

by taratuta

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Chapter 24
Minerals: Iron
Nearly all living things need iron, the fourth
most abundant element on Earth. In humans, the
nutritional need for iron centres on its role in
energy metabolism. Iron is necessary for the
formation of haemoglobin and myoglobin, the
oxygen carriers in red blood cells and muscles,
respectively. Iron is also a constituent of several
enzymes — including catalase, peroxidase, and
succinate dehydrogenase — and of the cytochromes, which enable electron transport in cellular respiration (and foster drug metabolism in
the liver). In other words, because it delivers
oxygen to cells and facilitates the use of oxygen
by cells, iron is essential for energy metabolism.
Simply put, iron is as vital as oxygen in converting chemical energy from food into metabolic
energy for life.
Because it is vital for energy metabolism, iron
is critical in sports nutrition. Concerns include:
(i) whether athletes need more iron than nonathletes; (ii) the prevalence of iron deficiency
among athletes; (iii) the effect of iron deficiency
anaemia on athletic performance; (iv) whether
low ferritin level in the absence of anaemia
impairs performance; (v) how to ensure that athletes — vegetarian or not — get the iron they need
from their diet; and (vi) the pros and cons of iron
supplementation for athletes.
Iron deficiency may be the most common
nutritional deficiency in the world. When it leads
to anaemia, the paramount problem for athletes
is diminished exercise capacity. Iron deficiency
may also impair two other functions key to athletes — immunity and cognition (Dallman 1982;
Cook & Lynch 1986; Bruner et al. 1996) — but
because supporting evidence is limited and
inconclusive, these areas will be omitted here.
The value of dietary iron has been known for
centuries. It is said the Persian physician Melampus in 4000 bc gave iron supplements to sailors
who bled in battle. Other accounts of iron as
therapy date to ancient Egypt and Rome. In the
16th and 17th centuries, poets, painters and playwrights portrayed the ‘green sickness’, or chlorosis, and attributed it to unrequited passion, or
‘lovesickness.’ Shakespearean heroines and
heroes, disappointed by love, were smitten by
the green sickness (Farley & Foland 1990). It was
Thomas Sydenham in 1681 who first cured the
green sickness with iron; he prescribed a syrup
made by steeping iron filings in cold Rhenish
wine (London 1980).
The symptoms of the green sickness — dyspnoea, fatigue and palpitations — are recognized
today as those of anaemia. But the grave olive
pallor that gave the condition its name is no
longer common because today anaemia is diagnosed early, especially in athletes. Indeed, today
‘anaemia’ is found so early among athletes — and
vague ‘fatigue’ often ascribed to it — that iron
deficiency is sometimes overdiagnosed and
overtreated. Today, we have the HumptyDumpty problem.
Humpty Dumpty, when challenged by Alice
on word usage, said, ‘When I use a word, it
means just what I choose it to mean, neither more
minerals: iron
nor less. The question is, which is to be master?’
So it goes today with ‘anaemia’ and ‘fatigue’ and
‘iron deficiency’ in athletes. As I will cover, these
words mean different things to different people.
First, a description of normal iron balance is in
Normal iron balance
Because iron — as the core of the oxygendelivering haemoglobin molecule — is the most
precious metal in the body, it is recycled. Recycling ensures a constant internal supply of iron —
independent of external sources such as diet — to
maintain an optimal red cell mass. So the bulk of
the iron needed for the daily synthesis of haemoglobin (20–30 mg) comes from recycling the iron
in senile red cells.
Senile red cells are destroyed by macrophages
in the spleen, releasing iron that is taken up by
transferrin (the iron-transporting protein in
plasma), carried to the bone marrow, removed by
developing red cells (normoblasts), and incorporated into haemoglobin of new-born red cells
Because of this avid recycling — a ‘closed
system’ — little iron is lost from the body. Indeed,
the body has no active mechanism to excrete
unneeded iron. The average man loses only 1 mg
iron · day–1; the average woman (because of
menses), 2 mg. The small obligatory loss (other
than menses) is in sweat and in epithelial cells
shed largely from skin, intestine and genitourinary tract.
Because obligatory loss of iron is small, only
small amounts must be absorbed. The normal
USA diet provides 10–20 mg of iron daily; each
1000 calories in food is usually associated with
5–6 mg of iron. To maintain iron balance, the
average man absorbs 1 mg · day–1; the average
woman, 2 mg. During times of increased iron
need — growth, pregnancy, bleeding — the intestine increases its absorption of iron, up to 4 or
5 mg · day–1. When the need declines, absorption
returns to baseline.
