
NutritionNeurotransmitters and Central Nervous System Fatigue

by taratuta

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NutritionNeurotransmitters and Central Nervous System Fatigue
Chapter 12
Nutrition, Neurotransmitters and
Central Nervous System Fatigue
Physical, and perhaps mental, training, along
with adequate nutrition, is generally thought to
decrease fatigue and optimize physical performance. However, the specific mechanisms of
such strategies are not fully understood because
not much is known about the specific causes of
fatigue. The problem is complex because fatigue
can be caused by peripheral muscle weakness
(peripheral fatigue) or by a failure to initiate or
sustain voluntary drive to the muscle by the
central nervous system (CNS fatigue). It may
also vary with the type, duration and intensity of
the work, the individual level of fitness and
numerous environmental factors (Davis & Fitts
1998). Even the specific definition of fatigue is
often debated. For the purpose of this review,
fatigue is defined as the loss of force or power
output in response to voluntary effort that leads
to reduced performance of a given task. CNS
fatigue is the progressive reduction in voluntary
drive to motor neurones during exercise,
whereas peripheral fatigue is the loss of force and
power that occurs independent of neural drive.
Peripheral mechanisms of fatigue could include impaired electrical transmission via the
sarcolemma and T-tubule, disruption of calcium
release and uptake within the sarcoplasmic reticulum, substrate depletion and other metabolic
events that impair energy provision and muscle
contraction (Davis & Fitts 1998). Much less is
known about CNS mechanisms, even though it is
well known that ‘mental factors’ can affect physi-
cal performance. In fact, inadequate CNS drive to
the working muscles is the most likely explanation of fatigue in most people during normal
activities. Most people stop exercising because
the exercise starts to feel too hard (i.e. there is
increased perceived effort) which almost always
precedes an inability of the muscle to produce
force. Therefore, CNS fatigue may include neurobiological mechanisms of altered subjective
effort, motivation, mood and pain tolerance, as
well as those that directly inhibit central motor
drive in the upper most regions of the brain
(Gandevia 1998).
Evidence for specific inhibition of motor drive
within the brain during fatiguing exercise has
only recently appeared in the scientific literature.
The best evidence comes from recent studies in
humans using a new technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). This technique
has been used to assess the magnitude of the
motor responses elicited in the muscle by magnetic stimulation of neurones in the motor cortex.
Recent reports show that the electrical stimulus
reaching the muscle following magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex (motor-evoked potential)
is suppressed following fatiguing exercise
(Brasil-Neto et al. 1993; Samii et al. 1996). Gandevia and colleagues (Gandevia et al. 1996; Taylor et
al. 1996) also showed that fatigue was accompanied by a prolonged silent period in response to
TMS that likely results from inadequate neural
drive by the motor cortex. These data suggest
strongly that specific mechanisms within the
brain are involved in fatigue during exercise.
nutrition and exercise
CNS fatigue is also thought to be the most
likely explanation of fatigue that accompanies
viral or bacterial infections, recovery from injury
or surgery, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, ‘jet lag’ and meal-induced sleepiness and
fatigue (Davis & Bailey 1997). However, a full
understanding of the causes of fatigue in these
situations will await future studies designed to
provide plausible neurobiological mechanisms
to explain the fatigue.
Progress in this area is minimal, but much
recent interest has focused on hypotheses involving exercise-induced alterations in neurotransmitter function as possible explanations for
central fatigue. Alterations in serotonin (5hydroxytryptamine,
dopamine and acetylcholine (ACh) have all
been implicated as possible mediators of central fatigue during stressful situations, including
strenuous physical exercise. These neurotransmitters are known to play a role in arousal,
motivation, mood, sleepiness and other
behaviours/perceptions that, if adversely affected, could impair physical and mental performance. These neurotransmitter hypotheses also
provide the basis of new intriguing nutritional
strategies designed to improve performance by
offsetting exercise-induced alterations in these
neurotransmitters. This chapter will briefly
review the evidence for a possible role of 5-HT,
noradrenaline, dopamine and ACh in central
fatigue and then provide a more detailed discussion of possible nutritional strategies that may
limit CNS fatigue.
