
Water and Electrolyte Loss and Replacement in Exercise

by taratuta

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Water and Electrolyte Loss and Replacement in Exercise
Chapter 17
Water and Electrolyte Loss and Replacement
in Exercise
As described in the previous chapters, the sweating mechanism is effective in limiting the rise in
body temperature that occurs during exercise
but, if the exercise is severe and prolonged and
the climatic conditions hot and humid, the dehydration that results will inevitably have an
adverse effect of exercise capacity. Sweat losses
equivalent to 2–5% of body mass are often
incurred in the course of endurance events, and
if these are not replaced, the dehydration that
ensues may precipitate circulatory collapse and
heat illness. Fluid replacement is therefore
important in situations where some degree of
sweating is unavoidable: prolonged hard exercise in extreme conditions may increase the total
daily water requirement from about 2.5 l to something in excess of 12–15 l. Even though this
amounts to about 25–30% of total body water
content for the average individual, such conditions can be tolerated for prolonged periods
provided that the sweat losses are replaced.
The choice of rehydration beverage will vary,
depending on the circumstances, and requires an
awareness of the extent of water and electrolyte
losses and of substrate utilization by the working
muscles as well as some understanding of the
psychological and physiological factors that
influence the rehydration process.
Sweat losses in exercise
The physics of heat exchange between the
human body and the environment have been
described in several excellent reviews (e.g. Nadel
1988). Sweating is an effective mechanism of
heat loss when heat loss by physical transfer
cannot prevent a rise in core temperature. The
heat required to evaporate 1 kg of sweat from the
skin surface is approximately 2.6 MJ (620 kcal),
allowing high rates of heat loss from the body to
be achieved, provided only that sweat secretion
is possible and that evaporation can occur.
Although high temperature poses a threat to the
athlete by adding to the heat load and reducing
heat loss by physical transfer, high humidity,
which prevents the evaporation of sweat, is
more of a challenge: heat loss is limited, leading
to hyperthermia, and high sweat rates occur
without effective heat loss, leading to dehydration. The combination of hyperthermia and
hypohydration will reduce exercise performance
and may lead to potentially fatal heat illness
(Sutton 1990).
Several different factors will interact to determine the sweat rate during exercise. The major
determinants are the metabolic heat load and
the environmental conditions of temperature,
radiant heat load, humidity and wind speed, but
there is a large interindividual variability in the
sweating response even in standardized conditions. Although the sweat loss incurred on a
daily basis by an athlete during training will be
determined largely by the training load (intensity, duration and frequency of training sessions)
and weather conditions, there will also be an
effect of the amount and type of clothing worn, of
water and electrolyte loss and replacement
water loss and substrate oxidation are usually
neglected in the field situation: respiratory water
losses will, in any case, represent a water deficit
that should be replaced. There is a large amount
of information in the published literature on
sweat losses in different sports, and much of that
information has recently been collated (Rehrer &
Burke 1996). The relationship between exercise
intensity and sweat loss is seen most clearly in
the simple locomotor sports such as running or
cycling. Figure 17.1 shows that, when exercise is
carried out in the laboratory under standardized
conditions of environment, clothing and exercise
intensity, the sweating rate is closely related to
ambient temperature, with relatively little
variation between individuals. It is clear from
Fig. 17.2, however, which shows sweating rate in
a heterogeneous group of marathon runners, that
the variation between individuals is large,
even at the same running speed (Maughan 1985):
the total sweat loss for these runners, however,
was unrelated to the finishing time.
Sweat rate (l.h–1)
activities apart from training, and of the presence
or absence of air conditioning in living and sleeping accommodation. The training status of the
individual will influence the amount of work
that is performed, and thus the total heat load,
but also influences the sweating response to a
standardized heat stress. It is often reported that
the sweating response is enhanced by training,
but Piwonka et al. (1965) showed that trained
runners sweated less than untrained men when
they walked at the same speed on a treadmill
in the heat (40°C), but that they increased their
sweating rate more in response to a rise in core
temperature. The usual response to a period of
acclimatization to heat is an enhanced sweating
response, resulting in an increase, rather than a
decrease, in fluid requirements as an individual
becomes adapted to living and training in the
heat (Sawka 1988).