The average total body iron of an adult man is
4000 mg. Up to three quarters of this iron is in the
‘functional compartment,’ mainly haemoglobin
and myoglobin, and about one quarter, or
1000 mg, is in storage, a bountiful buffer against
deprivation of dietary iron. In contrast, iron
stores are typically lower in adult women
(300–500 mg), marginal to absent in college-aged
women, and absent in young children and many
adolescents. Unlike most adult male athletes,
then, female and adolescent athletes need a
steady dietary supply of iron to maintain iron
balance and avoid anaemia.
Body iron is stored in parenchymal cells of the
liver and macrophages of the liver, spleen and
bone marrow. The main storage protein is ferritin. Soluble ferritin is released from cells (into
plasma) in direct proportion to cellular ferritin
content. So in general, the level of ferritin in the
plasma parallels the level of storage iron in the
body (Finch & Huebers 1982; Baynes 1996).
Unfortunately, as will be covered below, the use
of serum ferritin level to gauge ‘iron deficiency’
among athletes is fraught with problems, not the
least of which is that one can have low ferritin
level (low iron stores) yet still be absorbing
enough iron from the diet to avoid anaemia. Put
another way, iron deficiency evolves through
predictable stages of severity, in which depletion
of storage iron, the first stage, precedes anaemia.
The development of iron deficiency anaemia
goes through the following stages.
1 Absent marrow iron stores; serum ferritin less
than 12 mg · l–1.
2 Low serum iron; high iron-binding capacity; increase in level of free erythrocyte
3 Normocytic, normochromic anaemia with
abnormal red cell distribution width.
4 Microcytic, hypochromic anaemia.
Effect of training and competition
Training, especially endurance training, and
competition, especially ultramarathons or events
spanning several days or weeks, affect haemoglobin concentration and iron profile in ways
both physiological and pathophysiological. Misinterpretations of these perturbations, notably
nutrition and exercise
the training-induced declines in haemoglobin
concentration and serum ferritin concentration,
have created confusion and controversy about
‘anaemia’ and ‘iron deficiency’ in athletes.
‘Sports anaemia’
A prime ‘Humpty-Dumpty problem’ has been
the failure of some authors to understand or
point out that a ‘low’ or ‘subnormal’ haematocrit
or haemoglobin concentration in a given
athlete — especially an endurance athlete — is not
necessarily ‘anaemia.’ Anaemia is best defined as
a subnormal number or mass of red blood cells for a
given individual. In this sense, most endurance
athletes (particularly male athletes) with ‘subnormal’ haematocrit or haemoglobin concentration have not anaemia, but pseudoanaemia.
It is true that athletes, notably endurance athletes, tend to have lower haemoglobin concentrations than non-athletes. This has been called
‘sports anaemia’. Sports anaemia, however, is a
Humpty-Dumpty misnomer because the most
common cause of a low haemoglobin level in an
endurance athlete is a false anaemia. This false
anaemia accrues from regular aerobic exercise,
which expands the baseline plasma volume,
diluting the red blood cells and haemoglobin
concentration. In other words, the naturally
lower haemoglobin level of the endurance
athlete is a dilutional pseudoanaemia.
The increase in baseline plasma volume that
causes athlete’s pseudoanaemia is an adaptation
to the acute loss of plasma volume during each
workout. Vigorous exercise acutely reduces
plasma volume by up to 10–20% in three ways.
First, the exercise-induced rise in systolic blood
pressure and the muscular compression of
venules increase capillary hydrostatic pressure.
Second, the generation of lactic acid and other
metabolites in working muscle increases tissue
osmotic pressure. These two forces, in concert,
drive an ultrafiltrate of plasma from blood to
tissues. Third, some plasma volume is lost in
To compensate for these bouts of exerciseinduced haemoconcentration, the body releases
renin, aldosterone and vasopressin, which conserve water and salt. Also, more albumin is
added to the blood. The net result is an increase
in baseline plasma volume (Convertino 1991).
So baseline plasma volume waxes and wanes
according to physical activity. For example,
if non-athletic men begin cycling vigorously
2 h · day–1, in less than a week, baseline plasma
volume will expand by 400–500 ml. If they then
quit cycling, plasma volume will decline as fast
as it once expanded. Baseline plasma volume can
increase by 10% 1 day after a half-marathon
(Robertson et al. 1990) and by 17% 1 day after a
full marathon (Davidson et al. 1987). Even a
single brief session of intense exercise can
expand the baseline plasma volume by the next
day. For example, when six athletic men per.
formed eight brief bouts at 85% of Vo2max. on
a cycle ergometer, baseline plasma volume
decreased by 15% during the exercise session,
but was expanded by 10% 1 day later (Gillen et al.