Brain 5-HT and CNS fatigue
The neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) has
received the most attention with respect to CNS
fatigue during prolonged exercise. Eric
Newsholme et al. (1987) were the first to hypothesize such a role for brain 5-HT, and present some
of their findings in Chapter 11. It was argued that
regional increases in brain 5-HT activity could
cause central fatigue because of its well-known
role in sensory perception, arousal, lethargy,
sleepiness and mood. This hypothesis was of
particular interest because both exercise and
nutrition could influence brain 5-HT metabolism
by affecting the uptake of tryptophan from the
blood into the brain. Subsequent studies have
confirmed certain aspects of this hypothesis, as
well as to test the potential role of carbohydrate
(CHO) and/or branched-chain amino acid
(BCAA) feedings as a way to limit CNS fatigue
involving 5-HT.
Increased brain 5-HT synthesis and metabolism typically occurs in response to an increase in
the delivery of blood-borne tryptophan (TRP)
to the brain because the enzyme tryptophan
hydroxylase (rate limiting enzyme in 5-HT synthesis) is largely unsaturated under physiological conditions. Most of the TRP in blood plasma
circulates loosely bound to albumin, but it is the
unbound or free tryptophan (f-TRP) that is transported across the blood–brain barrier. This transport occurs via a specific mechanism that TRP
shares with other large neutral amino acids,
most notably the BCAAs leucine, isoleucine and
valine. Thus, brain 5-HT synthesis will increase
when there is an increase in the ratio of f-TRP to
BCAAs in blood plasma (i.e. when f-TRP/BCAA
rises; Chaouloff et al. 1986a). There are two primary reasons for this increase during exercise.
Note that clear differences in this mechanism
may exist at rest, during periods of stress and
in various clinical conditions (Curzon 1996).
During exercise, large increases in plasma free
fatty acids (FFAs) cause a parallel increase in
plasma f-TRP because FFAs displace TRP from
its usual binding sites on albumin. Small
decreases in plasma BCAAs also occur as they
are taken up into working muscle and oxidized
for energy (Fig. 12.1).
Studies in both rats and humans provide good
evidence that brain 5-HT metabolism increases
during prolonged exercise and that this is associated with fatigue (Davis & Bailey 1996).
Chaouloff’s initial work in rats demonstrated
that prolonged treadmill running increases the
plasma f-TRP/BCAA ratio, and brain and cerebrospinal fluid levels of tryptophan, 5-HT and 5hydroxyindole acetic acid (primary metabolite
of 5-HT, 5-HIAA) (Chaouloff et al. 1985, 1986a,
nutrition, neurotransmitters and cns fatigue
Fig. 12.1 The primary components of the
central fatigue hypothesis. (a) At rest,
plasma concentration of BCAA, FFA and
TRP (bound and unbound to albumin (A))
and their proposed effects on transport of
TRP across the blood–brain barrier for the
synthesis of serotonin (5-HT) in
serotonergic neurones. (b) Reflects the
increases in FFA, f-TRP and f-TRP/BCAA
that occur during prolonged exercise. The
resulting increase in brain 5-HT synthesis
can cause central fatigue.
5-HT 5-HT
1986b). Bailey et al. (1992, 1993a) further established the relationship between fatigue and
increased concentrations of 5-HT and 5-HIAA
in various brain regions during treadmill
running. These data, however, cannot differentiate between intra- and extracellular concentrations of these substances and therefore are not
sufficient to conclude that fatigue is necessarily
associated with increased release of 5-HT from
serotonergic neurones. Techniques involving
microdialysis are necessary for this purpose
(Meeusen & De Meirleir 1995). Good evidence
using microdialysis is now available to show that
5-HT release from serotonergic nerve terminals
does increase during treadmill running and that
this is increased further by tryptophan administration (Meussen et al. 1996, 1997). However, no
such studies have been done during exercise to
Other studies have addressed the potential
functional role of altered brain 5-HT activity on
exercise fatigue. Bailey et al. (1992, 1993a, 1993b)
did a series of experiments involving druginduced alterations in brain 5-HT activity during
exercise to fatigue in rats. It was hypothesized
that administration of drugs known to specifically increase brain 5-HT activity (5-HT agonists)
would result in early fatigue, whereas drugs that
decrease brain 5-HT activity (5-HT antagonists)
would delay it. The results show that run time to
fatigue was decreased following administration
of the 5-HT receptor agonists m-chlorophenyl
piperazine and quipazine dimaleate, whereas
run time was increased with a 5-HT receptor
antagonist (LY-53857). The supposition that these
drug-induced effects resulted from altered neurotransmitter function in the brain is supported
by the observation that fatigue could not be
explained by alterations in body temperature,
blood glucose, muscle and liver glycogen, or
nutrition and exercise
various stress hormones. Similar results were
also found in human subjects in which brain 5HT activity was increased by the administration
of paroxetine (Paxil; Wilson & Maughan 1992) or
fluoxetine (Prozac; Davis et al. 1993) prior to
running or cycling. These results clearly support
the hypothesized relationship between increased
brain 5-HT activity and central fatigue. However,
as with all pharmacological experiments, it is not
possible to rule out possible crossover effects of
the drug on other neurotransmitter systems or
other side-effects.