The daily water requirement of athletes living
and training in the heat will be determined primarily by the sweat losses during training, but
there may also be substantial losses during the
remainder of the day if this is spent outdoors
or if air conditioning is not available. Water
requirements for sedentary individuals, and this
generally includes coaches, doctors, administrators and other team support staff, may be two- or
threefold higher than the requirement when
living in a temperate climate (Adolph &
Associates 1947). Respiratory water losses, while
relatively small at sea level (amounting to about
200 ml · day–1) will be increased approximately
twofold in regions of low humidity, but may be
as high as 1500 ml · day–1 during periods of hard
work in the cold dry air at altitude (Ladell 1965).
To these losses must be added insensible loss
through the skin (about 600 ml · day–1) and urine
loss, which will not usually be less than about
800 ml · day–1.
Chapter 15 discusses the sex and age differences found in sweating rates and patterns.
The extent of sweat loss during training or
competition is easily determined from changes in
body mass adjusted for food or fluid intake and
for urinary or faecal loss. The relatively small
changes in body mass resulting from respiratory
Temperature (ºC)
Fig. 17.1 Mean sweat rate for eight male subjects
exercising to the point of exhaustion on a cycle
ergometer at an
. exercise intensity corresponding to
about 70% of Vo2max. at different ambient
temperatures. Values are mean ± SEM. Adapted from
Galloway and Maughan (1997).
nutrition and exercise
Sweat rate (g.min–1)
Finishing time (min)
Electrolyte composition of sweat:
implications for electrolyte balance
Electrolyte losses in sweat are a function of
sweating rate and sweat composition, and both
of these vary over time as well as being substantially influenced by the exercise conditions and
the physiology of the individual. Added to this
variability is the difficulty in obtaining a reliable
estimate of sweat composition (Shirreffs &
Maughan 1997): as well as problems of contamination of the sample and of ensuring completeness of collection, there are regional variations in
electrolyte content, so measurements made at a
single site may not reflect whole body losses.
In spite of the variability in the composition
of sweat, it is invariably isotonic with respect
to plasma, although the major electrolytes are
sodium and chloride, as in the extracellular space
(Table 17.1). It is usual to present the composition
in mmol · l–1, and the extent of the sodium losses
in relation to daily dietary intake, which is
usually expressed in grams, is not widely appreciated. Loss of 1 litre of sweat with a sodium
content of 50 mmol · l–1 represents a loss of 2.9 g of
sodium chloride: the athlete who sweats 5 l in a
daily training session will therefore lose almost
15 g of salt. Daily dietary intakes for the 95% of
the young male UK population fall between 3.8
Fig. 17.2 Sweat rates for subjects
who competed in a marathon race
held in cool (about 12°C)
conditions. The sweat rate was
closely related to the running
speed, but there was a large
variation between individuals, even
at the same speed. Total sweat loss
was unrelated to finishing time.
r = – 0.629; P < 0.001. From
Maughan (1985).
Table 17.1 Concentration (mmol · l-1) of the major
electrolytes in sweat, plasma and intracellular water.
Values are taken from a variety of sources identified in
Maughan (1994).
< 0.2
and 14.3 g with a mean of 8.4 g: the corresponding values for young women are 2.8–9.4 g, with
a mean value of 6.0 g (Gregory et al. 1990). For
the same population, mean urinary sodium
losses were reported to account for about 175
mmol · day–1 (Gregory et al. 1990), which is equivalent to about 10.2 g of sodium chloride. Even
allowing for a decreased urinary output when
sodium losses in sweat are large, it is clear that
the salt balance of individuals exercising in the
heat is likely to be precarious. The possible need
for supplementary salt intake in extreme conditions will be discussed below.
The potassium concentration of sweat is high
water and electrolyte loss and replacement
relative to that in the extracellular fluid, and this
is often quoted to suggest that sweat losses will
result in the need for potassium supplementation, but the sweat concentration is low relative
to the intracellular potassium concentration
(Table 17.1). The potassium loss in sweat (about
4–8 mmol · l–1, or 0.15–0.3 g · l–1) is small relative to
the typical daily intake of about 3.2 g for men
and 2.4 g for women (Gregory et al. 1990). In spite
of the relatively high concentration of potassium
in sweat, the normal response to exercise is for
the plasma potassium concentration to increase
due to efflux of potassium from the intracellular
space, primarily from muscles, liver and red
blood cells (Maughan 1994).
