1990),
which should especially be added to the nutrition of long-term hospitalized critically ill and
depleted patients. These patients have a reduced
muscle mass due to continuous muscle wasting
and therefore probably also a reduced capacity
for glutamine production.
Glutamine–glutamate cycle
The existence of the glutamine–glutamate cycle
was first demonstrated by Marliss et al. (1971). In
muscle there is a continuous glutamate uptake
and glutamine release with the glutamate uptake
accounting for about half of the glutamine
release. Most of the glutamine produced by
muscle is extracted by the splanchnic bed, most
probably partly by the gut (Souba 1991) and
partly by the liver (Ross et al. 1967). This glutamine is converted to glutamate and ammonia by
glutaminase. When generated in the gut, the
ammonia is transported via the portal vein to the
liver and disposed of as urea; the same holds for
ammonia generated in the liver. About half of the
glutamate is retained in the splanchnic area and
amino acid metabolism in exercise
used as a fuel in the gut (Souba 1991) or for gluconeogenesis in the liver (Ross et al. 1967), and the
other half is released and transported back to the
muscle. This glutamine–glutamate cycle provides a means to transport ammonia produced in
muscle in the form of a non-toxic carrier (glutamine) through the blood to the splanchnic area
where it can be removed as urea.
Muscle amino acid metabolism
during exercise
Anaplerotic role of the alanine
aminotransferase reaction
During one- and two-legged cycling exercise at
intensities between 50% and 70% of Wmax. only
two amino acids change substantially in concentration in the muscle free amino acid pool, i.e.
glutamate and alanine (Bergström et al. 1985;
Sahlin et al. 1990; Van Hall et al. 1995b). Glutamate decreases by 50–70% within 10 min of
exercise, while alanine at that point in time is
increased by 50–60%. The low concentration of
glutamate is maintained when exercise is continued for periods up to 90 min or until exhaustion, while alanine slowly returns to resting
levels. Substantial amounts of alanine, furthermore, are released into the circulation during the
first 30 min of exercise (Van Hall et al. 1995b).
Alanine release is reduced again when exercise is
continued and the muscle glycogen stores are
gradually emptied (Van Hall et al. 1995b). The
functionality of the rapid fall in muscle glutamate concentration most likely is conversion
of its carbon skeleton into a-ketoglutarate and
TCA-cycle intermediates. The sum concentration
of the most abundant TCA-cycle intermediates
in skeletal muscle has been shown to increase
rapidly by about 10-fold after the start of exercise (Essen & Kaijser 1978; Sahlin et al. 1990).
Although the mechanisms of metabolic control
of the flux in the TCA cycle are not exactly understood today because of the complexity of this
multienzyme system, both allosteric activation
mechanisms (increases in the concentration of
mitochondrial free ADP and calcium among
others activate a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase)
and increases in the concentration of some of the
TCA-cycle intermediates (the substrates of the
TCA-cycle enzymes) most likely both contribute
to the increased TCA-cycle flux during exercise.
The increase in the sum concentration of the most
abundant TCA-cycle intermediates, in other
words, may be needed for an optimal aerobic
energy production and to meet the increased
energy demand for contraction.
The high rate of alanine production during the
first 30 min of exercise (Van Hall et al. 1995b) and
the temporary increase in muscle alanine concentration after 10 min of exercise indicate that
the alanine aminotransferase reaction (Fig. 9.3)
is used for the rapid conversion of glutamate
carbon into TCA-cycle intermediates. The alanine aminotransferase reaction is a near equilibrium reaction. At the start of exercise the rate of
glycolysis and thus of pyruvate formation is
high, as indicated by a temporary increase of the
muscle pyruvate concentration (Dohm et al. 1986;
Sahlin et al. 1990; Spencer et al. 1992) and an
increased release of pyruvate and lactate from
the exercising muscle during the first 30 min
(Van Hall 1996). The increase in muscle pyruvate
automatically forces the alanine aminotrans-
Muscle glycogen
Pyruvate + glutamate
Alanine + α-ketoglutarate
Alanine aminotransferase
Fatty acids
TCA cycle
Fig. 9.3 The alanine aminotransferase reaction feeds
carbon into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle during
the first minutes of exercise.