Nutritional effects on brain 5-HT
and CNS fatigue
An interesting aspect of the neurotransmitter
hypotheses of CNS fatigue is the fact that nutrition can alter brain neurochemistry in ways that
might offset CNS fatigue. With respect to brain 5HT and fatigue, the focus has been on two main
nutritional strategies. These strategies involve
feedings of BCAA and/or CHO during exercise.
Intake of BCAA would lower plasma f-TRP/
BCAA (by increasing plasma BCAA concentration) and presumably 5-HT due to decreased fTRP transport across the blood–brain barrier
(mechanisms explained earlier in this chapter).
The postulated benefits of CHO feedings is based
primarily on the premise that the normally large
exercise-induced increase in circulating FFAs
would be attenuated by the maintenance of
blood glucose and slightly elevated insulin
(Davis et al. 1992). Since FFAs have a higher affinity for albumin than the loosely bound TRP, this
would attenuate the normally large increase in fTRP and therefore f-TRP/BCAA would remain
lower (Fig. 12.2). This is unlike the situation at
rest, in which a high CHO meal would elicit a
large increase in plasma insulin and a correspondingly large decrease in BCAA levels that
have been linked to meal-induced sleepiness and
fatigue (Fernstrom 1994). The insulin response is
substantially blunted during exercise to the
extent that little or no decrease in plasma BCAA
occurs (Davis et al. 1992).
Blomstrand et al. (1991) focused primarily on
administration of BCAAs to delay central fatigue
during activities such as marathon racing and
30-km running. Upon administration of 7.5–
16 g BCAAs prior to and during exercise, small
improvements were reported in both physical
and mental performance in some subjects.
However, it should be noted that while field
studies such as these are designed to mimic the
real world situation in which athletes find themselves, they are often limited in scientific value.
This is because the subject groups are often
not appropriately matched for performance or
‘blinded’ to the treatment they are receiving, and
there is little or no control over important
variables such as exercise intensity, food and
water intake, and environmental conditions.
This increases the likelihood that a potential
nutritional benefit may have actually resulted
from inherent differences in the groups of subjects, subject bias and/or uncontrolled variables.
This is perhaps illustrated by the fact that wellcontrolled laboratory experiments have generally not confirmed the benefit of BCAA on
exercise performance. Varnier et al. (1994) found
no differences in performance of a graded incremental exercise test to fatigue following infusion
of approximately 20 g BCAA or saline over
70 min prior to exercise using a double-blinded,
cross-over design. Verger et al. (1994) also
reported in rats that feeding relatively large
amounts of BCAAs actually caused early fatigue
during prolonged treadmill running as compared to rats fed glucose.
Recent well-controlled laboratory studies
involving endurance cycling in humans also fail
to confirm a performance benefit of BCAA
administration. Blomstrand et al. (1995) studied
five endurance trained male cyclists during a
ride to fatigue at 75% Vo 2max., which was preceded by a muscle glycogen-depleting regimen,
presumably to increase the likelihood that an
effect would occur. All subjects were given in
random order one of the following drinks during
the ride: a 6% CHO solution, a 6% CHO solution
containing 7 g · l–1 BCAA, or a flavoured water
placebo. Increases in performance were seen in
both CHO and CHO + BCAA treatments when
nutrition, neurotransmitters and cns fatigue
Fig. 12.2 The proposed nutritional effects
on the central fatigue hypothesis during
prolonged exercise. (a) The proposed
effects of CHO ingestion on the
mechanisms of central fatigue with regard
to the attenuation of FFA and f-TRP during
prolonged exercise. (b) The proposed
effects of CHO and BCAA ingestion on the
mechanisms of central fatigue with regard
to the larger decrease in the plasma
f-TRP/BCAA ratio during prolonged
exercise. A, albumin.