There is generally little change in the plasma
magnesium concentration during exercise, but a
slight fall may occur during prolonged exercise,
and this has been attributed to the loss of magnesium in sweat. Some support for the idea that
losses in sweat may be responsible comes from
the observation of a larger fall in the serum magnesium concentration during exercise in the heat
than at neutral temperatures (Beller et al. 1972),
but a redistribution of the body’s labile magnesium seems to be a more likely explanation for
any fall in plasma magnesium concentration
during exercise (Maughan 1994). Although the
concentration of magnesium in sweat is high
relative to that in the plasma (Table 17.1), the
plasma content represents only a small fraction
of the whole body store; Costill and Miller (1980)
estimated that only about 1% of the body stores
of these electrolytes was lost when individuals
were dehydrated by about 6% of body mass.
Magnesium loss in sweat is considered by
some athletes and coaches to be a potentially
serious problem and to be a contributing factor
to exercise-induced muscle cramp, resulting in
suggestions that magnesium salts should be
included in the formulation of drinks intended
for consumption during exercise, but there is
little evidence to substantiate this belief. Addition of magnesium to intravenous fluids administered to athletes with cramp after a triathlon
was shown not to be effective in relieving
the cramp (O’Toole et al. 1993). The causes of
exercise-induced muscle cramp are not well
understood, and descriptive studies measuring
changes in blood or plasma electrolyte concentrations or sweat losses of electrolytes are
unlikely to provide any answers.
The sweating response to exercise is influenced by the hydration status of the individual,
and sweat rates and thus thermoregulatory
capacity, will fall if a fluid deficit is incurred
(Sawka 1988). Less sweat is secreted for any
given increase in core temperature. For reasonably well hydrated individuals, however,
drinking during exercise seems to have little
(Cage et al. 1970) or no (Davis & Yousef 1987)
effect on sweating rate and to have no effect on
sweat composition, even when plain water or
electrolyte-containing solutions are consumed.
Senay and Christensen (1965), however, observed that fluid ingestion in dehydrated subjects exposed for prolonged periods to hot (43°C)
dry (< 40% rh) conditions stimulated a prompt
sweating response and increased skin blood
flow, suggesting that fluid ingestion may restore
thermoregulatory capacity in dehydrated individuals. It is clear that most of the benefits in
terms of physiological responses and performance capacity that accrue from a period of
acclimatization are lost if an individual becomes
dehydrated (Sawka 1988).
Gastrointestinal function and
availability of ingested fluids
The available evidence suggests that most athletes do not ingest sufficient fluid to replace
losses (Murray 1996). In some situations, opportunities for replacement are limited by the rules
of sport, with drinks being available only during
scheduled breaks in play, but even when there is
unlimited access to fluids, intake is generally less
than loss.
The first physical barrier to the availability of
ingested fluids is the rate of gastric emptying,
which controls the rate at which fluids are delivered to the small intestine and the extent to
which they are influenced by the gastric secretions. The rate of emptying is determined by
nutrition and exercise
the volume and composition of fluid consumed,
although there is again a large variability
between individuals. The volume of the stomach
contents is a major factor in regulating the rate of
emptying, and the rate of emptying of any solution can be increased by increasing the volume
present in the stomach; emptying follows an
exponential time course, and falls rapidly as the
volume remaining in the stomach decreases
(Leiper & Maughan 1988). The presence of large
volumes in the stomach may cause discomfort
during exercise, and is not well tolerated by some
individuals, but there is a strong learning process
and the athlete can increase the amount that can
be consumed with practice. The effects of exercise on gastrointestinal function are described in
detail in the following chapter.
Dilute solutions of glucose will leave the
stomach almost, but not quite, as fast as plain
water; the rate of emptying is slowed in proportion to the glucose content (Fig. 17.3) and concentrated sugar solutions will remain in the stomach
for long periods (Vist & Maughan 1994). There
has been some debate as to the concentration of
carbohydrate at which an inhibitory effect on
gastric emptying is first observed: these studies
have been reviewed by Maughan (1994). The
conflicting results reported in the literature are
caused at least in part by deficiencies in the
methodology employed in some studies. It
appears that glucose concentrations as low as
40 g · l–1 will have some slowing effect on the rate
of gastric emptying (Vist & Maughan 1994),
but increasing the concentration will increase the
carbohydrate delivery. Where a high rate of emptying is desirable, fluid delivery can be promoted
by keeping the volume high by repeated drinking (Rehrer 1990), although repeated ingestion of
concentrated carbohydrate solutions is likely to
result in a progressive increase in the volume of
fluid in the stomach (Noakes et al. 1991).