1991). In short, the endurance athletes who train
the hardest have the highest plasma volumes
and the lowest haemoglobin levels. This is
pseudoanaemia, a facet of aerobic fitness
(Eichner 1992).
Training and iron profile
Training, especially endurance training, tends to
decrease the serum ferritin level. For example,
after pilot research found iron deficient profiles
in adolescent female runners during seasons of
cross-country running, Nickerson et al. (1985)
reported the first controlled trial of iron supplements for such runners. Eight (40%) of 20 adolescent female runners given placebo (vs. only one
of 20 given iron supplements) developed ‘iron
deficiency’ (serum ferritin < 20 mg · l–1) after 5 or
10 weeks of the cross-country running season.
No runner developed iron deficiency anaemia.
Adolescent male runners, with higher iron
stores, are less apt to develop iron deficient profiles. Nickerson et al. (1989) found that 34% of
female but only 8% of male runners ‘developed
iron deficiency’ (ferritin < 12 mg · l–1 and transferrin saturation < 16%) during a season. Two girls
minerals: iron
but no boys developed iron deficiency anaemia.
But at the outset, 29% of the female runners had
ferritins of less than 12 mg · l–1, so this study,
without non-athletic controls, exaggerates the
contribution of training to the iron deficient profiles. Instead, it describes the typically low iron
stores of adolescent females — athletic or not —
with a small superimposed effect (fall in ferritin
level) from training.
Rowland et al. (1987) found the same trend in
adolescent runners. At the start of a season, eight
of 20 females but only one of 30 males was iron
deficient (ferritin < 12 mg · l–1). By the end of the
season, one additional female and four additional males had become ‘iron deficient’ by the
same definition. No runner developed iron deficiency anaemia.
Besides running, many other types of training
have been shown to decrease ferritin level. When
young men and women underwent a 7-week
(8 h · day–1) military-type basic training programme, ferritin levels fell an average of 50% and
haemoglobin levels fell more than 5% (Magazanik et al. 1988). When untrained men cycled
2 h · day–1 four to five times a week for 11 weeks,
mean serum ferritin fell 73%, from 67 to 18 mg · l–1
(Shoemaker et al. 1996). Rowland and Kelleher
(1989) found no significant fall in serum ferritin
during 10 weeks of swim training in adolescents,
but nearly half of the female swimmers studied
began with ferritin levels under 12 mg · l–1 (so there
was little room to fall). In contrast, Roberts and
Smith (1990) reported a decrease in ferritin over 2
years in female synchronized swimmers.
Even strength training decreases ferritin, as
shown by the 35% fall in ferritin in 12 untrained
men who underwent a 6-week strength-training
programme (Schobersberger et al. 1990). A
modest fall in ferritin was seen when young
women underwent a 13-week programme of
modest aerobic calisthenics (Blum et al. 1986).
Training also can decrease ferritin level in crosscountry skiers (Candau et al. 1992), female basketball players (Jacobsen et al. 1993) and in speed
skaters and field hockey players (Cook 1994).
So athletic training can decrease the ferritin
level. This decrease, however, is not necessarily
pathophysiologic; it may reflect only a shift of
iron from stores to functional compartment
(haemoglobin and myoglobin). Also, any
‘anaemia’ that develops in the same athlete may
be only pseudoanaemia, not necessarily iron
deficiency anaemia.
Competition and iron profile
In contrast to prudent training, all-out competition, especially a prolonged or muscle-damaging
event, clouds interpretation of iron status by
evoking the acute phase response (Eichner 1986).
The acute phase response is an innate, generalized host defense against infection or inflammatory injury. In athletes, this may begin as
damaged muscle activates complement, which
recruits and activates neutrophils and monocytes
(and fibroblasts), which release cytokines (e.g.
interleukins 1 and 6, tumour necrosis factor). The
cytokines trigger muscle proteolysis and the
hepatic synthesis of proteins (e.g. C-reactive
protein, ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin, fibrinogen
and ferritin) that may contribute to host defense.
The interleukins also activate lymphocytes,
cause mild fever and sleepiness, and decrease
serum iron level. So in the acute phase response,
as during a US Army Ranger training programme (weeks of intense physical activity,
stress and sleep deprivation) serum iron falls
(and later rebounds), yet serum ferritin rises
(Moore et al. 1993).