compared with the placebo. However, there was
no added benefit of BCAA despite increases in
plasma (120%) and muscle (35%) concentrations
of BCAA. Van Hall et al. (1995) used more subjects (n = 10) and tested a low (6 g · l–1) and high
(18 g · l–1) dose of BCAAs added to a 6% CHO
solution on cycling time to fatigue at 70–75% of
maximal power output. Despite large changes in
plasma concentrations of BCAA, exercise time to
exhaustion (ª 122 min) was again not different
from the control treatment (6% CHO). This study
also included a treatment condition in which
tryptophan (3 g · l–1) was added to the 6% CHO
solution. However, this also failed to affect
fatigue. The authors concluded that these nutritional manipulations either had no additional
effect upon brain 5-HT activity or that the change
in 5-HT did not contribute significantly to mechanisms of fatigue. It is also possible that the
effects were lessened by the fact that they were
given in a solution with CHO. The CHO would
have suppressed the normally large increase in
circulating levels of stress hormones that is
known to alter TRP transport kinetics.
This brings up the fundamental question of
whether CHO or BCAA supplementation actually produces the hypothesized effects on brain
5-HT during exercise. This, of course, cannot be
answered in human subjects during exercise. We
recently completed a preliminary study which
partially addressed this issue (Welsh et al. 1997).
Solutions containing BCAA, CHO or pure water
nutrition and exercise
were infused into the stomach of rats at regular
intervals during treadmill running. Subgroups of
rats in each group were killed at 60, 90 and
120 min of exercise for determination of 5-HT
and 5-HIAA in the brainstem and striatum
regions of the brain. The results showed that
neither BCAA nor CHO feedings affected brain
5-HT or 5-HIAA at 60 and 90 min of exercise.
However, at 120 min, both BCAA and CHO feedings lowered 5-HT and 5-HIAA in the brainstem
and CHO lowered 5-HT in the striatum. Therefore, at least in this preliminary study, BCAA and
CHO feedings were able to influence brain 5-HT
metabolism in a presumably positive direction
during exercise. However, since exercise time to
fatigue was not measured in this study, the question of whether a direct link exists between these
nutritional strategies, lower brain 5-HT metabolism and fatigue during exercise remains to be
firmly established.
Even if BCAA supplementation is found to
alter brain 5-HT during exercise, there is still a
question of potential negative side-effects. For
BCAA to be physiologically effective in reducing
brain 5-HT metabolism, relatively large doses are
likely to be required and this increases the likelihood that plasma ammonia will result (van Hall
et al. 1995). Ammonia is known to be toxic to the
brain and may also impair muscle metabolism.
The buffering of ammonia could cause fatigue
in working muscles by depleting glycolytically
derived carbon skeletons (pyruvate) and by
draining intermediates of the Krebs cycle that
are coupled to glutamine production by transamination reactions (Wagenmakers et al. 1990).
Elevated plasma ammonia can also increase
brain TRP uptake and 5-HT metabolism in
various brain regions (Mans et al. 1987). Other
potential side-effects include slower water
absorption across the gut, gastrointestinal disturbances and decreased drink palatability. It
should be noted, however, that when these
potential side-effects were minimized by providing a small, more palatable, dose of BCAA in a
sports drink (0.5 g · h–1 consumed in a CHO–
electrolyte drink), no benefits were found
during cycling to fatigue at 70% Vo 2max. in
trained cyclists. No measurable side-effects were
reported, but ride time to fatigue, perceived exertion and various cardiovascular, metabolic and
endocrine responses were similar in the BCAA
and placebo groups (Galiano et al. 1991). In fact,
to the author’s knowledge there is only one
recent controlled laboratory study that shows a
performance benefit of BCAA supplementation
(Mittleman et al. 1998). In this study, BCAA were
given during a 2-h pre-exercise exposure to high
heat that was followed by a ride to fatigue at 40%
Vo 2peak. As expected, the f-TRP/BCAA ratio was
significantly lower during the 2-h period prior
to exercise and during exercise when subjects
received the BCAA supplement. However, in this
case fatigue was apparently delayed by the
supplement. It is possible that administration of
BCAA during the rest period in the heat prior to
exercise may have provided a beneficial effect
that would otherwise not occur, or be offset by
other negative side-effects, if the supplements
are given only during exercise. However,
support for this hypothesis from other physiological and psychological data in this paper were
This led us to consider another, perhaps more
reasonable nutritional approach involving CHO
feedings alone to offset the increase in 5-HT and
CNS fatigue. The literature is consistent in
showing that CHO feedings can delay fatigue
in a variety of exercise protocols, which is not
surprising given the well-known benefit of
CHO feedings in maintaining blood glucose and
muscle glycogen as important sources of energy
for the working muscle (Coyle 1998). However, it
now appears possible that CHO feedings may
also delay CNS fatigue as well as peripheral
fatigue (Davis et al. 1992).