An increasing osmolality of the gastric contents will tend to delay emptying, and there is
some evidence that substitution of glucose polymers for free glucose, which will result in a
decreased osmolality for the same carbohydrate
content, may be effective in achieving a higher
rate of delivery of both fluid and substrate to the
intestine. This has led to the inclusion of glucose
polymers of varying chain length in the formulation of sports drinks. Vist and Maughan (1995)
have shown that there is an acceleration of emptying when glucose polymer solutions are substituted for free glucose solutions with the same
Residual gastric volume (ml)
Time (min)
Fig. 17.3 Increasing the glucose
concentration in ingested
solutions slows the rate of gastric
emptying in proportion to the
glucose concentration. This figure
shows the total volume in the
stomach after ingestion of 600 ml
of water (䊊) or of drinks
containing 2% (䊉), 4% (䉭) or 6%
glucose (䉱). A significant slowing
is observed at a concentration of
4%. From Vist and Maughan
water and electrolyte loss and replacement
energy density: at low (about 4%) concentrations, this effect is small, but it becomes appreciable at higher (18%) concentrations; where the
osmolality is the same (as in the 4% glucose solution and 18% polymer solution), the energy
density is shown to be of far greater significance
in determining the rate of gastric emptying (Fig.
17.4). This effect may therefore be important
when large amounts of energy must be replaced
after exercise, but is unlikely to be a major factor
during exercise where more dilute drinks are
taken. There may be benefits in including a
number of different carbohydrates, including
free glucose, sucrose and maltodextrin: this has
taste implications, which may influence the
amount consumed, and may maximize the rate
of sugar and water absorption in the small intestine (Shi et al. 1995).
The temperature of ingested drinks has been
reported to have an influence on the rate of emp-
Residual gastric volume (ml)
Time (min)
Fig. 17.4 Substituting glucose polymers for free
glucose reduces the inhibitory effect on gastric
emptying. This figure shows the total volume in the
stomach after ingestion of 600 ml of drinks containing
glucose at concentrations of 4% (䉭) or 18.8% (䉱) or of
glucose polymer at concentrations of 4% (䊐) or 18.8%
(䊏). The difference between isoenergetic solutions is
small at low concentrations but becomes meaningful at
high carbohydrate concentrations. Adapted from Vist
and Maughan (1995).
tying, and it has been recommended that drinks
should be chilled to promote gastric emptying
(American College of Sports Medicine 1984). The
balance of the available evidence, however, indicates that there is not a large effect of temperature on the rate of gastric emptying of ingested
liquids (Maughan 1994). Lambert and Maughan
(1992) used a deuterium tracer technique to show
that water ingested at high temperature (50°C)
appears in the circulation slightly faster than if
the drink is chilled (4°C) before ingestion. The
temperature will, of course, affect palatability,
and drinks that are chilled are likely to be
preferred and therefore consumed in greater
volumes (Hubbard et al. 1990). Other factors,
such as pH, may have a minor role to play.
Although there is some evidence that emptying
is hastened if drinks are carbonated, more recent
results suggest that carbonation has no effect
(Lambert et al. 1993): it is probable that light carbonation as used in most sports drinks does not
influence the gastric emptying rate, but a greater
degree of carbonation, as used in many soft
drinks, may promote emptying of the gastric
contents by raising the intragastric pressure.
Zachwieja et al. (1992) have shown that carbonated and non-carbonated carbohydrate (10%)
solutions were equally effective in improving
cycling performance relative to water administration: there was no effect of carbonation on the
rate of gastric emptying or on the reported prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms. Lambert
et al. (1993) did report a greater sensation of
stomach fullness in exercising subjects drinking
a carbonated 6% carbohydrate solution relative
to the same drink without carbonation, but there
was no apparent effect on physiological function.
No net absorption of carbohydrate, water or
electrolytes occurs in the stomach, but rapid
absorption of glucose occurs in the small intestine, and is an active, energy-consuming process
linked to the transport of sodium. There is no
active transport mechanism for water, which will
cross the intestinal mucosa in either direction
depending on the local osmotic gradients. The
factors which govern sugar and water absorption have been extensively reviewed (Schedl et al.
nutrition and exercise
1994). The rate of glucose uptake is dependent
on the luminal concentrations of glucose and
sodium, and dilute glucose electrolyte solutions
with an osmolality which is slightly hypotonic
with respect to plasma will maximize the rate of
water uptake (Wapnir & Lifshitz 1985). Solutions
with a very high glucose concentration will not
necessarily promote an increased glucose uptake
relative to more dilute solutions, but, because of
their high osmolality, will cause a net movement
of fluid into the intestinal lumen (Fig. 17.5). This
results in an effective loss of body water and will
exacerbate any pre-existing dehydration. This
effect is sufficiently marked to be apparent
during exercise in laboratory conditions (Fig.