In light of recent research on bench-stepping
exercise (Gleeson et al. 1995), it seems likely that
any exercise bout that evokes delayed onset
muscle soreness and damages muscle (sharply
increases serum creatine kinase level) can spur
an acute phase response that alters the markers
of iron balance. Indeed, an integration of diverse
field studies of athletes confirms this.
For example, during marathons and ultramarathons (Dickson et al. 1982; Strachan et al. 1984;
Lampe et al. 1986a; Schmidt et al. 1989), multiday
foot races (Dressendorfer et al. 1982; Seiler et al.
1989), triathlons (Rogers et al. 1986; Taylor et al.
1987) and distance ski races (Pattini et al. 1990),
serial sampling and analysis of blood markers
nutrition and exercise
suggests the following sequence of events and
1 An early (first day or two) decline in plasma
haptoglobin level and rise in serum iron level,
likely from exertional or ‘footstrike’ haemolysis;
along with an increase in plasma volume and fall
in haematocrit (i.e. dilutional pseudoanaemia)
that can not be prevented by iron supplementation (Dressendorfer et al. 1991).
2 A later (next few days) fall in serum iron and
increase in serum ferritin, likely from the acute
phase response.
3 A late (e.g. later stages of a 20-day foot race)
return of serum iron and ferritin toward baseline, as
the body seems to adapt to the stress of racing
and the acute phase response abates.
The above perturbations — some physiological, some pathophysiological — make it difficult
to gauge iron balance in a given athlete who may
be resting, training or racing. For example, an
‘anaemia’ may reflect dilution or iron deficiency;
the serum iron may be normal, high, or low
depending on the stage of the race; and serum
ferritin falls with training yet rises if muscle
damage evokes the acute phase response.
Bearing these confounders in mind, practical
issues of iron balance in athletes are covered
Iron status of fit athletes
Because training decreases ferritin level (iron
stores), one might expect highly trained athletes
to be iron deficient compared with non-athletes.
Indeed, beginning two decades ago, a spate of
cross-sectional surveys suggested that certain
athletes, especially distance runners, tended to
be iron deficient. This area of inquiry began in
part with concern that iron intake was insufficient in young Canadian women, and that
haemoglobin levels of Canada’s 1976 Olympic
athletes were ‘suboptimal’ (meaning lower than
those of the 1968 Australian Olympic Team). This
led to a survey of 52 collegiate distance runners
in Canada (Clement & Asmundson 1982), concluding that 29% of male and 82% of female
runners were ‘at risk for iron deficiency’ (had
serum ferritin of less than 25 mg · l–1).
Corroborating surveys followed. Low bone
marrow iron stores were seen in competitive distance runners in Sweden and Israel (Ehn et al.
1980; Wishnitzer et al. 1983). In a second study
from Sweden (Magnusson et al. 1984), 43 elite
male distance runners had lower ferritin levels
and marrow iron scores than 100 non-athletic
controls. ‘Systemic iron deficiency’ (low saturation of transferrin) was found in 56% of 113
joggers and runners in Denmark (Hunding et al.
1981). Competitive distance runners in Germany
had lower ferritin levels than elite rowers or professional cyclists (Dufaux et al. 1981). From South
Africa came reports that 14% of male ultramarathoners (but just 2% of controls) had low
ferritin levels, as did 16% of female marathon
runners (Dickson et al. 1982; Matter et al. 1987).
From the USA came a report that one third of
women — and 7% of men — at a marathon fitness
exposition had low ferritins (Lampe et al. 1986b).
Other reports followed suit, as reviewed by Cook
These surveys are limited, however, by small
sample size, no or few non-athletic controls, and
widely different definitions of ‘iron deficiency’
(Humpty Dumpty redux). The most reliable
studies are those based on ferritin assay, but
these used different ferritin ‘cut points’ for diagnosing iron deficiency (e.g. 12, 20, 25 or 40 mg · l–1).
The median ferritin value for young women in
the USA is 25–30 mg · l–1 (Cook et al. 1986). A cut
point of 40 mg · l–1 (Matter et al. 1987) classifies
most young women — athletic or not — as iron
deficient. Even 25 mg · l–1 (Clement & Asmundson
1982) is too high; experts say that less than 12 mg ·
l–1 is the proper ferritin cut point for diagnosing
iron deficiency (Cook 1994).