This effect is based on the premise that CHO
feedings suppress normally large rises in FFA
and therefore f-TRP and f-TRP/BCAA during
exercise without the potential negative consequences of administering large doses of BCAA.
This hypothesis was tested in a double-blinded,
placebo-controlled laboratory study in which
nutrition, neurotransmitters and cns fatigue
subjects drank 5 ml · kg–l · h–1 of either a water
placebo, a 6% CHO drink or a 12% CHO drink
during prolonged cycling at 70% Vo 2max. to
fatigue (Davis et al. 1992). When subjects
consumed the water placebo, plasma f-TRP
increased dramatically (in direct proportion to
plasma FFAs), while total TRP and BCAA
changed very little during the ride. When subjects consumed either the 6% or 12% CHO solution, the increases in plasma f-TRP were greatly
reduced and fatigue was delayed by approximately 1 h. The CHO feedings caused a slight
reduction in plasma BCAA (19% and 31% in the
6% and 12% CHO groups, respectively), but this
decrease was probably inconsequential with
respect to the very large attenuation (five- to
sevenfold) of plasma f-TRP. Although it was not
possible to distinguish between the beneficial
effects of CHO feedings on central vs. peripheral
mechanisms of fatigue in this study, it was interesting that the substantial delay in fatigue could
not be explained by typical markers of peripheral
muscle fatigue involving cardiovascular, thermoregulatory and metabolic function.
Brain catecholamines and CNS fatigue
The primary catecholamine neurotransmitters in
the brain are dopamine and noradrenaline. Both
neurotransmitters are formed from the amino
acid tyrosine in similar metabolic pathways, but
they are released from different neurones found
in different regions of the brain. The rate-limiting
step in their biosynthesis is the hydroxylation of
tyrosine to dihydroxyphenylalanine (l-dopa)
by the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase. l -Dopa is
then decarboxylated to dopamine. In noradrenaline neurones, dopamine is then converted
to noradrenaline by the enzyme dopamine bhydroxylase.
Dopamine and noradrenaline neurones modulate a wide variety of functions in the CNS.
Dopaminergic neurones arise primarily from cell
bodies in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and
pars compacta of the substantia nigra (CSN). The
VTA gives rise to neurones of the mesolimbic and
mesocortical pathways that project to many components of the limbic system. These neurones are
involved in various emotions, memory and especially behaviours related to motivation, reward,
wakefulness and attention (Olds & Fobes 1981).
The CSN gives rise to the nigrostriatal pathway
that projects to the putamen and caudate nuclei
of the striatum and is intimately involved in
motor behaviour. Noradrenaline neurones primarily arise in the locus coeruleus and lateral
brain stem tegmentum and project to various
areas of the limbic system, cortex, cerebellum
and spinal cord. These neurones are involved in
control of sympathetic nervous system activity,
anxiety and arousal. Both neurotransmitter
systems, along with 5-HT, have been implicated
in the aetiology of depression (Dunn & Dishman
1991; Cabib & Puglisi-Allegra 1996).
Brain catecholamine metabolism is dramatically increased during periods of stress, including physical exercise (Meeusen & De Meirleir
1995). This often leads to partial depletion of catecholamines in various brain regions of rodents.
Although direct evidence of brain catecholamine
depletion is lacking in human subjects, it is
generally believed that alterations in brain
noradrenaline and dopamine are involved in the
neurochemical manifestations of acute stress.