17.6): ingestion of a dilute glucose–electrolyte
solution can be shown to be more effetive than
an equal volume of concentrated glucose solution in reversing the exercise-induced decrease
in plasma volume that normally occurs. Other
sugars, such as sucrose or glucose polymers, can
be substituted for glucose without impairing
glucose or water uptake. In contrast, the absorp-
tion of fructose is not an active process in man: it
is absorbed less rapidly than glucose, is not associated with sodium cotransport, and promotes
less water uptake.
Several studies have shown that exercise at
intensities of less than about 70% of Vo2max. has
little or no effect on intestinal function, although
both gastric emptying and intestinal absorption
may be reduced when the exercise intensity
exceeds this level. Some more recent results,
using an isotopic tracer technique to follow
ingested fluids, have suggested that there may be
a decreased availability of ingested fluids even
during low intensity exercise: a decreased rate
of appearance in the blood of a tracer for water
added to the ingested drinks indicated a
decreased rate of appearance of the tracer at an
exercise intensity of 40% of Vo2max. (Maughan et
al. 1990). These studies have been reviewed and
summarized by Brouns et al. (1987) and Schedl et
al. (1994). The results generally imply that the
absorptive capacity of the intestinal tract is not
seriously compromised by exercise at an inten-
Apple juice
(789 mosmol.kg–1)
Hypotonic ORS
(236 mosmol.kg–1)
Sports drink
(305 mosmol.kg–1)
(10 mosmol.kg–1)
Net water flux (% of value for water)
Fig. 17.5 Dilute glucose electrolyte
solutions stimulate water
absorption in the small intestine,
with hypotonic solutions being
more effective than sports drinks,
although the latter will be more
effective in supplying energy in
the form of carbohydrate.
Concentrated solutions — such as
fruit juices — will reverse the
movement of water because of the
high intraluminal osmotic
pressure and will exacerbate any
dehydration in the short term. The
initial osmolality of each drink is
given in brackets.
water and electrolyte loss and replacement
Fig. 17.6 Because of the faster
gastric emptying and faster
intestinal absorption of water,
ingestion of dilute carbohydrate–
electrolyte solutions (䊐) is more
effective in restoring plasma volume
during and after exercise compared
with ingestion of an equal volume of
concentrated glucose solution (䊏).
Values are mean ± SEM; *, P < 0.05;
**, P < 0.01. Adapted from Maughan
et al. (1987).
Change in plasma volume (%)
Time (min)
Table 17.2 Composition of some of the most widely used commercial sports drinks.
Lucozade Sport
(g · 100 ml-1)
(mmol · l-1)
(mmol · l-1)
sity that can be sustained for long enough (about
40 min or more) for fluid intake to be seriously
Electrolyte replacement
during exercise
Commercially available sports drinks intended
for use by athletes in training and competition
are generally rather similar in their electrolyte
content, suggesting a consensus, at least among
the manufacturers, as to the requirements for
electrolyte replacement (Table 17.2). It is clear
that the major requirement is for addition of
sodium, which is important in improving palatability and maintaining the drive to drink
(Hubbard et al. 1990), for the absorption of
glucose and of water in the small intestine
(Maughan 1994), and for the maintenance of the
extracellular volume (Hubbard et al. 1990).
(mosmol · kg-1)
In spite of the need to replace sodium, the main
requirement is for replacement after exercise (see
Chapter 19). During exercise, the plasma sodium
concentration normally rises as water is lost in
excess of sodium. When the exercise duration is
likely to exceed 3–4 h, there may be advantages
in adding sodium to drinks to avoid the danger
of hyponatraemia, which has been reported to
occur when excessively large volumes of drinks
with a low sodium content are taken (Noakes et
al. 1990). This condition, however, is rather rare,
and does not in itself justify the inclusion of
sodium in drinks intended for use in exercise
where sweat losses do not exceed a few litres.
The optimum sodium concentration for use in
sports drinks intended for consumption during
exercise has not been established, as this will
vary depending on the conditions and on the
individual, but is likely to be between about 20
and 40 mmol · l–1.
nutrition and exercise
Potassium is normally present in commercial
sports drinks in concentrations similar to those
in plasma and in sweat (see Tables 17.1, 17.2), but
there is little evidence to support its inclusion.