Other surveys question whether athletes differ
from non-athletes in iron balance, but these
surveys too have problems. In one study, 19 toplevel soccer players had ferritins similar to 20
controls (Resina et al. 1991). Likewise, ferritin
was similar in 72 elite runners vs. 48 non-runners
(Balaban et al. 1989). In this survey, however, one
minerals: iron
third of the male and two thirds of the female
runners (but few controls) were taking iron supplements, and when those taking iron were
excluded, sample sizes were small. When 100
female collegiate athletes were compared with 66
non-athletic controls, differences in iron balance
were minor (Risser et al. 1988), but only 8% of the
athletic women were distance runners.
Despite these problems, it seems likely that
among athletes, distance runners at least have
some reduction in iron stores compared to nonathletes. So concluded a comprehensive survey
in South Carolina of 111 adult female runners vs.
65 inactive controls (Pate et al. 1993). The mean
ferritin of the runners was lower than that of the
controls (25 mg · l–1 vs. 36 mg · l–1), and twice as
many runners as nonrunners (50% vs. 22%) had
ferritin levels of less than 20 mg · l–1. Anaemia,
however, was rare (3%) in both groups.
So distance runners — especially female
runners — tend to have lower iron stores than
non-athletes and seem prone to iron deficiency
anaemia. But frank iron deficiency (ferritin
< 12 mg · l–1) among athletes, even among female
runners, is not as common as once thought, and
anaemia is not clearly more common in athletes
than non-athletes. Then, too, most ultraendurance athletes studied — especially males —
have adequate iron stores (Burke & Read 1987;
Singh et al. 1993). Most iron studies are on
runners; we need studies of women in ‘lowbodyweight’ sports such as ballet, gymnastics,
diving and ice skating. But future studies of iron
status are apt to be biased by the increasing use of
iron supplements by athletes.
increase in myoglobin mass;
increase in red cell mass;
inadequate iron intake;
gastrointestinal bleeding;
iron loss in sweat;
iron loss in urine;
shift of iron to liver.
As reviewed above, training — especially
endurance training — can expand baseline
plasma volume by as much as 10–20%, and if the
training is regular, this expansion is maintained.
This adaptation to exercise dilutes haemoglobin
(pseudoanaemia). It seems likely, if not yet
demonstrated, that the expansion of plasma
volume in a highly fit athlete dilutes serum ferritin concentration by 10% or more.
Increase in myoglobin mass
When adolescent boys undergo a growth spurt,
stored iron is shifted into the increased mass of
myoglobin, lowering ferritin. This must also
occur in athletes who develop muscles by training, and surely accounts for much of the fall in
ferritin with strength training (Schobersberger
et al. 1990). This likely shifting of iron from stores
to functional compartment (myoglobin) has not
been quantified in athletes, but seems evident.
To paraphrase Yogi Berra, you can observe a lot
by just looking.
Increase in red cell mass
Causes of low ferritin level in athletes
We have established that athletic training tends
to decrease serum ferritin level (i.e. iron stores)
and that some athletes, particularly female distance runners, may be prone to iron deficiency
anaemia. Now the question becomes: How does
training deplete iron stores? In theory, training
can reduce serum ferritin level in at least eight
ways, not all pathophysiological:
Because cross-sectional studies show an
expanded red cell mass in athletes — men and
women — compared to non-athletes (Dill et al.
1974; Brotherhood et al. 1975; Weight et al. 1991),
it seems likely that training can increase red cell
mass. Yet longitudinal studies are inconclusive.
Restricting it to studies that employ radiolabelled red cells, the best way to gauge red cell
mass, two studies are positive and two ‘nega-
nutrition and exercise
tive’. Remes (1979) found that 6 months of military training increased red cell mass by 4%.
Young et al. (1993) found a 4% increase after 8
weeks of regular cycling, but the unusual protocol (cycling immersed to the neck in water) prevented the expected increase in plasma volume.
Ray et al. (1990) found that regular, upright
cycling for 8 weeks increased red cell mass about
220 ml, but this increase was not significant.
Shoemaker et al. (1996) found no increase in red
cell mass when untrained men cycled regularly
for 11 weeks, but it seems possible that blooddrawing for testing offset an increase in red cell
If training does increase the red cell mass, a
likely mechanism would be via erythropoietin.
But whether training — or competing — increases
serum erythropoietin level is also unclear;
studies finding an exercise-induced increase are
slightly exceeded by studies finding no change
(Weight et al. 1991; Klausen et al. 1993; Shoemaker
et al. 1996). All told, it seems likely that strenuous,
long-term athletic training (at sea level) can
increase red cell mass, but this is by no means
proven, and the mechanism for any increase
remains unclear. We need more research here.