These include behavioural deficits like fatigue,
distress, helplessness, inattention and impaired
motor and cognitive performance. The military
has been very interested in these effects that have
been attributed to deficits in physical and mental
performance that occur in soldiers during the
stress of battle (Owasoyo et al. 1992).
The possibility that depletion of these neurotransmitters, especially dopamine, may specifically relate to CNS fatigue during exercise has
also been put forth by several investigators
(Heyes et al. 1988; Chaouloff et al. 1989; Davis &
Bailey 1997). Dopamine was probably the first
neurotransmitter to be linked to CNS fatigue due
to its well-known role in motor behaviour and
motivation. The specific mechanisms underlying
an effect of dopamine on CNS fatigue remains to
be elucidated. It is hypothesized that decreased
nutrition and exercise
dopamine activity would lead to a reduction in
motivation, arousal and/or motor control that
would contribute to CNS fatigue.
It is clear that drug-induced increases in
dopamine activity as well as electrical brain stimulation of the primary dopamine system in the
brain can motivate various exercise tasks in rats
and can delay fatigue during treadmill running.
For example, pretreatment of rats with amphetamine, a dopamine releaser with powerful
rewarding properties, or apomorphine, a
dopamine agonist, has been shown to delay
fatigue (Gerald 1978; Heyes et al. 1988). There are
also numerous reports of amphetamine use to
control fatigue and improve performance in athletes and soldiers (Ivy 1983). Electrical stimulation of the VTA or other areas of the mesolimbic
dopamine pathway mediate reinforcement and
reward (Olds & Fobes 1981). It has recently been
shown to motivate rats to lift weights (Garner et
al. 1991), run on a motorized treadmill (Burgess
et al. 1991) and run in running wheels
(Schwarzberg & Roth 1989). We did a series of
studies in which activation of this dopaminergic
reward system was used to motivate rats to run
on a treadmill (Burgess et al. 1991, 1993a, 1993b).
In one of the studies we compared run time to
fatigue on a motorized treadmill in rats that ran
for rewarding VTA stimulation vs. those in
which the fear of an electric shock grid placed
at the back of the treadmill was used as motivation. We found that rats ran significantly longer
(25 m · min–1, 5% grade) while receiving VTA
stimulation (63 ± 10 min) that when they received
the electric shocks (42 ± 10 min). We did not
measure neurotransmitters in this study to
confirm a presumed role of elevated dopamine in
delayed fatigue in this experiment, but in other
experiments it was determined that this delay in
fatigue was not likely related to cardiovascular
or metabolic function.
There is also good evidence that increased
dopamine metabolism occurs normally during
exercise. Regional brain analysis shows that
dopamine metabolism is enhanced during treadmill exercise in the midbrain, hippocampus,
striatum and hypothalamus (Chaouloff et al.
1987; Bailey et al. 1993a). Increased dopamine
metabolism has been shown to be a good marker
for speed, direction and posture of moving
animals (Freed & Yamamoto 1985). Conversely,
endurance performance was impaired following
destruction of dopaminergic neurones by 6hydroxydopamine, an effect diminished by
giving back a drug that increases dopamine
activity (i.e. apomorphine; Heyes et al. 1988).
Bailey et al. (1993a) demonstrated a relationship between decreased brain dopamine
metabolism and fatigue during prolonged treadmill running in rats. Fatigue was associated
with specific decreases in dopamine in the brain
stem and midbrain. These data, along with other
data showing a phasic inhibitory control of 5-HT
over dopamine-dependent forms of behaviour
(Soubrie et al. 1984), led to the hypothesis that
elevated 5-HT, also associated with fatigue, may
inhibit dopamine activity (Davis & Bailey 1997).
Further support for this comes from studies that
show an inverse relationship between brain 5HT and dopamine in association with fatigue following administration of drugs that affect brain
5-HT and dopamine systems. When a 5-HT
agonist (quipizine dimalate) was administered to
rats prior to treadmill running, it appeared to
block the increase in dopamine at 1 h and fatigue
occurred early. Alternatively, a 5-HT antagonist
(LY53857) partially blocked the decrease in
dopamine and fatigue was delayed. Also, when
amphetamine is given to rats in doses known
to delay fatigue, brain 5-HT metabolism is
decreased (Chaouloff et al. 1987). These data add
support to our hypothesis that central fatigue
occurs when dopamine is reduced in association
with elevated 5-HT (Davis & Bailey 1997).