nutrition and exercise
ferase reaction towards a new equilibrium with
production of a-ketoglutarate and alanine from
pyruvate (continuously supplied by glycolysis)
and glutamate (falling in concentration). Felig
and Wahren (1971) have shown that the rate of
release of alanine from muscle depended on the
exercise intensity (see also Eriksson et al. 1985)
and suggested a direct relation between the rate
of formation of pyruvate from glucose and the
rate of alanine release. This led to the suggestion
that the glucose–alanine cycle also operated
during exercise: glucose taken up by muscle
from the blood is converted via glycolysis to
pyruvate and then via transamination to alanine
to subsequently serve as substrate for gluconeogenesis in the liver and to help maintain blood
glucose concentration during exercise. Here we
propose that the alanine aminotransferase reaction primarily functions for de novo synthesis of
a-ketoglutarate and TCA-cycle intermediates at
the start of exercise. The augmented glycolysis
during exercise thus appears to serve a dual
function (Fig. 9.3). More pyruvate is generated to
function (i) as a substrate for pyruvate dehydrogenase and subsequent oxidation and (ii) to force
the alanine aminotransferase reaction towards
production of a-ketoglutarate and TCA-cycle
intermediates and thus to increase TCA-cycle
activity and the capacity to oxidize acetyl-CoA
derived from pyruvate and fatty acid oxidation.
Carbon drain of the BCAA aminotransferase
reaction in glycogen-depleted muscles:
its potential role in fatigue mechanisms
After the early increase in the concentration of
TCA-cycle intermediates during exercise, Sahlin
et al. (1990) observed a subsequent gradual
decrease in human subjects exercising until
exhaustion at 75% Vo 2max.. We (Wagenmakers
et al. 1990, 1991; Van Hall et al. 1995b, 1996;
Wagenmakers & Van Hall 1996) have hypothesized that the increased oxidation of the BCAA
plays an important role in that subsequent
decrease. The branched-chain a-keto acid dehydrogenase (BCKADH; the enzyme catalysing the
rate determining step in the oxidation of BCAA
in muscle) is increasingly activated during prolonged exercise leading to glycogen depletion
(Wagenmakers et al. 1991; Van Hall et al. 1996).
After prolonged exercise, the muscle also begins
to extract BCAA from the circulation in gradually
increasing amounts (Ahlborg et al. 1974; Van Hall
et al. 1995b, 1996). Ahlborg et al. (1974) suggested
that these BCAA were released from the splanchnic bed. An increase in oxidation of the BCAA
by definition will increase the flux through the
BCAA aminotransferase step. In the case of
leucine this reaction will put a net carbon drain
on the TCA cycle as the carbon skeleton of
leucine is oxidized to three acetyl-CoA molecules and the aminotransferase step uses aketoglutarate as the amino group acceptor (Fig.
9.4). Increased oxidation of valine and isoleucine
will not lead to net removal of TCA-cycle intermediates as the carbon skeleton of valine is oxidized to succinyl-CoA and that of isoleucine
to both succinyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA (Fig. 9.1).
Net removal of a-ketoglutarate via leucine
transamination (Fig. 9.4) can be compensated for
by regeneration of a-ketoglutarate in the alanine
aminotransferase reaction as long as muscle
Fatty acids
TCA cycle
3 Acetyl-CoA
Fig. 9.4 Increased rates of leucine transamination
remove a-ketoglutarate from the tricarboxylic acid
(TCA) cycle during prolonged exercise. The
subsequent decrease in TCA-cycle flux limits the
maximal rate of fat oxidation in glycogen-depleted
muscles. a-KIC, a-ketoisocaproate.
amino acid metabolism in exercise
glycogen is available and the muscle pyruvate
concentration is kept high (Fig. 9.3). However, as
activation of the BCKADH complex is highest in
glycogen-depleted muscle (Van Hall et al. 1996),
this mechanism eventually is expected to lead to
a decrease in the concentration of TCA-cycle
intermediates. This again may lead to a reduction
of the TCA-cycle activity, inadequate adenosine
triphosphate turnover rates and, via increases in
the known cellular mediators, to muscle fatigue
(Fitts 1994).
BCAA supplementation and performance
After oral ingestion, BCAA escape from hepatic
uptake and are rapidly extracted by the leg
muscles (Aoki et al. 1981; MacLean et al. 1996; Van
Hall et al. 1996) and this is accompanied by
activation of the BCKADH complex at rest and
increased activation during exercise (Van Hall
et al. 1996). This could imply that the indicated
carbon drain on the TCA cycle is larger after
BCAA ingestion and that BCAA ingestion by this
mechanism leads to premature fatigue during
prolonged exercise, leading to glycogen depletion. Evidence in support of this hypothesis
has been obtained (Wagenmakers et al. 1990) in
patients with McArdle’s disease, who have no
access to muscle glycogen due to glycogen
phosphorylase deficiency and therefore can
be regarded as an ‘experiment of nature’ from
which we can learn what happens during
exercise with glycogen-depleted muscles. BCAA
supplementation increased heart rate and led to
premature fatigue during incremental exercise
in these patients. This may contain the message
that BCAA supplementation has a negative effect
on performance by the proposed mechanism
in healthy subjects in conditions where the
glycogen stores have been completely emptied
by highly demanding endurance exercise.