Inadequate iron intake
If dietary iron is inadequate for physiological
needs, ferritin will decline. Insufficient dietary
iron can be a problem for female athletes who are
dieting, who have eating disorders, or who are
vegetarians. It is rarely a problem in men. No
good evidence exists for impaired absorption of
iron in athletes; the one such report (in male distance runners) seems flawed by abnormally high
iron-absorption in the non-athletic controls,
blood donors who may have been iron deficient
(Ehn et al. 1980).
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Gastrointestinal bleeding in athletes has been
widely studied and reviewed (Eichner 1989,
1996). It occurs most often in distance runners
and ranges from occult and trivial to overt and
grave. If all reports are lumped, about 2% of
recreational marathoners and triathletes have
seen blood in their stool after running and about
20% have occult faecal blood after distance races.
In general, the longer the event and/or the
greater the effort, the greater the likelihood of
bleeding. In a recent study of 20 male triathletes
who provided stool samples during training,
taper and competition, 80% of the men had
occult faecal blood on one or more of the tests
(Rudzki et al. 1995).
The source of gastrointestinal bleeding varies.
Anorectal disorders (e.g. fissures, haemorrhoids)
can be the source. Gastro-oesophageal reflux
commonly occurs in runners, but no reports have
identified an oesophageal source of bleeding. In
some athletes, no source is found depite endoscopies. The most common source is likely the
stomach, as verified by endoscopy studies of
runners after distance races (Schwartz et al. 1990).
Usually, this is a mild gastritis with superficial
erosions that heal quickly. Rarely, however, an
athlete bleeds massively from a peptic ulcer
during or just after running (Eichner 1996).
Aspirin or other analgesics can increase the risk
of gastrointestinal bleeding, as shown in a field
study of marathoners (Robertson et al. 1987). In a
recent study, aspirin sharply increased gastrointestinal permeability when volunteers ran 1 h on
a treadmill (Ryan et al. 1996).
The second most common source seems to be
the colon, usually from a segmental haemorrhagic colitis, presumably ischaemic. During
strenuous exercise, splanchnic blood flow may
decrease by as much as 80%, as blood diverts to
working muscles. Normally, the gut tolerates
this, but occasionally the colonic mucosa
becomes ischaemic, in line with level of effort,
unfitness, sympathetic response and dehydration. The result is superficial haemorrhage and
erosions. Most cases are mild and soon reversible, but rare cases require subtotal colectomy
(Eichner 1996).
Repeated bouts of ischaemic colitis in female
runners could contribute to iron deficiency
anaemia. In a recent German study, seven of 45
elite male distance runners had ferritins of less
minerals: iron
than 20 mg · l–1 (vs. only one of 112 controls). In
eight of the runners, faecal iron (gastrointestinal
blood) loss was gauged by radiolabelling haem
iron and testing stool samples. When the runners
were not training, average gastrointestinal blood
loss was 1–2 ml · day–1. With training or racing,
average loss increased to 5–6 ml · day–1. In
general, gastrointestinal blood loss correlated
with intensity of running, not distance
(Nachtigall et al. 1996).
Iron loss in sweat
Controversy continues on whether athletes can
lose enough iron in sweat to cause iron deficiency
(Haymes & LaManca 1989). The most meticulous
study in resting subjects, one that minimized iron
loss in desquamated cells and iron contamination of skin, found a very low sweat iron loss,
averaging 23 mg · l–1, compared with much higher
values in previous studies. The authors concluded that variations in sweating have only
marginal effects on body iron loss (Brune et al.
The most recent study in athletes also suggests
that sweat iron loss is modest (Waller & Haymes
1996). It shows that sweat iron level drops over
time, at least during the first hour of exercise. It
finds that exercising men have about twice the
sweat iron loss as women, because of higher
sweat rates in men and likely also because of
greater iron stores in men. The authors estimate
that 6–11% of the iron typically absorbed per day
is lost in sweat during 1 h of exercise. They conclude that sweat iron losses would likely not
deplete iron stores in men but might do so in
female athletes whose diets are low in iron.
(Eichner 1985; O’Toole et al. 1988). Urinary iron
loss in athletes is negligible.
Shift of iron to liver
The ‘liver shift’ hypothesis sought to explain
why some runners had low ferritins (and low
bone marrow iron scores) yet seemed not iron
deficient by other criteria (Magnusson et al.
1984). The notion was that ‘footstrike haemolysis’ shifted iron from normal storage sites
(macrophages) to hepatocytes, and that iron in
hepatocytes was not readily available for reuse
and not registered by the serum ferritin. This
hypothesis lacked experimental support and
should be put to rest by the finding in elite distance runners that when ferritin is low, hepatic
iron is also low (Nachtigall et al. 1996).