Although there is some loss of potassium in
sweat, an increase in the circulating potassium
concentration is the normal response to exercise:
increasing this further by ingestion of potassium
does not seem useful. Compared with the total
daily intake of potassium (about 80 mmol for
men and 60 mmol for women; Gregory et al.
1990), the amounts present in sports drinks are
small. Replacement of losses will normally be
achieved after exercise: 1 litre of orange juice will
provide about 30 mmol of potassium, and tomato
juice contains about twice this amount. A similar
situation applies with magnesium replacement,
and there seems to be no good reason for its addition to drinks consumed during exercise.
Choice of rehydration fluids
The aim of ingesting drinks during exercise is to
enhance performance, and the choice of drinks
will therefore be dictated by the need to address
the potential causes of fatigue. Provision of substrate, usually in the form of carbohydrate, to
supplement the body’s endogenous stores, and
replacement of water lost in sweat are the
primary concerns. In some situations, replacement of the electrolytes lost in sweat also
becomes important. Because of the interactions
among the different components of a drink,
however, it is difficult to analyse these requirements separately. There are also many different
situations in sport which will dictate the composition of drinks to be taken. The final formulation
must also take account of the taste characteristics
and palatability of the drink: not only will this
influence the amount of fluid that the athlete consumes, but it will also have a major effect on how
he or she feels.
The duration and intensity of exercise will be
the main determinant of the extent of depletion
of the body’s carbohydrate reserves, and the
same factors, together with the climatic conditions, will determine the extent of sweat loss.
There will however, always be a large variability
between individuals in their response and therefore in their requirements. The requirements for
rehydration and substrate provision will also be
influenced by activity in the preceding hours and
days. In a tournament competition in soccer,
hockey or rugby, which may involve more than
one game in a single day, or in a multistage cycle
race with events on successive days, there is
unlikely to be complete recovery from the previous round, and the requirements will be different
from those in a single event for which proper
preparation has been possible.
These difficulties are immediately apparent
when any of the published guidelines for fluid
intake during exercise is examined. Guidelines
are generally formulated to include the needs of
most individuals in most situations, with the
results that the outer limits become so wide as to
be, at best meaningless, and at worst positively
harmful. The American College of Sports
Medicine published a Position Statement in 1984
on the prevention of heat illness in distance
running: the recommendations for fluid replacement during running events were more specific
than an earlier (1975) version of these guidelines.
It was suggested that marathon runners should
aim for an intake of 100–200 ml of fluid every 2–
3 km, giving a total intake of 1400–4200 ml at
the extremes. For the elite runner, who takes only
a little over 2 h to complete the distance, this
could mean an intake of about 2 l · h–1, which
would not be well tolerated; it is equally unlikely
that an intake of 300 ml · h–1 would be adequate
for the slowest competitors, except perhaps
when the ambient temperature was low. These
same guidelines also recommended that the best
fluid to drink during prolonged exercise is cool
water: in view of the accumulated evidence on
the performance-enhancing effects of adding
glucose and electrolytes, this recommendation
seems even less acceptable than it was in 1984.
This has now been recognized and a further
updated version of the Guidelines (American
College of Sports Medicine 1996) is in accord
with the current mainstream thinking: for events
lasting more than 60 min, the use of drinks con-
water and electrolyte loss and replacement
Exercise time (min)
Fluid +
Fig. 17.7 Ingestion of water and carbohydrate (CHO)
have independent and additive effects in improving
exercise performance. A time trial was performed at
the end of a prolonged exercise test in which either a
small or large fluid volume with a small or large
amount of carbohydrate was given. A faster exercise
time indicates a better performance. Values are mean ±
SEM. Data from Below et al. (1994).
Exercise time (min)
taining ‘proper amounts of carbohydrates
and/or electrolytes’ is recommended. The evolution of this series of American College of Sports
Medicine Position Stands demonstrates the
progress made in our understanding of this
complex area.
Because of the difficulty in making specific
recommendations that will meet the needs of all
individuals in all situations, the only possible
way forward is to formulate some general guidelines, to suggest how these might be adapted to
suit the individual, and to indicate how these
should be modified in different circumstances.