However, with coingestion of carbohydrate,
BCAA ingestion did not change time to exhaustion in healthy subjects (Blomstrand et al. 1995;
Van Hall et al. 1995a; Madsen et al. 1996). As
BCAA ingestion increases ammonia production
by the muscle and plasma ammonia concentra-
tion during exercise (Wagenmakers 1992; Van
Hall et al. 1995a, 1996; MacLean et al. 1996;
Madsen et al. 1996), and as ammonia has been
suggested to lead to central fatigue and loss of
motor coordination (Banister & Cameron 1990),
great care seems to be indicated with the use of
BCAA supplements during exercise, especially
in sports that critically depend on motor coordination. The hypothesis of Newsholme and colleagues (see Chapter 11 for details) (Blomstrand
et al. 1991) that BCAA supplements improve
endurance performance via a reduction of
central fatigue by serotoninergic mechanisms
has not been confirmed in recent controlled
studies (Blomstrand et al. 1995; Van Hall et al.
1995a; Madsen et al. 1996).
Importance of TCA-cycle anaplerosis for
the maximal rate of substrate oxidation
during exercise
Muscle glycogen is the primary fuel during prolonged high-intensity exercise such as practised
by elite marathon runners. High running speeds
(≥20 km · h–1) are maintained by these athletes for
periods of 2 h. However, they have to reduce the
pace when the muscle glycogen concentration is
falling and glycolytic rates cannot be maintained.
This either indicates that there is a limit in the
maximal rate at which fatty acids can be mobilized from adipose tissue and intramuscular
stores and oxidized or that there is a limitation in
the maximal rate of the TCA cycle when glycolytic rates are falling as a consequence of
glycogen depletion. It is proposed here that
the decrease in muscle pyruvate concentration
which occurs when the glycogen stores are
reduced leads to a decrease of the anaplerotic
capacity of the alanine aminotransferase reaction
and thus leads to a decrease in the concentration
of TCA-cycle intermediates (due to insufficient
counterbalance of the carbon-draining effect of
the BCAA aminotransferase reaction). This again
will lead to a reduction of TCA-cycle activity and
the need to reduce the pace (fatigue). The following observation seems to support this hypothesis. Patients with McArdle’s disease cannot
nutrition and exercise
substantially increase the glycolytic rate during
exercise due to the glycogen breakdown defect in
muscle and they therefore do not increase muscle
pyruvate. The arterial alanine concentration does
not increase in these patients during exercise
(Wagenmakers et al. 1990) and the muscle only
produces alanine by means of protein degradation and not via the alanine aminotransferase
reaction (Wagenmakers et al. 1990). This implies
that the anaplerotic capacity of these patients
is substantially reduced compared with that of
healthy subjects. The maximal work rate and
oxygen consumption of these patients during
cycling exercise is between 40% and 50% of the
maximum predicted for their age and build. In
ultra-endurance exercise without carbohydrate
ingestion, healthy subjects have to reduce the
work rate to about the same level when the
glycogen stores have been emptied, suggesting
that muscle glycogen indeed is needed to maintain high work rates, potentially by means of its
ability to establish and maintain high concentrations of TCA-cycle intermediates.
Alternative anaplerotic reactions in
glycogen-depleted muscles
From the previous sections it has become clear
that the alanine aminotransferase reaction plays
an important role in the establishment and maintenance of adequate concentrations of TCA-cycle
intermediates during exercise. In the glycogendepleted state, glucose released from the liver by
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis and glucose
absorbed from the gut following oral ingestion
of carbohydrates may provide another source of
pyruvate to serve as a driving force for synthesis
of TCA-cycle intermediates via the alanine
aminotransferase reaction. This, in fact, may
explain why higher exercise intensities can be
maintained for prolonged periods when athletes
ingest carbohydrates during exercise. Other
mechanisms that may generate TCA-cycle intermediates are increased deamination rates of
amino acids in muscle. Increased deamination
of amino acids indeed has been observed during prolonged one-leg exercise by Van Hall et
al. (1995b). Deamination of valine, isoleucine,
aspartate, asparagine and glutamate in contrast
to transamination does not use a-ketoglutarate
as amino group acceptor. Deamination therefore
leads to net production of ammonia and net synthesis of TCA-cycle intermediates (see Fig. 9.1).
During prolonged one-leg exercise at 60–65% of
the maximal one-leg-power output, we also
observed an excessive net breakdown rate
of muscle protein (Wagenmakers et al. 1996a).