Iron status and athletic performance
Anaemia and athleticism
It is well known that anaemia, even mild
anaemia, impairs all-out athletic performance
(Dallman 1982; Cook 1994); this needs no review.
In my experience with runners, even a 1–2 g · dl–1
decrement in haemoglobin from baseline slows
race performance. Coaches, trainers and sports
medicine physicians, then, need to be alert for
mild anaemia in athletes. When anaemia is mild
and serum ferritin is marginal, it is difficult to
distinguish pseudoanaemia from iron deficiency
anaemia; indeed, they may coexist. When in
doubt, a therapeutic trial of oral iron is wise; a
rise in haemoglobin of 1–2 g · dl–1 is the ‘gold
standard’ for diagnosing iron deficiency anaemia
(Eichner 1990a).
Iron loss in urine
Some iron is lost in urine (Haymes & Lamanca
1989), but the amounts are negligible (Nachtigall
et al. 1996). Athletes can develop haematuria
from diverse causes, but not enough haematuria
to drain iron stores (Eichner 1990a, 1990b). Exertional haemolytis rarely depletes haptoglobin
and so does not increase urinary iron loss
Low ferritin without anaemia
About two decades ago, a myth arose that low
ferritin alone, without anaemia, impairs athletic
performance. This led to monitoring ferritin as a
marker of performance potential. When runners
without anaemia were told that their ferritin was
30 mg · l–1 and ‘should be much higher’, they
nutrition and exercise
immediately felt tired. When, on iron pills, their
serum ferritin rose to 90 mg · l–1, they felt three
times stronger (despite no rise in haemoglobin).
Alas, later, off iron pills, when their ferritin fell
again to 30 mg · l–1, they felt weak again.
This myth is a Hydra; it keeps growing new
heads. It stems from misinterpreting research on
rodents — research probing the extent to which,
in the face of iron deficiency, exercise capacity is
limited by impaired oxygen delivery (anaemia)
vs. impaired oxygen use (impaired oxidative
metabolism in muscle). This model is not relevant to athletes because it first creates severe iron
deficiency anaemia and muscle iron deficiency in
weanling rats (deprived of dietary iron) and
then, by blood transfusion, reverses only the
anaemia. When this is done, the rats cannot run
maximally because, although they are no longer
anaemic, their muscles are still iron deficient
(Dallman 1982).
This research was misread on two counts. One,
it is a model of severe, ‘lifelong,’ bodywide iron
deficiency with severe anaemia. As such, it is at
the opposite end of the spectrum (of iron deficiency) from the athlete who has low ferritin but
no anaemia yet. Two, as the rats grew ever more
deficient in iron, there was a parallel decrease in
all haem proteins measured (haemoglobin,
cytochrome c, myoglobin). In other words, when
haemoglobin was still normal, muscle myoglobin and iron-containing enzymes were also still
normal. These rats developed ‘iron deficient
muscles’ as they got anaemic. Rats — and
athletes — with low ferritin but no anaemia have
normal muscles.
Fortunately, accumulating studies may kill the
Hydra. In one study (Celsing et al. 1986), mild
iron deficiency anaemia was induced by venesection of nine healthy men. When the anaemia
(but not the iron deficiency) was obviated by
transfusion, the subjects’ exercise capacity was
unchanged from baseline. Also, the activity of
iron-containing muscle enzymes remained
normal. Three studies now show that when nonanaemic women with ferritin of less than 20 mg ·
l–1 or less than 25 mg · l–1 are randomized to iron
therapy vs. placebo for 8 weeks, neither group
improves in work performance or endurance
capacity (Newhouse et al. 1989; Fogelholm et al.
1992; Klingshirn et al. 1992). In two other studies
in which mildly anaemic women were randomized to iron vs. placebo, performance improved
only as anaemia was reversed (Schoene et al.
1983; LaManca & Haymes 1993). Finally, a recent
study analyses the 10 most relevant articles in
this field and concludes that low serum ferritin in
the absence of frank anaemia is not associated
with reduced endurance performance (Garza et
al. 1997). It adds that ferritin can be used to detect
‘prelatent anaemias,’ but not as an independent
marker for performance in athletes. Amen.