Nutrition, brain catecholamines
and CNS fatigue
Tyrosine is a non-essential, large, neutral, amino
acid found in dietary proteins and is the precursor of the neurotransmitters noradrenaline
and dopamine. Researchers, especially those
employed by the US Army, have been interested
in the possibility that tyrosine supplementation
nutrition, neurotransmitters and cns fatigue
may protect against the adverse behavioural
effects of prolonged periods of stress by preventing the depletion of brain catecholamines that
may counteract mood and performance degradation in soldiers (Owasoyo et al. 1992). Most of
this work has focused on noradrenaline depletion, even though good evidence in animals
show that both dopamine and noradrenaline
synthesis can be increased by tyrosine administration (see Owasoyo et al. 1992). It is thought
that noradrenaline neurones in the locus
coeruleus regulate, in part, behavioural functions like anxiety (tension), vigilance and attention that are apparently improved following
administration of tyrosine. However, it is also
possible that some of the beneficial effects of
tyrosine can be attributed to prevention of
dopamine depletion, especially in the case
of motivation, wakefulness, motor control and
overall fatigue.
Unlike tryptophan, however, catecholaminergic neurones are not sensitive to the presence of
excess tyrosine while at rest, but become sensitive when the neurones are activated by stress
(Milner & Wurtman 1986). This theory is consistent with work from both human (Growden et al.
1982) and animal research (Lehnert et al. 1984).
Research on the possible beneficial effects of
tyrosine on adverse behavioural responses to
stress in humans comes primarily from one
group of investigators headed by H.R.
Lieberman and associates at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and the US Army
Research Institute of Environmental Medicine.
They initially showed that tyrosine decreased
some of the adverse consequences of a 4.5-h
exposure to cold and hypoxia (Banderet &
Lieberman 1989). Tyrosine (100 mg · kg–1)
returned mood, cognitive performance, vigilance and feelings of fatigue and sleepiness to
baseline levels in subjects who were most
affected by the environmental stressors. They
also found that tyrosine increased tolerance to
lower body negative pressure with an accompanying decrease in depression, tension and
anxiety (Dollins et al. 1995) and lessened the
impairments of learning and memory during
severe hypoxia (Shukitt-Hale et al. 1996). There is
also one report from another group that showed
that tyrosine improved performance in perceptual motor tasks during lower body negative
pressure (Deijen & Orlebeke 1994).
There are no studies that specifically focus on
the possible effects of tyrosine as a means of
delaying fatigue during exercise. This is unfortunate, since there is reasonable information to
hypothesize a possible beneficial effect of tyrosine in preventing a depletion of noradrenaline
and dopamine that appears to be essential to
optimal physical performance. It is reasonable to
suspect that tyrosine could limit some of the
negative behavioural consequences of prolonged
stressful exercise including reductions in
alertness, attention, motivation (drive), positive
mood and motor control that would be expected
to limit optimal performance perhaps though an
effect on central fatigue. Special attention needs
to be focused on the possible role of dopamine
since this has essentially not been addressed in
the literature to date.
Acetylcholine and CNS fatigue
Acetylcholine is the most abundant neurotransmitter in the body. It is essential for the generation of muscular force at the neuromuscular
junction, and within the CNS is generally associated with memory, awareness, and temperature
As with 5-HT and the catecholamines, the rate
of synthesis of acetylcholine is determined by the
availability of its precursor, choline, which is normally obtained from the diet. ACh is synthesized
in the cytoplasm from choline and acetyl coenzyme A via the enzyme choline acetyltransferase
that is not saturated with choline at physiological
concentrations, and ACh does not ‘feed-back’ to
inhibit its own synthesis. There is also some
evidence in animals to suggest that depletion of
ACh may contribute to fatigue during sustained
electrical activity. However, no studies have
investigated the relationship between modified
plasma choline levels and concentrations of ACh
in skeletal muscle, although synthesis of ACh
nutrition and exercise
was found to be increased in electrically stimulated hemidiaphragm perfused with choline in
vitro (Bierkamper & Goldberg 1980).