During one-leg exercise, the workload per kilogram of muscle in the small muscle group used
(maximally 3 kg) is exceedingly high and this
may be the reason why one-leg exercise leads
to net protein degradation (protein synthesis <
protein degradation) in muscle. The amino acid
exchange observed under these conditions indicated that BCAA and glutamate released by the
net breakdown of muscle protein and taken up
from the circulation were used for net synthesis of TCA-cycle intermediates and glutamine.
Removal of amino groups from muscle in the
form of glutamine provides another mechanism
for net synthesis of TCA-cycle intermediates
(Wagenmakers et al. 1996b) as illustrated by the
following net reactions (see Fig. 9.1 for the complete metabolic pathways):
2 glutamate > glutamine + a-ketoglutarate
valine + isoleucine > succinyl-CoA + glutamine
aspartate + isoleucine > oxaloacetate + glutamine
An excessive release of ammonia and glutamine
and excessive net breakdown of muscle protein
(severalfold more than in one-leg exercise in
healthy subjects) also was observed during
two-legged cycling in patients with McArdle’s
disease (Wagenmakers et al. 1990), indicating that
deamination of amino acids and synthesis of
glutamine and TCA-cycle intermediates from
glutamate and BCAA also provided alternative
mechanisms of TCA-cycle anaplerosis in this
muscle disease with zero glycogen availability
and low pyruvate concentrations. The fact that
high exercise intensities cannot be maintained by
these patients and in glycogen-depleted muscles seems to indicate that these alternative
amino acid metabolism in exercise
anaplerotic reactions are not as effective as the
alanine aminotransferase reaction and only
allow muscular work at 40–50% of Wmax..
It is far from clear whether dynamic wholebody exercise as practised by athletes during
competition (cycling or running) leads to net
protein breakdown in muscle and helps to
provide carbon skeletons for synthesis of TCAcycle intermediates. Different stable isotope
tracers used to measure protein synthesis and
degradation in laboratory conditions give different answers (for reviews, see Chapter 10 and
Rennie 1996). Whole-body measurements with
l-[1-13C] leucine suggest that there is net protein breakdown during exercise, but is not clear
whether this occurs in muscle or in the gut. Furthermore, carbohydrate ingestion during exercise as practised by endurance athletes during
competition reduces net protein breakdown and
amino acid oxidation.
Six amino acids are metabolized in resting
muscle: leucine, isoleucine, valine, asparagine,
aspartate and glutamate. These amino acids
provide the aminogroups and probably the
ammonia required for synthesis of glutamine
and alanine, which are released in excessive
amounts in the postabsorptive state and during
ingestion of a protein-containing meal. Only
leucine and part of the isoleucine molecule can
be oxidized in muscle as they are converted to
acetyl-CoA. The other carbon skeletons are used
solely for de novo synthesis of TCA-cycle intermediates and glutamine. The carbon atoms of the
released alanine originate primarily from glycolysis of blood glucose and of muscle glycogen
(about half each in resting conditions). After consumption of a protein-containing meal, BCAA
and glutamate are taken up by muscle and their
carbon skeletons are used for de novo synthesis of
glutamine. About half of the glutamine release
from muscle originates from glutamate taken up
from the blood both after overnight starvation,
prolonged starvation and after consumption of a
mixed meal. Glutamine produced by muscle is
an important fuel and regulator of DNA and
RNA synthesis in mucosal cells and immune
system cells and fulfils several other important
functions in human metabolism.
The alanine aminotransferase reaction functions to establish and maintain high concentrations of TCA-cycle intermediates in muscle
during the first 10 min of exercise. The increase in
concentration of TCA-cycle intermediates probably is needed to increase the rate of the TCAcycle and meet the increased energy demand of
exercise. A gradual increase in leucine oxidation
subsequently leads to a carbon drain on the TCA
cycle in glycogen-depleted muscles and may
thus reduce the maximal flux in the TCA cycle
and lead to fatigue. Deamination of amino acids
and glutamine synthesis present alternative
anaplerotic mechanisms in glycogen-depleted
muscles but only allow exercise at 40–50% of
Wmax.. One-leg exercise leads to net breakdown
of muscle protein. The liberated amino acids are
used for synthesis of TCA-cycle intermediates
and glutamine. Today it is not clear whether and
how important this process is in endurance exercise in the field (running or cycling) in athletes
who ingest carbohydrates. It is proposed that the
maximal flux in the TCA cycle is reduced in
glycogen-depleted muscles due to insufficient
TCA-cycle anaplerosis and that this presents a
limitation for the maximal rate of fatty acid oxidation. Interactions between the amino acid pool
and the TCA cycle are suggested to play a central
role in the energy metabolism of the exercising
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