Assuming that athletes are willing and able to
take fluids during training, the recommendations for fluid use in training will not be very
different from those for competition, except in
events of very short duration. The sprinter or
pursuit cyclist, whose event lasts a few seconds
or minutes, has no opportunity or need for fluid
intake during competition, but should drink
during training sessions which may stretch over
2 h or more. The body does not adapt to repeated
bouts of dehydration: training in the dehydrated
state will impair the quality of training, and
confers no advantage. Training is also the time to
experiment with different rehydration strategies
and to identify likes and dislikes among the
variety of drinks available. Drinking in training
will also allow the individual to become habituated to the sensation of exercising with fluid in
the stomach: most athletes cite abdominal discomfort and a sensation of fullness as the reason
for not drinking more during exercise (Brouns et
al. 1987).
The choice of the fluid to be used is again a
decision for the individual. Water ingestion is
better than fluid restriction, but adding carbohydrate is also beneficial: Below et al. (1994) showed
that the effects of fluid and carbohydrate provision on exercise performance are independent
and additive (Fig. 17.7). Dilute carbohydrate–
electrolyte drinks will provide greater benefits
than water alone (Fig. 17.8) (Maughan et al. 1989,
1996; Maughan 1994). The optimum carbohydrate concentration in most situations will be in
the range of about 2–8%, and a variety of differ-
No drink
Fig. 17.8 Effects of ingestion of different drinks on
exercise capacity during a cycle ergometer test to
exhaustion at a power output requiring about 70% of
maximum oxygen uptake. Ingestion of water gave a
longer time to exhaustion than the no drink trial, but
the two dilute carbohydrate–electrolyte drinks gave
the longest exercise times. Values are mean ± SEM.
Data from Maughan et al. (1996).
nutrition and exercise
ent carbohydrates, either alone or in combination, are effective. Glucose, sucrose, maltose and
glucose oligomers are all likely to promote
improved performance: addition of small
amounts of fructose to drinks containing other
carbohydrates seems to be acceptable, but high
concentrations of fructose alone are best avoided
because of a risk of gastrointestinal distress.
Fructose is poorly absorbed, and an osmotic
diarrhoea may occur after large doses. Some
sodium should probably be present, with the
optimum concentration somewhere between 10
and 60 mmol · l–1, but there is also a strong argument that, in events of short duration, this may
not be necessary. Adding sodium will have
several consequences, the most important of
which are a stimulation of water absorption and
the maintenance of plasma volume. In events of
longer duration, replacement of sweat sodium
losses and maintenance of plasma sodium concentration and osmolality become important
considerations. Sodium chloride, in high concentrations, may have a negative impact on taste,
and home-made sports drinks generally score
badly in this respect. There is little evidence to
suggest that small variations in the concentration
of these components of ingested fluids will significantly alter their efficacy. There is not at
present any evidence to support the addition of
other components (potassium, magnesium,
other minerals or vitamins) to drinks intended to
promote or maintain hydration status.
In most situations, the volume of fluid
ingested is insufficient to match the sweat loss,
and some degree of dehydration is incurred
(Sawka & Pandolf 1990), and this suggests an
important role for palatability and other factors
that encourage consumption. It also indicates the
need for an education programme to make athletes, coaches and officials aware of the need
for an adequate fluid intake: a conscious effort is
needed to avoid dehydration. Noakes et al. (1993)
reported that the voluntary fluid intake of
athletes in endurance running events seldom
exceeds about 0.5 l · h–1, even though the sweat
losses are generally substantially higher than
this. Even in relatively cool conditions and in
sports that are less physically demanding than
marathon running, sweat rates of more than 1 l ·
h–1 are not uncommon (Rehrer & Burke 1996).
Pre-exercise hydration
Because of the need to minimize the impact of
sweat loss and volume depletion on exercise performance, it is important to ensure that exercise
begins with the individual fully hydrated. On the
basis that a further increase in the body water
content may be beneficial, there have been many
attempts to induce overhydration prior to the
commencement of exercise, but these attempts
have usually been thwarted by the prompt
diuretic response that ensues when the body
water content is increased. Because this is largely
a response to the dilution of blood sodium concentration and plasma osmolality, attempts
have been made to overcome this. Some degree
of temporary hyperhydration can be induced if
drinks with sodium concentrations of 100 mmol ·
l–1 or more are ingested, but this seems unlikely
to be beneficial for performance carried out in
the heat, as a high plasma osmolality will ensue
with negative implications for thermoregulatory
capacity (Fortney et al. 1984).