Wurtman and colleagues hypothesized that
fatigue during prolonged exercise may be initiated by a reduction in ACh activity subsequent
to depletions in availability of choline (Conley et
al. 1986; Sandage et al. 1992). This group recently
showed that plasma choline levels were reduced
approximately 40% in runners following completion of the Boston Marathon (Conley et al.
1986). They also reported that performance of a
32-km run was improved when plasma choline
was maintained or elevated by consumption of a
beverage supplemented with choline citrate
(Sandage et al. 1992). However, there is still no
evidence that decreased plasma choline is associated with ACh depletion at the neuromuscular
junction, or in the brain for that matter,
and that this leads to fatigue. In addition, as
described earlier in this chapter, relatively
uncontrolled field studies such as these are often
misleading because it is difficult to know for sure
whether the effect ascribed to choline was not
due to a number of other uncontrolled variables.
Results of the only well-controlled laboratory
study of the effects of choline supplementation
on exercise performance do not support a beneficial effect of choline supplementation (Spector et
al. 1995). Neither low- nor high-intensity exercise
performance was improved with choline supplementation. Choline was given (2.43 g, 1 h before
exercise) prior to either a prolonged cycling bout
to fatigue at 70% Vo 2max. (ª 73 min) or a shorter
term, high-intensity cycling bout at 150% of
Vo 2max. (ª 2 min). In addition, serum choline
levels were not reduced by either of these exercise conditions. The authors did suggest that the
duration of exercise protocols might have to be
extended to allow for the hypothesized benefit of
choline administration to be realized.
It is unfortunate that so little is known about the
mechanisms underlying a CNS effect on fatigue.
This area of investigation has largely been
ignored due in large part to difficulty in studying
brain function in humans, a lack of good theories
to explain such an occurrence, and a lack of
good methodologies to directly measure central
fatigue. However, in recent years, new methodologies and viable theories have sparked
renewed interest in the development of hypotheses, which can be tested in a systematic fashion,
that may help to explain the role of the CNS in
Nutritional interventions are a common aspect
of recent studies on CNS fatigue. Nutritional
strategies designed to alter brain 5-HT metabolism have received the most attention in this
regard. While 5-HT is almost certainly not the
only neurotransmitter involved in central fatigue
during prolonged exercise, review of the mechanisms involved in the control of brain serotonin
synthesis and turnover make it a particularly
attractive candidate. It is well known that increases in brain 5-HT can have important effects
on arousal, lethargy, sleepiness and mood that
could be linked to altered perception of effort
and feelings of fatigue. Increases in 5-HT metabolism appear to increase in several brain regions
due to an increase in plasma f-TRP during prolonged exercise and reach a peak at fatigue.
Drugs that increase and decrease brain 5-HT
activity have predictable effects on run times to
fatigue in the absence of any apparent peripheral
markers of muscle fatigue.
The evidence for a benefit of nutrition on
central fatigue during exercise is more tenuous.
Studies involving BCAA supplementation
usually show no performance benefit even
though preliminary evidence in rats suggests
that it may suppress brain 5-HT metabolism
during exercise. Perhaps negative effects of
ammonia accumulation on muscle and brain
function offset the potentially beneficial effect of
BCAA on brain 5-HT. CHO supplementation, on
the other hand, is associated with a large suppression of plasma f-TRP and f-TRP/BCAA and
decreased brain 5-HT metabolism, and fatigue is
delayed by this strategy. In this case, however, it
is not possible to distinguish with certainty the
effects of CHO feedings on CNS fatigue mecha-
nutrition, neurotransmitters and cns fatigue
nisms and the well-established beneficial effects
of CHO supplementation on the contracting
The potential role of tyrosine supplementation
to increase or maintain noradrenaline and dopamine as a way to offset CNS fatigue is theoretically feasible, but there is essentially no direct
evidence to support this hypothesis at this time.
The potential role of choline supplementation
to prevent ACh depletion and neuromuscular
transmission failure is even more tenuous.
Future research on possible relationships
among nutrition, brain neurochemistry and
fatigue is likely to lead to important discoveries
that may enhance physical and mental performance during sports participation and, although
not addressed in any depth in this review, during
activities of normal daily life. It may also help
to understand and better treat the debilitating
fatigue that often occurs in patients with chronic
fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, viral illness and
depression, among others.
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