Increasing iron supply
The pre-eminent cause of iron deficiency in
women in sports (as in all women) is inadequate
dietary iron. Athletic women, notably ‘lowbodyweight’ athletes, are notorious for consuming too few calories. The recommended dietary
allowance (RDA) for iron is 10 mg · day–1 for children to age 10 and males 15 and above (some say
18 and above), 12 mg · day–1 for boys 11–15 years,
and 15 mg · day–1 for females 11–50 years
(Clarkson & Haymes 1995). Yet many elite female athletes consume no more than 8400 kJ
(2000 kcal) daily, for a total of 12 mg of iron.
Also, because some female athletes are modified vegetarians, much of their dietary iron is not
highly bioavailable. Meats are an excellent
source of iron because they contain haem iron,
which is easily absorbed. In contrast, cereals,
legumes, whole grain or enriched breads and
deep green leafy vegetables contain non-haem
iron, which is not so easily absorbed. Four
studies agree that some active or athletic women
get too little iron. In one study, female recreational runners who were modified vegetarians
had low ferritin levels, only one third those of
counterparts who ate red meat (Snyder et al.
1989). In another study of distance runners, the
men met the RDA for iron but the women did not
(Weight et al. 1992b). In a study of active women
in a university community, ferritins were highest
in those who consumed red meat (Worthington-
minerals: iron
Roberts et al. 1988). Finally, in the South Carolina
study of female runners and non-runners, the
runners (who had lower ferritins than the nonrunners) consumed less meat, more carbohydrate, more fibre and more coffee or tea (Pate
et al. 1993).
Iron supply can be increased by:
1 eating more lean red meat;
2 not consuming tea or coffee with meals
3 drinking orange juice with breakfast;
4 cooking in cast-iron cookware;
5 frequently eating mixed meals;
6 the wise use of iron supplements.
The best way is to consume some red meat —
say, 80 g of lean beef three to four times a week.
Poultry and fish also contain haem iron, but less
than red meat. Meat, fish, poultry and ascorbic
acid enhance non-haem iron absorption. Conversely, inhibitors include tea (tannins), coffee
(polyphenols), eggs and cow’s milk (calcium and
phosphoproteins), wheat bran (phytate), soy
products and fibre. The threat of inhibitors,
however, seems overblown. For example, any
inhibition of fibre on non-haem iron absorption
is modest (Cook et al. 1983), and with a varied
Western diet, the net effect of inhibitors (or
enhancers) is small, because no given inhibitor
(or enhancer) is contained within enough meals
to shape iron balance (Cook et al. 1991a, 1991b).
Avoiding tea or coffee with breakfast (they can
be drunk 1–2 h before or after) and taking a
source of vitamin C (orange juice) can triple the
amount of iron absorbed from the meal
(Rossander et al. 1979). Cooking occasionally in
cast-iron (vs. stainless steel) skillets and pots,
especially when simmering acidic foods like
vegetable soup or tomato sauce, can leach
absorbable iron into the food. Eating mixed
meals is key, because meat, fish and poultry
contain enhancers, so when meat and vegetables
are eaten together, more non-haem iron is
absorbed from the vegetables than if the vegetables had been eaten alone.
It is preferable for female athletes to meet their
iron need by consuming iron-rich foods, but for
such women who repeatedly develop iron deficiency anaemia and are unable to follow dietary
advice, one can prescribe supplementary iron
(e.g. ferrous sulphate, 325 mg three times a
week). As for other common supplements,
women who take calcium supplements should
avoid them with meals (because they inhibit nonhaem iron absorption), whereas women who
take vitamin C supplements should take them
with meals to enhance iron absorption (Cook &
Monsen 1977; Cook et al. 1991a, 1991b).
Vegetarians need to heed their supply of iron
(and zinc) because plants are paltry providers. So
vegetarians should eat iron-rich foods such as
dried fruit (apricots, prunes, dates), beans, peas,
tofu, kale, spinach (a recent report claims spinach
has only one tenth the iron as formerly thought),
collard greens, and blackstrap molasses. Vegetarians should also consider taking a multivitamin
and mineral supplement that provides the RDA
for iron (and zinc).
Finally, among male athletes especially, injudicious use of iron supplements is a potential
hazard. In the USA at least, one person in 200 is
genetically programmed to develop hereditary
haemochromatosis; over the years, he or she
becomes iron-overloaded because daily absorption of dietary iron is about twice normal. In men,
who have no physiological means to excrete
excess iron (i.e. no menses), problems from iron
overload in hereditary haemochromatosis
develop earlier in life (than in women). In such
men, iron supplements accelerate haemochromatosis. As a concluding rule of thumb, if many
female athletes need more iron than they get,
many male athletes get more iron than they need.
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Fly UP