An alternative strategy which has recently
been the subject of interest has attempted to
induce an expansion of the blood volume prior to
exercise by the addition of glycerol to ingested
fluids. Glycerol in high concentrations has little
metabolic effect, but exerts an osmotic action
with the result that some of the water ingested
with the glycerol will be retained rather than
being lost in the urine, although there must be
some concern that the elevated osmolality of the
extracellular space will result in some degree of
intracellular dehydration. The implications of
this are at present unknown (Waldegger & Lang
1998), but it might again be expected that the
raised plasma osmolality will have negative
consequences for thermoregulatory capacity. The
available evidence at the present time seems to
indicate that this is not the case, but the results
of studies investigating the effects on exercise
performance of glycerol feeding before or during
water and electrolyte loss and replacement
exercise have shown mixed results (Miller et al.
1983; Latzka et al. 1996). There have been some
suggestions of improved performance after
administration of glycerol and water prior to
prolonged exercise (Montner et al. 1996) but some
earlier work clearly indicated that it did not
improve the capacity to perform prolonged exercise (Burge et al. 1993).
Postexercise rehydration
Rehydration and restoration of sweat electrolyte
losses are both crucial parts of the recovery
process after exercise where significant sweat
losses have occurred, and these issues are
covered in detail in Chapter 19. In most sports,
there is a need to recover as quickly and as completely as possibly after training or competition
to begin preparation for the next event or training session. The need for replacement will obviously depend on the volume of sweat lost and on
its electrolyte content, but will also be influenced
by the amount of time available before the next
exercise bout. Rapid rehydration may also be
important in events where competition is by
weight category, including weightlifting and the
combat sports. It is common for competitors in
these events to undergo acute thermal and exercise-induced dehydration to make weight, with
weight losses of 10% of body mass sometimes
being achieved within a few days: the time interval between the weigh-in and competition is normally about 3 h, although it may be longer, and is
not sufficient for full recovery when significant
amounts of weight have been lost, but some
recovery is possible. The practice of acute dehydration to make weight has led to a number of
fatalities in recent years, usually where exercise
has been performed in a hot environment while
wearing waterproof clothing to prevent the
evaporation of sweat, and should be strongly
discouraged, but it will persist and there is a need
to maximize rehydration in the time available.
An awareness of the extent of volume and
electrolyte loss during exercise will help plan the
recovery strategy. Where speed of recovery is
essential, a dilute glucose solution with added
sodium chloride is likely to be most effective in
promoting rapid recovery by maintaining a high
rate of gastric emptying and promoting intestinal
water absorption: a hypotonic solution is likely
to be most effective (Maughan 1994). Complete
restoration of volume losses requires that the
total amount of fluid ingested in the recovery
period exceeds the total sweat loss: the recommendation often made that 1 litre of fluid should
be ingested for each kilogram of weight lost
neglects to take account of the ongoing loss of
water in urine, and it is recommended that the
volume of fluid ingested should be at least 50%
more than the volume of sweat loss (Maughan &
Shirreffs 1997).
It is more difficult, because of the wide
interindividual variability in the composition of
sweat, to make clear recommendations about
electrolyte replacement. It is clear, however, that
failure to replace the electrolytes lost (principally
sodium, but to some extent also potassium) will
result in a fall in the circulating sodium concentration and a fall in plasma osmolality, leading to
a marked diuresis. The diuretic effect is observed
even when the individual may still be in negative
fluid balance. If sufficient salt is ingested
together with an adequate volume of water, fluid
balance will be restored, and any excess solute
will be excreted by the kidneys (Maughan &
Leiper 1995). A relatively high sodium content in
drinks will also be effective in retaining a large
proportion of the ingested fluid in the extracellular space, and maintenance of a high plasma
volume is important for maintenance of cardiovascular function (Rowell 1986).
Water and electrolyte losses in sweat will result
in volume depletion and disturbances of electrolyte (especially sodium) balance. Sweat loss
depends on many factors, including especially
environmental conditions, exercise intensity and
duration, and the individual characteristics of
the athlete. Replacement of losses will help maintain exercise capacity and reduce the risk of heat
illness. Replacement may be limited by the rates
nutrition and exercise
of gastric emptying or of intestinal absorption,
and dilute carbohydrate–electrolyte solutions
can optimize replacement. Electrolyte replacement is not a priority during exercise, but sodium may be needed if sweat losses are very
large and are replaced with plain water. Athletes
should ensure that, whenever possible, they
are fully hydrated at the beginning of exercise.
Rehydration after exercise requires that an adequate fluid volume is ingested and that electrolyte losses are replaced.
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